Wednesday, September 09, 2015


New thread.


Janet said...

Thanks Steve for the new mid week thread that I just happened to find! wooo hoo sweet!

stronghunter said...

Hi Steve,

Thanks for the new thread. Congratulations on finding it, Janet. :)

NCSuzan said...

Shirley, when I have traveled internationally the butane curler was a life saver. That was before terrorism required so many limitations of items.

Jo, the PFT is not fun. It doesn't hurt but I do not like the numbers it gives me!

Am enjoying the baby panda. He has surely grown in just a couple of weeks. He has a chubby tummy!

My daughter and son-in-law just got back from a week in Seattle. She brought me a beautiful copper bracelet with an eagle symbol. Carved in Canada. I was very touched.

Not much else going on. Hope everyone recovers from their ailments soon and have ongoing great health.

Autumn is legally only days away!

JudyEddy said...

THANKS STEVE FOR the new thread

Just popped back over and here it is

enjoy the feather SIS

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Suzan. I have been doing some research, and I think I will be okay with taking it. It will be nice not to have to worry about plugging one more thing in. I had a butane curler years ago, and I found it to be convenient at times, but it was many years ago.

Janet said...

good afternoon from home (again) to all.

JUDYE: like the bike. I had forgotten about mom’s cleaning “stone”. I saw it and remembered.  do you know what it actually is? I’ve never seen one for sale any where…..nor would I know what to ask for.

CAROLANNE: wow, I bet that was a surprise. I concur with others; a donation to her favorite charity…..
Busy day. Yesterday I was under the weather with this shoulder. After having my spine & left clavicle adjusted, I just sat on ice. Tom drove me to the chiro, took Olivia to her allergy shot, and took us to math tutoring.
I am still sore today. I had a light massage and realized the more Rocio worked on my shoulder, the more my right hip hurt.
Back to the chiropractor…and yep, it is what we call cross patterning. So she worked on the hips and shoulder. I am alternating ice and heat. Still sore, feel like someone beat me.
The thoughts of should I go ahead and get an MRI? Should I try PT? I don’t know. I know this is old now.
Anyway still considering what to do regarding work tomorrow.
I put a Brunswick Stew in to cook. Smells so yummy. Will make some cornbread as well.
Rain is moving in….i hear thunder. We need it.
Will check in later!

JudyEddy said...

JANET I plan on taking the stone to my jeweler and ask.
I did Google and found nadda
I do remember she got from Thurman Written he had the jewelry store remember

JudyEddy said...

Hope you start feeling better soon.

grannyblt said...

Good afternoon all. Checking in to check the box.

Home from my lunch with the Sept birthday ladies. Our combined age is as big as the national debt. Food was so-so. We won't go back there next year.

Hope all have a nice evening.

JudyEddy said...

733 eagle in

JudyEddy said...

and poof that fast

Lynne2 said...

Good HOT evening all! I sure will be glad when this cold front gets past us! Storms popping up all around and we sure could use some rain....all the grass has been brown and crispy for weeks.

Lynne, hope the good company made up for the so so food...I'm sure it did!

Janet, get the MRI. You need to know what's really happening so you and the Dr can come up with a plan, that very well may include PT. But I wouldn't start on your own. Find out what's going on first!

Suz, what a beautiful gift from your daughter! Can you post a picture?

Lolly, hamsters are great little pets, but sadly they are nocturnal. I remember the whole noisy nighttime experience when I had one. But I loved them! I'm sure he will, too! I'm pretty sure I have pictures...will have to find them! I had one named Panda and one named Cream Puff!

Jo, hope you have gotten plenty of rest today and will be feeling your old self tomorrow. I'll be you'll be really glad when the cold front sweeps this nasty hot and humid weather right on outa here!

Sandi. What can I say. Freyja is a Super else could she walk at 4 months old!!! Because really, I find it hard to believe she is at walking age when I have remained so young in the mean time....LOL!

Poor Judy. I sure hope your mouth feels better soon. Glad there was not a problem with the stitch being gone but I know it sucks dealing with pain, and mushy food.

Judie said...

Good evening all.

Jo, I also hope you were able to rest and recuperate today. Take life easy.

Suzan, wear your bracelet with pride and enjoy telling about the eagles when people ask about the significance.

Shirley, glad you are getting all your "irons" in order. Your excitement has moved up the beltway and reached my abode.

Lynne1, so happy you enjoyed your September birthday group. Food is much less important than the friendships.

Sandi's little Freyja is on her way. Greater adventures to follow.

Hoping the J Sisters feel better soon.

Off to dent the pillows.

Restful sleep for all.

Lynne2 said...

Oh Judy, BTW....I could kick myself for not saving the Astro Wives episodes after I watched the. DUH!

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Allie saw something new this evening. Rain against the window next to her cat tower. She was fascinated by the rain and didn't seem too bothered by the thunder. Kathryn took her out on the porch for a few minutes. That was a little scary, but it was still interesting.

She loves to jump on the TV stand and watch the action on the screen. Tonight she enjoyed Jeopardy. Kathryn took a few pictures. Not sure if she has put them on Facebook yet.

Need to set the alarm so I'm up to see Hunter off to school. This morning I was awakened when Hunter called "Grandma, I missed the bus because I wasn't watching the time." I was sound asleep. I've been waking up every morning between 5:00 and 6:00 for all of this time since I retired, but this morning I did not. High school starts a bit earlier than middle school, but I had been waking up plenty early even for that. I have told Hunter not to leave without telling me because I do want to know he's out the door, but I would like for him to think to call me if it is getting late. Kathryn makes sure he is awake and showered every morning, even in the summer, so he is used to getting up early.

I have bowling tomorrow with the Thursday league. Morning Stars, I believe is what they call themselves.

Need to make a hair appointment so I'm glamorous for the trip. Maybe I'll get a cut and perhaps a perm this weekend. Wouldn't want to get on a plane smelling of perm.

