Monday, January 27, 2014


New thread.  Another cold blast later today.


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JudyEddy said...

Well looks like I was stood up

Hope they show up for someone to see today

Gotta head out the door

paula eagleholic said...

Morning all :-)
Snow here..probably 5"
Gonna have some coffee and then work on shoveling out

gotta fill the feeders too

paula eagleholic said...

Judy glad Jordyn is better.

A dove just hit my window ! He is ok. Scared the crap out of me.
Sandi enjoy your snow day!

Linda said...

Good Morning!

SANDI - We have so many snow days to make up already, I don't know what they will do. Between the bitter cold and the snow, it's going to be a L-O-N-G Spring in school for so many teachers!! Enjoy your day!!

LOLLY - Love the lollified trailer!! What is it with men and their thinking throw pillows are useless??? Haha

SHIRLEY - Beautiful eagle picture. Amazing!

KAY - Still have little goldfinch.....We tried to release him, but he can't fly!! He hung out with his friends by the glass door in the back for a while eating and hobbling around, but is now back in his box in the garage.

And now he has company!! Found another one wings up in the snow this morning. Hopefully this one is just stunned for a while!

JUDY - Yes....I clicked my heels three times and POOF.........Here I am!!!
Happy to hear Jordyn is doing so well!

Off to start another day and hoping it is better than yesterday!! My Terrific Tuesday turned TERRIBLE with way too much to deal with in one day!! I'm only a one woman operation and some days everyone calls at once!!

Linda said...

PAULA - I know what you mean when those Mourning Doves hit the window.

We had a ruffed grouse slam into the window on two occasions. Talk about LOUD!! I don't know how the window didn't break!! One broke his neck and didn't make it, the other one .......yes........we rescued and after 6 hours in our garage, we released him and he was good to go.

I guess you could call us the Bird Rescuers!!

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds !!!

No need to bother you with my weather report--we're all in the same frigid boat---except for HODA ! Some of her warmth is on the way, hang on all !

LINDA, Bird Rescuers or Bird Whisperers ! Either way you're doing Mother Nature a very big favor !

MARGY, so sorry your upstairs neighbors were so angry and so noisy !

LYNNDUH, good luck with inspection of the old and organization of the new. Take your time on the latter---you are going to be there for a very long time !!!

Happy news on both SANDI's mom and JUDYE's Jordyn ! Have we heard anything from DANA on her mom's "blasting job" ?

Kay said...

LORI, that game site you mentioned is Sporcle. I still go there, but not daily as I'm now a paying participant in Lumosity. There is only so much game time built into each day. I do a couple of jigsaws on line each day as well as several crosswords, feeding my news junkie brain with news, both on line and off. I always have a novel, or biography going, too. I'm working at keeping the old brain agile !

stronghunter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Well our snow amounted to an inch or so. Enough to close schools for the day. This will be day 5 since Christmas, as I recall.

The nest looks cold and empty, but there's just a bit of snow there. Plenty on the ground below, though.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Janet, good news about Chris.

LynneDuh, hope the inspection was perfect.

Got a dusting of snow but streets are clear.

Shirley, whatever are you doing with Hunter on all these snow days?

Glad Jordyn is better and very happy to see Sandi's mom is showing improvement.

Hoda, were you eating brownies early this morning? Nelson style brownies counteract sleepy

Okay, off to so some mundane chores. Wishing everyone a lovely day.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning - WOW it now feels like 0° out there - Sunshine and clear - but snow isn't melting with winds at 10mph.. ha ha
Stay warm inside if you can and say prayers for our Southern Folks

Joyous news about Sandi's mom, Judy's Jordyn and Janet's friend Chris!

Paula's pic of her snow covered Paradise is beautiful ♥

Candy's pic of the OBX snow are also ♥

Lolly said...

Good morning! Saw 17 this morn but it is warming up. Presently 34. Yea!

Today house cleaning BUT that muscle in my upper back decided to spasm again. I immediately took a muscle relaxer and have been on ice. What is with that muscle. There was no hint...just grabbed me!!! Grrrrr!

