Monday, October 28, 2013


New thread.  Cleared all of the poison ivy away from the nest cam cables, so that fix will be done soon.

Fresh new week thread.


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NatureNut said...

Thank you, Steve! And good morning to all. Boo---invasive poison ivy be gone.

Do I get a feather??
Have a great day. ☺

Hoda said...

Thank you STEVE

Hoda said...

Yes you get a feather!
Thank you too LORETTA.

stronghunter said...

Oh yes, you get a feather, Loretta.
Thanks for the call-over. And, thanks, Steve, for the new thread.

Brought over my comment:

Blogger stronghunter said...
Men can grow beards. Women can grow babies. We do need to let them grow something once in awhile. It is okay.

Monday, October 28, 2013 10:49:00 AM

stronghunter said...

Time to go to a few chores. BBL.

Costume Lady said...

Good that the poison ivy is gone from the wires...that area is FULL of poison ivy...also, ticks. I find that if we put weed killer down in a large area of our woods, the ticks are almost non-existent...hope it is so at NCTC (just that area, of course)
Time to put the garden and lawn to sleep and start watching Shep and Belle do some housekeeping :)

Lolly said...

Good morning! Wahooo! So very ready to have our cam back. Like looking a the tree but nothing like the close ups of our two!!!

Yep, dentist today. Groan!!!

Mema Jo said...

Good good morning - the poison ivy is gone - Great news.
Thank you Steve for a Monday thread. I know you will keep us posted on cam progress.

Progress - Norm called his daughter Bossy - He is improving - prayers are continuing for him to heal!

Loretta - now I see you are back in the swing of things! We really have missed you on here. Prayers for Norm and his family. Also thanks for the call over to here.

Sandi = love spirit week - fun to see the imagination of the kids.

Shirley - When Hunter gets goosebumps - he put on his jeans and jacket. Interesting to know if other boys are doing the same thing. You know - like a group effort.

Morning Hoda - I bet you have many activities for today. Did you get all the Kale processed?

Wanda - Guess we best start planning on a get together for the spring of 2015 when Lolly comes to visit.

Mema Jo said...

Today I take my annual Breathing test
You know - blow my guts out type of test... I don't really know the purpose except for the record to go into my folder. All my meds are working very well for which I am
very thankful. This change in the weather doesn't always agree with me.
Appointment is at 2:30 today so
I'll be back later this afternoon.

stronghunter said...

Yes, Jo, I figure Hunter will have the sense to put on some warm clothes when he gets cold enough. When I drop him off at school, I see kids in warm clothes. I stalled a little this morning so he would not have to wait too long outside the school. Maybe I should do the opposite, but I am grandma. I do not want him to get cold.

I did notice he was combing his hair this morning. His previous thing was to say that he would not comb his hair. When he saw me notice that he was combing his hair this morning, he closed the bathroom door.

The kid is a mass of contradictions.

I was amused when he told me how he had camped out in weather below 30 degrees. I think he has done that once or twice with plenty of warm clothes and a sleeping bag.

I have visited Minnesota in January during a blizzard. The snow in the countryside was higher than the tops of cars. I've experienced that in Ohio as well--temps well below zero. Then, you have to make kids wear warm clothes. If your car breaks down, you might freeze to death. Smart people in Minnesota take extra boots and blankets with them in the winter.

Today's shorts were amazing. They looked appropriate for the beach in Hawaii. I think Kathryn figured he would wear them to sleep in. They are bound to attract attention.

stronghunter said...

Hope you pass your test with flying colors, Jo. I can remember doing some kind of breathing test that I particularly disliked. Not fun.

I am supposed to go have a cataract exam soon. Getting old is not a picnic.

stronghunter said...

I have seen kids take pride in wearing shorts every day of the school year. Silly stuff.

Then there was the kid who showed up every day in a three-piece suit and carrying a briefcase. Later in his school career he wore a toga once and a wetsuit once. The wetsuit became very hot and uncomfortable by afternoon. Some people desire attention. I just hope Hunter gets this out of his system.

JudyEddy said...

Good morning eagle buds
woke up and find a new thread
boy am I tired the past three days
has wore me plum out I slept like a rock ok with the exception to piddle several times in the middle of night

JudyEddy said...

LORI I am on vacation for the rest of the week
Angie and Carl both had to go back to work but they don't have as much vaca time as me
I always take one in Oct and this is it I have two more weeks to take before May of next year

JudyEddy said...

GOOD luck on your test JO Blow them away so to speak

LORETTA so sorry about your NORM
Need to change my avatar just realized it again

JudyEddy said...

This pic is of Jordyn and I going on the roller coaster for the first time

Mema Jo said...

I have returned from my Functional Breathing Test and sit-down with my Pulmonary dr - good news is that I don't return for another 6 months
unless needed of course. God is good all the time

Putting my feet up for a few

I miss Judie....... ♥

Lori O. said...

Good evening everyone!

JO, so glad that test is over and you passed. I had to do that once and about wet my pants!

JUDYE, happy vacation week! Nothing like a week off to rejuvenate yourself. Bet you spent most of the day immersed in your Disney pictures.

SANDI, what is tomorrow's special day at school? Spirit week sounds fun.

LORETTA, so glad to have you back here on a more regular basis. We really missed you.

WANDA, same goes for you. You were sorely missed.

KAY, it would be my honor to hang out with and care for you! ♥

SHIRLEY, so funny to read all of your Hunter stories, and I'm most happy to read about George feeling so well he ate this morning.

JANET, hope you got a nap today and got to slow down a little after your bustling weekend.

HODA, I'm sure you enjoyed your walk today. I do hope you kept warm. Glad you're able to keep the heat off until next month. It's already on here.

Great news - I got a 99 on today's test...but only a 78 on Friday's Nervous System test. I was just glad to have passed that one on Friday. We increase to two days of clinicals now, so will be in uniform tomorrow and Wednesday, then Thursday a highly dreaded test on Acid/Base & Electrolyte Balance. Just a little chemistry in there. :)

Love you all.

Prayers for the two Norms, DanaMo's Dad and Miracle Michael.

Sandi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sandi said...

Good evening all! Great news about the poison ivy being cleared at the nest tree. Hope the cam gets a quick fix so I can go back to getting my daily eagle fix!!

Got an email from Brian that the nurse in the medical unit at the US Embassy in Yemen is the sister-in-law of a gal I play tennis with here in Bethany. Talk about a small world!!!

I'll see everyone in the AM!

Sandi said...

Shirley, every year I have a few boys who wear shorts ALL year long! It's all about picking your battles!!

Lori, congrats on the 99!!

Tomorrow is Duck Dynasty Day - good grief!! Lots of camo clothes, bib overalls, and beards!

Good night!

paula eagleholic said...

Lol talking about oldest son was sporting one when I saw him at COLORFEST. It wasn't very full...rather spotty, but might look OK trimmed up.

Duck dynasty day...that's funny Sandi.

We used to have a delivery driver at work that wore shorts all year round...and a couple of the UPS delivery men did as well.

Saw a pileated in the.lot next door. Kingfishers are still here too.

Another good day at work:-)

Larry didn't catch much fishing this weekend either.

Got my bulbs for the fireplace...looks very nice...I was surprised.

Thanks for the tree update Steve...nice to know things are progressing.

Welcome back Wanda and were missed.

Hoda said...

Well good day for Nelson City Police!
They had an underground drug operation going on here for a while and they arrested 15 local dealers...I just read it in the Nelson Star, the local news paper.

Yet I beliee I saw at least one transaction going down two blocks away from the police station!!!

Sad really!

Janet said...

