Good evening. I see tail feathers. Very eggciting that we have 2 eggs.
Glad it's Friday, although next week will really be killer. Haven't had a full week in so long.
We have our 100 day celebration on Monday and then Dr. Seuss the next week. Time will fly now. Lots goes on in the spring in the classroom. Looking forward to it, and the warm weather. Potential storm next week and cold temps. Yuck. I want it over.
Mom and Dad did get their cruise! They leave on Sunday. They are busy packing and running errands. I'm so glad that they are getting away. Dad had his CT today and results will be when they return.
LynneDuh, no peeding is allowed on the blog. How are you and Steve doing these days?
DanoMo, really happy your mom and dad are going of a cruise after all. It will do them a world of good. Where to? Are you going to have little critters hatching in the classroom again?
Someone in the nest. Shep?
Hoping Larry is returning to the waking world. Bet Paula is sitting right beside him.
Now to hear from Margy.
Headed to Kennedy Center tonight. Patti Lupone and Mandy Potemkin.
Sandperson already has instructions. Will try to return later.
Back from all errands. A little concernd over LynneDuh as she is peeding.??????? For shame!!!!
My cam has now been up now for 5 hours. Amazing! Happy Momster here!
Did my blood test, and bought baby present. Also, got out and bought Joey's birthday present. Then lined up our neighbor girls to water greenhouse and house plants while we are gone.
Dana, so very happy for your parents. They are doing the right thing and we all wish them Happy Sailing!!!!
Paula, thank you for the latest report and anxious to hear more. Prayers will continue and hopefully Larry has many many years ahead! That is our prayer!!
All is done, went well, didn't go to operating room 'til 1 p.m. Now rest and healing time. Had yummy meal at Cracker Barrel. Prayers for Larry's report and healing, and for Paula's serenity, and also prayers for Tom, and many others. Glad you got to the doctor, Jo, and that are better soon.
Can't type much nor fast with one finger. THANK YOU, ALL, FOR THE PRAYERS... "BACKATCHA" XO
I did just call Margy and she said she had just been on the blog Duhhhhh BUT I got to hear her lovely voice - She sure appreciates all of us sending her prayers.....
Got all the pics posted. Checked in on the nest and looks like someone is all tucked in; can't tell who. I've given up on the cam during the day. Twirly arrow is too frustrating.
Off to evening chores and more events from Sochi. Hope everyone has a wonderful evening.
roflmbo.....LynneDuh!!!! Should have known you would come up with that response!!
Yep, we have an eagle all tucked.
Has anyone else heard the talking on the cam? Mine has presently been going 7 1/2 hours. I am thrilled!
Paula, hope you find Larry still doing well in the morning. Will keep him in prayer. Also, keeping Tom in prayer. He is feeling miserable this evening. He is home and has a great nurse, I am sure!
Went out for dinner with Kathryn and Hunter and friends Danny and Tracy. Tracy has surgery on Wednesday. Cysts on her ovary. Tough because she has not been able to have children and this will make it even more unlikely.
Nice to be snug in my bed. A glass of wine with dinner makes me sleepy.
LOLLY YES I have heard music talking and preaching the gospel on the speakers that is usually when we don't have good sound so the wire have to be crossed somewhere Remember I posted a video of the music a while back so habby someone else heard beside me LOL I am not loosing it Yeah so happy to know that
JO I was watching the nest at that time and remember it also had commented about her getting up and being verbal and heard also up in the tree I thought HP maybe 37° at the nest now BRRR
Very happy to see All our patients are accounted for now!☺♥♥ Prayers for ALL HEALING. Margy, you type better w/one finger than most using 2 hands. Jo, hope you whip that wannabe cold ASAP! Dana, how wonderful your folks will be going on that cruise!!!☺ Lolly, you must be REALLY getting ready for trip by lining up things early! Glad you're done w/blood work. They took 3 vials out of me yesterday and it took so LOOOONG, I thought I lost a gallon! Nurse said small needle!
To wonderful LynneDuh~~~you don't HAVE to be QUEEN to engage in LOTS of that happens on farms!!!LOL
Well I'm calling it a day SED ♥AOYP See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe Bless this Nest and all ♀ ♥ ♂ whom watch it at Sycamore Palace Healing thoughts for those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."
Deb catches a lot of the good videos at our nest - she lives in High Level, Alberta. Told her we were going to send her a "GOLD" for the great work she does ♥
Going to hit the recliner.... I'm sure I'll be up/running in the morning........ Another day of sunshine for my valley.
Goodnight to all May all our friends from surgery rest well and heal quickly without pain. I'll be thinking of you Sandi as you journey to see you mom. ♥
AZPatti....those pictures are great...what a day you had with eagles!
Regarding the bluebirds....that doesn't look like a Mountain Bluebird. I googled to be sure but that bird has an orange breast and MBs don't. That looks like and Eastern Bluebird?!?!
LOLLY come to Canada, to BC and it is never too late to go cross country skiing.
LYNNE I am not venturing to any if the areas that are doing the Avalanche routine. Perfectly safe I assure you. My plan is to have the Canadian Gov't send me my pension cheques well into my eighties!!! LOL No worries. I am not taking any risks by skiing tomorrow. Blessed Be
So very happy with health and welfare reports on MARGY, LARRY n' TOM ! Prayers continue for speedy healing and recoveries.
JO, hope the prednisone and antibiotics are kicking in for you !
SANDI, may you and Denny have safe traveling today and may you fine your Mom resting comfortably.
AZPATTI, stunning photos of AZ eagles in action---what a sight--thanks for sharing !
LYNNEDUH, peeding is a compound word for you know what and peeking at the same time. You are talented !
Belle is awake and moving her head around--all appears to be quiet and dry there. Hoping to see egg roll soon.
I went skiing just once at Mt. Lemmon ski area, 9000"+ above Tucson. Went with a teen group and for some reason snow and I just didn't click. Who knew I'd eventually live where snow would lie on the ground for days at a time ! I still can't say I click with it---just cope with it.
HODA, glad you're playing it safe in avalanche free areas.
Several of you had nice Friday night dinners out and JUDIE even went to a concert. Good on y'all !
DANAMO, tickled pink for your parents ! Hope their cruise is the best tonic ever for your Dad.
SHIRLEY, JO and any other Jeopardy fans---Arthur Chu will return on Monday. He's the guy who has stirred up such a controversy with his aggressive, but quite within the rules, play.
Changing Avatar back to my favorite theme--yellow flowers. This display of "zinnia floribundi" was the feature in my daily Botany mailing. Do any of you have them in your area ?
Keep an eye on BWE - good looking pip in the one egg. Little bobble head can't be far away.
Hello Donald - glad you have joined us and our eagles - Our season has started later then usual but we have a very wise pair of eagles who were able to wait out the worst of winter.
Looks like Shep ia on duty in some beauteous sunshine.
Congrats to BWE on their bobble head.
Welcome Donald. Wonderful group of eagle-lovers here. Added bonus is that we love each other as well.
Jo, glad you're feeling better.
Thanks Shirley for the update on Heidi.
As for last night, it was a fun performance. Did not realize Potemkin has a trained voice - used to seeing him on tv. Together they brought us to our feet several times.
Kay, cool thinking about the compound word peeding. Hope your roads are clear. Visitors this weekend?
Hoda, this is fair warning: if you get caught in an avalanche, Evil Jufie will be forced to return. Seriously, have a fun day and enjoy.
Best of all, Margy is here. Hey girl. Take it easy but visit as often as you can.
If there are updates about Larry on FB, please pass them along for us non-FBers.
I am warned now!!! Shaking in my boots! First JO headed up here with her Eagle Cane! Now JUFIE from JUDIE!!! If I fall skiing it will be your fault!!! Ha ha ha My aim is to follow the rule of no falling. See you when I come back. Good to see MARGY.
My stories about skis ; #1 Took my teenage children skiing and they talked me into getting a pair - I did - I fell over and could not or did not know how to get upright - of course my kids were all on the lifts headed for the higher ground... #2 Daughter and family members took me cross country sking - I think I made it on the first trail but then I found the bench and when they came back to that trail I followed them to the lodge.
LynneDuh, when I first noticed the bluebirds several years ago, I wasn't sure exactly which ones they were. I ruled out the eastern due to range. Mountain bluebirds don't have the russet color. Western bluebird is what I settled on because of the blue throat. My Peterson book indicates easterns have a russet throat and westerns have a blue throat. I'm just happy to have any variety! :-)
One eagle in nest, think it's Belle because I can't see a spot. Very windy.
Off to run some errands and soak up some sunshine.
poking around at other nest and just read of the OK nest they also getting music on cam and they are saying its a bleed through from a near by radio station just like our cam LOL
Yippee ! MARGY, you are a fantastic 1 finger typist and we appreciate the effort that takes. You are amazing !
JO, so glad the meds have taken hold quickly and that you're heading for a NO COLD condition fast !
Congratulations to the Blackwater family---love little bobbleheads !
JUDIE, Seth will be here this evening for pizza, salad, Prairie Home Companion and The Games. Guess we might as well figure he's not going to stay at Otterbein on weekends. It's just too lonely for him and he also needs his weekly French tutoring sessions with Julie anyway. Special needs "kids" have some real challenges when it comes to making and keeping friends and he's never been willing to gravitate to others who share his deficits.
