Monday, November 09, 2015


New week, new thread.  Hard frost this morning...


Kay said...

STEVE, thank you ever so much!!! I was on the way out the "door" when I saw this shiny new thread. I've alerted the Monster's who are still on the last thread....

Kay said...

Okay, youse guys, hate to take my feather and run, but you know how it is!

Mema Jo said...

Now look at you! How did you find the New Thread so quickly. Well, Congratulations and
Thank you Steve for the fresh new Monday thread

Now Kay - I had just published on the old thread this info for you..........

KAY - I have diabetes Type 2 - I test blood sugar morning before breakfast and evening before dinner. The med I take 2 tabs twice a day (after testing) is Metformin 500 mg tablets. My A1C is good - sometimes a little higher then should be. IF I ever have a reading greater then 150 I take 1/2 tablet of Glimepiride 1 mg. Then I need to eat because that works in bringing my blood sugar down to normal. Morning readings should be at 120 or below. So far all is well on the diabetes front - just makes the tip of my fingers a bit touchy after so many years of pricking them!

Judie said...

Ha! I know how Kay found the new thread so quickly: as she was headed out the door, she caught the glimmer of a shiny green garland making its way across country. It was in mid-flight to Shirley's abode to collect the awful toilet and take it to a place where things go never to be seen again. It was twinkling like a shiny new thread...

Thank you Steve for the shiny fresh Monday morning thread.

Thank you Kay for spotting that shiny thread and reporting to us.


Mema Jo said...

4 more minutes until CAM TOUR

Lolly said...

Good morning!

What a pile of "stuff" has been carried away by the shiny green garland to never never land!

Cool and sunny today. Saw 45 once this weekend and we had afire in the fireplace last night! Wahoo! It felt good. Lol. We still have some windows open!

Learned something this weekend. After all our rain we have lots of mushrooms growing. They are growing in large clumps. These clumps kill the grass. So..I had dug some up and put in our yard waste barrels in the garage. Well, they developed an awful odor. Until we discovered what it was, we thought something was dead in the garage! Yuck!

Lolly said...

Left for a moment for the tour. Thanks, Jo! First time to see it! Seeing the barn reminded me of standing and leaning against the barn and watching Lib and Belle. Seems so long ago! So thankful the nest is still active. And, they have made some good improvements to the nest!

I am on my iPad and just now learning how to quickly go from one window to another. Wish I could do them side by side!

Amazing how Sandi's new baby is adjusting so quickly!

Need to get my day started! Have a great one!

Sandi said...

Hi all.

Thanks Steve for the new week thread.

Thanks Kay for the call over.

Janey took a car ride to the vet. She wouldn't jump up into the back of my SUV although I know she can jump that high, as the female kennels are stacked above the male kennels at the track. Anyway, I had to lift all 69.8 pounds of her. She jumped down from the vehicle just fine when we got there, but then I had to lift her again to put her back in. We also drove up into Bethany so she could just walk around and sniff new smells and meet a few new dogs and people. Now she's crashed on her bed.

I think it may just be time for me to crash as well. Isn't that what days off are for? Later.

JudyEddy said...

HELLO ON LUNCH 1210 punch time


JudyEddy said...

not gonna celebrate until I know its true we may be getting rid of our 90 degree weather with a cold front moving in now its rainy looks miserable the sky is so yukie looking
but they say cooler weather in the forecast 84 for today high

SANDI oh she knows now you will pick her up LOL spoiled already How about some kind of step for her to use that would fit in the vehicle maybe.

watching the panda cam someone is so sleepy I think that is all they do is sleep huh

I swear yesterday had a different bear in it looked larger could have been angle of the camera also I guess

JudyEddy said...

new toilet I need to get one Was going to do my self but I can't get the water to turn off it is stripped goes around and around but doesn't turn off so I guess a plumber may be needed not unless I just turn the main water off from outside that would work Will have to think about it My inside of it is rusted and there is no repair to it

Mema Jo said...

I am bringing this over from Robyn's FB page concerning Tori and asking for prayers ♥

Here we go again my friends.

Tori is now in the process of being listed for a retransplant, blood work today, meeting with psychologist, coordinator and rest of transplant team in the weeks to follow

Things are different this time, stricter rules so there is a chance tori can be denied so I am asking for all of you to send out those prayers, healing energies, positive thoughts and anything else you can add.

Judie said...

Thank you, Jo.

While this is not what anyone would want, the momsters are here for them and will wrap both Tori and Robyn in a blanket of prayers.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Frosty here this morning.

Nest is empty.

I've been looking at toilets on the Internet. Now pictures of potties pop up when I get online. I could go over to the store and select one, but I want Kathryn to pick it up in her vehicle. Not so much room on mine. Will think on this for a bit.

Yes, I am proud of Hunter's plumbing abilities. :)

Sandi said...

Jo, thanks for sharing the news about Tori. How very scary for her and for Robyn - I will certainly keep them both in my prayers.

