Tuesday, May 06, 2014


New thread.


magpie said...

Good Morning, Steve, and
Thank you for this very new brand spanking clean fresh thread!

Enjoy your week !


magpie said...

wahlah! I always wondered how to spell that Lolly !!

glad you regular computer is working again

Shirley....well, the fun begins in earnest now for the next few days for you, enjoy that banquet tonight!

Sandi: Wonderful....another + in your week-end activities...smooth and easy


magpie said...

Thanks to all of you for your support and encouragement....
"Steady as she goes" here...so much often depends on my just being
right-minded about "things to do"
and staying on task....

I am safe, not to worry!

magpie said...

Hoping that Larry will feel better, much better soon, Paula....

Praying that the present treatments and all continued treatments, have a very positive outcome

Best Wishes to All, for a Very Good Day!

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxo

magpie said...

Well, I think things are current on the still cam, the time is right,
guess Prez has found a nice little
place to bask in the sunshine

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all on this
Terrific Tues

Congrats on the feather Margy - happy to see you here.

Steve, thank you for the fresh new
thread - I thought you were up in the mountains for the week? Enjoy.

Need to go to earlier thread... BBL

Mema Jo said...

Kay - prayers for that fire to burn itself out before reaching their home
Fire is so scarey and causes so much devastation.

Mema Jo said...

Kay - prayers for that fire to burn itself out before reaching their home
Fire is so scarey and causes so much devastation.

Mema Jo said...

At 11:05 both cams have the same pic - Prez at 5:00 with foot sprawled outward.
Now he has moved to the 3:00 position
I think we are up/running and in

Mema Jo said...

Shirley this is really your eventful week - comes all at one time. Hope the bowling award fits on your mantel
Do you have a GPS in your car for the long trip? No reading Patterson when you're driving lol
One thing for sure - Hunter is going to really really appreciate you more when you come home then ever before!
Kathryn also.

Mema Jo said...

Sandi it is wonderful that the settlement went so smoothly. Now back to your real world. You and Lisa
have come through this with flying colors and lots of bonding.

I suppose that Denny is getting very busy - Is Kevin helping Denny this summer?

Mema Jo said...

Oh My Goodness - look at our cam...
Both Prez and Capt have their black
feathers and now size when they are
together is the only way we will tell them apart.

Hoda said...

Good morning all.

Sunny here and no rain.

Prayers for your Cousin's safety KAY.

All is well and good here.

Due to do lots of yoga today with two of my favourite teachers. Maybe too a bicycle ride.

Stay well MARGY. Keeping your living situation in prayers too.

Hoda said...

Do you all know that "Whallah" is "by Allah"
It is Hindi and Arabic.
I believe there is but ONE God with whateve name. So it is OK by me. Just wondering because often street talk becomes part of main stream culture.

Lolly said...

Good morning! LOL Have no idea to how to spell it, Margy, but you got the idea.

Kay, know that houses did burn and prayers that your cousins was not one of them. We are so dry, so hot, and very windy. Scary!

Need to go check out the cam. Out of the habit since the computer was down.

Lolly said...

Two eaglets in view at 3 and 4. Wow are they ever growing.

Paula, glad Larry is no worse today and hoping he is a wee bit better!!

Lolly said...

Well, my cam lasted 1:44. Hoping it comes back!

Lolly said...

Need to eat some breakfast and then get to the patio. It's a big job. Have to move all furniture, then hose off, scrub, dry, and then apply sealer to the tile. Also do the same to our small front door area. Also, clean off all furniture before moving it back. Anyone want to come help? ☺

Mema Jo said...

Lolly my cam has been up 23 min

Mema Jo said...

They both keep looking upward
I had thought I had heard a clunk or two up in the attic
Lunch time will be soon I hope and
so do Prez and Capt

Mema Jo said...

5/6/2014 is National Teacher Appreciation day
Here are a few beautiful thoughts.

"Teachers teach because they care. Teaching young people is what they do best. It requires long hours, patience, and care." -- Horace Mann

"A good teacher is like a candle - it consumes itself to light the way for others." -- Mustafa Kemal Atatürk

"Teachers, I believe, are the most responsible and important members of society because their professional efforts affect the fate of the earth." - Helen Caldicott

Mema Jo said...

Sandi, Dana, Shirley, Lolly, Candy

Kudos to you

If I missed a Teacher - This does include you too ♥

Mema Jo said...

Lunch is being served in our nest.

