Friday, December 05, 2014


New thread.  Been out of the office. Sorry for the delay.


Judie said...

Good morning.

Thank you Steve for the fresh Red Friday thread. Welcome back.

Rainy and dreary this morning.

Thank you all for your positive thoughts. Feeling some better. Less coughing. Three more days of meds.

Quiet day for me. Rest and water. Water and rest.

Have a good morning everyone.

Mema Jo said...

Good Red Friday morning again ♥

Thank you for the fresh new

thread, Steve. Hoping you enjoyed

your Out-of-office time!

Congrats Judie for your feather and thanks for the call over.

Mema Jo said...

Wanting to post my morning comment from the old thread:

I had an early morning trip just for blood work for my primary doctor's visit this upcoming Tues.

Judie I am glad you are on the mend and expect wonders in 3 more days!

Sandi - great to come home with a gift you needed

Lolly - happy that Laurel had a special day. Our outside lights are completed now. I'm sure Joey appreciates his son's handiwork ♥

Sharon left the hospital but is at Healthsouth Southern Hills Rehabilitation Hospital. There motto is like ours -
Call Don't Fall

Lolly said...

Yea a new thread! Thanks, Steve!!!

Good morning! Would you believe 70 and sunny! What happened to our chance of storms!

We are also knee deep in leaves! Oh, well, we will get to them later. Now to get outside and decorate!

Kay said...

Wahoo! Welcome Home, STEVE and thank you for our spanking new thread!

JUDIE, a feather is just what the doctor ordered for an ailing gal! Congrats!

JO, thanks for the encouraging word about SHAR!

LOLLY, 70°, lucky you! Temp here may reach 40°.

JudyEddy said...


Heading out for lunch with Angie then get Jordyn later then Angie and Carl are going shopping while Jordyn and I do dinner somewhere

JudyEddy said...

77° here nice out side

JudyEddy said...

164 votes for Blizzard bear

keep voting

Mema Jo said...



they are really serious today with
all their visits.

I bet they have heard about all the newly laid eggs down in FL and now at the Carolina Rapture Center.

Mema Jo said...

Both eagles just went POOF

They may return - keep your eyes on the nest

grannyblt said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steve.

I'm off in a few minutes to help set up for our craft show tomorrow .

Hope everyone has a good weekend.

Mema Jo said...

Hope you have a successful Craft Show

Need to dream up something for dinner


Janet said...

good afternoon to all. I am home. ran a bunch of errands.

my private client contacted me this p.m. and asked if I would like to have 2 titans tickets and parking pass. uh, yep. tom and Michael love to go. nick and his wife will be in florida sunday thru the 28th and won't be able to use them. they are such nice people....

did a little shopping, had to stop by the vet. sable's remains were ready. I picked those up.

sad closure.

dr. k has a giving tree up at the vet office with tags and pix of animals in need. these are animals available for adoption thru a program she works with. the one I picked needs cat food. I can do that!

well, time to feed the furbabies and pop the papa murphy's pizza in the down stairs oven. be glad when the new oven arrives up stairs.

hugs and love to all.

PS JUDIE: stop partying so hard, good grief! lol glad you are feeling some better!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hello my eagle budlets. I'm posting from my laptop in my room at HealthSouth. Things are going really well. These folks are really encouraging and are wearing me out. :) Getting better every day.


JudyEddy said...

YEAH SHARON on the mend saw the pic on FB looking good woman

Waiting for Angie to call

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

They are letting me walk around the room on a walker with assistance. Tomorrow I get to take a shower. Just now I needed to tinkle really bad, hit the help button, after a few minutes they asked what I needed and I told them I urgently needed to go potty. Then I got myself up on the edge of the bed, got my slippers on and waited and waited. So I had to make the decision to go by myself or they could be changing my bed and mopping the floor. I did make it to the potty and back without a fall and without any seepage. :)

paula eagleholic said...

Happy Friday!

Hoping to get my outside lights up tomorrow before the rain and winds set in.

paula eagleholic said...

Sharon...I would have gone by myself too!

Did they fuss at you?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

No, Paula, they know I am doing okay with the walker.

Lolly said...

Well, we were outdoors all day decorating! Looking good, just a little more to do! Was surprised when we found a box of new LED lights! Lol. We had forgotten about buying them last year on sale. So, we just have a few more lights to replace and will do that after Christmas.

It was around 80 today! We got hot! Last year at this time we were in the middle of an ice storm. Crazy!

Tomorrow TCU plays Iowa! Still finding it hard to believe being ranked #3! You have to understand, TCU is a small, private school! So exciting!

Sharon, so glad you are doing so well! You'll be running races soon!😄😜😘

Time to shower and get comfy! Night all! SED!

Mema Jo said...

Late evening and I am hoping that most of you have been dusted by the Sandperson.

Sharon - Good recovery sounds like.
Praying you will be healing and
please don't take many chances.
Remind them it is Call don't Fall!

Mema Jo said...

Goodnight to all my friends ♥

Hoda said...

Glad to stop in and say goodnight.
Another twelve hour day!
Christmas is busy! Great God.
Yoga, Sauna,Lunch with a friend, library, volunteer with the Grans for the churche's Christmas concert. We made very good money.over five hundred dollars for a few hours receiving and visiting with people...they think we are very social.The Food Bank money I collected also was five hundred dollars. So it is a thousand all around...Nelson is generous.
Tomorrow yoga and volunteer Christmas Faire with Eco Society and then clean up with the Grans for our craft Faire. Yoga in between.

LOLLY last year Laurel got dishes for B Day. What did you give her this year?

I need a cup of tea and then some sleep...

I will see you when it calms down tomorrow afternoon.

Two Dragon Team Christmas events that I am helping organize... Choral Society brunch and concert. December 14th. Team Christmas dinner on Monday the 8th.
God Bless
I love us.

SHAR good decision to be careful but also active to look after your physical needs.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends - another week down! 12 more work days in 2014!

Shar, I'm so glad to hear your report - you were in pain for so long. Now, even though there's pain, you know it's temporary and your hip will hurt less each day. Steady as she goes!

Judie, good to hear that your cough is somewhat better.

I posted a photo on my Facebook yesterday about an 11 year old female dachshund who needs a new home. Her owner died and the rescue lady we got Jenni from contacted me and asked me to spread the word. She sounds very sweet but if I took her, I'd be shopping for a new husband - don't want that. If you know of anyone not too far from DE who might be looking to adopt/rescus, let me know. I know that Dachshund Rescue of North America will work with adopters when it comes to getting the dogs to their new home.

Yesterday, my BFF was observed by the principal during the class period that I am in the room teaching with her. Obviously she didn't think it was important to tell me the principal would be in the room b/c she never said a word about it ahead of time. I think that's very inconsiderate and am wondering what the other teachers in the group think. I didn't say a word to her about it on Friday but, since it's still bothering me, I WILL say something on Monday.

Decorating the house for Christmas is on my agenda for today. Not going all out - I am so tired all the time this year (fatigue brought about by working a job I don't enjoy I guess), I've been having a tough time lately thinking about the holidays without my mom, plus no one is visiting us over the Christmas holiday. We will be doing all the driving to visit everyone else.

