Wednesday, May 21, 2014


New thread.


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Mema Jo said...

Good good morning and another feather in my hat.

Thank you Steve for the fresh new thread.

Will call the others over

Sandi said...

Morning all - thanks Steve for the new thread and thanks, Jo for the call over.

Janet said...

oooooh, nice! a brand new mid week thread! Congrats JO on the feather and thanks STEVE for the new thread!!!

Just popping in to say have a great day!

Judie said...

Good morning.

Got lost at the split.

Thank you Jo and congrats on yet another feather.

Have read back.

Not to be outdid by Jo, I am off to get MY "do" did. BBL

Mema Jo said...

Looking at our nest and seeing 2 snoozing eaglets in the center of the nest. We did not get any rain yesterday evening but it is still in the forecast for today.

Mema Jo said...

Lolly so sad that Laurel got the injury - Hope it heals quickly or she
is going to be a one armed bandit cook ♥

Not sure of the time for Shirley and family's flight - Sure hope she doctors up that cold she got.

Mema Jo said...

Hoda sometimes in church I have to change my seat due to the after shave
or perfume being used by persons next to or in front of me. Having been in the business world I have had
to caution young people NOT to use
some of the very strong perfumes -
I would close up in 2 seconds due to
the smell.

Mema Jo said...

Paula here's hoping that Larry heals
quickly and can get back to his norm.
Good sign this is happening as he goes back to his house in Rehoboth for a while. I'm sure you will miss him and worry a little but you also
need this break! You have done so well ♥

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds !!! Happy "DO" day to JO and JUDIE !

Many thanks to STEVE for the spanking new thread and for our ever alert JO for the call over ! That headdress of yours has to be really stunning by now !

A quick hi before a pending storm hits. A whimpering Malcolm woke Penny and me up at 4 this a.m.. It was raining and I'm sure he could hear thunder in the distance. I coaxed him out of his crate, into the ThunderShirt and onto my bed. A miracle invention ! We got another 3 hours sleep as the shaking subsided almost immediately. Fortunately Penny settled right back down into her beddie bye without wanting to join us ! This may be a rough afternoon for the area, but I look forward to having a calm granddog ! Thanks for your concern, JUDYE ! You have a knack for keeping on top of everything we are each doing !

JUDIE, so very happy for you ! I'm sure Darth will come round--change and downsizing is a real adjustment. Been there, done that and am so happy with my small digs now.

LOLLY, doggone it all---I hate hearing about Laurel's injury. I guess a very active family is more likely to suffer such things, but it's a real bummer.

HODA, it's hard to believe how insensitive so many perfume wearers are. Back in my working days a heavily perfumed gal used to come in early for the graveyard shift. For a while I suffered nightly asthma attacks and couldn't wait to get out of that room. I didn't want to ask for special treatment, but a concerned co-worker told Ms. Stinky what it was doing to me. She immediately stopped wearing her heavy musky scent---at least til' I was out the door !

PAULA, so glad Larry's treatments are over and hope he recovers from the effect of them quickly and that they have accomplished the goal set out. Hope you each have a healing, restorative weekend !

SHAR, kudos to Andrew ! You are justifiably proud of your fine son !

Are you FB'er's getting any info from LORIE, DANA and/or LINDA ? I worry about my girls !

Have a good day all ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Hoda said...

Thank you JO, good advice.
I should have moved but that would have moved me away from the window
I am still not a hundred percent.
Cancelled Rosemont Elementary supervision.
Not sure about yoga at noon.
Am still in bed!!! Almost eight!!!

Mema Jo said...

Yes Kay, Lori and Dana are regulars.
Linda made a comment on her page 5/18 - I think all 3 ladies are well
and hopefully will give our blog a visit soon.

Hoda said...

KAY I see LORI and DANA periodically on FB
All seems OK

Hoda said...

KAY I appreciate your experience with perfume.
Sorry you suffered in silence.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Feeling good today. Great nite's sleep!

Sorry to read on fb that there are storms near Megan's and the nest. Possible rain for us this up coming weekend. Bring it on! Ran sprinkler system today...really drying out as it warms up and is windy.

Lolly said...

Need to email Laurel. She was going to try to go to school today. It just depended on how much pain she was experiencing. Also, waiting to hear from the doctors about her arm. She may have to go to a specialist.

Time to eat a bite and then "walk". Did walk yesterday but not enthusiastically. LOL

JudyEddy said...

HELLO on lunch and find a fresh tread THANKS STEVE FOR IT

and congrats on the feather JO you will look beauteous in your feather cap

JudyEddy said...

MT MT nest

JudyEddy said...

no I take that back on launch pad next to tree trunk

JudyEddy said...

check google out not animated on my lap

Judie said...

Good afternoon.

Lolly, very sorry about Laurel's arm. Hope she can heal without further medical care.

Kay, glad you got some extra sleep. Seems as if that jacket thing really works. Hope the thunder goes in a different direction.

Looking cloudy and overcast here. Maybe rain later this afternoon and evening.

Wishing Larry a restorative time at his place with his boat. Paula, rest and recharge - you deserve a break.

Got my "do" did. Think I'll pretend to be Jo and put my feets up.


Judie said...


Sandi, sending positive thoughts that the English teacher is hired away.

Hoda, I never wear perfume to concerts or hospitals. Always concerned about others' reaction. Please feel better quickly. So sorry. Ask the RCMP to find her and I'll send the Evil Jufie!

Sent Wanda an note for Jaxson. Hope she gets it.

Poor Shirley. One thing after another for her. Sure wish I had a magic wand.

Okay, bye

Mema Jo said...

Eaglet at 3-4 waiting on dinner I think.

Mema Jo said...

Without a working computer, Wanda may not get your message. I ask Karla on FB to let us know Wanda's and GG's reaction to the newest
little boy in the family.

grannyblt said...

Afternoon all. Hoping for a nice holiday weekend for all of you. Tomorrow, my birding friend an I are going to NW Ohio to do some birding. We missed the Biggest Week due to various schedules and so much rain, but we are hoping to see a nice variety of birds.
Hope for safe travels for Shirley and family.

Lolly said...

Need to prepare dinner but thought I would give you an update on Laurel. Her elbow is broken in two places. She is trying to get an appointment with an orthopedist but it is not going well. One can not see her until Tues and many others do not do elbows.?????? Lovely! Meds made her sick today and had to call for help at school. She slept in someone's recliner at school. Right now she has an appointment at 4:00 tomorrow but has to drive 45 min to another town. Not good!

Mema Jo said...

Lynne - hoping you see many many varieties of our feathered friends. Enjoy your weekend.

Lolly - Laurel isn't getting much satisfaction on the doctors for elbow
breaks.. Sounds so very painful.
I hope it can be set and healed.
Prayers ♥

Mema Jo said...

One eaglet at the 2:00 spot
I would suppose that dinner has already been served.
Just got back - went to ggd's dance
studio to say hello and watch 2 of their dances. June is the recital

Mema Jo said...

Checking Shirley and Kathryn's FB page. Nothing on Shirley's BUT
Kathryn said 2 hrs ago...

