Monday, July 27, 2015


New week thread.


Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥

Calling others over

Thank you Steve for the fresh new thread for the week

Judie said...

Good morning, again.

Thank you Steve for the fresh Monday thread. Hope your week is a good one.

Lynne2, so very sorry about Shadow and about the donkeys. Hope with all my heart some veterinarian will step up and help out.

Ah Shirley, the joys of kittenhood.

Sandi, enjoy visiting with your friend. You two should have a grand time together.

Jo, glad you enjoyed Poldark. I fell asleep.

Kay, hope the mosquitoes are not attacking you.

Off to forage for food.

Wishing everyone a wonderful day.

Judie said...

Congratulations to Jo on her first feather of the week.

Sandi said...

Thanks Steve for the new thread and thanks Jo for the call over. I am on my iPad and don't see the box to check to have comments sent to my inbox. Maybe I need to hit publish first?

Sandi said...

Had to login to Google on my iPad before my comment would publish and then the box appeared.

JudyEddy said...

Hello on lunch 1212 punch


JudyEddy said...

Changes again coming to Walmart

Sales associate are no longer
Which that is what I am

Instead two shifts 4-1 or 2-11. Throwing freight and unloading trucks

JudyEddy said...

they had a meeting with all of us

they asked what shift I said neither because of my limitations

they said they would put me on the other list I have until Oct to find another position that i am suited to

JudyEddy said...

nest is MT I see nothing and hear nothing

WR HAS Juvie in it

JudyEddy said...

heading to FB

JudyEddy said...

forgot to say


Mema Jo said...

JUDYE - my outdoor live feed has been up all day
My still cam is still down on my desk top..............
7/27/2015 1:04:29 am

I guess I am jinxed

JudyEddy said...

thanks JO I got the live feed up on tablet but wasn't sure about the still black screen
Heading back in a few seconds
Talked with the gal that her hubby does computer she said just bring it it and she will take it to him he no longer is at our store

JudyEddy said...

had to come back to see what time I punched see ya later

Mema Jo said...

Adult in the nest - so beautiful 2:20pm

stronghunter said...

Goodness me, I have discovered keys on my keyboard that I did not know I had. The screen got really dark after a certain kitten walked on the keyboard. I found that there is a key that controls that.

Mema Jo said...

Lucky you ♥

Mema Jo said...

Shirley your still cam is down - right?

Sent email to NCTC IT - probably be awhile.

stronghunter said...

Still cam is down, Jo.

stronghunter said...

Live cam is working, and I see a lovely adult eagle there.

stronghunter said...

Something dark on the eagle's beak.

Lynne2 said...

afternoon all!

Waiting to hear from the boss on when the vet is coming. Her regular (large animal) vet isn't available so she was referred to another, the one most of the horse people I know use.

Buttercup is not doing well, she simply won't move if I try to lead her, she will only move on her terms, and not very far, and clearly in pain. She blew a fuse today when I tried to clean out her front feet. She was laying down this AM which isn't a bad thing really, but not usual for her. One of the kennel gals brought me a bail of hay and a bale of straw. We spread the straw in the driest corner of their area so she has a place that is soft to lay down on, and gave her a little hay to keep her busy. How embarrassing for the boss to have everyone care more than she does.

Sandi, I thought about calling the soon to be owner but since he isn't THE owner yet, I didn't think it would go over well on any level. He has NO idea what is going on, he is NOT going to be happy when he finds out, and I am not sure if he actually deals with large animals although I'm sure he could at least help. But if the current boss got wind of that, she'd blow a fuse. She went so far as to tell Steve that if he happens to see him, to NOT mention that there is no snow plow here because she doesn't want him to know anything til the papers are signed and she is gone. Nice, huh?


Lynne2 said...

Shirley, I'm glad Smokey is tech savvy enough to show you things that you don't know! LOL!

We ended up with a heck of a storm in the wee wee hours of the morning! I started seeing lightning around 11:30 and put Daisy's Thundershirt on. She was in her bed all curled up when the storm work me, and she stayed right there for the whole thing! WOOOOOOT!

Lynne2 said...

WOKE me, not WORK me.....LOL!

What the heck does no more sales associates mean Judy? For you or in general?

Mema Jo said...

There is 1 ostrich hatch! Dash is home at the incubator

Mema Jo said...

I may be incorrect and perhaps 2 have hatched.
I need GLO to tell us due to FB page isn't updated........

Mema Jo said...

My mistake - think it is only one hatchling

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds!!!

Thanks to STEVE for the new thread and to JO for the call over!

JUDIE, the skeeter's are downright vicious! I think they've acquired a taste for Off!

Have read back and think I've caught up with all the human and animal news amongst us!

My thoughts and prayers are with all in need!!!


Lynne2 said...

We should do a chemical analysis on me....I almost NEVER get attacked by skeeters!! Somewhere in this poor old breaking down body could be the ultimate skeeter repellent!

stronghunter said...

Same here, Lynne2. I do not usually have problems with mosquitoes. There are plenty of them around here, though.

JudyEddy said...

HI HONEY I am home How was your day
I tuned in to the ostrich cam at lunch one fuzzy ball is what I saw must been snoozing

LYNNE2 the consumable areas will not have the title sales associates This is for the grocery dept, pets, health and beauty pharmacy and infants food We are a 121 million dollar a year store so we get more associate to fill those slots
there will be 30
10 people 4am-1pm They will throw freight that is in the bins and they will work with the dept mgr
20 people 2pm-11pm the truck comes in at 2pm
They will throw freight and unload trucks
the rest of the store will still have the title sales assoca

CAP is the new program can't for the life of me remember what it stood for lol only heard once at meeting Customer is the first letter

I have until Oct to find a spot in store
which is going to be hard with my limitations
Cashier and cart pusher were mentioned both out because of 20 lb push, pull pick up

OH and when I mentioned my neck not able to do the CAP program HOW convenient that they FORGOT about it they said

I am not going to sweat it I think because I feel its not my position to find a spot its theirs since they took the position away and if you remember this is not the first time this has happened to me
and if they can't find a slot then they can lay me off

may have to retire sooner that I wanted but with me still having that credit card I am paying off will be hard and I would rather not retire until it is paid off completely

will cross that bridge when I come to it I guess

THE GOOD NEWS is that my asstmgr did turn in my new availability for only 4 days now (29-32 hrs) is still considered full time for insurance coverage-- so that is a good thing Jordyn will be so happy she is always wanting to include me in the weeknd stuff now maybe I can

JudyEddy said...

