Wednesday, July 22, 2015


New thread.


Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all

Thank you Steve for a fresh new "Hump Day" thread. Hoping your week is being productive

I really needed a feather since I hate wearing hats! lol

I'll call all the others over

Mema Jo said...

I bequeath the feather to Judie - may she enjoy making good use of it - her BFF

Well back to the old thread to read all your Early Bird remarks.

glo said...

copied over I will go delete my post on other thread:

Good morning everyone. A very eventful day is in the works for my daughter. I was going to wait til after the surgery and biopsy to say anything but many on facebbok have seen her post last night so I decided to share here and ask for your prayers as we learn what we are facing.

Okay.....I'm not in the mood to talk tonight. Basically, thank you ALL for praying for me and my kidneys. "At this time," they are going to take a to say. A good size mass was found in my right ovary. I am being rushed for tests and procedures. I will have a test tomorrow morning, and we will discuss surgery for this mass. The mass will be tested. We are praying to hear the word BENIGN! Those who know me, know I am a fighter. I've been teary off and on today, and will not the the most chipper person to talk to tonight. I ask that you continue to surround me in prayer, as well as my family. My kiddo is scared, my husband is worried, etc. Just pray.

Zoey continues to do ok. She will go back to Vet next Fri if all continues as it is. She is quite the trooper about all those pills. Patches and I shall go for a walk at a Park or the Marina today since it is so very nice outside.

I hope it will cool off for those out east.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Jo, please keep the feather and wear it to your appointment today. Will add an elevated touch of class. Thinking of you as always.

Glo, so very sorry your daughter. Will send prayers for benign, successful treatment, full recovery. You have a huge support system here and momster prayers are powerful.

Wishing everyone the best day possible.

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

Thank you STEVE for this nice new thread!!! And, thanks to both JUDIE and JO who were Johnettes on the spot this morning. JUDIE, your headdress is filling out nicely!

GLO, first order of bizness is to tell you I'm praying for BENIGN and for the quick removal of that unwanted invader! Hurray for Zoey and for those nine lives she has to work with! Hope you n' Patches have a lovely outing today.

JUDIE, will you please have a little heart to heart with the Sandperson. Jufie may have interfered with last nights pass through here, I don't know. I went to bed early and was playing Scrabble on my small electronic gizmo--apparently some sand hit my eyes causing immediate slumber--next thing I know the game board hit me right in the nose--OUCH. I'd have sworn my nose was broken, but fortunately there isn't even a bruise today. That was a rude move by one of only two possible culprits and I think we all know which one is responsible!

This will be errand day for me after a load of wash is dry, folded and stashed.

I'll go back over yesterday's posts before heading for e-mail......

Mema Jo said...

PRAYERS for Rebecca continue to be offered up to the Great Physician - Prayers for successful procedures and results to be Benign!

Mema Jo said...

Outdoor Live Eagle Cam did go down at 10:30am for maintenance

Still cam is up/running

Kay said...

LYNNE1, glad the kitties were okay without Mommy during the storm! I'll bet that TV would disappear in a hurry were you to leave it perched in the open while you do some shopping. I know it would around here!

JUDIE, I now see that the Sandperson went flying by you in a huff last night. Guess whatever was causing the hissy fit was still having an effect during the swoop through Ohio. Please petition for a kinder, gentler approach to the job!

Prayers for all in need and for our eagles, flying high oer' "the land of the free and the brave" !!!


grannyblt said...

Thank you for new thread Steve.

Glo, prayers big time for Rebecca.

Also for this to be the last round of chemo for Jo.

Kay, no one takes big old tvs around here, but a stereo system that didn't work disappeared from the curb recently.

Lynne2 said...

♫ It's a beautiful morning! ♫

JudyEddy said...



AFTER I go back I leave in less than a hour 2pm


JudyEddy said...

GLO keeping you and you daughter in my thoughts and prayers that everything is ok and if not we will get you and your family through this as we have with others in the past

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good afternoon my eagle budlets. It has been way too long since I have been on here. Have not a clue what is happening except for reading above about Jo's chemo and Glo's daughter. Prayers going up for sure.

It has been quite eventful in my neck of the woods. Becky's husband, Chris, who has been so deep in his addiction, tore up the house on Sunday, pushed Becky (who also has a broken foot), broke thick glass tables, a piece of which hit Becky's daddy's (Bill) foot cutting it. He also picked up a hammer threatening Bill with it. This all happened after Bill caught Chris trying to steal money out of his wallet. The police were called and he is currently in jail. Becky and Bill both took out Domestic Violence petitions on him. They both got subpoenas today to appear in magistrate court in the morning to be witnesses for the state. I am thinking this will be to decide whether to turn it over to the grand jury. The magistrate set his bond at $10,000 cash bond and thankfully, nobody has bonded him out. We have been dealing with him for 22 years and I am praying that Becky will stick to her guns and not take him back this time.

I have been doing well, really enjoying my new hip. :)

I promise to stay more connected on here and if anything has happened that I have missed, will you please let me know?


JudyEddy said...

Kay I wonder if Jufie was involved with last night escapades LOL

Sandi said...

Hi all.

Glo, I will add my prayers and positive energy for Rebecca that the mass on her ovary is benign and the removal is an easy procedure.

Lynne1, is there a chapter of Freecycle near you? It's like Craigslist except everything posted on the site is for free. You post that you have a TV and describe it and then, whoever wants it contacts you and makes arrangements to pick it up. We've gotten rid of a lot of old, usable stuff that way.

Bye for now!

Lynne2 said...

Freecycle rocks!

Mema Jo said...

Good afternoon - just reporting in that day 2 chemo session is shorter then day 1.
Everything is going well!

Feet up and I'll BBL

Thank you so much for the positive vibes and prayers. ♥

Lynne2 said...

Had the blood test yesterday and they said it will take 3 days. Meanwhile the Dr is NOT impressed with my asthma or breathing test. Not at all better since starting the inhaler. GGRRRRRR!!!

Lynne2 said...

Glad all is well Jo! Hang in there!

Sharon, what a terrible turn of events. Hopefully Becky and Bill are OK and that no one posts bond. Chris needs serious help and hopefully he will be able to get it.

Mema Jo said...

Lynne 2 : I have 3 inhalers: 2 of them I used twice a day (am & pm)
Tordoza & Symbicort

The other ProairHFA is used as a "Rescue inhaler" 2 puffs taken when needed because it works instantly.

What do you have - remembering I have COPD/Emphysema
If your just having Asthma you may get different ones.

Mema Jo said...

Suzan - Jury Duty - you really should have DR write for you to be excused.
If you pull a day when humidity is high - it wouldn't be wise to report. Try to
get excused UNLESS you really feel compelled to do your civic duty. I personally
last year got excused due to medical reason.

glo said...

