Monday, November 25, 2013


New thread.


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JudyEddy said...

Good Mroning Eagle Buds

Lori O. said...

Good Saturday morning Eagle Pals!

Good morning, Margy & everyone who sneaks in after Margy while I'm writing this!

A cold icy morning here. Glad I don't have to go anywhere.

HODA, amazing to hear of a gov't agency so helpful and cooperative. Very nice of them.

LOLLY, I can't wait for Laurel's b-day when she gets the dishes! Glad Bosco made it home okay.

JUDYE, hope the holiday rush is over for you for the weekend at work. Nice that you got to spend some private special time with Jordyn.

JO, good on you for getting some cards done already! You're way ahead of the game.

SHIRLEY, glad you caught that open door. Would hate to think of Luna outside and you unable to find her.

LORETTA, next stop for you is Texas with Sherry for Christmas! YAY!

PAULA, Can believe you were out on the water fishing in this cold weather! Sorry the fish didn't show up for you.

JUDIE, hoping you check in this weekend and let us know what's up with you and your retirement.

Eager to get all my work done and have a day without homework! Today I have to work on and complete a Journaling paper for my portfolio. Along with writing "What is a Nurse?" I need to ask 5 people to complete the sentence/paragraph (however many words you want to use) "A nurse is............."

Please feel free to help me out on this and let me know how you would complete the sentence/paragraph.

I love you all and wish you a safe and happy day full of love and light and BIG (((HUGS))).

Lori O. said...

PAULA, that's CAN'T believe you were out on the water... ♥

magpie said...

...A Nurse (especially one named LORI) an Angel

Love, Margy
ttfn :)

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Stuck my head outdoors to put out some sunflower seeds for the birds and squirrels. It is mighty cold out there! The last time I put out the seeds there was a feeding frenzy and they left a big mess of shells.

Will think on how to finish your sentence, Lori.

Sandi said...

Good Saturday morning Margy, Lori, Shirley, and all my eagle friends!

Hoda, XP is an OK operating system - no need to upgrade unless you absolutely want to. Many of the computers at my school are still running XP. If you do upgrade, jump to Windows 7, not Vista!

Lori, will have to do some thinking to come up with the perfect ending for your sentence starter. It's a hard one, just like "A teacher is ..." Nurses are/do so many things!

Paula, I could not imagine being out on the water in an open boat yesterday - saw a few on Thursday as we crossed the Bay Bridge on the way to Baltimore.

We got home at about 9:45 last night - had a nice dinner with Denny's brother and sister-in-law. Dogs were fine in the car while we were at the restaurant and during the drive home. Bandit used to be a terrible car rider - now he whines for about 30 minutes, tires himself out, and then falls asleep for the rest of the trip.

Grocery store, laundry, and school work are on today's agenda. Back to tennis tomorrow morning!

Prayers continue for Dana's dad, Kelsey's mom, both Norms, and Michael. Jo, how is Michael doing with the smoking??

Have a great day all!

Lori O. said...


Thank you in advance for answering the question for my project/paper. I'm also hoping all of the answers will help me with more ideas for the part of the paper I have to write: My Personal View of Nursing, answered "completely," whatever that means! I'm working on it.

Sandi said...

Just read this on the Blackwater Wildlife Refuge FB page:
"On December 7, our sister refuge Eastern Neck National Wildlife Refuge at Rock Hall, MD will be having their annual Open House ... We hear the tundra swans - for which Eastern Neck is famous - are just starting to arrive." Sounds like a road trip for folks who would love to see/hear tundra swans!

Lori, IMO, a doctor is the person who makes the diagnosis, but a nurse is the person who makes the difference. Nurses are the true day-to-day face of medicine.

Hoda said...

A nurse is someone who knows real compassion and does selfless service. A nurse is someone who lives the true meaning of love: being there offering help and support to complete strangers. A nurse is highly educated and has very high standards to live up to.

Hoda said...

I am proud of you LORI

Lori O. said...

Thank you, SANDI! I appreciate it, and like your response. :)

HODA, about 3 weeks ago I started getting that message about updating IE, too. Sorry I did it. When it comes up the file name says it's "Internet Explorer 11 optimized for BING" and I love my Google, really dislike Bing. Everything started coming up with links under words for Bing to search with and it took me forever to figure out how to make Google my default search engine. Turns out Google was my default search engine, but I still got all the Bing links. I was not happy. Don't change unless you want to. You certainly do not have to.

