Thursday, December 17, 2015


New thread.


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Mema Jo said...

Good Thursday morning - Nest is MT and Wet

Thank you Steve for the new Thread - Our usually Thurs download has frozen the still cam again.

I'll go over to the older thread and see who is up/running this new day

Sandi said...

Thanks Steve for the new thread and thanks Jo for the call over.

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

Thanks to STEVE for a shiny new thread and to our finely feathered friend, JO for the call over!

Praying for GLO's Becky today. As I recall it's a lengthy surgery and we may not get word from GLO til' tomorrow???

SANDI, that little pink pig is adorable and you'll have your arms around her early next week! Yeah!!!!

Will check the old thread for any needs, but be assured my prayers are with all in need!


Mema Jo said...

Sandi I saw the precious pink piggy picture of Freyja - the story behind it makes it many more times enjoyable.

Prayers for Becky today. Glo mentioned a 6 to 7 hr surgery procedure. I am so thankful she is there for her daughter and the family. Prayers for Glo and Elia and her dad.

Lynne2 said...

Good morning all....

Horses have just arrived. MTRB...

Mema Jo said...

You would need to go to older thread to be able to see Loretta's personal blog with her pictures. Very happy the eagle pair is staying around and hope their new nest is
built very securely in the new tree. Loved all her photos in the NatureNut's Nook Album.

Mema Jo said...

Lynne2 - Thanks for the info... Let us know how many and also if it involves any work load for you and/or STEVE.

Mema Jo said...

Still cam was frozen' however it has been reset

Thanks NCTC IT for the Still Cam Reset

Judie said...

Good morning.

Thank you Steve for the fresh Thursday thread.

Jo, congratulations on the beauteous new feather for your holiday headdress. Congratulations also on finding the party room at Pizza Hut. A grand and glorious time will be enjoyed by all.

Thinking of Glo and her daughter. I've sent Jufie with a satchel of prayers and well-wishes.

Sandi, glad you have no pain. Swelling will disappear. Thank you for the picture of the adorable Freyja. So cute. Do they arrive today or tomorrow? Almost no more sleeps.

Loretta, it may not be Ledo but Jo's having a party at Pizza Hut (: Hope the computer is okay now. So exasperating. Been having one or two challenges myself this week.

Hi Kay. What're you up to today?

Oh, Bei Bei is with mom in the big room. He wants to wrassle and she doesn't. Too cute. The camera in the den that Lucky and Holly are sharing shows them both snuggled together. Also cute.

Off to do stuff. Wishing everyone a lovely day - rain or shine.

Mema Jo said...

Panda cameras are showing our little Prince Bei Bei asleep in his 'rock crib"

Jan 16 is his public debut

Kay said...

Oh, back for a sec. There is an adorable pic of Bei Bei in our paper this a.m.. So cute in the arms of a caretaker after passing all the tests that say he's fit for public viewing there at the zoo now. Just in time for Christmas and I'm sure there will be scores of people crowding round the Panda den every day now!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle buds



JudyEddy said...

Mema Jo said...

One hr ago Glo on FB said
Becky is in surgery. Thought is about 2 hours. Thank you for your prayers.

NatureNut said...

Hello Eagle Buds! Finally got the new pics in the Nook late last night. Guess Blogger had to have it's milk and cookies to revive itself!

Prayers for Glo's daughter, Becky.

TY, Judie for inviting me to Jo's Pizza Party!! HO HO
Gotta get my fingers warmed up to write cards and checks. Need a secretary!! Have ome kitty helpers!
Have a good day ☺

NatureNut said...

AARRGGHH, Blogger took my avatar away, too!

Mema Jo said...

Just Now Glo posted on FB:

Becky's surgery went well. Recovery from this procedure can be pretty tough for a few days. Continued prayer is appreciated. The best news is NO second procedure is needed

Judie said...

Jo, thank you for the updates on Becky. Prayers to continue for healing and gratitude for prayers answered for no additional procedure.

Judie said...

Loretta, enjoy Jo's Pizza Hut party (: The new nest looks great. Maybe some eaglets next year?

Judie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Judie said...

Surprise is my next blog post.

Judie said...

Dear Friends,

Darth and I are announcing the arrival of Jake, a 12 year-old Seal Point and his brother Jude, a 13 year-old Blue Point. Darth and I call them carpetbaggers as they came south to us from Groton, MA. After their people died, their veterinarian kept the two 18 year-old brothers and an evaluator from Siamese Rescue adopted another brother. That left Jake and Jude.

After a nine hour relay known as The Meezer Express, J&J arrived at their new furever home on March 19th. Their foster mom packed and mailed all their worldly possessions to us. The first night, the boys were nervous but when they saw their bed, they got right in and went to sleep. Next day, they explored their new digs and by dark had taken ownership of the house and our hearts.

Jake worried us because he would eat voraciously and then vomit. Tests revealed no physical cause.. Finally, grain-free food was tried and now Jake is just fine. Both boys arrived with most teeth removed yet have no trouble eating soft food and soft treats.

Jake, with cornflower blue eyes, has an opinion on everything and is quick to share his opinions. Jude is a quiet boy with sapphire blue yes. Inseparable, they are loving and affectionate with us and with each other. They spend lots of time on the window perch in the sunshine. They are excellent lap sleepers and foot warmers.

Why older cats? Well, older cats are not so easily adopted and, since we are not likely to outlive kittens, we decided these older boys would be purrfect and they are. The foster family in Groton and the coordinator in NYC did an extraordinary job in orchestrating this adoption, have become personal friends, and both have visited the boys here in their new furever home. I have set up a new blog (Jake and Jude) where you can find some pictures.

Happy Holidays and Meow to all!

Mema Jo said...

Very thankful we all know your secret and are so very happy for J &* J and you and Frank. They sound beautiful and I shall go to your blog to get a very good view of them both. Congratulations and many happy years ahead ♥

Janet said...

hello to all.

its Thursday and I seem to have lost track of the week. when I saw a Thursday thread...I was confused. THANKS STEVE and CONGRATS TO JO

stayed home today. I think I should be able to resume work tomorrow. I slept very late today. trying to get my bearings still. maybe more coffee????

the weather has cooled today. it feels refreshing to me. the cardinal reminded me to feed them; he tried to get on the suet feeder.

I need to be productive today; therefore I am planning on wrapping gifts and maybe bake a holiday cake for tom's brother so I could mail it tomorrow.

i'm slacking this year, obviously. normally i'm done with everything before now. this year...just not so much. but it will all get done.

JUDIE: congrats on the new furbabies! I love love love Siamese. They are my favorite cats......snuggle them for me please.

LYNNE2: anxious to hear how the horses adapt...

SANDI: I know time must seem to stand still right now.....hang on hang on!

hope everyone has a great day.

NatureNut said...

Happy afternoon Eagle Buds. Took a break since the mailman already came, made a new avatar to test drive & it will probably fail,too! Oh well--have to blame Blogger!

Judie, I LOVE hearing about your new children! How special!
Happy, happy to all ☺

stronghunter said...

Yay, Judie and Darth. I am so happy for you and your fur children. Heading right over to check out those pictures.

JudyEddy said...

JUDIE congrats on the new addition

stronghunter said...

Great pictures, Judie. Handsome gentlemen.

Sandi said...

Good evening all. It's been raining all day.

What great news about Glo's daughter's surgery - what relief Glo must be feeling! It will be a very Merry Christmas in AZ!

Judie, about your surprise ... if there's ever a secret that I need to keep but just have to tell one person so I don't explode, I know I can count on you not to tell anyone!! You kept those 2 kitties of yours quiet for 9 months??!! I'm lucky to hold onto a secret for 9 minutes! J & J are beautiful, and good for you for adopting 2 senior cats. I'm so glad these 2 have worked out well for you and Frank - I know how heartbroken you were when Grace and Audrey (was that their names?) weren't a good match.

Baking chocolate chip cookies SEEMED like a good way to pass the day and keep my mind off of my swollen face. But ... every time I opened the oven door to put a pan in or take them out, the heat from the oven on my face reminded me that I had made a huge mistake! UGGHH! But cookies are now baked.

