Wednesday, May 14, 2014


Back from my trip...we are waiting for the box to arrive that will fix our problems.  It has been ordered and hopefully is on its way.

New thread.


Janet said...

I claim the feather

Janet said...

THANKS STEVE. I will go back and get the others!

Janet said...

Thank you Steve for the info. Everyone has been most anxious to have our cam back!

Still not sure if we will go tonight or in the morning. Watching the weather. Will make the decision at the 4 pm. newcast. I called the campsite and they said coming in tomorrow morning is fine and dandy, no problems with that.

We are under a severe tstorm watch. warnings are south of us already. so we shall see. some times they poop out before they get to us.

I am just relaxing for a bit. gonna play on here, then open my new book. (sigh) life is good!

later gaters

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the new thread Steve, and the call over, Janet. Enjoy your feather!

Thanks for the update, Steve. Looking forward to seeing our eaglets again SOON!!

Judie said...

Thank you Steve for the new thread.

Congrats on the feather Janet. Good that you can delay the arrival if necessary. Safe travels.

Went out for a bit of fresh air - cool here today. Also expecting rain and wind. Boo! Wish I could send the rain to Lolly.

Got a new book. Will begin to read.


Judie said...

Good grief, almost forgot to thank Steve for the update. Given the threat of an eagle cane flash mob, he probably wants the cam fixed more than we do. lol

Sandi said...

Hi all - home from school. Thanks Steve for the new thread and the cam update and thanks Janet for the call over.

Need to make a grocery list and hit the grocery store - later!

Lolly said...

Thanks Steve! Bet our eaglets will have changed a lot when we get to see them again.

Thanks Kay, Paula, and all. Knew you would respond to my cry of help. LOL Oh, eventually I would have figured it out, but knew help was out there. Appreciate it. Now let's get the cam back working!

Went out and bought new lamp shades for my table lamps I have had over 41 years. They are great Steiffel lamps, but the shades needed to be replaced. And, of course, they no longer make the same interior hardware. One man recommended having the shades recovered. Well, each lampshade would have been way over $200 each. Yikes! So bought new shades, different hardware and now Jack is trying to figure out how to install the finials. The man gave me extenders for the finials but the screw part is not the same size. I know, none of this makes sense. LOL

JudyEddy said...

Thanks for the Fresh and UPdate on the camera fix THREAD STEVE
You are the best

Thanks for the call over SIS
you will look good in that head dress of eagle feathers
We had storms today and rain lots of boom boom pow at work but at present time Shh its not doing it It is really cloudy and dark sky so more on the way Temp is down to 76° now nice out after high in the 90's this week I
I see the nest is 65° at present and under Red Warning FLOOD WATCH

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY hope you all can fix the lamp

JudyEddy said...

5-13-14 Cat saves boys life from Dog AMAZING

JudyEddy said...

That video is just awesome I never ever knew that a cat would protect its owner AMAZING

JudyEddy said...

Injured bald eagle rescued in Lakeland Fl some cool picture on this link

Lynne2 said...

hi all...

stay safe Kay, bad weather in her area

JudyEddy said...

Bald Eaglets #14-0649 and #14-0650 | The Wildlife Center of Virginia
Admission Date: May 13, 2014 Location of Rescue: Chincoteague Island,...
In a pen#3 and isn't that the pen that they had a eagle in NX I think last year of so ago CRS

JudyEddy said...

The above link has a live cam on the eagle Right now looks like he is laying down They said it is a adult but no white head yet from what I saw

JudyEddy said...

They also have a Black Vulture and a Bear with cam Look below the cam on the link above and they are there

They also have a chat and some one that zooms from what I read on the chat

Lynne2 said...

oh my, Janet having weather as well!

Hoda said...

Thank you STEVE and congratulations on Aimee's graduation.

I have not yet read back. For the Grans efforts at the Garden Fest last weekend we made 2100 dollars. We had 70 dollars in expenses for the booths, so we made 2030 dollars to be sent to the Stephen Lewis Foundation to fight HIV/AIDS in Sub Saharan Africa...I am pleased to have participated in this. This Saturday I will be at the Cottonwood Market also with the Grans selling fresh baked goods...

