Monday, June 01, 2015


New week thread.


Mema Jo said...

Good Monday Morning to all ♥ I am happy to welcome you all to come on over to the fresh new thread Steve has given to us.Thank you and here's hoping everyone's' weekend was enjoyable.

Mema Jo said...

Welcome JUNE - This is the bewitching 11th week for our kids! Keep your eyes alert ♥

Sandi it sounds like your day is going to go by quickly.

I have dental this afternoon. Going to be rather warm - already 73° at our nest

grannyblt said...

Good morning eagle friends. Thank you for the new thread.

I meant to post yesterday Sandi. Your house guest lives in my neck of the woods, just across the border. Since I don't play tennis, that is the only connection. Since I moved to this small town, I've developed the habit of looking for common ground amongst people. That trait drove me crazy when I first came here after living in a large city for all of my adult life. Now I am one of them.

Cool and gray here today after a rainy Sunday. Hope our waterlogged eaglets have dried out. Maybe sucky got a nice bath, he looked like he needed it.

Jo, did your group win the contest? I voted a couple of times, but seemed to hit the same roadblock that others mentioned.

I am hoping all of you have a grand day.

Sandi said...

Hi all - just a quick check in to check the box. Thanks Steve for the new thread and thanks Jo for the call over.

Jo, I did vote on Saturday and Sunday - sorry Operation Second Chance didn't win.


Judie said...

Good morning.

Thank you Steve for the fresh new first day of June thread.

Ah Jo. Congratulations on the new feather. Twill look beauteous with your curly curls. May the dentist be kind and gentle and provide an excellent report.

My experience is similar to Lynne and some others. I have voted a couple of times but now seem to be blocked. High hopes for success.

Sandi, my special ed. teacher stopped over yesterday for a few. She has eleven more days. Hoping today goes smoothly and quickly. Glad the power washing is finished. One chore closer to summer and no more teacher responsibilities.


Shirley, your garden sounds as if it will be terrific. I love being able to walk outside for a cucumber, tomato, squash, or herbs. So fresh and tasty.

Nothing exciting on my schedule. Will make macaroni salad for tomorrow night. Police cookout for neighborhood watch people. A big pot luck. I'll make enough for us to have some tonight with chicken strips and cucumber salad. Mostly reading again today. Hot and humid.

Wishing everyone a wonderful day.

Judie said...

Oh my, I see Sandi posted about Opertion Second Chance. I'm sorry Jo. Consolation is both groups do amazing work to support our military.

Lynne2 said...

Good Morning!

Yes, bubble wrap sounds like a good idea for me!

Thanks for the new thread Steve.

Serious, long lasting storms last night....geez!

Mema Jo said...

The 2 organizations that help our military families were Operation Second Chance and Save a Warrior. Both do remarkable work - win/win situation. SAW waited until the last
hour and bombarded the voting! Great strategy. The momster groups did support the voting throughout the day. It was a fun event for me to be a part of due to my gd/gs
and their family have gotten so much help from OSC
Thanks to all of you for voting whenever you could.

Kay said...

Good Morning on this 1st day of June, Eagle Buds!!!

After a couple of days of rain here the temp took a 20 degree dive. Had to wear a jacket to the outdoor concert and an even heavier one on the 1st outing of the day with Penny. Currently 49°. Twill be short lived, but kind of pleasant and very strange!

Thanks a bunch STEVE for the "new week" Thread and thanks to Ms. Curly Locks for the heads up! Your headdress is lookin' good, JO!

Hope you get a "look Ma, no cavities" report today, JO. My turn tomorrow afternoon and I'm not expecting anything to be amiss. Fingers crossed. I, too, and sorry Operation Second Chance did not win---blessings on them for the work they do and for what they did for your family!

LYNNE1, hey, small town gal, any progress on the idea of moving back to Texas?

LYNNE2, hope you find a good deal on Bubble Wrap!

JUDIE, time for the Police cookout already? Time flies and fidgets, too! You're making me hungry and it's no where near time for a refill.

SANDI, wishing you well today as you try to do the work of three people!

Haven't decided what the day holds for me, as my work is fairly well caught up, but I'll try to do something to justify my existence. Watching our eagles is a given. This is an interesting phase for eaglets---they'll soon be out there on their own!

Prayers for all in need!!!


Lolly said...

Good morning! Here hee hee! I LOVE the idea of bubble wrapping the Queen! I want to be first in line with this activity! Hee Hee Hee!😈

Seriously, Lynne, please mend fast! So very sorry!

Beauteous sunshine! Two days in a row! Water is still running out of the ground and flowing on the side walk. We have a sidewalk around the whole house. In front part of the sidewalk is covered in ivy.

Today going to start work on flower pots and hanging baskets. Delayed this until after our trip. Anxious to jump in and get this done! Can not clean the garden until it is not standing in water. Wondering how many of our caladium bulbs will rot!

Flooding still taking place around area lakes as runoff continues. Really hard to believe. A month ago a severe drought and now too much water!?????

Going to look at our eagles and then get busy! Have a great day!

Mema Jo said...

Adult did bring in food and shared with juvies
The adult got stuck with just the leftovers
Wingersizing going on big time
Is this the week???????????????????????

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Just a few minutes to post right now. I have a dental appointment, too, Jo.

Time to shower and find something to wear out in public.

It rained last night, and we have a flash flood watch now. I just hope we get only a reasonable amount of rain. I saw some seedlings coming up in my flower garden, so I am thinking the zinnias have germinated.

However, I still have no hollyhock seeds because I did it again. I sent the seeds to my sister-in-law in Colorado. I think I have fixed that problem now since I put in my address as the default one. Of course, I thought I had already fixed things, so keep your fingers crossed. I also notified my sil and told her to consider the seeds a housewarming gift. She just moved to a new place nearer her son. Will be extra careful if I decide to order something major--was thinking of maybe getting a lawnmower via Amazon. That would be quite a housewarming gift. And, I should have the seeds soon. I did place another order, and I double-checked the address. Geesh, it wanted to send the order to my other sil in North Carolina. I would be happy to share with them, but I want to get my own seeds in the ground.

Will check the nest in a bit.

NatureNut said...

