Friday, January 08, 2016


New thread.


grannyblt said...

Thank you for the new thread Steve.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Thank you Steve for the fresh new weekend thread. Have a good one, please. P.S. the camera position is fantastic.

Good morning eagle friends.

Glo, hoping your birding friend is much improved today.

Lynne2, can't wait to read the post that says OG is out to her own pasture without hay or dry ground or shelter. Very happy owner was not involved. May the horses thrive.

Sandi, the L.E.A.P. program certainly sounds promising and these programs are so beneficial to both animals and children. Hoping for more face healing today.

Shirley, please Google the definition for retirement. lol

Kay, sending wishes for Penny that her back is better today. Give her some extra hugs, please.

I have a question for anyone who might have an answer. I always check multiple animal cams each morning. This morning two came back ass "This account has been suspended." The sites were North American Bear Center and Cornell (I tried them again by going to Google not my bookmark) and received the same response. Looks as if all Cornell Bird sites are suspended. So, has anyone else had this happen? Would a suspension be initiated by Google? Thinking I might call NABC later today.

Feeling blah. Rainy day here. May be a do-nothing nap day for me.

Wishing everyone the best day possible.

Judie said...

Okay, an update on the Bears. I called NABC and their website has been hacked. Webmaster is working to "unhack" the website. Don't know about Cornell Hawks.

Congrats on the new feather Lynne1. Wear it with pride.


Lynne2 said...

Good soggy morning!

Sandi said...

Hi all. Just checking the box to get blog comments in my inbox.

Thanks Steve for the new thread and thanks Judie for the call over.


JudyEddy said...




JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

EAGLE still in the nest

Got a cool snip earlier of the fly out

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥ Celebrate our RED FRIDAY showing concern for all of our troops.
It calls and looks like rain for later today. No sunshine on the books.

Thanks for the fresh new thread, Steve and please accept the compliments for your IT Team giving us a spectacular view of the nest. We'll be checking out the Noon time Cam Tour and will offer any feedback necessary.

Judie, I would have thought the cams were down due to the bears hibernating and the birds flying south. It would be like Outdoor cam usually shutting down their cam during the off season.

Sandi - good to mention the article you read on the Dress of young teen boys. It is just one less thing to worry about!

Andy - Hoping your weather isn't doing you in out there in CA.

Lynne2 - Very happy to read of the recent happenings at the ranch! Yeah Horses & Yeah Steve and Lynne.


JudyEddy said...


Mema Jo said...

wow - THE FLY OUT WAS BEAUTIFUL - You could track our eagle off to the right and over the field and away went the white tail feathers.

Mema Jo said...

JUDY - The building in the upper left of our cam view - I think all the lights are from those buildings - especially the spot light at night.

Mema Jo said...

Happy 9th Birthday to day for Pretty Patches ♥

She certainly has made Glo's life complete ♥

Kay said...

Good Red Friday Morning Eagle Buds!!!

Thanks STEVE, both for the new thread, and for the fine camera improvements you and the NCTC crew have provided!

And, thanks to LYNNE1 n' JUDIE for alerting us! Are you sharing the feather?

Further thanks re:concern for Penny. She's still a bit puny today, but much improved over yesterday. She got her bark back late yesterday afternoon---a sure sign of improvement.☺

Yes, Happy Birthday, Patches! Penny is just about a month older than you and says Woof-Woof!

LYNNE2, so glad some mysteries are being solved there. So happy for all you co-workers and for the animals as well!

Prayers for all in need!!!


Lolly said...

Good morning! Back to finger typing as I am on my new iPad! Yay! Lost some things and trying to get re-established!

Lynne2, hope things work out for the best! Horses need hay! I had a horse growing up, a strawberry Roan, named Maize. Her full name, Maize's Fllora! She was a registered quarter horse. A friend of ours had race horses. Maize was determined to be too short and he gave her to us. Her corral was beside my daddy's warehouse. He was a farm implement dealer. Everyday we hauled buckets of water to fill her trough. We stored the hay in the warehouse, just inside the door. I would get the key to unlock, but before opening the door I would kick it, hoping to scare away the mice! Also, had to scoop grain out of the feed bag and that was scary, too. Lol. Hate mice! But, love horses!

Going out to eat tonight and kids are coming tomorrow. Need to get with it and get to the grocery store to buy steaks for tomorrow's dinner.

We did get the tree down yesterday! Sad! It was so pretty!

Have a great day!

JudyEddy said...

regular tour going on

still waiting for cable man on time appt 10-12 I think he is gonna be late

Lynne2 said...

well, it's all not happening over night but I sure hope it doesn't take to long to light the proverbial fire under some arses here!

Also yesterday in an unprecedented move....Dr B as I have mentioned, is a self proclaimed "not a people person" and you can be in very close proximity to him and be lucky to get a nod. BUT...yesterday he stopped by and Steve was over near the house talking to Michelle when he came out to leave and he actually spoke to Steve! he was driving by the pasture he honked and waved at me!!! I almost peed myself! LOL!