Getting a little nervous about having everything ready. It is about time to start putting some things in the suitcase just to see what will fit in there. It is so much easier packing for just one person than it was when I had to pack for six. Val thinks that taking a carry-on with a shoulder strap is not a good idea because it will be heavy, but I think I will be okay. I bought a fairly small carry-on bag. I don't particularly like the idea of putting a wheeled bag on top of a wheeled bag. Actually, I can probably strap the small carry-on on top of my rolling bag if necessary. We will see.

Mema Jo said...

Hope all had a good evening - TV is not very entertaining during the off season.

Thank you Steve for the fresh new thread. Janet - your headpiece should be looking good

Lynn2 - why do you think Freyja is only 4 months old or were you just joking around about the Super Baby? She had her 1st birthday in July (I think)

Suzan - Your new bracelet is a very thoughtful gift!

Good luck at the dentist tomorrow Judy. Janet lose all those aches with a good nights' rest.

Mema Jo said...

I am going to say Goodnight and SED

Remember early morning visits at our Sycamore Palace ! ♥

stronghunter said...

Oh, Suzan, that sounds like a lovely bracelet. I am sure you will wear it with pride.

Janet, sounds like you should address your MRI or PT question to a doctor.

Lynne1, glad you enjoyed being with the birthday group. I agree with Judie. Good company is more important than good food.

Oh my, someone thought she had won $16,000 from the Virginia Lottery, but they say she did not win anything because the ticket was cut improperly. Sounds like they owe that lady the money.

stronghunter said...


Time for Allie and me to say good night. SED, everyone.

JudyEddy said...

the bracelet sounds neat SUZAN pic would be neat what a nice gift

I got one with a bracelet eagle charm on it by Alex and Ani 28.
they come in yellow or silver colors have you all see them they have many different one I want to get one for my birth month or another one They are suppose to be healing bracelet which I don't believe in but pretty neat

LYNNE2 do you have cable with the ondemand I love that part of my cable I have watched so many things being I am house bound for the present time Or it should be on disc set soon I'll ask the gal at work that orders the movies if she know of something

Oh I am up to 11 miles on my bike today Not all a once though I tink I have biked over 150 miles now all together just think where I could be by now I want to find someone who can fix the tension on it Really is horrible at time so hard but I guess that is good also but like it a little looser was thinking about taking apart myself but thought better of it Being my luck wouldn't get back together I am going to as the bike builder at work if he might look at it he is also a friend

Anyone watch Home Free the last show was tonight that is such a good show I am always in tears at the end

and SHIRLEY I understood the sentence that Allie typed LOL I speak cat LOL are you all allowing her to go outside in the future? I can feel your excitement of your upcoming adventure Lots of pic for us PLEASE

JANET I agree get the test and go from there with the dr.

JO hope you are up to your ole self by now the heat probably isn't helping either

you alls cold front is only making it to the top of Fl bummer we are gonna get rain Sat and Sun from it

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all
♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"

NCSuzan said...

Thank you everyone for the nice comments. I will try and post a pic tomorrow!

NCSuzan said...

Have a good evening and sleep well.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends.

Judy, good luck at the dentist today.

Thunderstorms are in the forecast for today - what we need is a full day of rain. I am really tired of watering flower pots every day.

I'm enjoying getting to know the 7th grade teachers but I do miss the teachers on my old team. Day 2 with Sam was just fine.

Have agreat day all.

Judie said...

Good morning.

A little rain must have fallen quietly in the night as I did not hear a drop fall. Really need a slow soaking all day rain.

Shirley, isn't it fun when we watch baby animals and baby humans see or hear something new to them? Have a good bowling day with the Morning Stars.

Jo, hope this can be another day of rest for you.

JudyE, good wishes for the dental visit today.

Sad bear news. Research bears Keefer (11 years) and Lorie (1 year) have been killed.

Another day for a little of this and a little of that.

Wishing everyone the best day possible.

Janet said...

good Thursday morning to all.
JUDYE: I remember Thurman and his store downtown Vine Grove. I also remember he had a big farm. I often wondered (as an adult) if in little ole Vine Grove if he actually ever sold jewelry….he must have…but doesn’t seem a if it would be profitable. (for everyone, VineGrove was quite literally a one stop light town, mostly farming.)
I just made a dr apt for tomorrow at 3. Nothing was available for today. Still sore this morning, but improving. This is the 3rd bout of this since December. Dr told me then it could be 1. Simple over use 2. A herniated/or a bulged disk, or 3. A muscle tear.
The only things I know for sure are : it really hurts when it spasms up. Nerve impingment is going on (just due to symptons) , I have nerve impingement symptons (with out spasms) often, and I am tired of this nonsense! Grrrrrr.
So I asked myself last night…what would I tell someone else to do and you came back and told me exactly what I would recommend to someone else. Get the mri. See what’s going on. Make a plan.
STRONGHUNTER: before I take a trip, about a week before I make a list and sit it next to the suitcase…of things I do not want to forget. I know you have to be excited!!!!
JUDYE: hope the dental apt goes well.
We had lovely rain. Cooler temps by the weekend they say.
Today is election day here in Nashvegas. We have a runoff between two folks. Tom will be home in a bit and we will go and vote.
Not a lot going on today. Planning on a quiet day around here. Trying to wake up…I was in a sound sleep and had a terrible dream. Ugh. Not a good feeling.
Have a great day to all.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning - love the rain - it has stopped for now - at least I hope for more today

No plans for today - temps are down - hurrah! Megan is a happy floral gardener today!

Judy I hope the dentist can explain your pain (tenderness) and be able to resolve your discomfort! I am sure you are hungry for real food ♥

Judie hope your new "do" feels good and Shirley get the perm and maybe a trim so you can wash and shake those curls dry.

