Monday, October 05, 2015


New thread.


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Sandi said...

Thanks Steve for a fresh new week thread and thanks Judie for the call over. Heading out to run some errands.

grannyblt said...

Thanks for the call over Judie and the new thread, Steve.

Another short visit a few minutes ago. A couple of sticks rearranged.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Thank you Steve for a fresh sunshiny Monday morning thread. Have a wonderful week.

Did see one eagle in the nest a few minutes ago. Moving a stick and looking around then flew off. So nice that we have the new camera with IR and HD. Checked Berry College and Decorah, also. Got to thinking how lucky we are to have so many cams all over the world to watch whenever we have time and no admission price. Life is good.

Sandi, enjoy being outside even if it does involve cleanup. Weather should be perfect.

Janet, hope Olivia has a better day than expected.

Wishing everyone the very best day possible.

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

A round of applause for STEVE who has presented us with a new thread and who so generously shares his blog with us!!! And, thanks to JUDIE for taking care of the call over!

The nest is just beautiful, even when MT. Nice breeze, filtered sunlight and vivid colors! What a difference the new cam has made. JUDIE, I agree, our nest and other wildlife cams are the best entertainment value around! I thoroughly enjoyed reading about the Belle and Shep doings of yesterday evening and the wonderful description of details like their eyes and feathers! Yep, this camera rocks!

We have a gorgeous day for walking here. Autumn weather is such a welcome relief after months with the A/C on.

JANET, hope Olivia isn't too miserable. The end result will make it all worth it!

Hi, LYNNE1! How are those neighboring kitties doing and has their mommy fully recovered from her surgery?

Have a great day everyone!

Prayers for those in need!!!


Sandi said...

Changing my avatar to one of Freyja on her first day of "nursery school" in Mexico City. Do I agree with sending a 15 month old to nursery school? Don't ask.

Kay said...

What a cutie patootie she is!!! I won't ask, but I know I agree with you!☺

grannyblt said...

Maybe Freyja will learn Spanish LOL

Kay, the neighboring kittens are doing well. They are well cared for and loved. Lizzie, aka momma cat, has completely recovered and is calming down to fit into the household routine. She and William seem to have reached a tolerable peace.

Kay said...

Thanks, LYNNE1---that is really good kitty news all the way around!

JudyEddy said...




AND I HAVE A FLAT TIRE JUST WALKED OUT TO THE TRUCK to get the extension cords I am giving away at work and discovered it

I will call AAA and tell them I get off a 4 SO see if they can be here then

Mema Jo said...

Good afternoon to all ♥
Having so many cams to watch is usually the reason I am late come onto the blog. I need to go back a page.

Thanks Steve for the fresh new thread of the week!

Gorgeous out today - doors open once again.

No special plans other then to get some fresh air!


JudyEddy said...

back SIS I hope Livy doing good on the rewiring I have heard that it is painful for a while after not positive just what I heard AND you are suppose drink the coffee not on the floor LOL do you take something to relieve the sneezing??

Nice we had another visit this am and I will transfer the pic Sandi put on FB to the EM album and fb later when I get home and I do see the one large stick in the middle of the nest a trip hazard in my book lol

Our weather is marvelous in the lo 70 in the dew point is lo feel like fall here

SANDI LOVE the new avatar she is getting prettier each day

JO has he started walking on his own yet every time I see your avatar I wonder

Is she in nursery school due to working SANDI

KAY how is your weather now in OHIO? I do remember the cool fall up there

Mema Jo said...

The pictures from this morning are gorgeous -- Sandi I like your days off!
Here is a link to the Large Incoming Stick --

Start around 4:25 mark - Crays video

JudyE you did great yesterday - about 51 photos in our Oct EM album - thx

Judie said...

Thank you, Jo for the morning video link. So interesting to watch.

Sandi, I agree with what you didn't say.


glo said...

ga everyone. Sandi I too agree with what you didn't say. Probably why no one even asks us anymore. Got the pop up cam on all day now. It will alert me to when I should head to live cam. Lazy sort of day here for a change. I think I need a breather :-)

Sandi said...

Good afternoon all. I have raked both driveways to remove all of the leaves, pine cones, and pine needles, emptied most of my flower pots, and picked up branches in the 2 garden areas out front and in the back yard, which is very small. Made 3 very large piles on the wooded lot next door. I did not have the energy to also gather all of the branches that fell onto the lot - that is a more than one person project. Took 3 Ibuprofin and now I am DONE working for the day!!

Thanks for not asking and thanks for agreeing with me - you ladies are the best!

Glo, I had already decided to do just what you're doing. Yesterday I left the live cam "running" all day long. But with all the buffering that occurs, it's not on real time and the delay was significant. So I plan to leave the still open to alert me to when there is an eagle in the nest. Then I can open the live cam for that beautiful HD view.

The sun came out for a bit but now it's cloudy again and damp - feel like it could even sprinkle. I hope my sub had an OK day with Sam. Then again, he could have been assigned to another day of in-school-suspension for his language toward me last week.

JudyEddy said...

SITTING IN PARKING lot waiting for AAA to change tire and its raining so I am in truck and I am using fee wifi wmt I did sign up for my service acct through my cable co but will use this for now have cam up on tablet and this lap top is about to run out of battery so I wil sign off it for now will watch nest while waiting since could be a hour bummer

Lynne2 said...

good afternoon all!

It was SO wonderful to wake up to sun shining again!!

Dentist today, Urologist tomorrow...seems I may not be quite done with my kidney stone. UGH. Been having symptoms of UTI but UA was negative. But it comes and goes. One day fine, another day not so much. Then there has been some really, and I mean REALLY horrible very low back pain going all the way down my legs. Went to back Dr. Friday and she thinks this is not my back issue, per say, but that I should call the urologist.

I'm beginning to think it may not have passed but is now using my bladder as it's swim club. LOL! So I will see the Uro Dr tomorrow. Of course, I feel fine today!

Sandi......I'll just say..... UGH.

Now, I can't seem to remember from year to year, but is it usual for the Royal Couple to be at the nest so often THIS early?

TWO meteor shows this month....The Draconids peak this Thursday night/Friday wee wee hours and then later on Oct 21 the Orionids.

Lynne, glad to hear the kittens and Lizzie are all doing so well!

Good grief Judy, hope they have come to change your tire by now!

JudyEddy said...

Howdy back home and it was only 25 min not a hour I teased the guy and he said well I will just sit here and watch the cam with you until the hours passes what a nice gentleman he was

so don't know if I should get the tire fixed at work or risk it till Thur when I go to get the brakes done Maybe I will at work I just don't trust them I have seen too many complaints in the TLE dept they are just average people off the street doing the work no real training

gonna go hear up my second night of left overs from BM

JudyEddy said...

lost the cam and boy is the view changed looks like the eagle adjusted it point down on the tree

grannyblt said...

I just turned on the cam. It seems to be doing a very slow pan....

grannyblt said...

Now it a full nest view. Not much else visible . But at least it isn't moving any more.

JudyEddy said...

