Tuesday, June 09, 2015


New thread.


Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥ Thank you for the fresh new thread Steve.
The sun is shinning and it is going to be a hot one.

I'll go back and announce the new thread

Judie said...

Good morning, Jo. Thank you for hollerin' at us.

Thank you Steve for the fresh thread

Congratulations Jo on yet another feather for your bonnet. Glad you are feeling better.

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

Thanks to STEVE for the new thread and to JO for calling us over as she fastened her latest feather to the headdress.

JO, sorry you had the punies yesterday and hope you're better today!

SANDI, happy grad day for those 8th graders and for you teachers who so happily see them off in the direction of the High School!

Hey, JUDIE! I have to go back to the last thread for a catch up session, be back in a few minutes......

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

Judie, Kay, and Jo--nice to see you on this fine morning.

Sorry you were ill yesterday, Jo.

Still need to read back and check the nest.

stronghunter said...

Well, I see two eagle children and lots of leaves blowing gently in the breeze. All is well.

Kay said...

Okay, so far it looks like we all weathered last nights storms okay. Good!

JUDIE, good luck with the book sorting and shredding of old lessons, etc.. A pain to tackle, but what a great feeling when the job is done! Can't relate to lesson docs, but remember the massive job it was for me to downsize in preparation for returning to Ohio. The shredder was smokin' at times!

I'm off to read on-line papers, e-mail, etc.. Then I must start some serious housecleaning. Next Monday and Tuesday a dear friend will be here as she heads home to Knoxville after vacationing in MI. Marty and I met 49 years ago this month when we were both newcomers to Columbus and lived in the same apt. complex. We've each moved a number of times since, but have kept in touch, visiting each other whenever possible. I'm so glad her daughter lives in MI, putting me on the direct path to and from!

Have a good day all---enjoy our friends at Sycamore Palace and know I'm praying for any in need and blessings for all.


stronghunter said...

Thanks to Steve for the new thread and to Jo for the call-over.

Eagle wing-flapping is happening.

Kay said...

Back real quick for a big Hello to SHIRLEY! Yes, all's well and swell at the Palace and I hope the same can be said for your nest!!!

stronghunter said...

All is well hereabouts. Do need to take care of some chores. Also must find food.

Janet said...

good morning to all. the day dawned sunny and bright here. we are just getting moving. up and down all night, so feeling tired. thank goodness for coffee and its caffeine!

THANKS TO STEVE for the new thread.

JO: hopefully you are feeling better this morning.

all is quiet at the moment. must take Olivia for her injection in bit. pick up the house some today...and get ready for work tomorrow. but, that's about it. taking it easy today!

hugs to all

Judie said...

Shirley, glad to know you didn't have damage from the storm. We had some fierce wind and rain, in bursts, over the evening. Trees were really swaying.

Kay, take your time cleaning. A friend of that many decades will not be searching corners for dust bunnies. If she does, have a cleaning pail at the ready. lol Life doesn't have to be all about cleaning.

Reality of textbooks is they become outdated so quickly, especially mental illness and medications. Reality of life is no room for outdated books.

Okay, off to look for mischief.

grannyblt said...

Good morning all and thank you for the new thread.

Glad everyone made it through the bad weather.

Happy to see Jo online today. I hope you feel better and better as the day goes on.

Yay, graduation day for the 8th graders. When I was in AK the last day of school was May 21. My youngest grand was in 8th
grade, but there was no graduation ceremony or anything like it. Different parts of the country do things differently..obviously.

Kay, aren't old friends just the best? You may not talk for months, but the conversation just picks back up. Have a nice visit.

Glad to hear that Janet's Tom seems to have had successful surgery. Lots of PT for him this summer I would think.

Have fun with the shredder Judie. I remember spending hours at that job when I left TX. It was a good lesson for me to keep up that job peroidically.

I'm off to restock the larder. Hope everyone's day is grand.

paula eagleholic said...

Eaglet eating fish in the middle of the nest. Other one at the launchpad

Lolly said...

Good morning! Paula, you took the words out of my mouth! 😀

Sun shiney day but I am inside Lollypaloozing today! Nice to have a luncheon scheduled in order to really clean!

Slow moving today as we were up late watching a TCU baseball game. They won after many innings! I can not remember..14 or 15! On our way to Omaha!

Water is slowly going away. Hopefully we can get in and clean up Friday.

Time to get with it!

paula eagleholic said...

Morning, Lolly...enjoy your paloozing!

Cannot get live feed at moment...eaglets still about the same.

