Monday, January 04, 2016


New week thread.


CarolAnne said...

Thanks Steve.
Have a great week. Will tell the others

CarolAnne said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Judie said...

Good morning.

Thank you Steve for the fresh Monday thread. As Sandi would say, have a greyt week.

CarolAnne, thank you for the call over and congratulations on the new feather.

Lolly, sure hope Laurel is better this morning.

Cold and very windy here but lots of sunshine. Jake and Jude spent most of the Spring and Summer snoozing on the window ledge seat but have now moved, at night, to the human bed to soak up human body heat. Of course, I benefit from their body heat also.

Sandi, hope the new assignment is one you will enjoy.

Sure liked Downton Abby last night.

Nothing special on the menu today. Puttering.

Wishing everyone a wonderful day.

Janet said...

wow. good morning all! a new thread! what a great way to start a new week ! THanks STEVE!

just popping in to say good morning. school restarts today. normal a few errands. making sauerkraut as now that you all talked about it, I want it. lol. the power of suggestion...............

have a great day!

Sandi said...

Hi from school - temporary reprieve til the end of the month. Still in the ILC - fine with me!


Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

Thanks to STEVE for threading us anew and to CAROLANNE for the call over!

SANDI, hurrah! So happy you get more time in ILC.

JANET, happy first day back to school for you and Olivia, too. Enjoy that kraut--hmmm good!

JUDIE, J & J are smart kitties! I'm so glad you n' Darth have their good company! Yes, Downton Abby is off to a good final season start. I watched the before and after segments---lot's of tantalizing stuff ahead.

Back to the last thread for a catch up session.....

Kay said...

LOLLY, hope Laurel's burn is much better today. Ouuuuucccchh!

Kay said...

I'm off to the news outlets and e-mail catch up. Have a good day all!

Prayers for all in need!!!


Judie said...

Hi Kay,

Love the new avatar. Purty Penny.

Judie said...

Thanks Kay. Hope I was successful in a change in my own avatar.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Have not talked with Laurel as she is at school today. Guess I will hear from her later on. Poor baby!! Miserable I am sure and she was feeling so stupid.

Have a lot to do today. Want to start taking down decorations. Also, hoping to head to Fort Worth to the Apple store to see if anything can be done about my iPad. Certainly hope so!

Need to go back to the old thread to read!

Have a great day!

Kay said...

Hey, JUDIE! You were indeed able to change the avatar to that precious pic of Jude n' Jake, snug as two bugs in a rug! I love celebrating our pets. A good way to warm the cockles of ones heart on a cold winter day!♥

JudyEddy said...

1216 punch time


JudyEddy said...

I love seeing all the pet avatars and babies HMMM I need a pet or a baby maybe LOL

Mema Jo said...

Good afternoon to all ♥
Wow! CA you have 2 in a row - you are on a Feather roll.

Thanks Steve for a fresh new Monday thread - Hope your week goes well

Jennifer just called on her car phone as she was crossing the bridge headed into WV
Yep! Bald eagle flew right in front of her! Oh how I wish it were me too..

Squirrels were a riot this morning - acted as though they never get fed.
Bird bath is frozen - I may need to invest in a heated one... Shirley do you still use your heated bird bath? Lots of songbirds trying to get a drink.

I suppose I best put Mr Newt's picture up sometime soon.
I enjoy seeing other's pets.


Mema Jo said...

Here is Mr Newt

He loves sitting up high

Sandi said...

Shame on me - I was in such a hurry at school that I forgot to thanks Steve for this shiny new thread and to thank CarolAnne for the call over!

My work week is over. Tomorrow is the surgery to remove the 2 basal cell carcinomas on my face. Not knowing what I will look like afterward, I took the rest of this week off.

Freyja's grocery cart was mailed today - $20 at the post office. Kevin's present to Freyja was also squeezed into the box (it arrived after they went home).

Time to fix food for people and pets. I will see everyone in the early AM!

Sandi said...

Popping back on to say the nest is really swaying in the wind - it looks and sounds really cold in Shepherdstown. No eagles, but I'll be watching while I fix dinner.

Judie said...

Good grief! Really concerned for Jo. She wants to fly right in front of Jennifer as she's driving across the bridge to WV? lol

Okay, I'm being silly. I do think Mr. Newt is very handsome. Has his snow shoes on. Cute as can be. Thanks Jo for sharing.

Sandi, we all know just how heartbroken you are not to be in school this week but you'll probably be just too scary for the children. So glad you got that shopping cart mailed.

Got almost all the holiday stuff put away. We did some sorting and decided what to take with us and what to donate.

ShakeNBake pork chops tonight with leftover dressing and sweet potatoes. Always have a real pineapple and fruit on the mantle so will saute the pineapple in some butter and brown sugar -- that counts as a vegetable, right?

Okay, going to put my feet up for a few. BBL

JudyEddy said...


WVJerry said...

Both gone now.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


WVJerry said...

Also, thanks for another New Thread and hello Judy.

WVJerry said...

Supposed to be in mid-teens tonight and windy here.

JudyEddy said...

I posted on my blog my last visit to the cell tower with the new big saucer I don't think I ever posted pic of it so you could see it

almost 2 min video of both adults in the tower at the end you can see the egg cup area is to the edge she is feeding at her name is Bella and if you look she has the inverted V also this is the second female she had no eggs last year to immature so we will have to wait and see how many bobble heads there are there when the pop up. Also a video of a squirrel and a peanut butter jar right under it Was fun to watch her tackle the peanut butter

JudyEddy said...