Have agreat day all.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥

No sunshine here in my valley today.
Sandi I saw the picture of the
doggie needing a home - sure hope she finds one.

I see that I must prove myself not to be a robot this morning. Here goes....

Mema Jo said...

YAHOO - I am for real.

Tomorrow I pick up my wreaths from
Megan. I think Dana has her's already.

Headed for a cup of coffee.


Kay said...

Good Morning JUDY, JO, SANDI n' HODA!!!

I see we're off to a slow start today---everyone busy with holiday plans n' fixin's I reckon.

SANDI, I do SO enjoy your posts---I'm going to miss your accounts of classroom and fellow teacher "antics", but will be happy for you when that comes to an end. Hope the doxie is placed in a good home soon! Sounds like you can relax about Christmas around your own house--leave the big to-does to others and relish the role of guest this year!

I took care of my minimalist Christmas decorating yesterday. Just enough to bring a smile to Seth's face. Our holiday celebrations are held at Julie's and I'm pleased as punch with the role reversal. She and the guys will be going to WI for a few days between Christmas and New Year's Day, so Malcolm will be with me n' Penny. I'm praying for a lack of snow and ice to contend with!

HODA, wish you could send some of that excess energy down to OH and DE. SANDI and I could use a HODA tonic today!

Thinking of SHAR as the rehab exercises and healing go forward.

Also thinking of little Elliot as he adjusts to life outside the womb and in the loving arms of his family!

Love and prayers for all in need!!!


Judie said...

Good morning to everyone.

Slept better last night. Cough is not as intense or frequent.

Now that some certain bloggers are already decorating, or planning to decorate, I think I will have to join in. We don't do much anymore. So maybe today I can get something done.
Just need a dollop of Hoda's energy.

Will return later today.

Mema Jo said...

Lolly - when you come on would you go to our PM FB account of Eaglet Momsters and add me - somehow
I deleted my account Thank you

Mema Jo said...

Memory lane ♥

Mema Jo said...

Blizzard Bear 166 count

stronghunter said...

Good afternoon,

In a hurry to get out to have my do done.

Going to Penney's. Unhappy that I have not heard from them, but I have been going to their salon for years.

Kay said...

JO, thanks for the Memories! The 50's are a decade so dear to this old ♥! Do not want to go back, but love getting lost in the 50's for a few moments!

JUDIE, you're gonna' live! Yeah! So glad you're feeling a bit better today!

paula eagleholic said...

Afternoon all!

Got my outside lights and candy canes set before the rain set in. Was nice to be outside..even git a quick walk on the beach.

Going to a spaghetti dinner fundraiser for next door neighbor Murdock'a daughter. .. she is battling colon cancer...she has a 17yo son... Very nice person...would you please add Nancy to your prayer list? Thanks.

paula eagleholic said...

Jo I think you are in both groups

Mema Jo said...

The Facebook
Personal Messenger Group
Eaglet Momsters... I lost it and
need to be added again.

Mema Jo said...

Prayers for Nancy and her family as she battles cancer.

JudyEddy said...

Howdy eagle buds home from work

stronghunter said...

Welcome home, Judy!

Back from getting beautiful.

Told my hairdresser at Penney's about my bad experience with the sales clerk who would not hold my packages. She said that must have been a new employee who did not know any better, and, that, of course, she would hold packages for me. Gave me a nice coupon. I gave her a nice tip and wished her a Merry Christmas. Also told the sales clerk from whom I bought some stuff later, and she was shocked. She said that she would report it to her supervisor.

I also told them that I'd written a complaint and hadn't heard back. Maybe I will now. We shall see.

I'm sitting by my pre-lighted Christmas tree. Nothing but lights on it so far, but they are pretty. Lots of other stuff in boxes waiting to be put out for the season. I think the tree decorations are still in the basement somewhere.

Did a little bit of Christmas shopping before hurrying home ahead of the darkness.

Kathryn is out tonight at her company Christmas party--A dinner cruise on the Potomac. Big stuff going on in her company, as it is being bought out by another company. There are plans to renovate the building she works in, something that is greatly needed.

I am guessing that Will is at the Fredericksburg Christmas parade tonight, as that is where Stephanie is going. (She has at least one daughter marching with a group of cheerleaders.)

stronghunter said...

Now I am waiting for my Chinese dinner to be delivered. Craving Chinese food. Do not want to go out. Do not want to cook. :)

Mema Jo said...

Judy got me back into my FB blog for
the Eaglet Momsters. All is A-1-ok

JudyEddy said...

my dinner was simple one of those bowls of instant mashed potatoes and Bush baked beans

JudyEddy said...

It is 73° out now we have a cold front Wed lo will be 47° and high will be 57° but it won't last long by Mon back to 72° We are having a nice mild winter so far

stronghunter said...

Yummy Chinese food . . .

stronghunter said...

Glad you got back in, Jo. We would have certainly missed you on there. Someone would have noticed, I am sure, and gone hunting for you.

stronghunter said...

Getting ready to head upstairs, so I am wishing everyone SED. See you tomorrow.

Cold rain here tonight. I think the parade might be very wet. And I am glad that the river boat Kathryn is on has lots of space indoors.

Maybe I will check Will and Kathryn's Facebook pages to see if they have posted anything.

Lolly said...

glad you are back in, jo. just got on and just now saw your comment. Skippi nbbvhnbbbbb fdc ,,,,,,,,,,,,,,m roflmbo Was trying to type with Skippi asleep on my right arm but I started laughing and woke her up The above message is from her. She got up and left for her bed on the sofa

So very excited to be a TCU Horned Frog! Glorious win today! Now watching Georgia Tech!

HODA, your memory is astounding! Gave Laurel more dishes to complete the set as well as $$ to shop for pants. Hard to buy pants for her as she has long legs!! Really long! Hard to find pants that are long enough! She must try them on.

After church cleaning. Monday a little shopping and then basketball. Want to end my shopping and get on with baking and preparations for Christmas.

Jack is shelling pecans as he watches the game. Starting the 13th gallon bag of pecans. Yea! Nice to bake and not worry about paying for pecans. Also, enjoy giving them as gifts!

Closing down for the evening. Night all! SED!!

Mema Jo said...

Good late evening to all ♥
I watched one Hallmark Christmas show and guess what - I had never seen it before. Most of the Hallmark movies I have seen.

Shirley I'm glad you passed the word around JC Penneys about their customer service. I was hoping that it was a new PT employee with whom you had the 'holding' incident.

Thinking about grannyblt and the Christmas Craft Fair she was helping to set up. Lots of churches
here in Frederick and surrounding areas are have them also.

Lynne2 said...

Good evening.

Mema Jo said...

I am ready to close down
I do wish that Judie and Hoda would be here before I do.

Goodnight to all my friends ♥

Prayers for all Momsters/Dadsters
to have restful sleep and SED.

Lynne2 said...

Glad you are finally on the mend, Judie!

I feel for Lolly Jr and the pants issues. I have the same problem...just over 35 inch inseam. And I have no waist...never had that "hourglass" shape. SO, pants that are long enough tend to be baggy. UGH.

I think the rain here is FINALLY starting to end. What a gully washer of a day!

