Thursday, February 06, 2014


Fresh thread.


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Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥
Steve, thank you so very much for the fresh new thread ♥

I'll call the others over and then I'll BRB.

I see the MT nest ♥

Judie said...

Good morning.

Thank you Steve and Mema Jo.

Sunshine this morning.

Cannot get the live feed. Will try again in a few.

Headed out to get my "do" did. May or may not forage for food. Might save that for tomorrow. Cabin fever setting in.

Have a the best morning possible. BBL

Mema Jo said...

I just had my cup of coffee and I realize that I have a new feather - It has really been a while since I have been so lucky.

Judie said...

Oh, Hoda. The babes are truly beauteous. Finally figured out what to do to see them last night. Thank you.

glo said...

GM everyone. Sure had a busy day with nestorations yesterday. I hear Love is in the air "well not in the air" but you know. Soon we shall start our new nesting season. VERY BUSY eagle photog season here for me. I will post a link to a Flickr site eventually so those only on the Blog can have a peak at how I warm my winters. Just a few short weeks though and they too will head on back to nesting time. Got the pop up popped. Come see us Belle and Shep.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Prayers and good thoughts for Sandi and her family.

Not getting the live feed here this morning. Good to know some have seen the nest.

stronghunter said...

Hope you are feeling better today, Lolly.

Chain reaction at my house in the wee early hours (3:30 AM).

I woke up. Night sweats. Had to get up and change pajamas.

George got excited and started running around, thinking I would feed him since I was up. Surely it was feeding time for cats.

I put a handful of dry cat food in George's upstairs dish and crawled back into bed.

Luna started barking. Time to feed the dog. After all, she knew I'd fed George. I waited a bit, but finally went down to let her out. One never knows . . . (Did not feed Luna. Things would really get out of hand if I did that.)

Lucky then decided that it was time for him to eat, so he rushed upstairs meowing loudly for Kathryn to feed him. (I did not ask Kathryn what she did about that.)


stronghunter said...

Appointment this morning to have the dermatologist look at a small growth on my arm.


Kay said...

Good Frozen Morning Eagle Buds !!!

SHIRLEY, hope the dermatologist says "taint nuttin' to worry about". What a night you had---try to grab a JO n' KAY nap today !

LORI, you'll not see this til' after the fact, but my thoughts are with you on this very long day. I'm hoping you'll be so fascinated by it all that the time will actually fly by !

This is certainly the week for getting do's did ! Me on Tues., JO on Weds. and JUDIE on Thurs.. Anyone signed up for Friday yet ?

JO, that feather becomes you !

GLO, glad you're watching Belle n' Shep with us !

Affirming my love and concern for all in need. Mega prayers !


Kay said...

Oh, manners, Kay. Thank you so very much for a New Thread, STEVE !

DanaMo said...

Good morning from Kindergarten. Kids just left for library and music. Trying to get back on track, but it is difficult. So far behind with all these days off!
Bummed that we can't see what's happening.

stronghunter said...

Forgot to say thanks to Steve and Jo.

stronghunter said...

Waiting to see doctor.

stronghunter said...

May get do done this week. Need to make appointment.

Kay said...

Shirley, counting on you to get that "do", keeping right up with the Jone's---er, make that the Kays, the JO's and the JUDIE's who've are all gettin' gussied up this week. I think I made a mistake and that JO is getting her cut today--perhaps yesterday was toooo cold.

We're at 20°, but wind chill has us at about 10°. I was just out with Penny and it's still crunchy icy snow with flurries in the air.

DANA, most schools are closed here today, too. There is a push by the governor to get more snow days allotted for this horrible winter. For the older kids some systems have come up with computer work to do at home and others are trying to decide what to do. Make the school day longer for a while, have classes on Saturdays ???? Everyone seems to be averse to extending the school year way into June. Even your little ones just beginning their school career are falling behind due to snow days. Yikes !

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my eagle budlets!

Mema Jo said...

Happy Happy Birthday Sandra
Enjoy your special day

Bloggers: Sandra was one of the first
Momsters - Most of her comments are over on FB - Sandra lives at the corner 4-Way stop in the large red brick home to the right. I value her friendship ♥

Mema Jo said...

The still cam is up/running with a beautiful image of the MT nest. Remember that F5 can refresh the still cam and you can take beautiful clear pics from there also.

With the storm damage - this could be the reason the live feed is down

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I love Sandra!!! She had an awesome picnic for us in her back yard one year. Her house is amazing!

Lolly said...

Good morning! I think I am a wee bit better this morn. Certainly hope so!!

17 this morn and now up to 20. No snow here, but Laurel had 14, wind chill of 4, and snow, but off to school the family went.

What is with no cam. Anyone let Steve know?

Lolly said...