Grrrreat.. Missed flight this morning... Finally in Denver and we were told to hide in the bathroom because of the TORNADO. Well they just announced we are no longer in danger from the tornado... But I am not going to the rental car shuttle until it stops HAILING
I asked Kathryn to keep us posted and to take care of her Mom.

Mema Jo said...

Update on Shirley and family

Kathryn Phillips Cowger: We are fine. At the hotel ordering food and resting
1 min ago

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Eaglebuds!! Finally getting to see TWO large eaglets in this nest!
Got some pics yesterday at Park. Had to send a beaver into the marshy area with nest tree. It took blurry blob pics, but hope to put some in Nook tomorrow anyway!!!At least there's a head count!
Good grief, the drama on blog tonight! Hope Shirley and Kathryn have a good weather trip now!
Lolly, so sorry about Laurel's elbow. You'd think a hosp./ w/ER would have an orthopedist on staff!
And isn't today Larry's last treatment??? Good Health Prayers for Laurel, Larry, Paula and all others in need.

Lynne2 said...

evening all...

Lynne2 said...

SO sorry to hear about Laurel's elbow, Shirley's tornado and Hoda's stinking mess.

But so happy for the arrival of Jaxon! And for Larry being done with his treatments!

Lynne2 said...

uh, Judie, perhaps when you downsize you could just do away with the Evil Jufie..?

Lynne2 said...

I'm a bit sleep deprived due to extra hours at work, and helping to feed baby kittens in the middle of the night, along with all the regular chores. Need to set my bones done for a while.

Good night, and prayers for all!

Judie said...

Good grief.

First, Ms. Clear is your favorite color, Evil Jufie was lurking and is highly indignant at your suggestion of being downsized. Jufie is NOT amused. Note: inquired at the county landfill but got a rejection.

Jo, thank you for posting updates on Shirley and Co. I simply cannot imagine how they are keeping their sanity. At least they are safe at the hotel.

Loretta, let us know if pics are posted. I want to take a look please and thank you.

Lynne, happy birding. Wishing you perfect weather.

Lolly, I am concerned about Laurel having to wait for an orthopedist appointment. Bones begin to set more quickly than we think. Maybe another visit to ER to try to prevent improper healing. Don't mean to butt in but am concerned.


paula eagleholic said...

Evening all!

Larry safely in Delaware ... feeling ok. Neighbor helped him unload car.

Getting some nice rain down here tonight. glad i mowed last night.

Just brothers coming down for the weekend..and nephew...none of my kids. MMichael is now working he got a pro

paula eagleholic said...

Promotion at work.

Did i tell you my brothers Steve got a dog..a foxhound ..named Copper ..will get to meet him this weekend.

I leave on a business. trip on June 2..going to Minnesota fir the week..setting up new software for computer upgrade.

paula eagleholic said...

John. also got a new job..albeit temporary (8 months) is good. He and Ajay are getting back together..hope this is it...

Lolly so sorry about Laurel.

Glad Shirley arrived safely.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh on the perfume..I could never wear any around my Mom..she became very sensitive to it..had to buy unscented TP and such..even hairspray would bother her..had to make sure mine was unscented...hope you are feeling better Soda.

So happy to hear of Jaxson's arrival..hope Wanda can get back online soon.

Lolly said...

Jack is going to Denton to take Laurel to the doctor in Gainsville. He is a Denton doctor but goes to Gainsville on Thursdays. I told her I would go with her but have more important matters, have to get my do done! Actually I do have an appointment, but I could cancel, I was just trying to make her smile. Jack will also pick up something for their dinner tomorrow night. I think I will be going up there frequently in the next few weeks to help where I can.

40 years ago, in June, Laurel broke her arm. She fell off the slide on the backyard swing. She was 2 1/2, Michael 6. He saw her fall, Jack and I didn't. She cried but we cleaned her up, wiped her tears and thought all was okay. Three days later (on Father's Day) we said, okay, gotta get her checked. She was favoring her arm and fussed when we dressed her. Well, it was broken but did not need to be set.

Hopefully, this is just hairline fractures in two places, no setting to be done. She was supposed to leave June 7 as the "cook" for a group going to Colorado. Will have to see what the doctor says tomorrow.

Lolly said...

Denver really had rough weather today. Poor Shirley!

Lolly said...

The Night Herons who nest in Laurel's backyard have chicks in the nest now. Laurel says they are noisy. So glad they survived the hail storm. They did find in the yard next door a diseased NH after their storm.

Judie said...

Not only did Colorado have bad weather but there was a mild quake in Richmond area. Shock was felt at Shirley's area. Wish we could buy a winning lottery ticket and send her on a long vacation.

Lolly, hope Laurel will be okay without a cast or surgery. Sorry. Didn't mean to intrude.

Paula, glad Larry is home safely. Also very happy about John and Michael and their work and that John and Ajay might reconcile.

Judie said...

Sandperson left with a packed satchel about an hour ago just in case anyone is feeling sleepy. Will check on Hoda.

Night light is on. Restful sleep for all.

Mema Jo said...

I'm late this evening

Eyes are very heavy - sleep needed
Back to eye dr tomorrow - really seeing well at least much much better.

Goodnight to all ♥

Costume Lady said...

I know it is late, but it's better late than never!
Karla and Jillian got my computer up and running this morning after some techie help from Comcast. It took 2 days and 2 trips for Karla to come down from her mountain. I'm so happy to be back with all my computer friends.

I would imagine Jo has relayed the message about the birth of my g-grandson, Jackson Cole Cyr, He is a beautiful little boy and I can't wait to hold him!

I will be back here tomorrow...Love and Prayers for all ♥

Costume Lady said...


Lolly said...

No reason to apologize, Judie. You did not intrude! Appreciate your comments.

Friends daughter gave birth to her third son in Honduras this evening. Feeling good that Matias is here and is beautiful! Carol and Pat are down there with their daughter and family for the next two months. Going to get a lot of grandson loving in.

Heading to the pillows. Night all!


Hoda said...

All is good.
Went out with the Dragon Boat Team glorious evening on the water.

A touching Memorial Service to the four youth who drowned in the Valahallas on May 10th...three have not been recovered...

Glad SHIRLEY and family arrived safely even though the weather was challenging.

Congratulations on the promotion PAULA. Safe travels to Minnesota.

Good night all
God Bless us all.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends.

Glad Shirley is safe!

Welcome back Wanda and congrats on the newest member of the family!

Lolly, hope the doctor visit goes well today and Laurel doesn't need a cast. Is the break on her dominant arm?

More state testing for me today - should be able to pop on the blog while I'm proctoring.

Have a great day all.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥ I survived the early morning storm.

Brunch is being served at the nest.
Wish we had Still cam because that is where I can take pics.

Mema Jo said...

Headed out for 10:30 eye appointment Just checking to see what I can see♥


JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

and congratulation on the new bundle of joy

Went to Angie for dinner last night and go home late

my live feed is being a big pia with the spiny arrow on and off on and off both eaglets are up and one is at 5 the other at 3 I can just barely see with wingersizing BIG TIME

got to go buy some new threads for my feet today my shoes are a year old and are giving my feet some discomfort so must be time for a new pair

Lolly said...

Good morning! Yea, Wanda, so glad you are up and running again. We missed you. So very happy for Jaxon's family. He is beautiful!

