Monday, September 28, 2015


I was off the grid last week.  I have recieved reports on the installation, and it all looks good.  We still have some video streaming challenges, but they will be worked out.

Huge thanks to NCTC staffers Rob Ball, Clayton McBride, Susan DeStephanis, and William McWilliams for their hard work on this project.  And thanks to our partners at The Friends of the NCTC, Hancock Wildlife Foundation, the Town of Shepherdstown, and all of you for your support, financial and otherwise.  Finally we thank the Outdoor Channel. 

New thread, the new nesting season is not too far away.


Mema Jo said...

WELCOME HOME - I've been waiting all morning to be able to say that to you!
We have been very busy and I sure hope you like the results .

Thanks again to NCTC for all you have done

Will call others over

Mema Jo said...

Ozzie Update from previous thread

CROW - Clinic for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife, Inc.
9 mins ·

Ozzie is still currently being examined by CROW hospital staff but here are a few details that we can share. He has wounds on his back and near his hip most likely received while fighting for his nest a few days ago. He has a broken toe that has already started to heal but this is a concern because he needs to hunt for food and defend himself. X-rays of Ozzie will be taken later this afternoon and we will post more updates as they come in.

Mema Jo said...

JANET - lol - FV = Frequent Visitor
Then they started calling him M15 - Didn't understand that one

Judie said...

Good afternoon.

Welcome back, Steve. Thank you for our fresh Monday thread. Hope you enjoyed your leisure time. Yes, heartfelt thanks and appreciation to all who have worked so hard to make the new camera a reality.

Thank you Jo for the call-over and for the update on Ozzie. So hope he will heal and be well-enough to release.

Janet, so glad Olivia has gotten the surgery over with and is resting. Hopefully, she will mostly sleep until tomorrow.

Been doing paperwork and catching up on emails, etc. Blue sky now covered with clouds. May be some rain later? Hope so.

Sandi said...

Hi all - internet has been spotty all day but thought I would make a quick post while it's working.

Thanks Steve for the new thread - boy did we ever need one - and thanks Jo for the call over.

Janet, sending positive energy to Livvy that her mouth heals quickly and with no complications.

Kevin was at a music festival over the weekend in North Carolina peddling his leather-goods. He said it rained the whole weekend and he sold next to nothing. Eight hour drive down and another 8 hours back. Now he's got everything spread out in the yard to dry and our forecast is for rain the rest of this week. Ahhh, the rough life of a festi-vendor!

stronghunter said...

How nice to come in and find a new thread. Thanks, Steve! And thanks for the information.

Congratulations on yet another feather, Jo.

Oh, and I just want to assure you all that it was not Julie, Val, and Shirley who tried to climb the Eiffel Tower. However, the attempt did cause the place to be evacuated and caused the tour people to postpone our visit to the second level of the tower.

stronghunter said...

Glad to know Livvy did well with her surgery, Janet.

stronghunter said...

Posted a few pictures. These are not on FB yet. I experimented with picture sizes and the first one is so huge you cannot see much of what I was photographing. Click on it to see what I was trying to post.

JudyEddy said...

thanks for the new thread STEVE and the naturally the cam installation we love the view but we still have a NHZ

JudyEddy said...

I am probably will be going to FT meyers on Thur to help look for M15
The young lady that found Ozzie says she was out today and no sign I told her that I may come down to help

She knew it was him because of the tag on his leg also

JudyEddy said...

Did you notice some of the green grass is turning brown now

JudyEddy said...

LOL JUDIE sleeping with the crickets could be a little ticklish LOL

SANDI so happy they got moved in and so happy you got a sick day I got my Wed approved for my dentist appt also Will be doing that for appts from now on instead of day off
With OZZIE having the older injury form fighting a week a so ago they seem to be worried about him being released has already begun to heal I just read that JO brought over the comment

Great news on TORI JO
I also missed the eclipse because of clouds from rain

RED Happy Birthday

KAY so sorry you are loosing a good neighbor hope the new ones will be good

JudyEddy said...

gonna go pedal on my bike before it gets to late

will be watching from the bike in the corner

glo said...

Well I managed to mow the front yard. I am sure loving this artificial grass deal Patches and I are working out. Who knows how many more times I will ever mow any grass.

OK yes I am just kidding about the not mowing but Patches is getting this. Bless her heart.

Not much time online today. So much to do and weather is cooperative today.

JudyEddy said...

they posted xray on fb on ozzie
Ozzie has two broken toes, one in each foot. The good news is, he does not have any additonal broken bones or fractures. We should know in the coming days how long he will need to recover at CROW. We will continue to keep you posted. As always, thanks for your support.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good evening all my eagle budlets. Glad to see the new thread.

Poor Ozzie! Cruel world out there.

I love us!

JudyEddy said...

almost 10 MILES on bike now for the news waiting for our evening visit

NCSuzan said...

Shirley, so sorry you are ill. Hope you are better very soon. Have enjoyed your photos. Looks like it was a trip of a lifetime!

Happy Birthday, Red! Hope you celebrate in style.

Was able to see some of the moon last night through the clouds. It was awesome!

Sandi said...

Susan, how are things looking in your neck of the woods ... soggy? Any flooding from this last storm?

Glo, glad that Patches is getting the hang of using the artificial grass. Just don't be tempted to put it IN the house. Once she gets the idea that it's OK to go in the house, everything that is rectangular in shape becomes a place to pee. Trust me, I know these things!!

I'm thinking that, with the location of the microphone on the new cam, it doesn't pick up the wind as much. It looks breezy at the nest but, even with my speakers up to 100%, I don't hear any wind Of course winter will be the real test but boy, the wind would get so loud on the old cam that I had to mute my sound.

grannyblt said...

Good evening all. Thanks for the new thread Steve and welcome home.

Things looked breezy at the nest just now, and I agree with you all that the sound seems better and the grass is turning brown.

Happy Birthday to Red.

Thanks for the updates onFB about Ozzie.

