Friday, December 12, 2014


TGIF thread.


Mema Jo said...

Good Red Friday Morning to all ♥

Thank you Steve for this fresh new page - we will make good use of it. I hope you have a great weekend.

I will call the other Eagleholics to come over.

Kay said...

Good RED FRIDAY morning!!! JO I got it right this week and yes it does seem like we just had Friday!

Thanks to you for the call over--enjoy that beautiful feather! Thanks so much to STEVE for taking good care of us!

LOLLY, great garage door story!☺

ANDY, the pics of CA getting slammed with the storm are awful, but seem to be well north of you in the Frisco area. I know you need rain, but not that much at a time!

Seth winds up the semester at Otterbein this afternoon---mentoring duties well done and over and now we feel like the holidays are really beginning. Our family will go to a production of The Nutcracker tomorrow afternoon. We have a young ballet dancing friend, age 12, who is part of the fun.

Love and prayers for all in need!!!


grannyblt said...

Good morning all. Thank you Steve for the new thread and to Jo for the call over..

I caught a glimpse of our pair around 7 this morning.

Busy week for me, but at least I accomplished a few things. My teeth are clean and shiny, good for another 6 months. My cat is in excellent health and good for another year. Mammo good for another year, bones, not so good, but now a pill for that. Christmas cards in mail. I am following Kay's idea of not sending to Facebook friends. I'll send greetings that way.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day.

JudyEddy said...


saw if when i awoke

JudyEddy said...

HODA I will put your pic in the album after I put mine in from last night also

JudyEddy said...

HODA both my days of are Thur and Fri my weekend LOL

Kay said...

Hi LYNNE1, happy that your bod, your teeth and your kitty are all lookin' good! Is the pill you'll be taking for those bones, Alendronate Sodium tablets, 70 mg? That is what I take, one a week, first thing in the morning on an empty stomach and then being sure to stay upright for half an hour. I've been on it for about a year and hope it's doing the job.

JUDY, thanks to you and HODA for getting the pics in the album for us! Enjoy the day off!

Tomorrow is 12-13-14---there will be hundreds of weddings and babies born on that date will be greeted with joy!

Mema Jo said...

Sharon has had excellent hip replacement surgery and is healing.
Now it is time to start our prayers for Tori's (Robyn's daughter) 12/15 hip surgery to be successful ♥

Mema Jo said...

Kay, I remember taking my great granddaughter to see the Nutcracker.
It's a performance that never gets old and is for all ages! Enjoy!
I am happy to hear that Seth has done so well!

Mema Jo said...

Like everyone else, I am praying that whatever Sandi is encountering will be resolved in her favor!

Seems that Lolly, Judie and Shirley have all had recent 'dos' - Good news is that my hair is growing and it appears to be very dark.. It is still a long ways off from going to get a 'do'.

Mema Jo said...

Lynne and Kay - I take a pill once a month - early morning before any food or drink and like you Kay, I must sit upright for one hour. You
may wish to inquire about it. At first I also took a tablet once a week. This is more convenient as I
take it on the first day of each month.

BONIVA - Ibandronate Sodium Tablet

JudyEddy said...

VOTE VOTE BLIZZARD BEAR is 181 now I just voted and yesterday I made it 180

Hoda said...

Off to yoga
Thank you JUDYE
YAY new thread.
Thank you both.

Praying for Tori
She has had it tough this kid!!!
Her mother too needs a prayer or two!

Her cat got run over last night!
Oh my!

Mema Jo said...

Blizzard Bear has 182 votes

Kay said...

Ah, yes, Bonive, the Sally Fields pill!☺ I don't know how the docs decide which med to put one on, but will ask my doctor about it when I see her in a couple of months. The one I'm on is the same med Seth was on for several years when he suffered with juvenile osteoporosis. He's been off of it for a couple of years now and the yearly bone scans show good bones! I don't expect to ever be off of some form of this stuff in the time I have left.

JO, thanks for that tip and for the reminder re:Tori's surgery. Mega prayers!

I adopted Penny 2 years ago today! She's a 8 year old gem and I'm so glad she is part of my life. She's a people magnet--met an interesting woman on our last walk. She's 60ish and deaf, but read lips. When she first approached us she tried sign language, but saw that I was clueless, so she began to talk and does so quite well. Her service dog, a chow mix, died recently and now a Labradoodle is in training for her. She lives in an apt. complex about 8 blocks north of me and the manager has told her she'll have to move as the dog larger than they allow. I told her to check on the legality of that as service dogs must be allowed anywhere, I think. Anyone know for sure? Rita wound up with a big Merry Christmas hug and thanks for talking to her and letting her pet my "sweetie". Makes me think that some folks avoid her due to their own discomfort and that's a shame. She's a very pleasant person. I may never see her again--she was crossing through my neighborhood to a cut through to Kroger and Target with her canvas bag on wheels in tow.