Laurel's break is on her left elbow, she is right handed. Told her to be happy it was not both arms. I have known two people who have had both arms in casts. Think about the very personal things you can not do. Yikes! Told her Joey can wash her hair. A big pain but he can do it!

Mema Jo said...

New babe's name sounds like Jackson

BUT it is Jaxson..........

I really just go good at typing

Jayden........ May take me some
time for Jaxson -
(I like the boy's names together)

Now Sandi in a month we will learn your granddaughter's name! ♥

Mema Jo said...

I go back to see Cataract doctor on June 13 and inbetween I'll see my retina doctor

Today the the cataract dr said my lens was good and that the cornea is 95% healed and down to size

I'm getting better ♥

Feet going up as I have had lunch

Judie said...

Afternoon everyone.

Wanda, so happy to see you walked in the front door. Congratulations on Jaxson's arrival.

Jo, good report. So nice when dr. reports are positive.

Happy new shoe hunting, JudyE.

Isla's babes are due to hatch any time now. Barn owls still in the box. Barred owls have fledged. Berry eaglets look ready to begin moving out.

Going to get myself presentable then go to see if I can find more herbs and cucumbers and squash. Deer have already visited and tested from the starter pots on the patio table. Grrrrr!

JudyEddy said...

Made it and got two new pairs Bought a different brand after talking to the young lady there She recommended a pair and I love it They have gel insoles and are built with a support in the area where my one foot tends to go over the side of the shoe Never new that so hope this will be a good fit I was walking around and looking at the shoes a normally buy but OH My they had all different colors neon not my cup of tea I would rather have a solid color so got one black pair and one gray
Got my passport in the mail today one step closer to vaca YEAH
Almost time to go get Jordyn and head to the park
Fri when I pick her up we will go to the park and then out to dinner just the two of us That is one reason they had me over for dinner last night because Angie wants to get in a 2 hr of zumba in because she will not be going on Sat because of a Bday party Jordyn is going to

stronghunter said...

Just wanted to let you know all is well here. The Sanderson found me here in Denver and I slept soundly last night and again this morning. Still fighting the cold.

Hunter and Kathryn went out to explore the town. I went back to bed.

I am hearing that there were six tornadoes in the Denver area yesterday. I don't think there was much damage. Hard to believe.

Will try to keep everyone informed.

JudyEddy said...

SHIRLEY I saw on our news last night that Denver airport area had several inches of HAIL they said that it cooled down the area 10-15°
Happy you made it and hope you get over that cold soon

JudyEddy said...

one at launch pad the other must be on the other side

JudyEddy said...

Got to head out

paula eagleholic said...

Eaglets are at the top of the nest...can see one feetie

paula eagleholic said...

Lots of whirly arrow, too.

paula eagleholic said...

Think that's cause it's windy today.

paula eagleholic said...

Lots of sticks scattered in the nest!

paula eagleholic said...

Wish the still cam was working!

Janet said...

Good after noon to all.

WANDA! So lovely to ‘HEAR” your voice on here. Congrats on the new family member! JAXON!!!! Welcome welcome welcome !
LOLLY: How’s laurel doing?

JUDYE: I know you must be excited about the vacay sis! Love that you all do so much together!!!
Its been a nice day. Good day at work. We are currently under a severe tstorm watch til 10 p.m. Could use a shower I suppose.
Getting cleaned up (house) and geared up for Olivia’s bday party on Saturday. Her bday is Tuesday, but she will be attending the R5 concert…her favorite band.
Tom and I spent 2 solid hours at Walmart last night scratching our heads and rears trying to figure out what the heck to get for her and for Michael (his bday is the 1st). Michael was actually easy….Olivia has the concert tickets, but needs something to open as well. Finally figured outa few small things!
Too old for toys….too young for boys…..
I am thinking none of her friends will attend. Again. She invited 4 this year, 2 cannot make it due to church, one is grounded, the 4th is asking. So it will like be the family. Period.
Poor kiddo. I guess that’s why we do so much for her birthday….she and Michael got gypped….memorial day weekend and just after are NOT great times to have a birthday!
Okay, need to work on critter dinners and human dinner. Light, love
TO ALL! :)

Lolly said...

Just talked with Laurel. The orthopedic doctor gave her good new and bad news. The good news...she does not have to have a cast or sling. The bad news....her elbow is broken in two places. She has to move her arm and maybe in 2 1/2 weeks she can straighten her arm. If she does not move her arm, she will not be able to straiten it out. Moving her arm and fingers is extremely painful. Poor baby!

Jack combed and put her hair in a pony tail. She said he did pretty good. Yea, Jack!

Lolly said...

Whoops, just saw where I misspelled straighten.

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

We met Shirley and Chris at the funeral home to discuss arrangements for tomorrow. They have some really nice pictures of Jim to display. I am supposed to be one of the speakers, so I have been putting some thoughts down on 3x5 cards. I said I would need about 5 minutes. Just hope my cold doesn't cause problems.

Fred and Mary are to arrive in Fort Collins this evening. They're at a different hotel, so we might not see them until tomorrow.

Kathryn went out and bought a swimsuit, and she and Hunter went to the indoor pool downstairs.

Wow, Lolly, so sorry about Laurel's injury. I've missed a few posts, but I see that she broke her elbow.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Finally getting back here! Have been kept pretty busy working.

Paula, SO happy that Larry's chemo is finished! Hope he feels MUCH better, pronto!

Lolly, so very sorry to hear about Laurel's broken arm! Hope she heals very quickly!

Shirley, hope and pray that you are feeling better! Thankful that you made it to Colorado OK, and survived the awful weather.

Jo, glad that your eye is doing much better! Hope you'll be 100% really soon!

Wanda, hearty congratulations on the arrival of Jaxon!! He must be absolutely adorable! So glad you are able to get back on here now, too. You have been sorely missed!

Well, gotta get back to work for a while. Have a good evening, everyone! I ♥ us!

paula eagleholic said...

Dodged the storms tonight...DE had a tornado...we had a warning here ..but only 10 drops.

Guest count for the weekend is 5 people..1 dog :-)

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly yea good and bad news for Laurel.
Need to tend to some chores...bbl

Lynne2 said...

Poor Laurel!

Evening all.

Must say, extra work hours and middle of the night kitten feedings are exhausting, but I went to bed at 11 last night and slept ALL THE WAY til 7:30 this AM! I cannot remember the last time that happened!

OH so I offended the Evil Jufie. My heart bleeds for her. NOT!

Lynne2 said...

Steve said we had a fiesty storm around 4 this morning...I even slept through that!

Nice to see you WANDA! I have 3 GG MGs growing, only tiny yet but gaining every day! Can't wait til they are cascading over the balcony!

Lynne2 said...

In the spirit of graduation I have posted some Throw Back Thursday pics on FB.

I sure wish you all would post some!

Judie said...

Good evening.

No severe weather here. Just wind and a few drops of rain. Shirley's area was under a tornado warning but don't tell her. All better now with no reported incidents.

Shirley, hope you are feeling better. You will do well tomorrow as you can speak from your heart and your memories.

Lolly, glad Laurel had some good news. Hope the fractures heal quickly.