I see Jack is shelling pecans while watching the game. By now, he's probably CRUSHING pecans. LOL! Game not going his way!

Prayers for Nancy, Paula.

Lynne2 said...

Looks like I'll be without my hubby for another week. UGH. His mom is doing GREAT but she really seems to want him to stay a bit longer. SO, rather than going to get him tomorrow as planned, he'll be coming back later next week or weekend with his sister or my MILs BFF. I am so grateful he can do this for her but boy I miss him!

Lynne2 said...

Jo, Hallmark has a new Christmas movie on every Sat and Sun night at 8 all through the season! I love Hallmark!

Lynne2 said...

Getting really windy now. Going to be a very blustery day tomorrow!

Lynne2 said...

Off to shower and re-plan my lonely next two days off....

grannyblt said...

Good early morning eagle buds.

I was very tired last night and in my jammies with the chickens.

Our craft show yesterday went well and we made a nice profit. One of the main goals of our club is to raise funds to distribute locally to the Food Pantry, various shelters, etc. We also give to Operation Smile and Canine Companions for Independence. We were lucky enough to have two dogs in training visit with us for the day. I spent much of my free time with the trainers and the dogs. Very well behaved black lab/golden retriever mixes, each 11 months old. I would have taken either of them in a heartbeat.

Today I may finally get to some decorating around here. I don't do much-all of my things are in storage and I don't need to add another thing.

Hope everyone has a wonderful day.

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds!!!

Great to see the LYNNE's!

LYNNE1, how nice it is that the craft show was a huge success! The dogs sound wonderful and will surely be a blessing to their future owners.

LYNNE2, aw, too bad STEVE has to be away so long---absence makes the heart grow fonder---he'll get quite a welcome when he comes home to you and the furbabies! Glad his mom is doing well!

Seth is rarely coming home on weekends this year and I miss him. At the same time I'm tickled pink about the way his Sophomore year is going. He went to the annual tree lighting ceremony Friday night, an A'capella Concert last night and will go to an Improv show tonight. Finals all this next week and then home next Friday for a long Christmas break. He called yesterday afternoon and told me all about the fun and the work, too.

Love and prayers for all in need!

BBL ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

Sandi said...

Goodorming Lynne1, Kay, Judy and all my eagle friends.

Lynne2, blustery is the word here today! Heard the wind start last night after a day of soaking rain. Hope we don't get any downed trees today. Good to hear that your mother-in-law is recovering nicely.

Kay, I'm so glad to hear that Seth is having a good semester!

House decorating is bare bones but done - many things that belonged to Denny's parents and to Mom. I told Denny if he wants the tree up this year, he can put it up and decorate it. Not enough time or energy for me to want to do it. I think the Christmas after I retire is the next time the Christmas tree will come out of the closet!

Tennis for me this morning, then I need to get started on an IEP.

Have agreat day all.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Nest is splendid in the morning sun. It looks like all of that grass has made a soft bed in the nest.

Sandi, I hope that you can enjoy the Christmas things from your mom and Denny's parents in the next month and that you will be getting a nice break from work over the holidays. I always looked forward to winter break when I was teaching.

So nice that Seth is enjoying school, Kay.

Lynne 1, the craft show sounds great! I'll bet you really could take one of those doggies home.

stronghunter said...

Lynne 2, it is so good to hear that Steve's mother is doing well. He'll soon be home to your welcoming arms. After all you are the Queen. :)

stronghunter said...

Speaking of inseams and such, I just ordered a some sweat pants from Duluth Trading Company. They have a "select your inseam" option. Mine is 29. I used to be able to wear average length pants, but now I have to go to the petite section of the store.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Sandperson sandbagged me last night. Rest was needed. Feeling better.

Shirley, do hope you get a response from the JCP people, if only as a courtesy. Especially nice that others were supportive.

Lynne, congratulations on the successful Christmas fair and that you had such a nice time. Heartwarming to think of the good work those dogs will do to help others.

Lynne2, sorry that hubby will be away for a few more days but it really is nice he can be with his mother as she continues to recover.

Paula, prayers for Nancy. A hug for you.

Jo, glad you enjoyed your Hallmark and have more new ones to come. Is your outdoor kitty still visiting?

Kay, I know you miss your Seth time but it is terrific that he has become more comfortable and is enjoying activities at school. The winter break should give you two lots of time together.

Sandi, I'm with you on not decorating so much. I typically only do the fireplace mantle with greens, fruit, and we have a 3' pre-lit tree we decorate with about a dozen treasured ornaments. A wreath on the front door completes the package.

Okay, have nattered on long enough. Headed across the hall to get the last of my anti-bronchitis drugs.
Have a wonderful day.

Mema Jo said...

Good Sunny Sunday Morning To All ♥

Lynne - good report on your Craft Fair and job well done with profits
going to such wonderful recipients.

Judie I am glad this is the last day for your meds and hope you feel better. Yesterday was the first that I haven't coughed my lungs out!
My medicine worked! I really thought it was aftermath of radiation but perhaps not !

Kay - It is wonderful for you to be a major part of Seth's life. He shares so much with you - you are blessed.

Shirley - some clothing labels have the Ave - Short and Long...
I am starting to buy short at my shrinking age

Jenny is here this morning. Soon I am headed to market to get my Megan wreaths.

Lynne2 - Thankful that Steve can be there for his mom and that he will soon be home with you.

Sandi with your Christmas traveling you can surely keep your home's decorations at a minimum. Your pic from last year is beautiful.

Mema Jo said...

Off to get dressed to go to market
I will tell Megan you all said Hi


stronghunter said...

Yes, Jo, I do look for those "short" labels. I think we are pretty close to the same age as far as shrinking goes.

NatureNut said...

Happy SUNNY Sunday to all the Eagle Buds!

Glad to read that Shar is healing from surgery, Steve's Mom is getting better and he will be home soon and that Judie and Jo are feeling better. ☺ ♥
Paula, Nancy is on my prayer list.

Not in to decorating yet. Will probably be the ceramic tree again now that the charming Punkin made his way into the house with the other 2 cats. He likes everything and wants to inspect~~must be still kittenish.
I'm working on checking my Xmas card list against the labels in the 'puter before I print them out.
This is EARLY for me~~~on Black Friday, we ordered cards and gift for daughter & SIL that already got to their place!!!!Was free shipping, so I got it wrapped. Now the trick will be what other gifts to get?!
Love and Prayers for ALL ♥ ♥ ♥

JudyEddy said...

Hello on lunch signing in a little late after I punched 120 is pumnch time

JudyEddy said...

slo day on the blog Everyone getting ready for holidays I guess

Mema Jo said...

I am home from my visit with Megan at the Market - My wreaths are so beautiful. Will take pics later.

Time for a bite to eat and then feet up for a little while. Then like you Loretta I need to check out address changes for the Christmas card labels. Labels aren't that personal I know but the older I get the shakier my handwriting becomes.


Mema Jo said...

lol Shirley - I am shrinking and getting shakier. Age - I wish my body could be the age of my brain!


Mema Jo said...

Blizzard Bear 172 count


Lolly said...

Good afternoon! Good morning at church. Speaker was a boy raised in the church. He did a great job. Pastor is away visiting family for grandchild's first bday.

