Thursday, November 21, 2013


New thread.  Work is slowly proceeding to get the nest cam back online.


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magpie said...

funny Paula !!!

I was just going to ask:
Have any of you watched the video
YouTube for:

"What does the Fox Say?"

It is a hoot! workpals told me to check it out...I love it!
Lynne2: at the very end,
the sound of the Wood Thrush :)

I just googled the title, and found the YouTube..

Hoda said...

Jo make sure you wear gloves/mitts...
It is so easy to get chilled if our hands are not covered.
I am glad the rest of you was bundled up.

LORETTA enjoy your time in Texas. I am glad the kids have their house rebuilt. It should be a special Christmas for them.

magpie said...

Shirley, I forgot there are two New York football teams, the Jets and the Giants.
Baltimore beat the Jets
Dallas beat the Giants...

magpie said...

I have hats, gloves and scarves to spare...and something called a
Neckie - skiers and hunters weare them....others too I guess.
sure wish I could have
cyberspaced some gloves to Jo!

magpie said...

Howdy Hoda...
YOU would surely know about cold temperatures and how to dress for them!

back to some home-chores here

ttfn...Best Sunday Evening Wishes for Every One! Enjoy your shows that you like too....

magpie said...

Oh, thanks Paula for the encouragement on the Peppermint Bark!

Hoda: my soup/stew turned out well, if I took the Venison out, I think you might like it also

at least, the Venison is all natural and no preservatives nor fat

ta ta

Hoda said...

Oh MARGY when I lived up north I did eat wild meat.
Very different from the store bought meat and much healthier for us is true.The creatures also lived a far more humane life than the poor souls slaughtered for store bought meat. In this area there are some who hunt and some who buy grass fed beef. Organic and is sold at the coop too.
Enjoy your venison
I watched the video you and Paula spoke of what does the fox say!!! Such foolishness I could not help but laugh!

In an hour I will leave to St Saviour Anglican Church for The Cottonwood Singers Concert. Sold out so I want to get there early enough to get a seat.

Glad LOKLY and JACK are home safe and sound.

Good night

God Bless Us All

Hoda said...

Welcome to our Group LOKLY!
You should meet LOLLY and she lives in Texas and is also married to JACK.

JudyEddy said...

Odd I stopped getting the email Testing will I get this one

JudyEddy said...

I seem to be having issues with my pop server email I need to power down and see if it helps

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Lolly said...

Nice to have Lokley in our group and strange that she lives in Texas and is married to a Jack, too! LOL I missed your typo and had to go back to see what you were talking about.

Still no ice...that is fine and dandy with me!

Think I am going to stick my nose in a book for the rest of the evening.

Night all! SED!

stronghunter said...

Time for sleep . . .

Good night, Lolly,

Good night, Lokley.

Hope Lokley is nicer than Jufie.

Good night, everyone else, including Judie.

Rest well my friends.

Mema Jo said...

Ready to climb under the fleece - so cold out there - Prayers for all the little critters.

I have very deep warm pockets and I always have a warm hand to hold. I am ok but Yes I will look for my gloves. I think each 'end of winter' that I put them into my winter coat pockets...

Mema Jo said...

I cannot find Lokley's comment -
Where do I look for her?

Welcome to our blog ♥

Mema Jo said...

Glad everyone made it over the SPLIT. Heading off to la la land.

Prayers for all our needs
Bless us through the night into the morning light......

SED and AOYP Goodnight ♥

Hoda said...

JO it was my typo again!!!
I made a comment about LOLLY and JACK making a safe trip instead I called LOLLY Lokely!!!
Oh my!!!
SORRY everyone no Lokely and I think we have banished Jufie. Just waiting on JUDIE to return.

Terrific concert. I am very happy I attended.

Hoda said...

Glad you have deep warm pockets JO and a warm hand to hold.

Good night
God Bless Us All.

magpie said...

Yup, I find my gloves in coat pockets too !!

Wow it got late in a hurry,
time to go find the warm bed and get into it! Gotta love those heated blankets

Prayers for Wellness, Safety,
and Warmth....

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxox

Lori O. said...

Good Monday (?) morning everyone? Don't know that there is such a thing as a good Monday morning, but we can all hope.

Up early at 2 this morning to get a few more hours of studying in for today's final.

It's 8 degrees out now wind chills to 5 below zero today! And, still another foot of snow to fall. I'll be glad to see a safe and warm Thanksgiving for everyone. Can't believe it's this week, already!

SANDI, it's a short work week.

MARGY, guess you're a first responder - do you get Thanksgiving off?

SHIRLEY, glad you were able to replace Hunter's DS and hope he likes the vest.

JO, did you find those gloves yet?

PAULA, glad you got back to paradise safely.

LOKLY, welcome to the group. LOL

Love, love, love you all!

Big (((HUGS))) for everyone.

Hope the test grade is good enough to share with everyone! Can't imagine that we would get it back today - so much to grade.

Happy day everyone! Love, light, hugs and joy.

Hoda said...

Good luck with the exam today LORI.

Sandi said...

Good morning Lori, Hoda, and all my eagle friends! Hoda, you are an early bird this morning!

Lori, I agree with you, the phrase "good Monday morning" is an oxymoron! Good luck today on your test.