JudyEddy said...

KAY you are correct for the dog they are allowed anywhere It is a law in Fl and I think all states Our McD got in trouble for making someone leave so now no one says anything to anyone

Mema Jo said...

Savannah, the non-releasable eagle at Carolina Raptor Center, is now sitting on three eggs!

Kay said...

BEV, so sorry about the cat. HODA's implication is that your pet crossed over Rainbow Bridge. Such a difficult thing for we pet owners to endure.

On our last walk yesterday, Penny and I were approached by a woman with a darling little terrier of some kind. She adopted 5 year old Pepper at the Shelter recently after losing a dog to a coyote attack. She warned me to keep Penny on the leash and to be very careful. She let her last dog, a tiny 6 pounder out in her enclosed patio in the next condo community west of mine. The dog had no chance--how sad, though the coyote was behaving the way they do and must do to survive. Another of those wildlife things that is hard for we humans to witness. I've never seen a coyote here, but a fellow in a nearby condo rescued his badly injured cat when he saw it under a coyote attack. The cat survived thanks to a vet.

stronghunter said...


Waiting at physical therapy. Wondering if Lolly will call that same garage door company. Maybe they can get a new door for one of their neighbors that way. Seems to me it took some nerve to offer a discount under those circumstances.

Well, I'm now lying on a table with a big wrap on my leg.

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steve.

grannyblt said...

I actually had to make an appointment for an office visit to discuss the bone scan results. The Dr and I decided that the generic for Evista would be best for me. Raloxifene. One tablet per day. I have problems with frequent heartburn, so I choose to try this one. Also take two calcium w vitamin D pills per day. I hate the thought of a handful of pills every day, but what can you do?

Ms Bookworm said...

Posted this on the other thread, so bringing it over:

Good Morning/Afternoon, Everyone!

Well, we still have our heads above water out here! It has been quite a night and morning.
Our local doves here for breakfast found themselves wading up to their tummies in puddles, in some heavy rain! Had heavy winds and rain starting at about 1 a.m. our time.

Emma and I got soaked when I took her outside after breakfast--it was raining pretty hard. Put her heavy coat on her, and I wore a fleece-lined hoodie and a hoodie of Ken's that's somewhat waterproof. Had to put them in the clothes dryer after I took them off. Emma got towel dried after coming back in. Well, I'm sure we won't be turning on the sprinklers for at least a week!

There has been a lot of rain damage in the L.A. area--downed trees, and one balcony in Long Beach collapsed from the weight of the rain on it, crushing part of a parked car. There have been some evacuations in areas that had fires a couple of months ago. Mudslides are a big concern there.
Amtrak had to suspend service between San Luis Obispo and L.A. because of the storm. One man was rescued from the L.A. River, and a woman is still missing. They were clinging to trees in the river earlier this morning. There is a flash flood advisory in parts of Orange County until this afternoon--mostly in areas where there had been fires. Also, there is a high surf warning--12 to 14-foot waves! Cowabunga, dude!

Ken and Emma and I are fine, and in no danger here. Everything is really wet, but our lawn is SO happy! There has been a lot of snow in the Sierras, so I hope it will help the drought situation enough to make a difference.

Lolly and Jack, maybe you will get some of this wetness in a couple of days! It seems to be headed east.

Hope all is well with everyone back east. Have a good Red Friday! Prayers for all. I ♥ us!!

Friday, December 12, 2014 2:53:00 PM

Mema Jo said...

Andy - thanks for your update !
I have been concerned but now I am
ok and won't worry .

Our winds have died down and no rain in the forecast.


Judie said...

Good afternoon.

Thank you Steve for the Red Friday thread. Have a lovely weekend.

Jo, enjoy that new feather.

Kay, congratulations to Seth on the completion of another successful semester. Enjoy his time at home and the Nutcracker performance. What a nice surprise to meet Rita and that she will soon have a new companion. Also, the apt. manager is incorrect. Service dogs are an exception - just in case you see her again.

Lynne, good reports all around Congratulations.

JudyE, enjoy the second day of your weekend.

Jo, thank you so much for the reminder about Tori's surgery. Prayers are with her for a successful replacement with quick and full recovery.

Shirley, hope the therapy helped. Do you have exercises to do at home? I did.

Very sorry for Bev. Pet loss is always so heartbreaking.

So glad Andy stopped by. News reports make the situation on the West coast look dreadful. At least we know she and Emma and Kubby are okay.

Judie said...

The time has come to try to make myself less scary so I can go with Darth to a Part Authority holiday party. Food + drink = no scullery for me tonight.