Lynne2, Sandperson outpaced Evil Jufie last night = good sleep for you.

Speaking of Sandperson, going to watch a bit of crime then dent the pillows.

Sandperson will be on the way soon. Night light is on. Restful sleep for all.

Lynne2 said...

I LOVE the Sandman!

Lynne2 said...

New meteor shower Friday night/Saturday morning!

An exciting new meteor shower – the Camelopardalids

Lynne2 said...

:p;;u UH, that is LOLLY with fingers on the wrong keys...looks like you have lots of rain chances this weekend!!

JudyEddy said...

Gooooooood Evening Eagle buds

Had a great day with family as always
bought two new pairs of shoes Buy one get the other half off I need to go turn in some stocks LOL for the price of them I looked and looked and wow are there a multitude of neon and multi colored tennis shoes out there not to many solid color I ended up going with a different brand than I normally get the sales lady I guess watched me walk back and forth and back and forth she came over helped be pic out some with Gel insoles in them and oh man oh man are they comfy Usually I get air shoes but these are so much nicer and more $$$ but my feet are worth it being I am on them 8 hrs a day I have a roll over issue like most people I guess with my side of my foot going over the outside of the shoe and guess what these shoes are made for those kind of feet issues some kind of support They are asoics GEL-EVOLUTIONS IGS is on the back of the shoe I have never heard of them Reeboks/Nikes is what I usually get

JudyEddy said...

Hey LYNNE I always type odd things when my fingers don't line up on the key board which happens often LOL It makes me chuckle LOL especially on my itty bitty laptop

Lolly said...

Yes, we have a chance of rain this weekend, especially Monday, but we do not count on it!

Not nice to make fun of Lolly. It will hurt her feelings. Poor Lolly!

Jack is home. He did well combing and fixing Laurel's hair. This morning Jacob fixed her hair, but he had a teacher redo it. LOL

She is going to try to do it herself now, but it will be extremely painful. She HAS to move that arm!

JudyEddy said...

LULLY maybe if she tired Icing it when moving or hear??? are they giving her PAIN PILLS I hope so for the discomfort Horrible to think that she has to be in pain to try to move the arm or suffer the consequences

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Lolly said...

Laurel just tears. She is in such pain. Pain meds make her sick but now she has new meds to offset the sickness but it will knock her out. Joey just picked up the new meds, so she is taking the pain meds now. Prayers please!!! This is breaking my heart, can not do anything for her.

Lynne2 said...

Oh Lolly, this is terrible. Poor Laurel. There must be some other way to take care of the pain!

Mema Jo said...

Good evening to all ♥

Lolly - I know it really hurts us mothers when we can't take the pain away from our children. You stay strong and I will be saying healing prayers for Laurel.
Are you and Jack ok with the dr's procedures on the elbow ?

Mema Jo said...

Paula, I haven't gotten any call from DE neighbors so I am hoping that
the tornado was not close to our home

Enjoy your weekend - It was good to read your comment about Michael and John's employment and especially that John and Ajay are going to get back together.

Mema Jo said...

Judy - your new shoes - you have made 2 comments a little bit similar about the shoe shopping... Do you have 2 new pairs of shoes or do you have 4 new pairs of shoes now.
Remember that when you are on vacation you can barefoot most of the time......... ♥

Mema Jo said...

Closing down............

Goodnight to all and prayers for
all of our needs.


JudyEddy said...

OH JO Its that sometimers kicking in I guess I forgot I mentioned it earlier LOL

JudyEddy said...

I am usually in bed by now but I am trying to fight the sandman telling him to come back in a half a hour of so LOL

Being I work 10-7 Sat Sun and Mon I am making my self go to bed later that way I can get up later on those days

JudyEddy said...

OH and I did change by availability to 7-6 so that way they can't schedule me after 6. They had no issues approving it. I know that there is a 9-6 slot besides the 7-4 and 8-5 so I am pretty certain I will get my 40hr a week

Lolly said...

Jo, the doctor's diagnosis sound good. I am sure it is what it is. Two fractures in the elbow...what is a cast going to do? Her hand is swollen and she is putting ice on it. But, I understand her having to move it......or loose the function of the of the elbow. I will probably be going up there this weekend to see what I can do to help her. She is staying home from school tomorrow.

Lolly said...

Heading to bed! Ready to sleep and forget my worries about Laurel....for a few hours, anyway!

Night all! SED!

Hoda said...

Blessed Be.

I am at the flat and feel very comfortable. Time to come home I think.
Two more weeks till the tenth of June.

Good night
God Bless Us All

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. We have 2 eaglets snuggled together in the center of the nest. They were asleep when I first logged on but are awake now.

Field trip for me today - have to be at school by 6:40 - bus leaves the parking lot at 7am.

Jo, the tornado was upstate, not in Sussex County. All is well here.

Prayers for Laurel and for Larry and for Shirley and her family today as they face her brother's funeral.

Have a good day all.

paula eagleholic said...

Good morning !

Up at 6am on my day off..what's up with that?

Mema Jo said...

Good beautiful RED FRIDAY to all

Paula I guess you are up so early because you wanted to be sure you had a day off! lol Take an early
short nap this afternoon.

Hope your field trip turns out well Sandi and that all the kids behave and enjoy their time away from the classroom.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning eagle buds Adult in

JudyEddy said...

I got the critter cam up and two juvie and one adult seem to be in it

Judie said...

Good late morning.

Coffee and newspaper finished.

Lully, prayers for Laurel.

Happy most everyone escaped storm damage.

Sandi, have a good field trip.

Soon, Hoda, soon. The flat forever!

Headed out to forage for food. Audrey and Grace have threatened to contact PETA - they want a full pantry.

Wishing everyone a beautiful sunshiny blue sky day.

movin said...

Good morning, everyone. I wonder if you have seen the note one Phoebe's site this the right of the screen.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Mema Jo said...

Hi Jim - Just read the note - Phobe's cam will be missed - The cam will be missed - boy we have had it for years so it seems.

stronghunter said...


Met with Shirley and Christopher yesterday afternoon. Freddie and Mary should be in town, but have not heard from them. Have finished up the notes for my remarks at the service this afternoon.

Weather forecast is for storms and maybe hail. Geesh.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - thinking of you and prayers for you and all Jim's family
are being offered up.

Lolly said...

Good afternoon! Headed outside early today, but I am inside now. New dishwasher is being installed. I will venture back outside once the young man is gone.

Lawn is mowed, etc! Now just going to work on a few flowerbeds.

Have not heard from Laurel. She stayed home today in order take her pain meds and sleep it off.

Judie said...

Afternoon everyone.

Back from feeding my chariot, recycling stuff, and foraging for food.

Shirley, I feel certain the service was lovely and your remarks contributed much to Jim's remembrance. Hope you feel better.

Hi Jim, yes, so sad about Phoebe. Will certainly miss seeing the nest.

Lolly, enjoy the new dishwasher. Hoping Laurel is in less pain.


Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Lolly, so sorry that Laurel is in such nasty pain! Seems a little odd that they want her to move her elbow so soon. I would think they'd want it to have a bit of a chance to heal first. Of course, I don't know exactly where the fracture is, or if it's a stress fracture (hairline) or a complete break. Just hope it starts feeling better SOON! I'm sure it's driving you crazy to have her feeling so bad! Prayers!!!