28 hours is what the lowest is but I put 29 on the form because if you drop below 28 you can lose your insurance That has happened to several people at work Gonna be nice off 3 days in a row OK enough of this

JudyEddy said...

SWEET some got to see one of our adults

JudyEddy said...

LYNNE2 so happy the Tshirt is working and you got a new bed partner out of it

Janet said...

LYNNE2: as they used to say on Seinfeld SERENITY NOW!!!! oh my gosh, it sounds like a really bad situation. hoping for the best. and....I am so glad the thundershirt is working!!!! hurray!

JUDYE: wally world really is the pits to work for, aren't they? I agree with you in that they got rid of the they need to help you to find a place/job that you CAN do. frustrating!

its been a very busy day. we were up early and on the move early. I had tom down at the fairgrounds by 8 a.m. bus pick up day. woo hoo. NOT. :P

I've been enjoying the summer!

from there, Olivia and I headed across town for an 8:30 orthodontist appointment.
then....back across town the other way to get her allergy shots.

then one more trip to the chiropractor. I got home, finally about 11:30. left @ 7:45.

I did not want to be outside today. hot or not, I wanted to be outside. so I did the weed whacking. then I took the yard blower and cleaned up a bit. then .... I cleaned the pool and since it was clean, I floated for a long while.

making burgers on the grill tonight. getting ready for work tomorrow.

hope everyone is having a lovely evening! hugs

stronghunter said...

I ventured into Hunter's room today and found several loads of laundry there. I hope he is not too insulted. He will be more comfortable in there. That is for sure. I am wondering if some of the towels I found there have perhaps been there since Y camp of last summer. And I did not even get all the way to the walls.

stronghunter said...

The washer is making very strange sounds that have gotten the attention of both Luna and Smokey.

JudyEddy said...

big shake on cam

and lots of squealing

JudyEddy said...

SHIRLEY maybe HUNTER won't remember how he left his room LOL
off balance washing machines are the pits I had on that walked out a few inches before I got to it

stronghunter said...

I had a washer that tried to walk right out of the laundry room.

I was washing a pillow and a comforter today. When I opened it to rearrange things, it started over on its cycle, so I waited until it eventually stopped before I opened it again. I finally finished that load. I am doing another comforter and another pillow now, but I put the pillow on bottom and put in a few towels so there are more items this time. Hope that helps. This fancy new washer is complicated.

grannyblt said...

It seems like the same story about teenagers rooms. Dirty laundry and dirty dishes.

Lynne2, I can't believe how that current owner is acting. So unfair. Hope the sale is made legal soon. And that poor donkey.....

Daughter and family got to Tulsa late last night, their travel adventure over. She thinks they will sleep for a couple of days.

JudyEddy said...

juvie lands wrong on live cam so funny on the news here Fox13 they said golden eagle

Sandi said...

On the road to WV.

Judy, Walmart is looking out for Walmart- Judy had better watch out for Judy. I would not trust them to find a new position for you.

Will check in when I can. Bye.

Mema Jo said...

Safe travels to WV
This will be a bittersweet visit - enjoy that little gal ♥

Mema Jo said...

Lynne1 - glad to hear they are safely in Tulsa. Sleep sounds great!

Shirley - I remember my washer shimming all over my kitchen floor - I would sit 2 or 3 little ones up on it so it stayed in place - lol memories!

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - Kathryn says 270 miles to go
In NC - I take it they are on their way home!
Safe travels!

Lolly should be having good time on the beach with family!

I am headed to 1 TV show tonight - Major Crimes 9-10
That will be my evening!

JudyEddy said...

lots of juvie squealing going on

JudyEddy said...

adult in

JudyEddy said...

juvie left I guess thought adult had food but I guess notbut poofed

Judie said...

Tried to do a really fast scan. Internet has not been working today or yesterday. Darth has been on the phone, seriously, all day. Technician came out, also. So -- next technician could not be scheduled until Wednesday. Darth is NOT happy.

JudyE, I may not be interpreting your comments accurately but seems you might want to consider whether or not your employer is trying to get you to quit = wouldn't have to pay retirement benefits. Just a thought.

Jo, enjoy your crime show.

Lynne2, I feel so sad for the animals. They cannot help themselves.

Ah, Shirley, the joys of the modern washing machine. Poor Hunter. He may go into shock.

Janet, poor Olivia with all the medical today. Give her an extra hug.

Lynne1, glad to know the family is safely arrived in Tulsa.

Headed to put my feet up again. Sandperson is packing.

Restful sleep for all.

JudyEddy said...

JUDIE it is for all store rolling out by Oct
I was in a meeting with 20 some other associates
and if I quit I get the same benefits can't lose them

JudyEddy said...

Bob Anderson, the life force behind Raptor Resource Project, has passed away

Mema Jo said...

Going to close down early.

Tomorrow is just blood work in the early afternoon. I can still sleep till normal time
for me..........

Sorry to get email about Bob Anderson passing.

Sandi and Denny should be in WV now

Goodnight to all ♥ SED and AOYP ♥

JudyEddy said...

Good morning eagle buds

Janet said...

good morning to all. make it a super day!

Judie said...

Good morning.

Taking advantage of internet access before the system crashes again. Must consider a different provider.

Jo, glad the day is only blood work. Okay, so blood work requires an ice cream cone!

Wishing everyone a terrific day. Be back when I can.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥
Another hot one and the rest of the week looks the same - hot and humid,

I was looking for our early bird Sandi - but I remember she is in WV helping to pack up for Mexico. Hope she gets the job of watching her beautiful granddaughter.

Shirley I watched your video on FB of Smokey and Luna - with a spunky kitten they will probably be friends up to a certain point. I'm thinking Kathryn and Hunter may be home or almost home.

Late breakfast time for me - BBL

Mema Jo said...

Happy to see that both cams are up/running.

Also see that both sisters, Janet and Judy are up/running!
Walmart best be good to you Judy!
Janet I watched all your fun on the water videos - loved them.

Sandi said...

Goodorming from WV. There is soooo much stuff here in piles that need to be packed, I have no idea how it will all get done by Friday. I think I will just play with Freyja.

Have a great day all.

