Friday, December 13, 2013

Friday part 2

Making progress.


Mema Jo said...

Whoo Hoo ! Thank you Thank you

Beautiful picture - Keep them coming.

Hoda said...

The Sycamour!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Love, love, love that sycamore tree! :-)

Ms Bookworm said...

That picture is a sight for sore eyes! Thanks to Steve, NCTC, and the crew working in the tree!

Lolly said...

Called up the blog and my mouth dropped open at the picture. So, excited! Yes, habby dance, habby dance!!!!

Lolly said...

Good morning! Need to go back to the old thread and read. Rather moist day today but 44 so no ice this time. Yea!

Lolly said...

Jo, drove myself to the party as the streets are clear and now dry. Well, they were dry last night. If there had still been ice I would have stayed home. We did have two hubbies who drove their wives in and they watched football on TV (in back room) with hubby who lives there. We even let them eat some of our food. lol

Mema Jo said...

Update: Eagle Cam Day. Pulled the cam; tried to get it to work outside, it didn't; brought it in and Clayton our tech whiz, assisted by Rob figured it out, got it working; now back up in the tree it goes..

Keep your fingers crossed we don't have any other issues... per Steve

Mema Jo said...

I am still watching for any comment from Steve as to the progress of getting the cam up in the tree........ ♥

paula eagleholic said...

nothing on the still cam yet...

paula eagleholic said...

I just noticed the snow in the nest in Steve's picture :)

Mema Jo said...

I had noticed that also - I guess there could be some bird prints - at least I hope so. Blackwater has no snow in their nest. I hope we get some word before 5:00 when they would leave for the weekend.

Mema Jo said...

I assume if the cam works that we would have a pic on our Still Cam.
It may take a while for the Outdoor channel to get it ..

Mema Jo said...

In case you don't have the Still Cam link:

Mema Jo said...

FB had NU in the video of the crane lowering him to the nest...
Looks like a Zip Line...

No comments yet and it is 5:00 :(

Mema Jo said...

Steve said: will not be online yet, still some work to do. We did test it though and things were working fine.
Great - cam is going to function well after a few fixes.......

Mema Jo said...

Lori emailed me to say she is having trouble getting onto our blog...
She may type a message for me to copy/paste for all of you.

Mema Jo said...

From Lori: I've tried a dozen times, going to Google, checking my account, signing in and out and it still keeps saying this blog does not allow anonymous comments! UGH! So frustrating. I'll keep trying. Does anyone have any ideas? It asks me for my password then gives me that annoying message.... I'll try again.

Lolly said...

Had fun today. I am the treasurer of our women's group at church. Got to write and deliver checks to the local Harvest House today as well as put checks in the mail for other charities. So much fun!! Harvest House was very appreciative, but I had the fun!

Hope Lori figures out the problem. We need her!!!

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Checking on cam progress . . .

Drinking wine and fixing dinner. Chili and cookies.

Hunter started a fire in the fireplace.

I am going to relax in the recliner and let everyone serve themselves.

Lolly said...

Could she be using the wrong passcode?

Lolly said...

Sipping wine here, too, but munching on almonds and watching the news.

Lori O. said...

is this working?

Sandi said...

Hi all - home from the staff Christmas party!

I am so excited about the possibility of opening the cam page and watching for 2 very special eagles to land in their nest in a sycamore tree in Shepherdstown!! I have refused to watch any other nest cams so have really been having withdrawal!!

OK, time to grab a piece of pizza and watch Scandal! Lori, hope you are able to rejoin us soon - no idea what the problem! Later!

Sandi said...

Lori, I had to sign in to get my first post to publish but had no problem signing in!

JudyEddy said...


Lolly said...

Yes, Lori...we see you!

Off to reheat stew for dinner. I also add dumplings to my stew...they will be fresh! We learned reheated dumplings make mush. LOL

Lolly said...

I had to sign in today too. That just pops up occasionally, but no problem.

Lori O. said...

To get on, I had to use Google Chrome instead of Internet Explorer. Think I'll uninstall IE, but then will I lose all my favorites list?

Tired of trying to figure this out. Want to get a little done on this paper before I pass out.

Love you all, so much!

Lori O. said...

Tried to get on again with IE and I get that goofy no anonymous comments message.

Mema Jo said...

Steve's last comment was that they usually see our Royal Couple at Dusk.


NCSuzan said...

Such exciting news about the work being done on the cam.

NCSuzan said...

Janet, any word on Chris today? Wish only the best for her and family and friends.

Sounds like most everyone else is recovering from the winter storm. So happy all of you are safe and secure.

Santa is now checking his list, almost twice! Hope I can find enough energy to do a little baking. I miss that.

Take care all and soon we will see Belle and Shep. Yay!

JudyEddy said...

OOPS looks like I didn't check the email box Just back from Angies and I smell like smoke from sitting in the back yard had a fire place going with roasting marshmallows and making smores messy got it in my hair LOL Stick situation so I need a shower ok lets see if this works now

JudyEddy said...

LORI you can import all your favorites to Google Chrome I did it

Mema Jo said...

Good evening to all ♥
Family was here for Pizza this evening - lots of talking.

I am really ready to close down
All the excitement of today with our Cam fixing.

Good night to all and prayers for everyone and their loved ones.

paula eagleholic said...

Evening all. Waiting for the rain tomorrow instead of snow.