Still thinking of you, Shirley, and hoping the weather will settle down so you have one less thing to stress about! Prayers for you and your whole family!

Paula, I hope Larry is feeling better by now. Prayers!

Well, gotta get back to work. Will stop by tonight after dinner, if possible. Hope everyone is having a good Red Friday!

Oh--good to see Movin' Jim here again. Hope all is well with you!

Later, alligators. I ♥ us!!

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds !!!

Just a quick overview---prayer list now including LOLLY's poor Laurel. Having Mom around tomorrow will be very good medicine ! Prayers continue for PAULA's Larry, and SHIRLEY's family as they gather to pay tribute to her dear brother.

I'm about to close up My Doggy Spa. Will head for the airport in about 10 minutes. Julie and the guys will take possession of both pooches. I will spend the evening packing up for my trip to see son, Lee and family in NJ. Returning home a week from tomorrow. May be on line a bit and may not---it's always a bit iffy when on vacation.

Love and prayers for all !


Judie said...

Dinner over and scullery in order.

Hi Andy. Great to see you here.

Kay, perhaps a new business enterprise - Kay's Awesome Doggy Spa! Have safe travels and enjoy your time with your son and family.

Off to put my feets up. BBL

Oh, Lynne2, Sandperson is still grinning and blushing. He loves you back.

Hoda said...

Great day today...phoned Noah 911 and he is occupied at least till Tuesday!!! The water is rising in the lake and it is raining steadily. I turned off the sprinklers.
Paddling in the morning.
Claire Hughes, a Canadian Olympian, is in town. She is cycling across Canada to raise awareness and funds for Mental Health issues and the need for open dialogue. I will go listen to her...
Amazing yoga experience favourite teacher is going through some major transitions in teaching style and understanding of yoga...
Very frustrated with the computer fix it place. My computer was supposed to be ready Thursday and it will not be ready before tomorrow...I am not impressed.
Back at the Lake House.
LOLLY I am glad LAUREL rested today.
Delicious relaxing supper you posted on FB.
KAY safe travels. Enjoy your trip.

Hoda said...

From 11:00 PM till 3:00 AM EDT meteor showers, so look up waaay waay up. 200 per hour it is anticipated...

magpie said...

It is a perfectly clear and beauteous night for meteor showers tonight hereabouts...
thank yous to Lynne2 for the link to the action!

Many places will be having
meteor shower parties

I have been watching the moon AND Venus, the Planet of the early morning hours....spectacular!

Hello Eagle Pals...
Much to contemplate on all the posts these days

Special thoughts for Shirley, and
Lolly's Laurel this evening...

(( HUGS ))


magpie said...

just a'wondering if I can call in OFF Saturday for late night meteor-watching.....
don't think so !

magpie said...

happy to read of the updates in your family circle...
with Larry, John and Ajay and your
guest count for this week-end...
Enjoy the Joy

Jo: very pleased to read of you
EYE updates,
Steady as she goes....

and Hallelujah, Jaxson, Wanda's newest great grand, has life on the planet, always a Joy !


Janet said...

good evening to all.

it was a good day. right now, just having a sip of American honey, taking a deep breath and calling it a day!

I have run errands after work every single day...except for Monday, when I was busy handling family issues!

Chelsea got into an accident last night, in her brand new car/van. she was in cool springs, which is crazy hectic with traffic anyway. chirs, (husband) works down there. she and the kids went to see hinm @ work and doa bi tof rush hour. live and learn right? some guy ran a red light, she had to swerve to miss getting hit by him and someone else plowed into her.

the good news is no one was hurt and they were doing less than 20mph. just the same, the car still has temp tags on it...

tomorrow we are celebrating Olivia's birthday. her birthday is Tuesday, but she is going to her concert @ 6. she had invited friends, but no one is coming. however, family is. and the neighbors. thank goodness for them.

the pool is ready. in fact, today I floated for the first time since last summer. on my, it was nice. Olivia played in the pool for a couple of hours, but I had things to do. such is the life of mom, eh? I floated for 45 min though and that was okay.

hope everyone has a nice quiet evening. may the sandman distribute pleasant sands and awesome dreams!

Judie said...

Hoda, another extremely UNEVENTFUL day for you. Perhaps if you were to join some groups and meet people you would feel more energized. lol

Margy, I would really like to see the meteor showers. Will likely sleep through as usual.

Janet, wishing Olivia a wonderful birthday party tomorrow. So happy you had some time to just float and enjoy.

Judie said...

I've been watching First 48. Eyes are getting droopy.

Sandperson is banging around in his closet so I suspect he will be leaving soon.

Night is set for 11pm. Restful sleep for all.

Oh, drove past Arlington Cemetary today. Cannot describe the quiet and dignity of all the flags placed at the tombstones.

Judie said...

Really am tired.

night light


Lynne2 said...

hello all!

Margy, sure hope you get a break tonight and can walk outside for a peeky poo at the sky!


Lynne2 said...

OH,,,I see. WOW, bet that was a humbling sight for sure.

Lynne2 said...

we are singing....MALT SHOP OLDIES!

Direct TV station 802.

You cannot BELIEVE how good I sing!

Lynne2 said...

my gosh Janet, so very glad Chelsea wasn't hurt!

Lynne2 said...

OMG.....I am SO ROTTEN!!! My husband is SO impressed with my knowledge of the lyrics!!! Little did he know I'm sitting here looking at the lyrics I google!!! LOL!

Mema Jo said...

Arlington Military Cemetery, Lolly

Flags by each and every grave.
Such a humbling drive through.
Christine and Patrick and the girls were there today.

Mema Jo said...

Going to close for the night - I missed talking with all of you this evening but I did watch 2 good TV shows.

Goodnight and God Bless

paula eagleholic said...

Very late evening all!

Took the day off to get my license renewed are MVA closed and they were closed for the holiday !. Got some other errands etc. 2Went to a couple of nurseries got down around 1..we went out to dinner at local marina was great . Waiting for other brother with my nephew niece answer her friend..they will roll in around 1am...i will be fast asleep so i will see them in the am...will catch up later.

Larry doing OK..not overdoin :-)

paula eagleholic said...

Arlington National Cemetery parents are in the columnbarium there.

Lolly said...

Guess you were answering someone's question, Jo, but not mine. LOL

We enjoyed dinner on the patio with a good bottle of wine. Worked hard in the yard and then Jack went and got pizza. Young man who installed the dishwasher was very complementary on the yard. Nice when someone notices! ☺

Laurel was a wee bit better today. She did have to teach this morning as they could not get a sub. Subs are very hard to get this time of the school year. At noon though she could not take it any longer and they managed to get someone. She went home and managed to sleep. Her hand is swollen, her elbow is swollen and it all hurts terrifically. It is hairline fractures in two places. Nothing to do but let it heal and keep moving it or she may never be able to straighten it again. Anyway, she was managing to not cry.

Time for bed. I am pooped. Going to run the dishwasher even though it is not full. LOL

Night all! SED!!

Lolly said...

I have an uncle at the National Cemetery....have been there twice.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. Have been up since 6am but forgot to post.