Have the still image up now. At least we have it.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - you are going to need an afternoon panda nap after all your excitement this morning.

Thinking of Lori and just know she will pull this off with flying colors.

Have to get ready to go get my short 'do'


stronghunter said...

I am home. Decided it was not a good day for getting a do done. The doctor froze some spots on my forehead. I really need a haircut and perm, but not for a few days. Need to let those spots heal. Also need to go back to doctor in a month.

Doctor removed the small growth and will send it for a biopsy.

Lolly said... had some night. LOL

Still 20 here and snowing. Actually, just flurries, very small.

Have actually fixed my hair today and put on a little make up. Jack should appreciate looking at a not so sick Lolly.

stronghunter said...

I remember seeing Sandra's house on the corner when I visited Shepherdstown.

Happy birthday, Sandra!!

stronghunter said...

Happy to know you are better today, Lolly.

Funny thing about George . . .

He kept getting out of bed to snack on the food I'd put out.

But he was ready for breakfast at the regular time. Now, of course, he is catnapping away.

Lolly said...

Fort Worth, Dallas, Denton....all getting snow. Still just flurries here. Drat! If I am going to be shut in, let me look out at snow!!!

Lolly said...

Just looked out and it is actually coming down a little harder, but very small flakes. I want big fluffy ones. LOL

JudyEddy said...

Good afternoon eagle buds Haven't had any chance to ready back just wanted to check the box for now being I see we have a new thread


stronghunter said...

They say small flakes mean more snow is likely to fall, Lolly, for what that is worth.

glo said...

Photo of Brood Spot. Brood Spot

glo said...

BETTER Known as Brood Patch on eagles preparing to incubate their eggs. Was concentrating so much on how to post link I didn't name it right. Anyway Hopefully our pair is not only preparing the nest but also a Brood Patch.

Hoda said...

Good Freezing Morning to all!!!
Good God Almighty it is to get colder!
Oh my that wind.

JudyEddy said...

well so happy to read others can't get the live feed thought it was just me
BUT we will have the still as was mentioned also

JudyEddy said...

67° here now
maybe a rainy day
rain in forecast
but with a 0% Hmmm will it or will it not rain

JudyEddy said...

SHIRLEY I love you in the middle of the night escapades

Hoda said...

Dr? Spots on forehead? Freezing? What what what? I missed something!!! Are you alright? Did you hurt yoursel? You had your hand bashed with a bowling ball! This forehead thing is it serious?

Happy Birthday SANDRA. Thank you for hosting the Momsters.

JudyEddy said...


Hoda said...

What midnight escapade did SHIRLEY have JUDYE? Is this how she hurt her forehead and had to go to the Dr?

Hoda said...

Thinking of SANDI.
Love and Light sent her way.

JudyEddy said...

935 is her talking about the middle of the night episode and
I think she had s suspicious spot removed of her forehead

JudyEddy said...

9:35 am 9:36 am Hoda

Hoda said...

Thank you JUDYE.
All is well with SHIRLEY!

glo said...

I hope some of you not on FB will click on the Brood Spot/Patch link I brought over here for you to see. It is posted at 1:15

Mema Jo said...

I have return with my 'short spring do' but I'll need a hoodie or hat until it warms up.

Lolly I guess that snow will be here
in about 3 days! :(

Shirley, Hubby had about 5 spots on face frozen. This is his second time and 1st time everything healed quickly and didn't leave any mark. He just wants to be more handsome ♥

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Glo for the Brood Patch link for those here not on FB. U remember when I first heard about a Brood Patch. Belle has had her share!

JudyEddy said...

very disappointed no eagle sighting today so far in the still cam

JudyEddy said...

with the exception of this am by Margy

stronghunter said...

I've had those spots frozen several times, Jo. I want to be beauteous!

But I don't want a perm until they heal. I have enough trouble with that solution they use as it is.

With the other dermatologist, I just went in when I noticed them. This one wants to see me every year at least, and she checks all of my skin.

stronghunter said...

Saw the brood patch on FB, Glo. Thanks for passing on the information.

stronghunter said...

MT nest on still cam.

Judie said...


Just back and my "do" is did. At least I look a little less scary.

Wonder what's wrong with the live feed? Sure hope our royal couple are continuing to work on the nest.

Shirley, I have suspicious areas frozen every year or so. Mine just make blisters but agree with you on waiting for the hair appointment. Will have to ask the sandperson to make a special visit to George and his friends so you can get a good night's sleep.

Continuing to think of Sandi and her family.

Lolly, glad you're feeling some better. Not fun feeling puny.

Need to forage for food but will wait until tomorrow. Thinking salmon cakes and salad tonight.

Glo, thanks for the brood patch picture. Never actually seen one.

Cannot imagine Mr. Jo being more handsome. He's cute.

Happy Birthday, Sandra.

