Thursday, May 15, 2014


Live cam back up.  Still cam pending.

New thread.


Kay said...

Wahoo ! Thank you, STEVE--there will be much happy dancing over this ! I'll head over to pick up the others......

Kay said...
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Mema Jo said...



JudyEddy said...

STEVE Thanks for the new Thread and the Cam fix

Thanks for the call over KAY

JudyEddy said...

I see feetsies

Mema Jo said...

Well Kay This laptop sure did slow me down. Enjoy the nest today

JudyEddy said...

and the volume works toooo

Mema Jo said...

Put Steve's comment over on FB'
Be sure you get it on all the Eagle


Kay said...

Sorry, JO, I beat cha' to it ! Can't figure out a way to share it without snipping it in half and we wouldn't want to do that, would we ? ☺ Anyway, you are THE lucky one, at the beach and planning on dinner with SANDI and her dubby tonight ! Give her a big hug for the rest of us !

Thanks for concerns expressed over my safety due to yesterdays violent weather. The alarms wailed for about an hour starting at 6, and damaging tornadoes did touch down in the outlying area of Central Ohio, but none within the city. Fortunately all people heeded warnings and headed for basements---took some time to dig some of them out, but, but they're all alive---about a dozen in total. Today is gray, dreary, rainy--to continue til' sometime tomorrow and then clear off for a few days.

JudyEddy said...

Jo I put on EAGLE PEEPS and on my wall

BUT I can't on the other page remember they blocked me from commenting over something so silly

JudyEddy said...

I am noticing the spiny arrow is back big time

Kay said...

How tantalizing it is to see that one foot and some black feathers--I'm so anxious to see how Prez and Capt have changed.

Kay's Doggie Care opens for a week of business starting this evening. Malcolm will be with Penny and me for 8 days while his family vacations in CA. They return on the 23rd, take possession of both dogs and I leave for NJ on the 24th. Will be there with Lee's family for a week.

Can't believe Seth's Freshman yr. of college is over with. He made good grades and had a great year !

I think it is Belle who moved on down a bit--I want to see her "babies" !

Kay said...

JUDYE, I'm not getting the spinning arrow, knock on wood ! Good picture and sound. Very windy and that's all I can hear.

JudyEddy said...

I see tail of babe

Kay said...

There's an eaglet tail ! Yeah !

JudyEddy said...

my cam is doing ok at present time got a couple of snips already and posted to alert others of cam up

JudyEddy said...

UPDATE on the Maine eagle family

""Avian Haven: "Mom Bangor was bouncing off the walls in her hospital cage so we moved her outside yesterday. We put her babies out with her, in a make-shift nest (with heating pad underneath). They spent the afternoon with her, and she kept a close eye on them but made no attempt to feed or brood them. We brought the babies back inside for the night. We’ll let her settle down and get used to her new environment, then try again. In moving the eaglets outdoors, we took the opportunity to weigh them. They went from 850 and 900 grams on intake Monday to 1265 and 1305 yesterday."""
They have picture of the mom also on fb with this statement

JudyEddy said...

I am hoping that they put a cam on the family They had mentioned it on FB

Belle is in the nest still standing at launch pad and one eagle is at 9 see feetsie and part brown feathers

Have to get ready to go get gas and get Jordyn later I go early for the car line This way I a one of the first cars in line

JudyEddy said...

Looks like the nest area is under
Severe Thunderstorm Watch, Flash flood and Potomac river flood at Harpers Ferry according to my weather ap

JudyEddy said...

wingersizing going on

JudyEddy said...

Their feathers are so dark now Lots went on in the past week

Sandi said...

Hi all! Thanks Steve for the new thread and especially for the camera fix!! Thanks Kay for the call over.

JudyEddy said...

just got back got gas I see one eaglet on the launch pad Who it is is anyone guess That have gotten so dark

JudyEddy said...

the other eaglet is at 9 and Belled is at 2 I see her tail feathers

JudyEddy said...

Belle not Belled LOL

JudyEddy said...

just posted the pic I snipped today in the EM album 5-6 was the last pic I put in there so its been over a week

JudyEddy said...

Lator Gator

Judie said...

Good early evening everyone.

I see one beateous babe taking a shower in the raindrops. Oh, what big feet you have. Raining there and storming here.

Kay, enjoy the furr baby sitting. Super duper congratulations to Seth. Freshman years is often the most difficult of adjustments for wannabe adults. Everyone should be very proud of his achievement.

Sure hope the rescued mom and babes will adjust.

I understand Jo's feather has been shipped by overnight express. Enjoy! Say hi to Sandi and Dennis.

JudyE, hope you had a nice time with Jordyn.

Okay, thunder/lightening. Shutting down for a while.

Judie said...

Need to consult Miss Manners.

Steve, thank you and the techies for restoring our nest cam. We are most appreciative.

Good part is Prez and Capt are so big we can see them and they can no long hide in the NHZ.

Off to the scullery. Then Midsomer Murders or First 48.


Hoda said...

I logged on twice in the morning.
Ate my posts twice.
I left to explore the day...
Merci Beauvoup STEVE
Muchos Gracias STEVE
Shoukran STEVE
Domo Arigato STEVE
Dunka STEVE...
And IT Group and NCTC

Hoda said...

Nay Weekend???
Nah too negative!
We don't have such a weekend in Canada.

May Long Weekend is almost upon us.
We have one long weekend per month.
Queen Victoria Day on Monday.
She was quite pretty when young and when she married Albert. She had a lovely smile. When he died she stopped smiling and became very sour looking.
So here we are celebrating her this weekend.
Happy Victoria Day.