KAY SANDI posted on FB that she was feeling happy and that she is proud of both of her boys. Blessed Be Blessed Be. I was very happy to read this.
I am back safe and sound from a terrific morning ski. Fast, cold, sun out, blue skies and I felt I was in heaven. I will go out again tomorrow as the sun is supposed to be out and blue skies. Gotta soak in the Vitamin D whenever I can!!!
I love your ski story JO! I did not do too well when I took downhill ski lesson in Whistler BC. It was a Christmas present and the teacher patted me on the bum whenever I managed to not fall!!! I was so mad I said thank you that is enough and left. Cross country is different. Knowing how to get up takes practice.
JUFIE with an eagle cane is the stuff of nightmares JUDIE. If I ever come down to Washington it is my dream to go to the Kennedy Centre. What a lucky lady you are that you go regularly.
Lynn & AZ Patti - I did think the Bluebirds looked like my cutie Eastern Bluebird Couple. I love them and Patti you are very fortunate to have so many - They love Meal Worms and my daughter said to shell the peanuts and crush them ... that's their treats ♥
Jo, tell your daughter thanks for the tip about crushing peanuts for the bluebirds; I'll give it a try. I have a wire tube feeder that I use for shelled peanuts. The chickadees (we have mountain and black-capped) and woodpeckers love it! If there's lots of snow, even the finches will use it.
I have tried the dried meal worms and no one even came to check it out. I haven't checked into live ones. I suppose you can get live ones?
When I deep water the shrubs, the bluebirds and the robin come feast on the earthworms and other insects that come up. A few year ago, we watched a robin fill himself up so much he couldn't move. He stood, with a worm in his beak just wiggling, for 45 minutes! And that was after we started timing him.
Hi all! Have been home from the hospice center for a little while, have thrown a load of Mom's laundry in the wash, fed the dogs and am currently heating something up for dinner. Mom had an ok day today but not great. She has no appetite and is having trouble getting food to go down. The doctor thinks the aneurysm is pressing on a valve to her stomach.
Brian called Mom from Yemen 2 days ago and Kevin came to visit today, on his way home from a concert he attended in DC last night. I may have an ass for a brother, but my boys sure don't take after him. They make me very proud with how they're handling this. Those of you who are already grandmothers know there is nothing in the world like grandchild love.
Have not caught up on today's comments. Hope everyone is we'll - the weather here today was beautiful.
Goodnight all - will try to check in tomorrow morning.
good evening all. sorry about the mysterious post Thursday pm we had had tornado warnings in Davidson county, although not on my end of the county and thought you all might be worried. I was also fighting a virus and didn’t feel like a big long post…so a quick one to let you know I was alive and well. The storm came thru with quite the gusto. 60+ mph winds. The southernmost and easternmost corners of Davidson county did have tornado warnings, but they warn for the entire county. Sirens were screaming along with the wind….
I am thinking I am going to have to bed SODA HODA to let me have her full moon concoction to make next year. I’m about tired of the viruses that I have picked up this year! I went to work Thursday, not feeling well but thinking that if I just got moving and was home and back in bed asleep by noon. And I didn’t really get out of bed for more than an hour or so until this morning.
It sounds as if all our surgery-folk are on the road to recovery.
SANDI: JUDYE is right. I remember Dad’s urine getting very dark…then he passed into unconsciousness, then into the Light. With mom’s we never knew of the urine, as she was at home and no catheter. But hospice workers, if you ask them, and if you want to know, can tell you some of the signs that passing is close. There are physiological signs…. And you know, not everyone deals with death the same way. For me, I was honored to be present when each of my parents’ died. I learned a great deal and no longer afraid of death. To me, it was birth. But instead of being born into this realm, we are reborn into the next realm.
Not everyone wants to be there, for whatever reason. Just know that you are doing the right thing for you and for your mom and let the rest go. You have much more important things to deal with at this time. Light and love to you my friend.
The weather here has been just dandy today. I think it was in the 50’s and sunny. I have been awake all day, which is a major feat! I didn’t even go to my SIL’s 30th bday celebration last night, I sent Tom and Livvy as they went to one of those Japanese dinner places that do a show with dinner. I had some soup and went back to sleep.
Spring fever is still with me. I sat outside a bit this afternoon and threw the ball for Scout and Seven. Tom had to work on the gate some more. Scout can clear a nearly 4 and a half foot gate……and comes and stands at the back screen door on the deck. Uh hem. Not cool … a dog that seems to be part kangaroo! Hope everyone is doing well. Thinking of each of you, holding you close in heart and thoughts.
Hi all! We had a busy day. Jacob had a game at 8, too early for us. They won, so he had another game at noon. We headed up that way about 9:30. Gave Joey his birthday present and then headed to the game. They lost, but we enjoyed watching Jacob play. We then ate lunch at Subway and went to the house for birthday cheesecake. We got home around 4 and I worked in the yard until 6:30.
I would think egg number three will come tonight or tomorrow. Hoping we get an egg num 3!!!
Darth and I decided to use a coupon and visit Red Lobster tonight. We stopped going there 20 years ago because the one near us was awful. Surprise: very pleasant evening and food and service were excellent.
Sandi, so happy the your sons are there with you and grandmom. Do please try to get some rest.
Do not see that Paula has checked in so hoping all is going well with Larry.
Headed across the hall to catch some news and then dent the pillows.
Night light is on. Sandperson is banging around with an exceeedingly full satchel. Restful sleep for all.
Well I'm calling it a day SED ♥AOYP See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe Bless this Nest and all ♀ ♥ ♂ whom watch it at Sycamore Palace Healing thoughts for those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."
We have missed the last two weeks of Downton Abby, but we had them recorded and spent the evening watching the two episodes. Love that program!
75 today and going to be up there again tomorrow. Colder weather coming late tomorrow and temps back down with lows in the 20's and 30's and highs in the 40's.
Need to give myself a manicure so going to say good night. Won't be around tomorrow much as after church I have a baby shower to attend.
Goodorming my eagle friends. Have done some speed reading through yesterday's doings.
Dana, I'm so glad your folks were able to take that cruise! What a nice treat for them!
Margy, boy you didn't skip a beat on surgery day. Out to eat and then back on the blog! Good on you!
Patti, loved reading about your eagle adventure and seeing your photos - what a treat for you!
Lynne, are you and Steve and the dogs loving your new place? Sounds like The winter weather has kept Steve very busy, but I bet it's been a "feel good" busy, which he hasn't had in a while.
I emailed my brother yesterday. I wasn't nasty but said that his reasons for not wanting to come - short of money and not wanting to see Mom looking like this - we're poor excuses, since they are about HIM and he needs to think about what's best for Mom, which is to see her son before she dies. I came right out and begged him to buy a plane ticket and get his ass out here, said that seeing Mom at her funeral won't do her a damn bit of good. I haven't checked my email yet to see if he replied but if he doesn't come, He will be dead to me and I will never forgive him. I forgave him 30 years ago when he wasn't there for Daddy's death, even though he happened to be in PA on a business trip the day the hospice center called to say that It looked like Dad's time to go. In the end, it was Denny, Mom, and me beside his bed. Lisa had her own issues back then and she wasn't there either (she was only 20, still very immature), but she has made up for that with Mom.
Ok, Bella keeps nudging me for her breakfast. I am so thankful that I have my friends here for support - I love you all. Paula, I hope Larry's surgery was a huge success. Have a great day everyone.
It's great to see your posts, SANDI and an update on you, your Mom and what is going on! Good onYOU for writing your email to your brother. You are so right that it isn't about him, it's about your Mom. Hoping and praying today is a better day for her and you enjoy some quality time with her. She's blessed to have YOU!!
MARGY - Your spirits seem high, so I am hoping you're not dealing with too much post op pain. Please continue to rest!!
PAULA - Prayers that Larry is recouperating nicely and generating strength for whatever lies ahead in his treatment. May you both be blessed as you journey toward a complete recovery!
Lots of busy happenings 'round here!! Hope everyone has a great day today!!
SANDI powerful thoughts in your letter. Focus on your acts of love and leave the rest. You can not control what people do or not do. The love for your mother is all there is.
Good morning all. Glad to see the surgeries went well for Margy, Larry and Tom. Sandi - hope your situation with your Mom can get better. Glad your sons are behind you. Been watching the Cam some. I'm unable to watch on my phone at work now for some reason. I can get it to work at home about a minute. I think I will need an upgrade to my PC. Just relaxing some today. Hope everyone has been doing well and if not things will be better soon. Take care all. I have enjoyed the warmer weather the last few days. Saw my first robin yestaerday on the way to work around 9:30.
Good Sunday morning to all ♥ Sleepover went well - sacked out around 10pm - Still here and will leave around lunch time.
Good to hear from everyone - Jerry I am happy you are able to join in with all of us.