BRR JERRY we were in the upper 40s this am I went to work with long sleeves to short of a hop to the store from parking lot to wear a jacket
gonna be another chilly night also tonight Today was awesome in the lo 60's

JudyEddy said...

WANNA laugh I am in my footie pj LOL nice and toasty ok off to TV land

Judie said...

Good evening.

Headed to watch some First 48 then to dent the pillows.

Tomorrow is the day for foraging.

Restful sleep for all.

Mema Jo said...

Goodnight to All ♥


WVJerry said...

Good chilly morning. Empty nest. Have a great day.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds
and MT nest for me also
to early for our birds

JudyEddy said...

♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸ Happy Birthday to you ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday to you ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday dear LYDIA ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday to you!! ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸ And many, many, many more!!

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. Nest is MT for me as well. Cloudy, windy and 17 degrees here in Bethany Beach but it feels like 2 degrees out there! The dogs did their thing in a real hurry at 5:30am!

Happy birthday to Lydia.

Assuming they have WiFi access for patients, I'll check in from the doctor's office - apparently this whole procedure takes several hours and someone is required to drop you off and pick you up so you don;t have to drive yourself home. Taking my iPad, a blanket and a pillow!

Have a greyt day all!

grannyblt said...

We will keep you in our good thoughts today Sandi.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Sandi, good thoughts are with you today that all will go well. Check in when you can and/or when you feel like it.

♪♫ Happy Birthday, Lydia ♪♫ Wishing you a special day and a wonderful year ahead.

Hi Jerry. Hi JudyE.

Will try to make myself less scary and then go into the cold weather to forage.

Wishing everyone the best day possible.

WVJerry said...

Sandi I hope things go well for you this morning. Happy Birthday to Lydia as well.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥

Sandi - prayers for your procedure to be successful and painless. Thankful you can have off the whole week to recuperate.

Cold isn't the word to explain how sunny it is out there - quite a fooler.

In for blood work this morning. Hopefully the potassium passes the test.

I'll check in this afternoon....

Mema Jo said...


Enjoy your special day and have lots of

happiness and love during your new year

Janet said...

good morning to one and to all. HAPPY BIRTHDAY LYDIA!

yesterday was a typical Monday. chilly.....ran our usual errands and got school a'goin' again. (much to Olivia's dismay, of course)

planning a quiet last of my five consecutive days off day at home today. I may bake. thinking about starting some veggie soup. and maybe just maybe I'll kilnz part of the bathroom. it needs a re-do. hmmmmmm..... what will I accomplish?

hope everyone has a great day!

Lolly said...

Good morning! Had guys here working this morning. They installed a new attic ladder in 45 minutes. Jack had installed the previous one. So very glad he had them do this one!

Laurel is doing okay. Her fingers look awful. Have only seen picture she has texted. But, they are not hurting too badly. Fingers are still swollen and she can not bend them. Huge blisters all along the fingers but not on the finger tips. The suave she is using is really working.

Went to the Apple store yesterday. My iPad is toast. It is trying to charge, but will not. Was able to get a refurbished iPad for $99. Should get it in a week or less. That price is so much better than a new one and it has a new battery!!

We were able to take down all the outdoor decorations yesterday and today I start on the house.! OMG! If you only knew how much I decorate. Should have my head examined!

Sandi..thinking of you today and enjoy the rest of the week at home!

Time to get busy!

Lolly said...

Must say, the nest looks quite cozy, comfy and ready for eggs. Time to see HP!

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

SANDI, my prayers are with you today! And, with you, JO, in hopes the potassium level is right on target now.

LYDIA, hope this is a perfect Birth-day for you!!!

LOLLY, great deal on the iPad. Prayers continue for Laurel's healing.

JUDIE, happy foraging.

Seth will be with me for a few hours this afternoon as Julie is hosting a work related meeting at their house. We'll do my Kroger foraging and perhaps a few chores, but the house is pretty clean after last week's work day. Penny and I don't do much cluttering or track in much dirt. He'll be able to earn a few bucks I reckon.

Have a great afternoon and evening all!

Prayers for all in need!!!


Sandi said...

The doctor did the first removal on my forehead and above my lip, then sent me out to the waiting room with bandages on while he looked under the microscope. Then he called me back to remove a little more above my lip. Now i wait while he checks again to make sure all margins are clear. Then the plastic surgeon does the closure on both areas. OMG my face is a mess of bandages - I may be taking all next week off from school as well! I am really scary looking!

JudyEddy said...

1231 punch time

Howdy eagle buds

Mema Jo said...

Sandi you are beautiful and in a short time looking into a mirror will prove it!
You are having a very long day - Hopefully when you get home it will be nap time.

Blood work is ok - Go back in a week to check it out again.

Have a good lunch Judy - hope you wifi is ok!

Feet up time - I had just eaten fried egg sandwich for lunch!


Judie said...

Good afternoon.

Sandi, Jo is absolutely correct. You will be most beauteous again very quickly. Enjoy a nap this afternoon with the pups.

Lolly, congrats on the new Ipad and on getting decorations down until next year.

Kay, just enjoy the time with Seth this afternoon. Remember, tomorrow is another day and my experience is that chores will wait for you.

Foraging done. Now I'm going to pretend to be Jo and put my feet up.


Judie said...

Oh good grief. Jo, so happy the potassium is good. Will be good next week, too.

stronghunter said...

Good afternoon,

Oh, it is too cold for me today. Fifteen degrees when I drove Hunter to school. He wore shorts and a lightweight jacket. I wore jeans and my winter jacket.