JudyEddy said...

from FB for those that aren't on and or follow Vickie if you don"t

Harriet is in the nest tree this am after staying elsewhere the previous four nights but she has company. The sub adult seen the last two days is there too. Harriet was continuously calling early but the sub adult did not leave and even followed her. Eagles have different calls for different situations. The intensity and frequency of the calls vary with the situation and with the time of day. A "threat" call is often uttered when humans or other raptors approach the nest. This call consists of a repeated harsh “Kah-kah-kah,” followed by chuckling sound. A "mild threat" is a sharp chuckling sound without the final "ha-ha-ha.” The "annoyance" call is made more often by the female when she is guarding the nest alone. No sighting of Ozzie or M15 this AM. May all the eagles, sighted or out of sight, stay safe and well.''sub adult (note the 'dusting' of black yet on its' head and the dark tip of the tail''Harriet resting soundly'

Ground Observations: Monday, September 28, 2015
6:00-7:05 I am at the nest. Harriet vocalized twice right after my arrival. She is perched on an upper branch of the nest tree and the SA (sub adult) is perched on the attic branch. Harriet is very vocal and the SA vocalizes briefly.
7:06-7:15 The SA hops to the edge of the nest and then into the nest. Harriet initiates warning vocals and the SA vocalizes back but still enters the nest. The vocalizing continues. The SA is not in the nest long and hops back out to an outer branch. Harriet is quieter but still vocalizing. The SA launches to the attic and turns on the branch to face south.
7:18 A juvenile eagle flies through the west pasture zig zagging to the SW and out of sight. Harriet vocalized briefly as it entered and exited the pasture area.
7:20-7:30 Harriet preens and vocalizes. The SA perches quietly.
7:31-7:45 The SA vocalizes an alert and flies quickly to the NNE. Harriet vocalizes softly and is watching to the east. She preens, zips, rouses, scratches, vocalizes and perches with her foot out over the branch.
7:46-8:10 Harriet looks west and SW and flies quickly to the SW, perching in a tree near the cell tower. The SA flies there and lands on another branch of the tree. I can hear Harriet vocalizing from over at the nest. That's Harriet - loud vocals!! An adult eagle with food lands on the cell tower as Harriet flies over there. The SA returns to the nest tree and Harriet is preening and vocalizing in a tree across the road.
8:10-8:25 Harriet and the adult on the cell tower vocalize at times to one another. Harriet moves down the branch vocalizing and flies to a tree closer to the cell tower.
8:26-8:45 The SA flies back over from the nest tree toward Harriet and breaks the branch it tries to land on, sending it flying to a back tree. The SA returns to a tree to Harriet's left and perches higher than her. The SA flies toward the cell tower and glides back around. Both Harriet and the adult on the cell tower vocalize at the SA. The SA flies right toward Harriet and perches just above and beside Harriet. Harriet flies at the SA and knocks it off the branch. The SA goes to another tree and Harriet flies there too. Harriet perches below him with her wings half spread and vocalizing. Harriet flies, vocalizing, to another tree. The SA stays where it was perched.
8:45-9:00 The SA flies back over to the nest tree and perches in an upper branch. Harriet watches the area around her and vocalizes some and preens.
9:00 I am headed home. Our eagles live free and for the goal of propagating their species. A wise woman told me today that watching eagles live their lives makes their successes that much sweeter and brings home how fragile life can be. Be safe Harriet, heal well Ozzie and return soon M15.

JudyEddy said...

the cam is doing the light thing again like it did the same time last night thinking night vision strobe lights LOL

JudyEddy said...

eagle in

JudyEddy said...

eagle in

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

poof one

JudyEddy said...

poof two and lost cam just then

JudyEddy said...

got snips on FB and putting in EM album now

Mema Jo said...

Important phone call - MISSED THEM

Headed to Jeopardy

Then checking out TV for my evening....... BBL

JudyEddy said...

night lite on still but not live yet

Janet said...

Hey all, anyone heard from CarolAnne? Someone with her facebook connection just tried to friend a friend of mine (not on eagle blog......

JudyEddy said...

PINK the live went pink and I got a snip wow pretty disco time

glo said...

LOL Sandi Bless you for giving me a heads up on that one. OK even in a blizzard if I can open the back door and get her out to the deck we will do that :-). Rain tonight so after the bedtime potty break I will move the grass to the back deck. I am hoping she is pleasantly surprised that she doesn't have to go clear out back through all the cold wet grass in the am to potty. BUT she might :-) Stay tuned.

JudyEddy said...

what was her name SIS

JudyEddy said...

you could message CA on FB and ask her

Judie said...

Headed to watch some tv.

Jo, you have PBS email.

Restful sleep for all.

Lynne2 said...

♫♪ Stinkbugs,Stinkbugs
Covering my window panes...
Seems to me I'll only see
How bothersome they are ♪♫

Yes folks, it's that time again. The stinkbug scouts of the past few weeks have now started movin' in the troops.

Thanks for the new thread, Steve...and pass on our thanks to all of those fabulous folks working on our camera and connections for us!

How are you feeling Shirley?

Janet, hope Livvy isn't too miserable!

Kay, hope your dearest neighbors will keep in touch! And we'll pray for the new neighbors to be wonderful!

Only saw the tail end of the eclipse last night. The beginning was behind too many clouds.

I'm sorry to report that the found in the pig bed cat isn't doing so well. She HAS been eating well, but a week has gone by and she simply has no get up and go. Her urine output is tremendous, and she's had diarrhea for 2 days that's pretty bad. ( her fecal tested negative for worms, but fecal testing checks for eggs...sometimes you just don't catch them. Dr Baker would have given her a dewormer regardless given her condition and knowing she has been outside for some time. It would be VERY unlikely that she wouldn't have worms, but it is what it is.) Lisa, our Cat Lady here took her back to the vet today. All I know so far is that she'll be there at least a couple of days and that when they did rads on her, they saw she had been shot with a pellet gun at some point. No details as to where the pellets are in her body or what the plan is. Hopefully we'll have more details tomorrow.