UPDATE for my daughter: Preop is Tuesday Aug 4, Surgery is Wed Aug 5. That's pretty much all I know right now. This Dr only does surgery on Wed and next Wed was full. I am sort of prayign for a cancellation. But I guess it gives Becky more time to get things organized at school etc. She is on her way back to school to teach her afternoon classes.

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

my delete the still cam was black for 4 cycles of the 30sec so I thought was kaput but its back now

Love the shadow play in the nest imagination goes wild with it LOL

Mema Jo said...

GLO: I know we are all anxious especially Rebecca to get a handle on all of this.
As you said it will give her time to prepare at school before her leave.
Praying for all to accept and be patient - God is in control and all will be well
in good time! ((((HUG))))

Hoping Patches socializes this evening at school....?

grannyblt said...

I am familiar with free cycle and I am pretty sure there is one around here. My problem is that the old television is dead and the trash people will no longer accept. I know there is a place about 35 miles from here that will take them, for a fee.

NCSuzan said...

Jo, I was at her office yesterday and while she was adamant that I not go out in this heat and humidity she felt that she could not write a medical excuse. I do not mind jury duty, have done it before. The walking distance from the parking garage to the courtroom is a little daunting especially in this heat but it is what it is. Thank you for your concern.

Glo, hoping for only good results from your daughter's surgery. Also I am so very sorry to have called Patches Peaches.

Lynne2, try not to worry. Just for your knowledge I have Proventil inhaler, which is just like Jo's ProAir. Albuterol is the drug. Most of my drugs are thru a nebulizer but I do also take Spiriva . There are some good forums for COPD folks such as COPD International. Don't know if they could help you but it seems like everyone is on different drugs and you may get some feedback there. Just a thought.

Everybody......hang in!

glo said...

NCSuzan Oh but Patches is a peach :-). She only goes to puppy school on Monday nights but we are doing our homework and I also took her to the Marina today. She is doing so much better with strangers. Has more work to do to feel comfortable with more than one person at a time bUT we are getting there.

Thank you all for all of your encouragement and support.

Janet said...

Good evening all

GLO: holding your daughter, you and family in heart and thought for the highest and greatest good. BENIGN we say: so shall it be!
SHAR: so sorry to hear of Becky’s situation. We all know, some better than others, how difficult it is to end that sort of a relationship. I hope she finds the strength that she needs. Is there a battered and abused women’s center nearby? They offer support, and can guide one in legal resources and recourses. For me, they went to court with me and stood by me. Our meetings were always held in a secret location. You could talk with people who understood the fear, the denial, and emotions involved.

GLO: so glad patches the peachy is improving!

JO: continue to take care.

Its been a good day. Work was great. Came home; Chelsea and the kids came over for a swim.
Niki, Michael’s girlfriend hung out with Olivia most of the day.
Now its quiet. Michael and Niki are downstairs . Livvy went to spend a couple of days with Chelsea.
Everyone, have a lovely evening!
HUGS to all. Sweet Eagle dreams

Mema Jo said...

Going to close for the day
Everything is A-ok

Prayers and positive thoughts for all in need.

Goodnight to all ♥

Lynne2 said...

Popping in to say WHAT A BEAUTIFUL NIGHT!! Going down to 60 and a nice dry cool breeze! Will catch up tomorrow!

JudyEddy said...

JANET gonna have some alone time no kiddos PARTY LOL


LYNNE2 I am jealous we are 82° now I notice nest is 69° now

Security system is armed please be sure to use your code if out past curfew

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Prayers for your daughter, Glo, and for your whole family as you support her.

Suzan, I hope your work out the jury duty situation to your satisfaction. I got a letter some time ago about jury duty on a federal grand jury in Richmond. It was after I had retired and taken on watching Hunter while Kathryn was at work, and I would have had a very hard time working things out. I was also within a few months of being old enough to be excused based on age. I decided my duty to family exceeded my civic duty, and after I sent my response, I never heard anything else from them.

stronghunter said...

We have sent lots of our unneeded stuff on to a new life somewhere else thanks to Freecycle. Don't know about a television. We did take one to the dump ourselves.

Going to say good night. My brain is wearing down.

God bless and SED.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Glo, will be keeping your daughter, you, and the rest of the family in my prayers! Hoping for a benign diagnosis, and a successful surgery and recovery.
Prayers continue for Zoey and for Patches, who is indeed a peach!

It was muggy here again today, but not as bad as it has been. Guess I'd better not complain.

Shar, will be praying for your situation, for sure! Hope all turns out for the best. Domestic violence is certainly difficult to deal with!

Well, I need to go watch a recorded TV show, then dent the pillows. Didn't get enough sleep last night, and have been yawning all day. Have SED, everyone.
God bless, and goodnight. I ♥ us!!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Hearing the shower running as Kathryn's alarm goes off and the kittens holler from downstairs. Normal morning. I am waiting in my room for things to calm down.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. 62 degrees this morning - slept with the windows open last night. Only supposed to be in the low 80s today.

Jo, I'm glad to hear that the chemo is going smoothly and pray that it's doing it's thing.

Glo, continued prayers for a positive outcome for Becky in 2 weeks.

Shar, how are things going with Justin these days? How about Mattie?

No tennis today. I'm parking cars from 9 - 12:30 for the house tour that benefits the local library, then grocery shopping some time today. Might get a little sun in between since it's supposed to be such a gorgeous day today.

Have agreat day all.

Janet said...

morning all.

JUDYE: jokes on me. I went into Olivia's room and she didn't do what she was told to do yesterday; so she is coming home this morning. this is an ongoing battle. so here comes a super surly teenager my way.

in addition, I have a 25 yr old acting 15. dealing with that as well. :(

rain this morning. needed it and I am thankful.

have a great day to all. holding each of you close in my heart and thought.

stronghunter said...

Goodness, Janet. I can't say that I envy you this morning.

Hoping Jufie leaves you alone tonight, Kay.

Prayers and good wishes for Becky, Sharon.

Things continue to come to life around here. I've had my morning greeting from the woodpecker that pecks on the gutter just outside my bedroom window.

Will need to post a picture of my very fine sunflower that is almost as tall as the basketball goal it is growing beside. It's still growing a bit every day. It's the one seed I planted that actually germinated. Squirrels got the others. There are several volunteer plants that grew from smaller seeds that came with birdseed, but they aren't nearly as tall.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Sandi, thanks for asking about Justin and Mattie. Justin is not faring well living with his girlfriend and her father, son and brother. Justin has such a smart mouth sometimes so now, Christina's father has told them to move out. Well, she has a 5-year-old son who I believe has never been taught discipline. He runs wide open all the time. Justin keeps asking Becky and Bill to move in with them and they told him he is always welcome to live there, they just can't do Christina and Christopher. Her father even took the car away from them yesterday. So I have no idea what is going to happen with that. I'm trying to just be here for him. I'm not willing for Christina and Christopher to move in here either. That would just be way too much.