Good evening to all.
How is everyone?
LORI: woot woot great grade! Keep on rockin’ the grades!
SHIRLEY: it’s the age! Olivia, who freezes most of the time, now that the weather has cooled off, had decided its time to wear shorts/short sleeves/ and flip flops. I had to fuss at her to put on shoes and a jacket!! Picking battles. Yep, all about picking battles.
MEMA JO: glad the test went well!
JUDYE: looks like you had a great time at Disney!
Its been a busy day. Work of course. Then I made some decisions. I decided to work Saturdays 11 to 4 November and December to put some extra $$$ in the bank.
Came home, vacuumed and scooped the pool and put the winterizing chemicals in the pool. I plan to get the cover on it tomorrow.
Hope everyone has a great evening! Nite!

Lolly said...

I survived my dental appointment! Actually was not bad at all. Liked this dentist last time and really liked him today. Sat down in the chair and remarked about how cold the office was and I immediately had a beautiful lap quilt over my legs. lol Go back in two weeks to replace the temp with my crown.

Shirley, not as cold here but Joseph wears shorts practically year round.

Jack has had his beard for so long we do not remember him with out it!

Congrats Lori on your tests! Yes, a passed test is a great test!! :)

JudyEddy said...

I put a few pic on the blog of our three days of fun
Two days at Disney and one day at Ole town on the way home

There were sooo many pic to choose from Got some good ones of her meeting all the different characters also She had a autograph book from when they went 6 months ago and she tried to finish filling it up and see ones she didn't the last time

Mema Jo said...

Sandi - I hope you have your bibs out and pigtails for your Spirit Day of Duck Dynasty.

Lori - I'm happy for you and your test grades - especially Friday's
Sounds like you are getting some hands on practice. I'm assuming that is what a clinical day is - but correct me if I'm not right.

Great that your work days are so good, Paula. Here's hoping Nick is doing well.

Mema Jo said...

Lolly I'm glad you like your dentist - my most favorite dentist over many many years has left Frederick and headed to Hagerstown. Not sure - but I may just take that 20 min drive in order
to keep with him.

Mema Jo said...

Judy - you need to make a large album of the trip to Disney with Jordyn. Then you could make a book of your pics for her to keep. Like the books thtat Carol Anne made for us.

Mema Jo said...

I have finished my TV for the evening.

Going to close down and wish everyone
a Goodnight -
Pleasant dreams and restful sleep...

Nite - Prayers for all in need

stronghunter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
stronghunter said...

My delete.

Sleepy tonight.

Time for me to say good night.

SED, everyone. I will see you tomorrow.

PS . . . I miss Judie, too.

Lolly said...

Watched The Voice and Castle tonight. Now ready to call it a day. Laurel texted that Joseph had a great football game. They lost but Joseph played well and as QB completed two passes. Proud of him.

Night all! SED!!

Hoda said...

Good night
God Bless Us All
I too miss JUDIE very much

Lori O. said...

Good morning everyone in eagle-land!

JO, yes, clinicals are at the medical site. Will be going two days a week thru November, then three days a week in December until I finish Aug. 1.

LOLLY, congrats to Joseph on his great performance. Has Laurel taken her test yet?

SANDI, amazing about the nurse with Brian and you playing tennis with her sister-in-law! It's a small world after all...

Not much time this morning, have to leave the house at 5:15, and I'd like to go over my presentation today on Parkinson's Disease some more.

I miss Judie, too. Hope all is well with her and she's not having computer problems again.

Have a GREAT day!

Sandi said...

Good morning Lori and all my eagle friends! I'm too tired for it to only be Tuesday - UGGHH!!

Prayers for Dana's dad, both Norms, and Miracle Michael.

Have a great Duck Dynasty kinda day everyone!

Kay said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds !

It's a great day when I don't see any new and urgent prayer requests !

LORI, the test scores continue to be fantabulous ! Good on you !

JUDYE, wonderful and joyous pics of you and the family on vacation ! What fun !

Enjoyed the exchange re:wearing shorts...picking battles....Since I haven't heard about any kids who've lost their lives due to their attire I'm not going to fret over it ! Saw a wide variety of styles--sometimes weird or beyond weird---when picking Seth up from Middle School and High School ! Somehow they all survive and most seem to conform to what we call "normal" once their out in the real world and seeking jobs.

SANDI, truly amazing "small world isn't it ?" story ! The old 6 degrees of separation comes to mind as well. Wonder how many of us are actually connected in ways we don't even know ?

Today is haircut and errand day for me and it's a gorgeous Autumn one at that. Tomorrow rain comes in just in time for the wee ghosties.

Love and prayers for all !


Mema Jo said...

Good Morning to all ♥

Hi Kay - Have a great errand day and you will feel great after your hair do

Sandi - would love to see your outfit for today's DUCK DYNASTY DAY
Teachers do participate - right? Hope you have your voice back.
Brian should feel a bit more comfortable knowing someone that knows his mom.

Lori - I hope this afternoon or early evening you get to take a nap! You are one early bird - but I guess you always have been especially in your radio work.

Mema Jo said...

Wishing you well on your presentation ♥

Lolly said...

Good morning! Still morning here!

Yes, Lori, Laurel had her test this morning. She called and was on her way to Wally World. She was going to reward herself by buying a book she wanted, That's my girl!! She should know in a day or two how she did. It was all on computer. She said there were more questions that she felt good about than the ones she had no idea about, Time will tell, she is just so relieved to have it behind her,

So, Laurel told Joseph I was bringing the pumpkin dessert because he had earned it playing football so well. Joseph's response...a smile and "She would have made it anyway!" LOL Jacob's response...."The thought of that dessert makes my tumnmy hurt!" That was the night he came down sick! I can relate but too funny.

It is 70 and very humid, 100% chance of rain tomorrow, with fast moving storms, Hope it pours on the lakes.

Putting a new zipper in Jacob's sleeper. Yes, the crazy boy loves footed sleepers, even in the summer. Laurel got him this sock monkey sleeper for his birthday last month and the zipper broke, Grandmommy does the mending. Laurel is a great cook, but she never learned to sew or mend. She can sew a button on and that is about it. I failed. :) or is it :(

Hoda said...

Good morning all.
Beautiful here.
Blue skies and crisp.
Awesome crisp. Love it!

Waiting for a meeting with Kooteny Spirit Festival Board of Directors and a major resort hotel for possible use as a venue.

Love the Grand Sons responses LOLLY

ENJOY your day everyone

grannyblt said...

Good afternoon all. Hope everyone is having a good day.

I just returned from a trip to WM and saw a couple of Duck Dynasty type beards. Thet are pretty common around here. My DH grew a beard that was close to the DD variety. Thank goodness he listened to me-for once- and had it trimmed short, which was very flattering. He had a mustache for at least 30 years.

Beautiful day here, however the juncos have arrived and you know what that means.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Have been MIA again. Got VERY busy yesterday and did a thorough house cleaning. Am busy today making lots and lots of dog food.
Need to make a total of 63 meals to cover this week, and next (while we are on vacation, and a day extra just in case. Phew!

Saying prayers for both Norms, for Dana's Dad, and for Miracle Michael. Also added my kitty friend George to the list. Glad he's improving! Prayers for Annie, too!

I've been missing Judie, too. Hope her computer is OK, and hope she and Darth are fine, as well!

Well, gotta get back to the kitchen and crank out some more servings of dog food. Would like to ask for some prayers for my peace of mind while we're on vacation starting Friday. We'll be gone for a whole week, and I'm already concerned about Emma. I just hope Petsmart Pet Hotel takes good care of her, and that her allergies don't crop up! I just don't feel good about leaving Emma for so long.

Well, will try to check in later tonight. HAGD, everyone! I ♥ us!!!

Sandi said...

Hi all - home from day 2 of spirit week!

Jo, I was dressed as a teacher today. A few teachers DID participate but I wasn't one of them!

stronghunter said...

Hi--Checking in . . .

Just wanted to see how things were going before heading downstairs to see what is going on. Thought Kathryn and Hunter would be eating out with friends, but they are here. I was going to scrounge in the refrigerator for something for myself.

Hoda said...

Meeting went well and we got lots of information and we are tentatively booked for Sept 2014...

