silly question the white on the tree that is just normal sycamore tree stuff right Both branches on the left are sold white and the trunk at 5 is white in the crotch area and the rest dark and i was just wondering if it was normal of disease???
Evening Everyone! Think I'm all packed except for last minute stuff like meds, toothbrush. I want to go now!!!!! Stoopid work tomorrow, meeting on new admon procedures -yuck- but then Xmas lunch w/everyone! Guess I'll dress Xmasy so gotta do the do tonight and turquoise nails!!! I see half the snow looks like it's gone from the nest. We had 60°ish today. Gonna slurp some clam chowder~~Later ☺
Yes, kind of like a fuzzy fleecy upside down heart, JudyE. I noticed the flipped view at work and tried several times to post but there are filters that usually prevent me from squeaking through
Loretta! Happy Trails, I hope this is your BEST Christmas EVER...
I'm trying my darndest to see the Comet Ison in the early mornings... not sure I have enough darkness hereabouts with the street lights but I'll keep checking
It would be in the East, not too far from a star named "Arcturus" which is in arc from the handle of the Big Dipper
Tundra Swans are still on the move, Megan reports seeing flocks in the daytime..
My NY Naturalist pal says Lake Erie is not frozen enough yet where he is, but when it is, they will be headed towards the Chesapeake...Keep your eyes and ears on the alert :)
well maybe it is not an upside down fuzzy heart now that I look at it again
JudyE...the Sycamores lose a good bit of bark, naturally, and that makes the branches so white, it is sort of a signature effect with Sycamores, but I cannot say whether those branches would be diseased...also..... An old tree with lots of history, for sure!
And any and all of us with any kind of ailment.... My ailment tonight is tiredness and sleepiness! So bedtime looms very soon, maybe I can get up early and get a few Christmas cards ready for mailing...but it's a given, my cards are going to arrive late.... Same old Same Old, what else is new! I am loving all the cards I am getting....lovely
Its been a good, but busy day. I ran some errands, bank, UPS office, etc. I joined in at work to do the secret santa thing and got one of my favorite people! She is another therapist about my age and she loves Australian Cattle dogs as well. She is owned by two cattle dogs named Blue and Allie. Blue was attacked very recently by a cougar. (Not even kidding). He is doing okay, but a bit of PTSD regarding going outside after dark without his human counterpart.
ANYWAY, went to Petsmart today and found a calendar featuring Australian Cattle Dogs! I was so excited! And I got this cute ornament that says Dogs are Miracles with paws. I am most pleased!
I made spinach dip for the luncheon at work tomorrow. I will only be working til 11 because Olivia is out of school early tomorrow. I have some last minute shopping to do….and then come home and make Yule dinner!
Not a lot else going on. I am tired, but pleasantly so. Hope everyone has a restful and lovely night!
We sailed right on through the split, didn't we !! Hope no one got lost in the process
Good Night, Eagle Pals....
Prayers, GYNORMOUS ones, for all the many folks that are on my prayer list. I am even on there :) Doesn't just have to be for illness... you know, serenity, strength, guidance, wisdom....all those kinds of things
Well I'm calling it a day SED ♥AOYP See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe Bless this Nest and all ♀ ♥ ♂ whom watch it at Sycamore Palace Healing thoughts for those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."
I wish Lolly felt better, too! Thanks you for the wishes, keep 'em comn!!!
My dear family has told me it would be inconvenient for me to die at this time. Not sure I can hold on for another week. I am congested and ears hurt, my teeth hurt, my tummy hurts! I do not like being sick!!!! Yes, I know, being a big baby! And, do you want a laugh? I am going for a mammogram tomorrow!!!!!!
Going to go to bed now and hope I sleep good. I have tried to stay awake this evening hoping that would help me sleep tonight.
Good Morning everyone! Happy red Friday and start of Christmas break this afternoon!
What a crazy two weeks, and today could not have come soon enough...YAY and WOOOOOHOOOOOO I made it. Didn't get a lot of sleep, but all work was in by its due date.
Going to MD for Christmas. Can't wait to see those furbabies!
Today finds me at the hospital for clinical then to a Long Term Care Facility to sing Christmas songs for the residents. Should be loads of fun. I'm excited.
Have not yet caught up on the blog but assume you've seen Belle and Shep by now.
I hope everyone is well and happy and filled with the Christmas spirit.
Well, in the time it took me to post, the Eagle at Blackwater has poofed
LOLLY: Take thee to a doctor?? Get some relief Pronto before the week-end starts? I agree, postpone the mammo, if you can...and go to the Get Well Now doctor
Goodorming! I am still alive. Did not sleep well last night but I am feeling better this morning. Night times are just not good.
Have to get out today. I thought about cancelling my appointment but I am going through with it. Need to get to the bank. They have notified me to do so. Have the Target red card. Grrrrr!
Oh, LOLLY, glad cold is better and you feel like getting the all important 'big squish'. Too bad about the Target snafu--feel fortunate that I haven't darkened their doors for a couple of months. I think the scam occurred with their Red Cards and all other credit cards used. Everyone, watch your statements !
LORI, so very happy you'll be in MD for Christmas ! You deserve a good break away from your second home and school ! Enjoy !!!
LORETTA, wishing you safe travel to and from beautiful Austin. Have a blessed Christmas with you daughter and SIL. I'm betting they'll love your turquoise nails !
JO, love thinking of your with the kids today !
SHIRLEY, no mention of the toe this morning. Hope that means it's improving !
Hello dear "breath of fresh air" MARGY, dear "dynamo" HODA, dear "friend extraordinaire" JANET, and "teacher of the year" SANDI ! Good to see each of you here today !
Received a beautiful card from LINDA today--no doubt others of you did, too--I miss her and CAROLANNE so much !
Hello and good afternoon each and everyone I am watching the egg now and boy should be out soon Just got back from lunch with Angie and now have to go back and get the booster seat I forgot to get when I was there what a PIA
Will be going to the mall today after Angie gets off work and I pick up Jordyn to see Santa Angie is kicking herself in her rump for waiting for so long
I really shouldn't start naming names...for there are so many I wish would visit more often...DANAMO, the Southern Delegation, the two LYNNE's, JEWELS, RED, JIM....the list goes on. I hope many will rejoin us again when we begin to watch nestorations and HP ! Belle and Shep should begin to perk us up in January !!!
