then I saw the Jerry was on top of the game, with the Split warning
Safe Traveling Prayers for thos going South, and those going North, and well East and West Also...
Sandi, sounds like the nurses are being frank and factual...and I agree with all your friends here, that you are doing the Absolute best you can, learning new things each day, and putting them into your mind as you calculate your next move.... I am praying that the Wisdom and Guidance for answers, comes for you, as soon as possible...
So nice to see a dry and peaceful nest---especially since the view out my window is white with a capital W ! Heading for up to a foot, ugh ?
I've read back over all the wonderful reports of time spent with the Wright's and with our eagles. Made enough comments yesterday to last a long time I reckon. Continued prayer for WANDA and her precious family.
SANDI, tickled pink that Brian is due home for another furlough in 10 days ! Just the up tick you need. Prayers continue for your dear Mom--here, too, I've already said enough to last for a very long time. Thinking of you as you head back to DE.
Also holding the Southern Delegation in my thoughts---safe travel, you three !
Had a wonderful time with Seth. Last night there wasn't a thing on TV of interest to either of us. So, he crawled into bed and I sat in my recliner and we had a really good heart to heart talk. He does so need to unwind from the pressures of college each week. He's amazing us, but it isn't without some real challenges for him to confront.
Oh Shirley, yes for sure, glad the upcoming weather did not interfere with the 50th anniversary wedding celebration.... my parents' celebration was held at the nursing home in 1983, where they both shared a room then
Okay, weather window will let me slip up to Berkeley Springs to get a visit in with James the Wise Kidster
So glad heaven has a 'party line'. So many prayers headed that way . Have now added the safety of all in the path of the storms headed east, including our eagles, nest & eggs. Fearing a power outage that keeps us from seeing how the eagles & nest are holding up.
Enjoyed Linda's report of her singing ministry at her church... always uplifting, we sang several of Gene's favorite songs yesterday Amazing Grace In the Garden How Great Thou Art
We didn't. really have a rromantic evening ...just a quiet one..sunset didn't cooperate ..but we did have a drink together ... And watched a movie. Larry has been struggling with eating. Throat still sore and still eating soft foods ...and didn't feel all that great yesterday . I told him it was all part of the healing process.
Snow...they are calling dorm 4-8" here tomorrow . Think we are going to squeeze in a grocery store trip today.
Hi there Paula...glad there were some bright spots, sorry for a little downturn there for Larry... steady as she goes....hoping that things improve steadily and easily
Sandi - you are doing the utmost for your mom - Love is a healing for the heart. So happy that Brian will be there in 10 days and I pray he gets to visit with his grandmom. Hope all is well with Lynnis
Shirley - very happy you all had a very good day yesterday
CarolAnne - our storm should start tonight - praying for our nest and all our eagle peeps.
Safe travels for all headed home from Martinsburg - So happy you all got to the nest and shared your pics with us.
Kay - you are a blessing to Seth. I can see you two now chatting until midnight ♥
Margy - have a fun time with James the Wise. Thank you for being there yesterday with all of us.
I am going to be sending out individual emails on receipt of donations. I have a few more to come in on Monday but you all have abundantly responded. Love you to pieces.
Story From Karla: The Wright family members vacation and spend time down at the OBX. There are wild horses at the beach and that is where Karla and her daughter were upon hearing of Gene's Death. Karla said: "I was so excited to see the newest baby horse while at the beach last week. I was telling my sister how sweet he was and I couldn't remember what they named him. I looked it up this morning. This is 15 week old Eugenio
Good morning. Can not get over the split Phone will not let me!
Sorry you were not feeling well PAULA. Do consider vegetable and even fruit smoothies for LARRY. They go down smoother and you can make them tasty. Healing energy coming your way.
Cancelled going to church here! Went out to get in car and could not see out of the windshield because of ice presently freezing rain. Afraid of ice on the country roads so I am staying home.
Dear Friends, Hope everyone battens down the hatches today before the (another???) storm. Prayers for all on our list ☺ and good wishes that everyone and pets, homes, etc. stay safe.
Jo, LOVE Karla's story of colt named Eugenio!!!I saw an unbelievable sight yesterday early evening while leaving Chelsea office where I had been for a couple hours. I got a photo of something that could only have been sent from above. Let me know if you agree!
Speaking of mush....Joseph, no matter where we are gives both of us a hug and kiss when he greets us. Yes, we got them at the track meet in front everyone!! Also a love you is thrown in when we leave. Now, Jacob is a typical 9 year old third grader and I have to fight for my rights to hug and kiss. We shall overcome this, by jove!!!
As for the singing....I love to sing. What I do is make a joyful NOISE unto the Lord. Yep, can not carry a tune, but think I am not too bad when singing with others. LOL
LOL, grandsons and their mush OR not ! Seth has always greeted me at school events--anywhere--with a hug. That has not been tested since he started at Otterbein U.. He's now 19 and a half and has just cooled to the idea of me tucking him in and giving him a kiss on the cheek at bedtime. He didn't say anything, but recently began to make his cheek hard to get to. I got the hint and so now a simple night-night and sleep well suffices !
Oh, LORETTA, that is a sunset from heaven ! We city folks rarely see sunsets. They were a daily joy out in AZ ! This one would make a wonderful jigsaw puzzle ! ☺
Eugenio ! That's great ! Yes, the CAPT is being honored far and wide and apparently Heaven is rejoicing over his arrival at the Golden Gates !
LOLLY, what an insult--from 82° yesterday to a car frozen over today ! Just talked to my friend in Joplin, MO and they're iced in. This weather system is far reaching just like the last few----this overly frigid winter began her about Dec. 4th and it's getting OLD ! Mother Nature, what's your problem ????
Windy at the Georgia nest again, but sunny. Their pantry is overflowing with fish, birds, maybe a little rodent or two. Wow, what a provider that dad is and with just one little eaglet and mom to feed.
Quiet day here. Dark and overcast. Wondering if the storm will delay my surgery. Probably not. Rather get it over with.
Sandi, the decisions you make for your mom are the decisions you believe are best for her given what you know at the time. Be at peace. What you do is what you believe is best. No regrets.
Sandi, very happy Brian will be home so soon.
Loweeeda, no doubt in my mind that Gene was with everyone yesterday. A soaring eagle, a stunning sunset, and a baby horse named Eugenio. Thank you for sharing.
Paula, sorry Larry is still uncomfortable. Guessing the discomfort is normal and will heal. Hoping soon.
Shirley, glad the anniversary celebration was enjoyable.
Margy, give James the Wise a hug, please.
Off to start some laundry. Want everything caught up before Tuesday.
Keep Laurel in prayer, please. She sounds horrible. Gosh, wish we lived closer!! Hate to leave with her so down. Joseph has vacuumed and mopped the kitchen. He is such an awesome 13 year old!! Once, while in college, she was hospitalized with pneumonia! Do NOT want that! She was 3 hours away and we hustled our bods over there!
So sorry about Laurel, Lolly. Kathryn had a bout of horrible crud the past couple of weeks. Didn't sound like herself on the phone. Finally better, but it took awhile. No fun.
The light rain has started in our area. It is 38.4° at the nest Tonight: 20 °F Ice Pellets 90% chance of precipitation Tomorrow: 22° snow 90% chance of precipitation
Took Penny out and swept and salted the deck and entry bricks. It's a very light kind of snow and can be swept to the side with a broom--no heavy shoveling needed.
LOLLY, remembering Laurel in prayer. Hope it sounds worse than it really is. Joseph is awesome all right ! You can go away knowing her menfolk will take good care of her !
JO, thanks for your comment on my being a blessing to Seth. My goal when leaving sunny AZ and moving back here 7 years ago was to be that extra unconditional love person I thought he needed. When he left for college I began to wonder if my days of usefulness were over, but they most assuredly are not. The kids have seen to my needs, too, for you Momsters will remember praying me through 2 serious hospitalizations. I'd have been so alone and so hard to reach in Bullhead City. The move was the best thing for me and for Seth, Actually for Julie and Hugh, too. They've had weekly date nights and a few getaways that were impossible to consider during the years when Seth had so many needs. I don't want to come off like some miracle worker, but I do think their marriage has be strengthened since some help came along ! God's hand is in the whole thing !
