Monday, December 29, 2014


New Years week thread.


Mema Jo said...

Good Morning and as the New Year approaches may I wish you a healthy happy 2015

Thanks Steve and all your NCTC IT staff for the wonderful blog and Eagle Cam.

My feather is fantastic... ♥

Sandi said...

Thanks Steve for the new thread - Happy New year to you, your family, and the entire crew at NCTC! many thanks for giving us this blog!

Thanks Jo, for the call over.

Not just rainy, but cold and rainy here in Bethany! BLECH!

Mema Jo said...

Sandi you had asked about our stray cat - well he is "our" stray when he wants to be - has a mind of his own. He is a lap cat which I love and he has a feeding station in our house. He does spend the night sleeping inside but awakens hubby early am hours to go out. Then we may see him again around lunch time or even as late as dinner time. We have not taken him to the vets yet to see if he has a microchip or to get him checked out. SO no permanent name ♥

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Sandi for the early morning report of our Royal Couple's visit.

Jenny is here this morning

JudyEddy said...

good afternoon eagle buds I wasn't getting on the blog being I am having issue but I got on and I find a new thread THANKS STEVE FOR THE NEW THREAD
I have found out that this lap top and most don't do the multi windows bummer I just at have to contiune with my laptop but I did promise it to Jordyn

JudyEddy said...

not on this tablet I meant and the key board is just the same size as my lap top I do love this tablet but I miss my multi tasking

Lolly said...

Good morning! Your cat makes me smile, Jo! Every time it makes me think of Charlie Anderson, the children's book of the cat with two homes.

Lazy start to the week! Really need to get moving! I need to make up the beds in the two guest rooms. Laundered the sheets yesterday. Do have house cleaning to do as well. Decorations do not come down until the new year.

I received a slip of paper saying I am getting a new phone for Christmas and Jack wants my iPhone. Jack is coming into the world of smart phones! Oh, glory be! What's
Up? Lol. I will wait until next week to do this! I am sure the store is really busy right now.

Jack is still coughing, runny nose, and watery eyes. He thinks it is just a cold and not the flu. No significant fever. No kissing in this house!

Up and at 'em! Have a great day!

grannyblt said...

Good early afternoon eagle friends.

Thank you for the new thread Steve and NCTC

One of our cats in TX was forever named Porch Kitty. He was very sweet, but would only spend a few hours at a time inside. Never a whole night.

grannyblt said...

And I forgot to check the box

Hoda said...

First Ski of the Season!
Great Glorious light, day and snow.
Am very happy.

Crowd Funding is actually not a bad idea JANET. I know of people who did really well to raise money to publish books, to put on Art Gallery, to make Music available.. So I understand it, have participated in it, and see its positive effects.
I do not understand it when a chap is sitting on a million dollar home, tries to guilt me for funding his USA treatment, because he refuses Canadian a Medical services!!! If I can afford to live in a million dollar home it hardly seems right to ask a pensioner for money...I wish him well. Perhaps a thank you for the 23 thousand dollars raised would be more eff Clive because it is not 60 thousand!!'

Hoda said...

More effective than complaining because it is not sixty thousand is what I meant to say.

He might consider living in a half a million dollar home and use some of the change to go to the USA for treatment!!!

Mema Jo said...

Hoda - I just would NOT put a penny in his pity pot........

Hoda said...

Thank you JO.
I am thinking seriously of my other donation obligations and will continue with them. Blessed Be

Lolly said...

Laurel's kitty is PC! Stands for porch cat, privileged cat, pampered cat, and some other names at various times. He was a stray that chose them!

Have made beds, now on to other chores!

JudyEddy said...

SANDI it is a tablet I know I messed up calling it that I am a newbee with this
and I have done the tabs but when I switch back and forth I have to load the page again the cam on the Fl nest sort of freeze up and its a pia
but I will continue to try it before I give up I am taking my laptop to work tomorrow instead I need to tune out the world and listen to music at the same time I fb, blog and look at nest

Home from work and just read the few comment I didn't get to read at lunch

Janet said...

good after noon to all.


HODA: I'm not against the idea of crowd funding, its just that I see so many people who feel entitled....I am cautious as to whom I "fund". I have also participated once or twice, again its just for me like you said, one who has a nice home, medical care available to that person, but rather wants something else...I don't know. again, it is the "i'm entitled" attitude that bothers me.

its been a busy day. good news is I am going to get to go back to work tomorrow! I looked at my schedule for the next ten days. hopefully this shoulder holds up. if not, we will do an MRI.

returns are, well, returned. other things purchased as needed/desired.

home now. it is still cloudy, very gray and chilly. nice to be inside.

looking forward to going to work tomorrow!!! wooo hoo!

later ya'll

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


Judie said...