I sure wish they would pan back again we now have the NHZ again

first I lost the cam and when the still cam back it was pointing down then after I realized they were playing with it I guess getting use to it odd for this time of the day wouldn't ya think?

sweet potatoes and squash casserole Anyone have a good recipe for the later BM is awesome

JudyEddy said...

Jo when I went to the EM album there are 100 pic now

JudyEddy said...

SANDI I love the big stick photo looks like one was offering then stick Or here I know your gonna put it where you want it


JudyEddy said...

I guess I need to remember we have a PTZ and not panic when it moves LOL I thought maybe the eagle knocked it down with the view pointing down I will try to remember

JudyEddy said...

I love the fall foliage in the nest at 3

JudyEddy said...

I got a bill from my dentist 125.00 is looks like what I may have to pay more out of pocket because of the surgery I will call United Health my med insurance to see if they will pay and if I was not cut How is it surgery is the question I will ask them they pulled the tooth and put in the bone graft in the hole from the extraction OK may be technical but I will try anything LOL I will ask the dentist on Wed also and if I have to pay I am going to bring up why they didn't get a pre determination on the procedure before they did it Would have been ONE phone call OK off my band wagon

Mema Jo said...

I just returned home I really wish they would bring the cam out some - too many zones
of "No See"!
The sun was just at the height to blind you - even with sun glasses it wasn't good.
But we are home safely.

The nestorations looks like there needs to be lots of work at the nest. The juvies of the previous season always leave things in a mess.

Not sure how I am going to spend my evening after Jeopardy - TV shows don't appeal to me.

IF I find something and don't return -you know what that means......
Goodnight and Sweet Eagle Dreams ♥

Janet said...

Woo hoo! A new thread for a new week! THANKS STEVE and CONGRATS JUDIE! That feather looks stunning on you!
Thank you all for the kind wishes for Olivia. UNFORTUNATELY she was Ms. Disagreeable today. Whatever I suggested (to include why don’t you take some motrin before we go? Or because we were running behind, do you want to grab a quick breakfast out? The answer to each was No and NO) was a no go. So, I didn’t argue with her. By the time they were ½ way done with rewiring her, she was already hurting. I felt badly for her…..but not much I could do at that point. They gave her some motrin while we were there.
I still have some pain reliever from her surgery last week and have given her a dose of that. So she’s doing okay this evening.
JUDYE: bummer about the tire. Hopefully AAA was able the get there quickly.
And yes, after they re-tighten the bands, wires, and what nots in her mouth, it hurts…a lot. You don’t even want your teeth to touch….thankfully I still had some of her pain meds left.
Typically the sneezing is worst in the a.m. and by the time I am out the door, it is gone. I usually don’t have to take anything. But the problem was this morning I was so stinking sleepy that I was having a difficult time getting my coffee cup from the shelf next to me to my mouth. I know that’s coffee abuse, isn’t it!? I wasn’t pleased, trust me!
SANDI: FREYJA is so beautiful! <3 We don’t always have to agree with everything our kids do, particularly in parenting….we just have to be respectful I believe. Boundaries are sometimes difficult…
Had lunch with Tom today. Metro is on fall break. But for bus drivers it s a no pay week, so he decided to work car quest this week (his second job). After all the stress of the a.m. driving downtown lunchtime was no picnic. Had a great lunch, and a few min to breathe and relax was nice.
I came home and worked on pressure washing the boat to get the gunk off of it. It did pretty well. The seats are stained…dumb dumb me agreed to cream colored seats. DUH! I will take the magic eraser things later this week and see if I can remove some of it? Other wise I don’t know . they are vinyl and I know bleach will eat them.
All right, time to fix dinner. Hope everyone is enjoying a good evening! Good night in case I don’t make it back tonight!

II honor the place in you in which the entire universe dwells

I honor the place in you which is of truth, of light and of peace

When you are in that place in you and I am in that place in me

We are One."
With Light, Love, and Blessings,


JudyEddy said...

DEB uploaded a video TOUR of the NEST LOL

JudyEddy said...

looks like we have a no show so far at the nest maybe they thought since they spent so much time with us last night they would just skip tonight LOL OFF to TV land LM LM LM LM LM

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

JO now there are 118 pic in the album EM one after tonight visit I got snips on table and desktop which was delayed so I got some on it also

Mema Jo said...

My little Pumpkin ♥

JudyEddy said...

just registered my cell phone for the don't call list online instead of calling I just got a phone call and didn't answer it a # I don't know so I googled the # and it ask if you received a call let them know on that link so I did also being its a Trac phone and I don't want to use up min to answer it

Judie said...

As Jo said, tv tonight does not appeal unless I watch First 48. So, I think a book will be my choice.

Jo, make sure you keep a close watch on your little pumpkin. I could just scoop him up.

Restful sleep for all.

Mema Jo said...

Judy it tells you to give it so many hours to go into affect before reporting calls.
We just did our phones again - we had done this when it first came out BUT recently there were calls upon calls daily. We I guess re-registered! Took a day or it tells you how many hours to wait before reporting.

Now we haven't been getting calls.

Mema Jo said...

I'm watching a repeat of Midsomer Mysteries ------ Almost over !

JudyEddy said...

JO my issue is my fault I couldn't remember when I called last Well I did write it in my phone book and its been years 2011 since I called so its my BAD all the way Shame on me I don't know how often you have to renew but I did it online and kept the confirmation on it also

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all
♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"

Mema Jo said...

Goodnight to all and SED ♥

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. back to school for me - I wonder if Sam has missed me?

Judy, thanks for the reminder about re-registering on the Do Not Call List - will have to do that again.

Jo, I LOVE your new Elliot avatar - he is one beautiful boy!!

Janet, I hope Livvy is a little less grouchy and a lot less in pain today.

Feeling stiff this morning from all of the raking and picking up done yesterday. Have a great day all.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds naturally nest is MT to early for the early birds LOL

and SANDI no problem on the reminder I just wish I had one and HOW OFTEN do we do it I need to find that out someone said once a year???????

Janet said...

good morning!

JUDYE: I believe I registered our do not call on the internet.....

beautiful morning here, moon and stars, some high clouds and already 65 degrees. nice days.

wishing everyone a beautiful day! thinking of you all!

grannyblt said...

Good morning eagle buds. Eagles visited for about 5 minutes around 715.

Judie said...

Good mid-morning.

Internet is iffy this morning. Hope the problem resolves quickly.

Beautiful day with sunshine and blue sky.

Wishing all of you a beautiful day.

Sandi said...

Good morning from school. Turns out that Sam has a day of OSS - that's out-of-school-suspension - but the vice principal neglected to include me in the email she sent out yesterday. Hmmm, maybe she thought if i knew Sam wouldn't be in school, i would just take another day off?!

Anyway, when i found out i figured i would just help the special ed. Teacher on my team with something but, lo and behold, he's out today! So I am just chillin'. Works for me.


Mema Jo said...

Good late morning to all ♥

Sandi - Sounds like you have an easy day - Well I think the VP knows your plan on those frequent day's off! lol - You have earned every one.

Appointment this afternoon to get my Power Port flushed - a monthly event.. Then I need to get my eyeglass frames adjusted. I sorta dropped them and the one ear piece really got bent out of shape!

I hope everyone is enjoying this weather but also thinking it is that time of year when head colds happen. I've been sneezing a bit - but feel great.