I must confess that I recently wrote him a letter/resume outlining my...oh dear, can't finish, just got a call from a friend who needs us to come over and help her with her dog. BBL

Judie said...

Good early afternoon.

Gosh, I hope the friend's dog is okay, Lynne2. And now, the rest of the story...

I Googled Cornell Hawks and went to the live cam for Big Red and Ezra. Re-book marked. Not sure what happened there. Bears were hacked.

The feather is for Lynne1 to enjoy.

Hey Lolly? Did you have to muck Maize's stall?

And, a very happy birthday wish for both Penny and Patches. May the dog treats be plentiful.

JudyEddy said...

just called apparently cable man stopped by at 1138 and said I wasn't home I am home and I had the front door open I bet I was in the bathroom and he did wait very long So now appt is for Sun 6-8

JudyEddy said...

While I was waiting I was watching GA nest , Lock 13 nest, both Fl nest but now I am heading out being I have wasted me day waiting for the cable man LOL Have to get Jordyn also

stronghunter said...

Good afternoon,

Thank you for the new thread, Steve.

stronghunter said...

Yes, Sandi, I agree that teenage boys in shorts is not really a big problem. Guess I might look at it differently if they were in danger of serious frostbite, but that is not usually likely in Virginia. Kathryn figures Hunter is smart enough to know when he is cold.

Of course, I do not hesitate to send him out to warm up the car on icy days, and I expect him to scrape the ice off car windows for me. He does not complain about doing these things. And, when there are two scrapers, I do help.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Judy for watching the Cam Tour and reporting it was ok.

Looks like the Fog is rolling in towards the nest..

Lynne2 - happy you misread his personality - looking forward to a congenial future.

Sorry the cable guy got by you - Did he leave a note that he had been there???

Looks like a No Good TV tonight except Blue Bloods.
Always think about Lynn
Good to hear from Carolyn with Jess' dr report.

If I don't get back this evening there is no need to come looking for me

Pizza at 6:00 with family.. I'll be well taken care of.

This is an unofficial Goodnight to All ♥

stronghunter said...

Enjoy your pizza, Jo.

stronghunter said...

Very foggy at the nest. I am getting lots of static. Not sure if it is the microphone at the nest or something else.

stronghunter said...

Okay,turned off the nest cam and static disappeared.

stronghunter said...

Had a few kitty issues. Allie Cat walked on the keyboard and the computer started doing strange things. The keyboard was disabled and a program I had never seen before kept popping up. I think she actually went into the control panel. Not something I want her to do.

Judie said...

Hello? Hello? Is anyone out there? I can't see anything or anyone because the clouds have descended around my abode.

Gosh, the fog is really thick both at my abode and at the nest. Hope Belle and Shep have Sycamore GPS.

I did forget earlier to tell Carolyn how wonderful it is that all is going so well with grand baby and I hope she keeps us up to date.

Shirley, sorry Allie got to the computer and do hope her "work" has been undone.

Enjoy the pizza and family, Jo. I suspect this is a book-reading night for me.

Off to the scullery.

Lynne2 said...

My friend is an older widow lady who is a client at Manchester. She has very bad COPD and she really is having trouble getting around and getting things done so Steve and I have been helping her out. The panic call was from her, Marge, because her puppy mill rescue dog, a standard poodle named Ellie, had gotten into the garage because she forgot to pull the door closed all the way. Ellie has a thing for bird suet and managed to pull a whole box of it down. And rip open a trash bag! There was suet and trash all over the yard, and she couldn't get her to come in the house, nor was she physically able to go and chase her down.

Enter the Soper's. Luckily she had eaten only 2 full and one half blocks, and had not eaten any of the wrappers or little plastic containers. Whew! She have some diarrhea, no doubt. But it could have been worse!

Lynne2 said...

Judy, in answer to your question about the "spotlight" on the cam....I believe it's just a window casting a light and due to the very foggy conditions last night and tonight, the beam is exaggerated in the water droplets.

Am I being paranoid or seems to me that we should be having a LOT more activity in the nest by now...HP, more nestorations and visits?

Lynne2 said...

Caro, thanks for the update...GRANNY!

Judie said...

Lynne2, glad neither Marge nor Ellie were in serious difficulties and more than glad you were there to help. About the bright light, you could be correct although I was thinking it is the big light over the barn that's on during the night. Well, at least we know one thing: it is NOT Jufie.

Going to put my feet up and try to find some mindless tv before my eyelids fall down asleep.

Restful sleep for all.

Lolly said...

Home from dinner out! A very enjoyable evening!

Oh my! suet cakes do not sound good for doggies!

Seems to me we are late on HP, but have no fear as they have the nest looking great!

Judie said...

Good morning.

Still foggy here and at the nest. Little Chicadee was the only visitor to the nest when I checked.

Quiet day on my menu. Will check in later.

Wishing everyone the very best day possible.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. I was up at 5:30 but went back to bed at 6:30 after waking Denny for a meeting with his advertising guy. Meeting is at Dunkin' Donuts so I hope to see a Boston cream donut with my name on it shortly!

Happy birthday Lolly!! Enjoy your special day with family today!