Physiotherapy I am not too sure about. Left arm feels weak so I went to have it checked. Lots of manipulation and no resolution 80 dollars later come back next week for more manipulation... Does anyone have experience with that???
I am not too convinced!!!

Life Insurance conversion as I turn 65. Catch that one: it will cost me 639 dollars per month!!! Well I am shocked!!! I have to do some homework on that one. What do you all pay?

Leaves are falling.
Feeling the weather turn towards winter. November 3 we change clocks. I have a tendency to brace from then till December 21. I started on a GABA supplement today.

Will go to Yoga this evening. Looking forward to it.

Hoda said...

Stop worrying about EMMA she will be fine. Enjoy your holiday. What ever happened about the mouse?

LORETTA glad you had a good trip.

Hoda said...

JANET and DANA closed their pools. Winter birds are showing up at MEGAN'S.
It is the season indeed.

Mema Jo said...

Good evening to all ♥

Megan also said that a large flock of Juncos arrived today and I had a few at the feeder. Fast flying little birds. Yes, she called them the Winter Birds.

Andy - I just know Emma will do well - she'll have lots of affection bestowed on her I'm, sure

What's the theme for tomorrow, Sandi ?

Shirley - hubby went down and got us Paneras soup for our dinner.

Mema Jo said...

I think that Margy should be winging her way home tomorrow.. Hopefully she'll stick her head in and let us know all is well.

Tonight Terrific Tuesday TV I have said before that sometimes I can only sit through the first 2...

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - how has your day been? I missed your commenting until this evening hour. Didn't know if you had bowling today.
Have your new trees dropped their leaves - my dogwoods are almost completely bare. Sad...:(

stronghunter said...

Bowling was today, Jo. Our team started out in first place and then things went downhill. We won the first two games by 11 pins, then lost the third by a huge number of pins--75 or more. I don't remember. Do not think we will be in first place next week.

magpie said...

and here IS my big Magpie Head,

I arrived home late yesterday evening....of course I wanted to get on here and chitty chat and try to catch up..BUT, could not accomplish that with the time between getting home and going to work this morning!

I know there is much to read about here, my friends, and it might take me all week! But I'll give it the old Magpie try!

The trip was magnificent, wonderful family time together, and many excursions...including a few to San Francisco, the
Golden Gate Bridge, and Alcatraz....

Lovins' and Hugs to all...
Until I can work my way back here...but a meeting looms and
a 6 am work time Wednesday...

God Bless Us,
Every One ! xoxox

Lolly said...

Wahoooo! Our Margy has returned. I was thinking it was Monday. Please please please do not be so scarce! We love you and miss you when you are not here!

Andy, where are you heading? Emma will be just great and think of the joyous reunion!

Stuffed portabella mushrooms in the oven....mouth is watering!

Lolly said...

Norman understands what happened to him. Someone asked him what happened. His reply "I was in an accident and the other driver wore a white coat."

He is walking quite a bit and today had therapy on combing his hair, brushing his teeth, and putting on a shirt by himself. Prayers are being answered!

stronghunter said...

Glad to see that Norman is improving, Lolly. Sounds like his sense of humor is intact. Prayers continue.

Yay, our Margy is home. We have missed you. So nice to see that you enjoyed time with your family and got to take interesting excursions.

Do not worry about Emma, Andy. I am sure you can call and ask about her if it helps. She will appreciate all of the dinners you've fixed.

Kathryn and Hunter are home. There's much discussion about the Xbox. I am glad that it's Kathryn who has to take care of that.

stronghunter said...

I'll have to keep my eyes open for the juncos to arrive. My backyard tree was full of birds this afternoon, but I didn't get a good look at them. I've been seeing titmice, chickadees, and, recently, some brown creepers. We had lots of them back at the old house, but not so many here. They seem browner than I remember.

I have moved a feeder much closer to the back door, so I'm getting a better look at some of the birds. But the squirrels are trying to get food from it. I'm just hoping we don't end up with a squirrel in the house when we open the door.

paula eagleholic said...

Evening all

Halloween party at work tomorrow...making white choc drizzled pretzels...they are cooling now.

Carved a pumpkin for our dept last Friday for a contest.

They had soup and a silent auction today outside the ER...for a scholarship fund. 12 crockpots of soup and it was all sold in less than 1 1/2 hours...I was too late to get some! Bunch of soup vultures at work ! Lol. Lots of fun things happening at work during the fall. Thanksgiving part next month . I am cooming the turkey :-)

paula eagleholic said...

Make that cooking!

paula eagleholic said...

Last week of walking the beach when I get home from work...time change will make it too dark. Looking forward to the days getting longer.

Andy,I'm sure Miss Emma will do just fine.

Welc ome home MARGY...SOUNDS LIKE YOU HAD A fun trip!

stronghunter said...

Sounds like a fun place to work, Paula.

Having daylight so you can walk on the beach after work seems like a wonderful thing to be able to look forward to. I envy you.

Need to stop looking at the computer screen. My eyes are getting confused. See you tomorrow. Good night and God bless.

Lynne2 said...

I'm going to need a recipe for TURKEY COOMING.

Hey all!

Glad Margy is home safe but where in God's Green Acres is Judie???

Lynne2 said...

Shirley, the Juncos will be at your place tomorrow I think! They showed up here today finally!

Been so busy working extra hours and...I am now the new Medical Coordinator for Cocker Spaniel Adoption Center! YIKES! That's keeping me busy, too! Not to mention still being Kennel Buddies for the dogs not yet in foster.

Lynne2 said...

Going to bed, just wanted to check in. Prayers for all!

Mema Jo said...

Welcome home Margy - TTUL

Lynne you are too fast for me to catchup with you on here.

Paula - sounds like a fun group you work with! Does your next door neighbor ever keep Nick during the day or walk him for you?

Mema Jo said...

I did watch all 3 TV shows.
Off to bed I go........

Goodnight to all

Prayers for all - Lolly it sounds as though Norm is progressing! My prayers are still being said.


Lolly said...

Good to see you checking in, Lynne!

Paula, sounds like you have a great place to work.

Last night Joseph was a quarterback, tonight he was a keeper. (Soccer goalie) Laurel texted that he did an awesome job. It was a tie,...but they are under 12 and playing an under 14 team. Also, they had 13 players and Joseph's team played with 9 for a while and then 10. It is 11 on the field during the game, so they were playing short, Yes, Joseph is very athletic.

Thinking of closing down,

Night all! SED!!

Hoda said...

Welcome home MARGY thank you for checking in.

Good to see you LYNNE. Enjoy your roles.

Good on JOSEPH


God Bless Us All

Lori O. said...

Good Hump Day morning everyone!

HODA, glad you got your conference scheduled and at a nice place, too.

SHIRLEY, sorry about the bowling loss.

LYNNE2, so glad you could check in and sorry you're so busy.

MARGY, glad you're home. We missed you!

ANDY, I, too, think EMMA will be find while you are on your trip. Where are you going?

SANDI, what's the theme at school today. I don't think I could have gotten into a Duck Dynasty Day either.

PAULA, your job sounds like it's at a very cool place to work. Hope your pumpkin wins!

LOLLY, glad Laurel got the test out of the way, and Joseph had such a good game. How were your Portobello Mushrooms?

KAY, Good morning! Are you going to be having all the rain that we've got coming here this week?

Everybody got juncos yesterday, but I didn't see any here. Will have to keep my eyes pealed at the feeders.

Another day at the Long Term Care Facility today.

Make it a great day!


Sandi said...

Good Wednesday morning Lori and all my eagle friends!!

Margy, welcome home and back to the blog!!

Paula, sounds like you've found a great place to work!

Lolly, good news about Norm - slow and steady.

Lori, enjoy your day today! No tests 2 days in a row!!

Andi, I know what you mean about worrying about Emma - they're our children and we miss them. Just remember they don't have the same concept of time that we do. Emma won't know if you're gone for 7 hours or 7 days.