Lolly, sorry Laurel is still so sick. Hope you won't have to cancel your vacation plans.
Shirley, we're in for some serious snow it seems. Just do wish all this would avoid the nest. So far, it seems ice is the biggest problem based on news reports.
Wondering if the mumbrella is an early predictor of serious snow? Didn't look like rain there.
Annie on my lap between my laptop and me. LOL She was wanting a neck and head scratching, her favorite thing. She in on a no eating period. Wish she would not do this!!
Good afternoon eagle buds JO thanks for posting pic of the flowers etc on you page been on facebook and now I need to read get caught up
Keeping WANDA in mind all day just can't stop thinking of her and her family SANDI you also are on my mind with your mom My sisters went through almost the same thing with my mom
Been sitting here thinking that I must go to the grocery store. Kathryn just called and we're going together. I do like to go so I can pick out things I want, but having her along will help.
It took awhile to recover from all the shopping and partying yesterday.
Thought I saw an upside-down turtle shell in the nest awhile ago. Now I see something I cannot identify.
Belle is still tenting. I am afraid she is in for a long time at this.
JUDIE, thanks for giving us the time for your surgery. I'll be lighting a candle and keeping you in my thoughts. I know you've said this is no big deal. However, I agree with some witty person who said something like, "Minor surgery is what they do to someone else, it's Major surgery when the patient is me."
Hey all, here's a totally off the current subjects question: Any Aldi shoppers? Opinion?
As our little town dries up - grocery store gone as well as bank, bakery, meat market , we look for replacements. Today we drove to an Aldi store - small, seemed to be big on snack items. Though it did have a very large variety of specialty cheeses. Bought a few things. Opinion out until we try them.
Thank you for checking in SHAR. Glad the Southern Delegation is back safe and sound. KAY I do believe SANDI posted that she already headed out towards home. I have been keeping them in prayer.
Just finished my hemp seed, chia seed and fruit in coconut milk lunch. High protein. Headed out to yoga and groceries.
Ken and I have made it home safely, and so has Emma! She was SO glad to see us! We are SO glad to have her back here with us. She did well at "puppy camp", and they apparently spoiled her rotten!
Thought of Wanda and all the Wright family yesterday, and wish we could have been there. The eagle flower arrangement is just awesome! Absolutely beautiful! I'm so glad such a large delegation of momsters & dadsters could be at the service. As I was thinking of Wanda yesterday, it occurred to me that our Lynn has probably already met up with Captain Gene, and given him a guided tour of Heavenly places! Deb is probably with both of them too!
We had a very nice weekend in Capistrano Beach, although it was QUITE rainy at times. The waves were HUGE, too. We were able to see some of Dana Point Harbor yesterday. We are glad to be home again too, though. Missed our Emma girl while we were gone! It rained on our way home, but that is supposed to stop sometime today, and tomorrow promises to be dry. Last night at about 4:30 pm our time, we saw two guys pull up in an SUV with surfboards on top in the beach parking right across the street. They donned wetsuits, grabbed their boards, and headed out into the HUGE waves to surf! Not 15 minutes later, we were horrified to hear some booming thunder, and we saw lightning out over the ocean! We were SO relieved when we saw the two surfer dudes return to their SUV, pack up their boards, and head for home! Cowabunga!
Well, need to go feed Emma her lunch. She's probably starving--they feed breakfast at Petsmart quite early.
Will try to get back here later to chat more. Take care, everyone. I ♥ us!!!
HODA, I don't find a SANDI post of this afternoon--perhaps an FB entry ? At any rate they have our prayers and we'd love to hear when they're safely home. ♥♥♥
I'm the official worry wart here. It's a wonder I don't insist that Julie calls me to safe she's home safely when she traverses the 3 miles that separate our homes ! Eileen and I always call each other as soon as we land at home after visiting each other. Of course, they each text many moves per day with their kids, but I'm too old fashioned for that !
Good Afternoon Eaglebuds! It was 54° before 3 PM. Saw a little sun for 2 short times. Now it's 47° and some light rain. The worst is yet to come! I supposedly had a Dr. appt. Monday, PM. Not any more! Can't believe Lolly's TX temps!!
Judie, will be saying a prayer for you TU!, altho I know for you it's a "piece of cake"! Think they'll give you a bicycle horn to communicate? LOL Prayers also for Lolly's Laurel, Sandi's Mom and family, Paula's Larry, ALL others in need and God Bless Wanda's family! Jo, the Eagle is magnificent!!! TY so much!
Kay, you are correct. For this it is called a procedure. However, anytime anyone uses a scalpel on me in two different locations it becomes surgery. Always fear a nicked or torn artery.
Glad the southern delegation checked in and safely home as well as Andy, Kubby, and Emma,and Sandi. Anyone heard from WV Susan?
CarolAnne, no Aldi around here.
Shirley, stock up. No sure further south but raining here already. At the nest, also.
I think Andy has the right idea. Lynn probably had an Eagle Talon AND a Poop Shoot waiting for the Capt. Love the thought.
Laundry well underway. Will wait to do sheetz tomorrow. Want to come home to clean sheetz. Pork and sauerkraut tonight. Thought better of having sauerkraut tomorrow night.
Just heard a roar. Looked outside and we were having a hard shower of pea size hail. Lovely, just lovely. Now 22...down, down, down! All roofs are white.
Jack has checked our route and we should be okay. Just a little concerned about Amarillo, but temps are supposed to go up above freezing tomorrow.
OH I put a picture of the eagle arrangement on the guest book last night and it was approved and I just did the cake I think that is a good idea to put some pic on it in case they want to get it printed What do you think?? and JO I can do the other flowers arrangements can put up to 10 pic on it at a time I just read Let me know what you all think
Who ever is in the nest has flugg pulled up so close to them almost buried themselves
CA you also can get pic from the EM album you can't right click them but you can SNIP them and also JO and SHAR and BEV have lots of pic of Wanda and Gene on their pages they have been posting
Just got a quick view of the eggs. They are deep in the flugg, and more is being pulled up.
Kathryn and I went to the grocery store awhile back. We started out at the local Giant where we usually shop. It looked like a complete madhouse there. The parking lot was full.
So, we went to the Food Lion that nobody seems to have discovered, and it was just fine. Nice to have a secret grocery store. While we were there, the temperature dropped 20 degrees and the rain stopped.
There are some Aldi stores around here. Kathryn has shopped there--I think the milk is (or was) less expensive. The store is small, and, as I recall, you have to pay 25 cents for a cart. I think she went there sometimes for specific items. I have been with her once or twice several years ago.
CarolAnne - I have my Lynn Book out - Would be a lovely idea about a book for Wanda - I have included on my page all the photos that Denise has put on FB. There are many other Momster/Dadster photo in our albums. Reception photos would be good and be able to stick to a theme. I'm sure more will be posted - so don't finalize until at least mid week. If you can't copy them from FB holler at me and I'll place in an email. TY
Hi all - there's no place like home! Got back around 5:30 - have unpacked, emailed Mom that we're home and fed the dogs. We encountered nothing but rain and it's 47 degrees here in Bethany Beach. The temps are gonna have to do some dropping before we see anything besides rain.
Precipitation has now passed us. Neighbors were out since Thurs with their trailer. Came home today from the south. We have a bridge we have to cross over the interstate to get home. She said a car had an ice accident and had blocked both lanes. Hilton had to back the trailer down the bridge and around a curve. But, they are home safe and sound.
So worried about those of you with ice & snow forecasts. Extreme cold is a bother but it does not have to be shoveled & does not impair road conditions. So I will not complaun about our cold here.
Glad you're home Sandi! I'm sure you're physically and emotionally drained....
CarolAnne & Jo..... Just a thought..... Being that Denise is a photographer and had a friend photographer take you think they may already planning something along those lines???
