Friday, July 31, 2015


New thread.


Judie said...

Thank you Steve for the fresh Friday thread. Have a wonderful weekend.

Jo, thank you. Yes, I think meatballs again. Contemplated something different. But, meatballs are easy.

Glo, sounds as if all the critters are doing as well as possible. Have fun at the pool. Continued prayers.

The next person to walk in the door gets the feather.

Off to forage.

Sandi said...

Thanks Steve for the new thread and Judie for the call over. Quick check in - off to OC to get my nails done.


Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

Why are you passing that beautiful feather on, JUDIE? Is your headdress full? Thanks for the call over and much thanks to STEVE for a spanking new thread!

GLO, so happy with the report on all members of your menagerie! Enjoy the swim and please know our thoughts and prayers are with you all as your daughters surgery day approaches.

LOLLY, we're on the edge of our seats waiting to hear about your misfortune. It's never a good thing when vacations are interrupted with woes.

SANDI, enjoy that feather JUDIE so generously passed on to you! Glad you enjoyed a good sleep in your own bed. Enjoy all tennis activities and that mani-pedi!

LYNNE2, glad you now have STEVE's important test results so that a transition into healthy practices can be made before it's too late!

Going back for another review of posts......

Mema Jo said...

Iam blessed! I just had a pair of Eastern Bluebirds taking advantage of my bird bath!

Thank you Steve for the fresh Friday thread. This should last the weekend and I hope you enjoy yours

I need to return to our previous thread......... Seems there may be some news

Kay said...

Oh dear, another Momster gravitates to FB. LORETTA, how about an avatar pic of your pretty new smile for we blogsters to enjoy? Please don't be a stranger here--we miss the Momsters who've forsaken us for FB! I won't try to list them as I'd surely leave some out, but I do so miss them! Perhaps JUDIE and I eventually be the only people here---good thing we enjoy each other so much!☺

SANDI, what a good donkey report for Lynnis! All the donkey talk reminds me of the 20 or so years Stan and I spent in Bullhead City, AZ. Wild donkeys roam the hills there, enjoying the water provided by the Colorado River and Lake Mohave. The quaint Route 66 town of Oatman is close by and there you mingle with donkeys as they roam the streets and enjoy handouts of carrots tourists buy from storekeepers. Perhaps some of you have been there. I had no idea they can live into their 50's!

Moving on to e-mail, news....Need to dust and vacuum today but will I work up the necessary energy to do so? Not so sure!

Prayers for all in need!!!


JudyEddy said...

Out and about at Angie work and find a new one THANKS FOR THE NEW ONE STEVE

JudyEddy said...

finally home oh boy what a morning I had don't want to repeat it

I had gone to eat breakfast as I grabbed my umbrella and keys had money in pocket and opened the door of my truck as I did It started a monsoon of rain sideways I immediately threw keys back in to truck as I was trying to close the umbrella and be back in truck Well I wanted to wailt till until rain stopped and I started to look for my keys that I threw in the truck LO and behold I can't find them 20 min looking and can't find I even had a young gentleman look we can't find the
keys I got so aggravated I walked home which was about a mile and a half got spare key and walked back up to get truck then went to Angie work Who also looked for my keys and she couldn't find either She even pulled some of the plastic mold off the back incase they went in were the back pilot seats area
So I came home parked on the car port and was going to give it one more try they have to be in the truck there is no where else they could be Well the area where Angie tore the plastic off needed popped back in I looked further in that area and that is were the were they had gotten in behind the pilot seat were the jack is kept I had the flash light and saw them there SO when I flung them they went to the back of the truck

JudyEddy said...

looks like someone brought in some greenery almost in center of nest sycamore leaves maybe

Judie said...

Foraging completed.

Has taken me 30 minutes to cool down.

Exhausted reading JudyE's activities.

Hi Kay. Hi Jo.

Feet going up.

Sandi said...

Jo, bluebirds are so beautiful and it's so rare to see them here. What a treat for you.

Judy, you have black mold in your truck??? That stuff is really dNgerous! 😜 glad you found your missing keys.

Lolly, what was the misfortune? You're killing us here!

My nails are now a lovely shade of pale pink with a lovely butterfly on each ring finger.

Prayers for the needs of everyone on this blog family. Stay cool.


JudyEddy said...

NO MOLD IN TRUCK keys were found under
plastic molding that Angie popped out
Heading to get Jordyn and to her house

stronghunter said...

Good afternoon.

Trying to figure out where that rascal kitten has gone. It is too quiet around here. Hunter is with his tutor and I brought Smokey up to my room so she would not interrupt again.

Wondering what happened on Lolly's vacation too.

stronghunter said...

Haven't ever had a fancy professional nail polishing done, Sandi. Yours sounds lovely.

Glad you found your key, Judy.

Sent a friend request to Loretta on FB. Not sure she knows my real name.

We will have chicken pot pie tonight, I think. Had cheeseburgers and corn on the cob last night.

JudyEddy said...

I also sent Loretta a request and a few suggestions

Janet said...

good evening to all. another day, done.

JUDYE: so glad you found your keys! I know you must have been very aggravated. I sure would have been!

SANDI: your nails sound beautiful! I miss having long nails sometimes. And as for Olivia, she saw R5 in concert.

Busy day done.

There is a new therapist, who is a friend of mine. Her name is Corrie. I met her several years ago when she was in one of my Reiki classes. She is a very intuitive healer. Just over a year ago, I ran into her (before she was a therapist) and talked her into working @ massage envy.

When the boss opened his own massage therapy school, Corrie received the scholarship to that school. And, earlier this year, she became a massage therapist! I am so proud of her!

So today I was able to get a massage from her and she has an incredible technique.
I knew she would be a natural!

I anticipate a quiet evening and hopefully a quiet tomorrow. Its going to be a good pool day, I think.

Everyone have a lovely evening!

Hugs to all

Lynne2 said...

Evening all!

I feel like I have been run over by a truck. We gutted the donkey's stall and the walkway, and put down the new sawdust in the stall. Cleaned Wesley's feet (he was a jerk tonight!) and cleaned Buttercup's feet, put on the meds...all is right with the happy new world! NOT!!! Buttercup would NOT go into the stall. She was afraid of the sawdust!!! OMG! After all that work, it was the last thing we had energy for. It took both of us pushing and pulling and coaxing and bribing for 20 minutes to finally get her in! It would have made a great video! But once she was in and paced around for a while, she was fine.

I would LOVE to see wild donkeys! But did you know that the Bureau of Land Management will round them up periodically and sell them to south American countries to use for work?

Lynne2 said...

Good grief Judy, what an adventure. You look back on this one day and laugh. LOL!

Nice that you have a friend working with you and on you Janet! I've never had a professional massage.

Lynne2 said...

Had the pleasure of seeing the "blue moon" as it was setting early this AM. It sure was bright and it was nice and cool and dry outside!

Janet said...

poor LYNNE2 NEEDS a professional massage after her day! YIKES!
I am sure that would have made a funny video.....

I am very sleepy. I think the Sandperson snuck up behind me and walloped me with a sand of sleepy sand. heading to bed shortly.

night all! sweet and lovely dreams

Lynne2 said...

The Coast Guard has officially suspended it's search tonight at sunset for the 2 missing Florida boys. So sad. Private search continues.

Mema Jo said...

We had a pizza party with some of the family here at the house. It was fun and the pizzas were good.

After everyone left some TV shows were on.

Now I am yawning and ready to go to sleep.

Don't forget to turn your calendars......... Soon to be AUGUST

Goodnight to all ♥

**Hope you found Smokey, Shirley

Mema Jo said...

New Picture

My Little Piano Man

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

It's been a hot, humid, and busy week for us. I've sort of adjusted to the warmer weather, but NOT the humidity! Had about a 10-minute thunderstorm last night, then that was all.

Sis-in-law and bro-in-law got back from a week in Cabo yesterday. We're supposed to meet her for breakfast tomorrow, so will get filled in on their vacation time.

Lolly, what happened on your trip? I looked for a post, but either missed it, or you haven't posted anything yet. Now I'm concerned! Hope all is well!

Lynne2, glad to hear that the sale went through OK! Very happy that the donkeys are getting taken care of for their feet, too! Can't imagine how frustrated you must've been. It's good that Steve finally got his lab results. The cholesterol and the A1C can be dealt with, without too much trouble....Oh--I am so sorry to hear about the kitty at your work!

That reminds me--Shirley, did you find that rascal of a kitten?

Well, I need to go spend some time with Emma before bed. She's feeling needy at the moment--someone in our neighborhood set off a firecracker shortly before sunset, and she almost didn't eat her dinner! Finally talked her into eating, and barely got her to go out back (had to drag her on a leash) to go potty before dark! Come on, people! The 4th is OVER! Tomorrow it's August! Aargh!