Okay, off to play Jo and put my feet up.


Mema Jo said...

Get your still cam up
About time for their visit - I hope

stronghunter said...

I remember when you said you converse with your dermatologist while you are getting those areas frozen. I was cringing today. But it wasn't really that bad. I have lost count of the number of times I've had this done.

stronghunter said...

Got my cam up, Jo.

stronghunter said...

Oh good! I am pleased to learn that the sandperson takes care of our fur children, too. I sometimes worry that George does need an extra feeding. He's gotten pretty bony.


stronghunter said...

So I try to feed George right before I go to bed.

JudyEddy said...

yep I see a head

stronghunter said...

Still not getting live feed here.

glo said...

I see a tail

JudyEddy said...


stronghunter said...

Two eagles!!

stronghunter said...

Amount of snow in the nest has diminished considerably.

glo said...

See the whole eagle. I think its Belle

stronghunter said...

Shep at 4:00.

stronghunter said...

Oh, I thought I saw a spot. Maybe it is a shadow.

JudyEddy said...

one is in full view and the other in NHZ

stronghunter said...

Yeah, I think it's a stick.

stronghunter said...

Both still there.

JudyEddy said...

no longer in view

stronghunter said...

Poof one.

JudyEddy said...

I see talon

stronghunter said...


stronghunter said...

BBL. Hold down the fort, Judy.

JudyEddy said...

talon is still in the nHZ

JudyEddy said...

pics are on FB and in album

stronghunter said...

Eagle now in view.

JudyEddy said...

full body now sort of digging in middle

JudyEddy said...

tail is now only showing in the nHZ

JudyEddy said...

I no longer see any sign of eagle in nest

Lolly said...

Got a peek at our eagle and then it poofed.

Snow stopped, for a while we could see it on the bare ground and some on the patio. High today 25. That is cold folks!

Jack and I watched recorded Masterpiece Theatre this afternoon. We saw Downton Abby and Sherlock. Both very good!

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for the nest report, Judy

Preparing dinner - Michael is visiting - his residence in Frederick still doesn't have power.
So I guess I have an overnight guest..


Lolly said...

Eagle in nest!

JudyEddy said...

eagle back

Lolly said...

I see a tail, possibly sitting in the egg cup!

JudyEddy said...

is tonight the nite

Mema Jo said...

Whoo Hoo I'm just in time

Mema Jo said...

Ya think Belle is going to spend the night ??

JudyEddy said...

turned around to one side

Lolly said...

Eagle has moved...still see tail.

Lolly said...

Hmmmm.....we have to wonder, Jo and Judy!

Lolly said...

Perhaps tonight is the night! Have your oatmeal pies ready, Jo?

JudyEddy said...

I see nothing now

Lolly said...

Whoops! Gone now!

Lolly said...

Well, drat! LOL

Mema Jo said...

My blood sugar won't allow the Oatmeal creme pie - I might have to celebrate with a Quaker Rice Cake ♥

Really dark at the MT nest....

Everyone take care - our dinner is over - 1 roasting chicken devoured

Prayers for Sandi - Missing her ♥


Hoda said...

Well you ladies had my heart pounding with excitement!
Belle spending the night speculations!
Then you end with drat??!!
No fun! I thought for sure she was going to settle in.

GLO thank you for the brood patch post.
If I remember correctly PAULA suggested I look at your photos years ago.

I wonder how LARRY is doing with his leg? Has PAULA said?

Brrrrrrrr it is cold here!!! Man oh man!!! IT IS COLD HERE!!! People are still friendly. Took two street people in for a hot lunch at the bakery. I said hot soup and a sandwich so I don't have them ordering espressos and lattes and all. Did get them desert and coffee. They said thank you I said you are welcome and left. They do have shelter tonight. They just have to be out from 6:30 am till 6:30 PM !!! I suppose do the staff could clean? In such cold days however I worry!

Mema Jo said...

That was very good of you, Hoda to take care of the 2 Homeless people.
Blessed Be ♥

Hoda said...

It is presently 14 dropping down to 7 tonight!
Three degrees warmer than last night.
I wished I knew how to do soup kitchen like WANDA and drive around with a mobile unit for them to eat a hot meal at night.
I always feel guilty all snuggled up in a safe place with hot water and warm bed and food.
God keep them safe

Hoda said...

JO are there changes in your blood sugar?
You used to have oatmeal cream cookies and Berger it higher than it should be.

Yes me too all day thinking of SANDI and her family.

Lolly said...

Do not fill guilty, Hoda. You worked for your home. Yes, feeding them is good, but feeling guilty, no!

Just talked with Laurel. They are all home and in for the night. It is so dry here that the snow just blew off the road.

Chance of snow tomorrow and again next week.

Lolly said...