JUDYE, there you are ! A Santa visit with Jordyn--what fun !!! You know, girl, sometimes you talk in shorthand--I don't understand about the booster seat....☺
the booster seat is for Jordyn for the car she is too big for a car seat so they have these booster seat its just a small seat wedge of sort that sits in the car to make her tall enough for the seat belt to fit her properly I had bought one for my car but Carl has borrowed it to pick up Jordyn daily and I am to get Angies on the day we do lunch and I for got I think Angie said they are just going to buy another one this way I am not having to keep running up to get it when we don't have lunch of like today I forgot to get it I hope you understand
Hello Jo, Kay, JudyE, Sandi, Hoda, Shirley, Janet, Margy, Lolly, Loretta, Paula and all. I've missed you all so much.
I survived the first 4 months of nursing school and my break begins now! WoooooHoooo!
HODA, love the way you always sign off at night with "feeling gratitude." Reminds me to do the same. Thank you!
SHIRLEY, forgive me for not being up to date, but did they ever find out what was in your toe that was causing the pain?
LOLLY, hoping you survived the mamo. Glad you felt well enough to venture outdoors. Get well soon wishes to you.
JO, thanks for the update on the FB eagle cam page. Can you please give me the link? Sounds like no one on the blog has seen Belle and Shep yet.
SANDI, so glad that Brian is home safely and you'll see him soon. Yes, my break begins today...I'm two hours into it now.
KAY, I agree. So many that used to be on the blog or only pop in occasionally now, that I miss so much, too. How is your back? Love your Christmas avatar.
Had a great time (but with a heavy heart) as we sang for the residents at the LTCF today. There were some beautiful moments. I had teary eyes a few times seeing those older folks and remembering it was eight years ago today that my Perry died. Life surely has its twists and turns.
I think I will begin my journey to MD tomorrow. I am just glowing with excitement and anticipation - can't wait to see my fur babies.
Loretta, safe travels to you and everyone heading out of town.
I am home! I did not cough during the mammo. Can you imagine coughing during that procedure? Yikes!!!!
Bank had sent a message, but they are not dealing with the red card. Went to target and have to call the central office. Oh this is going to be fun. I shop at Target frequently for cleaning supplies, make up..that kind of thing. This is a pain!!
Time to take more advil. My nose is running like a faucet...yuck!
I enjoy my time on our blog - but I also enjoy time on FB where it seems that all of our missing pals do appear daily. Like you say once we start eagle talking, they may return. On FB there are almost 5 links to different Eagle pages and then of course there is one Messenger bog for only those invited by us.
JUDYE, thanks for removing my fuzzy idea of what you meant re:booster seat. My youngest grandchild turned 19 on the 19th and none of them, thank goodness, have reproduced. Too young as they are now 25, 23, 22, 19 and 19. But, I remember the Santa and Easter Bunny days at the mall with great joy !
LORI, my back seems to have healed beautifully. I don't think I stand as straight and tall as I once did, pain. My pain now comes through the left sciatic nerve and even that only kicks up once or twice a week. I wish I had more energy, but guess I must accept the aging process ! So happy for you---enjoy the break---the fur babies, Kate and Christmas itself. I know this is always a rough day for you, but hope you take comfort in remembering the good times with Perry. ♥♥♥
LOLLY, glad you didn't cough at the mammo--you're right, that would be painful ! Did you get a message directly from Target ? I have their card, but may not have received notice because they can see that I've not used it recently.
I should not second guess our creator, but if I could design a person I would not put a nose directly over a mouth. Haven't worked out the details on just where I'd place it, however. Hope that cold goes bye bye soon, LOLLY !
JO, thanks for assuring me that those missing bloggers are alive, well and active on FB ! I just miss em' and hope they return in January !
Snowing here. Speaks of it for the weekend and well into the week. The temperatures dropped. We are in the low twenties. Wore my winter coat today. Sweater alone was not enough. Very good yoga class. While having my Chai Latte little elementary school kids came into the cafe with their teachers and sang us Christmas Carols. They were cute and sounded good.
Good day here. Volunteered with the yoga festival group. Purchased a water pick. I don't do too well with flossing and I am hoping this solves having to be very careful with flossing. Does anyone here use one instead of flossing? What do you think?
MIL and FIL were here yesterday to spend the night. Steve and I on the air mattress, we gave them our room and bed. At 10 (after a VERY long shift, and having to return to work first thing) Steve gets the air pump out.
Corroded batteries are really annoying. No batteries in the house, either.
He put down camp pads, laid the uninflated mattress over them and was about to lay the sleeping bags and bedding when Puddles decided to pee on it.
I hate dogs. and work. and in-laws. LOL!
We had a great visit even if I didn't sleep to comfortably!
Also want to update you on the upstairs neighbor, Bruce and the bad checks. The court date was today. He asked for, as we fully expected rejected a plea deal, rejecated the case be heard by the judge, and instead requested a jury trial. He had asked for a jury trial in the 2nd degree assault charge on his girlfriend's daughter as well. THAT arraignment was this morning although it was last month that the case went to court.
Meanwhile, he was alone. His father was there, they didn't speak or even look at each other. He was a witness for the State. Our bank lady was also subpoenaed for the state, which we didn't know!
Did I mention that Bruce stole MORE checks from his father in Nov?? Oh yeah...he is a real piece of work!!
Anyway, I couldn't hear what the plea deal was but when his case was called the judge asked why he wasn't represent. He said he needed a Public Defender. WHY says she, when he was served a month ago, did he not have one? Said he...I have no way to get around.
I almost jumped up and yelled OBJECTION. I was too afraid of getting in trouble since I wasn't on the stand or anything. HIS TRUCK WAS PARKED ACROSS THE STREET!!! He drives EVERY DAY! oh wait....
and...he gave the judge a fake address! He gave them address of a person he WAS staying with last month for a few weeks but he and his truck haven't been there for a long time. I know this because it is one block up the street from work!!!
The judge warned him that he would be facing in excess, or maybe up to? 10 years on these charges.
I don't understand his angle. Surely he doesn't think he can get a jury to acquit him!
Hi all - I am on Christmas break!! Yay - 12 days of no work!!
Lynne, had to laugh out loud at your story about the in-law visit, especially when Puddles peed on the camp pads! :)
Hoda, I floss every day and use my water pick every other day (just don't have the time or energy to do both every day). My dentist really recommends using both but for me, even using both didn't prevent a trip to the periodontist!