Paula, beautiful pictures of the snow. Stay warm!!

Lolly said...

Nest actually looks quite comfy. Lots of flugg. Egg cup not so defined as earlier. Shhh, my cam is working. Has been going longer that 2 minutes. Usually can not get it at all and if I do it usually lasts 7 seconds.

Mema Jo said...

This is the Budweiser commercial for the super bowl - Puppy Love

Tugs at your heart strings

Kay said...

JO, awwww, my heart strings have been tugged. I'm almost tempted to go out and buy some Bud in support of such great ads ! Almost, just not quite ☺.

LOLLY, sorry that muscle is spasming ! You've been working so hard on Lollyfying the trailer--maybe over stressed the poor puppy.

Seeing beautiful pics of snow---very nice ! Living with it day upon day---not so nice !

Judie said...

Great pictures, Lolly. Especially like the "useless" pillows.

stronghunter said...

Good afternoon,

Wow, what a mess in Atlanta.

JudyEddy said...

HOWDY on lunch got caught up glad everyone is having a good day

magpie said...

Howdy Y'all....
Good Day to every one

Yes, very good news about Janet's friend Chris

And very good that we have Bird Rescuers amongst us

Tonight 8 pm, Channel 9 CBS -
I understand there is a Super Bowl Commercials show, should some fun

Saw Venus and Elegant Crescent Moon this morning before daybreak, it was breathtaking....and I was very glad to see it from my kitchen window aka Inside !

Grilled cheese and soup about to be served to me, by me :)

xoxo ttfn

Mema Jo said...

Margy - on my 11:47am post
Have you used that link for the one Bud commercian - Puppy Love

It's the greatest

Lolly said...

Have been house straightening. Also, cleaned and straightened kitchen cabinets.

Sitting with ice on shoulder, actually upper back but getting ready to walk.

Mema Jo said...

Update from Dana

The stone was too big for them to do anything (the blasting) in the office. She had a procedure this morning and is still in recovery. In between I have taken dad for an echo and now we are at the orthopedic, once he is done hopefully mom will be ready to be taken home. She is actually in more pain since having this procedure than she was when she went in this morning. I saw her about an our ago.
He has gotten the all clear from all his docs so far. He will need a ct scan feb 13 to check on the cancer and make a plan for that! They are hoping to take a trip to Florida when everything is checked out!
Please let them know all is well and I will check in this evening after we are all home and I take a nap! Lol

Mema Jo said...

Prayers for Dana - her mom - her dad.

Mema Jo said...

Dana Hagelberg Hilmoe

Today was called, "Adventures with Bob and Margaret Stefano Hagelberg" brought to you by Meritus Health outpatient surgery, Hagerstown Heart, and Robinwood Orthopedics! LOL! Just teasing mom, it's all good! Everyone one is home safe and sound. I did find out though, dad is a very bossy car passenger.

JudyEddy said...

Home from work yeah it's my Friday It is a miserable day out rainy and cold but it will be gone in a day of so and then back to the 80's

JudyEddy said...

wanted to put this pic on as a reminder that it


Kay said...

JO, thanks for relaying DANA's messages ! Prayers for all of them ! Her dad taught all her boys how to drive, guess he feels he's the expert on the topic ! ☺ Hope he recovers sufficiently to instruct Annemarie as well !

Like the avatar, JUDY ! Mother Nature couldn't leave Florida out in the warm !

DanaMo said...

What a day!Here it is in one long, run on sentence!! LOL! Mom came out of surgery in worse pain then she went in with for this kidney stone.We just got home 4 pm-ish. Made our rounds with appointments!! Brought mom to surgery at 8:30, they took her back at 10:30. Once she was in I went to get dad to take him for an echo, waited until they got him, and went to check on mom (who was in extreme pain and no where ready for discharge), went back for dad, took him over to the orthopedist, meanwhile got a call from mom's nurse (mom wanted to know when I was coming back, not that she was ready because she was still in pain), got dad and headed over, got everyone in the car, hit the McDonald's drive through and brought them home! Phew!

