Tuesday, December 23, 2014


New thread. 

Hoping everyone has a great holiday season and a fine new year.

The new eagle season is almost upon us.


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stronghunter said...

Whee--over the split I go. :)

grannyblt said...

Shirley, I'm sure you know that cooked turkey freezes well. Occasionally I buy a turkey breast to slice and freeze for sandwiches. I think it is better for you than thedeli processed lunch meat. And as far as the other situation, demands can be made but that doesn't mean that they have to be followed.

Glad to see that many of you had a nice Christmas.. Hopefully the sick ones are on the road to better health.

I first watched the eagle cam when I was in Tx getting ready to move up here, in early '07. I remember it was before we got the live cam. I don't remember when I joined the blog.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Laurel thinks it is the flu! She may be a little better. We are taking them home sometime today. Mainly because we have both dogs here and Cosmo is a huge pain! We have had to chase him down several times! In no hurry to take them home. Laurel still in pj's!

stronghunter said...

Sounds like it could be the flu, Lolly. Sounds like that Cosmo is a force to contend with. I believe Laurel and family have a fence. I hope so.

Remember chasing a few rambunctious puppies around the neighborhood in past years. They love it. The puppies, that is.

stronghunter said...

Yes, I have frozen cooked turkey before. I just need to get this one cooked and deal with it from there.

I have ingredients to make lots of things. I may make a pie today, too. Need to start slowly. Still do not want to fix things that require lots of handling.

Mema Jo said...

Good Afternoon to all ♥

Our eagle have certainly been busy
Those of you who see them on the cam
PL:\EASE take note as to their heads Look for a Spot I am so concerned as Eagle Cam has some very good photos and not all the time but once or twice a spot is very clear and it appears to be on the female.
Don't be over alarmed but grab a pic if you can and mention it on here.

JudyEddy said...

Good afternoon eagle buds

been trying to get my new Ipad to connect to my network no luck getting a little perturb with it tooo may have to call cable co It worked at Angies house but can't get to connect here

saw the eagle for a few this am before I headed out for a bit

stronghunter said...

Oh, I will look for that spot, Jo. We really need to get the live cam going ASAP.

stronghunter said...

Might have seen a spot on one side of a head, but not sure.

Mema Jo said...

I was busy this morning tracking down Bao Bao. She was outside this am and even though the tree guards were in place - she somehow bypassed them and was up in the tree again.
She is inside now and eating lunch with her momma

Hoda said...

Spot I see periodically is on side of head. Lower right yet still head. Feathers ruffled. I have seen that on Belle before. I have also captured her distinctive V in a few shots. Most time their backs are to the cam.
I do not think there is a question that the two birds we see are our resident couple.
Live cam would be good.

Janet said...

good afternoon all. we ALL slept til almost noon. unbelieveable.

STRONGHUNTER: while I agree with you that a parent should be there despite anything for their child....I will say this, and it is not siding with the dad, but I had to make a decision today whether or not to return to work tomorrow.

I read the Tamiflu website and the mayo clinic website. the flu is contagious 1 day prior to symptoms showing and up to 5 to 7 days after the first symptom. so for me, I was contagious on Monday and will continue to be so at least til this coming Monday.

It is not known if Tamiflu makes you not contagious as does an antibiotic (I was hoping it did). therefore, I have to consider myself still contagious and stay home.

I am missing now a full 2 weeks of paycheck for myself. there is no sick pay or paid time off. I hope AFLAC has approved my claim but I do not know at this time.

My other thought is, if I spread this flu others will catch it and many many others cannot afford Tamiflu as it is $200 a dose with out insurance and even with insurance, many still cannot afford it....and in some places, as you point out, it is in short supply.

so, my thoughts are, we have to be responsible in preventing the spread of this as best we can.

but I do think the dad needs to make this up to Hunter ....do something extra special with him...and I hope Hunter does NOT come down with this. I hope no one else does because it is a pretty miserable thing.

It is difficult when it comes to children and holidays. i'm craving to see my grandchildren, hug them and give them their gifts, but we have to make decisions on their health. Chelsea and chris cannot afford $125 a person for Tamiflu. that is after their insurance pays....$125 out of pocket per person.

So anyway, off my soap box.

HODA: be calm. breathe. perhaps you can lure the evil JUFIE into doing yoga and being less evil and more giving? ????

Love to all. HUgs to all. (without germs!)

stronghunter said...