Wishing everyone a quiet evening.


Mema Jo said...



Mema Jo said...


Mema Jo said...

Both have poofed


JudyEddy said...

Good evening eagle buds

just got home from lunch with Angie and going to Jordyn school to take picture of the kids doing the Jingle Bell run was there for a hour and a half and got 360 pic and then we went to the park saw the eagle in the tower and got pic also which is included in the 360 pic now uploading them Looks like i just missed the eagle visit Anyone get pictures

Sandi said...

Hi all - SOOOO thankful it's the weekend!! So here's the scoop:

On Wednesday, I sent an email to my principal that was supposed to be funny - sarcastic, but funny. Who knew there are adults in this world who don't get or appreciate sarcasm?

I was called into Jason's office on Wed. afternoon to explain myself. After I did that, I also apologized for ever sending the email. Then Jason said that "per teacher contract" he had to schedule another meeting 48 hours later to discuss my disciplinary action for the incident and suggested that I might want to bring union representation with me. Seriously???? The meeting was set for today at 2pm.

I told him on Wed. that I wanted to waive my 48 hours and resolve the whole thing then and there and also said I had no need for union representation for a joke. He insisted that we wait and reiterated that I should bring "another set of ears" to the 2nd meeting.

Yesterday morning at 5am, I emailed him from home to say I had gotten very little sleep b/c I was so anxious over this pending discipline meeting (that's why I didn't get on the blog yesterday morning). I said again that I wanted to waive my right to 48 hours notice and asked if we could meet yesterday rather than wait until this afternoon. I also said again that I had no intention of turning the incident into a big deal by bringing union representation. Jason emailed me around 8am yesterday that his day was full and our meeting would have to wait until this afternoon.

Today I finally had my meeting and fully expected a formal letter of reprimand that I would be asked to sign and that would be placed in my personnel file at district office. That didn't happen. Jason said that, while he found my email to be "inflammatory" not funny, he understood that my intent was to be funny. He had typed a "memo" stating that if I sent any similar emails in the future, to him or to anyone else, I would receive a formal letter of reprimand.

So the story ended fine and I have learned a valuable lesson. Some people (like my boss) have no sense of humor and a huge desire to let their employees know who's in charge. I am shaking my head b/c there are so many egregious wrongs going on with teachers in my building and this guy chose to make a big deal out of a joke that he didn't consider to be funny.

Oh well, thanks for sending positive thoughts my way!

Time for pizza and TV - I will get a GREAT night's sleep tonight, that's for sure!

Hoda said...

The rest of you please put your fingers in your ears and I apologize in advance.

What an ASS!
Your Principal is an ASS!!!

Pardon me ladies...

Now we return to our regularly scheduled program, where Canadians are always nice and apologize for everything!!!

Sandi said...

Dearest Hoda,

You made me laugh out loud! :-D

Hoda said...

As my American Father used to say:


Don't Let The Bastards Get You Down!

NO NO NO JUDIE, I am not amking a habit of such language! No need to sick JUFIE on me...
Thias one comes from south of the border!
I am simply relaying what a wise old US man said years ago.


Mema Jo said...

Sandi - I am so thankful the incident
is a closed matter - Now you know the real person... So sorry that
happened but I know you can let it go!

I am going in to watch 9-11 movie

I best say my Goodnights now as I sometimes dose off.

Mema Jo said...

Goodnight to all and
God bless with a restful night's sleep with SED

I ♥ Us

stronghunter said...

Gracious sakes, Sandi! I am sorry you have to go through all of this. Take care of yourself and just try to enjoy the weekend. The year is nearly half over.

JudyEddy said...

Good evening eagle buds

SANDI so happy that is over for and I agree with HODA he is a ASS big time

Jordyn is out like a light We came home after the affairs of the day she wanted to play before we went out to dinner Well she came to me at 6 ish and said she was sleepy I said well lets go get something to eat and then she could crash after She wanted to stay up till Angie and Carl came to get her around 11 My bed time is 11 and if they werent' here she would go to bed Well she didn't make it She was watching the show with the kids cooking master Chef Jr and she only made about 10 min and asked to go to bed She just can't hang with the big girls LOL

Not a party animal

Got all the pictures posted on FB that I did for the school I only went up there and did almost 2 hours of pictures of the relay Angie will burn on a disc for the school I had posted on FB and tagged it with the school and the pictures went to their page that is pretty cool if other parents want the pictures they can get them there BUT I don't know if anyone would know to look there for them I will have Angie mention something at school

The principal appreciate it keep thanking me they use them in the school year book also

Judie said...


Hope Sandi is already resting quietly.