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

Like the "J" sisters, I'm up, but unlike them, I'm not running, just ambling along. Staying cool on a very hot, muggy day, but must get out to Kroger. I need the Advair inhaler they have ready for me and I want to spend some time in the mosquito repellent and anti-itch departments! My left arm suffered several bites on our first walk of the day. Maybe the stuff I have on hand is out of date. Arrrrggghhhh!

Sorry to hear about Bob Anderson, JO. I just read that my favorite true crime author, Anne Rule, has passed, too. Sad losses.

I agree with JUDIE, blood work means you need a nice treat, like an ice cream cone, JO!

Can just picture SANDI and Denny working hard and taking Freyja breaks every now and then. I know they hate to see the kids depart for Mexico, but Brian must go where his diplomatic service career takes him.

My son, will be departing for a month in Kenya on Friday. I'm never real happy about his trips there, but such is the life of an Anthropologist. Beth will join him for a few days on some islands off the Kenyan coast sometime during that month. All my kids do a lot of traveling, keeping me on edge and prayerful!

Prayers for all Momsters, Dadsters, Kidsters, Petsters and our dear eagle family!!!


grannyblt said...

Good morning.
I didn't check the cam, but I assume the kids are off seeking lunch.

Yesterday I made a Walmart cat food run. Our small store recently remodeled and added some cold food coolers. I thought why not get the milk, bread, cheese to tide me over. The big grocery store in town starts their big anniversary sale today which means dj's, face painting, radio station, you get the idea. I avoid that if possible. Anyway, I got a call last night from a TX friend who is traveling through. We were planning to meet along their route on Thursday, but as it turns out they will come here for a couple of days. I am thrilled except for filling the larder. They have been traveling for a couple of weeks, so they probably want home cooked meals. So it is off to the grocery.

Sandi, great plan.

Jo, an ice cream cone sounds like a good reward.

Hope everyone stays cool and has a wonderful day.

JudyEddy said...

Poor SANDI has the horrible grueling job LOL
Better than packing trying to get enough grandkids time

On lunch easy time 12 to remember

Lynne2 said...

afternoon all!

Sandi, tough job...but SOMEBODY has to do it!

Geez Judie, maybe it IS time to change IPs. So frustrating.

Lynne, glad the drama is over and the gang is safely in Tulsa!

Kay, I hope you have found an effective skeeter repellent!

Are Hunter and Kathryn home?

Well my genetic test came back NORMAL!! In fact, it couldn't have been more normal, right smack in the center of the normal range!

The vet will be here sometime this afternoon to check Buttercup. I fear she is foundering. I hope I'm wrong and that it's just the lack of meds and lack of straw and lack of dry areas that is making her feet rotten and sore. I don't think this will ever be a problem again as the current boss surely must see how much this lack of interest in HER animals will cost her now, and assuming it's NOT the worst case scenario, the new boss will DEFIANTLY not allow this to happen!!

Mema Jo said...

Lynne it is so satisfying to hear you are NORMAL

Hopeful for Buttercup to get the medical attention she needs to recover from
whatever is ailing her. I hope you are right about the New Boss's feelings.

I had my ice cream cone - blood work is great.

BBL today

Janet said...

GOOD GOLLY MISS MOLLY ITS HOT! my thermometer is reading 100 and heat makes me CRANKY! I am just home, in shorts, glass of tea and a break before doing anything else.

I have however, sent the kid out to do a few things. She has aconcert on Thursday and wants to earn some bucks. I have a car that needs vacuuming and washing (asked her to do so last week) and a trashcan that needs a Lysol scrubbing.

there ya go. She's been inside all day. Time for her to go outside for a bit.

I see I need to make hummingbird food too.

Have had a great, albeit scorching day....later! cool hugs for all!
I am hoping Buttercup is not foundering. It is painful I understand....bless her. I hope soon she gets what she needs!!!! How incredibly frustrating!

Mema Jo said...

We had our first fledge today on the Blackwater Osprey Cam! The chick left the nest and safely returned a little while later. We expect the second to fledge soon as well, since the chicks were very close in size and development:

Judie said...

typing very quickly while there is an internet connection. As a queen (before lynne2) once said: "We are NOT amused."

Hope everyone is fine.

Sandperson is packed. Restful

JudyEddy said...

Lots of eaglet squealing

JudyEddy said...

In dark nest

JudyEddy said...

Sounds so pitiful

Lynne2 said...

Well, Buttercup IS foundered. It's not terrible, I caught it early, but a very touchy, lifelong worry that could still end in having to have her put down. For now though, she is safe and I will take care of her. I just need the NEW boss to get here ASAP! She felt a lot better after her pain meds! But she has to stay in the stall for MONTHS to come. It's going to be tough on her so in addition to making sure she gets all of her meds, and her feet treated, I have to watch her for stress. The donkeys have never been confined for anything more than a day or two in all the 16 years they have lived here, so this will be a challenge. The vet was really nice and very helpful and I do believe the boss was just ever so slightly embarrassed at the condition of them. He mentioned that they are fat. Well, I said that they were a WHOLE lot fatter this time last year and thanks to my research I was able to get a lot of weight off slowly. HA!

I don't mean to pat myself on the back, but if I were not caring for them, Buttercup would have fallen in the field in the next few days and died there without anyone noticing for some time.. Until I got here, the only time anyone had anything to do with them was to throw food down from the top of the barn.

Lynne2 said...

Current boss was texting update to soon to be boss about everything so I am confident that he will follow through with her treatment. Thursday cannot come soon enough for me

Lynne2 said...

My goodness, where is Shriley?

Judie, no doubt this internet debacle is the work of the Evil Jufie, and this does displease the queen. OFF WITH HER HEAD!

Janet, hope you have a nice clean trash can and car!

Must go shower. I fear I smell like a donkey.

Good night!

Janet said...

yanno, I love donkeys. they have such sweet faces and lovely eyes. how I wish I could just take that little baby ...I am so glad she has LYNNE2 to give her lots of love and kindness. I cannot imagine just throwing food at them, not interacting with them.....they are such lovely creatures!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

wow, how my life turns.

so, ya'll know about my gal pals, nancy & chris, the two who just got married...chris is dealing with non hodgkins lymphoma...has been for 18 months now...chemo for the next 2 years. well, they just got back from visiting chris' folks in west va (parkersburg) as her dad has advanced dementia and her mom is the sole care giver refusing if that's not enough..................