Lori O. said...

Thank you, HODA, for answering the question. Big hugs!

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥
Everyone sounds great and has their day planned.....
It is cold out there - Maybe like they say - "It's too cold to snow"
Nothing new here - going to Mass this evening
I need to take in my outside Fall decorations before I can put Christmas ones out front.

paula eagleholic said...

Morning all!

Thinking about your question Lori .

Lori O. said...

PAULA, looking forward to your response being as you work in a hospital. :)

stronghunter said...

A nurse is an advocate, a teacher, a caregiver.

Still thinking . . .

Lori O. said...

That's great, Shirley. Most don't realize the teaching part, but they're huge on teaching.

Lori O. said...

Think I'll treat myself to a nap on this day off.


stronghunter said...

I am ready to go practice some bowling.

stronghunter said...

Later in the afternoon, the bowling alley gets really crazy. And Saturday night is not the time for practicing. I can't remember if it is Friday or Saturday that they turn on the colored lights and such.

JudyEddy said...

A NURSE IS the person that does most of the work for the doctor she or he is the person that the patient feel more comfortable with than the doctor A nurse is someone who will also listen to you as I have found in the past
HELLO on lunch in MCD's Our store sales were food for Thurs we did 706,658 up against 315,544 123% increase and on Fri 488.849 against 405,396 total for last weeks is 3,307,828 against last years week to date of 2,365,589

We did several years ago over a Million alone on Black Fri but with soo many Walmarts in the area not anymore

JudyEddy said...

the word food shouldn't be in the above sentence total store don't know where the word food came in at I dislike this laptop soooo much Still waiting on my income tax to come to but another or a camera will have to go to IRS this week they said it would be processed Nov 18 and so far not in my bank acct

JudyEddy said...

going to watch the Fl eagle while I sit here check back when I get home or maybe not Angie and Carls party is tonight so when I get home have to book it starts at 630 so I will have time to change cloths

Hoda said...

Very good morning for me. Warm it is. 36 degrees today. We have rain.
Visited with the Dragon Boat Team in the morning.
Went for an infrared Sauna.
Went out to lunch in a Thai Restaurant.
The Ski Hill put off their opening this weekend.
Aiming for the 7 th of December now.

Lolly said...

Nurses are heroes, dedicated, tireless, caring angels! I remember when I had my
hysterectomy. I was a mess. My hormones were all messed up, I was in tears. Do not remember all the nurses but do remember the nurse who gave me a hug.

I Worked outside for a while but now watching football. Go Frogs!

Lynne2 said...

Nurses are too few, under appreciated, under paid for the dedication and care they provide.

Lori O. said...

Thanks everyone for your help with the "A nurse is" question. I've used them all.

Did get a nap in between homework assignments. That was really nice!

I went through the class calendar online and discovered two report assignments I didn't know about. It never ends.

Having been drifting off all day thinking about when we'll be able to see Belle and Shep doing nestorations again. Think they've started yet? I bet they have, but I'll leave it up to you experts to decide. December starts tomorrow!

magpie said...

I'm saying Belle and Shep have started nestorations, based on prior years, Lori

I think you have gotten some great responses to your question this morning about "A Nurse is..."
and I agree with ALL of them!
I have experienced the caring ways of many of them, especially in the last few years...
Remember, when I get sick sometime in the future, I hope I will be in YOUR hospital !!!!

Good Evening, Eagle Pals xoxox

magpie said...

Wheee! I got my first Christmas card in the mail today...

And seeing so many beautiful
lights now on houses and in yards

magpie said...

Nice Sales Stats, JudyE

I wonder if Loretta had any luck
printing out her labels today

Sandi: that Tundra Swan road trip sounds dreamy...wish I could go!
Thanks for the information.
I'm still hoping to see a flock or two flying South this season

Janet said...

LORI: hope I'm not too late:

A nurse is kind, compassionate, caring and valuable.

magpie said...