Lynne2 said...

Good afternoon! Forgot to mention my big Blacksnake rescue for those no on FB!!! I'm getting really good at this stuff!

At work, will check in later...

JudyEddy said...

on lunch 1211 and I find a fresh spanking new thread for us to fill up


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good afternoon my eagle budlets!!! I just pulled up the nest and see 1 eaglet in sight, something dead in the pantry and Cuddle Duck still hanging on. I don't see the turtle shell however. Maybe Mema Jo was secretly on a mission to the nest to take the turtle shell. :)

I can't tell if the other eaglet is on the stump or not.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Both back in the nest, not sure if it was a fly in or a drop down from the stump. Came from that direction.

Judie said...

Shhhhh! Shar, Jo wasn't really feeling puny. She made a secret journey over the mountain, scrambled up the Sycamore Palace, and escaped with a you-know-what.

Black snake? That's a good snake. No doubt was happy to make your acquaintance, Lynne2.


stronghunter said...

Lynne posted some very impressive pictures of herself holding up that large blacksnake. Yikes. I would not be going outdoors and picking up snakes, even though I grew up with two brothers who would happily do that and then went on to raise two sons who would happily do that. I've had snakes slithering through my house several times. Once had one come out of the nightstand.

Bless you, Lynne2. I do appreciate the value of snakes.

stronghunter said...

Well, not just my sons appreciate wild snakes. Susan seems to be making friends with all kinds of critters.

grannyblt said...

Family story that when my DH was a teen he had a snake that got loose in the house and when my MIL went to play the piano, she hit some strange notes. MIL was not impressed.

stronghunter said...

One eagle child at the 4:00 spot.

stronghunter said...

I am guessing the snake wasn't impressed either. Probably didn't care for the music.

Mema Jo said...

Let it be known that
Mema Jo was and still is feeling very puny !
Just had X-ray at hospital to check out the rattles on my left lung which may
indicate pneumonia.............. Went to hospital cafeteria for my fried chicken
strips and french fries - they didn't have my cold slaw. That was the first thing other then my ice cream and pound cake that I have eaten in 3 days. I'll know the results soon when the dr calls me.

Anyhow - I forgot to tell you that I got Megan Flowers this past Sunday when Michael
& Donna went to market ! They are beautiful.

Sandi said...

Hi all on this new thread.

Jo, so glad to hear you are feeling better today!

Lynne2, I was really impressed with the size of that black snake in the FB photos!

Well, my last 8th grade graduation is in the books! I always read a book to the kids - "Oh The Places You'll Go!" by Dr. Seuss. Typically I get emotional at the end of the book when I look out at the kids, who are always paying close attention, and say, “And will you succeed? Yes! You will, indeed! 98 and 3/4 percent guaranteed. Kid, you'll move mountains!" But today, I got emotional as soon as I stepped to the podium b/c it hit me that this would be my last time reading the book. My voice kept cracking and I was on the verge of tears, but once I got going, I was ok, until the end.

I ordered 6 full sheet cakes - the vice principal picked them up but didn't look them over before she drove back with them.. One said "CONGATULATIONS," and one said "CONGRADULATIONS." Seriously??!! Food Lion refunded our money for those 2!

One downside to 8th grade graduation is that the kids aren't finished with the school year afterward. Of course some of them won't return after today and we did our big end-of-year locker clean out this morning. But more than half of them will be back tomorrow and Thursday, just to spend 2 more days hanging with their friends.

Need to feed people and pets - later!

Sandi said...

Oh dear Jo, you posted while I was typing. I'm sorry that you're still not feeling OK. Sending prayers and positive energy your way!

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like adult in with food...can only get the still cam at the moment

paula eagleholic said...

Feel Better Jo!

paula eagleholic said...

Both eaglets in the nest, one at the launch pad, the other at the 12 spot

Ah Jo, I see your turtle shell is still in the nest.

JudyEddy said...

both adult landed and poofed right away

JudyEddy said...

didn't get a snip so fast no food that I can see was delivered

JudyEddy said...

JO I hope you get to feeling better soon

both eaglets are a top of nest one is picking on somehting I see turtle in front of the other one If food was brought in the one wasn't interested the other went over and started eating on something HMMM

JudyEddy said...

I don't think there was any food I think someone was picking on nest overs nothing there now

Judie said...