Good Morning Everyone! We still have warm sun, but negative weather people say we might get bad storms later.
Lolly, glad to read your water is subsiding. It didn't get in your house, did it?
At my daughter's, the yard got soaked, but luckily didn't go onto the patio which is behind the living room. A group of homes a couple blocks from her had to evacuate. And then, to make it worse, the State announced that a lake dam had broken at the State Park on other side of highway from her development! This Park is where the 2011 wildfires started!!! Later, State told them trouble was with small lake in the Park, NOT the large one where everyone goes fishing. Duh
Well, I should cut down the fleabane today before they go to seed and the county is inundated!
Also have to cut kitty photos to send to daughter in her B'Day card. Got a separate card that has a kitty in a flower pot, so went thru 'puter looking for our cats w/plants or pots! Think I found everyone,in & out---7!
Lynne2, be CAREFUL outside---no tripping allowed! Hope you're OK soon.
Prayers for Good Health and Have a great day. ☺

JudyEddy said...

HOWDY eagle buds on lunch and find a fresh MON New month thread Happy June one and all need to go catch up on what is oing on in the blog bbialw 1212 punch

JudyEddy said...

need to check box forgot a duh moment

JudyEddy said...

have you all noticed that this pair of eaglets don't go up the stumps YET and off course I don't remember when the others did

Lynne2 said...


My friend Gail's hubby works in OK during the week. They sent him a SNAKE WARNING text!!!

Lynne2 said...

Mema Jo said...

I have just returned from dental - in the rain that is.
Everything is ok with the teeth so I'll go back in 6 months.

Tomorrow is my 6 months check up by family physician. He'll go over blood work and
especially my A1C diabetic reading.

Eaglets - there really isn't much of a stump to go up on. Our branching is minimal.

Drinking a cup of coffee which I hardly ever do other then breakfast anymore. Just curbing my appetite for 3 more hours.

Good luck Shirley with your dental - I didn't get a SMILE sticker but I did get a new brush, toothpaste, mouth wash and some dental floss. That should hold be for awhile.

Judie said...

Drum roll, please. First loon baby is swimming at two hours old. One healthy and one egg to go.

Eaglets just sitting a surveying their world outside the nest.

Jo, so glad you got a good report and a few goodies. Will wish the same for tomorrow.

Shirley, you are just too funny. I'm sure your sil will be every so happy.

Loretta, I did not realize fleabane is so prolific. Always just thought the flowers pretty.

Going to shut the computer down. Thunder and darkening sky.


Mema Jo said...

Little Looney

JudyEddy said...

Howdy home from work and how was you day Mine ok I guess WE busted two more associates for stealing Why in the world would you think you could get away with it? one of the gals I really liked and am very disappointed they were both cashiers

JO remember last year the eaglets would sit on top of the stump and we would see the shadows in the nest they would take turns and they would get on the stump or branch were the camera is for a close up that is what I meant These two either are lazy or just not ready LOL to do it yet

I see nest is 83 and in the RED warnings FLASH FLOOD warnings

looked like storms earlier in our area but seemed to have moved north so far so good 87° here now checked radar there are storm building east of us and moving west so we still may get some heat of the day land breeze meets sea breeze boomers yet tonight OK gonna be in LM

JudyEddy said...

there heart beats are so much faster than outs really can see it with the wings open on the back now both on the launch pad Thinking when can we go?
and I see ducky at 11

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hello everyone. I cannot believe how big Donald and Daffy have gotten. Are they being fed? I didn't get to watch over the weekend because I had all unnecessary items unplugged all weekend while I was having my electricity worked on. Come to find out, I had no ground in my house at all. He installed one. He is going to change out my whole service but he lives 4 hours away in Clarksburg and AEP only turns power off and back on during weekdays, so hopefully we will get that coordinated. Flickering lights get a little skeery, as does all this wingercizing in the nest. Makes me nervous.

JudyEddy said...

adult in attic kids throwing fits lol

JudyEddy said...

adult in with food looks like saw one mantel it

JudyEddy said...

there was a fight several times over the fish don't know who has it now been doing snips of the steal and the mantelling lol

JudyEddy said...

the one eagle was wingersizing with the fish lol

JudyEddy said...

anyone else seeing this two time midair they got and I got two snips

JudyEddy said...

another food drop

JudyEddy said...

must not be hungry two partially eatin fish in nest the one the adults must have ate some before delivery because they can't stay in the nest without being attacked LOL

JudyEddy said...

our eaglets are dancing in the rain

Mema Jo said...


I think this is Lolly's leftover weather from last week
We have rain in the forecast every day this week
We are having some thunder boomers - Temps should cool down


JudyEddy said...

just saw a lightening bolt big flash on the cam

Judie said...

My goodness. Sure hope if there is a strong wind it blows toward the center of the nest otherwise those two dare devils will be looking skyward for a rescue. Hate when the kids sit backwards on the rails.

Wet night here also, Jo. Rain off and on.

Shar, glad the electricity will be grounded. Too skeery otherwise.

Sandperson is already packed. Another early departure.

Restful sleep for all.

Lynne2 said...

It's raining, it's pouring. Makes me want to just go to bed early! Poor Daisy, the stress is getting too much for my girl.

Judy, somewhere in the albums, let me would be at least 3 years ago...I took a bunch of screen captures of the nest during a bad storm.

Lolly said...

Well, I hope you need the rain, we certainly do not!! Amazing, huh?

Worked myself silly today! Got a lot accomplished in the yard. Also Jack managed to mow some of the yard. Can not mow in a swamp!

Jack is preparing dinner! Bless him! I am exhausted!

No, we never had water in the house. We still have a lot of mud covering sidewalks and flagstone paths. And, the south side of the house that we call the garden is standing in water. We have a brick path there and it is covered with water. The gazebo has standing water. And, down front, around the pecan trees we have standing water. More Fun! Oh well, this too shall pass. Our lakes are full, actually over full, just crushes me though when I think of the lives lost!

I am going to say good nite for the evening. I do believe I will be in bed early!

Nite all! SED!

Mema Jo said...

Lots of rain

Off to dent the recliner

Goodnight to all ♥

stronghunter said...


Thunderstormy in these parts. I took Luna for a short walk, but the menacing clouds gathering caused me to scurry back to my own abode quickly.

Wow, Jo, my dentist doesn't give out goodies like that. They do provide very nice services, though. Always a warm towel to wipe your face after they work on you. And sunglasses if you are bothered by their bright light.