Sick at heart. TCU had a big win, but dropped from 3rd to 6th place in the rankings! Out of the top 4. Boo hiss!!.,
Oh, well, Big 12 Champs!

Then Laurel called and told me Joseph lost his billfold at the theatre Friday night. It was turned in but the money was gone and he was carrying all his money! Maybe he has learned a lesson! She would not tell me how much as it was a lot. Sick to my stomach over that!

I am in bad shape, sick of heart and tummy!

Lynne, reunions are always great when hubby's return .you have that to look forward to! So happy MIL is doing so well!

Have plenty to do so best get busy! House really needs some Lollypaloozing!

JudyEddy said...

Good afternoon eagle buds just got home from work 420 I don't think I will ever get use to this earlier schedule Me sleep Me need nap LOL

JudyEddy said...

¸.•´ ¸.•*¨)¸.•*¨)
(¸E.•´A(¸.G• (L¸.•´E¸¸.•¨¯`•.¸¸.♥


JudyEddy said...

both are ini

Mema Jo said...

A little disagreement there for a moment - beak to beak.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

64° out now and I am gonna go close up some windows so I don't forget later when it gets cooler out gonna get 58° Watching Ice Skating now nothing else on no news yet

Hoda said...

Well cooked today and made hummus spread and listened to music and stayed in...Will head out now to yoga and then to the coop for some makings for the Christmas Potluck tomorrow night.

12 hour days volunteering are exhausting and it happened again yesterday!!! Took time out today and no volunteering at all...very selfish did only things for me that needed doing.

Tomorrow night the Pot Luck supper for the Dragons will happen...we are up to 31 and I rather allow for ten more than respond...we will see.

Spoke to SHAR she sounds awesome and sensible and her progress is going well. Proud of our Eagled Eye Sharon. HER EAGLE CHRISTMAS TREE IS UP...

Judie said...

Good late evening.

Hoda, it really is okay that you take a few hours each decade to do some things for yourself. Thank you for the report on Shar.

Was a day of continued rest for me. Hope I will have renewed energy tomorrow.

Jo, I guess I missed something posted along the way as I did not realize you also were having issues with a bad cough. Hope that is behind you.

So happy that little Punkin' has found a warm and loving family. Holiday miracles do happen.

Am headed to the pillows early tonight. Still need rest.

Sandperson is rummaging in the closet packing a satchel of sleepy dust. Will be on the way soon.

Restful sleep for all.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good evening my eagle budlets. Just wanted to check in to let everyone know I am doing well. So enjoy getting calls from Hoda. I still think we need to get the Royal Canadian Mounted Police to capture her and transport her to Bluefield, West Virginia. I need her in my daily life.

Things are going well. I had betthe day off from therapy today. I did however walk some and wheeled myself around. They had to move me to another room as my toilet had messed up. Much better room with a big window. Will go back to OT/PT tomorrow. I know for sure I won't be going home before Tuesday.Thanks everyone for the love and prayers.


Mema Jo said...

I watched another wonderful HALLMARK movie this evening.

Now I am closing down for the day

Goodnight to all


Lolly said...

It's beginning to smell a lot like Christmas! Did some baking this evening. Made Holiday Lizzies or fruitcake cookies. Jack loves them and they need to age. Lol. I find Jack adding more booze to the towel they are wrapped up in.

Glad you continue to do well, Sharon!

Ok, need to start thinking of bedtime. Startingtoyawn!

Night all! SED!

Mema Jo said...



Enjoy your special day

and have a fantastic year ahead


Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends - still chilly and windy here in Bethany. Another 5-day work week looms.

Saw both eagles in the nest yesterday evening for a pretty long visit - season is shaping up!

Shirley, happy birthday!! Hope your knee is good to you today! I went to the Duluth Trading website when you said you could pick your inseam. Sadly, none of the 3 options are long enough for me. And wow, those are some expensive sweatpants!

Shar, good to see you on the blog - one day at a time, girl!

Judie, hope your cough continues to improve!

Hoda, I'm really glad to hear that even you slow down once in a while.

Didn't get that IEP started over the weekend - must get started today. Have agreat day all.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

JudyEddy said...


•*¨`*•. ☆ .•*¨`*•.• .•*¨`*•. ☆ .•*¨`*•.
Wishing You the HAPPIEST Of Birthdays!!!
✿•*¨`*•. (¯`v´¯) (¯`v´¯) .•*¨`*•✿
. . . ✿•*¨`*•.¸(¯`v´¯)¸.•´*¨`*•✿

JudyEddy said...


•*¨`*•. ☆ .•*¨`*•.• .•*¨`*•. ☆ .•*¨`*•.
Wishing You the HAPPIEST Of Birthdays!!!
✿•*¨`*•. (¯`v´¯) (¯`v´¯) .•*¨`*•✿
. . . ✿•*¨`*•.¸(¯`v´¯)¸.•´*¨`*•✿
…………....♥ •.¸.•´♥……………..........

JudyEddy said...

The hearts in the first one didnt' turn out

JudyEddy said...

The hearts in the first one didnt' turn out

Janet said...

good morning. sorry that I have been UA.

happy birthday SHIRLEY! <3

busy weekend. worked Saturday. came home and literally did nothing. nothing. we foraged for leftovers. I did not cook. did not want to go out. I was done.

so I cross stitched, worked a bit on this new needlepoint thing, not so good at it, read my book. exciting stuff.

yesterday: groceries. my coupon game, how many can I apply? how much can I save? its become a game with me.

after all was said and done, I took Olivia for a hair cut. she wanted to have long layers. while she did that, I bought a pair of pants for the work party last night. I own jeans. period. blackones. turquoise ones. blue ones. I wanted a pair of dressier slacks to wear to such things. found one plus a cute jacket to go with.

so, did that, came home. made tortellini soup to take to the party as an appetizer, got ready and went to the party.

I haven't gone to a work party in several years nnow. they have had it either at some place really annoying, like dave and, loud noise, lots of kids, or the entire 6 massage envy they own get together at a restaurant...and to me, that's okay, but I want to hang with the folks whom I work with and know.

and they did that last night. one gal rented a small community center. nice decorations, food, to chat with co workers....see them as was really nice.

one guy, close to my age, recently got married for the first time. he and Gretchen have been together for almost 6 years now....and everyone pretty much thought will was a confirmed bachelor, and well, no, they married in September. so happy for both of them. :)

well let me get moving. I have a few things I am doing today. busy day actually.

hope everyone has a great day and is doing well this Monday morning. light and love, hugs and smiles to each of you!

oops gotta prove i'm not a robot first.....

Judie said...

Good morning.

♪♫ HAPPY BIRTHDAY SHIRLEY ♪♫ Hoping this will be a special day for you and the beginning of a special year. Any plans?

Janet, glad you enjoyed the get-together.

Sandi, hope today is as stress-free as possible at school.

Good to see Shar stopped by and is improving quickly.

Our nest MT. Berry nest MT. Berry eagles were in the nest a lot yesterday. Derek and Savannah have an egg. Need to check to see if there is a second.

Grey and overcast day here. Feeling better. Nothing much on the agenda.

