Wednesday, December 17, 2014


New thread.


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Sandi said...


grannyblt said...

Good morning.

It seems the cam is frozen. At least there is an eagle in the nest lol

Janet said...

Happy and Blessed Yule/Solstice to each of you! WINTER BEGINS...which means spring is not far behind!

A heavy frost outside this morning....seems appropriate.

Quite day ahead. Not sure what time the kid will be home, but probably mid afternoon.

Hope everyone has a fine and dandy day!

Mema Jo said...

Still cam is frozen as of this
morning at 7:16am. At least we have an eagle in the nest when this
happened. It is Sunday and no NCTC staff in until tomorrow.


Mema Jo said...

We just got a Christmas present

The still cam is now A-OK

Maybe the little Elf did it


JudyEddy said...

on lunch and surprise I got on without issues and I have three browsers open Shhh don't let the free wifi know also no one else in McD with computer may help

the store is jammed packed big time
and we sold out of popcorn tin now and everyone is so upset so sorry NOT

1230 punch time

JudyEddy said...

did you all noitce how deep the top of the nest looks nice crib rails seems to be

JudyEddy said...

going to FB and check out the fl cams

JudyEddy said...

I have the radio and still cam open and this one don't want to push opening another one so far so good and no spinning circle

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Just had an awesome visit with Mauley and Raymond.

stronghunter said...

Good afternoon. Getting very sleepy. I probably should stay awake, but I think I will head upstairs and take a nap.


grannyblt said...

Well, my very first impression of critter was correct. I had a flying squirrel pass away in my tv room closet. Both safe traps were continually sprung, but not since Friday afternoon. I found it today. I didn't know there were any in the neighborhood. One less now. Off to put things away and reclaim the room.

The Pittsburgh eagle cam is back on. There is a lot of local interest with the television stations running features.

Mema Jo said...

Report on Harriet SWFL MOM

We hope this is nothing serious. Viewers may have noticed Harriet having some balance issues this morning. Because of this abnormal behavior, The Pritchett Family has contacted Florida's Federal Wildlife Center and the local rehabilitation center, C.R.O.W.. They will continue to monitor Harriet's condition and if necessary C.R.O.W. and the FWC officials will decide how to proceed. This is an active nest and any interference will be at the direction of FWC.

JudyEddy said...

Home from work and watching a egg roll no pip from what I see

JudyEddy said...

shift change lots of eagle talk and the eggs not covered and no pip love the zoomer

JudyEddy said...

shift change lots of eagle talk and the eggs not covered and no pip love the zoomer

JudyEddy said...

>>>***** UPDATE: Harriet is in the SWFL nest..and seems to be stable and not having any balance issues at this time. She seems so much better and is flying fine too
Like ·


JudyEddy said...

¸.•´ ¸.•*¨)¸.•*¨)
(¸E.•´A(¸.G• (L¸.•´E¸¸.•¨¯`•.¸¸.♥


JudyEddy said...

picking in nest for a bit now moved to launch pad

JudyEddy said...

just standing

JudyEddy said...

HP HP I got snip

JudyEddy said...

poof one

JudyEddy said...

poof two

JudyEddy said...

21 min visit

JudyEddy said...

Check out google

JudyEddy said...

I posted it on FB so I thought I would bring this over right before I was to get of at 4pm the rains started and storms when I left work it had moved to Tampa to where a bolt of lightening hit a car dead center in the parking lot The Bucs football game had just ended and people were getting out and only rain there but remember we had storms here but not there yet 7 people sent to hospital and the car has a hole in top and the lights and all were flashing the people are on vaca here also

JudyEddy said...

67° out now was sitting outside on the porch loving that I got my screen fixed so I can sit out there

Judie said...

Good evening everyone.

Glad to see Harriet seems to be improved. Hope that continues to be the case.

Hang in there JudyE. Christmas is almost to the over and done with part.

Been extra busy today. Spent some time baking cookies.

Spent some time in Desert Lizard 101. Next door neighbors are leaving for the coming week and we agreed to lizard-sit for them. Had no freakin' clue how much work a lizard requires. lol

Judie said...

Sandperson just went into the closet to pack a satchel.