Mema Jo said...

Following a few midweek showers, it will warm into the 80s with increasing humidity to round out the work week.
Check out the AC I guess...

Mema Jo said...

Adult fly in at noon position with new crib rail (stick)

Judie said...

Good afternoon.

Thank you Steve for the new Mother's Day weekend thread and Margy for hollerin' at us.

Prayers for Joyce and her family. Hope the fire moves away from them.

Hi Margy. Beauteous day in NOVA also. Enjoy your new feather.

Hi Jo. Thank you for multiple chuckles delivered via email.

Now back to the laundry room. BBL

JudyEddy said...

WOW a new thread and we assumed we wouldn't get one THANKS FOR THE NEW THREAD STEVE


AND I see the still cam is back to the correct time YEAH

JudyEddy said...



JudyEddy said...

I see both eagle at launch pad now

JudyEddy said...

is that a adult above them looks like it

JudyEddy said...

is that a adult above them looks like it

Mema Jo said...

I really don't like it when I open the cam and see an MT nest! Those
2 eaglets are getting too large to
hide in the NHZ... Just saying

Mema Jo said...

I think I'll splurge and go have my
dinner at Burger King! I need a


stronghunter said...

Off to baseball practice, then back home to finish getting ready.

James Patterson on audio is just fine for travel. I did it when I was commuting to Culpeper.

JudyEddy said...

Home from work

I got a email from SHIRLEY no subject is this spam?????

not opening it unless you say so

JudyEddy said...

got this in my email on Buddy
Buddy playing with his enrichment toys

JudyEddy said...

and I also concur that I don't like it when we look at the nest and it is

we need to put up a fence on that side of the yard No Trespassing LOL

JudyEddy said...

MT not MR lol

JudyEddy said...

adult in

JudyEddy said...

moving flugg kids still in the backyard

JudyEddy said...

Belle is still standing at the launch pad like a statue

JudyEddy said...

Kids have to be asleep

JudyEddy said...

Silly question to all dog owners past present and future One the news funny as ever is a dog named Hanna that love Heads of Raw Cabbage If you try to take it she growls for it the video is hilarious

JudyEddy said...

OH question is have you heard of dogs liking raw cabbage Green Beans and carrots yes but cabbage???

JudyEddy said...

back to the news they are talking about the trail so gruesome

JudyEddy said...

Belle is moving somewhat but still same spot and Capt is at 9

JudyEddy said...

there is a fish at her feet I thought she was gonna feed them or herself but so far not

JudyEddy said...

commercial over back to news

Judie said...

Not dogs wanting cabbage. That might require someone sleeping in a spare room (or outside). lol

Did have a Siamese (Koko) who loved plain cooked spaghetti.

Dinner over. Kitchen restored to order. Laundry caught up.

See an adult and an eaglet is near 11.

Happy Whoppering Jo.

Shirley, you will likely be on the road before I get to the blog tomorrow so: safe and happy travel and just have an amazing time at the reunion.


JudyEddy said...

DELTA has it second hatch and there is a awesome pic on FB

JudyEddy said...

Belle is now eating and still in the same area and I see eaglet with leg stretched out at 9

JudyEddy said...

Headin out to the tower BBIALW

Sandi said...

Hi all - very busy day, very busy evening. Need to head out to the grocery store.

Shirley, I am so sorry that you had to deal with such a rude woman on your bowling team and today at the banquet. Some people!!!

Jo, thanks for the teacher quotes.

Kay, what's the latest on the fire headed your cousin's way? And how is Penny doing with the seizures?

My principal made the English teacher and I sit down together in a room with him today to try to hash out our differences. Short version ... it didn't work.

I'll catch you all in the early morning.

Hoda said...

Sorry SANDI things did not work with English teacher.

SHIRLEY, I actually got upset with the rude woman story.
She must be one very unhappy person.
The facts are you are a GREAT AWESOME TERRIFIC addition to any group you choose to join.
You are a fantastic human being and friend.
Her loss that she does not see that.
Do not take on other people's ugliness, for emotionally, mentally and spiritually she has issues. Blessings to you.
An honour to be your friend.

JudyEddy said...

back from two cell phone tower eagle nest visits and no one was home I could of stayed till after sunset but came home instead
I see adult is on the rail I see feetsies so not much movement I love that she spends times with the kids watching over them

JudyEddy said...

from facebook
Update on Duke Farms. Posted on their cam page "Update 4/28/2014
Banding for the eaglets is set for 5/12 or 5/14. The banding will be broadcast using the webcam but no audio will be available as of yet."

darn it I will be working

JudyEddy said...