If not, it is an absolutely wonderful idea. Something Wanda will always have to look back on and remember that special day of honoring Gene's legacy and life!
SANDI, happy news regarding homecoming ! I was not going to shut down til' I had this news.
LOLLY, glad your neighbors made it in and hope conditions change rapidly for your departure.
SHIRLEY, snow is indeed near Columbus--severe weather warning--will probably get another 3" on top of the mornings 3. Hazardous driving conditions through Monday. I'm stayin' home ! Glad you and Kathryn found a good store and have all your supplies, just in case this is a long siege.
I am wondering what is going on, Jo. Our forecast was for 5-8 inches and now is 6-10 inches. It does look as if a large band of snow is coming across southern Ohio. Maybe that is it.
CarolAnn, I am an Aldi shopper. Have one directly behind my house. I have always gotten really good things there at good prices. I love to get fruits and veggies there. Yes, you do deposit 25 cent for a buggy, but get it back when you return the buggy.
SANDI: thanks. We are excited. No buyers remorse, yet. lol
Well I finally broke down and went to one of those urgent care places today. I just felt really badly. its been almost 2 weeks now. they were very nice. i have a sinus infection and what they used to call tonsilitis...supposedly. anyway, a z pack and back home. i am not bowling tonight. all i want to do is sleep. i am going to get a shower in a bit and call it an early night.
we are in a winter storm warning. we shall see, but supposedly its gonna get nasty in a few hours, ice and snow. we have groceries, gas for the generator and so here we are.
i'd be glad for the day off myself.
i do have a dr note, but, hate to call out...again.
i did post pix of the new rv on my blog if you want to see them. we should take delivery next weekend.
in the meantime, a quite night here. i will be lurking between here and facebook, maybe reading my book.
Turtle Bay had three eggs but now today only two and if you remember March 1 last year they also lost a egg There is a pic of what looks like a egg on the edge of the nest area and today the NE Fl nest had branching be gone soon
I am watching the Oscars much to Jack's dismay. LOL
Girls from next door came over for directions for watering plants. Crazy weather!! Now 21, we are lucky we did not get more ice, sleet and hail. The warm temps from yesterday, and the cold temp today some how worked together to prevent snow. I can't explain it....ask the weather man. ☺
This morning, I heard the TV downstairs playing. Went down expecting to find Will watching a program. Nope. Luna was lying in front of the TV with the remote on the floor beside her. She was perfectly content with whatever it was she was watching.
Yes, there are instructions. It will take awhile. The remotes are so sensitive. I pick one up and reset everything when I don't know I've touched any of the buttons.
Kathryn has not told Hunter he does not have school tomorrow. She will get him up before she goes to work, and maybe even have him clean off her car. Eventually, he will figure out that he needs to check on school closings himself.
Glad all the travelers made it safely home . The big storm only left us with 3 inches or less of snow, taking the more southernly route. I guess our eagles are made for bad weather.
Tomorrow I will be calling a plumber and other repair people. The hot water line to my washer burst due to freezing. I heard it right away and got the water off. Decided to do wash with cold water. I got one and a half loads dry with a washer full of clean wet towels. The dryer died and I don't know if the burst pipe was the cause somehow. Dryer about 12 yrs old. Plumber will have to go through wall for repair. Then repair wall etc. isn't it always something?
Jo, just remember, what you push down to Shirley, has to go past me. lol
Shirley, GDub classes are cancelled tomorrow. In all my 20 years (student and faculty) classes were never cancelled. Law students sued for reimbursement of tuition for cancelled classes, won the case - GDub cancels only in extreme cases.
Janet, really glad you got a medical opinion and hope you feel better very soon.
I think a book for Wanda would be wonderful. She would be so grateful.
Have already contacted the young man who has been shoveling for us. Need to make sure we can get out by Tuesday morning.
Oh, Granny, what a mess! The water pipes to my laundry room are always freezing, but they haven't ever burst, thank goodness. The builder says they won't. Oh, I hope not, but I have probably spent a fortune keeping the electric heater going in that room.
I really don't like yogurt I only like the one at McD
both of Wands daughters have lots of pictures on their page they made public for all to share and see so thoughtful of them so if you need more pic there are some fantastically beautiful ones on it one of Jayden head with Genes hand on it and lots of daddy daughter pic you might want to check them out also
Margy I saw a pic of you in the food line Nice to see you again that JO posted
need to jump in shower got so involved with blog and tv
I can tell you, Judie, that a bunch of law students can come up with the darndest things. I figured the people of Williamsburg got annoyed with the William and Mary bunch.
CarolAnne: I've been to the ALDI's in Germany... fabulous Albrecht Brothers... and then the DI stands for something or other We have one here in Martinsburg, it's pretty good cheese prices are good!
Good Evening, Eagle Pals
so glad, relieved, that our travelers have arrived at their destintations, and hoping the Same for Judie on Tuesday morning !!! xo
Beginning to wonder when we'll finish the bowling season. Every time we miss, it adds a week to the schedule. So far, it's just two weeks. But this Tuesday already looks like a no go. We do not bowl if more than one school in the area is closed. That's in the by-laws.
At some point, they will want to begin the summer leagues.
Temp here dropped 10° in an hour...between 4 and 5 today..of course it was when i was walking the dogs...then a touch of rain. Nothing here at the moment . Not watching Oscar...Larry was watching something ...but is watching the inside of his eyelids at the moment :-)
We learned at the services, from Pastor Eddie, that if Gene did not know someone's name, that person was "George" for awhile
In speaking to Gene's son-in-law Donny, Karla's husband, he related that when Gene starting calling him Donny, he KNEW he was really part of the family
it was very touching....Donny was with Wanda for many hours and really....helped hold things together for her the day Gene died
Good Evening, my friends...going to disappear now for awhile...time for PJ's for starters, and some quiet time
Glad you had some time today with James today, Margy!! I am sure it did you some good after a very long and difficult week!!
LYNNE1 - So sorry about the busted water pipe and the dryer, too! Geeze.....
JANET - Hope the z-pack kicks in quickly and you are on the mend.... Sinus infections can really be tough Feel better.....
LORETTA - Forgot to mention that beautiful sunset you captured yesterday!! Surely seemed fitting, didn't it!
Hoping LARRY is feeling better....
And watching that awful weather troubling everyone in the VA and WV areas. I think we are far enough north, that we won't even get much snow from this system.
The worst storm of the winter is here. It is cold. 14 and dropping. Very good Yoga class. Wonderful grocery shopping found what I wanted. Not so good on the roads. Could not make it up hill. Slid twice. Pretty scary. Parked the car. Walked up hill with three bags if groceries and my walking sticks. Phoned BCAA and they will come get me to see if they can bring my car up hill. So I pray and find gratitude that I did not hit anyone. That I left the car and am strong enough to have brought my groceries home. I am having a cup of tea. They will phone me before they come here to get me to look at the car and see if they could bring it to my driveway. Blessed Be.
I'd better let the cold water drip in laundry room sink, it is to be single digits tonight and the baseboard heaters in there don't help. Then to bed for me. I haven't seen any of the movies, so not terribly interested. SED to all
My eyes are burning like crazy... So I think I will shut down shop for today and take a nice hot shower!!
Thinking of our Wanda and how she is handling today..... Sending love and prayers her way...
Also thinking of Sandi... and hoping she is able to get a little rest and relaxation this evening. Hopefully schools in your area will be closed, and you'll get even more time to unwind before the challenges of another week face you! Praying for comfort for your Mom...
If I don't make it back, I'm keeping all our momsters and dadsters in prayer.....
PAULA my dad would always do that He would watch the news that way or something always after dinner You just brought back that memories
has anyone gone to the PO to get stamps out of the vending machine Well no more for me Not a pretty stamp the forever stamp and I got 3 sheets of them Very disappointed in them Silly huh has the PO looking eagle on it black and white plain jane
OH I went and got a yogurt at MCD no icecream It was tempting
Paula, I had posted earlier that the temperature here dropped 20 degrees while we were in the grocery store. Really makes you think something is about to happen.
