Thursday, February 27, 2014


New thread.


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paula eagleholic said...


paula eagleholic said...

Kay, glad Penny is feeling better!

Hitting the road...

Catch ya'll later!

Mema Jo said...

Paula - I am happy to see you so happy ♥

BBL dinner time

Kay said...

PAULA, your plans with Larry are so romantic ! Drinks at sunset, movies--the ideal weekend in the making !

Saw the beautiful trio of eggs while Belle took a stretch---at least I think it's Belle--so hard to tell with this new cam angle.

SANDI, thinking of you and Denny as you head west and over the big bridge to Baltimore. Hope you find that your Mom has had a good day.

Kay said...

Yep, JO, I'm feelin' like an early dinner myself. Went to Kroger twice today as Rx's were not ready the first time. No time to eat a proper lunch so I'm starving ! BBL

magpie said...

Lovely three eggs in view, on the Still cam....

probably not for long

I don't even try the Live Feed anymore

Hello !!

magpie said...

and plopped again

Best Wishes for a good evening,
and SAFE

Looking forward to those that can join us Saturday....and will be
keeping those that cannot, tucked into my heart

magpie said...

glad NC SUZAN that you are starting to feel at least a wee bit better...
and hope 10% b

magpie said...

on shucks

hoping for 100% better Pronto!

as are my wishes for all amongst us
with ailments

xo ttfn

Judie said...

Kay, dinners may "sound" good but maybe not chef quality. I just like to cook when I'm not rushed. So glad Penny seems to be feeling better so quickly. Hope that continues.

Paula, have fun.

Jo, have a good dinner. Tonight is First 48 (:

Hmmmm. Wonder if Hoda is already asleep?

Shirley, did you practice bowling today? Well, think of something for Monday as Hunter might be home again. Nasty storm a'comin.

To the scullery. BBL

magpie said...

Nice beateous sunny winter kind of day for


magpie said...

Thanks for the reminder, Judie:

First 48 it is !!

I've been filling in with DVDs I purchased right before surgery,
of CSI New York, and some Law and Order Criminal Intent

now, ttfn xo

Lolly said...

Home from buying grosssseries for the trip. Will return Monday to buy produce. I am tired. Time to sit down for a while.


grannyblt said...

Happy Birthday Jerry

Home now after a beautiful, if frigid, day of birding. We saw a decent variety of ducks along with 30 or so tundra swan and a couple of bald eagles. We checked our close to home eagle nest and didn't see any birds, but the eagles have built another nest in the tree closest to the older nest. I will try to get a picture.

Big snow storm coming Sunday-Monday.

My thoughts and prayers will be with all of you tomorrow.

Hoda said...

Happy Birthday JERRY.

Good to read the posts.

Safe travels LOLLY.

Enjoy the movies and time sharing PAULA LARRY.

On going prayers for the WRIGHT family.

Good day here. Turning cold right now as the wind picked up.
Storm coming in.

Good day here. Yoga, volunteer office work for Friends of Kootenay Lake. Volunteer with Kootenay Spirit Festival. Now I email looking for a late lunch and tea!!!

stronghunter said...


Happy birthday, Jerry!

I see three eggs!!

Belle is eating.

stronghunter said...

Yep, saw your storm on our weather. It's a big one. We get it later.

No bowling practice. The alley is not open during the day on Fridays. A fairly recent change. I have been trying to get in practice time on Saturdays, Sundays, Mondays, and Wednesdays. Thursdays only if I get there early. It is crazy there later in the day.

There are other bowling alleys in the area, but I get a big discount at the one where my league bowls.

stronghunter said...

Getting ready to go meet Kathryn for dinner. She had to work late. Sounds frustrated.

stronghunter said...


Lolly said...

Oh, lovey! Beautiful day today, up into the low 80's. (NOT my age, CarolAnne!) Nice day expected tomorrow. However, Sunday temps start to drop. Low in the teens Monday and high in the 30's. Rain, sleet, and possible freezing rain. Possible hail???? Lovely, can not get car in garage while we have the trailer here. Also, in storage trailer is covered, but not here. Oh boy!!!

Lolly said...

Getting dark at the nest. Saw the eggs and Belle dining.

Lolly said...

87 here today and we turned on the AC in the trailer. 19 Monday morning....this is ridiculous!!!

Lolly said...

Just imagine.....80's today 19 Monday. Ridiculous!!!!!!

Lolly said...

I like what the weather man said. He has lived many places and folks say....if you don't like the temp..just wait. He said this has never meant much to him until here. LOL

AZPatti said...

Good evening! Going back for a quick read.

AZPatti said...

Happy Birthday, Jerry!

Lolly, if you and Jack are into scenic drives, western New Mexico and eastern Arizona have some beautiful drives, including my beautiful White Mountains. Safe travels no matter what route you decide on.

Kay, so glad Penny is feeling better.

Jo, you were in my thoughts all day. Hope your day was tolerable.

Didn't see or hear eagles today at "my" nest. Maybe they escorted the juvie all the way to the state line!

Off for the evening chores. I'll try to check in tomorrow, 11:00 my time.

Hope everyone has a wonderful, relaxing Friday evening. I'll be thinking about Paula and Larry's sunset. Storm is making it's way here; it's cloudy so no sunsets for us. But we need the moisture so badly I'm not complaining one bit.

In case I don't get back here, SED and prayers to all in need, especially the Wright family.

AZPatti said...

Margy, I've given up on the live feed, too.

I'm really enjoying the bobblehead at the Berry campus. Something I found today is their other camera. If you hover over the bottom portion of the screen, up pops a tool bar of sorts, with the volume control, the play/pause button, etc. The grid-like icon on the right side will take you to the other camera, which shows the whole tree. You can see the eagles when they're standing but not so much when they're down. I finally saw both eagles in the nest today. And that little guy will take BIG bites!

Janet said...

good evening to all. FRIDAY!

not a lot going on.


its been a decent day and good week. glad it is friday night. i find myself tired.

hope those who are puny feel better. hugs and love to all!

magpie said...