Mattie is still living with Becky. Thankfully, she hadn't gotten back from the beach before the destruction happened. I am so grateful she wasn't there. She would not have backed down from Chris and probably would have gotten hurt. She calls him out on his crap. Her and her boyfriend have been together for over a year now. She calls him "my boy". :) She is a senior this year. Can you believe that?

Anyway, there is the Kessler kid report.

Now on to Andrew - this school year he has been given the opportunity to be the graduate coach at Riverside High School. He will help students get the credits they need to graduate. I think it will be less stressful than teaching math. He will also still be the percussion instructor for St. Albans High School. Worked for a couple of months this summer back at Staples. He is a busy man. Kelsey finally graduates next month. I think it is with a Regents Bachelor of Arts degree. Not sure what that means but nonetheless, she will be finished with school. Yay!

T-Bird is doing much better. She still doesn't get out much but mentally is doing a lot better. Prayer works and God is good all the time.


JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

Bummer Still cam is stuck

JANET so sorry you don't get your days off to relax kidless

and so sorry about one not wanting to grow up Sounded like Tommy years ago

SANDI and all I am jealous of your cooler weater 85° here now gonna be raining on and off so Hi only in upper 80 but the dew point and sticky humidity

I see nest is 68°


I have a dentist appt to get checked make sure all is ok with last weeks extraction

glo said...

Good morning everyone. It should be a quiet day in my world :-) It's been quite the month. I might not know how to act. I am going to lunch with a friend. I am really looking forward to it. My son also normally calls on Thurs mornings.

Hoping for a good day for all. Sounds like lts of us have our hands full with adult kids not quite ready to grow up I am so glad to be past those days although I miss the family kinds of business life was once full of as we raised our family.

Domestic violence is definitely quite the challenge and when you add addictions it gets even more complicated. It might help to tell the reasonable adult in the situation that what they are doing and how they are responding to an incident is teaching the next generation how things work in life. The problem is when it doesn't work, it is not a good lesson to be passing on. Very hard and at tiems very scarey.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Jo, thinking of you as always.

Shar, thank you for the update. Just wish the news were more positive. Hopefully everything will settle down. So troubling for you. Glad that Thelma is better now.

Hi Andy, happy the weather is cooler. Same here.

Suzan, good luck with the jury duty/parking issue.

Shirley, is Hunter at camp this week? Is he still enamored with Smokey and Bandit? Most important, does he hear their little voices proclaiming starvation at 6:30am? lol How's Luna doing?

Sandi, happy car parking.

Janet, sorry about not have a child-free day. Hope it won't be too awful.

JudyE, have a good dental visit.

Glo, enjoy lunch with your friend. I think you need some time to just be Glo.

Kay, when you stop by, Sandperson wants you to know that it was, indeed, the Evil Jufie who kept you from slumberland. Jufie, of course, is in time-out. Jufie reminds me of some of the adult children you all are dealing with.

May go to the Thursday market this morning. Not sure.

Wishing everyone a wonderful and cooler day.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning to All ♥

Still cam - email sent - reply is Hi Jo,
I am rebooting and restarting the still cam now KEEP YOUR EYE ON IT

Good to have all of you here this morning - we sure are a bonded bunch! All of you
listen well and hear what others are saying or venting about and your support is super.

Today is my 3rd chemo and then tomorrow is my shot for my immune system. Last time I
did have discomfort in my lower back but tylenol helped.

Shirley I only have my sunflowers that were planted by my birds in my flower pots. About 5 of them but they don't grow very tall - just dainty looking and the brightest yellow.

Having raised 5 children who were very close in age that 5 teenagers puts a mother to the test. I understand all of your comments and pray for you and your methods of childcare. lol It ain't easy - and this day and age doesn't help any.

Judy I hope your dental check up is good.
Sandi - with your upcoming dental work is there any chance of lazer repair?

Sharon it is good for you to come over and you take care - things will work out - it is in God's hands.

Glo - prayers are still being said for Rebecca to have an abundance of Faith that all will be well.

Mema Jo said...

Judie - with today's weather it may be a good idea for me to slip into Middletown's Thursday's market. I haven't had any Silver queen corn yet and I could use some
tomatoes! I sure miss Sunday Shepherdstown market - weather on this Sunday is to be back up to 90°. I miss my Megan's flowers like crazy.

Need to check out FB and get ready to head out.


Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

JO, thinking of you as you "head out" with hopes this day goes smoothly, too!

JUDIE, thanks for taking strict disciplinary measures with Jufie---I was pretty sure the Sandperson was working solo last night as all went very well here!

SHAR, so happy that Thelma is faring well these days. Glad Andrew and Kelsey are doing well, too! Prayers for the entire Southern Delegation as they cope with stressful situations.

SANDI aka Valet Girl, have a good day---glad you've gotten some heat relief, too.

JUDY, hope you get a "look Ma, no cavities!" report.

JANET, hang in there---they say the human brain doesn't fully develop til' age 25, so you're almost over the hump with one of em' at least!

SHIRLEY, smart cookie, lying low til' the morning dust settles!☺

Seems a good day to clean the deck and pay some attention to plants that are too far under the eaves to benefit from the many rainy days of late. Penny will be in her glory as she romps around in the gated area.

Prayers for all in need!!!


Mema Jo said...

Good Afternoon - I am home and all went ell.

I see the still cam is not yet up/running. I sent another email and hope to find
out what is wrong. I will advise.

Enjoy this beautiful weather !

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Glad you are home Mema Jo.

Thought I would report on the court appearance today. Becky, Bill and myself went to Magistrate Court. The prosecutor came out to talk to us, asking if we would be okay if she offered a pleas agreement giving Chris 1-1/2 years incarceration, suspended and ordered him to participate in Day Report. I shared with her that is all fine and good but he is homeless, so I wasn't sure where he would live while he participated in that. So she just offered 1-1/2 years incarceration and of course, he did not accept the plea agreement. It will go to a bench trial in Magistrate Court at some point, but it will at least be 2 weeks and he was remanded back to Southern Regional Jail. His lawyer could request a bail hearing that would take it to Circuit Court, which they could lower the bond, change it from a cash bond to a surety bond or a PR bond (which is highly unlikely). The surety bond would have to be covered by a bail bondsman and the only one around he still owes money to from 9 years ago. So we wait. Becky and Bill have to go to Family Court on the 28th for the Domestic Violence Petitions, just don't know what that will entail. Anyway, there is the rest of the story, just for today. :)

Mema Jo said...




Judie said...

Evnin' all.

Jo, happy to know you had a not-too-difficult day.

Shar, sincerely hope all the problems will be sorted out soon. Has to be difficult.