Bowling alley was really cold this morning. Lots of people bowled in their jackets. I eventually found an extra shirt in my bag and pulled it on over the one I was wearing. One lady remarked that it would be really tough to bowl with gloves on. Our team bowled against the blind opponent today--the result of having an uneven number of teams. And we won our games.

Love the pic of Mr. Newt, Jo. Glad to know the blood work is OK.

Great avatars, Judie and Kay. I really need to get a pic with both Allie and Cheeto. He is a real sweetheart.

Hope that Laurel continues to heal and that Sandi is soon well and her usual beautiful self.

stronghunter said...

My Christmas decorations are mostly still on display. I will think about that tomorrow. I have been napping this afternoon. I guess I just used up all of my energy going out in the cold. I learned yesterday that Hunter can go out and warm up the car just fine. Yes, I know they say that you might get your car stolen letting it warm up that way, so I guess I am living dangerously. I just hope thieves do not want my old car.

stronghunter said...

Veggie soup sounds great, Janet. Nice and warm.

Hi, Carol Anne! It is very nice to see you on her.

stronghunter said...

Maybe I can put together some vegetable-ground turkey soup. I have that option--or maybe some tortellini. We shall see. I have enough leftovers from lunch for myself--either for tonight or for tomorrow lunch. Just as long as I do not have to go back outdoors.

Val and I found a Chinese restaurant who serve a $4.50 lunch. I actually had plenty of leftovers to make at least two meals out of that. Not bad.

Meant to say that it is nice to see you on here, CA.

stronghunter said...

Happy birthday, Lydia. :) :) :)

stronghunter said...

Here is Cheeto.

Judie said...

Okay, here I am again.

Feet were up. Feet now going down because feet being up seems linked to eyelids being down. Strange. Must stay awake for scullery duty. Darth gets salmon with broccoli and I get a favorite - grilled cheese.

Shirley, Cheeto is every bit as cute as Allie. Thank you for sharing. Congratulations on winning your games today. Warmer weather end of the week for taking down outside decorations.

Guess I was a bit tired earlier because I meant to comment to Lolly that I hope Laurel continues to heal quickly. Burns are no fun.

Nest was MT. Will check again now.


Sandi said...

Hi all. Thanks for the positive comments. My surgery wasn't completely finished until about 2pm, then I had to wait until Denny drove up to pick me up, another 30 minutes. I spent that 30 minutes in the lobby with an ice pack on my swollen lip - no selling on my forehead. At least with the ice pack covering the bottom part of my face, no one could see anything!

When I got home, I went right to bed and fell asleep on my back - figured that would keep the wound from starting to bleed again. When I woke up at about 4:15, all of the lidocaine had worn off. My lip is sooooo sore it hurts to talk or even move my lips. Denny is in for a very quiet evening! I'm hungry but it hurts too much to open my mouth to eat anything - have to drink with a straw. I just sent Denny to the store to pick up the oral antibiotics the doctor prescribed and ice cream - it's what's for dinner for me! Maybe it can help with the pain and the swelling.

Nest is currently MT.

JudyEddy said...


Sandi said...

Both eagles in - landed together.

JudyEddy said...


Mema Jo said...

Happy to have turned in right after eating dinner - I got to see our Royal Couple
in for their evening nest check.

I will be checking out the TV for this evening.....
It is so cold out and it is sneaking into my house---- blinds down and curtains pulled.

Lolly - really hoping Laurel doesn't get any infection in her burned fingers. It is so easy to do.

I will bid you all Goodnight and prayers for all. Sandi I hope you have a comfy evening if at all possible. Don't forget about Boost Chocolate vitamin drink.
Nite to all ♥

stronghunter said...

Oh my, Sandi.

It is a good night to take some meds and sleep until the pain is better.

JudyEddy said...

SANDI so sorry about your face Hope it gets better pronto

so good you have all that sick time to take

Lynne2 said...

So there I was this AM posting on the blog and hours later no one was posting. So I said to myself "Clear, there is something wrong here" and so here I am.....

From AM

Good Morning!

Happy birthday Lydia! don't know COLD til you have to take care of horses when it's 10, yes that is TEN degrees. The ground is frozen solid but the bad news is that the mud created by all of the rain and 3 1000lb horses was all pocked and now it's like trying to walk across a sea rocks. Poor TR has really bad knees and he wouldn't even venture out of the smoother part of the pasture to the fence for breakfast! So after I fed the other 2 had I to walk TR's out to the pasture. Then there was the inch, yes INCH think ice in the water trough. Had to break that all up and remove it. And they also ate every last bit of hay and there isn't any more! There was only about a bale left in the rack and that's really not so much for the 3 of them. Michelle, the barn manager was going to come this past Saturday with more, and a heater for the water but she didn't, and hasn't come yet. I just called her and left a message. It's not like her. '

Tomorrow, when it's 37 and the wind is gone it's going to feel MARVELOUS!!!

Shirley, I'm glad you have a window perch AND a tower near a window! Cats love, and actually NEED to be able to get vertical. Plus the tower offers a sturdy vertical place for them to to reach UP to scratch and stretch.

We don't have room for a tower but Joker is able to observe his world from the second floor at either sliding door! He also likes to go out on the deck where he often goes through the side and up to the roof. Scared me to death at first but even at almost 15, he's in VERY good shape!

Lynne2 said...

Now to read back, although I see we are doing our cats for avatars so here is the Handsome Joker!

Judie said...

My goodness. Sandi, so very sorry about the swelling and pain. Yes, ice cream is a good source of nutrition in your circumstances. Really hope you feel better in the morning.