The picture I have now really isn't legal yet - meaning Elliot had a photo shoot and I've seen all the pics but parents have not posted any on FB so neither can I. I will keep him here secretly. Most were with fall leaves and pumpkins - Every photo shows a different facial expression - remarkable.......♥

Mema Jo said...

Nest is MT - I am very anxious to see where that log is going to be placed. Like "Surprise Me"

Mema Jo said...

Grandson Aaron has posted on FB 1 photo of Elliot - Same one as my avatar but it shows
the pumpkin

JudyEddy said...

Hello from McD waiting for Angie she wants to get some stuff and I can use my discount also I need to get some stuff This seems to be the only place that sells Uncrustable with honey in them and that is what Jordyn like she does not like jelly or jam at all

Have the live feed open on tablet and only have a little power left in laptop odd that this battery doesn't last very long only during lunch says I have 23 min left which is always wrong 20% The tablet last for days on a charge ok gonna power down and wait and watch if they show up and I do see the two logs that they brought in was the second one brought in today I guess?

Kay said...

Good Afternoon, Eagle Buds!!!

Had a good Doggy Play Day and now Penny and I are ready to chill out for the rest of this day.

SANDI, chill away---you've earned such days and then some.

JO, I can tell Elliot has his hands on a pumpkin! Hope Power Port is well flushed and that your eyeglasses are no longer bent out of shape.

Thanks for the eagle report early this a.m., LYNNE1.

JUDIE, hope your internet problems resolved and that you've had a dandy day!

I'm so out of touch--last week I didn't know what those sweets were that SANDI shared with the storm clean up crew and now I've not the slightest idea what ANGIE and JUDY are feeding Jordyn---"Uncrustables with honey"??? Not that I can do anything but let me mouth water over sweet treats, just curious. I'd probably know more about such things if I ever watched TV commercials, but I tune them out or silence them.

Have a good Tuesday evening y'all!

Prayers for those in need!!!


JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

check it out KAYKAY the uncrustable are a frozen round peanut butter sandwich that you put in the kids lunch and it is fresh when the are ready for it at lunch the bread is oh so soft I laughed out loud when I read you being out of touch LOL and it wheat bread with the honey

JudyEddy said...

my delete link didn't work don't know why

home from WMT at last

Saved Angie $7 using my discount every bit helps

Judie said...

Good evening.

MT nest.

Kay, I also have no idea what an uncrustable is other than my pies when the crusts crumble and fall off. Glad you had a good doggie day.

Internet. Well, Darth spent the better part of the day with the Verizon people. Made me wonder. Just how many Peggys can there be other there?

Jo, many thanks for the picture of Elliot. He is just one cutie patutie. Does port flushing count for an ice cream cone? Hope so.

Sandi, so happy your decision is working out to be a good one for you.

Don't think much of interest for me on tv tonight. Will likely finish another book.

Restful sleep for all.

JudyEddy said...

I drive my teh cell tower and the female was there stayed a while is why I am late getting home

JudyEddy said...

disco light is on the camera st robbing LOL


Sandi said...

Finally an eagle!

Sandi said...

Now 2!

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


DanaMo said...

Eagle in the nest. Dana on the blog! LOL!

Hey all! How's it going?

Now two eagles in the nest. Love the new camera. I have been watching.

Sandi said...

Great to see you here, Dana! How is your school year going?

DanaMo said...

Let's just say I wish it was June!!

JudyEddy said...


Sandi said...

Oh dear, Dana - tough group??? You'll whip 'em into shape, I'm sure!

DanaMo said...

Challenging to say the least. I already had one leave. Unfortunately, the parents didn't understand that their son has some issues beside just misbehaving. I got blamed, no classroom control, blah blah blah...I think he was somewhere on the spectrum. I feel bad that he isn't getting the services he needs since they are not recognizing that there is an issue.

Another that is in la la land and can't get anything done at all, another so drugged on ADD meds that he is a zombie (and a very sweet zombie at that), another who we can't understand at all in conversation, but is getting services. Oh I could keep going, but you don't need to hear all that!

How is your year? Enjoying your new role?

JudyEddy said...

Hello DANA you have been missed Welcome back I didn't see you as I was snipping snipping away

JudyEddy said...

so sorry about the kiddo issues DanaMo hope the year goes better as each day passes

JudyEddy said...


Mema Jo said...

Good to see you Dana but not good to hear of more then one problem to cope with every school day. Push to get them help is the only advice I can give. OI know you at times wish you were on your way to FL retirement's world.

I am here to say my Goodnight to All & SED ♥

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. Chilly outside this AM. I am still wearing sandals to school, though I have switched from capris to long pants. Haven't packed away the warm weather clothes yet - I hate pulling out the sweaters and turtlenecks.

I am in ISS with Sam today. I will also be meeting his mother, since I have been invited to attend his IEP meeting. Should be an interesting meeting.

Dana, it's only October. As I recall, the rough group you had 2 years ago shaped up eventually. Stay strong!! Visit us when you can - we've got your back!

Have agreat day all.

Janet said...

good morning to one and all! have a great day!

Judie said...

Good morning.

Hi Dana. How nice to see you stopped by to visit. How not nice to read you have a difficult group to work with. You will prevail!

Um, Sandi? Are you wearing socks with those sandals?

Off to forage today and to retrieve a purse I had repaired.

Wishing everyone the best day possible.

DanaMo said...

Good morning! They are working quietly right now! LOL! It won't last though.
Yes, I did have a group like this about 3 years ago. That group is now in 3td grade. God Bless that teacher! :)

Did the royal couple appear this morning? I didn't get to look at the cam.

glo said...

Good morning everyone. So disgusted with AT&T after 20 yrs or so as customer they now have this Uverse thing which I can not get in my neighborhood. They have raised their dsl service which was once $14.95 and has slowly crept it's way up to now $52 and speed isn't all that great. I can get it cheaper with a bundle but I really no longer need a landline and don't watch much tv. So for now I will have to use some other wifi or just my smartphone. Almost cold turkey but not quite. I will eventually hook back up to other service provider with faster speeds at a similar or most likely even lower price. Once the nests are more active and I want a bigger screen than my smart phone :-) Today Patches and I are going to Petco for some more treats.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Coming in to check the comments and the nest.

JudyEddy said...

Forgot to say GM just got back from the dentist they called yesterday and ask if I could come in earlier at 11 instead of 1

now want go set alarm clock so I don't forget to get up early to take truck in for brakes and tire tomorrow

gonna head to the park since its is absolutely glorious out we have fall weather To pretty I want to go out and play LOL

JudyEddy said...

I guess there was no early visit didn't see anything on FB either

JudyEddy said...

They found a eagle that was rescued in Seffner which is near Tampa here is a video I made from the tv

JudyEddy said...

some people thinks it may be M15 Frankie Valli but I doubt it and the dirty face is that dark feathers or dirt
and there are thousand of eagle nest in fl and I think he would be with Harriett if he were alive JMHO

Lolly said...

Good morning! Have been busy this week. Monday we worked hard in the yard. Then yesterday we went to Denton, taking dinner. Had fun! Great to see the boys!