Jo, listen up. You are NOT allowed to feel puny. Just think -- there are bloggers who actually think they can still see the turtle. How crazy is that? You went over the mountain and grabbed that shell all for yourself. Right? So, the story is that you were at the hospital seeking chicken strips, french fries, and Cole slaw? Okay, I've got your back. I'll swear you were at the cafeteria and NOT at the nest. I'll even manufacture a cash register receipt as proof.

Seriously, please take care and rest.

Judie said...

Sandi, glad the day went reasonable well. Also understand the emotions. Not sure whether it was me or some of my students who were more emotional that I was retiring. I just know the last classroom day was intensely poignant.

Judie said...

Headed to put my feet up. Maybe try to read a few pages in my remaining library book. Maybe just some mindless tv.

Sandperson is anxious to depart. Already has a large satchel packed.

Restful sleep for all.

stronghunter said...

Planted my hollyhock seeds today, and took care of marigolds and tomatoes.

Now it's time to say good night. SED, everyone.

Mema Jo said...

Come on Sand person - I need some shut eye
Dr called and Not pneumonia

Tomorrow perhaps I'll start feeling a bit less puny - lol

Restful sleep to all

Goodnight ♥

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends.

Jo, I sure hope you wake up feeling a little better today. Good news about no pneumonia.

Have agreat day all.

Sandi said...

One eaglet in the nest, the other on the stump (I can just barely see tail feathers).

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

adult landed and kids are screaming LOL

JudyEddy said...

JO Hope you are feeling less puny this am

kids are being feed and making noises as they eat

JudyEddy said...

one eaglet up to the stump must not be that hungry

JudyEddy said...

the eaglet that went to the stump has come down and is attempting to steal some food from mom
trying to mantel something

JudyEddy said...

looks like all is gone that was fast work on a fish

JudyEddy said...

and poof

JudyEddy said...

and one eaglet up to the stump

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning, Everyone,

Jo, I hope you are feeling much better today! Can't stand it when you're feeling puny!

We had really goofy weather yesterday. There's a big tropical storm down in Baja California, and we had a LOT of gray clouds and high temperatures, combined with high humidity. Felt like a sauna outside. We pretty much laid low for much of the day, except we did go walking at the air-conditioned mall. Early in the morning Ken took our Honda Accord to the dealership to get the airbags replaced--part of a big recall they have going on. Nice to know that the airbags may actually function normally now if necessary, and not throw shrapnel at us.

Need to ask for some prayer for our friend Jim, who has fairly severe COPD. He has been having episodes where his blood pressure gets too low. He's also been fighting off what sounds like Jo's symptoms. He has no pneumonia either, thank God. The cardiologist thinks he might be having A-fib. He's on a blood thinner now, so that should help some. Momster/Dadster prayers work better than anything else, though! Thank you in advance.

Need to go help Jim and Darlene this morning with sorting out several boxes of computer parts so they can sell them to a computer company that pays $4.00/lb. for them. Will probably take a couple of hours.

Once we're back home I need to work at getting the last of the stuff that's boxed up in the garage moved to wherever we're going to keep it in the house. Also still have some pictures to hang. Got most of the house vacuumed yesterday. The hot weather has Emma shedding like crazy. She hates being brushed, silly girl, but if I can throw her down and sit on her, maybe I can get the dog hair at it's source!

Hope the eaglets decide not to wingersize when the wind is blowing. Plays havoc with my nerves!

Well, I'd better get going and get a shower and do some damage control on my appearance so I don't frighten small children. Hope everyone has a really good day! Will try to get back here later this evening. I ♥ us!

Judie said...

Good morning.

Jo, happy you don't have pneumonia and do hope you will be feeling better this morning. We are not happy when our Mema is feeling sickly.

When I looked, one eaglet in the nest and one likely on the branch. Decorah three has one eating and two screeching. Osprey mom trying to corral three large and growing chicklets.

Hi Andy. Hope you get all your tasks finished today.

Sandi, when is the actual very last day of your school year. I ask as I watch a school bus cruise by on its way to deposit little people at the neighborhood elementary.

Shirley, wishing you a most successful year of gardening. What's on Hunter's menu for the summer? Do you get any Shirley time?

Quiet day planned here. Ophthalmologist this afternoon. Wonder if the calories count if I can't see where I'm driving and end up at the Dairy Queen?

Wishing everyone a beautiful day. Feel better Jo.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Hunter's schedule for the summer not yet taken care of.

I have an appointment for a haircut and perm today., and it's Hunter's last full day of school. Will try to check in later.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥ I am feeling a little better; however, coffee just doesn't taste

Andy, prayers for your friend, Jim. Not good weather here for being outside. Hope you get all your pictures hung.

