Wednesday, March 26, 2014


New thread.


stronghunter said...

Hi Steve!!


I will get the others.

stronghunter said...

Yay! I get a feather!!!

Sandi said...

Thanks Steve for the new thread and thanks Shirley for the call over.

Headed out to get my nails done soon - move my appointment to today rather than after school tomorrow.

Judie, as for the taxes, it's all good. If Denny hadn't had such a good business year, we wouldn't owe the additional money.


stronghunter said...

Sorry Shirkey/Shirtey or whoever it is caused such trouble for you, Judie.

stronghunter said...

Will be looking to see if we indeed have a pip, Jo.

I have been checking the e-mail for a message from my league secretary, Judie. It would be very nice to be on a winning team this year. I would not mind finding out how much a winning team gets at the end of the season.

Mema Jo said...

Thank you Steve for the fresh new thread. Don't blow away out there today.

Whoo Hoo, Shirley - new feather for you. Perhaps more good to come with your team's rating ♥

Mema Jo said...

REPOSTING: I just posted a pic of our nest and eagle on FB - it was taken by Debi and posted on Eagle Cam. You can see a possible pip but of course it is uncertain at this time. Today being the 26th - well it is time~ ♥

stronghunter said...

Checked the picture, Jo. I can't tell. Waiting.

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, looked like a shadow to me.

Eagle appeared to be listening to the eggs.

stronghunter said...

Listening--that is a good sign, Paula.

Judie said...

Thank you Steve for the fresh new hatch watch thread. Stay warm.

Congratulations Shirley on your beauteous feather. Add it to your bowling wardrobe.

If there is a pip, hope the little one takes its time and waits for a warm up.

Sandi, hope the good business year offset the additional taxes.

Wonder what Hoda and Kay are up to. Also wondering how Lori is doing - think she had a big exam today.

Problem is Shirtey keeps stealing sleepy dust before I can turn the night light on. Really need an alarm.


stronghunter said...

The wind is blowing so hard out there. I want to stay home. Maybe a nice fire in the fireplace. It is nice to be retired on a day like this.

Just might order something for dinner tonight.

Mema Jo said...

Our incubating eagle is very very restless... Keeps looking down under

Guess we won't know for sure unless an empty egg shell is seen.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Hello my eagle peeps!

stronghunter said...

Isn't that Shep?

stronghunter said...

Hi Sharon!

stronghunter said...

Definitely a restless eagle, Jo.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Sharon ♥
How are the choppers doing -
I sure hope they last a long time for you! You were so lucky to get them the very same day. I don't know of any place here in my area that can do that for you. Very convenient

Mema Jo said...

Temps at nest rising very little
Winds are down now to 9 mph and it is
31° - Sun is shinning brightly
Pulling the flugg up around him/her

I thought when the wind was blowing that I saw a spot and that would mean Shep BUT then when our eagle was facing us I thought I saw the
inverted V on the neck and that would be Belle SO Anyone's guess is as good as mine as to who is is incubating...........

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

The choppers are coming along quite nicely Jo. Still a learning process though.

paula eagleholic said...

Think that is Shep...eagle is incubating in a funky position.

Mema Jo said...

Egg roll but eggs not visible - just Shep's tail end.......

stronghunter said...

That is an odd position.

Baseball practice is cancelled for tomorrow. I do not mind. I think the field will be muddy--or maybe snowy.

Mema Jo said...

I'll be MIA until 3pm

stronghunter said...

Glad the choppers are doing nicely, Sharon.

stronghunter said...

Bowling results are in. We are still in the lead--by ONE point.

stronghunter said...

I will need to practice.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Buddy is at the vet now getting blood work and x-rays to see if they can find the source of his bloody diarrhea. I so pray it is something that is fixable.

stronghunter said...

Prayers for Buddy, Sharon.

JudyEddy said...

another new thread

STEVE surely you are gonna spoil us

ok any good news I need to go read back\

on lunch as if you didn't know

stronghunter said...

Eggs visible for a brief moment. I did not see any pips, but I got a screen shot and will post it on my blog so you all can check it out.

Judie said...

Looks like Belle is there - along with some sunshine.

Hoping for a fixable result for Buddy, Sharon. So stressful for us when it is a loved pet.

Shirley, happy about the one-point lead. Hope that one-point increases significantly.

It's 2:59pm. Joe should be back in a minute.

Judie said...

Ooops, I meant Jo. Don't think she mentioned a sex-change today.

JudyEddy said...