Going to.go Christmas shopping tomorrow instead...after I sleep in.

Nice down.her the rest of the outside decorations up..cooked on the grill..watching the rest of Bluebloods and off to bed ..Brother leaving on Monday

stronghunter said...

Stopping in to say good night to all of my eagle friends. Hoping to see Belle and Shep very soon.

Lolly said...

Getting on to say good night. I am ready for the pillows. Just woke up Jack to tell him to get ready for bed. LOL

We did have a little rain today and so very thankful it was not ice!

Night all! SED!!

Hoda said...

Volunteered with Front Of House at the Capitol Theatre.
Late show.
Just got in.
Good night.
Very happy about the news of Camera.
Tomorrow yoga and then volunteer with Eco Society Christmas Faire.

God Bless Us All.

Hoda said...

Volunteered with Front Of House at the Capitol Theatre.
Late show.
Just got in.
Good night.
Very happy about the news of Camera.
Tomorrow yoga and then volunteer with Eco Society Christmas Faire.

God Bless Us All.

Lori O. said...

Hoping this works with IE this morning. TEST

Lori O. said...

YAY, Internet Explorer is letting me on the blog this morning.

Loved those pictures of the nest and tree yesterday. Warmed my heart.

Hope everyone is well. Getting started on my busiest school work weekend yet. Prayers I get all 3 reports and all my homework and studying done.

Love you all so much. Can't wait for Christmas break!

Prayers for all in need and safety with the new snow storm. Supposed to get 8" today.


Sandi said...

Good morning Lori and all my eagle friends! Sure did love seeing a photo of the nest when the blog page opened!! By Monday or Tuesday we should be seeing it live - great Christmas gift!!

Lori, glad you were able to get onto the blog this morning with no problems.

Laundry, cleaning the upstairs, grocery shopping, and gift wrapping are on my weekend agenda. Today is supposed to be rainy. Playing tennis tomorrow morning.

Prayers for Dana's dad, Kelsey's mom, both Norms, Michael, and Chris - hoping to hear from Janet today with news about Chris's surgery yesterday.

Have a great day all!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle buds

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Getting ready to fix some breakfast. No snow here yet, but it is very cloudy.

Kay said...

Great Day in the Morning and hello excited Eagle Buds !

STEVE thank you so much for keeping us informed and for putting up with us as we get very excited over the thought of watching our dear Eagles again !

LOLLY, you gals were very sweet to share your food with the fellas who came along to the party the other night !

Snowed much of the night and now as I'm speaking---may get up to 3-4 inches on top of the previous according to the weather guys. Sure is pretty, but it makes a mess for shoppers, etc.. Happy to say I'm all done !

Must go back to the last thread to be sure I haven't missed a thing in your interesting lives !

Kay said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Kay said...

Oops, another double post--my delete.

Janet said...

Good morning. Update on my pal Chris:

She underwent surgery yesterday afternoon. News wasn’t good. We won’t know anything “for sure” til this coming Thurs/Fri after pathology has run their tests. But, not only did they find the “Mass”, aka tumor in her small intestine, but it had pushed against the uterus and the uterus had adhered to the posterior abdominal wall. That was easily excised, the doc figured it had not been adhered but maybe a week. The fusion wasn’t too thick. But after it was excised, pus came out thru that area. Bad news. Nasty infection. Unexpected. Then, in addition, there were a dozen or more lesions on the small intestine. They could not remove them all because there would not have been enough intestine left to reconnect…..and, finally, as if that weren’t enough there was a stringy something (like ajellyfish) growing on the end of the small intestine. Everything that could be removed was and has been sent to pathology.

I have been walking around between numb, depressed, and dazed. I am walking in light and Reiki.
I have talked to Nancy daily….
The intial diagnosis may be correct, but it could also be incorrect. The doc is 99% sure it is cancer, but specifically, what kind, pathology will tell.

I have to get Olivia up and moving for rehersal today. I will let you know as I know.

Light and love to each of you.

SO happy to see the tree.....much progress has been made.

stronghunter said...

So sorry, Janet. Prayers for your friend.

Kay said...

My heart is aching for Chris and all who love her, JANET. We are united in prayer !

Kay said...

Just went to our candle site to light one for JANET and Chris. Seemed a good time to get back in the habit---for each time I check in there I take time for prayer.

Our dear JIM doesn't show up here often anymore, but he has two candles glowing for we Momsters ! Thank you, Jim !

Kay said...


Mema Jo said...

Good snowy/rainy morning. We did have small snowflakes from about 8:00
to 10:00 - Could that be it - not our 5-8". Whoo Hoo!

Janet - my heart goes out to you and all of Chris' family. It is so hard to express your feelings when all those surgery reports are not good. Life can be so cruel at times

Lori - Git R Done! Christmas is a coming... ♥

I am awaiting word that the big silver bird has arrived at Regan from FL - due in around 10:30 and Christine's mom is waiting to pic them up. ♥

Mema Jo said...

Kay - I have 2 emails from Jim - He is doing very well.

Tee Hee - Yesterday's new thread with the photo must have knocked me silly because now I'm thinking that
I got a feather and didn't even realize it at the time. lol

Mema Jo said...

Blackwater eagle sitting on Osprey platform No Snow

Tee Hee - he was too fast for me - All Gone now but he was a pretty sight

Mema Jo said...

They are both there now but be quick

Lolly said...