Janet very happy for Tom's surgery report and hoping he heals successfully.

Sandi those school bells are ringing for you !

Shirley - good to know you are getting beautified today.

Judie - good to have your vision checked - the better to see you my dear
Keep that shredder shredding.............

JudyE - Thanks again for all the pictures............

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

JUDIE, I took your advice re:housework yesterday when Seth called and asked if he could visit while his mom went to her campus for a staff meeting. Prioritizing was easy and I enjoyed his account of the trip to St. Louis. We watched a PBS travelogue and part of "Ellen" and the time flew! Today I'll get back to some of the work, but will drop it immediately if something better comes along.☺

Today is one of remembrance for me as it's the 8th anniversary of my dear Stan's grand promotion. So glad I have many happy memories of our time together.

SHIRLEY, by the time we hear from you next you will be gorgeous! Or, I should say, more gorgeous with your new do!

JUDIE, hope the eye exam shows no decline and that all's well! I don't know what how the sandperson changed the potion, but I had the first sleepwalking adventure ever during the night. Woke up when I plowed into a wall---my right forehead and shoulder taking the brunt. Yikes! This is not a good development in my opinion.

JO, so happy you're a bit better! Hope that coffee tastes wonderful good again soon.

SANDI, it's so exciting to think of your count down!

Our eaglets are on an exciting countdown, too! Thanks JUDY for the early morning report.

Prayers for all in need!!!


ANDY, prayers for your friend, Jim!

Judie said...

Kay, glad you decided to let the dust bunnies continue their party in the corner and enjoyed some Seth time. Also glad you have wonderful memories today and every day.

Hmmmm. Somnambulism? No cause for alarm unless you wake up and find you prepared an entire meal and then left the dirty dishes for yourself. Most people sleep walk at some time or another. If you get concerned, mention to your doctor or, less expensive, hang a bell from the top of the door frame.

I was a childhood sleep walker. Woke my mother up one night to tell her our street had been turned into sand. The next time I woke her up during the night it was to tell her I had been caught in a frat house raid. I was not sleep walking. I was under age. It was the truth.


JudyEddy said...

JO good to hear you are somewhat better and that what sucks when someone is sick their taste buds run havoc

JUDIE calories what are those that doesn't apply for ice cream cones I get the choc dipped at mcds for 1.06 the odd part I ask for a spoon bit off some of the hard choc on top and spoon out some icecream otherwise its messy biting in the hard choc and ice cream escapes so you eat it before eating the choc shell

ANDY hope you get good bucks for the scrap parts
and take a break from cleaning put them feet up is highly recommended by the blog

KAY good to hear you are getting Seth time

and SHIRLEY has a new do I haven't had a new do in a life time stuck in the 60 with the long hair I guess

trying to get WR on my tablet and it won't load today HMM
wifi maybe of well go

JudyEddy said...

on eaglet is lying down but awake loking out at 11 I am thinking theother is on stump

Judie said...

MT nest. No feetsies in sight.

Off to find out if I can still see.

JudyEddy said...

Knock knock anyone home

NO not even the yellow feetsie of our eagles

its raining its pouring and I wish I was snoring
we are under a flood advisory till 515 got home in the neck of time the clouds just opened up 81° here nice and rain cool rain in the gulf heading out way

the nest is 85° and we are cooler then them

I also had to have my air bag replaced so sad that so many millions of cars need it and all different mfgs also

JudyEddy said...

my elder sister Connie use to sleep walk one day MOM found her sitting on the front porch and when mom asked her what she was doing she said Watching the cars go by It was in the middle of the night a rural road and no traffic in sight
Angie said that Jordyn has gotten up and seems to be sleep walking now also They were sitting there and one night she just walked out looked at them They said something to here she didn't acknowledge them and turned around and went back to bed Jordyn is one that would talk She has a habit of waking Angie up when she has to go potty etc Angie and Carl have come up with giving her a quarter per night she doesn't wake her up Seems to be working

JudyEddy said...

5 to 6 inches have falling in certain areas and more out there Not my area YET OK gonna LM for a bit since I am all alone
All alone am I ♫ ♫ ♫ ♪

I see wing tip on stump now so one is there and the other must be in tree

JudyEddy said...

news on OZZIE

""Ozzie is officially a blood donor! Yesterday, CROW received an eaglet from St. James City that was found on the ground and in a week physical state. The eaglet needed a blood transfusion and Ozzie came to the rescue. If not for the transfusion, the eaglet probably would not have made it through the night. Ozzie is doing well after the transfusion and the eaglet is currently in guarded condition. This transfusion will not impede Ozzie's release in the near future. We will keep you posted. ‪

don't know if you can see the pic Here is the FB page of CROW

Crows page

JudyEddy said...

