Tuesday, October 27, 2015


New thread.


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JudyEddy said...

Hope everyone has a good day

Sandi said...

Both eagles just arrived.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Always amazes me how difficult the semi-annual time-change is for the first few days.

All Hallows Eve was uneventful. Patrols were out day and night. We also had a marked County police car visit and cruise the community.

Jo, so very happy you had a terrific evening with family AND that the surprise really was a surprise.

Sandi, I agree with Jo. Maybe the two greathounds together would make their transition easier and they would focus on each other. You and Denny would, of course, be delighted with two short and two tall. Really like the current Freyja picture.

Berry nest MT. Decorah nest eagle is building the crib rain. Our nest MT. Mei is eating and Bai is sleeping.

Raining here. Looks chilly. Think I may read the newspaper then maybe a nap.

Wishing everyone the best day possible.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Lovely view of an empty nest at present. The grasses are blowing in the breezes.

Nice to know that our Lynne2 is better.

Congratulations on being approved for a greyhound, Sandi. You all will make wonderful doggy parents. Love your avatar!

Trick-or-treat was very busy in these parts. Kathryn and Hunter took care of that, as I went with Val and Doris to a movie. I wasn't able to convince Val to enter a tournament. She wants to work on her bowling skills first. She's married to a retired pro bowler, so she probably has higher standards than most of us.

Since we were told that someone with a high handicap might win a lot of money, I have been thinking it might be my opportunity. I get lots of 9's, so a no-tap tournament sounds like just the ticket for me. :)

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

Penny followed me around last night, watching me reset all the clocks (even in my small condo there are 7)but, she just didn't get it so we were up and at em' early, too, SANDI! Good news re:the doggy meet n' greet!

JUDIE, glad the patrols n' cruiser prevented any Halloween mayhem in your neighborhood. Thanks for reporting on the nests and Panda doings!

JO, what a blast that surprise party was--so glad you had a chance to visit with seldom seen relatives!

JUDY, it's good that Jordyn had time with seldom seen relatives, too!

LOLLY, hope your day full of activity went well!

Where, oh where is SHIRLEY? I don't think she checked in yesterday, so hope she fills us in on things in her part of the world today.

JANET, ah, Fall Break---that explains it. Hope the restart goes well for Olivia and her teacher!

Prayers for all in need!!!


stronghunter said...

So happy to learn that the birthday party was a success, Jo. It's really good to have so much family nearby.

Kay said...

Aha, there you are SHIRLEY! Hope you do enter that tournament--I had that same opportunity many years ago when I was an avid bowler. Didn't end up "in the money", but had great fun taking part in it.

stronghunter said...

I am here, Kay. :)

grannyblt said...

I see by my yahoo email that it is Andy's/Ms. Bookworm's birthday.

Hope you are having a great birthday!

stronghunter said...

Maybe there will be another opportunity to enter a tournament. There are several no-tap dates on the schedule. I do not know if you have to participate in all of them.

Glad to know things were peaceable in your neighborhood, Judie. Thanks for keeping us up to date on animal doings at other sites. Sometimes things get crazy around here, and I don't find time.

On critters not realizing that we have had a time change, Kathryn said the kitties jumped all over her long before she was ready to get up this morning. Of course, they don't do weekends well, either.

stronghunter said...

Yesterday was quite busy here. I met Val, Doris, Julie, and her friend Janet for bowling practice.
We went out for lunch, then I hit the library and grocery store, stopped by home, then out to a movie and dinner. For me, that is a busy day.

stronghunter said...

Happy birthday, Andy!

Kay said...

Just went to my mail to find, like LYNNE1, that it is a day of celebration for ANDY and Kubby---♪♫♪ HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DEAR ANDY, HAPPY BIRTHDAY TO YOU ♪♪♪

This All Saints Day is also the day my family celebrates the birth of Dana Kay. She is 25 years of age now and well launched in her career as a Speech Therapist. I'm so proud of my dear granddaughter!

stronghunter said...

Didn't remember that you were an avid bowler, Kay.

