Sunday, May 04, 2014


Sunday thread.


NatureNut said...

Happy Sunday Morning to all!
One chick at 3 o'clock. Very windy!
TY, Steve for new thread. I'll tell the others.
And is my feather in the mail???

magpie said...

Well for Goodness' Sake!

Can't say Good Morning, [where I am located, that is...East Cost time] but
Good Afternoon, Eagle Pals

Thanks, STEVE for the Sunday thread,
and thanks NATURENUT for the
and congratulations on getting that
feather, Loretta!


Mema Jo said...

Well I just return from the Cracker Barrel with hubby where we had brunch with Christine and her 2 gals. The Half marathon was run in really good time by Michael and Christine this morning down in Frederick. Michael is over in
Charlestown now at the meeting of those going to Haiti in June.

Mema Jo said...

Congrats on the feather, Loretta ♥
Question Loretta about the Osprey Cam Couple

The cam for me was off for quite some time (days) Now it is up running and I really don't see any eggs - I see something black on the far center edge (LOOKS LIKE PLASTIC)
Female is perched on the platform.
Can you give me a status of the nest

Mema Jo said...

Loretta, you feather is probably floating in the breeze straight to you.

Thank you for the fresh new thread, Steve. Hope you weekend is being

Mema Jo said...

Prez seems to have claimed the 3:00 position for his favorite place.

Capt is sitting smack dab in the
center now. Quite a cutie ♥

Mema Jo said...

Loretta I guess when I read the
Social Stream where you said:
MDNatureNut 4-30 8:18pm Mom sitting on another set of eggs! Male flew off earlier.

From this I get most of my questions answered. Do you think it is the same male and female?

magpie said...

Hello Jo!
congratulations to Michael and Christine on their Half Marathon
activity this morning....
really wonderful

Loretta: I love your new avatar....

magpie said...

A New Shorter-Do and Highlights, sounds
terrific Paula....I am in need of the same

JudyEddy said...




JudyEddy said...


magpie said...

I did look at computers yesterday, a little. I want a desktop, and a regular keyboard, and a printer

But in the meantime.....I have to
mention that I will be more absent
from posts for a little while...
though I will surely TRY to read and keep up with the doins' amongst us

Lots of personal things swirling around me, trying to keep up with physical body things and immediate family not least of which, things here in the neighborhood are making me increasingly tenants, in my and surrounding buildings, bothersome ones...noise, dysfunction and thoughlessness

I need to really concentrate on some solutions and take the time NOW to make some things better SOON regarding all these things

magpie said...

Happy Days to all of you, I'll knock knock knock and say Hi every few days if I can...

Prayers for Wellness Amongst Us, All the Time, Every Day


God Bless Us,
Every One xoxo

Mema Jo said...

Margy - prayers that you will find answers to all issues concerning you.
Take care and holler if you need anything. Love you, Jo

Mema Jo said...

I can never pin Loretta down... :(

Mema Jo said...


Feet up time

Sandi said...

Driving back to B'more. Ttfn.

Judie said...

Good afternoon.

See two eaglets in the nest. Easy to tell them apart right now.

Back from brunch with a woman who, in her 80's, is still active in many local interests. Then stopped to visit with a former neighbor now in an assisted living center nearby.

Margy, do what you need to do to feel safe and to be able to sleep and rest. We're here for you.

Congratulations to Michael and Christine on their half-marathon. Bet lunch was yummy.

Loretta, your feather is being escorted to you by the shiny green garland. Should arrive soon. Love the avatar!

Bet Paula is prettier than ever. Thoughts for Larry.

Safe drive Sandi.

Feet going up. Newspaper to read.

Lori O. said...

Good Afternoon Eagle friends!

Forced into some downtime here waiting in a virtual line to talk with Norton for the 3rd time today. Not happy with them.

I hope you are all doing fabulous. I won't even pretend to have caught up with the blog. I've been on FB more lately trying to keep up. It's actually pretty relaxing for me, and definitely a distraction.

Wow I'm #3 in the Norton line, now.

I think of you all so much. I'm doing well in school but cannot wait until it is over and graduation on Aug. 1.

Can't wait until I get my own internet again and can watch the cam on an unlimited basis again, too. :)

I love you all. I'll be back...really. ♥ ♥ ♥

Lolly said...