I have decided to stop taking my warfarin. I have a cardio appt on Wed. I'm probably going to get yelled at. But the domino effect is insane at this point. I have taken many things in to consideration in coming to this decision, and documented my reasons thoroughly and sent them to her ahead of time today so she can review them. This oughta be an interesting visit. LOL! But I cannot see how she can possibly argue my reasoning. I'd be happy to share this with anyone who might be interested, it's just too long of a thing to put on the blog.

Going to the chair for some TV....

JudyEddy said...

LYNNE2 I respect your decision and it is your right not to take the drug its your body I have no clue about it and I am going to google search it
so sorry about the barn cat being shot so sad that there are idiots in the world
and so sorry about the stink but issue again I so remember you wanting to make a stink bug farm LOL

JudyEddy said...

When there is a commercial on tv for any drugs they always come with such bad side effects The side effects may be worse that the issue that they are taking the drug for

JudyEddy said...

I just read the side effects and my are there many
WOW and some bad ones for a man

JudyEddy said...

If you would mind being you offered can you email me
and everyone else on the blog

My computer was down and I lost all my email address so if you could can you email me so I can have them

JudyEddy said...

just on the news a rare discovery a turtle that glows under water found in the Solomon Islands

JudyEddy said...

if you still up check out google

JudyEddy said...

Evidence of water found on Mars
Mars drinking a glass of water animated

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all
♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends - back to school - and Sam - for me today.

Lynne2, stink bugs still haven't invaded southern DE yet - every once in a while I see 1 on a screen outside. Our plague is summer tourists, but fortunately they're not as yucky as stinkbugs.

Had to close the house up and turn the AC on yesterday bc of the humidity - rain is headed our way again this evening and for the next few days.

Have agreat day all.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds Nest is MT and probably will be while I watch seems they come a tad later every day

CarolAnne said...

Hello everyone. Just a quick check-in. Hope a good day is ahead for all.
Regarding a friend or friend request, I had one yesterday that said the person accepted my request. I had not made the request. Not sure what's up but I went to my friends list and unfriended the person. Things get strange sometimes.
Loving the camera progress.

JudyEddy said...

Ozzie video from crow

grannyblt said...

Good morning

646--both Eagles drop down into nest poke around a bit

656--one poofs

703--remaining eagle poofs

The only noise I heard was the landing and departing wingbeats

Judie said...

Good morning.

Lynne2, hopefully the cardiologist will work WITH you rather than fuss AT you. I return to my cardiologist on the 19th for a similar problem but different medication. I have made the same decision to stop the drug. Sad for the kitten and hope it can be healed and adopted. No stink bugs inside, yet.

Sandi, just wait. If you think you can get used to three-day weekends, just wait until you can enjoy seven-day weekends.

Overcast this morning. May take the day off from closet clean-out. Rain expected. Need to turn AC on again. Have errands but not really motivated. Blah!

Wishing everyone the best day possible.

Janet said...

Morning to all.
Sorry I did not get back last night, tom wantedto check out this jeep he thought about purchasing as a project vehicle….and when we got home I was wiped out.
JUDYE: my friend’s name is Leisa Sutton. She is my friend in MI who loves chickens. She got a friend request from Bob and CarolAnne…..and at first I didn’t think anything about it , THEN I thought, she’s never done that…..and I never see her on facebook …..and so I told her not to accept the request til I figure this out, if I can.
JUDIE: so sad about the kitty-pig. Some times I think (some) people are just evil.
And I second JUDYE’s comment: its YOUR body and your decision should be respected. Yes, they will do a domino effect with meds….and I know meds are sometimes necessary….i have some myself….but IMHO, each person is responsible for their own being and wellness, and as long as they are informed about the choices they make, allow them to make them. Often there are other pharmaceutical choices one could make as well as natural choices. Again, JMOH, we , as a society, have given the “big farm” and health care industry the reigns on our health…..instead of us being a part of the decision, people sometimes just do what ever the doc says without question…..without thinking on their own or asking questions…..and we need to be PART of the process….. Sorry, my personal rant. I’m off the soapbox now.

CAROLANNE: so good to see you! Yes that was a friend of mine that received the friend request from you I wasn’t sure it was you and told her to block the request. You might want to consider changing your FB password.
Thank you for all the positive for Livvy: it has worked! Lol. Only a teenage body can be so resilient. Of course I have kept her on schedule on her pain meds….stay ahead of the pain is my motto but last night she and Niki were in the kitchen making a tutu. Then decided to make 2 more and went to Walmart. Lol. I made her go to bed on time and got up during the night to give her meds and had tom give her a dose before he went to work early. I slept in. I haven’t taken my weekly day off. I’ve been running like my hair is on fire Sun and Mon. now, a chill day.
We will see how she feels in a bit when I wake her up.

Raining here today. Lots of rain expected. That’s fine by me. I don’t feel like doing squat…painting rocks …..that’s about it.
Have a great day to all! Hugs! Love!

JudyEddy said...

Howdy on lunch and I see eagle visited right when I left

I don't think I am even with CarolAnne on fb need a last name to look her up

SIS does your friend do roosters or just chicken . I have something i will take a poc of it when I get home

JudyEddy said...

CA how have you been u have been missed

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

Doggy play day called off due to rain. JUDIE, you and I are on the same page--Blah!

LYNNE2, will be waiting eagerly for word re:doc appt. and possible new med for you. Neighbor and I saw our first stink bug yesterday while visiting on her front porch. A sure sign of cooler weather approaching and the invasion of those stinkers!

LYNNE1, thanks for report on eagle activity!

Just dawned on me, routine 3 mo. check up tomorrow, fasting overnight, yuck!

Wishing all a good day and praying for those in need!!!


JudyEddy said...

This is another eagle that has been hanging at the nest since Ozzie and Frankie Valli have been missing

ground report this am

""""Dee Kelly Photography
3 hrs ·
9/29/15 ... Harriet and Slim in the nest tree this morning. It's overcast and should rain soon. Around 7:02 am Harriet leaves first with Slim following close behind her towards the SE. A few mins later ( 7:06 am )Slim has circled around and comes back to the nest tree from the NW . I see an Eagle on the cell tower and I don't know how long it has been there.. Slim looking around then heads over to Publix parking lot tree area. We find Harriet and Slim and the Eagle that is still on the cell tower. Harriet vocalizes and so does Slim.Harriet moves from one tree to the next. She does some preening and rouse's her feathers. I don't stay long the rain is heading our way and my ankle is hurting from the other night when I twisted it real bad.""""