1degree now, real feel of -13. Continuing to drop to about -10 with real feel of -25.
Out one last time to leave seed for the very early birds & to check the fish pond heaters. The in to crawl under the covers to csll it a night.
Hope morning dawns on good things for everyone - feeling better, rest in body & mind, and weather conditions that are tolerable & Hoda 's car has made it home for the night.
Blessed Be! People are good and kind. BCAA sent a HUGE truck to get me. A very kind young man named Dustin. I could hardly climb up to get in the truck. Thank God they have handles!!! Anyway! I made it in. My car was 300 meters away. Instead of charging me on my card, he asked me to sit in his truck up my street so I would be warm. He then walked to my car and drove it up here for me. I went to my car. Young men put the breaks on so hard. I could not release it. He came back to help and followed me to my flat. I said thank you he said stay safe.
I will put him in my prayers.
God IS Good All The Time and he sent an angel of a man tonight to help me. Young people get a bad wrap sometimes. Blessed Be!!!
so happy you got thing in hand HODA and there are still some good kids out there
Well I'm calling it a day SED ♥AOYP See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe Bless this Nest and all ♀ ♥ ♂ whom watch it at Sycamore Palace Healing thoughts for those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."
It has started precipitating now Not yet snow.... We'll need to check out our nest at the break of dawn. Heading for my pillow Goodnight and God Bless to all Prayers for healing
Just learned a little while ago that Laurel's snow candle has worked wonderfully. No school for her, the boys, and for Joey. Wahoooo! So glad she is home without worrying about school and getting a sub. One more day to stay in bed and get well!
Would you believe they are saying that this will be the coldest night of the year. Wind chill in the morning -7 and not to go above freezing tomorrow.
Snowing here, some sleet, we're at 33 degrees things in the area including Metropolitan Washington...are shutting down, including buses, trains.... schools
Good to read Hoda is safe and had some Nelson Angels to help out too
Enjoyed reading that Lolly was chitty-chatting with the Wright gals javascript:void(0) Unbelievable, Lolly, those low temperatures
«Oldest ‹Older 401 – 600 of 630 Newer› Newest»Leaping over!
'Sho 'Nuff, Shirley
then I saw the Jerry was on top of the game, with the Split warning
Safe Traveling Prayers for thos going South, and those going North, and well East and West Also...
Sandi, sounds like the nurses are being frank and factual...and I agree with all your friends here, that you are doing the Absolute
best you can, learning new things each day, and putting them into your mind as you calculate your next move....
I am praying that the Wisdom and Guidance for answers, comes for you, as soon as possible...
Good Morning Eagle Buds !!!
So nice to see a dry and peaceful nest---especially since the view out my window is white with a capital W ! Heading for up to a foot, ugh ?
I've read back over all the wonderful reports of time spent with the Wright's and with our eagles. Made enough comments yesterday to last a long time I reckon. Continued prayer for WANDA and her precious family.
SANDI, tickled pink that Brian is due home for another furlough in 10 days ! Just the up tick you need. Prayers continue for your dear Mom--here, too, I've already said enough to last for a very long time. Thinking of you as you head back to DE.
Also holding the Southern Delegation in my thoughts---safe travel, you three !
Had a wonderful time with Seth. Last night there wasn't a thing on TV of interest to either of us. So, he crawled into bed and I sat in my recliner and we had a really good heart to heart talk. He does so need to unwind from the pressures of college each week. He's amazing us, but it isn't without some real challenges for him to confront.
Oh Shirley, yes for sure, glad the upcoming weather did not interfere with the 50th anniversary wedding celebration....
my parents' celebration was held at the nursing home in 1983, where they both shared a room then
Okay, weather window will let me
slip up to Berkeley Springs to get a visit in with James the Wise Kidster
So glad heaven has a 'party line'. So many prayers headed that way . Have now added the safety of all in the path of the storms headed east, including our eagles, nest & eggs. Fearing a power outage that keeps us from seeing how the eagles & nest are holding up.
Fingers crossed, blessings asked.
Stay safe everyone.
Aha, while I was writing my novel SHIRLEY deftly took the leap--nice split ! And MARGY was right behind her ! Very agilely done you two.
OH CarolAnne we were hitting post the same time, but I think you were a millisecond ahead of me!
Hello! and Good Morning
Kay: I was JUST going to post,
that I was looking forward to your Seth report, and there it was !
sounds cozy and warm
MARGY, give the Kidster a Mama Kay hug, please---if he isn't too old for such mush, that is !
Hi, CAROLANNE ! Are you also under a severe weather watch up there ?
Enjoyed Linda's report of her
singing ministry at her church...
always uplifting,
we sang several of Gene's favorite songs yesterday
Amazing Grace
In the Garden
How Great Thou Art
Morning all.
We didn't. really have a rromantic evening ...just a quiet one..sunset didn't cooperate ..but we did have a drink together ... And watched a movie. Larry has been struggling with eating. Throat still sore and still eating soft foods ...and didn't feel all that great yesterday . I told him it was all part of the healing process.
Snow...they are calling dorm 4-8" here tomorrow . Think we are going to squeeze in a grocery store trip today.
I worked out in the yard yesterday ...
He doesn't mind the mush :)
Time for me to make ready to travel...
Thinking of you ALL through the day
Lovins' and HUGS
xo ttfn xo
(as long as no one HE KNOWS is lurking, left a word out )
I love seeing how those three beautiful eggs are sometimes lined up in a row and other times huddled in a triangle !
Had our snow last night. Below zero windchills this morning. But it is sunny.
Pellet stove cleaned - now out to shovel. Will be toasty in here when we get back inside.
Hi there Paula...glad there were some bright spots, sorry for a little downturn there for Larry...
steady as she goes....hoping that
things improve steadily and easily
(( HUGS ))
Just a quick good morning....gotta eat and leave for church. Will be back and read back later.
82 yesterday...presently 29 and winter mix expected. Nooooooo!
Good morning - so glad I found you ♥
Sandi - you are doing the utmost for your mom - Love is a healing for the heart. So happy that Brian will be there in 10 days and I pray he gets to visit with his grandmom. Hope all is well with Lynnis
Shirley - very happy you all had a very good day yesterday
CarolAnne - our storm should start tonight - praying for our nest and all our eagle peeps.
Safe travels for all headed home from Martinsburg - So happy you all got to the nest and shared your pics with us.
The pics of the cake is on FB
Jenny is here this morning...
Kay - you are a blessing to Seth. I can see you two now chatting until midnight ♥
Margy - have a fun time with James the Wise. Thank you for being there yesterday with all of us.
I am going to be sending out individual emails on receipt of donations. I have a few more to come in on Monday but you all have abundantly responded. Love you to pieces.
Story From Karla: The Wright family members vacation and spend time down at the OBX. There are wild horses at the beach and that is where Karla and her daughter were upon hearing of Gene's Death. Karla said:
"I was so excited to see the newest baby horse while at the beach last week. I was telling my sister how sweet he was and I couldn't remember what they named him. I looked it up this morning. This is 15 week old Eugenio
Good morning.
Can not get over the split
Phone will not let me!
Sorry you were not feeling well PAULA.
Do consider vegetable and even fruit smoothies for LARRY. They go down smoother and you can make them tasty.
Healing energy coming your way.
SANDI sooooo very happy BRIAN will be home in ten.
Blessed Be for your MOM and the family.
Snow storm here.
Cancelled morning ski.
Still hoping to go to yoga in the afternoon.
Cancelled going to church here! Went out to get in car and could not see out of the windshield because of ice presently freezing rain. Afraid of ice on the country roads so I am staying home.
Now to read back.
Hoda, on the phone there is a way to get to the newest posts. Will have to do it myself to then be able to give you directions.
Dear Friends, Hope everyone battens down the hatches today before the (another???) storm.
Prayers for all on our list ☺ and good wishes that everyone and pets, homes, etc. stay safe.
Jo, LOVE Karla's story of colt named Eugenio!!!I saw an unbelievable sight yesterday early evening while leaving Chelsea office where I had been for a couple hours. I got a photo of something that could only have been sent from above. Let me know if you agree!