Thinking about you Carol Anne and so very pleased how well services and arrangements worked out for your mom. She had a good life - I think that is all any of us could wish for ourselves. ♥

Mema Jo said...

Suzan I have always had good coaches during the breathing test that make you feel at ease and work with you to get the best numbers possible. I was a bit disappointed this time - My little gal looked at her cell phone when it vibrated in her uniform pocket at least 2 times and she had actually answered it the third time it rang. YOU DON'T DO THAT WITH JO LENNOX. I am a stickler for professionalism - I may need to mention it next week at my appointment. I would hope they would be able to help her understand
her actions are not up to par.

JudyEddy said...

GoodMorning Eagle buds Thanks for all the well wishes at the dentist today

JudyEddy said...

JO definitely tell them about the gal with the phone that is so unprofessional

JudyEddy said...

hey the side of the inside of my gums aren't as sore as they were I put my partial in and I didn't scream LOL still sore but not as bad so I guess they were right each day should ease up makes me feel better anyway its only been a week don't know why its seems longer
as a matter of fact I am heading out Yeah I can go out LOL LOL I am doing a happy dance
the real test will be eating and having them in gonna try for the whole day 235 is my appt

Judie said...

Jo, please do comment on the young woman's behavior. It was certainly unprofessional, rude, and dismissive of you, the patient.

Hope you sent the rain down the highway. Looks like rain but the only water is the humidity.

"do" is so fine Darth and I are headed to Red Lobster tonight. I'm tired of scullery duty.

Yep, Shirley needs a "wash and done" perm. lol

Okay, just now getting to the morning paper.


JudyEddy said...

`check out google today cute foootball

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds!!!

Taking a break while Penny and Malcolm recuperate from their last outing.☺ We've had a grand and glorious doggy play day.

Just checking to make sure you're all behaving yourselves and true to form, you are!

JUDIE, hope you n' Darth have a scrumptious Red Lobster dinner! Glad the do is "so fine"! Thanks for the bear report--so very sad.

JO, yes, that young woman should learn ASAP that she cannot leave that infernal contraption on when with a patient. How rude!

JUDY, happy to hear the mouth is better!

SHIRLEY, perhaps you can go with a wash and wear do, if short and curly enough. Beats hauling hair do equipment around, IMHO. I wore such a do for years, not short, but shoulder length and loved being able to just pick it out and go. Now mine is so short that it requires nothing more than wash and dry. I don't put much stock in spending a lot of time with hair or makeup myself.

JANET, hope your dreams turn to good ones next time your head hits the pillow!

SANDI, love reading your school day reports with no big drama or snafu involved!

Prayers for all in need!!!


stronghunter said...


Judy, I think Allie will be an indoor kitty. Kathryn did allow Lucky outdoors until he became older, but then he lost interest in going outdoors.

I would love to have wash - and - wear hair, but that is not likely to happen. It will be wash-and-flop or wash - and -frizz unless I use the curling iron or some such thing.

Bowled with the Thursday league today. Another ladies' league. I enjoyed it. One woman came with two toddlers in a stroller. They're 8 1/2 months apart--adopted siblings. She has older children, including a set of twins. Yikes!

stronghunter said...

Checked the weather in Paris yesterday. It's quite a bit cooler there--50's and 60's. That sounds okay to me.

Janet said...

good evening to all. we are sitting here watching the Nashville election results coming in.

its been a good day; even though I would have rather been at work. as long as I stay on 800 mg motrin, the shoulder feels ok. I got some housework done....nothing major. but needed to be done. I worked on some paintings. Olivia did her school work. average day.

had some unwelcomed in the city. tom and I were sitting in here after dinner watching the news. we saw a dark colored small truck come up our cul de sac, pause in front of our house, our driveway to be exact, and then speed off.


then, two police cars come up the street and head out, one headed left, one headed right.


a couple of min later the girls out back start barking their heads they are going to tear someone apart. next thing I know a police officer is heading up my ramp...asking me to put the girls away, they are barking at the person whom they are chasing.

so we did and we had the police crawling over the neighborhood for a bit. they didn't find the guy. hopefully they do.

this isn't the first time nor will it be the last I suspect.

JUDYE: how'd that dental apt go?
STRONGHUNTER: 50's and 60's sounds great!
JO: please do mention her lack of professionalism. while it is true that we all have lives outside of work, and sometimes, important things come up...what she did was very unprofessional and that should be corrected.

Not a lot else going on. Downloaded several books onto my kindle from the library. They changed the format of the webpage and took me a long time to figure it out! bah humbug

JUDIE: if you could ask the sandperson please to only have sweet dream sleepy dust tonight, I prefer no more nightmares, please.

Hope everyone sleeps well. Good night to all!

Judie said...

Home again home again jiggity jig! Dinner was delightful, servers was very nice, thanked a WWII pilot for is service. All-in-all a nice evening.

Shirley, leave space for a sweater or blazer. Cannot imagine having all those little ones but it makes sense that getting out and about and bowling would be a most welcome activity with adults. Glad you enjoyed.

Glad Kay had fun with Malcolm and Penny.

Hope Jo had a day of rest and recuperation.

Okay, I'm headed to the recliner to point my toes toward the ceiling.

Restful sleep for all.

Lolly said...

Howdeeeee! Busy day today. Had a luncheon and stayed til almost 4 at friends house. A good group of us just sat and talked and then asked Mary what was for supper.😜

Our so called "cool front" has not been much. Humidity so high that it was still not comfortable outside. We ended up with a half inch of rain, however the DFW metroplex officially got two inch. Boo Hiss! Was not at my house. Another front is coming tomorrow with less rain and less humidity. Yea for cooler weather!

Up at 6:30 in the morning (groan) to drive to Jacob's school for grandparents day.

Mema Jo said...

Stopping by before sleep overcomes me........

Goodnight to all ♥


JudyEddy said...