Sad news River Farms has lost the eaglet they named Liberty was on fb

JudyEddy said...

t appears that Liberty, the older of the two chicks at the RF nest did not survive the cold night. From the info I received (thanks MsO), Liberty was eating well yesterday, the cam went down for..

JudyEddy said...

I thought the cam page looked different no cam today I guess because of this so sad he was eating well yesterday to cold I guess

JudyEddy said...

eagle up but can't see

JudyEddy said...

back down didn't see eggs

JudyEddy said...

looks like most of the snow is melted under the nest also

JudyEddy said...

QUESTION was mentioned earlier EGG LOST in the SNOW do tell I do not remember or if I knew I forgot!!

JudyEddy said...

back to work almost time yuk but this is my FRIDay

NCSuzan said...

Good breezy afternoon, everybody.

So waiting for a hatch like everyone else. Also hoping Isla returns to the Loch.

Shirley, congratulations! One point is one point!

Paula, lifting you and Larry up. Caretakers need support too. Hoop Larry stays strong thru chemo.

LynneDuh, do not go through this alone anymore. I agree, take Steve with you to every appointment. Makes a world of difference to have another set of ears on site. Take care.

We had rain yesterday but no snow. There have been promises made of 60 degree weather later this week.

Sandi, one of my daughter's friends grandmother insists on being called Lovey! Not nana, granma or other. Thought it cute.

Running out of room. Have enjoyed Lolly's adventure, Jo's wedding and Hunter and his wardrobe. And we all love Hoda's house sitting experience.

Kay said...

SHIRLEY, thanks for posting the pic on your blog--see two eggs distinctly and one faintly, but unable to discern the pip we want to see.

Oh, and thanks for the call over and also to STEVE for the new thread !

#1 by 1 point ?! Fingers remain crossed---how many more games are there to play ?

JUDIE, you asked where I might be. After lunch Penny and I decided to put our 6 feet up and before I knew it 2 hours had elapsed !

JUDYE, so sorry about the RF eaglet. Mother Nature is sometimes cruel.

SHAR, Petster prayers for Buddy ! Soon you'll forget what it was like without the new choppers !

SUZAN, good to see you. How are you feeling ? Stevie Wonder's, "Isn't She Lovely" comes to mind ! I'm sure folks out in public do a double take when a little tyke addresses her by that name. Cute !

Judie said...

Just had the news on. Bet Margy/Carolyn are having a busy day. Serious accident up Martinsburg way at Falling Waters.

Hi NCSuzan. Hope you're feeling better.

Sad about the River Farms loss.

JudyE, I think it was during snowmageddon. Maybe 2010. Egg covered so deeply, Belle couldn't find it. Someone correct me if I have the wrong time frame.

paula eagleholic said...

JudyE ...2010..lost 2 eggs in the snow...and a 3rd was laid in the snow...the 4TH one survived...that was Palmer

Judie said...

Ah Kay, so the Sandperson was not truthful with me. Claimed was going out for a breath of fresh crisp air and instead headed to OH to get an early start. Rest is good!

Judie said...

Thank you, Paula. How're you doing? Okay?

stronghunter said...

Thought of Margy and Carolyn when I saw that news report, too, Judie. Tragic.

stronghunter said...

Yes, one egg is in the shadows, Kay. Very hard to see, but I could not see any pips.

paula eagleholic said...

I am doing good Judie. :-). thanks for asking

paula eagleholic said...

Rats..internet down here at work...watching still cam on my phone. Still very windy here.

Kay said...

PAULA, I'm glad JUDIE asked and I'm glad you are "doing okay".

JUDIE, that Sandman is a sly dog ! He must have known I plan on a big night out and thought I needed the rest ! Thankfully he dusted Pen's eyes well, too !

Ah, yes, Palmer, a sad day for egg survival in the history of the nest. I was watching, but not blogging back then---wish I had been ! I'm afraid the Norfolk, Vancouver Island and Sooner nests had most of my attention back then.

I've come home to roost here thanks to you dear friends !

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


We give them Ol Roy dog food from Walmart and Ol Roy treats. NO MORE OF EITHER. They said the lining of his stomach was really inflamed. Have to let his belly rest this evening and then chicken and rice tomorrow.

Mema Jo said...

Great news for Buddy!
No More Hotdogs for Buddy ♥

BBILW - I have some company

Kay said...