Lynne2, I feel so sad for the horses. They can't do for themselves and that Michelle should really take seriously the need to make sure they are provided for. I just hate when animals that depend on us are left in need.

Joker is a cutie. I must say, we momsters have some fine companions.

Jo, enjoy your tv night.

Restful sleep everyone.

Unknown said...

Hi everyone! I wanted to pop in quickly to thank you for the birthday wishes you all posted. Much appreciated! Thank you all!

stronghunter said...

Hello Lydia!!

Yes, Allie and Cheeto do love their tower. It is a fine place to feed them outside of basset hound territory.

stronghunter said...

Saying good night and thinking warm thoughts. SED, everyone.

Lolly said...

About to head to the pillows! I worked like a woman possessed today! Still have the tree to take down and a few decorations in our bedroom and bath. I was pooped, so Jack cooked breakfast for supper. Bless him!

Oh, Sandi! Sounds dreadful! Hope you mend fast!

Did not talk with Laurel today. Called but did not reach her. Hoping that since I did not hear from her all is okay!

Really need to close my eyes! Night all!

WVJerry said...

Good cold morning. Glad Jo potassium is good. Sandi hope you health quickly and your ice cream was good. Empty nest. Take care all.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. Another cold morning here.

Wow 2 of our little group have birthdays today!! Happy birthday to Janet and to Lynne2! May you both enjoy your special day.

My lip hurts less today but is more swollen. The stitches on my head are also a little swollen this morning and Itender. Sure am glad i took the week off!

Have a greyt day all.

grannyblt said...

Happy Birthday to Lynne 2 and Janet.

grannyblt said...

Prayer request for my neighbor. She had difficulty breathing after her chemo treatment yesterday and is now unresponsive. Prayers for her family as they will have to make a very difficult decision soon.

stronghunter said...

Prayers and good wishes for your neighbor, my friend.

stronghunter said...

Sun on a frosty nest this morning. No eagles in sight.

Judie said...

Good morning.

HAPPY BIRTHDAY to Lynne2 and Janet. May you both enjoy a wonderful day and an even more wonderful year ahead.

Bei Bei managed to escape his little tub enclosure this morning. Heard voices cheering in the background. Our nest MT in the sunshine.

Sandi, sorry you have swelling and soreness. Hopefully, those will decrease over the day. Enjoy being with your furbabies.

Lynne1, prayers for your neighbor and her family.

Going to try to finish up save/not save decorations today. Having lunch with Interpol friend. Cold and frosty here this morning. Probably a pasghetti night.

Wishing everyone a lovely day.

Janet said...

quick good morning to all as I return to the work world today! yeee hawww! i'm ready too!

thank you for the bday wishes. Happy Birthday LYNNE2. I hope your day warms up!

SANDI: hoping you feel better today! so sorry

will check in later! off to work!

WVJerry said...

Happy Birthday to Janet and Lynne 2. Glad you have a week of Sandi to get better.

stronghunter said...

Happy birthday, Janet and Lynne2

JudyEddy said...

JANET ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸ Happy Birthday to you ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday to you ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday dear SISTER OF MINE ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday to you!! ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸ And many, many, many more!

~~~▄▄██▌ Its your Birthday so
▄▄▄▌▐██▌ Let the good times ROLL!!!!!!!!!

JudyEddy said...

~~~▄▄██▌ Its your Birthday so
▄▄▄▌▐██▌ Let the good times ROLL!!!!!!!!!LYNNE2

JudyEddy said...

Don't think I told you all


I am not training Joni for my job anylonger

It really was bothering me so I had a sit down with mgmt several of them and voiced my opinion of training someone for a job that doesn't exist They listened to me and I am no longer doing it I made my point and I guess they understand

They said they just wanted another ME I told them I can't train her or give her my knowledge and they said that is what makes me unique So all over not training her

Kay said...

Good Afternoon, Eagle Buds!!!

Happy Birthday to the Birthday Girls!!!! And, many more....

JO, so glad the potassium level is now right.

LYNNE1, mega-prayers for your friend!

SANDI, hope that ice cream hit the spot. I feel for you, but am so glad the doc caught this nasty spots when he did and that a good plastic surgeon will bring you back to your original gorgeous self!

JUDIE, enjoy that lunch with your "old" friend.

SHIRLEY, JUDY and JERRY---glad you checked in with us today!

Time to think about lunch here. Not much going on and I like it that way!

Prayers, too, for all in need!


Kay said...

SANDI---those nasty spots is what I mean, of course.

Mema Jo said...

Good afternoon to all ♥
Sandi - thoughts of you enduring your discomfort and praying the swelling will soon be gone. Tapioca pudding would be on my list!

Lynne1 - prayers for your neighbor and her family members. This isn't the easy part of your life!

Wise thinking of management about your concerns of training another YOU. Experience has to be gotten by doing not by saying...

Enjoy your lunch date, Judie! Don't forget the meatballs !

Kay I agree that too many days with too many events just isn't my Bed of Roses anymore!

Mema Jo said...

Happy Birthday Lynne Marie - hoping your day is great and that the year ahead will
be the best

Happy Birthday Janet - Make this the best birthday ever - sending you extra good
vibes for your year ahead

Mema Jo said...

Emailed NCTC IT for an update on the subject o f being able to see more of the top of the nest and less of the bottom.
REPLY: Thanks Jo, it's on my radar hopefully for this afternoon or tomorrow. Coming back from the holiday's is proving to be quite busy :)

Keep your eyes on our nest!

stronghunter said...


Someone asked (Jo, I think) about my heated bird bath. We had some problems with the circuit breakers cutting off power to the circuit I was using for the bird bath last year. The problem ended when we unplugged the heater, so I have not used it since then.

stronghunter said...