This is PBS night. Scullery is in order. Headed to the recliner. Just in case:

Evil Jufie is still in detention. Sandperson is joyful.

Restful sleep for all.

Lolly said...

Good evening! Busy day! Had a meeting at church planning next month and a baby shower. Volunteered to do the cake. Oh boy! Then did a little shopping as well as grocery shopping. Getting ready for our beach trip. Going to eat shortly and then go get the trailer. Presently 95. Sure wish it was cooler.

Joseph made a mistake. He has been going to open gym for workouts. Played some tag football and the coaches were "unofficially" watching. Asked who did the pass? Joseph admitted it was him. They asked if he was coming out for football. When he said he was playing basketball and soccer, they replied see you at practice. He plans on being firm with his decision. Grrrr! Coaches!!

Mema Jo said...

Off to my evening TV viewing
I need to chose between

Inspector Lewis: The Lions of Nemea9:00 PM on MPT 22, 1 hr 30 min 2014 TV-14


Midsomer Murders
A Picture of Innocence8:58 PM on WETA 26, 1 hr 32 min 2007 TV-PG

Big decision! This may be my Goodnight to all ♥

Sandi said...

Good evening all. I'm happy to see the nest ... but it's MT.

Lolly, I'm with you on the football for Joseph - no football, not even in Texas!

Janet, how did today go with Olivia?? Was it too painful??

Shar, thanks for the update on the Bluefield delegation. Never a dull moment, right? Andrew's new teaching assignment sounds both challenging and rewarding. Justin's situation is a tough one to just stand back and let itself play out. Becky's situation sounds horrible. But I'm glad to hear that Thelma is doing better.

Jo, I hope chemo went smoothly for you today. Thanks SOOOOO much for asking the question about laser surgery for my gums. I had done some reading online after my dentist appointment on Monday and it sounded like the gum surgery would require general anesthesia, stitches and a painful recovery period. But after you asked your question, I Googled laser gum surgery and it sounds like a much less painful and less invasive procedure. I don't know if my particular problem can be treated with laser surgery AND I don't know where the closest periodontist is who is up-to-date on doing laser surgery (I'm not exactly living in a big metropolitan area here). but you can bet that I will be calling my dentist tomorrow to discuss it. It seems like the logical course of action to try. If it works to stop the progression of the gum disease, then that's wonderful! If it doesn't, then I can always go the traditional surgery route.

I came home from parking cars this afternoon and crashed, after 3 1/2 hours of standing in the sun directing traffic. After my nap, I headed to the grocery store, so the pantry, refrigerator, and freezer are once again full.

Time for me to take a bath and then do a little reading. Just saw the cam shake so someone must have landed in the tree for the night.

Goodnight all, see you in the early AM.

Janet said...

good evening to all.

was up late last night and consequently tired today. I muddled through.

when I came home it was still mostly cloudy and I was tired. not a lot to do, so I decided a nap was in order. this was about 2:30

Olivia was here. She was working on her math. Said she couldn't clean her room today because there was a wasp in there. I was too tired to care if it were true or not, I simply nodded and went in my room changed clothes and thought, hmmm, i'll just down for an hour til tom gets home.

7 p.m. tom wakes me up.

he came home @ 3:30 and I kept on snoring obviously I was tired, but I think JUFIE escaped and slipped me some an overdose of sleepy dust.

still tired......but doing okay. heading to bed in a bit. recorded TUT and watching the 2nd one now. then shower and bed.

hope everyone is well. good night to all

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Just got home. Went with Val and a couple of other friends to see The Wedding Singer at our local dinner theater. It was delightful fun.

Sounds like Jufie is up to no good, Janet.

Hope you can work out the less invasive surgery plan, Sandi. Even if your immediate area is not a major metropolitan center, you are not that far away from several.

Hope you picked a program you enjoyed, Jo. Glad to know things went well today.

Thinking of Becky, Sharon.

Turned on the TV when I walked into my room this evening. Sad news from Louisiana. Prayers for the victims there.

Time for me to say good night. SED, everyone.

JudyEddy said...

hey I have a silly question I have email on my desktop Is it possible to use the same email addy on my laptop Its window mail also I have rr as my email carrier but I know my email says windows and I am having desktop issues and was just curious if I could set the lap top up I can go to to get my email but thought would be kool if I could set it up Thanks in advance

JudyEddy said...

Had a nice time at Jordyn gym and evening at their house

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all
♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. It's a cool 57 degrees here in Bethany Beach this morning. Another beautiful sunny, low humidity day is on tap.

Judy, I Googled Windows Mail to see if I could find an answer to your question. Your OS is Vista, right? If I'm understanding correctly, Windows Mail is NOT web-based, which means your emails are stored on your desktop, not on the web, like in "a cloud." Windows Live Mail IS web-based - can you upgrade to that? Or get a gmail account (they're free) which is web-based and can be accessed from any device, anywhere, anytime.

Tennis for me at 8. Have agreat day all.

Janet said...

morning all.

good questions sis. I thought emails are kept with your server.....but I know nothing of this cloud thing.....someone smarter than me will have to answer that one!

Friday. sun is up. very wet outside. we've had two days of rain. very nice.

not a lot going on today. work. work tomorrow as well. have to do my required annual draping training tomorrow. woo hoo. no big deal. takes a few min and is done again.

hope everyone has a good day! hugs to all!

Judie said...

Good morning everyone.

Shirley, glad you enjoyed the play.

JudyE, can't answer your questions. Sorry.

Sandi, enjoy the morning tennis.

Jo, I chose Miss Fisher and Midsomer. Enjoyed both.

Lovely sunshiny morning. Slight breeze. Bright blue sky.

Wishing everyone the best day possible.

Mema Jo said...

Good Red Friday Morning to All ♥

Both cams up/running and the nest looks beautiful. This morning at 7:30am One was in the nest and flew to the stump. I didn't see our juvie but FB eagle cam has a good photo.

It is a beautiful morning - blue skies, puffy white clouds and sunshine.

Headed for an appointment but will check in later ♥

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Pip Watch on the ostrich cam . Hopefully 4 will hatch this weekend. I will be a mod in there once again for the 3rd year in a row. The first year had lots of trolls and garbage that constantly needed cleaned up. Last year only a few. Not expectign much problems this year. If all goes well and Dash has done all his homework, this oculd be a pretty fun year. It's so hard to tell.

Zoey is feeling good. Patches gets cuter and calmer by the day. My daughter still does not have a surgery time for a week from wed. I will get on her to call on Monday if she doens't hear anythign today.

Time for breakfast. I am running late. Prayers for all in need, and our country. We are kind of a mess lately, don't you think.

JudyEddy said...

HELLO I am back and on the Desktop I think it had to do with a Windows Update I got it sucessful installed and now up and running no slowness with pages and no freezing of mouse or anything else All looks good KNOCK on WOOD I am now hitting my head LOL

JudyEddy said...