Jamie, chris' youngest son who will be 17 in 2 weeks......was born with a hole in his heart. at 3 months old, he had open heart surgery to repair. he is looking at open heart surgery again next summer. he has 2 valves not working correctly.

so I spent some time on the phone with chris......

her burdens are so heavy right now, my heart breaks for her...............

so any light, love, healing, and love you could spare would be appreciated. thankfully its not an emergency situation.....and it is fixable.....but what a thing to have to deal with!

heading to the shower and then to bed ..... much to contemplate ....

love hugs and good dreams to all.

JudyEddy said...

JANET so sorry about CHRIS family

Had a nice evening watching Jordyn and gym and then to the see the eagle in the cell tower near her gym, went to the park so far no eagles that I or Sue have seen have been on the new tower saucer that they replaced the old tower

JudyEddy said...

just had a short storm and showers move through I hope we don't get any tonight Got woke up at 4 with so big boom boom and rain hard rain on my metal porch
The only good thing with the rain is the cooler temps but the skitters are so bad now because of all the standing water in areas

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all
♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Mema Jo said...

Goodnight to all ♥

JudyEddy said...

Good morning eagle buds

Sandi said...

Good morning my eagle friends. A lot of work was done yesterday but there is still sooooo much to do. The packers were originally supposed to come today but now they aren't arriving till tomorrow. They do the actual packing of boxes. Brian and lynnis just have to sort and label everything in piles - what needs to be shipped to them in a hurry, what can arrive at a slower speed, and what gets put into storage in the States.

Lynne2, please explain foundered. Even when I looked it up I am still not sure what causes it or what it means or how it is fixed. Still, I feel so badly for poor Buttercup. Lynnis has arranged for the vet to come tomorrow to take care of Sir Bryan's feet and teeth before they leave.

Janet, sending prayers and positive energy to your friend Janet and to her family.

Jo, prayers continue for you, today and every day.

Shirley, are Kathryn and Hunter back home? How is Hunter feeling about high school? Will he be playing a fall sport at school?

Freyja seems unbothered by everything that is going on around her. She just crawls around through the piles of stuff and does her thing.

Have a great day all.

Judie said...

sleep for all. lol

Good morning. Need to check in while the opportunity is here. Interesting. Verizon technician due to visit today BUT they are scheduled to strike today. We shall see.

I see Jo had an ice cream cone, Janet is sweltering, Olivia is being a teenage mule, Buttercup received much needed treatment and may require Lynne2 to live with her in the barn to alleviate stress (for both), Lynne2 wants to chop Jufie's head off, Jufie is hiding in the back of Sandperson's closet, and JudyE heard raindrops falling on her tin roof.

Suspect Shirley is busy playing kitten games and Kay is busy fighting off mosquitoes the size of Ohio.

Janet, prayers for Chris, family, and friends.

Up early. Did not sleep well last night. Two loads of laundry done. Plan to try to make myself less scarity and go out to get my "do" did.

I'll be back when I can to catch up on comments.

Wishing everyone a lovely day. Please stay in if you can.

Janet said...

good morning to all.

sweltering....yes. but it is almost august and august is my least favorite month due to that fact. HOT

was even too hot for me to go into the pool. that's HOT

thank you for the light and love for Chris. She and Nancy will stay with us for most of the summer next year. And I would have it no other way!

Another hot day ahead.

Love the teenage mule description. literally laughed out loud!!

Work 11 to 3 today.

It is so hot and steamy right now my front door is fogged up. :p yuck.

Well, let me get busy. Hugs and love for all!

Mema Jo said...

Good Hot & Humid Wednesday morning to all ♥ It really looks as though it could rain
and I sure wish it would do so. Not that it would cool the temps down but it would fill my birdbath.

Adult Eagle In Nest with food

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!!

Love reading the SANDI and JUDIE recaps/comments, bringing me up to date pronto!

Air quality alert issued here for opening day of the Ohio State Fair. We who are ancient and/or have chronic breathing problems are told to stay indoors. May be a conspiracy to keep we seniors off the road and outta their hair for the day, but I will comply except for those times when Penny just has to get outside.

I invested in an OFF clip on yesterday--battery operated emission of repellant worn on the waistline and promising "head to toe protection". Sure enough I've not contributed to the Mosquito Blood Bank since I donned the thing yesterday afternoon! This morning I saw some skeeters, but they backed right off! Yeah!

SANDI, makes me smile envision Freyja happily weaving in and out amongst the piles of stuff!

JUDIE, sure hope your internet woes are resolved soon. What a pain in the neck! Enjoy the luxury of "the do"!

JO, so glad you rewarded yourself with an ice cream cone yesterday! Hope Mother Nature fills that birdbath for you.

LYNNE2, glad Buttercup has your loving care available to him!

LYNNE1, enjoy your company! So happy to hear the kids are in Tulsa at last!

SHIRLEY, hope your kids are back and helping give Smokey some extra TLC.

JANET, how nice it is that you have the summer of 2016 to look forward to already! Friendship rocks!

It's great to catch one of our dear Eagles dining in!!!!

Heading on over to e-mail, newspapers, etc....

Prayers for all in need!!!


CarolAnne said...

Hello all, hope everyone is able to cope with either the sweltering heat, storms, Ohio sized mosquitos, ailing animals, turbulent teens and those in years beyond, distant travelers, indifferent animal owners, and absent eagles. I come to you all with a prayer request (the best place for that). Hubby's youngest brother & family are having a tuff summer. She had to have heart surgery. Pre-tests revealed breast cancer too. Home from hospital after heart surgery & had to return for fluid on lungs/infection. Barely on road to recovery & she was back in for breast removal (3 surgeries in 1 month). Now depression has set in. Meanwhile autistic son & 6 year old have been staying with 79 - 81 year old grandparents all summer. Neither handling the extended separation.
Any prayers would be appreciated. Hugs to you all!

Kay said...

Oh, CarolAnne, my heart aches for that dear family and I will be praying for a miracle! God bless and strengthen dear those grandparents!♥♥♥

Kay said...

That should, of course, be "those dear grandparents". The whole story kind of discombobulated me---so much for one family to bear!

Kay said...

POOF! Meal over and nest thoroughly checked out!

Mema Jo said...