DanaMo said...

I see Jo updated you all! :D Thanks Jo.

DanaMo said...

Of course, I didn't see it until I posted. Sorry for the repeat performance!

Mema Jo said...

Dana all of us have been missing you so much that it is worth a second read from you - Hope you got your nap! ♥

Mema Jo said...

Checked the BWE nest - Lady or Lord
Blackwater is incubating their 2 eggs with snow all around them.

Mema Jo said...

I hope some more fluff comes into our nest and that egg cup gets formed
again. Our first egg one year was
Jan 31 ----- eggciting isn't it..♥

JudyEddy said...

DITTO what JO said DANA

JO I thought BW had 3 eggs?

JudyEddy said...

In love the story of all the store staying open all night just to put up all the stranded people that couldn't make it home KUDO to HomeDepot and Publix and Walgreens and I am sure there are many more

Mema Jo said...

Whoa My Bad Judy

BWE 3 egg clutch

1st egg
Laid: 1/13
Possible hatch: 2/17

2nd egg
Laid: 1/16
Possible hatch: 2/20

3rd egg
Laid: 1/19
Possible hatch: 2/23

Guess I have been watching too many Hallmark movies and not paying attention..........

Well Judy - we don't have any eggs, do we? lol

Lolly said...

Watching the cam. Shhhhh, it has been going two hours. I am on my iPad.....did not want to disturb the computer lol

Lori O. said...

Dana, hope your Mom is feeling less pain now. Wonder why she was in more pain after it was gone. Hmmmmm. You're a great daughter!

To this week's other good daughter, Sandi, happy to hear your Mom thinks she is turning the corner. Wouldn't that be wonderful!?! Guess you've decided to call the baby girl Little Miss until her name is revealed. :)

I see everyone talking about pictures, but didn't see any links. Did I miss a link?

Jo, aren't you just the happiest that you're retired and able to stay home on these miserably cold days? Your new job is to keep the birds and squirrels happy.

Kay, Sporacle! That's it. Geez, I wasn't even close. You said you do jigsaws on line. Well, how on earth does that work? And, congrats on your Luminosity membership. I hear great things about it.

Janet, someone in class was talking about a tat they're going to get, and I just wanted to bring up FB and show her the picture of yours! Is it all healed?

Lolly, I love throw pillows. What else to you squish up on the couch to take a nap with? :)

Boy, it was bitter cold here today.

Hoda, thanks for the blast of artic air. Glad you'll be enjoying some rays and snow this week.

Did I tell you that I have 8 reports to write that are due next week - they're probably about 25 pages all together... AND, I'll be doing another gigantic case study. Found out yesterday mine will be due March 11 after I've had a few days at the new hospital- just long enough to get my patient for the report assigned to me. Five months down and six to go!

Hoping we see some eagles tonight.

Oh, God loves me! Had this long post and lost it because my wi-fi went dead - reconnected went back and here we are! YAY.

Love you all, very much. Hugs, love, light and sweet dreams for you tonight.

JudyEddy said...


I know the days are getting longer so they may show up later like last night nestoration after the nite lite came on

JudyEddy said...

my weather ap says sunset at the nest is 528 I hear somethng on the cam rustling of sort

JudyEddy said...

sounds so cold and blustery at the nest gives me chills looking at the snow and listening to the wind also its 43 here now

Mema Jo said...

Sure would love to see our eagles

JudyEddy said...

they were a no show this am also

Here eagle here eagle come one we are waiting

JudyEddy said...

in 1975 it snowed here just flurries so happy its not getting that cold just rain from the warm front pushing on the cold front miserable misty on and off rain

JudyEddy said...

cam shake

JudyEddy said...

.♥.EAGLE in nest.♥

JudyEddy said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Dana, so what you are trying to say is that it has just been a lazy Wednesday, right?