Night light will be on soon.

Restful sleep for all.

JudyEddy said...

We will know who to go with any lizard questions JUDIE Both my kids had big lizards years ago but no longer to much work as I recall

JudyEddy said...

Security system is armed please be sure to use your code if out past curfew

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Mema Jo said...

good evening and almost time to close down

I was busy today getting all the
family's stockings stuffed with
candy and $ - 43 of them.

Christine and family coming for dinner tomorrow evening - they will head home Christmas eve.

I have two 24th Christmas eve b-days. Samantha will be 13 and then we also get to celebrate Elliot's mom, Valerie on the 24th. Lots of people share that date- even my one cousin.

Mema Jo said...

Time has now come - closing down.

Goodnight to all ♥

magpie said...

Good Night, Good Morning, Precious Pals....

Lovin' the Christmas Avatars....

So Long, Autumn....
Welcome Winter....Be Kind to Us this Year...

Sweet Sleep Wishes to all,
God Bless Us,
Every One xoxo ♥

Lolly said...

Heading to bed and realized I had not been on all day! Church was nice this morning, beautiful music. Made candy while watching the amazing Cowboy game. Yay!

Also did a little Lollypaloozing but not much!

Michael called and they are coming CHRISTMAS Eve day leaving early evening. I had to ask and it was like yes, we are coming, no big deal! I told himLaurel and I are planning party food. They COULD bring something! Grrrr!

Really need to get to bed we have been staying up too late recently. But, I do like the evenings when I can read or work puzzles!

Night all! SED!

Lolly said...

Great to see you, Margy! Big ((hugs))!

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends.

Judie, happy lizard-sitting! Have never had that experience!

Jo, 43 stockings to stuff - what blessings for you and Ed!

2 days - I can do this!

Have agreat day all.

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

Here I am, up with the chickens and SANDI again!

Hang in there, SANDI. Hope the kids aren't too rambunctious today and tomorrow.

JO, I too, and in awe of you and Ed for the family you launched--43 blessings! Enjoy Christine and family! It's wonderful to think of them as they eagerly observe their own traditions in their OWN home!

JUDIE, lizard sitting gives you the chance to try out a new kind of pet. Let us know what you think of the idea.

LYNNE1, glad the unwanted visitor problem resolved itself enabling you to regain possession of the room! Thanks for the heads up on the Pittsburgh cam.

LOLLY, glad you finally know when Michael and family will be celebrating with you. Have fun with your precious Zacharooski!

Nothing special on the agenda here today and that's okay with me!

Love and prayers for all in need, in fact, for all!!!


JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

Hoda said...

Good morning
Woke up to take pictures
Still cam is down'

Good night then...

Janet said...

good morning to all.
well its going to be an interesting holiday in this house. by his symptons, I strongly suspect tom has the flu. :(

I will be calling the dr @ 8 to make appointments for him and for me and my shoulder as I still have a burning sensation.

I do have to take a continuing ed class today...Tennessee massage law and business taxes. required. have to have it completed by the 31st and I literally forgot to attend the last one.

so its going to be an interesting day to say the least.

I hope everyone is well today. SANDI You got this. you can do two days!

then a break and you are on the downhill slope.

Morning HODA

JO 43 stockings. wow!

everyone have a superday

Mema Jo said...

Beautiful morning visit

Cam is ok

Mema Jo said...



stronghunter said...

Good afternoon,

Oh my, Janet. The flu is not fun at Christmas or any other time. I have a nasty cold. I hope it's better by Christmas.

43 stockings, Jo. Wow!

stronghunter said...

Cold rain here today. Glad I put out birdseed yesterday. And I got a new heater for the bird bath. Not below freezing out there today, but I'm ready.

Hoda said...


Slipping and sliding away!

Serious ICE!
Ice grippers!

And still sliding away!


Mema Jo said...

Precipitation has arrived
More like a drizzle
But it is cold out there

Expecting dinner guests around 6

Hope all of you are relaxing!

Mema Jo said...

BTW I didn't mean the stockings the size of the ones you hang from your mantle..........

Small ones
But yes, 43 small ones with candy
and a $ gift

Kay said...