Shirley, when we redid Denny's bathroom, he insisted on a toilet with a very "powerful flush." Don't ask! Anyway, we bought the American Standard Champion 4 at Home Depot. It's advertised as being able to flush a bucket of golf balls - enough said! My brother-in-law has the same toilet. Both are very satisfied. :)

Judy, I think Janey was simply afraid to jump up into my SUV b/c she had no idea what it was - after all, she has only been in a vehicle twice - once to ride back from WV and once to ride to our house. Both times she was riding in a mini van with the seats removed, which sits much lower, so she didn't have to jump up. She was frightened and nervous the whole time I was driving. Hopefully she will like riding in a vehicle once she's more familiar with it. With her long legs, she doesn't need steps or a ramp to get into an SUV.

Kay said...

Something told me to return today and now I know it's because there is an urgent prayer request. I hope Robyn knows we here on the blog are ON IT, just as before. Tori is one brave and determined young woman--a good combination coupled with Momster prayers!

JO, I haven't had to take anything for my Diabetes II, until last month. I was so disappointed to find that my A1C stats have changed in spite of a sugar free diet and exercise. The doc says as we age so too does the pancreas and eventually almost all with the disease must be on meds to help. I used to test my blood twice a day, but the doc says a couple of times a week is sufficient since my numbers are so good, even now. My morning readings are consistently under 100 and the top red alert for me is 140--that higher number after indulging in a sliver of birthday cake occasionally---all I have to do to bring that down is drink a couple of tall glasses of water. So now I'm on the same Metformin 500, but just two with dinner each day. Will see the doc again in Dec. and we'll see if that dose is sufficient. I'm sure there are variations on the theme for each diabetic and we each have to find what works for us. I don't mind giving up my favorite ice cream and other decadent sweet things, figuring I've already eaten enough of those things to last a lifetime!

SANDI, so Janey weighs just under 70 pounds---does the Vet think she's healthy, worm free, etc.?

JUDIE, you're spot on---it was that shiny green garland that caught my eye earlier!

Kay said...

SANDI, your avatar is precious! It's grand that Freyja and her parents will be in the States just a bit longer for Christmas!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

HAPPY 57th ANNIVERSARY, JO AND ED!! (Just a bit belated--sorry!) Glad you had such a nice celebration!

My heart is still aching for Dana and her family! Prayers for their broken hearts.

Shirley, sorry to hear you're in the donut hole. Happy to hear about your nice new toilet, though. Good job, Hunter!

We're waiting for our GD Jay to arrive from where she's staying. We're going to lunch with her. Should arrive very soon.

We've had an ant invasion again this morning. They are big ones! Their color is brown and black, and they bite HARD! We very recently had a notice from vector control that they were treating all the yards in our neighborhood because red imported fire ants were found, but that's not what these are. They are just as big, but the wrong color. They are not attracted to any kind of food, but just march from point A to point B. Can't spray bug spray because of Emma, but do spray them with white vinegar, which kills them fairly quickly. Then must wipe up the vinegar, and endure the vinegar odor for awhile. Yuck!

We have a 60% chance of rain today, and it's very cloudy outside, so we'll see.

Better get going so I'm ready when Jay gets here. Hope everyone has as good a day as possible. Will probably be back later tonight. I ♥ us!!

JudyEddy said...

Keeping Robyn and TORI close to heart and we know we can get them through this momsters are strong and determined bunch

SANDI maybe a treat or two when she gets in the vehicle and I had not realized that she hadn't traveled before but only a couple of time
I am sure she will get use to it

JudyEddy said...

check out GOOGLE today pretty cool

JudyEddy said...

infra red on and no visit by the royal couple

Sandi said...

Andy, sorry to hear about the ant problem - what a PIA! Didn't know that vinegar kills ants.

Kay, Janey wasn't seen by our vet b/c she had a full check up in WV when she was spayed and had a dental done, just before she made her trip to DE. All retired racing dogs are loaded with different types of worms b/c of the raw 4-D meat they eat. Janey was given Heartgard and Drontal for tapeworms, hookworms, whipworms and roundworms by Gail, the lady from GPA-Delaware, just before she was brought to us. I have to give her another Drontal on 11/19 and then 2 weeks after that, we'll take a fecal sample to our vet to make sure she is worm-free. When Gail brought her, she said she's at an ideal weight right now so my goal is to keep her right where she is.

Pets have been fed, time for people to eat. Goodnight all - I will see everyone in the early AM hopefully. If I can't get all the dogs taken care of quickly, I may have to post from school so don't worry if you don't see a post at around 6am.

grannyblt said...

Beautiful Eagles in the fog this morning, but if they were here any other time today, I missed them.

Prayers of course for Tori and family dealing with this health issue again.i

Mema Jo said...

Judy - I sent hubby to WalMart to get me the Green Bulb for my front porch light and they were sold out. He went to Home Depot and found one for me for 11/11 Veterans Day.


America’s veterans are some of our nation’s bravest, hardest-working men and women. However, it’s hard to show them the appreciation they deserve when, back home and out of uniform, they’re more camouflaged than ever. Greenlight A Vet is a campaign to establish visible national support for our veterans by changing one light to green.

NCSuzan said...

Wanted to light a candle for Tori. Had not been to this site in a long time and they have changed it considerably. Eagle Momsters used to have their own page but that seems to not exist anymore. Kay, you used to light a candle everyday, what's up? So did Jim. Tori definitely on the list for prayers but wanted a candle also......

NCSuzan said...