Sad news here is that Mr Scar (cat) isn't feeling too well. Watching him very carefully don't think anything can be done to help him - I'm praying to Saint Francis to let him stay with us a while longer. He is my side kick.
good sunny Sunday morning. SANDI: I double HODA’s post: you said your peace, and I am glad you did. Let go of what you cannot control and focus on love. Walked around outside a bit yesterday; tulips and daffodils trying to say hello. We have more cold weather, although not bitter cold, coming our way this week. That will slow them down. Trying to determine if the fig tree lived thru our very cold winter. The jury is out on this. It will be weeks before I know about the banana tree. Its been nice having Michael home for a few days. I think he heads out tomorrow or Tuesday. He and Ashely had some friends over last night. They were a little loud, but I just rolled over and went back to sleep. He has one more week with a trainer, then he will be home. I am rather impressed, this company will give him an actual driving test before they turn him loose on his own! He is rather nervous. Thinking of everyone on here, for healing, for comfort, keepingyou in the light and love . Have a super day!
Nice that things are working out well for Michael, Janet.
Hoping that Mr. Scar has many more happy and comfortable days ahead, Jo.
Nice to see you back this morning, Jerry. Saw a robin in my backyard yesterday, too.
My spring flowers are trying very hard to grow--there are daffodils, I know. Should be some crocuses, and maybe some hyacinths. Later on, a few tulips might show up.
Good morning! I think that is Shep on the nest, Shirley. Saw the spot.
SANDI....great message to your brother. You are so correct! I pray that he thinks and acts correctly to your email.
I have never had as many daffodils blooming as I do now. They have come up thick and all blooming. Beautiful! And, of course, I will probably miss my tulips blooming while gone on this trip. Why did I buy and plant so many???? LOL Asked my neighbor to take picture of them.
Need to run. Need to finish getting ready for church. Then the baby shower at 2:00. Takes me 45 minutes to get there. Have a great Sunday and keep an eye on the nest!! ☺
Trying to get some a busy diner for was not serving. breakfast.
Aha. just got service.
Friday night Larry went back into surgery ... an artery was leaking. All fixed up. His throat is still sore. Got in to hospital by 9am this morning and still missed the Dr.
Good Afternoon, Eagle Pals...... Saw the eagles switch places a few hrs ago, Shep took over....but I haven't watched since then....guess I should check
Hello to WV Jerry on a day off!!! Been readin' your posts..this day should be like GOLD to you... with your busy schedule
Prayers still going up there to Da Man for Larry's healing. Margy don't go cleaning and cooking and cause pain. How long will you have off of work? Tom may go out for a drive with Bev today -
I also messaged NCSuzan - hope Margy or I hear from her.
Company has gone and I am forcing myself to take a nap ..
REMEMBER Last Downton Abbey for this season is tonight!
Home from church and just peeding in.☺ So, still just two, come on Belle!!!
Have 45 minutes before I leave for the shower. Going to quickly mop Jack vacuumed floors.
Sorry about the additional repair to Larry. Glad he is able to go home to nurse Paula! Prayers indeed for fast healing and the cancer to be gone, gone gone!
Sandi, difficult to do but please let go of your brother's choices. They are his not yours. Continue to share your love with your mom.
Paula, sorry to read that Larry had to undergo more surgery but very happy he will be able to come home today. No doubt he will feel better there with you.
I slept through last week's Downton Abby so hoping to catch the rerun tonight before the final episode.
Looked like Shep on duty enjoying the sunshine.
Hi Jerry. Glad you get some relaxing time today.
Hi to Margy and thanks for letting us known Suzan is ok.
Well I had a long post written and all a sudden the blog page was no longer on my puter I didn't X anything out
in general I said great news MARGY is doing better and taking it easy
PAULA so sorry that Larry had a leak and happy they found it before he went home
SIS so happy you have son time and turned a deaf ear to the celebration
JO happy you had time with GK and they sure can wear one out NAP TIME
JERRY always pleased when you pop in
SUZAN good to hear you are doing ok and you are lurking HI SUZAN
SANDI I like how you put in in the email and hope you do hear from him and he does come around and I know it will be hard to let it go Your mom will be pleased if he shows up and I hope he does
figured I would post before it disappeared again that was odd because usually the blog will say are you sure you want to navigate from the page it just was gone I have the still up First did the live and got the PIA so put up the still
figured I would post before it disappeared again that was odd because usually the blog will say are you sure you want to navigate from the page it just was gone I have the still up First did the live and got the PIA so put up the still
oh now I remember I had also said I now have another new asst mgr my schedule is whacked out for the week of Mar 8 sat7-4 sun 8-5 mon 8-5 tue 830-530 and wed 830-530 the only issue is I will have to rush to get to Angie house at 6 on the night I watch Jordyn I guess I will have to get with her on it wish me luck again
PAULA, so glad the docs found and repaired that leak before you took Larry home. Prayers continue !
SANDI, reading back I wholeheartedly agree that there is nothing like "grandchild love". You are justifiably proud of Brian and Kevin ! Others have shared thoughts and advice on your brother that I cannot improve on, so suffice it to say, my prayers are with the entire family. You are doing an admirable job in taking care of your dear Mom's needs and I admire you very much !
MARGY, you are amazing ! Just don't overdo ! Glad the pain is easing off ! Thanks for the Suzan news !
JO, poor Mr. Scar ! May St. Francis answer your prayers and heal your gentle sidekick !
Had the usual great time with Seth. Yep, there is something very special about grandchild love.
Can't believe how short the "seasons" are at DA ! From the beginning they touted the fact that Shirley MacClain would be on this season---finally she is and only in the last episode. What a bummer and how rude of the writer/director/p.r. staff to create such a scam. Bah Humbug ! Oh, I'll be watching, but this may be the last season of interest for me.
JUDYE, I do wish you good luck with that new asst. mgr.. You seem to have a lot of battles to fight at WallyWorld. No wonder you are so looking forward to retirement !
Good Afternoon, Dear Eaglebuds!! Surprise, surprise at Park Sat. My coworker buddy, Doris, had job of checking all boat ramps, etc. and saw FIRST OSPREY at ramp about 1 1/2 miles south of our office!!!!!!Of course, it is the right time for them. Some others have seen them at our more Southern ramp---9 miles downriver! She got pic, but didn't send it yet!!! I thought I could read all Comments at work yesterday (don't tell!) 'Puter down for me all day & didn't get call back until after quitting time, so stayed until 5PM to repair stuff. Saw an eagle head in nest when leaving!!!!!Mom IS on the job. Konked out for good in lounge chair for the night. Have just finished reading blog! Probably won't remember everything, but happy to see Tom and Margy on the mend~~~M,Don't type too much!!! Sorry that Larry had more surgery, but thank God he is all repaired! Amazing that he can come home so soon!!! Glad Paula got some food! Prayers and strength to you both and all others. ☺ ☺ ☺ ♥ ♥ ♥ Jo, prayers to St. Francis for Mr. Scar. Sandi, I agree w/all you stated in your email to bro. Out of your hands now and all the rest of you are doing the most loving, important caring for Mom! ♥ ♥ ♥
A late afternoon check in from Nashville. Its been a breezy but sunny day. We have been trying to watch the 500 but its rain rain raining down there. *sigh* We have gotten a few things done. The pool cover is emptied again. We extended the invisible fence around the pool to keep certain four legged family members from eating it…. Uh hem. The yard has been cleaned up once again and we (as Dad would have put it), went outside and got the “stink blown off us”. The oldest is not bowling tonight, she and the baby are sick. Tom is a bit puny. I am much better, feeling human thankfully. Sounds like everyone is doing pretty well. Just enjoying the afternoon. Hugs and love to all!
the first was the 17th and the 2nd the 20th I really think that is it or maybe tonight 3 days between the other two and it would be about now if she sticks to a pattern
Sorry I've been so delinquent on here. I can't seem to catch up on everything, but I'm trying.
Sandi, I can understand your disgust with your brother. Hope it had a happy ending for all of you. ♥
Paula, I bet you've picked up a few nursing things at the hospital that will help you take care of Larry. Bet he is super grateful for you!
Kay, glad you had another great weekend with Seth - I'm just assuming you did, but I know how much he loves his Grandmother.
Haven't even been on to see the eagles. Mom is having issues with Verizon and how much data is being used. Her phonebill, cell phones, internet is over $300 a month! Don't blame her at all.
Hope everyone is well. I'll keep lurking and praying.
Prayers for Larry, Sandi's Mom and brother, Margy's hand and all in need.
Sandi, you are SPOT ON about your brother's presence at you mom's funeral will mean nothing to her. What a sad situation. But thank the good Lord that she has you and your family and your sister as well.
JO...oh my goodness, what's wrong with Mr Scar??
SO very glad that Larry was still in the hospital when the artery leaked! Hopefully he is back at home resting comfortably now!
I didn't see the Raven??
Glad you are feeling better today Margy. How long will you be off from work?
Loweeda, YAY on the first opsprey sighting!
Janet, glad you are feeling better today!
OH and yes Sandi, Steve has been REALLY busy, and it's a very good thing!
Home from baby shower! Baby girl due in a month and going to be one well dress little one. OMG!!! The clothes! Laurel and I went together and got from her registry the crib mobile, sheet, wall decoration and stuffed giraffe that all matched her decorations. Really cute!
Well, drat! Thought for sure there would be another egg when I returned!