Presently 24. Have to wonder about my plants and my yard. What will it be like come spring?

Hoda said...

Thank you LOLLY for the reminder. Glad Laurel and her family are in for the night. I hope this weather does not cause serious damage to your gardens.

Thinking of LORI today too. Her first 12 hour shift !!!
I hope she finds the energy and that it is not insanely busy with crisis!!!

Mema Jo said...

Hoda - I need to keep my blood sugar (I heck it twice daily) at 150 or lower. I usually start out with 111-
120 in the am. With eating breakfast and then lunch - it goes up to 140-150. If I were to eat an oatmeal pie it would soar up above 200+. Rice cakes for me it is.. or
maybe just a piece of toast with peanut butter! lol

Hoda said...

Thank you JO it sounds like you have it under control.
Blessed Be

Lolly said...

I am blessed, Jo. Both my sister and brother have to monitor their blood sugar. I have no problem with that. Thank goodness!

Lolly said...

I do hope you check it and not heck it!! LOL Checking works better.☺

JudyEddy said...

eagle in nest huh

JudyEddy said...

do you see the eagle in the top of the nest ???

JudyEddy said...

looks like it the night guys with the eagle being there

JudyEddy said...

she is sideways at the top of the nest half in the NHZ

Lolly said...

I see it Judy! Eagle is in the nest!

Lolly said...

This might be the night, but we will not know for sure. What a lousy picture!

Lolly said...

And, is that the egg cup, way up there?

JudyEddy said...

maybe that is why we couldn't see a good cup if it up there I think we are alone LOLLY I put on FB also

Lolly said...

Good, was hoping to let Jo know!

Lolly said...

I am off to prepare dinner. First time I have cooked or felt like it since Saturday.

JudyEddy said...

JO just saw my post on FB

Hoda said...

Thank you LOLLY I SEE HER!
You and JUDYE are certainly on it!!!
Oh how I wished this is the night!

JudyEddy said...

I sent STEVE the pic via fb message and he is now aware she is in the nest

JudyEddy said...

said he will keep a eye out

Mema Jo said...

I hope and pray that Belle isn't
giving us a false alarm. In past
years she has only stayed half the night for first time in the nest's egg cup.

Judy If it wouldn't be for her tail feathers and your Eagle Eye we would have never known. I wonder what we will see when she rotates her body

JudyEddy said...

I don't see here any longer

grannyblt said...

I can no longer see Belle

Could all you good Momsters and Dadsters please keep my son David in your good thoughts and prayers? He is hospitalized again with a very large blood clot. They will try to break it up tomorrow. Thanks.

stronghunter said...

Prayers for David.

stronghunter said...

We had leftover spaghetti and salad for dinner tonight.

Now watching TV. Jeopardy and then the Olympics.

stronghunter said...

Do not see an eagle in our nest.

Lolly said...

Certainly, prayers for David.

Dinner in oven and Belle no longer visible. Hmmm?????

Hoda said...

On it GRANNYBLT prayers for your son David

magpie said...

Yes, grannyblt Lynne1,
prayers for sure for your son David, and You, and all the Health Care Team....
My prayer list is long, and there is always room for more....

Good Evening Eagle Pals


magpie said...

and Prayers for you too, Shirley, hope all the dermatology work and biopsy turns out A ++++

Great for a new thread, (now rather old...but new to me!)
and for some Eagle sightings,
and all the good news here.

Oh, an overnight with Miracle Michael, Jo...that sounds wonderful, know it is great for him too, it is always nice to
Come Home !

busy busy day at work, I can relate to Lori's 12-hour shifts, but I know her busy is a busy of a much different kind....
and very important !

time for some "home work" here...
the usual, moving the debris field

Best wishes for a Good Night,
and Happy Birthday Wishes for our Grand Lady Momsters,
Sandra ! xoxox

Sandi said...

Good evening all! I'm back!!

Yesterday I could not stand the thought of typing the words about what's going on with Mom - didn't want them to be there on the blog for everyone, including me to read. It's like I had to wrap my head around the news that I got from Lisa and get to a place where I could accept it in my heart and my mind before I could pass it along to others in written words. And I needed quiet and distance to do that. Does that make any sense? That's what I did last night.

Then I spent today surrounded by 8th graders - nothing like a hundred adolescents to keep your mind occupied! I couldn't tell the other teachers on my team b/c I knew if I did I would cry and I didn't want the kids to see me crying. I tried to tell the science teacher first thing this morning but ended up running out of his room in tears. Later, he approached me in the hall and said, "Look, I'll respect your privacy but you really have me worried." All I could say to him, since the kids were all in the hallway changing classes was, "It's not me, it's my mom." Colin knows about her aneurysm - all of my teaching team does - so he has some idea even though he doesn't know the details. I think I will be OK to tell them all tomorrow.