Hi all! On my iPad, pecking away. My laptop is having problems. Looks like it will have to visit Mike, our computer guy! Grrr!

95 here.....not looking good for this summer. Already having wildfires. This is our third driest spring ever recorded. Lovely, just lovely. Chance of rain later this week, going to get on my knees to pray. We definitely have the AC on!

Lolly said...

Hi all! On my iPad, pecking away. My laptop is having problems. Looks like it will have to visit Mike, our computer guy! Grrr!

95 here.....not looking good for this summer. Already having wildfires. This is our third driest spring ever recorded. Lovely, just lovely. Chance of rain later this week, going to get on my knees to pray. We definitely have the AC on!

Lolly said...

Excuse the double post! .???

Margy, will keep you in prayer. Sounds like a new abode should be in the future? We miss you when you are not on.

Yes, Paula, a pic of the new do is in order!

Off to mop and clean bathrooms!

Mema Jo said...


10-11 pm Bletchley Circle

This is the finale of Season 2


JudyEddy said...


home from work and see one and a half eagle or is it a third eagle

Hear the sound is still going Yeah and I see the temp at the nest is 67° they are enjoying the sun saw it was 39 there last night yuk

JudyEddy said...

this was fb today regarding the eaglet in Co that is having difficulty breathing

We do not plan to do an intervention at Fort St. Vrain.

We are witnessing what appears to be strained breathing by one of the eaglets at Fort St. Vrain. We don't know if this is a serious issue, or one that may resolve, but we would like you to know that intervention isn't always possible. We saw the eaglet eat yesterday with its siblings and also voided, both of which are good signs. We continue to watch with the rest of you.

Neither the Fort St. Vrain nor Decorah Bald eagle nests can be easily and safely accessed once babies are in the nest. A bucket truck isn't an option and we can't shoot a line. Those of you who watched Decorah in 2011 might remember the saga of the dreaded red twine. None of us wanted to watch an eaglet die from gangrene or infection, but going up to the nest could have resulted in the death of one or more of the eaglets if they were hit by a bolt or jumped from the nest once we intruded on it. Sometimes we can't intervene.

It isn't always clear when intervention is needed. Several years ago, a female falcon named Alma died after hatching five babies. The babies were 20 or so days old - far past needing brooding. We debated at length whether to go up and retrieve them. Since Dairyland Power Alma can be remotely monitored, we decided to let Dad try raising all five. He did a wonderful job and all five fledged without intervention. Many things that might seem to us to require intervention - a parent dying, things that go bump in the night, loud noises, hungry babies - are a regular part of life for the birds we watch. Intervention isn't always necessary.

We don't know whether or not this eaglet is going to die, but if it does, death is part of life. If we intervene every time we think something might go wrong in a nest, we will be second-guessing the animals we watch and quite frequently intervening when it isn't necessary. There is as much to learn from failure as from success. Can an ill or injured animal survive? What conditions are favorable for survivability? How much disturbance will eagles or other birds tolerate at various stages of their lives? These are things we've learned by watching and sharing data about nesting birds. We are focused on the long-term success of birds of prey. We've never had the opportunity we have now to watch and learn from birds of prey and our observations - your observations - are crucial to what we are learning. However, in our love for and engagement with these nests, its important to remember that these are wild animals and their lives and deaths are their own."""

JudyEddy said...

shake on cam and Prez get up

JudyEddy said...

looks up is what I meant

stronghunter said...

Interesting views on intervention, Judy.

Margy, I do hope you find a safe and comfortable situation. I don't know how long you have lived where you are now, but maybe it is time to find new digs.

stronghunter said...

Our eaglets are growing so fast. {rez just got up, walked around, and did a poop shoot.

JudyEddy said...

adult in

JudyEddy said...

lots of greens brought in

JudyEddy said...


Kay said...

Good Evening Eagle Buds !!!

Good day for walking here--after a great Sat. evening/Sun. morning with Seth.

JUDYE, the intervention message is a good one. We who love to watch chunks of wildlife via cams must take "the good, the bad and the ugly" as nature unfolds before our eyes. I love it when a fishing wire entangled eaglet is freed as that's caused by human error. Most of what we witness is pure life in the wild and I feel so privileged to witness it. And, so very lucky to be witnessing it with my dear Momster friends !