Home from baby shower! Baby girl due in a month and going to be one well dress little one. OMG!!! The clothes! Laurel and I went together and got from her registry the crib mobile, sheet, wall decoration and stuffed giraffe that all matched her decorations. Really cute!
Well, drat! Thought for sure there would be another egg when I returned!
Got a couple eggroll pics and put in Momster Album. I wish they would post in time order!!!! Din Din is ready. Have a great evening and Best Wishes and prayers to ALL and especially our Post-Ops! ☺
We are closing in to another SPLIT so watch your step and be prepared to slide.....
Lynne - Scar is very listless and slow moving. Not eating and hiding under the beds - that is to me a very good sign that he is slipping away from us. His breathing is very fast & shallow. He is only 9 or 10 years old. I am prepared for the worst but I still pray he just comes out of this.
Jo, how is Mr. Scar? I know all about pets on borrowed time. Hope he gets some more.
Paula, like Lynne said, it's a good thing Larry was still in the hospital when that artery started leaking. I hope he's at Paradise now, getting excellent care from Nurse Paula and hope his pain level is OK.
Margy, great news that your pain has decreased quickly. Enjoy your mini-retirement!
Janet, enjoy your time with your son! Does he think he's going to like being a truck driver??
Lynne, I'm so happy that Steve is happy!
I can promise you all that I will never mention my brother again, unless it's to say he's coming to Baltimore. I said what I needed to say in my email and the ball is in his court now. I can't promise that I will let go of my anger if he doesn't come - sadly, that does not come easily to me.
From reading today's posts, I see that we are still at 2 eggs - that's OK with me. Our pair have shown that they can easily handle raising two.
Mom's doctor said she may be going home as early as tomorrow! Her pain is under control with the morphine and they started switching her from morphine injections to pills today. She ate pretty well at breakfast and lunch and looked good. She is ready to get back to her own 4 walls, her squirrels and birds and the neighbors' dogs that come to visit, and her own bed.
Time to fold some laundry and watch some mindless TV. Goodnight all - I'll see you in the early AM!
Suzan also contacted me with this reply: " Jo, I am on my second round of Prednisone and first of antibiotics. Definitely keeping up with the blog and our Eagles. Just keeping a low profile til I feel better. Thank you all for thinking of me."
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 400 of 620 Newer› Newest»Heard a clunk/thunk. Someone must have landed above.
Peeding in from work to check on the patients....see Tom is done, and Larry. YAY! Waiting on Margy.
testing to see if I can post from angie house
We see you JudyE.
Good evening. I see tail feathers. Very eggciting that we have 2 eggs.
Glad it's Friday, although next week will really be killer. Haven't had a full week in so long.
We have our 100 day celebration on Monday and then Dr. Seuss the next week. Time will fly now. Lots goes on in the spring in the classroom. Looking forward to it, and the warm weather. Potential storm next week and cold temps. Yuck. I want it over.
Mom and Dad did get their cruise! They leave on Sunday. They are busy packing and running errands. I'm so glad that they are getting away. Dad had his CT today and results will be when they return.
LynneDuh, no peeding is allowed on the blog. How are you and Steve doing these days?
DanoMo, really happy your mom and dad are going of a cruise after all. It will do them a world of good. Where to? Are you going to have little critters hatching in the classroom again?
Someone in the nest. Shep?
Hoping Larry is returning to the waking world. Bet Paula is sitting right beside him.
Now to hear from Margy.
Headed to Kennedy Center tonight. Patti Lupone and Mandy Potemkin.
Sandperson already has instructions. Will try to return later.
Back from all errands. A little concernd over LynneDuh as she is peeding.??????? For shame!!!!
My cam has now been up now for 5 hours. Amazing! Happy Momster here!
Did my blood test, and bought baby present. Also, got out and bought Joey's birthday present. Then lined up our neighbor girls to water greenhouse and house plants while we are gone.
We are on a roll!!
Dana, so very happy for your parents. They are doing the right thing and we all wish them Happy Sailing!!!!
Paula, thank you for the latest report and anxious to hear more. Prayers will continue and hopefully Larry has many many years ahead! That is our prayer!!
HAPPY Split - everyone came right on over.
Dana - fantastic news about your Mom and Dad's cruise. It is the best thing they could be doing while waiting on CT results.
Safe travels to Baltimore tomorrow Sandi/Denny.
Eggs uncovered could very well mean there is another one to come.
Hi Everyone.
All is done, went well, didn't go to operating room 'til 1 p.m.
Now rest and healing time. Had yummy meal at Cracker Barrel.
Prayers for Larry's report and healing, and for Paula's serenity, and also prayers for Tom,
and many others.
Glad you got to the doctor, Jo,
and that are better soon.
Can't type much nor fast with one finger.
Thanks for reporting in, Margy! Have been thinking of you all day.
Hearing what sounds like a news report over the cam!
Love Pats for SCAR, Lolly.
Going to watch Jeopardy at 7:30
College students championship match
I really loved all those your contestants - Superb minds.
BBL this evening............
Evening all.
Larry all settled in..feeling good.
Thanks for your thoughts and prayers .
i am back home with the dogs. Will head up in the morning to the hospital.
I did just call Margy and she said she had just been on the blog Duhhhhh
BUT I got to hear her lovely voice -
She sure appreciates all of us sending her prayers.....
Now I am out of here
Evening all! So glad to read Margy, Larry and Tom all came thru with flying colors! And that we have another egg and maybe a third!
Had an absolutely ah-mazing start to my day! Working on pics for my blog.
evening all!
Glad to see Margy checking in!
When I am QUEEN, I will be PEEDING anywhere I want to!
Cheer up! The way things are looking for next week, you may NOT have a full week after all! MTBR.....
Got all the pics posted. Checked in on the nest and looks like someone is all tucked in; can't tell who. I've given up on the cam during the day. Twirly arrow is too frustrating.
Off to evening chores and more events from Sochi. Hope everyone has a wonderful evening.
Prayers for all in need. SED
roflmbo.....LynneDuh!!!! Should have known you would come up with that response!!
Yep, we have an eagle all tucked.
Has anyone else heard the talking on the cam? Mine has presently been going 7 1/2 hours. I am thrilled!
Paula, hope you find Larry still doing well in the morning. Will keep him in prayer. Also, keeping Tom in prayer. He is feeling miserable this evening. He is home and has a great nurse, I am sure!
Jo, so glad you talked with Margy! Fantastic!
Went out for dinner with Kathryn and Hunter and friends Danny and Tracy. Tracy has surgery on Wednesday. Cysts on her ovary. Tough because she has not been able to have children and this will make it even more unlikely.
Nice to be snug in my bed. A glass of wine with dinner makes me sleepy.
home for kids house
LOLLY YES I have heard music talking and preaching the gospel on the speakers that is usually when we don't have good sound so the wire have to be crossed somewhere Remember I posted a video of the music a while back so habby someone else heard beside me LOL I am not loosing it Yeah so happy to know that
speakers are speaking spanish right now Bilingual nest
JO I was watching the nest at that time and remember it also had commented about her getting up and being verbal and heard also up in the tree I thought HP maybe 37° at the nest now BRRR
Very happy to see All our patients are accounted for now!☺♥♥
Prayers for ALL HEALING. Margy, you type better w/one finger than most using 2 hands.
Jo, hope you whip that wannabe cold ASAP!
Dana, how wonderful your folks will be going on that cruise!!!☺
Lolly, you must be REALLY getting ready for trip by lining up things early! Glad you're done w/blood work. They took 3 vials out of me yesterday and it took so LOOOONG, I thought I lost a gallon! Nurse said small needle!
To wonderful LynneDuh~~~you don't HAVE to be QUEEN to engage in LOTS of that happens on farms!!!LOL
AZ Patti Great pics and what I day you had ♥
Deb S video DAD STEP on MOM
its almost 6 min in to the video and Shep lands right next to her and step on her to get to the other side LOL
Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all
♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."
Deb catches a lot of the good videos at our nest - she lives in High Level, Alberta. Told her we were going to send her a "GOLD" for the great work she does ♥
Going to hit the recliner....
I'm sure I'll be up/running in the morning........ Another day of sunshine for my valley.
Goodnight to all
May all our friends from surgery rest well and heal quickly without pain.
I'll be thinking of you Sandi as you journey to see you mom. ♥
Just remember LynneDuh, if you start a peeding contest, you'll likely get wet.
So good to have Margy check in and tell she's okay and even when out to dinner. That's our little Margy!
Shirley, glad you had a nice dinner out tonight. Sorry for Tracy. How's Heidi?
Paula, try to get some sleep and keep the pups nearby for your comfort and theirs.
Night light is on. Sandperson has departed. Restful sleep and healing for all.
Good day here.
Avalanche Warnings continue in effect.
Glad all our Surgery Friends checked in.
I hope they all rest easily.
JO I am glad you went to the doctor.
Deb S lives in a COLD part of Alberta.
Yes on the GOLD vote.
Well deserved.
Skiing tomorrow morning. Within bounds.
Yoga in the afternoon.
We had beautiful blue skies today.
Good night
Safe travels tomorrow SANDI AND DENNY
God Bless Us All
Work in AM, so time to hit the NEW pillow~~comfy!