Oh, SHAR, so glad Buddy is going to be okay with some new, soothing food. I've heard that Old Roy is loaded with fillers that only serve to cause big poops--so much in it a dog can't digest. Hope his change of diet does the trick !

Judie said...

Good news,Shar. Hope the vet gave you recommendations for long-term food.

Mema Jo said...

FALLING WATERS, W.Va. — Two people died and more than a dozen people were injured Wednesday morning as a result of two multiple vehicle crashes on Interstate 81 north of Martinsburg, the West Virginia State Police said. The collisions involved between 35 and 45 vehicles, seriously damaging 15 to 20 of them. Both crashes occurred during “complete white out” weather conditions involving heavy snow and wind. Emergency responders from several counties responded to the crashes, the supervisor said.

Sandi said...

Shar, great news about Buddy! Let me know if you want my home made dog food recipe. Happy to share.

Got a lot of Mom stuff accomplished today - just bein' a shark (keep moving). If I stop to think for too long, the tears start again.

Jo, can you send me Wanda's email address so I can email her with a question about Mom's clothes?

Time to fix something for dinner - it's been so long since I cooked, i think I've forgotten how! Think that excuse will work with Denny?

Mema Jo said...

Congratulations Shirley ♥
1 point makes it a sealed deal in my book

Oldest daughter and s-i-l came for a visit. Good to see them ♥

Mema Jo said...

Sandi, Will do and also you could PM her on FB if she doesn't check her

JudyEddy said...

Hello home from work and eagle turned around as I was in kitchen so didn't get to see anything :-(

JudyEddy said...

digging in nest in front of her or who ever it is digging downs and shaking head first looked like eating snow LOL but picking at flugg in the snow area

JudyEddy said...

temp at nest says 33° but wind chill 21°

JudyEddy said...

funny when I came home one cam was up and running 22 hrs plus but two cams were white screen with the pretty pic and when I refreshed them I get the circle Drat it

JudyEddy said...

the wind is so hard on the back of the head of the eagle looks like it parting the feathers poor baby Feathers standing up like mohawk

JudyEddy said...

I called IRS and my tax refund should be deposited today 26-31 odd that they gave a time frame Before they just said one date Will call bank but Yeah got it in time to pay for my June vacation

stronghunter said...

Ordered dinner online--chicken alfredo from Domino's. It arrived quickly and looks delicious. I am waiting for Kathryn, but Hunter is eating. He said something about it being "awesome" and dug right in.

JudyEddy said...

OH yes SHIRLEY did you get it in the BREAD BOWL I love love it

JudyEddy said...

I love because you can add things like Spinach etc


I lost my postage stamps with the last things I mailed out at the postoffice I bought the stamps at the vending machine there mailed it all from there and then somehow misplaced them would have bought more but this was a lot of $$$ over $40 worth silly me but I wish I wouldn't have they are really not pretty stamps looks so generic I wish I could trade them in
ok enough of that now I can get stuff mailed out

JudyEddy said...

I broke down and bought a card reader for my laptop since the hole that is there for it refuses to work I always worked until I plugged in a disc driver in to it to transfer pic

Belle was up for a sec did a peak and look and a few pick in front of her and back down

stronghunter said...

Bread bowl--yes! Did not think about adding spinach. Would have liked that.

stronghunter said...

Bread bowl--yes! Did not think about adding spinach. Would have liked that.

stronghunter said...

First time I have ordered online. When I tried before, it wasn't available.

JudyEddy said...

SHIRLEY the next time go to build your own bowl and add extra spinach I always ask for that and extra sauce lite on the chicken for me also lots of choices to add

JudyEddy said...

gonna go watch the news for a bit


stronghunter said...

Not still waiting for Kathryn. Hers is wrapped in foil and in the oven.

grannyblt said...

Evening folks. No pip, I guess. At least none we can see. Pittsburgh nest is only one day behind us.

Sorry to hear of the multi vehicle wreck in Martinsburg.I know how scary a white out can be when you are on the road.

Finally got my new washer and dryer today. I spent yesterday clearing out the utility room, as I knew they would have to move the freezer and maybe more. Of course the new venting hose won't work, but the old one will do until I can find one more flexible. Then when I took the first load out of the washer I noticed the clothes were warm and the rinse is supposed to be cold. After much stewing around, I realized they had hooked up the hoses incorrectly. Then I noticed one of the hoses was dripping, but after more handylady time. got that working properly. Whew, I am exhausted. At least three weeks of towels and non essentials are clean and dry. Maybe tomorrow for eagle watching.

JudyEddy said...