Good morning! Well, I assume the bw eagles are not there right now.

Enjoying a lazy morning. Have been on the phone talking Christmas plans with Laurel. Also, brainstorming over presents for Michael and Ashley for her to give. What does a budget person give to the person who has no interests and has plenty? Scream!!! I have suggested a game of some kind, an outdoor game, one to play with Zacharooski. We have already purchased such so she is hesitant to get another. Oh well!

Anyway, nothing on my agenda today. It is 42, and dampish, a good day to straighten house and possibly bake.

Kay said...

Happy to know JIM is keeping in touch, JO ! I'm sure some who are MIA will return when Belle and Shep are with us on cam again !

Mema Jo said...

Yes,, Lolly
There is still one eagle on the osprey platform down at BW

Mema Jo said...

My grandkids are home from FL
The flight was even early...

Safe and sound ♥

Mema Jo said...

It had stopped snowing BUT now it
is coming down again!

Feet up time

Lolly said...

Thanks, Jo. Went to BW and did get an eagle fix. Time to get busy, moving slow today!

magpie said...

Knock knock, can I come in?
borrowing those words from when Judie has posted in the past....

Wanted to say HI and
Yay Jo for the kids' arriving safe and sound and early

snowing like the real deal right now here


magpie said...

Really? It posted ??

tried earlier, no luck

I cannot see any live cams or eagle next pictures, BUT I CAN see most of the smiling faces on here...a few avatars are Red "X" squares

JudyEddy said...

GOOD AFTERNOON Eagle Buds sitting in McD I see no luck with the cam yet Keeping everything I have crossed

/SIS I sit here in tears wishing I was closer to give you a big hug (((((((HUGS)))))))

Lolly said...

Just mixed up some hot chocolate mix for Laurel and myself and, of course, it needs to be tested. Right? So, sitting down with a cup of hot chocolate. ☺

JudyEddy said...

THANKS KAY for the candle link I don't have it saved on this lapThanks

JudyEddy said...

this was on facebood from steve

Steven Chase Problems always turn out to be simple...Cam defaulted to its factory IP address when it powered off, thus we got no stream until the guys realized it and reset to the appropriate address.

3 hours ago · Edited · Like

stronghunter said...

Hoda, I am guessing that you have seen the pictures of snow in Egypt by now. Quite remarkable, don't you think?

stronghunter said...

Glad the cam problem was a simple fix for Steve and team. Can't wait to see our eagles.

Mema Jo said...

Margy - did you get the email with pictures? I can try to send them again.

Boy is it snowing - it had stopped and then it started up and is still going strong. Plows have been up and around and of course our drive is once again closed... not sure when that will be shoveled.

Sitting down to chili ♥

Janet said...

good evening to all.

thank you for your love and prayers. judye, so many times i wish we were phyically closer...oh well.

i feel sort of caught up. i found the things i lost this week. for example: i had put olivia's lunch box in the pantry instead of the fridge. and i totally misplaced an ice pack (it was on the spare bed)?????? i told you i have been bumping into walls, just so in shock and distracted. i have had this pinched nerve in my back that has been giving me pain his in addition to chris, i've been dealing with this. i got someone to work on it and need to revisit my chiro pain is minima. now.

i lit a candle. i saved the site as well.

took olivia to practice. she nailed her routine with her coach this morning. then as a wise mom, i left. i went out and got her some baby roses, pink, for tom to give to her tomorrow after her performance. her first roses should be from her daddy! :)

i got some gifts wrapped and stuff done around here. then i went back to pick olivia p @ 3. she couldn't find her phone. we thought that it had been stolen. it was just a flip phone, nothing fancy. well, low and behold, it was at the bottom of her skate bag. thank goodness. i sre didn't want to have to deal with THAT!

now i am going t fix dinner steak quesedills. i had to sit down for a few min. i am tired.

we have to make a drum tonight. the kid who was supposed to have the instruments for the band part of the program tomorrow dropped from the performance so now we have no instruments! i really don't want her to carry my djembe on the ice. two of them are too big and the small one is too expensive and too sentimental. we are going to create one tonight. yes, i will post pix.

let me get moving. hope everyone has a lovely evening. light, love, hugs and smiles to each of you. thank you again for your means more than i can say.....

grannyblt said...

Good evening eagle buds. It has been snowing all day here in western PA. We got 4-6 onches. The neighbors have already shoveled me out. I think more is in the forecast . Sure glad to see the work being done on the camera. I hope they can/will also keep up the long view. I finally got the tree up and some other decorations for the holiday. I still have to finish cards, but tomorrow is another day. SED to all along with prayers for those in need.

JudyEddy said...

Good evening eagle buds just got home from the Christmas Parade down town

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

No snow here, but lots of rain.

Did get out and got some shopping done...boy was Toys R Us crowded!

Came home and made steak fajitas....going to snuggle up with a blanket and a book.

Love and hugs to all ♥

Hoda said...

Glad all are well.
JANET you amaze me. KUDOS
Now making a drum?

All is well here.
Volunteered with the Eco Society.
Visited with an amazingly creative and delightful young man from Ontario. Both of us shared the same shift.

Enjoyed the day.

Glad Camera default setting solved the problem.

Tomorrow volunteer in the morning.
Lunch with the Dragons.
Choral Society presentation in the afternoon.

Hoda said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hoda said...