Years ago, we were seeing a different dentist, but he wasn't particularly gentle, to say the least. I still feel guilty because all of my children are afraid of dentists. This dentist is very careful to avoid hurting you. Amazing difference in technique.

Kathryn cooked dinner tonight. She came home a bit early because she had a doctor's appointment. I'd put out chicken to thaw, and she just took over. Love to smell dinner cooking while I am lounging in my room.

stronghunter said...

About to wind down for the night, so I will say SED to everyone. See you tomorrow.

Will be sure to check the loon cam tomorrow. Love to see those cute little fuzzy babies.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. I guess it rained here during the night b/c everything is wet but I sure didn't hear it.

Jo, prayers for good news from your doctor today.

Final IEP meeting EVER yesterday - with racist Johnny and his mom. His new IEP is all set to protect him from the consequences of his poor behavior in high school. Shaking my head. But eventually he and his mom will learn there are no IEPs in life.

Have agreat day all.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle buds

60° at the nest the eaglets look wet still

Mema Jo said...

Good Wet Tuesday Morning to all ♥
Love to hear of your final accomplishments Sandi You hit the nail on the head concerning Johnny - Pray that he has a wake call and someday in his future finds you to let you know that all your efforts finally hit home. Hubby had one of those students in his career - when the grown student approached us he really had a feeling of fear but instead the student Thanked him for setting him straight.
One squirrel and one mourning dove at the feeder. Where are all my crows and crackles this wet morning?
I hope we have some sunshine today - enough to straightened up my flower which are drooping wet.
I'll BBL - Wet nest - wet eaglets - maybe they will prepare more today for their flight

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Very damp morning here.

I see two wet eaglets at the Sycamore Palace. Wingersizing going on. They are almost ready to launch.

Enjoy your remaining days of school, Sandi. And I hope young Johnny gets his life turned around. You have done your part to see that this happens. I've had students come back full of pride and smiling at my surprise when I see how they have changed.

stronghunter said...

Short-hop flights on the nest.

stronghunter said...

I had some small birds at the feeder this morning. At least one chickadee. I need to clean the feeders and refill them. Meanwhile, I put some seeds on the porch rail.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Rainy and cool here. Looks the same at the nest. Yes, flapping and hopping seem to the be morning activities. It won't be long before these two are soaring skyward toward a life of their own.

Sandi, sad that Johnny is not yet in a position to understand current events but, we all hope, he will get the message and someday be a wonderful and productive young man.

Hope Lynne2 is improving. Really hope the bubble wrap does its job.

Today's menu: a few small loads of laundry, dish washer is washing, then this evening the police pot luck. It's the only time of the year I get a grilled hot dog. Yummy!

Wishing everyone a wonderful day.

Judie said...

Oh, doing a Margy. Saw a hummingbird at the Fuchia earlier. Must try to find a place to put sugar water.

stronghunter said...

Eaglet #1 (Big One): Hey, I'm gonna sit on the edge of the nest and flap my wings. That'll give them a thrill.

Eaglet #2 (Little One) Hey, I'll stand right here and watch you.

stronghunter said...

Watched the loon nest this morning. Saw the baby loon riding on the back of the adult on the water. There is still an egg in the nest. It was unattended while I was there. Some speculation that it is not viable.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Another day of sunshine but chance of storms have crept into Sunday's forecast! Oh no!!

Sandi, Laurel has been asked to become special Ed certified. I guess if you are successful reading teacher this is what you are rewarded with! 87 % of her students passed the Texas Starr test. So studying she will do and then take the test. She actually likes the idea of having a class of nothing but special Ed. She has had them mixed in with her reg students and it is so hard when you have 25 students and no help! Now she will have a class of approx 15 and have help! Yea!

Out to work in the yard again today. Just gotta love playing in the mud!

Have a great day!

Lolly said...

Lol. Laurel teaches 6th grade. She said" I have taught second grade before, I can do this!"

Mema Jo said...

I have returned from Family Doc - All is well - I only need to take an additional
iron tab each day - No Biggy

Still getting rain showers off and on

Getting something to eat


stronghunter said...

Happy you had a good doctor visit, Jo.

Need food, too.

And should get some work done.

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

Can't get the cam up this morning---having big probs with Yahoo e-mail---may need to do some fine tuning on my own system????

So happy to see a city crew working on the water main break that has wasted gallons upon gallons of water. It's kitty-corner from me. They posted signs and plotted out their path with flags and paint daubs two weeks ago. It's about time they started working in earnest! Downside, the water has been turned off and I need to get ready for my dental appt.. Will have to bathe with wet wipes and sanitizer and clean my hair with spray powder shampoo. Prefer that to calling off the appt.. On to Kroger after that. Need to lay in supplies before Malcolm arrives on Thurs. for a four day visit. I can leave the dogs alone, but prefer not to miss a minute of the fun I have with them.

SANDI, Johnny and his mom should wake up some day and remember Mrs. Roberts with gratitude. Meantime you're about to transition into a whole new experience and I'm so happy for you!

LOLLY, sounds like you and Jack are going to be "working yourselves silly" for days to come. Take frequent breaks, drink lots of liquid and whatever you do, don't fall down!!!

LYNNE2, hope you're feeling better and have that bubble wrapper securely fastened!!!

JUDIE, hhmmmm, grilled hot dogs and macaroni salad, tasty fare. Enjoy the honorees. They must be grateful that you neighbors respect and honor their service!

Prayers for all in need!!!


Kay said...

Ah, JO, before I go, happy to see you're home from the doc with a good report! I take a little iron tab every day. I think it was back when I had the back surgery that tests showed my need for that. If only all physical problems were that easy to take care of!

JudyEddy said...

howdy eagle buds

on lunch as if you couldn't tell lol

1214 punch

JO good news on the dr visit

Mema Jo said...

I'm beginning to sound like Lolly

Ducky is lying around the noon hour.......... Don't think it good idea to leave the nest in a downpour of rain.

**** Dr asked me if I had my new pneumonia shot - Preznar
After I am off Prednisone (immune system a little down now) I'll get it. It is much better then the old one I had gotten in 2012.

Inquire about it gals!

Judie said...

Good afternoon.

Jo, happy to read the good news - only an iron tablet. Wowser!

Eaglets looking as if they need to get their feathers fluffed and dried.