It was very nice to send Hunter out to heat up the car this morning. However, it was so cold that we still had to do some window scraping.

DanaMo said...

Busy week so far, sorry for not checking in to the blog. Just turned on the cam but the nest is empty for now.
Glad our days are already gaining daylight. I sure wish it was spring.

Aric is still home. Home until the 17th. Then he takes off for his final semester. I sure hope he gets some leads on jobs. Let me know if you have any connections. Computer Science programming. LOL!

Annemarie will soon be making a decision. One last school to look at. Hofstra on Long Island offered her a $27,000 per year scholarship! Blew me away.

This year's class is challenging, but they have been pretty good the past few days. Here is hoping it continues!!!

JudyEddy said...

great news DANAMO on the scholarship

AI is on tonight the last season

DanaMo said...

Thanks. We are waiting to hear from Dayton. They don't send their stuff out until mid-January.
She has been accepted to Salisbury, UNC-Asheville, and Hofstra.

JudyEddy said...

What is she going to be majoring in DANAMO?

JudyEddy said...

seems we were stood up this evening

Lolly said...

Hi all! Nothing much to say. Jack and I did go to Lowes and purchased a new back door, my birthday present. LOL Not much I need or want but a back door, with windows will be nice! Will get it and installed...some time!

Happy Birthday to Lynne and to Janet! Hope you have had a great day!

All decorations now down....except for tree and Manger scene. They come down tomorrow. Still like looking at the lighted tree.

JudyEddy said...

Bringing this over for our non facebookers Bald Eagle win spic mid air battle daring nose dive to claim it

JudyEddy said...

should have said win epic mid air not spic LOL

JudyEddy said...

Here in Fl a pair of bald eagle attacked a cat
Cat killed by bald eagle but vultures moved in
I have heard of people telling me but never been documented I guess

Very Sad

AI is on see ya later

NCSuzan said...

A very belated but heartfelt Happy Birthday to Lydia!

Lynne2, Happy Birthday to you with many more to come!

Janet, Happy Birthday! May all your wishes come true!

Lynne1, so sad for your friend and her family. Decisions like this are never easy. Prayers all around.

Jo, glad your blood work is ok. I take a big potassium pill twice a day. Bananas are high in carbs (27) and sugars but one of early Primary care doctor's suggested them.

Shirley, my mom left decorations up until the sixth (today) as it is Epiphany. So you are good to go!

Wrap up and stay warm!

Judie said...

Good post-dinner greeting.

Scullery in order. Feet about to go up.

DanaMo, Hofstra would be an excellent choice as long as it fits Annemarie's academic goals for future employment and/or education.

Hi Suzan.

Congratulations on your birthday door, Lolly.

Shirley, wonder if Hunter will rethink shorts if he goes out early to start the car? lol

Hope Jo checks in.

Also hoping Lynne2 will have a good and upbeat update on the horses.

I'm headed to my recliner and then the pillows.

Restful sleep for all.

Lynne2 said...

Reading back...

Mr. Newt bears a striking resemblance to Joker in a lighter color! Judie you J and J are gorgeous. Uh Kay, your cat is...well a dog. LOL!

Sandi and Laurel I pray you both get back to normal soon! OUCH OUCH

and of course continued prayers for Jo and Rhonda!

Lynne2 said...

oh my I'm having a SERIOUS problem remember to actually POST my posts...this is from last night!

Lynne2 said...

Lynne I'm sorry sorry about your neighbor lady friend. Praying for her.

Lynne2 said...

Happy Birthday Janet!

Lynne2 said...

and thank you all for the birthday wishes!

Nothing new to report on the horses except they get muddier and dirtier each day! I'm just going to have to take pictures of them in this state or you all may NEVER see them!

Going to eat birthday cake....Spice w/ cream cheese icing!

JudyEddy said...

Since I don't have any pets but I do have grand puppies

JudyEddy said...

found a better one of the fronts of them

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all
♀ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"

Janet said...

good evening to one and to all. thank you so very much for all the kind birthday wishes! it has indeed been a fabulous day.

I will celebrate sunday with the family.

hope everyone is doing well. just about time for me to dent a few pillows! SED

Mema Jo said...

Happy to hear our birthday gals had good days !

Saying goodnight - I did have a TV show -

Goodnight to all ♥

Janet said...

good morning to all! Make this Thursday a great day! light and love to all!

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. Both eagles are in the nest - don't know when they arrived. No work going on, just looking around.

Sandi said...

Lynne1, I'm sorry to hear about your neighbor. How is your other neighbor doing, the one you were spending time with at the hospital?

Lolly, how is Laurel's hand?

Lynne2, still no hay for the horses? If the new owner was so determined to have horses on the property, certainly he should make sure they're well taken care of - that IS what he's getting paid for! Didn't you say the owner is a veterinarian??? Don't vets really love animals???

My forehead is a little swollen around the stitches; my top lip is a whole lot swollen! I was hoping to see a little improvement today - maybe once I've been vertical for a while the selling will go down. The stitched areas don't hurt anymore, which is good.

Only 1 eagle in the nest now. Have a greyt day all.

Sandi said...

Now back to 2.

grannyblt said...

Good Morning

Thanks for the heads up Sandi. I kept checking the still camera and then realized it is not current. Nice visit by our eagles with a little moving around of sticks.

Sorry your lip is still swollen Sandi, but I guess it is the price you have to pay to be rid of those nasty areas.

Lynne 2, I am also curious about why the facility owner has allowed this situation. Maybe just a foul up, but still...