Good thoughts, Janet. I just hope we get through the holidays without more problems.

Right now, I have a grumpy Hunter to deal with. All of these events do not make it a "be nice to Grandma day."

stronghunter said...

Good to know you believe it's our Belle in the nest, Hoda.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley = you know teenagers can direct their disappointments to any one near to them. Be strong and don't take it personally but also don't let it get out of hand.. ♥

stronghunter said...

Yes, I know a lot about that, Jo.

stronghunter said...

Interesting--Pediatrician says no Tamiflu unless Hunter actually has the flu.

stronghunter said...

Just saw a news report on the fact that some areas are experiencing a Tamiflu shortage, thought the supply should be okay.

Janet said...

I am sorry, Stronghunter, that you have a grumpy teenager to deal with. It is, indeed, difficult. Unfortunately, you and I both know disappointment is something we must all learn to deal with in life.

It is interesting, however, that our dr said to give Livvy the Tamiflu to help to prevent it. Different schools of thought I suppose.

I have laid around most of the day. Talked to the boss and am not returning to work as of yet. I have not left my house since the dr. office on Tuesday. I know its only a couple of days, but its odd for me. And interestingly enough, I have no desire to go anywhere.

Tom helped Olivia to construct her new art table today. That of course, was not without its woes. She wanted to argue about seemingly every detail. The main point of contention is that our house has small rooms and only so much furniture will fit in each room, and only a certain way. She has a dresser that is not full that we suggested would be stored downstairs to give her more room. OH NO, not that. And she was adamant on that.....
so now, she is almost literally wall to wall furniture.

Picking the battles.......picking the battles.

I finished reading my book last night. I have two new ones to start. I will be excited to go to the library next week and register my new kindle with them so I can borrow books on it. :)

Will check in later.

Germ free hugs for all.

NatureNut said...

Good Day after Xmas. See that most of you had a great Holiday. Sorry for those under the weather and having neighborhood fires!!
We spent most of Xmas at stepson, Dennis' house. This time Both of his kids made it, so we got to see the grandchildren! They both live near Annapolis.Danny brought his girlfriend's dog that he is babysitting while she's away. It is the most adorable thing I've ever seen! She's a 5 year old Yorkie-Poo, Snickers, and shorter than a cat! Granddaughter Ashton is looking into a 10 month English teaching position in Thailand!!!Nothing will happen until end of spring. They also want teachers in Istanbul. We're all voting for Thailand!
Got home late last night and then was on phone. Daughter Sherry in TX said Jimmy cooked a turkey in his big green egg!!
This afternoon, when all the outside kitties were in one place, gave them their presents. Each got a little catnip mousie! Lots of joy!
This evening starting to wade through leftovers--Dennis' doggy bag and quite a few things we had. Some may get frozen!
Keep thinking today is Saturday! And then we have the Holiday thing again!
Got a couple new toys from daughter I have to play with. One is an electric candle with a hologram glass chimney. The other has a tea light candle. I told her if I get in trouble, I can call grandson Danny. With his VA Tech engineering degree, he is a fireman!
If I don't get back, Good Health Prayers for All and SED ;>)

Lolly said...

We returned Laurel and family to their home. We had to take two vehicles! I had Laurel, Jacob and dogs. Cosmo had to ride in his kennel as he is not a good traveler and it is huge! Also, had every inch filled with luggage, gifts, and food! Loaded a lot into the back of Jack's truck and Joseph rode with him. We stayed there long enough for unloading, putting away, and Jack helped Joseph put together his new hockey goal. he wears inline skates and plays hockey on the driveway.

Joey did not go to the doctor. Said it was too crowded. He might be better. Laurel is trying to stay positive and thinks she is better. We are bound to come down with it.

Going to take the next couple of days quietly and considering going to my sisters to attend memorial service for cousins wife.

Going to go shower, get in my pj's and be really comfortable for the rest of the evening!

Night all! SED!

stronghunter said...

Maybe you will be okay, Lolly. Hunter and Will are still healthy.

Mema Jo said...

I just had a laid back day. Tomorrow
the last of family will be here for lunch. Grandson and wife from Aiken, SC- have not seen them for a long while. Also his mom/dad/brother will be here again -

Goodnight to all and blessing of
love, happiness, joy, good health to all ♥

stronghunter said...

Here to say good night to everyone. SED my friends. I'll be back tomorrow.

Hoda said...