Now this evening I think that I can type the words easier than I could say them. Lisa got a phone call yesterday from Mom's internist, who had been out of town for 2 weeks. He said he had received the final report from the radiologist who read Mom's CT scan from 2 weeks ago when she went to the ER. The report said that Mom's aneurysm is leaking and the pain she is having is being caused by her aorta tearing. The next thing that will happen is that her aorta will burst and she will die. He couldn't/wouldn't say if it will burst in days, or weeks, or even months. The only thing we can do is wait and the only thing he can do is try to manage her level of pain.

Mom had an appointment with the doctor yesterday (he called Lisa after the appointment) to make sure the pleural effusion had cleared up and he prescribed a different pain medication b/c Mom said she hated the way the oxycodone and the tramadol made her feel. Lisa and I have agreed that we don't want Mom to know the aneurysm is leaking. It was hard talking with Mom yesterday and today knowing what I know, yet trying to sound like everything is fine. I did tell her I was bringing the dogs and coming for a visit tomorrow - claimed I was lonely here by myself while Denny is in WV with Lynnis. She bought my story and sounds happy that I'm coming, not suspicious about why.

So that's the story. I have not kept up with comments on the blog for the past 24 hours, so I hope everyone is OK. I did see when I opened the blog that Judy posted that Belle was in the nest. I have the still cam up (can't get the live feed) and the nest looks MT to me.

I won't be able to check in tomorrow morning - too busy single parenting both dogs and trying to get ready for school. And I am leaving school at 1:30 to get home and pack and get on the road early so I won't be checking in tomorrow afternoon either. I will try to touch base from Mom's when I get there.

Because I know the people in this group so well (even those I have never met, as strange as that seems to Denny), I know you have all been thinking about me, praying for me, and sending positive energy. That's why I love you all so much. I feel blessed to have all of you in my life.

My prayer for my mom now is that she doesn't suffer long with this. I would rather miss her and know that she's pain-free than to have her here in this world suffering. And that's what I would ask you all to pray for as well - not for a miracle, just for peace for her.

Didn't get a very good night's sleep last night so I am ready for a bath and my bed. Goodnight my friends. I ♥ U all!

Lolly said...

Sandi, we have your back! Yes, we have never met, but we know each other. Prayers for peace for your mom and prayers for peace for you. Please drive carefully and check in when you can.

Judie said...

Dinner over.

MT nest.

Lynne, prayers for David. Prayers of support for you.

Headed to watch PBS mystery.

Thinking of Sandi and hoping Lori will have safe travels after a very long day.

Hoda, you did a very kind and generous thing today. You need not feel guilt for what you have achieved. You pay it forward every day with your volunteer activities.


magpie said...

Thank you to Sandi, and for your courage as you face this crisis....
We are here for you, and will surely have your entire family in our thoughts and in our hearts...
(( HUGS )) across the miles, friend


Hoda said...

SANDI we are with you. You are a loving kind hearted and compassionate daughter. Blessings to you your sister and your Mom.
May she experience a smooth transition and may she know how well she is loved and what a blessing that you are all family.
Praying SANDI Praying...

stronghunter said...

Prayers and sincere wishes for peace for Sandi's mother and for Sandi and the whole family.

stronghunter said...

No, Hoda, you do not need to feel guilt. Be thankful that you are able to give help to others. You are a kind and compassionate person.

Judie said...

Personal meeting or not, we all love you Sandi and wish peace and acceptance for you.

MT nest.

Sandperson has requested fur-critter treats and has asked me to order a special brand of sleepy dust for fur critters. Sandperson is so thoughtful.

Speaking of sandperson, he is currently hiding in the hall closet packing a satchel. Will be on the way at 11pm.

Restful sleep for all.

JudyEddy said...

SANDI Peace be with you and your mom and may she be relieved of any pain
and so happy you are able to see her and be with her Healing thoughts and prayers from you and your family Will be keeping you close the heart

JudyEddy said...

LYNNE1 healing thoughts and prayers for your David

stronghunter said...

I just informed George that the Sandperson is coming to see him tonight. George is asking for a few extra ear scratches.

Judie said...

Hmmm, Sandperson thinks George is being a bit presumptuous. I'll try to explain the importance of ear-scratching. lol

Goodnight all.

JudyEddy said...

check out google tonight before its over

Janet said...

Good evening to all.

HODA: you are a very kind and brave lady. Around here, I have heard of people offering food to those without a home, and they declined; wanted $$$.
Unfortunately, my feeling is although there are those that are homeless and do not want to be so, there are also many who do not want to hold down a job. They refuse to do things to help themselves, and without helping yourself, no one can help you. Please HODA, do not feel guilty . Some people are in this situation by choice.