Belle is eating nestovers and I am off to TV stuff I have DVRD

JudyEddy said...

now feeding Capt

stronghunter said...

Judy, I have not sent you an e-mail. I am so sorry you are being bothered by this.

Thank you for the kind words Hoda and Sandi. I actually went back and deleted that post because I am embarrassed about what happened. Trying to tell myself that there's no reason for me to feel embarrassed. The woman was clearly out of bounds. Don't think she is unhappy, though. She seems very pleased with herself.

Just hasn't been my day. I tried to get to the parts store to pick up a part that had been ordered for me, but they closed before I got there. I was before closing time, but it made no difference. I even heard someone yelling at me from inside the store that they were closed. I wanted one of those little round mirrors to help you see your blind spot when driving. Guess I can get it tomorrow morning. I had told the man who ordered it that I'd be there. I did try.

If you did not read the comments I posted before I deleted them, here is what happened:

One of the members of my bowling team has complained that I have been hurting the team because I do not bowl as well as the others. Once she commented that "We want to win," clearly implying that I was somehow preventing that.
(We were winning.) She accused me of not trying and of not doing the things she said I should do. (Lots of people tell me things I should do. I get to choose what works for me.)

The truth is that I have been improving every week and my score is often higher than hers. I was the third most improved bowler in the league--she was first. I think we were both helping the team.

And today at the banquet, I was trying to make pleasant small talk when she suddenly said, "Can I eat, please?" Then she complained that she could not eat because I was talking. I was not discussing any unpleasant subject and wasn't talking to her. After that, no one said much of anything and no one really ate anything.

I had not wanted to mention it, but decided to tell the league secretary. She has been very friendly, and we've been playing Words With Friends.

Seems to have been a bit of backstabbing in several groups as the season comes to an end. A shame.

The league secretary told me that I won that final game for the team, and the record shows that I had the highest score (when the handicap is counted).

I need not to dwell on this; just practice some more and go my own way.

stronghunter said...

Sorry about the differences between you and the English teacher, Sandi. I am sure I would enjoy teaching with you.

Mema Jo said...

I had been watching TV - now I want some free time.

Shirley You sure have met up with a Bad Egg - you should have dropped your bowling ball on her toes.
She was more then rude - I think she was jealous of your improvements but she has a problem or issue with herself in order to be so spiteful to another person - It isn't anything you have said or done, I'm sure. It is disturbing and I pray you don't let her words and actions weigh on your emotions.
You have places to go and friends to see ♥

Mema Jo said...

Sandi I wish you didn't need to deal with "people friction". Especially when it 5 days a week.... Keep your head up and just walk on by when you can. You are very strong and remember that you are there for the kids. ♥

stronghunter said...

Jo, you made me laugh. I needed that. I was near tears earlier today.

I agree with Jo, Sandi.

Mema Jo said...

I am here to say
Goodnight to all ♥

Prayers for all of us and our family and friends.


I ♥ us

Judie said...

Sandperson just stomped out the door. Off to deliver sleepy dust - except Jo has already gotten hers.

Shirley, I am so very very sorry about the rude team mate and that she made banquet attendees, and you, uncomfortable. I suspect she is insecure and threatened by your progress and contribution to the team. Tear someone else down to make herself appear better. Please do not let that woman affect you. I know you well enough to say you are a terrific person with a kind and generous heart.

Sandi, sorry you have a difficult situation. Head high. Do what you believe in your heart is best and makes you feel good about being you.

Night light is on. Restful sleep for all.

Lolly said...

Heading to bed. Scanned the blog quickly.

((hugs)) Shirley! Sounds like that lady has a BIG problem. Good grief! It is a game!

Night all! SED!!

Hoda said...

SHURLEY my life experience tells me people who are as ugly and lacking in people skills and arrogantly project self importance are unhappy people regardless if their projections. Either way , I would rather her room than her company!!!
You are our friend and we are blessed to call you FRIEND.
Blessed Be

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends - it's Wednesday.

One of our students had an ATV accident back in November. He suffered a traumatic brain injury and spent months in the hospital. he is returning to school just 2 days a week and will have a one-on-one paraeducator with him. The para was hired yesterday and his parents are anxious for Kalob to get back to school, so we have scheduled his IEP meeting for this Friday.