We have a eaglet up on stump I see shadow and got a snip of ot

JudyEddy said...

Here eagle chirp once in a blue moon also Gotta leave to go get Jordyn BBIALW

Mema Jo said...

I am home again. All is well. Just finished some lunch.

I have my ostrich cam ready to roll in order to catch the hatchlings.
Glad you are on as one of the Moderators, Glo.

Judie I have seen all of Ms Fisher's - I love her character and her clothes.
I went with Barnaby - I had not seen it before and it was good. I was on my channels 22 and 26. You were on my 265.

Got a new keyboard so I hope I can stay off the Caps Lock !


JudyEddy said...

Hello got Jordyn

its raining its pouring and I wish I was snoring LOL

miserable rain

Well back on lap top The desk top issue is back I think it maybe similar to what was wrong before but instead of shutting down its just freezing locking up computer no matter if I have any window open or just on main screen without loggin in so I will have my
puter guru look at it He fixed it a while ago

I got home and there is a message on my answering machine and I know its FAKE because on the news they say the IRS never will call and leave a mssge They would send letter
The mssge says that I need to call then in regards to a law suit
HMM I am not stupid and will not call the # back I am leaving the message on machine and I think I will call my local IRS and give the the phone # and mssge details and let the handle it What do you think? I know they always talk about it on the news that there are scammers that call and hope you call back and they will ask you to upload $$$ on a card etc SO I am ignoring the call

JudyEddy said...

I have roadrunner as my email server I have accessed it on the lap top

Mema Jo said...

This is my Bird Planted sunflower

JudyEddy said...

I googled the phone # and there are many many comments on the site with that # I also reported it on that page

I tried to call IRS and of course there is no person button option on it So I tried to call the # I got 2 yr ago when I had ID theft and I was on hold 40 min I hung up and that is when I googld the # and found out I am not the only one today thy have called I am not even going to bother with it any longer I know its a SCAM

JudyEddy said...

JO that sure is a pretty sunflower
nice the birds planted it for you

I would love to plant some sunflowers When I retire

JudyEddy said...

I hear a eaglet

JudyEddy said...

check out google today also

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds!!!

Time for a nap, but just checking in. Glad to see happy news and no new prayer requests! Glad we're hearing our eagles/juvies even if we aren't seeing much of them these days!

Started my day off with a call to Urologist to see if my Primary faxed a referral to them---the answer was yes and "can you come in today at 11?" Yes! Routine appt. needed yearly in order to get refill of an Rx he has me on. Will have a Renal Ultrasound Monday a.m., also routine after one has had a kidney abscess as I did several years ago. You Momster's helped pray me through on that thing!

Prayers for all in need!!! Naptime!!!


Judie said...

Good faternoon.

Lovely sunflower, Jo. Birds around here are tremendously busy with their planting -- at least 500 weeds per day. Most have the height that Shirley's sunflower would envy.

JudyE, you might consider notifying your police jurisdiction via non-emergency phone number. You might also try to contact the IRS again but through your local IRS office.

Kay, glad you were able to get an appointment so quickly and that it is routine.

Back to my book. It has been a very long time since I've had so much trouble turning pages of a book. Just cannot get into this one.


glo said...

Birds all seem to have green thumbs, have you noticed. Mema Jo Dash is moving eggs to hatcher in about 3 hrs or so now, when he gets home from work. He will then also turn on the sound.

Mema Jo said...

I'll be watching Live cam

JudyEddy said...

On this day feature on FB 2012 July I had shared you pictures of your marvelous trip of a life time and they showed up on it today
So nice seeing all the pictures again

JudyEddy said...

Its still raining A friend of mine works in Tampa and it took her 4 hrs to get home and there were 6 accident on the interstate cause of the rain
some area will get up to sevral feet of rain over the next couple of days

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...


Janet said...

evening all. a very typical Friday afternoon: me + the sofa = content.
its been a busy week....dealing with the young 'ens. just tired.
work was great. work tomorrow and then off for a couple

have a great evening to all!

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Sad news tonight. Little Bandit has crossed over the Rainbow Bridge. She threw up this morning and seemed not to be feeling well. I had noticed that she hadn't been interested in eating a couple of days ago, and she just didn't seem right today, so I took her to the vet.

They ran all kinds of tests and it turns out that Bandit was in kidney failure. Hunter and Kathryn were on the way to Florida, so I asked if we could wait until Monday to make a decision about what to do, but the vet said that she did not think Bandit would make it through the weekend. I was able to get in touch with Kathryn, and we made the difficult decision.

stronghunter said...

Bandit has always been quite a bit smaller than Smokey, and the vet feels that she was born with kidney problems. It had become obvious that she was not growing. The size difference was becoming greater. I was asked if she could have gotten into antifreeze in the past few days. No. She has not been out of the house.

JudyEddy said...

so sorry for the loss of Bandit SHIRLEY

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all
♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

stronghunter said...

Good night, Judy.

stronghunter said...

Thank you for the kind words, Judy. I have been on the phone with my children.

Mema Jo said...

Oh My Shirley - I just came in and just read your comment about Bandit.
So Sorry your family lost her.... I bet George and Lucky are taking care of her.
You will need to cuddle with little Smokey. ♥

Goodnight to all and prayers for all ♥

Janet said...

Dearest Shirley and family: holding you close in healing and loving light. Blessed Be. So sorry that Bandit's journey was so short in this time and place....
many many hugs and love to you.

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Evening, Everyone,

Shirley, I am so sorry about little Bandit! I hope that Smokey is doing OK. Poor little kitty must be lonesome. It does sound as if Bandit might have been born with kidney problems. Seems kind of unusual for a kitten so young to have kidney failure, and to not be growing. My heart goes out to you!

Happy to say that we are managing to live with the heat and humidity. They are not quite as bad as last week, although today's high was 86. Hoping, though, that we have a colder than usual winter here in SoCal!

Ken has managed to tweak his lower back somehow. He's taking X/S Tylenol for it, and taking it easy. Hopefully it will improve quickly.

Well, I need to get busy in the kitchen. I need to make more chicken for Emma, and it was just too hot to do it earlier.

Hope everyone has a good night's sleep, with SED. God bless, and goodnight. I ♥ us!!

stronghunter said...

Thanks for your kind thoughts my friends. I heard Smokey crying for a long time this evening. I am sure she has never slept alone. I would bring her to bed with me, but that might not be such a good idea. I expect I would not get much sleep. I think we will likely find another companion for Smokey.

stronghunter said...

I love your sunflower, Jo. I should have an interesting one soon. The plant is almost up to the basketball goal now and still growing.

SED, everyone. I will see you tomorrow. God bless.

JudyEddy said...