Kay said...

SHIRLEY, so glad you had that wonderfully busy day with errands and friends! You are forgiven for not checking in with these "inquiring minds"---top priority for all of us should be taking advantage of such opportunities! Do it while you can, gals. I'm at the age n' stage of life where just one of those activities is all I can take in a day. Not complaining, jus' sayin'.

Kay said...

Oh, yes, SHIRLEY, I loved bowling back in the 60's thru 80's. I once had a bunch of trophies on display, but they're one of those things I gave up when downsizing. It was a sad day for me when I reckoned with the fact that my fingers had become too arthritic to allow for a good grip on the ball and that bowling was no longer fun.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning this 1st of the 30 days of November ♥

I need to start out on a very sad note with information that Lynne1 and Robyn
have seen on FB.

Anne-Marie Larsen has passed on to a better place where there is no pain ♥

Her granddaughter said: Diana Rackham feeling sad 15 hrs · Rio Oso, CA ·
Today has been a rough day for me and my family . My grandmother passed away today. I know she in a better place with my grandpa Howard . Thank you to my friends and family for all your support.

The message I posted the other day was from her daughter Shari McGinnis. Requesting prayers for Anne-Marie's family and friends who will greatly feel her loss.

Judie said...

Good afternoon.

Hi Shirley. So glad you had such a fun full day yesterday. Do consider, or at least inquire, about the other tournaments. Money or no money, you should have fun. I, too, had forgotten Kay mentioning being a bowler.

Sorry, Kay.

♪♫ HAPPY BIRTHDAY, ANDY ♪♫ Hope today is extra special for you and the year ahead will be extra extra special. ♪♫


Judie said...

Prayers being offered for Anne-Marie's family.

Mema Jo said...

Well I notice that some of your afternoon hours come earlier then mine. Judie - did you set your clocks back - especially your wristwatch? lol

Mema Jo said...

Hubby got up early to attend Mass - when he came home he told me I had a critter in my house last night - Yikes - We have central air in our home but we do place a window AC
in the kitchen window. He said the side expandable panel was pushed back - the can opener on the counter by the window was knocked over and the very heavy cord (wire) of the AC had numerous bite marks! Night creature - squirrels don't roam in the night but Rocky Raccoon does. That AC unit is coming out today whether we have an increase of temps for an Indian Summer this week or not!

Mema Jo said...

Happy Birthday Andy - Hoping you have an enjoyable day and a fantastic year ahead

Kay I wish your granddaughter the best of birthdays today. Her profession is so rewarding - I know how proud you must be.

stronghunter said...

Prayers for Anne-Marie's family.

stronghunter said...

Interesting, Jo. I would not e happy about having a raccoon in my house. They are very smart and very cute little critters, but they belong outdoors.

grannyblt said...

Sad news indeed about Anne-Marie. Condolences to her family.

stronghunter said...

Might inquire about those tournaments, Judie. I do not know how they work. I know some tournaments have teams, so I would need to have others join me. Not sure how many people would want a handicap person on their team.

Mema Jo said...

I have changed my avatar for the month of November.
I have COPD/Emphysema and of course I am on Oxygen 24/7. This is not a curable disease but it is manageable in hopes it doesn't get any worse too fast. You just lose most of the stamina that you once had. Of course the cancer in the one lung wasn't the best thing that could have happened BUT

grannyblt said...

Only one trick or treat family yesterday. Our town schedules trick or treating on the Sat before or on the 31st from 4-6. Then they close off the Main Street downtown for a costume parade. That seems to keep many families downtown . I have a lot of candy to eat before it spoils. Lol

One of the cats brought in a present for me this morning. A vole that was dead, but still warm. Neither feline took credit.

Sandi said...

Home from good tennis.