Enjoy the morning.

Judie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Judie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Judie said...

Sorry. My deletes. The robot got me.

Judie said...

Derek and Savannah have two eggs.

Mema Jo said...

Good Monday Morning to ALL ♥

Shirley, I hope you are sleeping in and then enjoying your cup of coffee on this special day. Happy Birthday again!

Mema Jo said...

Oh My! I turn my head to look outside and I see Snow Flakes floating down from the sky. It is cold and windy! 31° and 3-4 mph winds
Snow flakes are very sparse.. A few can be pretty...

Mema Jo said...

How many times must I prove I am not a robot
So far - 3 x's

Judie said...

Jo, you just keep those snow flakes in your valley, please and thank you. Truth is, looks like snow sky here.

Nasty plane crash in Gaithersburg. Small jet into houses. Do so hope no people or pets were at home. So sorry for those involved.

Well, may get a few holiday things from the closet, try to accomplish something today.

Oh, as for the ROBOT, I just ignored it and clicked publish without typing the robot text. Seems to work.


Lolly said...

Good morning! 52 and cloudy here! Have finished my coffee. Time to start moving!

Happy Birthday, Shirley! Hope you have a great day!

Well, I have the robot thingy, too. Will attempt to ignore it and hit publish.

Have decided not to go to basketball game as it is two hours away. Plenty more games!

Christmas shopping on the agenda today!

Lolly said...

It works, Jo, as Judie said! Ignore it!

Mema Jo said...

I can't believe I am meant to sign in to prove I'm not a robot 4 times.
What's with that???????????

Mema Jo said...


Mema Jo said...


Mema Jo said...

OK Judie & Lolly
I will ignore and try to publish

Mema Jo said...

I guess you don't always need to follow directions........

Judie the plane crash in Gaithersburg has 3 dead.

Mema Jo said...

Steve replied to the email:

mmm, I have not changed any settings. Let me check it out.

Thanks for your promptness!

Hoda said...

Well I am a happy camper.
The Grans had three events this month! Yes it is only the 8th and we had three events. The total combined for donations to fight HIV/AIDS is five thousand five hundred dollars from our group.

Today KRD Potluck supper.
and Sunday KRD Choral Society Concert...

Today KSF AGM and the yoga Festival is underway for September 2015.

Application to library board submitted. I will not hear before the end of January.

Eco Society Christmas Faire took in quite a bit of money too and the merchants there were happy. I do not have totals.

All activities I am involved with. Blessed Be the opportunities in this town.

24,25,26 we are having a Karma Christmas and offering Yoga by donation to support the poor and the hungry in Nelson. Christmas meals and Christmas hampers are being prepared too. We have families where parents are holding more than one job, yet they still can not make ends meet...

JO I am very concerned. JUDIE said you have a cough? When did that happen and how are you?

Staying in for most of the day again today before the evening activities take me away... cooking and baking and cleaning again today.

Enjoy your day every one. I am blessed with your friendship.

Mema Jo said...

Hoda - Judie
Yes I was told that I may have a cough after the radiation treatment.
I did have a cough and I received medication for it and it is now almost gone. I am very alert to take care of any and every illness or whatever could endanger my health more then it already is.You never have to worry about me not
being concerned when things take place. SO no worries from any of you. Any & All prayers and good thoughts accepted. ♥

Hoda said...

Prayers on going and thank you for updating me on the cough. Sorry I somehow missed that part. Thank you JUDIE for mentioning it.

Hoda said...

Blessed Be your special day... and you year too.

Judie said...

Hoda, please try to energize yourself. You are becoming much too sloth-like by staying in during the day. lol Congratulations on all the wonderful activities and successful fund raising. Nelson is a very special place.

I thought I was the only one who missed Jo having a cough. Jo? Are you better? Sure hope so. The azithromycin really helped me. Just a bit tired today.

Did do a bit of decorating. Darth has gone foraging. I will have to go out later this week for the greenery for the mantle.

Wonder where the birthday girl is? Hope she's out having some fun and will report many adventures when she stops by.

Judie said...

Thank you for the update Jo.

Didn't relate to the radiation but do know that after anesthesia I always have a terrible cough. Was told it is the body's way of getting rid of the chemicals.

Okay, off to put my feet up.

Hoda said...

I know JUDIE!!! Getting down right lazy these two days!!! I tell you what will ever become of me I wonder!!!
All is good and I am blessed I have my little flat to call is warm and it is clean and it is decorated with meaningful things for me...the food I prepare here is healthy...
Off to do the laundry and the quinoa and curry vegetable salad that I am taking to the potluck tonight...

See you all later this evening.
Love you...

JudyEddy said...

Home from work didn't get a chance to log in at lunch free wifi being a PIA

JudyEddy said...

I also had to do the robot #

JudyEddy said...

but it will publish without doing the # I just did the last odd

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

Silly box just doesn't go away I wonder why Maybe just a blogger issue for now

JudyEddy said...

nope even if I back out the silly box is there ok gonna go get a quick shower

63° out now my house is reading 70° and don't want to wait till house gets cooler I am a BIG WHIMP when it comes to a cold bathroom lol I do have a small space heater I run in there

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Was about to type out a post when I got a call from my good friend Diane. So, now I am giving it another shot.

Yes, the sweat pants were pricy, Sandi, that is why I waited until Cyber Monday to buy them. They just arrived today, and I am wondering if they are going to be too big. Will have to try them on. I really wanted something a little warmer than the exercise suits I got at Penney's. And I wanted pockets. I like pockets.Even found pajamas with pockets.

Jo, I have been ignoring the robot thing, too. It works.

stronghunter said...

My children bought me a new stove for my birthday. I'm happy with it. They had me wondering what I was going to be getting, as they just said there would be a delivery today. Was wondering if it was going to be a TV for my bedroom or something for the kitchen. When I came home from physical therapy and noticed that Will had moved some furniture and the doggie gate to clear a way to the kitchen, I figured I didn't have to rush upstairs and make my bed. I'd rushed off and left it unmade when I was in a hurry for physical therapy after having taken Hunter to school. :)

stronghunter said...

So I swept the kitchen.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

congratulations on the new STOVE SHIRLEY

JudyEddy said...

.♥.EAGLE in nest.♥

JudyEddy said...


Mema Jo said...

Quick visit!

JudyEddy said...

458 landed in nest left at 501 Yep that would be a quickie

Kay said...

Good late afternoon Eagle Buds!!!

♫♪♫ HAPPY BIRTHDAY, DEAR SHIRLEY ♪♪♪ Smart kids, getting mom something she really wants and something that will benefit the whole family at the same time!

Have had a busy day, starting off with aquatic exercise, working on some correspondence aimed at the preservation of two beautiful ravines that run through my area--the Clintonville section of Columbus. I'm trying to get a cleaning project underway. I've also done a little housework and taken some Penny walks. This evening Julie, Hugh and I will be attending the annual Christmas Dinner and Silent Auction that benefits our Clintonville Resource Center and Food Pantry. A good way to finish off the day.

JO and JUDIE, so glad you both have a good understanding of what those coughs are all about and how to deal with them! Good stewards of your precious bodies!

Yep, I agree--the "robot" can be ignored. I've been hitting publish only for weeks with no problem.