Speaking of mush....Joseph, no matter where we are gives both of us a hug and kiss when he greets us. Yes, we got them at the track meet in front everyone!! Also a love you is thrown in when we leave. Now, Jacob is a typical 9 year old third grader and I have to fight for my rights to hug and kiss. We shall overcome this, by jove!!!
As for the singing....I love to sing. What I do is make a joyful NOISE unto the Lord. Yep, can not carry a tune, but think I am not too bad when singing with others. LOL
Beautiful, Loretta! I agree!
Yes, love the name of the new pony. Love all the signs from above that we are getting.
Hate it that my car is out in the horrible weather. When we have the trailer I can not get my car in the garage. Poor thing!
With our old trailer Jack could go in and out and I would drive in but not back out. Scaredy Cat! But this trailer is bigger.
Beautiful LORETTA.
Thank you LOLLY
I must be over the split since you can read my posts.
Normally I have newer newest option.
Not today
Loretta - the sunset pic is breathtaking!
Even if you make a comment on Page 1 - when published it goes to the current page.. I think
Don't worry about the "mush" By the time they are in their late teens it returns big time & keeps continuing and getting stronger ♥
Lunch time
Hoda. I am feeling fine...Larry not so much...
Hoda I did get him to do a fruit smoothie ..
So sorry, Paula, that he isn't feeling well. Keep feeding him fruit about a thick chocolate malt?
Oh, Amazing Grace is my favorite hymn and In The Garden was my mother's. Used both at her service way back in 1965.
PAULA, sorry Larry is having trouble swallowing. I'm sure you'll figure some way to give him the nutrition needed til' his throat heals.
LOL, grandsons and their mush OR not ! Seth has always greeted me at school events--anywhere--with a hug. That has not been tested since he started at Otterbein U.. He's now 19 and a half and has just cooled to the idea of me tucking him in and giving him a kiss on the cheek at bedtime. He didn't say anything, but recently began to make his cheek hard to get to. I got the hint and so now a simple night-night and sleep well suffices !
Oh, LORETTA, that is a sunset from heaven ! We city folks rarely see sunsets. They were a daily joy out in AZ ! This one would make a wonderful jigsaw puzzle ! ☺
Eugenio ! That's great ! Yes, the CAPT is being honored far and wide and apparently Heaven is rejoicing over his arrival at the Golden Gates !
LOLLY, what an insult--from 82° yesterday to a car frozen over today ! Just talked to my friend in Joplin, MO and they're iced in. This weather system is far reaching just like the last few----this overly frigid winter began her about Dec. 4th and it's getting OLD ! Mother Nature, what's your problem ????
Windy at the Georgia nest again, but sunny. Their pantry is overflowing with fish, birds, maybe a little rodent or two. Wow, what a provider that dad is and with just one little eaglet and mom to feed.
Good afternoon.
Quiet day here. Dark and overcast. Wondering if the storm will delay my surgery. Probably not. Rather get it over with.
Sandi, the decisions you make for your mom are the decisions you believe are best for her given what you know at the time. Be at peace. What you do is what you believe is best. No regrets.
Sandi, very happy Brian will be home so soon.
Loweeeda, no doubt in my mind that Gene was with everyone yesterday. A soaring eagle, a stunning sunset, and a baby horse named Eugenio. Thank you for sharing.
Paula, sorry Larry is still uncomfortable. Guessing the discomfort is normal and will heal. Hoping soon.
Shirley, glad the anniversary celebration was enjoyable.
Margy, give James the Wise a hug, please.
Off to start some laundry. Want everything caught up before Tuesday.
Hoping Wanda and family are still together today.
Mombrella in operation at the nest. I am not ready for rain to arrive. Oh dear.
Our Belle is being a mumbrella. Bless her! Keeping the egglets warm and toaty, I hope!
Keep Laurel in prayer, please. She sounds horrible. Gosh, wish we lived closer!! Hate to leave with her so down. Joseph has vacuumed and mopped the kitchen. He is such an awesome 13 year old!! Once, while in college, she was hospitalized with pneumonia! Do NOT want that! She was 3 hours away and we hustled our bods over there!
66 degrees here. Supposed to have bunches of snow tomorrow.
So sorry about Laurel, Lolly. Kathryn had a bout of horrible crud the past couple of weeks. Didn't sound like herself on the phone. Finally better, but it took awhile. No fun.
What time Tuesday JUDIE?
The light rain has started in our area. It is 38.4° at the nest
Tonight: 20 °F Ice Pellets 90% chance of precipitation
Tomorrow: 22° snow 90% chance of precipitation
Wing span is open over our precious eggs.. ♥
Oh, I do hope all goes well and you get this procedure over with, Judie. Yes, when on Tuesday?
Oh no!!!
Keeping LAUREL in prayer.
Way to go JOSEPH
In like a lion out like a lamb.
I hope this is the case here with this winter front.
The gravel truck just followed the snow removal chaps.
Sweet Belle ! What a good mum and mumbrella !
Took Penny out and swept and salted the deck and entry bricks. It's a very light kind of snow and can be swept to the side with a broom--no heavy shoveling needed.
LOLLY, remembering Laurel in prayer. Hope it sounds worse than it really is. Joseph is awesome all right ! You can go away knowing her menfolk will take good care of her !
JUDIE, I'm watching for that Tuesday time as well. We WILL be with you !
JO, thanks for your comment on my being a blessing to Seth. My goal when leaving sunny AZ and moving back here 7 years ago was to be that extra unconditional love person I thought he needed. When he left for college I began to wonder if my days of usefulness were over, but they most assuredly are not. The kids have seen to my needs, too, for you Momsters will remember praying me through 2 serious hospitalizations. I'd have been so alone and so hard to reach in Bullhead City. The move was the best thing for me and for Seth, Actually for Julie and Hugh, too. They've had weekly date nights and a few getaways that were impossible to consider during the years when Seth had so many needs. I don't want to come off like some miracle worker, but I do think their marriage has be strengthened since some help came along ! God's hand is in the whole thing !
Scheduled for 7am. Have to be there at 6am.
Lolly, sorry Laurel is still so sick. Hope you won't have to cancel your vacation plans.
Shirley, we're in for some serious snow it seems. Just do wish all this would avoid the nest. So far, it seems ice is the biggest problem based on news reports.
Wondering if the mumbrella is an early predictor of serious snow? Didn't look like rain there.
Annie on my lap between my laptop and me. LOL She was wanting a neck and head scratching, her favorite thing. She in on a no eating period. Wish she would not do this!!
Bare ground here is turning white with freezing rain and sleet. Thunder sleet in some areas. Now down to 25.
We plan on leaving early Tues. Hope the roads are clear then. This is ridiculous!!!
Judie, now you want to get this procedure behind you! Will think of you Tues and keep you in prayer.
Good afternoon eagle buds
JO thanks for posting pic of the
flowers etc on you page
been on facebook and now I need to read get caught up
Keeping WANDA in mind all day just can't stop thinking of her and her family
SANDI you also are on my mind with your mom My sisters went through almost the same thing with my mom
Been sitting here thinking that I must go to the grocery store. Kathryn just called and we're going together. I do like to go so I can pick out things I want, but having her along will help.
It took awhile to recover from all the shopping and partying yesterday.
Thought I saw an upside-down turtle shell in the nest awhile ago. Now I see something I cannot identify.
Belle is still tenting. I am afraid she is in for a long time at this.
Lolly, George likes to come sit on my mouse or on my right hand. Very hard to ignore him.
JUDIE, thanks for giving us the time for your surgery. I'll be lighting a candle and keeping you in my thoughts. I know you've said this is no big deal. However, I agree with some witty person who said something like, "Minor surgery is what they do to someone else, it's Major surgery when the patient is me."
We just made it home safe and sound. Now to prepare although they are saying we are only going to get 1-3 inches. I am praying they are right.
SHAR, happy to hear you're safely home---we Momsters do worry and pray !