I think I may have to take a power nap before I feed the dogs. It will be a "fend for yourself" for dinner night for the people in the house.


Kay said...

Happy to have GLO's report on Becky--prayers to continue as she recuperates.

JUDIE, JUDIE, JUDIE! Those fellers are gorgeous! It's a win, win situation for them and for you n' Darth! That's cute set of pictures and I look forward to even more as well as stories of their antics. Theirs is one of the sweetest cat adoption stories ever, what with those folks up north seeing them through and even becoming friends in the process!

30 years ago today I was a not so blushing bride. It was a great day for Stan n' me and I'm pleased to have wonderful memories of our 22 years of marriage + five years friendship prior to that.

Time for me to kick back in front of evening news, Jeopardy and beyond...


grannyblt said...

Sweet kitties Judie. Great story of their adoption.

Happy to hear that all seems well in AZ.

SED to all. Mega prayers go without saying..

NCSuzan said...

Judie, my heart is absolutely soaring!!!!! for you and Darth.Christmas was the best time to deliver this surprise.

Take care everyone.

Mema Jo said...

Message from Glo on FB

Becky is home and resting. Eric is out wandering around Tucson filling prescriptions. Love modern health care "not so much" but he is getting what she needs but not all at the same place. Times are so very different and so is modern medicine. And yep she is my baby girl

Janet said...

good evening.

(sigh) feeling better overall this evening.

earlier today I felt so far behind in everything....I have to say now, all gifts are wrapped. I have baked the holiday cake for tom's brother in florida (it is now cooling to be mailed tomorrow) is relatively clean. dinner, done, served and cleaned up.

lists are made for the to -do's for the next few days. now, I can unwind.

I hope everyone is enjoying a relaxing evening. I am. thankfully, I am

nite to all

Judie said...

Good evening all.

Thank you to all who have so graciously welcomed our boys. They are true snuggle bugs and we feel most fortunate that so many worked their magic to bring them to us. Their travel was coordinated with nine different drivers and amazingly arrival time was ten minutes ahead of schedule. Precision is an understatement. Jake has discovered the tiny candy canes on our tiny tree and seems to think his assignment is to pull them down and watch them break into little pieces. Jude, however, seems to think his assignment is to disavow any knowledge of how pieces of candy cane appear on the floor.

Jo, thank you for the update on Becky. I'm sure Eric will obtain all the meds she needs but it really is a PIA with the way medical care must be navigated. Prayers continue. How are you feeling?

Sure hope that Lynne2 provides us an update on the horses and that all went smoothly with their transition.

Janet, hope you get to feeling better and more energetic. This is a very tiring and stressful time of year for many of us.

Sandi, maybe you could don a Santa hat and put antlers on Janey. With your red face, you two could go about Bethany as Santa and Rudolph giving away chocolate chip cookies. lol. I do hope the effects of the treatment clear up quickly. We worked with Grace and Audrey for almost three years. A very sad time for us. Yes, I can mostly keep a secret.

Kay, please focus on the wonderful memories of the years with Stan and the family you created. He's still with you in your heart and in your wonderful family.

I'm a bit tired tonight. Heading for my recliner, my pillows, and my toe warmers.

Restful sleep for all.

stronghunter said...

About time for sleep hereabouts. I will be thinking of Judie, Frank, and those sweet kitties.

SED, everyone.

stronghunter said...

Good to know Becky is home, Glo.

Thinking of you and Stan, Kay. Those were happy years, but there are still happy years ahead.

Mema Jo said...

Popping in to say

Goodnight to All


Janet said...

good RED TGIF!

back to work for me!!!

chilly morning. 34 here.

make it a great day!

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends - it's Friday ... and it's STILL raining here - yuk!

Judie, you have 9 months worth of J&J stories to share with us now that your surprise has been revealed.

Haven't been on FB yet this morning but it's good to know that Becky is already home from the hospital. Regardless of the pain she will be in, she'll get better rest - and better care - at home than in the hospital. Prayers continue for a smooth recovery for her.

Janet, I hope you're feeling better today.

My face is not as red but very swollen this morning. It's a good thing I took off from school - I am pretty scary looking!

Brian, Lynnis, and Freyja are due to arrive at Dulles around 3:30pm. Lynnis's mom will be meeting them at the airport and driving them to West Virginia where they will visit with the donkey, pigs, and chickens (and the renters living in their house), pick up Brian's truck, and spend the night in a hotel. We won't see them until Tuesday.

Have a greyt day all.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning opened cam and eagle in nest

JudyEddy said...

EAGLE still in nest 20 min

Judie said...

Good morning.

Guess what? The sun is shining!

Continued prayers for Becky. She's in the most caring hands possible.

I see Jerry stopped by yesterday. He didn't mention so hoping his wife is better.

Hi Sandi. Glad your face is less Santa-like today. Just think, with cooler weather you can wear a scarf and pull it up mostly over your face. Only hours before Princess Freyja arrives and only four more sleeps before you see her (Brian and Lynnis, too). Plenty of time to get less scary, right? Oh, Jude was yawning.

Janet, feel better and have a good day at work.

Today is my day for foraging for the weekend. Commissary does not carry the grain-free food we use for J&J so I shopped for them yesterday. Today is for people food (although Jake does a good job of gumming chicken and Jude slurps naked spaghetti strands). Then, tonight is Kennedy Center to see Matilda.

Wishing everyone a wonderful Red Friday.

JudyEddy said...


grannyblt said...

Thanks for the alert JudyE. I got some eagle watching time on the still cam.

JudyEddy said...

Picking Jordyn up today and going to meet Angie and Carl for dinner at Pete N Shorties being not going over to their house because of trying not to excite either dogs. Trying to keep Casper calm so he doesn't hurt his leg anymore before surgery on the 23rd Those two dogs are so hipper when they see anyone

JudyEddy said...

not hipper but hyper

Mema Jo said...

Good late morning to all ♥

It is chilly cold here this morning at 38° but it is a little warmer at the nest with 41°. I saw the eagle (I think it was Shep) in the nest and it was windy with his head feathers being ruffled.

Today is a regular foot doctor appointment.. I have nails clipped due to Diabetes Type 2

Well tomorrow is our family get together. Sandi I know you are also anxious to get your hands on Frejya and eyes on Brian and Lynnis. Christmas is about Family and Friends.

JudyE my son's 2 shepherds are very excitable when you knock on the door - Thank goodness that one command spoken by our son or member of his family does calm them.

I'll try to pop in later today - still have a few cards to sign and get in the mail.
No presents to be wrapped - all in small gift bags. Shirley, for the past 3-4 years monetary gift are given by us. I really miss shopping for everyone BUT I don't have the energy or the $$ to do so. Hopefully you will start this in the future. It is still a very Christmasy feeling.

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

So good to know Becky is already home and receiving GLO care!!!

JUDIE, Matilda! What fun! Enjoy!

SANDI, so sorry you're suffering with a swollen face, but it's for a very good cause! I know you envy Lynnis' mother, but you'll see that precious trio soon.

Hey, to LYNNE1, JANET n' JUDY and still looking for JO to pop in this morning!

Cold here today, but can't complain for it is December and a warm up is ahead for next week. No white Christmas here as the temps will be in the 50's and 60's!

Prayers for all in need!!!


Kay said...

Aha, there you are JO! Christmas tomorrow for the Lennox Family---have fun!!!!

Sandi said...

Brian, Lynnis, and Freyja are in the air. They will arrive at Dulles around 3pm. Yes, I am envious of Lynnis's mom that she will see them first but I will make it til next Tuesday. My face should be a little less scary by then!

stronghunter said...


I have been busy doing some on-line shopping. It is so much easier than going to the stores. But time is getting short for that kind of thing.

stronghunter said...

As far as wrapping is concerned, I have purchased a roll of wrapping paper from Costco. It is so heavy, it's hard for me to carry around. We will be using that paper for a long time.

JudyEddy said...

THANKS SIS just got the package and I love my new rock and stolen Gonna have a piece for lunch
I texted ya also

just dropped off camera to Angie so she can go to Jordyn school 135 for class party pictures

Then dinner after getting Jordyn after school

Lolly said...

Okay, now JUDIE has made me cry! They are beautiful! So happy for all of you....kitties and human!