Last night I got brave enough to remove the dressings the plastic surgeon put on my face after stitching me up. First time I have seen the sutures. Right now I'm having a hard time believing there will be "minimal scarring" on my face. Today I am in search of skin-toned steri-strips like the doctor used. I found them online which does me no good for today and right now I'm wearing 2 bandaids on my face that are VERY obvious. Will check Walgreens, CVS, and Rite Aid that are all close by. This morning there is no selling on my forehead and minimal swelling on my top lip.

Lynne2, I remember one time when Bandit ate most of a cake of suet. I sure hope your friend has a fenced yard to let her dog out into a number of times today. Otherwise, she is in for a lot of walking. And she's going to be cleaning up some disgusting messes, hopefully all outside!! Oh dear!

Cleaning the upstairs, doing laundry, and grocery shopping ... which to tackle first? They all sound like so much fun! But any of those jobs is preferable to having to spend my weekend writing an IEP, which is what I was doing this time last year!

Nest is MT. I too have a lot of static coming from the OC site. Have a greyt day all.

Sandi said...

Eagle in -I was able to watch the arrival! neat!

Sandi said...

Nest is MT again.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds


♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸ Happy Birthday to you ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday to you ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday dear LOLLY ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday to you!! ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸ And many, many, many more!!

~~~▄▄██▌ Its your Birthday so
▄▄▄▌▐██▌ Let the good times ROLL!!!!!!!!!

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

and one is back

JudyEddy said...

lost the cam

JudyEddy said...

still cam is up and current but when I bring up the live feed I have a eagle at 12 and a car goes by then a few min later Sorry we were unable to play the media you selected, Please try again or select aleternate media error encountered : Stream not found But then I re load and the same thing comes back eagle at 12 car goes by and over again kaput for the moment I guess

OK going out for a bit

Lolly said...

Good morning! Thank you for the birthday wishes! Up early and off to church. Big crew showed up to take Christmas decorations down. There is a funeral at church at 2:00 and we had to get it all down fast. Next year we may have a hard time finding things. Yikes! Then back to the church this afternoon for the funeral. Not a great way to celebrate ones birthday! Laurel and boys will be here when we get home from the funeral.

Cold here today! Feels like winter!

JudyEddy said...

WOW for those not on FB here is a video Intruder at the SW nest fought off my M15

Mema Jo said...

Good afternoon to all ♥

Still cam is up and we think it is live BUT IT and NCTC is aware that live feed is down.
They will try to reset but it is on the other end not here at NCTC.

Another day and no sunshine. Maybe by Tues or so.

Enjoy your birthday Lolly when everything settles down at Church. Happy your
dinner last night was delicious and that you had fun with some of the Fear The Frog fans!

Not doing much today - just acting like I am retired! lol

JudyEddy said...

still cam is working JO I took a snip of a yellow can on road and the next snip it was gone

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Judy - I think NCTC told Deb it was live
Just the live feed that's down.

stronghunter said...


Happy birthday, Lolly.

Settled in for a quiet evening. Kathryn and Hunter went up to Susan's for some kind of mystery game. I am planning a birthday party for Will and Susan for tomorrow evening. Their birthday was the 7th.

Practiced bowling today with Val and Jan. Then Val and I went for barbecue sandwiches.

stronghunter said...

"NOTICE: The live feed is currently offline with no ETA of a resolution at this time.
Please return later. Thank you for your patience.
- See more at:"

Oh well, no cam for now.

stronghunter said...

Good point about the HP thing, Lynne2. There should have been HP by now, but they have done a lot of work on the nest. That part is good.

Mema Jo said...

Royal Couple in the nest

Eagle Alert


stronghunter said...

Oh my, poor Ellie. I have always been afraid Luna would get into the suet.

stronghunter said...

Oh, thanks Jo. I will check the still cam.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


stronghunter said...

Lovely view at the still cam. First two. Then one. Now none. Very foggy at the nest. Love the view.

Mema Jo said...

That's all Folks

stronghunter said...

Someone mentioned lights. There is a building to the left, just within the corner on the top. I see 4 lights there and a vehicle parked nearby.

grannyblt said...

That was quick, but at least a view today.

stronghunter said...

I see what must be the live cam as well.

stronghunter said...

Or maybe an old cam.

NCSuzan said...

Happy Birthday Lolly! May all your hopes and dreams come true today and always!

JudyEddy said...

I agree with you
that we should have seen HP by now
On the On This Day Feature I have seen pictures of past HP by them so they are running late or maybe doing it off camera But remember the SW nest was a month late with there two eggs But I am sure that is because new mate and all the drama that came with

stronghunter said...

Pouring rain here tonight.

Lolly said...

Have got to say it has been a different day! Going to a memorial service for a friend is not the way to celebrate a birthday! Have enjoyed the birthday wishes here and on fb. Some from former students and that has been awesome!

Think it is about time to call it a night. Feeling too emotional!

Night all!

Mema Jo said...