Yep, it may well be that the second loon egg is not viable. Should have hatched today but mom was off the nest for over six hours last night. Dad frantic trying to cover the chicklet and incubate the egg. Mom did not respond to his calls. Still hoping the second egg will hatch with a healthy loon babe.

Kay, sure hope that water main is fixed quickly and that the dental visit was a-ok. Looking forward to some more Penny & Malcolm fun.

Off to make myself less scary for the cops. Don't want to be arrested for scaring the public.


stronghunter said...

Lots of drama at the loon cam. I have been reading the posts and Larry's blog. Very interesting. Earlier, I saw the adult (Dad, I guess) swimming with the baby on its back. Just now, I saw only an adult loon. Egg is still unhatched and uncovered.

stronghunter said...

Oh, the posts say the baby is still on Dad's back. I am wondering how they can tell the male from the female loon, but they seem to know.

stronghunter said...

Female loon has returned and is on the nest. But the egg has been exposed for a long time. The baby, it seems, it on the male's back, but hard to see.

stronghunter said...

And, I have learned that the male is quite a bit larger than the female.

Judie said...

Regular watchers can tell male from female because these two are banded with different colors. Just have to watching at the right time to see the legs.

Okay, going to make the final effort to be presentable.

Wishing everyone a wonderful evening.

Lolly said...

Just took a peek at our Eagles and they are just sitting.

Yep, working ourselves silly! However we quit at a more sensible hour this evening! I left so much to do until after our trip plus all the water damage. Things are shaping up, but the garden is still standing in water. There is a big slope down from the neighbors to the south and that is why we have standing water.

Tomorrow going to do an assessment of just what I need to do. Having a luncheon here a week from Thursday. That puts pressure on to get a lot done this week. Next week I'll be doing prep for the luncheon!

Jo, sounds like a good doctors visit. Yep, easy to pop an iron pill!😀

Judie said...

Evening all.

Police pot luck was really nice. Saw a couple of officers I had not seen for a while. Fun to catch up. Food was good, also.

Sandperson is waiting outside the closet. Wants to pack his satchel.

Will be denting the pillows soon. Go for sonograms tomorrow.

Restful sleep for all.

Janet said...

TUESDAY. egad. how did we get here??????

to say I've been busy would be a grave understatement.

FRIDAY: off work early, did my typical veg on the sofa and hit the bed early.
SAT> get up clean house, gals arrived and go full steam ahead til today.
SUNDAY the wedding went well. the reception after was a blast. we ate, drank, danced and had a really great time. (I will post a link to pix for those not on facebook)
SUNDAY night: every collaspes into bed early. I said to Tom, remember when we could party all day like that and still be partying now.....(it was 9 or 10 p.m.) and he said yes and good night.

MONDAY: up early, clean house, dear friend of many many years comes by with her new husband, plus gal pals are still here, and its Michael's bday....visit all afternoon, go to Hooters for dinner, and then, do cake (a reeses' peanut butter & chocolate cake that I made from scratch!) and then home to relax. bedtime for me 11 pm but up various times thru the night.

woke up feeling chewed up and spit out by the weekend, went to work, came home and slept the afternoon away.

Heading to bed shortly, but will post the two links, and then read back.

:) hugs to all

Janet said...

Michael's 25th birthday celebration and a pix of me with my friend of 25+ years...

Janet said...

Sunday's wedding, part I
we clean up pretty well! lol.

Janet said...

2nd half of photos from wedding.

Mema Jo said...

Good evening - just about to close for the day.

Judie I am glad the rain stayed away for your neighborhood event and that all was enjoyed

JudyE - thanks for all the photos from today. Won't be much longer before they leave

Janet - wonderful wedding pics and My oh my - Michael's b-day pie !

I have not this season been able to bring up the Loon cam - I think I am happy not to
have the drama - I view all the videos from the group.

Goodnight to all and SED and AOYP ♥

stronghunter said...

Interestingly, it is still light at the loon cam location--the hour time difference and the far north location makes the difference.

stronghunter said...

Time for sleep. SED, everyone. See you tomorrow.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. It started raining here at about 5pm and it hasn't stopped! No tennis matches in the tournament today!!

Judie, prayers and positive energy for good news from your sonogram!

Have agreat day all!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

56° at the nest

sorry about the rain SANDI

JudyEddy said...

Opinion please
I have had State Farm Ins since I could drive they are charging me 1500 a year I have a friend that got me a quote for less that 1000 Should I call my insurance agent and see if I can get them to lower or not?????? Travelers is the new one

JudyEddy said...

The selected item is not currently available is what I get on the live feed Oh well got to go to work anyway

Judie said...

Good morning.

Unless my eyes deceive me, we have only one eaglet actually in the nest this morning at 8:07. The one I see is calling, flapping, and hopping.

Off to the coffee pot. BBL

Judie said...

Ah, missing eaglet just returned. Likely out on a limb gathering courage. Time is near to say farewell, soar high and free.

Barbara said...

I CAN FLY!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! One of them is taking off, flying across the nest, and landing on the branch at 9 just past the cam view. The other is just staring! It will be any time now that the one leaves the nest for a real test flight...

Mema Jo said...

Good soggy morning - send that sunshine - we need some dry eaglets wings ♥

Only one visible eaglet in the nest - some on OD have seen the other fly out to
branch --- It is TIME for this to be happening but when it does it just makes our Eagle Season seem so short! Will probably be touch and go to see them both in the nest.

JUDIE - Great results from your Sonogram this am........ You have done so well that you
just may be ready for a lunch date!

No plans for today - I can't even pick the dead petunias - too wet.

Judie said...

Good morning Jo and Barbara.

Well, it looks like we have one "home alone" eaglet again. Yes, time is near and season seems too short.

Jo, appointment is at 2 pm for sonogram. Then meet the doctor at 3 pm, or whenever he shows up. Just going to sort some professional books/papers this morning. Probably the final effort before saying I am downsized with personal stuff. Will report when I return home.

Decorah three still together in the nest. Pete's Pond finally back on line. Osprey three growing nicely. Loon still incubating but again left unattended overnight.


Mema Jo said...

I didn't see the return of the eaglet
But they are both in the nest........... ♥

Mema Jo said...

Adult in nest with both eaglets

Mema Jo said...