Lolly said...

Have been Christmas busy! Have 8 coffee cakes rising! I did not know where I was going to put 8 cookie sheets with coffee cakes rising. All I needed was Skippi jumping on them! Managed to get 4 in the oven . Backed the car out of the garage into the sun and have 4 out there! Lol

Judie said...

Good afternoon.

Jo! Wait! Don't start the party until I get there. I wanna be adopted by The Family Lennox. Hope you have a wonderful night before.

Kay, hope you're having a good day. Chilly cold here, also.

Sandi, many thanks for the FB kitty pictures. I think anyone with kittens/cats can identify. We certainly can.

Thank you, Lolly for your kind welcome for our boys. I can cook but cannot bake successfully. Will make chocolate chip walnut cookies for my hair stylist. She claims every year her daughter asks if "that lady" is going to send cookies.

As for the boys, they know where the J&J Mini Mart is located. Sometimes Jude jumps up but both are really good about not jumping on counters or furniture except their bed(s) and ours. We are blessed with these guys.

JudyE, hope Jordyn's school party was fun for her.

Shirley, what little I purchase for any occasion (myself included) I do online anymore. Walking is difficult and the crowds are unmanageable. We don't need anything really. Did buy Christmas stockings for J&J that say "I believe in Santa Paws."

Okay, feet going up for a few. Than leaving at 6pm.

In advance, hope everyone has a lovely evening.

Lolly said...

Baking is my favorite thing to do! Love working with yeast breads! HOWEVER, I can not do it often! We would both be fat as pigs! Oh, pardon not mean to insult pigs!

Besides working in the yard, Jack has also smoked ribs and brats! Talk about smelling good around here! 😀😛 Two coffee cakes cooling, two in the oven and four more to bake. I give one to a dear friend, one is for Michael as it has no pecans, two will be for Christmas breakfast and the other four I will freeze. Will also make cinnamon rolls for Christmas breakfast.

Janet said...

good after noon to all. Thank you to all, yes, I am much improved today!


LOLLY: enjoy your baking. I'm with you. I'm going to finish up on Monday.

Chilly day.....was a good day to be at work.

Its quiet here. We are going to Carrabbas for dinner with the oldest and her crew.

Have a great evening!

Mema Jo said...

Goodnight to all


Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. Wow, what a weather change - yesterday was rainy but warm, today is sunny but COLD and windy!

I was up with the dogs at 5:30am but went back to sleep on the sofa after they pottied and ate. That's becoming my new normal.

My face ... well, let's just say the healing process is a lot slower than what I was hoping for. I'll wait til tomorrow to decide if I'm going to try going in to school on Monday.

Jo, enjoy the Lennox Christmas celebration today! I bet there will be lots of love and laughter - and Master Elliot!

Have agreyt day all.

Janet said...

good morning to all. chilly Saturday. a warm up is coming though.

work today. hopefully fully booked again. Saturdays are nice. different than Fridays ,which are sometimes frantic...lots of therapists running hither and yon...Saturdays busy but somehow more calm.

have a great day to all!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Sunny and windy here, too. I stuck my head out the back door to put out some peanuts for the birds and squirrels. Cooler than yesterday. I wasn't out there long enough to get a good measure of the temperature.

I'm interested in your experience with the dermatology procedure, Sandi. I had an appointment to have that done, but had to cancel it. The doctor has not mentioned it again.

Sunshine on an empty nest this morning. It is looking about ready for babies. Maybe some more crib rains on the far side. And maybe some work on the egg cup.

So, who has seen Star Wars? Kathryn tells me Rus has. That doesn't surprise me. I do want to see it, but am happy to avoid the crowds right now.

Judie said...

Good sunshiny blue-sky morning.

Bei Bei is sleeping in his outdoor cradle-like place. Derek and Savannah have three eggs. Pete's Pond is a pond with a zoomie. Berry College couple were busy working on crib rails and nest cup. Bears are sleeping. Our nest MT in the sunshine.

Thoughts of Glo and Becky and Jerry's wife.

Jo, you are going to have one very very special day. Enjoy! Extra hugs for Master Elliot. Oh, I guess I won't be there -- laundry.

Hope Lynne2 stops by with an update on the horses and other current events.

Janet, glad you're better. Have a good day at work.

Sandi, sending face-healing thoughts your way. Got to thinking, maybe if the kids notice, it could be a teachable moment about sunbathing, etc.

About the early wake up times, I empathize with the early wake ups for Sandi and Shirley. It has taken some months to get Jake and Jude rescheduled from 4am to 8am as they were slow to grasp the concept of retirement.

Shirley, based on the Star Wars crowds, sometimes waiting is a good thing.

Wishing everyone a wonderful day.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥
31° is cold weather! Next week I hope the rain in the forecast stays as rain; however, a late dusting of snow on the eve of Christmas would be beautiful.
Prayers for Becky to keep having a good recovery - Scruffy and Patches are having a grand time together.

Shirley I am certain my daughter saw Star Wars on opening evening.. I'll see her this evening and ask - I am in the 1% that isn't to motivated to see it. It is going to be a top money maker for sure.

Had to get some more stamps to get all my cards out......... Family is growing.

I'll try to get back but it may not be until tomorrow. Stay warm......... ♥

JudyEddy said...

Good morning eagle buds

SANDI I feel the same with my weather as you Nice one day and now its cold got the rain and cold front in yesterday Will be short lived for us

Didn't get home till late last night Ended up going to Angie house and worked out pretty good Trying to keep dogs from getting hyper wasn't to bad

Lolly said...

Good morning! 49 and sun shine you here! Thankful for the sun....still have standing water!

I have a polite kitty. She wakes me around 8! This morning she did it by kneading. That is only the second time she has ever done that! She also has what we call the Skippi flop. She walk up by our face and flops over purring. No circling, no lying down carefully....she flops! Also, when we are in our chairs she does not curl up on our laps, she flops on our chests, under our chins. We get no respect!😄

Going to clean house today and wrap presents! Gotta get that finished!

Lolly said...

Those of you on fb probably saw my share of that wanted poster of Ethan Couch, the "affluenza" kid who killed 4 and injured many driving drunk. Well, that happened in my town and one of those killed, a youth minister, went to school with Laurel. What a mess this boy is! So sad!

Kay said...

Good Morning, almost Afternoon, Eagle Buds!!!

LOLLY, I hope they find that coward soon! Sadly he's changed the lives of a number of families. There is also the point that he is a very sick young man and needs medical attention, not the misplaced loyalty of doting parents!

JO, I, too, am thinking of you Lennox's and the fun that you'll be having today!

JUDIE, glad Jude and Jake have adjusted to ERT (Eastern Retirement Time)!

SANDI, why not just go ahead and take Monday off, giving your pretty face more time to recover from the nasty but necessary assault? You have plenty of time coming to you after all.

SHIRLEY, please call the dermatologist and reschedule the work that needs to be done. This is so important and having spent much of my life in AZ I've seen many people wait far too long.

Speaking of AZ, GLO's being there makes me yearn for my hometown of Tucson a bit. Here's hoping Becky is recovering and that the whole family is enjoying GLO's very special TLC!

Lunch time!

Prayers for all in need!!!


Judie said...

Oh my gosh! The nest is MT but the fading light looks almost theatrical. Beautiful in a strange way.

NCSuzan said...

Hello everyone!

I have come begging....Judie, remember the success of last year's Chess Pie? You said you got the recipe from somewhere, was it from ABC, The Chew? I saved it but where did I save it? Any clue you may remember would be so very much appreciated. If not, do not worry. I will eventually find it hiding right in plain sight i'm sure! Thank you!

Jo, count me in as part of the 1% not interested in Star Wars yet my Hallmark Darth Vader talking ornament is on the tree!

JudyEddy said...

from FB and Vickie

Congrats to M and H on their first egg at 4:24 PM 12-19-15. M, you didn't have to bring that young eagle home after all. Both return to the nest, Harriet first. M15 flies in with a sub adult close behind. Both land in the nest tree. It all ends peacefully with the sub leaving eventually. M15 also brings grasses and a horse races

JudyEddy said...