SANDI and Denny should be on the road or just about to leave her Mom's home for DE. Prayers for a safe trip !
Hey all, here's a totally off the current subjects question: Any Aldi shoppers? Opinion?
As our little town dries up - grocery store gone as well as bank, bakery, meat market , we look for replacements. Today we drove to an Aldi store - small, seemed to be big on snack items. Though it did have a very large variety of specialty cheeses. Bought a few things. Opinion out until we try them.
Any thoughts?
Mumbrella due to a light misty rain at the nest.......
CarolAnne, no opinion on Aldi. We have one but have never been in it. I have a favorite store and stick with it.
Now down to 24, but presently do not thin anything is falling.
Now 23.....nooooo!!!! Headed to the teens but thankfully nothing falling.
Can not keep cam going.
Thank you for checking in SHAR.
Glad the Southern Delegation is back safe and sound.
KAY I do believe SANDI posted that she already headed out towards home. I have been keeping them in prayer.
Just finished my hemp seed, chia seed and fruit in coconut milk lunch. High protein.
Headed out to yoga and groceries.
Hi, Everyone!
Ken and I have made it home safely, and so has Emma! She was SO glad to see us! We are SO glad to have her back here with us. She did well at "puppy camp", and they apparently spoiled her rotten!
Thought of Wanda and all the Wright family yesterday, and wish we could have been there. The eagle flower arrangement is just awesome! Absolutely beautiful!
I'm so glad such a large delegation of momsters & dadsters could be at the service. As I was thinking of Wanda yesterday, it occurred to me that our Lynn has probably already met up with Captain Gene, and given him a guided tour of Heavenly places! Deb is probably with both of them too!
We had a very nice weekend in Capistrano Beach, although it was QUITE rainy at times. The waves were HUGE, too. We were able to see some of Dana Point Harbor yesterday. We are glad to be home again too, though. Missed our Emma girl while we were gone!
It rained on our way home, but that is supposed to stop sometime today, and tomorrow promises to be dry. Last night at about 4:30 pm our time, we saw two guys pull up in an SUV with surfboards on top in the beach parking right across the street. They donned wetsuits, grabbed their boards, and headed out into the HUGE waves to surf! Not 15 minutes later, we were horrified to hear some booming thunder, and we saw lightning out over the ocean! We were SO relieved when we saw the two surfer dudes return to their SUV, pack up their boards, and head for home! Cowabunga!
Well, need to go feed Emma her lunch. She's probably starving--they feed breakfast at Petsmart quite early.
Will try to get back here later to chat more. Take care, everyone. I ♥ us!!!
HODA, I don't find a SANDI post of this afternoon--perhaps an FB entry ? At any rate they have our prayers and we'd love to hear when they're safely home. ♥♥♥
Another Momster and her Kubby make it home safely from the coast ! Thanks for letting us know ANDY !
You are right KAY. Post is on FB. 50 minutes ago
Was hoping to be in before 5:30 PM storm.
Thanks, HODA ! Now another hour or so to go---Godspeed, SANDI n' Denny !
I'm the official worry wart here. It's a wonder I don't insist that Julie calls me to safe she's home safely when she traverses the 3 miles that separate our homes ! Eileen and I always call each other as soon as we land at home after visiting each other. Of course, they each text many moves per day with their kids, but I'm too old fashioned for that !
"to say she's home safely", of course. I fingers and brain don't always work together well.
Good Afternoon Eaglebuds! It was 54° before 3 PM. Saw a little sun for 2 short times. Now it's 47° and some light rain. The worst is yet to come! I supposedly had a Dr. appt. Monday, PM. Not any more!
Can't believe Lolly's TX temps!!
Judie, will be saying a prayer for you TU!, altho I know for you it's a "piece of cake"! Think they'll give you a bicycle horn to communicate? LOL
Prayers also for Lolly's Laurel, Sandi's Mom and family, Paula's Larry, ALL others in need and God Bless Wanda's family!
Jo, the Eagle is magnificent!!! TY so much!
Kay, you are correct. For this it is called a procedure. However, anytime anyone uses a scalpel on me in two different locations it becomes surgery. Always fear a nicked or torn artery.
Glad the southern delegation checked in and safely home as well as Andy, Kubby, and Emma,and Sandi. Anyone heard from WV Susan?
CarolAnne, no Aldi around here.
Shirley, stock up. No sure further south but raining here already. At the nest, also.
I think Andy has the right idea. Lynn probably had an Eagle Talon AND a Poop Shoot waiting for the Capt. Love the thought.
Laundry well underway. Will wait to do sheetz tomorrow. Want to come home to clean sheetz. Pork and sauerkraut tonight. Thought better of having sauerkraut tomorrow night.
Hope yoga was enjoyable, Hoda.
Home from work and I see lost of fluffy flugg in the nest
Just heard a roar. Looked outside and we were having a hard shower of pea size hail. Lovely, just lovely. Now 22...down, down, down! All roofs are white.
Jack has checked our route and we should be okay. Just a little concerned about Amarillo, but temps are supposed to go up above freezing tomorrow.
We have lots of Aldi here in Fl but I don't like the no brands stuff they have
The nest looks really brown today must be the sunlight
76° here now so pretty out
OH I put a picture of the eagle arrangement on the guest book last night and it was approved and I just did the cake I think that is a good idea to put some pic on it in case they want to get it printed What do you think??
and JO I can do the other flowers arrangements can put up to 10 pic on it at a time I just read Let me know what you all think
Who ever is in the nest has flugg pulled up so close to them almost buried themselves
JUDIE, so glad you're having the sauerkraut tonight and will have something far more bland tomorrow night ! We ON IT for you, Tuesday at 7am !
LORETTA, I love the image of LYNN's welcome for CAPT GENE, too !
CAROLANNE, I see Aldi's ads and a store here and there, but know no one who shops at one. I'm hooked on my Kroger Marketplace, only a mile away.
LOLLY, here's hoping your route is clear by Tuesday---maybe you can go I10---El Paso and through NM to Tucson before turning northward ??
Thanks JudyE - that was my concern too. Was surprised to learn it is a German based company with over 2500 stores in Europe.
my temp gauge was 37° for the nest
Jo - JudyE
I was thinking of doing a booklet like Lynn 's
of the various posted pics.
What a great idea JO has lots of pic on her page of floral arrangements also
the last post was for CA
Thanks JudyE, will track them down.
CA you also can get pic from the EM album you can't right click them but you can SNIP them and also JO and SHAR and BEV have lots of pic of Wanda and Gene on their pages they have been posting
sort of watching or listening to the race caution again
evening all!
Temp is 37, rain has all but stopped and there is nothing on the radar for us anytime soon. Won't hurt my feelings if it all stay south of here!
clunk on cam and Eggs are alone
and now someone is there switcharoo
Just got a quick view of the eggs. They are deep in the flugg, and more is being pulled up.
Kathryn and I went to the grocery store awhile back. We started out at the local Giant where we usually shop. It looked like a complete madhouse there. The parking lot was full.
So, we went to the Food Lion that nobody seems to have discovered, and it was just fine. Nice to have a secret grocery store. While we were there, the temperature dropped 20 degrees and the rain stopped.
There are some Aldi stores around here. Kathryn has shopped there--I think the milk is (or was) less expensive. The store is small, and, as I recall, you have to pay 25 cents for a cart. I think she went there sometimes for specific items. I have been with her once or twice several years ago.
CarolAnne - I have my Lynn Book out -
Would be a lovely idea about a book for Wanda - I have included on my page all the photos that Denise has put on FB. There are many other Momster/Dadster photo in our albums.
Reception photos would be good and be able to stick to a theme. I'm sure more will be posted - so don't finalize until at least mid week.
If you can't copy them from FB holler at me and I'll place in an email. TY
37° at the nest
Forecast lower amount now of precipt
1-3 for my area........
Hi all - there's no place like home! Got back around 5:30 - have unpacked, emailed Mom that we're home and fed the dogs. We encountered nothing but rain and it's 47 degrees here in Bethany Beach. The temps are gonna have to do some dropping before we see anything besides rain.