Hope everyone gets better soon.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Jo, ask and ye shall receive. 2 eagles in the nest.

Lolly said...

I see two!

JudyEddy said...

getting snips and on fb
both heads are in the nHZ working on cup

Mema Jo said...

Whoo Hoo Here they be

JudyEddy said...


Lolly said...

Poof one

JudyEddy said...

one still there

Lolly said...

Poof two!

JudyEddy said...

Having issues putting pictures on the EM album it acts like it downloads but I don't see the picture when I click on latest yesterdays show the 28 not todays 29 will attempt later

JudyEddy said...

I hear geese

Mema Jo said...

I don't see them over in the album either Judy. Let me know when you try later and I will again check it for you.

Mema Jo said...

Need your input
Does anyone have the Kindle Fire HDX 8.9 ?

If you at any time researched it and even if you purchased something different - give me a yell

JudyEddy said...

they are there now all three times I posted LOL delay I only had 5 and being I did it several times OOPS ME I guess I could go delete

JudyEddy said...

I want to get the SURFACE when I get this year taxes since I didn't get last years I never got it I want it because of the detachable key board can us two way

Sandi said...

Dana, hope your mom can get some relief now that she's rid of the kidney stone - sounds like a not-so-fun day for you!

Jo, I have a Kindle Fire, but the original one. I like it but wish I had the larger size. Bought the Kindle Fire HD for my mom last Christmas and she loves it, but hers is the 7" size. Don't know if she would prefer the 8.9" - she seems fine with the smaller one - says it's very portable. Good luck with the decision - is it for you or someone else?

Talked to Mom twice today - she had a very bad night but isn't in pain today. Lisa said she has become very mean and nasty. I figured she was exaggerating, so called Mom and asked her and she admitted that she does feel very mean and nasty - feels like exploding at the least little thing. That is NOT my mom! Called my friend who is a gastroenterologist who said that's a common side effect of the oxycodone.

Mema Jo said...

If you don't delete and I get a chance to check it out I could delete. Almost time for a new album for February....... ♥

JudyEddy said...

YEAH I deleted the extra pictures now the 6 are on there instead of 15

JudyEddy said...

and it was easy to do

JudyEddy said...

SANDI you should mention the side effects to the dr and maybe he can give her something sort of counteract the drug or something to calm her

JudyEddy said...

DEB S. got a video of this evening visit with the royal couple

JudyEddy said...

GAIL hasn't returned I hope she is doing OK

DanaMo said...

Well the nap didn't happen! The day continued. Tomorrow is Grandparent's Day for Catholic Schools Week and I headed out to get supplies. Got all the way to Walmart and found what I wanted (I also made a purchase at K-Mart, but I like these better) but realized I had left my wallet with my stuff from during the day today. I did have my checkbook, which sadly they wouldn't take without my ID! I even asked if Adam could take a picture of it, and they said no! Back home, got the wallet, and back to Walmart. I am in my pj's now, but no sense taking a nap at this hour!
Lori-I think the stone was moving around so much that the pain was coming and going, but he had to really go up and fish around in the ureter to break it up, therefore causing alot of stress on the ureter and hence pain. Hopefully it will subside, but she does have a stent in until Friday morning so it could be painful until that comes out!
BTW 8 reports due, yuck

Yeah Shar...real slacker today! LOL

Sandi-Sorry the Oxy is doing a tune on your mom. I agree that maybe a different pain reliever could be an option.

So far we will not have to make up snow days at the end. We are over by 2, but they are going to make Prof. Days into academic days. So for now we are even. Someone said February is supposed to be mild. I hope so.

I need some throw pillows too. Who was shopping for them and where did you find them? I like what they have at Pier One but the price is too expensive.

JudyEddy said...

Just got my camera
Someone was knocking at my dooor
It was the UPS driver Will have to go out and test drive it tomorrow and also call to get the second camera fixed since I now know its also is under extended warranty Then I will have two Will see if Angie wants to us it She has a good one with big lens.

JudyEddy said...