Tennis club meeting at 8am, community yard sale (I've got a few things I'd like to get rid of), hopefully some time in the sun with a book this afternoon, and then dinner with Baltimore friends who are in Bethany for the weekend - busy day.

Lolly, hope Laurel's day is a little better today.

Have a good one!

Mema Jo said...

Good Sunny Saturday to all on this Memorial day weekend ♥

This afternoon is a picnic get together. Very thankful for the weather.

Wondering if any of you will have a report on seeing the meteor shower.

Everyone stay safe and enjoy the day. Coffee needed.

Mema Jo said...

Lolly - my elbow even aches thinking of what Laurel is going through. I am sending healing prayers for her.
I'm sure she will be grateful for anything you can do for her - A gal needs her mom at a time like this ♥
Yesterday it was Lynne who typed the
JUDIE....CEMETERY??? question. My
flub by tying your name.

Janet said...

good morning. its Saturday!!!
my new work schedule has begun and I have a four day weekend.

thank you for thinking of Olivia today....she had confirmation last night that no that is zero friends are coming. again, thank goodness for her brother, sister, nieces and nephew!

I enjoyed my float yesterday. it was nearly 90 again. we went in the pool last night about midnight. it as quite chilly so we weren't in long. wish we weren't so city-fied so we could have stayed up and seen some meteors. any one here see any?

I too am thankful Chelsea's bumper thumper wasn't serious. she was, of course, pretty upset. but like I told her, the main thing is no one was hurt!

just got up, need to get moving. party beginning in a couple of hours!

have a great day!

Mema Jo said...

Both eaglets in the center of the nest = They are getting soooooo big

paula eagleholic said...

Morning all! I heard the meteor shower was a bust ...

Lolly said...

Just want to say HI! Have been outside all morning. Going to clean up and run into town on errands.

Have a great Saturday! Have not talked with Laurel today. They have a house guest for the weekend, a friend of Joey's from NY. Not wanting to interfere.

paula eagleholic said...

Wow very quiet today. No check in from Judy at lunchtime. Girls are out on the beach...3 guys are out in the boat fishing.. 1 inside napping..dogs are napping...aahhh quiet time.

Steve's dog is all hound...bark..manners need a lot of work..but he has a nice personality ...

paula eagleholic said...

Going to the softshell fair in Crisfield tomorrow .
Going to cook on the grill tonight and do a campfire.

JudyEddy said...

HELLO home from work
working 10-7 sucks pardon my language but it does
so glad I changed my availability to 7-6

Didn't check in this am because of cable acting up since last night I hope its ok now seems to be

magpie said...

Howdy Y'all.
That's Texas Talk :)

I did go out and try to see meteors two times, once around 1:30, and then when I got up at 4:30....
I did see the Northern Cross where my Magpie Star is....and Mars and the the Dippers, then this morning,
Glorious Venus and the waning Crescent Moon

Sounds like some nice doins' amongst us
Work today, Sunday and Monday for me AND Jewels


magpie said...

The weather us absolutely wonderful hereabouts

Saw a Red-Shouldered Hawk trying to invade a Crow's nest with babies in it today at workplace, the Hawk left
empty -handed

magpie said...

My four tomato plants are in the gorund, caged and staked, and without a chance - yet - to get some Megan plants, I have some marigolds and a few other things, have two over-wintered nicotiana plants growing, James's New England Asters growing, and I just threw all kinds of seeds into the ground

magpie said...

ground, that would be, not gorund.

Thinking of Shirley and wondering what her present plans and activities and next travel plans will be
(( Hugs )) Shirley

Janet: also grateful with others about no injury for Chelsea....and thinking Happy
Birthday Wishes for Olivia xoxo

magpie said...

Keeping Laurel in my Wellness prayers, Lolly....glad you and Jack could provide some dear comfort and assistance to her....
and how cool, the dishwasher guy
making nice comments on your Gardens!
As well it should be....

magpie said...

Not enough time in the day....just never is, but I am thinking of you all, keeping my
Wellness Prayers going...every day....

Best Wishes for Sweeeeet Sleep,
God Bless Us,
Every One xoxox

Good Night, Precious Pals....bedtime looms very soon


Judie said...

Evenin' all.

Paula, bet the campfire was cozy. Glad Larry is doing okay.

Lolly, glad you and Jack have been such a big help to Laurel.

Hi Margy. Seems as if we two have been doing our form of face plants in the plants. Got the flowers and herbs planted. Darth got tomatoes and cukes planted. Woke up several times during the wee early hours but did not see any meteors.

Not sure when Shirley plans to return but wish her, Kathryn and Hunter safe travels.

Judie said...

Sending sandperson to check on Jo, Hoda, Kay, and others.

Sandperson is preparing for departure. Night light is on.

Restful sleep for all.

Mema Jo said...

Hoping everyone had a great day - with such beautiful weather who wouldn't.

I am just saying goodnight to the sandman as he leaves...... thank you

Goodnight to all and God Bless
you with a good sound sleep.


JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

paula eagleholic said...

No campfire tonight..but a great day and eve nonetheless . Guys caught some fish :-)

SED love and hugs for all.<3

Lolly said...

Howdeeeeee right back atcha, Margy!

Thunder all evening but everything went north of us. sigh..... They still say it is coming, will believe it when I am wet!!!

Laurel was a wee bit better today. We are going up Monday. Will spend the afternoon and evening there. Going to help Laurel with a few things. She had a good nap this afternoon. She has to sleep to get relief from the pain. She said that with much pain and tears she got her hair into a ponytail.

Heading to the shower. Night all!


stronghunter said...


Sorry to have been away for so long, but it has been a busy time.

The memorial service was very nice. I spoke for a few minutes. I had planned my speech in my head and then put it down on note cards after we got to Fort Collins. It went well, but I did not get through it without having my voice break several times. I had a couple of funny stories, though, and got some laughs, so it was all okay.

Today, Kathryn, Hunter and I drove to Wyoming and visited a bison ranch, went to a museum, and later found a scenic drive that took us into high country where there were still quite a few piles of snow on the ground. Today we saw roaming buffalo, deer, and lots of antelope. Very appropriate.

Tonight, Kathryn took Hunter to a drive-in movie where they were going to watch Godzilla and some other movie. I opted to stay at the hotel.

Tomorrow, we are getting together with family at Shirley's house.

We are planning to fly back home on Tuesday.

Have read back a little bit. Saying prayers for Laurel. Sorry to hear that she ended up having to teach when she is in such pain.

A campfire sounds wonderful, Paula. Here, it is cool enough to really enjoy one. Glad I finally figured out to turn off the danged air conditioner. I was freezing.

Already pool time, Janet. That is great!

Enjoyed the description of Arlington Cemetery, Judie.

Saw a couple of magpies, Margy. My brother Fred says there are lots of them around here. And Hunter has been on the lookout for prairie dogs. He loves to watch them.

stronghunter said...

I think the Sandperson has found me, so I will say good night. SED, everyone.

Hoda said...

Blessed Memorial Day to All. Said a prayer.
Amazing day of problem solving...

Wonderful Day Dragon Boating and then a visit.