LOLLY: I too am concerned. I think perhaps my banana trees may not make it thru this winter…and am concerned about the fig tree as well. I forgot to cover them with straw. They are on the south end of the house, directly against the house, but it has been quite cold…

GRANNYBLT: light and love to you and your son. Let us know how he is doing…

DEAREST SANDI: sending light and love for the highest and greatest good for you and your mom….i am so sorry to hear of this troubling news. We are here for you….just know this. (((hugs)))) and love to you our sweet and dear friend. Peace above you. Peace below you. Peace surround you. Peace within you. Blessed be.

Its still cold. Its been spitting snow bits for a day or so…here and there there are white spots….
My son is in New York this evening, or at least, that is where he was heading as of this morning. Had to learn to put snow chains on the semi.
All, have a great evening. Light, love, hugs, smiles and comfort to all. Namaste and blessed be.

WVJerry said...

Don't why I'm here this time of day...not normally on the blog this late. I want to add my prayers for grannybit's son. Sandi - I want add my thoughts and prayers for you and your Mom. I'm in the "never met" group but I feel the same as you that we know each other. Just from my wife's recent experience there is no bond like mother-daughter. I wish peace for you, your Mom and family. I know it's been said many tomes but this a special place to come for kindness and support. Hoda - nice gesture on your part and try to stay warm. Judy E - really like your avatar. Also, I am unable to get the CAM...hope it returns soon. Drove my car that was repaired recently - don't think I had any problems - but every smell and every noise and every bump I sure was thinking about it. Maybe I will slowly gain confidence in it. This is another 6 day week for me and probably have a few more. I can't complain because the money is needed. Do miss my Monday's with my wife running around to the thrift stores. Take care all. I'll try to check in over the weekend...might even try to ride down that way and see if I can see the nest again.

stronghunter said...

Judie, as a cat lover, you might explain to the Sandperson that cats are always presumptuous. It is their nature.

Have been watching lots of snowboarding and skating at the Olympics. Opening ceremony is tomorrow.

stronghunter said...

Nice to see you here, Jerry.

stronghunter said...

Getting really sleepy. I am going to wish everyone a good night. SED, my friends.

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

paula eagleholic said...

Sandi...prayers. for you and you Mom and family. We love you and wish your Mom peace.

Granny prayers for your son as well.

Mema Jo said...

Well I am just returning from a TV Mystery Shows' evening. A few more minutes and it will be Friday - remember to wear RED for our troops.

Glad to see all of you here this evening. Perhaps Belle will pick tomorrow evening to spend the whole night in the nest. I still hope they
build up the egg cup a lot more.

Mema Jo said...

Sandi I am pleased that you were able to join us this evening.
Praying for you to have the strength you need in caring for your mom.
My heart is with you through this journey of life. ♥

Mema Jo said...

Goodnight to all ♥
Say your prayers ♥

I ♥ Us ♥

Lolly said...

Up later than I should be. Tired and that does not help how I feel which is headachy.

Thankful for all of you and tonight especially thinking of Sandi.


Hoda said...

Very good cooking class.
I am beginning to think I might have to plug my car to keep the battery warm! This could not be good for it!!!

Thank you for your comments about my post expressing my concerns re the homeless and this severe cold weather.
I never give money. I will buy them a meal or have done groceries. Not cash primarily because I never have cash in my wallet!!! I also think I do not want them to use it for drugs!

Hoda said...

God Bless
Love and Light to all.

Lori O. said...

TGIF! Good morning all!

Sandi, that's a lot to wrap your head around. I think everyone totally understood that you needed some time. So happy you're going to be with your Mom this weekend. Prayers for you and your family. ♥

Lynne1, prayers, too, Lynne for your son.

Shirley, hope those spots on your face are harmless and heal quickly.

Jo, I'm so glad to hear that you are diligent in caring for your diabetes. Take care of those feet, too. I've been to the wound clinic and you can't be too careful. Love you!

JudyE and crew, thanks so much for the eagle updates and play x play. I don't have much time on the blog right now and it really helps me. Hope Belle stays in the nest tonight!

Lolly, glad you're feeling better. You've had your share of the punys this winter.

Kay, hoping this finds you well, safe and warm. Love and hugs to both you and Penny. ♥

I'm doing day 2 of my 5 days at this new hospital today. Yesterday was great, but a long one. Another 12 hour day today. Got home last night and just had enough time to find some dinner and do my homework, then went to bed.

Love you ALL and hoping we get an egg soon. :)

Janet said...

good morning to all.
Hoping today will bring peace and love to all.
Cold again. Lots to do, but that’s good.
Getting ready for classes this weekend. Looks like small classes, which is unusual for February. I hope there will be more registrants later today.
Gotta get moving. Hope everyone has a lovely day.! Light, love, and smiles to all!

magpie said...