Woe is me, I understand why both MARGY and LORI have pressing matters that take priority over this blog. However, it feels like a little piece of heart is missing when we don't hear from them. We'll take what they can give and hold them in our thoughts and prayers. Prayers, too for LINDA, who apparently hasn't felt well enough to check in for a while. I am worried about her.

Talked to both Joplin Shirley and my dear ol' friend Ernie in Wichita today. Both having the same weather and drought problems LOLLY describes. 90 degrees is just too hot for May. Only consolation is it beats ice and waist high snow !

JUDIE, so sweet of you to visit with a couple of elderly friends. What great therapy the warm glow of friendship is !

SANDI, speaking of warm glows--I can just imagine that kind of aura around you after your Brian fix ! Good luck with the final details of tomorrow !

JO, warm glow reported in the vicinity of a certain Maryland Cracker Barrel today, too ! Great to hear Christine and Michael fared well in the half marathon today.

LORETTA, you are lookin' good ! Eagle feathers bring out the best in you ! A belated thanks to you for the call over and to STEVE for the shiny new thread !

Love and prayers for all on the Cinco de Mayo eve ! Ole` !


JudyEddy said...

eagle in from the right to the back

Lynne2 said...

evening all, just a quick pop in to say hello before goodnight!

Lynne2 said...

Margy, SO sorry you have to deal with being uncomfortable in your home. I know a little about that, even if I don't know exactly what is going on over there.

I hope a little, quite, cabin oasis filled with peace and nature is in your near future!

I'll get down on my knees too for rain for you Lolly...

Hope Larry is feeling good this evening!

It's been a great day...first Baltimore Oriole, first humming bird (the feeder was up less than an hour!) and first Tiger Swallowtail butterfly today!

Judie said...

Good evening.

Jo, I am about to watch The Bletchley Circle. Figured out the problem - usually airs here at 2:30am.

Will be back in the morning.

Sandperson's alarm just sounded. He'll be packing a satchel and soon off on rounds.

Night light is on. Restful sleep for all.

JudyEddy said...

popping in to say Good Night also
also setting the security system I remember Andy always saying that at night

See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

paula eagleholic said...

Yes we haven't heard from Andy in awhile.

Love that Lori and Margy could pop in.

Larry thought he would feel good enough to work on the boat but he didn't . He's not doing the greatest . Having a lot of difficulty swallowing .. throat and neck very sore. Thank you for all the prayers..only 1 1/2 weeks to go...he may have to get the feeding tube...yes it's that bad

paula eagleholic said...

Hair cut is ok..not really my style..but it will grow out...too short for me...but I like the color:-)

Mema Jo said...

Paula - many many prayers for Larry and what he is going through. I also pray you can keep your strength when helping him.

Mema Jo said...

I am also heading for my pillows

Goodnight to all and God Bless us and all our loved ones and friends.



I love us ♥

Hoda said...

Good evening all.
A day volunteering and training for the Dragon Boat. It rained buckets all day. It is all good. Simply dressed for it.

Prayers for LARRY. A tube is not such a bad thing especially if it gives him relief for the next week and a half! You can do this LARRY.
Love and Light to you PAULA. Hang in there.

JO Sounds good on the Marathon. Is Michael going back to Haiti?

MARGY putting you in prayers and hope it all gets resolved...

Hoda said...

God Bless us all.

Safe travels SANDI.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds I see both eaglets in the cup area this am
39° at the nest

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. It was nice waking up at Lisa's this morning and eating breakfast with Madeline.

Paula, so sorry to hear that Larry is feeling so bad. Prayers continue for healing for him and for strength for you as you care for him.

Margy, I'm sorry that things are not good where you live. I hope you find answers that will make you happier.

Settlement day. I'm sad but ready for this to be over.

Have a good day all.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Paula, very sorry Larry is having this complication. Prayers for you both.

Sandi, hoping all goes smoothly today.

Jo, finally watched Bletchley Circle. Thank you for the reminder.

Did see eaglet earlier. Looked like Capt. was home alone.

Been catching up on paper work, getting medical information together for first visit with a new primary care dr. Will report.