Going to put my attention today on cleaning house, would rather be outside!

Dana, sounds like a tough year. Yes, feel sorry for the little guy that is not getting the correct services he needs. So sad when parents will not acknowledge a problem.

Lynne, we gotta get you well, Girl! Enough of this!!

stronghunter said...

Nest is empty. Looks sunny and breezy there.

Interesting event--Our new little kitty, Cheeto, likes to carry items around in his mouth. Recently, I washed a new blouse that had a chain closure. Part of the chain broke off and got caught in the washer. I retrieved it and put it on the kitchen table so I could sew it back on. Just now, I saw Cheeto walk by with the chain in his mouth. Glad that I spotted him. That blouse would be ruined without it. (I think I will be washing that blouse by hand from now on.)

Mema Jo said...

Good afternoon to all! Another beautiful weather day to enjoy.

No plans today on my calendar.

Shirley, Jenny had a cat at one time that loved to get things out of her jewelry box.
She would take them and play with them but Jenny had a hard time finding them. Glad you
caught the thief Cheeto before he got away!

Dana - I hope you have a really good assistant to help you out when things get unruly.

Sandi - Here is hoping Sam's mother listens better to this report. She always seems to start the fireworks when she comes in. Perhaps you should have declined the invite to the meeting. Or better yet, you should extend to her to spend a day in the ISS with you and Sam...

stronghunter said...

Interesting idea...I had a mom come to school with her 12th grade son. She gave him a hard time when he couldn't answer a question she thought he should have been able to. I kind of felt sorry for the kid.

stronghunter said...

Oh my, Jo. I do not want Cheeto to get into my jewelry box. I must remember to keep it closed.

Cheeto does look funny walking around carrying items.

Sandi said...

Hi all - interesting day. While I was in ISS with Sam, he refused to work b/c I would not let him listen to music. He put his hood up and his head down - fine.

After I left to attend his IEP meeting, Sam became so belligerent and verbally abusive to the ISS monitor that he called the principal (the vice principal was in the meeting with me). When Sam proceeded to be rude to the principal, he told him to get his stuff and come to the office. Sam's parents came out of the conference room at the end of the meeting (around noon) to find Sam sitting in the main office waiting for them and they were told to take him home for the rest of the day.

So, unless Sam's verbal abuse was significant enough to warrant another day of out-of-school suspension, he'll be back in ISS tomorrow to serve the day that he didn't serve today. Never a dull moment.

I am off to the grocery store - bye!

glo said...

Looks like Sandi Has her hands full and Sam is a very troubled child. I am thinking he is learning some of his attitude towards others right from his mom. Tough road ahead for this whole family if they don't wise up. Patches and I had a good trip to Petco. She loves to go for rides now, Still pretty people shy. I so want that to improve for her. I guess it is but it's a slow go. She has spent so many years without a family. She might be that one person dog. Not mean at all, just well fearful to some extent. I need a magic wand for her.

Sandi said...

Glo, I think you're right about Sam. His folks acted like "model parents" but after the meeting the school psychologist said the parents are all talk. They are apparently a very dysfunctional family with a history of drug and alcohol abuse. Very sad situation. Yes, Sam is troubled but sadly, he's just a kid and didn't ask to be born into a family full of turmoil.

JudyEddy said...

back home from a two hour walk at Weedon Island park and I didn't get to do all the boardwalks and tails they close at 4 I thought not positive so I headed out other parks are open till dark I just may want to try kayaking the nest time looks so peaceful doing it When I googled it it said before sunset but didn't want to risk it and the funny thing I was there years ago so google map sent me in a odd way to go but when I left I must have turned the wrong way and came out on The Gandy which would have been a better way to go right near Goodwill Silly google map not unless they took in consideration of road construction on the bridge Dunno
and my puter was off again so looks like it may be time for a new one I want to try to wait like I said until black Friday sales to get one Will baby this one along Eric said it is time to put her down LOL he said he could put Windows 7 in it but the hard drive may be the issue also

JudyEddy said...

was so hoping that they would adjust the camera back to where we see more of the nest Deb said she thought the cam did a pan tilt zoom daily on its own We need to find out I thought that would have to be done by a person Ok I am so sweaty need a shower and I got some sun also need to figure out how to get my legs tanned don't match my arms and back or face LOL

JudyEddy said...

oh and I saw lots and lots of Boris to many and discovered above my head as I walked so had to keep looking up to make sure they wouldn't drop as well as down and to the side and there were so big big ones don't know what kind I will ask Sue Tess she would know Ugly things they were got to see a raccoon in his hole in the tree and so birds no gators 113 pictures

Judie said...

Good early evening.

Glo, I rather suspect you are the magic wand that Patches needs. She'll come round.

Shirley, Cheeto is bringing presents (her "kill") all around to show off. Too funny. We had a Siamese that I am sure was part retriever. Toss a toy and it would be retrieved. Was fun.

JudyE, take your Eagle cane next time you walk among the spiders.

It really would be a blessing for some young folks if a panel of educators could actually mandate psychological and behavioral counseling for all family members in situations such as Sam's. Truly disheartening.

Foraging done. Tilapia and asparagus with Couscous tonight. Easy prep and easy cleanup.

Shirley, Culpepper school made the news. Teen with a pellet gun. Sheriff refused to name the kid to prevent publicity he might be seeking. Good plan. Can't recall the school name. Hope Hunter was not affected by the lock down.

Wonder how Lynne2 is doing?

Jo, thank you so much for the picture of my future boy toy, Elliot. Real or not, he seems to like the bubbles.


JudyEddy said...

a ant just crawled across the screen atleast wasn't Boris LOL
and I do take my cane with me

JudyEddy said...

disco light at nest again LOL eagle should be showing up we hope but a no show this am

glo said...

Judie thank you. You are both kind and encouraging.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


grannyblt said...

Both now

JudyEddy said...

poof one

JudyEddy said...

poof twe

Mema Jo said...

Poof from the car in to the PC and MISSED THEM.

grannyblt said...

Short visit, both gone

Judie said...

Good evening all.

Dinner has been devoured. The scullery restored to order. Now, my feet are going up and the tv is going on. Will watch Worst Cooks because it makes me feel I am a graduate of Le Cordon Bleu -- Julia was just a year ahead of me. lol

Wishing everyone a night of restful sleep.

Mema Jo said...

Goodnight to all & SED ♥

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends.

Judy, never socks with sandals, but "beach folk" are known for wearing flip flops well past the time of year when most do!

Lynne2, what's up with the kidney stone?

Have agreat day all.

Janet said...

morning to all! another week almost done! Friday eve!
have a great day!

NCSuzan said...

Eagle back!

NCSuzan said...

I have too much buffering this morning to give a blow by blow. Drat. But he's still there. Whoever!

NCSuzan said...

Just looking over the area, no stick decorating!

NCSuzan said...


NCSuzan said...

This no head zone is ridiculous!!

NCSuzan said...

Took a pic but it is sort of gruesome to have a pic of two birds with no heads!

NCSuzan said...

Poof one.

NCSuzan said...

Now just feetsies left in the nest!

NCSuzan said...