Visit was great and the soreness is just about gone
The dentist was in aww of my healing
I am good at all I do LOL

sounds like everyone had a good day with the exception of police SIS
Went to Jordyn gym

Went cell tower and did see the male

Janet said...

uh, sleepless in Nashville here.

sandperson oh sandperson where art thou????? hast thou forgotten me?????????????
come back oh please come back!

JUDYE: no police chasing bad guys near the house = no Bueno! not the first time though, unfortunately.

okay, back to some mind-numbingly sill stuff.
tapping foot. waiting on sandperson.............................

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends - it's Friday!

Judy, glad you got a good report from the dentist - I guess those salt water rinses and taking the meds round the clock helped.

Jo, I hope you're feeling better today - prayers continue for you.

Janet, I hope you are sleeping soundly and are in less pain today.

I'm delighted that photos of our eagle couple are showing up on Facebook - it's almost nest building time!

Have agreat day all.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Hope you got to sleep, Janet. And hope the bad guy was captured.

Sounds like the mouth is better, Judy. That is good.


Judie said...

Good morning.

Janet, hope you got some sleep and feel better.

JudyE, good news on the healing and hope that continues.

Sandi, have a great Friday.

Shirley and Jo, I sent some cooler weather down the highway and over the mountain.

Off to do errands this morning: Dracula, bank, food foraging.

Wishing everyone the very best day possible.

JudyEddy said...

Good morning eagle buds

HOT HOT just got in from cleaning inside of truck
Thought I picked cool side if day WRONG 86 out at 9 didn't do outside 70% chance rain tomorrow only 30% today
Meet now old neighbor Carl 86 yes old out on his three wheel bike sweet man He informed me he is the one giving me a new calendar every year I implied I have never seen it
Hope I don't get Pat my neighbor in trouble. He said he would personally deliver it from now on
Got to pick up Jordyn later trying to get stuff done first

And mouth isn't sore at all teeth in and all I guess t should have just waited huh

Gonna have lunch with Angie in a bit 1 I think clam chowder mmmmmm can't wait
That is Jordyn fav but she won't be there Angie usually gets her a cup to go for later

JudyEddy said...

I woke up and my good night greeting was still in the comment box guess didn't push publish hard enough LOL

JudyEddy said...

Eagle can has pix of eagles in nest at sunrise again

Kay said...

Good RED FRIDAY Morning Eagle Buds!!!

Looks like most of us are off to a good start today!

JUDY, pain free---JANET, criminal element scare gone---JUDIE up to errands and foraging---SANDI and SHIRLEY on their toes bright and early!

Praying that you got a good nights sleep and are feeling much better today, JO!

Wishing Jacob a good Grandparents Day at school, LOLLY!

I took Malcolm home at 6 last night since Julie issued a dinner invitation---yummy supper of tossed salad, scrambled egg and potato mixture with cheese and cantaloupe slices.

Today there may be a shower or two with temps in the 70's. I'm sure Penny and I will get some good outdoor time in.

Wishing all a great day and praying for those in need!!!


Kay said...

Meant to add that this is a day of Remembrance. Will put in a some meditative time today as I recall 9/11 and pray for all who suffered losses on that fateful day.

Janet said...

Good morning and a contemplative 9-11.

I finally did fall asleep. just a lot on my mind last night. I am home today ... even though the shoulder feels fine now....I have a virus. I felt it coming on yesterday. I warned the boss when I canceled my 2 p.m. massage that I felt a virus coming on. I dont' want to spread it to the office or clients. stinks for the paycheck though.

just had something odd happen. I am beginning to hate living in the city! So I was sleeping in, which is what I do when I am sick. I heard the girls barking up a storm...their angry bark. I heard my trashcans being bumped (they are under my bedroom window wich is on the 2nd floor) and someone say "da&&" then the door bell rang but it took me a second to get to the door.

there was a white vehicle, large SUV out in front of my house and no one there. he was on the side of the house again. I said can I help you? and yes, the girls do bite.

He was looking for JB. well I know the only people who have ever lived here are my inlaws and us. I told him no jb here. he said well I worked for him years ago and yada yada yada. then as I am going back to the house he said do you know where Jackson road is. I said no. and I went in and shut and locked the door.

tom just said no one by the name of JB has ever lived here.

can I move to far far away now please?

hugs for all


Mema Jo said...

Good afternoon to all ♥ I am loving this fall like weather today

Praying all of you as you remember 9.11.01 to pray for our great nation's safety

Judy I saw the pics of Jordyn and her 2 galfriends - She is growing up too fast ♥

Eagle cam has been able to capture our Royal Couple in the nest early morning and at dusk. I am hoping on the 21st when cam work is being done at the Sycamore Palace that our Royal Couple doesn't get frightened! They haven't before so I'm not expecting it.

Mema Jo said...

Sandi - very happy your week went well!

Judi - I hope your busy morning went well and that you are now back home !
The weather was cool earlier but temps are rising a bit.

Lolly - loved the picture on FB of you and Jack at Jacob's school Like I said -
Grandparents are very special. He looks happy to have you all there.

Shirley - Happy your bowling teams are both doing well ! One more Week ♥

Janet - that was quite a commotion in your circle...... The dogs sound very anxious to be blood hounds!

Mema Jo said...

Kay - I have been sleeping soundly through the night! I hope you have too. Recliners are a blessing but I miss my bed ! Yet I don't want to purchase one of the beds that you can raise the head. So much $$$.

I feel very well and really thank everyone for remembering me in their prayers and positive thoughts. Now if I could just get rid of this coughing and shortness of breath!

This Sunday is Michael's 53rd birthday and we and his brother and sisters are invited
over for a dinner and party. I get so happy when they continue family birthday get-togethers ♥

Mema Jo said...

Everyone have a Blessed Red Friday
also a Blessed day of remembrance for 5 yrs ago ♥

NCSuzan said...