Good RED Friday Morning, Eagle Pals...

thanks Jo...I have my RED shirt and a vest with red white and blue to wear today

God Bless Our Military, Every Day....

Saw on then two then no, eagles on the nest about 20 minutes ago, for about a minute or two


magpie said...

Best Wishes to Each and Every One of Us, and Our Loved Ones,

for a good day today...

Prayers for Comfort, Peace, Safety and Rest

busy day off, but busy just the same

xoxox (( All Days Lovins' and Hugs ))

magpie said...



magpie said...

now I see one, but maybe two are still there

now I see maybe a shadow

okay 'bye

Mema Jo said...

Good Red Friday Morning to All ♥
The sun is shinning with clear skies at 28°. It's a good start for today.

The squirrels all came out and have eaten the peanuts and seeds - Mr Red was here also. My morning's entertainment was great. It is funny how the squirrels have different personalities - I had a 'bully' here this morning. He was guarding the peanut pot and chased all the others who came near. The others caught on to him - while he chased one the others grabbed the peanuts. Where there is a will there is always a way. lol

Mema Jo said...

I wasn't here early enough Margy to hear your alert. Missed them but I hope they return with some more flugg for that egg cup.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Missed the royal couple. Maybe I'll see an early evening visit.

Hi Jerry. Thanks for stopping by. Glad the car is working.

Jo, you sure have a wonderful way to start your mornings - with critter visits. Squirrels do have personalities. Some years back, a squirrel we called slamdunk decided he wanted to tour the house. Came in the back door and just sauntered all around, collected a peanut, then back outside.

Shirley, how did George sleep last night? How did you sleep?

Glad you had a good, if long, day Lori. We are all so proud of you.

Sandi and Lynne1, continued prayers.

Judie said...

Off to make myself presentable then to forage for food.

Wishing everyone as best a day as possible.

Mema Jo said...

I am looking for Judy - I thought she said she had the day off....

Lori - so happy that you love your new assignment - not the 12 hr shift though!

Mema Jo said...

Lynne - Prayers for your son David. Praying for the blood clot to be successfully broken up and that he will have his health return.

Kay said...

Good RED FRIDAY Morning Eagle Buds !!!

Reporting to you at 5°'s--I don't even want to know what the wind chill factor is !

SANDI, I'm glad you felt like coming back to us so quickly. We love you, too, and while the news is very distressing, it enables us to double, triple, quadruple...our prayers on behalf of your dear Mother, you, Lisa and the whole family. So glad you're able to go there this weekend as there is no tonic better than a one on one with one of our children !

LORI, happy to hear you had a "great day" yesterday ! Hope this is another one of those !

JO, I'm right along with you on the Diabetes front, testing and with much the same numbers you see daily. Yep, peanut buttered toast is a good substitute for us !

I do so appreciate all the nest reports and am really excited to think that we may soon see an egg !

Seth will be here this evening for an overnight. We'll be front and center for TV coverage of Opening Ceremonies at the Games ! Of course, I'll fall asleep on some of it, just as I did last night when a couple of the early events were featured. At some point Seth will send me off to bed, for he has a low tolerance for Grandmother's snoring ! ☺

Bird Girl said...

Guess the weather knocked out the camera :(

We got a little snow overnight, which is good because it's been a very dry winter. We need this moisture, or fire season is going to be really bad.

My two sick budgies are done with the medication. I have put them in with Soren Chirpegaard, and they are doing well together. Occasional squabbles, but that's to be expected.

I have come to the conclusion that Franklin has some kind of spinal deformity, which explains why he is still hunched and has weak foot grip. He still eats on his own, and can get around in the "handicapable" part of the cage I set up; however, if he is in pain, I cannot let him suffer longer just because I want him to live. I have been trying some physical therapy (when he will let me) to see if I can help his condition. I will give it just a little more time, as he is able now to perch more confidently. We shall see.

Hope all are well. Stay warm, stay safe!

As always, I remain,
Your very own
Bird Girl

Mema Jo said...

Good morning Judie ♥ Some of these squirrels before I get the peanuts out on the deck come right up to the door - they sit there like little beggars ♥

Mema Jo said...

My thoughts and prayers are with you today Sandi as you spend time with your mom. May you have the strength needed during your visit. ♥

Kay said...

LYNNE1, fervent prayers for David ! May the clot be carefully and successfully broken up and dissolved.

JO, has your Michael headed out for the day ? Loved thinking of your having him under your roof for the night !

MARGY, may your errands go smoothly.

JUDYE, you're getting a late start today, hope that means you're getting some health restoring rest !

HODA, thank God for generous, loving people like you ! Feeding those homeless folks was a wonderful thing to do.

Mema Jo said...