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Been very busy today. Did a housecleaning job on the downstairs. Ordered pizza and wings for supper. Was on the phone with Kathryn when I opened the box that was supposed to contain wings. Empty. Hmm, Hunter has developed a liking for wings. His reasoning--I did not tell him not to eat them all until they were all in his stomach. I will remember this. And, I'll order more than 8 wings. Geesh.

stronghunter said...

Yay for Steve and crew!! I see two eaglets with lots of black feathers. Nice that they are visiting our part of the nest.

Lolly said...

Wahoooo! I see two eaglets and no swirly twirly thingy.

Worked in the yard most of the afternoon. Such a beautiful day. Surprised to get on now to see our cam up and running. With sound, too!

Tomorrow up early to mow and work in the yard and then off to Denton early afternoon. Tomorrow night is Joseph's spring band concert. Will hear him in the band and in the jazz band.

Also, get to meet new Mister Cosmo Fritz!! Looking forward to puppy cuddling!

stronghunter said...

Wow, Kay. I just looked at some of the news about the tornadoes. Glad you were spared. Some impressive pictures in the news.

Wondering if we might have some thunderstorms tonight. It was so humid all day.

stronghunter said...

Looks like two wet eaglets at our nest. No parents in sight.

Judie said...

Well, it is really pouring rain here. Am going to shut down for the night.

Sandperson is frantically searching the internet for an ark. Hopefully, he will have success in making his rounds.

Night light is on. Restful sleep for all.

stronghunter said...

Raining here, too, Judie. An ark is a good idea.

SED, everyone. God bless.

JudyEddy said...

Good evening eagle buds Just stopping in to say goodnight and bring over some sad new on another nest ""We have had another tragedy. Both jordan lake eaglets slid out of their nest tonight in the heavy rains as nest gave away. If you would like to pay respects to their mods and chatters, they are all pretty torn up. (Thank you, Pat)

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Lolly said...

Night all! SED! Prayers for health for all!

Hoda said...

We launch the Dragon on Saturday!
Weather Report says Thunder storms and rain!!!
Her Majesty Queen Victoria would not have been amused.
We have Dragon Boat clinics going on too.

I will help launch the Dragon
I will volunteer with the Grans
I have yoga workshops on Saturday.

Volunteering tomorrow with the Yoga Festival.
Doing Yoga.

A homeless person wanted me to take her picture sitting under a Japanese Cherry Tree.
I did so and got her two copies today.
So tomorrow I have to keep an eye out for her to give her her pictures.

Hope JO SANDI and HUBBIES have had a fantastic supper.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Have been scheduling bill payments online, and since it's cooler now (down to 77 from about 102), I've tried to catch up here.
Boy, we've had a nasty week weather-wise! Record setting heat for the last several days. At least it's been dry heat, though.
Ken has been feeling a bit puny for the last couple of days. He woke up with a low-grade fever and a queasy stomach, which progressed into diarrhea. He felt better Thursday, though his stomach was still a bit jumpy for most of the day. He was able to eat chicken noodle soup, soft-boiled eggs, and finally, last night, a Subway sandwich.

The weather is supposed to cool down over the weekend, so I think we'll survive.

Thanks to Steve and the NCTC gang for getting the cam working again!

Well, I guess I'd better try to get some sleep. It's getting kind of late here! Will try to get back on here tomorrow. Also need to try to get a few of our pictures posted!

Hope everyone has a wonderful RED FRIDAY! I ♥ us!!!

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends - yay, it's Friday!!

Our eaglets look huge in the nest - wow, what a difference a week makes in the life of an eagle baby!!

Dinner with Jo and Ed was great, though the restaurant we always go to in Fenwick Island had closed for good. Went to an Italian place across the street - the food was good, the company was even better!

Prayers continue for Larry - I'm glad his chemo is over. Paula, when does the radiation stop?? I know you've said before but ...

Rain is in the forecast today - we need it to wash the pollen from everything.

Have a great day all.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle buds sure is quite on the blog

Where is everyone


it's been a flurry of activity in here this morning as one of the baby Bald Eagles made famous on the Jordan Lake Eaglecam was brought in. Unfortunately, his or her sibling didn't make it and the nest was too damaged in the storm last night for him/her to be renested. We're getting him/her stabilized and will then transfer care to the Carolina Raptor Center. Please keep this baby in your thoughts.

JudyEddy said...

both are babes are snuggled together at 9

paula eagleholic said...

Boy our pair has really developed in the last week...walking around the nest very confidently.

JudyE, thanks for update on Jordan lake...a touch of good news!

paula eagleholic said...

Wow, sunshine at the's pouring here in Crisfield.

paula eagleholic said...

JudyE, I take it that message about Jordan Lake was posted by CRC???

Sandi, Larry has 3 more radiation treatments, today, Monday and Tuesday. Hurray!

paula eagleholic said...


JudyEddy said...
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JudyEddy said...

my delete MY mistake

Judie said...

Good morning.

Very sad about the Jordan nest but so hopeful for the surviving eaglet. CRC does some amazing work.

Windy and bright sunshine this morning. Cool temps.

Sandi, so glad you and Jo and Mr. Jo had a good evening together.

Paula, looking forward to next Wed. when radiation is finished then to Larry being Larry again.

Hoda, seems a very exciting weekend is upon you, especially the dragon launch. Hope you find the homeless woman. You are a kind soul.

Andy, hope kubby feels better. Stop by more often.


JudyEddy said...