SWFL Eagles_"Forget The Eggs" ~ M Brings A SubAdult Home To H 12-19-15 her video

Jewels said...

Good evening everyone
Thanks for making me feel so welcomed. Glad that Becky is home and healing. I skimmed thru the last few days of every ones comments. Judie, Oh my gosh J & J are the most adorable Siamese babies I have seen!! How lucky you and Darth are!

I was given some news Sunday the 13th. My daughter Jessica had some speculations and took a home pregnancy test with me at work, and guess what???? I am going to be a Grandma! I am just delighted. She is scheduled for blood work and 1st ultrasound on January 7th. She is so happy as she is such a mother hen and has basically raised her friends baby boy named Braxton. You all that are on my facebook have seen me talk of him and share pictures. She told him today that he was going to be a big brother and he was all smiles.
I know she is young, 21 yrs sold young, but she has a good head on her shoulders and what she cant do, Mom and Dad and lil sis can. So I am confidant that everything will be a ok!

grannyblt said...

Jewels, congratulations on the Grandmother news. Most of us are in that club.

Sandi said...

Evening all.

Shirley, I will be sure to let you know about the end result with my face. Right now it looks a mess and, though the swelling has gone down and I'm not in any pain, I'm having a hard time believing that my face won't always be a blotchy mess! We shall see. I have been taking a photo of myself each day and each morning I hope to see some improvement - haven't seen it so far! I have not seen Star Wars and have no desire to. Kevin saw it and loved it.

Judie, when I retire, you will have to share your secret for getting J&J to sleep later. Right now it's futile since my alarm goes off at 5:30am on school days and I really can't expect the dogs to understand the difference between a school day and the weekend. And yes, I could go in to school on Monday and use it as a teachable moment about how NOT to treat your skin by spending too much time in the sun. I just don't know if my vanity can handle that. If I don't see a big improvement tomorrow, then I will be taking Monday off.

Carolyn - yikes! Personally, I think you are much too young to be a grandmother and Jessica is much too young to be a mother. But if you and she are happy, then I'm happy for you! You certainly have the right positive attitude about this new direction your life will be taking! I hope all goes well with the pregnancy.

I'm anxious to hear about Jo's family get together at Pizza Hut - I'm sure it was a day to remember - those Lennoxes always have a great time when they are together!

Judie said...

Good evening.

Dinner over (meatloaf > a very rare menu item) and the scullery is in order.

No question The Family Lennox had a wonderful holiday celebration today. Hoping to hear from Jo with some details.

CAROLYN: I know you are excited for Jessica and, although young, she will be a wonderful mother as she has you to help her meet the challenges. Congratulations. Please give us updates as you can. Remember, momsters are her backup family. I truly believe your mom would have been ever so happy about our adoption and I do think of her so very often. Thank you for welcoming them.

Sandi, the secret is refusing to get out of bed, ignoring (or pretending to ignore) the howling of Jake. Jake now chooses to get my attention by planting himself on my hip but I ignore that, also. Darth, however, is the early riser so he often provides breakfast for the boys. Of course, having to go outside is a bit different than having a litter box. More about the litter box some day.

Congratulations to the FL eagles. Happy eaglets to them.

Suzan, no begging needed - the recipe was from The Chew (Carla). Just Google The Chew and the recipe. Hope it turns out to be delicious.

I am off to point my toes toward the ceiling, search for some mindless tv, and then to dent the pillows.

Restful sleep for all.

Janet said...

Good evening to all!
JEWELS: congrats! I know you must be very excited. Yanno, there are advantages to youth and children…I had Chelsea when I was 22, Michael when I was 26 and Olivia when I was 38. I had so much more energy way back then. My oldest, Chelsea was 20 when she had her first, will be thirty this coming year and has 3 of her own and is a wonderful mom. Age isn’t always everything! There are pros and cons to both sides! Just enjoy!!!!

All this talk about mornings….Dax and Beano typically wake me up somewhere between 2 and 3 a.m. to go out to pee. Then 5 a.m. comes and it is breakfast time as far as they are concerned. They will go back to sleep after and sleep fairly late, but that 5 a.m. wake up call is not pretty! Tom is usually up weekdays about 5:30 so during the week I let him handle that one. I try to get it on the weekends so he can sleep a bit.

Work was good today. I had one cancellation, end of the day. I left work early and took myself shopping. We are going to Chaffins Barn dinner theatre for a mid day show tomorrow of Happy Yule, Ya’ll. We have been once before. There is a nice buffet served plus beverage of choice….and the show is live and wonderful.

I wanted a new shirt, something festive, but not over to top so that I could wear it maybe other times??? I thought I would go to TJMax, but the parking lot was full to the gills! Hmmmm. So I went to Marshalls…..lots of sweaters, but I didn’t want a sweater. I wanted a blouse or shirt. I did find Yule gifts for my family, but nothing for me. Huh. Okay, so I walked on down to Ross and no blouses or shirts there either. They were either too frumpy or too teenie booperish. Really? I’m middle aged. Isn’t there a middle aged fashion out there that is in between frumpy and teenie bopper???? I guess not.
I ended up finding 2 dresses. One red and sparkly and one that is navy blue with lace. Both very pretty and only $15 each! Well, durn it. Now I don’t have a proper outer garment, ie a coat. I have coats and jackets, yes, but nothing to go with a dress.
Well pooh.

So I went down to target and got one of those sweater capes that I see folks wearing and I liked. This one is fairly plain. The ones I really like have a fur collar (fake of course) but I thought that that might be over the top and I might not get as much wear out of it.
I rather like my purchases!

So looking forward to that tomorrow. Need to pop by the grocery store and get ready to celebrate Yule, then Christmas.
Busy week ahead for all. Not too much left to do around here, a bit of baking….that’s about it.
Hope everyone has a great evening. Heading off to facebook land for a bit then back to reading my book.
Nite to all! Hugs and love for all

Mema Jo said...

Good l,ate evening - Lots of news and interesting day of events from all my friends.
Carolyn -0 I know what you mean about Jessica having motherly instincts. 20 isn't too
young to start a family. Hate it that Lynn will miss being a great grandma !
I wish her safe and healthy pregnancy. Keep us posted..

Enjoy your show tomorrow, Janet! You will look great.
Judie, I think I missed your comments concerning the theater the other evening. I hope you had a good time - Is it there that you have a lady that loves your home - baked cookies?

Lynne2 - Are the horses in the stables yet... How many?

Mema Jo said...

Wow 39 bodies in one large room was a wonderful experience ! The Lennox Get-together
turned out to be a wonderful and very loving evening. 12 Pizzas gave everyone full
tummies - Oldest ggs said - I ate 5 slices --- he did too. He is tall and very slender! Little Elliot was pleasant the entire time. He ate some Pizza crust. Wer had a large cookie tray that was gone by evening's end. So many hugs - from so many loved ones. I think this will become a tradition - the Good Lord Willing ♥

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

back to work YUK

JudyEddy said...

newest member of the grandmothers club JEWEL

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. It's another cold one outside this morning but another warm-up starts tomorrow.

We have been auto-trading here at the Roberts house. Last September, I got rid of my little Jeep and bought a Honda Pilot - much bigger than I wanted to drive but very comfy. We agreed that, when Denny sold his work van to one of his guys in the spring of 2016 (he does all the office/paperwork now so he doesn't need a van to carry tools), he would take the Honda and I would get a used 2-door Wrangler, a little sporty Jeep that I have wanted for some time.

Somewhere along the line, Denny decided a Honda Pilot wasn't big enough for him and also decided he didn't want to wait til next spring to get rid of his van. He came home last Thursday with a brand new Suburban! No warning, just BAM! Furious would be an understatement! So, to get out of hot water with me, he found a 2013 Jeep Wrangler at a nearby dealership, negotiated a very good deal for what they will give us for the Honda, and brought the Jeep home yesterday for me to look at. Paperwork gets signed tomorrow.

Nest is MT - it looks frosty in Shepherdstown.

Cleaning the upstairs bathrooms and wrapping Freyja's gifts are on my agenda today. Have a greyt day all.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Sunshine and cool here this morning.