Good Health and Healing Prayers for ALL !! ☺ ☺ ☺ ☺ ♥ ♥ ♥ ♥
Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)
Off to hit the pillow! Jack is in his chair already sleeping, LOL
Cam is still on, over 11 hours. I win GOLD!!! LOL
Night all! SED!!
Hoda.....have never had on snow skis and guess I never will. That is a big regret in my life! Enjoy! I did water ski, though. Loved it!
Hello all.... So glad to see the two eggs without any snow packed around them.
hey Donald...welcome to our crazy blog!
No snow now...mid week just might be a different story :(
HODA....oh my, please be careful skiing. Not happy that you'll be out when there are avalanche warnings.
AZPatti....those pictures are great...what a day you had with eagles!
Regarding the bluebirds....that doesn't look like a Mountain Bluebird. I googled to be sure but that bird has an orange breast and MBs don't. That looks like and Eastern Bluebird?!?!
the one drinking looks like a female MB though.
LOLLY come to Canada, to BC and it is never too late to go cross country skiing.
LYNNE I am not venturing to any if the areas that are doing the Avalanche routine. Perfectly safe I assure you.
My plan is to have the Canadian Gov't send me my pension cheques well into my eighties!!! LOL
No worries. I am not taking any risks by skiing tomorrow.
Blessed Be
Good Early Morning Eagle Buds !!!
So very happy with health and welfare reports on MARGY, LARRY n' TOM ! Prayers continue for speedy healing and recoveries.
JO, hope the prednisone and antibiotics are kicking in for you !
SANDI, may you and Denny have safe traveling today and may you fine your Mom resting comfortably.
AZPATTI, stunning photos of AZ eagles in action---what a sight--thanks for sharing !
LYNNEDUH, peeding is a compound word for you know what and peeking at the same time. You are talented !
Belle is awake and moving her head around--all appears to be quiet and dry there. Hoping to see egg roll soon.
I went skiing just once at Mt. Lemmon ski area, 9000"+ above Tucson. Went with a teen group and for some reason snow and I just didn't click. Who knew I'd eventually live where snow would lie on the ground for days at a time ! I still can't say I click with it---just cope with it.
HODA, glad you're playing it safe in avalanche free areas.
Several of you had nice Friday night dinners out and JUDIE even went to a concert. Good on y'all !
DANAMO, tickled pink for your parents ! Hope their cruise is the best tonic ever for your Dad.
SHIRLEY, JO and any other Jeopardy fans---Arthur Chu will return on Monday. He's the guy who has stirred up such a controversy with his aggressive, but quite within the rules, play.
Egg roll and good view of 2 beautiful eggs !!!!
Have a good Saturday all ! BBL
Good morning eagle buds MY cam has been running all night
looks to be 37° at the nest Brr
Here not so in the lo's 70
Welcome to the blog DONALD
Good morning!
2 eagles!
Poof--I think that was Shep.
Hi Donald! Welcome.
Haven't heard from Heidi for awhile, Judie. She was to return to her teaching job this week--her first week of teaching since Baby Liam was born.
She'd mentioned she would like to join Susan for some snowboarding, but I'm not sure when that might happen.
How was the play at the Kennedy, Judie?
Good to see you blogging away already, Margy.
Looking forward to Jeopardy on Monday, Kay.
Never been snow skiing. Tried water skiing once back in my teen days.
Good Morning JUDYE n' SHIRLEY !
Pardon my manners, DONALD ! Welcome to the wonderful world surrounding Belle, Shep and a bunch of Momsters, Dadsters, Kidsters and Petsters !
Changing Avatar back to my favorite theme--yellow flowers. This display of "zinnia floribundi" was the feature in my daily Botany mailing. Do any of you have them in your area ?
Love seeing sunlight bathing the nest as well as the fact that most of the snow on the ground has melted away !
Good morning to all ♥
Keep an eye on BWE - good looking pip in the one egg. Little bobble head can't be far away.
Hello Donald - glad you have joined us
and our eagles - Our season has started later then usual but we have a very wise pair of eagles who were able to wait out the worst of winter.
Hoda - I don't want to have to come up there and dig you out of a snowbank
Everyone sounds chipper this morning. I had a good night's rest and I am feeling better.
Need to check out FB and see how Tom is doing.
No spring flowers blooming here yet, Kay. Snow is melting nicely, though.
Guess we'll get some cold weather in the next few days. Maybe a bit of snow on Wednesday.
2 min ago Sandy and Denny were crossing the Bay Bridge headed to Baltimore to see Mom... She had a beautiful clear blue sky picture
Good Morning Eagle Pals
Blackwater has an eaglet :)
I saw a broken eggshell and just
saw the baby
Prayers for Larry & Tom.
The fish will come flying into BWE now
It is not on the links yet
about BWE hatchling...
sure it will be soon.
Beauteous day here, same as with Sandi for travel
It's a done deal
Nest Update 02/22/14 BWE
Chick Alert!
We have our first chick of the season! And one of the other eggs might have a mark.
Oh yes it is now, BWE Chick
Congratulations LISA!
and all your team...
that calls for an oatmeal creme pie Jo,wish we could split one...
enough 1-finger typing FOR NOW
(( HUGS )) xoxo
Good morning.
Looks like Shep ia on duty in some beauteous sunshine.
Congrats to BWE on their bobble head.
Welcome Donald. Wonderful group of eagle-lovers here. Added bonus is that we love each other as well.
Jo, glad you're feeling better.
Thanks Shirley for the update on Heidi.
As for last night, it was a fun performance. Did not realize Potemkin has a trained voice - used to seeing him on tv. Together they brought us to our feet several times.
Kay, cool thinking about the compound word peeding. Hope your roads are clear. Visitors this weekend?
Hoda, this is fair warning: if you get caught in an avalanche, Evil Jufie will be forced to return. Seriously, have a fun day and enjoy.
Best of all, Margy is here. Hey girl. Take it easy but visit as often as you can.
If there are updates about Larry on FB, please pass them along for us non-FBers.
Good Morning
Just a reminder.
I am warned now!!!
Shaking in my boots!
First JO headed up here with her Eagle Cane!
Now JUFIE from JUDIE!!!
If I fall skiing it will be your fault!!!
Ha ha ha
My aim is to follow the rule of no falling.
See you when I come back.
Good to see MARGY.
My stories about skis ;
#1 Took my teenage children skiing and they talked me into getting a pair - I did - I fell over and could not or did not know how to get upright - of course my kids were all on the lifts headed for the higher ground...
#2 Daughter and family members took me cross country sking - I think I made it on the first trail but then I found the bench and when they came back to that trail I followed them to the lodge.
My apology. Did know Paula said no FB. Got confused with all the talk about Tom on FB.
Hope Paula checks in soon.
Hoda, can you just imagine Jufie with an eagle cane? Not a pretty picture. Have fun.
Jo, you sound like my kind of skiier/skier (whichever is correct).
Lovely eagle on the nest. Think it was Shep doing the rolling. Settled back down.
Back to cleaning out papers.
HELLO FROM McD on luch now to go read
LynneDuh, when I first noticed the bluebirds several years ago, I wasn't sure exactly which ones they were. I ruled out the eastern due to range. Mountain bluebirds don't have the russet color. Western bluebird is what I settled on because of the blue throat. My Peterson book indicates easterns have a russet throat and westerns have a blue throat. I'm just happy to have any variety! :-)
One eagle in nest, think it's Belle because I can't see a spot.
Very windy.
Off to run some errands and soak up some sunshine.
Dang that twirly arrow.
poking around at other nest and just read of the OK nest they also getting music on cam and they are saying its a bleed through from a near by radio station just like our cam LOL
I gave up on the live feed only have the still up tired of getting frustrated with it
see you later
Yippee ! MARGY, you are a fantastic 1 finger typist and we appreciate the effort that takes. You are amazing !
JO, so glad the meds have taken hold quickly and that you're heading for a NO COLD condition fast !
Congratulations to the Blackwater family---love little bobbleheads !
JUDIE, Seth will be here this evening for pizza, salad, Prairie Home Companion and The Games. Guess we might as well figure he's not going to stay at Otterbein on weekends. It's just too lonely for him and he also needs his weekly French tutoring sessions with Julie anyway. Special needs "kids" have some real challenges when it comes to making and keeping friends and he's never been willing to gravitate to others who share his deficits.
JO, any update from SANDI since this morning when they were crossing the big bridge ?
the Berry College eagle nest has a new eaglet also
both in nest Shep is moving sticks behind Belle
you can see the stick move but he is in the IEZ Belle look annoyed LOL a stick will tap her every now and then
now he has his back to her I can only see the tip of his tail
and now he is no longer visible but I still can see his shadow move
sticks are moving so Shep is still there
5:30 Still cam I can see both eagles at the nest and the Sunshine ♥
Just signed on -need to read remarks
BELLE off eggs
KAY SANDI posted on FB that she was feeling happy and that she is proud of both of her boys. Blessed Be Blessed Be.
I was very happy to read this.
I am back safe and sound from a terrific morning ski.
Fast, cold, sun out, blue skies and I felt I was in heaven.
I will go out again tomorrow as the sun is supposed to be out and blue skies. Gotta soak in the Vitamin D whenever I can!!!
I love your ski story JO!