Power outage is a problem with 2 of my children - Kristen and Hubby are avid campers so they have their portable stove and lanterns. Their power went off and then came back on for 8 hrs and then Off again.
Michael in Frederick doesn't expect power on his end of town until Saturday so he will come on up here as he did last night. To me the evenings are so long without power. I forget what it was like without computers and TV

Bird Girl said...

SANDI My sweetie's mom died right before Thanksgiving from a ruptured aneurysm. She spent the last days of her life in a coma. It was the week of her 50th wedding anniversary, too. I know how painful this is for you, watching my sweetie, and I send positive thoughts to you and your family.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Sandy, you will treasure these days with your mother, and you will find the strength to handle it. Prayers for you as you take this journey.

stronghunter said...


George slept better last night. And then I made him wait a little extra time--just trying to make him be more reasonable.

Please thank the sandperson for me.

stronghunter said...

Bless you, Delphia! You have such a kind heart.

stronghunter said...

Sunny and cold here today.

The next looks empty via the still cam view. A little snow still there.

stronghunter said...

Susan's morning comment:

Suzi Phillips
My day started out with me taking a hand-vac filled with cat litter to the face. I figure my day can only improve after that.

Kay said...

SHIRLEY, Suzi's message is right up there with all those "so you think you're having a bad day" e-mails ! Yucky Poo !

Dearest Bird Girl, thanks for the budgie report. Our LINDA is nursing a couple of little injured birds in PA. Blessings on you both !

Kay said...

JO, that PA power outage is a bugger. I'm sure Michael is happy to have your home for a safe haven. So many there are not faring well.

Mema Jo said...

Suzi best be watching which side of the bed she gets out ....... lol

Newspaper said that more then 9500 homes in our county are still in the dark without power. Dern ICE.

5 weeks until Spring WHoo Hoo

grannyblt said...

I saw some tail feathers near the NHZ a couple of hours ago.

Just got a call from Deb,Daves SO, and they won't be doing the procedure until late this afternoon. Then to the critical care floor for 48 hours, where he will be sedated so he doesn't move around. Keep the prayers coming and thank you all so much.

JudyEddy said...

Hello and still good morning for just a few min my day off I slept in and of course I went to bed late Still got the creeping crud of the cough but feeling better after sleeping my life away lol Today is Angie Bday

Lolly said...

Good morning! More snow coming for us today. We are on the bottom edge on the prediction map, so we shall see. Laurel, in the far frozen north, is predicted to get more. She burned her snow candle last night, but it was not effective enough to keep her home. Having a heat wave, up to 30 now. Hope to see the 50's tomorrow!

Tomorrow is the day we all go to Dallas for the STARS game. Boys do not know it yet but they are riding the "Fan Zam". This is a Zamboni that scrapes the ice before the game and at half time. They ride with the cheer leaders. You have to know someone to do this...Ashley always knows what to do and how to do it. LOL Will get pictures of my boys riding.☺

Seem to be cough a little more today and having another complication. I am so tired of feeling puny!

Lolly said...

We are seeing lots of birds at the feeders. Many, many cardinals! Yesterday we had a huge flock of brown headed cowbirds. With the binoculars they looked really pretty...both male and female. It was interesting. And, we have the squirrels on the ground under the feeders.

Lolly said...

OH, Shirley!!!! Yuck! Your day should be uphill after that.

Lynne, prayers for sure for your son. Prayers for Sandi as she travels today and strength to present a smile for her mom.

Mema Jo said...

Lynne - prayers for Dave ♥

Judy - Sorry you aren't feeling too hot - good that you had today off. That sleeping in late probably really did some good.

Lolly - Can't imagine the expressions on the boys' faces when
they realize what they get to do ♥
Good for Ashley ♥

Lolly said...

Has anyone said anything to Steve concerning the loss of our live cam?

stronghunter said...

Lolly--I didn't get the faceful of cat litter. Susan did. Yucky for her.

Lolly said...

Glad it was not you, Shirley. Sorry for Susan. I misread! Or just fastly read. LOL

Lolly said...

We are getting close to 200...heads up!

glo said...

Just now reading the blog. I closed down early last night and fell asleep while watching Olympics so missed Sandi's report. Prayers for Sandi he Mom and her family . I so understand how her request was worded.

Prayers also for Lynne 1 and her David.

Mema Jo said...

The good news is that hubby purchased a new Dell desktop computer for me. Bad news is that I now need to check out my 'favorites' so they can be saved. That will be a chore but it will get done. If you don't see me often, that is where I am.

stronghunter said...

Love watching those little titmice carrying off peanuts.

I also have been getting to see lots of hairy woodpeckers.

JudyEddy said...

eagle in the nest

JudyEddy said...

in middle of nest

JudyEddy said...

picking at 5

«Oldest ‹Older   1 – 200 of 568   Newer› Newest»

3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...