Have added some people to my prayer list. Jo, prayers continue for you, as always. Hope you're feeling well. Goodnight and God bless, everyone. I ♥ us!

JudyEddy said...

Good morning eagle buds

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. Happy 1st day of August!

Judy, I knew you meant "black molding" but, since you typed "black mold," I was just giving you a hard time.

Shirley, I hope you found that vanishing kitten!

Lolly, oh Lolly ... we're waiting!!!

Lynne2, sometimes you feel like no good deed goes unpunished, right? Glad you finally got Buttercup back into her stall.

Lynnis sent me photos of the house completely MT and spotlessly clean. Gee, I would have loved to see the spotlessly clean part in person!! They gave the keys to their renters last night and they will be moving in today. Brian, Lynnis, Freyja and the 2 dogs are living at the Quality Inn in Shepherdstown until Monday.

Lynnis gave me a very pretty tabletop fountain that she had on her front porch but had stopped using b/c the pump broke. I need to drive to the Pottery Place in Fenwick to find a saucer to put under it and hopefully they sell pumps as well; otherwise I'll be ordering one from Amazon. I know I could find both at Lowes but that's too far a drive to make on a Saturday when renters are moving in and moving out and the traffic is horrible. I'm excited to get it set up on the screened porch - I love the sound of moving water.

Have agreat day all.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Once again, Sandperson smacked me with sleepy dust early in the evening.

Osprey chicks are making beautiful flights and learning to fish, the baby loon is almost 3 months and is diving and learning to fish, our nest was MT.

I'm sure Shirley found Smokey but it would be great to know for sure.

After reading about the JudyE and then the Lynne2 adventures, I may need a morning nap. Good part is keys were found and Buttercup has a fresh clean stall.

Andy, good to know you stopped by. Hope Kubby and all the family are doing well. Hugs for Emma.

Happy shopping Sandi. Trickling water is very soothing.

Spending time in the scullery today. Maybe a small load of laundry.

Wishing everyone a wonderful day.

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning on this first day of August !

Not too humid outside right now but I have no place to venture other then my deck to the peanut pot!

Windows 10 is out there for downloading - I never downloaded 8.1 - Bev and Sharon have
installed 10 on their computers but I haven't checked on FB yet how it is going. I
prefer to wait until all, if any, glitches are removed.

Sandi - your nails sound beautiful. Christine (gd) uses those Jamanicure nail coverings. Lots of pretty patterns that you put on yourself.

Hoping that all of you have a wonderful weekend. BBL

Janet said...

good morning! its August 1 as you all know.....the day of celebrating first harvests for me. :)

I feel as if the entire month of july was spent taking care of others, primarily children.....and so this 4 day weekend is about me. or at least, today is. lol. that sand knocked me out last night and I have just now gotten up. I slept 12 hours.

I THINK I may have been a little tired.

it is already hot. I have things on the agenda. today is nail, teeth brushing and grooming day for my furry children. they will not be pleased.....but it must be done!

and the pool is calling my name

Tom is at work. he will be home by 3.

everyone, make it a wonderful day. will check in later!

JudyEddy said...

HELLO on lunch I thin 1208 was pucnh

SANADI I went back to read and I typed back mold not black you pulling my chain LOL

It is raining and raining and more coming at least didn't start till almost noon Angie had school property clean up today 9-12 and she was hoping it would hold off and yeah it did

I can't get the still cam on my laptop no date and time on it

had a talk with CO Peter and he told me I was to valuable of asset to loose and I will be doing the same thing I am doing They are going to have a price change team and I am it ME myself and I LOL I will do all the consumable depts only since the dept mgr job description has really changed so I feel so much better now And they want to reconsider retiring completely and maybe go to part time hours I told them I will think about it


I am not downloading the windows I have VISTA and Window Starter 7 on my laptop I am happy with both and prefer not to change

JudyEddy said...

tried to get still on tablet and its a no go on it also

Hope everyone has a great day in no matter what they do today

Need to call worried about my sister hearing pools talk to her now I know that is a issue from when I worked in neuropsychiatry years ago LOL

JudyEddy said...

LOVE THE PIANO MAN love it when you all change the babies pictures since they do change so much in the first couple of years

JORDYN the other day looked at all the pic I have of her over the years in the hall and ask How come I had so many I said because you changed so much over the years and as you get older you really don't change as much She goes that makes sense So glad she approved lol

I automatically went to WR to watch the adults are still bringing food to the nest tree NO nest but they are eating on the branches I do hope they keep the cam up that way we can see them rebuild the nest from scratch
if they decided to rebuild there They said its a good sign that they will being they are bringing food to the tree still

JudyEddy said...

I do think we had visitors to the nest because the greenery that was brought in yesterday as been moved around

ok gonna go to FB and check RR email see ya later

JudyEddy said...


Mema Jo said...

JudyE I find that our still cam goes black when it hits the 30sec mark - If I don't want to wait for it to come back up I hit F5 to refresh it.

One of our juvies was in the nest early morning 7:20am for a while. FB Eagle Cam
has photos. I shared them to our FB Eaglet Momsters page.
This morning it is reported to have heard lots of eagle call and also a Owl.
Check out the videos over under the Outdoor Live cam..........

Mema Jo said...

For all you momsters that watch Poldark as I do on Sundays........ This Sunday
8/2 there is the 2 hours final show. Makes me Sad :(

Watch a preview - (YOU PROBABLY NEED fb TO SEE THIS ??)

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds!!!

SHIRLEY, where are you and Where's Smokey?

LOLLY, we are waiting for the Rest of the Story.

LYNNE2, check your e-mail as I sent you something on The Bureau of Land Management and the way things happen in Northwestern AZ at any rate. is the link if anyone else is interested. I've not heard about donkeys being sold to other countries. The way they proliferate I can't imagine any country having to buy donkeys if they've ever had them in their area.

JUDY, how nice to get confirmation that you Really are a valued member of the WallyWorld team. Wish they'd made that a little more clear prior to now. Why don't you give full time retirement a try first---sounds like you'll always find the Welcome mat out should you decide to return to part time employment.

JO, America's Got Talent and so does the Lennox family! Look out world, here comes Elliot! I'm not going for Windows 10 until my s.i.l. gives me the green light--can't say as I have any complaints anyway.

SANDI, sweet of Lynnis to give you the fountain! I love the sound of that kind of water, too.

JANET, glad you have a long weekend to enjoy!

JUDIE, wishing you a wonderful day, too! I'll bet wonderful aromas are wafting from your kitchen today!

I think Seth will be here this evening. I think I'll just pull a frozen pizza from the freezer and build around that for a simple supper.

Prayers for all in need!!!


Sandi said...

Hi all! Hope you're staying cool on this very hot day!

Judy, so you mis-typed and I mis-read ... it happens!

Lolly, still waiting!

Bought a small pump and a saucer and got the fountain set up on the porch - sounds nice! Also fertilized all my flowers in pots. Now I think I'll close my eyes and listen to the fountain. Bella had me awake during the night doing a lot of "snuffling" (just sounded congested, though she's sleeping quietly right now).

This evening is the Adopt a Canal End party where the winners of the gift certificates will be announced. I will let you all know if we place in the top 3 - fingers crossed!


Kay said...

JO, I just could not get into Poldark, but my Eileen hooked. I'll give it another try when the re-runs begin. Since I don't have cable I get plenty of chances to watch such things---two of our three PBS stations specialize in re-runs.

JUDIE, I want to thank you for keep Jufie in time out! I've been getting some good sleep this week---thank the Sandperson for me, please!

Thinking of our eagle family as they seem to be oot and aboot every time I check. I consider that a good sign!

Kay said...

SANDIE or Sanadi as you are sometimes called, my fingers are crossed! I do so hope you'll be the big winner!

Mema Jo said...

This is the saddest news ever;

Cecil the lion's brother, Jericho, is also illegally killed in Zimbabwe, official says

By Michael Martinez and Deborah Bloom, CNN

Updated 2:59 PM ET, Sat August 1, 2015

(CNN)The brother of slain Cecil the lion, named Jericho, was killed Saturday in Hwange National Park in Zimbabwe, a senior park official told CNN.

Jericho was gunned down by a hunter operating illegally, said Johnny Rodrigues, head of the Zimbabwe Conservation Task Force.

Jericho was taking care of Cecil's cubs.

Lolly said...

Howdy! Waiting for the arrival of Laurel and boys! Going shopping! are the woes!

Brought the trailer home Thursday late Thursaday! Jack backed the trailer up our driveway and took out the AC on branches on one of the pecan trees! I yelled but he had window up and did not hear me. Spring rains had encouraged the trees to grow more than he expected. He cut branches and came on up. Damage was severe. He hooked back up and quickly took it to repair. Had to be replaced. Approx $1,000. BUT, it was replaced and the trailer back in the driveway by noon Saturday! Jack did have to cut more branches.