Good night.
God Bless

The whole area here is under Avalanche Waych

Not skiing this weekend.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

Hope all is well--I see Hoda's comment about the avalanche watch and Judy's early good morning.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Still sending thoughts and wishes for those who are sick to feel better quickly.

Hoda, sorry about no skiing but avalanches are not selective when people get in the way. Stay safe and just snuggle with Jufie.

Shirley, has the turkey been cooked? If Kathryn and Hunter are still headed to FL, wish them safe travels, please.

Jo, running out of ways to say enjoy your family. lol Have fun and enjoy.

Judie said...

Good morning again.

I have an announcement to make.

The past few weeks, Darth and I have been working through the adoption process for Siamese Rescues. Incredibly thorough but glad for that.

Yesterday we drove down to the rescue center near Shirley. We adopted two furbabies. They are now here with us. One is Lilac Point (Forrest) and the other is a Snowshoe (Bootsy). They had one owner for 11 years. She was evicted and could no longer keep them. They are lovely ladies and very gentle and friendly. They have very loud purr-motors. We considered others but focused on these two because they are bonded sisters (people often do not want two), are older (everyone loves kittens), and we would likely not outlive kittens.

So, please welcome Forrest and Bootsy to our blog family. Darth and I are very, very happy.

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

Welcome to the fold Forrest and Bootsey! You've entered the home of a loving, caring couple who will give you the best of care---and by extension you belong to the Momster family and we embrace you wholeheartedly!!!

HODA, I know you are ON it when it comes to paying attention to warnings and will stay safe, not only for yourself, but for those of us who love you dearly!

SHIRLEY, hope you're feeling perky this morning! That turkey will find it's way to grateful tummies, I'm sure. Hope Kathryn and Hunter pack a few sandwiches and head for Florida as planned.

JUDY, hope it isn't too hectic at Wally World and that you are well satisfied with those three days off.

JO, enjoy the South Carolinians---how nice that Christmas has lasted a whole week for you!

Another sunny day with temps climbing into the 50's. I feel so blessed that my prayers for fair weather while I have 2 dogs has been answered! Malcolm and Penny are loving their outdoor time!

Love and prayers for all!!!


Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥

I checked on our Panda cub and her
mom - running around the yard together - I guess all trees have guards and will eliminate her climbing.

Lunch today with family here at the house. Need to tidy up a bit.

Mema Jo said...

Congratulations on your new kitties.
Forrest and Bootsy - Would love to see their pictures. Perhaps Darth could put the pics on his FB page.
I am so thankful you took them both
They deserve to stay together.

Mema Jo said...

Hoda, stay safe - like don't leave
Nelson. ♥

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Welcome Bootsie and Forrest!! Lucky says meow.

I cooked the turkey yesterday. Then I set the table with all of the Christmas things I'd bought--new tablecloth, runner, napkins, plates and crystal. It was quite pretty. Kathryn got into some traffic, so we ate late, but we did have a Christmas dinner--just Will, Hunter, Kathryn and I.

Will gave Kathryn and me our gifts--he'd already gifted Susan, Vince, and Hunter earlier. I still have his.

Kathryn and Hunter leave for Florida on Monday. She is working again today.

We are looking at getting everyone together on Sunday, Jan. 4. Will and Susan have a birthday on Jan. 7, so we might need to combine celebrations there. I've always tried to avoid combining birthday and Christmas celebrations for them, but we will see. This is an unusual year and it's getting harder each year to get everyone together.

stronghunter said...

I was exhausted after my day of cooking yesterday. Some clean-up chores still wait for me, even though I got help last night.

This flu does take away one's energy.

Lots of stories of flu and the need for Tamiflu on the news. They're saying the flu shot missed the mark this season. Yeah. I got mine way back in early fall--August? September? Maybe it helped a little.

stronghunter said...

Is there snow on the ground down in Nelson, Hoda?

stronghunter said...

Sunny here, too. Looks nice out there. Maybe I'll go re-fill the birdfeeders in a bit.

Hoda said...

Good Morning.
Yes snow on the ground in Nelson too now SHIRLEY.
No chance of me going to Avalanche area. No worries please. Pray for those who will not heed the warning! There is always a few.

Congratulations and welcome to the Siamese. Sad and concerned about the woman being evicted. Does she have safe housing?

Off to yoga I go.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Wow! Welcome Forrest and Bootsy! Pictures please!!!! Love those Siamese kitties!