Good morning eagle buds

JudyEddy said...

Mt nest

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. Nest looks and sounds MT. Thanks to Judy's alert last night, I did get to see Shep in the nest for a few minutes.

Shirley, I am so sorry to hear the sad news about Bandit. Poor Smokey! You have more willpower than me - I would have slept with that kitten in my bed for sure! I'm glad to hear that you are planning to get another friend for Smokey. Maybe going to FL will make things easier for Hunter & Kathryn - I hope they have a great time.

Jo, I found a dental practice right here in Bethany that does laser dental surgery for gum disease! I called the office yesterday but they were closed so I had to leave a message. I also called my dentist's office to explain that I am going to pursue this option rather than the traditional surgery with the periodontist I have been seeing. My dentist wasn't in so I left a message for her to call me on Monday. The receptionist did not sound too happy. Maybe she's afraid that I'll switch to another practice altogether?

Tennis club board meeting for me this afternoon. Have agreat day all.

Sandi said...

Adult just landed in the nest!

Sandi said...

Not sure if it's Belle or Shep - if I had to guess I'd say Shep - and s/he brought food, which is being consumed.

Sandi said...

Lots of squawking from the tree - parent looked up, juvie landed, parent took off. Not sure there is much food left for the juvie, though.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Starting over. Small kitten walked across the keyboard and my previous message got lost.

So glad to know that you found a dentist who does laser surgery, Sandi.

Janet said...

morning all. happy saturday

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

SHIRLEY, so sorry about little Bandit! Once Kathryn and Hunter are home I hope you find a good companion for Smokey.

SANDI, so fantastic that there is a laser option right there in Bethany!

JANET, happy Saturday to you, too!

Those Juvies need to be finding their own food---hard for some kids to go out into the world and seek their fortune!☺

Just had a big run in twixt Penny and two long haired full size doxies--they and their owner all have red hair--we do okay when she has just one of them, but add the second and Penny gets downright vicious. I had to pick her up to avoid bloodshed!☺

It's going to be a hot, humid day as more rain is fast approaching. I'm expecting Seth will be here this evening.

Hope it's an Apple Dumpling Dandy Day where you are!

Prayers for all in need!!!


Judie said...

Shirley, I am so very sad for you and Hunter and Kathryn. I am also sad for Smokey. Hold her close. Lots of play time.

Mema Jo said...

Good afternoon to all ♥ All is well ♥

Shirley it sounds as though Smokey is going to be another George!

Sandi - hope your new Lazar dentist will be all that you expect for your procedure.

Very happy Judy got some pictures yesterday of adults and juvie... I think we all thought we wouldn't see any of the juvies again. Surprises Surprises......

We had a sad sight yesterday as we drove down RT70S highway - looking ahead off to the shoulder in the grass we saw 2 of the tiniest fawns headed toward the roadway. No mother visible - After thought was "we should have stopped and tried to get them back up the grassy hill" - We probably would have had the opposite happen and scared them into the highway! We kept praying for their safety - soooooo little they were.

Kay enjoy your evening with Seth! My grandson is taking 2 summer credit courses so that his senior year coming up isn't too many credits each semester. Has a paper dur Monday so he stayed home from the beach - :(

Mema Jo said...

Family dinner tonight over at Jenny's. I'll get to play with Elliott and visit with other grandchildren. Events like this makes life worthwhile!


JudyEddy said...

1206 on lunch MT nest not a peep

stronghunter said...

Good afternoon,

Thank you again for the kind words. Little Smokey is sleeping in the sunshine on the cat tower. When I napped (or tired to), she inspected my nostrils and made various attacks on me. But she did snooze for awhile.

I have new front steps! The old ones were a mess. This is the third set of front steps for this house. I hope they last a long time. Both Smokey and Luna were concerned about all of the noises the workmen made this morning.

The nest is empty. Lots of sunshine and shadow.

JudyEddy said...

hope the steps last a long time SHIRLEY

I got 3 1/2 inches rain yesterday and a inch today
Some area got hit so hard we were lucky North of us got pounded over a foot of rain so far

Mema Jo said...

We are home from daughter's - meal was delicious and the company was great.
Elliot crawls belly style but at time he gets his back legs up - not on his knees but
straight up with butt high in the air. Great for nose bumps,

Putting my feet up a bit and will see what is on TV later.

BBL unless I hit the sack earlier then usual.

Judie said...

Jo, so glad you had a lovely evening and that Elliot has mastered the butt high rise. lol

Shirley, glad you and Smokey had some girl time. I have no doubt she was happy for her snooze companion.

Have tried to watch Midsomer but kitchen duty interfered. Hopefully, there will be a rerun later in the week. Another PBS coming on.

Sandperson is packing. Departure soon.

Restful sleep for all.

JudyEddy said...

finishing up a movie on Lifetime Lost Boy gonna power laptop down

Security system is armed please be sure to use your code if out past curfew

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all
♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

stronghunter said...

Smokey and I had many snuggles today. There was much purring and some biting. Interesting to be bitten by a purring kitten. We're trying to discourage the biting of people, though, so I had to distract her.

She has settled down in her little bed now, and I am ready to say good night. SED, everyone.

Lolly said...

Trailer is loaded and we are ready to head to the beach I the morning!😄

Shirley, so very sorry about the little kitty! So sad! Thank goodness you still have one to love on!

Little girl next door was going to take care of Skippi while we are gone but that has changed. My niece and her family are coming and staying here for three nights while we are gone. Their oldest daughter is going to UNT next year in Denton and they are bringing her up to go to orientation. So, they are going to stay here. You know, a bed and breakfast, but no breakfast. Lol. They will spoil Skippi.

Night all! We will be home on Thursday.


JudyEddy said...

Good morning eagle buds

has a BNNB interesting
So nice she will have someone there all day LOLLY

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends.

Lolly, enjoy your time at the beach - great news about Skippi having house guests while you and Jack are gone!

Lynne1, how are your kittens doing? It's too bad that you and Shirley don't live closer together. You have a kitten looking for a home and Shirley has a home looking for a kitten!

Shirley, how is Smokey adjusting? Did Kathryn and Hunter arrive safely in FL?

Lazy day today for me - nothing planned.

Have agreat day all.

grannyblt said...

Good morning eagle buds. Nest is MT, as it should be. Hope the young ins are doing well.

Kittens doing well and will be three weeks old tomorrow. They are getting to that really cute stage, starting to play a little and looking all around.

If you are on Facebook, check my page. My daughter and the two youngest grands and the dog are stuck in Chicago. Evidently the dog kennel is too large for the plane? They were to change from Alaska Airlines to American for their move to Tulsa. I haven't talked with her to find out the plan. She is probably stressed to the max about now. Seems to me the airlines would have mentioned kennel requirements . Please send your good thoughts that this situation can be easily resolved. I hate to think they will have to drive that far. They are probably exhausted from their flight from Alaska as it is.