On way to beach we stopped for lunch. Could not get in the trailer, the lock was jammed. Called a lock smith but after several calls we got one but it was goin to be an or or so before he got to us. We drove on and when we got to the ferry we called a locksmith in Port A. When we crossed we went straight to his place and in minutes he had it unjammed! $80. Arrived at the RV park. AC worked fine and then in the middle of the AC. Talk about miserable and not much sleep. Called repair in the morning. Jack stayed with the trailer and Laurel and I went to the beach with the boys. We are right there by the beach, but pull a loaded wagon on Boardwalk across the dunes. Came back at noon but still no AC. There was a breeze thank goodness so we spent the afternoon wearing minimal clothing and drinking cold beverages while sitting in the shade of the awning. Repairmen finally arrived late afternoon. Laurel and boys had gone back to the water! Great, friendly guys repaired it in minutes. It was the fuse in the thermostat. Ahhhh, cool air once again and out yet more money. The rest of the trip was uneventful but Jack worried the whole time. Oh, and the refrigerator was not as cool as we would like but I think it was because we had two hot days of no AC !Su and Mon) and, we had two boys opening the door a lot!

This was our vacation!

Judie said...

Good afternoon. Well, perhaps not.

I cannot begin to fathom the desire to kill animals to obtain trophies. I also hope with all my heart that the killer and guides who aided in the killing of Cecil and Jericho are brought to justice. Cecil's killer is likely in Canada (no extradition treaty). Now, the genetic inheritance of both Cecil and Jericho will likely be lost as the next dominant males will kill their cubs. Why, I wonder, can these countries not outlaw safari hunting and make the illegal killing of animals an automatic life without possibility of parole? Am I angry? Well, that would be yes! Is money involved? I also think that is a yes. Thank you for letting me vent.

Sandi said...

Lolly, oh dear - your vacation woes sure were plentiful! So sorry.

Very sad news about the loss of those 2 beautiful lions. Sadly, what happened to them happens daily but the stories just don't make the news. When we went on safari in 2012 with Brian and Lynnis, Brian was talking about the possible extinction of the black rhino due to illegal hunting. Even the Tanzanian Ambassador's rhino, a gift from a dignitary from another country, was poached in a protected game preserve. Brian said that the conservation officers are willing to accept bribes to allow illegal hunting b/c the people there are so very poor that it's worth the risk to them.

I have enough trouble wrapping my head around the number of people here in Sussex County who hunt and eat the meat, so I agree with Judie that hunting just to hang an animal's head on the wall is simply unfathomable.

JudyEddy said...

Hello home from work

and I also HATE when people kill just to put up a head on their wall

Got home and I got a tad over 2 inches of rain while I was at work It started about 12

I called Angie she got the school property cleaned up done before the rain hit - trim bushes . pressure wash sidewalks install mulch, etc all by 35 volunteers and done by 1045 normally would last till 12 but with so many got done ahead of time But they still get the volunteer hours even if they get done early--- she was so surprised so many showed up and she found out someone also to take over the job of organizing the clean up several times a year
Being she is pres of the PTO not going to be time for it
Angie is a go getter and organizer
School is so lucky to have her She has so many new ideas
They told her she doesn't have to reinvent the wheel this year LOL
I think she has a 3 yr term plenty of time to do that they said LOL
She found another restaurant (Cracker Barrel) that is slightly cheaper for the Thanksgiving dinner at the school save some $ there the other restaurant was on the dirty dining list

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY you could make a National Lampoon vacation movie out of your vacation Write the script so sorry for all the woes and happy you are home

Mema Jo said...

Keep an eye on our nest to see if any adults or juvies visit.
There was an OWL intrusion around lunch time today.
The outdoor cam has Deb's videos for you to watch.
Deb got a reply from Steve: the woods are crawling with barred owls right now!

We are all hoping our eagle family is ok!

JudyEddy said...

The news said that the other lion was not killed just a rumor

Lynne2 said...

There are conflicting reports about the lion

Jericho the lion

Judie said...

Goodnight everyone.

Sandperson is on the way.

Restful sleep for all.

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all
♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

stronghunter said...


Yes, I found the kitten. She was sleeping on the kitty window seat I had fixed for George. I had showed it to her the day before. A kitty can sit there and observe doings in the backyard.

We are trying something new tonight. The kitty is sleeping with Kathryn instead of being caged. She makes the most awful mess in the cage. Litter is everywhere in and around the cage. We clean it up, and it is very shortly a mess again. She has been wanting to sleep with Luna, so if she doesn't sleep with Kathryn, she might be happy to sleep with Luna. Kathryn made sure to take Luna to her room along with Smokey. Poor Luna is not entirely sure what to make of this arrangement. She has never been bathed by a cat before. She has only experienced kitty wrath.

stronghunter said...

Add me to the list of people who hate the idea of killing an animal just to put its head on a wall. I do hope the other lion has not been killed.

Interesting about the owl intrusion at the nest.

It looks like we will be making a quick trip to Virginia Beach when Chris and Maeghan come to visit. We have been discussing visiting various museums and monuments. I said I thought it would be fun to go to Chincoteague, but it is a bit far for a day trip when Kathryn mentioned that we might go to Virginia Beach and stay overnight. When I mentioned that, Maeghan immediately gave it a thumbs up, so Virginia Beach it is. These Colorado people do not get a lot of ocean beach time.

stronghunter said...

Good grief, Lolly. What a mess. I remember those days of directing my hubby when he moved the trailer. We did not have an air conditioner to scrape off the top, though.

stronghunter said...

Speaking of wildlife, Hunter and Will found two baby bunnies in the front yard when they were cutting grass. They placed them under the front porch in hopes that the mother would find them there. I was not home at the time, but Will did take some pictures. The bunnies looked like they were probably of an age to be starting to hop out of the nest, though Hunter thought they weren't really hopping yet. I hope they will be okay. We did spot an adult rabbit nearby, so that is probably mommy rabbit.

stronghunter said...

All seems quiet in Kathryn's room, so maybe Smokey will keep still. I hope so. She cries pitifully when we put her in the cage. It wasn't too bad when there were two kittens, but she is a snuggler and does not like being alone.

stronghunter said...

Kitty is now in here and playing with her toy. She has been bugging Kathryn and the dog for some time, it seems. I am going to turn the light off. SED, everyone.

Kay said...

Good Way Too Early in the Morning Eagle Buds!!!

My bod is all achin' n' wracked with pain and for no reason I can identify. Went right to sleep upon going to bed, but woke up a couple of hours later with whatever this is! Grrrr. Seth and Penny are sleeping soundly.

Anxious to see the nest and hoping to see our eagles today. Don't like the sounds of an owl threat. Also anxious to hear more about Cecil's brother. Sounds fishy because I don't think male lions tend to cubs---they have little to do with a female once their part is carried out---I'm going to have to do a little lion research.

JUDY, you are justifiably proud of Angie--you raised a fine daughter!!!

SHIRLEY, hope Smokey settled right down at lights out! You may have acquired a permanent bed pal! Virginia Beach will be lots of fun and a complete change of pace for your guests from Colorado! Fingers crossed for those little bunnies!

LOLLY, here's a little Pollyanna for you as it occurs to me that Jacob and Joseph may have received a valuable life lesson as they observed you adults coping with adversity, solving problems and getting through each glitch with grace and dignity. What a saga that vacation turned out to be!

Praying for all in need and our dear eagle family.


JudyEddy said...

Goon morning eagle buds

Kay said...

Yep, this seems to back up my contention re:male lions. They do have their territories and guard over their harem and cubs and that may be what the early reports had to say about Jericho. He and Cecil are not blood brothers but formed a two lion coalition to protect the territory it seems. Regardless, it is disgusting that such animals are killed sole for "sport" and trophies to hang on the wall. I'm not a hunting fan, but can tolerate those who kill game animals for food. The food pantry where I volunteer receives lbs. and lbs. of frozen venison each year. It's hard to talk a lot of folks into taking it unless you can tell them how to prepare it and disguise the gamey taste that so many dislike. Okay--enough outta me for a while, but I'll BE BAHK!

Just stroke that link as if you were going to delete, then right click and hit on "open this link" for a really good overview of the life and loves of a lion.☺

Kay said...

Good Morning JUDY! So it's off to work you go, eh? Have a good one!!!

Kay said...

Good light at the nest now and no sign of mayhem, but I'd love to see one of our eagles checking in!

Kay said...

Here again, I'm playing amateur animal behaviorist, but isn't it rare to see an owl midday? Aren't they nocturnal? If I'm right it seems that owl was sadly disoriented or ill????

Kay said...

I said I was going away and then just kept coming back---now I'm really going away, I promise!

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends.

Kay, it's a pleasure to see you as an early bird, but not b/c you're in pain. I hope it subsides quickly and maybe you can some more sleep. Thanks for the interesting lion facts - I'm glad to hear that Jericho is alive and well.