Jo, I am not at all surprised that the gathering was a huge (as in 39) success. So very happy you and everyone had such a nice time creating a new family tradition. Matilda was enjoyable. I enjoyed the second half most. Lots and lots of talent - especially all the children with so much talent. The woman who wants cookies is my hair stylist.

Lynne2? Where are you? Your blog family wants to know about the horses - and you, of course.

Oooooo, Sandi has an early Christmas present. Enjoy the Wrangler. Suburban? Well, that's a great bit ole garage on wheels - a guy car.

Janet, seems you had a very successful shopping day. Enjoy the outing today.

JudyE, it's not back to work it's one less day till retirement.

Okay, off to find more coffee.

Wishing everyone a lovely day.

JudyEddy said...

on lunch 1230



the rare breed has been spotted LOL

Got lots of hugs when I came back and lots of oh we missed you by lots of dept mgrs and asst mgrs also
makes me feel appreciated

Jewels said...

Thank you everyone!!! I am ready for this next adventure! Appt next month, and they will do a ultrasound. :)

Mema Jo said...

Good afternoon to all ♥

Judy - Not embarrassing at all - accept it all knowing you really deserve it. You are
a special employee and a friend to you co-workers.

Sandi - Just saws your new 4 wheels on FB - I love it and hope Janey will also! (She will fit in it - right?)

I don't see anything on Lynne2's FB to give us a hint of how many horses!

Glo posts that Becky is doing well. Lot of pics of Patches, Scruffy and of Elia. Also one of Becky getting ready to watch football game. It's a blessing for Glo to be there.

Need my feet up a bit - bbl

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds!!!

SANDI, glad you turned a possible Grinch Who Stole Christmas story into a happy tale!
I learned to drive, way back in 1953 in a Suburban, stick shift, of course. Loading it up with a bunch of girls and hitting the main drag, Tucson's East Speedway, on a Saturday night is one of my favorite memories! That is not what we want Denny to do, however!

JO, what a wonderful Christmas celebration your dear family had! Yes, it sounds like a Lennox Family Tradition has been born! Thanks for the glowing Glo report!

JEWELS, I'll bet your shopping for the new little one already! You can really get down to brass tacks once the ultra sound results are in!

JUDY, that was a nice welcome back gesture! They're going to miss you there!

JUDIE, that Matilda group must be quite amazing. It isn't easy to do a USA tour with a bunch of children. I imagine there is a traveling school marm and/or a lot of school via internet involved.

Had a great Sat/Sun with Seth ending with the whole family enjoying a Mexican food lunch here. He wrapped his present for his presents and I'm sure they're now in place under their tree.

Prayers for all in need.


JudyEddy said...

just saw eagle in calling

JudyEddy said...


Mema Jo said...

I've just been relaxing today - Nothing planned for tomorrow but I hope it warms up
and that the rain is delayed!

I have a new Christmas movie on this evening - they have been showing some new ones.

I am saying Goodnight to all

Judie said...

Good evening.

Jo, thank you for the update on Glo and Becky and Patches and Scruffy. I forget who Elia is but glad to know about him/her as well. lol So happy Glo is with Becky to help her with recovery. Prayers continue.

Carolyn, please remember that now you've shared the beginning of this new adventure, you must NOT disappear but must stop by at least weekly so we can share the journey with you and Jessica.

JudyE, be pleased that your coworkers missed you and welcomed your return. That is not embarrassing.

Kay, how cool that you all enjoyed Mexican and that Seth found a secret place to wrap Christmas presents for mom and dad (probably you, also).

No Sandi posts during the day. Got an email from my Interpol friend saying they are looking for an almost retired school teacher driving around Bethany, DE and, for all the world to see, showing off her new chariot. Emailed Interpol I can neither confirm nor deny.

Jo, enjoy the new movie. I plan to try to watch a night of Miss Fisher. Probably reruns but that's okay.

Where's Shirley?

Wishing everyone a lovely evening and a night of restful sleep.

JudyEddy said...

Being it was announced over the store intercom PA system is what the embarrassing thing, was not the welcome bac. Just the way he said and did it
Especially when we are not allowed to chitter chatter on the intercom

Jewels said...

Kay, I do have a crib, mattress and glider chair sitting in my checkout for walmart :)
But I am waiting to buy it for a few more weeks. AS much as I want to buy buy buy, things can change quickly. Once the ultrasound shows me a girl or boy, I will be spoiling that baby for sure!!! Can you say overtime ?? I hope I have bunches!
Judie, I will try to stop in weekley to update you all.

Momma Jo, I have at least two new movies that were on Hallmark recording tonight. :)

JudyEddy said...

waiting for Angie to drop off my phone that I left at their house They are on the way back from dinner

Jewels said...

JudyE whats this embarrassment? I dont think that was their intention at all, they have missed you so much!!

NCSuzan said...

Judie, thank you. I found it and sent on to my brother. He was looking for a traditional pie to make during Christmas. Pies are not common fare in Mexico! I will give you a report on the outcome.

Take care everyone!

Lynne2 said...

OMG, I don't check in for a couple of days and we have NEW cats, NEW mothers and grandmothers in waiting, new vehicles....

Judie, how did you ever keep the cats a secret from us for SO LONG??? LOL!

Going to shower and watch one of my fav classic Christmas movies "It Happened on Fifth Ave."

When I left this AM there were 2 horses, when I got back from class this evening and stopped to feed, there were three....!!! Classic example of how no one ever tells us ANYTHING around here. That was a big surprise. Had to bother the boss who was, luckily for me, staying here at his house today. We have Lightning, Tea and now Blaze. All retired racehorses. Can't wait to see the newbie in the daylight. I have to tell you, there isn't much light in the field where their feed buckets are. Nothing like 3 thundering thoroughbreds coming out of the darkness at a full gallop for dinner!

Glad everyone is having and will be having Glad Yule Tidings this upcoming week! We had Christmas with Steve's mom and her hubby Fri/Saturday.

As for our pets....they let us sleep til at least 7:30 if not later! Not much morning fussing around here!

Judie said...

Suzan, I think the Chess Pie is less holiday-ish than pumpkin or apple. You might suggest your brother look at a super-delicious yummy apple pie recipe from Paula Deen. That can be Googled, also. Chess Pie is, in my opinion, an acquired taste and less universally a holiday treat.

Okay, headed back to tuck myself in with my boys and watch another Miss Fisher.

This is really a good night wish for all. Bye

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning EAGLE BUDS

SHIRLEY I received a suspicious email from you and I deleted it

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends.

Lynne2, retired racehorses - wow - I bet they are beautiful! Are they friendly or skittish?

Jo, have you recovered yet from your Saturday with the family? It sounds like a wonderful time - what a blessing for you and Ed!

Carolyn, you are too funny already stockpiling things for the new grandbaby! Does Jessica have a preference whether it's a girl or a boy? Do you?

Judy, even though you may have been a little embarrassed, I'm sure you also felt great yesterday, right? It was nice of your manager and colleagues to let you know how much you were missed!

Judie, you can call off your Interpol friend - I put the brakes on the Jeep sale. The more we thought about it, the more we were bothered by the fact that it's almost 3 years old and comes with no repair/maintenance records and no warranty, and is missing a few of the amenities I have gotten used to with a vehicle, so we've decided to spend a little more to buy new. I will be sure to tell Denny about your "garage on wheels" reference to the Suburban - he'll love it! Today we will return the used Jeep and get my Honda and will start the new car price haggling!

I decided to take another day off from school. The swelling and much of the redness on my face are gone but now I'm starting to peel - the next step in the process. No matter how much moisturizer I use, my skin is flaky - no amount of make-up will cover that. Like Kay said, I've got all these days to use, right?

Have a greyt day all.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

I see an empty nest this morning. Some green grass on the edge. I don't know if it grew there or was placed there.

Kay, I do see the dermatologist for regular appointments. She mentioned the treatment the first time I saw her, but she has not said anything more about it since the cancellation. I guess I should ask about it.

stronghunter said...

Cleaning lady comes today.

Hi Sandi! Enjoy your day off. School here is closed for the week.

grannyblt said...

Eagle in nest

grannyblt said...

And poof

WVJerry said...