Thanks all for the vote of confidence with regard to us being able to handle 2 foster greyhounds, but that won't be happening. Based on the reading I've done, training a retired racer right off the track is a lot of work. Some catch on to things like stairs, windows and doors, hardwood floors, being left alone, etc. quickly while others take a longer time. As a matter of fact, the guy who came yesterday said that Rosie was just supposed to be a foster when he fot her last February. But she was very hard ro housebreak and had a lot of separation anxiety, making her pretty much unadoptable. By the time Ron and his wife trained her to overcome thos things, they decided to keep her because they lost their other greyhound. Having to train 2 of them at once would leave us with no time for Jenni and Bella, which would be most unfair to them.

Plus, I still work full time, or at least almost full time. It's already going to be challenging enough to get 3 dogs outside to do their bathroom thing every morning, get them all fed, get myself ready for work, and still get to school at the same time.

Dirty bathrooms are calling me - gotta go. Bye.

JudyEddy said...

1227 punch time

YIKES I am in the Halloween candy area today
Trying to make the customers understand that the sidecounter candy is NOT half price One took Christmas Candy to the register saying it was half Never ceases to amaze me what people will try

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - Raccoon never got in thru the window - thank goodness !

Sandi - one of the greyhounds my friend has was very difficult training him to NOT walk backwards. This is Sterling ........... enjoy


Mema Jo said...

Check out the OD Live Feed - Cam tour didn't run at 1:00pm
We are thinking their clock wasn't reset

Check it at 2PM

Mema Jo said...


Did anyone see it at 1pm

Judie said...

First, Shirley you need to stop thinking of yourself as handicapped. You are a bowler with a handicap. Sounds almost the same doesn't it? Well, tournament or not, we love you no matter what your handicap is.

Jo, I did indeed remember (this year) to reset my wrist watch. Did that last night before my eyelids fell down asleep. Problem with my earlier post is I just cannot tell which is the big hand and which is the little hand on the clock (second grade was a challenge for me). As for your night visitor, an adult mouse? Years ago we had a squirrel we called Slam Dunk because as a baby and as a baby he used to slam dunk peanuts from our fingers. One day, Slam Dunk decided to do a home inspection and came in the back door, strolled through the kitchen and then through the dining room, into the family room, back through the kitchen, looked at me and then walked out the back door, sat up and waited until he received his prize - a peanut. Still laugh about that little rodent just making himself right to home. Your avatar is most appropriate.

Sandi, cannot imagine why you think all that work would be too much with two greathounds and a one-or-two day work week. Had to laugh. Whichever greathound joins you for training, it is one very lucky pooch.

Lynne1, always hated when one of our felines brought a trophy to show us. Felt sorry for the deceased creature but so gross.

One good thing the day after All Hallows Eve is if one does not participate, there no leftover candy to be consumed before it goes bad and another is not having to work in the Walmart candy aisle. Has anyone else noticed how quickly the good candy can go bad if not eaten almost immediately?

Prep work done for Chicken Ala King dinner tonight so feet going up for a while. Maybe watch the end of the Ravens game.


stronghunter said...

Can't say I am handicapped as a bowler, Judie. I am the handicap person on the team. Some teams might like that, some might not. Quite often, my score (with handicap) is the highest on the team.

stronghunter said...

Yeah, that leftover Halloween candy is calling to me.

Sandi said...

Jo, I wasn't able to see the video bc of Susan's settings. But it's all good. I just sent her a message explaining that I was your friend and am getting ready to foster a greyhound. Greyhounds folks just LOVE all other greyhound folks, so Susan sent me a friend request and, once I accepted it, I was able to watch the video. Thanks.

Lolly said...

Hi all! Lazy, cloudy, cool day! Church this morning but nothing else today! I was so tired last night. Great time with Michael and Zach. We had lunch together and then went to the hockey game. Stars won so that made it extra fun! Then we headed to Denton for dinner there. Jack took Jacob Trick or Treating after eating while Laurel and I passed out candy. Very disappointed that we had so few children. Two funny incidents. Put candy in one little boy's pumpkin. "I don't like Reese's cups.", he said. Never had a child say that before! You say thank you for what ever you get. I took it out and gave him something else! Another little boy after Laurel gave him candy reach into Laurel's bowl and grab another handful! He was a little guy, his parents were embarrassed and to
D him no. Laurel laughed and assured them it was okay. We had plenty, she will take the remainder to school. On their birthday, she lets students have candy.