That means he needs an IEP! Yikes! You won't see me on the blog until I get it written. I can do this!

Shirley, safe travels today and ENJOY!!! There will be no mean bowling lady at your reunion - just friends who will be so happy to see you! :)

Prayers for Larry.

Have a good day all.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle buds Breakfast is being served look like at the launch pad I see one adult and Capt Prez only part is showing

JudyEddy said...

breakfast is over I just got the tail end Adult POOFED

JudyEddy said...

This is funny Cat and Owl as playmates Amazing

Mema Jo said...

Good Wonderful Wacky Wednesday to all

Sandi - what a challenge! I am anxious to hear about Kalob. I guess I am just wondering or rather comparing him to Michael concerning
his abilities after having the TBI.
I'm sure you will give him the best
welcome ♥

Shirley I wish you had 10 more years of reality concerning your bowling team member - then you would have been able to say "Excuse me - what is your problem lady?"
HAPPY AND SAFE TRAVELS TO YOU ND ENJOY EVERY MINUTE WITH YOUR FRIENDS. Requesting pictures over on FB or on this blog when you return.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Shirley, have a wonderful time.

Sandi, sorry about the new IEP. Try to have a nice weekend.

JudyE, many thanks for the owl/cat video. I've watched it twice. Animals can be so much fun.

MT nest when I checked.

Going to meet some former colleagues for lunch. Should be fun. Hope they have lots of gossip. lol


Mema Jo said...

Hubby stopped me by the Nursery last evening where my gs works. I got a beautiful hanging basket of calibrachoa (tiny purple and pink flowers)

I'm sure as always the kids will bring lots of flowers to be planted
in all my empty pots on Mother's day.

Mema Jo said...

Have fun Judie! Gossip - will I never expected you to indulge in such a thing lol

Mema Jo said...

Prayers for Larry's day to go well.
Paula - it's not easy being a caregiver but you certainly need to be commended for all your love and efforts to keep Larry's spirits up. Bless ya, gal.

Mema Jo said...

It is raining in my valley
Skies are dark and thought I heard


Lolly said...

Good morning! Storms and good chance of rain tomorrow. Prayers please for a good soaking, but it is going to take so much more.

Dentist appointment this afternoon, so no long day in the yard. This is good, my muscles need a rest. LOL

Time to eat a bite and get my walking in.

Have a great day!

Mema Jo said...


I'll send email but Steve still up in the mountains... :(

Mema Jo said...

Got Steve's Out-of-office message
I call the contact person and left a
message about the still cam...

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...

Still cam up/running

Mema Jo said...

Hair cut today late afternoon
It was scheduled for tomorrow but
we may be going up to daughter's to
see the 7 great grand children..
I'll keep you posted.

JudyEddy said...

HELLO on lunch now to go read

JudyEddy said...

I see Prez he is solid now and Capt in just beyond him

I have the MNnest up they look just like ours same size 2 and same coloring

JudyEddy said...

forgot to say that not certain which it is male or female but also has the V

Judie said...

Hello everyone.

Back from lunch. It was good to see my friends from the big school house.

Happy "do" day, Jo. What fun to see all the grandkids.

Sad to report that a crow got one of Isla's eggs. So two potential osprey babes for her.

Live cam working. Two adorable eaglets visible.

Headed to put my feet up. Leftovers tonight.

Judie said...

Hope Shirley checks in soon. She should be at or very near her destination.

JudyEddy said...

Just home and

I have no LIVE OR STILL both out

JudyEddy said...




JO DID you see the other tie died t shirts at walmart with the eagle on them I bought two

Judie said...

Neither cam is working for me either JudyE.


JudyEddy said...

Untangling the fishing line from Justice the other day video

JudyEddy said...

Thanks for the feedback JUDIE

gonna go watch the news want to see what went on in today trail of the woman who killed both her kids for their own good she says I will have to try to remember to watch on line tomorrow

JudyEddy said...

the video is short but sweet OK gonna go to rewind the news

Mema Jo said...

Judy - no cams for me
Something must be wrong a they both went down and it wasn't storming when
they did. I had the Still reset earlier and it seemed ok.

I'll try to call Dawn (Steve's person to cal when he isn't there)
in the morning

Mema Jo said...

Judy - I wasn't at Walmart - one of the gals on Eagle Peeps, FB, mentioned them with a picture. However; at Cracker Barrel there are lots of Eagle shirts for the 4th of July.

Mema Jo said...