Shirley, I hope you got a restful night's sleep. I'm happy to hear that you are no longer caging your kitten.

Our canal end won 3rd place. The 1st place winner truly deserved it. Her husband even built a wooden arbor for the canal end - it's beautiful. But the 2nd place winner, who also took 1st place last year, does not have a prettier canal end than mine. But she has more neighbors who help her to maintain the canal end and I guess each one of them sent out a request to their friends to vote. Thanks to all who voted for me - the $50 gift certificate will come in handy.

Need to clean the upstairs today - company arrives on Thursday, my brother's middle child and her son who is about 8. Also a young lady who I taught as a 5th grader and who is a friend on Facebook, is coming to Bethany with a friend of hers. She asked if she could stop by for a visit and I offered her and her friend a free place to stay. We have plenty of empty bedrooms, so why not?

Have agreat day all.

Judie said...

Good morning.

So pleased that everyone is doing well and that Jericho may also be well and fine.

Shirley, as long as Smokey knows the consistent location and can get to the litter box, she should be fine outside the cage.

Lolly, sorry you had so much to cope with on your vacation. As Kay says, it was an excellent opportunity to demonstrate coping skills.

Speaking of Kay, I do hope she is starting to feel better. Aches and pains are no fun.

Congratulations Sandi. Enjoy spending the prize money.

JudyE, be sure to let Angie know the momster are proud of her efforts. Congratulations!

Headed to another sip or two of coffee then perhaps to the Sunday market.

Wishing everyone a beauteous day.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Kitten is napping after having spent a good part of the night cavorting all over Kathryn. She came to see me long enough to bite me.

JudyEddy said...

Hello on lunch 1202 is punch time

and once again we had a torrential down pour on band going on and more to come and as always the store is a zoo

wall to wall people

JudyEddy said...

I chalked up more brownie points today

I am working the exceptions
Co Gina walked in the back and saw me She asked whatcha doing
I explained working the exception
She then said I was wondering who we were gonna get to do them I said as along as I am here I will help with them as long as not heavy She said I knew I loved you for a reason LOL
We have three co managers
I also told her I did all the meat price changes in the 3 depts that don't have a dept mgr just yet More brownie points LOL also told her there were lots of counts in the screen waiting for her approval
She states you always take the initiative to do stuff
No one ever has to ask what you are doing or tell you to do something she rephrased it

Janet said...

GOOD SUNDAY TO ALL! I am so glad to be here!

First and foremost, JUDYE: lol, loved your comment. YES the pool calls my name as does the coffee pot!
Seriously, way back when I was getting a divorce, as you know, or may not, depression was something I have dealt with for a good part of my life. And the waste of skin insisted that I had to be reviewed by a psychiatrist before consenting to me having custody of the children (long ugly story). Anywho, I remember that on one of the “tests” that I had to take, the answer was only true or false. Period. No inbetween. There were statements: and one I specifically remember because I literally laughed and wondered what would happen to those who say yes: The statement was ‘THE TREES TALK TO ME” true or false….

That’s been….21 years ago and I still remember that one!

And I’m glad you were recognized for your outstanding work and that they made a new “position” for you sis! ! (((Hugs))) massive big hugs!
Dear LOLLY: you may need mega hugs too after that vacay! So sorry!

JUDIE: I am with you. I understand the need to cull animals….nature does a good bit of that. And in hunting, if you eat the animals, that too I understand….but to kill just to hang it on a wall???? That baffles me.
JUDYE: so happy for Angie! You raised a marvelous woman there! She will find PTO very rewarding…for her and for Jordyn. ;)

Janet said...

Now, my story of the day!
So yesterday I did pretty much as planned. All dogs got manni-pedis, teeth cleaned, brushed and bathed. (all were disgusted).
Then I heeded the sound of the water and plopped down in the pool for over 2 hours. (sigh) great contentment. I had a radio going ….even ate my lunch out there!

Around 3 p.m. I went in and decided I should check my phone. As I did it was ringing (I keep it on silent most of the time) -it was Tom calling.

He was broke down. On his way home from work, from downtown, the wagon died.
So I gathered what we needed, jumped in the truck and went down to get him.
We figured out the alternator died. Well durn. So called Good Sams club to resuce us, but the tow company that was 1 mile away would take 90 min to come tow the car. (that would have been 6:30 p.m) So Tom was aggravated and said I don’t think so…we went and got an alternator and headed back.
I guess he started work on the car about 5 p.m.?
We are down town, well lit but near the Rescue Mission…where the homeless hang out.
Well while it was light out, I was nervous but okay. I did have my pepper spray gun at the ready.
The car was not being cooperative in anyway. It took til 8:30 to get the old alternator off.
I said, its getting dark, let’s call the tow truck, have it towed and you can finish this tomorrow. Or just leave it here, and we’ll come back in the a.m.
Well he wasn’t in agreement. I explained my concern, dark, downtown, rescue mission, nut cases walking around.
Oh we’ll be fine.
And thankfully we were….BUT…..
It took til past 11 to get the new alternator in and the car put back together.
In the meantime, a man came walking up to us. Now lots and lots of people walked by and past us. We were near the Nashville Winery and there had been a good crowd in there that night but no one bothered us until dude walked up

First he walked up and said “what’s going on here?”
Tom answered “working on my car”
Then he stood really close. I popped the safety off on the pepper spray.
He picked up the jumper cables
Tom said no, thanks we don’t need your help, leave those alone.
He backed off a bit, he could see me holding the pepper spray gun, but it was dark and he likely wasn’t sure if it was a gun, taser or what.
Then he went back after the jumper cables.
Tom stopped him again.
THEN he tried to get in the truck and Tom stopped him. Then he took a picture of tom . ?????? what in the world????
Tom saw a police officer, flagged him down for help.
I was shaking like a leaf.
When the officer came up I put the safety back on the pepper spray, but it would not have taken much more…I was ready to level him with it.

Thankfully we were done with the car and all we had to do was clean up. Tom told me to keep watch with my spray while he gathered tools and got cleaned up He was afraid dude would double back. The officer had called him “odd” but likely not a threat.
Sure didn’t feel that way.
Thankful today! So thankful!
And Tom said as we went to bed that my idea had been right to call the tow truck and have it taken home. I said I’m just glad we are okay. It was, btw 11:30 when we arrived home….
All right heading out to the grocery. Later ya’ll!!!

grannyblt said...

Where is Jo? Haven't seen a comment from her today..

Judie said...

JudyE, congratulations on yet another compliment on your work and work ethic.

Janet, I'm off to the scullery for a glass of wine after your adventure. Seriously, so glad you and Tom were able to get home safely.

Really am headed to the scullery.

Bet Jo is having some wonderful family time.

grannyblt said...

I think Iwe all have had stories to tell recently--here is mine.
Those of you on FB may have seen a picture I posted recently of my TX friends, who visited here for a few days last week. On Thursday we decided to visit Lehmans, a store that is of particular interest to Amish. It has interesting household items, tools, etc. they have a healthy catalogue business and are located about 100 east and south of me. After our shopping spree and lunch, we made a pit stop and filled up with cheap ohio gasoline. About an hour into our journey we were stopped in traffic about a mile behind a horrible accident. There was no way to turn around and we were stuck for FOUR hours. One man, his dog, and 3 horses were killed, with 7 or so other horses injured. Some nice folks passed out water after about 3 hours. An experience for us , but much worse for those involved, of course.

Mema Jo said...

I have no story to tell
But I think it is ok that I be here

I was having a Jennifer morning and then I was having a relaxing afternoon.
My scullery is at Red Lobster - they are fixing our dinner meal and hubby is picking it up.

I have never been stuck in traffic for more then an hour - bay bridge traffic coming home. Lynne1 - you were lucky to have had a full tank of gas - sounds like a horrific
accident - so sorry about all the horses - prayers for all the humans.

Mema Jo said...

Congratulations Sandi on your prize - Third out of many many is great! I'm assuming that only the residents are the only voters. I hope all your tennis mates voted for you and Denny.

Janet - scary night! Thankful everything worked out - good to carry your mace!
Glad you didn't need to use it.

This Wed I should have a visit from my granddaughter and 3 of the 5 greats! The 2 oldest will be at camp all week. I told her I was not putting it on my calendar because it seems to jinx fun things - just call me the day before....

Lynne1 - I did see you and your friend's pic on FB. Happy they were able to visit even if it was sitting inside a car!

Mema Jo said...

I even forgot to come by late last night to say Goodnight - sorry.

Shirley - Smokey does need a friend - Luna just isn't up to it. Jenny had Blizzard for almost a year when she got Stormy. She kept them separated for about a week - then they worked on being friendly with each other. Blizzard still has special places that Stormy goes near and them and gets in trouble.
Hope Kathryn can get a good match for Smokey.

Kay I pray you are feeling well this afternoon..... I had a time getting to sleep last night but I felt well - no pains - just my brain going a mile a minute.