The gathering was nice. Food was tasty. County bigwigs pontificated. Now ready to rest. Hope to get out tomorrow to get some errands done to include foraging for food.

Sandperson is preparing a large satchel.

Jufie is programming a GPS for a school near Bethany.

Overheard Jufie and Sandperson debating the fate of an ASS.

Restful sleep for all.

JudyEddy said...

Security system is armed please be sure to use your code if out past curfew

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Hoda said...

Good night and God Bless

Sleep well all...

grannyblt said...

Sandi, sorry you had to go through all of that. I guess he is another one you have to feed with a long handled spoon.

Kay said...

Good Early Morning Eagle Buds!!!

Fell asleep way too early in front of the TV and so, am up way too early.

SANDI, I looked up the definition of Ass and found the animal description as #1, of course. #2(no pun intended) is:

A vain, self-important, silly, or aggressively stupid person.

Describes your idjet principal to a T. I wanted to scream when I read of the incident.

JUDIE, hope the "Part" Authority affair was a lot of fun. I guess partial authority is better than none.☺ (Please don't call me to the office or write me up for my joke.) So, Jufie is on the Asses case--this is one time we can root for the little imp. Perhaps we should all fashion voodoo dolls and ASSist Jufie with this project!

HODA, I love your American Father's wise adage!

Love and prayers for all in need!!! Hope everyone here woke up feeling refreshed and pain free!


Kay said...

Oh, I see I'm not alone. Hi, LYNNE1. Have an apple dumpling dandy day!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

Sandi said...

Goodorming Lynne1, Kay, Judy and all my eagle friends.

Thanks everyone for having my back - I knew you would! ♥ It's really not a huge deal, though the 2 days of waiting was unnecessary torture. It's good that I learned early that this guy has no sense of humor so I know how to deal with him in the future. In the scheme of things, administrators have very little impact on my day to day existence at school. I have the emotional support of the teachers on my team (3 of the 4) and they're the people who really matter - my colleagues in the trenches. On a hopeful note, if he came down that hard on me for such a small thing, maybe he's also coming down hard on my BFF (who took another day off yesterday BTW) and she'll feel uncomfortable enough to pack her bags in June.

No school work on my agenda this weekend but lots of cleaning needs to be done.

Have agreat day all.

Sandi said...


Sandi said...

2 eagles!

Sandi said...


Hoda said...

Saw one eagle.
Took couple of pictures.

Sandi said...


Hoda said...

Glad you saw two SANDI



Sorry about the capitals!

Sandi said...

Good morning Hoda! Why so early? Only a little after 4am your time.

grannyblt said...

Good morning.

I managed to see one screen of two, then one then poof.
I was waiting for my newspaper carrier so I could give him his Christmas . The paper is always on my porch, and when the Pittsburgh paper gave home delivery, he always brought it up to the porch from the driveway along with the local paper that he delivers.

I've been awake since 3 and think I need a nap

Hope everyone has a wonderful day.

Hoda said...

Don't know SANDI
internal clock reset?
Meditation time?
Winter Solstice a week Sunday!

Good to read you all.

So cool to read how we all agree in your principal.

Hoda said...


Janet said...

morning to all. have a beautiful day!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Lunch and a matinee with Val and Julie on the agenda for me today. My children are trying to plan something, but Susan has a possible transmission issue with her car, so plans are not definite.

stronghunter said...

Regarding the humorless principal, I am sure he realizes that special ed teachers are precious. I predict that he will not mess too much with our Sandi.

stronghunter said...

Isn't this a new principal, Sandi?

Judie said...

Good morning.

Well, Kay got me! Here's the deal: parT Park Authority Board and parT Park Authority Foundation = ParK party. lol Was tired.

Definition of ASS is perfection for the principle. Maybe Santa will give him a certificate for laser surgery and he can become a perfect ASS.

Have fun with Julie and Val, Shirley. Lovely day to be out. Hope Susan's car is a not-too-expensive fix.

Breakfast was served at the Berry nest at 9am. Out nest MT.

Okay, off to take care of errands. Wishing everyone a lovely morning.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all you Early Birds
Wondering if some of yu are back to taking a nap ??

I almost didn't make it here today - My dell computer decided not to allow my Firefox to start. I am now in the back room using an older computer - so far so good. Hubby will be calling Dell and you know how long that will take.

I wish for all of you to have a
have a good day AND you will see me when you see me. ♥

Kay said...

Aha, JUDIE, Park! I thought maybe it was supposed to be Port Authority---had me wondering whether it was water related or a group of people dedicated to an certain alcoholic beverage.

Good one re:laser surgery for SANDI's pathetically inept principal!

SHIRLEY have a lovely time with Val and Julie!