My birding friend neighbor has returned from over 3 weeks in the hospital and rehab. She is doing pretty well, but not driving yet. I've been taking her to appointments and errands as needed. I know she would do the same for me.

My neighbor Linda died last night when life support was discontinued, with her family by her side. This was in accordance with her wishes. Her struggle with cancer only lasted a few weeks, but she fought the battle valiantly.

As our Judie often says, I hope everyone has the best day possible.

Sandi said...

Wow - the cam is being repositioned!

Judie said...

Good morning.

Lynne2, condolences. Linda is at peace now. Prayers for your birding friend.

Sandi, sorry there is still swelling but that should go away soon. At least the basil cell is already gone.

Lynne1, hope the horses get some feed today. Is the barn a dryer option?

JudyE, what variety are your granddogs?

Don't get up early enough to see our eagles. AEF - bobble heads having breakfast.

Off to finish my coffee and to contemplate the day's other activities.

Wishing everyone the best day possible.

Sandi said...

The cam has panned the entire area a number of times and the default position now seems to be set so the entire stump is in view. It will be great for seeing fly-ins and fly-outs! I really like it - THANKS STEVE AND THE NCTC CREW FOR THE ADJUSTMENT!!

JudyEddy said...

check out theview on the cam now

JudyEddy said...

they keep doing the pan and zoom over and over Some pretty good views

JudyEddy said...

It is still doing it over and over but pretty cool you can see what the bottome of the nest looks like and the tree is really neat looking looking down I did get snips and on fb

Mema Jo said...

Good good morning to all ♥

WOWSER! Lots of panning as the view of the nest is repositioned = less of the nest's lower area and more of the nest's upper area WOW Great to be able to see that section of the nest. THANKS NCTC IT

JudyEddy said...

JO tell them to stop LOL i am getting dizzy

Judie said...

Wow! Current position as I just checked seems perfect.

Thank you NCTC for all you do for us.

Thank you Jo for being our liaison.

JudyEddy said...

Just got off the phone with the IRS!!

and had the best time talking to Mr Powers

I am to use the pin # on my 2015 although it say on the from 2014 but he said to use it. Pin# same as last year and it says on the form to use for only one year and on the year listed on the form. So I guess I will use it
I am going to include his name I think when I file my taxes to let them know I was advised by him on this date to use the old 2014 Pin# after receiving a letter marked 1-6-15

JudyEddy said...

With all this zooming going on I do love it that I can see now that there is no trunk running up the side of the bottom of the nest at all. ON top of one maybe but not up the side supporting it. In a way make me more scared of the nest

JudyEddy said...

I have a 2 appt with dentist today and tomorrow I made a appt to get my phone looked at again Maybe need a new router My end is find but other end has issues with hearing me I had them out before but didn't help so going with a new box should fix it

JudyEddy said...


Mema Jo said...

I sure hope our eagle gives a stamp of approval - lol

Sandi said...

The movement of the cam must be very quiet, as it doesn't seem to be bothering the eagle in the nest.

JudyEddy said...

gone poofed in a panning position

JudyEddy said...

SANDI she looked up at one point when she first landed but then back moving the stick

Lolly said...

Good morning!

Sandi, thank you for asking. Laurel is doing great. The prescription suave that a friend brought to her is doing the job. Blisters are going down, some have disappeared, and she is mending. She is still bandaging three fingers. She is learning to write with her thumb and pointer fingers.

More rain fell last night. Sigh..... I need to take pictures so you can see the swamp we live in!

My iPad has arrived at the store so need to head to Fort Worth today. This is bad to be so addicted to it!!

Interesting watching the cam. What I liked was the shadow of the tree and the nest on the ground. Saw one eagle and while they were panning around saw the shadow of it fly off.

Today the tree comes down. Also doing some rearranging and cleaning of closets. Going to attempt to store more Christmas in closets than in the attic. Jack is not getting younger!!!

Have a great day!

Mema Jo said...

The nest view is fantastic

I ask as to when will all the panning stop and only be done on the Cam Tour at noon.

Rob said: Oops, sorry about that forgot to click "stop" when I was testing the tour. Yes, it will be normal schedule, thanks for the heads up.

Only the noon time tour will have the panning of the campus!
NOW I think we are all set ♥

JudyEddy said...

Thanks JO as always for all you do for us eagle addicts.
I am so glad I got to see the tour got a chance to inspect so or all the nest every inch top to bottom of it and now it fears me as there hardly any support on the side of the nest at the bottom It looks like it is sitting on top of a trunk nothing like the three trunks going up the side of the nest at 12 3 and 9 position Nothing at 6 position that I was hoping for thinking the camera was mounted on IT But seems the camera is mounted on a outer tree trunk going up off to the side of the bottom of the nest

so now when its windy I will worry more LOL Mother Hen here

Mema Jo said...

Emailed IT - cams are frozen

Judie said...

Good early just afternoon.

Well, I hate to be a grump but my view of the nest is just awful. Message says the connection is unavailable and politely requested I try later. So, I'll try later. lol

Lolly, we mostly store what we still have/use in a closet. Might only need half a closet next year. Glad Laurel is so much better.

Sometime today must go foraging again. This time for the J boys.

Interesting. As I sit here typing, the sky looks very much like a snow sky. Not cold enough but ...


Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds!!!

I got here in time to enjoy the panning cam, yeah! I agree with many others, thanks to JO, STEVE and all our allies there at NCTC!

