Thursday, December 26, 2013


Boxing Day greetings after a Merry Christmas.

New thread.


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Lolly said...


Beautiful day here, up to 53 and headed into the 60's with bright sunshine. A front comes tomorrow but it will be dry. Yea!

Leave shortly to get the do done. Have been letting it grow a little longer. It may not last long. As soon as I work in the yard I will want to chop it off again!

Happy Anniversary, Lynne and Steve!!! Let's get that move accomplished and you out of that apartment!!!!!

Lolly said...

I miss Judie, too! And, Wanda!! And, Linda!! And, CarolAnne!!

Mema Jo said...

Eaglet_Momster Photo Albums

I started one for 2014

I had to post a photo (Sycamore palace) in order for it to post

Check your January birthdays/anniversaries

Will you also check for the upcoming year 2014 your birth date and/or anniversary. I just want to be sure your dates came over from 2013 Thanks, Jo

Kay said...

JO, you done good, girl ! 2014 comes through "loud and clear". For some reason there are duplicates for Lynne Soper and for Megan. Perhaps you can removed those ??? I love this new system for remembering out special days and thank you for all your work on it !

Kay said...

That's "our special days", not "out". And, of course, I'm referring to the Calendar, not the photo album.

JudyEddy said...

Hello eaglebuds from MCds on lunch
as you all know I am OMA SANDI that is another option I got that name from Jordyn she was looking and touching my cross that was my moms and I said that was OMAs and she said OMA so that is how I became oma she didn't talk like most kids because of here hearing issue

My sister Connie was POOHPA I guess the kids pronounced it that was at it stuck to this day that is what they call her

magpie said...

Spectacular weather today, here,
sunny, a little breezy, and temperature around 50...
maybe tomorrow, rain

magpie said...

I'm Jonesin' for an Eagle Visit !
but if I were those two eagles, or any eagles for that matter....I'd be out soaring in this weather

Happy Anniversary Lynne2 and Steve1...
whee, what a day for an Anniversary! xoxox ☺♥☺♥

JudyEddy said...

I am watching all 4 eagles being feed at the same time funny how different ends of state and feeding time is the same at both nest

JudyEddy said...

thats should have been eaglelets

Mema Jo said...

Judy I also find that even though the nests are in different states they sometimes have the same schedules when they are in the same time zones.

KAY - At times the calendar on Momster's does that duplicating and it can be corrected but it's a pain to do - sometimes you delete the one intentionally and poof the other one disappears. Thanks for understanding.. I'll work on 2014 the first of the year - like next week lol

Mema Jo said...

Soon off to Mass and then dinner


Hoda said...

Calm and quiet here.
Very enjoyable.

Finding my liver can not process as much as it used to even last year.
Lots of fluids today.
Stay away from butter too.
I might just have to go totally vegan!
I use butter and eggs still!
Will see what liver decides.

Cream in butternut squash and cream cheese pie were indulgences I must not repeat often.

JudyEddy said...

HEY HODA how do you know that your liver isn't processing it?? just curious! do you have pain??

JudyEddy said...

OH Home from work

JudyEddy said...

Here is a different flying moving eagle I found also

JudyEddy said...

75° out now and overcasty getting a front in with storms for tomorrow

Kay said...

JO, the duplications don't bother me one bit ! Thanks again for all you do !

Seth will arrive at any moment. Taquitoes, refries, tortilla chips, salsa.... I'm habby as LOLLY would say and cool beans as JUDY would say ! ☺

Love and prayers for all !!!!


Hoda said...

Wow now a flying eagle JUDYE!

Liver is enlarged.
Pressure, some pain and discomfort.
Bloated. Joints swelling
Asthma is triggered with the dairy!
Mucous and sinus inflamation

JudyEddy said...

This was on facebook the washington post has picked up the Norfolk eagle dilemma Debate continues about removal of eagle nests by the Washington Post

Lori O. said...

Hi everyone!

I am back in PA. Stopped at carpooler Cindy's house on the way home since I passed right by and had never had to the time to before. Nice to see her in a different environment. Lucky to have such a great friend here.