Skippi is so happy to be reclaiming her home! I think given another day or two she would have enjoyed the dogs! But, as it was she was slinking from behind furniture to safety behind her baby gates! The dogs dishes were right beside the gate into the utility room. Skippi would sit behind the gate, inches from the dogs, and playfully bat at them.

Jack is coughing, I have a head ache. Trying to stay positive!

Zach just called. He had to tell me about his gift from Santa AND The Grinch! (Seriously...The Grinch!). He received airline ticket to Chicago to see the Blackhawks play hockey. He is also going sometime to Pittsburg to see a hockey game there! Glad they can afford these gifts! Zach does not play with toys and actually is not interested in gifts. He is a TCU fan, so we gave him TCU clothing for Christmas!

Have not heard yet today from Laurel. Told her to call me, not going to call as I do not want to wake her if she is sleeping.

stronghunter said...

Tamiflu does help, Lolly. And it is important to start on it early. Just hoping you do not really need it, though.

JudyEddy said...

hello on lunch and playing withmy newtablet I can't get to minimize nd open multi windows

stronghunter said...

Thought you would have to have snow, Hoda. I expect your Christmases are always white.

Sandi said...

Hi all from WV. Have been loving my time with Freyja! Sorry to read that so many are sick. Prayers for healing.

Judie I have been meaning to ask you about your search for new kitties. How wonderful that you have found a pair. Hoping things work out this time.

Judy how are you doing with your new ipad? Was it a gift from Angie or did you buy it for yourself?

Will check in from home tomorrow.

Janet said...

good afternoon friends.

JUDIE: such wonderful news! Congrats and welcome to your new fur babies!
LOLLY; in my current experience, the TAMIFLU is wonderful. I started symptons on Tuesday and started Tamiflu on Tuesday as well. I have certainly not been as ill as I was with the flu back in March and did not even get nearly as sick as Tom did with this flu (he’s the one who shared!). If affordable, I recommend it. Michael and Olivia are taking it as a preventative and currently no one else is showing signs of the flu.

I have a dr. apt Monday for my shoulder and get work excuse for Wed thru Today. The one thing about Tamiflu no one seems sure about is if it makes you not contagious, like an antibiotic does. So I have erred on the side of caution and stayed home.

I hope to go back to work on Tuesday. I have been home for two solid weeks now! Enough!

It has been a nice day. It was dry earlier so I got outside just to get some fresh air and opened a few windows for a bit. Now however, the liquid sunshine is back. Cooler temps heading our way as well.
I hope everyone is having a great afternoon. I have done my homeschool reporting and now, going to play a few games and then read in my book! Later ya’ll

JudyEddy said...

Home from work and its hot 80° out now didn't want to turn ac on but looks like I must

SANDI so far ok on the IPAD got to get use to it I can't get it to minimize the screens for multi screen on it I went and stopped at the park to see the eagle and one was there i tried my I pad for pic and got two and took off in the second pic so didn't get a real good pic also got to figure out how to delete pic on it will get with Angie she got herself one when she got this one for me for Christmas she knows it in and out says its like her phone

Mema Jo said...

Company has departed - a very lovely lunch and afternoon visiting.

I think I am beat...
Feet up (sorta late but necessary)


JudyEddy said...

eagle in

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

poof one

Hoda said...

SHIRLEY! Not always!!! Christmas day here was green...
We had snow before and snow after and a huge melt/chinook between...
Glad of the snow today. It is cold and very pretty.

I understand it snowed in Oklahoma City too today.

I am not sure that taking the magical flu pill before symptoms is a good idea. We ruined antibiotics for over use and I wonder if this magic new bill is going the same way???

I love Little Miss FREYJA's video on FB. Thank you SANDI. A darling indeed...

JudyEddy said...

poof two

Lolly said...

We have had a special treat today. This morning a beautiful rs hawk took up in our backyard. First he was in a tree but then decided the top of the greenhouse was the place to be. Not sure how long he was there as we stopped watching but over an hour. And, he is back right now. He scans the ground, flies down, stomps around and then eats something! He has been so much fun to watch. Can not get a good picture.

Ran errands today. Bought gift wrap on sale and more LED lights also on sale. Do not believe taking Tamiflu is the thing to do for prevention. However, fever occurs we will definitely get to the doctor and get on it! Right now Jack thinks he has a cold. No fever, but coughing. I got some NyQuil. We got our flu shots in Sept. and that will help against some strains of flu.