My delete double posted

Good night
God Bless Us All.

Mema Jo said...

I have finished Christmas movies for the evening. I've heard the snow
plow twice out in front of the house.
Looks as though there is some melting
off the roof onto the deck. The temp
is 34°.

Calling it a day -
Tired from not doing anything
Have a good rest and pleasant dreams

Sun will shine tomorrow ♥

stronghunter said...

Very late here.

I'll see you tomorrow.

Good night, everyone.

Lolly said...

Worked on Christmas notes today and also baked some cookies for jubby.

29 and clear here. Just bundled up and went outside to look at the night sky.

Supposed to get up to 70 this next week. Bring it on!! We have been below normal for over 10 days now.

Heading to bed shortly. Night all! SED!!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

JudyEddy said...

70° right now and that is almost our high for the day of 71° Gonna be chilly tonight 47° but by Sat 80° again so its a short lived cold front for us

Janet said...

good morning its show day. wish i felt it a bit more.

olivia is up and putting make up on. she has had breakfast. i am ingesting some coffee lickety split andwill do her hair and hit the shower my self. nice to know i don't have to be all gussied up. i am a worker bee today.

show time 2 p.m. cst. think of olivia!

yes HODA we made a "drum". i will post pix later, but basiccally a popcorn tin, repainted, add some screws ,pipe cleaners, duct tape and a strap and we have adrum. it lookspretty darn snazzy if i do say so myself!

gotta scat. busy day ahead. light and love to all!

Sandi said...

Good Sunday morning Judy, Janet, and all my eagle friends!

Didn't pop on early this morning b/c I have been online tablet shopping for Kevin. One can only read so many reviews and sets of specs - then you just have to pull the trigger and order one - which I did!

Off to tennis in a few - will check in later today! Have a good one!

paula eagleholic said...

Morning all!

Sandi which tablet did you pick?

I am looking at one for Larry. Any suggestions from Ya'll would be appreciated.

clearing up here but it Will be windy.

paula eagleholic said...

The blog looks different on my phone this morning has a smaller "publish your comment" button..just a line/link for anyone else do
n't let it throw you off

Mema Jo said...

Good afternoon to all ♥

Janet - I'm sure you will conquer the day and yes, I will think of Olivia at 2pm - I just know you will have some videos ♥

Paula - I saw your decorated tree on FB - Looks lovely!

Enjoy your tennis today Sandi - So happy you can continue this year round.

Janet - Chris is heavy on my heart - Prayers.

stronghunter said...


Getting ready to do some decorating this afternoon.

Pretty and sunny here. Birds are chirping.

Sandi said...

Hi all - tennis was great fun. Then I went into town and bought some toys and hoodie sweatshirts for the 2 needy kids that our team at school has adopted for Christmas.

Paula, Kev indicated that he would like a tablet so we told him to do the research and tell us what he wanted. He knew he wanted Android, not Apple, so that ruled out an ipad. His choice was the Google Nexus 7, which is a 7 inch tablet. He said he preferred that one over the Google Nexus 10 b/c, even though the Nexus 10 has the larger screen, it only has a dual- core processor and the Nexus 7 has a quad-core processor. Both have 32 gb of storage. Kevin said he was willing to sacrifice size for speed.

I have the original Kindle Fire which is a 7" and, while it's fine, I wish I had a larger tablet. So I went online this morning and researched 10" tablets that have the 32gb of storage and a quad-core processor. I narrowed it down to 3 that got good reviews from and - Toshiba Excite, Sony Xperia Z, and Samsung Galaxy Note 10.1 and finally decided on the Samsung.

If you're looking for a 7", the Nexus 7 is a best bet - costs about $230. If you're looking for a 10", the Samsung, which was $450, is less expensive than either the Sony or the Toshiba and was highly rated by I ordered it from, along with a cover, and get free 2-day shipping b/c we have Amazon Prime. Good luck with your decision - there are so many, you can go crazy trying to decide!

OK, there are 3 dirty bathroom and a dusty bedroom calling to me - later all!

JudyEddy said...

Hello from McD and I see no cam yet
Hope its not going to be a big issue being its taking this long i WONDER

Sandi said...

Judy, I don't expect anything to happen with the cam over the weekend - NCTC is closed. My fingers are crossed for tomorrow, though! How are things at Walmart??

JudyEddy said...

our store is busy but not as its been in the past just a little over 3million last week down 4% and down for this week also but what do they expect when they keep putting in more stores I hide in McD LOL

JudyEddy said...

within in 7 miles radius of our store there are 8 other stores 2 are neighbor markets and one reg Walmart and other super stores

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the info Sandi ..I do like cnet reviews too.

Pretty here 42 or so..wind not to bad. Got the kitchen screens out and washed..also got the outsides washed. Brother cleaned up and reorganized the fishing shed. Ready to head inside and finish the inside of the windows.

Lolly said...

Headed to Lightcatcher winery for great music!

Feeling good as my shopping is done. Saw a hard to find gift advertised in the paper and Jack got it before church. Yea !

It is 60 and sunny! :). Going to work in the yard tomorrow. Life is good!

Lori O. said...

Hello eagle friends!

I survived the weekend from you know where! Three reports/projects done, studied injection sites and did a care plan. I made it!!!