I'm about to get ready for the kids to pick me up at 12:15 for the Nutcracker's 1:00pm performance.

Kay said...

Hi JO! I did take a nap twixt my post and 8am when Penny said it was time to get up and at em'. Hope you have a lovely day!♥

Sandi said...

Shirley, yes my principal is new to the district and to my school, and his entire principal career prior to this year was 1 year. He is young.

I am grateful to him for not giving me a formal letter of reprimand - he could have. But since he only planned to issue a warning, he could have done that Wednesday when he first asked to speak to me and I said I didn't need 48 hours before "being disciplined," or Thursday when I again requested an earlier meeting.

The meeting yesterday took 5 minutes - surely he could have squeezed 5 minutes out of his busy day on Thursday if he had wanted to. He didn't want to - he wanted me to be anxious and worried for 48 hours. He wanted me to understand that he has that power.

What he doesn't understand is that he won the battle but lost the war. Because of the tactics he chose, I lost respect for him. The most important quality in an administrator, IMO, is the ability to allow teachers to feel they work WITH you, not FOR you. Principals aren't "better" than teachers, they just chose a different path in the education system.

Either this young man has too little administrator experience to understand that or his personality requires that his teachers see him as their "superior." Either he'll change as he gains experience or he won't. Fortunately, I won't be around long enough to see how he turns out! :)

Hoda said...

I am off to yoga and errands and an osteoporosis work shop. No little about the topic so decided to take it.

Good one on Laser comment JUDIE.

JO if you do not check in I will be phoning you! Hopefully not before you have had your first cup of coffee!

SANTA is in Nelson. I will see if I can get a picture of me with him. He is handing out sugar free and organic non GMO also Vegan candy canes! Yum! Yummm! YUMMERS

Hoda said...

Ugh!!! Autocorrect

Lolly said...

Good morning! Have been so busy!

Oh, Sandi, what a shame you have him for a principal at the end of your career! Yes, he most definitely is an ASS!
He will not have a successful career! Not with that attitude! Had one principal that way and we did not get along! I was so miserable, but thankfully she left!

Going to a wedding at 2:00. Her wedding date. 12-13-14! And smart girl, the church is lovely with Christmas decorations!

Want to report spousal abuse! Have been doing my share of raking leaves. Now have a blister! Told Jack I am going to become my neighbor and leave all yard work to him. He shuddered! :)

Gotta get busy!

Judie said...

Good late afternoon.

Yes, a laser treatment is on Jufie's agenda for the principal. HO HO HO

Well, now that I think about it, a little Port (without the authority) might be tasty.

Lolly, Jufie can be commissioned to deal with Jack if he gets too rambunctious.

Hope Shirley had a great time with her friends.

Hope Kay had a wonderful time, also.

Thank you, Lynn.

Hoda, a workshop on osteoporosis? How interesting. I think a daily calcium tablet plus your yoga and hiking and bicycling might be a help in preventing/slowing down bone loss.

All errands accomplished. Will decorate the mantle tomorrow. Williamsburg style with greens, magnolia leaves, springs of holly berries, a pineapple, apples, oranges and various sizes of nutcrackers. The wreath above the fireplace mantle is the same style. Looks pretty and smells good.

Going to put my feet up. Easy kitchen duty tonight. Hamburger and leftover Cole slaw.


Mema Jo said...

I was here earlier today and explained that my computer had crashed. Hubby with Dell rep on the phone got things Up/Running.
Nothing interesting going on --

BBL after dinner sometime ♥

Judie said...

Yea! Jo's computer is working. Thank you, Mr. Jo, for talking with Peggy.

Okay, off to the scullery.

Hoda said...

Glad your computer is fixed JO.

SHIRLEY so glad you and your friends are sharing and things are working well...keep supporting one another. It is the only way to go...

Osteoporosis class was cancelled as teacher is sick. So many people here have something up with their stomachs...UGH

It turns out magnesium is even more important than calcium for bone health JUDIE.

I wished on WIndows 8 on desk top I can open more than one view. Anyone have any ideas on how to do that?
I can reduce the window but it just opens a new one on top of the one I am using. Not much sense in reducing it then!!! If anyone knows let me know...PLEASE

Lolly said...

Hoda, I use Firefox, I click on the icon and open a window, then click on the icon again and open another. I can then open the blog in one window. I right click on the bottom bar and can then view the two windows side by side. Hope that helps.

Wedding was small but beautiful. A very happy, beaming bride!

Love Williamsburg at Christmas. We went one year for the lighting. We saw all the beautifully decorated doors. I love Willamsburg but really love it at Christmas!

Hoda said...

No does not work with Windows 8 LOLLY

Still cam is down here!
Anyone else?

I get a black screen and refreshed several times... nothing

Hoda said...