This was just posted on the Jordan Lake Cam site.
Email from Francis Ferrel: I just spoke with the vet that now has custody of the living chick. I
believe they have been posting pictures to facebook, so this may not
be news to some of you, I havent had a chance to see everything they
have posted yet.
The chick is in stable condition, they do not believe there are any
broken bones so they did not do an x-ray. It was extremely low on
fluids, but they have given it fluids, pain medicine, and something to
treat shock. It was also covered in lice which they have treated.
Right now they have it in an incubator and it is warming up.
They will transfer it to the Carolina Raptor Center tomorrow for
further rehabilitation. They said that if it had been another week old
then trying to re-nest the chick would have probably been the best
option (possibly in an artificial platform below the existing nest),
but since it was just learning to stand on its own, they think a more
controlled rehabilitation will give this one the best chance of being
re-introduced once it has fledged in captivity.
The chick that passed away has been transferred to the USFWS.
I am up for leaving the camera running for as long as we have
interested viewers, I was thinking at least through the weekend. We
can always shut social stream down if things get out of hand. Thank
you so much to all the moderators keeping the dialogue appropriate
during this unfortunate turn of events.
Also much thanks to Norman (lacamper) for getting out to the nest site
at 6am and helping retrieve the chicks at dawn.
I will keep everyone updated as I get any news, but I do not expect to
hear much more until it is transferred to the Raptor Center.

Judie said...

If interested, the Minnesota loon has at least one hatchling. They are just gorgeous in the sunshine.

JudyEddy said...

wingersize going on on the edge at 2 you can see tips of wings and the other one ducks LOL LOL

JudyEddy said...

Had to Prez doing the wingersizing which made Capt get up and is now sitting and stretching also

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
Just had to share this fascinating info! I got an e-mail from about mothers in my family tree. My 28th great-grandmother had the longest gap between her first and last child. She had her first baby at age 13, and her last at age 99!!! Phew!! Amazing!

Looking forward to watching our eaglets again. Thanks to Steve and the others once again for the cam fix!

Have a good day, everyone. I ♥ us!

JudyEddy said...

What age did she pass

JudyEddy said...

gotta go to the bank House payment

JudyEddy said...

clunk in the attic and eaglet looks up

Lolly said...

Good morning! (Still morning here!)

Andy, surely they meant 66 and not 99. SURELY!!

Yea, Paula, so glad the chemo is about over and prayers for excellent results!!

We have mowed, weed eated, edged, blown and cleaned up. LOL Leaving for Denton in about 1 1/2 hours. Band concert tonight.

Going to go sit in the sun for a while and attempt to dry my hair a wee bit faster.

See your later tonight!

Kay said...

Good Afternoon, Eagle Buds !!!

Oh, I love looking at our eaglets and seeing how much they've changed in the last week. Hated to hear about the Jordon nest and Mother Nature's cruel blow. Praying our little family will stay safe, ending in the fledge of two prize juvies !

Geez, ANDY, that multiple greats grandma's life is one for the Guinness World Book of Records ! ☺

HODA, blessings on you for your sweet personal ministry with the homeless and less fortunate citizens of Nelson. There has to be a special place in Heaven for the likes of you ! ♥♥♥

Happy, as always, to hear about good times when Momster's get together. SANDI, so glad there was a good eatery close by for you, JO and hubbies to enjoy !

All is well at Kay's Doggy Spa. Malcolm and Penny are getting along so well. Yesterday Julie bought Mal a thundershirt and it looks like I'll get a chance to test it later today. He's a quaking bundle of nerves at the first sign of a storm. He wasn't always, but was home alone during a horrible storm that hit when his family was visiting me at the rehab center a couple of years ago. There was no damage at their house, but trees were down along the street and the power was off for about 5 days. He went through something that evening that still has him spooked.

BBL unless things get too hectic here at the spa !

paula eagleholic said...

Doggie spa sounds wonderful, Kay. Wish Nick was close enough to visit :)

Nick doesn't like thunder either...he does much better inside with it than out. He likes to stay close to me, or a piece of furniture for protection :)

They told Larry it would take 2-4 weeks for him to start feeling better...

He can't wait to feel better to finish getting his boat ready to go in the water :)

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like an eaglet eating at the launch pad! Other one is watching intently!

paula eagleholic said...

Believe that is Prez eating. Capt has shorter tail feathers and lots of white on the wingtips.

Ms Bookworm said...

Yes, I find 99 hard to believe. I need to try to find her in my tree to get her birth/death dates. That goes back a few generations, so may take a while to figure out. I agree--66 sounds more likely, but research will tell.

JudyEddy said...

back from bank and see one plotzed face planted in the center of the nest

There is a video of the tragedy at Jordan Lake but I didn't want to watch it Just knowing it happened and one is getting help is all I need If anyone wants the link let me know and I can post it

JudyEddy said...

gotta get ready to go get Jordyn yesterday I was 11th in car line not bad

paula eagleholic said...

Eaglets facing the noon position...

paula eagleholic said...

Lots of twirly arrows here today

paula eagleholic said...

One Backed up for a PS...the other was flapping its wings.

See some greenery in the nest as well.

Ha HA Capt whipping up on Prez with those wings...

paula eagleholic said...

LOL Watch out Prez...whop whop

paula eagleholic said...

Ah Capt is eating a nestover now, in the middle of the nest

paula eagleholic said...

I see one eaglet plotzed at the 10 spot. Other eaglet not visible.

Hoda said...

Am at the flat.
All is good
Having tea.
Will volunteer at Front Of House this evening.
Good volunteer with KSF in the morning.
Thank you for the reports.
Watched the Cam some.

Judie said...

Good evening all.

Sandperson had placed his ark in dry dock. Hopefully for the summer season. Wants you all to know he is filling a large satchel to capacity and will be on his way soon.

Watching First 48. Than off to the pillows.

Night light is on. Restful sleep for all.

NatureNut said...