I apologize for the terrible commentary. Between the no head zone and buffering it was a pitiful attempt to report. But what I saw of our birds they do look awesome!Now poof the other!

NCSuzan said...

Got to go fix another cup of coffee!

DanaMo said...

Good morning!
No eagles, or maybe I missed them this morning.
Glad it's Thursday!!

JudyEddy said...

Yeper eagles were in nest. I put pic on fb
Didn't post on here trying to get out door. I wm at walker Ford. Brakes

JudyEddy said...

I see suzan did commentary of visit

Lynne2 said...

Good morning!

Hope you got to see the beautiful celestial lineup in the east this AM....Baby moon, Venus and Jupiter all lined up!

SO, went to back Dr to figure out this terrible back/leg pain. After 2 hour wait to see the PA she said it must be kidney related because nothing is specifically showing in exam of back that would be causing pain worse than my normal pain. Went to Uro Dr next day, all is fine. Ultrasound reveals NO stones, swelling, or other abnormalities. Unknown why I have UTI symptoms as culture and UA were clear. Will monitor.

THEN....suddenly while watching TV that night I realized this pain is actually very severe cramping! A HA! moment? more like a DUH moment! Caused by the adenomyosis! Will call GYN this AM. I may just be getting spayed after all. LOL!

Big stink from former owner of pigs. One of my friends who does horse rescue posted a plea for them and she saw it. Claims she DID have an agreement with new owner to keep pigs and donkeys. If she did, she'll need to take that up with him. But I answer to HIM now. Boy, I hate this. MTRB....

There was an intruder in the nest a bit ago....looked like a mockingbird? While I was trying to ID it, I got BUFFED.

Lynne2 said...

OH..l got the results of the urine 24 hour test. Seems I don't drink enough. LOL! I need to be drinking 2.5 litres of fluids a day but my test reveals I am averaging on litre short. I have uric acid in high amounts so I need to calculate my protein intake now, and I had lots of calcium so must limit dairy.

JudyEddy said...

back home and forgot to ADD the STILL Cam is stuck on night

Judie said...

Good morning.

Nest MT when I checked. Bei Bei was snoozing alone and Mei was eating in the other room

Sandi, hope today will be a more pleasant one for you. Oh, no problem with beach people and flip flops -- remember when the college girls wore flip flops to the White House?

Hi to Dana and Suzan.

Lynne2, what a time you've had to figure out the health problem. Hopefully, you now know the problem and get that resolved quickly. Still saddened about the pig situation.

Quiet day planned. Wishing all of you a lovely day.

JudyEddy said...

LYNNE2 I hope you medical issues can be resolved quickly and YEP it is hard to drink lots of water I was drinking up[to 6 20oz a day but when working hard to do but when I am off I do

JudyEddy said...

So nice to see some of the old gang coming back on the blog Now we need the rest to pop in

Thanks for the nest report Suz and I also don't like this view sure wish it would go back to what it was the other day
I did get some pic that weren't headless

JudyEddy said...

waiting for the cable man 10-12 on time appt really aren't on time in my book but better than before a 4 hr lead way

my truck will be done but with the appt won't get picked up in courtesy van till 1 then I will probably go do a walk in a park then to Jordyn gym at 530

JudyEddy said...

Since SEPT a king cobra was just found under a ladies dryer (which is in her garage) They have been looking for its since then and have set up traps I am sure all the neighbors are happy it was found and this isn't the first time it has gotten out I think after more than one time they should fine the guy or take the snake from him Putting a whole neighborhood on edge something should be done

It hissed at her and didn't realize it was the snake until she heard it hiss 5 times and then she called and sure enough it was found so its back to its owner in Orlando

JudyEddy said...

cable man is here need to shut down and he is early

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

Doing a quick welfare check here before collecting Malcolm for Doggy Play Day.

LYNNE2, sometimes these maladies require a lot of detective work and I hope you're on the right track now. Water is an amazing fluid affecting our bodies in a wide variety of ways. I call it "elixer of the Gods"---my favorite beverage! The PigTale continues to drive you and the rest of us nuts! Hoping for the best outcome all the way around.

SUZAN, nice to see you do the nest report this a.m.! Hope that buffering situation is resolved with time for it is truly a PIA.

JUDY, enjoy your walk in the park and time with Jordyn.

Wishing all a very nice day and praying for those in need!!!


JudyEddy said...

cable guy is gone and I am up and running
but lap top is doing something that it hasn't done will let it finish what it is doing I need to call and get my ip address changed to one I can remember it was my name before now a bunch of numbers and letters and I can get it done via phone call
Bummer now I have to wait till 1 for shuttle

JudyEddy said...

while I was out talking to the cable guy I saw a bird fly in to my tree in front and it was a red pleated wood pecker Went in to house to get camera and naturally he was gone when

JudyEddy said...

AS THE EAGLE NEST TURNS her is Vickie report not Slim

"""Well, well, well... I know - that is a deep subject. Just who was at the nest with Harriet this morning? I assumed it was the sub adult (SA/Slim) but the markings are not there. i am reviewing my footage now.
Here is an update from the SWFEC head moderator just an hour ago, posted on the chatroll next to the cams.
Oct 8 2015, 10:53 AM
Essec09: Good morning. Hope everyone enjoyed seeing the eagles on the nest tree this morning. Hopefully those moments in the nest tree will be more frequent as the days go by. Lots of questions about who Harriet was branch sharing with. Right now - we can only say it wasn't the Sub-Adult she has been seen with the past couple of days. There was no terminal band or dark feathers on the head of this eagle. Is it M15? Could be, but not sure.
Oct 8 2015, 10:54 AM
Essec09: If anyone has any closeup photos of M15 during the time that Ozzie had returned to the nest, we would love for you to post them on SWFEC's Facebook page for comparisons. Enjoy your day!
Thank you, Essec!!"""

I will post video when she post it I get notification in email for her also same as Deb S

JudyEddy said...

DEE the photographer says YES it is Frankie Valli Ma5 I asked does he have special marking to know for sure

JudyEddy said...

M15 is what I thought I typed

JudyEddy said...

Ford just called they patched the tire a nail was in it and my truck brakes are done just a reg brake job yeah now waiting for van to come to take me to it

Lynne2 said...

SO, I just came in from outside to find a message from the urologist. Seems I may have been right after all. He wants me in for a CT scan because there IS blood in my urine sample they did yesterday. I thought they ran the test there but they must have sent it out and got the results back this AM. So it's very possible with this intermittent UTI feeling that my stone could actually be swimming in the bladder, just like I said. And it may not have been visible in the ultrasound.

Good grief.

We may have come up with a good solution to the pig problem. It's too hard to explain how the set up is in the barn but we think we can effectively put them in one area and fence a little trail to the field on the side that isn't suitable for delicate thoroughbreds. MTRB.....

JudyEddy said...

well there is pictures of his tail feathers having a dark spot on the end looks like he was laying lo till the heat was off

Mema Jo said...

Good afternoon to all ♥
Nothing new to report - Hubby brought home a humongous potted yellow mums. Beautiful

I did email IT about the frozen still cam - I'm sure the Wed night download to the server caused it. No response yet but as long as we have the live feed it isn't a priority I'm sure. I did ask some other questions concerning the new cam look - I'll
let you know if I get a reply.