Haven't read back but I hope all is well for everyone. It's getting so exciting to think we will have our cam back soon. :)

I more week of school then it's just study time - no school - over Christmas break. I want so bad to go down to Maryland to see Kate and all the fur babies. Hope they don't slam us this week with work to do over the break. We already have enough.

I'll still be in and out, mostly off the blog this week, but wanted to check in and let you know I'm alive.

Love ♥ YOU all!

JudyEddy said...

I love signing on to the blog with the picture of the tree makes me SMILE BIG TIME seeing the nest THANKS STEVE for the picture posted I love it when you give us a treat
I can close my eyes and see the tree from when I was up there in 2012

JudyEddy said...

Good to hear from you LORI keep up the good work the end is not far

JudyEddy said...

Its 63° now going down to 46° tonight BRRR cold for us finally so maybe the hate FL pictures will stop on FB LOL

Mema Jo said...

Good evening to all ♥
Janet -0 I just watched the videos on FB of Olivia. You should be very proud of her - she did fantastic!

Hi Lori! Hoping you can get down to visit with Kate - I'm sure it seems like a long time no see!


NatureNut said...

What a BEAUTIFUL nest picture! Thank you Steve and all the NCTC gang for your hard work!
Had a very exciting day at the Park on Saturday after a week of being busy and having a couple yucky appts. Wanted to get on here as soon as I got home, but konked out in chair after having a fruity Jello appetizer for dinner,DUH! and that was that!
So now there are finally pics in the Nook to show!!!
Haven't had a chance to read everything, but praying that Janet's friend's surgery went well and all others are healthy or getting there.
Have just a few cards to finish, eat some din din and hope to get package for TX ready for mail tomorrow.
Then rest of week can be used for packing, shoveling house!, etc! I made list of clothes to take weeks ago and I'd really like to pack tonight and get out of Dodge!!! Been checking Austin weather & seems to be 50°, going to 60°. Have to leave heavy sweaters home!
Almost Hooray for Redskins---much better game at least.

Hoda said...

Hello all.
Great day here.
Mild side of weather.
Great Brunch with the Dragon Team.
Fantastic Choral Society Recital.
I am in the Christmas Spirit.
Such incredible talent.
Very uplifting indeed.

Very proud of OLIVIA JANET. She did very very well. What joy. Thank you for sharing.

Keeping you in prayers LORI. Stay on top of things is good. Resting is also good so I hope you get some of that over the holidays. LOVE AND LIGHT TO YOU.

PAULA I love the Eagle that JACK made. Incredible that you have it. Lucky Lady. LOLLY'S JACK is very talented.

Lolly said...

We are home and had a fun afternoon. This was a toy drive at the winery with our favorite local band playing. It was supposed to have been last Sunday but the ice storm cancelled it. Not as big a turn out as usual but a lot of great toys were collected. We were there three hours. First we had great appetizers or "orders" as we call them and then a great meal.

Hoda, I should take pictures of some of Jack's intarsia to show you. The eagle is gorgeous one of the prettiest he has made but I also have a cornucopia that is beautiful and many Christmas ones.

Lolly said...

The eagles name is Palmer.

Hoda said...

Yes to pictures LOLLY.
I had never heard the word intarsia before... Yes will google now.
PALMER Ais a good eagle name.

Hoda said...

Wow! Practiced in 15th century Italy!!!
Intarsia is also a form of knitting.
Amazing what I do not know.

Mema Jo said...

Hello - I am getting myself geared in for an early bedtime as I have that 9am dr appointment. I am still a slow mover in the morning ♥
This is my dr to give me a report on the CT lung xray. I am asking you to Pray me well - Thank you my dear friends.

Goodnight and I'll be on late morning. I love us ♥

paula eagleholic said...

shoot lost my post..been trying to post for 2 hour

paula eagleholic said...

Prayers for you Jo

paula eagleholic said...

Lolly glad you got to see Palmer pic. Did you show it to Jack.

Hoda do you know about Palmer ?

Lol this keypad wants to call you Soda lol

Hoda said...

God Willing clear healthy lungs and no sign of spots.
I will be up for your appointment at 9:00 and will light you a candle.
God Willing JO. GOD WILLING.

Yes PAULA. Palmer was one of Liberty and Belle's juvies.
I love your representation of him on your wall. It is a true work of art. Magnificent.

Hoda said...

Personally don't touch the stuff!!!
Ha Ha Ha Soda!!!
Often I have been called Yoda!
I like Yoda... Hope to be as wise one day!!!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Eagle Gang,

Dropping in to say hello and goodnight. Busy tonight! Have a bunch of gifts to wrap and pack in a big box so we can send them to the kids tomorrow.

Also cleaning in the living room.
The guy from DirecTV is coming out tomorrow sometime between 8 am
and noon to swap out our equipment and upgrade us to HD TV.
Need to vacuum up all the cobwebs behind our entertainment center.
It's amazing how quickly we get more of those cobwebs!

Lit a candle, and saying prayers for Janet's friend Chris and her family.

Glad to hear of the progress with the nest cam. Can't wait to see our eagles again!

Well, need to go schedule some bill payments online. Wishing all a good night, with SED! God bless!
I ♥ us!!!

Hoda said...

Good night
God Bless Us All.
Lifting our Matriarch JO LENNOX up in prayers.
God Keep you in wellness MEMA JO

Lolly said...

Okay....I snorted!! Soda...I love it! of our eaglets named for Deb Palmer, a dear Momster and great photographer. Thus the pic on the blog front page. We were with her when she took that picture.