God Evening EagleBuds!!! We can SEE some eagles!!! THANK YOU, STEVE and ALL the TECHIES!!!

This TU at Park could not even see the nest due to leaves in front. (some of those treelets need to GO! But not allowed)Bring back the beavers!

Been having trouble finding flowers I want, so got off early from Chelsea on Wed. and travelled up the highway to "Patuxent Nursery"! Had a couple good flowers. Planted on Thursday, was off today and had hair appt. down in Calvert Co. Went to Wally World and they have NO nursery!!! A county ordinance prohibits stores like that from having any outdoor selling areas!!! WHAT??? Found a roadside stand and stopped at So. States near work on way home. Everybody is planted! And had ribs in oven for dinner while I was outside "gardening"!

Paula, how wonderful that Larry will soon be done w/treatments!!
Can have a normal life real soon!!
Jo and Sandi, hope you two and spouses had a good evening together! How lucky to be at a beach!! ☺
So sorry to hear about the Jordan Lake nest. Glad there is a little survivor.
And I see NCTC eaglets are almost piglets!! Will be on 'puter lots more!!
As Judie said, the sandperson will soon be making the rounds,
so to all those hitting the hay, Pleasant Feather Dreams and Good Health Prayers to ALL ;>)

JudyEddy said...

Had a great day with family got home a bit ago
Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

stronghunter said...

Oh dear, just found out about Jordan Lake. There was a storm that damaged the nest?

I've been running around all day. Routine blood work, a trip to the vet to pick up George's medication, grocery shopping, flower shopping.

Tonight, I got a call from my good friend Bette. Her husband Nick is in the hospital and is very ill. I am sure they would appreciate your prayers.

stronghunter said...

Working on the plans to go to Colorado. The memorial service is Friday, May 23.

Called my brother Fred and offered to share a rental car with him and his wife Mary while we're there. (Kathryn has worked out an excellent deal for us.) Fred informed me that he does not share a car with anyone. Alrighty, then. Gotta love him.

stronghunter said...

Prayers for Larry and Paula. I really hope that the recovery cones very soon.

stronghunter said...

William James "Jim" Hunter

Jim's Obituary

William James "Jim" Hunter, 67 of Fort Collins, Colo. passed away May 9, 2014. Jim was born Oct. 12, 1946 in Charlotte, North Carolina to Fred and Louise Hunter.

In 1977, he married Shirley Wu in Huntersville, N.C. Jim served in the U S Army and was honorably discharged.

He attended North Carolina State University where he received a Ph.D. degree in Microbiology. Jim was employed with USDA-ARS for 37 years where he developed technologies that conserve and protect our planet's ecosystems. As a result of his work in soybean research, Jim and his team developed a microbial inoculant which enables soybean farmers to produce large yields. He won an ARS Tech Transfer Award in 2002, received an Intel Environment Award in 2004, and was honored as one of the 25 Tech Museum Award Laureates; a program established by the United Nations Development Programme, the World Bank and Santa Clara University to honor pioneering work in developing technology for the benefit of Humanity.

Jim enjoyed bicycle touring, camping, fishing and woodworking. He was an excellent craftsman and loved animals. He was a member of the American Society for Microbiology.

Jim is survived by his wife, Shirley; son, Christopher Hunter; brother, Freddie Hunter; sister-in-law, Mary Johnson Hunter; sister, Shirley Hunter Phillips; nephews, Cyrus and William Phillips; nieces, Susan Phillips and Kathryn Cowger. He was preceded in death by his parents.

A memorial service will be held Friday, May 23, 2014 at 2 p.m. at the Allnutt Drake Chapel in Fort Collins, Colorado.

Memorial contributions may be made to the Salvation Army, in care of Allnutt Funeral Service, 650 W. Drake Road, Fort Collins, Colorado 80526.

stronghunter said...

Time for me to say good night. SED, everyone.

NCSuzan said...

What a nice obit, Shirley. Though I have to admit that the Cyrus threw me. Did not know that was Rus' name.

So very grateful to Steve and his crew for the cam. It really does mess with your day when you have something planned and it cannot be done. You look a little funny staring at that screen hoping for a miracle!

Of course there are other eagles and nests to check on but these guys are my "homies"! LOL

Paula, know Larry and you will be happy when the radiation ends. Hoping it doesn't take too long for Larry to feel like himself again. It sounds like his mental attitude is great!

Margy, are you ok? Hoda, are you finished house sitting? Sandi, know you are counting the minutes till it is over at school. Lolly, your yard is gorgeous as usual.

Know I did not list everyone. I lurk and keep up with the prayer list and goings on. I am just not a big conversationalist (sp?)

Take care and enjoy life!

NCSuzan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
NCSuzan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
NCSuzan said...


NCSuzan said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Lolly said...

Suzan, great to see you on here. Were those your deletes? Having a problem?

Had a great day in Denton. Picked up Jacob at school. Love doing that! Rushed to the house to let Luke and Cosmo out. Then Jack took Jacob back to school to the Book Fair. There was a book he had to have! Hey, if it's a book a little boys wants, a book he get!

Had fun with Cosmo. He is a ball of fluff. Played tug of war with him and his chew rope. He growled away. LOL Fierce Pup! Of course had to give Luke attention too. He is doing very well with the puppy but sometimes let's him know when enough is enough!

We had pizza for dinner and hurried to the band concert. It was great. Funny story! First chair clarinet had a solo in a piece but has had an accident and could not be there. The band director, who is young, had her father (who is bald) sit in for the young clarinet player. He seemed to be enjoying playing with the middle school band. Yea, for fathers who can come in and help out!

Time to head to the pillows. Night all! SED!