Goodnight to all ♥

Hope everyone has a restful sleep and pleasant dreams.

Prayers for all our needs

stronghunter said...

SED, everyone.

Lynne2 said...

NOTICE: The live feed is currently offline with no ETA of a resolution at this time. Please return later. Thank you for your patience.


JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

WVJerry said...

Good Morning ng all. I also see Cam is offline.

WVJerry said...

Happy Birthday to Lolly today.

WVJerry said...

Cam is up and eagle in nest.

WVJerry said...

Well. It appears to be on but not working now.

Judie said...

Good Sunday morning.

Strange weather here. We, too, got heavy rain last night Shirley.

Lolly, belated birthday wishes for you. So glad you enjoyed a nice dinner and some well-wishes from former students. Have a wonderful year ahead.

Got to wondering about the lights. There is the farm at the bend in the road and the lights may be coming from that location. Can't tell from the camera view. Probably the NCTC barn.

Hi Jerry. Good well-wishes for Rhonda.

Shirley, no doubt the birthday party for Susan and Will is going to be a huge success. What's on the menu? Is the playoff game included?

Yesterday was blah. Got my nails done but that's all. Today will go foraging for a few items then try to watch the 'skins.


Mema Jo said...

Good rainy morning to all ♥ It rained through the night - I see raindrops on the cam lens.

The live feed is still off line or Frozen- NCTC is aware of this but probably won't be reset until work week begins. Please remember that the still cam is up/running. You can F5 to update the picture.

Jerry - hope you had a day off from work - and that the family is doing well - your
wife is still in our prayers.

Lolly - hopefully today will be a great start into the next year of your life.

I best publish my comment in order to see who else has come online. BBL

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. Raining here - we are under a coastal flood watch until noon, from the tide, not the amount of precip that has fallen. Temps will be in the 60s today ahead of a cold front coming through - tomorrow's high will only be in the 30s.

Nest is MT on the still cam - looks like rain drops on the cam lens.

The swelling and discoloration on my face are just about gone. The incisions are both so much longer than I expected them to be based on the size of the spots that were removed. There's no way I won't have 2 visible scars. I wish I wasn't so vain about my appearance ... but I am.

Denny has agreed to do the grocery shopping so I don't have to appear in public - today he is my hero!

Have a greyt day all.

Mema Jo said...

I forgot to talk about this Power Ball
I can't imagine my luck "13"got picked!
NO WINNER and jackpot keeps growing.......... into the billions

GOOD LUCK TO ALL and may The Right Person Win (me - maybe)

stronghunter said...

Jo, I would be delighted to see you win the Power Ball.

For the party tonight--I am thinking about getting some North Carolina and Virginia barbecue and some sides from the Virginia Barbecue restaurant. I will need to know if Stephanie is coming. If so, I will pick up a chicken.

Our celebration can include the playoff game. That part is easy to take care of. Will reminded me that the kickoff is, as I recall, at 4:30. Rus is the one who will be most interested. If I can actually reach him by normal means of communication, I will suggest that he can come before 4:30 and settle in front of the TV. So far, I have not heard back from him. This is not unusual.

stronghunter said...

Sandi, plastic surgeons do good work. Hang in there.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Glad the birthday is over! Think I will skip it next year.

Headed to church shortly and then do nothing for the rest of the day!

It was 28 this morning and presently 32, but the sun is shining. That is good!

Now is not the time for our cam to be down! Ned to hear reports of hp.

Need to go eat a bite! Later Gators!

Judie said...

Good morning again.

Well, my thinking is that if Jo wins the lottery, it would be in her best interest to share with the momsters. After all, if we get forgot, we got eagle canes.

Sandi, plastic surgeons are remarkable in their abilities now. However, one the healing is complete, ask your dermatologist about Moderma. Helps to minimize scar appearance. A step up from Cocoa Butter. Garage on Wheels will have lots of space for Denny's grocery bags.

Lolly, enjoy the day off.

Shirley, sounds like a nice and easy dinner party. Everyone can serve themselves and sit (or not) in front of the t.v. to watch the game.

Lovely sunshine in the area now. Wind will be the problem for the game.


Mema Jo said...

January 10 2016 - NCTC Live cam is streaming; 1140 am nest is MT.

Don't miss the Cam Tour at Noon

Janet said...

good morning! belated bday wishes to LOLLY!

we had some over zealous "frost" over night, aka (embarrassed to call it this) snow. It is on rails and cars and such. again, over zealous frost. I did put out feed for the birds/squirrels yesterday, everything was full to meet them on this very cold morning. temps are going straight down today/tonight.

i'm sure its headed ya'll's way.

was off yesterday, but tom and I ran errands a good part of the day. discovered hobby lobby oh my stars. like Michael's on steroids! woo hoo! will have to go back there again!!!

our Michael's is rather puny, so perhaps its an over rated comparison, but for me, wow. yeah. yummy

we had the plumbers out this past week and they snaked the washer drain......from the basement thru. did a good job, but it backed up again on Thursday. poor niki was the one using it and she panicked. when I got home I took all the towels to the laundry. 4 baskets worth.

tom and I snaked the upper drain yesterday and think we have it resolved now. it still had nasty standing water in it. it actually took the power snake (electric) to break it. ewwwww yucky!!!!