JO, what's for dinner? When it comes to Christmas stockings it's not the size that matters---it's about the love that goes into each of them!

HODA, do be careful! Slip n' slide, but no falling, you know!

48 wonderful degrees here and going higher tomorrow--snow flurries due on Christmas day--a roller coaster winter.

SHIRLEY, the birds in your yard are soooo lucky---drinking and bathing possible year round!

JANET, not good news for Tom. Hope the bug is his and his only and wish him well soon. Also hope the doc has a remedy for your shoulder!

Lolly said...

Let me see...I have made cornbread for dressing, made the sweet potato souffle, deviled eggs (story about that) and now have 3 dozen cinnamon rolls rising. I am through cooking for the day and headed to clean two bathrooms. If I do not show up come looking for me. Might just fall!

So Laurel asked her family if there was any particular food that they would miss if it was not prepared. Joey and Joseph both said no, however dear Jacob said deviled eggs and a particular sandwich Laurel makes ith Hawaiian rolls. Well, I have never prepared deviled eggs at Christmas but this year deviled eggs it is. Laurel is preparing the sandwiches.

Ok, have had 10 minutes off my feet, now on to the bathroom! Merry Christmas Eve Eve Eve.

Oh and I had my mammogram this morning! What a day!

Janet said...

good afternoon to all. tn law and business tax class done for 2 years. whew.

it was a full class, over 50 people.

I could not get tom a dr apt today and he doesn't want to go to urgent care. they worked us in tomorrow morning @ 8 a.m. he's pretty miserable. I feel so badly for him.

I picked up some more gatorades, etc while I was out.

as for me, I am drinking the master tonic 2x a day right now to hopefully keep my immune system strong enough to fight it and everything else out there off! fingers crossed!

its a quiet afternoon. livvy is in her room enjoying her new clean room and bed. tom is snoozing in his chair....and I am taking it easy at the moment.

there has been minimal burning with the shoulder today, so i'm going to try to go back to work on Wednesday. I just have 3 hours that day.

anywho, I hope everyone is well. stay safe, no falling (HODA) and know that I am keeping you close In heart and thought.

JudyEddy said...

walk in and eagle

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

there was a pip at the NE FL nest Juliet and Romeo nest

stronghunter said...

Guess I just missed an eagle this evening.

JudyEddy said...

SHIRLEY eagle was in one min you blinked and you would have missed it

I just got a snip of the pip

stronghunter said...

Back from the grocery store.

Was wondering, Lolly. Have you ever tried assigning certain food items to Michael? I usually assign foods to Rus and Susan when we have family gatherings. It works.

At Thanksgiving, I told Rus to bring firewood. He brought it in and started up a nice fire.

stronghunter said...

Oh Hoda . . .

Do not like to hear of ice and such. We are just above freezing and getting plenty of cold rain.

stronghunter said...

You are so good at keeping up with the eagles, Judy.

JudyEddy said...

I was lucky I had just walked in this time I am usually sitting here knowing they will show up you can set a clock to the sunset visit

ATTENTION if you read before you go to bed on EREADERS, Laptop, Phone, IPads they say that they can interfere with your sleep The light that it emits was just on the news HMM I wonder would that also apply to playing on the computer

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Dear Eagle Buds! JudyE, was thinking about your neighborhood yesterday after hearing about the lightening strikes at the Football Stadium parking lot! WOW!

If yesterday was the shortest one, today wasn't much better! Guess because we got the grey gloom and doom rain again! I put on the Xmas lights, it was so dark. Newest cat, little orange Punkin, tried to wipe my small light-up ceramic tree off it's table. He was playing Secret Santa under the skirt covering the table. He finally snuck out, but brought some of the cloth with him!
I almost dare to believe all the Xmas stuff is done! Only some baking to take to Xmas dinner. Work tomorrow, so gotta do the do, etc! Hope an Xmas Eagle will be there! Need to watch ours here at the right time!
Gotta get some din din. Hope everyone has a happy evening.

Hoda said...