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. I see all of one eaglet and just the talons of the other. Sun is coming up on the nest.

Paula, I'm so happy to hear that Larry's radiation treatments will end this week. Prayers continue for a full recovery for him and a quick return to the active, feeling-good Larry you love (not that you don't love this Larry as well).

Suzan, good to see you on the blog.

Busy, busy weekend for me. No school work (yay) but things to do for the tennis club and the property owners association, plus I need to get my plants from Kevin for Mother's Day planted and the upstairs cleaned, plus play some tennis tomorrow morning.

Have a great day all.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds
Sun is shinning on the 45° nest
I can sort of see both in the cup area but half in the NEZ I see both heads but that is about it

JudyEddy said...

Jordan Lake eaglet fighting to survive after storm tosses nest ::
"Raleigh, N.C. — One of two bald eaglets that hatched near Jordan Lake last month died when it fell out of its nest during a thunderstorm Thursday night, and the other is fighting to survive.
The injured female eaglet suffered scrapes and dehydration after falling from the 60-foot nest and was taken to Avian and Exotic Animal Care, where veterinarians are keeping her warm, dry and under observation.
“We are not far enough along in the process to know (if she will survive),” Dr. Christine Eckermann-Ross said. “We are very concerned about her.”
She said the eaglet has an injury to her foot, which can be devastating for a bird of prey.
If the bird lives through the next 24 hours, it will be transferred to the Carolina Raptor Center in Huntersville, where it will begin rehabilitation. The center has adult eagles that will foster the little bird and teach it how thrive.
Those caring for the eaglet say they hope to release her back into the wild. But the little bird has a long way to go.
“She cannot even stand up yet. She’s only 6 weeks old. She’s actually starting to grow in her feathers,” said Steve Stone, director of the American Wildlife Refuge, a Raleigh nonprofit organization.
Stone, who is licensed by the U.S. Fish and Wildlife Commission as a raptor rescuer and educator, was called by the agency to pick up the eaglet Thursday morning. He said the nest collapsed in the storm, and birds went sliding out. The loss was captured on a live webcam set up by the U.S. Army Corps of Engineers.
“She had a traumatic night in the storm,” Stone said. “Her talons were cold to the touch.”
If the nest was intact, the eaglet could be returned to it, Stone said. Another nest could be built for the bird, but that doesn’t always work. Her best chance of survival into adulthood is to send her to the foster center, he said.
Eckermann-Ross said it’s common for birds to perish during spring storms, and eagle chicks are especially vulnerable because their nests are large and somewhat exposed. She said it’s important that the bird have limited interaction with humans so she doesn’t lose her natural instincts.
Stone said the mother bird is definitely affected by the loss of her chicks.
“She’s absolutely aware what happened. There’s no doubt,” he said. “How she reacts depends on a few things. If the (birds) rebuild the nest, there’s still a little time and they may lay more eggs.”
Stone said the eaglet rescue is bittersweet. A 47-year-old eagle at American Wildlife Refuge died this week.
“We just lost one,” he said. “Now, we’re helping one.”"

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the information about the Jordan Lake nest, Judy. You are always on top of the news. I feel a special attachment to this eaglet since it is from my home state, and Huntersville is my original hometown.

Yes, Suzan, his name is Cyrus. It's actually Cyrus E. Phillips V. When he was growing up, his father was Cy and he was Rus. He goes by Cyrus now, but, as he says, south of the Rappahannock, he is Rus.

stronghunter said...

Just saw on the news that the dragon boat event in DC has been postponed because the river is too high and dangerous. Makes me think of Hoda. I have to admit that I did not know about dragon boating until I met this adventurous lady.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Bright sunshine here. Cool temp.

Hi Suzan.

Hi Loweeda. Glad you have plants planted. Still need to get that done here.

Shirley, sorry Fred doesn't want to share but you and yours will have a pleasant drive. I figured Kathryn would produce a special deal. Thank you for sharing the remembrance of Jim's life. Healing prayers for Nick.

Sandi, have a great no school work day.

JudyE, thank you for sharing the Jordan Lake update.

Lolly, wonderful that Luke and Cosmos are friendly.

Busy day for us. Darth is attending a Park Authority thing and we are attending the 68th wedding anniversary open house of some friends. Need to go buy lovely flowers.

Have a beautiful morning.

stronghunter said...

Hi Judie,

Wow! Sixty-eighth anniversary. They have something to celebrate.

Not upset about my brother Fred's response. He has no filter. At least I know his opinions on things. Funny thing, his wife does the driving. She told him she'd not ride with him as the driver. She is a match for him. :)

stronghunter said...

I have an appointment to get my do done this morning. This evening, I will either go up to National to pick up Will or convince Rus to pick him up and bring him down. Kathryn and Hunter are off to a baseball game double-header in Crozet, VA. It's a long haul down there--over 80 miles.

Mema Jo said...


I have read comments for the past few days and think I am caught up.

Love our two black feathered eaglets
A week really makes a difference in their growth.

Mema Jo said...

On the outdoor cam I see they have eliminated the Comment section... ?

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - with baseball teams I suppose the older the players get the farther they can travel. 80 miles is a long haul.

stronghunter said...

It is a long haul. I wished them well and will soon be getting my haircut.

Kay said...

Good Morning, Eagle Buds !!!

Think I've caught up on all your doings and musings of the late night and morning.

SHIRLEY, thank your for sharing the memorial tribute to your dear brother, Jim. A brother to be proud of and I'm sure he was proud of his Sis, too ! Wishing the baseball "team" safe travel and Wil a safe return home. I guess we all know (and love) several people lacking filters. They are "more to be pitied than censured", eh ?