Good early evening.

Thank you Steve for the fresh thread.

Thank you Jo for the call over and yes, indeedy, you do look loverly in your new feather.

Shirley is correct. I do not like to take pictures of cats, especially mine, as the superstition is that taking pictures if followed by death. I've always preferred not to tempt fate. However, I may reconsider after they have settled in and are comfortable. They have been through three location changes in six weeks. They need time.

JudyEddy said...

just sittin there lookin pretty I think it Belle When first landed did a little picking in middle of nest for a second and now just standing looking around waiting for Lover boy

Judie said...

Enjoy your new phone when you get it, Lolly. Hope Jack feels well and healthy again quickly.

JudyE, cannot help with the computer stuff. I am technology challenged in the extreme.

Hoda, glad you had your first skiing event for the winter. Oh, Jufie asked if you would give him skiing lessons?

I fully understand the need for contributions involving collections to help the sick and needy (both human and animal) but, as Jo said, that man would not get a penny from me.

Janet, I'm sure you'll be happy to be back at work and even more sure your clients will be happier. Enjoy.

Off to put my feet up for a few. Been a long time since our home looked like a Cats-R-Us showroom.

JudyEddy said...

both in now

JudyEddy said...

they both are working on the nest

JudyEddy said...

poof ne

JudyEddy said...

poof two

Hoda said...

Honest to my Maker but I think we have some pretty confused people in this town!!!
I just heard that Nelson S.H.R.E., the group who run Our Daily Bread soup kitchen got robbed!!! PARDON ME!!! They took the safe out of the store. The money in it was counted and earmarked for delivery for this week's soup kitchen meals...SICK...
The Pastor asked us to pray for forgiveness and to pray for their healing...they robbed from the poor and the hungry! NOT COOL!!!
The stores will extend credit I hear for food and meals will be served. We get to start another fund raiser!!! I feel very disappointed...sad and disappointed!!!

NOT ON YOUR LIFE JUDIE!!! I will NOT be teaching JUFIE how to ski!!! so there this is final!!! HA HA HA...

Very good yoga practice...very good tea with my friend and I am going out skiing again tomorrow. Again to the safe spot JO...No need to worry about Avalanches everyone.

JANET, glad you are going back to work. Do take care and tend to your shoulder too... I know what you mean about feeling something is owed him. Thank you JO and JUDIE I will not give any more to this fund...I gave a few dollars at the start, but that is it...

Judie said...

Jufie is NOT happy, Hoda. Jufie says he loves you and wants you to be his ski instructor. He thinks you are so way cool! Keep your eyes open tomorrow as you ski.

Judie said...

It is near time for me to seek the pillows.

Sandperson is almost finished packing a satchel and will be departing soon.

Night light is on. Restful sleep for all and may everyone awake feeling healthy.

JudyEddy said...

So sad on the news in Lakeland a 12 yr old went outside to read a book in a hammock that has been there for 10 yrs as she sat down the 5ft round tree came crashing down on her and she died at the hospital So sad

Mema Jo said...

Goodnight to all and God Bless with sound sleep and peaceful dreams.

I ♥ Us

JudyEddy said...

Security system is armed please be sure to use your code if out past curfew

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Hoda said...

Well I am headed off to bed.
Good night and God Bless.

Lolly said...

Heading to bed! Have been reading tonight.

Oh poor Hoda! Having to watch out for Jufie instead of enjoying skiing.

Another front coming in tonight. Possible bad weather. I just want rain! Can not hav fires because of Jack's cough and congestion.

Night all! SED!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

70° out and nasty nasty fog

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. Happy New Years Eve Eve!

I accomplished next to nothing yesterday and am looking forward to doing the same today!

One of my few accomplishments was to set up the new wifi digital picture frame that Brian and Lynnis gave us for Christmas. It is currently loaded with 700 photos of Freyja from her first 6 months of life. The slideshow rotates through all of them continuously! As Brian uploads more photos to his computer, they will automatically be added to those on the frame. It comes with 4 GB of "cloud" storage space, meaning it will hold thousands and thousands of photos!

Have agreat day all.