Good Monday morning. Was hoping to see an eagle or two this morning but nesat is empty. Hope today and rest of week is good for everyone. I will check back Christmas Day. Take care all.

Judie said...

Good morning.

JERRY? How's your wife doing?

Sandi, I will tell Interpol to cease and desist. I'm sure you have made a good decision about the car. For the cost, get what you really will enjoy driving. If you think Carolyn is getting a head start, just try to imagine what Lynn would already have stockpiled. lol

Lynne2, race horses? Three race horses? Being rushed by three horses in the dark would give me reason to change their feeding times to daylight only. lol Hope your early Christmas was a good time for all.

Hi Lynne1. Nest was MT when I looked at about 10am.

So, my fascinating day will include baking my non-denominational all-purpose holiday chocolate chip walnut cookies and some flourless peanut butter cookies along with the creation of my last-minute list for holiday foraging.

Have a wonderful day everyone.

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

JERRY, it's always good to "see" you here, but we prayerful Momsters do need an update on your wife's condition. Here's hoping she's feeling better and that your holidays will be Merry and Bright!!!

SANDI, so glad you decided to take another day off---we don't want people to refer to you as Flaky! Good decision on the Jeep! I always hated that haggling phase of buying a new car---until it was over and then I was happy with Stan's tenacity!

CAROLYN, you really are a Jewel and will be a wonderfully loving grandmother!

SHIRLEY, good on you---get that appt. for your sake and the sake of those you love! I hope you got the house sufficiently clean in preparation for the cleaning lady.☺

There is the lovely aroma of freshly baked cookies wafting up from Virginia today! Jude and Jake are wondering what's in it for them! Be patient boys, you won't get a cookie, but Santa may have something in his bag for you good kitties come Christmas Eve! Your Momster family is so pleased with the gift of You and the smiles you've brought to us as this year comes to an end!

Smiles, too, over the horses LYNNE2 and STEVE are now tending to. Those 3 beauties couldn't have been put out to pasture in a better place!

JO, I'll bet you're still beaming every time you think of the Lennox family Pizza Hut celebration! Sweet memories!

Hi to JUDY n' LYNNE1 who both popped in for quick visits this morning!

It's a rainy, stay indoors, kind of day here. Some rain in the forecast most of this week, but none of that white stuff predicted and temps are quite mild. Yeah!

Prayers for all in need!!!


Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥
Jerry it looks as though you were about 30 min too late to catch a glimpse of our eagles. Hopefully when you return they will be there for you. Hope you have a good

Lynne2 - Giddy-up What a thrill it will be when that lighting gets a bit brighter -
Had to have been scary not being able to see the galloping hoofs coming at you..

Sandi - Go for the NEW - brilliant thinking about the used Jeep. Happy you were able to stay home - I didn't even think of Peeling being part of your process. Not to worry because you will be your beautiful self by the time you see the kids.
I think I have recovered from Sat party - I have 2 Christmas Eve b-days - gd, Samantha and Elliot's mom, Valerie! I am going to Jenny's Christmas Eve to see Elliot open gifts after dinner and I'll have dinner maybe Wed for Samantha and family.

Wanda is down at the OBX with her girls. They are at a Rental since Denise's new home is still under construction.

Shirley - I can see you now - picking up all clutter before cleaning lady gets there - I do the same - lol

JudyE - hoping you have another rewarding day at work!

Lynne1 I hope all is getting better in your neighborhood...

Kay and Judie you will probably be on here before I publish this - Good Morning!

WVJerry said...

Hi Judie. She is doing some better. Hopefully upping her fluid medicine will help. Her kidney function has returned to normal although she had another kidney infection. She still has trouble walking and some breathing difficulty when laying down. She doesn't return to doctor for another two months. She had to cancel follow-up appointments with blood doctor and heart doctor. I have to admit I was pretty depressed about the whole situation. She was very sick when she was admitted to hospital and maybe it is just taking time. Thank you for asking and thank all here for their thoughts, prayers and concern.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Need to get busy! So much to do!

Yesterday did my last grocery shopping for the week. Well, at least I hope so. Then watched The Sound of Music instead of wrapping presents. So....I need to do that this morning, then clean up the wrapping room! Also, staring my cooking marathon today!

Learned this weekend that Michael and Zach will be here Saturday and stay over night. Which means the Fritz family gets here Wed and stays til Sunday. Michael is going to the house to have Christmas morning with Zach. Proud of the kids (M and A) working together for Zach!

Thundering horses running at you in the dark would be a little hard on the nerves!

Gotta get busy!🎅🏻🎄🎅🏻🎄🎅🏻🎄

Janet said...

good Monday morning to all.

SANDI: hope you have an enjoyable day off.
JUDYE: I understand. I would have been embarrassed deep down as well, but you know me, I act the clown in such things. I would have likely started taking bows or something silly like that. I don't like to be called out for accolades/recognition as such either.

JO: your gathering sounds great.

Morning to Jerry and to all!

I slept in a bit today. planned to get up about 8 but was still very tired so decided a little more sleep couldn't hurt. i'm not on a time crunch today, but do indeed have things to get done. right now finishing up some coffee and then get moving.

yesterday tom and I went to chaffins dinner theatre barn to see the afternoon show ahd have lunch. I wore one of my new dresses, the red sparkly one. I was likely a tad overdressed for an afternoon show, but I felt festive and it wasn't like I was in an evening gown. there were a few dressed as such too so I wasn't the lonely only, and truly who cares.

anyway, the food and show were great. I think I liked the elvis show better.....but this one was cute.

we went grocery shopping for the week last night. tonight we celebrate Yule. I know it is really tomorrow, but I always celebrate it the 21st because the 22nd is the day our dad moved thru the veil. I hold that day for him. I miss him terribly still.....and tomorrow marks 10 years.

anyway, so we went to wally world last night. there was no one there @ 8 p.m.! woot! got our groceries and were able to walk and chat and enjoy each other's company after a lovely afternoon.

tonight I will be fixing smoked turkey, sweet potatoes, green beans and a ice cream yule log.....we will light the candles and eat by candle light.....and I have some blessings of course that I recite. I love yule. it is indeed my favorite of the winter holidays.

I hope the media/commercial industry never get their hands on it!

anyway, then, tomorrow I promised to take Olivia to the mall. we were going to today, but it will be rushed. so tomorrow then.

and wed and thurs I work.

Thursday night kids are coming for dinner and Friday of course, is the xmas celebration....

i hope everyone has a beautiful day. hugs and love to all!

Sandi said...

Hi all! Have finished wrapping Freyja's gifts - everyone else gets cash which only involves licking envelopes! :)

Jerry, hospital stays take a real toll on people - I think we all tend to forget that and expect recoveries to be shorter than they are.

Lolly, sounds like you'll have a full house again - I guess the dogs will be coming as well? Have you considered a diaper for the little one since you just got your carpets cleaned? My wiener dogs wear them when I take them anywhere. You made a comment about Michael and Ashley that makes it sound like they're not together - did I misunderstand?

Just got a text that Brian, Lynnis and Freyja will be arriving tonight instead of tomorrow - YAY!!!!!! Can't wait to squeeze that baby!! I guess she's not really a baby anymore since she's 18 months but she sure is OUR baby!

Off to the Jeep dealership - wish us luck! Times like this, I am so glad I'm married to a salesman!! He drives a very hard bargain and I usually have to say very little, just sign the paperwork.

Mema Jo said...

Good late afternoon to all ♥

Thanks Jerry for all the information - it does take time for healing and I'm sure you are a good caregiver for your wife!

Sandi - FYI Ashley and Michael separated some time ago. Lolly is grateful for them sharing Zach and being with him on important occasions.

Yippee - the Freyja and parents will be arriving soon! Happy times -

Merry Christmas TO ALL ♥

stronghunter said...


Cleaning lady has come and gone. Things are better organized and cleaner--at least on the first floor. I gave her s small bonus for Christmas and a small gift, and she said that she wanted to give me first choice on scheduling her next visit. Nice.

Christmas tree is set up. Just lights. No ornaments. So far, kitties have not bothered it.

Packages keep arriving, the result of all of my on-line shopping.