I didn't mean to leave so quickly - just wanted those here to look at our beautiful adult eagle all alone in our nest enjoying a late breakfast..

Janet my positive thought to Chris
Sandi - hope the movers are the experienced kind for 3 types of shipments. Sorting can be the hard part but Brian and Lynnis are ol' pros I'm sure. Guess the difference is Freyja ♥

Judie - new do! I sure don't need to worry about or set an appointment for a couple months. Hope Verizon isn't a no show.

I'm hoping that Kathryn and Hunter made it home safely yesterday -
Anxious to hear from Shirley and from Kay today.

Lynne2 I am thankful for you watching over Buttercup. I bet she will go Stall Crazy
but at least she will be getting her health back.

I am waiting on FedEx to sign for a package for hubby if it comes while he is out running errands and getting his DD coffee.


Lynne2 said...

Good morning all!

Carolanne, prayers for you brother in law and family. That is a lot of burden for them to carry.

Janet, prayers for your friend Chris and family.

Mema Jo said...

CarolAnne - Prayers for your hubby's brother's family - I can understand the 'depression' she must be feeling. That was more then enough to go through in one month's time. Prayers for both your brother-in-law and his wife. And also for the
children and grandparents. I pray the children will soon be back home if possible so they can bond with their parents during this horrific time in their lives. Hoping the Good Lord sends them some help! I know all of our prayers will help! ((((hugs))))

Lynne2 said...

Sandi, the correct terminology for Buttercup's problem is Laminitis. The laminae is the tissue that basically binds the hoof wall to the bone inside the hoof. Laminitis is the inflammation of that tissue. It's very dangerous and very painful. It can cause the bone in the hoof to rotate down and cause a sort of sinking of the hoof. X-rays were not done, but should be and hopefully the new boss will do them. If the bones are compromised, there is little chance that she would recover.

He also suspects that she may have a low thyroid, or even cushing's disease but bloodwork was declined. Dr B would be able to have that done much cheaper. It could also be from eating too much grass and obesity. Now, these donks were WAY heavier before I researched things and I have gotten quite a bit of weight off of them in the past 6 months, but they are still chubby.

So the current boss said she'd get the meds for the feet, and shavings for the stall as that is better for her than straw. But something is going on....she if freaking out about something to do with taxes that will apparently postpone the closing once again if she cannot get whatever it is fixed today. OMG....I'll cry.

Lynne2 said...

OH JUDIE.....I see Jufie's little fingerprints all over this internet mess. Now she is making the Verizon workers strike????

Kay, great news about the OFF clip on! And there is a cold front coming tomorrow evening for us, sooner for you so while it won't be a whole lot cooler, the humidity is supposed to go away for a few days.

grannyblt said...

Carole Anne prayers for your family during this difficult time. .

Kay, I've used the OFF clip ever since it was put on the market. I've found that it works well.

JudyEddy said...

1218 punch

HELLO on lunch hope everyone is having a good day

SANDI so happy you ask LYNNE2 what it was I also don't know what foundered is So happy that Freyja is not affected by the hustle and bustle of moving Make sure you don't pack her up LOL AHH to be young and no cares again

JUDIE I love it when you come up with a sentence of what the blog is doing in a whimsical way so funny always leaves me smiling

JO got to see a adult in the nest SWEET

HI CA so good to see your name on the blog and we got you covered in the prayers and sending healing thought dept AND PLEASE STOP BY MORE OFTEN

JudyEddy said...

FYI the bracelets for skeeters also work Angie uses on Jordyn legs and wrist and no issues just a thought

JudyEddy said...

NO ONE on since lunch everyone must be out living life to its fullest
Just got home another 2 inches of rain in my rain gauge when I got home
soso sick

JudyEddy said...

Juvie in

JudyEddy said...

Juvie in

JudyEddy said...

Eating something

JudyEddy said...

Up to stump and some squealing

JudyEddy said...

the juvie is still making a pitiful call once in a while

JudyEddy said...

not getting the still cam I posted and it disappeared =

JudyEddy said...

found I put in on another thread LOL was trying to get the still cam up by going on the blog page and where steve has the link under the pic still not getting it and that is how I posted on wrong thread was adjacent to the link I guess stilly me

heading to tv hope everyone had a good day

JudyEddy said...

this is the message I get when I try the link to get on the still cam

The requested service is temporarily unavailable. It is either overloaded or under maintenance. Please try later

Janet said...

evening to all.

CAROLEANNE; light and love, healing and comfort to all!

its been another hot afternoon. I've taken it easy. grilled some chicken out and read my book.

hope everyone is having a good evening!

Lynne2 said...

well, it's a go tomorrow for closing!!! So unless something stupid goes wrong tomorrow morning we'll be SOLD!

The donkeys are becoming very hilarious. Well, Wesley is. He HAS to be with Buttercup at ALL TIMES. So he's locked in Donkey Prison with her. So he CAN go out if he wants and every time I try to encourage him, he freaks out! He will walk out of the stall, but not out of the barn. Then he gets all crazy and wants back in the stall. Tonight he finally went out to the barnyard and ate some grass but not for long! He started running around and bucking and ran back in again. They are so cute!

Lynne2 said...



stronghunter said...

I am here. Sorry I've been missing.

stronghunter said...

Had a busy day around here taking care of laundry, keeping up with Hunter and Smokey, etc.

stronghunter said...

Kathryn is in touch with a woman who has two kittens. We may be getting one of those.

stronghunter said...

Sandi, so far Hunter has not had much to say about high school nor fall sports. He claims he does not want to play football anymore, but he will want to play baseball. I'm really not quite sure what is going through his mind.

He has not said a word about the changes I made in his room. I think me most likely appreciates it. I even found $21.00 on the floor and put it on his dresser. I also located Luna's newest collar--the one that matches her newest leash.

Mema Jo said...

I'm not sending email until tomorrow about the Still Cam

The server always downloads on Wednesday - but it usually happens late late evening or
even 1am..........

It always knocks out our cam on a Thursday.

Perchance it will be up/running in the morning - if not I'll send email.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - it sounds as though you were finding treasures in Hunter's room - Long Lost Treasures. I certainly hope his room comes up at as a topic so he can thank you - at least for the $21. lol

Lolly - your Sand Castle was extravagant. A work of Art

Sandi - the picture and video of Freyja are so wonderful. She is a beautiful little
girl and Sandi I can see your face when I look at her.