Two day work week for me - I can do this!

Prayers for Dana's dad, Kelsey's mom, both Norms, and for Michael. Have a great day all!

Janet said...

good morning ! monday! again.
i didn't do very much yesterday, but feeling pretty yucky this morning. i have lost my voice! i had a hot toddy (or grog as mom would have called it ) last night. too bad i can't have one this mornng. :/

lori: go get those great grades today! i'm rooting for ya!!!

need to get moving. hope everyone has a great day! light, love, hugs and smiles!

JudyEddy said...

Good morning eaglebuds

JudyEddy said...

still having puter issues with my email pop server still not responding need to call cable co but will have to wait till I get home no time to do so now and didn't last night

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Hoda those fox videos are so funny.

Very cold here this morning. Kathryn said 17 degrees.

I know I have gloves in the pockets of one of my coats, but I don't remember which coat. I tried to find a pair at Walgreen's last night, but no luck. They had lots of scarves. No gloves.

I think it is a "go out and turn on your car and come back in while it warms up" kind of day.

stronghunter said...

I have a dentist's appointment today. Ran into the hygienist at the bowling alley yesterday.

magpie said...

That's what I am doing right now, Shirley...warming up the car!
Dollar General and Family Dollar stores have gloves too, el cheapo, and good in a pinch....

Best Wishes Everyone, on a very good day....

Positive Thoughts for Lori on her
Big Test today....

Good Morning, Eagle Pals...
and ta ta for now

magpie said...

two eagles on the platform at
Blackwater, Osprey cam

looks one is eating :)

Mema Jo said...

Good COLD morning! I suspect that the snow is on it's way - perhaps it could stay farther up North ♥ With 100% chance I do think I'll see some white on the ground.....

Dental cleaning this afternoon - Joy
Need to read comments of the morning


Mema Jo said...

Sounds like Shirley and I are going to have pearly white for Turkey Day

Warming up a little - it's now 25°

Sandi, Dana and Candy - happy to know you all have short weeks.

Thank you Hoda for explaining your typo! I was going over all our comments and couldn't find it lol
Hoda You do keep us alive on here. ♥

Mema Jo said...

I'm thinking of you Lori - You have such fabulous accomplishments with your new career. So proud to be one of your supporters.

Yes, it sure is a 'warm up the car' before you leave the house type of day.


Lolly said...

Good morning! Well, we lucked out and missed having a terrible ice storm. It rained quite a bit during the night and there are teeny tiny icicles on the trees and the bird feeder but puddles on the ground.

Have a doctor's appointment at 1:30, roads and bridges will be fine. Have to drive to Fort Worth for this appointment.

Today I bake cornbread for the dressing, cook the cranberries, and do a wee bit more house straightening. Bosco and Luke will be coming, too. Understand Luke has a new sweater for this winter. LOL He likes wearing a sweater, silly dog! Annie will have to take up residence in our bedroom and bath. She does not like the dogs and we have to keep them out of her food.

Mema Jo said...

Both eagles on the Osprey platform down at Blackwater.....

Hoda said...

Goooood Monday Morning!
Yes you got that right!
I am awake.
I am warm.
I am comfortable.
I have a choice of what to have for breakfast.
I can have THREE nutritious meals today.
I have you all in my life.

JANET and SANDI I know what you mean. (((Hugs)))

Hoda said...

JO SHIRLEY find those gloves ladies!

Yay for clean teeth.
I will do that in December.
Also eye exam in December.

grannyblt said...

Just wanted to chime in that I will have pearly whites for Thanksgiving too. I go in the morning before the expected storm hits. Off now to another meeting. Prayers for all.

Kay said...

Good Afternoon, Eagle Buds !!!

HODA, that's a nice list of blessings and we are so blessed to have you in our lives !!!

It's wonderful to welcome Lokly to the blog. LOKLY, if your JACK is half the man LOLLY's JACK is, you are one lucky woman !!! ☺ And, if you begin to act like JUFIE, we're coming after you with our Eagle Canes !!!!!!

Guess most of us are in for a frigid week. Brrrrrr. Everyone don those mittens, warm socks and stocking caps ! No frostbite allowed here.

Glad JO and SHIRLEY are gettin' those choppers ready for the big feast !

Love, Prayers and Thanksgiving Blessings for all !!!!


Kay said...

Congrats on your pearly whites, too, LYNNE1 ! Seems we have a slew of good little doobee's here. I saw my dentist for the usual a month or so ago. Kudos to all who manage to keep their own teeth with good dental hygiene !

Hoda said...

I do not want to tell you this but we are at a balmy 27 degrees! Warmer than some temperatures south if the 49th!!!

I have meetings sauna and errands to do today.
Feeling blessed.

JudyEddy said...

reading the blog from work at MCD being my email is kaput till I call cable co

Mema Jo said...

Hope your day went well, Judy

Dental check up - A ok No cavities

Sandi said...

Yoo hoo!!!! We have a ...




JudyEddy said...

Good evening eagle buds
just got home for the cell phone tower nest and they had HP and I got it on video sort of they were in the nest and carrying on gonna up load now and guess what my email is now working I did nothing maybe it was on RR end but I have email now


JudyEddy said...

.♥ ♥NEW THREAD ♥ ♥.

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6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...