Nelson is good to the Grans... Blessed Be.

JudyEddy said...

Flower Moon 2014 is tonight

stronghunter said...

Amazing story about that cat chasing away the dog.

Been busy this evening. Susan came down and we went out to dinner and for ice cream.

Thanks for the new thread, Steve!

Congrats on the feather, Janet.

stronghunter said...

Hope all is well with Kay and that the bad weather is gone.

Enjoy your new book, Judie.

There you go again, Hoda. You are the Energizer Bunny. Good grief.

Brain is wearing down. I really need to say good night.

Rest well, everyone. SED.

Hoda said...

I am trusting JO and ED made a safe journey.

Congratulations to SHAR as her son ANDREW graduates University this weekend. Fantastic. Way to go Mama!

Good night and God Bless us all.

JudyEddy said...

The Eagle Valley nest lost a eaglet last night They think maybe a owl They heard a ruckus on the cam at that time :`(

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Judie said...

Sandperson just raced out the door with a loaded satchel.

Hoda, congratulations on the wonderful work of the grans and the success of the garden fest.

Congratulations to Andrew on completion of his degree.

Did not know Steve's daughter's name till now so congratulations to Aimee.

Shirley, nice that you and Susan had some time together.

Video coverage of the cat chasing the dog that bit the little boy was on National news tonight.

Every Siamese cat I've had has always been super protective - they growl if anyone approaches the door or rings the bell. Siamese were bred to be palace protectors in Siam.

I am headed for the pillows. Night light is on. Restful sleep for all.

Lolly said...

Need to show the cat video to Jack. It is amazing! Have always had Siamese until Annie. Never did have one that would growl at people, Judie.

Nose in book again tonight. Nice to have a daughter who reads books and passes the good one to me.

Going down into the 40's tonight. Wow! Presently 53. However, the warmer weather will be returning.

Night all! SED!!

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends.

Hoda, Jo made it to the beach just fine. She called and we are getting together for dinner this evening.

Prayers continue for Larry.

Janet, enjoy your weekend!

Have a great day all.

Hoda said...

Thank you SANDI. Enjoy supper with JO and ED and DENNY.
Have a good day at school.

Hoda said...

Coming up for us in Canada the Nay long weekend.
Victoria Day in honour of Queen Vuctiria.
I wished she had smiled more!

Janet said...

good morning all. the weather did not turn severe last night, but we had another frog strangler (sorry lolly)....and so we went to eat at our favorite Mexican place and decided we didn't want to set up in the rain.

therefore, when tom gets home @ 9, we will head out.

I just got up. drinking coffee and then will perform the morning routine, feed all the furbutts, get dressed, etc.

I likely will not check in til sunday. this is always such a lovely and amazing weekend, seeing old acquaintances, meeting new ones, hearing new information, learning something I never knew before....drum circle and of course my pals Becca Lou Who and Danny ....aka TUATHA DEA will be there.... so excited. such a grand time. lots to learn. lots of great people to enjoy.

blessed be all. stay safe and enjoy the rest of your week!


Judie said...

Good morning.

Glad Jo and Mr. Jo are safely at the beach and will enjoy dinner with Sandi tonight.

Have a lovely weekend Janet.

Hoda? What is a nay weekend? lol

Lolly, none of my Siamese growled at people. Only growled when someone was outside at the front door or the doorbell rang or when someone knocked on the front door. They would race to the door and growl.

Where are Kay, Shirley, Paula, and Wanda?


Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all Surprise I am using hubby's laptop.
Everything is well
Meeting Sandi
for dinner. Cleaning house today & at least the sun is shinning.
Take care & I'll try to get back later

Lolly said...

Good morning! Nice surprise, Jo!

Not much on the agenda today. Jack did get the lampshades to hold the finials. Did some googling and found out that my old lampshades are for sale on ebay....vintage. LOL They are going out by the trash.

Time to walk. Groan....

Kay said...




3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...