Love and Prayers for all in need!!!


Judie said...

Ooooo! What a terrific birthday present Shirley. Enjoy to the fullest making lots of yummy things to eat.

Hoda, enjoy your evening out.

Darth has a holiday thing tonight. So, no scullery duty for me. Hurray! Santa and Rudolph are snuggled in the kitchen bay window, Mr. & Mrs. Claus are having tea in the parlor. Will try to get ornaments on the little tree while Darth is out.

JudyE, please be extra extra careful with a space heater in the bathroom.


grannyblt said...

Happy Birthday Shirley. Nice present!

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - your b-day present from the children is so very thoughtful!

It's your b-day and then Christmas --Shirley go buy yourself a TV for your bedroom to treat yourself! ♥

Mema Jo said...

This is my Hooter Christmas Tree.
It is a live tree with little owls
on it. It came in the mail and it is
a gift from my BFF Helen aka Mits ♥

Janet said...

good early evening to all.

JO and JUDIE: glad you are doing better.!

SHIRLEY: nice! a new stove!!!

i'm still waiting on my new oven. soon I think. thankfully I have the one downstairs.

good grief its been a busy day. took dax in for his last injection he wasn't too thrilled, held onto me and insisted on being held on my shoulder like one would hold an infant...his head on my shoulder, his little paws grasping on the best that he could. he is the snuggler.

apparently especially at the vet's office!

then we did home school and I caught up on some house work.

this afternoon livvy and I ran out to opry mills mall. she wanted to look at this shirt, I had an item to pick up and we finally found her a winter jacket. I would have liked a different type.....heavier, but this suits her and if she will wear it, well that's more important. its large enough so she can layer up under it.

got it on sale half off, too. that made ME happy.

made some cookies and dinner tonight. tom is feeling cruddy, he has a nasty cold.

now i'm ready for some quiet time, feet up. face book. a mind numbing game and maybe some cross stitch. woo hoo.

hugs and love to all....everyone have a great evening!

Janet said...

good early evening to all.

JO and JUDIE: glad you are doing better.!

SHIRLEY: nice! a new stove!!!

i'm still waiting on my new oven. soon I think. thankfully I have the one downstairs.

good grief its been a busy day. took dax in for his last injection he wasn't too thrilled, held onto me and insisted on being held on my shoulder like one would hold an infant...his head on my shoulder, his little paws grasping on the best that he could. he is the snuggler.

apparently especially at the vet's office!

then we did home school and I caught up on some house work.

this afternoon livvy and I ran out to opry mills mall. she wanted to look at this shirt, I had an item to pick up and we finally found her a winter jacket. I would have liked a different type.....heavier, but this suits her and if she will wear it, well that's more important. its large enough so she can layer up under it.

got it on sale half off, too. that made ME happy.

made some cookies and dinner tonight. tom is feeling cruddy, he has a nasty cold.

now i'm ready for some quiet time, feet up. face book. a mind numbing game and maybe some cross stitch. woo hoo.

hugs and love to all....everyone have a great evening!

JudyEddy said...

Security system is armed please be sure to use your code if out past curfew

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Eagle Buds.
Wow, what a great gift!! Everyone will love it when you play with it!

Just talked to my Uncle Frank about seeing him on TV yesterday afternoon.
He and one other man were interviewed at the WWII Memorial downtown as they are Pearl Harbor survivors. They don't show a lot, but he said he was the star of the show!

Maybe we have to add the weatherman to the prayer list. I'm getting tired of grey, cold and wet days! Guess it's time to get out the panda hat, as my newer coat doesn't have a hood. Santa said I could order a new coat with hood for my Xmas present. ☺
Gotta go do the do~~~~Later ☺

stronghunter said...

Thank you for the lovely birthday wishes.

Cooked dinner in the new oven tonight, then Kathryn and Hunter did the clean-up. They had a nice chocolate cake for me. Yummy.

stronghunter said...

Planning on bowling tomorrow. Wish me luck. I will need it. Haven't done any bowling for awhile--three weeks, I guess.

How nice, Loretta! A Pearl Harbor survivor. Very special. Wonderful that you could see him on TV.

I like coats with hoods, too. Better than trying to manage an umbrella.

stronghunter said...

Actually, I have a perfectly good TV in my bedroom. It just isn't one of those modern skinny ones. I bought it soon after I moved here, so it is maybe 15-20 years old. It seems to bother Will, but I am okay. I mostly watch regular TV programs, not Netflix or other such things.

stronghunter said...

My next appliance will likely be a new refrigerator, and I would just as soon select my own. I do have preferences. And, I really want new toilets. Mine are those frustrating water-saver ones that have to be flushed 2 or 3 times to do the job. They are always likely to overflow. Hate them.

Lynne2 said...

evening all....

LORETTA, wow! My Steve would just LOVE to sit down and have a cup of coffee and talk to your uncle Frank! He's a big WW2/Civil War fanatic.

Shirley, congrats on the new stove! And please be careful bowling tomorrow....we do have rules on this blog, you know.

Lynne2 said...

how utterly devastating about the plane crash into the house today. A mother, her 3 year old and her 6 week old were killed, as where the pilot and his two passengers. Praying for all. No word on the cause of the crash.

NCSuzan said...

Shirley, Happy Birthday! I hope your day has been filled with laughter and love. You deserve it!

Lynne2 said...

Crisis in WV. My sister in law, the one who last year tried to kill herself, who has MS, and a knee that she can hardly walk on, drove up here from Florida with her flaky friend Marie even though no one thought she should. They got here on Saturday, visited w/ everyone for 2 hours, left, and haven't been seen since. She was to have come over the next day for lunch but called say that she wasn't up to it and would call today. No one has heard from her, she is not answering her cell phone, and when Steve called the motel where they are staying, the motel wouldn't even tell him if she was there or not....said it's illegal. OMG! So he was going to call the police and his mom said NO. She is done. How sad is this???

MY guess, assuming she isn't dead, is that she has hooked up with some old friends there, and has been partying it up.

Lynne2 said...

SO, I am hoping that even thought the motel staff cannot legally give anyone any info, that they at least considered that Steve is worried due to her health, and will go and check to make sure she is still alive.

Lynne2 said...

Now, I must get myself to bed, and hope that I get some sleep. I have to do a 12 hour shift tomorrow, the weather is supposed to be dicey, and we've been closed for 3 days so no doubt it will be extremely busy.

Good night, and prayers for you all!

stronghunter said...

Oh, Lynne. Prayers for your SIL. Yes, I do hope the hotel people will check on her.

Have a nice cup of tea or whatever helps you sleep and relax.

stronghunter said...

Thirty degrees and rain here. I am wondering if I will have my favorite teenager keeping me company tomorrow.

Lynne2 said...

Thanks Shirley. Going to have some milk. Doing a few odds and ends around the house, I'm so wound up. Sigh.....

Lynne2 said...

I'm SO glad we all decided that Steve should stay a little longer! I know they are enjoying his company and that he is not letting either of them DO anything...he's cooking, cleaning, taking clothes to the laundry...LOL!

stronghunter said...

Milk helps me, too, Lynne. Sometimes I take some Benadryl.