Soda....used to blame Deb Palmer for leaving the freezer door open. Little did I know that you were really the culprit!

Prayers for you, Jo. Love and hugs, too!

Yes, Paula, I made sure Jack saw the picture. We admired it! LOL If I could figure out where to hang one, I would have him make me one, but no space on my walls!! I really do not have anything I want to take down to make room. All paintings or pictures have their own special meaning.

Time to shower and ready for bed. Tomorrow we plan to work in the yard. Leaves are knee deep...well, almost that deep!!!

Love, hugs, and prayers! SED

Hoda said...

So where did Deb Palmer live in Canada?
She left the freezer door open says LOLLY.
I love her picture of Liberty and Belle.
I love it that you all loved her so much and that she continues to live in all of our consciousness.
God Rest her soul.

OK good night again now
Missing MARGY I should say since I just did a MARGY!

Sandi said...

Good morning my eagle friends - it's Monday of the last week of school before Christmas break - heaven help me!

Jo, sending prayers and positive energy your way, that your doctor's report is perfect!!

Rescheduled parent conferences are after school today from 5:30 - 8pm. I expect very few parents to show up - have already had 2 cancel, saying it's just too busy a time of year. What was our superintendent thinking?

Have a great day all!

Janet said...

good morning friends.

olivia's performance was really good. she did her best and that is all i can ask. i think she actually enjoyed herself.

we were at the ice rink @ 9. i spent the morning with a staple gun in my hands helping to put floats together! one of the husbands had built large sleds with handles so the kids could hold on and we decorated them with garland, snowflakes, and such. very fun stuff.

the show went well. lot of people present. :) it was all good.

my friend chris called yesterday. they had taken the GI tube out so she could talk. her spirits sounded good. she is remaining positive. i love her andnancy ever so much. still having a hard time with this, but spirits have lifted some.

i find myself tired this morning. i find myself thankful that chris is remainig positive for i suspect she is going to have a long and difficult road.

i just find myself thankful.

MEMAJO; holding you close in light and love.

holding each of you close in the light and love.

have a beautiful day. blessed be.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

JO will be thinking of you today as you wait for the word from your dr
Healing thoughts and positive thoughts heading your way throughout the day

magpie said...

Good Morning, Eagle Pals....

thinking of Jo right this very minute for positive outcomes and a good report

Janet, same for your friend Chris...
keeping the prayers going for all
of our many friends and family in need of Wellness and Healing Prayers

Hoda: Deb lives in South Dakota...about as cold a place as it can get here in the United States


magpie said...

Excuse me please...

When Deb was with us, she lived in South Dakota....
she died in November of 2009 or 2010
and I am sorry I do not remember right now which year it was.....

A truly lovely and inspiring woman and Momster....and one of the very
Best Photographers and Naturalists we know

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning to all ♥

I had a clean lung report
Thank You Thank You My Friends

Also The Still Cam is up.running

What more could I ask for today

Still Cam

magpie said...

I have been trying to at least keep up with the posts....but not able to write much...visit with family continues until Tuesday evening...
they will return to Florida...

thre snowy events in 7 days for them, quite an adventure....but all is going well, just very busy

I love you all,
thinking of you with (( HUGS ))

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxox

magpie said...

Fantastic Jo !!!

If I could have picked the BEST time to be tuned in, it is right now, seeing your post

and Grateful Prayers to the Infinity

magpie said...

I SEE that SNOWY Sycamore Palace...
thank you so much for the

You are the BEST!!!


magpie said...


Hoda said...

So very grateful for the news JO.
Blessed Be.
I will take six months intervals of good news interjections.
Keep up the good work Precious Lady. Keep up the good work.
Continued prayers for the next six month check up. That will be June 2014.
God is indeed a Good all the time.

Yay on the still cam too.
Way way way cool.

Hoda said...

Thank you STEVE & NCTC

Kay said...

A VERY GOOD morning Eagle Buds !!!

JO, such wonderful news on your beautiful lungs and thank you ever so much for directing us to the still cam !

Love seeing the nest, even blanketed in snow. It looks like "someone" flew in and took seat, at least briefly.

Thanks to and for STEVE, CLAYTON et al, echoing MAGPIE I see !

LORI, I do hope you get to go home to MD for part of the holidays. Kate and those fur babies must miss you terribly !

JANET, Chris's attitude will go a long way as she struggles to recover ! So glad you got to talk to her !

SANDI, that superintendent wasn't thinking--that's the long and the short of it !

Kay said...

LORETTA, wonderful, wonderful new pics in The Nook ! So glad you'll be able to shed those heavy sweaters and enjoy the warmth of Texas for a few days !!!

Kay said...

HODA, love your "gooddorming" ! The little dorm room in the Sycamore will provide for some gooddorming for Belle, Shep and their 2014 eaglets !

Love and prayers for all !


Hoda said...

Goodorming she said!
That would be Goodmorning in English!
Love you KAY. Thank you!
Good whatever it is.

Lolly said...

Goodorming to all of you! Love it when we add to the Momster dictionary!!! What intelligent and creative people we are!

Up to 53 here and sunshiny!! Looking forward to getting outside and raking leaves!! Will put gloves on as I got two blisters last time. Jack will be using the blower! Yea...needing the sunshine!!

And pulling up the still cam and hoping to see an eagle!!