Kristin was turned back on the Canadian Border! She was so upset, she cried there and then phoned in tears. Borders are tricky these days.
SO once I took back my thinking as to what the Canadians would be concerned about an American staying for three months some solutions started to present themselves.
Wrote and emailed letters, underwriting her financial stability while in Canada. They worry about taking jobs from Canadians. They worry about health care coverage. She has US coverage so phone triple A and get extended health care coverage. They worry about people entering and then not leaving with out a trace in Canada. Needed to vouch for her and take on responsibility for her being here...a contact person. Gave detailed information. Dale and Barry did the same and spoke with the border guard. She finally crossed into Canada and is on her way to Nelson. She will be exhausted.

These are tough times and many of those changes were demanded by US Homeland Security. thy back fired on an American Citizen!!!For God's sake these are unfriendly many reasons to mistrust, but really if you see her or Dale or Barry or me we would make laughable terrorists!!!

Hoda said...

Good night, God Bless Us All.
I agree the Meteor showers were not much of a show last night.

Continued prayers.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. Both eaglets are awake and looking out over their world as the sun comes up on the nest. I'm glad they seem to like this end of the nest.

Hoda, sorry to hear about the trouble your friend had at the border. Yes, it is a scary world we live in now and it's sad that terrorists come in so many shapes and sizes that so many precautions are necessary.

A lazy day is on tap for me and that's a good thing. I'll be even happier in 11 school days when I have 10 weeks of lazy days.

Have a good day all. Prayers continue for Laurel and for Larry.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle buds

HODA so happy you could help getting her across the border

JudyEddy said...

the nest is MY on he other side of the nest

grannyblt said...

Good morning eagle buds. Happy Memorial Day weekend to all.

My birding friend and I have returned from a couple of days birding in Ohio at the famous, to birders anyway, Magee Marsh boardwalk and Ottawa National Wildlife Reserve. The weather was perfect and we saw several species of birds. I was happy to find and identify a new bird for me , a nighthawk, without an expert there to point it out first. We missed the peak of migration but also the crowds of people. And yes, the eagle nest is active with two eaglets we could see

Our nest appears to be empty, but I guess the kids are in the NHZ.

Mema Jo said...

Good sunny Sunday morning to all ♥
Yes, Judy the nest looks MT and I just wonder how in the world will we know when they take first flight unless they use the 4:00 position from which to leave....... :(

Shirley I am happy you were able to get on here and let us all know that things are going well. I will wish you a safe flight home on Tuesday! Hunter is certainly benefiting from the trip. I saw the pic of him and the bison - I really didn't know that is what he was petting. And what a claim to fame he will have telling all his friends about the Drive In Movie.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Lynne - happy for you and your birder friend that you saw many birds
and that the weather was great for you. The nighthawk - did you hear him before you saw him and was it at dusk. Now I have seen a Night Owl many times before - it's after midnight and I look in the mirror and
there is the Night Owl.
Enjoy the rest of your weekend.. ♥

Mema Jo said...

Finally one of our eaglets came down to the 5:00 launch pad position.

Lolly said...

Good morning!

Shirley, great to have you checking in and so glad you are getting to do and see some things. Your brother would truly approve!

Went to bed with thunder all around. Thundered all evening. Rain went north and south of us. We got half a tenth! Glad someone got rain! Maybe tomorrow we will get some.

Time to eat some breakfast and get to church.

Later Gators!

Mema Jo said...

Two little eaglets - waiting for their delivery of lunch

paula eagleholic said...

Hoda ..happy you could get Kristen across the border.

Shirley..enjoy the rest of your stay..sounds like pretty country.

Sandi enjoy your lazy day.

Janet said...

good morning...uh, almost afternoon.... oops

its a nice day here in Nashville, warm, but mostly cloudy. not moving fast. kind of caught up on some sleep. I got up at 8, and pulled tom, who was up at 6 back into bed, two cats and the beano joined us and we all snoozed for a bit.

we need to clean the house from yesterday. the kids played in the pool quite literally 5 or more hours. they ate burgers and dogs, water melon, chips and birthday cake.

Lorelei graced me yesterday. she napped on me. she asked for me. she played with me in the pool.

Amelia was our snuggler and still is. she will still sit in my lap, at almost 80 pounds, and snuggle me. jack, when he was little, not so much. in fact, not at all really. now, he will get in my lap and give me some affection, but, then he's done.!

until recently, Lorelei was all mamma's girl. now, she's opening up.

its funny. when Olivia was little, a baby, her first word was bubba, meaning Michael. and she had her own name for Chelsea.. "E".

laughingly, and ironically, Lorelei is now calling ME "E". the grands call me moogie. and she has picked up on E. (insert huge smile here)

we had her in the pool. the swimwuitts that they have for kiddos now are great, with the built in floatation devices! obviously, they still need supervision, but its so much easier than the water wings, etc.

we had her kicking and splashing about after toys, holding her lightly, of course. she had a blast.

Olivia spent the night with her sister last night and has already called and wants to stay tonight as well. I said as long as everyone gets along. we aren't doing much today, maybe opening the boat, cleaning the house up and I need to vacuum the pool. really exciting stuff.

hope everyone has a great day. hugs to all!

Judie said...

Good mid-afternoon.

Shirley, happy the memorial was so nice and that you were able to share your remembrances. Very good that Kathryn and Hunter had some exciting adventures. Hunter will have much to share when he returns to school.

Lynne, never seen or heard a night hawk. Good that you had some time in the outdoors with a friend.

Janet, great that Olivia had a nice birthday and is enjoying her sleep-overs. Do what you feel like then relax.

Hoda, congratulations on resolving Kristen's border problem. How upsetting that was for her. However, she will soon forget that as she enjoys her time with our tireless momster.

Checked on the nest. One eaglet near 5. Also checked on Isla and I am saddened that it appears the remaining two eggs are not there. The nest is literally empty. Hoping that the eggs are just nestled deeply in the egg cup.

Lolly, congrats to Laurel on her self-made pony tail. I know she will be so happy to have you there to help her.

Sandi, almost vacation. Yea!

Jo, is the family Lennox planning any more celebrations?

Went out to do some last-minute foraging and had the pleasure of seeing many participants in Rolling Thunder. Those bikers are truly dedicated to the memory of our soldiers.


Hoda said...

Well Good afternoon now.
8.1 installed on my computer and so far everything is working well.
I however want to be a SHAR wanna Be as I need more confidence. She uploads apps and I have yet to do so.
I have my security system in place and I have my email addresses and I have the sites I visit on the internet and all is indeed good.

I have started to move some of my things back to the flat and the gradual process is a good for me.

Will head out to yoga and then to supper with Barry Dale and Kristin... all is indeed good. She did all the work really. All I did was help her understand where the border guards are coming from. I have experience with that...She is well.

Talk to you all from the Lake House tonight.

JudyEddy said...

Hello on lunch and caught up with the few comment for the day
Sounds like all are having a good day

NatureNut said...