JudyEddy said...

GOOGLE still has the mars water thing up if you haven't check it out

JudyEddy said...

back to work I go

Mema Jo said...

Good afternoon to All ♥

No rain yet - stink bugs galore and my detergent/water traps are filling with them!

Judie - got the email - I love Ms Fisher and there are new ones. Did not care for Indian Summer!

We ate at UNOS last night = I love their classic pizza

Love our new cam - all of you can see Deb's daily videos in the comment section under the cam.

The Adventures of Oz is ongoing. Harriet's new friend is Slim - No one has found M15
I just hope no drama comes to our nest.

Lynne2 - I would think there are other meds that could replace the one you now have.
It is true that all possible side effects have to be made known.

Rain may be starting - almost afternoon nap time BBL

Sandi said...

Hi all. Sam was a very bad boy yesterday so he is in the in school suspension room today and tomorrow. Consequently, so am I. What fun. Bye.

Judie said...

Ooooooo! Sandi is in time-out. lol

Sandi said...

Do you know how boring it is to sit in time-out for 6.5 hours???? Well I do!

Sam claimed he was assigned to after school detention b/c "everyone treats me like a f&#@ing retard." I sure did want to say, "That's b/c you ACT like a f&#@ing retard," but I didn't. When I was finished explaining the work his teachers gave me to be completed in ISS, he said, "Go f&#@ yourself." I spent a minute trying to figure out exactly how someone would go about doing that and then just documented what Sam said on his daily behavior sheet. At the end of the day, I scanned the sheet and gave it to the special ed. teacher on the team so he could attach it to his daily email to the administration and Sam's mother.

Round 2 tomorrow.

Out to dinner for Denny and me - one of the little restaurants nearby has declared Tuesdays as Locals Night and all food is 20% off. So I have declared that Tuesdays are Summer Salts nights. I may have to take a little nap first - I am exhausted from sitting in that little cell-like room all day. No windows, no cell reception. Tomorrow I will be taking my iPad to school.


grannyblt said...

Rainy day here and instead of grocery shopping or doing anything else useful, I've been on Facebook, etc. I went to the PBS site concerning Indian Summers. About 2/3 of the comments were unfavorable. I was a little confused about the characters, but
after reading a character list, I realized I wasn't as confused as I thought. Lol. I will give it a couple more weeks. I never did get into Wolf Hall.
Off to check nest.

Lolly said...

We are home! Got home before 1:00. Have unloaded the trailer and on the third load of wash. Skippi is happy! She was a good traveleler though not the happiest traveler. She was happy in the trailer though! She loved exporing. Anytime a cabinet was opened she wanted in it. Lol. Will clean the trailer in the morning. It is 87 and too warm to work out there.

It was a great trip except for the run in with that road rage 18 wheeler. Especially enjoyed watching the elk rut and seeing a moose!

Wildlife we saw also included deer, antelope and turkeys about two dozen at once!

JudyEddy said...

Home from work and I also am having a rainy day and I see water drops on our cam we need wipers LOL I have gotten a inch so far

JudyEddy said...

WELCOME HOME LOLLY our traveling blogerster are now home SHIRLEY and LOLLY

JudyEddy said...

SANDI do you report his filthy mouth so some one maybe recording it would do some good also but that may be illegal HMMMM

JudyEddy said...

From CROW, latest update: Ozzie is currently standing and perching in his cage. Blood results indicate a blood infection so he is currently receiving strong antibiotics. Test results show no complications with his liver or kidneys. Below is a video of Ozzie receiving wound care yesterday. Thanks for your continued support!

JudyEddy said...

OK SILLY QUESTION I was told females have to be 5 yr to have eggs What about males does the same rule apply anyone know? The sub adult has brown on still

Sandi said...

Judy, it's illegal to do video or audio of students without their permission. If I told Sam I was recording him, I doubt he would say many of the things he says. Then again, maybe he would.

Also Judy, male eagles don't "have eggs" wink wink! But seriously, I don't know how old a male has to be to be able to mate and fertilize eggs.

Lolly, welcome home - sounds like Miss Skippita will be very happy to be in her own digs.

JudyEddy said...

someone complied a video check it out pretty cool

Ozzie Harriett and Frankie Valli (Pretty Boy, Publix Boy, Frenquent Visitor and M15 and there are other names I am sure almost as bad as out Shep was when he showed up

JudyEddy said...

This is today video from the nest from Vickie

JudyEddy said...

I love the eagle calls on the cam talking back and forth

JudyEddy said...

LOL SANDI WOW the video that Vickie posted I am still watching it and lots of eagle calls Slim and her are in the same tree I really think he was to be a suitor

JudyEddy said...

I GOOGLED IT AND it say 4 is the age for a male

JudyEddy said...

they are just feet away in the tree ok I am going to do my bike I asked Vickie if both sub adults are male I will let you know when she answers

grannyblt said...

Just looked at our rainy nest and spotted a small brownish bird poking around in the grass. Not sure what kind, but sparrowish, it was there for 3 or 4 minutes before I gave up on the buffering.

JudyEddy said...

I am having no issue with buffering on my desk top

I could only do 4miles on the bike my knee is acting up at work I was on the floor and I noramally pull myself up with the help of a side counter but no side counter in reach because of pegged area so I used the base of it and the front of my thigh is sort of charlie horsed and my knee is upset with me I put on my brace but that doesn't seem to do diddle squat

Patti results of her brain scan she has been have major headaches well to find out She is NORMAL nothing there and we all laughed saying we know there was nothing there LOL
she is saddened because of her mom left today after being up there all this time 5 months now and naturally her mom feels the same way she use to live here but moved up there over a year ago when her husband got transferred NOW ex husband So good new for her

JudyEddy said...

spoke to soon now buffering open mouth to soon but its only a few secs and comes right back Odd all this time it didn't

Mema Jo said...