Janet said...

good morning. it is Tuesday and I am rarin' to go!

yes, I promise to be careful with the shoulder. I am just glad to be going back to work!

chilly winter weather has arrived! highs of 40 today and lows in the 20's the next couple of days!

yesterday was so nice. it was nice to get out of the house. ran into my boss in target. loved seeing her and getting a big hug. she and her hubby were doing a bit of shopping.

I just got an email from a former client of mine. when I knew her several years ago she was in constant pain and we could never completely relieve her pain. I was not her first, nor her last massage therapist. I worked with her for two years before the wear and tear on me became more than I could deal with and had to help her to find another therapist.

and the gal that was working with her obviously could not help her either, although I never in quired, but assumed as much.

in short, she finally got a diagnosis for her problem. she had been in a massive car accident back in the early 90's and actually suffered brain damage that damaged the vagus nerve and started a long list of problems....which, of course, because it was never treated, caused another list of problems.

I knew I wasn't helping her so I sat her down, and pretty much told her that I had done all that I knew, and we needed to find her another therapist.

I do not know how the "relationship" ended with the other therapist.

but I do know she reached out to both of us via email with her diagnosis, and a hand of friendship.

I will reach back out and extend a hand in kind. I am glad she has answers at long last.

I hope indeed they are the real answers and she is getting pain relief.

anyway, I will be thinking of you all as I start back to my world!

hugs and love to each of you on this day and always!

Janet said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Janet said...

pardon the double post! my delete!

magpie said...

Well Howdy Y'all from Wild and Wonderful West Virginia....

Good Morning !!

Ooooh, Sandi...sounds like a Heavenly Cloud, that digital frame photo delight of wonders !!

xoxo ☺ ♥

magpie said...

Janet... perfect timing, the contact from your former client/friend....hope Bright Things ☼ come about for this lady....Pain is a Monster that can Rob and Steal from the Body AND the Soul/Spirit......
and, You take care with what I read about "shoulder"

magpie said...

Oh the nest is empty by the way or I would have HOWLED a lot louder !

magpie said...

but I just started watching, and won't be watching for long

Congrats, Bravo, Clap Clap Clap for Judie and Darth....I have Googled the Lovely Felines mentioned and, oh, Wondrous and Beauteous...if they look anything like what I saw....
Sure they are More Beauteous...
in fact !!

magpie said...

Sandi: Love what's on Your Dance Card today: Next to Nothing !!
That can be Amazingly Restorative !!!

magpie said...

looks like a little clam shell witih a white dot on the nest at about the 3 spot (and Sunshine ☼ just arrived at the Nest also ! )

figure that item has been mentioned before, nope, I have not been backwards very far !!

Judie said...

Good morning.

Walked in the front door and see Margy was here. What a terrific way to start my day.

Janet, have a good day back at work and take care with using that shoulder.

Sandi has a new Cloud toy to play with. Cool. I am imagining a gazillion pictures of Freyja.

Odd how life can change in the twitch of a few whiskers. Up before the sun this morning. Heading for a nap.

Wishing everyone a lovely morning.

magpie said...

from my New York Naturalist Pal:

(near to Lake Erie)

"I have been seeing some eagles around. Some of them very close. They are so huge, the bill is gigantic. It would be difficult to mistake one for something else even without the white head and tail."

Aaaaaaah, sounds like pure delight!

magpie said...

Oh, they are Early Risers are they ??
Must not want to miss out on ANY fun with their new Forever Family, Judie !!!

magpie said...

Cool Avatar, Judie... !!!

magpie said...

Little wispy Circle of something or others near the center of the Nest...

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

Hi Margy. Good to see you today. I will have to go check the nest.

magpie said...

Good Morning, Shirley... boy have I missed Schmoozing with all of you folks !! Might have a little time if I make it Happen !!

stronghunter said...

Empty nest now, Margy.

Grey, cloudy day here this morning.

Yes, Judie's kitties sound lovely. I will need to do a bit of research on them. I'm not an expert on Siamese kitties.

magpie said...

Best Wishes for a Super Marvy and Joyous Day, Precious Pals....

The day advances...guess I better catch up to it !!

xoxox (( All Day Hugs ))

☺ ♥ ♫ ♫ ☼ ♪ ♫ ♥

stronghunter said...

Sunny day at the nest.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥

It is about 33° here and the sun is shinning brightly and the sky is a beautiful blue with white fluffy clouds. I am praying for all to have a pleasant day and that all these cases of flu disappear.