IT IS LISTED UNDER BUILD YOUR OWN BOWL FRI a separate option to the Bowls themselves

stronghunter said...

Will try that next time, Judy.

Mema Jo said...

Lynne - good thing you are an excellent handy gal! There are times That I just can't accept the poor service a company gives you.

JudyEddy said...

Lake of the Ozarks Eagles
Welcome baby "Ollie" to the nest,,, congrats to Elsie ans Einstein!

.♥ ♥ WELCOME ♥ ♥.

Mema Jo said...
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JudyEddy said...

egg roll and I missed the snip

Mema Jo said...

Almost time for Jeopardy
Don't have much on TV tonight..
Guess I'll look at On Demand..

Hoping that all are doing well this evening. Sun is setting.

Our nest should be free of snow by tomorrow. Thurs is an ok day but Friday should be rainy.


Mema Jo said...

Great- Egg roll as I typed

Judy did you see anything in the egg cup?

JudyEddy said...

oh I have one cam behind may get it

JudyEddy said...

eagle in

Mema Jo said...

Fly in for the switch

JudyEddy said...

love having the delayed cam got the snip got the flyu in and got the what ever

JudyEddy said...


Mema Jo said...

Lots of wiggling to get situated on the egg cup.........

JudyEddy said...

only the egg and got pic will put on FB in a few

JudyEddy said...

I see alll three no pip

JudyEddy said...

got pic

Mema Jo said...

great Picture Judy of the eggs

Lolly said...

Hi! We are home! Got home around one! Picked up the mail, got Annie, and unloaded the trailer. started laundry and have already remade the bed in the trailer. Have cleaned the refrig, bathroom andthe trailer kitchen. Just need to vacuum and mop the floor. Yea!

Annie is just great but won't let me stop petting her and she is shedding like crazy. She has not been petted nor combed much for three weeks! I started this comment typing with one finger.

We had rain all the way home today until we reached Fort Worth. You might know!

magpie said...

Just a quickie for now....
Hello Good Evening Eagle Pals...

New display at Cracker Barrel...
America things...

Stunning...I think the price tag is
$129 or something like that...
Hope it is in YOUR areas, pals...

xoxox will read back now

magpie said...

Welcome Home Jack and Lolly and
Annie !!!


magpie said...

grannyble: Ditto the kudos Jo posted...


Hope everything runs smoothly and at the right temperatures now !

magpie said...

Oh Super Woot Woot for Buddy, Sharon and Thelma....
Good News....!!
xoxox (( BUDDY HUGS ))

magpie said...

Yes, tragic...very difficult to ponder the chaos and mayhem on Interstate 81 this morning....
Thankfully I was not working, and
unless Carolyn got called in, she was not scheduled this morning either......

ttfn must eat !

JudyEddy said...

pulling flugg and I see all three eggs

paula eagleholic said...

Great news on Buddy...

You go Grannny

JudyEddy said...

another egg roll

JudyEddy said...

and we are up again

JudyEddy said...

wiggle down

JudyEddy said...

will have to go to my CB to see if they have the eagle MARGY

LOLLY welcome home Could you scratch me behind the left ear PLEASE LOL Oh I am not a cat LOL

good news about Buddy

was so into watching and doing pic didn't get a chance till now to read the blog

watching or listening to it while I was reading

JudyEddy said...

Looks TUCKED in

JudyEddy said...

No school this week so I will have two days with her
We are going to see Winter The Dolphin tomorrow suppose to get to 76° and cloudy
Jordyn told me on the phone "don't forget my bag" I asked for what "So I can get more sea shells"-- I forgot about that good reminder I said and Angie laughed and said to her and you can't remember important things like what she did in school on a daily basis lol

Judie said...

Wow Lynne, you have had one busy day. I probably would have dissolved in a pool of tears and sweat. Congratulations on your skills. Hope all is okay now.

Margy, so glad you and Carolyn were not working that horrible accident this morning. Remember the white outs in Dayton. Not fun at all. So sorry for those who died.

Whomever is on duty does look tucked in. Maybe tomorrow.

JudyE, have fun with Jordyn tomorrow.

Welcome home Lolly and Jack. Glad you had such a wonderful time. Need to call my Sheriff friend in Houston. Nasty oil spill down her way. Hate the effect on wildlife and the currently migrating birds.

Wishing Paula and Larry a good evening.