That will be the next nest I check out AZPatti, many here are raving about it....I'm just babying
my GB usage on this laptop....
will be much better if and when I can get a PC hooked up.
When my hands heal, maybe

Glad the week ended up in the Plus column, Janet
Enjoy your week-end....but you do you EVER really get ANY time off ??

Two "First 48's" watched and enjoyed, thanks Judie for the reminder

Thinking of all, especially....
Wanda and the Family...
Tomorrow we mourn a profound loss, and celebrate a brilliant and vibrant life... and take that next one day at a time

Prayers for Wellness, Peace, Comfort amongst us all

Thank you all for your friendship
and fellowship, Precious Pals,
it is precious and dear

Good Night, and Sweet Sleep Wishes

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxo

JudyEddy said...

Good evening eagle buds Had a nice day with Jordyn at the park Saw some kids fishing went up to the dock talked with them they had some nice fish Shiners is what they said they were I touched one and tried to get Jordyn to touch it Wasn't gonna have any part of it
We went to Olive Garden for dinner and when the waiter came to the table Jordyn said Isn't her Cute The expression on the waiter face was priceless Think it made his night

Thinking of our dear WANDA but so happy that some get to attend to be with her I will be there in spirit
So happy that Tom feels relief from the packing being gone

PAULA taking care of Larry really good

LOLLY heading out with new dishes to eat on I chuckled when I read that

JO thinking of you missing one special Mr Scar
Have a restful weekend SIS

JudyEddy said...

should have said ISN'T HE CUTE not her

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Hoda said...

Good night All.
Will be with you in prayers tomorrow as you gather at the church.
Blessed Be The Wright Family and their Captain. Blessed Be. Till you all meet again Fare Thee Well Captain Father Gene.

Safe travels to the Southern Delegation.

God Bless Us All

Mema Jo said...

FYI from Glo :(
Berry College Eagles

ARGHH Heads Up Eagle cam lovers. Stupid people messing with cam watchers.
Beware of some spammers posting eagle pics that actually take you to porn sites if you click on them. There have been several incidences today. We can't imagine why anyone would do this and we remove them as soon as possible. Please report to us immediately through the private message function if you become aware of this type of post!

Mema Jo said...

Going to close for the day
All of you will be in my heart tomorrow and your well wishes will be made known

Love and prayers to all and to your loved ones

SED Goodnight

Linda said...

Poppin' in to say G'Nite!

Enjoyed reading of all the happenings
today, but too tired to comment myself!!

Have all of us in prayer tonight as we
keep Wanda close in our hearts....
as she prepares to celebrate the life
of her love and soulmate, Capt. Father Gene...

Sweet dreams to you all, and especially WANDA!
We love you!

Hoping to hear an update from SANDI in the
morning about her Mom.

We are truly blessed to have one another.....
I, for one, am thankful for all of you!!


Lolly said...

Getting on to say good night, but also thinking about tomorrow. Certainly wish I could be there. It would certainly be good to share hugs all around.

Save travels to all of you who are traveling to be there for Wanda. Will be keeping Wanda and all of you in prayers.

Night all! SED!!

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds---very early morning, too. I fell asleep at 8pm last night, missing all my favorite Friday evening programs. So, of course, here I am, 8 hours later all bright eyed and bushy tailed.

Of course, the first thought on my mind was WANDA and family including the Momsters who are heading to Martinsburg today. I'll be there in spirit and will use the Service time for meditation. I just lit a candle for all who will gather to honor the memory of CAPT. GENE.

Thinking, too of SANDI and looking forward to hearing how things are with her Mom today.

Wishing each of you a good March 1st ! 20 days til' Spring, y'all ! At least that's what the calendar says....


Kay said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kay said...

My delete---Google made me give my user and password, I typed part of it in wrong and had to repeat---then I go back and see a double post ????

JudyEddy said...

Good Somber morning Eagle Buds

My thought and my heart will be will Wanda and her family today
safe trip to all those traveling today to say farewell to Captain Gene

SANDI Safe trip seeing your mom and I wish you all the best

JudyEddy said...

Egg roll adjusting position

JudyEddy said...

Winter storm warning for the nest area 20° now freezing rain and snow with 5-7" it says for the next few days be safe one and all

CarolAnne said...

March 1 - a new beginning in so many ways.
Hoping its a day that brings peace, understanding, and love to each of us.
Godsped Gene. We will love your family thru this.

Sandi said...

Goodorming Kay and all my eagle friends. Kay I hope you have fallen back to sleep.

My thoughts and prayers are for the Wright family today - it will be a day of many tears and I hope some laughs as people remember the life of a wonderful man. I am sorry I only got to meet him once when Denny and I attended the non open house in 2012. Thanks to the members of our group who will be representing the rest of us at Gene's memorial service.

I wish I had better news for all of you about my mom. On a good note, she ate a little better last night. Lisa made lasagna for everyone and Mom ate a small piece and a little salad and a pice of bread. The nurse told Lisa not to pressure Mom about eating. Said she is moving around a lot less and doesn't need as many calories. But she is very weak, relies heavily on the walker, forgets what she wants to say, is having trouble talking - all the meds I'm sure. She went to bed right after taking her meds at 10 and so did I. When I woke up at 6:30 I noticed her light was still on so I opened the door. She was lying on top of the covers in her pants - had only been able to take her shirt off and then just fell over onto the bed and slept that way all night. When the nurse came yesterday she refused any additional assistance but I don't know how she can live alone. Tough conversations coming up today.

10 degrees here. Have a good day all.

CarolAnne said...

Oh Sandi, I know what you are going thru. Mom (89) fell down her basement steps. Broke arm near shoulder requiring a metal ball & rod. Moved in with my bro & wife. Lasted less than 6 weeks - she wanted to be home. Once there we had same issues - not eating, not dressing, etc. Has taken us 2 months to work out most issues. Have enlisted neighbors to share mealtime at her home (conversation & company helped),pluz agencies geared for situation. And yes, it takes some tough conversations. Wish you the best!