Today is wear pink day to support breast cancer awareness and I am participating. There will be many boys dressed in pink! No one has more of an appreciation for female breasts than an adolescent male!! ;)

Have a great day everyone!

Sandi said...

At school and awake enough to know the date ... today is the 34th anniversary of the day I became a mom! :)

Hoda said...

Congratulations SANDI (and BRIAN???)

Hoda said...


Janet said...

Good mid week check in.
Yesterday was my day “off” and it was time to get ‘er done. Livvy had a 9 a.m. dr appt for a spot on her face (kid has eczema and psoriasis), skin issues abound. Got that done, again, and home again home again, jiggity jig.

The weather was warmish, but cloudy. Temps in the upper 60’s. I had vacuumed the pool on Monday night and dumped the winterizing chemicals in. I revacuumed the pool yesterday and we got the cover on it.
Then I had to make room in my plant room (downstairs) to put the pump and filter. That done, today, we hope to move put the pump and filter inside.

That took most of the day. And, we had moved Olivia’s ice skating to last night, so it was run to pick her up at 3:45 and off to the ice rink.

Nashville is having a lady bug invasion. The Asian ladybugs are looking for warmth and food. They are out in record numbers, by the thousands. Just thought you wanted to know this!
Got Olivia’s first report card and as I figured, not good news to report. I am already in contact with the school folks. They have already put her into tutoring, but this is ridiculous!

I made some decisions arlier this week. Two of my private clients are having financial issues….and holidays are coming up…they are on a massage hiatus for a bit. The other two typically head to Florida for several weeks over the holidays…and the chair massage job that I have…well Dr. D. sold her practice and I am not sure if that will continue…so to head off any financial ouches during the holidays, I have picked up some shifts on Saturdays to cover some of the potential missing $$$. It helps work out as the shift I picked up is one that they lack coverage and more people want to receive massage during that time from 11 a.m. to 4 p.m. on Saturdays. And by not having to be in til 11, I can sleep in some.

I did talk to Tom and Livvy about potentially needing more help though…

Well, not a lot else is going on. Goin to be near 80 today, then a front coming thru with severe weather tomorrow. Cooler temps after that as you may have guessed. I am going to try to get some more of my fall work done outside when I get home this afternoon. I have 2 30 min massages @ 9:30 this morning. That should give me a good part of the day to get stuff done.
I hope everyone has a great day.
SANDI: happy MOM anniversary, 
LORI: mid week and another chance for fabulous grades!
LYNNE2, MEMA JO, JUDYE, and everyone else: HI!
Got to scoot and get Olivia’s lunch packed and my day rolling. Love and hugs to all. Have a fabulous day!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning off to start my day
nothing to report same ole same ole

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my eagle budlets!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Watching Mei Xiang and that babe this morning. So freaking cute!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning to All ♥

Lolly - sounds as thought Joseph has a very good soccer coach

Have a good day Lori - I am sure you look spiffy in your uniform! How about a pic.

Norm's progress, Lolly reminds me of Michael's. Prayers will get Norm up to par.

Janet - wishing you some answers for Olivia's school work. Frustrating to say the least - Go get them Momma ♥

Mema Jo said...

Hi Sharon - I am so anxious to see
both of Lun Lun cubs with her at the same time! I have no idea when that will happen. I guess Mits has zoo
watch tonight - she should really enjoy that.

Mema Jo said...

Over to FB I go BBILW

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds !!!

Welcome Home MARGY ! We do sorely miss you when you're away, but want you to take advantage of every travel opportunity ! Do it while you can, says this most senior member of the clan !!!!

ANDY, can't improve on all the encouraging words expressed on Emma ! Sandi's right about the time frame---Emma will not be counting the days the way we humans do !

PAULA, the word on your workplace just keeps getting better and better. So happy for you---a great job, living in Paradise ! Wow !!!

LORI, yes that rain is sweeping through here late tonight with high and damaging winds in the forecast for Halloween Day and evening. Bad timing for the kids ! Thinking of you now as you minister to those long term care patients. God Bless !!!

Big hello to all the others in today's conversation---as always I love the way your posts transport me up, up and away, beyond my own little world !

Love and prayers for all !!!


Lolly said...

Hellllooooo! Been busy this morn, Had some bookkeeping to do for church group and then a run to the bank. Now, while Jack is gone for lunch, going to do some house cleaning.

Annie is driving me crazy. She in in and out every morning but this morning it is worse than ever. I know she has feline dementia but this is ridiculous! I mean in and out every few minutes all morning.

It is 71 and drizzly and sometimes a bit more than drizzly. Just wish it would pour!! They predicted 2 to 3 inches for our area....come on.....get with it!!

Back to work! Oh, the portabella mushrooms were dilish! Made 4, so having them again tonight which is good. I have an early meeting at church.

Mema Jo said...

Lolly - would a cat door that could be locked at night help to resolve Annie's problem?

Mema Jo said...

Hubby's brother called - they leave next week for FL (Snowbirds) Meeing them at Dutch's Dungeon this evening. It is sort of a tradition

BBL this evening! ♥

Hoda said...

Good day for me talking to insurance companies for the Kootenay Spirit Festival and for my own Life Insurance Options.

Talked to a The City about providing us with electricity for a concert in the park. It is free from them they said. I gave them our technical requirements.

I started on magnesium tincture to help with relaxation. As I become busy mind becomes very active. That with GABA and I am feeling more balanced.

Friends of The Kootenay Lake conference registration is now full. I feel very happy. We had room for 100 participants. We are full with a waiting list. Now to focus on final details to carry this thing through. It will happen Saturday 9 th of November.

This Saturday I am a participant in Local Intelligence Gathering an all day conference to exchange ideas and learn. I am very excited. Always good to be active with an ongoing plan to keep the town vibrant and to provide services to the local residents.

Enjoyed Yoga.

My sister had her eye surgery today but is not doing as well. They do not say what is wrong only that she is not doing as well. Please spare her a good prayer or a good thought.
Thank you

paula eagleholic said...

Evening all!

My Larry is here :-)

Probably won't be on until Friday night late.

Heading to Eburg for the weekend...yard work...dinner with John and Ajay and gkids Sat night...michael and laura coming down too.

Hope everyone is doing well.

Hoda said...

Enjoy PAULA.
Drive safely.
Different places in Canada reported their first snow this morning. Not in Nelson however.
It is very chilly here though. I turned the heat on this afternoon.

Tomorrow Front of House George Bernard Shaw play after an evening of yoga. I will not be here for Halloween.

I buy my early bird ski pass tomorrow too. Fun fun fun!

Mema Jo said...

We have returned from a delicious dinner and lots of conversation. They
will be back up in December for the Christmas holidays.

Hoda you are busy busy - get going as long as you can - it will keep you young ♥

Sandi - Birthdays are special - Hoping Brian is enjoying his.

Enjoy your company Paula and then your trip up to Emmitbrg

Maybe I'll watch some TV around 9:00

Hoda said...

Hope they keep it up.

Hoda said...

Sox 6/0 bottom of the fifth!!!
Looking good
This from one who knows nothing about Baseball either!!!

Mema Jo said...

Good evening and Goodnight ♥

Headed for the pillows.....
Talk to all tomorrow......

Prayers for all in need -

stronghunter said...

Good night, everyone. Getting very sleepy here.


Lynne2 said...

Hoda, you are too cute with the Baseball report and lingo!

Evening all!

Has ANYONE spoken to Judie??

Janet, we have the Asian Lady beetles here, too, in HUGE numbers! Glad you have been able to put a plan in place for the Holiday $$

Lolly, please be careful with Annie going outside. We just had a client with an old cat who went out last week and still hasn't returned. And it's been just about a year since Brother left us never to be found again. Annie's dementia will keep her from being able to make sound logical decisions.

Paula, hope you and Larry get to snugglin' in front of your new fireplace!

So far it looks like this area will be spared the rain for the Trick or Treaters but it's a shame so many might get rained out.