I watched some TV - nothing of too much interest on. I tire of watching news shows.
I am going to just stick to my little world - too much going wrong with the big picture.

Off to take some meds and then I am putting my feet up for the night. I stuck my head out the back door and WOW you can hardly breath outside.

Goodnight to all! Goodnight Buttercup and Wesley! Prayers for all in need ♥

Janet said...

good morning! Thursday. Week is flying by again. Tom just left for "bus driver" training. woo hoo. I don't envy him.

hope everyone has a great day!

Sandi said...

Good priming my eagle friends.

Lynne2, thanks for the explanation on Buttercup. I'm glad to hear that she has company during her confinement - sweet story.

CarolAnne, I am adding my prayers and positive energy for your brother-in-law's family. They surely have too many burdens to deal with right now.

Shirley, your episode with Hunter's room sure rang a bell! Sadly for Kevin, I didn't find any money except change, all of which I put in a jar on his dresser. I found no missing collar but did find a set of missing keys.

The dental office in Bethany that did laser surgery does no longer - the periodontist who was there has relocated to Wilmington, about 2 hours away. However, I found a woman periodontist in Salisbury,which is only 45 min. Away, who does it. I have made an appointment for next Thursday and have to call my dentist today to send my most recent X-rays.

The packers arrive today and will start packing the things that will be going to Mexico with Brian and Lynnis. The vet for the donkey also comes today. Brian and Lynnis will stay in a hotel tonight bc their bed and Freyja's crib will be in a truck headed to a plane or a ship. We will be heading home this afternoon. It will be hard saying farewell to Freyja, knowing that we will only see her on an iPad screen for the next 5 months. I was really hoping she would take a step but so far, she hasn't.

Have a great day all -stay cool if you can!

Sandi said...

Have changed my avatar to the photo of Freyja that I posted on FB yesterday.

Sandi said...

Just re read my comments since they were in my inbox. I guess you all know that good priming was supposed to be good morning. WTH???

Lynne2 said...

SANDI, How ever did I miss the B and L have a DONKEY???

Sandi said...

Lynne, when Brian was still dating Lynnis, a gal who taught with me who also ran a therapeutic riding school, knew an older lady who was looking for someone to take her donkey. I knew that Lynnis loved donkeys so I told Brian about this one. Brian and Lynnis went to meet the woman and the donkey, whose name just happened to be Bryan. The lady agreed they could take him so they did.

When they went to Africa, the gal who runs PIGS Animal Sanctuary kept Bryan as well as Brian's pig, Posey. When they returned 2 years later, they got Bryan back and also adopted a 2nd pig, Sumo. Bryan is about 30 years old - he can't see much and can hear even less, but he is one sweet donkey. Lynnis is sad to leave him this time b/c she doesn't know if he will still be around when she gets back. The couple who are renting the house are also taking care of the animals for Brian and Lynnis but Lynnis wanted to get a dental done on Bryan before they leave. Lynnis takes very good care of her donkey, that's for sure.

Judie said...

Good morning.

My first comment is to say we are happy a nice man from Verizon showed up yesterday, did some rewiring, and we seem to be okay so far. As others have commented, it is a bit scary to realize how dependent we have become.

I thank Sandi for being so thoughtful to send a picture of Freyja to me and Kay as we do not use FB. An adorable little lady with a tooth-filled smile to melt the heart. Thank you, Sandi. Good luck with the dental. Glad you found someone closer.

CarolAnne, prayers for your brother-in-law's family. An incredible burden for everyone both medically and emotionally.

Lynne2, mostly good news. So happy the blood tests indicate normal. A good starting place for you. Also, so hope that Buttercup will actually receive the care she needs and that the closing takes place today as planned. Is the current owner concerned about charges of animal neglect? Just know you have tried your best. What a sweet story about Buttercup and Wesley. So nice to know that Buttercup will not be confined alone. That would be sad.

Shirley, seems that $21 is yours -- compensation for your version of 1-800-GotJunk maid service. Do hope a new kitten is adopted.

Kay, very happy the but repellent seems to work for you. Happy walking with Penny.

I've tried to catch up but if I missed something, I apologize. I DID NOT miss that Jo enjoyed an ice cream cone.

Wishing everyone a wonderful day.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning to All ♥
I sure like your Welcome this morning, Sandi. Love your picture! Are you all home now?
I mean like what is the date of departure to Mexico? I know you have told us but I have forgotten.

Lynne2 - I am praying the sale closing goes well today. I really do love your
Buttercup and Wesley story - especially how you lovingly take care of them. They sure
are loyal to each other.

I sent email about our Still Cam to NCTC - I've never in 8 or 9 years have seen that message. Hope I get an explanation for all of us. Thankful the live cam is up/running.

Mema Jo said...

Is anyone watching the live feed and do you think it is frozen ?
I don'[t see any movement of the leaves

LET me know what you think - Thx

Mema Jo said...

I think the FWS might be having an issue with their web server. If you go to, the same message comes up. As long as the main site is down, the still cam may be up and down and have issues. Once they correct it, should be ok again. Unfortunately, we don't control the main fws site here only our local portion.

I'll keep you posted if I hear anything,

When you get a chance to check out the Still cam - Holler if it is up
I told them that I really thought the Outdoor Live Feed is frozen - no leaves are moving whatsoever - hope they can check it out or maybe one of you will give me some input

Mema Jo said...

This is a very special day for one of our original Momsters ♥
She has visited the Sycamore Palace on more then one occasion ♥
Because of the Eagles there has been a bonding and a lasting friendship ♥


Enjoy your special day - I'm sure I'll see you over on FB
but I will invite you to come over to get your good wishes !

Mema Jo said...

WOW The leaves do blow on the live feed.........

No Still Cam yet

JudyEddy said...

Good afternoon eagle buds
Dentist at 1 to get crowned
Then later Jordyn has her talent show at camp can't wait to see it

Judie said...

Good just afternoon.

Happy Birthday to Vicky Connell. I do not know you yet if you are a friend of Mema Jo, you are a friend of mine. Have a very special day.

Judie said...

Jo, speaking of leaves, there is hope for cooler weather. I have seen more than a few yellow leaves floating to the ground this past week or so. Surely they are harbingers of Fall.

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds!!!