Not sure what the noise is that I hear every now and then - I thought it was the rain drops - but really not sure. I need to see the Sycamore Palace tree - I'm not certain which branches had to be taken down for the cam mounting.

Sometimes it sounds like one of our Royal Couple is up at the mount cleaning his beak or stomping around.

Judy the buffering isn't as frequent as it has been but like right now - it is buffering. Steve said that was one thing that needed some tweaking.

Tonight is Tues TV night - NCIS for sure but not certain what else.


JudyEddy said...

It was Lynne1 with the buffering I only have had it two times since I got home at 415 and that was just a second ago

I haven't watched NCIS from last week I DVRD it

JudyEddy said...

I like having shows to watch when there is nothing else on but realty tv watch don't do them

I watched my Once Upon A Time last night and I love not having to watch the commercial fast forward is great but I got a letter from my cable co today that my rates will be going up I will call them tomorrow to see if I can negotiate a deal other wise I will just say I will get direct TV it worked with Angie so crossing fingers Or I just may say just give me internet and basic tv and I will go out a buy a drv at Walmart the do the same thing We will see MTBRL
gonna head to the rocker see about putting leg up and take this brace off doesn't do anything

JudyEddy said...

Vickie is going to meet me at the nest if I go down Thurs and she has been looking for my spare battery that I lost that is so cool that she is and I am sure by now it is ruined with all the rain ok to the chair I have lap top on if eagle pop in and then I will get up to do snips since I can't on the laptop

Lynne2 said...

Evening all....

Need a little prayer power.

My MIL is in the hospital. She was to have some sort of procedure on her shoulder tomorrow and went for her pre-op EKG and exam this afternoon. Something was so wrong with the EKG that her doctor has her in the ER. The hospital is next door to the Dr.

That's all I know for now. Steve and my FIL are stuck at their house with no car....MIL had the car, they only have one. Someone is coming to get them soon to take them to pick up the car.

JudyEddy said...

also got a nasty bill my dental insurance isn't covering the bone graft considered surgery 600.00 but my medical should cover it and I have a appt tomorrow at one with the dentist so I can kill two bird with one stone as the old saying goes

Mema Jo said...

Looks like night vision is gearing up!
Dark out on this side of the nest......

JudyEddy said...

Nite light on and no visit they must of hunkered down in the rain somewhere

JudyEddy said...

GOT YOU COVERED LYNNE2 keep us posted

Mema Jo said...

Prayers for the family, Lynne2

Really coming down out there and very visible on the cam........

Good night for sleeping - us humans not the eagles...

Lynne2 said...

you getting some thunder Shirley? i was just looking at the lightning map and there is some close by you....

Lynne2 said...

Steve just called, they are at the hospital and they are releasing my MIL. Good news, I think.....will get more details later.

Lynne2 said...

Steve called, seems that she was having pains in her chest. Not sure now exactly what the series of events was til I talk to her tomorrow. Men are just so bad at details! Anyway, they are confident it's not her heart although they want her in for a stress test ASAP. They rather think this is related to her stomach issues. Dare I say....CRISIS AVERTED.

WOW is it ever raining! Wind, thunder, oh my! Now there is speculation that TS Joaquin could be a major hurricane by the weekend, off the coast and in the category of Isabel....OMG. Let's hope the models are wrong.

Back to my chair to watch something recorded....the satellite is out.

JudyEddy said...

Desiree Deliz Put together some of my favorite photos of H&O in a slideshow, last photo by Heather Halle. video by Desiree Deliz's Photography'M love the song she picked

Janet said...

good evening to all.

LYNNE2: good news. glad all's well....

today was my "declared" off day. I got up later, still tired, but got up anyway. it was a rainy day and idecided, I need a chill day.

I piddled around here this a.m. livvy is doing well, but making sure she stays on top of her meds, specifically the antibiotic. pain only seems to be when she is talking, but again, I have kept her on a medication schedule...

after tom came in from job #2 and went back to job #1, I decided a nap was in order as I was tired and grumpy. so that's exactly what I did this after. I slept.

I did finish a few more rocks. dinner was already made (15 bean soup and garlic cheddar rolls)

tom and I went back out to look at that jeep again, but the guy has a higher offer than what tom wants to pay, so it doesn't look as if this will be his project vehicle. there' another one around the corner, i'm sure.

taking Olivia in for her allergy shot in the a.m. then off to work.

LOLLY: welcome home!!!!!!!!!!!!!

SANDI: I am so sorry you are stuck in that little room with that brat. sheesh. he gets punished and you get doubly punished. yikes.

well, probably should hit the bed and dent the pillows. I think the sandperson just arrived.

good night to all!

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. Rain started last night around 8pm and we're not supposed to see the sun again until next Monday. I sure hope the current forecast doesn't hold up or we may be getting more water in the house.

Lynne2, thanks for the update on your MIL - good news that her heart isn't the issue.

Janet, glad to hear that Livvy is bouncing back quickly.

Not to worry about my work situation, friends. This is what I signed up for and there is absolutely no stress to babysitting Sam. We actually had a meaningful conversation later in the day and he even smiled. He is, after all, just an emotionally disturbed child. I'm not dealing with any of the bs that the teachers are dealing with and believe me when I say there is plenty. The new special ed. department chair wants IEPs written very differently than the previous chair so the sp. ed. teachers are just beside themselves - not my problem anymore. Every day is an affirmation that I made the right decision.

Have agreat day all.

Janet said...

good morning all.

SANDI: you have such a positive outlook on a situation I know I personally would be done with already! your kind heart and caring ways certainly will get you thru this! wow! wow!

looks as if the east coast is getting a visitor over the next few days: Joaquin.
Batten down the hatches! Empty the bread and milk aisles.

Have a great day to all!

Judie said...

Good morning.

Twelve hours almost exactly without power. Grill comes in handy for heating water, soup, etc.