Judy it sounds as though a lot of people are going to miss you when you retire. Be gracious and accept their compliments - you deserve them

Mema Jo said...

I hope Buttercup and Wesley are doing well ♥

Lynn2 - Before a dr appointment for a check up - I always get my blood work done the
week before so that the results can be discussed. This happens every 6 months - the dr
writes the order for which tests he needs. Steve could start doing this.

Judie - did you go out to Sunday Market today. I need to get some sweet corn before
the season is over. Jenny's tomatoes have such tough skins - I actually peel them.
Daughter Kris got peaches from the orchard and promises to bring me a Peach Pie.
I long to get over to Shep'twn Market - see Megan and some of the other Venders. It has
been too hot - miss it.


JudyEddy said...

Home from work

congrats SANDI on the 50 better than nothing

lots of stories here Janet funny after the fact that he agreed with you but that a man thing as we all know

LYNNE1 so sad about the accident and stuck in traffic I don't recall ever being stuck in traffic for more that 15- 30 min maybe a couple of time can't recall so must not have been a big deal

what the heck our robot now has food do you all have pictures salad etc

JudyEddy said...

funny now the pictures are gone after I hit publish and didn't pick a food

JudyEddy said...

nest is mt

JudyEddy said...

I only got a half inch of rain at my house out of the rain that hit the store I want to get a rain gauge there I know they get twice or more rain than my place

Lolly said...

Good afternoon! Took the boys shopping for school clothes. That went well. They stayed for dinner and then the boys begged to spend the night. Lol. Laurel gave in and threw her clothes and all underwear in the wash. Into the dryer they went early this morn.

Early tomorrow I am heading down close to Houston. Two friends and I are headed down to visit a dear friend. Annie is very special to us. She lives with her sister and is wheel chair bound. She has help to dress, bathe, bathroom and to go to bed at night. Can hardly wait to see her. Have never been down to visit her. We are all going for pedicures and will also eat out. Annie's excited but so are we! Coming home Tuesday afternoon.

Kay, have not abandoned the blog for fb. I am just trying not to be on anything too much.

I was out watering this afternoon. Heard something and looked up. We see Mississippi Kites frequently, but flying high and giving off their whistle of a cry. This time a Kite was flying low and straight at me, landing in the Oak tree right by me. They are beautiful birds! I was blessed!

Judie said...

Darth's birthday dinner is history. Scullery is in order. My feet going up.

Jo, enjoy the peach pie. I decided to just go to the grocery instead of the market. Market next week for tomatoes and corn. Darth has activities so mostly sammiches this week. He had beer battered shrimp and home-made Cole slaw for this birthday dinner.

Lynne1, so sorry about the traffic delay but my heart is truly sad for the loss of the dog and horses and their human companion. So very sorry.

Lolly, safe travels.

Lynne2, I have the same experience as Jo. Blood work one week before Cardiologist and one week before Vascular. I think you mentioned Steve has care at a VA. So does Darth. Steve needs a primary and should have an agreement with that physician to either call him or take a call to get test results. Hope Buttercup is doing better and Wesley is there for her moral support.

Headed across the hall to put my feet up. Just in case...

Sandperson will be on the way at 11pm. Restful sleep for all.

Mema Jo said...

Received an email cc from Deb to Steve and Friends of NCTC asking about Eagle Cam equipment. Deb who records our NCTC eagles from the Live Feed made suggestions to
them concerning certain aspects of the new equipment that would benefit our viewing.

I will relay any info Deb receives from Steve or Friends of NCTC.

On the agenda for the Annual Social on 8/16 is the topic of Eagle Cam Equipment.

Mema Jo said...

Happy Birthday Frank aka Darth
Wishing you the best year ahead ♥

Judy please forward for me!

Mema Jo said...

I Am off to TV 9-11:00

Poldark on Masterpiece
9:00 PM on WETA 26 or MPT 22, 2 hr 2015 TV-PG

In the Season 1 finale, Poldark is blamed when Verity follows her heart; and Warleggan seeks to stamp out Poldark's smelting operation. In other events, an epidemic leads to tragedy; and a shipwreck proves to b both a blessing and a curse.

HAVING SAID THAT: Goodnight to all and AOYP with SED ♥

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all
♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Mema Jo said...

LYNNE1 - Talk about a cliff hanger for a last show! Poldark to Prison !
My mouth was left hanging open at the ending -


grannyblt said...

Well Jo, we knew if the series is to continue there wouldn't be a happy resolution to the story. I'm not familiar with the book or first series, so it will be something to look forward to next year.

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Quiet now. Luna is in Kathryn's room and Smokey is in Hunter's room. We tried to keep Smokey running and playing earlier so that she would be tired. We're also trying out a different type of litter box that might keep the litter in. High sides and a top. We tested it with Smokey and she can get in just fine.

Wow, Janet. That is quite a story. Glad you two are safe.

Congratulations, Judy, on the compliments from your employers. And congratulations, Sandi, on the win. You had lots of competition.

Happy birthday, Frank. :)

Thanks for staying on top of all things related to the eagle cam, Jo.

You ladies are reminding me that it is time for me to go get my blood work done before my next doctor visit.

Nurturing some volunteer tomato plants growing by the back steps. I think maybe Luna ate some tomatoes. Anyway, they are doing better than any tomatoes I have planted in prior years, so I have staked them. Lots of green tomatoes developing. I also have some cherry tomatoes growing in a pot on the front porch. They are doing well, too. I will need to get plenty of bacon because Hunter and I like BLTs.

Kay, I am really hoping that you are pain-free by now.

stronghunter said...

Glad that things are better for sweet Buttercup, Lynne2.

Gosh, I haven't been watching Poldark, Lynne1 and Jo. Sounds interesting. However, Kathryn has been watching a series called Heroes. I think it is on Netflix. So far, all I can say is that it is complicated.

stronghunter said...

Sad story about the traffic accident, Lynne1.

stronghunter said...

Windows 10--I may give it a try. I am using Windows 8 right now, and have not mastered it, though. But maybe they fixed some of the things that are bugging me about 8.

I am yawning, so I will say good night. SED, everyone.

JudyEddy said...

Good morning eaglebuds

Rain rain got woke up with it tried to fall back asleep no luck

Another 70% chance of rain and more urban flooding for areas

Sandi said...

Good Monday morning my eagle friends.

Judy, I'm happy to hear that things are falling into place for you as they should at work. Your news somewhat restores my faith in Walmart - from things I have read and heard in the news, I don't get the impression they treat their employees very well.

Kay, I hope you're feeling much better today.

Jo, chemo is over for now, am I right? Prayers continue for you.

Shirley, I hope Hunter got some sleep. As for Windows 10, I just keep dismissing the reminders to upgrade. Denny went for 8 to 10 and has noticed very little difference, but I'm running 7 and am vey happy with it. Hate to mess with success.

Judie, you asked earlier about Kevin's room. Two weeks after "the big clean-out," it looks - and smells - pretty good in there. However, Kevin has only been home 5 days out of the last 14, so we shall see.

Taking both dogs to the vet this morning - something I rarely attempt. But Bella has her yearly check-up(which reminds me, I need to schedule one of those for myself), and the vet wants to do a recheck on Jenni to make sure her infected anal gland is OK. No tennis on the schedule.

Brian & Kevin are being picked up at noon to go to Dulles International - 2 adults, 2 doxies in pet carriers, a toddler in a stroller, and all their luggage to be checked onto the plane. Flight is at 5pm and they should be in Mexico City by around 9pm (not sure if that's 9pm our time or their time since there is a 1 hour time difference).

Have agreat day all.

Sandi said...

Just reread my post - I meant to say Brian and Lynnis, not Brian & Kevin. Also, forgot to include Freyjita in the pick-up. Her first flight of many in her lifetime.

Janet said...

morning to all.

reading back everyone seems alive and well!

beautiful morning on tap. going to take the kid for her allergy shot, do a little house work and spend a bit of time in the pool this afternoon.

days are limited for that ya know.

hugs and love to all

Judie said...

Good morning.

Jo and Shirley, passed along your wishes to Darth. He was most appreciative. Said he got some surprise wishes on FB (yes, he uses).

Sandi, can only imagine how sad you feel. All will be fine. Hope Kevin continues to be at semi-neat/clean. Hoping Bella and Jenni will be declared healthy and fit.

Shirley, the high-sided littler boxes work well. Keep an eye out as Smokey gets bigger - you might need to remove the top.

Jo, thank you so much for the current updates from Deb and for those to come.

Wishing Kay is feeling better today and stops by to let us know.

Feeling a bit tired myself. Today is catch-up laundry and an attempt to finish a book that is not a well-written convoluted plot.