So, we left the courtroom. I wanted to discuss his big fat lies with the States Attorney but there were still a bunch of cases and I didn't want to spend the whole afternoon there. We spoke to a police officer on the way out and she advised us to call the States Attorney with that information.
FURTHERMORE... his truck had a big yellow thing in the window that said WORK PROGRAM. WHAT???? He isn't on work release!!! OMG....I didn't have my camera. I left it home because they'd have taken it at the entrance because no cameras are allowed and I didn't want to leave it in the cold car. GGGRRRRRR!!!!!!
Hoda, I too have a water pick I love! It is a flossing alternative, takes less time (for me - never got quick at flossing), but it's a little messier with the water splatter. Does a great job.
Lynne2, Glad you didn't jump up and shout like you wanted to. Very wise decision. :)
LOL about the Puddles peeing story. That was one looong night. Hope your back feels better in the morning. Why are you on warfarin? Isn't there something else you can take for your back? Just being nosy!
I surely did have a beautiful afternoon - got to hold my 2 mo old ggs - Felt really good. Out of the 7 there was only 1 ggd - She is a sweetheart and loves cats - so Jenny's kitties were well attended. They all loved Pizza and candy canes
Lynne2, sorry to hear that. Luckily the medication treatment is enough to lower your stroke risk and you don't have to have any surgery. Follow Dr's orders and take your warfarin, but NOT with NSAIDs. ♥ I sent you an email with info.
sounds like come celebratory moments today, teachers and students "done with school" for awhile, JO was surrounded by big and little family folks... and things like that :)
hoping to hear that you, Lynne2, and Lolly1 will be roaring back to full good health very soon
and anyone else amongst us
Enjoy your last Autumn Evening, Pals
Was all set to watch come Cold Case, "just one episode" I promised myself....but Criminal Minds is in that slot and on that channel tonight, I like that show, but do not like watching it alone, gets too scary sometimes
Margy, I used to love Criminal Minds, but then stopped watching because it's such a dark show and not uplifting - at all. Cold Case is a great show. Do you still have your family in town with you?
Thanks for reminding me the seasons are changing! YAY...looking forward to some sunshine.
Hog away LORI hog away. You were sooooooooo missed and it is fantastic that you are checking in today. I hope you do several times every day of your holiday.
Did they assign new projects? Knowing you I am sure you will study ahead. But I hope no extra assignments. Excuse me if you said that already. Right now I am not clear about how much work you will have to do.
I also wished PAULA would let us know how her truck repairs are coming along.
Good evening eagle friends. I agree about Criminal Minds, getting to be too weird and dark. Lori, 2005 wasn't a good year. Hugs Hoda, I'm glad you decided on a coat since it was in the 20's outside. How warm do you keep your flat? I don't have to wait for a bus or walk outside too much in the wintertime, but I certainly wear a coat at temps higher than 20. I am talking Fahrenheit. I guess that vegan diet keeps you warm. LOL I hope to catch a glimpse of one of our eagles tomorrow. Thanks for posting the pictures on Facebook. SED to all
Home from a wonderful afternoon and evening with Angie and Jordyn such a beautiful night out the moon is so pretty love driving with the windows open its 71° now
OH NO LYNNE so sorry for the puddle that Puddle left on your new sleeping arrangements for the night Great job on the drums sis and I was surprised no paint the counter wow
LORI so good to hear from you
I still watch Criminal Minds but after all I love the blood and gore in horror movies big time Did you all see the new eaglet at the Fl nest so stinkin cute can't wait for ours
Well I'm calling it a day SED ♥AOYP See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe Bless this Nest and all ♀ ♥ ♂ whom watch it at Sycamore Palace Healing thoughts for those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."
LORETTA thank you for your comments. When I go out in a sweater I am wearing three layers silk, Marino wool and a sweater. It keeps me breathing and warm in my layers. When the wind picks up I need the coat because wind goes through my layers. Sometimes I wear four layers. I am very warm. As to flat the temperature is between 63 to 67 or there abouts. It is warm. I have sheep skin foot wear for indoors and many woolen shawls to choose from if need be. Safe travels.
LYNNE...LIAR LIAR PANTS ON FIRE!!! You do not hate dogs even when they pee on your bed.roflmbo
Really that is all very funny but very uncomfortable for you! I can picture it all...would make a great movie! ☺
I am going to live, I am going to live. I keep telling myself. I guess because I get sick so seldom that I am just miserable when I am sick.
Interesting about my Target debit card. It is the only one we use. I guess the bank knew that but did not know what kind of card it was. Only the bank contacted us. What we do not understand is why didn't the bank just cancel their end of the deal? Then I can just get a new one, if I want to. The store is not doing anything about the cards. You have to call the number on the card and that line is busy, as you can imagine!! Going to call the bank and talk with them again.
Ran a few errands today. Went into a store and it was 69. When I came out the temp had dropped 20 degrees. It is presently 34 and rain is expected after midnight. Here's hoping the temp does not drop lower!!
Wow, what a tale about the upstairs guy, Lynne2. Eventually, he will get caught in his lies. From what I can see, he is not smart enough to keep the lies going for too long.
So happy that you finally have some free time, Lori. About my toe--I think it is better. It's still sore because the podiatrist did things to it, but I think it is healing. He thinks he got a very small piece of glass out.
Oh, Jo, I love holding little babies. So wonderful to have great-grandchildren.
Hoda, I would need my winter coat for sure with temperatures in the 20s Fahrenheit.
So glad you are doing well, Kay. Hope there are no problems with the Target card.
Lynne1, I haven't been watching Criminal Minds. The little bit I saw looked too gruesome. I can understand why you wouldn't want to watch it alone, Margy.
Glad I did for I needed the laugh I got over Puddles puddle and found the whole Bruce story to be incredibly interesting. LYNNE2, we need JUDIE's thoughts on this case !
LORI, it's wonderful to see you stepping up to the plate as a nurse !!! We always relied on LYNN for medical advice and now we have you !!! God has blessed us !!!
JO, your sweet visit with the babies warmed my heart !
Life brings lots of surprises and I received one earlier in the evening. Grandson Cooper has decided he's miserable at Warren Wilson College in Asheville and he's dropping out. My son and DIL insist that he enroll in the Community College (it's too late to get in to Rutgers for next semester) and get a job. No sleeping til' noon after playing video games half the night... This decision came after his girlfriend decided to leave Juniata College in PA and return to NJ. They've been together since 8th grade and I think they've been miserable without each other. They've each come up with many excuses, but that's the underlying cause, I think. These are two very bright young people, honor students, who are multi-talented so all I can do is hope for the best and remind myself that in the long term scheme of things this is but a little bump on the road to success. I was prepared for any number of glitches for Seth, but never dreamed of such an outcome for Cooper. He'll "find himself", we just have to be patient.