JUDYE, thanks for posting the Post article on the Norfolk eagles. Love the WashPost and just don't have time to read it like before when I had to.

HODA, interesting about your liver. Hope it all returns to normal soon. I wouldn't think you would ever have any liver problems are purely as you eat and limit medications.

JO, as always thanks for your kind thoughts. Hope you had a nice dinner with family from FL, and that mass was good for you and hubby.

LOLLY, just curious if you have any New Years cooking traditions?

SANDI, sounds like you've solved the name Nanny official?

KAY, I love, love, love Mexican food. Have a wonderful dinner with Seth. I bet he's enjoying his break from school, too.

SHIRLEY, how is the toe? Haven't seen an update lately and just wondering if it's completely healed?

Tomorrow I start work on the big Case Study report. Cindy said she's been working on hers since the Friday we got out of school and has 24 pages so far. I hope it doesn't take me that long. I really had planned on finishing it before I go back to school on the 2nd...but it's not due until the 7th, so I've got an extra weekend if I need it.

LOVE you all!!! Big ((((HUGS)))

Hoda said...

LORI when I was five years old in Egypt I was sick with hepatitis from bad water.
It was treated and I have always had to watch for my liver since. I was sick for over three months and had to repeat kindergarten because of it.
As I get older creams and heavy rich foods are turning out to be a challenge.
I am lucky. I do not take any drugs for anything. I also have a variety of food choices.
It is all good and I am already improving.

Lolly said...

No special cooking for New Years. Jack and I are usually home and cook something special, but nothing specific.

Hair cut and a few grosseries bought as well as had the car washed and vacuumed. Yea! Oh, and worked some in the yard. So many leaves still left. Groan...

Tomorrow afternoon we go to Dallas. Christmas again!!

Bacon cheeseburgers tonight. So glad I do not have problems eating what I want!!! So sorry, Soda!

Hoda said...

It is all good a LOLLY.
I am sure you will come up with a special creation for NY Meal. Are you going the turkey thing again tomorrow? You said Ashley does not cook do I am thinking presents. Can not wait to hear about Zacharooski's response for being on the blanket.
Safe drive and take pictures.

magpie said...

Good Evening, Eagle Pals...

Hoda, Best Wishes with all things Healthful and Healthy....You are very wise and I know you will accommodate all the special things going on with your physiology....
The Liver is such an important of our best body pals...

(( HUGS ))

magpie said...

Welcome Back to your Home away from Home, Your School Home, your PA home, your Mom and Dad home...

Nice that you could visit with Cindy :)

Good to hear from Jo....that Judie is headlong into the retirement gig...
Wheee Doggy !!

James has a Nana, a Grandma, and a Grammy...his parents helped to configure those monikers....I think "Grammy" is used the most often :)
That is I :)


magpie said...

Oh I was gazing upon some Snowy Owl pictures on the Roger Tory Peterson website today....RTP is in Jamestown NY - not too far from Erie...that is where my NY Naturalist recently retired from : All Sorts of Wildlife up there, but he has plenty at his home place also

magpie said...

Thanks for your dedication to
All Things Momsters and Dadsters....
Can't thank you enough for all that you do....
you and Paula, you make a great cyber-team !!

magpie said...

bettin' your Do has made you more bootiful than ever...and Best Wishes for a Super Fun time on Sunday with Ellis East !

Me? Ig

magpie said...


Me? I get a do, cut and color on Jan 11, and it looks like carpal tunnel surgery for Righty is going to be on January 17...just finished paying off the not-covered-by-insurance costs for Lefty....
$$$ but insurance was pretty generous all in all

magpie said...

Had a gander at the WV DNR 2014
Calendar Eagles, but there is a Peregrine Falcon, Barred Owl, Blue Jay, Male Northern Cardinal, Grey Fox and
Grey Squirrel, Blue Gill, Ring-Necked Pheasant....and three others, and a glorious section on Butterflies and Moths :)

magpie said...

Don't know about the rest of you, but I am still playing those Christmas songs...
And Now I head to some emails...

Thinking of all with Lovins' and Hugs

Wow, sure sounds like Paula is having some Great Family and
Sweetie time :)

ttfn See Y'all Later xo

Hoda said...