Happy, Happy Holiday weekend to all the Momsters and Dadsters!
Finally got on here with some finished pics in the Nook! Enjoy!
Except for pic editing, have not really been on 'puter much. Been outside tending new flowers. Today they all need to be watered w/Miracle Gro. I have to remember a new one in the house---hanging basket of Wandering Jew that the cats can't reach! Haven't had live plants in house for years~~~~kitties seem to like veggies!
TWO big car races today~~Indy just finished and Amercan, Ryan Hunter-Reay, won. His baby son was wearing a copy of his racing suit! Soon we'll have the Charlotte 500 race that should be attended by Kurt Busch, who raced at Indy, & is flying to NC! Ain't youth wonderful? I can barely stay awake after dinner! That's another reason you don't hear from me!
Gotta head outside, Love and Prayers for ALL, especially Laurel's arm~~(hope there's another pain killer she can get),
Larry, Jo's eye, Shirley.
Unfotunately, have to attend funeral Tuesday for the wonderful Grandma Doris, who was grandmother to Frank's sons and helped raise them during elem. school while their mother worked. She was 94 and a very special lady.

JudyEddy said...

JORDAN LAKE EAGLET UPDATE: I am sorry to report that we do not have good news. The eaglet from Jordan Lake had to be euthanized this morning after surgery to repair a new break in his/her wing.

FROM DAVE SCOTT, DMV, staff vet:
We discovered an open fracture of the left humerus today. It was very close to the elbow joint (wing). We took him to surgery to attempt to repair it but we were not successful. The fracture likely occurred in the last few days and this explains his previously discovered high white blood cell count. Fractures like this are not common but they do happen, and this is one of the main reasons why we try to limit contact and handling of young birds.

In this case, we decided to euthanize the bird as he had multiple other serious issues including a fracture of the tarsometatarsus (leg/ankle) and anemia. We also could not rule out other internal damage or a pelvic fracture resulting from the original fall from the nest. In addition, we had not been able to stabilize his weight and he has been regurgitating more recently. Overall, the prognosis was never very good, but we did our best.

We ask you to please ask questions here on this page instead of calling the center.

Mema Jo said...

Adult is in the nest
It is Belle
Eaglets out of sight so it may be a feeding in the NHZ

JudyEddy said...

Home from work and one of the eaglets is on the launch pad straining his neck back and forth like looking at something

JudyEddy said...

Sound seems to be low again I put my ear to the speaker and I can hear a dog barking I wonder why the sound acts up ?
and eagle is still cocking head like something has gotten his interest I think its Capt

JudyEddy said...

I checked my schedule since I changed my availability and I got all 8-5 for not next week but the week there after So far so good next week I have one 9-6 day and 3 8-5 days and I have Wed off because we get paid for the holiday In the past we always got it and had to work 5 days in the week but with this new boss no everyone must have a day off fine with me

JudyEddy said...

I hear geese

Janet said...

good evening to all. its been a nice day.

tom and I uncovered the boat, but I think we will refrain from taking it out until after the middle of next week. we would have to move: my car, the school bus AND the RV just to get the boat out. the bus will be gone after next wk Wednesday.

JUDIE: you betcha I did what I liked today.

after that, we did a few chores then it was hot and sticky and so we floated in the pool.

Chinese food for dinner and now the race is on. still have some house work left, but okay. it'll get done. i'm enjoying chilling.

thinking the kids might come and swim tomorrow.

its been a lovely day.

JudyEddy said...

Prez has been doing lots of wingersizing across the nest several times and did you see all the sticks They were playing pick up sticks I see one moving one now so cute

JudyEddy said...

I keep forgetting to tell you a Jordyn story
Angie and Carl were having a conversation with friends and a Blue Ray Player was mentioned and Angie said no we don't have one Then Jordyn announces very proudly WE have a GRAY Ray Player LOL everyone burst out laughing We still haven't told her she is incorrect

Lolly said...

So very happy this evening as we have had over an inch of rain. It came down hard for a while but it has been a gentle rain ever since. Possibly more coming, too.

Watching Memorial program on TV. Very emotional! God bless the USA!

Judie said...

Hi all.

Lolly, great you all have had some rain. May the gentle rain continue.

JudyE, wingersizing has indeed begun. Seen both gazing longingly over the crib rail at their domain.

Report is that Isla's eggs are still there but were left exposed for over an hour. Second time this has happened. Hope they are both still viable.

Judie said...

Sandperson has requested an early departure. Said he has people to check on who are not in their usual roosts.

Evil Jufie is on the way to visit a particular border guard up in the Northwest.

Night light is on early. Restful sleep for all.

JudyEddy said...

Need to leave a note for the sandman about my schedule change won't be staying up late after tonight

got the race on thinkin about catching up on some dvrd stuff

magpie said...

I have been sleeping through my morning alarms! Help!

Send a wake-up Sandperson my way,
Please !!

Good Evening Eagle Pals...

magpie said...

Lynne1: I have seen a nighthawk one time, and heard one another time.

We have a Broad-shouldered Hawk near our workplace, he is being chased by mockingbirds and crows....he is unwelcome with the variety of baby birds in the trees around the office, but he IS a beauty!

magpie said...

I'm trying to stay caught up...
Lolly: after my carpal tunnel surgeries, dealing with my long hair and trying to ponytail and put into a bun, was one of the biggest challenges..." I can relate "

Hope the healing continues for Laurel...

magpie said...

9 posts and we will be at the first SPLIT of this round....since Wednesday...pretty good for a bunch of chatterers like ourselves

for Shirley: Thank You for the wonderful update on how things are going.....
(( HUGS Continue ))

Time for the Pillows...
Best Wishes to all, enjoy your
many activities....

Love to All,
Prayers for Wellness and Safe Travels...
God Bless Us,
Every One xoxo

JudyEddy said...

MacDill Air Force Base in Tampa Fl has come up with a way to protect the bird from getting hit on the runway A DOG that loves to chase birds so stinkin cute

Lolly said...

The other day I received an email from Jo that said "for Lolly" and had an attachment. Tonight I received one from Paula. I am not opening it!! Paula?????

Lolly said...

At DFW where they take the official rain amount, it was 2 inches. The most rain we have received in one day for the last 500 days! There is possibly more tonight. Hoping so!

It is 70, with a cool breeze. Loving it! The sad thing is we need weeks of this weather to get out of the drought and raise the lake levels.

Lolly said...

Margy, appreciate your understanding of Laurel's situation. She thinks she is going to be able to handle the cooking in Colorado, so I will not be going. I was kinda looking forward to going.

Jack just checked the rain gauge...drum roll, please....1 1/2 inches, possibly a little more. awesome!

paula eagleholic said...

Great rain Lolly . no i didn't send you an email..trash it.

Lolly said...

Thanks, Paula. That is what I figured!

Good rain, and TCU won the Big 12 baseball. A good day I would say!!

Night all! SED!!

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. Happy Memorial Day!

Both eaglets were in view when I opened the cam. Then one leap-frogged over the other and up to 12 so now I see just one. The sun is hitting the leaves on the sycamore - looks like a peaceful morning at the nest.

Judie, Rolling Thunder - I bet that was a real sight!!

Kay, hope you're having a great vacation!

Got my toes in the sand yesterday for the first time this summer. But no toes in the ocean for this gal - WAY too cold!

Another lazy day in store for me. Prayers continue for Larry. Have a good day all.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle bud

JudyEddy said...

forgot to say goodnight last night
fell asleep in my rockin chair waiting to go to bed later LOL

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...