Pot Plant Owlet has grown. Hope this link takes you to a good picture!

Mema Jo said...

Hi Suzan - He is really a cutie.
I think that Judie and Kay and Andy may not be able to see him since your link is the FB pic. You may need to take a picture and save it and then put it on your blog site here. Your link opens for me but I have FB. Wait to hear from Kay and Judy and Andy
before you do anything.

I really loved watching their cam years ago and wish they could have kept it going.

Mema Jo said...

I do have some Mon night TV for a change - they are actually new ones.

We are getting some sprinkles as promised! And it is cold out there...


Goodnight to all
Thankful blessings given
Prayers for Tori and all in need..........SED & AOYP

NCSuzan said...

Jo, in the other pics i posted that is what I have done....saved the pic then put it on the blog. It's just that this way looked so much better! haha. Yes, I miss the cameras too. Also happy to vvvvva1qq (kitty helping) repost if need be.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

when I clicked on it I got to their page
not her page also

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

I don't think I am on fb with you NCSUZAN don't know last name to look you up, thought the link would take me your page but didn't.

I bought Jordyn a pretty dress for Christmas pictures I do that each year a tradition I ended up going to the other wmt because our store didn't have the one we saw the other nite when we did layaway at the store where angie lives

OK now closer to 8 so tv time

Lynne2 said...

Evening all!

Many prayers for Tori and Robyn. I can't believe they have to do this all over again.

Sandi, glad all is going so well w/ Janey! But OMG that 4-D raw diet is disgusting. REALLY disgusting.

Hoda has been on Facebook spreading lies about seeing bears up close and personal....LOL!

Andy, those ants sound awful!

Certainly has been a lot of talk about the Porcelain Throne going on....

In full Diabetic Disclosure....I have also recently become one. I only have to test my fasting blood sugar 3x a week and alert the Dr if it's above 130. It's actually going lower each time and has never gone to 130. A1C is 6.6. So I'm pretty much diet and exercise controlled and hope to stay that way.

Lynne2 said...

I haven't been here much lately as you may (or may not!) have noticed. Things are just insane.

Our new owner here has dumped a huge pile of extra work on Steve, most of which is too much for him to do alone so I have had to help him. He is still trying to get horses here. His barn manager Michelle is here on the weekends and they are chopping down trees, raising other trees, making a huge mess in a pasture that legally he cannot use for any livestock. There is a left over debris pile from the former owner that is 10ft tall, 15 ft across and 20 feet long. He thought he could just call the county and get a burn permit. No such luck in the middle of fire season! THAT mess, along with all of the new piles of debris...OMG the place is a mess! New fencing is supposed to go up as well. He clearly didn't think this out before hand.

The rescue is keeping me very busy. We have 6 dogs here, 5 of which have serious needs and issues and my other kennel buddies have stopped coming regularly since the weather has cooled off. They need SO much attention and I am overwhelmed. Plus I have to do meds for 3 of them because I cannot trust the kennel dummies who work here to make sure they are give correctly, as has been proven time and again resulting in my having to do it...or stress over it.

Then there are the adopters who are having some minor and some major issues with their dogs and I seem to be the go to person now for those things.

Steve and I have been doing a major gardening job for a woman w/ COPD that I know from the vet. She hasn't been able to keep up with it at all for about 2 years and we have spent hours working on it for her....she pays us which is nice! There is a LOT of work yet to be done but we are making progress! It's so beautiful over there and she has lots of bird feeders and lots of birds! And three adorable dogs who supervise us!

Then I have all of my classwork....

I really got set back with the whole kidney stone thing. Then, it took another week before my brain started functioning normally after stopping the pain meds. I weaned off, over 3 or 4 one told me to do it that way but I figured sudden stopping after so much time wouldn't be good. But I was still in a fog for days to come and inexplicably depressed to the point of crying over every little thing. It gave a whole new meaning to Hello, my name is Lynne and my favorite color is Clear......LOL! But that's all back to normal now!

Lynne2 said...

ah, the rain has finally begun to fall.....maybe I'm going to have some hot chocolate on this cold dark night!

Mema Jo said...

I have returned and Lynne2 it is good to hear from you! Girl! I don't see how you have time to breath with all that you and Steve are accomplishing. I sure wish with the new owner that things would not have change so much!
Your A1C is similar to mine - just a bit above 6.
Hoda did have an incident seeing the bear walking pass her window where she is house-sitting. Scary - too close for me.
Thank you for my card on FB - loved it.

Mema Jo said...

Judy we'll just need to wait for the answer from Kay and Judie about the Potted Plant Owl link that Suzan shared. I think marking something PUBLIC only refers to FB as to who can see - just your friends but not friends of friends on FB,

Once again - Goodnight and Sleep soundly and dream peacefully

Prayers for everyone!

Lolly said...

Getting on to say goodnight! Watched TV tonight with a kitty in my arms. Usually she reclines over one leg on the footrest on the recliner. Not tonight. First she was up on my chest, purring. Then she curled up under my chin. After that she sort of slid down to sleep for a couple hours on my right arm.

Prayers for Tori. So sad that they have to go through this again.

Lynne, you wore me out just reading about all you do.