Holding Healing Space for you January 11 and 17.
Blessed Be.

Liver is REALLY alright was just telling me not to mess with it too much. Healing well underway.

magpie said...

9 posts in Rapid
Succession... just call me a
Blog Hog !!

Oh, not only am I playing
Christmas songs, but I am still preparing Christmas cards to send out

okay, 'bye now for real !

magpie said...

Thank You, Hoda....I surely appreciate your prayers....
but I hope I do NOT need prayers for the hair do things ! :)
I have a trusted hairdresser, and I follow her wherever she goes, she has just switched to a new salon...
she is a super gal from Michigan....

magpie said...

My brother in law, whose Big House I lived in and watched over last year...(he died in April 2013) had serious liver complications...he also had had hepatitis B as a youngster....
so sad, he died too soon, his grandchildren especially miss him....

Hoda said...

A 40 year old American Woman spent the night out on the ski resort in Kamloops. She went out if bound with her partner. It was clearly marked. They could not ping her due to her American Service Provider.she was rescued this morning.
Two young Canadian sisters were also lost in the same area but not together.They rescued them after midnight.
Christmas Eve three Canadian boys went out of bounds in the same area. They were rescued!
The resort is getting tired. They will bill them for their costs. Search and Rescue and RCMP were also involved but will not bill. I have ambiguous feelings about billing for rescue operations.

Hoda said...

Ha ha misunderstood...
No prayers for hairdresser!!! Steady hand maybe?

magpie said...

Sure thing, Hoda... I won't be able to do much with one hand that's for sure, after the operation, so what my gal pal does will matter! The surgeon and the entire team is awesome!

I'm pretty sure of the Jan 17 surgery date...depends on a few things but this date will make me ready for Spring "planting."

For now, I think it is Day is Done...
got James Day coming up Sunday, and that is my favorite adventure!

Good Night, Precious Pals...
Prayers for Wellness, and Serenity,
and Sweeeeet Sleep.

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxox

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Got my do done today also. I would have liked to have gotten it done before Christmas, but just felt too busy.

My toe--Lori, I am not sure. It does not hurt, but I do not like the way it looks. However, when I called on Friday, the doctor's office was closed. I left a message on the nurse's line, but have not heard back.

Thanks for asking. You are really into this nurse thing.

Kay--I appreciate what you had to say about animals held in captivity. I have thought about that as well.

Margy, I do hope your surgery goes well. It will be nice to have pain-free use of both hands.

Hoda, you take such good care of you health, I would think you'd have a very happy liver. Hope you do not have to give up any more foods.

Oh, I just read back and see that you had hepatitis as a child. That explains things.

I don't even like to think about having to spend the night outdoors on a ski slope. I would definitely want to have all of my "pings" in cooperation with wherever I might be.

Thanks, Jo, for all you do with our calendar.

Love your eagle, Judy. It caught my eye right away when I got onto the blog.

stronghunter said...

Am enjoying wearing my Victoria's Secret pajamas--a gift from Susan. And, just so you know, they are perfectly appropriate pajamas for a grandma. :)

Victoria's Secret was hopping this afternoon when I went there. (Had to exchange the pajamas for a larger size). The woman ahead of me in line was accompanied by two very unhappy young boys who were terribly embarrassed to be there.

stronghunter said...

Time for me to say good night. Rest well, everyone. SED.

Janet said...

Good evening to one and all. It is late and I am now unwinding. It has been a busy day.

I slept really late this morning. Olivia got up with Amelia who is quite the early bird. Tom got up … I heard them all. I have been so stinking tired the last two days that I slept until I felt like gettingup.
Then, we all sat and watched a movie: wreck it Ralph. Cute cute cute kids movie.

Tom and I took livvy and mia to the park. While they ran and played we walked and chatted. It was really nice. The weather was cool, in the 40’s and it was cloudy, but it was a nice day just the same.

Chels and chris brought jack and lorelei over and they had a date night. It was fun to have the young ens, but tiring. We did pizza for dinner as no one will complain about that. Lorelei did not scream! In fact I got lots and lots of snuggles! Yeah!