Just quickly scanned comments before I head out to get my "do" did.

Lynne2, wishing the best for MIL. Hopefully, the problem was stress related.

Nest MT but looks pretty in the light.

Wishing everyone the best day possible.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

LYNNE2 thanks for the update on MIL and the info

SIS and everyone that may be effected by the storm please be safe

hearing some lovely bird on the cam

got a friend request from talking on FB about Ozzie on fb

JudyEddy said...

the wind is loud on the cam on occasion must have been the angle that pick up it differently since he have hardly heard it since the new install

glo said...

Good Morning everyone. Wed are very busy days from start to finish. Lunch usually means a stop at Village Inn for a good meal and free slice of pie. I hope that happens where you live if you have a Village Inn. Patches is doing just fine with her artificial crass on back deck. I take her there usually morning and night. The rest of the day is usual walks or back yard area. I don't want her to forget about the "other' real grass lol. Both cats seem to be in a finnicky I don't think I will eat that mode right now. Gabby can stand to lose a little weight but Zoey worries me some when she does that. OK Patches and I are off for her morning stroll, before running errands time. Going to get my do done today too. Well atleast get it cut. hagd everyone.

glo said...

Ozzie dies during the night. That is indeed very sad news. Some tears, a prayer for all who grieve his loss and gratefulness for all who work to protect and care for our wonderful wildlife.

JudyEddy said...

so sad so sad that we lost him and I am pretty sure that Frankie Valli is also gone

Lolly said...

Good morning! Getting ready to start my cleaning of the trailer before it gets too hot!Please send rain this way! It has once again been a long time since we have had rain. Had to get busy last night watering pots and places on the lawn. The sprinkler system runs twice a week, our limit, but that does not keep things alive. Had a neighbor water for large pots on the patio as they are too big to move to shade and where the system could water them. This morning many plants had already perked up! Yea!

The cam pic is unbelievable! Love it! Just wish it was aimed a little higher! Oh well!

Have a great day! Gotta get busy!

Sandi, so very sorry you are stuck with Sam. Seems like they are deliberately punishing you when with you skills you could be helping many other students.

Lynne, do not know why men do not gather and share all the facts! So glad your MIL is doing better.

glo said...

Yes Judy E I think so too. They took each other out fighting for what they both believed was theirs.

Sandi said...

Hi all from in-school suspension day #2. So far so good. No refusal to work and no foul language. I was asked by the principal to submit an office referral for yesterday's language.

I am so sorry to hear Glo's news about Ozzie. This is why I stay attached to only 1 love animal cam. It makes my heart hurt to read about animals dying. I know it's real life but ...

Sandi said...

Live, not love.

JudyEddy said...

SIS package went out today They say should be there by Friday
lemeno when you get it Had to turn down the cam so windy and so loud

JudyEddy said...

Did you ask Chelsea if she could see the pic if she can I can delete it don't want to spoil the surprise for your chicken friend and so happy I found it a home LOL

JudyEddy said...

Have a appt at 1 with dentist and then heading to thrift shop today is half price day there I am taking truck to Walker Ford tomorrow to get brakes done When I was in for oil change they do check up and suggested brakes get done so its that time don't want to risk my life I wanted to go to Ft Meyers tomorrow but brakes need done to far to drive Brakes feel good but that don't me jack squat LOL

Mema Jo said...

Good afternoon to all ♥ Wet, Damp and sunless here in my valley.

Really really heartbroken concerning Ozzie's passing last night. He is flying Free.
I think the great Eagle Spirits had a lot to do with this by giving Ozzie peace.

Judie so glad you survived No Power ! That was a very long time ! Great to get out for a new "do" - wear your rain bonnet.

When the cam is buffering - the sound goes off. My queston is How long can we expect the OD live feed to stay?

Lynne2 - hoping your mil is doing better.

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds!!!

Routine exam went well--time for a chest x-ray and of course, the flu shot. Results on x-rays and labs won't be in for a few days. Not expecting trouble.

So sad to learn of Ozzie's passing. We know it was for the best but.....

JUDIE, I hate power outages. They do bring out the creative and resourceful best in us though! Enjoy the new do feeling! I'm following you with mind on Friday.

SANDI, I love your sunny attitude re:the workplace and your new position there! There is no way of assessing just how much good you're doing with that young man. Bringing forth a smile is priceless!

JUDY, good luck with the brake job---vehicles and houses---what money pits!

JO, I keep expecting to lose the cam til' the new season begins in January, per an earlier OD edict. Grateful for each day the nest can be seen. Like all of you, I love the new cam!

LOLLY, I'd be happy to share our rain with you were it within my power to do so! Hope Mother Nature takes care of your needs soon.

Prayers for all in need!!!


Kay said...

JUDIE, that should read "following you with mine".☺

Lolly said...

Trailer is ready for white glove inspection! Fresh linens on the bed and clean towels hung. Rugs also clean. Now to clean the outside. Jack does that with a little help from me. Then off to repair. Found one shower stall wall loose.😱 Can not have that. Then to tire store for owner to inspect tires and then to storage.

So glad you are having a better day, Sandi. I can not help but wonder about this boy's parents and the way he is being raised.

Sad about Ozzie. I, too, have pulled back from a lot of cams because of sadness. The bear cams really did me in and the sadness of Hope's killing brought that to a halt.

Janet said...

good afternoon all.

THANKS SIS, will keep my eyes peeled. I did not ask Chelsea. Since she is working we don't talk nearly as often unless its via text BUT I think if Leisa DID see it she would have said something....thank you..

I am home...because, tah dah, my one and only client had complete knee replacement surgery 2 weeks ago. so I sent him home, cleaned up the back room, phones weren't ringing, so I just ran my errands and came home.

SO sad about Ozzie and FV. Nature can be cruel. Wondering if the female will have a new mate soon then? Florida's nesting season is closer than WVA's....thoughts?

I have made a crock pot of chili. Tomorrow is our "FALL FEED" at work. Pot luck. I figured with the cooler, rainy weather we are having, a crock of chili may hit the spot! Tom and I each hada bowl for lunch and there's still PLENTY.