But then CLUNK in the attic

Still looking for more food

We may not have sunshine until next Monday
Hope they can dry out before trying to fly out

Mema Jo said...

Good News

An additional donation for the Eagle Cam equipment to the NCTC Friends

6/3/15 - $2820 - 56%

Mema Jo said...


I've got a fish and it is all mine -

I wasn't signed on when fish was delivered but so far our one eaglet is just sitting on
it. Reminds me of what Spunky did one time when he hid the fish under him until he was hungry

Barbara said...

One eaglet is chowing down on that fish, and the other is just sitting on the side very indifferent. So there must still be enough food deliveries.

I remember when the two older eaglets fledged and Spunky wasn't quite ready, and Belle sat in the nest snuggling with him. 'Your turn will come', and it surely did.

I think we can have a flyer any day now!

Mema Jo said...

I agree Barbara ! I am amazed that the food less eaglet hasn't started a food fight
and tried to steal a bite or two

Our eaglet on the left - I am baffled by the coloring of his tail feathers...

Mema Jo said...

Time to prepare my thoughts for dinner

Judie, I hope you are home with a good report from your doc

Really is a good SOUP day ♥

Mema Jo said...

Wow! Some nest-overs were left in the nest

Both on the edge at 11 and noon position

Judie said...

Good late afternoon.

Yes, eaglet still not sharing. Looks damp and chilly there.

Damp and chilly here as well.

Doctor report very good. Each leg is 90+ percent blood flow. Will go back in Sept. He wants more frequent monitoring. Thank you for the positive thoughts.

Darth has a concert tonight. Yes, the summer outdoor concert season begins tonight. Just some leftovers - don't have to cook.

Lightning strike on the Loon cam. Frozen. Frustrating although I think the second egg was not viable. Just wish I could see them again before they sail off into their world.

Putting my feet up. BBL

grannyblt said...

Good evening eagle friends.

Today I saw several Juvie Eagles on the rocks near the beach in NE Ohio. My birding friend and I travel there a few times a year to check out shorebirds. We saw lots of swallows and turkey vultures, Canada Geese and Ring
Billed Gulls, but no shorebirds. We stopped at our favorite state park on the way home and didn't see much there either. There was an adult eagle circling, however. The day was bright and beautiful, so it was all good. I came home to find the neighbors half grown kitten sleeping in my living room. I guess she has figured out the pet door. These neighbors "rescued " her a couple of months ago, but now keep her outside and haven't taken her for her shots yet. My cat isn't thrilled with her, but hasn't attacked her either. Not sure I need another cat. I guess we will see what plays out.

Judie, glad you got a good Dr. Report.

I guess our babies are ready to make that big leap of faith.

stronghunter said...

So it was lightning that got the loon cam. I tried to watch a few minutes ago and got a lot of racket. I thought something was wrong with my computer, but finally figured out it was a problem at the cam site. I did see the loon sitting on the nest.

stronghunter said...

Cool and drizzly here today.

I see two eagles at the Sycamore Palace. Assume it's the eaglets, but I can see only feet for one of them. Oh, yes, there is a head. Two youngsters.

Time for me to attend to dinner.

JudyEddy said...

Good evening my eagle loonys LOL

sad about the lightening strike and the not viable egg at the loon cam
JUDIE good news of the percent
what kind of concerts???

The cell tower at the park they are installing a new tower suppose to be taller Wrong same height I see they installed a saucer on top of it for the eagles nest I am assuming that- I took pictures and Sue is sharing with the Audubon to see if its kosher I don't like the saucer for a eagle to big of a bird the osprey use them as will as others JMHO she is going to let me know

JudyEddy said...

temp at the nest is 61°

JudyEddy said...

eaglets are side by side looks like best buds one picked up a feather and let it go to other caught it in beak I got a snip of it sort of playing ball lol

JudyEddy said...

JO did you see CROW is having another tour and I am going to take Jordyn she is spending the night with me so that sounds like a road trip says on google map 2hr35min 152miles at 2pm

JudyEddy said...

just saw it on FB so I emailed them and asked it kids are welcome and I havn't mentioned it to Angie yet I can hear Jordyn if we go OH OMA what happened when ever she see something on FB about them that is what she says or if she see someone with a cast or boo boo What happened and we always say we don't know You think after awhile she would give up LOL

JudyEddy said...

a stick os on the back on one and the other is picking up the stick now got snip

JudyEddy said...

the one moved the stick and the other got up to help and yep got snip cooperation

Mema Jo said...

I saw the tour mentioned on Fb
That will be great
Hope you see Ozzie

Mema Jo said...

Grannyblt - that leap of Faith is coming sooner then we will be ready !

Nest looks as though it is drying a bit.

They sure could lose some more of their downy feathers.

Going to check out some TV - or just play some more computer games.

BBL and IF NOT'''''''''''' Goodnight to all ♥

Janet said...

good evening to one and all.

MEMA JO: glad you enjoyed the pix and the cake was good. Michael made sure he took the remaining pieces with him. lol.

Busy work day...then grocery shopping. Everything is put away....watching star trek and soon shower and bed prepping for another day tomorrow.

Good night all

stronghunter said...

Checking in to say good night. SED, everyone. I will see you tomorrow.

Lynne2 said...

Good evening all! It was my Honey Do day today, but geez, I have a terrible cough! Probably the Dengue Fever. I could be dead by sun up. LOL!!

LLOOOOOOWWWEEEEEEEEEDAAAAAA, I recorded an Outdoors Maryland to watch and guess who was in it?? Gregg Kearns!! It was a spot on Jug Bay and the Sora and Virginia Rails and the wild rice. Really good!

Friday is National Donut day!!

Going to hit the shower and then the bed. Good night!

Judie said...

Sandperson is packed and demanding I unlock the front door so distribution of sleepy dust can begin.

JudyE, concerts are three nights each week during the summer. Free in an outdoor amphitheater in a wooded park. Each night is a different group. Darth is involved as he is the Supervisor's appointee to the county park authority. Each park in the district has it's own schedule of performers. Guess I need to Gooogle CROW.

Lynne2, did you really have to mention National Donut Day? Sheesh!

Irene, glad you and your birding friend had a good day out even without seeing shore birds. I'm sure the kitten will be grateful for love and affection and food.

Okay, headed for the pillow. Sandperson has departed. Restful sleep for all.

JudyEddy said...