Beautiful sunshiny day with a lovely blue sky.

Have the best day possible.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥

Another beautiful day - could be a little warmer but the sun is shinning

No plans today - I have so many family b-days and anniversaries that close family get cards ($$) and others get my Jacquie Larson e-cards which I love.

Vision seems to be improving. The bright lights still make things distorted.

Judie glad you got to watch the TV show. I really enjoy those ladies.
Some of the family tonight will enjoy the new 24 Hours:Live another day:Jack Bauer-Fugitive

Mema Jo said...

Happy Birthday to Bob Quinn

Wish he would visit to get some well


Miss you and your photos
Come back soon...... ♥
Don't stay lost forever my friend.

Mema Jo said...

I wish to report that the recent receipt of a donation brings our
Nest Egg $100.00

Judie said...

Hi Jo. Is there going to be Season 3? If so, I do hope it is on earlier than 2am - otherwise will have to record.

♪♫ Happy Birthday Mr. Q. ♪♫ Do stop by soon. Door is unlatched.


stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Nice view of a flopped Prez. Big shake. Someone landed on the cam.

stronghunter said...

Things to do, places to go. Getting ready to go to reunion. BBL.

Mema Jo said...

Not sure about future seasons Judie
Checked internet but nothing about 3rd season yet. The show gets high reviews so hopefully it will continue.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - how many days will you be gone when you attend the reunion

stronghunter said...

Going down on Wednesday morning and returning on Saturday. The activities are on Thursday and Friday.

stronghunter said...

We have tours, lunches, and dinners. I will be sharing a hotel room with Jackie and Jeanie.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Still on iPad.. Computer is fine except can not get on line! Call in to Mike.

Out to spend the day in the yard! :)

stronghunter said...

We will be leading the class of 2014 into the stadium for graduation. We will be wearing golden gowns. Looks like we might have to wear those mortarboards as well. Oh, well . . .

Paula, I am so sorry that Larry is having such a hard time.

stronghunter said...

Need to go get my car cleaned. BBL.

Bob Quinn said...

Thanks for the birthday wishes Jo. Sorry I have been dormant for so long. Miss you all!

JudyEddy said...

HELLO on lunch and just asI signed on adult in nest now poof but I did get a still pic before the poof

JudyEddy said...

Happy Birthday to you BOB

Bob Quinn said...

Thanks Judy! This is the third year in a row I've turned 59!

JudyEddy said...

just got through checking in on quite a few cams The Pa nest the three are chilling as well as both MN nest funny the PA nest wingersizing going on and the other eaglet are being pounded
There is a new pip also today for the world of me I can't think of the nest right now Was on I looked at first pip this year MTBR when I remember LOL

Our nest Prez is at launch pad
and Capt must he in NEZ

JudyEddy said...

the DNR MN nest reminds me of our chicks same size and color

JudyEddy said...

ok heading back to work see ya after I am going to buzz by the tower to see if the one juvie is still there I went by the past couple of days and no show I think I need to go more to sunset Lator Gator

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds !!!

Happy Birthday Dear BOB ! We'd love to see more of your beautiful photography, more often !!! I have a cousin, Jim, sharing your birthday, but turning 77 today. I must give him a call !

SHIRLEY, sounds like you're going to have a very enjoyable getaway for the reunion !

JO, happy to hear the NEST EGG is growing !!!

It's a rather gloomy day with temp creeping toward about 58. I'll wind it up with a bright spot, going to a Cinco de Mayo celebration with Julie and Hugh tonight. Proceeds going to our nearby food pantry--the one where Seth and I are volunteers.

Happy Cinco de Mayo !


Mema Jo said...

Thanks Bob for checking in with all of us....... Friends are hard to
forget especially when they all love the eagles and their photos.
Take care Bob and Enjoy !

Hoda said...

I am in the market for an efficient and fast working carpenter!!!
Need a Noah's Ark here...
Continues to pour rain.

Happy Birthday BOB.

SANDI thinking of you as the closing on your Mom"s Condo takes place. Blessed Be.

Lots of volunteer work today through email and phone contact...lots of organizations are gearing up for a busy spring and summer.

Headed off to yoga...

Blessed Be All of Us.

Judie said...

Good late afternoon.