Yes light included. Not as bad as tablets yet it does affect sleep depth and ease.
If you keep your tablet close to your bed, or iPhone or whatever else,You are more than likely to have shallow sleep. The frequency is always on...GPS or updates and so on...Many studies about that here...One of the first questions asked when you tell a Canadian doctor you are having problems sleeping. They ask about your computer use and habits. They say to be off of electronics at least half an hour before sleep. My experience tells me at least an hour...

Off to to you all later...

JudyEddy said...

NOW I KNOW to not do videos and pictures at night like I do after I get back from Angie that may be the reason for me having issues getting to sleep So from now on I will only do things like that right when I get home so it may have to wait a day to post but that is the price we pay for a good night sleep I know there has been times doing video on Youtube I would be on the puter till I went to bed That is a no no from now on.

JudyEddy said...


Mema Jo said...

Need to say goodnight

Talk to you all about today tomorrow



Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kay said...

Good Very Early Morning Eagle Buds!!!

SANDI, you GO Girl! Last day to teach and reach those kids in 2014! You can do this!♥

JO, looking forward to your talking about yesterday today! I'm imagining a joyous celebration with Christine and family!

JANET, hope Tom's doc zeroes in on his ailment with a quick remedy. There are reports here in Central Ohio that show lots of hospitalizations due to the flu. This years flu vaccine doesn't protect against the latest nasty bug making the rounds.

JUDY, here's hoping your new nightly routine results in better rest! Turn off all the gizmos and let the brain transition into sleep mode. Let us know if it works.

My Julie's dryer belt bit the dirt yesterday afternoon--Hugh will pick one up today and do the fix. Meantime they brought a basket of laundry here to dry, along with one of Hugh's scrumptious Indian meals-a spicy, creamy sauce with chicken and rice. I provided salad and wine, Christmas music and candlelight. A good time was had by all!

Heading back to bed for more zzzz's. I don't expect to have trouble sleeping even though my eyes and brain have been stimulated due to reading about youse guys and posting.

Love and prayers for all!!!


Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends on this eve of Christmas Eve. 1 more day of work in 2014 - I've got this! Our 8th graders were wild yesterday, today should be even "better!"

Some of my students owe their teachers work and, since no one will be covering new material today, I'm going to pull my kids into my room and not let them out until they make up their missing assignments.

Judy & Hoda, did not know about light from electronic screens messing with melatonin levels - very interesting.

Janet, hoping Tom's doc can get him on some meds to help him feel better fast.

Kay, hope you are sleeping soundly. Dinner last night sounds lovely!

Jo, loved the photo of Michael with his girls that was on FB.

Lolly, hope you can relax a little before the family arrives!

Better scoot - have a great day all!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

Janet said...

morning all. up early to take tom to the dr. must leave @7:30. lets get some coffee in the body.

thanks for the well wishes....

SANDI you got this! count down the hours!

hard to believe tomorrow is Christmas eve. the plan is Michael and his new gal, megan, will go over to Chelsea's and take gifts for us. as long as he is not showing symptoms of this bug tom has. we will watch the kids open their gifts via Skype.

I hope everyone has a great day. will check in later!

Judie said...

Good morning to everyone.

Congrats to Sandi for surviving to the final day of 2014 school.

Will check in to see what Jo reports from yesterday with Christine and family.

I also saw that Hoda is slip-slidin' away. Socks and ski poles in order.

Janet, sorry your shoulder is not healed AND that Tom is sick. Hope doctor can provide a hurry-up feel good prescription.

Kay, I think if I were Julie I would deliberately have something break just to have dinner at your place. Sounds yummy.

Shirley, so sorry you have a bad cold. Hope you're feeling better today.

Finally, Loretta has some much needed assistance with holiday decorating. lol

I know I've missed much. Just been unexpectedly busy. Doctor yesterday (cardio checkup), lizard-sitting, etc.

Judie said...

Our nest was MT when I checked. Berry nest was occupied and crib rails are looking high and strong.

Going to do some more cooking today.

Will check in later.

Judie said...

Hi y'all.

Come on over. Fresh new thread.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Somehow I missed the part where Judie got to lizard-sit. I am confused.

Much to do today. Though yesterday, Hunter complained the refrigerator was too full, I need to get a turkey and some fixings.

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...