Julie and I just returned from Vet Clinic. Yesterday afternoon Penny apparently injured her back--began to tremble, refused food and drink, panted, reluctant to do her usual jumping, pacing the floor and at times clenching her back haunches and legs together....Now on a pain killer and a muscle relaxant. If symptoms persist we'll go back for blood work. However, since getting home she has taken in her meds, a bit of food and a very big drink of water. I think she's going to be Aok soon. Long doxie spines are so fragile.

LYNNE1, may Linda rest in peace. I'm glad she didn't have to suffer for long as so many cancer patients do. I hope your birding friend is well on her way to recovery. You are a blessing to your friends and family!

SANDI, what a dreadful thing you're going through after the surgery. This, too, shall pass, but not nearly fast enough.

I saw a cute cartoon in The New Yorker recently. A gal is standing in front of an ATM, reading this message:
Congratulations! You just withdrew $100! How would you like to share this news? Select all that apply: Facebook, Twitter, Instagram, Pinterest, and E-mail.

I know, I have a sick sense of humor and a zealous wish to protect my privacy!!!

Time to have some lunch. Have a good rest of the day all!

Prayers for those in need!!!


Kay said...

Okay, it took me a while to finish that post, as Eileen called for a Penny update.

LOLLY, happy to hear Laurel's hand is showing improvement!

The cam keeps timing out on me, but I enjoy the view of our beautiful white Sycamore tree with it's ready for mating season aerie soooo much!!! I keep hoping to see Belle or Shep in the distance as the camera does it's panoramic sweep.

JudyEddy said...

JUDIE part husky (the male has one blue eye) part lab and part pit bull ( the pinkish on the eye mouth and pink skin show that) but the pit part wasn't mentioned in the adoption from the rescue so we are just guessing on the pit bull because of so many features like head and pink

JudyEddy said...

I think the panning is over Seems to be at this time

JudyEddy said...

we will be able to see fly in and out so much better now since they don't use the bottom of the nest where the pantry use to be makes more sense to have this view once again Thank you Thank you

JudyEddy said...

so cool we will be able to see them sit on the STUMP

JudyEddy said...

although they may be headless on it Maybe

ok gonna go get off this computer Neck says so

Mema Jo said...

Cams were frozen - still cam not updated to correct time
Emailed NCTC - IT
Hi Jo,
I am restart the server for updates, I will have it back up momentarily.

Still cam is correct now
Still waiting on "LIVE" for the outdoor cam

Mema Jo said...

Both cams running well--------------- enjoy your afternoon

Sandi said...

Live cam is running for me and I love the new view! Thanks Jo for being our go-between with NCTC!

Judie said...

Good late afternoon.

My view of the nest has improved to perfection. Nest looks almost eerie in the fading bluish/silver light. Thank you Jo and NCTC.

Kay, sending doggie prayers that Penny just got a little twinge and will be all mended very quickly. Maybe just a touch of arthritis (which we oldsters can relate to). As for the ATM, I choose email as I don't have any of the others. lol

JudyE, what a mix of canine characteristics. Thank you.

Quiet afternoon. J&J MiniMart is now fully stocked which is a good thing. Jake becomes very very vocal when food-deprived.


JudyEddy said...

Just got back a bit ago from Dentist appt then I went to the cell tower Both adults L&B were in the tower looked like tag team feeding Sure can't wait till we can see how many are in the nest Up loading video right now and have put pic on FB

JudyEddy said...

Getting ready to head out to see Jordyn at gym she hasn't been in a months now

Sandi said...

Hi all.

Kay, wiener dogs and their fragile spines ... we have never had a problem with Jenni, despite the fact that she was very overweight when we first got her. But twice we have had to put Bella on anti-inflammatory meds and even keep her confined to a crate until her spine healed - same symptoms as you described with Penny. And neither time was I able to pinpoint what she did that triggered the problem.

Quiet, do nothing day here. My stitches are starting to itch, which is a good sign since it means the wounds are healing.

Did some research today about animal therapy programs in the area since Janey has the perfect temperament to be a therapy dog, and found something called the L.E.A.P. Program. It stands for Literacy Education Assistance Pups. Elementary age children read to dogs at the public library, doesn't that sound neat?? I know Janey would love to be read to! The program I found is in Lewes, which is about 30 minutes north of here, but maybe there are other libraries closer to me that have the program as well. If not, then a 30-minute drive once a week would be no big deal after I'm retired. I don't think I would trust Jenni with small children since she has spent very little time around them and Bella, though she has no teeth, is so skittish! If some strange child tried to pet her, she would probably pee - on the floor or on the child!

OK, time to fix food for people and pets. Will be watching to see if our eagles show up this evening. It really is time for them to start spending more time in the nest. And have I said how much I love the new view!


Sandi said...

Just read this on Facebook on the Eagle On Alliance News.

"I am heartbroken to report that tHE Missus (HE) was struck and killed this morning at the amphibious base in Norfolk. Reese just called to tell me the horrible news. They think she was struck by a truck or car. That is all I know for now. Please say a prayer - say many many prayers for her and for Dad. Love and hugs to all! I will tell you more as I find out. I am beside myself as I know you are, too!"

Sandi said...

Both eagles in the nest!

Mema Jo said...

Sandi that is such sad news concerning Norfolk nest. The banded female HE (Dad Norfolk's mate and daughter of Mom & Dad Norfolk), has been killed. Dad Norfolk just can't win. So Sad.. Pam Mathews will update the information on FB Eagle Peeps page.

Mema Jo said...

I guess they were in and out within a minute or two!

JudyEddy said...