Both my brother and my sister have type 2 diabetes. My doctor watches for it very carefully, but thankfully I am doing great. Very thankful!
Tomorrow I go to the dentist, no problems, regular check up.

Uh oh! Skippi is back on my right arm. Hunting and pecking with one finger , lol

Night all, SED!

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends.

VERY wet morning here with a wet day on tap. Bella and Jenni take care of business on the pine needles underneath the house. Miss Janey required me to get wet - she peed and pooped quickly but wanted me standing outside in the yard to watch her. We need to work on that!

Have a greyt day all. Prayers for Tori.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

JO when I put something as PUBLIC A MESSAGE SHOWS that anyone on and off fb will be able to see it that is why I said that That is how people stumble on items when it is public

and it gives people a chance to check out fb also

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

IPAD app FOR YOUR DOG just on the news LOL

JudyEddy said...

thinking eagle aren't going to show for me till I head out the door like yesterday so anyone watching happy eagle watching

grannyblt said...

Eagle in. 710

grannyblt said...

Both have been in nest for about 5 minutes....and as I type this one poofs

grannyblt said...

Both gone now. They mostly just looked around--no nestorations.

Judie said...

Good early morning.

Cannot speak for Kay but I was not able to access Suzan's FB picture. I do, however, appreciate the thought. I'll try YouTube later.

Lynne2, I cannot begin to comprehend all you are doing and how difficult it must be for you and Steve to keep up with the demands of the animals and the new owner. Hopefully, all will settle down over the winter.

Sandi, had to smile as I suspect you are thinking a few rain drops are a small price to pay for such a wonderful greathound as Janey.

Off for another sip or two of coffee and the newspaper. Raining here.

Wishing everyone a wonderful day.

Janet said...

good morning to all.
LYNNE2: so glad you popped by. So sorry things are so wonky in your world…..holding you close in light and love, my friend.
Monday morning. Foggy, but looks like it might clear up a bit. Road crews are prepping to pave our cul de sac.
Lots to do today; yesterday was almost non productive. Just a scattered day. Must focus today.
Holding everyone, especially Tori & Robyn, close in heart and thought, sending light and love for the highest and greatest good.
Have a great day. Give someone a hug today. 

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

SUZAN, I was able to access the owlet pic. What a cutie! Owls tug at the heartstrings somehow. Thanks for sharing!

This is Doggy Play Day, with rain, which doesn't help. However, it is supposed to end within the next two hours. Sure hope the weatherman is right.

LYNNE2, the new owner needs a dose of reality! There is only so much a couple of humans can do. You have way too much on your plate---number 1 take care of yourself or you won't be able to meet all the demands crunching in on you.

Thanks to you who gave the Sycamore Palace Play by Play this morning! Love dem birds!

Mega prayers for Tori and also praying for all in need!!!


Lolly said...

Good morning!

Jack went out to feed the fish. A rs hawk was I. The back yard. Flew through the garden and landed in a red bud tree. I looked out a side window from the front bedroom and was very close to him. Went to take a picture and he flew. Oh, well, the window was not clean enough!

Need to eat and get ready for the dentist. Think I will buy some pansies while in Fort Worth.

Sandi, sounds like you need to keep an umbrella handy!😀

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning to all on this rainy day. The leaves are steadily falling - soon all the trees will be bare.

Kay I was glad to hear you could see Suzan's photo of the PPO. Judie, I wish you could have seen it. There was also a picture today of the chick and his Mom - it mentioned that the weather was very hot and they were entering a period of drought.

This is really Soup weather! May need to make some chicken noodle !

Stay dry and warm today - Many prayers for Tori and for her mom, Robyn <3

JudyEddy said...

Hello on lunch and I forgot what time I punched lol

JudyEddy said...

I knew the eagles would show up after I left with the time change it will be later I guess

JudyEddy said...

Our cold front is moving in and my neck is telling me about it

Sun high will be 74 that will be nice for a change

watching Panda cam mom just showed up and drug the little one back in Odd how much they sleep
now mom is walking out

NCSuzan said...

Kay, happy you could see the pic! Did you see my question about the candle site? Any thoughts?

Judi, was happy to post both pics of the owl on my blog. Enjoy!

Judie said...

Good late afternoon.

Suzan, thank you so much. I really like the first picture which sort of asks: who y'all lookin at? I appreciate your time and effort.

Quiet rainy day here. Didn't make soup but did get a few things prepped in advance for the remainder of the week's dining pleasure.

Tomorrow is "do" day. May then go foraging.

Jo, if you post quickly enough that you made chicken noodle soup, I'll hop into my chariot and be there soon.

Lolly, RS hawks are like that. Here one minute and gone the next. lol

Darth has a meeting so my feet are going up.


Mema Jo said...

Well it is Terrific TV Tuesday - NCIS programs - Not a full evening like it used to be.

Tonight was a Bean Soup (Bob Evans Special)
Possibly noodle soup will be made tomorrow - not sure!

I am off to see Jeopardy
IF I don't return I wish everyone a pleasant evening.........
Goodnight to all and AOYP ♥

JudyEddy said...

Good Evening Eagle Buds

I also went looking for the candle site my link that I have had just takes me to their reg page Not the MOMSTERS page like NCSUZAN also said

Been thinking of Tori and wanted also to light a candle but can't find site ANYONE know where it went???