Good to see you here this am hour Margy. Sandi - your plan of relaxing again today sound perfect. You won't be able to take your eyes off your digital picture frame. How cool that any of Brian's new photos will appear.
Janet have a great day back to your normal routine! Favor that shoulder please.

Mema Jo said...

Judie - so you are taking cat naps are you! I so hope that Bootsy and Forrest settle into your schedule.

Mema Jo said...

Stay warm - BBL

Lolly said...

Good morning! Skippi is such a sweet kitty and let's us sleep! I have learned to sleep with her between my legs,or on top of my foot, or in my arm pit! Lol. She is not a talker which most Siamese are. When she does talk it is such a sweet little mew! Not a meow, a mew.😄

🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊Happy New Years Eve Eve🎉🎊🎉🎊🎉🎊

Not much on the agenda today. May venture out to the grocery store. I am thinking I want a steak tomorrow night. Maybe a Filet! Depends on if Jack feels like enjoying a good meal. We have exhausted the turkey and dressing. Lol

41 and dipping down into the 20's tonight with freezing rain in the forecast. Lovely!

Getting excited about TCU's bowl game tomorrow! Then we have GA Tech's game tomorrow night. Jack and I wish that some time the two teams would play each other. More fun!

Sandi, your frame sounds great! You will really enjoy it!

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds!!!

Hope you're all having a good New Year's Eve Eve Day!

SANDI, enjoy that frame! Lee and family gave me a digital frame several years ago, but it's not as techno as the one you now possess. Plenty of room there for more grandbabies, eh?

It's another cold, but sunny and dry day--great for the doggies and walking.

Love and Prayers for all in need.


stronghunter said...

Sunny here now. The clouds moved away several hours ago.

JudyEddy said...

Home from work

Hello eagle buds I hope each had a great day Haven't caught up on the blog yet gotta leave shortly for Tues gym night

I found out another issue with the tablet can't watch youtube video on fb with it says requires Adobe Flash player which when I try to get It comes up with message that the device that I am on doesn't allow it So I am cornfused again with it I wonder if I download the FB app if it will work I was told that tablets are meant for apps and not the way I am doing fb just opening a browser will check have to check that out now that I am thinking about it Keep typing and I may come up with other ideas LOL

JudyEddy said...

LOVE LOVE seeing MAGPIE in the mail box for me to read Welcome home Margy

JudyEddy said...

SANDI I love the digital frames that they have also you may need more memory on it LOL

Lolly said...


Lolly said...


Lolly said...

Short visit! Have just made an icon for the still cam on my iPad! Going to try harder to see the Eagles.

stronghunter said...

Checked out those Siamese cat pictures. Beautiful! Such lovely kitties, Judie.

JudyEddy said...

Back from gym

and as always Jordyn had a blast I love it because its just for fun no competition just fun and learning new things

Well I guess no apps were loaded on my tablet How am I suppose to know this crap (that it runs on apps not the abode player etc) that is why I can't view the youtube stuff need to get the app for what I want to see I guess I will have Carl and Angie play with it load with what I need radio FB YT etc so I will stop getting frustrated but I am keeping my laptop Me not thinking was giving it to Angie for Jordyn to do her homework Well they bought them a tablet now so she won't need my laptop So that is cool She won't have to do her homework in that hot little area they put the computer Not thinking at the time when they had it put in there no ac in the spare room with the laundry area They do keep it turned off if not using it I told her the heat out there I am sure is not good for a puter I guess when Jordyn gives up her playroom they are moving it into there and make a office out of it

JudyEddy said...

Going over the kids house for newyears although I do have to work Just won't stay late Bummer She made a open invitation for one and all to stop by if they wanted Remember they have the bar with a tap always full Carl made in a refrigerator pretty cool also painted it with chalk board paint so someone is always drawing or writing stuff on it for them Pretty cute

Janet said...

good evening to all. until I got home (the 2nd time) it was a perfect day.

work was good. shoulder twinged, but nothing major. I took care of it. hopefully it will allow me to take care of others!

got home from my chair massage job to find tom very upset. our invisible fence had been unplugged (insert face of horror here,like he kid from home alone)...and seven got a hold of and tore and ripped our RV cover.

soooooo, here I am out there with safety pins pinning it back together. it was do-able. fence is plugged back in.

not sure who? why? but it is what it is.

and, michaels g/f, mega: FLU.
my s/I/l Chris: FLU

ugh. Chelsea took him to a minute clinic where he tested positive and they bought the Tamiflu. to the tune of $125. she's going to call her dr and the pediatrician in the a.m. Chelsea is asthmatic.

soooooo, anywho.