Liked the new doctor. Very nice and relaxed.

So happy to see Mr. Q stopped by. Do wish he could visit more often.

Shirley, almost time for a terrific getaway. You are going to have so much fun. Maybe take a selfie in cap and gown for us.

Kay, enjoy the the dinner. Good cause and good food!

Hoda, Jufie will stop the rain IF you slow down. Your whirlwind of activities is giving me a headache. lol

Going to play like Jo and put my feet up before heading to the scullery.

JudyEddy said...

DELTA is the nest that had the pip I remembered

Home from work drove by cell phone tower eagle nest and no one was home will run back up before sun down

JudyEddy said...

big cam shake

Bob Quinn said...

One of the reasons I haven't been taking as many nature photos is because Sarah and I went to a micro pub where they were having a dog adoption. We had no intention of introducing a dog to our three cats but we were suckered in by the sweet sad eyes of a seven month old puppy from the local shelter. She had been kept outside on a porch and was neglected. They told us her name which was Sheba but we misunderstood and thought they said Shelby. We liked Shelby better. She's a pit bull mix (I know, never thought I would adopt a pit bull) and she's adorable and occasionally nutso. I've been taking her to training at PetSmart on the weekends. Photos here:


JudyEddy said...

She is pretty BIB and she doesn't look much like a pit must be just a tad of it

My daughter bought two dogs and she thinks they are some part pit also because of the pink on eyes, ears and mouth suppose to use suntan lotion on the in the summer She was told they are part husky and lab Well the male does have one blue eye She is getting the DNA eventually

Bob Quinn said...

... and some videos:

Shelby Videos

JudyEddy said...

OH SO SO SORRY I meant BOB not BIB fast fingers get me in trouble

Bob Quinn said...

Judy - We actually got a DNA test kit at PetSmart and she is American Staffordshire Terrier and a mix on one side and Boxer with some bulldog and a mix on the other side.

JudyEddy said...

they are just puppies 7 months now I think and they are having the issue of wanting to chew everything they can get even if they have hundreds of dog toys to chew on the nyla bone is the best but nothing is safe They got Carl wallet and shoe and toys the lest is endless and they find it in the yard the next day Angie says her neighbors probably think she is nuts cause she burst out laughing whenever she finds like Barbie shoes in the poo

JudyEddy said...

that is where Angie is gonna get it done she is a cutie looks more terrier to me I think JMHO
Good to have you around Bob Give her a scratch behind the ear for me

Bob Quinn said...

Yeah Shelby will eat anything and everything. She ruined a pair of my dress shoes yesterday. I also have to watch her to keep her out of the cat's litter box. Can't imagine that's very tasty!

Mema Jo said...

Bob, Shelby is a good looking gal.
I see what you mean about your 3 kits

Who is the dog with whom Shelby is playing - Is that your dog also..
They seem to get along together well

Good luck with all those furbabies ♥

JudyEddy said...

that is what Angie says it the Pit Bull in them that makes them want to chew everything
I have never heard of that
Hope they outgrow and she is the same age as my grandpuppies

I hear eagle peeps

JudyEddy said...

OK gonna get off now

neck is killing me

News awaits

JudyEddy said...

OH and they are DIGGERS TOOOOO

JudyEddy said...

they keep chewing on Angie yard stuff also Nothing is sacred OK now rewind the news to 6

Bob Quinn said...

Jo - The other dog is Raelyn and is the training dog at PetSmart. Shelby LOVES Raelyn.

Mema Jo said...

Bob, it has been great having you here on your birthday~ Enjoy many
many more 59's ♥

JudyEddy said...

Well I just sent a email to Mary at Walker Ford I got someone to help with EVERYTHING Here is his email I am just so EXCITED that I will get the cell phone tower eagle cam on line to watch YEAH

I emailed him and asked him if he talked with anyone there He wants me to send them his info here is the email

"""I haven't talked to anyone there. You're welcome to direct them to me. My phone number is 727-417-5873. I can assist with the purchase of a tilt/pan/zoom/infrared camera, as well as a microphone and infra red strobe, as well as provide installation services and periodic maintenance. If you'd like to give them my name and phone number, you're welcome to. FYI, there's another eagle nest in a cell tower in St. Pete, north of 30th Ave N, Just east of 28th street N. The tower is behind a business, between the building and the railroad tracks. It's easily visible from the railroad tracks, where they cross 30th. Cheers, Richard

AND notice he gave me a new tower to go and see Yeah and that isn't that far either

Happy Happy Joy Joy Happy Dance now going on Cool Beans or Kool Beans

JudyEddy said...