Just got back from Jordyn gym night switched night from thur to tonight because Jordyn school Thanksgiving feast is Thurs

and also stopped at BM I never tire of turkey as you probably figure out already and naturally brought all the turkey home I get full on the two sides I get with the meal. So will have turkey sandwich for two days Yeah

Need to get a shower before Terrific Tue starts

Judie said...

Good evening.

About to watch the kids cook off then something else before denting the pillows.

Jo, so happy I did not miss out on the chicken noodle soup.

Thinking of Robyn and Tori.

Hope Sandi had a good day as I think Sam is still out of school and she had her three lovely pups to come home to.

May need to send out an alert for Shirley.

Wonder how many Christmas cards Patches completed today.

Restful sleep for all.

JudyEddy said...

Good morning eagle buds

Sandi said...

Goodorming Judy and all my eagle friends on this day when we honor the men and women who fought - and continue to fight - for our country. To those on the blog who have family members who served or are serving in the military, I humbly say THANK YOU!

It will be a lazy day for me with my 3 lovely pups.

Sam WAS out of school yesterday so I helped the special ed. coordinator and covered for 2 teachers who had IEP meetings. There was a meeting for Sam at 1:30 to discuss an alternate placement for the remainder of the year. It was still going on when I left school so I don't know what decisions were made.

Both of our eagles are now in the nest.

Have a greyt day all.

Sandi said...

Both eagles calling out - must be something close to the nest!

Judie said...

Good early morning (for me).

Sharing my gratitude for all those who have fought and served in any capacity to create and to maintain our great nation. God bless and heal our wounded warriors.

Our nest MT. Berry nest busy with both adults weaving sticks into the crib rail. Fascinating.

Sunshine here. Supposed to be a beauteous day and I will venture out to have my hair made beauteous.

Sandi, enjoy the day with your girls. Will keep my fingers crossed that the decision was made to place Sam in a more appropriate and therapeutic environment for the good of all.

Wishing everyone the best day possible.

Judie said...

News flash:

Bei Bei has taken his first steps. Just before 5pm last night. Stumbled a bit and, just like any mom, Mei Mei picked him up and cuddled him. Bet she told him he's a big boy now.

Janet said...

good morning to all. wed mid week, my first day of work for the week. sunny and bright this morning, but they say storms by evening...

had quite the adventure yesterday. Michael's cat peanut has few manners. even my kitty brats have some manners. they at least know where they are to exercise their claws. peanut, not so much.

so, since we moved the leather furniture down there for the kids, they want to discourage her from scratching it. also, they are still fighting a few fleas (no the cat does not go outside).

they have bombed, bathed, cleaned, etc. still a few remain.

so went to petsmart yesterday. I purchased an oral flea treatment for peanut, plus fake kitty nails, and some anti scratch stuff that's like two sided tape.

so here we go. peanut, who isn't my best buddy anyway since I was the one who took her to get spayed....we offered her kitty food (wet) with the pill in it, but in typical peanut style, she snubbed it. I didn't want the pill to melt in it and not be useable, so I scruffed her and popped the pill down here throat. now she's ticked. but then we toweled her (wrapped her tightly in a towel) and clipped her nails and put the pretty pink ones on. I think she called me some highly ugly names.

then we made a mix of aromatherapy (I looked at what they had at the store and said I have that at home, I can make that spray) to spray when she starts to scratch in a forbidden place and we sprayed her scratching post with kitty bliss.

poor peanut. it was not her day yesterday.

today is vetrans day. Thank you to one and all who serve or have served.

Have a great day. hugs, love, and healing for all in need.

Judie said...

Janet, I'm going to step in on your Peanut problem. Have you tried a scratching post (watch if she is a vertical or horizontal scratcher) and then physically run your nails over the appropriate location followed by physically using her paws to scratch on the item saying "good girl" several times. Behavioral modification may be more effective than medicating her.

Off to begin my day. Bye

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

Saying thanks for our military personnel, past, present and even future! God Bless them and their families who sacrifice so much for us.

SUZAN and JUDY, I meant to address the candle question yesterday--must have been distracted by one of the dogs. Back some months ago that site changed overnight. It's no longer user friendly and I gave up on trying to find our candles. I miss seeing Jim there every day and he never showed up here with a comment on the change. In fact, he hasn't been on here for many a moon. Does anyone have some word on him and his welfare? It was rare for anyone but Jim and I to light candles and til' you no one has said a word. So, I think it may be a thing of our past unless someone has a clue as to where our Momster Candles went and figures out how to get them back.

SANDI, hoping you Robert's girls have a wonderful day with Janey making even more progress as she recovers from the rigors of the racing world. Sam has been a ticking time bomb from the get go. Hope this is a turning point for him and that he isn't returned to you and your school.

JUDIE, isn't Bei Bei just the cutest little toddler? What a good mother he has!

It's a laid back day here nestled in twixt two doggy play days.

Prayers for Tori and ROBYN as well as for all in need!!!


Mema Jo said...

Good Noon Hour

Tour should be starting in a minute or two


NCSuzan said...