Heading to the shower. I was up @ 5:30 this morning, it just might be an early evening.

MAGPIE: so good to hear your sweet voice chiming in this morning!!!!

Love and hugs to all.....til manana!

Judie said...

Oh my, Janet. So sorry about all the problems with the fence and illnesses. Hope everyone is quickly recovered.

Judie said...

Hoda, your spurning of Jufie is very problematic. He is sobbing and ranting and sobbing because you do not want to teach him to ski. He is heartbroken, devastated, and claims he will never recover from your rejection.

Judie said...

Headed to the pillows. Tomorrow is "do" day.

Sandperson is packing up and will depart early.

Night light at 11pm.

Restful sleep for all.

stronghunter said...

Oh my goodness, Janet. What a day you had.

Hope you get the tablet issues straightened out, Judy.

Poor Jufie. No skiing for him.

stronghunter said...

27 degrees here tonight

JudyEddy said...

68° here after a drizzly all day lite misty drizzle cool front came in

JudyEddy said...

waiting for the sandman
YEP I did play on the computer that may be the issue I uploaded pic from the gym and video on yourube even after I said I wouldn't Bad Me now I am not tired but I must hit the hay

Security system is armed please be sure to use your code if out past curfew

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Mema Jo said...

Wow is it ever late

Goodnight to all ♥

stronghunter said...

Odd--I had to download Google Chrome to be able to register for my knee surgery next month. I clicked on the link they provided. Now I have downloaded an annoying virus on Kathryn's laptop. I have never been able to remove it from my laptop. Geesh.

Hoda said...

Good night all and God Bless.
Apps are easy JUDYE. I go to the app store and down load from the free ones...I have the ones you like...FB, Youtube,radio stations,...make sure they are reputable and virus free.
Turn them off at the endo of the day so they do not drain your battery...they also could youe up your data wise to them. Roaming charges could apply if you are out of the country...

NO to JUFIE thank you JUDIE.

Love and Light to all...

headed out skiing the first thing tomorrow...great conditions...

stronghunter said...

SED, everyone. See you tomorrow.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends on this very last day of 2014. For me, this was a year of great joy but also one of great sorrow. All in all, I am not sorry to say farewell to it - bring on 2015!

Janet, what a day! Maybe you should have just stayed at work, since THAT was the good part! :) Hoping today is calmer for you and your family starts feeling better quickly.

Judy, good luck with the tablet. I think the key is to just enjoy it, not try to master it all at once. But it sounds like your tablet won't replace your laptop. I like doing some things on my Kindle Fire but prefer my laptop overall.

Shirley, did Kathryn and Hunter leave for FL? How is Hunter feeling?

Hoda, enjoy your skiing today!

Jo, you are looking great in your photos on FB - how are you feeling?

Kay, when does your family return (I know you've said but I've forgotten). Will you see Seth tonight, or is it just you and the furballs?

Quiet day and night planned here - we are going to the movies to see Unbroken at 6:40pm (long movie, so it won't end til about 9pm). Probably won't stay awake to see the new year.

Have agreat day all. You all have been one of my greatest blessings of 2014! ♥♥

Sandi said...


Sandi said...

NOW 2!

Sandi said...


Sandi said...


Sandi said...


Oh live cam, where are you????

Sandi said...


Sandi said...


Eagle Cam posted photos at 7:15am so this was their 2nd visit to the nest today.

Janet said...

good morning and happy new years eve.

work today 11 to 2. easy day. not a lot planned.

yes, staying at work would have been less stressful, however, I would have had to deal with the torn cover whenever I got home, so I got it over with, lol.

I hope everyone around here perks up quickly. I am hoping my oldest can get some preventative Tamiflu. I too believe in not taking meds unless you need them....BUT....i'm just saying to date Olivia has not caught it and Michael seems okay as well. it has taken 3 to 4 days from exposure to become symptomatic, so I have high hopes that at least those two have avoided it.

so I agree, I would not take it just because its flu season, but if you have been exposed and it was confirmed, I have to say, it doesn't seem like a bad thing.

anyway, chilly morning. gray. I think we are anticipated wintery mess tonight. they were brining the roads yesterday.

I hope everyone here today has a lovely last day of 2014. eagle season is upon us....light, love, hugs and smiles to all!

Sandi said...




stronghunter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.

3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...