Good night and prayers for all!

Hoda said...

Ha ha ha LYNNE!
6/1 Bottom of the 9th
I am just reading a chart!!!
Good to know how to read.
One of the best gifts my parents and teachers gave me.

Hoda said...

Yay RED SOX win!!!

Hoda said...

Good night
God Bless Us All

Lolly said...

You are so right, Lynne, but she wants out so badly but then she does not leave the patio, especially today dripping wet. And, when it is not raining she stays close.

Have been reading tonight. Tomorrow morn making lasagne to take to Laurel's. Picking up Jacob after school. Yea! Love doing that! Joey and Jack will take Jacob trick or treating. Joseph says he is not going. He has never been candy eater. Lol. He will stay at the house and eat pumpkin dessert! Which is soooo good! We ate some tonight. Annie thought we were eating ice cream and wanted some.

Time to call it a day. Night all! SED!

Lori O. said...

Good Thursday morning everyone!

SANDI, congrats on your motherhood anniversary. Very special!

HODA, I love hearing about what you're eating and supplements you're taking. Didn't know magnesium was a relaxant. Haven't looked at the scores, but hope Boston won for you!

LOLLY have fun with the Gkids today. Guess you'll be helping Laurel hand out candy at the house. Did she hear anything on the test she took?

MARGY, so glad you're home and sorry you're so busy. We love you here.

JUDYE, how is your vacation week going? Ah, to have a week off would be so nice. Lucky you!

JANET, sorry Olivia's report card wasn't what you were hoping for, and to hear about the temp loss of some clients. Glad you have a plan in place already. You're a smart cookie!

KAY, don't know for certain that you are the senior member of the group, but if you want the title it's yours. Frankly, I think Queen Kay has a nice ring to it, but don't tell LYNNE2. :)

JO, what's up with the Pandas at the Nat'l Zoo? I forgot she even had them.

PAULA, enjoy the weekend with your kids and Gkids. So happy all is going so well for you in Paradise.

SHIRLEY, is it bowling day today?

It's classroom day for me today. Big test this morning on Acid/Base (pH) and Electrolyte Balance, and what it all means when they're too high or too low. Still studying this morning. Better get back at it.

Have an awesome day!

Big HUGS for everyone.

Kay said...

Good Early Morning Eagle Buds and Morning gLORI in particular ! I'm up with the pain again, but have taken meds and will soon head back to bed for a few more zzz's before Penny's 7a.m. rising time.

LORI, I have to say ditto to all your grand comments to our dear bloggers ! Thinking of you as you prepare for the Acid Test ! All I know is, it's no good if my "electric lights" grow too dim ! As for the Queen title, I thank you, but feel I'm quite the Commoner when it comes right down to it !

May not return until tomorrow as storms are due to be crashing through here pretty soon and for most of the day and evening. Ugh !

Love and Prayers for all !!!


Sandi said...

Good Thursday morning Lori, Kay (hope you're pain free and sleeping soundly by now) and all my eagle friends.

First fog delay of the year YAY!!!

Janet, sorry to hear about Olivia's report card. So, you gave them 9 weeks to do right by Olivia without an IEP ... and obviously THAT didn't work! Now it's time to do something different. Be the squeaky wheel!!

Got to talk to Brian yesterday on his birthday - he is very busy at work but says he feels very safe at the Embassy and at the hotel where all of the Embassy employees live. He likes what he's doing but also sounds anxious to get back to the States in December.

Today is mis-match day at school (no Halloween costumes allowed). Pink day made the kids crazy, today they'll be worse, and tomorrow (pep rally day) they'll be even worser than worse! Then Spirit Week will be over.

Going to the final football game of the season after school today - the boys are undefeated so far (this would be the 3rd undefeated season in a row so the pressure is really on) and Millsboro Middle is our biggest rival school. Not sure why we're having the pep rally tomorrow when the big game is today - oh well, I didn't plan this whole Spirit Week thing, I just follow the script.

Prayers continue for Dana's dad, both Norms, Miracle Michael, and Hoda's sister.

Have a great day all!

Janet said...

Good morning to all.
Not raining at the moment, but rain rain and more rain in the forecast for tonight, with severe weather anticipated. Wooo hoo. NOT.

Busy day yesterday. Had to push myself to get stuff done, but I did. Mostly just got the outside stuff from summer put away. I also pulled up the tomatoes . Had lots of tiny green tomatoes on them. So sad. But they will not ripen now.

Not a lot else going on.

Regarding Olivia: Spent a lot of yesterday frustrated. Not with her, but with the lack of a solution for the problem.
SANDI: remember, she can’t have an IEP unless she tests as LD. She doesn’t. I have emailed / called the psychologist and the counselor. If I don’t hear back by tomorrow, I will be calling again. I am going to inquire about a 504 plan. It is my understanding that she doesn’t have to qualify for LD to have a 504 plan. But they have already put her back in tutoring….but why do we have to go thru this every year? This is just so incredibly frustrating! Common sense says she has a learning disability: a person of average intelligence who has issues with learning….. but the tests, oh the all important tests, all hail the tests, don’t show it. Bah humbug! Sorry about the rant, but I am truly frustrated.

Gotta get moving on my day. Happy Halloween/blessed Samhain to all who celebrate.

Light and love to all

Sandi said...

Janet, I feel your frustration. A 504 would be a step but it's not nearly as powerful as an IEP. I know every state has different criteria. But in DE, a student can be identified as qualifying for special education services based on the fact that there is a pattern of strengths and weaknesses in his/her academics.

A test is just a snapshot - what her teachers are seeing daily and what you're seeing in her grades is longitudinal data! Again I say, don't stop pushing!!! Try firm and nice but be a bitch if you have to - parents are powerful people within a school system!

Have you considered calling your school district and asking for the name and phone number of a child advocate?? Ask for a copy of your parent rights and go through due process if necessary (that's where you legally challenge the school's decision). Good luck - I KNOW you won't give up!

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Congratulations to your Red Sox, Hoda!

Oh my, Janet, I am so sorry that Olivia is having such a hard time at school. A child advocate sounds like it might be a good idea.

Glad you got to talk to Brian, Sandi. I agree with you about the pep rally. Why would you have it after the game?

Bowling was on Tuesday, Lori. I might make it in for some practice today. I practiced yesterday. Got my two free games of the week in. I hope your test goes well today. I remember studying acids, bases, and that stuff way back when I took chem classes.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥
Yes it is a dreary Halloweenish weather here ♥

Janet - Sandi has some excellent advice -

Sandi - happy you got to talk with Brian on his b-day ♥ Fog delay! I wonder if Paula has an option of arrival time on foggy days.

Mema Jo said...

Praying for all your pains to disappear, Kay. Hope the storms are too severe.

Lori, the cub at the DC Zoo eyes are almost fully open. The Atlanta zoo had a video of one of the boys escaping out of the den when LunLun left. Cuteness for sure.

I was going shopping with Jenny for new shoes but I have the makings of a head cold and don't want her to catch it.

Need to check my emails. BBILW

Hoda said...

Good morning.
Hope the cold leaves JO.
Healing prayers.

Our MARGY is creative and generous. What a fantastic homemade card I got with beautiful flower.
I opened carefully as per instructions.
All intact and vibrant.

Hoda said...

Off to get my ski pass.
Speaks of snow today. I do not think it will happen in town. Higher elevations I am sure.

Enjoy the day everyone.

JudyEddy said...

Good morning eagle buds



Costume Lady said...


Was planning on planting some Spring bulbs and a few shrubs today, but it rained sometime in the night and it is too muddy for Gene's Mantis...too much digging for me and a shovel! "The best laid plans of..." Guess I'll do laundry and pay some bills. Not as much fun as planting something that will be pretty, but it has to be done too.

Get out your Snow Shoes, YRH:)

Got my computer back 2 days ago (for the second time) and it seems to be working well. I also have my email back, which was gone since April! Thanks, Jo for letting me know it was working.
Have a great day and weekend ♥

Lolly said...