JudyEddy said...

Thanks JO for getting in contact with the IT people I lost the live feed for a few min but got it back
ant is back

JudyEddy said...

I think it is a spider Boris the front legs looks long

JudyEddy said...

my live feed keeps going down and then I get it back up I get the message Sorry, we were unable to play the media you selected. Please try again, or select alternate media. Error encountered: Steam not found and its on both lap top and desk top

JudyEddy said...

and when I bring it back up I have a visitor on the cam the spider When it moves it looks like a spider but the body is elongated like a ant but the front legs are different

JudyEddy said...

-some one needs to go up there and spray that little bugger he keeps going across the top of the cam screen and I am pretty sure it is a spider when it moves it looks like one but when I try for a screen grab its hard to tell I am still waiting for the van boy are they slo I guess lots more to pic up then there were to drop of only me and one other guy this am I was home by 836 they leave there at 1 for pick ups

JudyEddy said...

This is the blog that Dee does I have it bookmarked also she tell the story of this am discovering it is M15 Frankie Valli I will call him

JudyEddy said...

is anyone else keep loosing the live feed or is it just me Is anyone else watching Still waiting I just called and he had to go north first which makes no sense to me south would have been quicker then he could have dropped me then gone north LOL so I sit here waiting watching Boris on the screen about 12 times so far just at the top of the screen I blame him on the cam going out LOL

JudyEddy said...

looks like they are working on still RAINBOW colors were on it just now and the word osprey???

JudyEddy said...

and Zack just called he is now in Treasure Island which is on the beach wow he covers a lot of distance I guess that what happens when everyone loves Walker Ford lol there are other dealers in area but none like them Ok since I have commented toooo many times I will go sit and wait

Mema Jo said...

***Reason for cams being down **************

William T. McWilliams · Training Specialist at National Conservation Training Center
The camera will go offline soon for an hour or two today while we prepare the concrete pad for the waterproof housing storing the electronic components.

Reply to my email :
The camera panning is a result of power loss as far as we can tell, and it is returning from a power on state to the default position over the nest, it just takes a bit. I will raise the camera slightly and make that the new default, so the heads are showing.
I am working right now to locate the cause of the buffering. I am working with all vendors involved to troubleshoot.
I hope this helps, and I've copied Steve in case there is anything he wants to add or someone else he wants to convey this information to.
Thank you

NCSuzan said...

Jo, thank you for taking the helm concerning the cam issues. You are a brave lady and very appreciated!

Mema Jo said...

All for the love of Momsters, Suzan ♥

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

I apologize! I've been missing in action for quite a while now. Ken and I are fine, and so is Emma. We did have to go to the dermatology doctor this morning so they could look at Ken's hand again, though. It's been red and irritated for a few days. They looked at it with a magnifier, and found one stitch that wasn't taken out! The crazy stitch is gone now, though. Also, Ken is apparently allergic to the antibiotic cream they recommended. We're using plain petroleum jelly on it now. The lab results showed that they got clean margins, so that's a good report.

Our friends, Jim and Darlene, have been through a rough spot in the last couple of weeks. Jim has COPD, and was having trouble breathing, so went into the hospital. He had pneumonia, and after a week on 2 or 3 antibiotics, he's been released, and is back home now. Phew! Thank God!!!

Long story short, we've been running around visiting Jim, and had several other people we'd arranged to meet for either breakfast or lunch. Just too busy!

When Ken went to get his stitches out of his hand, we were able to get our flu shots that day. We've both had our pneumonia vaccine, too.

I've tried to keep up here as much as possible, but may not be completely up to date. I will certainly try to get here every day, since the nesting season is so near. By the way, the new camera is wonderful!

Hope everyone is having a good day. I need to cook some more chicken for Emma right now, so to the kitchen I go! Will try to get back here later, after dinner. I ♥ us!

Mema Jo said...

Dinner was at the Longhorn........ steak was tender and baked potato was excellent

Tonight it is Jeopardy - Ms Fisher & then Dr Blake Mysteries Then at 10 I am free!

Everyone have a good evening -

Goodnight to all (I won't be back unless I need to nitify you that the cams are up.

Judie said...

Good evening.

Dinner over. Now ready for Jeopardy and Miss Fisher. Then, the last few chapters of a book.

Andy, good news for Ken and for your friend Jim. Wish them both continued improvement.

Jo, thank you for being our contact with NCTC and for today's update on the cam. I rather think that you should be our official, and only, contact between the momsters and NCTC. The last thing we need would be to annoy those who are so good to us with calls and emails, etc. JMHO.

Wishing everyone a night of restful sleep.

JudyEddy said...

this isn't to far from where I live two eaglet squabbling over territory Pictures are awesome

JudyEddy said...

ANDY good to hear all is ok with Ken and a missed stitch HMMM maybe dr needs glasses

Sandi said...

Judie, had to Google "college girls who wore flip flops to the White House" - sure did not remember that!

I absolutely agree with Judie that Jo should be our sole contact with NCTC, directly, on Facebook, and on the Outdoor Channel site.

Thanks Jo for the update on the live cam from the NCTC crew. I hope it will be up and running tomorrow since I am feeling an illness coming on. Tomorrow is a "teacher workday" but, as a para, I have no school work to do. What I do have his 60 more sick days to burn!

Sam was a giant PIA today. Enough said.

Grey's Anatomy, Scandal and then How to Get Away with Murder if I can stay awake - my favorite TV night! Goodnight all!

JudyEddy said...

I need to ask for some MOMSTERs PRAYERS Angie friend Megan and Tracy are having twins MONO twins well they are in trouble the were delivered a bit ago and the one only has a 80% chance of making it so if you can can you say a little prayer for them
they are so little and this is their first pregnancy also Landon 4lbs 7 oz and Coy same weight

Janet said...

Good evening to all!
LYNNE2: hoping you get that pain worked out ! still feeling hopeful for the pigs….

ANDY: good grief! I hope things calm down for you all! So glad they removed that final stitch!
JUDYE: got ya covered….sending light and love for the highest and greatest good…
Sheesh! Its Friday eve! Such a busy week!
We spent a good bit of the week scrubbing the boat down and finally have it covered for the winter. This weekend: the RV.
Work has been busy. My private clients are back from Florida so no more free wed a.m.! 
Happy dance!
I’ve spent free time prepping for the festival this weekend. I’ve made a list of things I need to take and will pack them tomorrow after work. I hope at least a few of my rocks sell!
If not…oh well. I’ve had fun painting them!
Started PT today. I am hopeful. I think yesterday my therapist friend Corrie found the hot spot and main part of the problem I’ve been having. There was a nasty nasty nasty trigger point in the muscle that lies in the fossa of the scapula (infraspinatus). I saw stars, moon, tweety birds…when she found it. That particular trigger point refers pain to the area that’s been my problem. The PT today also found some areas right along the medial side of the facets of the vertebrae that are part of the problem. So between it all, maybe I can get a reprieve and no more spasms!
Well need to get to bed shortly. I hope everyone is well. Thinking of each of you, holding you close in my heart and thoughts…good night.
II honor the place in you in which the entire universe dwells

I honor the place in you which is of truth, of light and of peace

When you are in that place in you and I am in that place in me

We are One."
With Light, Love, and Blessings,


Janet said...

good morning! its FRIDAY! RED FRIDAY! hope its a great day!