Hope everyone has the best day possible.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥

Some mornings with my coffee and then toast and cereal and then my meds I get interested in the newspaper. I always read Dear Abby, check the obituaries and the weather, sometimes the sports page before I turn on the pc. Then I go for the emails and the eagle cam to see the nest. Then I arrive here on the blog to read all the new comments before I say my 2 cents.

Sandi - yes chemo for right now is finished. CT on this Thursday to check me out - will know then if more chemo is necessary or if I will start cyber-knife radiation on this new little spot. Thanking everyone for the prayers and the positive thoughts
for my healing.

Mema Jo said...

Judie - I think the peach pies are going into the oven today. I won't see them until
Tues or Wed. Wed is when granddaughter and 3 of the 5 greats will be here. Ideal time
for their Meme to visit also and bring on the pies.

Judy - I sure hope the rain isn't to long lasting!

Shirley - Hope Smokey didn't keep Hunter up too late. Good idea to separate her from Luna.

Sandi - hope both your furbabies get good vet reports.

Janet - Do you have all or most of your Home School supplies for this year? I hope it goes as smoothly as last year.

Windows 10 - Icon is on my menu bar - Hubby said when he opened it he downloaded into a file and that Windows would notify him when to download it onto his pc??
I'll wait to follow his lead - Bev and Sharon and Helen (MITS) have already jumped in on it but I haven't heard any feedback.

Mema Jo said...

Off to FB

Check out my family and friends


Kay said...

Good Morning Dear Eagle Buds!!!!

Thank you so much for your thoughts on my behalf! All the pains experienced yesterday are now history. Still have no idea why my nerves seemed to be shooting pains throughout the bod, but am so glad that came to an end. Just had a call from the Urologist's nurse affirming that the renal ultrasound of last week shows normal kidneys. Yeah!

Had a dog snuggling with me half the night as storms rolled through. I never sleep well with her in the bed, so a nap will be in order this afternoon!

JUDIE, sorry you feel weary today. Are you determined to get through that book? I've developed a habit of putting such books aside as soon as I decide they're not well written and/or have plots I can't follow well. Sorry I neglected to wish Darth a Happy Birthday--please convey my belated good wishes. His birthday dinner sounded hmmmm good!

SANDI, will be thinking of "the kids" and their little menagerie as they wing their way to Mexico. Quite the adventure! Do you know what kind of place they'll be calling home there----a house, an apt., something provided by the State Dept.?? Inquiring minds and nosy people like me want to know! Hope your dear doxies get a clean bill of health today!

SHIRLEY, like SANDI I keep ignoring the Windows 10 come ons as 7 is working very well for me. If, after 10 has been around a while, there are rave reviews, I may ask my s.i.l. about going for it. It's fun to read about the Smokey escapades!

JO, I'm interested in your strong reaction to the Poldark ending---must ask my Eileen if she's equally astounded by it.

JANET and JUDY, good to see you and hope you both have a great week!

LOLLY, I wasn't referring to you when I posted regrets upon losing so many Momsters to FB. You've always been adept at balancing both venues and keeping us informed of Ellis family doings here on the blog.

LYNNE1, sickening story about the accident. Prayers for the victim's kith n' kin.

Prayers, too, for all here who are in need!!!


JudyEddy said...

1218 lunch punch

warning on the news they said only accept Wkindow 10 if your computer offers There are emails going out offering it and that is spam and download nasty to your puter

JUDIE DARTH is on FB and your not what is up with that??

SO SO SICK of the rain been doing on and off all day tomorrow will be a less percent 40 I think The store is pretty dead
I know if I didn't have to work I would stay home also

JudyEddy said...

KKAY hope you start feeling better PRONTO

MARGY HI if you are lurking

JudyEddy said...

just reading that Kay is better YEAH maybe I should read whole blog before commenting

stronghunter said...

Good afternoon,

Spent the morning on personal business issues. Made reservations for Virginia Beach for a short visit next week and dealt with some credit card stuff. It seems I got a new one I did not know about, but all is okay, just confusing.

Judie said...

Good afternoon.

Jo, thank you for letting me know the anticipated peach pie day(s). I've set my front tires in your direction. Save some for me, please and thank you. Thank you also for the pictures of my future boy toy Elliot. I think I'm in love.

Kay, glad you joined us and that you are feeling better. Really happy about the kidney function test results. My weariness, I think, is just age and my body coping with arthritis pain. Otherwise, I'm doing well.

JudyE, Darth chose to use FB. I chose not to use any form of social media (except this blog) because I did not want to risk college students/parents somehow gaining access to my personal life. I continue to prefer that privacy.

I'll send along the birthday wishes to Darth. Gives me an excuse to walk down the hall.

Okay, back to my reading. The story has become more interesting but it took over 70 pages to spark my interest.


stronghunter said...

I see there is a bit of grass growing in the nest, and we seem to have some low-hanging branches as well.

Time to fix lunch.

Mema Jo said...

Have you opened the Outdoor Live Cam yet this morning?????

NEWS FROM DEB: Morning Ladies

Wow there is a time stamp this morning ... along the bottom border of the cam screen ... wonder if it because of our letter?
It must be .. .they work fast lol
Have a great day everyone.

One of the items Deb discuss in her email to NCTC and Friends concerned the Time Stamp
Now, as with the still cam, when photos or videos are made it will clearly mark the date - it used to be we had to put the date on ourselves.


stronghunter said...

I see that time stamp, Jo. :)

glo said...

ga everyone. I think I am finally back online to stay.. Vet appt for Zoey went well.

Zoey is doing well. I have 6 weeks of weaning her off prednisone to do now. She looks good and acts like she feels good.

Becky's pre-op is tomorrow afternoon and surgery is Wed about 2 pm. We all know how that goes.

Mom here gets teary thinking about this week.. I think I am having flashbacks and just tell my self not to go there, but my heart does at times anyway. I can't put that on facebook so it is nice to have a safe place to put it here. Thanks for listening.

Looks like exciting times might be ahead for our cam now. That is happy news for sure. Going to put on a boring movie and try to take a nap.

Sandi said...

Hi all. Jenni & Bella did fine at the vet- can't say the same for my wallet. When I got to the front desk to check out, the bill was double what I anticipated. There were charges totaling $275 for something called a senior wellness screening for each dog. I was not asked to authorize these additional tests nor was I told that blood was being drawn for them. I was only told that blood was being taken for their annual heart worm test. I paid the bill and didn't cause a scene at the front desk, but when I got home, I sent an email to the vet complaining about tests that I wasn't asked about beforehand. If I had been asked, I would have declined the tests right now b/c of the expense I have comingupwith the periodontist. I love my vet but do not appreciate what happened today.

Kay, glad to hear that you are feeling back to normal today.

Jo, love the new Elliott photo on FB!!

Glo, welcome back to the Internet! Prayers for Becky - your worries seem justified to me.

The time stamp on the live cam was such an easy fix - too bad no one thought to ask sooner.

Brian, Lynnis and Freyja will be I the air in about2 hours. They will get to Mexico City around 10pm our time, 9pm 'Mexico time.

Judie said...

Good late afternoon.

Mine eyes are seeing the glory of an afternoon nap. Brain cannot stay awake reading the stupid book.

Sandi, so sorry about the unexpected critter charges. Hopefully, you might be reimbursed or at least a new policy established for approval of additional procedures/tests/advance owner signature. However, the good news is that Bella and Jenni are fine.

Good news also from Glo about how well Zoey is doing.

Glo, know in your heart that your blog family is with you and Becky and our prayers are powerful. We are always here to support you.

Judie said...

Jo, you've got PBS magazine mail.

JudyEddy said...

Hello home

Two more inches of rain in gauge
No raining at present

Wow Sandi I agree with u on the vet bill it should have been explained to u I do hope the vet will rectify it

JudyEddy said...

Glo so happy Zoey is doing good

JudyEddy said...

I am gonna miss the old time on the still LOL I could see better without glasses from a distance
But nice the have it on the live feed

stronghunter said...

I do understand Judie's reasoning regarding FB. When I was teaching, I had some students who were eager to find me on Facebook, especially when I told them I would not friend students. Somebody even found me and announced what I was wearing in my picture. (Nothing scandalous, thank goodness.)In fact, I have nothing scandalous on Facebook.

Since I have retired, I have friended a few former students, and I have ignored supposed friend requests from others. One of my former students is now a grandfather...that goes back a ways. And he is a bit of a rascal.

I know other very professional teachers and administrators who readily friend students and have a thousand or so friends. It is a personal decision.

Time to take Smokey to the vet for a routine check-up.

stronghunter said...

Oh, Sandi. Sorry about those vet charges. I hope we will come out okay. I paid over $600 for Bandit not long ago.

Mema Jo said...

Delta issued the following statement today:

Effective immediately, Delta will officially ban shipment of all lion, leopard, elephant, rhinoceros and buffalo trophies worldwide as freight. Prior to this ban, Delta's strict acceptance policy called for absolute compliance with all government regulations regarding protected species. Delta will also review acceptance policies of other hunting trophies with appropriate government agencies and other organizations supporting legal shipments.