Oh Gracious me...
I clicked the right side on mouse and it gave me the option of showing windows side by I did and here I am with two windows...can it do three I many can I do??? I hope I can return it to just one window when I want to...I love technology... YAY

Hoda said...

Ha Ha Ha!!! HO HO HO
I reread LOLLY's instructions and they did work... Bravo LOLLY.

Abuse! You tell that Mr Jack that he had better do more than his share of racking or you will go on strike for cooking and baking.! I bet you that will set him straight!!!

stronghunter said...


Had a very nice visit with my friends. We had lunch and then went to a movie--"Top Five" with Chris Rock. A bit more explicit than some movies I've seen, but a nice story.

When I came home, Kathryn and Hunter were out front waiting for a load of firewood to be delivered. Kathryn let Hunter move her car to the other side of the driveway so the truck could get around back.

Kathryn had dinner cooking, and Rus and Susan came down from Northern Virginia join us. We had a nice dinner with a lovely fire in the fireplace.

Judie said...

Black screen also, Hoda.

Heading for the pillows early tonight.

Sandperson is packing a large satchel.

Big secret: Jufie told Sandperson there are numerous laser surgeons who have volunteered, free of charge, to perform laser surgery on the ASS. Jufie likes Sandi.

Night light is on. Restful sleep for all.

stronghunter said...

Judie, you asked if I have to do exercises at home. So far, they've only told me to practice one routine, but there are several I could do, so I am going to try to squeeze in a little time for that.

I had PT for my shoulder at a different place, and they did give me lots of things to do at home.

JudyEddy said...

Hellow eagle buds

just got home from work and Angie didn't get logged on at lunch because of the wifi acting up so I am here late need to catch up on most of the blog I shall try to return but want to jump in the shower really quick and its cold in here so it will be a dash in and out

JudyEddy said...

HODA I just open another tab and drag it out of the existing tab that way all my window are the same size also I use IE for the still cam and google chrome for the blog and facebook I like IE because if you save a pic to your computer it doesn't show in your tray below the window google does

I have had 12 windows minimized at once with eagle cams but not for a while

JudyEddy said...

So happy PEGGY got you help today and fast JO and my still is up and running with the correct time I am reading blog really quick while bathroom heats up

JudyEddy said...

HODA I see you got your windows all open You just have to click the x to make them go away
ok bathroom should be somewhat warmer than it was
remember I am a wuss when it comes to cold

Hoda said...

Thank you JUDYE,
Still cam is certainly out here.

All I need is the two windows.
Dragging has not worked for me so far...
Learning 8.

Janet said...

good evening to all.

lorelei turned 2 today! had a dinner with the kids @ hooters and then to their place for presents, cake and ice cream.

always love being with the kids.

I am most pleased. Chelsea has a friend, for some time now. rita is her name. she is a young woman, going to be 30 next week. she has 6 kids. most of them were adopted. her sister died and she adopted her sister's kids in addition to her own 2 ( I think 2). so that made four and she has adopted two others. she is an amazing young woman and a very good friend to Chelsea. I am thankful.

my Michael has a new gal pal. they areofficially dating. her name is megan. she came for dinner one night this week and seems sweet. time will tell.

in other news, Michael's best friend since he was 5, so almost 20 years now, is engaged to be married. Michael is having a difficult time swallowing that most of his peers are settling down, getting married and on with life.

need to finish up my secret santa stuff tomorrow and maybe get around to finishing decorating the house.....inside. just been so busy.

have decided to go to Gatlinburg next weekend. am looking forward to that...

hope everyone is well. love to all.

Hoda said...

God Bless us All

Christmas Brunch with the Dragons tomorrow.
Then Christmas Concert with the Choral Society.

Not a bit of snow on the ground. Not even using my poles to walk. The roads are dry.
Solstice in a week! Shortest day and from then on in we gain on day light.
Yay Yay Yay I seem to have made it through the toughest darkest days here...
Blessed Be.

Mema Jo said...

LATE MOVIE - until 12
Commercial now - So I am here
to say

Goodnight and God Bless.


stronghunter said...

Time for me to say good night.

SED, everyone. See you tomorrow.

Lolly said...

Yea, Hoda, glad that worked for you!

Sat her this evening not doing much while Jack shelled pecans and watched the hockey game. He says bag 17 is finished! Yep, 17 gallons bags of shelled pecans and more to come! Of course he would probably hav 18 if I didn't snitçh some!

Church tomorrow and then some Christmas stuff!

Up to 70 today. You may not like snow, but it just "ain't" natural to be having this warm weather and it is so dry. If it does not rain significantly tomorrow on goes the sprinkler system, but they are talking more water restrictions.

Night all! SED!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

JudyEddy said...