Saw on fb about Anne Marie. Very sad! Enjoyed meeting her on one of our trips to NCTC and Momster get togethers.

Need to go mop bathrooms and kitchen. Later! Just realized that I could talk my message and it would type it out . wow! I have recorded these last two sentences. Fun!

NCSuzan said...

Condolences to Anne Marie's family.

Happy Birthday Andy! Hope your celebration is spectacular!

Cute wee Trick or Treaters here last night. They do not know about Halloween but they have learned to hold out their little hand for a treat! So very cute.

It's cool and rainy here. Yuck. Do I hear the couch calling me?

JudyEddy said...

both eagle in

JudyEddy said...

trying out cup

JudyEddy said...


Mema Jo said...

Hello to all ♥ Just home from visiting at Michael's after we had eaten at the Olive Garden. I love their bread sticks !

Sandi - I am sure you will enjoy Susan's knowledge concerning greyhounds. Lots of interesting stories for sure.

Remember: Candy does not go stale! It can last a year!

Glad you caught the visit Judy!

Relaxing - it is 5:50pm and dark! Reminds me when I used to work until 5:00 and then drive home in the dark! So thankful I am over that phase.......lol

BBL and IF NOT - Goodnight to all ♥

Sandi said...

Hi all - just got off the phone with the lady from GPA-Delaware. She has decided which dog she is going to place with us based on what she has learned about the 4 dogs from talking to the woman who runs the adoption kennel. Her name is Janey, so we will have a Jenni and a Janey.

My new avatar is not Janey but it's a greyhound with the same coloring that Janey has. Unfortunately for us, she happens to be the color that Denny and I both prefer the most of all the colors that greyhounds come in. This fostering thing just got a whole lot harder!

Bathrooms are clean, dogs are fed, now to feed people and watch some TV. Goodnight all - I will see you in the early AM.

Judie said...

Good evening.

Dinner over. Scullery in order.

Lolly, glad you had a nice day.
Jo, glad you enjoyed your bread sticks and some Michael time.
Sandi, love the greathound color.

Headed to the recliner and then the pillows.

Restful sleep for all.

stronghunter said...

Just for Fun

Brought this over from FB.

glo said...

Happy birthday to Andy. I was saddened to read of the loss of Anne Marie Looks like she had just been discharged from the hospital a couple of days earlier. :-(

Sandi I love the coloring of that greyhound. I am glad her name is NOT Gloria just in case she should get in a "little" trouble here and there :-) Bless her heart and best of luck for all of you.

Olive Garden ymmm Haven't been there in a few years. I too love their breadsticks MeMa Jo.
Weather is pretty nice I think tomorrow will be bath day for Patches after I go to get my flu shot. SED everyone and AOYP

Janet said...

a very good evening to one and to all. its been quite a busy weekend.

I am sitting here very tired and sleepy, but waiting on tom to get home.
so yesterday after consulting with the doctor, decisions were made. And, given everything, it probably is the best decision...for now.
Ralph has been Don's caregiver most all of his life. They are lost without each other. They both have dementia, confusion and sundowners syndrome, but, seem able to function within their home. Don has no medical issues otherwise. So, for the time being they have taken Don back to live with Ralph.

In fact, Tom just got home.

I hope all went well. will check in later/tomorrow. nite to all.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends - a new Adventures with Sam work week!

Janet, I'm glad you are at peace with the decision you and Tom have made regarding his uncles.

Have a greyt day.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

JudyEddy said...


Sandi said...

Good morning from Geography class. Sam is absent - so far. Sometimes he has orthodontist appointments and comes to school late.

Janet said...

come on over ya'll, we have a brand new thread to start a brand new week and brand new month! see ya there!

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3/6/25 PM

 the wind is ferocious almost tipping our Eagle over and out of the nest at times sometimes you're made to do a egg roll when you're...