Chiming in on an earlier conversation: SANDI: when I became a grandma 7 years ago, I knew I didn’t want to be granny or any other such thing, and there are far too many nannas, etc for me, and mom (now judy) had oma covered……so in watching (don’t laugh!) STAR TREK one day, a name caught my ear. MOOGIE> a Ferengi mom is a moogie and thus moogie I am.  Not every child has a moogie! So it can be any name of your choosing, or the child’s choosing. Just be open and your name will find you.
Tom btw, went more traditional, pawpaw. His parents were granny and poppy.

All right, settling in for the night. Light, love, hugs and smiles to all!

Hoda said...

Good night
God Bless Us All

Lori O. said...

Good Sunday Morning!

Going to start on the report today - I've got four days and I want to have it done. Been procrastinating long enough. It'll be my main "job" for the next four days, non-stop.

SHIRLEY, love that you're wearing VS PJ's! I had no doubts that they were appropriate. :)

MARGY, so glad you're getting Lefty done, Jan. 17. Thoughts and prayers for total success.

LOLLY, cute pic of GS on FB...How long did that take him? Very creative.

Big hugs for everyone. Off to get myself organized and get started.

Hope we see Belle and Shep this morning!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle buds

Sandi said...

Goodorming Judy, Lori, and all my eagle friends!

Hoda, hope you are feeling better today! It surprises me to hear that you are un-well since you may be the most health-conscious of all of us!

Lori, hoping you make good progress on your project today! Don't stress b/c your carpool buddy has already started and you took a couple of days to relax! You'll do great!!

Shirley, sorry your toe still isn't healing. I can just picture those 2 teenage boys in VS!! :) I bet Hunter will have a lot to share when he gets home tonight!!

Paula, I'm trying to decide between Nanny and Nana - I'm leaning toward Nana since that's what I called my Dad's mom (she has been gone for over 30 years now).

Lolly, enjoy your time with Michael, Ashley, and Zach today!

Margy, enjoy your James time - is it raining in WV today?? Guess it really doesn't matter what the weather is on a "James day," does it? Still, it's nice to be able to get outside.

Pouring down rain here but not too cold - forecast is for up to 3 inches and very windy. Make it a great day all!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Rain here. Dreary winter day. My backyard is turning into a lake. Had thought I might take Luna for a walk. That will have to wait.

Looks like Kathryn and Hunter are headed home, but still in Florida. That means it will be awhile.

Those boys at VS were pre-teens, Sandi. They were counting the minutes until Mom got them out of there! I had to chuckle (quietly).

Lori O. said...

Haven't seen Belle or Shep, yet. But I haven't been staring at the nest either.

Hope they stop by.

Janet said...

good morning folks. it is sunday morning and mia an di are sitting here wating tinkerbell. ;)

we had a lovely evening with the kids. and then tom andi sat up and chilled before we went to sleep.

no big plans today. clean up a little.....take mia home....its been a nice relaxing weekend.

next weekend, :) i am looking forward to that!

i start to celebrate my 50th bday. i know i know i'm still a bsby, but its a milestone none the less!

i determined that i dreaded turning 40 because it seemed like the fun would end and i didn'tstart having fun til my 30's. i was't ready for it to stop. now ten years later, i am having more fun than ever! woot woot!

maybe it is different fun than younger kids......but this "kid" is gonna keep on having fun and walking in light, love and looking for positive....

everyone have a great day! :)

Kay said...

Good Sunday Morning Eagle Buds--from rainy ☺HI☺ ! Temp is good, but due to rain Penny will spend most of the day inside.

Loved reading about the variety of grandparental names we Momster's have in our families !

SANDI, as you can see, there is really no end to the possibilities--just let your imagination carry you to the name you are most comfortable with ! Sounds like that's Nana and it's a good one ! What does Dennis wish to be called ?

JANET, you are a "baby" in the eyes of this oldest Momster of them all ! You are simply stepping into the next half of your life and there's a lot to be said for life after 50 !!!

LORI, glad you could drop by Cindy's' on the way back. It's good to be able to picture someone in their home environment. Good luck with that report !