Still have not heard from Laurel. Guess I am going to have to call her.

stronghunter said...

The flu shot I got protected against strain A. But not enough. Hope your shots protect you and Jack, Lolly.

JudyEddy said...

Check out this video of Romeo and Juliet having soft conversation discussing college plans LOL

Hoda said...

Good day. Snow continues to fall.
Very beautiful.
Wishing all healing and a sense of gratitude and wellness.
Reflection time...and a sense of the abundance and the incredible path that we are all travelling.
I will say good night.
See you in the morning.
God Bless Us All.

Mema Jo said...

I am ready to close down for the day

The weather today was extremely beautiful. I know rain and cold temps are coming this way - so I really enjoyed today.

No plans for Sunday - I will remember all my blessings I have had during this Christmas season. I am so grateful for all my family and friends.

Goodnight to all and prayers for all the healing that is needed. ♥

Mema Jo said...

Because I am not an early bird
I wish to say this now......




Judie said...

Good morning!

Yes, tis I. Up before the sun. Yawn.
Being a mom is fun. Yawn.

Will return later today. Adjustment time is going well. Their tummy schedules are about 4 hours ahead of mine.

Judie said...

Hoping today will be special for you both.

Judie said...

An apology to Paula.

Paula, you asked some days ago about whether or not we were looking for Siamese. I did not answer because we were in the approval and (hopefully)selection process and were not sure enough to make an announcement. Thank you for asking.

Hope your Christmas was lovely.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends.

Happy anniversary Lynne and Steve.

Judie hope you are back to sleep.

Hope the live cam goes live this week coming up.


Judie said...

Good morning again.

Now that I am on the road to getting my brain organized and my excitement under control (or at least trying), I do hope everyone has a lovely day today.

For those traveling, stay safe.

For those resting and recovering, enjoy.

Interesting how priorities change. For example, I need to go foraging this morning -- for cat food. lol

Will check in later.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Having a second cup of coffee and watching TV. Feeling a little stronger each day.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥

Must hurry with comment as there are only 5 more Morning minutes.

No rain but cloudy here in my valley.

Hoping all are feeling better today and pray for safe travels to those out on the roads heading home or to other destinations. Grandson and wife going back to SC and Dana's son and daughter going cross country to CA.

Mema Jo said...

I'll return later to see what everyone is doing this afternoon.

Judie enjoy your precious cats.
So happy that they are happy also!

stronghunter said...

Happy anniversary, Lynne and Steve.

stronghunter said...

Have fun with your kitties, Judie.

NatureNut said...

Good Sunday to all the Eagle Buds.
Needed to go to drug store, but got waylaid bhy the Redskin game. It's not as good anymore, so guess I'll go to store! Oh well, there's always next year!

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds!!!

♥♥♥Happy Anniversary to LYNNE2 and STEVE! Hope 2015 brings improved health to your loved ones so that you two love birds will not suffer another separation!!♥♥♥

SHIRLEY, so glad you're improving with every day!

Adding my prayer for safe travel for all Momster's, Dadsters and Kidsters who are on the highway or in the air during this holiday week ahead.

The dogs are enjoying a peanut butter fix---I allow one a week---and all is well with them. Penny has all of a sudden become a herding dog. Malcolm will occasionally balk at going outside and she's always ready for that treat. When she sees me coaxing him she runs at him, jumps up on his chest and the heads for the door, looking back to see if he's following. Yesterday there was a time when her badgering didn't work, so she ran around the room, under the kitchen table and came up behind him with a big pounce that got him moving. Cutest thing! She is the Alpha Dog!

Love and prayers for all in need!


stronghunter said...

Well, I did not even remember there was a Redskins game.

stronghunter said...

Hunter now has the flu.

stronghunter said...

Can just picture the doggy action, Kay.

RuthonMain said...

Hoping the live cam comes on before the end of January. We are missing a lot of activity. Still cam just not the same as live action.

stronghunter said...

Hello, RuthoMain.

Yes, it would be good to have the live cam soon. Don't believe we have met. I am Shirley.

JudyEddy said...

eagle in and one out but one still there

stronghunter said...

Went for a look-see, but it is dark now.

Lolly said...

Hi all!

Welcome RuthonMain! We are all anxiously awaiting the live cam. Please return and post again! We are a chatty bunch and when we do not have our eagles we chat about anything and everything!