Good morning! Well we missed the heavy rain they predicted but the hill country flooded with 15 inches of rain!!! Hate for the flooding but hope this improves the lakes!!

Off to make Lasagna!

Worser that worse!!! Love it, Sandi!

Lolly said...

Janet so very sorry about your frustrations with Olivia.

Wanda, welcome back! ((hugs))

Lolly said...

Prescription story.... We get our meds in the mail, three months at a time. Mine came recently and one of my meds was packaged differently. Then it dawned on me it was not generic but a name brand, Asked Jack to check on my last order and sure enough it was generic $9.85 for 3 months and this one was $100. A wee bit different I would say! Jack called, they checked and the pharmacist said "This has never happened before." As if we could believe that. Anyway, they are sending the generic meds and an envelope for us to send the others back and adjusting the $. Long story short....always check your meds if you get them in the mail and with automatic charge!!!

Lolly said...

I am closing down as we need to leave in half an hour to beat the traffic and to pick up Jacob.

Happy Halloween!

Mema Jo said...

Hello! I am getting the Halloween candy out of the bags into the Trick or Treat bowl. I just had to have a treat! lol

We don't have the best weather for the kids. I felt a few sprinkles as
I blew the peanut and seed shells off the deck. It is damp. I am just happy the clock haven't been changed yet so that there will be some daylight for the kids.

Mema Jo said...

BBL this evening!

Lori O. said...

Hello and happy Halloween!

KAY, so sorry I missed you this morning. Wasn't expecting you to pop on at 5am. Sure hope your pain has gone away and your hip isn't bothering you now.

JO, Booo HISSSsssss on the head cold. Hope it does (s)not materialize! Just a little funny there. :)

LOLLY, hope you're having a great time with the kids tonight. OMG, can't believe 15 inches of rain - surely that will help the lakes and reservoirs.

SANDI, so excited that you got to talk to Brian yesterday! And, very happy to hear he still feels safe. The Lord is answering our prayers.

JANET, Hope you got a call from the school people today. So glad we have so many teachers on here for you to bounce around ideas and get some feedback. Big hugs of comfort for you.

HODA, I could feel excitement from you when you wrote of getting your ski pass today. Hope you get some snow soon so you can use it, a lot.

JUDYE, how are you spending this vacation week you have off? So happy to see your post this morning that there was an eagle at the Sycamore Palace!

SHIRLEY, how very cool that you get two free games a week for being in a league. Did you practice again today?

Got an 86% on my Acid/Base & Electrolyte Balance test today. That's a tough subject so I'll take it...AND, they revised their answer key (scantron) for the Nervous System test I was so upset about last week, so my score has been bumped up to an 82%...YAY!

NEWS FLASH, I don't have a test tomorrow morning and I'm all caught up on my homework so enjoying some free time this afternoon! This hasn't happened since I started school in August!

Hoda said...

Ski pass check
Discount check
The first of many discounts for turning 65!
Catch that when I am 85 my ski pass will cost me 10 dollars a year!!!
Hilarious! Just for that I must stay healthy!

Went to a core yoga class!!! OMG if I lie down I might not get up!!! Abs burnt!!!
Will head out to my regular yoga class in an hour or so and then will do Front of House for the Capitol Theatre.
Looking forward to the play.
Will be back way after you all will have gone to bed do I will say goodnight now
God Bless Us All

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Still doing KP duty making dog food portions and labeling them for Emma. Thank you all so much for the encouragement for me about our upcoming vacation, and leaving Emma in "puppy camp"! I know I'm a bit unreasonable when it comes to Miss Em, but I've heard a not-so-encouraging report about the place she will be staying, from a reliable source. Someone's dog came home from one of their locations with vomiting and bloody diarrhea. Before it was over, the poor critter had major surgery, a vet bill of (I'm not kidding!)
$15k, and since her then-owner couldn't handle the vet bill, the dog went to a very good rescue group. She did survive, though just barely, and after intensive rehab and a complete diet change, she's now up for adoption. That story gave me a case of nervous fits! I would appreciate any and all prayers, if you are so prompted! I know the power of this group's prayers, and will be far more able to enjoy myself! It so happens that story is very similar to what happened to Emma the last time she stayed there, except no surgery was required, and the vet bill was less. They will be read the riot act about Emma's allergies, and they do have someone there 24/7, and a vet on the premises. They say I can call and check on her at ANY time, so hopefully all will be OK. I'm just glad we're only going to be less than 2 hours away from home. We will be at the Lawrence Welk Resort in Escondido, CA, which is near San Diego. My Sis-in-law is letting us stay at their timeshare there.

Lori, I'm so proud of you and how well you are doing with your studies! You go, girl! Enjoy your free time!

I'm praying for all those in need, and will be taking the laptop along, so I can hopefully keep up with what's happening.

Oh--tomorrow is my Birthday! Ken is kidding me about wondering how he is going to get all those candles on a cupcake! (He's such a joker!) Have a good evening, everyone. I gotta go get busy in the kitchen again. I ♥ us!!!!!
(Will try to check in again later tonight and get completely caught up.)

stronghunter said...


Trick-or-treating over. We took down the decorations just in case of bad weather/and/or/ bad kids later tonight. Did leave the pumpkin Will carved. It felt like it might come apart if I picked it up. Also a few other pumpkins on the porch.

We had lots of kids fairly early in the evening, then it started to rain a bit harder. Just a little drizzle earlier.

stronghunter said...

Do stay in touch while you are vacationing, Andy.

JudyEddy said...

HELLO and good evening folks and happy halloweenie LOL
just got home from a day with Jordyn trick or treating and some volunteering at school in the lunch line Angie and I handed out lunches and then they had the trick or trunk there then to Angie house and then trick or treat in a popular area and wow was it crowded big time
I had my lights out so no one would come to my house since Jordyn has been born I haven't passed out candy am always there

JudyEddy said...

Google made me sign back in and boy it looked different when I did

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Shirley,
Yes, I will stay in touch! Taking along the trusty laptop. I've gotten caught up a bit tonight.

Jo, glad your breathing test went well, and you're OK for another 6 months! Way to go! Also glad that
Lolly's dental appointment went well, and that Paula got her fireplace working beautifully and spotted a Pileated Woodpecker(!).
Saying prayers for Dana's Dad, both Norms, and for Michael.
Hoda, praying that your sister will improve rapidly! What happened to your arm? I must have missed something while speed reading through posts. Prayers for you, too! We think all the rats have been caught. There was one in the trap behind the upright piano in the dining room, and one in an attic trap. Haven't heard any other traps snap, or any rustling in the attic. The guy is coming out once a week to check for a while, just in case.
Yay!!! Margy is back, and she had a fantastic visit out west!!

Good to see Loretta had a good trip too!

Nice to see Shar checking in, and Lynne2. Lynne, sounds like you're almost as busy as Hoda! Wow!

Has anyone heard from Judie? I'm beginning to think that Jufie has locked her in a closet or something. Certainly hope all is well with her, Darth, and the kitties.

Saying some prayers for the situation with Olivia. There has to be a workable solution--just don't give up! Hang in there!

Jo, when I re-read some posts I saw that you are fighting a cold.
Prayers for that cold to scram!

Gosh, I'd better get going. Need to do some more Emma meals, and haven't packed a single piece of clothing yet! Hope everyone has a great evening! God bless, and goodnight. I ♥ us!!!!

Ms Bookworm said...

Pulling a Margy here. Judy, I'm glad you're enjoying your vacation!

Glad to see you here, Wanda! Happy to hear that your computer is working the way it should!

Well, gotta go get busy. Hope to be back tomorrow morning for a bit.

Goodnight, and God bless!

NatureNut said...