I got a Mary Higgins Clark book for 50-cents the other day,
"Silent Night
It will be my first one of hers to read...
and I'm getting ready to go start that now

Good Night, Precious Pals

Prayers for Wellness Amongst Us

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxox

Janet said...

good evening eagle buds. one tired pup checking in, but i finally feel somewhat better than i have in past days.

livvy is still being my pre teen challenge. i should change her name to procrastinator. EGAD!

fully booked at work the last two days, which is good for the pocket book and very satisfying as well.

my left SI joing was out when i arrived at work, i have a bud there who knows how to put it back i an i tracked him down quickly.....i don't know why he doesn't go to chiroprctic school. he's only 38.

anyway been a good day. tom got the outside decore donetoday. he always does a dandy job. i am home and looking forward to snoozing in a bit tomorrow.

hope everyone had a great day. I loved the responses for a nurse is...

several of my clients are nurses. so i thought of them when i wrote my response.

have a great night sleep to all!
hugs, love,and smiles!

Janet said...

joint, not joing. lol.

Mema Jo said...

It's still an early evening for some but for me - I am ready to call it a day.
The responses to Lori are great and very meaningful.
Enjoy your houseful tomorrow, Shirley
and let us know of Hunter's reaction to FL trip.

Mema Jo said...

I will be going to market tomorrow
One reason to get to bed s little early. Yes, I'll tell Megan 'hello' from all.

Goodnight and stay warm
I ♥ us ♥

Hoda said...

Good Night
God Bless Us All

Thank You JO for giving our love and regards to MEGAN.
Blessed Be.

I will not ask for a picture because last time you both said you do not like your picture taken.
It would be nice though!!

stronghunter said...

Florida trip is a Christmas surprise, Jo. His birthday gift from his mom is a very special Lego set. Glad he can still enjoy Legos.

I enjoy Mary Higgins Clark, Margy. I'm sure I have read that book, but I don't remember the details right now. If you give a few bits of information, I'll remember!

It is fun reading all of the comments about nurses. I have a big reason for appreciating nurses--

Before I had my mastectomy, I was hospitalized because of an infection caused by the biopsy. It was Labor Day weekend and things were pretty quiet. I was chatting with one of the nurses and commented that two doctors were giving me different advice.

The nurse said that she thought I should get another opinion. She went back to the nurse's station and another nurse came into the room. She said very pointedly that she agreed with the other nurse. Then a third nurse came into the room and said the same thing.

It was very clear that they thought my surgeon was incompetent. I chose another doctor. Later on, yet another nurse told me about an article in the newspaper about my former physician. It turned out that he had a long list of serious problems--even criminal ones. Among other things, many of his patients ended up with infections

Those nurses might very well have saved my life that night. They knew what was going on and had the courage to give me their opinions.

I know that I've mentioned this on the blog before, but it was a long time ago.

stronghunter said...

Going to say goodnight--not sure anyone else is still awake.


Lolly said...

Heading for the pillows! Tree is up and will work on the yard again tomorrow. Having some trouble with the lights and then football games interfered. Oh, well!

Night all! SED!!

JudyEddy said...

Good Sunday morning Eagle buds

had a great time at Angie party she had a great turn out also was such a nice warm night for it also

61° out right now

JudyEddy said...

On the news last night on Fox
The new movie Frozen was showing and the place was full of young children for this Disney movie
They were having technical difficulty so they played Steam Boat Willy while they were working on it
but a sex scene played for 2 min before it was turned off There are lots of upset parents and grandparents as you can understand The theater apologized and offered a free pass to come back Wow I can see the law suits now lined up

Sandi said...

Good Sunday morning Judy and all my eagle friends!

Lori, I'd like to think that, if Steve and the rest of the NCTC crew weren't seeing our eagles visiting the nest, they wouldn't even bother with fixing the cam. So I think they must be doing their fall eagle thing.

Lynne, thanks for the heads up about the snowy owls near Indian River Inlet. That's only about 10 minutes from us! Maybe we'll take a little trip up there today and see what we can see. They land right on the dunes??

Tennis was canceled - 2 women couldn't play and I couldn't find subs for them at the last minute. :( Didn't get any school work done yesterday so I guess I know what I'm doing today.

Prayers for all of our needs - have a great day!

Sandi said...