46° out there this am do I have to go out

Sandi said...

Goodorming Judy and all my eagle friends.

My still cam looks black but it must just be b/c it's so early since the time is correct and changing.

Tennis is on my agenda for this morning then performing my Neighborhood Watch house checks. Temps so far have been high enough that frozen pipes aren't a big issue. Still, we haven't even officially hit winter yet.

Hoda, can't wait until we start gaining those precious minutes of daylight.

Have agreat day all.

Sandi said...


Sandi said...


Sandi said...


Sandi said...


Sandi said...


Sandi said...


Jo, do you know when the live feed will start?

Sandi said...


Sandi said...


Sandi said...


Sandi said...


Sandi said...


Sandi said...


Sandi said...


Sandi said...


Sandi said...


Sandi said...



grannyblt said...

Good morning. I slept late today and the nest was MT when I checked about 10 minutes ago. Encouraging signs that our pair is doing nestorations.

Mema Jo said...

Good Sundday morning to all ♥

Sandi - I don't know the exact date for the Live Feed - only that it says

. EagleCam is offline until the 2015 Winter Nesting Season. Please return in late January 2015 to watch the eagles once again. -

Really would love to be watching it now with all the nestorations. Most eagle cams are up/running

Mema Jo said...

This is my early Christmas present.

Elliot Sebastian Lennox
13th Great Grandchild.

Mema Jo said...

lol Sandi it sounded like you were narrating a Tennis Match.
They really had you going there -
Thanks ♥

Mema Jo said...

No special plans today -
Sure wish a hello from Margy would
be on here today.........
I am sure all is well - just busy.

BBL today

Mema Jo said...


Mema Jo said...

Just sitting in the middle of the nest

JudyEddy said...

yep in lunch and i see eagle

JudyEddy said...

looks like Belles neck line

JudyEddy said...

later got to get off IE acting up wifi I should say

Sandi said...

Thanks Jo for the eagle alert! I looked back at comments from the Outdoor Channel page last year and the first post was dated 1/3/14 so it looks like they started the live cam running as of early January. Hope that's the case again this winter, since it seems like the eagles are showing up more often and staying longer.

As someone said a few days ago - Hoda maybe - we will have a good view of the nest this year. I can't wait!

Jo, your early Christmas gift is the very best kind! ♥

Mema Jo said...

12:46pm Still in center of nest

Mema Jo said...

Not moving from center of nest

Blizzard Bear has 186 votes

Mema Jo said...

1:15pm Our one eagle is still there

Mema Jo said...


Need some b-day cards

Heading to CVS is a little while

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds and terrific nest reporters!!!

So good to see Belle sitting there in a well groomed nest. Am so anxious for our live cam viewing to begin!

Had a wonderful time at The Nutcracker and then last night Seth was here for dinner and the night. Julie and Hugh arrived at noon with Noodle's fare for all. Tomorrow evening is their annual tree trimming and dinner for we four! Love the Season!

JO, Elliot is, indeed, the best present you could receive and I'm betting the whole family feels the same way!

Belle seems quite relaxed and contented. She does turn her head occasionally making me wonder if Shep is putting on an air show.

Off to check e-mail and on line news, but will be watching our regal lovely all the while.

Sandi said...

1:45, nest is MT. An hour and 20 minute visit - promising!

Back to ravens football.

Lolly said...

Home from church, have had a little computer time and now need to get busy!!

So far no rain...just dripping! Come on..RAIN!!! And, it is 65. Can not even have a fire at this temp!

Judie said...

Good late-afternoon.

Jo, you need to update your profile to 13 ggk. Adorable. Yet another love of your life.

Kay, so glad you enjoyed Nutcracker and having Seth spend the evening. Enjoy the annual decorating.

I may have forgotten to mention that I'm also glad Shirley had a nice afternoon yesterday. I see the car-driving door has been opened a crack. Cannot wait for those Hunter stories.

Quiet today. Finished decorating the mantle. Vacuuming up pine needles will wait until tomorrow. Arthritis is acting up.

Seems I missed a good long visit today. Will have to remind myself to check earlier and frequently.

Feet going up. BBL

JudyEddy said...

Hello eagle buds home from work

at a distance looking at the nest looks like there is aegg cup Do you see it to the right center Or maybe a indentation from Belle being there for quite a while today

JudyEddy said...

They did spend time in the nest I got a couple pic this am but only 5

JudyEddy said...

I also agree that Belle was watching something go back and forth I bet like you said Shep was trying to impress her with his acrobatic flying

You can tell by the 46 pic I took at lunch

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

poof both

Mema Jo said...

Just returned from the Cracker Barrel
and I missed the evening visit. Glad
you saw them Judy.