MARGY, have a ball with The Kidster today !

HODA, sorry the liver kicked up a fuss, but sounds like you know exactly what to do for the poor thing. Prayers !

And love and prayers for all !!!


stronghunter said...

The nest looks wet this morning.

magpie said...

The nest would have to be seriously wet this morning, Shirley....steady pretty hard rain since several hours ago....
Can you imagine how wet-heavy a 2,000 pound nest would become with this?

Good Morning, Good Day, Eagle Pals


stronghunter said...

Oh, it has to be very heavy. It is pouring here as well. Makes me want to curl in my bed.

stronghunter said...

I think I see one sort of dry spot in the middle of the nest.

magpie said...

It does look kind of dry and fluffy,
this IS a good day to curl up and stay warm, dry, and in those
V-S Pajamas!

Nice gift...

Janet, as your start your 50th B-Day year celebrating...embrace it with all your vivacious energy...

To All, Best Wishes for a Very Very Good Day...

xoxox ttfn (( Sunday Hugs ))

paula eagleholic said...

Morning all !
Had a very nice dinner and evening with the kids and kids...than couldn't get to sleep !

Gonna have breakfast ...clean up..hit the road to paradise this afternoon .

Mema Jo said...

Good Sunday morning without the Sun ♥
We have steady rain but like other areas the temp is 44°
No plans for the day - just relaxation.
Safe journey Paula going back to
Lori - I just know you can whip that paper out in no time flat.
Margy - I'll be thinking of you as you do Righty - Wishing you the best outcome!

Mema Jo said...

Our nest looks as though a canopy or umbrella is protecting the upper part
Perhaps our eagles were there sitting and keeping it dry.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley are you planning on waiting up on your Happy Travelers this evening?

Lolly said...

A quick good morning and then off to church. Going about 3 this afternoon to Dallas!

stronghunter said...

Oh, I expect I will be awake when they arrive, Jo.

JudyEddy said...

Hello from McD on lunch watching both adults in the nest atNE feeding the eaglets

JudyEddy said...

sitting here visualizing the eagles with the umbrella lol

JudyEddy said...

it is also rainy day here cold front went through

Lolly said...

I have a funny story. Zach's other grandmother is Nana. So, we all go to a school's grandparents day. He introduces us as the grandparents, but not Nana. She is Nana. Had to be explained to him that Nana is his grandmother, too. She see him everyday. She kept him when he was little an now she picks him up at school every day and she takes him to appointments, hair cuts, etc. She does not like me and sorry to say I do not like her either. Sad, right?

One time when Zach was little we kept him for a weekend. On Sunday our plan was to return him home, put him to bed and stay with him until his parents returned. Well, when we got to the house there was Nana. We had told her the plans. So, I fed him his dinner and she hung over my shoulder, I bathed him, she hung over my shoulder, I got him ready for bed, her hands were right there. I took him down stairs to say good night to granddaddy. She trotted along. I took him upstairs, turned to her and told Zach to tell Nana nite nite. In baby talk she said " I don't get to put him to beddy bye". I stood my ground (not my personality!) and said "Mary Ann, you will see him tomorrow and have him all week. This weekend has been ours and I am reading to him and putting him to bed." She was gone when I came downstairs. I cried. Why did it have to be that way? She is a widow and Ashley is her only child. She does not know how to share. We seldom see her as I know she resents that night. When we do see her, she hovers over Zach, will not keep her hands off of him, and still baby talks. She is hyper and her mouth runs all the time. Ashley and Zach are her life. I feel sorry for her.

Lolly said...

Front came through here, too. I saw 48 but it is down to 45 and dropping fast.

We are headed to Dallas in little over an hour.

Lori O. said...

LOLLY, sorry about Zach's Nana. Cute story about Zach at school. I know he is adorable and very special to you and Jack. My Mom always wanted me to have kids. She said it was because "the girl's parents always get to watch and see the baby." I'm the only girl with two brothers.

Love all the grandparent name talk we've had around here. I only ever knew my Dad's parents and they were Grandma and Grandpa. My folks are the same to their grandchildren.

stronghunter said...