Judy, I'm really confused by your last post. Was Fox saying there was a sex scene in Steamboat Willie?? The Mickey Mouse Steamboat Willie?? And I'm sure there's no sex scene in Disney's Frozen either. Where did the sex scene come from??

Lori O. said...

Good Sunday morning eagle fans!

Thanks again, so much, for all your replies to the nurses question. I've already printed out the paper SHIRLEY, but think I will find a way to add your story...yours, too, JANET. Thank you all!

SANDI, good luck getting your school work done today and I hope you get to check out the owls. Take a camera. Sorry about tennis being cancelled today.

JO, have fun at the market. Any chance you can swing by the nest for a first hand report?

I miss our cam so much.

JANET, happy to hear you're feeling better. That was a long recovery.

MARGY, welcome to your weekend! Will you get some time with James?

I have tomorrow off from school. It's opening day of buck season and practically the whole state of PA shuts down for it. Please pray for safety of the hunters and for the deer and for those who must travel. Just the thought of it makes me sad. The good thing is everyone I've met that hunts eats the meat and lots of families in this area need money savings that a deer will give them and the food it provides. Still... sad for the deer.
Sorry for bumming you out, too.

Studying for the Basic Nursing Skills final is all that is on my to-do list today and tomorrow. Lots to memorize.

Love you all! Big (((HGS))).

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥
It is one cold morning - cars are all frosted over (I have no garage)

Sorry about tennis canceling on you Sandi. Lori - if I were the driver I would go by the nest; however, daughter and son are taking me over to market and then to lunch. I doubt I'll get back Shepherd Grade Road, Lori.
OK Shirley - thought the surprise was for Hunter's b-day - guess I am just getting anxious to hear all about his response.

Mema Jo said...

Off to get ready to go to Market
Megan will already be set up at 9:00
Since my wreaths are on order - no hurry to get there. I need to get Megan a hot chocolate ♥

Everyone HAGD and I'll check in later ♥

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

You make me smile, Jo, asking about Hunter's Christmas surprise. :)

Oh, I hope you don't have to make any revisions in your paper, Lori, but it would be interesting to hear what nursing teachers think about what happened. I thought the nurses handled it well. They did not make any direct accusations about the doctor, but the fact that three people gave me the same advice told me that they had discussed it and wanted to send me a message. I let them know that I got it.

I had never fired anyone before, but I did go to that doctor and say that I would be seeking another opinion. After he left the room, his own nurse told me I'd made a good decision. Later on, I overheard a woman talking about how wonderful she thought the doctor was. I wanted to burst through the door and disagree. (I was in another room behind a closed door.)

stronghunter said...

Wow, Sandi, those math students are lucky to have you around.

stronghunter said...

Having my morning coffee and thinking that I need to get busy here.


NatureNut said...

Happy Sunny (here) Sunday to Everyone!
We spied in the skies and everywhere else at Park yesterday and think we saw a juvie eagle flying upriver. Coworker had seen a juvie sitting in tree near our office when he came to work. No one at the nest, but a hiker thought she saw a new eagle nest down river from the look out tower. When It's not so cold and dark in PM, I'll have to hike down there!
I really needed some new, smaller than shirt boxes the other day, so Fubby went to $ store. They looked OK, but just opened and they're 4" tall!!!! I refuse to stuff, so will have to slice and dice the edges
Lori, I wanted to help you w/your nurse definition, but all comments I've read so far echo my thoughts exactly! She is smart, has studied her med facts, but also has a special personality of compassion and a desire to help others.
BTW, watched the outdoor neighborhood kittens this AM as a few and Mom had breakfast & went to wrestle in another yard. Hopefully some others are giving them food also so they don't starve when we go away. Other extracurricular search I did was for when we last saw Tundra swans at Park. Our bird checklist and my last pics are from Feb. & Dec. 2011! Of course they've surely come by, but no one noticed. Be keeping our eyes & ears open!
Have a great day~~~back to Xmas chores. ☺

Mema Jo said...

After 100 days and 123,039 votes, the giant panda cub at the Smithsonian’s National Zoo received her name today. Her name is
Bao Bao

Hoda said...

Snow on the ground.
Car must be cleared.
Very pretty.