Well, Happy BOO BOO Halloween! We just turned outside lights off---NO trick or treaters this year!
Drizzling a little. Not too many small children in this neighborhood, but groups used to come in cars.
TU, when leaving Park, still had to sneak thru a wooded parch to find the eagle nest and was partly covered w/other leaves and no dark big blobs. At Chelsea I did see a big fluffy fox.He must be getting winter coat---was shaggy and uneven reddish/ten colors. Had a very fat tail.(No cam) Even our favorite lovely maple tree is quite dull this year.
On TU at Park, there was a surprise! Gentleman came by w/his camera and had pics of a large white bird on elec. wires a mile or so from Park. He said it perches there with the vultures! No vultures in his pics, so hard to ID size, but our ace bird person, Greg K., said it's an albino raptor of some sort, perhaps red-tailed hawk. He's sent pics around to some experts. I took long way home and drove past there, but only saw a couple vultures. There's also a phone tower on the way and I thought of Lucky JudyE with her eagles! Only 2vultures there. Will try to put (not so clear) pics from our visitor of "Whitey" on blog.
Dear Andy, don't worry too much about Emma. I'm sure she will be fine this time. At least you're pretty close to kennel and can call for reports ☺
Janet, all best wishes for getting that school situation straight. Some good advice to you from all our Momster teachers.
If I don't return, Good Health Prayers to our important list & all others and Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

Mema Jo said...


I know you are going on your trip but first before you leave

Happy Birthday tomorrow


Mema Jo said...

Lori - glad that test results got revised! Keep up the great work.

I only had 5 little ones here this evening. Now what to do with all the candies....

Going to close down.. Very sleepy and this is early for me.

God bless everyone - Lolly is on their way home... safe journey.
Prayers for all in need......

Goodnight to all ♥

stronghunter said...


Did practice today, Lori. I scored 131 on one game. Many bowlers would not find that impressive, but I was happy.

After I finished my third game, I sat down to take a break for lunch, and lo and behold, a group of men sat down at the table with me and the lane was assigned to them.

I think something happened to cause a pretty big league to run overtime and another league showed up, so things got crazy.

The men were gracious enough to assure me that I could stay there and enjoy my lunch, so I did just that. But I couldn't get another lane afterwards, so I came home.

I really usually do not do so well if I try to keep going past three games anyway.

JudyEddy said...

JO there are places here that send the candy to the troupes Lots of Dentist do that

Jordyn was so excited she got a tooth brush tonight from a dentist of course LOL

JudyEddy said...

A sperm whale beached itself about 7 am The beach where I go so sad they had to put it down
Sperm whale beaches itself today on Maderia beach

Lolly said...

We are home and thinking of going to bed early. We had fun at Laurel's but disappointed there were not more kids. Joey and Jack took Jacob out, but Joseph stayed at the house with us. He passed out some candy but then settled down with a movie.....ET!

Can not believe the flooding in central Texas. WOW!

Night all!! SED!! I is tired! :)

stronghunter said...

Decided to watch the late news tonight. They're still saying we are going to get some stormy weather tonight and tomorrow. Glad we brought in the Halloween decorations.

I need to say good night--rest well my friends. Tomorrow is my day to get a haircut and perm.

stronghunter said...

Oh my, some kind of shooting incident in Fredericksburg. I think it is near where one of my bridge friends lives. A standoff or something.

stronghunter said...

Upon checking--maybe not that near my friend, but close to where Will lived before he came back home.

Lori O. said...

Good FRIDAY, Red Friday, morning!

It's raining and super windy here. Just had a power outage for about 30 minutes, but it's back on now. Candles are still burning all over the place. Thankful the power is back.

ANDY, I hope you're really able to enjoy your vacation with missing Emma too much. Like SANDI said, they have no concept of time. Enjoy your stay at the resort.

SHIRLEY, congrats on your 131 score. That's great! You would have outscored me, that's for sure.

Sounds like everyone did not get many trick or treaters last night. As usual, I was out by 8.

There's still something beeping since the power outage...need to go find out where and what it is and reset it. Probably Mom's computer.

Hope everyone has a fabulous Friday!

Prayers that KAY and Michael have no more pain, for Norm and Norm, and DanaMo's Dad.

HODA, hope your sister is doing better after her eye surgery.

Sandi said...

Good morning Lori and all my eagle friends.

Wow, it's Friday, it's November, and ... it's Andy's birthday!! happy birthday, Andy!! Enjoy your trip - Emma will be fine.

Our boys lost their final football game of this season yesterday 32 - 8. First loss in 3 years. They will be sad today about not getting an "undefeated season" jacket. Still, I was glad I went to support them.

69 degrees outside this morning - no rain yet, but it's on the way. Have a great day everyone.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Balmy here this morning. Having my coffee and doing some laundry.

Janet said...

Good morning friends.

ANDY: happy birthday! Fun, and safe travels,! Sending light and love to you and to Emma. All will be well.

We survived the storm. The winds were pretty wicked yesterday at around 50 mph. I was a little unnerved last night just before bedtime, but managed to settle down and go to sleep. Nothing woke me up, so I am assuming we had no warnings, etc. Hoping those that are east of us, now dealing with the storm, will fare as well.

Olivia has a field trip to Lipscomb University today, which is right across town. The rest of metro is out of school today.
That’s the latest and greatest here.

Thank you all for your support regarding Olivia. I am feeling frustrated and tired of dealing with this, but from you at least I have encouragement that SOMETHING can be done. I will be making a few phone calls later today, again. I haven’t heard from anyone at this point. Hmmmmm

Light, love, healing, smiles and hugs to all!

Mema Jo said...

Good Red Friday Morning to all ♥
It's a bit wet here in the valley and all the leaves & pine needles are floating down in the yard and on the roads. Please be careful driving.

I think my head cold has kicked in - I don't feel badly but can't stop blowing my nose. I'll give it another day or so....

Mema Jo said...

The report on the boys (panda cubs) in Atlanta says they are progressing.
I love this comment -- We can hardly wait until the boys are walking and playing with Lun Lun together!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning still for a short time Today is my last day of vaca blowing raspberries now LOL

83° BALMY feels like 88°
Last nite was yuky out sticky the dew point is up there oppressive big time 74 the forecast for last night was HORRIFYINGLY HUMID LOL

JudyEddy said...

we do have another cold front lets hope it makes it sooon tomorrow hi 76° LO 59° YEAH

Mema Jo said...

Wow The sunshine is blinding me and the warmth of the breeze is wonderful

If chicken noodle soup helps a head cold disappear - I'm all for it ♥

Judy - bittersweet on the last day of vacation - but you sure had a lot of wonderful days! Laughed when you said a dentist gave out toothbrushes and that Jordyn thought it was great

JudyEddy said...

just got back from running around Lunch with Angie and a quickie on the truck Looks better no more bird poop LOL

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
Dropping in quickly to say howdy.
Think I have all the dog food made; just labeling it now.

Jo, are you sure it's a cold? Do you have any allergies ("hay fever")? This is the time of year when my allergies usually kick in, but (and I will say this VERY quietly, so the pollen won't hear me!) this year I'm OK so far! Prayers that whatever it is that is bugging you will disappear, pronto!

JudyE, last vacation day? Raspberries, for sure! WOOF, too! our dear Margy would say!

Thanks, everyone, for the Birthday wishes! They are MUCH appreciated!

Well, gotta run--so much to do, and so little time! Will try to check back here later. Have a good RED FRIDAY, everyone!
I ♥♥♥ us!!!--Emma says she does, too!

Lori O. said...


Hope it's a great day for you and Emma, and you blow out every candle on your cake!

grannyblt said...

Happy birthday Andy and have a wonderful trip.

Hoda said...

Happy Birthday ANDY.

JO your head cold has made it all the way up here!!! I have to admit I roils have rather received a visit from you not your head cold!!!

Cold here. No snow on the ground as they predicted!

Lolly said...

Howdy all,so frustrated with laptop. Can not get on blog, so I am on my iPad.

Lori O. said...

Good afternoon, everyone!

YAY, it's the weekend!