Judie said...

Hello all.

Sandi, so sorry your mom is not making much progress. Hoping the tough talks are productive.

Jo, thanks for the information on the Berry nest. Very much appreciated.

Fell asleep after the last First 48. Hope sandperson was diligent last night.

Headed to Martinsburg this morning. BB tonight.

magpie said...

Good March Morning, Eagle Pals

Wishes for Blessings on all our days, for Everyone in all our Eagle Corners

Holding all with Special Family Needs close in my heart, and
Praying for Good Outcomes

It's the Morning, It's the Day....

Will check back in much later in the day



God Bless Us,
Every One xoxo

Janet said...

good morn to one and all.
SANDI : certainly holding space for you today as you deal with these difficult issues. ((((hugs)))) for you and your family.

of course, holding WANDA and her crew close in heart and thought today as they must proceed thru this difficult day

and JO comes to my mind....still adjusting I am sure. hugs

A mild morning here 45. cloudy. rain expected tomorrow. i was very tired last night. went to bed and crashed right out. never knew when the sandman came by, lol.

groceries, sylvan, etc today. tom is very excited about going out and looking at RV's.

not a lot else. thinking of each of you. stay safe and warm in that snow zone!

light, love, hugs and smiles to all. blessed be.

Mema Jo said...

Happy Birthday to our Miracle Gal, Tori. 20 years old today and enjoying her life - God Bless you Tori

Judie said...

Thank you Jo.

♪♫ HAPPY 20th BIRTHDAY, TORI ♪♫ Wishing you a very extra special day and the beginning of another year of achievements.

Mema Jo said...

Morning to all ♥
1st cup of coffee taste very good.
Forgot to fill our peanut bag so my
little friends will need to feast on sunflower seeds.

I'm not looking forward to the sadness and tears that today's events will bring but I am looking forward to the love, hugs and fellowship that we can bring to Wanda and her family. ♥

Mema Jo said...

Sandi - I am thinking of you and what you are experiencing with Mom. It breaks your heart seeing the person who brought you into the world getting ready to leave your world.
Lots of hugs and love will get you through this - important decisions to be made on her care. Prayers to you and Lisa and the family - you need Peace of mind knowing you got her well taken care of in the best way possible - ♥

magpie said...

Happy Birthday Dear Tori....
May you enjoy your Special Day and the Year Ahead...and So Much More !! xoxo

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

Two eagles!

stronghunter said...

3 eggs!

stronghunter said...

Breakfast--or maybe brunch.

Mema Jo said...

Picking up cake and chicken well Hubby is.. Now time to get Jo ready to go...
Denise has friend with camera - ♥

I'll return this late afternoon and will come right on to see you.

stronghunter said...

Oh my, my neighbor is sawing up a very large tree. I will be happy when he has finished.

magpie said...

Ready and Waiting on
the Jewels Express.....
the tradition of chauffeuring
me around began with her
wonderful Mother Lynn

All my words are in my heart...

Take Care, Friends....
Hugs WILL be delivered


Linda said...

Yes, today is that day.......

Dear Wanda ..... May the peace of God
envelop you as you walk through this day...
Warm and loving memories of your precious GENE
will be all about your day today!! Celebrate his
life.....your life together.....and let all the lovins'
and hugs soak into your soul.

May God wrap his loving arms around you and
your family today......and may you feel the LOVE....

Linda said...

Dear Sandi,
Such difficult hours ahead of you
today as you gently love and make
difficult decisions for your Mom.

My heart is with you through this and
I do understand the challenges you
are facing. Some days can seem so
incredibly long when things change
from hour to hour........

May God guide you in your decisions
today and may you find the best
solution for your Mom's comfort in
this very fluid situation.

God Bless You, Denny, Lisa and

Linda said...

Thinking of and thankful for so many of
our Momsters who will be attending
GENE's service and celebration of life....

So very thankful for your love and support
of Wanda and for your willingness to bring
our sentiments with you.....

Wishing you all safe travels, peace in
your hearts and lots of HUGS to share....

Lolly said...

Good morning! So many emotions today. Keeping the Wright family in prayer and love.

Sandi, ((hugs)) for you. Do know what you are going through and experiencing. Keeping your mom and you in prayer, too.

Safe travels to all who are traveling to Martinsburg. Love and hugs all around!

Lolly said...

Today I gather all my house plants in the kitchen for the neighbor girls to water. They are watering the greenhouse and house plants for us.

Also, the refrig in the trailer is now cold and ready for food so will start loading it.

Will also, load some clothes. Hoping the rain in California will have let us by the time we get there.

Lolly said...

Talked with Laurel last night. She was running a fever and really feeling miserable. Joey went and got pizza for their dinner. He is also taking Joseph to his soccer game.

Jacob story....Yesterday morning he told his mother to stay home. She didn't but ended up coming home about 9:30. She set an alarm to wake and pick up Jacob at school. When he saw her he said "I told you so!" He took her a little supper last night. A slice of pizza and a coke. He was proud of himself to be helping his mom. Sweet boy!

Kay said...

We Momsters are so proud of the strides you've made with your wonderful new "lease on life" ♥♥♥

WANDA and all who gather in Martinsburg today, my thoughts are with you. I hope by the end of the day you're all sore from hugging and your mouths are aching from all the smiling. For I'm looking at the day not as somber, but rather one of celebration, honoring the life of an outstanding husband, father, grandfather, friend.....GENE has to be smiling from on high as he gets used to wearing those wings !

Kay said...

SANDI, may you, Lisa, Denny, all find the right words for the serious talks taking place today. Seems your Mom is on mind altering and needed meds to help her live with little pain. Therefore, you mustn't feel pushy when taking over and making the hard decisions. Many of us may be in Martinsburg today or otherwise engaged in the busyness of our lives, but our thoughts are with you as well !