I don't think I mentioned having watched "The Help" Thursday evening. Julie checked it out of the library for me, a habit I need to get into. It's a very good film though not as good as the book---movies seldom are IMHO.
KAY me too! Can not sleep. The zzzzzzzzzz elude me. Have not even napped so far!!! Yikes so much energy I want to start my day already. Clean Bathroom? Vacuum? Cook? What to do? Yoga is not till ten in the morning. There is a SANTA breakfast at nine. There is volunteering at noon... Why am I not sleeping??? Have no clue... I will not mention anyone in particular but a certain professor has not been here for a while now!!! Do you all think it is her fault? LOL!!!
Kay, sorry to hear of the change-up in plans with your grandson Cooper... hope and his long-time girlfriend can put together a good plan for the future....
Lori: wherever you are, whatever you....Enjoy...there's bound to be SOME free and serene time in store.....just Breeeeeathe, cuddle those Maryland furbabies, enjoy your time with dear Kate...and all things Christmas
Google image today is all things Crossword at home I could "do" the puzzle and learn about crossword puzzles... but I don't have that kind of time right now !
It's the morning shuffle time, have the nest up, maybe I will see some Eagle action...I have seen one bird, one time, since the still cam came back on....I'll be patient :)
And Happy Winter in a few hours..... Goodbye've been a good season, a little weather-whacky, but still bringing lots of beauty and wonder to us
Good Saturday morning Margy, Kay, Hoda, and all my eagle friends! Kay and Hoda, I hope you are both sleeping soundly!
I guess the clock in my brain has not reset for vacation yet - woke up just about the same time as normal, even without the alarm turned on. Bella did also - the clock in her stomach goes off at about 6am every day!
Lori, safe travels today!
Loretta, is today your travel day as well??
Lynne, the jury trial for your upstairs neighbor should be interesting. Don't know how he can delude himself into thinking he and/or his public defender can convince 12 people that he did nothing wrong.
Judie should be a retired person by now - wonder why she hasn't been back on the blog?
Today is present wrapping day for me - not a ton of things to wrap so there should be some time for a nap later on. We stayed up late last night watching a movie so I suspect I'll need a little snooze this afternoon.
Make it a great day all. Prayers continue for all of the needs on the blog, especially for Janet's friend Chris.
I see that Judy was able to load the still cam at 7:15 this AM. I have tried using Firefox, Chrome, and IE and all I get is a black box in the middle of the screen, no matter how many times I refresh. Anyone else able to get the still cam?
«Oldest ‹Older 201 – 306 of 306Judy = they usually pop in right above the time stamp Isn't that were we should be looking.....
About 6:00
Last night they were in and out by this time as well as the night before last so I am going to find something construction to do
I looked last night and it was 457 and out a little after 6
not 6 but 5 silly fingers
Forget it - it will probably be as you said - up at the top
If you do - they are going to come in
So go do something constructive
well they may have came down but stayed out of sight Maybe But I do like the heart in the nest
silly question the white on the tree that is just normal sycamore tree stuff right Both branches on the left are sold white and the trunk at 5 is white in the crotch area and the rest dark and i was just wondering if it was normal of disease???
538 is our sunset tonight gonna be a pretty one Paul said
oh forgot to say its 74° out now soooo nice outside when I was out and about
Nightlight (infrared) comes on at 5:16 pm
No show so far
I finished my Panera's soup - going to declare a No Show at the nest
this evening......
Aka so they fixed the view..all is good :-)
Evening Everyone! Think I'm all packed except for last minute stuff like meds, toothbrush. I want to go now!!!!! Stoopid work tomorrow, meeting on new admon procedures -yuck- but then Xmas lunch w/everyone! Guess I'll dress Xmasy so gotta do the do tonight and turquoise nails!!!
I see half the snow looks like it's gone from the nest. We had 60°ish today.
Gonna slurp some clam chowder~~Later ☺
Yes, kind of like a fuzzy fleecy upside down heart, JudyE.
I noticed the flipped view at work and tried several times to post but there are filters that usually prevent me from squeaking through
Loretta! Happy Trails, I hope this is your BEST Christmas EVER...
Good Evening, Eagle Pals
I'm trying my darndest to see the Comet Ison in the early mornings...
not sure I have enough darkness hereabouts with the street lights
but I'll keep checking
It would be in the East, not too far from a star named "Arcturus" which
is in arc from the handle of the Big Dipper
Tundra Swans are still on the move,
Megan reports seeing flocks in the daytime..
My NY Naturalist pal says Lake
Erie is not frozen enough yet where he is, but when it is, they will be headed towards the
Chesapeake...Keep your eyes and ears on the alert :)
well maybe it is not an upside down fuzzy heart now that I look at it again
JudyE...the Sycamores lose a good bit of bark, naturally, and that makes the branches so white, it is sort of a signature effect with Sycamores, but I cannot say whether those branches would be diseased...also.....
An old tree with lots of history, for sure!
I sure hope Lolly is starting to feel better !!!
And any and all of us with any kind of ailment....
My ailment tonight is tiredness and sleepiness! So bedtime looms very soon, maybe I can get up early and get a few Christmas cards ready for mailing...but it's a given, my cards are going to arrive late....
Same old Same Old, what else is new!
I am loving all the cards I am getting....lovely
Good evening to all.
Its been a good, but busy day. I ran some errands, bank, UPS office, etc. I joined in at work to do the secret santa thing and got one of my favorite people! She is another therapist about my age and she loves Australian Cattle dogs as well. She is owned by two cattle dogs named Blue and Allie. Blue was attacked very recently by a cougar. (Not even kidding). He is doing okay, but a bit of PTSD regarding going outside after dark without his human counterpart.
ANYWAY, went to Petsmart today and found a calendar featuring Australian Cattle Dogs! I was so excited! And I got this cute ornament that says Dogs are Miracles with paws. I am most pleased!
I made spinach dip for the luncheon at work tomorrow. I will only be working til 11 because Olivia is out of school early tomorrow. I have some last minute shopping to do….and then come home and make Yule dinner!
Not a lot else going on. I am tired, but pleasantly so. Hope everyone has a restful and lovely night!