Thank you, Kay. Knew you would have some info on the candle site. Yes, you and Jim were the only ones who lit candles consistently. I may delve in to it a little more. Just curious. Though I stopped using it for some reason it did feel like some comfort especially when there is nothing you can do in some situations.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Supposed to have a front come through, not much rain, but wind. So far, nothing! Hear wind at the nest though.

A big THANK YOU to all vets!🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸🇺🇸

Going to stay in and clean house. Planted pansies yesterday. Also did some plant watering and fertilizing. Still have not moved plants to greenhouse.

Have a great day!

JudyEddy said...

good afternoon eagle buds

to all the VETS out there A BIG THANK TO ALL OF YOU

JudyEddy said...


grannyblt said...

Good afternoon.

Witnessed the early morning visit. One of the Eagles brought in another log..

Went to Grearfulness site and saw there was a candle for Tori from one of our members but got kind of lost, so I lit one for Tori and Robyn. I didn't know how to create a group--isn't that what we did before? Can't remember.

Kay, Jim posted on Facebook this week, his salute to Marines and Veterens. He rarely posts and when he does it is not about himself.

Hope everyone has a nice day.

JudyEddy said...


grannyblt said...

Just saw on FB that Momster Beverly Rife is in ER with chest pains. They are doing a cardiac work up. Prayers .

JudyEddy said...

LYNNE1 just saw it also

I'm at the ER with Sissy Beverly Crisco Riffe. Chest pain through to her back, into her shoulder blade and right jaw. Immediately brought her back and started a cardiac work up. I will let you know when I know.

JudyEddy said...

Mei is eating bamboo and the little one is under it just wiggling around must tickle the bamboo on it

Mema Jo said...

Good afternoon on the beautiful Veteran's Day. Thanking all who served our country
especially my 2 grandsons Ryan and Patrick. So many grateful postings on FB Thanking all veterans.

Hopefully some of you were able to catch the cam tour today at noon. It feels like you are waiting for the roller-coaster ride to start!

Prayers for Bev to get answers to her condition - Sure sounds like heart but Bev has been checked out before for these symptoms with no conclusion. Hope she finds answers this time.

Prayers continue for Tori and Robyn & Roberta aka Bobbie (grandmother). I still have not located our candles - .. guess I lost the link but format has changed.

Sandi said...

Just got a call from the dermatologist's office - the biopsy that was done last Thursday IS a basal cell carcinoma. Because it's on my face -just above my top lip - she wants me to go for Mohs surgery to minimize scarring. Does anyone have experience with this type of surgery?

I am not happy but leaving it there obviously isn't an option. I haven't made the appointment yet but I guess some time in January. Oh well, at least I have lots of sick days so I can stay home from school while my face is a mess.

Got to see Janey take off and run today - she is feeling more playful out in the yard. Talk about fast - she came barreling straight toward me and then stopped on a dime right beside me! We put the area rugs back down in the living room since she seems to have the outside bathroom thing down pat.

Mema Jo said...

Bev just now on FB said:

Whatever that was, it left like it came! All of a sudden! Thank Heavens!!

stronghunter said...

Good afternoon,

Went out to Home Depot and had some problems finding green light bulb. A couple of employees happened by. Two guys. I asked them about the green bulbs and they showed me one that can be a variety of colors. You can set it on green or have it change from one color to another. They want me to invite them to a party at which I set my bulb to flash through all its colors. :)

Kay said...

Wow, that's the fastest answer to Momster prayers ever! We'll continue to pray that you stay pain free, BEV!

SANDI, do not delay tending to that carcinoma! I saw so much of that in AZ and when left too long it is not a pretty sight, nor a pain free experience. Janey is smart as a whip and amazingly adaptive! Keep stories of her antics and progress coming.

SUZAN, I, too, found some kind of comfort in lighting those candles---it provided me with an extra moment of prayer and meditation each day. I just went on line to check out several candle sites and can't find any that are as straightforward as that one was. Maybe whoever got us started on the Gratefulness site can fix us up with a group candle site again. It may have been Lynn Riner, I don't recall.

LYNNE1, so Jim is a FBer, too. Glad he checks in there so that we know he's Aok.

SHIRLEY, that is one neat light bulb! Just don't leave it on red by accident.

stronghunter said...

I did see the toilets that are supposed to flush down a bucket of balls or some such thing. Sounds good.

While I was at Home Depot, I checked the toilets again. I now know I need a round one, comfort height, in an off-white color for Kathryn and Hunter's bathroom. I hope we can get one on Saturday when Kathryn can bring it home in her SUV. I think it would be difficult to bring one home in my car.

There are so many choices and prices.

stronghunter said...

Yeah, Kay, red is one of the choices. :)

stronghunter said...

Haven't seen Bev's FB posts yet.

I did see Robyn's post. Prayers and good wishes for her and Tori.

stronghunter said...

Diabetes--I was diagnosed with diabetes in December and told to lose weight. I managed to lose 20 pounds, so the first couple of times I went to be checked, the doctor was very pleased and full of praise. Then, I reached a plateau. Doctor was not happy, and so far I am still stuck at that same weight. So far, I have not been taking medication nor pricking my fingers. I am going to have to take stronger measures to lose more weight.

stronghunter said...

Checking the nest--I did see a little bird land there for a bit, but now it is empty. I do see lots of new sticks there.