LOLLY, aren't you pleased that Joey and their boys are stepping up to the plate for Laurel ? You can go off on your Western Ramble with mind at ease, knowing your daughter is in good hands. Do hope she feels better soon !

By this time tomorrow we'll be buried under about a foot of snow once more. Will get in a couple of good Penny walks as the temp today should reach the high 40's before a sudden drop and SNOW. UGH ! I stocked the pantry yesterday and am ready to hunker down for the duration.

I'll be meditating from 1 to 2 this afternoon. Then preparing for a Seth evening as once again he's returned to the warmth of his home and mine for the weekend.

stronghunter said...

Thinking of my Momster friends today.

Wanda and her girls . . .

Sandi and her mother . . .

All of you who are gathering in Martinsburg.

My heart will be with you.

NCSuzan said...

Thinking of everyone today as they travel, mourn, support and love with Wanda and family or in their hearts far away.

Sandi, I am so sorry for your situation. Hoping for the best decisions for you and your family.

Jordan Lake laid their first egg last night!

Lolly, I am so excited for your trip! Have a great time.

stronghunter said...

Happy birthday, Tori!

Sandi said...

The hospice nurse just left. In her professional opinion, any increased drowsiness/fatigue caused by Mom's new meds would have only occurred in the first 2-3 days (last Mon. - Wed.) and would have worn off by now b/c her body would have adjusted to the meds. So she thinks that Mom's symptoms are a sign that her disease is progressing and, as it does, she will spend more time sleeping and less time awake. Obviously not the answer I was hoping for but I appreciated her honest assessment.

The nurse asked again if Mom wanted more help here at the house and Mom balked again at the idea. Denny and I will need to impress upon Mom that, by refusing any outside help, she is creating more work for Lisa and more stress for me when I can't be here. Sometimes guilt is the best tactic.

I did give the nurse the combination to the lock box on Mom's porch (it's part of her Medic Alert system) so, when the nurses come, they can let themselves in if Mom doesn't answer the door.

Thanks everyone for your continued prayers. Linda, I remember that, when I first joined the blog, you were traveling this same road with your mom.

CarolAnne said...

May peace surround those who loved Gene so very, very much.

Gene will be loved and remembered,
Because he will live on forever
In the hearts of those who loved him.

NatureNut said...

Our Hearts and Prayers are with all the Momsters today who are helping to celebrate Gene's life. Wanda, may your sense of loss diminish and let God help you remember all the wonderful times and loving life with Gene. He was a Joy to this world and I'm sure is helping God already!
We mourn with you and will remember the Wright Family and pray for all every day.
God Bless us ALL

AZPatti said...

Morning Eagle Buds on this somber day.

Wanda and Sandi (and families), others here have expressed all my feelings so much better than I ever could. So I'll just say "ditto".


JudyEddy said...

on lunch at MCD gotta go get caught up

JudyEddy said...

OH MY is it TORI BDAY way to go

Not that long ago she was one sick little girl and so happy she is doing so much better

JudyEddy said...

SANDI remember the Family Medical Leave Act is out there if you need to take time for from work to help with your mom
I had used it with my parents but there are time limits also I would have to look it up don't remember But the have to hold your job for up to so many days (??) or a JOB after the days (???) as I said I don't remember the days

JudyEddy said...



Lynne2 said...

Popping in to say that I am with you all in thinking of Wanda and the family today

and praying for Sandi.
Good thought from Judy on the Family Medical Leave Act...

But on this difficult day, we had reason to celebrate too....TORI's BIRTHDAY!!!

Hoping that Andy, and Jim, are not being affected in any negative way by the rains in California.

It been such an emotional week here and for other reasons for me so I am glad the air is warmer and the sun is shining today. It may get close to 50 here tomorrow!

And then....well, the shopping is done and we are at the ready. Folks in these parts are just so weary of dealing with this weather. I can't remember a winter like this before. I pray that the Royal Couple and the Wannabe Heirs can weather this storm without incident.

JudyEddy said...

LOL My hear jumped in my throat I had read SHIRLEY comment 2 eagle and then the next said 3 I didn't see egg I thought I saw eagles boy its a good thing I re read it

Lynne2 said...

I'm going to go clean the pig and donkey barn. We ususally do that on Sunday but I need to spend some quiet outdoor alone time.


AZPatti said...

Lynne, hoping your alone time brings you some peace.

Margy, for some reason my computer can handle the Berry cam with no problem, just not our nest. Maybe yours can, too?

Back to the TV to catch up on recorded shows. Slow, steady rain here is much needed.

Lolly said...

Wanda, family, and all momsters in attendance today in Martinsburg, have been thinking of you and praying for comfort. Celebrate the wonderful life of Capt. Gene and hoping there are smiles amongst the tears.

Lolly said...

82 presently (temp not age!). Feel like putting on shorts.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Gene's memorial was absolutely beautiful and the Momsters had 3 pews. Our eagle arrangement was beautiful.

glo said...

Stopping by to just share some time here since I can't be in Martinsburg. It feels like we are all together more so this way. I don't have any words for these feelings. A good friend's heart is broken and the rest of my friends are also saddened for her and for their own loss as well. Tough Day.

Then there is Sandi How very difficult a time for you too. I hope your Mom will understand and accept the help she needs.

Happy Birthday Tori Well that's happy indeed and very special.

Hugs for all. Will check back later to read how the day has gone.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

My pic is of our arrangement.

Kay said...

Thank you, SHAR ! What a wonderful turnout and it's grand to know how lovely our eagle arrangement was. Are you and SISSY heading home or can you stay over til' tomorrow ?

I look forward to hearing more about the gathering, the hugs, the smiles and to seeing pics somewhere along the line.

I LOVE US and I do so love WANDA and GG ! God Bless All !

Kay said...

OH MY, that is stunning. Thank you for being so on top of things, SHAR ! You know how much each of us out-landers would love to have been right there with you ! 3 pews full of Momsters ? Fantastic !