JUDIE, 68 years ! That's something to celebrate alright ! Hope you found some purty flowers.

SUZAN, nice to "see" you ! None of us can ever list everyone in every post, so don't worry about that. We each hit some high points and over time it all evens out ! ☺

JUDYE, thanks, as always, for staying on top of Eagle News for us !

LOLLY, your sharing of family fun brings smiles to my face. Glad Cosmos is bringing much joy to the Fritz Family !

Here at the Doggy Spa, things are going okay, except for the fact that Malcolm is showing signs of homesickness or more likely missing his family very much. He's only eating about half of what he eats at home, but then he's only getting about half the exercise. Partly due to my limitations and party due to rain. Haven't had to try out the Thundershirt yet--happy to do without lightning and thunder. Trying to have frequent tug pulls, stuffed squirrel hunts, etc. in hopes of working out some of the tension the poor dog feels. Penny is not used to so much activity, but it's good for her, I'm sure. He will survive.

Kay said...

Like JO and all of you for that matter, I love seeing our fast growing black eaglets. One of them is all slayed out enjoying the sunshine. Must have a full tummy n' craw !

Lolly said...

Good morning! Being really lazy this morning. Really need to get up and moving! Another beautiful day!

Shirley, I like the comment your brother has no filter. LOL That exactly describes my brother in a great way. No filter! Love it!

Have a great day! I plan on it!

NatureNut said...

Well, how lucky is that? Can see both babies down at 5 o'clock!!!

JudyEddy said...

HELLO on lunch and I see our babes are on the launch pad not looking forward tothe day they use if :-(
now to go read back

JudyEddy said...

this was just on FB

As of 12:30 little Jordan the Eagle was on her way to the Carolina Raptor center in Huntersville. While she was with us and Avian and exotic animal care we did what we could with the wildlife laws what they were. We were only allowed to stabilize and and get her ready for the CRC trip. Currently US laws say that to work with eagles you MUST have an eagle rehab license. Although we had an eagle for 45 years, and we have rescued a dozen or so of them and gotten them safely to CRC, The American Wildlife Refuge is not "legally" qualified to have an eagle rehab or permanent possession license. Recently laws have changed to make all the eagle licenses even harder to get. If The Carolina Raptor Center determines that little Jordan can not be released, they can not keep her because the new laws have made it so that even they, one of the southeast's biggest raptor centers, are not qualified to get a permanently injured eagle. Additionally, the government gives the tribes priority over educational centers and zoos for permanent eagles. Tribal facilities are designed to keep permanent eagles so their feathers and parts can be used for religious purposes.
It is our hope that everything goes well and little Jordan is released healthy and happy. We will try to keep updates current.

JudyEddy said...

back to work

paula eagleholic said...

Afternoon all !
Pretty day here i. had a nice evening visiting my neighbor Cinda . We enjoyed a few adult beverages :-)

Larry feeling pretty tired..picked up some fresh pain that is easier on his throat. he will be venturing to his beach house next week..cause his treatment will be done and my brothers and such will be here next weekend for the holiday .

My brother Steve got a dog..a large mix...can

paula eagleholic said...

Cannot wait to meet him..he got it from the pound.

Shirley lovely obituary on your brother travels to you next week cause.

My Mom was not filtered either lol

paula eagleholic said...

Did not mean brother Steve..Jim

JudyEddy said...


HOME from work

and I see one eaglet on the launch pad Looks like a face plant happened OH DEAR

and I can see the tootsie of the other in the NHZ

JudyEddy said...

I see its windy at the nest but the speakers don't reflect it :`( bummer

JudyEddy said...

Here is the exam papers on the Jordan eaglet I made a comment on their page and they just posted this under my comment

JudyEddy said...


stronghunter said...

Wore myself out walking around the mall, so I came home and took a nap in my recliner.

Will is back from Seattle. He's on the Metro headed to Rus's house. Rus will bring him home. I need him to help me get a new cell phone. The old one has bitten the dust. It had a crack across the screen. Now that crack has grown. It looks like that cell phone in the add in which the guy keeps cutting his fingers. Need a new phone before we leave for Ft. Collins.

Mema Jo said...

Just returning from Mass and dinner
There have been some rabbits in the yard and they freeze the minute they know you are near. Tonight I had some
tiny carrots and threw them to the rabbit. He found them! He nibbled away until it was all gone.

The temps have dropped this evening already. Down to 59° with winds at 5mph but sometimes gusts at 6 - 7 mph. I closed my windows and doors.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - how do you like your hair cut?

stronghunter said...

Haircut seems okay. She did cut off a lot of hair. Said it was too heavy on the sides. I always have to arrange my hair the way I want it before I can decide if I really like a haircut. Funny, I pay someone to style my hair, then I rearrange it.

Lolly said...

Same here about the hair styes, Shirley!

We are getting ready for our regular Sat. night bacon cheese burgers. Also, hear Jack opening a bottle of wine. All right!!

Worked in the church prayer garden, prepared communion for tomorrow, grocery shopped and did some watering in the yard. Day's tasks are complete. We sat outside for a while, gorgeous day!

JudyEddy said...

wingersizing going on

paula eagleholic said...

I like my haircut better than when it was first cut..i finally got it to

paula eagleholic said...

Had chinese for diner ..Larry wanted won ton soup. Neighbor friends were fishing out front of my house ..they caught a rockfish..gave it to me..will be Dinner tomorrow .

Mema Jo said...

My evening has gotten away from me.....and I can't account for anything. lol That is ok I am retired.

Tomorrow hubby and I will attend our 2yr old Vincent's (ggs) b-day party.Hoping for a warm sunny day
as it is being held at a park.