Might be a very interesting weather day tomorrow. Felt all day today that something was brewing. Just had that feeling.

Time for me to say good night. I'm surprisingly tired this evening. I guess exercising at PT, vacuuming a couple of rooms, moving a few pieces of furniture, and cooking dinner might do that to one.

Rest well, my friends.

Mema Jo said...

Well I did watch a regular - NCIS:LA
It was down to earth and I enjoyed it.

Now it is time to close for the day.

Sharon - going home tomorrow to Bev's for a few days.

Goodnight and God Bless everyone with a restful night's sleep. SED

Lolly said...

Getting on to say good nite! Got a lot is shopping completed today and have more to do tomorrow. Stayed local today but going up to Fort Worth tomorrow. Also, three packages arrived today. Talking with Laurel and we are working together on the boy's Christmas.

Jo, I absolutely love your little owl tree and Wanda's angel tree! Mits did well!!!

Lynne, sorry about the drama with your SIL. This is not what everyone needs at this time! Do hope she is okay!

On my iPad, need to go to my lap top. Comments are being sent to email. Something got pushed. Jack does not like that!

Night all! SED!

Hoda said...

Good Potluck for the KRD...This is why we had had a melt down at the end of November. So two of us helped the lady who had had the melt down and it was a very successful event. Everyone got along famously...even the ones who had been on opposite ends were civil and friendly...that to me is good. The food was delicious and abundant...
Merry merry Christmas to all.

The Kootenay Spirit Festival AGM went very well too. We have a budget and we have direction and we have a board that will work well together so we are all on it... There is work to be done.

Rain here till Saturday and then we have sunshine!!! Oh my not good for those of us who want to go skiing.

All is well and all is good.
Goodnight and God Bless.

34 years ago today John Lennon was killed...still shocks me to say it...It is the same like President still shocks me...

Glad SHAR will go to BEV'S for a few days...

Blessed Be family and friends...

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends - we are in the midst of a Nor'easter this morning - wicked winds and lots of rain -hoping all water stays in the canals and NOT in our house!

Shirley, what a wonderful birthday gift from the kids!! Did using your stove/oven to cook Thanksgiving dinner give them the idea? Have you been having problems with it lately?

Glad to hear that Shar is headed home - sounds like she has had some problems at the rehab. place - I know she'll get excellent care from Nurse Bev!

Lynne2, so sorry to hear about the drama with your sister-in-law. Steve and his folks surely don't need that! I hope she is safe.

BTW, if you ever hear of a small plane crash near Leesburg, VA, please do not post the news on the blog. That's where Brian takes his flying lessons. Very sad about the crash in Gaithersburg, MD.

Long day for me - school and then parent conferences til 6:30pm.

Have agreat day all.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

JudyEddy said...

52° here now will be in 40 tonight burr cold for me

Hoda said...

Good morning all.
SANDI may BRIAN stay safe with his flying lessons.
Your comment took me aback.

Very mild here.
Our snow is gone
Not good

Feeling rested from my sleep.
Time to get up. Woke up at 3:45 AM
Enjoy the day all.

Hoda said...

Well posted on old thread
Brought it over here
Trying to find the right view.

Be careful SHAR. No risks.

Janet said...

Good morning to all.

LYNNE2: sending light and love….hope they find her well.
MS. STRONGHUNTER: take care today! But have fun too!

Well, the green garland came by yesterday and claimed our coffee pot! Sheesh! So off to the Walmart to get a new coffee pot Thankfully we had the keruig and did not go coffee-less! THAT might have been ugly.

Was watching Ms. Lorelei this morning, but she is sick and her daddy is taking her to the dr. Chelsea has Mia and is taking her to have the tube in her left ear removed this morning. No grandkids this morning.
Plenty to do either way.

It is cloudy and dreary here today. Today’s high is about 43, but with winds, it will feel like the 30’s. Good day to just be inside!

Have a great day to all!

Janet said...

Good morning to all.

LYNNE2: sending light and love….hope they find her well.
MS. STRONGHUNTER: take care today! But have fun too!

Well, the green garland came by yesterday and claimed our coffee pot! Sheesh! So off to the Walmart to get a new coffee pot Thankfully we had the keruig and did not go coffee-less! THAT might have been ugly.

Was watching Ms. Lorelei this morning, but she is sick and her daddy is taking her to the dr. Chelsea has Mia and is taking her to have the tube in her left ear removed this morning. No grandkids this morning.
Plenty to do either way.

It is cloudy and dreary here today. Today’s high is about 43, but with winds, it will feel like the 30’s. Good day to just be inside!

Have a great day to all!

Janet said...

Good morning to all.

LYNNE2: sending light and love….hope they find her well.
MS. STRONGHUNTER: take care today! But have fun too!

Well, the green garland came by yesterday and claimed our coffee pot! Sheesh! So off to the Walmart to get a new coffee pot Thankfully we had the keruig and did not go coffee-less! THAT might have been ugly.

Was watching Ms. Lorelei this morning, but she is sick and her daddy is taking her to the dr. Chelsea has Mia and is taking her to have the tube in her left ear removed this morning. No grandkids this morning.
Plenty to do either way.

It is cloudy and dreary here today. Today’s high is about 43, but with winds, it will feel like the 30’s. Good day to just be inside!

Have a great day to all!

Judie said...

Good morning.

Rainy, dreary morning. Blah!

Janet has the hiccups. Maybe coffee from a new pot will be the cure. The shiny green garland has claimed its third victim if we count two ovens.

Lynne2, very sorry about the problems with SIL. I'm sure she will be fine. Oh, it is illegal to give out information on guests unless the guest has designated otherwise. One time Shirley called me in Shepherdstown and they wouldn't connect her. lol

Good news that Shar is going to be with Bev. She's going to get some good care.

Shirley, enjoy the bowling today. Just take it easy, please.

Loretta, start shopping around. Sales are abundant. Wonder if one of the men I saw on the news was your Uncle Frank? Such amazing patriots.

Going to get myself cleaned up then finish the little tree.

Oh, Berry eagle was doing an egg cup test drive earlier.


Judie said...

Just checked the Berry nest again. Eagle still in place over the egg cup. Wonder if there is an egg? Has been pulling flugg up around, too.

Will return. Wish everyone a good morning.

Mema Jo said...

Good Icy Tuesday morning to all ♥
Bird feeder has ice cycles hanging as do the trees and shrubs. One little squirrel is devouring the berries from my Megan wreaths - but that is what I intended for them to do.

Do not need to go out today - May finish up some inside decorations.
Tomorrow is my 6 mo general practitioner visit - that is when my overall blood work will be discussed - like the A1C .

Christine and Patrick are receiving their HHG after having them in storage for 1 and a half years. Boxes NOT is good shape...

Mema Jo said...

Judie - there isn't any mention yet about an egg for Berry College nest.
Their cameras are superb aren't they.
That egg should be soon!

Lolly said...

Good morning! 47 and really foggy today! Hoping the water stays in the canal, Sandi. We were on the water, in our trailer, at Bar Harbor when a nor Easter came in! We moved the trailer to a higher rv spot, and not sideways to the wind like it was before the storm. Had no problem and enjoyed the raging sea at Arcadia NP!