but laundry went well last night, thankfully!!!!

today, as my bday celebration e are off to the country music hall of fame downtown and then to demos for dinner. Italian we don't go there often because its typically a wait and its downtown and parking is a bear.

SANDI: whomever suggested mederma....great suggestion I have used it with great success.

I just finished reading a great book that some of you might like as well:

working on Diana Nyad's book now.

Everyone have a great day. Gonna fix some brunch! hugs to all. Stay warm and safe please

WVJerry said...

Got a little mixed up this morning. Didn't realize I was a day late on Lolly's Birthday - my apologies. Also, checked the Cam and saw a car go down road in background and an eagle in nest...watched a little but nothing happened. Sorry for mixed up report. On my wife's health - she did not pre-register for kidney ultrasound and it was re-scheduled. She saw heart doctor and blood doctor - both agreed with her family doctor's treatment. Blood doctor said she did not any more blood for now. She has a small amount of fluid still in lungs and has chronic leg stiffness/some swelling making walking difficult. She seems to be getting better slowly and we appreciate the thoughts and prayers. I guess I need a vacation soon with my confusion this morning. Take care all.

stronghunter said...

Mederma--my doctor suggested it, too.

Mema Jo said...

Tour was great
11:58 to 12:01
Covered the entire area
Deb was recording

I love our NEST

JudyEddy said...

Hello on lunch 127 i think its close

I see our cam is up and running yeah

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds!!!

A belated Happy Birthday, LOLLY. Sorry the day was tainted with one of those sad realities we face in this life. Hope the coming year proves to be all you dream of.

SANDI, the plastic surgeon will fix you up, have no worries. Thankful for Denny's heroism on your behalf today!

JERRY, Rhonda surely needs our Momster prayers and saying some for you, too, of course. We so often forget the toll such adversities take on loved ones of those afflicted.

SHIRLEY, enjoy the birthday barbecue fare with those dear twins and the rest of the family, too.

Looks like our heavy rains, the turn to snow and colder temps is a wide spread system affecting so many of us this weekend. First outing today was in rain and Penny hated it---three hours later she happily romped over the snow covered ground. The stuff won't stick for long this time, but January never fails to bring such "glad tidings".

Seth and I had a grand final Sat/Sun of his Winter Break. He'll be back at school and meeting a new roommate by nightfall. Last semester his roommate was a Japanese student who has now returned home. This semester he'll be rooming with a transfer student--transfer from what school and a native of what State still to be revealed.

Sunday pastimes in the offing, winding up with Downton Abbey. I love Sundays!

Prayers for all in need!!!


JudyEddy said...

Well Well I put in for my last vacation at work Feb 15 will be my last day I have one week and 9 hours vaca left so my lat week of work I will be on vacation I haven't turned it my notice yet just the vacation
I haven't said anything at work and not going to until I turn in my notice Which I will do to the end of the month 2 weeks notice is what I am going to give even if I know the date

Sandi said...

Thanks all for your positive comments and advice. I know it is silly of me to be worried about a scar on my face when I should be thankful that the skin cancers were detected early and able to be removed completely.

Judy, what wonderful news for you!! I am so envious of your February retirement!! For some reason I was thinking you would be working til May. Start planning now for things to do to keep yourself occupied once you're retired - might I suggest adopting a retired greyhound from one of the tracks in FL???? I can promise s/he will keep you plenty busy and will love to travel with you wherever you go!

The sun is peeking out here. Temps are still warm - around 60. The water in the canal is covering many of the docks but there is no danger that it will overflow onto the street so the inside of the house is safe.

JudyEddy said...

SANDI my next anniversary in in MAY and everyone at work said I should wait till then to get the 4 weeks of vacation and I was mulling that over in my mind. But as you can see I decided NOT and no one knows at work of the date YET until I turn it in to my personnel manager And when I do so I am telling her that I have not told anyone the date So lets see how the rumors go LOL

The nest is swaying big time But my sound on my camera isn't bad I wonder if we have sound ????? I hear cracking but not the wind sound

JudyEddy said...

disc lights at the nest

JudyEddy said...

I am hearing on occasion some wind so I guess sound is working Maybe sounds effected by the changing of the cam Not loud so far

JudyEddy said...

disco is what that should have said not disc

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


Judie said...

Oh my goodness! What is all that hoopin and hollerin I hear? Oh, I recognize that sound. It's Lynn cheering for her Redskins.

Got my errands accomplished. Now to the scullery. Firecracker chicken salad tonight with cornbread.

Hope Shirley's younguns are having a great party.

Tonight is Downton Abby night. (:


Lolly said...

Pot of stew simmering on the cook top. First time this winter! Have been working the Christmas jigsaw and playing games on my iPad. That is my accomplishments for today.

Peeked at the. Am, but too late to see an eagle. See the lights in the distance. Think that is the preschool.

Lolly said...

Ok. Did not check my typing! Peeked in at the cam.

JudyEddy said...