I did not do too well when I took downhill ski lesson in Whistler BC. It was a Christmas present and the teacher patted me on the bum whenever I managed to not fall!!! I was so mad I said thank you that is enough and left.
Cross country is different. Knowing how to get up takes practice.
JUFIE with an eagle cane is the stuff of nightmares JUDIE.
If I ever come down to Washington it is my dream to go to the Kennedy Centre. What a lucky lady you are that you go regularly.
both are rearranging things
Kay, about an hour ago Sandi made the comment: "I am very proud of both my boys! — feeling thankful."
Perhaps more insight into that remark will be made later or on here.
BELLE still has smudge on her top of her beak something black
Kay, I didn't notice that Hoda had already got you Sandi's message. Enjoy your evening with Seth ♥
Lynn & AZ Patti - I did think the
Bluebirds looked like my cutie Eastern
Bluebird Couple. I love them and Patti you are very fortunate to have so many - They love Meal Worms and my daughter said to shell the peanuts
and crush them ... that's their treats ♥
egg roll
Jo, tell your daughter thanks for the tip about crushing peanuts for the bluebirds; I'll give it a try. I have a wire tube feeder that I use for shelled peanuts. The chickadees (we have mountain and black-capped) and woodpeckers love it! If there's lots of snow, even the finches will use it.
I have tried the dried meal worms and no one even came to check it out. I haven't checked into live ones. I suppose you can get live ones?
When I deep water the shrubs, the bluebirds and the robin come feast on the earthworms and other insects that come up. A few year ago, we watched a robin fill himself up so much he couldn't move. He stood, with a worm in his beak just wiggling, for 45 minutes! And that was after we started timing him.
Someone all tucked in on the nest. Presumably Belle on the night shift.
Pittsburgh nest has a second egg today!
CLUNKo on cam
Hi all! Have been home from the hospice center for a little while, have thrown a load of Mom's laundry in the wash, fed the dogs and am currently heating something up for dinner. Mom had an ok day today but not great. She has no appetite and is having trouble getting food to go down. The doctor thinks the aneurysm is pressing on a valve to her stomach.
Brian called Mom from Yemen 2 days ago and Kevin came to visit today, on his way home from a concert he attended in DC last night. I may have an ass for a brother, but my boys sure don't take after him. They make me very proud with how they're handling this. Those of you who are already grandmothers know there is nothing in the world like grandchild love.
Have not caught up on today's comments. Hope everyone is we'll - the weather here today was beautiful.
Goodnight all - will try to check in tomorrow morning.
good evening all.
sorry about the mysterious post Thursday pm we had had tornado warnings in Davidson county, although not on my end of the county and thought you all might be worried. I was also fighting a virus and didn’t feel like a big long post…so a quick one to let you know I was alive and well.
The storm came thru with quite the gusto. 60+ mph winds. The southernmost and easternmost corners of Davidson county did have tornado warnings, but they warn for the entire county. Sirens were screaming along with the wind….
I am thinking I am going to have to bed SODA HODA to let me have her full moon concoction to make next year. I’m about tired of the viruses that I have picked up this year! I went to work Thursday, not feeling well but thinking that if I just got moving and was home and back in bed asleep by noon. And I didn’t really get out of bed for more than an hour or so until this morning.
It sounds as if all our surgery-folk are on the road to recovery.
SANDI: JUDYE is right. I remember Dad’s urine getting very dark…then he passed into unconsciousness, then into the Light. With mom’s we never knew of the urine, as she was at home and no catheter. But hospice workers, if you ask them, and if you want to know, can tell you some of the signs that passing is close. There are physiological signs….
And you know, not everyone deals with death the same way. For me, I was honored to be present when each of my parents’ died. I learned a great deal and no longer afraid of death. To me, it was birth. But instead of being born into this realm, we are reborn into the next realm.
Not everyone wants to be there, for whatever reason. Just know that you are doing the right thing for you and for your mom and let the rest go. You have much more important things to deal with at this time. Light and love to you my friend.
The weather here has been just dandy today. I think it was in the 50’s and sunny. I have been awake all day, which is a major feat! I didn’t even go to my SIL’s 30th bday celebration last night, I sent Tom and Livvy as they went to one of those Japanese dinner places that do a show with dinner. I had some soup and went back to sleep.
Spring fever is still with me. I sat outside a bit this afternoon and threw the ball for Scout and Seven. Tom had to work on the gate some more. Scout can clear a nearly 4 and a half foot gate……and comes and stands at the back screen door on the deck. Uh hem. Not cool … a dog that seems to be part kangaroo!
Hope everyone is doing well. Thinking of each of you, holding you close in heart and thoughts.
Hi all! We had a busy day. Jacob had a game at 8, too early for us. They won, so he had another game at noon. We headed up that way about 9:30.
Gave Joey his birthday present and then headed to the game. They lost, but we enjoyed watching Jacob play. We then ate lunch at Subway and went to the house for birthday cheesecake. We got home around 4 and I worked in the yard until 6:30.
I would think egg number three will come tonight or tomorrow. Hoping we get an egg num 3!!!
off the egg
EGG roll now must of had a poop shoot off camera and doing roll
wiggle wiggle back down back facing 9
watching Daytona 500 Bash at the Beach now
Good mid-evening all.
I see the eggberts are well-protected tonight.
Darth and I decided to use a coupon and visit Red Lobster tonight. We stopped going there 20 years ago because the one near us was awful. Surprise: very pleasant evening and food and service were excellent.
Sandi, so happy the your sons are there with you and grandmom. Do please try to get some rest.
Do not see that Paula has checked in so hoping all is going well with Larry.
Headed across the hall to catch some news and then dent the pillows.
Night light is on. Sandperson is banging around with an exceeedingly full satchel. Restful sleep for all.
and poop shoot
Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all
♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."
Good Night, Precious Pals,
from the 1-claw Magpie.
Good to hear from Sandi, hope tomorrow is better for her Mother...
nice, dear that Sandi's two
sons shared some lovins' with their Grandmother
Sending positive thoughts & prayers for Larry and Paula
missing posts from NC Suzan...been awhile, maybe even since before the 2 NCTC eggberts arrived...
((HUGS )) across the miles and
hope all is well....
SAME as for our unseen
same as for our...other unseen Momsters & Dadsters
God Bless Us,
Every One xoxo
My thoughts exactly - I will try to get in touch with our NCSuzan - I miss her
Company this evening and an overnight with 2 granddaughters and their grandpa Michael.
I am tired out - the prednisone keeps me awake at night and really doesn't let me get sleepy for an afternoon nap
Goodnight to all
Maybe another egg for our nest tomorrow..... ♥
SED and lots of prayers for all of us and our loved ones.... ♥
We have missed the last two weeks of Downton Abby, but we had them recorded and spent the evening watching the two episodes. Love that program!
75 today and going to be up there again tomorrow. Colder weather coming late tomorrow and temps back down with lows in the 20's and 30's and highs in the 40's.
Need to give myself a manicure so going to say good night. Won't be around tomorrow much as after church I have a baby shower to attend.
Night all! SED!!
Prayers for LARRY AND PAULA.
Off to skiing tomorrow and a yoga workshop.
I will check in in the evening.
Hope all are well.
Good night
Good evening,
Watching the Olympics again tonight.
Have been missing Suzan, too. Hoping to hear from her soon. I do hope she is not missing all of the eagle adventures.
Pretty sleepy tonight, so I will say good night and SED, everyone.
Goodorming my eagle friends. Have done some speed reading through yesterday's doings.
Dana, I'm so glad your folks were able to take that cruise! What a nice treat for them!
Margy, boy you didn't skip a beat on surgery day. Out to eat and then back on the blog! Good on you!
Patti, loved reading about your eagle adventure and seeing your photos - what a treat for you!
Lynne, are you and Steve and the dogs loving your new place? Sounds like The winter weather has kept Steve very busy, but I bet it's been a "feel good" busy, which he hasn't had in a while.
I emailed my brother yesterday. I wasn't nasty but said that his reasons for not wanting to come - short of money and not wanting to see Mom looking like this - we're poor excuses, since they are about HIM and he needs to think about what's best for Mom, which is to see her son before she dies. I came right out and begged him to buy a plane ticket and get his ass out here, said that seeing Mom at her funeral won't do her a damn bit of good. I haven't checked my email yet to see if he replied but if he doesn't come, He will be dead to me and I will never forgive him. I forgave him 30 years ago when he wasn't there for Daddy's death, even though he happened to be in PA on a business trip the day the hospice center called to say that It looked like Dad's time to go. In the end, it was Denny, Mom, and me beside his bed. Lisa had her own issues back then and she wasn't there either (she was only 20, still very immature), but she has made up for that with Mom.
Ok, Bella keeps nudging me for her breakfast. I am so thankful that I have my friends here for support - I love you all. Paula, I hope Larry's surgery was a huge success. Have a great day everyone.
Good Morning Eagle buds
Snow looks all melted under the tree now I see temps are 33° there
We are fogged in again at 70° gonna be near 80 today
who ever is in the nest is sideways we see half a eagle who is picking at flugg in front of them
OH an my cams have been up all night running also so spiny yet as of this moment
Good Morning Friends!!