We sailed right on through the split, didn't we !! Hope no one got lost in the process
Good Night, Eagle Pals....
Prayers, GYNORMOUS ones, for all the many folks that are on my prayer list.
I am even on there :)
Doesn't just have to be for illness...
you know, serenity, strength, guidance, wisdom....all those kinds of things
God Bless Us,
Every One xoxox
Yes, JudyE, lopsided heart, good description...we are going to lose ALL that snow, heat wave headed our way during the next few days....
okay, 'bye, friends
(( HUGS )) xo
Just read on FB from GLO that there is a pip at the NEFL nest
Back in here to say Goodnight to All ♥
Have a restful sleep and the sweetest of dreams...
I love us ♥
Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all
♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."
SED love and hugs for all <3
Check out this video was on Fox 13 news Its a spoof to Claude Van Damme split with the rigs
Chuck Norris spoof to Claude Van Damme The make a Christmas tree off course its not real but still neat
God bless and good night.
I wish Lolly felt better, too! Thanks you for the wishes, keep 'em comn!!!
My dear family has told me it would be inconvenient for me to die at this time. Not sure I can hold on for another week. I am congested and ears hurt, my teeth hurt, my tummy hurts! I do not like being sick!!!! Yes, I know, being a big baby! And, do you want a laugh? I am going for a mammogram tomorrow!!!!!!
Going to go to bed now and hope I sleep good. I have tried to stay awake this evening hoping that would help me sleep tonight.
Night all! SED!!
Sorry you are still not well LOLLY.
Reschedule your memogram tomorrow. No need for it while you are sick.
The day went well. Feeling gratitude.
God Bless Us All.
Good Morning everyone! Happy red Friday and start of Christmas break this afternoon!
What a crazy two weeks, and today could not have come soon enough...YAY and WOOOOOHOOOOOO I made it. Didn't get a lot of sleep, but all work was in by its due date.
Going to MD for Christmas. Can't wait to see those furbabies!
Today finds me at the hospital for clinical then to a Long Term Care Facility to sing Christmas songs for the residents. Should be loads of fun. I'm excited.
Have not yet caught up on the blog but assume you've seen Belle and Shep by now.
I hope everyone is well and happy and filled with the Christmas spirit.
Love you all - Miss you, too!
Good RED FRIDAY Morning, Eagle Pals....
Last FULL Day of Autumn, Winter occurs on Saturday, at 12:11 pm Eastern Time...
No Eagle at the Sycamore Palace...yet,
But, there is an Eagle at the
Blackwater Eagle Palace
Hallelujah, Lori...Enjoy this last day before Christmas Break
Well, in the time it took me to post, the Eagle at Blackwater has poofed
LOLLY: Take thee to a doctor?? Get some relief Pronto before the week-end starts? I agree, postpone the mammo, if you can...and go to
the Get Well Now doctor
(( HUGS )) to everyone on your day.....
God Bless Our Military...and all their families
Shirley, hoping your toe and foot are "coming along" nicely and painlessly these days
Happy Christmas Break for all our
Teachers and School Kids...whenever it starts
time to do the morning off to work soon shuffle.....
Take Care, Eagle Pals
ttfn xoxoxox
Goodorming Lori and Margy, and all my eagle friends!
Hoda, thanks for the new word - goodorming is much easier to type than good morning! ;)
Lori, glad that all of your assignments are in! Does your Christmas break start after today? For how long?
Lolly, cancel the mammo!! Last thing you need when you're feeling so badly is to have your boobs squeezed in that machine - UGGHH!!
Loretta, have a wonderful visit with your daughter!!!
Easy day today at school - music concert in the AM, movie in the PM!
Prayers for all - have a great day!!
good morning to all.
LOLLY: Yes, forget Mammo, go to MD. Feel better soon!! And I'm just as whiney, I just tell them bring me cheese to go with my whine.
All is well this morning. Was sleeping so soundly, darned alarm clock disturbed me! My pillow and I were getting along so well.
I only work 3 hours today ss Olivia is out of school early. We have a "lunch date" and then a bit of shopping. :)
Hope everyone has a great day. Light, love, healing, comfort to all. Be safe and be well.
GREAT gift choices for your good friend, JANET !!
ttfn, gotta scramble to get outta here
Goodorming to you too SANDI.
PICTURES when you see BRIAN!
Up early. Head hurts??? What's up with that?
Enjoy Holiday time SANDI DANA LORI
Debi from the eagle cam FB page has 3 wonderful photos on her page of our Eagle in the nest - 7:44 and 7:46. Wow!
One pic shows that Shep still has the Spot on his head!
Off to daughter's to be with grandkids and great-grandkids
Good morning,
Was sleeping soundly this morning until I was subjected to cat trampling. I do not need an alarm clock. George is sufficient.
Much to do today. Just cannot bring myself to travel to the mall again today, though. I've been there twice this week, and that is enough.
Oh Lolly, postpone the boob sandwich session.
The snow is melting! Nest is becoming visible.
Goodorming! I am still alive. Did not sleep well last night but I am feeling better this morning. Night times are just not good.
Have to get out today. I thought about cancelling my appointment but I am going through with it. Need to get to the bank. They have notified me to do so. Have the Target red card. Grrrrr!
Good RED FRIDAY afternoon Eagle Buds !!!
Oh, LOLLY, glad cold is better and you feel like getting the all important 'big squish'. Too bad about the Target snafu--feel fortunate that I haven't darkened their doors for a couple of months. I think the scam occurred with their Red Cards and all other credit cards used. Everyone, watch your statements !
LORI, so very happy you'll be in MD for Christmas ! You deserve a good break away from your second home and school ! Enjoy !!!
LORETTA, wishing you safe travel to and from beautiful Austin. Have a blessed Christmas with you daughter and SIL. I'm betting they'll love your turquoise nails !
JO, love thinking of your with the kids today !
SHIRLEY, no mention of the toe this morning. Hope that means it's improving !
Hello dear "breath of fresh air" MARGY, dear "dynamo" HODA, dear "friend extraordinaire" JANET, and "teacher of the year" SANDI ! Good to see each of you here today !
Received a beautiful card from LINDA today--no doubt others of you did, too--I miss her and CAROLANNE so much !
Love and prayers for all in need !