I have throw pillows and of course they are eagle ones Two were made for me my Barbara a friend at work also a matching sort of wall hanging but I keep draped over the back of couch I love pillows

Mema Jo said...

Sandi the Kindle would be for me.

Sorry your mom had a bad night -
Just not feeling well can also make a person mean and grouchy...

Off to watch Jeopardy

Mema Jo said...

Margy - Judy I am watching the commercials - went to vote but
the top 3 don't even include the
Clydesdale Budwiser commercials..BOO

magpie said...

I'm watching too, Jo.......
the Clydesdale one was great!...lots of fun here...

and I thank you for the link you posted and reminded me of....
the Budweiser commercial...
I just didn't get to it yet :)

Good Evening Eagle Pals...

magpie said...

Oh my....our Momsters' Moms [Sandi's, DanaMo's} have my continued prayers and positive thoughts....
and for our gals Sandi and DanaMo too

(( HUGS ))

bummerini, having to make that duplicate trip to the store, Dana

Rest, and Relax.....

Janet said...

good mid week evening to all. Still cold.
DANA: continued healing energies for your family….
LOLLY: hugs and healing for you as well.
Hopefully SANDI’s mom is doing better.
So glad Miss Jordyn is back in school and well!
Another mid week day about gone. Amazing how fast time flies.
I managed to get the house back together this morning…you know, sweep floors, do some laundry, etc.
To keep with my new years promise to myself, I finished a piece of cross stitch work today, started another and repurposed another throw pillow! Fun stuff!!!! And I was still productive! So pleased.
It has been yet another cold day. Temps are supposed to moderate tomorrow.
Hope everyone has a great evening! Light, love, healing, hugs and smiles to all!

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

my delete saw JO posted earlier

Mema Jo said...

I just finished Downton Abbey - The other night I was watching a Hallmark movie and din't want to miss the ending. So tonight the DA repeated - I hope Mr Bates calms down.. ♥

Now I'm going to watch Sherlock!

Won't be back at 11
Too close to pillow time

Everyone take care and prayers for all of you and your loved ones...

Love ya SED Goodnight

Hoda said...

Excuse me while I vent!!!

First glad to hear from DANA & SANDI MOM's.
Amazing day DANA!

JANET also glad no burns it dropping of heavy objects. Repurposing is good.

JUDYE happy about JORDYN being better.

JO nice commercial

LOLLY sorry about back pain. Healing prayers.

Snow here. Beautiful day.

Hoda said...

OK the venting part!
Another example why I think Canadian lawyers should be retrained.
A 32 year old woman got pregnant once a year from 2007 to 2010!!!
Yes four babies.
Always denies she is pregnant.
Puts them in the garbage dumpster!
Two died! Never recovered she does not know their gender.
The third in the dumpster was discovered by a passer by and rescued.
The fourth was taken away from her immediately as she was by then in custody.
She was given one year for each discarded child.

The court heard she refuses to have her tubes tied.
She refuses birth control
She continues to deny she gets pregnant!

Catch this:
Her lawyer will appeal on two counts
1 the baby that was taken from her must not be put up for adoption.
2 she has 18 months to serve from the three year sentence. He objects and wants time served, with no probation!!!

Send him back to school!

Stupid is as stupid does is my thought on the lawyer!

paula eagleholic said...

Unreal, Hoda. Guess you'll have to wait and see what the judge says.

NatureNut said...

Sorry to get on so late!
I was surprised to see our 2" of snow this AM. Was very pretty and not a problem.
I did get new TU pictures in the Nook.

So glad Dana has successfully completed her nursing duties for today! Wow, you can soon join Lori! Glad to hear about Sandi's Mom and little Jordyn's improvement!
Gotta get rolling~~day off TH, but appt., of course!
Prayers for Good Health and Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

NatureNut said...

Sorry to get on so late!
I was surprised to see our 2" of snow this AM. Was very pretty and not a problem.
I did get new TU pictures in the Nook.