Hello everyone. Definitely a day to be contemplative and reflective.

Janet, sorry you are sick. Please forgive me if I am wrong but it seems you pick up bugs quite a bit. Are you run down? Just concerned. Hope you are better very soon.

Pot Plant Owl has two eggs! She had a video on FB today showing Poppa hooting on the patio rail. Letting everybody know he is in charge and protecting the missus.

Was not able to take a good representative pic of my lovely bracelet so I went to the website where voila there is a pretty good pic. Had been a very long time since I have posted.

Speaking of which my Night Blooming Cereus did have a bud this year but it stopped developing about halfway through its development. Can't explain.

Hope everyone has a great afternoon and evening. Panda cub, baby owls, denning bears and eagle nest restorations means there is still a lot of wildlife to love and enjoy and learn!

Janet said...

Good afternoon to all.

JO: our girls do not allow anyone that is not in the pack in the yard nor near us. Once they have accepted that you are okay, they are wonderful, playful dogs, but if you do not belong…beware.
KAY: I do pick up colds/etc quite easily. Tom being a school bus driver doesn’t help. I have been striving to improve my immune system….also, where I work, it is a very “closed” space. IE no windows that open. And if one person gets sick, everyone in their path gets sick. This is the reason I stayed home today…my shoulder is better, but I have a cold and I don’t want to spread it to anyone there. I have, and others have clients who are immune-deficient and a cold that just makes me puny is much more to them. So the answer is I don’t know.
Now, I am going to pose a question. Let me preface it with this: You call know I paint and sketch in my spare time. Well a friend who makes jewelry, dream catchers, purses and such and I are going to have a vendor’s booth at a local place next month. This is a first for me. I decided to do some of my rocks that I paint. But I do other stuff, although none of that will be there. And we know I love a play on words….
So I have been struggling to come up with a name for my product/work. Here’s what came to me at last:

JNeely’s “ART ROCKS” * more

Too corny? Do you like? Any other suggestions from the creative minds here?
Heading out to the doc in a few. HUGS

Mema Jo said...

Good afternoon I really can't remember what happen 5 (five) years ago
I sure did mistype that amount of years! A lot more between 2001 and 2015 ♥
I'm sure you all know exactly the amount of years I meant to type! THX

Judie said...

Almost scullery time. Errands all done.

Janet, so glad the pups were on duty for you. Hope you feel better quickly.

Suzan, I'm just going to create a most beauteous image of your bracelet in my mind so I can look at it anytime I choose. About the Potted Plant Owl, I checked last year and it appeared there was no live cam so assumed the owls had found a new home. Tried again today. Can only get a frozen picture. I'll keep trying. Really enjoyed watching them in the past and happy to know they have two eggs.

Jo, you and Darth and those recliners. He sleeps in his often, especially when he has some
arthritis pain. If you think of it, please wish Michael a very happy birthday from me.

Wonder how Lynne2 is doing?

Kay, does Penny miss Malcolm when he goes home?

Okay, off to the scullery.

Judie said...

Back again.

Dinner over. Scullery in order. Watching a PBS Miss Fisher.

Hope everyone is having a wonderful evening.

Restful sleep for all.

NCSuzan said...

Judie, I posted the pic to my blog page! And you are right, there is no cam for the Pot Plant Owl. She has been posting on Facebook and today had a short video. Evidently there has been some issue with internet connections and rates and it has become too expensive for them to have a live cam. They are hoping for a third egg though. I am sorry for not being clear.

Have a good evening.

Lynne2 said...

evening all!

Just wanted to pop in and tell you what I am up to. Starting tomorrow I will begin an animal behavior course with Humane Domaine ( if you'd like to see their website).

Deb, the owner, has been after me for a month or so to pursue this course and has made it just about impossible to NOT do it.

Here is the summary....
"There are 24 telecourses and 24 online courses or independent assignments and a group list for students in the same class.

There are a total of 144 academic and practical hours. Some practical hours can be applied towards your national or international certifications. All students are encouraged to attend any or all of our classes to observe our instructors, assist in training and ultimately teach some of our classes not only to learn but to accumulate practical hours.

We work with more than one species and typically include dogs, cats and ponies. The students bring their own dogs for continuity. We have parrots, horses, alpaca, a chicken training camp and more available for the students interested in multispecies work. Also, when you work with serious flight animals, like alpaca, it helps you learn how to work with any fearful animal.

Weekends students attending for their practical hours include lunch and roundtable discussions.

After completing the course, students should have a working knowledge of all operant conditioning methods and be able to train and provide enrichment and behavior counseling for dogs and cats. Students should be able to provide environmental enrichment for any species and teach dog training including puppy k and basic manners individually and in groups.

Some education in animal assisted therapy and assistance dogs as well as some agility and scent work experience is included.

This is the same course I teach at the university, but with the addition of practical hours so you work directly with animals in our facility as well as your own. Also, after the first weekend, students bring their dogs on Saturdays if they are people and dog friendly. If you are unable to bring a dog other arrangements will be made in your behalf.

I do offer week-long, month-long and year- long opportunities, to work and study with me individually."

I'm very excited an nervous!

Mema Jo said...

Coming in to make sure all are settle in for the night........

Lynne2 you will do very well and sounds like a good future - you already know so much.

Anxious to see your bracelet Suzan before I close down.

Judie - my recliner is mainly due to my COPD - I need the elevation to relieve any coughing. I also had to use it when I had my broken leg to keep it up and the swelling down. They are very comfy - every home should have one or even two.

I found a Hallmark TV movie after I had watched Miss Fisher. Both were new to me.

Mema Jo said...

Suzan the bracelet is beautiful ! Wear it in good health ♥

Mema Jo said...