Judie glad you enjoyed your lunch.
When my past employee friends and I
get together it turns out to be fun catching up.

I watched Jeopardy - now I am taking a break. I'll watch mystery of
Father Brown and then Death in Paradise on WETA2 (my 265)

Off I go to TV

JudyEddy said...

A great poop shoot right at the camera lens Was on FB

Judie said...

Dinner over - pasghetti.

Jo, I think you have more channels as we don't get WETA2 just WETA. I'll recheck the program schedule. Otherwise, it looks like cooking channel and news.

Today was tiring. Walking three blocks was more painful than I expected. Guess I need to confer with the vascular guy. So what? Lunch was delicious and being with friends is always such a wonderful time.

We need Hoda, Shirley, Kay, Paula, Margy,Sandi, Wanda and lots of others to check in. Hope no one locked the front door.


Hoda said...

Sorry the cams are out.
Had a terrific day today.
A bit unreal in that the weather is perfect. The flight was amazing and people were very friendly and yoga rocked awesome, my meals were fantastic and I spent the afternoon praying my gratitudes. Blessed Be.

I can not believe the generosity of heart of friends and the friendliness of people I just met today.

The vastness of the mountains that surround us is magnificent. No wonder it is cold. The Glaciers are fully covered with fresh snow and some of the back country lakes are still frozen.
I have to do a hike this summer to Kokannee Glacier...it will be a day hike and if I get tired I can stay in a cabin. I will see if I can get others to come with me...I saw it today from the plane and it is phenomenal...God's Grace all over the valleys around here.
The Purcells, The Selkirks, The Vallahalas are stunning mountain ranges.
I wished you all would come and visit.

JudyEddy said...

HODA I am so jealous of your beautiful surrounding all the magnificent views I was in total aww looking at your pictures just breathtaking

JudyEddy said...

Watching AI

Got some sort of good news
Got a call from Jordyn saying Oma you can pick me up in car line OK

Angie came on the phone and I said what up with that?
She replied that they were on the way home and a friend called broke down so Angie went picked up Carl and went to her rescue which made them super late getting home 715 Jordyn still had her 5 sentence to write in regards to a wedding of a kindergarten teacher getting married answering 5 question about marriage Odd I think for a 6 yr old
Which usually is a chore Well on the way home Angie said something to Jordyn about no time to do homework etc so when they got home Jordyn went and got her homework and wrote the 5 sentences all on her own and did a fantastic job on it in just a couple of minutes too. Angie was in total aww of her getting it done before bed time at 8ish Then Jordyn said I am done now Oma can pick me up Angie didn't want to disappoint here Because she did such a great job in the short time on her her work, Usually she is Miss Fidgety antsie pants and take forever to do her work
Angie asked Jordyn where was this little girl for the past couple of months LOL
They have seen such a remarkable change in Jordyn ever since a little girl that sat next to her was moved in her class.
She is a little holy terror
Hate to say this about a 6yr old but even her own parents say so
so they are thinking the moved has improved Jordyn
So I will have some Jordyn time tomorrow

JudyEddy said...

got the call a bit ago had this written but hadn't copied and pasted it yet LOL did during commercials

JudyEddy said...

One more step closer to vacation
Just made out the check for the 8 day 7 night all inclusive vacation
714. poorer LOL

NatureNut said...

101 Checking In! Sorry I wasn't back sooner. Have a few nature tidbits I hope I can remember to tell and got some pics of eagle nest again yesterday at Park that are still in the camera! At both Park places, things are very busy~~~tons of calls at the Park. Notice came out Apr. 30, that because of the heavy ran, sewage spilled over from Sanitary Plants and for awhile water trail camping, canoe/kayak rentals, fishing is prohibited in our area of Patuxent. Also affected the Potomac and Anacostia Rivers. So, don't touch the water!!!! Eventually it will all end up in Chesapeake Bay but hopefully will be quite dissipated by then. I'm hoping chicks and any others that are fed fish have strong stomachs!

Blurry eagle nest pics I got last week were of Mom feeding a juvie. Third-handed, heard a naturalist saw 2 juvies in nest, but yesterday I just saw 1 juvie, I think, and then adult on branch out of nest. Now the leaves are also blocking everything! BOO!!!! CAM TIME. Have to find out if it's feasible and if any of our donations can be used for that?!
Anyway, yesterday t6he Osprey cam showed no full eggs in the nest anymore, but both adults go back to their home now and then. I think 3 sets of eggs have been laid, so hopefully they won't lay more. It's probably too late for any chicks to be mature enough by Sept. to migrate. Hopefully he cam on first nest can work and go online. Didn't get chance to talk to the expert!
More later~~~
Hope everyone is doing OK & in good or getting better health!