Oh dear, Lolly. I don't know what I would have done in that situation. Fortunately, I get along with Hunter's Nana and Pawpaw.

The only situation I recall as being kind of difficult was the time my ex-husband's wife came to Hunter's first birthday party. She kind of took over. I just stayed out of the way, but I knew I would be in his life more than she would, and that has been the way things have worked out.

Lolly said...

We love our Zacharooski. He is doing so well. We expect him to do well. He will always be a little different, but be successful. He loves us and we love him and treasure our time together.

He is close with his Nana which is to be expected but we have our own special relationship.

He is so matter of fact. He calls me frequently. He called yesterday and I was not here. Granddaddy answered the phone. Zach said, "Oh, it's you." Jack thought it funny!

Janet said...

Dear Sweet Lolly,
I know how difficult it must be for you because I cannot stand Chelsea’s mother in law, Carol. Sneaky, manipulative….lazy….I have tried tried tried to like and befriend that woman, but wow, it is just not happening. I could give you a dozen Carol stories, but I will refrain from that.
I am adult enough to be civil when we must attend events together. Actually, the most I will say is hi carol and other than that….I pretty much avoid her. If I can’t say something nice….
She just has no boundaries….
Thankfully for me….she lives in Virginia Beach. I would love it if the kids could know and interact with BOTH sets of grandparents, for we each have things to give and to add to their lives. But when she is visiting, she sits and crochets in a corner. Period. I mean, maybe I don’t get down on the floor and play with them, but we do play games, we watch tv, we go to the park, we interact. Today Jack asked me to come up to his room to see this really cool toy he got for the holidays…and I did. (And it was pretty cool, btw!)….
I feel sad for them and her…..because she is truly missing out on three super kids. And they could have such a rich experience if she would just engage them. But I still don’t like her.
And I remain civil for my son in law. I love him dearly. It isn’t his fault his mother is a knucklehead…and he even admits it himself….stories from his childhood, so sad.

I guess, because I really didn’t have a relationship with my grandparents, and I would have liked that as part of my life…. It just is sad to me.

Anyway, so I am making up for lost time if you will. Like when Amelia woke up At 6 a.m…..I snuggled up in the bed with her and we snuggled back to sleep. IN a few short years she won’t want to snuggle her Moogie like that any more…..they grow up far too fast.

Lolly, I think you handled it very very well. You have kudos from me. I know how difficult it can be.

Its quiet here now. Sunny out. 40’s very nice. I am being lazy for the moment. I have plenty to do, but it will get done, later.

Guess I’ve chattered enough for now. ((((hugs))))

Janet said...


Hoda said...

Grand parent talk.
I am conflicted!
I was afraid of my Grand Parents!
Still feel their judgement and their impossible standards.
On Mother's side they were Naina and Abba.
I was introduced to them when I was eight I think with the admonition not to disrupt the Prime Minister. He had no patience.
I had no problem with that!
Did not like him do it was easy to not disrupt him.
Naina was bossy and critical.
I rather her room than her company so no problem there either.
Papa's family were overly religious.
I Geddy and Setty is what they were called.
She had pretty hair. Was blind and did not like noise.
He smelled of incense and I never heard him speak normally. He only prayed.
I thought God was a pretty scary creature unattainable and ununderstandable!
Someone just for them.

Oh well!
I have since learnt to understand them and see them as human beings. A lot in me is from them. I work with it.

I love your stories.
I love us.
Am so amazed by MEMA JO and how she relates to the young ones!

SANDI I think the future child is lucky to have your genes and you will have a terrific experience of sharing humour.

Hoda said...

MARGY WANDA have to be on that lust too.
I can go on and on...

Hoda said...

List not lust!!!

Hoda said...

Today I will be a carpenter.
I have some IKEA Shelves that I will assemble
No instructions arrived so I must depend on what seems to best fit

Love you KAY

Hoda said...

LYNN and her girls!
Oh how she LOVED those Grands!
Hard to think of us starting a new year without her.
Great Lady Lynn

Lolly said...

We are off! See you tomorrow if not late tonight.


Sandi said...


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5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...