Again sorting and discarding.
New energy to create space.
Letting go of what I have not used in years.
Very good morning.

I love us

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds and Happy December 1st !!!

LORI, no way I can improve on the many thoughtful responses to your question. They all hit the spot and I'm sure you'll Ace this assignment !
I share your feelings re:deer season. Some 90,000 are expected to fall in Ohio alone. They are beautiful, but the population is so large that they destroy way too much farm land. The meat will feed some of the hunters and will fill our food banks with much needed protein for needy families. The little herd I enjoy is in the city limits so are safe--except when it comes to automobiles !

JO, how are they pronouncing Bao Bao ? Bay-o Bay-o ?

Seth wound up his T'Day break here and we had our usual good time. Watched the rerun of the big Dog Show--happy to see the Fox Hound win !

Love and prayers for all !!!


Lori O. said...

Hello everyone.

HODA, glad you had a good morning and the energy to create new space for yourself. Wish I were in lovely Nelson to help you.

KAY, yay that you got to spend some time with Seth. DANG, I missed the big dog show. I love watching those shows. It's funny that you can see a dog breed you've never heard of every time.

JO, thanks for the name update on the baby at the zoo...I thought there were two of them. What happened to the other? Or am I thinking of another zoo?

Still studying for Tuesday's final exam. Tried taking a nap and it didn't work - couldn't fall asleep, so I'm back at it, hitting the books again.

SANDI, hope you got your school work done today.

LORETTA, can't wait until you check out the place where a hiker thought he saw a new eagle nest. I hope it is!

JudyEddy said...

Home from work and headin to Angie for left over turkey

SANDI the movie was delayed and they said they were going to play Steam boat Willy But instead a rated R or more sex scene was played They didn't say the name of the movie

I will have to post a picture of last night party Angie and Carl ended up with 56 bottles of asst booze, wine, etc and 19 frozen drinks and also mixers not included in the count of 56

JudyEddy said...

Headin to Angie

JudyEddy said...

This is just tooo funny I am getting email from the blog from the 25th the two days my email was down and its still showing up in my email box ODD HUH

Mema Jo said...

Good evening to all ♥

Lori - Atlanta zoo : LunLun had 2 boy cubs
DC Zoo: Little girl cub just named

It was cold but no win
Market only had about 7 vendors - There was an open house in the bldg
next door with Christmas Bazaar and some of the vendors were inside.
It was good to see Megan - Her wreaths don't last long before being sold - I am glad I had mine ordered ahead. She said "hello to all"

paula eagleholic said...

Eveing all

Home from Larry's in Rehoboth

Went fishing today...lovely for DEC1. Went fishing for rockfish...caught a 22" flounder!

Had a great weekend...bbialw got some stuff to tend to...will get caught up then

stronghunter said...


Talked with Susan awhile ago, and she pointed out another thing nurses do--they deal with people who say and do strange things while under the influence of various medications.

It seems that Susan went to the hospital with her boyfriend Vince. Vince is into rock climbing. Had to have a cyst removed from his ear lobe. Was quite high from the pain meds they gave him and insisted that he wanted to go rock climbing. That he was fine and ready to go. Susan and the nurses had to convince him that this was a bad idea.

paula eagleholic said...

Lori you got some great responses to your question...

Mary enjoy the book!

paula eagleholic said...

I meant Margy!

Sandi did you go to see the owls? I heards about them over4 the weekend.

Jo glad you went to the market!

I'm sure our eagles are nestorating.

Oh saw some loons over the weekend. Now I know what to look for. Black with a white throat.

Thin I also saw a snow goose out5 on the ocean...will have to double check that.

Also saw a pair of rredtailed hawks soaring together over the marsh.

paula eagleholic said...

Yep it was a snow goose

paula eagleholic said...

Gonna make some popcorn and watch the good wife

JudyEddy said...

WOW PAULA that is one nice looking fish I good eatin
I love flounder the eyes on the same side creeps me out so I don't like seeing before I eat it I Germany that is how they are served head on
Had nice turkey leftovers at Angie and GW is starting so I am gonna watch it Just go done watching the Notebook What a good movie

Lynne2 said...