Weather forecasters are predicting a balmy Christmas. That is fine with me. I found a few spring flower bulbs I had failed to plant, so I stuck them in the ground a little while ago, and noticed crocuses sprouting. Oh my.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...




Sandi said...

Hi all - I am the proud owner of a brand new silver Jeep Wrangler! Santa came a little early! Now I can be OK with the "garage on wheels" sitting in the driveway. Buying a new vehicle is such an exhausting ordeal! Shew!

Jo, thanks for the explanation about Lolly's son and daughter-in-law - I didn't know.

Sounds like things continue to go well for Glo and Patches in AZ.

Still waiting for Brian, Lynnis, and Freyja to arrive - have not heard anything since Brian's text this afternoon so I'm not even sure they will be coming tonight.

Goodnight all - I will see you in the early AM.

Judie said...

Oh wow! Sandi, what a terrific evening in store for all at your abode. Enjoy to the fullest. Please give Freyja hugs from the momsters.As for the car, congratulations to you and Denny. I must ask if you two were influential in poor Darth's mishap earlier tonight. He had a fender bender and the car he drives is so old he has cancelled collision. So, he commented on how maybe a new car is on the agenda. The car is 16 years young. Poor Darth. He is not a happy camper and has several cuts and abrasions. He's fine. He will heal. His wallet will not be so lucky.

Jerry, thank you for the update on your wife. You know you have our prayers for her recovery. Please enjoy the holiday season.

Jo, thank you for the update on Michael and Ashley. I wondered when I read Lolly's comment. May all the family enjoy a peaceful holiday season. It is so special when parents put the child/children first.

Janet, wishing you and the family a wonderful Yule celebration.

Shirley, enjoy the clean and neat house. Sounds as if you and yours are nearly ready for Santa's visit.

Do not let toothless Siamese fool you. The J boys happily gummed a few tiny pieces of steak tonight. lol

Okay, off to watch First 48.

Judie said...

Back to wish everyone a night of restful sleep.

Janet said...

heading to dent pillows in a bit. busy day. finished up the evening by completing the Joan Lunden book. all is well good night to one and all!

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. Happy 1st day of Winter - our temps will be in the 60s today but rainy.

Brian, Lynnis and Freyja arrived at about 12:30am but we didn't get out of bed. Freyja was fussing and I knew they wouldn't want us getting her all riled up. So I won't see her til this afternoon.

One day of school for me, I can do this! My face is still peeling but oh well.

Prayers for all of the needs on this blog.

Have agreyt day all.

JudyEddy said...

Good morning Eagle Buds

congrats SANDI on the new toy

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!! MT nest but it's still dark.

SANDI, you and Denny are to be commended for your remarkable restraint and wisdom. Freyja is a lucky little girl and will provide you with so many precious moments over the next few days! Too bad you had to go to work today, but you are also to be commended for your dedication to duty!

Hi, JUDY, have a good day at the zoo--at least I think that's what most stores resemble about this time every year.

JO, I too, thank you for your update on LOLLY's Michael, Ashley and Zach. Somehow most of us missed that post and conversation back somewhere along the line. It's grand when a couple can put their personal beefs aside for the sake of their offspring! Kudos to all the Ellis's for making the best of a tough situation.

JERRY, I hope it comforts you to know we have your wife on our prayer list permanently.

JUDIE, I love the image of Jake n' Jude gumming their steak! Sorry about Darth's accident. Hope his injuries heal well and that a new car for Christmas will brighten his spirits!

SHIRLEY, what a nice relationship you have with your cleaning lady! I'm going to employ Seth to do some cleaning for me next week. He's amazingly thorough with vacuuming and I hope we have a good day for some window washing. You know it might be wise to leave the tree with lights only for the kitties first Christmas.

I've been up for a couple of hours and now feel like crashing for a while. zzzzzz

Prayers for all in need!!!


Janet said...

morning to all! have a great day!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Rainy here. I am about ready to head over to the bowling alley.

Thanks for the clarification on Michael and Ashley, Jo. I wasn't aware of the change, though I do remember that Lolly had mentioned that Michael and Zach were visiting them without Ashley. It is good when parents can put the child's needs ahead of their own.

Nest empty. Grass on the side seems to be growing.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Rainy here also, Shirley. Have a good day with lots of winning games.

Kay, enjoy that morning nap.

Sandi, really agree with Kay about you and Denny being so unselfish regarding letting Freyja settle down ♪♫ ANTICIPATION ANTICIPATION ♪♫ As for school, kids will be so wound up for Christmas they may not even notice peeling skin. If they do, tell them you went to Hawaii with the President and got a sunburn.

Bei Bei sleeping in a large round tub. Berry nest MT. Decorah nest being worked on. Some drama at the barn owl house - Dotty has not been there for a couple of days and what appears to be a new female has been house hunting. Out nest MT.

Prayers for all in need.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥

I'm hoping that Lolly gets on here - all of you are making me begin to doubt what I said about Michael and Ashley's arrangement - can't imagine that I was dreaming.. Perhaps some of you skipped over Lolly's comments. I hope I'm correct - don't want to start any rumors!

Steak for J & J - New car possibly for Frank! I am really thankful he didn't get more injuries then he did. Let us know the outcome as far as make, model, color and if he gets 4 wheel drive!

Have a good bowling day Shirley and then get hope and do your present wrapping!

Sandi I wish you only had a half day - I'm sure you are anxious to get back home to see Freyja and make sure Janey accepts little people!

Going to have lunch tomorrow for Christine and her VA crew. They are driving back Christmas eve so they can be there Christmas morning.

Dismal day - not raining right now but has been - rain is in the forecast the whole week.

BBL - Prayers for everyone's needs ♥

Lolly said...

Good morning! Time to clear things up. I think I told only a few. Ash and Michael separated and are in a process of divorce. I really do not like talking about it as I cry. Yes, tears are forming now! Do not know all the particulars but I do know Ashley went through a depression with the loss of one baby at 5 mo pregnancy. Then the diagnosis of Zach being autistic. She is a very self centered person, who likes to be in control and she was not. Michael is not innocent. He can be highly frustrating! We saw signs last Christmas of frustrations with each other and total lack of affection. Michael moved out. They are working with Zach's doctors to make this okay for Zach and they have succeeded. He is totally happy! Michael has made the statement that they work well together, but marriage does not! Zach has a bedroom at Michael's apartment. Michael is at the house several evenings to help with homework and putting him to bed. I am sure Ashley's mother is also part of this. She is at the house all the time. She is a highly intolerable person! I will not go into details but will tell this story. I will clarify that Michael has never said a bad word about his MIL. He and Zach have been coming over more and spending the night, which thrills us. I noticed Michael kept telling Zach to take his shoes off. "Zach, why do you have your shoes on? Take them off!" I kept hearing that. Finally I asked Michael why he was so insistent. He hesitated then told me the other grandmother would not let him go barefooted in the house. That is all Michael said. She is hyper and runs at the mouth continuously. She still baby talks to Zach. Enough of that...just know that I am proud of Michael for not bad mouthing her, like I have!

Lolly said...

The house is now ready for family and Christmas. Presents are wrapped and the wrapping room cleaned up! It was a mess! Today the cooking starts! Today cinnamon rolls, sweet potatoes, and cranberry sauce are on the list. Yesterday did cornbread for the dressing as we again have turkey as it is Jack's favorite meal. Tomorrow is pie day and dinner rolls. Thursday dressing and prepare turkey. Jack is cooking ribs for the family tomorrow night and Christmas Eve Jack, Laurel and I will all be cooking as we have party food after 6:00 church. That's the plan and we are sticking to it!🎅🏻

Yes, the dogs are coming. Probably Luke tomorrow and Cosmo will come Thursday with Joey. They have a new crate for Luke. They already have a huge crate for Cosmo to sleep in, now Luke has his. During the day we will just have to keep a close eye on him!

We still have mud and standing water and more rain coming this weekend. That is going to really help the carpet too, right?

Gotta get busy!

Sandi said...

Hi all from school.

Lolly, thanks for the explanation - our children's struggles are our struggles, so I'm sure this has been hard for you and Jack. It's good that Michael and Ashley are able to set aside their personal differences and stay focused on co-parenting Zach. Divorce is hard on children but I can say from first hand experience that parents who stay together " for the kids" when they no longer love one another aren't doing their kids any favors.