Just thought I would report Ducky is still in the nest hasn't fledge yet one still on sstump and other a now show yet and its raining again some areas of Tampa got 8 inches YIKES

JudyEddy said...

one in from the right flew in and the other on the scump getting dark at the nest

Judie said...

Sandperson has just sandbagged me.

Hope everyone is enjoying the evening.

Nest was occupied by one eaglet when last I checked.

JudyE, may the serious rain stay out over the ocean. Hoping for a full recovery for the eaglet and for Ozzie.

Prayers for those in the midwest and nearby States as more heavy rain is expected.

No change in eyes. Don't even need an updated prescription.

Headed to read a few pages before denting the pillows.

Sandperson will be on the way soon.

stronghunter said...


Very sleepy. Sanderson has been here.

Watching news about the prison escape. I spent a summer not too far from that part of New York.

See you tomorrow. SED.

JudyEddy said...

Sandman made it to Fl
Taking truck to Walker and getting courtesy van to bring me back at 8
Security system is armed please be sure to use your code if out past curfew

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Janet said...

good Wednesday evening to one and to all!

LYNNE2: my kinda gal! loved the snakes. I like snakes as they eat mice and rats and such and I dislike vermin. I know they have their place in the world….and that’s fine, as long as it isn’t under my roof!

JO: okay, no more illness! Bippity boppity boo! Be well! Truly hoping you are on the mend!

SANDI: congrats. As they say on Dora the Explorer: You did it! You did it! Hurray! You did it! Congats. And I Love that book, btw.! Great choice. The same goes for you. In a sense, this is a graduation for you as well, a transition and new doors will open! 

Busy day. Work. Private clients out of town for the next 3 weeks so I volunteered to work a couple extra hours on wed if they need me.

Came home. It was in the 90’s and partly sunny. Everyone was okay so I got in the pool and fell asleep from 3 to 5 p.m. Thankfully I have a good base tan and so its not a problem. But it was so warm and quiet, birds singing….I am on the float and zzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzzz

Tom is doing well. Took his bandages off tonight. Looks good. He’s behaving. Things are good.

My tomatoes have tiny maters on them. Water melon is doing well, cukes not so much. We shall see.

Good night to all. Sleep well! Hugs, love, healing…..

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. When I opened the live cam this AM the nest looked MT but then I could see tail/wing feathers of both eaglets - one on the stump and 1 right on the very edge of the nest at about the 1 position. Not sure what's in the middle of the nest.

Well, today is my very last day as a teacher! I am happy. It's Fun Day for the kids - outside field events, movies, a DJ, yearbook signing, saying goodbye.

Have a great day all.

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

Enjoy your day, Sandi.

Checked the cam, and I see no eagles.

Almost time to take Hunter to school. Today is his next-to-last day as a middle school student.

stronghunter said...

Been talking to my cousin Virginia. She will be coming here in a couple of weeks on her book tour.

stronghunter said...

Oh, now I see the tips of some eagle feathers up there on the stump.

Judie said...

Good morning.

First, let me offer my sincere best wishes for Sandi on her last day as a teacher. May the day be one of glorious anticipation of summer and then the final school year.

Shirley, how nice that Virginia will be visiting. Hope you two have a grand time together. You might find it interesting that my ophthalmologist has a 13-year-old son and yesterday she told me he has "attitude." I just had to laugh when I thought of you.

Kay, how are you and Malcolm? Did the heavy rains get you two?

Nest was MT when I checked.

JudyE, hope the truck is not too sick.

Janet, hope the garden continues to grow.

Going out later to forage for groceries. Going to be too hot/humid this weekend.

Wishing everyone a wonderful day.

stronghunter said...

Oh, Hunter. This morning he told me that his early dismissal would be earlier than usual today. Somehow, I did not think so, but I checked with the school. Early dismissal is same as usual. Hunter was just too hopeful.

stronghunter said...

Virginia is hard at work on another book. This time it's fiction.

stronghunter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
stronghunter said...

Sorry, double posted.

Eagle feathers just below the top of the stump. :)

Judie said...

Nice try, Hunter. Too bad grandma is smarter than an 8th grader.

Looks as if one of the Decorah three has branched. Saw a wing stretched out from the limb at our nest.

Okay, really going away now.