Okay, off to read some. Will try to stay awake to turn the night light on.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

a stick is in the nest and touching Belle

Janet said...

good evening to all.

lots of news on the blog here....
JUDYE: glad the check (ie taxes) is in the mail, so to speak.

Regarding dog food: we used to give our guys less expensive food, but the vet suggested we switch to Purina One Beyond. From there it was a quick jump to NUTRO. There is less poop. And they love it. We do add a touch of canned food, split one can between all of them in addition to the NUTRO. Also, found that we can feed them slightly less with the NUTRO. One 35 lb bag will last me 3 weeks with 4 dogs.

So glad to be home.

Loved seeing my gal pals. They seem to be doing well. So good to put my arms around them, talk to them....and see our other friends as well.

Beach day was Saturday. 70 degrees. very very nice. and last night, it was snowing there. crazy weather.

It was a fantastic vacation until yesterday when I lost my phone at the mall. In less than 30 min I had back tracked the 5 stores we had been in to no avail. Checked the mall office...just don't know. It was just gone.

So, had to cancel it and go get another phone. Up and running again within a couple of hours.

We got home and I had such a nice surprise....Chelsea had brought Sable home, and cleaned the house for me. Swept, vacuumed, mopped.... wow. What a lovely surprise.

We picked up my lap top. Seems to be working perfectly now. Not jumping screens, changing font sizes, etc. Thank goodness!!!

Not gonna be a late night tonight, I am tired.

Light, love, hugs and smiles to all! Good to be back!

magpie said...

I see that stick, JudyE...
wonder if it "just fell from above."

Ref: Cracker Barrel, I think it is a pretty standard package deal store-wide, I could be wrong, but I bet at least the "America" display is out.
This Eagle belongs in a Nice Big House, like the one I "used to live in" for awhile

Judie: I saw that report regarding the oil ships could go in nor out of port....
pretty eco-friendly move....did not hear very much about the"whys"
and the hows" of the barge collision

magpie said...

I've been to the Galveston beach...
warmest water ever, and very salty and very easy to float in that water

magpie said...

Enjoy your time with little Miss Jordyn these next two days off, JudyE

JudyEddy said...

no MARGY the stick was part of the crib rail I have pic of it and will post on EM album

magpie said...

How nice, Janet...coming home to a clean house, and to Sable....nice of Chelsea

"The apple does not fall far from the tree" - Yes ?

Glad you had a nice time...
I've been to Virginia Beach to a couple of times

magpie said...

okay "copy that" JudyE....
I am missing out on a lot of Nest things....
but catching the "gist" of things
from everyone else

Best Wishes for a Good Evening,
Precious Pals....

Prayers for Wellness All Around, Amongst us

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxox

JudyEddy said...




Angie and Carl vets says feed half the amount and there dogs have been eating everything they can rocks mulch everything so I told her they are probably hungry

and what is the NUTRO and why does it stop the pooping
Angie dogs poop all the time and so funny sitting out in the yard The other day Angie was doing a yard pick up and laughing her butt off finding the different things in their poop a barbie dress once and barbie shoes still intact also lots of rocks EWWW

JudyEddy said...

Pictures are now on the EM album of this evening visit and egg roll and the stick that Belle made fall on herself SILLY BIRD LOL

JudyEddy said...

OK I google it sis its a dog food and maybe with better food the body absorbs more of it and get rid of less I guess grabbing at straws still listening to AI

Mema Jo said...

Margy the price tag on the eagle down here was $150.00 - I asked Hubby if he would get it for me...
no response.

Watched 2 shows... I like Father Brown on BBS - mystery.

On FB I think Dana has duck eggs in her classroom this year. She was candling the eggs.

Lolly said...

We are leaving tomorrow early afternoon for Joseph's track meet. We may be the only ones there for him as Laurel can not get there until after school is out. Very important that we be there!

Looking forward to tomorrow morn when I can get the cam up!

Mema Jo said...

I notice every night that our live feed cam just keeps running and running. I have 4 hrs now... I'm sure
some of you have more. I think it is due to not as many night owls watching as there are early birds that watch through the daytime.

magpie said...

Thanks Jo....
I see your post...
I couldn't remember if it was 129 or 149....think it must have been $149
here too, I was a little rushed when checking things out.

It's pretty awesome....
I got a phone pic and sent it to
Carolyn, she liked it also !

Also saw a silver eagle in a water globe with lots of sparkly specks in it.....that was a smaller price tag

magpie said...

G'Night again, going to read for awhile then watch the news at 11

(( HUGS and Lovins' A'Plenty ))


stronghunter said...