Berry College


Janet said...

here's the link to the facebook pix from The Country Music Hall of fame for those not on facebook

Janet said...

had a great day. country music hall of fame is awesome! would recommend if any of you are ever here in Nashville. Then dinner out, cake and time with my precious family! woot woot! hope everyone has had a good day!

Mema Jo said...

Downton Abbey was once again very good. Look forward to next week's show.

Calling it a day and being retired I forgot that tomorrow was already Monday.

Everyone stay warm - the temps have dropped and the winds add onto the cold.

Goodnight to all ♥

Judie said...

Good almost pillow-denting time.

So sad. Once again the home team failed to follow through. Oh well ):

The good news is that Downton Abby was very good tonight. With Jo, I look forward to next week.

Congrats to Berry College. Right on time for #2.

Ah Jo, I wonder if I am the only one who needs to look at the newspaper to remember what day it is. Yes, thank you. Tomorrow is Monday.

Janet, glad you had such an enjoyable day.

Headed for the pillows.

Restful sleep for all.

Lolly said...

Oh, yes! Love Downton Abbey! Then we watched some Sherlock which is weird.

Almost pillow denting time here, too. Just a wee bit more work on THE PUZZLE!

Nite all!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

brr its in the 40's again this am another cold front is here brrr
we are 30 degrees colder that we were yesterday

lets hope it is short lived and gets out of here Which I am sure it will

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. Nest is MT but it looks like new grass has been delivered.

Sandi said...

I took today off b/c I has a periodontist appt. scheduled for a cleaning today. But after I had my surgery last Tuesday, I knew there was no way I wanted to be sitting in a dentist chair with my mouth wide open so I canceled the appt. I just didn't cancel the sick day - I already had a sub agree to cover the day; couldn't disappoint her, right? I have only worked 2 days since December 15th - it's going to be very hard to get used to being back in school on a regular basis.

Thirty degrees here with a high of 40 but it's supposed to be sunny. I'm anxious to try out my new invention for walking all 3 dogs at the same time. I took 2 short nylon leashes and connected them to the end of a 3rd short leash to make one "Y" shaped leash. The 2 leashes coupled together will be attached to the wiener dogs so they can walk together on one side of me but I only have 1 leash handle to hold. Janey will walk on the other side - hopefully!

Now that Jenni is less afraid of Janey, I really want the little girls to get a daily walk as well when it's not too cold (Jenni can't be outside for long when it's really cold due to her enlarged heart). With 3 separate leashes, I feel like I am disentangling my feet from their leashes about every 4 steps. Lots of exercise for me, that's for sure!

Jo, is this week another recuperating week for you or do your start your next 3-day treatment?

Denny's cardiologist told him last week that his cholesterol is higher than he would like it. Looking for advice on what foods are especially good and which are especially bad? Anyone?

Read on Facebook that the male eagle in Norfolk already has an interested new female - good news. I sure hope our eagles are "gettin' busy" off camera since no one has seen any mating on camera.

The sun is hitting the MT nest in Shepherdstown - looks like a beautiful day there. Have a greyt day all.

Sandi said...

I see on FB that both eagles were in the nest from 7:06 - 7:19 so I just missed them this morning. That is all - over and out for me. :)

Jewels said...

G'morning everyone. Well wishes to all!
Mom must have not hooped and hollered enough, her team lost. Booooo!
LOL No I am sure she was hoarse from the yelling. She would always be hoarse after the games.
Need some prayers. I pray our lil P-nut is ok. Jessica left my house last night and didn't see a tree across the road and of course , hit it. She has a old beat up honda accord and it jumped the tree and broke it in half. Flattened passenger side front tire, knocked the light assembly out on the drivers side and busted the windshield wiper fluid container. She had tried calling me, but I had already laid down with my phone on silent, so she called her dad. I called her back 2 min later and rushed to her. She had a friend and her friends 2 yr old with her. She was saying her back was a lil sore, was not wearing seatbelt... didnt hit nothing on her. So praying to God lil P-Nut is ok. OF course had to take them all home. Got home at 0130am and back up at 4am to be here at work at 6am. TOLD her to CALL me if anything feels off and if she has any bleeding.
Mom was right, the stress and worry never ends. Never.
Be safe everyone, Hope all has a good day and what ever ails you, gets better!! :)

Jewels said...

LOL re-read what I wrote, broke the tree in half, not the old beat up Honda!!! LOL

Janet said...

good morning to all. a bright and sunny 17 degrees here at the moment. brrrrrr

yesterday was indeed a fun day. it was neat at the country music hall of fame. I've wanted to go for some time. they had things that I remember listening to a child...jim reeves, etc, all the way through today. really awesome to see the progression of country music.

you know when you live in a place, typically you don't do that sort of stuff.

day off today. busy as per the norm. I wish everyone a lovely day! stay safe and stay warm! (((hugs))))

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Lively here this morning. Blue jays hollering at the squirrels who are getting most of the peanuts. Woodpecker pecking on the house. Allie is now watching the activity after having torn around the house like a kitten possessed.

Yes, the 'Skins got beat last night. At least they got to the playoffs this year.