Ms Bookworm said...

Good Morning/afternoon!

Jo, have had you in my prayers,
and now super, super grateful prayers going up after seeing that you have a CLEAR LUNG REPORT!
God is indeed good to us! Since we are to help others with the same help we ourselves have received,
I'll ask you for a favor. Our friend Jim has been told by his doctors that he has a spot on one of his lungs. (Out, damned spot!)
Please say a prayer for him that the spot will just go away. The doctors say that if they put him under anesthesia he would not be likely to wake up! I say it's all up to God to heal him now. However, what's impossible to man is POSSIBLE to God!

DirecTV is here now to swap out our equipment so we'll have HD TV.
Gotta run--but wishing everyone a fantastic day. Will return later, ASAP. I ♥ us!!!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Absolutely awesome news on the clear lung report!!!! I love you much Mema Jo!

I ♥ US!!!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


NatureNut said...

Hooray, Hooray for Jo!!! Been praying all day while doing Xmas stuff!! Prayers for Chris, also.

Gotta check out the still cam ASAP!!!

NatureNut said...

P.S. Margy & Hoda~~~Just checked on my Deb Palmer BlogSpot and it was 2009 she left us.
You may see a reference to "Koo". Deb was busy each summer working with helping to fledge young ospreys near her home. Koo was a disabled (leg) osprey youngster that we watched on live cam in Europe. She would not have been able to survive in the wild and was put down.
There is also a lovely poem written by our beloved Chrissy in honor of Deb.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

SO happy JO for your good report

JudyEddy said...

also isn't it at a diffferent angle

JudyEddy said...

ok from what I read only still is up

Mema Jo said...

I had my feet up for an hour - not used to getting up at 7:30...
I want to thank each and everyone of you for your thoughts and prayers -
You all are the BEST ♥

Mema Jo said...

Andy - prayers for Jim to just have that spot go poof ♥

Janet - happy that Chris called you and prayers for her health and for her ability to face her future. ♥

Sandi said...

Hi all - checking in from school. Teaching day is over, will be heading to the gym to watch the boys basketball game, then back to the hallway for parent-teacher conferences til 8pm - UGGHH!!

Steve, you and your crew really rock!! How terrific to see our nest, even if it's just on the still cam!! Can't wait to open the page and see an eagle!! Wondering if Shep still has his spot??

Jo, what wonderful news!! Woohoo!!!

Janet, I agree with Kay that it's so important to Chris that she stay positive right now - prayers continue for her!!

OK, off to watch some b'ball! I doubt that I'll get on the blog when I get home from school - too tire - so I'll see everyone in the goodorming! Love it, Hoda! ;)

stronghunter said...


Have been taking it easy this afternoon waiting for my eyes to get back to normal. Had my annual cataract check-up today.

I got Will to accompany me because I do not like to drive after they have dilated my eyes. Had a bad experience one year when I had to stop and call Susan and Tom to come pick me up.

Anyhow, all is well with my eyes. The doctor said 20-20 (kind of) and 20-25.

Interestingly, they also checked my hearing. It passed, too.

Yes, I remember Deb Palmer very well. 2009 was my first year on the blog, and she was so kind and helpful.

Need to head out to the store and pick up something to take to the pot luck at bowling tomorrow morning. I think my eyes will get me there safely now.

Mema Jo said...

Deb Palmer Eaglet_Momsters Yahoo

Mema Jo said...

Hope you can open this album - you probably need to be a member of the
Eaglet_Momsters yahoo group

paula eagleholic said...

Soooo, which way are we looking at the nest?

paula eagleholic said...

Lowreeda...I still have the laminated card that you made for us...Deb & my purse.

paula eagleholic said...

I am thinking our view is TOTALLY flip flopped, noon is at 6 now and vice versa!

can't wait to watch it tomorrow in the light of day.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Paula, I was thinking that on the left was the stump where they had cut the limb off which would make it the same orientation but I could be very mistaken.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, that could be too, Sharon.

I need to look at it with the sun shining :)

paula eagleholic said...

Time to go home !

Taking brother Steve to the bus, then going to do some shopping!


Hope we have a visit yet this evening!

JudyEddy said...

Home from work and I see the nest is dark already there I also noticed signs of the eagles being in the nest with tracks Watching the Fl nest still light here

any clue on the live cam why its not working the same as the still ??? Inquiring minds want to know LOL
I do sort of remembering in the past the still working and the live being down also

JudyEddy said...

Just on the new a man was arrested for breaking in to a house and stole stuff and the car Well he swallowed the evidence here is a article on it was on my fox 13 news but had to google it to find it to post
man life is saved with the xrays the police took with the new xray machine they just got Luck man they say he could have died it not found

JudyEddy said...

THE FULL COLD MOON is the name of tonight moon according to Paul on the weather

Lynne2 said...


Good news for Shirley's eyes and Jo's lungs!

Glad to see the still cam is back! Anyone know if there is ANY chance we would have the reg. cam AND the one that shows the tree as well?

Lynne2 said...

And a Painted Bunting at Merkle!! WOO HOO!

Lynne2 said...

Love the night light on the nest!!

Lynne2 said...

Somewhere in the archives would be the dates that the eagles were in the nest....I can't remember how to get into our album :(

JudyEddy said...