JUDIE CROW - Clinic for Rehabilitation of Wildlife-- is the organization that has OZZIE and many other animals and they are having a tour of the facility and grounds They got a baby bob cat yesterday there It is in Sanabel Island near Ft Meyers or Cape Coral

JudyEddy said...

fell asleep in the chair Got to get up to get Jordyn tomorrow No sleeping in

Security system is armed please be sure to use your code if out past curfew

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends - STILL raining! UGGHH!!

Judie, what great news about the blood flow to your legs!! Do some dancin'!!

Judy, enjoy your road trip with Jordyn.

The kids are awful - they are soooo done! Me too! Have started packing the stuff I am walking out with. I have set a 1-box limit.

Have agreat day all.

Janet said...

good morning. for the first time in 2 weeks (quite literally) I can see the sun.
I love rain....but have been aching for some sun. thank goodness it is back.

Thursday. week almost done. long weekend ahead for me. and, for that I will be thankful.

nothing too much going on around here. everyone have a super day!

Barbara said...

So I have been checking for about an hour and see one very restless eaglet -- have we seen the other?

Judie said...

Good morning.

Once again, a dreary morning. Good part is, no need to water grass, flowers, veggies. Had to turn heat on this morning.

Enjoy the sunshine Janet.

Loon cam still down but adults and baby are okay. Decorah three are fine. Osprey three are growing fast. Bears are looking for girl/boyfriends and introducing yearlings to Bear Center folks.

JudyE, thank you for educating me about CROW. You and Jordyn should have a terrific time.

Barbara, I too just checked and one eaglet in the nest. Can't see talons of the second.

Sandi, legs feel better than for the past 6-8 months. Very grateful for modern medical techniques. One box? Really? Congrats on getting an early start. Be nice if you could get that box packed and home before the last day then walk out the last day singing ♪♫ See you in September... ♪♫

Wonder what Jo and Kay and Shirley are up to today? Mischief, no doubt.

I'm up to nothing. Wishing everyone a wonderful day.

Mema Jo said...

Good rainy morning to all ♥

I have been reading newspaper, answering telephone calls and watching the birds and squirrels at the feeder.

Judy and Jordan I hope you have a fantastic day at CROW and remember your camera.

I just told hubby NOT to bring donut home but I didn't know it was a special day today.

At 7:44am both of our eaglets were in the nest - wingersizing and probably up on the branch now.

stronghunter said...

Not up to much, Judie.

I see one eaglet at the 12:00 spot. Not much of it is visible.

So wet out there that I'm not even going out to check on veggies. Did not even water the things when I planted them out there since it was so wet. I planted lettuce and spinach seeds, a squash plant, and some marigolds.

I still have more marigold plants and a couple of cherry tomato plants. Not sure where I will put them. I am afraid the birds and squirrels will eat the tomatoes if I put them in the garden, so I may put the plants in a pot that can be moved around, just so I can try for a good location. Hoping the marigolds will keep some varmints away.

Rabbits have found their way into our yard now, and goodness only knows what they might do with the lettuce and spinach, but maybe they won't eat much.

Still just one very wet eaglet visible in the nest. It will be nice to have a cam that shows activity near the nest. Would love to know if the other one is on the stump or elsewhere.

Too bad the loon cam is still down.

stronghunter said...

So happy that your vein report is a good one, Judie.

Wow,Sandi. I am impressed. One box.

Jo, I am sure you can handle one doughnut.

Enjoy that Jordan time, Judy.

Please send a little bit of that sunshine our way, Janet.

stronghunter said...

Hope you are feeling better today, Lynne2, and not infected with some dread disease. Dengue fever? I am not even sure what that is.

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

Tee-hee, JUDIE, my mischief involves two dogs---Malcolm's family left for St. Louis at 9 this a.m. and will return Sunday evening. So happy with the way your circulatory system is behaving! I agree, thank goodness for modern medicine!

I can't get the cam to come up and haven't read back to see if anyone else is having trouble????

SANDY, only 1 box representing all those years? You are to be commended for will power---I'm that kind of thrower away person, too---drove my pack rat hubby crazy!

JUDY, nothing better than trip with a grandchild! You and Jordyn will have a blast! Meantime your sis, JANET is enjoying sunshine at last and that's a blast, too!

Aha, the cam finally cooperated! I see one lone eaglet sitting at the 12 spot. Probably looking longingly at it's sib out on a branch and thinking, "why can't I do that".

Glad the loons are okay--durn that lightening anyway!

Now, it's what kind of mischief are JO and SHIRLEY, the two LYNNE's n' LOLLY getting into?

Prayers for all in need and for our eaglets who are right on schedule and up to speed!


Kay said...

Aha, SHIRLEY showed up while I was writing my daily novella. I envy you with all that space for planting beautiful flowers and yummy veggies! Yesterday I lucked onto Kroger's sale of the last of their plants for the season. Had been way behind in getting my deck decked out and now it's a thing of beauty--well to this beholder anyway. The main deck is all in a variety of pink and purple petunias as well as a lush Boston Fern. The little extension which constitutes a back porch is fixed up, too, with splashes of bright yellow marigolds and red salvia.

Mema Jo said...

Eagle Cam Equipment Fundraiser in Progress................

Collected: $2,900.00 - 58%
Goal: $5,000.00

Kay said...

So frustrated--the cam won't stay on for more than a couple of minutes--off to check e-mail and will keep trying to bring our Sycamore Palace family in.....

JudyEddy said...

Good morning still eagle budlets

Just got home from a outing at the park with Jordyn going to go for lunch later with Angie

not going tomorrow to CROW I am sure they will have another time doing it as it was two weeks ago also
I have tried to call and email them and no answer They require registration before and they don't answer
Plus didn't take truck down with Jordyn gym tonight and I have her today I did make a appt for next Thr at 8 with Ford getting brakes looked at and the hesitation in start at times at lights Plus if parts are needed they can have over nite Lets hope its nothing drastic the brakes only do it once in a while and the hesitation also

Kay said...

Wahoo, JO! Happy to hear folks are still contributing to the Cam Fundraiser! Slowly, but surely we'll get there!

JudyEddy said...

SIS I sent you the sunshine I might as well take credit for it LOL

WOW 57° at the nest NOW aand lite rain it says WOW

me we are sunny and hot 85° heat index NOW is 91° temp going to 91° HOT

Lolly said...