Wishing VICKY a Happy Day and Many More!!!

LYNNE2, I'm jumping for joy over your Normalcy! CLEAR-ly Wonderful!!! Now, hope the sale goes well and that things improve for you, Steve and all the animals.

Love all the donkey tails, er, I mean tales!

SANDI, glad to hear the "kids" found good tenants who will care for their animals! Like JUDIE, I'm grateful to you for sending pretty Freyja's sweet picture to us. Thinking of you this afternoon as I know you may shed more than a few tears on the way back to Bethany. So glad you found a laser surgery dental office within reasonable range--can't wait to learn more about the procedure.

JUDY, happy Coronation Day! Hope your crown(s)are perfect.

JANET, does Tom have to go through the same driver training yearly?

JO, thanks for all you do as our Cam Liason!

Penny tells me the mail has been delivered......

Prayers for all in need with special emphasis on CarolAnnes s.i.l.!!!!


Mema Jo said...


Mema Jo said...

Testing a new pick of my live Kewpie Doll named Elliot

JudyEddy said...

JO love love the pix 💜🚼

JudyEddy said...

I have been dethroned LOL
Didn't get crown today I have a partial on bottom and that is where the crown will be issue is partial will not fit. So rescheduled till end of next mth so will be on vacation will this is done Not going out or to work without my lower

Kay said...

Oh, JO, Elliot does look like a Kewpie Doll! Oh For Cute as my friends in Minnesota would say!

JUDY, sorry the partial and the crown did not jibe. Better luck next month!

stronghunter said...

Good afternoon,

Been rushing around watering all of my porch plants. It is clouding up and I heard some thunder, but I don't want to wait for Mother Nature to take care of things. However, I did move several of the plants onto the steps were they can get some sky juice.

Happy birthday, Vicky!

Will check on the cams in a bit, Jo. Oh, I see you have reported it's up and running.

So glad to know that our Queen Lynne is normal. That information is most comforting.

Oh, thunder is getting louder. Yay! I might need to check on Smokey. Not sure what she thinks of thunder.

stronghunter said...

Pouring rain now. Smokey seems unconcerned.

stronghunter said...

Love reading of donkeys and how sweet they are. I've lived with many kinds of critters, but not pigs nor donkeys.

Wow, I hope that rain hasn't flattened my plants.

So happy you found a dentist nearby, Sandi.

On the $20 I found in Hunter's room-- Previously, I found another $20 in Hunter's shorts when I did some of his laundry. Interestingly, Kathryn had given him a couple of 20s to pay for gym suits during the school year, but he lost them. So, the truth is, that money is most certainly Kathryn's should she want to claim it, and she just might. That is a sizable amount for a kid to lose.

Smokey is lying here beside me. She turns her ears back when it thunders, but does not appear worried.

JudyEddy said...


***Sending birthday wishes your way***

JudyEddy said...

shh keep it on the down low so far we haven't had rain today 16 days in a row rain But it looks like it might rain bummer there is a tropical low that went over the state and the with all the sun shine today will more than likely make some boomers


the ground is so saturated all my patio blocks have sunk

stronghunter said...


That thunder was so loud, I jumped and knocked my laptop shut. (It is unplugged.) I hollered at Hunter to unplug the one he is using. Why? He says. Why, indeed.

stronghunter said...

I am wondering what nearby thing was blasted apart by that lightning.

JudyEddy said...


Mema Jo said...

Headed out to find some good food !
Hubby and I are not cooking today !


Judie said...

Oh my goodness.

So sorry about the White Rock nest. Sincerely hope the eaglets survived.

Shirley, glad Smokey is mostly unconcerned with loud noise. Perhaps Hunter would enjoy a meteorology science lesson? lol We also had a torrential downpour for about 40 minutes. I was so glad. Made Darth come in from working in the yard. Too hot/humid for that.

Jo, hope you and Mr. Jo have a wonderful dining experience.

JudyE, sorry for the dental delay (I would rather get it over) but will be sending positive thoughts for next week.

Okay, need to put my feet up for a few before heading to the scullery.

Janet said...

wow. just watched that video on white rock nest. devastating!

good afternoon all. its been a good day.

I got home this afternoon to find someone whom I knew, not a close friend, but someone a bit younger than me died earlier today. I knew she had been fighting cancer for some time and had been hospitalized again....but I had missed the post where her husband said hospice was figuring 48 hours.....and now she is gone.

I sad and stunned.

STRONGHUNTER: I would not blame Kathryn for reclaiming that $$$.

At the moment, our teenage "mule" is ready to go to her concert. HOWEVER< last night she chose to wax her legs. (long story). there was quite the waxy mess on her floor. she is being made to clean it up before she is allowed to go to the concert.

Everything else is well. Going to the library website to find a book.

Later ya'll. hugs

Judie said...

Hmmm, seems mules (male and female) with territories ranging from FL to VA can be quite messy.

JudyEddy said...

the eaglet are fine in the video it shows one on the tree near the nest tree and the other on a branch of the nest tree The adult did food drop and a fight ensued with the eaglets and the food and then it fell Family is fine and they had fledged already
I watched that nest everyday along with ours

JudyEddy said...

getting ready to head out to the talent show

Lynne2 said...


Lynne2 said...

LOWWEEEEEEEEDA is now on Facebook!

Mema Jo said...

Lynne2 - FINALLY! What a relief....

Loretta's pic is great on FB - you see those pearly whites - all her dental appointments have done well. Look Good Lowwwweeeeeeda............

Lolly is headed home! Not sure how long of a drive they have.

Lynne2 said...

Her picture IS great!

Have fun at the talent show Judy!

So sorry about your friend Janet.

Missed the storm. We were inside the VA in Baltimore when it happened. Daisy seemed unphased when we got home, which took and hour and a half due to really crazy traffic.

Steve had bloodwork done today and you can sign up on their website to view the results. SO I was reviewing his results from this past April. I'm sure there is a simple explanation for why he wasn't told, EVER, that his over all cholesterol is high, his good chol. is LOW and his bad is VERY high. His Triglycerides are also very high and his A1 C is just one tenth of a point under being diabetic!. OMG!!!!!! He found this out at his physical today, 3.5 months later!! The Dr he saw today happened to mention this. I can't wait to see what today's labs show! I really don't understand how this can happen! We could have been 3 months into a WAY better lifestyle already! GGRRRRRRRRR!