It's great to see your posts, SANDI and an update on you, your Mom and what is going on! Good onYOU for writing your email to your brother. You are so right that it isn't about him, it's about your Mom. Hoping and praying today is a better day for her and you enjoy some quality time with her. She's blessed to have YOU!!
MARGY - Your spirits seem high, so I am hoping you're not dealing with too much post op pain. Please continue to rest!!
PAULA - Prayers that Larry is recouperating nicely and generating strength for whatever lies ahead in his treatment. May you both be blessed as you journey toward a complete recovery!
Lots of busy happenings 'round here!! Hope everyone has a great day today!!
Good morning.
SANDI powerful thoughts in your letter.
Focus on your acts of love and leave the rest.
You can not control what people do or not do.
The love for your mother is all there is.
Love and Light to LARRY AND PAULA
Good morning all. Glad to see the surgeries went well for Margy, Larry and Tom. Sandi - hope your situation with your Mom can get better. Glad your sons are behind you. Been watching the Cam some. I'm unable to watch on my phone at work now for some reason. I can get it to work at home about a minute. I think I will need an upgrade to my PC. Just relaxing some today. Hope everyone has been doing well and if not things will be better soon. Take care all. I have enjoyed the warmer weather the last few days. Saw my first robin yestaerday on the way to work around 9:30.
Good Sunday morning to all ♥
Sleepover went well - sacked out around 10pm - Still here and will leave around lunch time.
Good to hear from everyone - Jerry I am happy you are able to join in with all of us.
Sad news here is that Mr Scar (cat) isn't feeling too well. Watching him very carefully don't think anything can be done to help him - I'm praying to Saint Francis to let him stay with us a while longer. He is my side kick.
good sunny Sunday morning.
SANDI: I double HODA’s post: you said your peace, and I am glad you did. Let go of what you cannot control and focus on love.
Walked around outside a bit yesterday; tulips and daffodils trying to say hello. We have more cold weather, although not bitter cold, coming our way this week. That will slow them down. Trying to determine if the fig tree lived thru our very cold winter. The jury is out on this. It will be weeks before I know about the banana tree.
Its been nice having Michael home for a few days. I think he heads out tomorrow or Tuesday. He and Ashely had some friends over last night. They were a little loud, but I just rolled over and went back to sleep.
He has one more week with a trainer, then he will be home. I am rather impressed, this company will give him an actual driving test before they turn him loose on his own! He is rather nervous.
Thinking of everyone on here, for healing, for comfort, keepingyou in the light and love . Have a super day!
Good morning,
Sandi, I agree with the others regarding your brother. You have done all that you can do. Take care of your mother and yourself.
I think that's Shep on the eggs. Not sure.
Nice that things are working out well for Michael, Janet.
Hoping that Mr. Scar has many more happy and comfortable days ahead, Jo.
Nice to see you back this morning, Jerry. Saw a robin in my backyard yesterday, too.
My spring flowers are trying very hard to grow--there are daffodils, I know. Should be some crocuses, and maybe some hyacinths. Later on, a few tulips might show up.
Good morning! I think that is Shep on the nest, Shirley. Saw the spot.
SANDI....great message to your brother. You are so correct! I pray that he thinks and acts correctly to your email.
I have never had as many daffodils blooming as I do now. They have come up thick and all blooming. Beautiful! And, of course, I will probably miss my tulips blooming while gone on this trip. Why did I buy and plant so many???? LOL Asked my neighbor to take picture of them.
Need to run. Need to finish getting ready for church. Then the baby shower at 2:00. Takes me 45 minutes to get there. Have a great Sunday and keep an eye on the nest!! ☺
Morning all!
Lolly. would love to see your daffodils
Margy ...hope you are not in too much pain.
Hope Tom and Jack are feeling better too.
Jo hoping Scar feels better.
Janet glad Michael is home for a few.
Trying to get some a busy diner for was not serving. breakfast.
Aha. just got service.
Friday night Larry went back into surgery ... an artery was leaking. All fixed up. His throat is still sore. Got in to hospital by 9am this morning and still missed the Dr.
Larry should be coming home later. today .
Sandi hope your Mom is feeling better today.
Glad you got some breakfast, Paula.
Shucks, sorry you missed the doctor. I know how that is. Can be frustrating.
Good to know that Larry is coming home later today and that they took care of that problem with the artery.
Lovins' and Hugs to you
and Larry, Paula xoxo
We're With You....
How are you this morning, Margy? Hope you are doing well. We're with you, too. :)
Good Afternoon, Eagle Pals......
Saw the eagles switch places a few hrs ago, Shep took over....but I
haven't watched since then....guess I should check
Hello to WV Jerry on a day off!!!
Been readin' your posts..this day
should be like GOLD to you...
with your busy schedule
Sandi: (( HUGS ))
Hope all will have a very nice day
Thanks, Shirley...had a lot of pain for 36 hours but it is easing up now
starting to use some of my other
fingers now :)
I have an email out to NCSuzan....
will post of I hear from her....
bbl xo
Glad the pain is better, Margy.
Two egg visible.
Now covered.
Prayers still going up there to Da Man
for Larry's healing.
Margy don't go cleaning and cooking and cause pain. How long will you have off of work?
Tom may go out for a drive with Bev today -
I also messaged NCSuzan - hope Margy or I hear from her.
Company has gone and I am forcing myself to take a nap ..
REMEMBER Last Downton Abbey for this season is tonight!
There could be some snow this late evening - perhaps just a dusting or maybe an inch. Earlier then what they first predicted.
Keeping an eye on BWE expecting a second hatch - hasn't happened yet.
Wheeee Doggy!
I heard back from Suzan....she is UP on the Royal Eggs news....
She is reading the blog...
been taking some medicines and
getting along OK
(( HUGS )) Suzan xoxox
Thanks Jo...
I am being real careful,
and watching as many Law and Orders and NCIS that I can, on ION
television :)
reading, eating well, with foods that I "prepared" more or less in advance..things I can get to and cook very easily
Nice that you heard from Suzan, Margy.
Home from church and just peeding in.☺ So, still just two, come on Belle!!!
Have 45 minutes before I leave for the shower. Going to quickly mop Jack vacuumed floors.
Sorry about the additional repair to Larry. Glad he is able to go home to nurse Paula! Prayers indeed for fast healing and the cancer to be gone, gone gone!
Righto, Shirley....
We are all so joined at the hip in so many ways....Suzan has been
following this nest and the blog
for 4 and 1/2 years :)
I had not realized that, she is
a gentle giant, quiet, and caring
Going to take the time to get dressed after this episode of NCIS
and go get some Vitamins K and
D while they last.....
JO and Judie: I am also checking out 48 Hours when I find that too !!!
Good afternoon.
Jo, healing kitty prayers for Mr. Scar.
Sandi, difficult to do but please let go of your brother's choices. They are his not yours. Continue to share your love with your mom.
Paula, sorry to read that Larry had to undergo more surgery but very happy he will be able to come home today. No doubt he will feel better there with you.
I slept through last week's Downton Abby so hoping to catch the rerun tonight before the final episode.
Looked like Shep on duty enjoying the sunshine.
Hi Jerry. Glad you get some relaxing time today.
Hi to Margy and thanks for letting us known Suzan is ok.
Okay, off to do something or another. BBL
Well I had a long post written and all a sudden the blog page was no longer on my puter I didn't X anything out
in general I said great news MARGY is doing better and taking it easy
PAULA so sorry that Larry had a leak and happy they found it before he went home
SIS so happy you have son time and turned a deaf ear to the celebration
JO happy you had time with GK and they sure can wear one out NAP TIME
JERRY always pleased when you pop in
SUZAN good to hear you are doing ok and you are lurking HI SUZAN
SANDI I like how you put in in the email and hope you do hear from him and he does come around and I know it will be hard to let it go Your mom will be pleased if he shows up and I hope he does
I know there is some I am forgetting
figured I would post before it disappeared again that was odd because usually the blog will say are you sure you want to navigate from the page it just was gone I have the still up First did the live and got the PIA so put up the still
figured I would post before it disappeared again that was odd because usually the blog will say are you sure you want to navigate from the page it just was gone I have the still up First did the live and got the PIA so put up the still
oh now I remember I had also said I now have another new asst mgr
my schedule is whacked out for the week of Mar 8 sat7-4 sun 8-5 mon 8-5 tue 830-530 and wed 830-530 the only issue is I will have to rush to get to Angie house at 6 on the night I watch Jordyn I guess I will have to get with her on it wish me luck again
going to facebook and then punch in see ya later
just on FB DEB S got a video of raven alert Raven alert at nest
1244 is when she said it was
Good Afternoon Eagle Buds !!!
PAULA, so glad the docs found and repaired that leak before you took Larry home. Prayers continue !
SANDI, reading back I wholeheartedly agree that there is nothing like "grandchild love". You are justifiably proud of Brian and Kevin ! Others have shared thoughts and advice on your brother that I cannot improve on, so suffice it to say, my prayers are with the entire family. You are doing an admirable job in taking care of your dear Mom's needs and I admire you very much !
MARGY, you are amazing ! Just don't overdo ! Glad the pain is easing off ! Thanks for the Suzan news !