Time for this night owl to close her eyes

Thank God for a safe 9.11.15 today

Goodnight to all ♥

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. The dogs woke up at 5:40 this morning. Jenni went back to sleep but Bella kept pacing and clicking her nails on the floor. Tossed her (figuratively speaking of course) into a spare bedroom, shut the door, and went back to bed. Jenni didn't make another sound until I got up at 7am.

My hummingbird feeders are not emptying nearly as fast as they were a week ago. I'm wondering if the males have already departed - will have to watch while I'm home this weekend.

Jo, I hope you are feeling better each day and your cough subsides.

Judy, good news from the dentist's office that you are healing well. I think today is supposed to be cloudy with showers, then some cooler and dryer days starting tomorrow.

Lynne, what an exciting new path for you! Sounds like lots of hard work but it also sounds like something you will really enjoy that can lead to a most rewarding career. Have you heard how the donkeys are doing in their new home? Are the pigs still at the kennel?

Getting my toes done this morning - it will last me through the end of sandal season this year so it will be my last until next May. Then I think I'll start a new book, since I have NO SCHOOL WORK to do on the weekends!!! :)

Have agreat day all.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle buds

got rudely work up at 630 this am with thunder thunder big loud booms but did manage to fall back asleep Funny all that noise and only a little rain so far
we have 80% change of rain We were suppose to go to Adventure Island but with the storms its a no go if it were just raining we would have gone

We are suppose to get two more rounds of rain
Some people I am sure not more than me
This is a cold front from up north and a front from Tx meeting and hitting us

this is my last day of vaca bummer
gonna head out to a second hand store to find another basket I am making a couple of baskets up for Patti for the Zumba Bash on Sat to raffle to rase $ I also made a crochet tree for it also
She had her last day of chemo last week and gets her pet scan on Wed keep fingers crossed all is clear Please and thank you in advance

JudyEddy said...

raise $ not RASE $ lol I am sure you knew what I meant

Judie said...

Good morning to everyone.

A very good morning it is as the rain is gently falling on the mostly crispy grass and gasping plants and flowers.

Lynne2, what an exciting opportunity for you. Especially nice as you have knowledge and experience that should help make the process go smoothly. Just be sure to keep us updated.

Speaking of careers, I suppose Lori posts on FB. Does anyone know how she's doing with her nursing career?

Would love to see a hello from Jo, Glo, Kay and Lynne1 today.

Suzan, thank you. The bracelet is gorgeous. Wear it with pride. So wish PPO had a camera because I really enjoyed watching them. I'll check in for updates as I have missed them.

Jo, Darth uses his recliner for the same reasons but also when arthritis pain is serious.

JudyE, glad your mouth is pain-free. Positive thoughts for Patti.

Janet, hope you are feeling less puny today.

Doing one of my favorite things for a rainy day: staying in and reading (today is a book written by Shirley's cousin.)

Wishing everyone the best day possible.

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

Whaddaya know, we're in for a couple of Fallish 60 degree days before climbing back up to norms for Sept.. It rained all night long and now everything seems fresh and the sweater weather is appreciated, by me. I'm sure local football fanatics will love the coolness, too!

JO, recliners are the Nuts! I've spent many a night in mine over the last 20 years! I suffered an asthma attack overnight--spent a couple of hours up getting it under control--thank goodness for that chair!

JUDIE, Penny is bushed after Malcolm has been here. She pretty well collapses and it takes some time for her to recoup. Neither of them get the rest they're used to getting when the only dog in the house. They spend so much time keeping track of each other and making sure I give them equal attention! And, of course, there is some horse or dog play for additional exercise, too. Julie says Mal is a total couch potato after they've been together, too.

SANDI, golly, weekends completely free of school prep and student evaluations! It's almost semi-retirement! I'm so happy for you and your pretty toes!

LYNNE2, you're one of those people who can do whatever you set your mind to! I predict great success with the animal behavior course! Great opportunity!

JUDY, we got the rain with no thunder claps and your got the thunder and no rain. Mother Nature's Superintendent of Precipitation, Lightning and Thunder got a little mixed up last night. Enjoy your last day of leisure!

JANET, thankful you have the dogs! What strange back to back incidents you had. Do you sense any connection between the two?

SHIRLEY, is this the day for the "do"? How is trip prep going?

Prayers for all in need and for our dear eagles who will no doubt be watching the nest cam activity from on high!!!


Kay said...

SUZAN, forgot to thank you for the pic of your gorgeous Eagle bracelet. What a thoughtful and beautiful gift that was!

Judie said...

Another thing to do on a rainy day -- change one's avatar because summer is leaving and Fall is arriving.

Kay, as I suspected. The pups are exhausted after their play dates.

Mema Jo said...

Good RAINY morning to all ♥ I suppose there will be more grass cutting days ahead.

Today is the 'In The Street' gala affair in Frederick city - Not sure if they set a rain date

Our Royal Couple was in the nest again this am hours for a short period of time. ALSO
Deb had many new videos in the comment section of the Outdoor Live Cam. Take a look

Humidity is gone so I feel great today - no coughing. I dislike being controlled by the weather.

Mema Jo said...

Right Judie - time for a change

Janet said...

Good Saturday almost afternoon to all
LYNNE2 : you class sounds fascinating!!!!!!
JUDYE: keeping you and yours in light and love
KAY: I wondered if there was a connection. I do not know whom the police were after, what he looked like etc….but have to wonder….if that person was behind our fence, as the dogs so indicated …..could he have left something he wanted to retrieve? Otherwise….why the interest in our back yard. I thought about this all day. He didn’t come to the door first, he went to the back gate (dogs were biting at him thru the gate and I heard him) THEN rang the door bell…..then went to the back gate AGAIN……it is strange. I have to think perhaps there was a connection of some sort.
Thankfully all is quiet at this time, but you bet your sweet self I was making sure all doors were locked up tight.
JO: love the pumpkin avatar!
So I got to thinking. You all might have just thought I was being arrogant JNeely’s “art rocks”…well I posted on my blog pix of some of the creations I have made lately. I put art ON rocks. Thus the pun on words, art rocks. It can be read 2 ways of course, and that is a word play and I love word play. So still hoping for some feedback.
It is cloudy and cool today….not really but 73 feels cool.
Went to the M.D. yesterday and he ordered an MRI. He in is concurrence that it is time to find out what is the cause of the shoulder issue. If insurance says yes, it will be later this week. If insurance says no, then I have to see an orthopedist, who will then say, let’s do an MRI and then the insurance will likely say yes.
In the meantime I picked up a couple extra days next week, so the plan is to work Tuesdday –Saturday. I’m tired of being home. I’m home sick for work.
Michael is at the Vanderbilt game today. Tom is at work. Niki is at work. Livvy and I are home. I am painting rocks. Woo hoo! Hugs for all!