Nurse story...had to have minor procedure in Oct of 2008. When I was fully awake the nurses asked me all about the guy who's mother I was going to see soon, and that if he asked me to marry him I was going to say yes! Don't remember any of it....too funny! (it was Steve, of course)

Gotta get to bed. Tomorrow will be crazy at work after having been closed for 4 days....prayers for all!

Mema Jo said...

Sorry to do this - pop in and right back out. All tv shows run late
Bedtime for me

Prayers for all our needs
I ♥ Us

magpie said...

Good Night, Precious Pals

Nice to read of all the doins'...
maybe Monday a report on Hunter's Birthday Bash today :)

Prayers for Wellness, and Sweeeeet Sleep

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxox

Lolly said...

Watched the Hallmark movie and felt like I was Jo. lol

Did not do too much today, just a little bit of decorating. But, I am tired and it is time for bed. My eyes are watering so I know it is time.

Night all! SED!!

stronghunter said...

Popping in to say good night. Has been a busy day with a houseful of guests.

Hunter liked the DS game system and the jacket :).

Kathryn gave him a gigantic Lego set. It was pointed out to him that the box said it's for ages 14+, so he's not old enough. Hard to imagine a Lego set that's too advanced for a 13-year-old.

Hoda said...

Did groceries today.
Still going through things to see what I can donate what I need to discard.

Feeling Blessed.

Spoke to family today.
They are well both in the USA and Egypt.

I too want to hear about HUNTER's party.

PAULA amazing the birds you are seeing. Lucky you.

19 more sleeps!
Yay just 19 more sleeps!
I can do this!!! I can I can I too can!!!

God Bless Us All.

Lori O. said...

Good Monday morning from PA. No school today. 3/4ths of the state will be out hunting this first day of buck season. I'll be studying.

SHIRLEY and LYNNE2, thanks for your responses to the Nurse question.

HAPPY NEWS, JUDIE V. emailed me a response to the question and said she would be back on the blog in a week or so. YAY!

Didn't sleep at all last night - Mom had turned the heater up and I kept waking up all sweaty.

JO, thanks for the panda cub update & clarifying that for me. Did you pick up your wreaths when you went to the market?

HODA, glad you got a chance to talk with your family and all is well in US & Egypt.
What's happening in 19 more sleeps? Must have missed that.

Love you all!

Wishing everyone a safe and happy day, blessing, love and light.

Hoda said...


Sandi said...

Good Monday morning Lori and all my eagle friends! Back to work for me! :(

Lori, I decided NOT to do any school work over my break! It will get done in time - IEP meeting isn't til 12/11.

Paula, didn't go to the inlet to look for the snowy owls. Denny was busy doing work stuff. I cut back all of the rose bushes and dead perennials in the garden at the end of the canal and raked up pine needles, then vegged out in front of the TV.

Lori, Hoda is talking about the winter solstice on 12/21. After that, the days start getting longer. Hoda, didn't you buy one of those lights to simulate sunlight last winter? Are you using it?

Prayers for Dana's dad, Kelsey's mom, both Norms, and Michael.

Have a great day!

Lori O. said...

HODA, now I remember what 19 sleeps is about - thanks to you and SANDI for refreshing my brain. CRS!

Lori O. said...

HODA, you're up very early or haven't you gone to bed yet?

Janet said...

good morning everyone. HEY HODA: as of today 18 more sleeps! YULE is coming! More sunlight! more sunlight!

Feeling much better today. I had some energy yesterday for the first time I guess in 2 weeks? That was one rough virus. We both walked around tired for the last couple of weeks. We were both just pushing thru. Normally I sleep for a couple days and I'm on the mend. This one, not so much.


Got some inside and outside tasks done yesterday, to include grooming the dogs.

We have up and down weather this week, from 70 to 30 in less than a week (daily highs).

Can hardly believe it is December. The next two weeks will be busy ice show coming up, as well as our every day stuff. On December 16 (day after the ice show) I'm gonna say WHEW.

All right, I need to get this day rocking.

LORI: will hold you close as you prep for that final tomorrow, but given the hard work that you have done and your proven capabability, I know you will do well! :)

PAULA: that was quite some fish you caught. Congrats! I miss fishing. Didn't get my license this year with Tom's shoulder this coming year, it is in my plans.