Belle in

JudyEddy said...

everyone has gone to the other side

JudyEddy said...

MT Nest

going to watch mind numbing TV

JudyEddy said...

Eagle Valley Wisconsin 5/5/14 Pip egg #2

Lolly said...

Hi all! I am back on my laptop. Hip hip hooray! Jack called our computer guy. He suggested something may have gone wrong with an update on windows. We uninstalled the latest updates and reinstalled and wahlah, I am back!

We worked in the yard all day and we are exhausted! Tomorrow is the annual clean the patio day. Another exhausting day.

Rain is still a possibility for
Thursday. We are hoping oh so very strongly for rain.

Mema Jo said...

Spending my evening at the TV


Mema Jo said...

Hoping that everyone's evening went well.
I am going to sign off by wishing you
all a good night with sound sleep and pleasant dreams. ♥

paula eagleholic said...

happy birthday Bob I can see how you love your dog

Shirley have fun at the reunion

I used to find all sorts of stuff in dog poop:-)

getting some rain down here now wish I could send it to lolly

Larry isn't any worse today which is good

Hoda said...

On FB STEVE said he will be up the mountain for a week.
This I think means that we will not get a new thread for a week.

Good night.
God Bless us all.

stronghunter said...

Congratulations on getting the cam, Judy!

Happy birthday, Bob.

Tomorrow is the bowling banquet, and Wednesday I drive down to Greenville. Got an oil change and a car wash today. Also checked out a bunch of audio tapes. Already started on a James Patterson novel.

Yawning--almost time for sleep. SED, everyone.

JudyEddy said...

JUDIE are you watching the trial Wow the testimony today wow

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Judie said...

Watched The Blacklist. Gets better every week.

Mr. Q, thank you for sharing pictures of Shelby. Adorable. Come and visit again soon.

Paula, good that Larry is holding his own.

JudyE, thanks for taking on setting the security system. Much appreciated.

Sandperson departed early to visit Jo. Now on the way to sprinkle sleepy dust on others.

Night light is on. Restful sleep for all.

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends.

Bob, happy belated birthday! Love your new pup!!

Shirley - big week for you - bowling banquet to pick up that first place trophy and then a reunion! Sounds like great fun!

Settlement was smooth and fast - in and out in about 20 minutes. Less emotional than I thought. As Hoda would say, it was just stuff and Mom doesn't need stuff anymore.

Prayers continue for Larry. Have a good day all.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

JudyEddy said...

Adult is feeding the eaglets in center of nest eaglets are in the NEZ

JudyEddy said...

all of a sudden my still cam is stuck on 7:24:25 its now 7:28 maybe its just stuck of a little bit

Prez is out of hiding now and on launch pad

JudyEddy said...

Well it looks like our cam is stuck over ten min now and its not changed and Steve is on vaca in the mountains Bummer lets hope nothing happens to the live feed OTWIG

Judie said...

Good morning.

Sandi, glad the settlement went quickly and smoothly. Such a relief.

Get to stay in today and take care of a mountain of laundry. Maybe do a little dinner prep. Darth has a meeting so early dinner.

Looks like Prez near 5 - home alone.

Wishing everyone the best day possible. BBL

Judie said...

Ooops, Shirley, the banquet is tonight? Are you wearing a new outfit? I think I remember your team finished in first place?

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Bud !!!

Checking in with an urgent prayer request for my cousin, Joyce and her hubby. As of last night the fire near Gutherie, OK was advancing on their home and fast.

BBL to catch up with your doin's...

magpie said...

Good Morning, Eagle Pals...

Beauteous West Virginia Morning it is....

Kay: Prayers, urgent prayers as requested for your cousin and husband in Oklahoma


stronghunter said...

The banquet was for lunch today, Judie. Yes, we are in first place. It was very nice. I won about $80 and five rolls of toilet paper.

stronghunter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.

3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...