LYNNE2 I really don't think we will get the tree view back

JudyEddy said...

do you see the letter in the snow in the nest look like a E maybe or F hard to see but I see it do you

Lynne2 said...

aw, that's a shame. I loved the view. It sure would be cool to have both, and to see what happens in and around the tree.

Is my reindeer swinging?

Lynne2 said...

yep, looks like an E sort of.

JudyEddy said...

Here is the link to Yahoo just click on albums
albums on Yahoo I did put in a pic of the still this evening also

Lolly said...

Hi Lynne! Your reindeer is having a swinging ol time!!!

JudyEddy said...

Ok I found last year Dec album and yes we have some pic in there for Dec

Lolly said...

OMG! I may live...may!! We worked hard in the yard, blowing and raking, and hauling and burning. Then down on our knees getting leaves out of the stream. Like I said...I MAY live!!

JudyEddy said...

and 10-1-13 is the last pic that I posted from the tree cam

Lynne2 said...

take some Aleve Lolly! Wish I could take some :(

I need to get a hot shower, I'm not feeling to hot this evening. Dr. B's hubby, Dr. C...he has pneumonia. He's been sick for 2 weeks.

JudyEddy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
JudyEddy said...

My delete So sorry LYNNE for you not feeling so good Sending you healing thoughts and a

BIG (((((((HUG)))))))

JudyEddy said...

my first comments said big HIG LOL a new one for the dictionary I just got out of the shower also feels so good 59° here now going down to about 45° tonight and for WED the first day of winter official our high will be 81°

JudyEddy said...

gonna go see what is on TV


Hoda said...

Volunteered at the Buddhist Centre today. They have to move from where they had been for the pat 35 years. Rent doubled! Cheaper to have a mortgage!
They are tearing down walls and ceilings and bringing up the building to present day building codes!
Reusing some wood. I took out nails and screws to put in a pile ready for reuse. So today I was a carpenter!!!
Actually rather enjoyable.
Worked with two twenty something young men and they were very courteous and helpful.

Life is good.

Hoda said...

Will go there again tomorrow.

Good night
God Bless Us All

magpie said...

Hello Evening Eagle Pals...

I will read back and see "what all" I missed....but I wanted to tell you,
that I was down along the Potomac in Shepherdstown this afternoon, about three miles or less from the Sycamore Palace...
and saw a juvenile bald eagle flying
up river and landed in a tree and perched..I would say probably a two or maybe three year old.

Also saw one lone Tundra Swan, fly, then settle on the water, and it finally made its signature sound, then I knew for sure

Time to read backwards now


magpie said...

Prayers for your friend, Jim, Andrea....
and for all our needs of health amongst us...

Such a busy time of the year...

Lynne2, sure hope you feel better too

Hooray, Shirley on the good eyes and ears report

not much time I can stay on here tonight...

but Best Wishes to all
God Bless Us,
Every One xoxoxo

magpie said...

I was down river from NCTC where I was earlier

and I love seeing the night light
at OUR Nest :)

Mema Jo said...

Good late evening - almost time for me to say goodnight.

That may not be a night light but instead it just may be the full moon.

Watching some of the Raven's game - Justin Tucker's field goals put us ahead of Detroit. 12-10

Mema Jo said...

I only watched Major Crimes tonight
I enjoy their cast...

I will say Goodnight to all ♥
Prayers for all ♥
Everyone stay warm ♥

Thanks again for everything ♥
I love us ♥

stronghunter said...

Time to say good night.

Take care. Sleep well.


paula eagleholic said...

Jo looks like a nite lite to me...I believe we had one last year.

Things looking so far so good for Larry's house sale .

Got some more shopping done tonight.
Oh bro saw an eagle trying to get a duck this morning .
Whoo hoo looks like 60 ° here by the weekend .

Time for bed..

SED love and hugs for all.

paula eagleholic said...

And many thanks to Steve and crew at NCTC for getting the cam up.

Janet..looking forward to watching Olivia'S video tomorrow ...sounds like a fun day.
Glad you saw an eagle Margy .

Sandi said...

Goodorming my eagle friends. We had 2 parents out of 15 scheduled for conferences who showed up - the other 8th grade team had 1 out of 10 show up. I emailed my principal with our statistics before I left at 8pm and told him I hoped he would have the chance to share our data with the superintendent. Oh well, it's over! I used the evening to wrap many of the gifts for the 2 students that our team adopted for Christmas.

Brian should be on a plane somewhere headed toward the USA! :)

Prayers for Dana's dad, Kelsey's mom, Janet's Chris, Andy's Jim, both Norms, and Michael (Jo, how is Michael doing with stopping smoking?)

Have a great day all!

Janet said...

good morning all. just a quick check in. need to read back....lots of posts!

glad the still cam is up....making progress! WOO HOO

Chris goes home today. Talked with her mom for a few min yesterday.....we should have a diagnosis in the next few days....
Light and love, light and love.

Hugs and love to each of you. Make it a beautiful day! (((hugs)))

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

JudyEddy said...

sooo nice to see the snowy nest this am

magpie said...

Good Morning, Eagle Pals...

Sandi: Hallelujah, Brian is Westernbound, Home-Bound...

sorry about the low turnout, happy that at least a few parents participated....

SPLIT is coming up soon, friends...

Happy Eagle Watching !! Let's hope we see some feetsie prints at least, but better yet, some Real Eagle Views

And Blessings on Every One's Day


paula eagleholic said...




3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...