Hello and good afternoon each and everyone I am watching the egg now and boy should be out soon Just got back from lunch with Angie and now have to go back and get the booster seat I forgot to get when I was there what a PIA
Will be going to the mall today after Angie gets off work and I pick up Jordyn to see Santa Angie is kicking herself in her rump for waiting for so long
I too go the card today
It is 82° out now sooo stinkin nice out
I really shouldn't start naming names...for there are so many I wish would visit more often...DANAMO, the Southern Delegation, the two LYNNE's, JEWELS, RED, JIM....the list goes on. I hope many will rejoin us again when we begin to watch nestorations and HP ! Belle and Shep should begin to perk us up in January !!!
JUDYE, there you are ! A Santa visit with Jordyn--what fun !!! You know, girl, sometimes you talk in shorthand--I don't understand about the booster seat....☺
Time for Presidential Press Conference. BBL
the booster seat is for Jordyn for the car she is too big for a car seat so they have these booster seat its just a small seat wedge of sort that sits in the car to make her tall enough for the seat belt to fit her properly I had bought one for my car but Carl has borrowed it to pick up Jordyn daily and I am to get Angies on the day we do lunch and I for got I think Angie said they are just going to buy another one this way I am not having to keep running up to get it when we don't have lunch of like today I forgot to get it I hope you understand
Off to go get the seat and stop at my fav store Thrift City right near her school
Hello Jo, Kay, JudyE, Sandi, Hoda, Shirley, Janet, Margy, Lolly, Loretta, Paula and all. I've missed you all so much.
I survived the first 4 months of nursing school and my break begins now! WoooooHoooo!
HODA, love the way you always sign off at night with "feeling gratitude." Reminds me to do the same. Thank you!
SHIRLEY, forgive me for not being up to date, but did they ever find out what was in your toe that was causing the pain?
LOLLY, hoping you survived the mamo. Glad you felt well enough to venture outdoors. Get well soon wishes to you.
JO, thanks for the update on the FB eagle cam page. Can you please give me the link? Sounds like no one on the blog has seen Belle and Shep yet.
SANDI, so glad that Brian is home safely and you'll see him soon. Yes, my break begins today...I'm two hours into it now.
KAY, I agree. So many that used to be on the blog or only pop in occasionally now, that I miss so much, too. How is your back? Love your Christmas avatar.
Had a great time (but with a heavy heart) as we sang for the residents at the LTCF today. There were some beautiful moments. I had teary eyes a few times seeing those older folks and remembering it was eight years ago today that my Perry died. Life surely has its twists and turns.
I think I will begin my journey to MD tomorrow. I am just glowing with excitement and anticipation - can't wait to see my fur babies.
Loretta, safe travels to you and everyone heading out of town.
I am home! I did not cough during the mammo. Can you imagine coughing during that procedure? Yikes!!!!
Bank had sent a message, but they are not dealing with the red card. Went to target and have to call the central office. Oh this is going to be fun. I shop at Target frequently for cleaning supplies, make up..that kind of thing. This is a pain!!
Time to take more advil. My nose is running like a faucet...yuck!
I enjoy my time on our blog - but I also enjoy time on FB where it seems that all of our missing pals do appear daily. Like you say once we start eagle talking, they may return.
On FB there are almost 5 links to different Eagle pages and then of course there is one Messenger bog for only those invited by us.
JUDYE, thanks for removing my fuzzy idea of what you meant re:booster seat. My youngest grandchild turned 19 on the 19th and none of them, thank goodness, have reproduced. Too young as they are now 25, 23, 22, 19 and 19. But, I remember the Santa and Easter Bunny days at the mall with great joy !
LORI, my back seems to have healed beautifully. I don't think I stand as straight and tall as I once did, pain. My pain now comes through the left sciatic nerve and even that only kicks up once or twice a week. I wish I had more energy, but guess I must accept the aging process ! So happy for you---enjoy the break---the fur babies, Kate and Christmas itself. I know this is always a rough day for you, but hope you take comfort in remembering the good times with Perry. ♥♥♥
LOLLY, glad you didn't cough at the mammo--you're right, that would be painful ! Did you get a message directly from Target ? I have their card, but may not have received notice because they can see that I've not used it recently.
I should not second guess our creator, but if I could design a person I would not put a nose directly over a mouth. Haven't worked out the details on just where I'd place it, however. Hope that cold goes bye bye soon, LOLLY !
JO, thanks for assuring me that those missing bloggers are alive, well and active on FB ! I just miss em' and hope they return in January !
Hey all
Posted pix on my blog page of the drum and a couple of Olivia at the show....
Catch ya later. Yule Dinner to be cooked!
JANET, cool work on the drum. That turned out awesome. Olivia looks to have grown up so much in the past year! Beautiful girl.
KAY, glad you're doing so well. Thank heavens that episode with your back pain is over. I'm so happy to be back here - can you tell?
Can't wait to see Belle and Shep.
Snowing here. Speaks of it for the weekend and well into the week.
The temperatures dropped.
We are in the low twenties.
Wore my winter coat today. Sweater alone was not enough.
Very good yoga class.
While having my Chai Latte little elementary school kids came into the cafe with their teachers and sang us Christmas Carols. They were cute and sounded good.
Good day here.
Volunteered with the yoga festival group.
Purchased a water pick. I don't do too well with flossing and I am hoping this solves having to be very careful with flossing.
Does anyone here use one instead of flossing? What do you think?
evening all....just checking in.
MIL and FIL were here yesterday to spend the night. Steve and I on the air mattress, we gave them our room and bed. At 10 (after a VERY long shift, and having to return to work first thing) Steve gets the air pump out.
Corroded batteries are really annoying. No batteries in the house, either.
He put down camp pads, laid the uninflated mattress over them and was about to lay the sleeping bags and bedding when Puddles decided to pee on it.
I hate dogs. and work. and in-laws. LOL!
We had a great visit even if I didn't sleep to comfortably!
Oh, I WILL take an Aleve tonight and I don't care if I take warfarin.
Also want to update you on the upstairs neighbor, Bruce and the bad checks. The court date was today. He asked for, as we fully expected rejected a plea deal, rejecated the case be heard by the judge, and instead requested a jury trial. He had asked for a jury trial in the 2nd degree assault charge on his girlfriend's daughter as well. THAT arraignment was this morning although it was last month that the case went to court.
Meanwhile, he was alone. His father was there, they didn't speak or even look at each other. He was a witness for the State. Our bank lady was also subpoenaed for the state, which we didn't know!
Did I mention that Bruce stole MORE checks from his father in Nov?? Oh yeah...he is a real piece of work!!