Snow is near Columbus.
Precipitation has now passed us. Neighbors were out since Thurs with their trailer. Came home today from the south. We have a bridge we have to cross over the interstate to get home. She said a car had an ice accident and had blocked both lanes. Hilton had to back the trailer down the bridge and around a curve. But, they are home safe and sound.
Glad you are home, Sandi, and thanks for letting us know.
We are getting a forecast for 6-10 inches of snow on top of a layer of ice.
Thanks for checking in SANDI
I did put 10 pic of the floral arrangements on the guestbook and I love the three generation of gals also
so happy you got to the store before the storms hit SHIRLEY
Good to know you're safely home, Sandi.
BELLE just yawned opened up beak but no noise came out had to have been a yawn
EGG roll
she seems to be digging deeper moving flugg also
snuggle snuggle down she goes wiggle wiggle back and forth
I gotta run to the PO or the bank for stamps want to get my ballot in the mail BBIALW
Jo - so far no problem copying. Will not rush it.
So worried about those of you with ice & snow forecasts. Extreme cold is a bother but it does not have to be shoveled & does not impair road conditions. So I will not complaun about our cold here.
Stay safe everyone.
Glad you're home Sandi!
I'm sure you're physically
and emotionally drained....
CarolAnne & Jo.....
Just a thought.....
Being that Denise is a photographer
and had a friend photographer take you think they may
already planning something along
those lines???
If not, it is an absolutely
wonderful idea. Something Wanda
will always have to look back on
and remember that special day of
honoring Gene's legacy and life!
SANDI, happy news regarding homecoming ! I was not going to shut down til' I had this news.
LOLLY, glad your neighbors made it in and hope conditions change rapidly for your departure.
SHIRLEY, snow is indeed near Columbus--severe weather warning--will probably get another 3" on top of the mornings 3. Hazardous driving conditions through Monday. I'm stayin' home !
Glad you and Kathryn found a good store and have all your supplies, just in case this is a long siege.
Heading for news, 60 Minutes and beyond.
Love and prayers for all ! See you tomorrow....
Ah yes......
Celebrations in Heaven....
Eagle Style!!
I like that, too!!
My weather forecast with the lower amount of precip would be the same for the nest
Looking good
Linda, thats a good point.
Evening, all! Cleaning chores on the agenda today. Headed to the TV for the Oscars "pre-game".
Prayers for all in need. SED!
Mom and Dad at Berry nest. Chicklet in full view.
I am wondering what is going on, Jo. Our forecast was for 5-8 inches and now is 6-10 inches. It does look as if a large band of snow is coming across southern Ohio. Maybe that is it.
Been watching some Oscar stuff here too, Patti.
Good evening all.
CarolAnn, I am an Aldi shopper. Have one directly behind my house. I have always gotten really good things there at good prices. I love to get fruits and veggies there.
Yes, you do deposit 25 cent for a buggy, but get it back when you return the buggy.
SANDI: thanks. We are excited. No buyers remorse, yet. lol
Well I finally broke down and went to one of those urgent care places today. I just felt really badly. its been almost 2 weeks now. they were very nice. i have a sinus infection and what they used to call tonsilitis...supposedly. anyway, a z pack and back home. i am not bowling tonight. all i want to do is sleep. i am going to get a shower in a bit and call it an early night.
we are in a winter storm warning. we shall see, but supposedly its gonna get nasty in a few hours, ice and snow. we have groceries, gas for the generator and so here we are.
i'd be glad for the day off myself.
i do have a dr note, but, hate to call out...again.
i did post pix of the new rv on my blog if you want to see them. we should take delivery next weekend.
in the meantime, a quite night here. i will be lurking between here and facebook, maybe reading my book.
light, love, hugs and smiles to all!
Janet, thanks for the Aldi thumbs up. Will take a while to see if it works for us.
Feel better soon.
so sorry you are feeling ill SIS
feel better soon SLEEP SLEEP and the meds will make you as good as new soon
I looked at radar looks really nasty
lol Shirley - I am pushing everything up here down to you
Turtle Bay had three eggs but now today only two and if you remember March 1 last year they also lost a egg There is a pic of what looks like a egg on the edge of the nest area
and today the NE Fl nest had branching be gone soon
I am watching the Oscars also
Spotsylvania County Schools closed tomorrow.
I am watching the Oscars much to Jack's dismay. LOL
Girls from next door came over for directions for watering plants. Crazy weather!! Now 21, we are lucky we did not get more ice, sleet and hail. The warm temps from yesterday, and the cold temp today some how worked together to prevent snow. I can't explain it....ask the weather man. ☺
was on facebook
I have oscars on but all the noise from the crowd is getting on my nerves
Had to find my way back to the Oscars. George stepped on the remote.
What did he want to watch SHIRLEY LOL
This morning, I heard the TV downstairs playing. Went down expecting to find Will watching a program. Nope. Luna was lying in front of the TV with the remote on the floor beside her. She was perfectly content with whatever it was she was watching.
These new remotes are something else.
Some adjustment or other that Verizon has set up, Judy. I was afraid I would not get back to normal TV. This system is confusing.
You will get the hang of it Shirley Did you get instructions with it
I dislike my remote to the cable also
I want ice cream
just got a craving for it
its almost 9
do I go or not
Yes, there are instructions. It will take awhile. The remotes are so sensitive. I pick one up and reset everything when I don't know I've touched any of the buttons.
Kathryn has not told Hunter he does not have school tomorrow. She will get him up before she goes to work, and maybe even have him clean off her car. Eventually, he will figure out that he needs to check on school closings himself.
Glad all the travelers made it safely home . The big storm only left us with 3 inches or less of snow, taking the more southernly route. I guess our eagles are made for bad weather.
Tomorrow I will be calling a plumber and other repair people. The hot water line to my washer burst due to freezing. I heard it right away and got the water off. Decided to do wash with cold water. I got one and a half loads dry with a washer full of clean wet towels. The dryer died and I don't know if the burst pipe was the cause somehow. Dryer about 12 yrs old. Plumber will have to go through wall for repair. Then repair wall etc. isn't it always something?
JudyE I have some frozen nonfat yogurt that is languishing in the freezer. It helped me break the ice cream habit
Dinner over.
Jo, just remember, what you push down to Shirley, has to go past me. lol
Shirley, GDub classes are cancelled tomorrow. In all my 20 years (student and faculty) classes were never cancelled. Law students sued for reimbursement of tuition for cancelled classes, won the case - GDub cancels only in extreme cases.
Janet, really glad you got a medical opinion and hope you feel better very soon.
I think a book for Wanda would be wonderful. She would be so grateful.
Have already contacted the young man who has been shoveling for us. Need to make sure we can get out by Tuesday morning.
Will BBL
Oh, Granny, what a mess! The water pipes to my laundry room are always freezing, but they haven't ever burst, thank goodness. The builder says they won't. Oh, I hope not, but I have probably spent a fortune keeping the electric heater going in that room.
I really don't like yogurt I only like the one at McD
both of Wands daughters have lots of pictures on their page they made public for all to share and see so thoughtful of them so if you need more pic there are some fantastically beautiful ones on it one of Jayden head with Genes hand on it and lots of daddy daughter pic
you might want to check them out also
Margy I saw a pic of you in the food line Nice to see you again
that JO posted
need to jump in shower got so involved with blog and tv
I can tell you, Judie, that a bunch of law students can come up with the darndest things. I figured the people of Williamsburg got annoyed with the William and Mary bunch.
so sorry for the plumbing woes ANDY
good you heard it
Love the idea of a book for Wanda.
I've been to the ALDI's in Germany...
Albrecht Brothers... and then the DI stands for something or other
We have one here in Martinsburg,
it's pretty good
cheese prices are good!
Good Evening, Eagle Pals
so glad, relieved, that our travelers have arrived at their destintations,
and hoping the Same for Judie on
Tuesday morning !!!
Ditto, Lynne1
about the plumbing problems,
real bummerini there
Lolly, so very sorry that Laurel is so sick, loved the Jacob and Joseph tales, Always !
