Wednesday, October 23, 2013


New thread.


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stronghunter said...

It is a late game, Hoda.

The Red Sox look very interesting sporting their beards.

Hoda said...

Why are they sporting beards SHIRLEY?
What is the score?

Hoda said...

That was fun!!!

Lolly said...

Okay, having too much fun splitting!

Will pass your comment on to Jack, Hoda. He will love it!

I was heading to the shower, but Jack has beat me to it! Hoda, I will be making the pumpkin dessert and will take a picture. It is an icebox dish in a 9 x 13 pan. Has a crust, then a cream cheese layer,then a pumpkin layer, topped with a whipped cream layer, It is really yummy, I crave it too! LOL

Not looking forward to receiving yet another crown tomorrow.....but anything to beat Lynne. :)

Interesting that we now have two Norms to keep in prayer. My cousin Norm is such a trooper. He is working hard! And, nurses and therapists are all falling in love with him, He is so full of God's love. Tonight his daughter was helping him with his first cup of Starbucks. He called her bossy. He has even walked a little. Keep the prayers coming as they are feeling them,

Prayers for your Norm, Loretta. Yes, we have much to be thankful for!

Night all! SED!

Hoda said...

Gratitude and Prayers for your Cousin LOLLY.
Keeping LORETTA's friend Norm in prayers too.

God Bless Us All
Good night.

Lori O. said...

Good Monday morning!

YAY, we got to see LORETTA on here twice yesterday...and

BOOOO HISS - the Redskins lost. Snuck into my room and watched the last several minutes, where RG3 went down. Scary. Hope his knee held out.

Yes, prayers for both Norms and their families.

Today's test is on cleaning and caring for wounds.

SANDI, glad to see you made it home safely. Have a good day at school today.

JUDYE, so you go back to work today, or is this a vacation week for you?

LOLLY, guess you're going to the dentist today - another crown. Hope it all goes well. Your pumpkin dessert sounds yummy!

SHIRLEY, how is George doing?

Have a great day all. Big hugs, love, light and laughter for everyone.

Sandi said...

Good Monday morning my eagle friends. Chilly morning (40 degrees) but headed into the 60s for the nest couple of days.

This is Spirit Week at school. Every day there is a gimmick - like today is wear your favorite sports team jersey. The kids will get crazier and crazier as the week goes on with Thursday (Halloween AND a pep rally) being the worst. I can do this!

Prayers continue for Dana's dad, for both Norms, and for Michael.

Have a great day all!

Janet said...

good morning.

as pr the usual, sleeeepy this morning. extremely busy weekend.

hope everyone has a great day!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Hoda, I went to sleep before the baseball game ended and without saying good night. Sorry. Beard Thing

I think the beards are some kind of man thing.

stronghunter said...

Wishing you the best on that test today, Lori. Even with all of the aggravations, you will do well on this venture. I am sure of that.

Hoda said...

I hope you had a rested sleep SHIRLEY.
Good morning all.
Beautiful Chilly morning here.
Will head out for a walk by the shore of the lake shortly.
27 degrees! Seems warmer than when I read it in celcius. Then it is -3 degrees and that gives me the chills!!!
This week I buy my discounted ski pass.
I think I will put the heat on also hoping for November first.
I put on floor heaters to take off the chill sometime. I have not put on the thermostat.

stronghunter said...

My goodness, it seems that that carnival ride operator in North Carolina deliberately caused that incident in which people were injured.

stronghunter said...

Hunter wore shorts to school again today. He is going through some kind of phase. That is all I can say. He has jeans and a warm jacket. I feel a little embarrassed when I drop him off at school and he is wearing shorts and no jacket in 30-40 degree weather.

This morning he caught himself before he went too far out on a limb by saying that he has had more cold weather experience than I have had.

I guess if you want to prove that you can handle cold weather, it is relatively harmless in Virginia in October-November. You will get cold but probably not frostbitten as long as you get to ride to a heated school in your grandma's heated car. Let us just hope the car doesn't break down or something like that.

Red Sox won last night, Hoda. 4-2

stronghunter said...

George seems much better. He got up and asked for breakfast this morning. He ate most of it--regular cat food--not baby food.

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds !!!

JUDYE, love your enthusiastic report on the Disney vacation--it's so much fun to do that place with a child !

I agree with SHIRLEY, HODA. The beards are a "man thing". They are only a woman thing for circuses ! The Series is all tied up and I'm conflicted ! I've always been a National League fan, but it would do Boston a lot of good to win the pennant. It's been a rough year for Bostonians !

LORETTA, NormP is on the prayer list ! It's good that he has a widespread prayer group on his side !

LORI, thinking of you today as you get tested on a very important aspect of nursing. Once you've graduated can you come live near me ? I'd love having an expert nurse tending to my wants and needs ! It doesn't pay well, however--just lots of hugs !!!

Happy to hear PAULA is safely home-- that LOLLY is a happy splitter--that SANDI is ready for Spirit Week-- and that HODA is refreshed and fit to Kale !

JANET, we wish you a good day, too !

It's another glorious, crisp Fall day here. The kind that Penny and I dearly love !

Love and prayers for all in need !


NatureNut said...

New Thread!!!

stronghunter said...

Men can grow beards. Women can grow babies. We do need to let them grow something once in awhile. It is okay.

stronghunter said...

Okay . . . Will see you on the



Thanks, Loretta.


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5/31/24 one

 From the field camera we have one setting on the Lop looks like Bella this is from Deb and the Field cam they are working on our cameras ho...