This is a start.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley I hope you don't come back from the Smokey's Vet check with the same story that Sandi did.

Mema Jo said...

Judy - I did like the time stamp on the still cam like it was.... but I am glad
it is now on both cams.

We don't have any August pics in our Momster Album yet... It is ready to go!

stronghunter said...

Vet cost was about $168. But we have to go back in 2 weeks.

stronghunter said...

Vet said that Smokey is feisty.
We kind of noticed that.

Sandi said...

Brian, Lynnis, & Freyja have landed in Mexico City. Brian had sent me the number of the flight and I was able to follow it online.

Goodnight all - see you in the early AM.

Judie said...

I had to request Sandperson use a quieter approach to packing a large satchel as I was trying to read. Hall closet activity is slowing down so departure is eminent.

Shirley, glad Smokey is healthy.

Sandi, so happy Brian, Lynnis, and Freyja (and pups) are safe on the ground. Sleep well.

Restful sleep for all.

Mema Jo said...

My day is coming to an end and I just want to wish all of you a
Peaceful Night Sleep.

Prayers for Glo's Becky for tomorrow.

Goodnight to all ♥

stronghunter said...

Signing off for the night . . . SED, everyone.

Mema Jo said...

Sandi = thanks for the news of the safe flight!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Belated Happy Birthday wishes for Darth! Hope he had a fantastic day.

I've read back a bit, but neglected to take some notes, so hope I don't forget to comment on any important stuff.

Lynne1, I found out about that horrific traffic accident on my smart (?) phone.
I have a couple of news apps on it. What a tragedy!

Glo, so happy that Zoey is doing well! Thank God! How are the puppy classes going? Prayers ongoing for Becky.

Sandi, that's not fair of your vet to do tests without asking first. Hope they make an adjustment to the bill! Thanks for the news of the safe flight.

Shirley, glad that feisty little kitty is doing well. She may like the privacy offered by the new kitty litter box.

Lolly, sorry for the troubles while on your trip, and when you first got home!
Hope all is well with you now!

Oh--we had planned to have breakfast with Sis-in-law on the weekend, but she called and cancelled due to a nasty sore throat! She thinks she caught it from Bro-in-law. We were surprised to hear that she sold her car on Saturday! She put it on E-bay, and someone from Las Vegas bought it. She is driving a rental car for a week or two while she decides whether she wants to buy or to lease her next car. The repair/maintenance costs on the car she just sold were killing her, and if she leases, that expense would go away, I guess. Our nephew Sean, his girl friend, and his 2 kids, Ian and Chloe, went to Cabo too. Sean went fishing, and caught an 8'3" sailfish! He had it frozen and brought it home to eat. I need to find out how many pounds of fish that is!

I'm glad that Kay is feeling better! That's disconcerting when your whole body is hurting like that!

Jo, hope you're feeling well. Prayers going up for you, as always.

Well, need to go make more dog food for Miss Emma. Best to do it at night, when the kitchen has cooled down a bit. It was 87 in there this afternoon!

Have a restful night's sleep, everyone. God bless, and goodnight! I ♥ us!

JudyEddy said...

Good morning eagle buds
Guess what?

Its not raining and today will only have a 20% chance. YEAH back to Fl heat LOL

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends.

Judy, have a happy, DRY day!

Glo, I will say a prayer that today's pre-op for Becky goes smoothly for tomorow's surgery.

Kay, I'm glad your aches and pains are gone! I think it was you who asked about housing for Brian, Lynnis, & Freyja. Temporary housing is in a hotel near the Embassy, which could be for the month of August. Their permanent residence will supposedly be a 3-bedroom apartment on the 8th floor (900 sq. feet versus the 2400 sq. foot, 4-bedroom house in WV with 5 acres), about 45 min. from the Embassy. Where they will be living is considered the suburbs, though I'm not sure what the suburbs are like in a city of 49 million people!

Janet, when does school begin for Livvy?

I really don't expect the vet to adjust my bill, since they will be paying the lab to run the tests. I do hope for a change in office procedure in the future - ASK before running tests that are preventative, not necessary. My concern is this upcoming laser surgery for me that won't be covered by my dental insurance and could be very costly. Senior wellness blood tests for the girls could be done at another time and staggered to spread out the expense.

Nothing on my agenda for today - still need to clean 2 of the upstairs bathrooms that I didn't get cleaned over the weekend.

Have agreat day all.

Janet said...

Morning to all!

MEMA JO: our school supplies are very simple. This year we are using Discovery K12 online, we have paper and pencils. And some new erasers too! If we need further things, I will get them as we go along. Most of our supplies are things I usually have on hand.
SANDI: my heart goes out to you. I know you are hurting. Sending hugs and love your way.
And OUCH on the vet bill. That would plain tick me off!
Thank you KAY. Its nice to be having a great week.
And so, per Olivia’s decision, today she begins 9th grade!
Remember, I had her to plan the year’s starting and ending date and breaks, so long as it adds up to our required 180 days.
Whoo hoo? I think????
Part of me is a tad nervous…..but then again, I was last year as well. But most of me says I got this….and we will get this done!

Tomorrow public school starts.
This morning I am doing a friend a “favor”….she pays me, but given that I’ve turned down every new request for an out call massage in the last 6 months… friend Jeannie wants me to come to her house to give her sister in law a massage. Because we are friends, this I will do. She gets the friends and family price as well.
Other than that, get Livvy started on the 9th grade…..get ready for the work week…..get in the pool and make tacos for dinner! Oh and read my book!
Hope everyone has a great day! Hugs!

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥

There was a storm early am hours and I must have slept through it all. It was a restless night but I missed the storm with lightening and thunder. I'm glad FL has a dry day, Judy.

Another quiet day for me - getting ready for visit tomorrow from 3 Greats ♥
And a peach pie !

Prayers for Becky today and for her mom, Glo ♥

Mema Jo said...

Sandi - you asked this question over on FB "Is it OK to say that a baby boy is beautiful???" Aaron replied with his answer - TAKE A LOOK ON MY PAGE.

Judie said...

Good late morning.

Happy Birthday Barbara. Hope the day and the year ahead a extra special.

Hi Andy, any ill effects from the wild fires? Sure hope not and sincerely hope the fires are soon under control.

Janet, happy first day of 9th grade. Have a much fun/learning as possible.

Glo, prayers that Becky's pre-op tests are all fine and surgery can proceed. We know you must be very nervous but we're here with you.

More reading on the agenda and then the NNO potluck this evening. I do wish the date could be changed to early April or early October. I no longer spend time at the potluck as the heat and humidity are too much. Actually, I think TX has changed their date.

Wishing everyone the most wonderful day.

JudyEddy said...

howdy 1221 punch

Now to go read

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds!!!

GLO, my prayers are with your Becky and you, too. God is able!

JO, I don't know what Aaron had to say, but I've seen a lot of beautiful baby boys and they all grow up to be manly and handsome men!☺ 3 greats and a peach pie in your near future---who needs to win the lottery to have great riches?

Happy Birthday to Barbara---and many more!

JANET and Olivia, I wish you well as you launch the first day of High School! Hope it's a stellar year!

SANDI, wowee, zowee, Lyniss in particular has a major adjustment in progress! Freyja will blissfully roll with the punches as long as she has mom n' dad to rely on and Brian has his work which will require a lot of concentration. My thoughts are with your dear kids in this time of transition. That Vet situation is the pits! I can't believe you weren't consulted when that kind of bill was part of the equation. Did you throw a credit card at it or can you work out a payment plan til' you know what the laser dental tab will be?

ANDY, too bad your sis in law and her hubby are ailing, but glad you stayed away---your household does not need that illness!

JUDY, hope the rain stayed away or out to sea!

SHIRLEY, where are you? Did I miss something? Perhaps your company is there and you've headed for the beach???

LOLLY, hope you had a wondrous time with the friends in Houston!

Prayers for all who are traveling and for all in need of physical healing!!!


glo said...

Thank you all for your kind comments and support. Becky's surgery time has been moved from 2 pm to noon. That in itself is good news.

Sandi said...

Just got off the phone with the vet. First, he apologized for springing the extra tests on me without asking beforehand. Second, he wanted to let me know that the extra blood tests he ordered revealed elevated liver enzyme levels in Jenni.

I will be picking something up tomorrow that Jenni has to take for a month to see if it reverses the problem, and I'll take her back in a month for another blood test. He is worried that the tumor in Jenni's mouth, that he found last August when he did her dental, has become cancerous and has spread to her liver. He explained that, since she has been on antibiotics for the past 2 weeks for her gastrointestinal problems and her infected anal gland, the elevated enzyme levels aren't coming from a bacterial infection.