Kay said...

I mediated, as I said I would, from 1 to 2. Then I tore into dusting and vacuuming for an hour as good hard work seems to help work things out at such times. Then Penny and I napped for an hour. Now time to think about dinner for Seth, etc..
Thanks again to all who gathered in honor of CAPT GENE, a true life hero !

Kay said...

By the way, my cam has been running--non-stop since I came on this morning at 11 ! Have seen a switch and several egg rolls. A good day at the nest. Wonder if any of our Momsters are working a nest visit in today or tomorrow ?

magpie said...

Helloooo Loving Friends

Yes, as Shar said, the services were beautiful, uplifting, comforting,
respectful, and at times downright
hilarious...many heartwarming remembrances offered by Pastor Eddie, and from JO, Judie, and Wanda ended the tributes, reading a poem
she wrote and had the courage and love to recite for us

magpie said...

The services were well attended, as was the reception...

A soup-Kitchen helper angel spoke of Gene, and one of his hunting buddies as well....

And the Church Family, Soup Kitcheneers and others, did the lion's share of set-up and clean up

The immediate family returned to GG's - who attended the service and the reception...for some personal family time.
Jayden, adorable! As we all know

magpie said...

AND, we earned a new name, as the Pastor struggled to manage
Momsters and Dadsters, so we
simply became
"The Bird People"

who are, counting in at 17:
Jo, Ed, Michael,
Robyn, Tori and friend Alyssa
MITS (Helen)
Christie, Jewels and Jewels' daughter Jenn
WV Susan from Charleston
Sharon, Bev and Mattie

If I have not remembered someone, I soon will....!

All of your beautiful words thoughts and prayers are dear to come home to and read

magpie said...

the Southern Delegation (and maybe a few otehrs...)
were going to try to get the curve in the road from nest-watching
they will stay in Martinsburg

magpie said...

Will be back on in a little while...

Yes, the Eagle arrangement....was
a welcome addition to many other
beautiful flowers at the church

The beautiful, stained glass windows, the lighting, the altar with tribute to Gene

And there were a few slide shows, and several framed photos

Jo's Cake: Fantastic

There were pictures taken, I am sure they will show up in places pretty soon.....

(( HUGS )) and love were duly delivered, and many smiles and good conversation graced the day

ttfn xoxo

Hoda said...

Well I was in the woods and skiing with friends in the valley. When it was time I said I needed to stop and be with loving, compassionate friends in remember ace if the Captain. So in the blustery cold winter day in the woods of Canada we all stopped for a prayer.
An Eagle appeared.
From the South East an Eagle appeared.
I was with you.
Blessed Be.
Now is time to tell our PRECIOUS WANDA,
Fare thee well dear friend till you two meet again.

Kay said...

And thanks to you MARGY for the nice report and list of we "Bird People" as well as serving with JO to make our arrangements ! You've both done us proud and all I can think of is, THANKS ! So glad we were represented by Momsters, Dadsters and Kidsters !

Hoda said...

Are you kiddin' me???
What an incredible floral tribute.
Oh so beautiful.
Thank you JO
Thank you florist. Can we say talented?

magpie said...

Beautiful, Hoda....
Profound way to have your tribute to
The Captain and First mate

Kay....thanks...Jewels was a Bigger Partner than I, Christie a strong partner as well....and many "at the ready" - we all, all of us,
all of you, have been a part of this.

OH, Michael really liked Judie's cookies too! I saw the little heap he was taking home with him :)

going to go out and catch some disappearing late afternoon fresh air....

xo ttfn xo

Kay said...

I must check out for today, but look forward to more reflections and perhaps some pics when I return tomorrow afternoon.

Prayers for all---WANDA and family, SANDI and family---Larry, Tom and MARGY as they continue to heal---safe travel for "Bird People"---everyone who needs a special touch today---like LYNNEDUH out there mucking out pig and donkey mess !


Hoda said...

WV JERRY had said he would try to be there too if work did not get too crazy. Did you meet his wife MARGIE?

Thank you for the reports.

Stay safe as you head home.
I hope the Southern Delegation see the Eagles

How gracious of you to spend it with us in celebration of a dear life passed.

JudyEddy said...


Home from work

magpie said...

WVJerry tried his best, he knew it could be a long shot to get there in the grocery store, it was predictatbly beyond- busy with the storm coming he could not get away in time, his wife arrived and had to leave shortly before I got there, so I missed out on that meeting..but.....there will other times and opportunities for time together....

JudyEddy said...

JO I hope my check arrived in time

JudyEddy said...

super windy at the nest cam is still running since I got home 15 min now and now twirly arrow so far but again it is in the evening and it usually isn't so bad in the evening

Hoda said...

Thank you MARGEY.
They are very good people.
WV JERRY and his MRS.
I thought the stores would be busy because if the storms.
Thinking if all the travellers and please check in when you arrive safely.

Lolly said...

They have been to the nest and saw one of our eagles!! Pictures on fb.

I got tears when I read about your eagle, Hoda. Very moving!

The eagle flower arrangement was awesome. Very fitting for us bird people. LOL

JudyEddy said...

SHARON has a pic of nest tree and eagle in it on FB arrived with fish Cool Beans Shar

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY I see you posted it also LOL

Bev also posted pic

Linda said...

Thank very much
MAEGY and SHAR for your early
reports of such a beautiful
service for Capt. GENE!!

I'd love to hear or read the
poem WANDA wrote!! I am sure
it was beautiful. A once in
a lifetime relationship.....
so filled with fun, laughter,
and love....those two shared!!

The eagle arrangement was
GORGEOUS!!! Thank you so very
much for including all of us!!

Looking forward to more pictures
and stories of today.

I was there in spirit....
as we all were together in heart...

Linda said...

HODA - Your eagle siting brought
tears to my eyes as well!! God
has the ability to show up just
when we need Him!! Amazing!!

Linda said...

Such a tough situation SANDI
is enduring right now....