Good morning! Sunshine still here and in the forecast! Yea! We are making progress! Yesterday Jack shoveled an inch of mud off the back sidewalk. Today he is going to shovel mud out of the flowerbed back there. It has covered the slab and about to cover brick! Not good!

Worked myself silly again in the yard. Going to do the same again today. Hey! I am working off the extra pounds from our trip!😜

Many of my flowers are suffering and rotting in the water. This, too, shall pass. Oh, the life of a gardener! Thankful we are able to do the work.

Just peek in on the Eagles occasionally and appreciate pics posted on fb.

Time to start my day! Have a good one!

Oh, forgot to tell you.....Miss Skippita has developed two stripes down her back. Lol. We think she is part skunk!😜

Kay said...

JUDY, sorry the CROW trip is off, at least for now. You certainly don't want to hit the road til' that truck is in A1 condition--especially the brakes! Luckily you can have fun with your girls without going too far away from home!

I said I was leaving for a while and now, I am!

Kay said...

Okay, I lied....

Hey, SILLY LOLLY! Glad you have sunshine! Strange that your kitty is still working on her mature coat. Yep, she may be part polecat!

Judie said...

Dengue fever only affects the Queen.

Oh, speaking of Queen, did anyone else see that the London Daily News printed a "practice" obituary for Queen Elizabeth? Had the kingdom in a bit of an uproar thinking their Queen has moved on.

Mema Jo said...

WOW! Finally - 2 sets of golden talons at the nest !

stronghunter said...

Didn't see that, Judie. I would find it a bit unnerving to find a practice obit for myself written without my prior knowledge.

Yea! Two eaglets in nest. Got there just in time to see one fly up to the stump. Other is right at the bottom.

stronghunter said...

If Eagle Thing One jumps down to the base of the stump, it likely will land on Eagle Thing Two, who's preening there. But perhaps Thing One will fly over Thing Two.

stronghunter said...

Thing Two is wingersizing. Has moved away from the base of the stump.

stronghunter said...

Short fly-hops across the nest. Thing 2 will soon be on the stump.

Lynne2, have you been to any tropical areas?

stronghunter said...

More rain pouring down here. Goodness.

stronghunter said...

One eagle child in the nest. I guess the other one is still on the stump. Not sure what might be at the 12:00 spot, though.

stronghunter said...

Thing One has returned.

Sandi said...

Hi all - kids just left the hallway for exploratory classes - boy, are they ever wired!!

About my 1 box plan. First of all, I am the antithesis of a packrat - I'm not terribly sentimental and I hate clutter. Also, my career has had breaks that have allowed me opportunities to divest myself of stuff. I taught for 4 years and then stayed home for 9 years with the boys. When I left teaching in 1979 to have Brian, I didn't hang onto stuff b/c I knew I would be at home for a while and had no idea what or where I would be teaching when I returned.

When I moved from elementary to middle school in the late 90s, I left all of my elementary stuff at the school b/c I knew I wasn't returning to 5th grade. The person who replaced me was a brand new teacher and really appreciated my stuff. I walked out with 1 box of keepsakes/gifts & photos from my 5th graders.

When I stopped teaching 7th & 8th grade reading in Baltimore, again I just left everything for the next reading teacher, since I knew the curriculum would be different in Delaware.

I have a 12" metal ruler that was given to me by a fellow cashier at the grocery store where I worked to pay my way through college. It is the ONLY thing I have made sure to take with me from one school to another. A ruler takes up very little space.

OK, need to get some end-of-year stuff done. Getting my fingers AND toes done after school (wedding in Baltimore this Saturday evening) and then we are taking our tennis official guest out to a local Italian restaurant for dinner.


JudyEddy said...

got two answers from CROW and a phone call just now

this is from the facebook page after I comment that they hadn't called me back in regards to booking it for tomorrow

"" CROW - Clinic for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife, Inc. mentioned you in a comment.
CROW - Clinic for the Rehabilitation of Wildlife, Inc. wrote: "Hi Judy - Our Visitor Education Center is for all ages. There are live video feeds to watch the animals in rehabilitation including Ozzie. We do daily presentations at 11 a.m. that are geared for anyone of any age who loves animals. CROW is very family oriented. We hope to see you and your granddaughter. Call us at 239-989-8147 if you have any questions."

and this is the email I got from Rachel """Good Morning,

The Wildlife Walk is open to the public, and happens different times of the month.

During June they are held on Friday, June 5th and Friday, June 19th from 2:00pm t0 3:15pm.

It is not typically recommended for children under the age of 13 due to the content discussed on the tour.

We will not turn away your granddaughter if you feel as though she would enjoy it, but we always like to inform visitors ahead of time.

If you have any other questions, please feel free to let me know.



Judie said...

Good late afternoon.

Poor eaglet. Home alone. Hope mom or dad brings in dinner.

Sandi, I'm still impressed with the "one box" exit. Very nice about the ruler as a keepsake. I kept a few items also -- mostly sample size bottles of Jack Daniels and Smirnoff vodka provided by the college kids. I used to tell them they were driving me to drink. lol

JudyE, glad you received a response from CROW. Now you can make plans.

Big rain here. All misty and foggy.

To the scullery I go.

Mema Jo said...

Both eaglets in the nest - appears to have some food. Only 59° at nest

I have just returned from Martinsburg Chick-fil-A where they were sponsoring the
Berkeley County 4-H STEM club. My two great grandsons are involved in the club.
Was fun to see all the family!

Still having rain showers on the way home.


Mema Jo said...

ROFLMBO - Great food steal by the one eaglet!
Really sneaky~

paula eagleholic said...

Evening all!

Finally caught up on this thread.

Had a great Memorial day weekend. All the kids and gkids were here for 3 days. Had a wonderful time. Went to Larry's last weekend. We went fishing and got skunked but enjoyed the warm day out on the water.

Cold and windy here all week...looking for the sun.

Judye. ..having worked in retail for 32 years...amazing how many employees steal and think they will never get caught. Hope you get to visit CROW soon.

Judie..great news on the legs!

Today is day 4 of painting my ceilings...they are acoustic tile..touching up the edges were the painters tape from 4 years ago removed the finish. ..still have 2 rooms to go.