Thanks Judy for all the nest photos.

I am going to close for today.
Yawning big time!

Goodnight to all and prayers for all. ♥

JudyEddy said...

right behind ya JO

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

stronghunter said...

Back from dinner out with Rus and Will. It is always nice to go out with my sons.

Kathryn and Hunter got back from the baseball game too tired to go out, so we brought them dinner from the restaurant. Peter Chang--very good Chinese place.

stronghunter said...

Fresh rockfish--sounds wonderful, Paula.

stronghunter said...

Yawning. Time for sleep. I will see you tomorrow. SED, everyone.

Hoda said...

Well stopping by to say good night and God Bless Us All.

Had a terrific Day. Left flat at 7:00 AM and returned to Lake HOuse at 7:00 PM!!!
I still have energy!!!

Helped Launch the Dragon Boat.
Went to the Cottonwood Market with the Grans.
Yoga, and forgot to eat lunch so had Kale salad for a snack till I got to the Lake House and had a proper meal.

It sounds like everyone also had a terrific day.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. I can see 1 1/2 eaglets in the nest. One is sitting with its feet on the rails and its tail feathers literally hanging over the edge of the nest at the 9 position! Hope there are no big wind gusts!

Tennis for me at 9am - not sure if we'll stay inside or go outside. Then the upstairs still needs cleaning - sigh.

Have a good day all.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning eagle buds
Odd I have issues with the arrow only on my desktop but not my lap top

JudyEddy said...

Also I noticed NO Sound on my end anyway Anyone else with sound ??

Sandi said...

No sound here, Judy. Good morning to you.

Mema Jo said...

Good Sunday morning! Beautiful day and I hope it warms up a bit more.

FB - someone hacked Bev's and is sending out PM messages - DO NOT OPEN

Mema Jo said...

Finally - Prez and Capt are front and center......

Mema Jo said...

It's a beautiful day to be up in the tree top watching the people walk by below - Bao Bao has a favorite tree

Mema Jo said...

I hope all of you momsters/dadsters enjoy your day.
I am off to picnic birthday party and when I return I'll probably put
my feet up! lol


Judie said...

Good late morning everyone.

Back from the electronics recycling center. Beauteous day here. Sunshine, blue sky, cool breeze.

Thank you Jo for the heads up on Bev's email.

Sandi, hope tennis was fun and tension-free.

Two lovely eaglets front and center.

Shirley, glad you could enjoy dinner with your guys. How did Hunter's team fare yesterday?

Off for another sip of coffee, the paper, and then ?


stronghunter said...


Hunter's team lost both games. They won their first game handily, but that has been it. Disappointing, but he seems to be enjoying playing.

Dinner with my guys was very nice.

I am hungry. Need to find food.

stronghunter said...

I see one eaglet at the 5:00 spot.

stronghunter said...

Feeding at the nest. One parent, two eaglets.

JudyEddy said...

hellooo on lunch of course

JudyEddy said...

dern it I see adult in net and Ican't get a pic on my lap top with out the still cam bummer

JudyEddy said...

and I dislike the itty bitty key board toooo majy mistakes with little key board and big hands LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Larry has been resting and i have been fishing out frontt. no luck with minnows think i need some soft crabs to catch the rockfish ..but its always Fun trying .

JudyEddy said...

Hello home from work and in tears

as I was unlocking the door something caught the corner of my eye The daddy cat was across the street I thought messing with a snake or something I walked over there and it was one of the kittens with his back legs dragging Moving real good with his front and dragging his body to keep up with dad Well when dad saw me he took off under the car over there and I knocked on Kens door neighbor across the street the one who is feeding all the strays and he has been putting the food on my porch just to prevent this from happening because of the idiots in the world that speed down a residential area Ken is taking her to the vet She has labored breathing panting but no cries and not trying to get away from us when she is held not like before she is the one that got stuck on my screen on the porch and he pulled he off it last week and she didnt' want to be held So she must need help being she is just holding still Poor baby

JudyEddy said...

both eagle are in the nest where you can see and wow one does still look so much bigger

Mema Jo said...

We are back from b-day party - it was at Red Run Park in Waynesboro PA
Everyone enjoyed the afternoon even though it was a bit shaded and breezy
Birthday boy got quite a haul! I told his parents to hide some of it and save it for Christmas! The food was lunch and then delicious party cake. Meat balls, mac/cheese, broccoli salad, seven bean casserole, fried chicken, and cheese and veggie platters. It was a feast and about 14 adults and 11
youngsters. Lots of fun and all family except 3 close friends.

Mema Jo said...

Good to tune into the nest and see both Prez at 3:00 and Capt at 6:00.
Prez is just looking out at his domain and Capt is preening.

JudyEddy said...

both eagle are on launch pad

Ken just came over He left the kitten at the vet being he told them it was a stray She said he had been hit in the back end and seems to be paralyzed

JudyEddy said...

both looked up to the cam

Mema Jo said...

Judy - just read your comment about
the kitten. Thank goodness he will take her to a vet - Sounds like she
is suffering a good bit.

Paula, sorry you didn't even get a
bite - Better luck next time to bring home a good sized fish for dinner.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

State and federal wildlife investigators remain puzzled by six bald eagles that fell ill over a two-week period in Santa Rosa County. from face book

JudyEddy said...

Update on the Jordan Eagle from CRC

JudyEddy said...

we have beaking going on at the launch pad

Judie said...

Evenin' all.

Jo, what a wonderful rousing afternoon of good food, fun, and family. I wanna be adopted!

Paula, sorry the fishing wasn't productive. Glad Larry is getting some rest.

JudyE, wishing a positive outcome for the kitten. Very sad.