Judie said...

Good late afternoon.

So pleased that Bev's pain has stopped. Do hope that a cause can be identified and cured.

Shirley, green is the color and glad you found an option -- for other occasions as well. Hope you can arrange transportation for the new toilet and then for installation aka Hunter. Have you looked at one or two diabetic cookbooks? May have some helpful recipes for weight loss.

Sandi, I had a basil cell place on my neck. Biopsy got all the cells. Only needed a bandaid for few days. My opinion is that if the removal is done with skill, you should probably have little or no scar or perhaps an area that just looks a bit more pale. Regardless, do get it removed and do take the days off. I believe recovery should take at least a week and may two or three. Still amazed at how quickly Janey has adapted and, yes, do keep the greathound stories coming.

Hi Jo. Hi Kay.

Off to the laundry room for a quick visit and then to sidestep into the scullery.


stronghunter said...

I have picked up a couple of magazines with diabetic recipes. A cookbook would be a help as well. Thanks for the suggestion, Judie.

stronghunter said...

Luna has come downstairs and is telling me that it is her dinnertime. At least she seems to have adjusted to the time change.

NCSuzan said...


Here is a site that appears to have groups though I cannot figure how to set up a group. Really haven't researched too far. What do you think? Is it something we want to do or not? Just askin'.

NCSuzan said...

OK. We can start a group just by using our initials, "EM" when we go to light a candle. Seems easy enough. So every time we light a candle, on that page will be a place to enter those initials for your group and supposedly we would all be on the same page. I am happy to be the first in order to try it and to give any others a place to light a candle if you feel the need. I feel the need.

NCSuzan said...

"EM" is already taken. Has to be two letters that we can all remember! haha I think I lit a candle with a Somalian group.

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...


I see your candle and I lite two one for Tori and one for today Veterans day and if you click on the group EM all three do show up and stays lite for 36 hours

Odd that they are all on the same page They really did change the site not at all like it was before Everyone is on one page mine will say JE and US naturally

EM only shows me and you so you were successful

Sandi said...

Suzan, I'm not a candle lighter but I know there are some on the blog who will appreciate your effort. How about WV for the 2 letters since the nest is in WV? Just a thought. LOL about you lighting a candle with a Somalian group!

Ahhh, so there is a possible red light district in Fredericksburg, VA? BTW, I went to the Red Light District in Amsterdam when I visited there in my college days. Interesting concept!

Need to fix food for people. Goodnight all - I'll see you in the early AM.

JudyEddy said...

Here is the link that takes you to the GROUP page just click on EM the one that SUZAN started and it just shows us

EM only shows me and you so you were sucessful

Group page of candle she EM is us I guess since just the two of us is one it you can add a message just follow prompts and your state and country also

JudyEddy said...

when you click on the link up at the top it says Candles and just click pages till a candle is not lite and click on it and follow prompts to add your intials and the EM group and then next will take you to where you can add a message your name 5 letters and your city and state and country

THANKS NCSUZ for getting it started

JudyEddy said...

Did I read wrong SUZ the group EM only has us on it and no one else there is a EMP under it and is that the one you though is Somalian group. was there anyone else in the EM group maybe that is our old one who knows I didn't notice any description on it just three candles where there candles when you did it

or maybe BS for Belle and Shep LOL or SH for the city just throwing out ideas If you think the EM belongs to someone else

NCSuzan said...

Thank you JudyE. It's there for anyone should they feel the desire. Let's hear from others and see how they feel. Sandi has said she's not interested, so others may feel the same.

NCSuzan said...

Sorry JudyE. I am also the mystery light! Just testing!

Janet said...

Hey all.
JUDIE: the pill wasn’t for the scratching; that was for the fleas. I have not worked with the cat as it is my son’s and lives downstairs with him.
But I will strongly suggest to him to continue to praise her for using the right spots and to assist her by redirecting her to the correct spots as needed…The bliss spray is catnip mist and encourages them to go to that area. I have used it with my two cats upstairs and they love it.
The chamomile and lavender spray is for areas you do NOT want them to scratch. Basically it just covers the scent they leave when they scratch. Just safe deterrents as we attempt to implement the thought of good kitty manners.
Thank you, btw for your concern. I appreciate your ideas.
SANDI; glad that they caught that cancer on your face. I haven’t personally dealt with it, but my two best buds, Nancy and Chris have both had things taken off of their faces and there is minimal scarring.
What a beautiful day it has been. Rain and thunder boomers are headed this way for the night. I hope things stay calm. I see tornados and snow north west of here…..i want neither thank you.
I “graduated” from PT today. I am doing much better and am most thankful.
Window guys is supposed to be here in a bit to take measurements. I need to get the girls kenneled so they don’t eat any one and the boys kenneled so he keeps his toes.
Will check in later.

JudyEddy said...

the link I have from the past is different that then one above

the one above is Center for the Healing Art and the other is Gratefulness

JudyEddy said...

but it looks like you can't make a group on the other site but I lite a candle for Tori on it anyway

SANDI hope all turns out ok and I wouldn't put it off at all and so happy that your new addition is doing so good

JudyEddy said...