I may have a TV movie - new one for this evening's entertainment.

Hoping that everyone had a lovely day and will now enjoy your night.


JudyEddy said...

188 ON blizzard bear

Judie said...

Hi all.

Dinner over. Scullery in order.

Following Jo. Checking out tv offerings while I point my toes to the sky.

JudyE, you have magic timing for seeing Belle and Shep. Thank you so much for all the pictures. You are appreciated.

Shirley, I had home exercises when I injured my shoulder. Didn't do them. Made more hurt. In fact, therapy made more discomfort. How about you?


stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Quiet at the Phillips household this evening. Kathryn, Hunter, and Luna are off to see Christmas lights.

I almost fell asleep on the sofa, but have been trying to finish some decorating. I did a little shopping this afternoon. I bought some dishes, a tablecloth, and some napkins. Just really wanted to set a pretty table for Christmas this year, and wanted some new things to do it with.

stronghunter said...

Hello, Judie!

I think the exercises have helped. At least I hope so. It is supposed to help me develop muscle mass in the areas where I lost it. I am interested in what the MRI shows. I have the a disk, but somehow I don't think I could learn much even if I popped it into my computer and tried to figure it out. I am supposed to deliver it to my doctor.

JudyEddy said...

Got some bad news from Sue today thru pm
Sue Tess 7:56pm Dec 14
Hi Judy
On Sunday Dec 6th we found a dead eagle female in Pinellas Park we all check our assigned nest and found Freedom with 2 but on Monday the man who watches this nest noticed that one of the birds had a brown tail it is a female so we are thinking it was freedoms female. So the birds are trying to get used ti each other. May Belle RIP. The new bird is a big beautiful bird.

I saw two birds there on Fri so sad but looks promising of a new mate Liberty must have know

JudyEddy said...

now I am more anxious to go to the tower and see I checked all my pics from Fri and hard to see only got the front and no good tail shots I got a good one of the female but her tail is behind the metal on the tower

Judie said...

Back again.

Shirley, how nice that you have treated yourself to some new holiday decor. Everything will be super-wonderful for Christmas. I hope the exercises work for you. Yes, the idea was for me to rebuild muscle strength. My case, the joint just kept becoming more painful.

JudyE, so very sorry about the eagle death but the cycle continues with a new pair.

Sandperson is packing a satchel. Departure at 11pm. Jufie is nowhere to be found.

Restful sleep for all.

stronghunter said...

I would not want to do exercises that hurt, either, Judie. They did tell me once that I would be sore the next day, but I wasn't. That was fine with me.

stronghunter said...

The Christmas dishes were tempting, but I bought some plain white plates because I really want to get more use out of them.

JudyEddy said...

Chiming in on pain with rehab I also experienced it when he had me rotate my shoulder backward I would get a pop and it hurt Then he just told me not to do that one (I have thoracic outlet syndrome)which I can live with they wanted me to do a surgery and I opted out of it to correct it ( would have taken out my top ribs) I sad no

Mema Jo said...

Just finished my TV movie - quite enjoyable.

Tomorrow I see the Retina Specialist
for my check up. Hopefully all will be well.

I am closing early... Meds to take and need to close down other programs

Goodnight to all and God Bless all ♥

JudyEddy said...

Holiday lights to see on trucks pretty cool

JudyEddy said...

Holiday lights to see on trucks pretty cool

JudyEddy said...

oops pardon my double post

JudyEddy said...

Security system is armed please be sure to use your code if out past curfew

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Lolly said...

Watched us some football tonight! How about those BOYS!!!

Sat here and worked on Christmas mailings! One more project completed. Tomorrow basketball! Taking
up bar-b-que. Also have gingerbread house kit and gingerbread tree kit for the boys to make and decorate, a tradition!

Will then get to some serious baking and the wrapping of presents. 🎁 That should prove to be interesting with Miss Skippita! 😜

🎅🎅🎅🎄🎄🎄Night all! SED🎄🎄🎄🎅🎅🎅

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. Hoping for a calm week. 7 days of work left in 2014.

Jo, hope the eyes check out OK.

Lynne2, happy that Steve made it home!

Have agreat day all.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

41° got cooler than they thought
Yeah but will be in the lo 70 by Wed

Judie said...

Good morning.

Wishing Jo an excellent eye exam today and Sandi an excellent beginning of the last week of 2014 school.

Off to find some coffee. BBL

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Kathryn popped her head into my room this morning to tell me we had very little water pressure. Turns out it's a water main break. Schools are closed--just the local ones, though. Our water seems fine, already.

PT this morning.

Need to finish decorating.

Have a good day, everyone.

Janet said...

new thread new thread new thread! come on over!!!!!

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...