Hoping all is well for Jessica, Jewels. The good Lord does provide protection for little ones. If mom is okay, the little one most likely is okay, too.

stronghunter said...

Our birthday celebration last night was quiet--except for the hollering at the football game. Rus gets excited sometimes.

Susan did not make it. She had guests who did not leave in time for her to get here at a reasonable hour. Will and Stephanie both had to work, but they arrived as soon as they could. Kathryn picked up the food, then went to the doctor's. She's fighting another bout of bronchitis.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Both Shep and Belle are in the nest. Brought in a good size stick. Been there for some time.

Judie said...

Looks as if our eagles are having a nice lazy morning at home.

Carolyn, so sorry about Jessica's accident. Prayers for her and the baby.

Shirley, sorry Susan didn't make the birthday gathering but more sorry that Kathryn is again fighting bronchitis. Hope she, Kathryn, gets meds to heal quickly.

Sandi, I'm sure the sub would have been devastated had you decided to go to school. lol It sounds as if you've found a creative way to safely take care of dog-walking. Let us know how the contraption works. As for Denny, the least saturated fat as possible along with reduced carbs along with increased fruits, vegetables, exercise. Next time you're in a book store or library, look at a Weight Watchers cookbook for ideas.

Okay, going to check the nest again then to the newspaper.

Hope Glo stops by today with an update.

Wishing everyone the best day possible.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Just checked the nest....MT! Cold again this morning, 31. But, we have sunshine!

Today I start a diet as a few extra pounds crept up! Also, getting back on a waking program with a DVD. More Fun!

I will pull up the cam and watch the nest while walking.

Not much else on my agenda. Maybe a little house cleaning. Tomorrow we go to Denton for BB game.

Have a great day!

JudyEddy said...

1214 punch time MT nest at present

watching the NE nest and two bobble heads

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

LOLLY, you might try using the Walking program---the waking one is rather jarring!☺

JEWELS, prayers for you daughter and the babe she has on board!

SHIRLEY, too bad Susan didn't make it for the celebration, but glad her twin and the others did!

JO, like JUDIE, I need clarification on when your next round of chemo begins. Prayers ongoing, of course, as we love you so much!

Here's another vote in favor of the way Downton Abbey's final season is going. I see some heartache ahead for they can't all end up with a "happy ever after" life. I don't like missing The Good Wife, but I'll catch up with that "soap opera" in rerun.

SANDI, that walking multiple dog leas idea is very creative! I see a couple of people with three or four dogs in tow, or more appropriately towing their peeps. Walking just two at times is quite enough for me!

Lunchtime....prayers for all in need!!!


JudyEddy said...

eagle in

JudyEddy said...

poof one

Mema Jo said...

lol I remembered that it was Monday BUT I forgot to get in here and greet everyone.

Carolyn - Prayers for Jessica and the little p-nut. We just never know about our safety. Thankful there wasn't any big problems other then the disabled car.

It has been a very cold day - Tomorrow is my blood work day. It is next week for my
2nd treatment - then off 2 more weeks with just lab work.

Sandi - I think your dog walking scheme will work! Just so they all go in one direction.

This cold weather makes me just want to cuddle up with my fleece blanket on the recliner. Just finished dinner and back I go again.

Going to say Goodnight to all ♥ SED & AOYP

Sandi said...

Hi all! What a cold day - talk about roller coaster weather!

Carolyn, what a scare for Jessica! I hope she is OK - did she call her OB? Sounds like things could have been much worse. I bet that baby will be just fine but I know how scared you must have been when you heard about the accident.

Jo, thanks for the clarification n your next round of treatments - prayers are being said here for you every day!

I walked the little dogs with my "leash contraption" and they stayed right next to each other. But I didn't get a chance to walk all 3 together b/c Janey "went to work" with Denny for much of the afternoon - translation, he drove to different appointments and Janey rode along in the back of the garage on wheels.

Back to school for me tomorrow - 2 days and then Thursday off to get my stitches removed. A teacher friend who has had Mohs surgery on her face said her doctor gave her a scar gel when her stitches were removed, though she couldn't remember the name of it. I will ask the doctor for a recommendation when I go.

Will be going to bed early tonight since I can't go back to bed tomorrow for an extra hour of sleep. Goodnight all - see you in the early AM!

Judie said...

Hi all.

Hoping no news is good news as we haven't heard from Carolyn again today. Wishing all is okay with Jessica and baby.

Sandi, have a good day at school tomorrow. Whatever the assignment, may the children be attentive and fun. So, Miss Janey has finagled herself a chauffeur and a large garage-style chariot on wheels. Well, you go Miss Janey!

Jo, bundle up tomorrow and tell Dracula to be gentle.

Kay, I know Seth is busy the first few days back for a new semester. Let us know if he likes his new roommate. Hi to Penny.

Anyone up-to-date on Glo?

Berry nest has a second egg.

Headed to my recliner and then the pillows.

Restful sleep for all.

stronghunter said...

Brain is wearing down tonight.

Hoping that you have a good day at school tomorrow, Sandi. I am trying to picture you walking that mixture of dogs on their leashes.