Thoughts and prayers continue
with you, Dear Lady!!

Linda said...


Sorry MARGY.....You'd think
I could have at least gotten
that right!!

Back to income tax returns....

Talk about Ugh!!

Love that we are all "together"
in spirit and love today for
one of our very own.....

I ♥ us...

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

We were so honored to be at Capt. Gene's Memorial today!! Hoda, that is amazing!! Evidence of a loving God! Then we got to see Belle and Shep at the nest after the service. Very fitting, very fitting indeed!! Our Wanda was so strong and read a poem during the service. I could hardly hold back a sob. Precious!!

AZPatti said...

Hoda, your eagle sighting brought tears to my eyes, as well.

Jo, please let the florist know they did an amazing job!

Bird people. Love it!

Hugs all around!

WVJerry said...

Been home about an hour now. Went by the Church around 5PM but everyone must have left. Got something to boss and I both worked through our lunch breaks. I have been reading through the blog. Sounds like I missed a beautiful and touching event. Rhonda said she saw some people and gave them the envelope from us. She said she wanted to get back home to our dog. I think if Wanda keeps doing her Soup Kitchen I will walk down to the Church and visit her. I want to thank Jo for organizing everything and keeping me informed. A big thank you to Margy for keeping me in touch and offering to help Rhonda...if they had met. Another thank you for the Birthday Wishes. It is an honor to be included in the Momsters Group. Can someone tell me where I can see the pictures of what I missed. My continued prayers for all here. Take care all.

Judie said...

Arrived home about 45 minutes ago.

Little to add to what has been said. The eagle flower arrangement was truly a work of art. Wanda was, as always, a gracious and gentle friend and hostess. The "bird" people were well-represented. Mr. Jo is a handsome devil and Miracle Michael is just as cute and charming as ever (yes, he loves the cookies). The cake had a picture of Wanda and Gene - beautifully done. Miss GG was charming and I was happy to see her again. A very sad occasion made a little easier with the love of family and friends.

Margy and I found out we need singing lessons. lol

Need to feed Darth. BBL

Judie said...

Hoda, perhaps the Capt. was soaring with you this afternoon. Incredible timing.

JudyEddy said...

JERRY are you or your wife on FB ???
only pic on it is of the Eagle flower arrangement so far and of the nest visit that some went to after the service

JudyEddy said...

Steve posted a brutal weather report on facebook for the nest area
I suggested we put a warming blanket at the nest or a umbrella anyway LOL

WVJerry said...

I'm on Facebook. Thanks Judy E. Are the pics on Facebbok?

paula eagleholic said...

Jerry what is your last name? Did you like the Shepherdstown Eagle Cam page?

JudyEddy said...

JERRY the only pic now are of the eagle flower arrangement and the eagle nest form BEV SHAR and BEV
NOTHING from the service

paula eagleholic said...

Jo that arrangement was just gorgeous

WVJerry said...

Hi Paula. Smith. The page on the Live Cam. I'll check it out. Thanks.

JudyEddy said...

we can friend request you ?? or you can go to the fan page we are all there and get our info if you don't want to post your last name here
Shepherdstown Fan Page with blogger peeps on it

magpie said...


Scroll upwards to Sharon's earlier posts...before I got on....
She has a pic as her avatar...
that's a quick start to see it

JudyEddy said...

there are lots of Jerry Smith I just looked

magpie said...

At 4:29 pm Jerry

and the rest, sounds like you
can navigate to those places too

WVJerry said...

OK. Took a while. I agree about the arrangement...hard to believe that is made with flowers. Thanks all.

JudyEddy said...

Jerry you can friend request me and then I can send you suggested friend request of all the blog peeps I have on fb if you want I don't think there is a list on the fan page of peeps unless you are friends with them then it shows them there are over 300 Likes but when I click on it shows the 40some blogger peeps
here is my facebook link

JudyE facebook link to friend request me if you want and then I can send you friend suggestions

magpie said...

Woof !!
This weather system Titan
sounds like pretty monstrous

JudyEddy said...

Don't forget to like the fan page also I put the link to it earlier 6:45 The picture also is on it off to the right where others post not on the main page Also lots of nest pic on it

Mema Jo said...

Jerry - I will send you a friends request but Which Jerry Smith.. Do you not have a photo of yourself on FB

I have nest visit pics from today by some of our gang on my page

magpie said...

Flowers, feathers, seeds,
and moss, and leaves

magpie said...

Oh! Some little branches for a perch

paula eagleholic said...

Have been thinking of Wanda all day.

What an awesome group we are...can so feel the LOVE on this blog.

SANDI make the decisions that Will make your Mom most comfortable.

JudyEddy said...

funny there is a Jerry Smith also in Clearwater Fl to popular of a name to may to choose for I tired to search WVA but no luck

JudyEddy said...

Jerry go to the fans page LIKE it and make a comment under the latest post (picture) August 24 pic I just posted on it Jerry post here and we will find you that way the Shepherdstown Eagle Fan Page above in blue link 6:45

Mema Jo said...

The floral arrangement - Both Carolyn and Margy agreed on the Florist to use in Martinsburg, A few years back I remembered that Margy's bil had an Eagle Floral arrangement at his funeral. Margy was able to find the disc with pic and took it to place an order. She convinced them she wasn't leaving without it being ordered.
We got that Eagle and everyone has fallen in love with it mainly due to it being our very own Symbol of Love

WVJerry said...

OK. Judy I sent you message on FB. Tried to post on Eagle Cam page but don't see it. Sorry for confusion.

JudyEddy said...

JO I have printed a copy of the arrangement JUST Magnificent

magpie said...

Yesindeedy, Jo !!
So well stated,
Symbol of Love...

And you got the ball rolling....when you mentioned "An Eagle Arrangement"
That's our Jo! :)

Mema Jo said...