Janet said...

good morning! its FRIDAY! RED FRIDAY! hope its a great day!

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. It's Friday! Just remember, if anyone from Indian River School District asks you, I am not feeling well this morning. ;)

No live cam and no still cam. Maybe once the NCTC folks get to work this AM they'll be up and running.

Lynne, I will have to Google adenomyosis - no idea what that is. But now you think the pain IS from a kidney stone and NOT the adenomyosis?? If it's a kidney stone, will you have to have it surgically removed or will it pass without surgery? I'm so relieved to hear that the new owner is willing to consider an option to keep the pigs on the farm. So his only objection was them sharing the barn with horses? Are thoroughbreds too uppity to co-mingle with pigs??

Andy, that hand of Ken's has really given him a problem, hasn't it. Glad the doc found the stitch that had been left in and was able to remove it easily.

This is Cruiser weekend in OC - noisy hot rods. No thanks.

It's also Greyhounds Reach the Beach weekend in Dewey & Rehoboth. Now THAT'S where I'll be!! A very good friend who taught with me in Balto. and her daughter who rescued a greyhound will be staying with us for the weekend and we'll be attending the event tomorrow. I'm looking forward to having a greyhound in the house b/c I would really like to rescue one as our next dog. Not now - our 2 little old ladies are all I can handle, and all we can afford! But I'd like to get one down the line.

Today will be a do nothing day - after all, I AM sick. have a good one.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥
We have some drizzle here in the valley

I am enjoying the cam watching our eagle moving some sticks

glo said...

Good Morning everyone. I just saw where today is Norma Long's Birthday. She is a very special momster from the beginning. If you know her or are planning to make a call please tell her Glo too send's birthday wishes.

Time for some more major kinds of stuff for me Zoey is back on her liver supplement. She is ok but I do see her slipping some again. I think she will deal with liver issues now the rest of her life.

My daughter is going to have some major kidney related surgery over her Christmas break. She has asked me to come to help her. So Patches and I will begin to put together the pieces of that journey. Most likely will fly. Not sure how ready Patches is for that BUT I will need to take her with me ready or not.

Hoping all is well enough with folks on the blog. I do see our Lynn has some kidney kinds of stuff happening too.

Judie said...

Good late morning.

To say I slept late would be an understatement. However, I just managed a few minutes ago to see an eagle in the nest and to watch a lovely departure. Darth is greatly impressed with the new camera.

Sandi, I do hope you begin to feel much much better today. Hate to think you are feeling so puny you might have to miss the Greyhounds tomorrow. lol Speaking of having Greyhounds, our former neighbors had two rescue Greyhounds. Nice dogs.

Lynne2, really do hope you can find a cause for your pain and get it resolved quickly. Very quickly. The news about the pigs seems very optimistic and I do hope they can stay with you.

Lovely sunshiny day with blue sky and white clouds. Nothing specific on the agenda.

Wishing everyone a wonderful day.

JudyEddy said...

thanks for you support for the little ones They need as much as I can muster up So one person is better than none

Judie said...

Quick return visit.

Hi Glo. Sorry Zoey needs the liver supplement again and hope she improves soon. More concerned about your daughter and your trip. Are you familiar with pet air travel? Make sure Patches has current veterinarian certification and, if she must go cargo, that the cargo hold is temperature controlled. Can she be in the passenger cabin with you? Just some thoughts.

♪♫ Happy Birthday, Norma ♪♫ Hope the day is spectacular.

Wonder where Shirley is these days?


JudyEddy said...

GLO will be keeping you and your close to heart and safe travels for you and patches Margy needs to put up the angel traveling cloud she would put up for momsters and dadster traveling

LYNNE2 I hope you get some relief soon

Sandi said...

Hi all - I'm feeling much better thank you! While on FB this morning, there was a post on a Bethany Beach Locals page about a lost tabby cat in my neighborhood. An indoor cat who got out on Wednesday. I shared his photo and contact info. to a bunch of my neighbors via email and then posted on FB that I would go out looking for him and hopped onto my bike. Rode past the tennis courts where I play to show the photo to the tennis players and only 3 men showed up this morning so they were in need of a fourth. Rode my bike home, changed, and went back for some great tennis with the men.

Then, on the way home, I took a long ride around the neighborhood looking for Finn - no luck. He is a beautiful cat and I can just imagine how upset his owner must be. So, it has been a busy morning.

Once I'm out of my tennis clothes, I'll head out to do some more searching. He must be so scared. Would appreciate any advice from the cat owners on the blog.

I'm glad the cam is up and running again. Nest is curently MT. It looks breezy but nice in Shepherdstown. It's sunny and warm and beautiful here but clouds will be rolling in later so I'm going to get outdoors while I can.

Glo, surely Patches will fit in a carrier and can ride right in the plane with you, not in cargo.


Judie said...

Sandi, have the owners put out some item(s) that belong to Finn with/their scent on them. Years ago had an older cat who got out. Gone three weeks. Neighbor said put out something with her/your scent. She was outside asleep on the blanket two days later. Just a thought.

glo said...

Zoey throwing up again now. Bad sign. I am sad and dreading the call i may need to make. Yes Patches can ride in cabin under seat. We will start practicing carrying her around and riding in crate

Mema Jo said...

It is such a beautiful day - had a spectacular cardinal at the feeder.

JudyE - prayers for the twins.
Andy - Very happy about Ken's hand beginning now to heal.
Janet - hoping your weekend is very enjoyable and that the rocks are a bit hit!
How is Olivia doing with her braces?
Sandi - I'm so happy you are feeling 100% better and that you were helping out the
man's foursome on the court! The CAT - Put out tuna or some food with a scent - One local gal was grilling bacon where her cat was last seen in hopes to "smoke him out" with his favorite snack - hasn't worked yet.

GLO: prayers for Zoey's health. Happy you and Patches can go help out Rebecca...
Hoping your plans pan out for the travel. Prayers for Rebecca's surgery to be successful and that she has a complete recovery.

Lynne2 - prayers for you to have the pain disappear very quickly - I am happy about the new owner saying the pigs could stay.

Mema Jo said...

I know Norma isn't on our blog or FB - She would never tell us her real age! lol
I will try later to telephone her and will mentioned the eagles - so she remembers

Lolly said...

Norma! Love that LADY! She is charming!

Having a hard time staying indoors. Lol. Just enjoying being outside! Weather is warmer than we like but high 80's is so much better than 100!

Had a luncheon yesterday and doing nothing today. Think we are going out to eat tonight which we seldom do. And you know where, Nona Tatas!😄

Sandi, kitties that are out and lost hide! May be in a garage or curled up under a bush.

Just got the live cam up but there is no sound. Looks very windy but can not hear it! The "crop" in the nest is a blowin' in the wind!

JudyEddy said...