Hoping to finish up shopping today! Jack says he is going to work on leaves. He now has 15 gallon bags of pecans! Yea!

Have a great day!

Judie said...

Good morning, Jo.

Just checked the Berry nest again. Eagle gone. No egg but she/he did stay on the egg cup for nearly an hour which is why I speculated.

Happy unpacking for Christine and Patrick. I'm sure they are going to be so happy to have their home in order.

Off to the laundry room.

Mema Jo said...


Lolly said...

For some reason, every time I go to post the little box with email follow-up gets checked as well as the robot thing is there! Tired of this!

NCSuzan said...

Yes, for Pete's sake Shirley, be careful bowling! Have you seen that Tommie Copper "wrap" advertised on TV? My brother has knee aches and I have thought of this for him. Don't know if it would help arthritis but just a thought.

Judie the Turtle Bay nest has been busty also. I'm also curious about Jordan Lake after last year's loss of most of the nest in the storm. Will the eagles come back and try to restore? The camera is not up yet so I have to wait.

We just have fine rain here today. None of the freezing stuff most of you are describing. Please be careful out there.

Oops! Berry eagle is back! I love this time of year. Eagles, eagles everywhere!

NCSuzan said...

The Turtle Bay nest is not busty! However it is busy. lol

NCSuzan said...

I need your opinion. I have quite a few Christmas cards from the last several years. You know, did not use the whole box. Is it ok to still use them? This might mean that you will receive the same card this year as you did last year or the year before. I did not keep a record of who got what. Or should I just buy new cards? As of today I am on the fence. Thank you in advance.

Mema Jo said...

SUZAN - use up all your past year's cards - Just be sure to check out the envelopes. I had some but the
envelopes were stuck shut.... Didn't keep them in a climate controlled environment lol.
I could not tell if someone had sent
the same card the year before - so don't worry about that.

NCSuzan said...

Jo, thank you. That makes me feel better about making a decision. Yes, I checked the envelopes first!

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds !!!

SUZAN, I've had that same card left over thing happen many times. I've just used what I already having, feeling that anyone who keeps and compares last years cards with this years should get a life OR they just think Kay is suffering with dementia!

JO, I hope the kids find their goods and furnishing in tact despite the condition of the boxes. It must feel sooo good to have one's own stuff after such a long time!

LYNNE2, hope your SIL is safe. As an experienced hotel manager I can tell you the folks there were absolutely right, legally. A hotel registration is a private matter. However, after repeated calls and a story of distress they might have opted to send security or a manager to the room on a "welfare check". They could tell SIL there are folks who are calling with concern and explain hotel policy to them. That's as far as they could go.

Fundraiser for the Pantry was a huge success though the dollar figure will be revealed later. We went a half hour after the opening and had to sit in an "overflow" room, but it was very nice and the food dee-licious. We ran into a young man we'd not seen for about 38 years--young compared to me, but now 61--a very successful attorney who was elected to the Ohio State House of Representatives on Nov. 4th. We had a nice walk down memory lane!

Love all the eagle nest reports! Tis' the Season! Yeah!

Love and prayers for all in need!!!


Mema Jo said...

Sharon Lea Crisco Farley Not going home until tomorrow.

They have snow in Bluefield but not
sure why the day delay. All for the best!

stronghunter said...

Good afternoon,

Oh my, if I told you that I keep a record of what cards I've gotten and recorded a black mark against anyone who sent me the same card two consecutive years, would you even believe me? I hope not. Not that I haven't gotten some memorably beauteous cards from you all. I would just enjoy it twice as much.

stronghunter said...

Hoping that Sharon will soon be happily at home.

stronghunter said...

Yeah, the Comfort Inn in Shepherdstown protected Judie from me. Good thing she finally answered her cell phone or we might not have gotten to enjoy our adventures that day.

So far, so good. My knee seems okay so far. I bowled over my average, even without practice. Happy enough with that.

stronghunter said...

Yeah, the Comfort Inn in Shepherdstown protected Judie from me. Good thing she finally answered her cell phone or we might not have gotten to enjoy our adventures that day.

So far, so good. My knee seems okay so far. I bowled over my average, even without practice. Happy enough with that.

stronghunter said...

Some serious bowling drama today, though. One of my teammates (Julie) had a stroke a few years ago. I think maybe 2010. She is new to our league. I knew right away that something had happened to her--you can tell by her speech.

Sometimes she doesn't notice when it is her turn to bowl and there have been complaints about her "slowness." Other times, she doesn't notice that someone is about to bowl and walks up or starts to bowl when it's someone else's turn. Then she gets conflicted because she's criticized for being slow and criticized for not waiting when she should.

At times, she will just wait at her chair when certain people are up to bowl because she's afraid they will get upset.

Today, I looked up to see someone yell at Julie because it looked like she was about to walk up on another bowler who was a few steps ahead of her. I told our captain, and the captain went after the yeller like an attack dog. Not sure what all was said, but our team captain doesn't mince words. Love her. She's one of the ladies who just joined the team. I met her for the first time last week.

Poor Julie was in tears, and not for the first time. The confusion and the tears are the result of the stroke. She is a kind, gracious lady, plenty intelligent and a good bowler. She just needs a little understanding when she gets confused. Heaven knows, we could all be in that position someday.

Julie and I went out to lunch together today and she insisted on buying my lunch because yesterday was my birthday. I let her. I think it did her more for her than it did for me. We talked a little about the incident and she seems to feel supported by the team. At first, she had said that she was going to quit. The team captain said that if Julie quits, she will quit and so will the rest of the team.

League officers are aware of the situation. Sometimes a person just needs a break, and there's no need to yell at a person over something so minor.

Yes, it is a breach of bowling courtesy to walk up on someone about to bowl, but if I see someone walk up on me, I just step back and let them go.

NCSuzan said...

Oh Shirley. I am so sorry that happened. Why is it so hard for people to have a little empathy?

paula eagleholic said...

Afternoon all!

I see sunshine on the nest...hope the sun appears here tomorrow...tired of the gray and rain!

Oh yes...I have done the same with Christmas cards...when I used to send them!

Nice birthday present Shirley!

Hi Suzan!

NCSuzan said...

Kay, you and Shirley had me chuckling out loud over the card dilemma. Jo has me seeing the practicality of using pre existing cards and you guys are right. Even I don't remember what cards I used last year so why expect anyone else to remember?

NCSuzan said...

Hi Paula!

paula eagleholic said...

I just noticed the robot thing today...but after reading all the comments...did not type in the text...which is not text for me, but a picture of a house front with the house number on it.

paula eagleholic said...

LOL Shirley... I knew you did that with the cards ;-)

paula eagleholic said...

Oh and no Ice down here...just rain.

Lynne, sorry about the whacko SIL...hope she is OK.

stronghunter said...

Guess there was a little ice here last night. will said he saw some. But just very cold rain today.

stronghunter said...

Yeah, Paula. I have nothing else to do with my time. :)

JudyEddy said...



home from work

NCSuzan said...

Come on over to the new thread!

NCSuzan said...

It's lonely over there!

paula eagleholic said...

2 lovely eagles in the nest!

3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...