Headed to check out tv offerings. BBL

stronghunter said...

Judy, I do hope the kitten will be okay. Very sad situation.

Spent a long time this afternoon talking to one of Jim's good friends. He is going to do the eulogy at the memorial service. He has known Jim for 37 years and is still trying to get his mind around what has happened too.

stronghunter said...

Yes, Judie, I think Jo needs to adopt both of us. Such fun to be in that family!

Lolly said...

Howdy! I was thinking I had posted this morn, but I think I did not! Whoops! It has been a beautiful day. Went to church, had lunch at church and then came home and worked in the yard. We sat out and enjoyed the evening as usual but then we prepared dinner and took it to the garden to eat. Very pleasant!

Nothing on the agenda for the week. I like that! Yard work, here we come!!

Judie said...

Good evening.

Shirley, I'm sure it was good for you and Jim's friend to chat. Bet you shared memories and that can be helpful.

Wonder if Hoda has finally exhausted herself? Maybe her battery needs recharging?

May try tomorrow to get the plants in the planters and herbs in their pots. Supposed to be quite cold tonight.

Judie said...

So, headed to watch the news then to the pillows.

Sandperson has started to make packing noises in the hall closet. Must be planning to leave soon.

Night light is on. Restful sleep for all.

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Janet said...

Didja miss me?????????????????

LOL. I'm back at home. It was a trip full of adventure, lots of fun, seeing old friends, discussions and debates, dancing, singing, drumming, learning and retail therapy!!!!!

the weather COULD have been better, but could have been so much worse. instead of a/c I ran heat all weekend in the RV. just thankful I had it and I was so easy to operate.

I didn't partake in as many classes this year, but loved the ones I took. One was a Shamanic class, very interesting!!!!

Spent as much time as possible with pals, Danny, Rebecca & Kathy of Tuatha Dea. Love those folks. Danny pulled me and Livvy up on stage last night to drum with them at the end. I was very pleased that Livvy joined in--- happily. She bonded with Kathy this time. I think Kathy, her husband Chris and her niece Tocina having a didgeridoo blowing contest and being silly really allowed Livvy to realize they are people, just like us....and now Olivia's favorite song is sung by Kathy. You may know it: SKYE BOAT BLUES. She has listened to it repeatedly today.

Home again Home again.

So glad it was a great weekend.

I need to read back now and check in on you all. I hope everyone is well. I kept you close in my heart and sacred thoughts this weekend....for light, love, healing, comfort and smiles as you needed. Sweet Eagle Dreams to all!

Janet said...

I forgot to tell you something!

SOOOO< I was cooking dinner this afternoon. I had the grill going, I put the ribs on it and decided to reheat the little steak for Tom. (I buy the little steak tenderloins wrapped in bacon, 2 to a pack. ) so I had reheated it and it was done before the ribs. I brought it inside, put it on a plate and put it over on the counter.

IN THE MEANTIME....Olivia asked for my help with something and not thinking I went to help her and left the steak on the counter.

Then...I hear this ruckus in the kitchen and BEANO comes running in with 1/2 of the steak.

Apparently Boris (the male cat) jumped up on the counter, snagged the steak, took off with it and was tackled by Natasha (female cat) and Beano (small knuckleheaded dog). They were bent on having a fast feast. I busted them, took their spoils away (as Boris will vomit should he eat too much)....and scolded everyone, but especially myself for leaving it unattended when I KNOW better.



Hoda said...

Stopping in to say goodnight and God Bless.

Good rainy wet day.
Pleasant though.
Fresh Snow on the mountains.

Turned off the sprinkler systems two days ago as there has been no need for them...

stronghunter said...


Went out to my little garden and saw lettuce and zinnia sprouts. Nice!

Yes, I enjoyed talking to Jim's friend this afternoon. He seems very nice and seems to know Jim quite well. Told me some amusing stories of their adventures.

stronghunter said...

Yikes! Janet, those critters will steal a steak in an instant. What did you do? Did you have more steaks?

stronghunter said...

Time to say good night. I will need to get things organized for packing tomorrow. I still have a few things left in the suitcase from the previous trip.

stronghunter said...

SED, everyone.

Lolly said...

Will be thinking of you this week, Shirley.

Time to head for the pillows.

Night all! SED!!

Janet said...

good morning to all!!

a beautiful day beginning here.

STRONGHUNTER: we had had steaks Friday night camping....this one was a left over I was reheating. I had plenty of boneless ribs ... but I was amazed at 1. how fast they moved and 2. they were in cahoots!!! all 3 of them scrambled to get a piece of that!

I know it was my fault for leaving it unattended....but wow. lightening fast!

off and running o my Monday! hugs to all!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

I see both eaglet basking in the 41° degree sun

Mema Jo said...

Good Monday morning to all ♥
Both Prez and Capt are hanging out at 3 & 6 again. Love seeing them when I open the cam. Keeping an eye on the still cam - hope it is up & running soon.

Retina eye dr this afternoon to check for any swelling on the retina as
swelling has gone down on Cornea.

Watched TV last evening and the Good Wife had a wonderful ending as did the Mentalist. At 11pm I was watching Sign, Sealed and Delivered. Love the Hallmark program but have no idea why it was on so late.

Everyone enjoy your day - FBookers pics of Vincent's special day are there. His PA grandma put them on.

Mema Jo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Mema Jo said...


new thread

new week's thread


JudyEddy said...

NO we had three hatch but one died

Lynne2 said...

Poor Laurel!

Evening all.

Must say, extra work hours and middle of the night kitten feedings are exhausting, but I went to bed at 11 last night and slept ALL THE WAY til 7:30 this AM! I cannot remember the last time that happened!

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...