Lynne2 said...

So Sandi, I remember all about B and L's pigs but the whole donkey thing just disappeared from my clear brain! I'm so glad the renters will care for them and hope they do a better job than MY FORMER BOSS...LOL!

Mema Jo said...

I am watching a TV 9-11 show
Closing down now so that I can say

Goodnight to All ♥

Sandi said...

Hi all - we are home.

Lynne2, great news about the sale of the kennel. Now for some better resources for the animals and a more caring, involved boss! Glad your test results were good, and sorry that Steve's weren't good - yikes!

As hard as it was saying farewell to Freyja and knowing that we won't see her for 5 months, I can't help but be happy for Brian and Lynnis. The job that Brian will be doing at the Embassy is an exciting and important one and they are really looking forward to going.

Headed to the bathtub and then to bed. tennis in the morning at 8am. Goodnight - I will see everyone in the early AM.

stronghunter said...

Good night, Sandi. You have every right to be proud of your son. Sleep well.

stronghunter said...

Sorry about the White Rock nest, but it is good that the youngsters had already fledged.

Goodness me, Lynne2. It sounds like Steve needs to bug his doctor for test results. But maybe they will be online from now on. Happy that the sale is now final. Hope your four-legged friends will get what they need now.

stronghunter said...

Time for me to say good night. SED, everyone. I will see you tomorrow. I do have an appointment with the eye doctor.

NCSuzan said...

Happy Birthday Vicky! Hope you have had a great day!

Lynne2, long gone are the days when the doctor's office called you with test results and told you what's up. Duke Hospital has the system where all of my tests, appointments and correspondence and even bill paying is under one site. Convenient and results are posted in a timely manner. Looks like statins and carb counting may be in Steve's future.

Sandi, my brother has lived in Mexico for over 12 years and before that about 20 years in Colombia. He is in mineral exploration. I think your family will be happy there. To take advantage of another culture and language is exciting and how wonderful for your granddaughter to become bilingual at such a young age. Will benefit her in life for sure. Hopefully the holidays will be here before you know it.

Thunderstormed here this afternoon. Otherwise hot and humidish!

Hi! Margy, if you check in.

JudyEddy said...

Good evening eagle buds

The talent show was really nice we stayed to the end I dislike when people get up and leave when their kids are done that is just RUDE

Here is the video and pictures the link is posted there click on it in the blog the video was tooooo long to post on the blog kept telling me that when I tried to upload so I just posted the link to it so nice that you can view even if you don't have

<a href=">Jordyn group doing Surf Up Teen Beach movie song</a> They asked if the kids try not to wear bathing suits to dance in as you can see some parents don't listen they wanted beach or summer attire

JudyEddy said...

the link didn't work the first time click on one more try to goto my blog

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. It felt good to sleep in my own bed.

Lolly, welcome home!

Janet, how was Olivia's concert? Who did she see?

All 3 of my hummingbird feeders were MT this morning - I filled them before we left on Monday. They're in high demand this time of year, since all of this year's youngins are competing with the adults for the nectar.

Lynne2, the vet said Bryan is in good health for a 30 year old donkey - said he could live to be 50! He also told Lynnis (who will have to tell the renters) that even though he's at a good weight, 3-4 smaller meals a day would be better for his digestion at his age than 2 larger meals.

Judy, any news on a new position for you at Walmart?

Tennis for me this morning, then a rescheduled nail appointment and then a tennis social this afternoon/evening.

Have agreat day all.

Judie said...

Congratulations! Lynne2, so happy the sale has been finalized. May the positive changes begin asap! As for Steve, the cholesterol and blood sugar is correctable. Please do encourage Steve to speak up about not being informed of the test results. Good thing is now he knows he has to call and ask.

Can't see Loweeeda, but happy her dental work is complete and she now is more beautifuller than ever.

JudyE, glad the talent show was enjoyable.

Sandi, you are already into your morning tennis. Glad you had those days with the family. They will be fine and the experience will be an amazing experience for Freyja. Enjoy the social this afternoon. Good news about Bryan and I expect Lynnis was feeling more optimistic.

Hi Suzan.

Foraging for weekend supplies is on the agenda today. Must also decide on a contribution to the National Night Out Against Crime potluck.

Wishing everyone the best day possible.

Mema Jo said...

Good Red Friday morning to all ♥

Fresh green leaves in center of the nest - Belle must have been there earlier.

Enjoy your tennis eventful day Sandi. I think I know where you will be headed on your next vacation.

Lynne2 I hope the closing yesterday went without any hitches. Prayers for Steve to get some action going for better health.

No plans for the day - perhaps Pizza this evening - it is less humid right now -
Hoping for clear sky tonight for the FULL moon.


Mema Jo said...

Hi Judie - aren't the Meatballs the items for your neighborhood event?
I bet all would be disappointed without them. Speaking of them makes me hungry and I
just realized I need to eat breakfast!

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Phew still have really busy times but this week is a lighter more fun kind of busy. Yesterday I got to go photograph 9 labs at Jetlabs Retreivers . All were beautiful fun dogs. They were having pool time. I am sure I will share some photos over on fb.

Becky's surgery for the mass on her ovary will be next Wed. We are still waitign for the time.

Zoey has a vet appt on Monday now instead of today. She took her last antibiotic yesterday. Still will stay on prednisone and liver supplement for another month or so.

Patches is cute as a button and smart as a tack lol. She makes me smile.

Gabby is fat and sassy. I am actually trying to cut back on her food intake. She isn't so happy with that. It's hard since Zoey has some catching up to do.

This afternoon I might actually go swimming at the local pool for a while Haven't done that in years. I usually swim at the local fitness center but it is closed for clean up and we all get to go to the pool for free. I will go work on my tan :-) hagd everyone.

Lolly said...

Good morning! We arrived home safe and sound! Had a great time, though we had some misfortune! Will tell you about it later. Need to get out and clean the trailer before it gets too hot. 104 here yesterday! We had the trailer unloaded and the wash started within an hour. Then got busy watering plants. LAurel was unloaded and gone within 30 min, probably more like 20 min. They had an hour drive ahead of them in bad traffic. Joseph had his first band meeting at 6:30.

Out to clean. Later!

Do like the fresh green leaves in the middle of the nest!

Judie said...

Hi, y'all come on over to the fresh thread.

3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...