I have been on FB looking for photos - Denise, Wanda's daughter had her friend who is a photographer taking many pics. I am hoping to get the Cake pic for you and you already have the flower arrangement. I just can't tell you how marvelous it was to get and give hugs from everyone. Such a wonderful family of Wright's and the church ladies and men were so caring and just fantastic. You felt like you were home and among family and friends.

JudyEddy said...

JERRY this is you mission if you choose to accept it If now burn this comment LOL

Just sent you a friend request you were in my other mailbox Then I will send you suggestions

Mema Jo said...

There are a couple different pics of the arrangement...some in more detail.

The nest visit pics are fantastic...
Of course Bev, Sharon and Mattie and others went over. From the looks of the pics they got onto the grounds.

JudyEddy said...

I am not friend with them JO

Mema Jo said...

The group's donations are mounting.
I will announce later the amount given in honor of Gene to the Soup Kitchen. I am going to wait mid week in order to have all gifts.
I will also email the individuals concerning their receipt
So that's the plan ♥

Taking a break...... BBILW

JudyEddy said...

JERRY I just sent you suggestion I hope you get them let me know if not I did quite a few I was doing one and a time then I saw you can do multi not for sure if it worked just said close at the end

JudyEddy said...

Yeah I see JO went through I tired to do all of you I hope I didn't miss anyone ok gonna head to the shower

WVJerry said...

OK. JudyE i sent out some requests. Thanks.

Lolly said...

Jo, very impressive about the flower arrangement. You and Margy did good!!!

Lolly said...

Off to make some hamburger patties.

I feel exhausted...and it is all emotional and I was not even there. Though, I do feel if we had been there maybe I would be feeling better.

WVJerry said...

Thanks for everything. My Friends list is really growing!!!

Mema Jo said...

Now I wish I had a piece of that yummy cake........... lol

grannyblt said...

Thinking of the Wright family and friends this afternoon. That eagle floral arrangement for Gene was really amazing, wasn't it.
Hope the coming bad weather won't be a problem for the eagles
SED to all

Janet said...

good evening to all.

what an absolutely perfect floral arrangement! that florist is an artist!

so glad everyone could get together. i had thought about you all...and HODA, i smile thinking about that eagle.


those of you on facebook already know, we jumped and upgraded from our small travel trailer to an RV. we take possession later in the week as they are going over it with a fine tooth comb and cleaning it for us. i will post pix on blogger as well. we are excited. it is (in my mind) fantastic. never did i think we would own such a thing.

i am not sure it has really sunk into my head.

going to sell the travel trailer. putting it up for sale later this week.

weather prognosticators are saying that we are anticipating some ice and snow over night tomorrow night. we grocery shopping today; let it come.

have a great evening to all. will check in later. (((hugs))) and love to all.

Judie said...

Dinner over.

Tired tonight. Headed to the pillows early. Sandperson has instructions.

May the Wright family get some much needed sleep.

Night light is already on. Restful sleep for all.

magpie said...

Nearly two hours later, Judie: was fabulous being with you and Singing with you today,...hey, we did pretty good,
those octaves were either too HIGH
or too LOW...
And you held the hymnal Just Right for me, Thanks!

magpie said...

Janet, sounds like you have your own little Express RV going there over your way....


Pastor Eddie referred to a particular and very secret name that Gene had for him.....we might have to wait until get to Heavenly Territory to find out what it is !!

magpie said...

Spent a couple of pensive hours with some good tunes going (Josh Groban,
Celtic Woman) going through address labels which I like and don't like,
got some cards arranged to try to scrawl my poor handwriting upon them

I can type better than I can write these days

But mostly, I had warm reflections on the day today, the fellowship, friendship, the whole event....I just let it sink into my system...

Truly profound it was

Good Evening, Good Night Eagle Pals

My special thoughts for Sandi and her family today, many of us have clearly experienced the same kinds of dilemmas on just what the next step is going to be....
Best Wishes on Prayers that workable solutions come along, very quickly, Sandi
(( HUGS and Prayers ))

God Bless the Wright Family, every one, and

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxox

magpie said...

However, now
"Love Shack" is I'm going to do some silly dancing

Love you All, Cannot possibly express how I feel about you all


JudyEddy said...

I can just picture you MARGY dancing around Love it ♥

JudyEddy said...

ok now that song is in my head and I didn't hear it Power of suggestion

magpie said...

Go google it, JudyE....
well worth it :)

G'night now

stronghunter said...

I have been thinking of Wanda and the Wright family, and of our eagle family all day.

I am so tired that I will need to come back tomorrow to do more reading.

God bless and good night, everyone.


Mema Jo said...

Posted the Floral Eagle from a close up pic Denise posted

Beautiful coloring

JudyEddy said...

JO I love the close up of the pic

JudyEddy said...

looks like it had lots of depth to it also

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Lynne2 said...

Bang Bang BANG on the door baby....
knock a little louder, sugar.

TIN ROOF....Rusted

Dancing with you Margy!

magpie said...

It's beauteous, indeed, Jo...
my thanks to you, And Denise...

Now, G'Night now....


Lynne2 said...

I'm so glad so many of our group were able to be with Wanda in person today.

Lynne2 said...

boy, this storm is going to affect SO MANY of us....what a mess.

Hoda said...

Blessed Be.
Thank you for the reports on the amazing service it was.

I think the eagle I saw was a symbol to say all is as it should be...blessed be... GOD'S WILL...rise above the sadness celebrate the amazing life shared and offer the tears to the Divine. Blessed Be All Is As It Should Be.

Mema Jo said...

I am going to go tuck my head into my pillows

Wonderful day of celebrating the life of Capt Gene.

Goodnight to all

Lolly said...

I should have been in bed long ago. I am so tired!!

Once again, thanks to all who represented us today. I can just imagine all the love and all the hugs.

Heading to the pillows. See you in the morning!

Think I will fall asleep thinking of Margy dancing around!☺

Night all! SED

I came for the eagles but stayed for the friendships I have made.

Hoda said...

I can not sleep.
I am thinking I will fly to Vancouver to see a concert in March!!!
Just for the weekend!!!