Larry still doing well..except the radiation really played hell with his remaining lower teeth...going to have the remaining ones pulled and do a full bottom denture.

JO glad your DR visit was good.

Haven't had time to watch our branching eaglets..I had better do so soon !

paula eagleholic said...

Oh and Mr Nick is doing just fine..he is out roaming the neighborhood since we haven't been on the beach all week.

Mema Jo said...

Good to see you here, Paula
I agree we all need some sunshine SOON. Happy that all is going well.
Did you rent out the home in MS for anytime this summer.

I was thinking it was earlier but the 2015 White Marlin Open will be held from August 3th through 7th in Ocean City, Maryland. Has Larry and friends ever entered?

I think by next week we will have at least one eaglet in first flight. The season has
gone by too quickly.

Take care and keep in touch ((hugs))

Janet said...

good evening. THANK YOU JUDYE! I have loved loved loved a mostly sunny day!!!

work was great. corporate came by. she had a back ache and so the boss had her get a massage from me. no matter. i just treated her like everyone else. as if she were my only client ever!

came home. pool time. sun shine. pool time!!!

dinner is done now (taco salad in the edible taco shell bowl) watered. thinking hot tub and bed time .... have a great evening

paula eagleholic said...

Jo...don't think Larry will be fishing the marlin tournament this year...his free ride is selling his
We have 5 rentals on the Biloxi house so far..anywhere from 3 to 5 far so good !

paula eagleholic said...

John Ajay and gkids are staying at the Biloxi house in 10 days for a week..hoping they have a great time!

Mema Jo said...

Great news on your rental -

BTW - glance at Still Cam before it goes down
FOG under the nest

Judie said...

Hello all.

Paula, how nice that everything seems to be falling into place for you and Larry and the Biloxi place. Glad Nick is happy and healthy. Wish Larry the best with his dental upgrade.

Jo, glad you enjoyed dinner and family time. Really nice that Chick-fil-A is sponsoring the 4-H STEM club.

Hope Kay is having fun with her Doggy B&B. Bet Malcolm and Penny are giving her a walk for her money.

Sandperson is in a cantankerous mood. Just threw sleepy dust in my face. So, apparently the satchel is packed and departure is imminent.

Restful sleep for all.

Lolly said...

Good evening!

Paula, have been meaning to ask. If the Biloxi house is for winter are you going to retire? Curious!

Another exhausting day but we see progress with the yard. Just wish we did not still have some standing water! It is such a yucky mess. Columbine apparently does not like swamp conditions as it is rotting. Today I sat on the flagstones of the front patio and with a hand shovel scraped the mud off and shoveled it into a bucket. I think I plugged the drain with dirt when I showered! Lol

School's out, school's out! Just a half day left for Laurel and Joey. Boys are through and Joseph proudly announced he is a Fish. 😄. Hard to believe he will be in high school! Where has the time gone?

Yesterday we hit 90 for the first time this year, today 91. About a month later than usual.

Okay, guess this is all for now. Ready to nap in my chair. Night all! SED!

Mema Jo said...

With all my socializing this evening I am ready to call it a day.

Can't believe tomorrow is already FRIDAY ----------- Red Friday at that

Still raining (Sounds like Lolly) Now I know how she felt about the rain even though
she was enjoying Italy

Goodnight to all and sleep well with pleasant dreams ♥

Sandi said...

Hi all - alarm didn't go off so I didn't have time to check in this morning from home. Good thing the dogs' alarms worked and woke me!

Have agreat day! Still drizzly here - ugghh!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle buds

~~~▄▄██▌ Its your Birthday so
▄▄▄▌▐██▌ Let the good times ROLL!!!!!!!!!

Judie said...

Good morning.

♪♫ HAPPY BIRTHDAY T-BIRD ♪♫ Wishing you an amazing day and an amazing year ahead.

Our nest has one eaglet home alone.

Just saw what I'll likely not see again. Decorah nest - both adults arrive with fish and the three eaglets are enjoying breakfast with mom and dad. So lovely to watch an entire family of five.

Sandi, the days are fewer and fewer. I think many of us are nearly as excited and happy as you to have this school year end.

Okay, off to look for mischief.

Wishing everyone a lovely day.

Barbara said...

Has one eaglet fledged? I have not seen two at a time in the nest all day yesterday and so far today. Right now the singleton is sitting on the stump.

Judie said...

Barbara, I just looked. One eaglet is on a branch just above the one sitting at the edge at 9. Eaglet above was wingersizing or stretching so saw the feathers.

Barbara said...

Now the nestbound baby is leaning over the edge at 9 and looking at something very intently...

Lolly said...

Good morning! Slow moving today. That is good!😄

Need to go check on our eagles and then get busy. Hubby is at doctors. Praying for a good report.

Have a great day! Do not eat too many doughnuts! 😜

Kay said...

Good RED FRIDAY Morning Eagle Buds!!!

Count down on toward our eaglets graduation to Fledgeling status and toward SANDI's graduation from teaching and her start on a new phase in education!!! All happy events for we Momsters!

Another happy event is birthdays and today we honor our dear THELMA!!! May all your wishes and dreams come true in the year ahead, T-Bird!!! We love you!!!

All is well with my pooches, though Malcolm is not eating well. Seems okay in all other ways--just his way of pouting about being left behind by his family, I guess.

JO, the 4-H STEM event sounds grand for your great-grands and you!

BARBARA, I enjoy your brief and to the point messages--the real point here being our Belle, Shep and their current chicks!

PAULA, I've missed your daily comments and am happy to hear how well everything is going for you and your family. Glad there is a remedy for the damage chemo caused for Larry's teeth. Happy smiles ahead for him!

JUDIE, "seek and ye shall find" so by now I'm sure you've located that mischief you spoke of.☺

Prayers, positive thoughts for all in need---especially those with pending medical appts. and test results!


Mema Jo said...



Mema Jo said...

Good late Red Friday morning to all ♥

I've just been slowly getting on the ball and moving !
Like Sandi my body alarm didn't go off at my usual 'get up' time
I love awakening and feeling refreshed.

Posted pics on FB and sent some by email of the get together yesterday evening.
The STEM group has really opened the inquiring minds of my 2 great grandsons.

Off to usual foot dr this afternoon - then perhaps family pizza for tonight's dinner

No sunshine yet ♥

Barbara said...

New thread..............

3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...