Anyway, I couldn't hear what the plea deal was but when his case was called the judge asked why he wasn't represent. He said he needed a Public Defender. WHY says she, when he was served a month ago, did he not have one? Said he...I have no way to get around.
I almost jumped up and yelled OBJECTION. I was too afraid of getting in trouble since I wasn't on the stand or anything. HIS TRUCK WAS PARKED ACROSS THE STREET!!! He drives EVERY DAY! oh wait....
and...he gave the judge a fake address! He gave them address of a person he WAS staying with last month for a few weeks but he and his truck haven't been there for a long time. I know this because it is one block up the street from work!!!
The judge warned him that he would be facing in excess, or maybe up to? 10 years on these charges.
I don't understand his angle. Surely he doesn't think he can get a jury to acquit him!
Hi all - I am on Christmas break!! Yay - 12 days of no work!!
Lynne, had to laugh out loud at your story about the in-law visit, especially when Puddles peed on the camp pads! :)
Hoda, I floss every day and use my water pick every other day (just don't have the time or energy to do both every day). My dentist really recommends using both but for me, even using both didn't prevent a trip to the periodontist!
Time to fix food for people and pets! Later!
So, we left the courtroom. I wanted to discuss his big fat lies with the States Attorney but there were still a bunch of cases and I didn't want to spend the whole afternoon there. We spoke to a police officer on the way out and she advised us to call the States Attorney with that information.
FURTHERMORE... his truck had a big yellow thing in the window that said WORK PROGRAM. WHAT???? He isn't on work release!!! OMG....I didn't have my camera. I left it home because they'd have taken it at the entrance because no cameras are allowed and I didn't want to leave it in the cold car. GGGRRRRRR!!!!!!
So while I'm very happy that he'll go to jury and most likely serve MUCH time, I am incensed at the lies he told!!!
whew, I am done ranting about this for now. Time to concentrate ONLY on Happy Christmas Thoughts!
I too have a water pick I love! It is a flossing alternative, takes less time (for me - never got quick at flossing), but it's a little messier with the water splatter. Does a great job.
Lynne2, Glad you didn't jump up and shout like you wanted to. Very wise decision. :)
LOL about the Puddles peeing story. That was one looong night. Hope your back feels better in the morning. Why are you on warfarin? Isn't there something else you can take for your back? Just being nosy!
Lori - you aren't being nosey -
You are being nursey ♥
Janet - Tom did great with the drum
Didn't he get any spray paint on the
kitchen counter ?
I surely did have a beautiful afternoon - got to hold my 2 mo old ggs - Felt really good. Out of the 7 there was only 1 ggd - She is a sweetheart and loves cats - so Jenny's kitties were well attended.
They all loved Pizza and candy canes
I am very blessed ♥
well Lori, seems I have A-Fib. With rapid ventricular response.
Lynne2, sorry to hear that. Luckily the medication treatment is enough to lower your stroke risk and you don't have to have any surgery. Follow Dr's orders and take your warfarin, but NOT with NSAIDs. ♥ I sent you an email with info.
Hello Evening Eagle Pals....
sounds like come celebratory moments today, teachers and students "done with school" for awhile,
JO was surrounded by big and little family folks...
and things like that :)
hoping to hear that you, Lynne2, and Lolly1 will be roaring back to full good health very soon
and anyone else amongst us
Enjoy your last Autumn Evening, Pals
Was all set to watch come
Cold Case, "just one episode" I promised myself....but Criminal Minds is in that slot and on that channel tonight, I like that show, but do not like watching it alone, gets too scary sometimes
Good Night, Eagle Pals...
Lovins' and Hugs to all
God Bless Us,
Every One xoxox
I used to love Criminal Minds, but then stopped watching because it's such a dark show and not uplifting - at all. Cold Case is a great show. Do you still have your family in town with you?
Thanks for reminding me the seasons are changing! YAY...looking forward to some sunshine.
MARGY'S family have returned south
Very nice to read NURSE LORI posts.
LYNN would be proud of you.
Thanks, Hoda!
Forgive all my posting today, hogging blog space. I'm just so happy to have free time to be here. :)
Hog away LORI hog away.
You were sooooooooo missed and it is fantastic that you are checking in today.
I hope you do several times every day of your holiday.
Fantastic to read your posts.
Did they assign new projects?
Knowing you I am sure you will study ahead. But I hope no extra assignments. Excuse me if you said that already.
Right now I am not clear about how much work you will have to do.
I also wished PAULA would let us know how her truck repairs are coming along.
Good evening eagle friends.
I agree about Criminal Minds, getting to be too weird and dark.
Lori, 2005 wasn't a good year. Hugs
Hoda, I'm glad you decided on a coat since it was in the 20's outside. How warm do you keep your flat? I don't have to wait for a bus or walk outside too much in the wintertime, but I certainly wear a coat at temps higher than 20. I am talking Fahrenheit. I guess that vegan diet keeps you warm. LOL
I hope to catch a glimpse of one of our eagles tomorrow. Thanks for posting the pictures on Facebook.
SED to all
Home from a wonderful afternoon and evening with Angie and Jordyn such a beautiful night out the moon is so pretty love driving with the windows open its 71° now
OH NO LYNNE so sorry for the puddle that Puddle left on your new sleeping arrangements for the night
Great job on the drums sis and I was surprised no paint the counter wow
LORI so good to hear from you
I still watch Criminal Minds but after all I love the blood and gore in horror movies big time
Did you all see the new eaglet at the Fl nest so stinkin cute can't wait for ours
Time to say my prayers and head to bed -
Goodnight to all ♥
More sun tomorrow ♥
I love us ♥
Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all
♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need
"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."
LORETTA thank you for your comments. When I go out in a sweater I am wearing three layers silk, Marino wool and a sweater. It keeps me breathing and warm in my layers. When the wind picks up I need the coat because wind goes through my layers. Sometimes I wear four layers.
I am very warm.
As to flat the temperature is between 63 to 67 or there abouts. It is warm. I have sheep skin foot wear for indoors and many woolen shawls to choose from if need be.
Safe travels.
Good night
God Bless us All.
Happy Yule.
Much love and Gratitude for you all.
Two more sleeps and the sun starts its trip back!!!
LYNNE...LIAR LIAR PANTS ON FIRE!!! You do not hate dogs even when they pee on your bed.roflmbo
Really that is all very funny but very uncomfortable for you! I can picture it all...would make a great movie! ☺
I am going to live, I am going to live. I keep telling myself. I guess because I get sick so seldom that I am just miserable when I am sick.