Will have to check for that eagle at Cracker Barrel, Margy and Jo.

Must stop for the night. I keep yawning and my eyes tear, which makes it hard to read.

SED, everyone.

Would think less poop because there is more nutritious content in the higher-quality foods. We put a bit of canned food in Luna's food too. If she doesn't get it, she looks at us as if to say, "You have gotta be kidding."

See you tomorrow. Hoping for a pip soon.

Judie said...

Not taking any chances tonight. Roused sandperson out of a sound sleep and told him to get his bag in gear and get going.

Night light is on. Restful sleep for all.

Judie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Judie said...

My delete. Posted twice. Good night.

Mema Jo said...

Goodnight to all!

Healing prayers for many of us and for our loved ones.

May we awake to sunshine ♥

Lynne2 said...

good late evening all!

Lynne2 said...

Thanks again for the prayers! Either the newest med is already helping, or the placebo effect is awesome!

Pet food. I could write VOLUMES on it.

JudyE, aren't Angies dogs still pups?

Lynne2 said...

Sandi, your new moniker...Sand Shark!

You know what? I think we ALL need a MENTAL HEALTH DAY soon. (and by that, I mean a NEST VISIT) My goodness, there is just so much stress and worry and sadness among us.

Sometimes, I am just tired of being a grownup. But I sure am glad we all have each other!

Lynne2 said...

Must get to bed. Hoping I can get the cam to work at work tomorrow, but I don't have good luck there OR here at home no matter what I try. And Pittsburgh hatching is right on our heels...that one I can get.

Goodnight and prayers for all!

PattiO said...

Mema Jo .. or anyone.. which FB page are you all referring to? I am on Shepherdstown Eagle Cam Fans but do not see any recent pictures.

Hoda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hoda said...

My delete, post with spelling mistake. Ness is not quite like Bless!

Good night
God Bless us all

Lori O. said...

Hi everyone!

I keep thinking I'm going to get on and there'll be an email announcing a new eaglet. What's taking so long? Are we still in range for a hatching with the first egg?

Lots going on here!

Lolly, have fun at the track meet!

Kay, glad you could sneak in a nap with Penny. Sweet. And, I love your bright yellow daisy avatar!

Paula, praying that Larry is well and you're holding up well. It's a lot of stress for both of you. ♥

Sandi, holding you in my thoughts and prayers. ♥

Why don't the eagles move that dang stick????

Sharon, thanks for sharing the good news about Buddy! That's great. Big hugs for Thelma, too.

I'm getting ready for "med pass" (just passing out and administering meds) at a long term care facility this morning...then I'm off for four days, tomorrow through Monday! Still have lots to get caught up on and study for, but I'm so grateful for the time off. Big smile here!

Love, love, love you ALL!

Sandi said...

Goodorming Lori and all my eagle friends.

Lolly & Janet, welcome home!

Lori, enjoy your 4 days as much as you can!!

Two more days of school til the weekend - I can do this!!

Have a great day all.

Kay said...

Good Morning gLORI and any other Early Eagle Buds !

So very glad to hear Nurse Lori is about to get some needed time off, even if it the nose must keep itself buried in books and homework, at least it's an escape from class time.

I'm getting a little concerned about that first egg, Prez. Better stay positive, Kay !!!!

Had a fine time last night--well, the meeting was "a meeting". Mission accomplished with the election of two fine women to 3 year stints on the board. Had to listen to a couple of blowhards who show up at every meeting with a list of gripes. Ho, hum. The dinner afterward was wonderful. I was in the company of two women who are my Eileen's age and very much enjoyed hearing about their busy lives. We ate at Mozart's--an eatery noted for their Eastern European fare and baked goods. Everything was hmmm good and the grand piano player performing in the background added to the ambiance !

Kay said...

Hi SANDI ! Yes, you can do it ! I know this has been a rough week. Hang in there SHARK GIRL !

Kay said...
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Kay said...

My delete---crazy thing happened again in that my first and long post repeated itself while I was away checking my mail. What ????

Looks like most of the snow is gone at the nest. BBL when we can try to see if something miraculous has happened overnight. Too dark to see a thing right now.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Just got a brief look at one egg, but could not tell anything.

Still a bit of snow on the nest, but away from the cup.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning and Yes LYNNE2 they are still puppies

Linda said...

Good Morning!!

Wanted to poke my head in to say Hi and I miss you all......

And we have a new thread!!

See you on the other side!!



3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...