JO Thanks for your prayers They have Coy hooked up to machine right now He has no brain activity but they are waiting for the grandparents to come to say their good byes Trac called Angie and said he is overwhelmed with so many people stopping and so Angie put out a mass text asking to respect and let the family grieve in their own time That is what they want

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY I have sound

check your connections

JudyEddy said...

gotta go get Jordyn at school in a bit

I will be spending the night there we are going to Adventure Island tomorrow

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY also on my lap top which the speaker are minuscule I new hear sound

Kay said...

Good Afternoon, Eagle Buds!!!

JO, I know you'll convey best wishes to NORMA on behalf of all Momsters. We've been thru this before and I do wish I'd had the chance to "know" her. We really do get to feeling like we know each other, don't we? In fact, DANAMO and her darling daughter are the only blog related people I've laid eyes on. Their visit is a very special memory!

LYNNE2, those pigs may well have benefited from Momster prayers---we do love animals of all kinds----except maybe the armadillo's in LOLLY and JACK's lives. Wishing you well, dear girl. Prayers!

ANDY, good having you check in! Lots of stuff on your plate. Happy that KEN's hand is healing at last.

Oh, dear, SANDI, you are lucky I'm not your mama ☺. When my kids stayed home from school they were not allowed out and about if they were too sick to go to school. Hope Finn comes home or is found soon. And happy you ran across a few good men--I'm sure they were pleased to have you join them at the tennis court!

GLO, prayers for your daughter and so glad you and Patches can go down there to help. Aw, poor Zoe, prayers for her, too.

Glad some of you are having lovely sunshiny days. It's overcast here and rain is predicted.

This was mani-pedi day for Penny, or in her words, pure torture! While the vet does the clipping a tech holds her and I act as anesthesiologist administering peanut butter on a tongue depressor. How one aging little doxie can be so strong I don't know, but she really puts up a fight.

Prayers for all in need!!!


glo said...

Thanks for all the well wishes and prayers for Zoey. I went to pick up meds to settle her tummy. Vet also added prednisone again. We are trying to get a little more good time for Zoey and all of us to be able to enjoy together. I will not let her be sick for days. Becky s surgery will be in December. Thanks to for prayers for her too. Poor Penny I can see that one going on and it makes me smile but don't tell Penny.

CarolAnne said...

My thoughts are with everyone. Time for just a quick note.

Glo - one of our dogs is a nervous wreck traveling by car. Has anxiety meds to take before traveling. Makes all the difference. Clorazepate - might want to check with vet. Best wishes to everyone!

Kay said...

JO, I meant to say, too, that I so appreciate your sharing William T. McWilliams thoughtful reply re:the cam and the work that is still in progress! I would also like to add my vote on the topic of Your being our Ambassador of Goodwill with him, STEVE and NCTC. We only need one voice as we've seen how responsive they are to our concerns. Let's let those busy people, who enjoy the cam every bit as much as we do, carry on their work without trying to answer questions posed by a bunch of folks.

So, Eagle Buds, I hereby propose that: if you have questions, a concern or kudos to convey to them, please e-mail JO, or even ask her here to get in touch with them. She can use her discretion when it comes to relevancy. We owe STEVE a lot for this blog and we don't want to an irritant, only good friends who all love Belle, Shep, their home and their offspring!

Of course, it's a given that we must continue the practice of thanking Steve for each New Thread. He Rocks!

Kay said...

Oh, yes, GLO, as I told a friend, Penny is quite the drama queen. She does a combo growl and yum yum sound with an occasional sharp bark thrown in for good measure.☺ We all just laugh at her and as soon as it's over she shows she loves us all!

GLO, I'm wondering, too, about a little thundershirt for Patches. They aren't just good for thunder, but work well with dogs who have seizures and nervous tendencies. We want that little darling to wing her way to Arizona comfortably. What a grand time of year to go out there---will you be able to stay through the holidays? It's such a precious thing when our adult kids cry out for some extra TLC, isn't it?

CAROLANNE, good to "see" you! Our thoughts and prayers are with you always!

Signing off for today---see you tomorrow.....♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Sandi said...

#%@?*!!! I was so certain that it wasn't a coincidence that I took off on the same day that the young lady right around the corner from me posted on FB that she had lost her cat. I was soooo certain that I would find him. I have walked and pedaled and called and shared the photos but so far, Finn hasn't been found.

The owner's house backs up to the marsh area that is adjacent to our development. There are so many places the cat could go and/or hide and it's impossible for a person to navigate through much of it on foot. I have been messaging back and forth with the owner all afternoon and she is going to come to the house to borrow my good birding binoculars when she gets off work. Her house has a 3rd floor deck and, from up there, she should be able to see pretty far into the marsh.

JudyEddy said...

Angie just called her and Carl are going to the hospital Trac parents called Angie and is encouraging her friend to come now the reason is that Megan's mom want them to move back up north now and thought it would be good to show how many friends that they do have for a support system and I guess they are impressed with how many have showed up they are keeping Coy on support for two reason for donation of his organs Found out that Landon was getting most of the blood supply he is beet red where as Coy isn't and Landon is really feisty so that is a good sign for them We haven't told Jordyn yet She has been to the hospital with Angie on numerous occasions since she has been in the hospital for almost two months Angie did a photo of her PJ pictures in the hospital also

Its raining at the nest I see rain drops on the lens and oh my is the nest swaying in the wind getting sea sick looking at it LOL

JudyEddy said...

I guess with the rain we won't be getting a visit tonight Just assuming that

JudyEddy said...

SANDI hope you all find the cat Does she have food out to entice it home

grannyblt said...

Well Sandi, you have certainly done your good neighbor duty today. I saw the post about Finn, I hope he s found.

The wind is whistling through the nest area quite loudly the past few minutes. I've had the laptop on with the screen up as my background noise all afternoon. There was a quick appearance by Boris in the upper right corner. Like JudyE, I couldn't tell if it was a spider or another variety of insect. Now there appear to be raindrops on the lens.

grannyblt said...

Pulling a Margy, by the way how is she?

I agree with Kay and Judie and others that there should be only one voice from this group to NCTC.

Kay, when I last cut William's claws( my 4yr. Old male cat), he growled with every snip. I try to catch him asleep and cradle him like a baby to get the job done quickly. I usually just do the front. Lizzie ,aka momma cat, had hers trimmed at the vet while she was"under" a few weeks ago. The other day I decided to check if she needed another trim and I got that flat eared attack eye look and decided I will need assistance for that job. Fortunately she hasn't used her claws on me since her crazy protective mom days.

I still hear a little rain at the nest, but the wind has died down.

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Sitting upstairs hearing some conversations between Hunter and his mom. Awhile ago, he called up the stairs to tell me he was going to mow the grass. He was outdoors briefly. Came back in. More conversation. He called back upstairs to say he was going to mow the back yard now. Hmm, I haven't actually heard the mower running. Not sure if she hid the Xbox or just what is inspiring the boy, but I do not think he has accomplished much. He has been home since about 11:30. Early dismissal today. Beautiful weather outdoors. Well, maybe about 6 raindrops. Wonder if he told his mother it was raining?

JudyEddy said...

I think there has always been once voice from the blog and it has always been JO Deb S has stepped in but she isn't really on the blog

I wonder when they are going to pull the camera back

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3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...