Interesting about my Target debit card. It is the only one we use. I guess the bank knew that but did not know what kind of card it was. Only the bank contacted us. What we do not understand is why didn't the bank just cancel their end of the deal? Then I can just get a new one, if I want to. The store is not doing anything about the cards. You have to call the number on the card and that line is busy, as you can imagine!! Going to call the bank and talk with them again.
Ran a few errands today. Went into a store and it was 69. When I came out the temp had dropped 20 degrees. It is presently 34 and rain is expected after midnight. Here's hoping the temp does not drop lower!!
Heading to bed. Night all!! SED!!
Glad that you are on the mend, Lolly.
Wow, what a tale about the upstairs guy, Lynne2. Eventually, he will get caught in his lies. From what I can see, he is not smart enough to keep the lies going for too long.
So happy that you finally have some free time, Lori. About my toe--I think it is better. It's still sore because the podiatrist did things to it, but I think it is healing. He thinks he got a very small piece of glass out.
Oh, Jo, I love holding little babies. So wonderful to have great-grandchildren.
Hoda, I would need my winter coat for sure with temperatures in the 20s Fahrenheit.
So glad you are doing well, Kay. Hope there are no problems with the Target card.
Lynne1, I haven't been watching Criminal Minds. The little bit I saw looked too gruesome. I can understand why you wouldn't want to watch it alone, Margy.
Oh, Lolly, I hope the temp does not drop any lower for you. It is unusually warm here right now.
Must stop all of this and go to sleep.
I will see you fine people tomorrow. SED, everyone.
Good very early morning, Eagle Buds !
Couldn't sleep--so where do I head, Here !
Glad I did for I needed the laugh I got over Puddles puddle and found the whole Bruce story to be incredibly interesting. LYNNE2, we need JUDIE's thoughts on this case !
LORI, it's wonderful to see you stepping up to the plate as a nurse !!! We always relied on LYNN for medical advice and now we have you !!! God has blessed us !!!
JO, your sweet visit with the babies warmed my heart !
Life brings lots of surprises and I received one earlier in the evening. Grandson Cooper has decided he's miserable at Warren Wilson College in Asheville and he's dropping out. My son and DIL insist that he enroll in the Community College (it's too late to get in to Rutgers for next semester) and get a job. No sleeping til' noon after playing video games half the night... This decision came after his girlfriend decided to leave Juniata College in PA and return to NJ. They've been together since 8th grade and I think they've been miserable without each other. They've each come up with many excuses, but that's the underlying cause, I think. These are two very bright young people, honor students, who are multi-talented so all I can do is hope for the best and remind myself that in the long term scheme of things this is but a little bump on the road to success. I was prepared for any number of glitches for Seth, but never dreamed of such an outcome for Cooper. He'll "find himself", we just have to be patient.
I don't think I mentioned having watched "The Help" Thursday evening. Julie checked it out of the library for me, a habit I need to get into. It's a very good film though not as good as the book---movies seldom are IMHO.
Okay, time for me to give the zzz's another try.
Love and prayers for all !
KAY me too!
Can not sleep.
The zzzzzzzzzz elude me.
Have not even napped so far!!!
Yikes so much energy I want to start my day already.
Clean Bathroom? Vacuum? Cook?
What to do?
Yoga is not till ten in the morning.
There is a SANTA breakfast at nine.
There is volunteering at noon...
Why am I not sleeping???
Have no clue...
I will not mention anyone in particular but a certain professor has not been here for a while now!!!
Do you all think it is her fault?
Sun rise at 7:43 AM
Sun set at 3:52 PM
In these here parts!
Nelson BC Canada
49.5000 North
117.2833 West
Good Morning, Eagle Pals...
Wishing all a good, peaceful,
stress-free day....
Kay, sorry to hear of the change-up in plans with your grandson Cooper...
hope and his long-time girlfriend can put together a good plan for the future....
Lori: wherever you are, whatever you....Enjoy...there's bound to be SOME free and serene time in store.....just Breeeeeathe, cuddle those Maryland furbabies, enjoy your time with dear Kate...and all things Christmas
xoxo (( HUGS )) to every one
Google image today is all things Crossword at home I could "do" the puzzle and learn about crossword puzzles... but I don't have that kind of time right now !
It's the morning shuffle time,
have the nest up, maybe I will see some Eagle action...I have seen one bird, one time, since the still cam
came back on....I'll be patient :)
And Happy Winter in a few hours.....
Goodbye've been a good season, a little weather-whacky, but still bringing lots of beauty and
wonder to us
Good Saturday morning Margy, Kay, Hoda, and all my eagle friends! Kay and Hoda, I hope you are both sleeping soundly!
I guess the clock in my brain has not reset for vacation yet - woke up just about the same time as normal, even without the alarm turned on. Bella did also - the clock in her stomach goes off at about 6am every day!
Lori, safe travels today!
Loretta, is today your travel day as well??
Lynne, the jury trial for your upstairs neighbor should be interesting. Don't know how he can delude himself into thinking he and/or his public defender can convince 12 people that he did nothing wrong.
Judie should be a retired person by now - wonder why she hasn't been back on the blog?
Today is present wrapping day for me - not a ton of things to wrap so there should be some time for a nap later on. We stayed up late last night watching a movie so I suspect I'll need a little snooze this afternoon.
Make it a great day all. Prayers continue for all of the needs on the blog, especially for Janet's friend Chris.
69° out now gonna be a warm on again in the lower 80's
should have been one again not on again
I see most of the snow is gone in the nest just a tiny area left now
I see that Judy was able to load the still cam at 7:15 this AM. I have tried using Firefox, Chrome, and IE and all I get is a black box in the middle of the screen, no matter how many times I refresh. Anyone else able to get the still cam?
I had a view from home
I do not have view here at work....but I think it
s because it is down
I remember we would get that blackness and that message in the small white letters at the top...
sometimes, last year
Good Morning, Free-for-Two-Weeks Teacher Extraordinaire Sandi !!
If I hit enough buttons here and there I can sneak past
Barracuda !! :)
(the filter here on the work computer)
New feather for my bonnet!! New THREAD NEW THEAD COME ON OVER EVERYONE!!!
I did email Steve that the cam went down some time after 7:15am
I am doubtful that it will be a quick fix over the weekend. Not sure.
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