Hope all here have a better day.

glo said...

gm everyone. Granny I don't know who you are on fb. Sorry aobut situation with airlines in Chicago. Weather atleast is half way decent today if they do have to drive.

All is pretty much the same at my house. Zoey is doing ok these days. Vet appt is Friday for her. Still on 3 meds a day. We are a team and do good. Patches will go to Puppy Class 2 on Monday night.

I am off to church here in a short while. Wishing all of you a blessed Sunday.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥

Lynne I certainly hope that the kennel can be resolved and they all arrive in Tulsa
soon. On FB I can't find the picture to which you are referring???

Sandi it is good to every once in a while have a "nothing planned" day. Enjoy ♥

Lolly enjoy your beach time! Happy to hear that Skippi is having company while you are gone!

Because of the weather I think I will have another "stay in the house" day.

Everyone enjoy the day however you please - BBL

grannyblt said...

Jo, it is just a picture of the dog and two tired looking grandkids at the airport. Daughter is the only Katie that is on my friends list. I think her pictures are public.

Mema Jo said...

Lynne - I have a feeling the pic isn't marked PUBLIC - I can't see it on Katie's timeline.

JudyEddy said...

Lunch punch

Hope everyone Sunday his going good

JudyEddy said...

WR juvies area in their nest. Ours my which it should be as lynne1 sai . But would be nice if a a adult would visit

JudyEddy said...

WR juvies area in their nest. Ours my which it should be as lynne1 sai . But would be nice if a a adult would visit

JudyEddy said...

Lynne1 I just went to your fb pag . I see no such pix. Love the kitten pixs

JudyEddy said...

LYNNE1 is that Mt Shasta on fb as your top pix??????

grannyblt said...

Judy, it is Denali/Mt McKinley from Talkeetna Alaska taken a few years ago.

Evidently my daughters pictures aren't public. So all this time the pictures I've shared from her timeline aren't posted on mine. At least I think that is the story. The picture was of Rojo, the Irish Setter and the two youngest tired looking grandkids at the airport in Chicago. No more messages from her, but she said in the post that it looked like a road trip. I think it is a long 10 +- hours and they have been traveling all night. thanks for everyone's good thoughts.

JudyEddy said...

Awesome mtn range Lynne 1

Lynne2 said...

Good afternoon!

Lynne...what a mess! No doubt you daughter is insane by now! That's just an awful scenario! Please keep us posted!

Well, I have not heard the baby owl now for several nights/early wee wee hours. But now we have a juvie redtail screaming all the time!

Yesterday we went fishing early early in the AM and saw a bald eagle!

Lynne2 said...

Not test results yet. It was done at Quest and I am signed up to have the results emailed as soon as they are ready but nothing so far. Hoping they'll be ready tomorrow.

grannyblt said...

Daughters plan is to meet hubby in St Louis which is a midway point.. They will have quite a tale to tell about their new adventure. I won't rest until they are safely tucked in in Tulsa.

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds!!!

LYNNE1, too bad about the big snafu for your daughter--praying for safe travel on in to Tulsa---after hooking up with your sil in St. Louis. Kittens are so adorable at that stage and will change dramatically in the next two or three weeks! Fun!

LYNNE2, wonderful good that you saw a bald eagle when you went fishing! Can't wait for those test results---fingers and toes crossed.

Several of us have the same idea for spending this day inside as much as possible. Here it's hot, humid and area laden with hungry mosquitoes. Ugh!

Seth and I had our usual good time together. Hard to believe he'll be heading back to college life in less than a month!

Prayers for all in need!!!


Mema Jo said...

Thanks Lynne1 for the photo of Rojo and the grands. Like you I will be anxious to hear they are all in Tulsa.

Prayers Lynne2 for good report on your test.

Just took a quick afternoon nap - I really think we will order Cracker Barrel carry out of Sunday boneless fried chicken for dinner.

Tonight my 9-10 most favorite Poldark MPT Tv show is on. Almost as well liked as Dowton


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

With food Jufie claimed

JudyEddy said...

Spell check put Jufie instead juvie
Just added to dictionary

JudyEddy said...

Lots of squaking
One wing is out sport half mantel

JudyEddy said...

sort of a pitiful cry going on

JudyEddy said...

the one wing on the right side is stretched out I don't know if there is food I assumed there was got a few snip Miss my desktop no snipping tool on my laptop didn't come with one Window 7 starter
but got a few stills and a few from tablet

big shake on cam

JudyEddy said...

eaglet is now up and looking around I see no food

JudyEddy said...

all is quite now just looking around from left to right and back again I wonder if someone is doing some flying acrobats

JudyEddy said...

moving around and picking at nest bottom

JudyEddy said...

seems to have something and is pulling and eating it redish

JudyEddy said...

grabbed food in talong and turned AROUND

JudyEddy said...

talon I don't like the tiny keyboard on my laptop I miss my desktop Will get with the guy this week His wife works at my store so I haven't gotten with them yet Hope its a easy fix like the last time Funny I turned it back on today again and didn't bring anything up and it froze after two min atleast its consistent

JudyEddy said...

Juvie still eating with back turned to us
funny the adult must have brought that in and the juvie may have been waiting to see if something better was going to be brought in so waited and gave up and now eating whatever he or she claimed earlier

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

awesome video Where was this Led Zeppelin loving music teacher when I was in elementary school? Give it up for The Louisville Leopard Percussionists

JudyEddy said...

juvie is still on the edge at 12

JudyEddy said...

and still at 12
once in a while a peep

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

and BTW this is the third time I have had 192 hrs

used twice once with my mom and then with my dad

beside the time I was out with my shingles I only called in a couple time in 25yrs

heading to watch the news

JudyEddy said...

FYI JUVIE still there

JudyEddy said...

forgot to say that you can miss 3 days before dr note is needed

OH and with dr note it is still unexcused but you have to have a dr note and go out on a leave of absence for more that 3 days

JUVIE is still there almost 2 hours Homesick I guess

JudyEddy said...

juvie up to the stump and squaking

grannyblt said...

Chirping Juvie still in nest.

Poldark a favorite of mine too. I got my PBS station's Aug program guide and after tonight we have to wait until Aug 23 for the season finale. Fund raising time, I guess.

Update on daughter and family. They are making lemonade out of the lemons and exploring St. Louis. I guess I was the only one freaking out about this. Car better for dog. She said they could hear him howling when they were on the plane while still in Anchorage.

Mema Jo said...

Active juvie this evening

JudyEddy said...

juvie back down in the nest chilllaxing

Judie said...

Good evening.

Today was market day.

Seems everyone has had a good day. Lynne1, happy the family is enjoying their lemonade.