Well folks, off and running, first week of December straight a head....wooooo wooooo!

Light, love, hugs and smiles to all!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

so sorry didn't say good night last night Got involved in GW and then bed

61° out now We have had such a mild winter and hurricane season ended the end of last month also with a great year for that also

Just was on FB and this is posted about popcorn
"""The Real PIP Ostrich Page
December 1, 2013 Sunday 9:45 PM

The kind and knowledgeable rancher found a home for Popcorn, about two hours from here. The adopting family are animal lovers. The new home is a ranch with many younger ostriches in a 75 foot pen with a central barn. He will always treat Popcorn special, she is a pet. He will be careful how he integrates her in with the rest of the ostriches.When she outgrows the pen she will be moved to a larger pen with some of her friends.

Popcorn will be leaving tomorrow (Monday) around noon for the next part of her adventure. I am happy for her, this is the best thing for her and she will develop normally.

So after noon Popcorn will say thank you and good-bye. There will not be anything to broadcast after that. I will post updates after I return tomorrow.

I have met some incredible people and I want to thank the people following this for their heartfelt support and kindness.
Like · · Share · 1607311 · 6 hours ago ·

magpie said...

Good Morning, Eagle Pals

Jumped outside when I hear some unusual sound....flock of about 60 or so....what I think were Snow Geese ! Googled the sounds and think it was them...just can't figure out why they were flying North!

Happy Day Wishes for Vim and Vigor, Good Health...and the feeling of satisfaction in your day's doins'


stronghunter said...

Good morning,

I was confused about the 19 sleeps, too. Thanks for clearing it up, Sandi and Hoda. Had done some skimming the past few busy days and had missed something there.

Glad we were able to help with the nursing question, Lori. And glad that Judie was able to add her ideas. I have been thinking that she would write a beautiful response.

Hunter's party--Kathryn had invited family and a few friends. This was actually supposed to be a no-party birthday because they did not have it at the sports center or somewhere like that with a lot of kids (in addition to family).

Well, even though not everyone came, the house was full of family. And Hunter's friend Anthony came over, so we invited him, which was especially good because there weren't any other children since his cousins did not make it. We had 14 people counting Will, Kathryn and myself--15 with Hunter.

Hunter's cousin's girlfriend made the cake. It was a camouflage cake surrounded by matching cupcakes. Very cute. She dropped it off on the way to work, as she wasn't able to stay. She has always been very sweet and loves to make cakes. I think Kathryn might have posted a picture of the cake on FB. Will see what I can do.

We had hors d'oeuvres prepared by Kathryn--still plenty left over, as we had an oven issue and not everything got cooked. Hunter helped select the snacks, so we had salsa and chips and pigs in a blanket.

The oven issue involved the fact that, unknown to us, the Thanksgiving turkey had leaked some grease on the bottom of the oven which began to smoke so much that we had to open windows and turn off the oven. Not really a problem as Kathryn had already fixed a lot of food. But I have an oven to clean.

magpie said...

Super Party Report, Shirley...
Thank You! Sounds like Hunter must have had a Very Special Day...!

Bravo on all the preparations and arrangements...!!!

stronghunter said...

We now have leftover Thanksgiving food in addition to leftover snacks from both the birthday party and the bridge game. The refrigerator is stuffed with food.

magpie said...

Silent Night is about a Mother and her two youngs sons, and the Father, who are in New York City at Christmas time because the Dad is having treatment for leukemia....the younger son...gets involved in a terrifying search for his Mother's lost wallet...

It is riveting, I was up quite late reading page after page

Thanks, Paula, saw your comment,
I figured you would have read this one!

magpie said...

I needed the 19 sleeps details also....
Thanks, Pals....Yes, Winter Solstice on Dec 21, full Moon on Dec 17

stronghunter said...

Had another event last night--a phone call from my friend Jeanie in Kentucky. She is coming to North Carolina this weekend and would like to meet in Raleigh for lunch. I think it would be too far for me to drive all the way to Raleigh and back in one day, but am considering going down on Saturday and coming back on Sunday. I think I might call Pat, my friend in Maryland to join me on this adventure. More to be revealed . . .