Soooo... if the medication Jenni takes for the next month corrects the problem, then it's really a good thing that the vet did the blood test that was sprung on me unexpectedly that I didn't want to pay for. We shall see.

Goodnight all - see you in the early AM. Prayers have started bug time for a successful surgery for Becky.

Mema Jo said...

I am headed in to the TV for a Hallmark show........ 9-11

Saying Goodnight to ALl

Prayers for Becky tomorrow for successful surgery with the "B" word!

glo said...

Sandi We just never know what is next on our plate. I wonder if it will be Denamarin. Patches took it for a month along with a couple of other things when her enzymes went crazy after the Nexguard mess. Her enzymes did go back down nicely. Zoey has been on it for a month and will remain on it another month Her liver enzymes are not responding however. I am not sure if vet will do blood tests after we get off the prednisone or not. If she does not respond then we are dealing with the same issue that perhaps you are dealing with. Ver knows I will not choose to treat it at her age, but we just won't go there right now. Just give the meds and hope for those "livers' to respond. Hoping that both of our pets eventually get the response that Patches got with the Denamarin.

stronghunter said...

Good evening. Very busy day here. I had to get the paperwork, etc., straightened out for the trip to France. Final payment is due tomorrow, so I wanted to take care of that. I managed to do it, even though a kitten was biting my toes throughout. Then, I went bowling and came home to get some cleaning taken care of.

Then, yikes, I got a phone call from the tour people saying that they had undercharged me by more than $700. They'd undercharged Val, too, then tried to collect the extra amount from Julie who went ballistic, it seems. Haven't talked to the other two yet, but I think it is straightened out now. Truth is, Val had originally figured we owed the larger amount and I had been pleasantly surprised when it seemed I owed less. Can't leave Julie stuck with the extra charges.

Hoping all is well with everyone and all pets.

We have baby bunnies hopping around under the front porch. They seem quite lively.

Take care. SED, everyone. God bless.

JudyEddy said...

Good morning eagle buds

JudyEddy said...

SHIRLEY sweet that u have bunnies. How many?

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends.

Glo, I am starting my morning sending prayers and positive energy for a smooth and successful surgery for Becky at noon time today. Thanks for the info. about Denamarin - I'll let you know what I pick up from the vet this morning. He said the name of the medicine but he was throwing out so many terms and numbers that I really wasn't processing everything except that the test results were worrisome.

CarolAnne, how are things going for your brother-in-law and his family?

Shirley, sorry to hear about the extra cost for the trip but I'm sure you'll have a wonderful time, no matter the price.

Hey Margy, how about a check-in from you???

We got a pretty big thunderstorm during the night - Bella was upset by all the noise, so she was trembling and vibrating the bed for several hours. Great night's sleep for me - I see a nap in my future. I hope it's a little cooler today than it has been for the past few days.

Need to grocery shop some time today - my niece (my brother's daughter) and her 8-year old son are arriving tomorrow for a week.

Have agreat day all.

Janet said...

morning to all. wild and wacky Wednesday! metro schools have started. or will shortly.

tom checked the bus last night (I call her Gertrude) and the battery was dead. so he got up @ 4:30 and called in for service. iheard them arrive and get her started and he was off and rolling about 6:20

back to work today and as per the usual I am ready!

hoping for some rain later this week, its getting dry out there.

not a lot else going on. wishing everyone a wonderful day!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Will and Hunter put the two baby bunnies they found in the yard under the porch, so I am guessing that we have two under there now. We've had an adult bunny visiting for quite awhile, and I figure that's the momma. If you approach the porch, you see something moving around in the plants growing there. Kathryn saw enough of one to confirm it was a bunny. I think that's about as safe a spot as one can find for bunnies. I hope I haven't doused them with water when I take care of my plants.

glo said...

gm everyone. Can a place online actually feel like home and family because this place right here feels that way to me. I am going to the mall to pass some time this am. noon AZ time is 2 pm my time. Need something to do for a while for sure. I will check in later.

stronghunter said...

Oh my, Janet. It is hard to think it's time for school to start already. Gertrude the bus. I like that.

That's quite a change in living space for Brian and family, Sandi, but I think they will be out and about enjoying learning about their new location. Hoping that Jenni has a good day. Poor Luna is suffering with another one of her cysts. This one is on her leg and may require vet attention.

Would love to hear from CarolAnne and Margy. Missing both of them.

stronghunter said...

Re the bunnies: The wooden lattice work underneath my porch is already pretty chewed up, most likely from bunnies in years past. I expect it will suffer more attacks this summer. Thinking of getting some vinyl next time, but I now have an excuse to wait a bit. Don't want to disturb the present residents.

However, Will and Hunter did undo a section to put the bunnies where they are. The last time that section got unattached, the HOA got after me. I suppose it is hidden behind flowers for now, but it will have to be fixed soon.

stronghunter said...

Oh my, yes. A baby boy can most certainly be beautiful.

Happy birthday, Barbara!

Was wondering about the fires in California, too, Andy.

Prayers for Becky, Glo.

Hoping that the potluck went well, Judie. I know what you mean about the heat. There are things I would like to do outdoors, but it is just too hot for this old lady.

Jo, enjoy those Greats. How wonderful for you and for them!

stronghunter said...

I should be able to take a picture of my fully-bloomed giant sunflower maybe today. We have had fun watching it grow. It is right beside the basketball goal, and the flower is right next to the net. There should be plenty of seeds for the birds by the end of summer.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Glo, sending lots of prayers for Becky today. May the surgery be a total success.

Sandi, hope you get all your chores done and that all pets respond to meds and heal.

Shirley, so sorry about the extra $ required for your vacation but you ladies are going to have such a great time it will be worth it. How sweet to have bunnies. We haven't seen any for several years - we think the fox family is the reason.

Today's agenda: prayers for all people and furry companions to be well.

stronghunter said...

Commented to Hunter that it was hot the other day, and he said "not really." Now if I had said it was cool or just right, he would have given the same response. He just has to disagree.

However, he is showing some interest in discussing opinions about current events, etc, and listening to what I have to say. That is progress.

stronghunter said...

Yeah, Judie, foxes would most likely be a problem for bunnies. But foxes would be very interesting to watch. I have seen an occasional fox in the surrounding area, and we saw a beautiful one somewhere near Charlottesville when we drove to North Carolina.

I am now getting excited about going to France. It is not long. Val commented that it's only about six weeks. I have worried about spending so much, but it is something I have always wanted to do, and to be able to go with friends is great.

stronghunter said...

I haven't talked to Val about Julie. I hope she was able to get Julie calmed down, and that she doesn't think we were trying to take advantage of her. It was just that the whole trip was arranged by Val and the financial part was combined with the understanding that each of us paid 1/3. The woman who called me said she was not sure why things got mixed up the way they did.

stronghunter said...

Glo, I agree. Coming to this online spot feels a bit like coming home. That's nice.

Sandi said...

Glo, I'm with you - I use Facebook regularly and also do a lot of emailing, but this blog is like family for me. Just got back from the vet with Jenni's new medicine - it's called Hepato Support, not Denaramin. I'll be keeping my fingers crossed that giving it to her once a day brings the liver enzyme levels back to normal - she goes for a recheck on 9/1.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥ Yes, this is Home Sweet Home !

Prayers for Becky's surgery at noon - Prayers for Glo as she awaits word of successful
surgery. I know she wishes she was there.

I am getting ready for company - Not only the 3 Hedgesville greats but also the youngest great! Elliot loves his cousins and he is very special to them. This should be a fun loving day.

I'll be back - enjoyed reading morning remarks - take care and I will return sometime this afternoon.

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds AKA Homies!!! I, too, love this very special "Home, Sweet Home!!!

Prayers for GLO and her dear Becky as surgery time approaches. Glo where in AZ does Becky live? There are some mighty fine medical facilities out there and I trust your precious daughter is in one of the best!

JO, a fun loving day ahead, indeed. Surrounded by sweet greats and eating some Peach Pie, hmmmm good!!!

SANDI, hope the Hepato Support does the trick for little Jenni and hope you can enjoy a restorative nap this afternoon!

SHIRLEY, the news of an increase in trip cost had to be a hard pill to swallow and I hope Julie can be soothed and any ruffled feathers smoothed before departure day.
WW had yearly batches of bunnies in our Upper Arlington yard back in the 70's--so cute and there were no foxes for them to pose a threat. There may be predators there now as foxes and coyotes are often seen all over metropolitan Columbus these days.

JANET, glad Tom got help for Gertrude and hope she is behaving herself so those kids can have a good first day of school. What age children does he transport?

JUDY, saw your early hello and hope you're having a good day!

Hello to all those missed and missing Momsters mentioned above. Another I'd like to see drop by is DANA---I long for news of the Hillmoe clan and their feisty Labs.

Prayers for all in need, whether they have two legs or four!!!


Judie said...

Good almost noon.

Y'all come on over. Steve has been here.

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...