Judie, i'm sorry that Frank had an accident but am glad that he wasn't seriously hurt. If you haven't bought a vehicle in 16 years, he may have a heart attack when he sees the sticker prices!!! It's hard for me to wrap my head around paying more for a vehicle than we did for our first house!!

Freyja woke up at 6:30am and i went into the bedroom and scooped her up so Brian and Lynnis could get some more sleep. So i did get to cuddle with her a little before i left for school. Denny has been sending me photos and i am going to sneak out at 1pm.

JudyEddy said...


Geeze you would think that there was a holiday LOL

Why do people wait I will never understand

Lolly said...

Cinnamon rolls rising about to under take sweet potato soufflé, then the cranberry sauce. Taking a moment to rest. Jack has a doctor appointment. He has one finger that has been bothering him, swollen and finger! He mention d it to his doctor, who then drew blood and ran a test. The results led him to be referred to a specialist for rheumatoid arthritis. This is just one finger...hmmm???

House is open, sun shiney, and 71! Boo Hoo! I want Christmas weather! I want a roaring fire. Instead we will have to turn on the AC. As it is I am in a t-shirt and have the ceiling fan going. It is a Christmas t-shirt!

Mema Jo said...

Fantastic coverage on FB capturing Romeo and Juliet's pip in their egg and it is showing the hatching.

Judie said...

Good afternoon.

Lolly, I'm sure you know that your blog family is saddened by the circumstances for Michael and Ashley but are in full support of them working together for Zack. No question that you and Jack and Laurel's family will all pull together to make sure Zack has a most loving and supportive family around him.

As I prepared to leave for my final foraging, my car refused to start its engine. So, had to drive the accident battered car. Good part is that all my tasks are accomplished and I plan to put my feet up for a while. Chicken stir fry tonight.

Sandi, what a perfectly wonderful way to begin your day snuggling with Freyja. I rather suspect that Janey will very much enjoy having another short-legged companion. As for a new car, well, I'll just let Darth worry about that and, yes, he will be apoplectic as he hates to spend money. For cryin' out tears, the car is ONLY sixteen years old.

JudyE, the crush is almost over with mostly only the day of returns to survive.

Yep, J&J enjoyed several very tiny slivers of steak. Jake, however, is really just a very short and very furry person as he likes grilled chicken, also. Jude has been seen to slurp down a naked cooked strand of spaghetti. We do love these guys.

Oh, speaking of holiday time for families, the fosters for J&J developed a nice plan. Mom and Dad spend Christmas eve and Christmas day just together. Kids and grandkids celebrate in their own homes. Then the whole family gets together for New Year's day.

Jo, have a great time with Christine and her family tomorrow.

Okay, need to put my feet up. Bye

Judie said...

Ooops, congratulations to Romeo and Juliet.

JudyEddy said...

w2ow beautiful sub adult

JudyEddy said...

lots of squaking not for sure if our adults are around ppoof

JudyEddy said...

and returned

JudyEddy said...

I think our adults are in the attic Yep just flew in to chase off

JudyEddy said...

the chase was before and now is back

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


JudyEddy said...

stubborn was chased off and came back and I hear the adults making a fuss lots of nestoration by juvie sub adult

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

That looks like a 4-year-old.

JudyEddy said...

poof again

JudyEddy said...

still making some noise in the attic I wonder if that is a offspring is why they didn't pursue it

JudyEddy said...

sure was pretty SHAR and back

JudyEddy said...

just looking around now pretty

JudyEddy said...

picking at the floor and still there when colors changed

JudyEddy said...

really blends in with the nest

JudyEddy said...

poof again

JudyEddy said...

and back again

JudyEddy said...

back to picking at floor flugg I hear a eagle but don't see beak moving no adult yet showing up ODD

JudyEddy said...

poof with lots of noise

JudyEddy said...

you can still hear eagle calls no one in nest

JudyEddy said...

and he is back

JudyEddy said...

little soft peeps and digging in flugg bowl area was moving a stick at 11 but then went to center

JudyEddy said...

all is quite but the sub adult is still there looking around

JudyEddy said...

Anyone else here??? I think the sub adult may be spending the night
All is quite not a eagle peep to be heard Just looking like watching traffic go down the road OK I am LM unless something happens

JudyEddy said...

Eagle calling again but no beak movement by sub

Mema Jo said...

JudyE - He doesn't look in a hurry to leave

JudyEddy said...

I think it odd JO also A adult did chase away got a snip of it but keeps coming back maybe 5 times now

JudyEddy said...

I think its a kid to come home for Christmas

grannyblt said...

Thanks for heads up. JudyE. And I was thinking the same.

Mema Jo said...

I'm glad we have the IR night light

JudyEddy said...

Haven't heard anything as I was wrapping presents
Me the last minute person
I did put all the cloths, pj I bought in one large large Christmas box
I got lots of PJ and gowns for her and a couple of dresses, pants exercise leotard I

JudyEddy said...

Looks like wants to POOF

JudyEddy said...


Mema Jo said...

Up on the stump you think

JudyEddy said...

and back

JudyEddy said...

must have been on stump like you said hard to tell when it poofed but right back and I heard some small peeps

Mema Jo said...


JudyEddy said...

moving flugg

JudyEddy said...

this is the night help Shep hired for a Christmas gift to Belle LOL

BELLE Will be mad

grannyblt said...

So why is this sub adult doing nestorations? Practice?

JudyEddy said...

poof again and I heard adults maybe

Mema Jo said...

Doing nestorations

grannyblt said...

I like your answer JudyE

JudyEddy said...

looked like to stump

Mema Jo said...

Gone again

JudyEddy said...

my snip did look like to the stump

JudyEddy said...

snips are on the EM page on FB will get in the album also

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

you can see him preening is tail just now

JudyEddy said...

just heard wings take off and small part of wing in frame top

JudyEddy said...

and back

JudyEddy said...

moving flugg again

Mema Jo said...

LOL back again

JudyEddy said...

check out GOOGLE snow globe

JudyEddy said...

POOF out the back door didn't go to stump saw fly out

Mema Jo said...


Lynne2 said...

my goodness that was interesting.

Sandi, so glad you got the family sooner than you thought you would and got some baby snuggles this AM before work!

Oh Judi, first Darth's fender bender, and glad he's OK! but now your car won't start?

Oh Lolly, I'm so sorry to hear about Ashley and Michael's pending divorce. I do remember seeing some recent pictures on your FB and she wasn't in them and I wondered why not. I'm glad they are working together for Zack and I hope it stays that way.
I think a Belly Band would be in order for Luke's visit. Henry has one. Make life much easier than having the tension of accidents.

Jerry I'm so sorry about your wife and you...illness can be so hard on a couple. We are here to pray you both through it all!

Yes, retired RACEHORSES. They are quite frisky! I should have clarified that when they came galloping toward me in the dark, I was on the opposite side of the fence. Their feed bucket are accessible from that side as well for feeding and I would never enter the pasture in the dark. And it's VERY dark down there with the only light being in the barn itself and some overhead light's outside that aren't too helpful. Hope they are going to put some lighting in. I'll try to get some pictures for you. My camera isn't connecting to the computer very well these days so I've been taking far fewer pictures over all.

JudyEddy said...

we have a second egg at FT Meyers way to go Harriet and Frankie Valli

JudyEddy said...

She was really late this year maybe new mate had something to do with it Nov 22 was the latest for other eggs

Mema Jo said...

Congratulations Harriet and M on your second egg.

I was holding my breath about the 2nd one since it has been more then 2 days since the 1st.

M is doing a great job for Harriet from all observations!

Praying for a successful season......... ♥

Mema Jo said...

going to B E D

Sandi - hoping your day has been glorious.

Goodnight to All ♥

JudyEddy said...

All pics are in the EM album
I hadn't put in any for Dec I noticed but being I was gone for 8 days and didn't have tablet the week I got back There aren't as many as in the past Got all the ones from tonight sub adult in there also She or He was a pretty little thing One of the kids coming home for Christmas

SANDI are you almost caught up on the hugsss

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...