So glad Dana has successfully completed her nursing duties for today! Wow, you can soon join Lori! Glad to hear about Sandi's Mom and little Jordyn's improvement!
Gotta get rolling~~day off TH, but appt., of course!
Prayers for Good Health and Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

Hoda said...

Good night
God Bless Us All

Lori O. said...

Good Thursday morning eagle lovers!

A little nervous this morning as today is my first "med pass" - giving medications and SHOTS at the hospital. Giving my first shots. Hope I have pleasant patients! :)

Today will also be my first day wearing my new compression socks! Cindy and I bought a pair after going to the Wound Clinic and seeing ulcerated veins.

DANA, hope today is much calmer for you!

LINDA, any news on the little bird? Thank you for taking such great care of it.

JANET, congrats on completing your cross stitch. Picture? :)

Shower time is creeping up on me.

Will check in when I get home.

No Falling!

Love, light, wishes of warmth and joy for everyone!

Lori O. said...

Oh Janet. I keep forgetting to tell you how happy I am for your friend Chris. Amazing news! You must break out in a big smile when you think of her.

DanaMo said...

Tired before the day even starts!
Good morning, Eagle friends!

DanaMo said...

Have fun at school today Lori! Giving shots should be great. Just remember if they aren't nice, you're the one with the needle! LOL

Sandi said...

Goodorming Lori, Dana and all my eagle friends. Two hour delay here. My weather app says the air temp outside is -4 with a wind chill of -10. Surely that must be wrong. Never in my entire life have I felt an air temp of -4 on my skin!!

Nest is MT.

Happy birthday, Megan!!

The heated beds I ordered for the dogs arrived yesterday - they are a hit! Today, the dresser for Little Miss arrives.

Have a great day all - stay warm!

Janet said...

good morning all. Currently 5 degrees.
LORI: you will do fine. A big smile and encouraging word will do wonders! Except for kids, stickers help there! Lol.
The cross stitch piece was a dragon. Now I have started a mermaid.
And yes, Chris’ news was the best she could get given the situation. I know none of us are guaranteed a today nor a tomorrow, but to have a friend so young diagnosed with cancer….just was a shock. Thank you for the support!
HODA: that is just crazy regarding that woman. I do not think justice has been served for the little souls whom she dumped. I agree, tying her tubes would be a better choice….and yes, no dropping of pots of lima beans, no burns….just a day to do things I like to do, get my house in order, my mind in order, and relax a bit.
Getting my Thursday started. Ice skating again tonight. The routine was going very well on Tuesday.
Looking forward to above freezing temps this afternoon.
Hoping everyone has a lovely day ! sending light, love, healing, smiles and hope for all….stay warm. Stay safe. Share a smile with someone today!

Sandi said...


Sandi said...

Can't tell which one - almost entirely in the NHZ.

Sandi said...


Sandi said...


Sandi said...

Lost my internet connection and now that it's back and I've reloaded the live feed, the nest is MT again.

Off to get ready for my school day.

Linda said...

Good Morning!!

Wow, DANA, did you have a day like no other yesterday!! Glad to hear Mom and Dad are home, but so very sorry your Mom has endured so much pain with this stone. And yes, you are a GEM of a daughter!!

SANDI - Keeping your Mom in my prayers. Meds sure can mess with you in more ways than one. KAY can tell you about those pain meds!

LORI - Geeze......8 reports?? Crazy!! Your program sounds intense with all that and field work, too!! You're doing so amazing, Gurl!!

GOLDFINCH update: Neither can fly!! We don't know what to do because it is still so darn cold out there!! It is supposed to warm up by the weekend, at least enough so we can let them out near the ground food source and let them move around a bit more. I hate to let them stay out there without protection. We do have our Christmas tree out there and thought of moving it closer to the patio so they can seek shelter there, since it has long low branches!!

HODA - That story about the woman and four babies is beyond awful!! What is wrong with so many people in this world??

Time to get my rear in gear........

Have a great day, y'all!!

Kay said...




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5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...