Mema Jo said...

Happy for you Judy and Jordyn time ♥

Hoda your pictures from the plane are
breathtaking. Question: the photos you have shared include comments from way back in 2013. Whatever was
on your phone came over... Check our
FB - I have no idea how to send a current pic and older comments show up.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - I hope you are checked
into your room and you gals are
catching up and having a pj party.

FB: 8 hrs ago Shirley reached her destination. Happy Times!

JudyEddy said...

JO that is a silly facebook thing
I notice every time I post picture in any of my albums all the comments come over with the current pictures posted and sometime it can be funny when the comments don't pertain to the pictures posted

Mema Jo said...

I am closing down
Hair cut is great
Definitely seeing daughter, 2 grand- daughters and 7 great grand children tomorrow come rain or shine.

Good night to all my friends ♥

JudyEddy said...

Have a great day with the family JO GN

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Lynne2 said...

popping in to say hello and goodnight....

Glad Shirley has arrived safely!

Glad settlement went smoothly Sandi (((HUGS)))

Hoda, looks like and sounds like you enjoyed soaring like an eagle today!

Jo, you sure are going to have a full day tomorrow!

Lynne2 said...

Prayers for you and Larry Paula.

Lolly you've got a line of storms heading for you!

JudyEddy said...

I posted some pic on FB from the Great Backyard Bird count earlier and wondered if anyone had seen them
they are just awesome pic I had to share A dog is sitting out in the yard a a bird is behind him at his tail and pulling out fur she has 3 pic in sequence of him pulling it our so stinkin cute let me know if you see it on my page I don't know how the sharing is from other fb pages

I pulled a Margie

Lynne2 said...

Have a good night everyone!

Lolly said...

Yes, Lynne.....we are waiting for the storms. Bring it on! I will believe the rain when I see it! Hoping for it tomorrow!!!!!! 90% chance of rain tomorrow.

Went to the dentist today.....Look Ma! No cavities! LOL

Did a little shopping after that. Have a hanging basket to plant, an ivy to pot and some more yard work when the weather permits.

Going to put my nose in a book now.

Night all! SED!!

Hoda said...

Good night
God Bless Us All.
Sending prayers for healing and safety.
Sending love and gratitude for our friendships on this blog.

Hoda said...

JUDYE love JORDYN'S story.

Pulling a MARGY in honour of our Precious MARGY

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends.

Didn't get the IEP finished, even though I worked on it til 9pm, so I probably won't be on the blog again today. Just know I am thinking of you all!

Hope Shirley has a great day today!

Hoda, your yesterday sounded wonderful - haven;t had time to look at pics on FB.

Prayers for Larry.

Have a great day all.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Off to visit another "ole folks" home. Will read back and report when I return.

Have a wonderful morning.

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds !!!

Looks like we're off to a slow start today---perhaps others are having "off" days like the last couple of them were for me. Twixt have to do's, errands, lunch with a friend yesterday and a worried mind over my cousin's plight---I had little steam to go on---sorry to be out of touch.

Our eaglets are changing so fast and lookin' good.

Finally got some answers on the Guthrie fire damage. Joyce and Johnny have, in retirement, retained 15 acres of the farm they bought as young marrieds, including the home and two barns. The fire took out their stand of trees, many of them fruit trees and came close enough to the house to char the veggies that had gotten a start in their garden. However, it did not damage the house or the barns, still filled with equipment and hay ! The electricity and phone service are out, but they have a generator to keep the freezer/frig/TV going and cell phones for communication. Guthrie is right smack in Tornado Alley, quaking lately perhaps due to Fracking, and not unaccustomed to fires like these, unfortunately. Folks who live there must be of sturdy stock or just plain crazy in MHO ! Main thing is that they are safe and sound. What a huge relief and we thank you for holding them in your hearts and prayers !

Here's hoping all is well with SHIRLEY as she reunites with old friends, with SANDI as she finishes the IEP, with PAULA's Larry as he recoups.

May you each have a super day of problem solving, missions accomplished and just plain fun, hopefully "in the sun".


Mema Jo said...



COME ON OVER.........

paula eagleholic said...
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3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...