Loved Loretta's sunset picture,
and the young horse name
and Hoda's Soaring Eagle Saturday
Lots of "Signals"
James knew Gene,
knew him also as The Captain,
and Wanda, as Costume Lady.
He has b
fingers slipping
James had been to Country Costumes,
has been gifted twice with
Hallowe'en costumes.
I told him today, of Gene's death...
one of Gene's nicknames for James was:
James appreciates all the Momsters'
Good Wishes and Hugs...
He always does
ttfn xo
Beginning to wonder when we'll finish the bowling season. Every time we miss, it adds a week to the schedule. So far, it's just two weeks. But this Tuesday already looks like a no go. We do not bowl if more than one school in the area is closed. That's in the by-laws.
At some point, they will want to begin the summer leagues.
Temp here dropped 10° in an hour...between 4 and 5 today..of course it was when i was walking the dogs...then a touch of rain. Nothing here at the moment .
Not watching Oscar...Larry was watching something ...but is watching the inside of his eyelids at the moment :-)
Well, I have butter pecan ice cream I'll share with you, Judy.
But you might get snowed in up here if you linger. Sounds like tomorrow morning is gonna be very interesting.
We learned at the services, from Pastor Eddie, that if Gene did not know someone's name, that person was "George" for awhile
In speaking to Gene's son-in-law
Donny, Karla's husband, he related that when Gene starting calling him Donny, he KNEW he was really part of the family
it was very touching....Donny was with Wanda for many hours and really....helped hold things together for her the day Gene died
Good Evening, my friends...going to disappear now for awhile...time for PJ's for starters, and some quiet time
xoxox (( HUGS ))
Love it, Paula....Larry watching the insides of his eyelids...
used to use that expression myself and happy to know YOU DO TOO
Glad you had some time today with
James today, Margy!! I am
sure it did you some good after
a very long and difficult week!!
LYNNE1 - So sorry about the busted
water pipe and the dryer, too!
JANET - Hope the z-pack kicks in
quickly and you are on the mend....
Sinus infections can really be tough
Feel better.....
LORETTA - Forgot to mention that
beautiful sunset you captured yesterday!!
Surely seemed fitting, didn't it!
Hoping LARRY is feeling better....
And watching that awful weather
troubling everyone in the VA and WV
areas. I think we are far enough
north, that we won't even get much
snow from this system.
The worst storm of the winter is here.
It is cold. 14 and dropping.
Very good Yoga class.
Wonderful grocery shopping found what I wanted.
Not so good on the roads.
Could not make it up hill.
Slid twice.
Pretty scary.
Parked the car.
Walked up hill with three bags if groceries and my walking sticks.
Phoned BCAA and they will come get me to see if they can bring my car up hill.
So I pray and find gratitude that I did not hit anyone.
That I left the car and am strong enough to have brought my groceries home.
I am having a cup of tea.
They will phone me before they come here to get me to look at the car and see if they could bring it to my driveway.
Blessed Be.
Actually was 15 °..From 60 TO 45...still 45 here now...
Hoping to make it to work in the morning and leave early .:-)
I'd better let the cold water drip in laundry room sink, it is to be single digits tonight and the baseboard heaters in there don't help. Then to bed for me. I haven't seen any of the movies, so not terribly interested. SED to all
Glad all in our blog family are safe.
Book is an awesome idea C/A
Sorry LORETTA about the leak.
God IS good all the time.
Not LORETTA sorry!
My eyes are burning like crazy...
So I think I will shut down shop
for today and take a nice hot shower!!
Thinking of our Wanda and
how she is handling today.....
Sending love and prayers her way...
Also thinking of Sandi...
and hoping she is able to get
a little rest and relaxation this
evening. Hopefully schools in your
area will be closed, and you'll get
even more time to unwind before the
challenges of another week face you!
Praying for comfort for your Mom...
If I don't make it back, I'm keeping all
our momsters and dadsters in prayer.....
PAULA my dad would always do that He would watch the news that way or something always after dinner You just brought back that memories
has anyone gone to the PO to get stamps out of the vending machine Well no more for me Not a pretty stamp the forever stamp and I got 3 sheets of them Very disappointed in them Silly huh has the PO looking eagle on it black and white plain jane
OH I went and got a yogurt at MCD no icecream It was tempting
Wow, Hoda....
Glad you are safe inside and
didn't fall on that ice....
Tea time for need
to unwind!! God is Good!!!
Well I can not remember who had the bad pipes!!!
One of us did!!!
I think!!!
Not GRANNYBLT either!
Confused and stressed.
Thinking of all of you.
Hoda, it is Grannyblt who had the problems with the water pipes. She posted at 8:58.
Paula, I had posted earlier that the temperature here dropped 20 degrees while we were in the grocery store. Really makes you think something is about to happen.
"Hazardous winter weather conditions pose an immediate threat in your area. Please check back for official updates."
This notice is posted on a read background. Oh my. Sounds menacing. Have to go look out the window.
Hoda glad you made it home safely.
busted pipes suck!
Janet hope you feel better soon.
Hope they get your car back to you quickly, Hoda. This has been a winter to remember.
1degree now, real feel of -13. Continuing to drop to about -10 with real feel of -25.
Out one last time to leave seed for the very early birds & to check the fish pond heaters. The in to crawl under the covers to csll it a night.
Hope morning dawns on good things for everyone - feeling better, rest in body & mind, and weather conditions that are tolerable & Hoda 's car has made it home for the night.
Take care all, sleep well.
Oh, wow, CA. Major coldness.
Blessed Be!
People are good and kind.
BCAA sent a HUGE truck to get me.
A very kind young man named Dustin.
I could hardly climb up to get in the truck.
Thank God they have handles!!!
Anyway! I made it in. My car was 300 meters away.
Instead of charging me on my card, he asked me to sit in his truck up my street so I would be warm. He then walked to my car and drove it up here for me.
I went to my car. Young men put the breaks on so hard. I could not release it. He came back to help and followed me to my flat.
I said thank you he said stay safe.
I will put him in my prayers.
God IS Good All The Time and he sent an angel of a man tonight to help me. Young people get a bad wrap sometimes. Blessed Be!!!
looking on my weather app radar show blue for the nest area just on the edge I see no flurries at nest so far
so happy you got thing in hand HODA and there are still some good kids out there
Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all
♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."
Awesome story, Hoda. So glad you are home safe and sound and with groceries and your car!
Love fb. Have been chatting with Wanda, Mits and Denise. Just silly talk and laughter.
Snowing at the nest.
OK weather map shows snow. I saw one flake.
2 flakes
Wanda just said on fb that it is sleeting at her house. What is the flake count now, Shirley? LOL
It has started precipitating now
Not yet snow.... We'll need to check out our nest at the break of dawn.
Heading for my pillow
Goodnight and God Bless to all
Prayers for healing
♥ I love us
Well, Lolly, I see several flakes. Not yet accumulated on the nest, though.
Split is almost upon us.
Just learned a little while ago that Laurel's snow candle has worked wonderfully. No school for her, the boys, and for Joey. Wahoooo! So glad she is home without worrying about school and getting a sub. One more day to stay in bed and get well!
Would you believe they are saying that this will be the coldest night of the year. Wind chill in the morning -7 and not to go above freezing tomorrow.
Heading to bed. Night all! SED!
Oh, now there is snow accumulating on the nest.
Oh my, that is cold, Lolly.
Snowing here, some sleet, we're at 33 degrees
things in the area including Metropolitan Washington...are shutting down,
including buses, trains....
Good to read Hoda is safe and had some Nelson Angels to help out too
Enjoyed reading that Lolly was
chitty-chatting with the Wright gals
Unbelievable, Lolly, those low temperatures
xo Be Careful All xo
Prayers for Wellness Amongst us All
God Bless Us,
Every One xoxo
Still 40 degrees here, but that is supposed to explain. Maybe a foot of snow expected.
Yes, Shirley, we are
Stormin' towards the SPLIT
G'Night, Precious Pals
. . . supposed to change.
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