Judie said...

Quick visit between raindrops --

Janet, I think the name you select should best represent you, the artist. What speaks of you that you wish others to appreciate. Hope you get the MRI soon.

Jo, I really like your pumpkin BUT I adore Master Elliot. Perhaps an occasional Master Elliot update picture will help with my withdrawal. (:}

Back to the book.

JudyEddy said...

Good almost evening eagle buds Just got back from Jump Station with
Angie,Jordyn her Uncle and his two gals and a friend of Jordyn from school and her mom She is Angie VP of PTO really had a nice time Good plans for a rainy day for the kids Its a bouncy house place with a arcade in it also Kids had a blast naturally Jordyn was soaked with sweat Jordyn had her last Bday party there They have about 10 big bouncy houses in it with slide really nice place and wasn't so crowded as we thought it may be
well so far we have't had the rain they predicted in my area anyway but more rolling in or so they say was sunny when we got there and naturally Angie is kicking her self since we didn't go but like I told her Tampa may have had storms we don't know

JudyEddy said...

OH and Jordyn feel asleep in the backseat on the way home all that bouncing wore he out Angie put pic on FB as she was driving home She is a kid when she is tired she sleeps no fighting about going to bed Angie usually argues with her about naps because she is hard getting out of the car and tooo big to pick up so Jordyn promised I will walk to the house when we get home I wonder how that turned out
Love the name you picked JANET remember the pet rocks from years ago that they glued hair on

JudyEddy said...

eagle was in

Judie said...

Time to say my goodnights.

Dinner over. Scullery in order.

Seems everyone who stopped by had a nice day.

Restful sleep for all.

Mema Jo said...

Running late -

Goodnight to all ♥

Mema Jo said...
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JudyEddy said...

Good morning eagle buds

Nest is black

JudyEddy said...

I can see some light coming to nest

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. Wow, what a change in the weather - feels fall-ish out there. Boy, did it ever rain yesterday!!

Judy, isn't it funny how fast 2 weeks of vacation goes by compared to 2 weeks of working? Tell me again when your permanent vacation begins? Not much longer, I'm thinking - maybe 4 or 5 months?

Jo, hope you're feeling better today.

I need to clean the upstairs today - what fun! Will also watch the US Open this afternoon.

Have agreat day all.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Beautiful cool sunshiny blue sky morning.

Just puttering around for me today.

Jo, please wish Michael a happy birthday and enjoy the party, please and thank you.

JudyE, enjoy the remaining day of your vacation.

Sandi, get that cleaning done and enjoy the US Open.

Wishing everyone the best day possible.

Judie said...

Ooooooooh, Shirley has only five more sleeps before her big adventure (:

Mema Jo said...

Good Sunday morning to all ♥ May all of you enjoy your day no matter what you plan to do ! I will be going to b-day picnic party over at Michael's around 6:00pm and I will extend to him your Happy birthday wishes.

Today is Elliot's first time to go to the beach! Praying for their safe travels and fun. I'm sure he will go to Seashell City - I just hope he doesn't bring home a Hermit Crab!

Jenny is visiting now - I'll see of the other children at Michael's.
I have been feeling well with the exception of weather temps changing & bringing on some wheezing - this is normal and I know how to handle it. I did get my Prevnar 13
shot and will be getting flu shot sometime this month or next.

Mema Jo said...

Our Royal Couple was at the nest around 6:30 - 6:40 this morning. Eagle Cam captures the best photos for their FB site. Eight more days for the truck at the nest to mount a new cam - Just praying it doesn't scare our couple.

JudyEddy said...

On lunch at MCD's I got to see the visit this am also JO and did get some snip with my tablet I put on on FB didn't have time to put anymore on but I had to leave for work first day back I will put in the em ablum when I get home I have to put on fb then steal and put in laptop because with my tablet the em album comes up differently ODD

I left a tad early because the rain was coming in and I just made it in the store before the sky opened up I think the rain from yesterday just arrived one day late LOL

I got a BIG BIG HUG and missed you from my CO GINA
that was really nice She said we don''t know how much you do till your gone and I did appreciate that

SANDI I want to retire by March/April but then I was thinking might as well wait till May my anniversary and then they would have to pay me my vacation 4 weeks but I may just have to retire in DEC if mr Micro Manager the new store manager doesn't let me go on vacation in Dec
the cruise was booked this past Jan for Dec and it with some of the family so I am going I did get insurance on it so I could get my $ back if wanted but I want to go on the cruise

JudyEddy said...

CHECK OUT GOOGLE odd on my tablet its not animated like the laptop

Janet said...

good afternoon to all.
JUDYE: thanks and love the pix of Jordyn.
Lazy day around here.
JO: enjoy your picnic!
Will c heck in later.

Lolly said...

Hi all! Having a great weekend. Woke to 64 yesterday and today. We turned the AC off but it is now up to 88 so it is back on. So ready for cooler weather!

Lynne, this class is so you! Perfect! Wish you the best with it
This week we start getting ready for our Colorado trip. We will bring the trailer home We and start loading to set off Sat.