JUDIE I was WRONG The bread is Husky, Bull Dog, and Shepard I asked Angie tonight OK I got one out of the tree wrong on the papers only the Husky and Shepherd were mentioned the vet said bull dog because of the shape of head etc so disregard the other statement

Judie said...

Okay, JudyE. No matter. As long as everyone is happy together.

Very sad news at the Norfolk nest. No, Dad Norfolk just seems to have one heartbreak after another.

Sandi, don't know what would be involved but you might consider establishing a therapy reading program at a Bethany library? Maybe go to Lewes for experience and go from there. That is really an amazing program.

Dinner over. Scullery in order. Now my feet are going up followed by eyelids going down.

Restful sleep for all.

JudyEddy said...

Sad new about Norfolk Dad Hope he finds a new mate

What is the bright light in the upper corner of the nest, looks like a spot light been on for a while

JudyEddy said...


Lynne2 said...

evening all!

The horses have hay now. LOTS of hay. And yes, there was most definitely a foul up. One of several created by one certain person around here who is the "head" kennel office girl. Michelle, the barn manager for Dr's race horses is the one who is in charge. Our office gal is in for a rude awakening here soon.

SHE who we'll call OG is who we have been getting our messages from from Michelle. SHE is who we give our messages to for Michelle. Well, it started that way because the whole world communicates by text and I don't have a keyboard on my phone so I simply don't text. Therefore, we use OG to pass messages along.

And after some discussion with Michelle today, it seems that OG is NOT giving our messages to Michelle and we are not getting some of Michelle's messages, and none in a timely fashion. So today, Michelle came and was pissed at Steve because he hadn't done something that we were told YESTERDAY about, at 2pm. Come to find out, Michelle had given OG this message for us ONE AND AN HALF WEEKS AGO. And after some discussion about other things, we all discovered that messages were not being given and gotten.

Michelle is NOT HAPPY. She and I are pretty sure that OG is trying to cause trouble between us. OG is BSing the wrong people. LOL! We decide we'll no longer be using OG for messages, she'll text me and I'll suffer trough texting her back. Needless to say, the hay situation was one of the messages she wasn't given. OMG.....

Lynne2 said...

Lynne, very sorry to hear that your neighbor has passed. I'm glad her family followed her wishes, though.

SO sad about the Norfolk female! I read the article just before coming on here.

KAY...oh my goodness! Poor Penny! I guess she has been instructed to rest? Hard to keep them quiet once the meds kick in and they are feeling better. I hope she recovers very quickly! Dogs with short legs and very long backs are prone to spine injuries. Sigh....

Sandi, hope you can find a program for Janey! There are dogs that come to our library to be read to. There are several other programs where dogs visit hospitals, both patients and in the waiting rooms for family and friends. There is one for therapy dogs to spend time with children before they have to appear in court to testify, and even dogs who go to the college to visit students! EVERYONE loves them!

I have Powerball Fever! LOL! I don't even want all that money...I figure 10K would be about right to pay off the car and get some work done on it! That would be awesome...and with a few bucks left for some other things we need.

Judie said...

Glad I came back.

Congratulations to the Berry College eagles. Just saw an egg roll.

Lynne2, it seems to me that if OG is engaging in behavior that could cause harm or illness to the horses or any other animals, regardless of her reason, she needs to get the ole hoof in the butt out the barn door and through the cold muddy pasture to the road out of town. Can't tell you how relieved I am the horses have food and the reason for miscommunication has been discovered.


Lynne2 said...

Oh Judie, yes I think that may happen in the not to distant future. Michelle is busting her butt trying to finish up the fence lines and barn repairs and then she's going into the kennel where she has seen the children sitting around doing nothing and how filthy certain areas are, among other things. She said "they are probably going to hate me by the time I'm done." No doubt....none of them would want to be working for ME!

It makes me feel good to know that finally, things have been noticed and will be dealth with!

Sandi said...

Lynne2, so glad that you have figured out what's going on with OG - I know you have been very frustrated with her and what she does/doesn't do at the kennel. I'm also relieved to know the owner has been in the dark about what's been going on - it really bothered me to think he was allowing the animals be treated poorly.

Judie, I found an email address on the L.E.A.P. program website and sent an email this afternoon asking for more info. about the program. I have already gotten an email back saying they do therapy work at 16 different facilities in Sussex and Kent Counties (we live in Sussex County) so I will follow up and get more information.

Goodnight all - see everyone in the morning!

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Busy day today. Bowling, grocery shopping, cooking, etc.

My condolences, Lynne1. Sorry about the loss of your neighbor.

I will try to read more carefully tomorrow. For now, I am saying good night. SED, everyone.

Mema Jo said...

Goodnight to all ♥

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. Nest is currently MT. It looks gray in Shepherdstown, same here this morning.

Swelling is a little better on my lip today.

Kay, I hope Penny is feeling a little better today.

Shirley, read an article in the Washington Post yesterday about adolescent boys wearing shorts and jackets in the winter. The gist was that parents should just let it go.

Have a greyt day all.

Jewels said...

Good Morning,
As promised, I'd keep you posted on Jessica... WE had her Dr appt yesterday and we got to see our lil P-nut for the first time. As measurements were taken of lil p-nut, they estimate that Jessica is 7w 4d along, making her new due date Aug 21st.
We were all supposed to go to the beach Sept 17-24 , so I think we may have to skip that trip. LOL but for my grandbaby I am A OK with that!!!
All went well with the rest of her Dr visit. Her next visit will be on April 5th and should be have another Ultrasound then and we can find out if its a boy or a girl.

Judie said...

Hi y'all. Slip your raincoats on and walk on over to the new thread.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...