Jack is still coughing but a little better. Have not talked with the Fritz clan today! We have decided not to go to the memorial service in Houston for my cousins wife. Too many people we do not want around Jack, including BIL, Dan, and we would be staying with them. Makes me sad though as there are lots of extended family I wanted to see.

💝💝💝Happy Anniversary to the Queen and her spouse!💝💝💝. Long live the Queen!

stronghunter said...

I am sure they will understand, Lolly. Best to be careful.

Kathryn and Hunter are supposed to go to the dentist tomorrow. Kathryn just called to let them know about the flu. Somehow I think they won't want to poke around in their mouths.

Sandi said...

Home and all unpacked - just catching up on emails and paying bills.

Shirley, I am SO sorry to hear about Hunter getting sick! When do he and Kathryn leave for FL? What a shame!!

Judie, despite the new kitties waking you in the early AM, you sound SO happy to have them! I'm so happy for you!!

Jo, is your gray kitty still coming around?

Kay, enjoy your doggies and the good weather! I can just picture Penny jumping on Malcolm with a grin on her face to get him moving!

Lynne, hope you and Steve did something special for your anniversary! How is Steve's mom doing?

Hi RuthonMain! Welcome - please come again soon!

Dogs have been fed but I haven't been. I'll see everyone in the early AM!

Kay said...

SHIRLEY, so sorry Hunter came down with the flu---I didn't want Tommy to have an "I told you so moment". Hope with the aid of Tamiflu he can't knock it out in a hurry so the trip to FL is not in question.

LOLLY, you and JACK have made a tough and wise decision---too bad, but really very thoughtful as you don't want to spread that nasty stuff around that way.

JULIE and Hugh took a look at the nursing facility his sis had booked his mom into and said, No Way. They've found 2 others in town that are by far preferable and have settled on one. That delays the whole process and means they'll be away at least a day longer---perhaps more than that. I've assured them that there is no reason to rush back--we three are just fine. This is such an important transition and while his mom will not be happy anywhere, it's important for her children to be satisfied that they've done their best. Fortunately, she's a woman of means and there is no hardship that way. I'm glad they took the bull by the horns that his sis is okay with the change. Hugh is the youngest of three and clearly has more smarts and a practical side that is lacking in his sibs. He has a good woman at his side in my daughter, too!!!

Hi RUTHonMAIN and welcome! Come on in and make yourself comfortable! The next few months will be very exciting for we Eagle lovers!

JudyEddy said...

Welcome RuthonMain the still is better than no cam in my book
but would be sweet to have the live feed up I am enjoying the Fl cams in the meanwhile

Odd I had typed the above and just noticed it sitting in the comment box

71° out now so nice out I was out and about and just got back in

JudyEddy said...

I need to answer a geek squad question
I got a new tablet it has a detachable keyboard also

Does anyone know if you can do multi windows I have poked around and can't get it to do anything of the sort There is no minimizing to the windows at all HELP if you can or can ask someone
I really don't think you can with this tablet I have seen commercials on tv in regards to others which are high priced and this one isn't I love it I love the touch screen I can use multi tabs but when I switch back and forth the cams stop and have to be redone and that is a pia

stronghunter said...

Hunter and Kathryn were supposed to leave for Florida tomorrow sometime after the visit to the dentist. Now that is on hold.

Just wish Tommy had come over to see Hunter even if he did not think he should go with him to the family gathering. A little time would have been nice.

Judie said...

Hi everyone.

Welcome to RuthonMain. The door is always open so just come on in and make yourself to home. As a group, we are about as bonded as our Belle and Shep and the blog is our nest.

So, headed to the bed really early tonight. Foraged for kitty food. Forrest and Bootsy are in hiding (grrrrr). Having children is not easy on an old person. Sort of like grandkids, I guess. Tiring but loving every second.

Judie said...

Sandperson is a bit put out. Grumbling about sharing a hall closet with cats NOT! Sigh.

I handed over a large satchel. Jufie is helping.

Night light at 11pm. Restful sleep for all.

Oh, Shirley, very sorry Hunter is sick. I sure hope this won't mess up the FL visit.

Night all.

stronghunter said...

Oh dear, Judy, I do not have your answer.

Good that Hugh got involved in the decision, Kay.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley, so sorry to hear that Hunter has joined the "Flu List"
Hoping he doesn't carry it down to FL

Redskins got slaughtered - literally BUT the Ravens are now in the playoffs.

I have found a few new TV shows for this evening. Or else I would be playing computer games until bedtime.

stronghunter said...