Know what you mean about the cold weather, Jo. I do not like it either. I suppose it is even colder in Kay's abode.

Thanks for the news about Berry, Judie.

SED. I will see you tomorrow.

WVJerry said...

Good chilly morning. I see nest is empty this morning. Calling for wind and some very light snow. Take care all.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. 26 degrees but no snow in the forecast for Bethany Beach today.

Back to school/work for me.

Carolyn, is everything OK with Jessica and the baby?

Have agreyt day all.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

Our temps are chilly again 43° but some area are colder than me in the upper 30's

Judie said...

Good morning.

A chilly 21º this morning with overcast sky. Brrrrr. These are the types of days I really appreciate retirement.

Nest was MT when I checked a few minutes ago.

I think I'll tackle cleaning/sorting a couple of closets today. Our availability is March and although there will be people ahead of us on the list, we need to try to be as ready as possible should the "purrfect" new abode come available.

Shirley, how's Kathryn feeling? Better, I hope.

Jo, say hi to Dracula. Prayer for perfect numbers.

Sandi, enjoy the day at school.

Carolyn, how are Jessica and the baby?

Kay, has the snow disappeared? How's Penny's back? Hope you both are okay.

Where is Glo?

What's happening with Lynne2 and the horses and the owner and OG?

Has Paula moved? Any news from her?

Okay, so an inquiring mind has lots of questions this morning.

Wishing everyone the best day possible.

Mema Jo said...

Good COLD morning to all ♥
I need to bundle up today to go see Dracula

Judie most of your questions have answers but I am cut short on time ---
Glo is busy at the dam taking pictures of the eagles
Paula and Larry arrived at their Southern Paradise in Biloxi on Jan 5
No word from Carolyn and to me that means that Jessica and little p-nut are ok

Sandi - I can picture Denny and Janey making the rounds!

Everyone stay as warm as possible - I'll be thinking of you
BBL today

Kay said...

Hello Eagle Buds!!!

Looks like I'm going to be in on the cam panorama today. Nest MT at this moment.

JO, you know we're thinking of you, too, with fervent prayers for healing.

JUDIE, we got a couple of inches of that cold white stuff overnight, so have about three on the ground with frigid temps. Penny likes snow, but hates extreme cold so we're only out for moments at a time. She has improved greatly. Still on muscle relaxants, but off pain med. Thanks for thinking of her! I hope answers come through for all your "inquiring minds" questions for I as curious as you are!

SANDI, hope all's well n' swell at the school house today!

Prayers for all in need!!!


Lolly said...

Good morning! Roast in the crockpot to take to Denton this afternoon. Picking up Jacob at school. His cello comes home today. He carries it on his back. A cello backpack! Laurel has an eye appointment. She is still having eye problems. Then BB games, then dinner!

Now, Kay, a waking is good for you! Lol

Did not walk yesterday....procrastination! However diet is started and went well. Jack is so sweet to put up with my diet, but he did have yummy leftover stew last night! He has found that he looses weight when I diet. Lol

Have a great day!

JudyEddy said...

1154 lunch punch

Howdy eagle buds

JudyEddy said...

KKAY Brr you got snow first for the year

seems most states are late in getting it

Lolly said...

I have finally learned how to go from blog to cam on my iPad. Slow learner!

Lolly said...

Watching the cam. Just saw a man walk along the path! Sure wish we had had this cam on Momster nest visits! Remember hearing the laughter and the horn honks as well as being on the phone with someone. Sweet memories!

Mema Jo said...

Just return and my blood work had all the right numbers.
No snow here yet - sky looks threatening and it does call for an afternoon snow squall

Didn't make it in time for the Cam Tour so I think it went on as scheduled.
Lolly which path - on the right side down form the nest or way off to the left of the nest towards the buildings.

I need to go check on my little panda Prince.

Mema Jo said...

Watching the Prince Bei Bei - sitting on the side of his little Rock Bed - he just
looks as though he could tumble off.......... but he is climbing very carefully on the rocks.

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY that is the road that we parked on?? I didn't realize that Silly me a little slo LOL

Home from work as if you didn't know

JudyEddy said...

walk in and both EAGLE ARE IN THE NEST

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

looks like a BLIZZARD snow going sideways

JudyEddy said...

WOW just on the news US Supreme Court has announced that Fl Death Penalty is illegal
Appeal here we come but I can agree because of the judge being able to set forth the sentence no matter what the jury says. If they say life the judge can overrule and say death. I could never understand that.

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

looks like the snow has stopped My delete something happened LOL big big white area

JudyEddy said...

snow seem to have stopped
if you look at the side of the stump there looks to be snow on it It was blowing sideways got a few snips will have to check weather up there I don't have TWC app on computer any longer after I got it back I just forgot to install Trying not to over tax my computer

JudyEddy said...


On my resume should I just be SHORT and Sweet LOL or long and drawn out I was just going to say

Please accept this letter as my formal two weeks notification of my retirement from Walmart as of Feb 15,2016.

To the point nothing like the resume I have seen when I googled it - Long drawn out!

JudyEddy said...

snowing sideways again

3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...