My X has had several spots removed over the years from being in construction from his neck and face. Well he had a spot on his cheek for a long time the last time I saw him is scared me Angie said it had its own zip and area code it was so big Don't know why he didn't go and get it checked Well he fell one day on the job and ended up going for that and then they checked his cheek and yep it as bad He had so many stitches in his cheek to many to count the dr said and it looked so bad from his temple eye area all the way down to his jaw line near is neck they opened him up I was still so surprised he let it go so long He just had it done with in the past couple of weeks.
I think because he just didn't like going to the dr and didn't have insurance since he really only does part time work and no insurance But he is a VET and that is where he was taken to when he fell and he as gotten the best of care down there also. You hear of so many horror story about the VA but he speaks so highly of them. no waiting at all Maybe it is just the location the others were complaining about

JudyEddy said...

That is one huge piece of lumber that was brought in and is on top of the rail it glows in the infra red did you notice how high the rails are getting in the smaller nest now I hope they don't build it any higher otherwise we won't be able to see in the cup

stronghunter said...


Cheeto says hello.

JudyEddy said...

SIS I also have the spray of catnip here I wonder if it is still good that I use to use for my cats to encourage scratching on the pole and not my hamper LOL
I also had grown the real stuff for them Which they loved so much

Well looks like I have taken up to much real estate on the blog so I will go watch the news instead of listening to it

JudyEddy said...

another suggestion OK I pulled a MARGY sure wish she would pop in

how about EMD for eagle momster and dadsters its not taken will wait to hear other as you suggested NCSUZAN

Mema Jo said...

Hello Cheeto - just where is Allie hanging out?

Shirley - cookbooks are great but go online and see the list of foods that we should be eating and the list of foods that should Not be eating.

I do say prayers for SAM that they change his life style as best they can. Removing him from the school is a benefit to all the other students that Sandi could be helping.

I lit 2 candles using Suzan's link. It says we have 1 more comment then what is showing. Perhaps someone didn't fill out all the info. Thanks Suzan - EM is ours.
I am going to save the link in my favorites and use it as the need arises.

SUZAN: Please repeat your link in a fresh new comment box.

Sandi said...

Popping back on to say the special ed. teacher texted me with this message a few minutes ago: "I don't think you'll be seeing Sam @ SMS anymore." Can't wait to hear the details tomorrow!

As for the skin cancer, I am having something called Photodynamic Therapy done on my face on 12/16 to address a number of pre-cancers I have. It involves applying some kind of chemical in the dermatologist's office, leaving it on for an hour, and then sitting in front of a blue light for 17 minutes. The reaction between the chemical and the light attacks the pre-cancers. The literature says that I'll look like I have an "intense sunburn" for about a week afterward and must stay out of sunlight and away from fluorescent lights for at least 48 hours after the procedure, so I won't be able to go to work (what a shame).

When the doctor called today I asked when I should schedule the Mohs surgery based on when I am having this other treatment done on my face. She said to wait until January to have the basal cell removed so my face will be completely healed from the blue light treatment before I get it messed up again.


stronghunter said...

That light treatment sounds like something I discussed with my doctor, Sandi. I have never had it done, though. Something happened and I ended up cancelling the appointment. Let me know how it goes.

If you have to stay out of fluorescent lights, does that mean those spiral lights they are selling to use in homes?

Judie said...

Cheeto says Allie is hangin' out under Shirley's red light. So interesting...I never would have guessed Shirley. lol

Good news Sandi regarding Sam. We want you to have a peaceful final year and I'm sure we all sincerely hope that Sam finds the help he needs. So glad your dermatologist is offering different treatments for the different skin conditions, especially the one that will keep you out of school. Other than my basil cell, I've only needed freezing.

Janet, didn't know the details so sorry for butting in. Sounds as if you're doing just fine.

I'm not a candle lighter either but I do appreciate all the effort by Suzan, JudyE,

Headed to my recliner. Tonight is a book night.

Restful sleep for all.

stronghunter said...

And I thought Allie was still an innocent kitten, Judie.

NCSuzan said...


Link to candle site.

NCSuzan said...

Link works.

stronghunter said...

Doesn't Allie look innocent?

Thanks for the link, Suzan.

stronghunter said...

Allie, Cheeto and I say good night. SED, my friends. Rest well.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. Breakfast routine went smoothly with all 3 dogs.

Yes Shirley, Allie certainly looks like a sweet, innocent kitten to me!

Curious to see what I'll be doing today with Sam gone. Don't know if I'll even continue working with the kids on the same team. May be learning all new names soon.

Have agreyt day all.

Janet said...

Good morning.
JUDIE: no no no, I appreciated your input! Thank you!!!
SANDI: hopefully Sam will receive the assistance that he needs. I hope your next student/adventure is a bit less challenging.
JUDYE: thought about growing catnip, but it sounds pretty invasive and I don’t’ have a huge yard. So could never decide where to put it.
I guess I could use a large pot.
Made it thru the rain last night, ever even heard it. Everything is wet, so it must have rained. Skies have cleared this morning.
Everyone have a wonderful day! Hugs for all

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle buds

JANET I grew mine in a pot on the window ledge in my screened porch otherwise all the cats would have gotten it

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all -

Fresh new thread is awaiting your comments



3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...