I hope the Florida trip doesn't get canceled, too, Judie. Hunter does not seem to feel so bad.

grannyblt said...

JudyE I have an iPad mini and I can't minimize a window. It is a pia, but I love the portability and the touch screen, although it can be too touchy at times.

Welcome Ruthonmain

Also welcome Forrest and Bootsy

SED to all

stronghunter said...

Hunter has gotten a stuffy nose, and Kathryn wanted a flu test just in case before they left for Florida. The test was positive. Yes, I guess Tommy will have a "told you so" moment. I just hope he will think about the fact that his son is sick and is missing out on the usual Christmas fun.

Mema Jo said...

Welcome RuthonMain
Always good to have newcomers on our blog.

Outdoors say Late Jan - However; the first comments in 2013 were Jan 3..
I just can't scroll down far enough to find Jan 2014 date of being turned on.

Like everyone else - too soon isn't soon enough! Lots going on at the nest

Off to some TV

Mema Jo said...

I am very happy the Ravens won their game and will be in the Playoffs.
Cowboys really slaughtered the Redskins. I think that the Steelers' game is still being played.

Mema Jo said...

Wishing that all of you had a good evening

Off of the blog to get some sleep.

Goodnight to all


JudyEddy said...

Nothing good on TV so I watched a movie I had dvrd Hope Springs with Meryl Streep

Security system is armed please be sure to use your code if out past curfew

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

stronghunter said...

About to head upstairs for the night. Trying to blockade Luna from getting into the kitchen. Have a drum set and my bowling bag next to the recliner. She knocked over the bowling bag and caused concern from all parts of the house. Yikes.

stronghunter said...

SED, everyone.

Lolly said...

We watched an old episode of Downton Abby tonight! Anxiou for the new series!

Judie, when do we get to see pictures of your new kitties? How are the doing?

I am yawning big time! Soon to lie me down to sleep! ☺️

Night all! SED!!


Hoda said...

Well the roads are so bad we had a six car pile up in town!!!
A guy sitting on a million dollar home wants us to fund raise for him so he can get lime disease treatment in the U.S.!!!
People donated 23 thousand dollars and he is now making people feel guilty because we did not raise 60 thousand!
I am shaking my head and staying out of it!
Truly shaking my head!

Will go skiing tomorrow in a safe non Avalanche zone.
Way too much snow to waste!

Good night and God Bless Us All!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

Its my HUMP day and 61° right now nice out nice winter has been so kind to Fl 78° will be the high today extremely foggy this am so I need to leave a tad earlier

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends.

Kay, I'm very glad that Hugh was able to find another place for his mom. I sure would want my boys to be picky if they were making a decision about where I was going to be living!

Shirley, I hope Hunter's case of the flu is a mild one - he's young so maybe kids bounce back faster. he had so many disappointments on Christmas, I sure hope he gets to go on his trip as planned.

Judy, what kind of tablet do you have? I thought you posted on FB that it was an ipad - is it? Or some other brand? My tablet is a Kindle Fire and I cannot split the screen - just flip back and forth between open tabs.

I'm picturing Kay enjoying ner loaner dog and Judie enjoying her new kitties. Pets do bring such joy to our lives, don't they? Bella and Jenni were so good everywhere we went and are great car riders, but they seemed very happy to be home when we got here.

Raining here today - need to grocery shop. Have a great day all.

Sandi said...


Sandi said...


Sandi said...


Sandi said...


Janet said...

good Monday morning all.

STRONGHUNER; I am sorry that HUNTER has indeed come down with the flu. miserable stuff.

cold, wet, bleech here. same as yesterday. ugh. makes me want to go back to the warm bed and sleep.

dr. appointment @ 10:40. planning to do a few returns after that.

HOPING to return to work tomorrow.

had a delightful evening last night over at Chelsea's. the kids were wound tight! we sure could use a sunny day so they could get outside, run and play!

HODA: I know what you mean. I cannot understand the "fund me" phenomenon. My head shakes and my mind is puzzled.

Hope everyone has a great day!

Hugs, light, and love to all

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Getting ready to head out to have my eyes examined. Routine appointment for cataracts.

Hunter has not been slowed down much by the flu.

If I recall correctly, Judie does not like to take pictures of kitties, so maybe she can find a picture of kitties who look like them.

stronghunter said...

Grey day here.

Mema Jo said...

Good Monday Morning




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5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...