JO, poor Mr. Scar ! May St. Francis answer your prayers and heal your gentle sidekick !
Had the usual great time with Seth. Yep, there is something very special about grandchild love.
Can't believe how short the "seasons" are at DA ! From the beginning they touted the fact that Shirley MacClain would be on this season---finally she is and only in the last episode. What a bummer and how rude of the writer/director/p.r. staff to create such a scam. Bah Humbug ! Oh, I'll be watching, but this may be the last season of interest for me.
JUDYE, I do wish you good luck with that new asst. mgr.. You seem to have a lot of battles to fight at WallyWorld. No wonder you are so looking forward to retirement !
Shep on duty.
Good Afternoon, Dear Eaglebuds!!
Surprise, surprise at Park Sat. My coworker buddy, Doris, had job of checking all boat ramps, etc. and saw FIRST OSPREY at ramp about 1 1/2 miles south of our office!!!!!!Of course, it is the right time for them. Some others have seen them at our more Southern ramp---9 miles downriver! She got pic, but didn't send it yet!!!
I thought I could read all Comments at work yesterday (don't tell!) 'Puter down for me all day & didn't get call back until after quitting time, so stayed until 5PM to repair stuff.
Saw an eagle head in nest when leaving!!!!!Mom IS on the job. Konked out for good in lounge chair for the night.
Have just finished reading blog! Probably won't remember everything, but happy to see Tom and Margy on the mend~~~M,Don't type too much!!!
Sorry that Larry had more surgery, but thank God he is all repaired! Amazing that he can come home so soon!!! Glad Paula got some food! Prayers and strength to you both and all others. ☺ ☺ ☺ ♥ ♥ ♥
Jo, prayers to St. Francis for Mr. Scar.
Sandi, I agree w/all you stated in your email to bro. Out of your hands now and all the rest of you are doing the most loving, important caring for Mom! ♥ ♥ ♥
A late afternoon check in from Nashville.
Its been a breezy but sunny day. We have been trying to watch the 500 but its rain rain raining down there. *sigh*
We have gotten a few things done. The pool cover is emptied again. We extended the invisible fence around the pool to keep certain four legged family members from eating it…. Uh hem. The yard has been cleaned up once again and we (as Dad would have put it), went outside and got the “stink blown off us”.
The oldest is not bowling tonight, she and the baby are sick. Tom is a bit puny. I am much better, feeling human thankfully.
Sounds like everyone is doing pretty well. Just enjoying the afternoon.
Hugs and love to all!
all a sudden I can hear wind
not raining in my neck of the woods but it is so stinkin nice out 77°
egg roll and races have restarted cool beans I will get to see some of it
wrong on the restart showing a old race
egg roll and a tuck here and a tuck there
Sounds Marvy, Loretta! An Osprey returns, AND Mom Eagle on duty...
Hi Janet and JudyE.....
Good to see you both here more or less at the same time
Saw the Egg Roll...well, are we going to have a 3rd egg? It would be
more or less time for that to maybe almost possibly occur
And to Jo....
I hope your dear pal and sidekick
Scar, is having a comfortable and peacful day today....
May St. Francis help provide the blessings
the first was the 17th and the 2nd the 20th I really think that is it or maybe tonight 3 days between the other two and it would be about now if she sticks to a pattern
JudyE..yes, you must feel like a yoyo sometimes changing around on the shifts....
We're getting ready to switch off the 12s and go to 10s, I'll be on 7 a.m. to 5 p.m., four days on, four days off....
Jo asked, how long will I be off right now...and two weeks at least, more if needed...
Not exactly like retirement, but,
restful just the same
this is Shep so he won't be laying any eggs LOL
All the other AM keep my schedule the same so I hope this one will
turning sound down TOOO windy I am so happy we can say that again I wonder what make the speakers not work at times
winds are definitely picking up,
could be gusty in the next 18-24 hours I think
Sorry I've been so delinquent on here. I can't seem to catch up on everything, but I'm trying.
Sandi, I can understand your disgust with your brother. Hope it had a happy ending for all of you. ♥
Paula, I bet you've picked up a few nursing things at the hospital that will help you take care of Larry. Bet he is super grateful for you!
Kay, glad you had another great weekend with Seth - I'm just assuming you did, but I know how much he loves his Grandmother.
Haven't even been on to see the eagles. Mom is having issues with Verizon and how much data is being used. Her phonebill, cell phones, internet is over $300 a month! Don't blame her at all.
Hope everyone is well. I'll keep lurking and praying.
Prayers for Larry, Sandi's Mom and brother, Margy's hand and all in need.
Love you all -- just a crazy busy time.
Righto, JudyE, Iguess that would be some trick if Shep laid an egg!
Okay, see you all later on, have some things to attend do
xoxox Good Evening Wishes to All....
wondering how our Nursing Student
Extraordinaire is doing this week-end....
My goodness, there you are Lori !!
Understand about the data usage thing, here on the laptop with the "air card" (wireless modem)
and I am already over my limit this month $$$
Take care, Happy Evening for you...
Best Wishes for a Good Week
I think that is Belle in the nest anyone else have any idea I saw some poof and then someone in the back door Even Egale Cam thinks it Shep or Ben
who ever it is is TRACKING something
I sort of see the V
my weather man said that there is a HOUR window to get some of the race in so we will see
Belle is doing egg roll and only two eggs and It is Belle
evening all!
Sandi, you are SPOT ON about your brother's presence at you mom's funeral will mean nothing to her. What a sad situation. But thank the good Lord that she has you and your family and your sister as well.
JO...oh my goodness, what's wrong with Mr Scar??
SO very glad that Larry was still in the hospital when the artery leaked! Hopefully he is back at home resting comfortably now!
I didn't see the Raven??
Glad you are feeling better today Margy. How long will you be off from work?
Loweeda, YAY on the first opsprey sighting!
Janet, glad you are feeling better today!
OH and yes Sandi, Steve has been REALLY busy, and it's a very good thing!
Home from baby shower! Baby girl due in a month and going to be one well dress little one. OMG!!! The clothes! Laurel and I went together and got from her registry the crib mobile, sheet, wall decoration and stuffed giraffe that all matched her decorations. Really cute!
Well, drat! Thought for sure there would be another egg when I returned!
Home from baby shower! Baby girl due in a month and going to be one well dress little one. OMG!!! The clothes! Laurel and I went together and got from her registry the crib mobile, sheet, wall decoration and stuffed giraffe that all matched her decorations. Really cute!
Well, drat! Thought for sure there would be another egg when I returned!
Excuse the double post! Knew when I clicked a second time that I had done that!
Got a couple eggroll pics and put in Momster Album. I wish they would post in time order!!!!
Din Din is ready.
Have a great evening and Best Wishes and prayers to ALL and especially our Post-Ops! ☺
anyone watch the Jordan Lake Eagle cam OH MY that is such a itty bitty nest how do they fit with kids ?
Loretta I also noticed the pic don't post the the order as you upload then I was going to do one at a time but then that would be a PIA
We are closing in to another SPLIT so watch your step and be prepared to slide.....
Lynne - Scar is very listless and slow moving. Not eating and hiding under the beds - that is to me a very good sign that he is slipping away from us. His breathing is very fast &
shallow. He is only 9 or 10 years old. I am prepared for the worst but I still pray he just comes out of this.
DA 2 hr finale this evening 9-11.
I really love this show - the characters and all the many plots. It will be one fast moving 2 hrs.
Need to check out FB BBILW
Hi all - home again!
Jo, how is Mr. Scar? I know all about pets on borrowed time. Hope he gets some more.
Paula, like Lynne said, it's a good thing Larry was still in the hospital when that artery started leaking. I hope he's at Paradise now, getting excellent care from Nurse Paula and hope his pain level is OK.
Margy, great news that your pain has decreased quickly. Enjoy your mini-retirement!
Janet, enjoy your time with your son! Does he think he's going to like being a truck driver??
Lynne, I'm so happy that Steve is happy!
I can promise you all that I will never mention my brother again, unless it's to say he's coming to Baltimore. I said what I needed to say in my email and the ball is in his court now. I can't promise that I will let go of my anger if he doesn't come - sadly, that does not come easily to me.
From reading today's posts, I see that we are still at 2 eggs - that's OK with me. Our pair have shown that they can easily handle raising two.
Mom's doctor said she may be going home as early as tomorrow! Her pain is under control with the morphine and they started switching her from morphine injections to pills today. She ate pretty well at breakfast and lunch and looked good. She is ready to get back to her own 4 walls, her squirrels and birds and the neighbors' dogs that come to visit, and her own bed.
Time to fold some laundry and watch some mindless TV. Goodnight all - I'll see you in the early AM!
BTW - it has gotten very windy
It is Belle on night duty
#2 did not hatch as of now at BWE
Suzan also contacted me with this reply: " Jo, I am on my second round of Prednisone and first of antibiotics. Definitely keeping up with the blog and our Eagles. Just keeping a low profile til I feel better. Thank you all for thinking of me."
Jo, so very sorry Scar is having problems. He is very young! Are you taking him to the vet?
S P L I T is almost here! Heads up!
Daytona had a rain delay
I just saw 8:30 pm start time
Okay, it is so close! I am going to take us over!
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