I am making pasta carbonara for dinner tonight. One of Tom's faves.

And other than that, I'm gonna chug on over to FB for a bit then read my book A second lazy day. Who'da thought that?

Hugs to all. Will check in later!

Janet said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Janet said...

pardon. my delete. fingers got click happy.

Judie said...

Good afternoon.

Got my "do" did. My stylist is moving again just a few blocks from her new current location. I am glad. Treated myself to a professional manicure. Nice!

Very saddened by Ozzie's death but he is now soaring high and free and I also bless those who strive to save injured wildlife.

Some little rain here but expecting more. Darth said there was a power outage while I was out - no doubt the manicure gods were at play in their shock at my behavior.

Sandi may have a problem student but at least she is free at the end of the day and can truly relax and enjoy her time at home.

Lolly, glad all is well and the repairs are not too expensive.

Kay, I'm sure the tests will bring only good news.

Glo, seems you are doing an amazing job with your critters. I know how you feel to have have a kitty that doesn't seem interested in food. It is worrisome but I remind myself that we humans also have days when food is not a priority. For me, that is not often enough.

JudyE, good luck at the dentist and with the truck.

Going to put my feet up. Just in case: steak and potato on the grill. Salad prepared by candlelight.

stronghunter said...

Good grief, Judie. Twelve hours without power. Is this because of the heavy rain? It certainly did pour here, and it seems there might be more. We do not need a hurricane. Been hearing stories of small earthquakes in these parts--or a bit south of here, but I have not felt anything.

Yes, Janet, I agree. A crock pot of chili sounds like it should hit the spot.

My cold is hanging on. It's not too bad, but I have taken it easy today. I got some of those zinc pills as soon as I started feeling symptoms, so maybe that's why I am doing reasonably well.

stronghunter said...

Haven't had to spend a whole day in the suspension room, but I did have to take a turn at monitoring it during one of my years at King George High School. I can see why Sandi would want to have something to do while there.

Had a very nice dinner last night. Will had asked if he and Stephanie could come over for dinner. While I was considering what to buy to cook and how I was going to accomplish everything, he messaged that they'd purchased a goose for dinner. I picked up bread, some veggies, and a dessert. Then Will showed about 3:30 with the goose. He headed straight for the kitchen. Then he went to the store and came home with veggies. I pretty much stayed out of the way as he sliced, diced, and cooked. We had a delicious dinner of goose, carrots, and potatoes with brussels sprouts. I contributed bread and dessert.

Will had an announcement to make: He's gotten promoted at work, and is now a store manager. He's been an assistant manager for some time. I am proud of him.

stronghunter said...

Very sad to learn of the loss of Ozzie. I had hoped they would be able to repair him once again.

JudyEddy said...

they made a very nice post on blogger of Ozzie check it out when you can so amazing so many millions loved that eagle and my daughter thinks I have gone overboard LOL made by Dee Kelly, Heather Halle. the gal that found him pic are there also

back from the dentist he said that I am still healing and did a adjustment on the inside of the temp but want to wait till healed to give me the real partial on the bottom and now gotta call insurance to see if it covered i cant afford 622. the dentist should have gotten approval JMHO

stronghunter said...

Joaquin may be a category 3 soon. Still looking like we could get hit.

JudyEddy said...

JANET I think SLIM will be her next mate he is there daily and they were right next to each other in today picture that Vickie posted this is the link to her FB feed LIKE her page she goes there daily I was gonna meet her at the nest all depends on how long it takes on my truck Wskrsnwings fb page or Vickie

I love the eagle talks in her videos

When Harriett was calling out daily for her Ozzie FrankieValli showed up and not two suitors Slim is one I really do think they communicate like we do and the others knew she was calling for her mate so when no one showed up they are offering themselves to her Don't you think that is possible otherwise why would two suitors show up at the same time to win her talon after all their goal in life is to reproduce and it is getting close to our season and the nest need tending to We can only hope for the best JMHO

JudyEddy said...

Just got off the phone with insurance company and then the dentist office The insurance co says if it were a accident it would be covered or if it were in the hospital setting it would be but I have HRA insurance which is like a saving acct of sort and the insurance co told me to call the dentist and have them submit the bill with the diagnosis and the why they did the bone graft and we can just hope they pay for it otherwise I think I may have to pay it or maybe I can make the dentist office feel bad about not telling me about the cost and not getting approval before and get it reduced to half that is what the insurance people said

Judie said...

Hi Shirley, so sorry you're still feeling puny but how nice of Will to provide his own dinner celebration. Congrats to him on his promotion. The power outages occur because the neighborhood is 50+ years old with above-ground transformers. Snowmageddon was the worst at about 4 days. Plan to forage tomorrow and will select things that can be prepared on the grill for the weekend. Learned from my days in OH, power outage = eat the ice cream first. Oh, how is Luna managing with Allie and Cheeto? Are they buddies?

JudyE, hope the insurance will cover the cost for you.

Okay, going to watch a few minutes of news then head to the scullery. Dreary and lots of wind.

Janet said...

JUDYE: I like the way you think. ;) Hopefully Slim will be a suitable mate for Harriet!

JudyEddy said...

Had a great shopping experience at the thrift store again go some good bargains again at the half price sale things I can shrink in to with me loosing weight with the teeth stuff going on Got a nice scarf thingy for Angie to wear at zumba that is three I have found at thrift store they wrap around their waist and got another nice basket so we have them for teacher appreciation day also and a purse cheap also half

odd spell check doesn't recognize Zumba

Lynne2 said...

good afternoon everyone.

I do believe it would be very wise of everyone on the coast AND inland to begin making a plan for potential flooding, water in the basement and power outages. Most of us have had quite a bit of rain in the past 2 days. It will rain a lot tomorrow and THEN Joaquin will show up with even more. The ground is already saturated. Driving by the farm down the road, the stream that runs through is already almost to the top and it hasn't even rained today!

He could still veer away from the coast but at this moment in time it looks unlikely. By tomorrow they should be able to get a lock on what he'll do.