Ahh, recliners. Cannot live without mine and Jack has his! I had an Aunt and uncle who in their family room had nothing but reclining rockers. They said that when they had family home they all headed for the recliners, so they had about eight or so! Lol

JudyEddy said...

Hello home from work
as I was leaving I popped in the office to turn in my telxon and Co Gina was in there I had mentioned to her that I have NO schedule at all for next week and the week there after is 4am to 1pm that new CAP program and I asked her how can the system override my availability (7am-5pm) she didn't answer that question and I jokingly said I don't really want to take the time but will if I have to LOL She said she would give me 7-4 for next week but we would have to do figure out for something by the other week Oct 2 is when my position does go away and I was put in the other catagory not Cap 1 or 2 I had mentioned that Co Peter was going to find a slot for me and he said I could contiune doing what I am doing Then she said he was WRONG that he can't do that So they need to find me a position She then asked again what was my limitation I reminded her 20lb push, pull of pick up and no repetition
Cashier is 40lb limit
and the lowest weight limit is 25lb that she found and that is maintenance (Not for me) so now WHAT Its a wait and see again

She asked me saying you don't have to answer me but why are you waiting till next year to retire
I told her is because of the nasty credit card bill that I must pay before I retire that house and vehicle is paid for and did some work on house and I just have to hang in there till then
She is Mrs BY TO BOOK so now I just have to wait to see what they come up with I say its not going to bother me but we know it will that is just human nature for me anyway
I wonder if I could be a people greeter that would be soooooo boring for me anyway standing in one area all day OH and Angie said the customers would be inside to shop cause I would talk their ear off and it would be pay cut also

Also I have to get the rest of the dental done before the end of the year of before I retire so that is another reason
I am hoping that they offer me a severance package that would be cool but again the teeth issue I have paid for most of it but the permanent partial that will be done in a month or so may have to rush that
I know of one person that they offered a package to because his position in the cash office was gone and for some reason not positive what they gave him one

If it ain't one thing its another
and I guess Co Peter is leaving our store soon bummer I sure wish he would have done something prior to today

JudyEddy said...

Oh the subject of recliners I had a really nice one rocker also but when I moved to this house it was soooo huge for this living room I gave it to a friend of Angi also it was a little large hit my neck wrong I think it was for taller people if that is possible that they would make one that way it was a Lazy Boy and I did pay big bucks for it just wasn't comfy on my neck

stronghunter said...


Just sitting here in the peace and quiet. Kathryn and Hunter took Keshia home. I think they had picked her up for lunch and shopping.

I had a bowling session today. We had to do our make-up games for the day we will miss when we are in France. I asked Doris, the 4th member of our team, to sub for me on Thursday since she will not be going to France with us. That way, I have someone to cover for me, and she gets to bowl that week.

I do need to check on the Pot Plant Owl. So nice that it's back again this year.

My hair appointment is not until Wednesday. The hairdresser I prefer is on vacation right now, and that was the earliest appointment I could get. I am afraid I might have a bit of perm smell still in my hair when we take off, but the smell is not as strong as it used to be. Hope I will be okay.

JudyEddy said...
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JudyEddy said...

Ask your hairdresser for a idea wouldn't hurt

JudyEddy said...

I googled it and suggest baking soda. Google it to look for other options

JudyEddy said...

OK reading more NIX the soda says would relax suggest mouth wash on scalp
As well as other ideas

JudyEddy said...

Tomato juice. Wow lots of different one out there the compare to a skunk the alkine smell

JudyEddy said...

Relax the perm is what the baking soda would do did read right after I sent it

JudyEddy said...

Warning with juice you might crave spaghetti LOL. It is amazing all the ideas and blonde may get a reddish stain . I'll let you google it if u want

JudyEddy said...

Loreal has a hair deodorizer ok I am done

JudyEddy said...

Hey teachers present and past have you heard of Dojo app that is so cool but found out that Jordyn teacher is doing it but not the other 1st grade teacher. Angie loves it can see daily her points and if she had a good day. The reason we know the other isn't using it is because of twin friends has one in each class.

JudyEddy said...

everyone must be enjoying their Sunday

I put the pic from this am in the EM album and I did it from my tablet I figured out how to
but it won't let go in and do the right time on them my tablet won't let me add that for some reason and I could of swear that we could do that on the album with the pic we download I was wrong but I went and made a comment with the date and sunrise visit now I know I won't use tablet to upload I just will do what I did in the pas take from facebook and put in my laptop then to the em album

Judie said...

Wow, JudyE. Sure hope you can get your schedule worked out. Seems very complicated.

Shirley, ask your stylist what you can use to wash your hair. Glad you are having some quiet time. Is Allie keeping you company?

Hope Jo had a nice time tonight. Hope everyone had a lovely day.

It is time for me to visit my recliner before denting some pillows. Early day tomorrow. Cardiologist.

Restful sleep for all.

Janet said...

good evening all.

JUDYE: hang tough sis. you might want to consider a legal least a consult. hopefully you can work this out without using one, though.

quiet day. tom is catching the virus, so its been pretty low key. we slept a bit. I worked on my rocks. had a nice dinner and nowhere we are. heading to dent a pillow shortly!

good night to all!

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends - it's Monday. 55 degrees here.

Judy, I'm so sorry about the work situation. That will be impossible not to worry about - I hope it gets resolved in your favor and your manager finds a job for you to do so you don't have to retire early.

Judie, I hope you get only good news from the cardiologist.

Jo, how was Michael's party?

We got to Facetime with Brian, Lynnis, and Freyja last night. Freyja is walking so well now! They hope to be in their permanent apartment around 9/24. All is well with them.

Have agreat day.

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

Good morning eagle buds

Mt nest

JudyEddy said...


Kay said...

Y'all go on over to the nice new thread!!!


I'm going to catch up here before joining you over there.....

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...