Good night
God Bless us all

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

JudyEddy said...

I think that is Belle in the nest with her back to us Nest sound calm this am not really windy
Temp says its 34° there now

Linda said...

Good Morning Dear Friends!

MARGY - Your words always warm my soul!!
You have such a gift of saying things in just
the right way!! Truly are special! xoxo

Up early for church! Speaking of singing.....
I was asked to join the Worship Team last
Spring and I''m lovin' singing praises to
His Glory Name!!

Don't worry, MARGY and JUDIE.......
we're small and we don't hit those high
notes either!! Just doin' our best to help out! Sundays are longer.....
But it's worth it!!

Linda said...

Thinking of Wanda this morning.....
First day to go to Sunday church without GENE...
All those "firsts" will fill her daily life and
surely will be challenging...

We're here to love you through this...
We're here to hold your hand....
And God WILL give you strength, Wanda.....

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends.

A hospice nurse came out yesterday. She said that, in her professional opinion, Mom's fatigue was not due to a medication issue - that Mom has had enough time for her body to adjust to the new meds. She believes it is the progression of Mom's disease and that she will sleep more and more and be awake less and less. By 2pm, Mom was so tired that she went to her room to take a nap - I had to wake her at 6pm. She ate some dinner and by 9:30, she was falling asleep again. She took her meds at 10 and then I helped her get to her room. She said she could get herself undressed and into her pajamas so I took her at her word. This morning she is under the covers and her clothes are folded on the chair next to her bed so she must be in her pajamas.

Denny's mom sat down in her recliner to watch an Orioles game, had a massive heart attack, and died. That was 14 years ago, and I still remember how hard it was to come to terms with her being here one day and gone the next. I can also still remember my dad with his cancer, watching him die one day at a time. I don't know which is worse to live through, but they both suck!

OK, enough of that. Now for my good news - Brian will be home again in 10 days!

Thanks to all who attended the service for Gene, for sharing the day with those of us who weren't there.

Janet, congrats on your new home on wheels!

Paula, how was that romantic dinner and sunset watching??

Dana, how long is the cruise for your parents?

Lori, how goes the school work?

Jo, will you get another cat? Or wait for another to find you?

Prayers for all, especially Wanda.

Have a good day. We will be getting on the road by 3pm at the latest to stay ahead of this next storm that's coming. The Delmarva weather stations are now saying that Sussex Co., DE could get 6-10 inches. I say bring it - rumor has it that, if we get any more days off, the board will extend each school day by 10 - 15 minutes to make up the time rather than adding days at the end of the year.

Linda said...

And of course, Sandi is on my mind
and in my heart today..........
As she spends a bit more time with her Mom...
As she makes decisions and prepares Mom
for the week ahead....

We just don't know the course this will take...
We just don't know how much time we have left....
But we do know we can do our very best
to make the best of the time we do have....

Love on her, Sandi....
Study her precious face....
She's been your Mom ALL you life......
And hopefully you will have that chance
again next week....

As difficult as this is, she is still here....
May she not suffer and may she find peace
in the coming days or weeks or however
long she has here .....

Praying for strength and comfort for you
and your Mom and your family.......

Linda said...

Good Morning, Sandi!

Which is worse?
No one knows and we are
all different in what we can handle.

It is so difficult to see those we love
so dearly suffer......
And yet we can't take that pain away!

You're doing all you can.....
And that is all you can do.

The rest is in God's Hands...

God Bless you....

Linda said...

Okay, I better go iron something to wear...
I'm not prepared this morning....

Too long of a day on many accounts yesterday!

Today is a new day.

Love you all.......more than even I ever imagined!!

I love us....

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Slowly waking up this morning. I have been reading your accounts of yesterday's events.

Found a friend request from Jerry on FB and responded. Haven't checked back, but we should be friends now.

The eagle floral arrangement took my breath away. Really. It is amazing.

Sandi said...

Uh oh - looks like something flew too close to the nest. Whoever is eggsitting has suddenly spread his/her wings out. Haven't heard any calling out and I can't see the eagle's head to see if s/he is watching something. But it's a strange position to be in.

Sandi said...

Ok, parent is now back in typical eggsitting position. All is well. Good morning Shirley!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my eagle budlets. We are getting ready to leave Martinsburg and head home. I hate the circumstances but it was so good to see everyone, including our eagles. And yes Jo, we got on the grounds. :-)

stronghunter said...

Oh my, the weather forecast is something else. Five to eight inches of snow. Yikes!

I am thankful that storm did not show up yesterday.

We had a nice celebration with Tom's parents at their 50th anniversary gathering. They were truly surprised.

One of Kathryn's sisters-in-law is a special ed teacher. Was going to say she reminds me of Sandi. Funny thing is, her name is Sandi too. She specializes in working with autistic children at the elementary level.

stronghunter said...

Sandi, I think you just have to come to the conclusion that neither way of losing a close family member is easy.

My father went suddenly, collapsing on the street while walking to the post office to mail a letter to my brother. My mother went much more slowly of cancer. It is hard either way, but we get through it. I am sure many of us have had these experiences and understand. God bless you and give you strength.

stronghunter said...

Bee typing away--good morning, Sandi!

stronghunter said...

Checking the nest. I see a parent on the egg cup. Not sure which parent.

stronghunter said...

Oh--been typing away. No bees here.

WVJerry said...

Good morning all. Sandi - Hope you get home safely and your Mom can get better. First - Let me thank everyone for the Facebook materials last night and the new Friends I have. In case you have not noticed I'm not real good with the Facebook thing. I consider that some one like me can be included in your Group. Second - Looks some bad weather coming later this afternoon. Hope the eagles and eggs and nest come through with no problems. I see a split coming so this may near the end. Gonna try to get something done today. Lots of life and wisdom here for sure. Take care all.

magpie said...

We are about to SPLIT

Good Morning, Eagle Pals

stronghunter said...

Hi Margy,

See you on the other side of the split!

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...