(Pat and Jeanie are college friends. I haven't seen Jeanie in 50 years.)

stronghunter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
magpie said...

Thanks for the Popcorn report...I had checked that cam on Sunday, and the report you posted is heartwarming

magpie said...

time to shake, rattle and roll...
have an apartment to tend to, company coming next week - James's mother and grandfather...

Paula: Oh, the big fish, and seeing a loon! Life sounds Good !

Take Care, Precious Pals

ttfn xoxoxo

magpie said...

Hope you can go,
Shirley...sounds like a great
Christmas Season kind of a thing to do :)

okay, 'bye now !

stronghunter said...

Oh--maybe I haven't read that one, Margy.

stronghunter said...

That is definitely an impressive fish, Paula! Wow! Belle and Shep would like to steal that one from you.

stronghunter said...

I've posted a picture of the birthday cake on my blog--you all will have to let me know if you can see it since it is from Kathryn's FB page.

It's camouflage because Tom's family is very much into deer hunting. Although we're not really hunters, Kathryn has always respected their ideas and lets Hunter join them. I think that is fine. I am glad I only have to hunt the grocery store for the food I put on the table.

stronghunter said...

Sadly, one guest who was invited to the party did not come--Hunter's dad. I hope that he will become comfortable enough to join us at family gatherings at some point. Too bad when his brothers and parents have to come without him--long story there.

magpie said...

Cake looks
thank you !

Yes, I hope in time to come, soon...that Hunter's father will be able to join in also. It has taken a looooong time for Peace to come with James's parents....I think it is finally achieved
(( HUGS ))

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds !!!

SHIRLEY, the cake is quite attractive and appropriate for dear Hunter ! Note:if you click on the picture it will enlarge nicely ! Too bad his dad missed out on such a wonderful party--it takes a long time for healing sometimes. Sad.

I read about Bao Bao in this mornings paper. It's pronounced bough bough, meaning precious treasure and she is that, indeed !

HODA, always glad to know when you get a good report from the relatives in Egypt ! Every time I read or hear a report from that troubled land I say a prayer for your folks.

LORI, too bad you and your mom have different internal thermostats ! Can you open a window in your room and let some of that frigid air inside ? Hope the sleep deprivation doesn't interfere with your test today !!!

PAULA, what a happy girl you are--and no wonder. Fishing success, thrilling bird sightings and all shared with a great guy !!!

MARGY, "Silent Night" sounds intriguing---I'm putting it on my library list.

Penny and I will be out and about a lot this week, with temps rising nicely. Winter returns for the weekend---ugh !

Love and Prayers for all !!!


magpie said...

Aaaah Choo!
I just picked up a Feather!


Hoda said...

Good morning all.
Stopped in earlier as I woke up for water.
Sleeping well.

Yes SANDI I have the light lamp.
I go use it.
It is encouraging to know that the days will start getting longer than shorter.
I am also increasing my vitamin D to up to 3000 units as the days are getting much shorter and with the weather patterns in the valley during daylight we often have ice fog.

Making an anti cold anti virus potion with the new moon cycle today. Will be ready to use on the full moon.

Glad the ostrich found a home. Is that the clubbed foot chap?

I hope you travel with your friend SHIRLEY. Yes overnighting is a good idea and travelling with a friend an even better idea.
I will go see the cake.

Missing WANDA and JUDIE. Glad LORI heard from JUDIE.

stronghunter said...

It is sad that Tom is not comfortable joining us. I thought of him as another son, and Kathryn's siblings considered him their brother.

magpie said...


New Thread is rolling, pals

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Have been MIA again--I have gout in my right knee! It started on Thanksgiving, but I thought I must have bumped my knee on something. It gradually got worse, and by yesterday I was just miserable! Can barely get myself out of a chair, because bending that knee is so painful!
Took some of the meds I have for it yesterday, and today it's a little better. Takes a couple of days for the meds to kick in. Can't take more till Wed. afternoon. It is on the mend, though. This too shall pass.

Glad to hear that the ostrich has a good home. I'm not really caught up much here, so need to do that. I'm pretty tired right now, though, so will do the catching up in the morning.

Prayers for everyone! The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled. Sleep tight, with SED. I love all of you! God bless, and goodnight. I ♥ us!!!

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5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...