JudyEddy said...

Good morning eagle buds I can see shadow in nest of her also

One eaglet on stump wing tip show us every once in a while

dropped truck off this am at 8 courtesy van brought me home going to do yard work LM

Janet said...

morning all. got to work @ 7:30, no clients til 11. soooo, I blocked my morning, came home and have completed my work as 8th grade teacher; all grades and attendance are submitted! WE DID IT WE DID IT HURRAY WE DID IT!!! and I still have my sanity and hair (questionable on sanity, but just go with it for the moment, lol)

I printed a calendar from Aug to June of next year. I told Livvy it is HER job to figure out the school year...as in, when do you want to start, finish and breaks. She knows there are 180 calendar school days. :)

Hope everyone is doing well. Heading back to work in a bit. Havve a super day!

Mema Jo said...

good late morning to all of you ♥

Sandi - hope you are enjoying your last day of be a "teacher" and know that the year ahead is going to be a great new experience.

Janet - Congratulations to you and Olivia on your completed school year!

This morning when I awoke I really felt close to normal! I do have dr appointment for a recheck and boy is he going to be surprised at all my carrying-on since I last saw him.

Really hot today - so thankful for all AC.

Shirley - my ggd in VA schools - 1/2 day today and then 1/2 day tomorrow - I guess by doing that they made the count of days necessary! Seems a shame that it couldn't have been 1 full day today.

Janet - thanks for your comment as to how youi hope I feel today!

Everyone stay cool ♥

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

Enjoyed all the sleep walking comments---no repeat last night---hoping it was a once in a lifetime experience since I wasn't very good at it. Plowing into a wall in the middle of the night is a shocker!

JUDIE, Malcolm went home Sunday evening. His next reservation is for July 1-5 when his family goes to Pure Michigan. The heavy rains and storming occurred last week and his thunder shirt was not here---the 2 dogs and I cuddled up together on the day bed for the worst one. Penny is all caught up on her post-Malcolm sleep and enjoying her walks in spite of our humid 90° days.

JANET, glad Tom is behaving himself and doing well. Great idea to have Olivia decide on which 180 days will constitute her next school year!

SANDI, so glad ♫♪ School's out for the summer ♪♪♪ and extra glad that classroom duty is out for you, forever!

SHIRLEY, good thing you double checked on the early out for Hunter, eh? Wishful thinking sometimes plays tricks on us!

JO, prayers for you as you see the doc again!

The Iowa eagles have been fun to watch, but must rejoice on their graduation as well as for the progress our Sycamore Palace duo is making. Thanks to Mother Nature for seeing these 5 and many more through the nesting season of 2015!

A little more on the cleaning agenda today, but JUDIE, I'm not overdoing it. Yesterday afternoon I spent a couple of hours with a neighbor on her front porch and got a nap in, too! Today, a load of wash, empty the dishwasher and boogie on over to Target for a few things. Saving final touch up for Sunday after Seth heads home.

Tomorrow he, Julie and I will be going to a matinee` performance of "Clybourne Park", a summer series production by the Otterbein Theater students. That, too, will provide a nice break away from the mundane household tasking. I'll save my novelette writing til' after that so I can give you a critique`.

Sunday's break will be for the evening band concert in the park. Life is good and I'm truly blessed!

Prayers for all in need!!!


Mema Jo said...

Watching our nest with an adult eating and our eaglet not being too interested in
stealing any food.
The mess in our nest is going to be there until next season I'm sure

JudyEddy said...

adult landed with what looks like a eel really long

called and made my mammo appt for next Thur got two mth presc left so can wait to make dr appt odd that they call 2 month in advance to schedule it

called my car insurance State Farm I pay 1493 a year and a friend who works for a agency checked in to Travelers and I can get same but less deductible for 918 a year
I have been with SF for over 40 years so I called them and they only can go to 1232 so I am switching company

Judie said...

Good afternoon.

Have returned from a successful foraging expedition. Hot as blazes out there. I, too, am happy for the AC.

Jo, I do hope you continue to feel better and the doctor visit will be positive.

Kay, glad you are enjoying some breaks from household chores. Your friend is more interested in being with you than seeking out dust bunnies. The Clybourne Park performance should be terrific.

JudyE, do what you need to do.

Janet, glad you and Olivia completed the first year of home schooling. Good idea to let her work on a schedule for next year.

Going to put my feet up. BBL

stronghunter said...


New thread and information about the cam. Come on over.

stronghunter said...



Check out Steve's comment there.

3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...