JudyE - my humble opinion is that you need to keep this type of information to yourself. This blog has many who lurk and who know exactly what we say and what we do and where we go.

Headed to Poldark. Then to the pillows.

Sandperson will be visiting everyone later. Restful sleep for all.

JudyEddy said...

JUST NOTICED AND REALIZED BOTH JUVIE WERE IN THE NEST THE ONE stood up and saw the tail of the other on stump the one poofed

JudyEddy said...

I deleted the post but I seriously don't think any Walmart peeps I know are on the blog

juvie in nest white tail

JudyEddy said...

and back to the stump

Lynne2 said...

Our beloved hospital cat, Shadow, who has been fighting cancer was sent to wait for us in the beautiful meadow just this side of the Rainbow Bridge on Friday evening. He got suddenly very sick again on Thursday, but unlike last time, he didn't rally. Most of my coworkers were with him, and he went very peacefully.

I didn't want to say anything that day because of the very sad news about Bandit. Hopefully he and Shadow are playing!

Janet said...

good evening to all. its been a very busy weekend. :)

yesterday was work for me.
Livvy had her friend Cecelia spend the night. They were in the pool. The hot tub. The pool. They stayed up late and watched CONEHEADS.

This morning we slept in a bit. I fixed a big breakfast: bacon, eggs, sliced tomatoes, wheat bread, rye bread, biscuits, strawberries, bananas, grapes....everyone ate and we all jumped in and got ready to go out on the lake!

Today it was Michael and his gal Niki, Olivia and Cecelia, Tom & me, and my friend from work Callie. We had a blast. Tubing. Swimming. Just enjoying the day!

Home, unpacked....ate left over pizza from last night.

I have to water my plants yet tonight. Busy day tomorrow as well.

Tom picks up the school bus in the a.m. (boo! cannot believe its that time already!) and then Olivia has an orthodontist apt and her allergy shot. I want to get the house cleaned a little and out in the pool. It needs to be vacuumed and chemicals dropped in again.

Will check in later ! hugs

Lynne2 said...

I also still have no straw for the donks. It has become very clear to me that the hopefully soon to be former boss is not interested in spending any money on them with the closing appearing to be eminent on Thursday.

But Karma is a beotch....Buttercup is having a great deal of trouble with one or both front feet or legs. I cannot find any swelling or heat in her joints so I am guess her feet are bothering her. She did let me clean them this afternoon, though. She will barely move and when she does it is VERY gingerly. It started yesterday. I called the boss and told her today, and she said that she would call the vet in the AM. I won't hold my breath. I'm sure the vet is coming just like the straw is coming. I will shame her if I have to to get the vet here. It's heartbreaking to see her in pain like this....

Lynne2 said...

Lynne, I am SO glad the gang is making lemonade! I'm quite sure that Rojo is very much less stressed to be with his family and I hope the rest of the trip goes without any more drama!

Saw the pic on FB Janet....clearly a GREAT time was had by all!

Lynne2 said...

This is a bit creepy....a 30something year old man who is visiting his grandparents in the county left to go for a 3 hour jog this AM at 8:30 (which is something he does regularly at home) and has not been heard from since. They are hoping he just got lost since he isn't familiar with the area but at this point that does seem unlikely. I sure hope they find him OK.

And my gosh, those boys from Florida that are missing, they found their boat damaged and capsized off of the coast but no sign of the boys. Heartbreaking.

Lynne2 said...

I must go shower and try to relax. Shirley, the book is great but I have to return it already tomorrow! Since it's new it's only a 7 day loaner! Will have to put in another request for it!

JudyEddy said...

so sad Bobbi Kristina Brown, the daughter of Whitney Houston and Bobby Brown, has died at the age of 22.

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all
♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Mema Jo said...

Good late evening

Lynne2 I sure hope everything turns out well with poor little Donk.
Lynne1 Happy to hear about the lemonade

I enjoyed Poldark was enjoyable..

Goodnight to all ♥

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

It is very quiet here now. Luna is sleeping by my bed, and Smokey seems to have settled down. I played with her for awhile in hopes that she would be tired when the time came for sleep.

Will came over with Chakka this morning. Chakka is Stephanie's younger daughter. She is a cute little 10-year-old. Asked me why they are making 2016 cars when it is still 2015. I told her that it was a good question and I figure they have to make them now to get ready for 2015. When we took her with us to the hardware store, she insisted on pushing the shopping cart and wanted to lift the very heavy bags of sand we purchased there. Quite a little character she is!

stronghunter said...

That would be to get ready for 2016.

So sorry about Shadow, Lynne2. We can hope Shadow and Bandit have met at that place over the Rainbow Bridge. And I hope Buttercup gets the appropriate supplies necessary for proper care.

stronghunter said...

Very sad about Bobbi Kristina Brown.

stronghunter said...

I saw the story about the two missing boys in Florida. It is truly heartbreaking. I keep thinking that they are Hunter's age.

stronghunter said...

Time for me to say good night. SED, everyone.

Lynne2, I do hope you get hold of the book again soon.

JudyEddy said...

Good morning eagle buds

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends on this dreary Monday morning. No outdoor tennis playing in Bethany Beach this morning, that's for sure.

Lynne2, I'm sorry to hear about Shadow. Also, how hard it must be for you to stand by and watch what is happening (or should I say not happening) with the donkeys. Have you tried reaching out to your vet for some help for Buttercup? Even if s/he doesn't work with farm animals, surely she knows a vet who does and who would not want to hear about an animal that is in constant pain. And isn't the new soon-to-be owner a vet? How can he do nothing??? What an awful situation.

Lynne1, I'm glad your family is making the best of the situation with relocating to TX. I'm sure the dog was delighted that his crate was too big! Not sure that I would be OK with an animal of mine flying in the belly of a plane. Brian and Lynnis will have their 2 right under their seats in carriers - of course they're dachshunds so they're small.

Judy, I say do what feels right to you as far as the work thing.

Jo, I hope you're feeling OK. Prayers continue for you, today and every day.

Janet, time for school already???? Say it isn't so!!!! Saw your photos and videos on FB - looks like everyone was having great fun!

I have a friend from Baltimore - a gal I taught and worked very closely with for my 9 years in middle school - coming for lunch this afternoon. Then Denny, the dogs, and I will be driving to WV to help Brian and Lynnis with packing up their house, cleaning it, and getting settled into a hotel in Shepherdstown until next Monday when they all leave for Mexico City. Not looking forward to saying goodbye on Thursday afternoon. We won't see them face-to-face again until Christmas time.

Have agreat day all.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

I'm having some difficulty typing this morning because I am handicapped by a small kitten who keeps attacking me and walking on the keyboard. However, she has just discovered she can watch birds and squirrels from her perch on the cat tower.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning




Judie said...

Good morning.

Y'all come on over. Fresh Monday thread.

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...