Red said...

Thank all you wonderful people for the Birthday Wishes.

JudyEddy said...

HEY RED don't be a stranger

JudyEddy said...

The wind seems to not to be a fierce at the nest just turned up the sound for a bit

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

GOT SNIPS ON FB will put in em album

JudyEddy said...

nite light on

JudyEddy said...

10 picture are now in the EM album in case you didn't see the visit

Mema Jo said...

The photos, Judy are great! I once again had a phone call - this has happened to me twice that I have missed them.

I am heading into Jeopardy - and then not sure what! May be back here playing solitaire

I may return - if Not you know I will be wishing you
a Goodnight and Sweet Dreams... ♥

stronghunter said...

Good night, Jo.

Nice to see you on the blog, Red. :)

Sounds like a good plan, Judie. Hmm, Will bought ice cream yesterday. Not sure if there is any in the refrigerator tonight.

When we hunkered down for hurricane Isabel, I bought lots of ice and stashed it in the freezer. I kept perishables in there when the power went out. As long as it stayed cold enough that the ice did not melt, I figured things were cold enough. (Not that all of the previously frozen stuff would still be good if it had thawed.) I cooked on the front porch over Sterno. It worked pretty well. We had a pretty powerful lantern. Not sure where it is now.

Hunter is hoping school will close because of the hurricane. I would just as soon that does not become necessary.

Lynne2 said...


Joaquin Now Category 2 Hurricane – Emergency Declared – Navy Orders Sortie Condition Charlie


So, I have no idea what that means but it sounds very exciting, doesn't it!

Lynne2 said...

ah, here we go.....

"Sortie Condition Charlie means all ships must be prepared to get underway within 48 hours if deemed necessary.

Navy officials also ordered all installations in the area to set Tropical Cyclone Condition Four, meaning the trend indicates possible destructive winds within 72 hours. The hurricane is expected to bring high winds and rain to the Mid-Atlantic coast."

JudyEddy said...

Funny but not really I live in hurricane country and you all get all the hurricanes and we don't get any Not complaining just saying

Judie said...

Dinner over. Scullery in order.

Headed to watch some mindless tv. Plan to go foraging tomorrow.

Nice to see Red stopped by.

Wishing everyone a night of restful sleep.

JudyEddy said...

Did I say I have another dental appt for WED so I will go to work on Sun and request that day off also 16 hours from 192 now 176 hours left

JudyEddy said...

my notification on fb is blowing up with all the eagle groups I am member of over 60 after I go back from the dentist so so many people cared for Oz Man that is what CROW called him

On that note I bid you a GN

New will be on and all I have been is on FB

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all
♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle"

Lynne2 said...

OOOOOO very cool.....the wind is howling through the trees here and I just heard the adult GHO calling! It's a DARK AND SCARY NIGHT.....

I haven't heard from Michele about the pigs. Last emailed on Saturday, she was getting 2 fence estimates and she said she'd get back to me no later than Sunday. But I haven't heard anything.....

Lynne2 said...

Things went OK at the Dr today. I will be switched to Eliquis which has no dietary restrictions so that I can try the more holistic things I want to try for my pain. That helps me, and made her feel better...after I got the serious stroke risk scolding, and after I expressed my concerns verbally to supplement my letter, we now have an "understanding". LOL!

She wants me to seriously go for a sleep study. She wanted me to do this the last time I was there. But I kept calling the place and leaving messages and no one ever called back and I sort of just forgot about it. They've had a lot of problems with that sleep lab and are no longer using them. I'll call this new place tomorrow. Sleep apnea is very dangerous. I had heard that and looked in to it and it's amazing what not breathing well during sleep can do to you. I also rember Lori having one and getting a C-Pap (?) machine.

Lynne2 said...

Must go to the store tomorrow....I really think it's going to be the first best weekend for homemade chicken soup!

UH OH, just heard the the hurricane has been upgraded to a Cat 3, potential to become a Cat 4.

Why does something so incredible and so fascination have to cause so much trouble.....

I guess I better get some Ben and Jerry's Phish Food. I highly recommend it as a sedative for extreme weather events.

stronghunter said...

Well, according to Judie, you need to eat it all up, Lynne. So, enjoy.

I hear that Virginia is now under a state of emergency.

When Isabel was a Category 5, I decided that there was no way my house would stand a Cat 5 hurricane. Of course, I do not live on the beach, but, goodness, we do not need this. I think Isabel was a Cat 1, maybe, when it hit my house. That was impressive enough. Just saying.

stronghunter said...

Time for sleep. SED, everyone

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends.

My Facebook news feed was nothing but posts about dead Ozzie and weather forecasts about the hurricane that's coming. I don't know about you folks, but I want FB to be a fun diversion, not something to make me feel sad and anxious. I think I will be staying away from Facebook until after the weekend.

Sam got an early dismissal yesterday so I only spent 1/2 day in ISS - don't know if he'll have to make up the other day. I was also told by the principal to write an office referral for his inappropriate comment to me on Tuesday, so he could be right back in ISS for another day today. But he worked yesterday while he was there and I doubt he would have if I hadn't been in there with him, so I don't feel my time in there was wasted.

Rain all day today here. People here are in panic mode. Have a good one!

Janet said...

morning all. just a quick hi.

hurricanes. had my fill with my 20 years on the coast. one reason I am inland.
I don't miss that!

but, if you are on the coast, you know what to do. prepare...just in case.

heading to work. have a great day all!

Judie said...

Good early morning, for me.

Getting my list ready for foraging. Will try to do a couple of errands along the way.

Sandi, if Sam has another day in ISS again, hope he will not be difficult/unpleasant.

Shirley, hope we don't get the brunt of the storm. Jo's area really got walloped Tuesday night. Yep, we're in a state of emergency.

Nest was MT. Looked wet.

Lynne2, very glad you and the doctor seem to be working together to resolve your health problems. Good news.

Wishing everyone the best day possible.

Judie said...

Hi y'all.

Come on over. Steve's making up for his vacation blog absence.

3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...