Hope the storms are over for KAY and JANET. We've had some horrific wind today and more rain tomorrow, maybe some snow tomorrow night.

JO, I know you are really looking forward to seeing both baby Pandas at the same time. Hope it's soon.

JUDYE, do you go back to work tomorrow or Monday? Sorry it has to end.

I'm so exhausted - can't wait for bedtime.

Lolly said...

I get on but then it freezes up and I can not post. grrr!

We worked in the yard this morn. We were mulching leaves and cleaning up. Now more leaves will ball!

Andy's birthday? Well, Happy Birthday Andy! Wishing you a fantastic day! Andy, you never mention your transcribing. Are you still doing it?

Whoo whoo! Laurel sent an email, she passed her ESL test! What a farce, as if that is going to make her a better teacher!,

Lolly said...

(((Hugs))) Lori! Know you are exhausted!

Lolly said...

Hee Hee! Jack is running errands, so I suggested he pick up pizza! Wahoo! No cooking!

Mema Jo said...

No errands were run except to the Pizza shop to pick up our dinner.. ♥

This morning started out with dreary
weather but this afternoon the sunshine was blinding..... Beautiful

Mema Jo said...

No TV programs tonight - We will watch some On Demand shows ...


JudyEddy said...

♥ ♥ ♥♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ Happy Birthday to you ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday to you ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday Dear ANDY ♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ ¸¸.•*¨*•♫♪ Happy Birthday to you!! ♥ ♥ ♥♪♫•*¨*•.¸¸♥ And many, many, many more!!.

•*¨`*•. ☆ .•*¨`*•.• .•*¨`*•. ☆ .•*¨`*•.
Wishing You the HAPPIEST Of Birthdays!!!
✿•*¨`*•. (¯`v´¯) (¯`v´¯) .•*¨`*•✿
. . . ✿•*¨`*•.¸(¯`v´¯)¸.•´*¨`*•✿
…………....♥ •.¸.•´♥……………..........

JudyEddy said...

JUST got home from kids house now to get a shower and get it in my mind that I do have to go back to work My short retirement is over as Margy says ANDY have good vacation also

Janet said...

Good evening to all.

Its been another day, come and almost gone. The weather was perfect. Warm, sunny, low humidity, just about aperfect fall day! Leaves are gorgeous right about now.

Work was interesting. Out of the five I had on the books, two were no shows…one called, he had forgotten but rebooked for Monday. The 2nd NEVER no shows. There was an accident out in front of massage envy on the highway….and I saw one of the vehicles and I THINK it MIGHT have been hers….. am worried about her. Sending her light and love. She didn’t call either and she has NEVER EVER done that…. So am concerned, very concerned for her well being.

Because of the accident our power @ work went out for about an hour. All the therapists came running out for flashlights to set up in the rooms. Lol. That is, all except for one. He is our blind therapist…he came out say “hey my table doesn’t work”. (we have electric tables that raise and lower with a foot pedal). I chuckled and said “ well chris, I guess you wouldn’t know would you? Power is out” Oh he thought we gave him the room with a broken table…lol, as a joke.

I called the exceptional ed/counselor at Livvy’s school and got a hold of her today. She had not yet seen Olivia’s report card. I told her what was on it. And I listened to her as she told me about math tutoring etc. And I thanked her for that, that I do appreciate the tutoring…BUT what I am looking for is more long term, dedicated assistance. I said that the testing for special services does NOT test for math deficiencies…. She can read just fine, thank you very much. The reading processing, etc is there. But math is kicking her butt. I added we have dealt with this since 4th grade.

I told her that I have been told that the standards for considering a child as LD are changing shortly and I have been advised that when that change occurs, I should consider having her retested. HOWEVER< in the meantime, why are we insisting that this child fall flat on her face every single first semester of school?

She said well let’s see if the tutoring helps. I said I can tell you what will happen. It WILL help. She will raise to about a C, maybe if really pushed a B level. But then, convince dshe as it, she will be removed from tutoring and fall flat again. Its happened before.

I said I understand she doesn’t qualify at this point for an IEP, but something is not right. She needs help. Can we do a 504?

She said a 504 plan is more of a short term plan, for a child with a physical disability… a broken arm. We need something else. And she is going to contact the school psychologist (again) (and who btw is very nice) and talk with her.

In the mean time, Monday I will contact the school and make conferences with both the math and science teacher and the special ed counselor will sit in on these meetings.

I don’t know that I accomplished anything….but I’ll keep pushing.

We went to applebees for dinner. Went over to the Pet Supermarket and bought dog and cat food. They have a deal, buy 10 bags, get the 11th one free.  Just shy of $100 later, we were out the door. (1 bag dog food, 1 bag cat food, 2 rubber balls)

And now home. I work 11 to 4 tomorrow. I am, of course,  fully booked! The day will go quickly.
I hope everyone has had a good day. I need to get a shower and get ready for work in the a.m. Light, love, hugs, and smiles to all! Sweet Dreams!

paula eagleholic said...

Eveing all.
Safely home in Eburg. House is fine.

No new thread?

Not many new posts...will get cayght up.

paula eagleholic said...

Hbappy birthday Andy. Have a great trip!

paula eagleholic said...

Janet,glad you are pushing for more help for OLIVIA...YOU GO GIRL.

Lori, glad you haqd an afternoon off!

No trick or traters for me...I'm too remote. There w2ere plent5y in Crisfield. Larry aqnd I went5 out to dinner at tth3 wat3ermans inn. Price3y but very good.

Will see Michael and Laura late tomorrow night.

No fog delay for me...we didn't really have any!

Nick stays home alone...he does fine.

Can you beleieve Monday will be 2 months at the new job? Time sure does fly.

Gonna relax the rest of the evening and get started bright and early...shou

paula eagleholic said...

Should be a nice day tomottow.

paula eagleholic said...

sorry for all he typos...didn't bringgthe laptop

paula eagleholic said...

Nick still reconizes this place and is happy to be here. Be back in 2 weeks for Cohens birthday. Can't believe he will be 8 !

JudyEddy said...

WOW PAULA 2 months yep time does fly

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Mema Jo said...

Good late evening to all ♥

Hi Paula - for sure 2 months just blew off the calendar. I am thinking back to the months you had of sending out resumes

Janet - Keep pushing!

Mema Jo said...

Good news from gd,Christine and Operation Second Chance...
Christine Thompson
So I just got to surprise Patrick and the Girls! I recived a phone call this morning from Cindy the founder of Operation Second Chance. We were selected to go on a week long vacation to Florida! I can not begin to express my gratitude for such a wonderful organization. I can't even type this with out crying. God is good all the time! Thank you Cindy!

I am very happy for them! ♥ The trip is in first part of December..

Mema Jo said...

I am closing down .... another
beautiful day tomorrow with sunshine.

Prayers for all in need...

I ♥ US

Goodnight to all my friends ♥

Hoda said...

Good night
God Bless Us All

Lori O. said...

Good Saturday morning and welcome to your weekend!

JANET, glad you're an actively involved parent on Livy's behalf. Hope it all works out to her benefit. Hang in there.

JUDYE, guess you're going back to work today. Have a great day.

PAULA, so nice that you have both houses to go to. Glad time is flying at your new job. Cindy and I were just talking yesterday about how slow time in school is going. Seems like we've been there forever! lol

I have three school projects, papers, to work on this weekend. That'll keep me busy, plus need to study for the Legal and Ethical Aspects of Nursing test on Monday.

Went to bed at 7 last night and didn't wake up until 6 this morning. I was slam wore out!

Hoping everyone has a great weekend. Sending big hugs!

Sandi said...

Good Saturday morning Lori and all my eagle friends. 64 degrees here in Bethany Beach, going up to near 70 today. Yesterday was warm but rainy today the sun should return.

Jo, what a great opportunity for Christine and Patrick and the kids!

First marking period ends on Monday - 25% of the school year is over already! Talk about time flying!!

I have a lot of schoolwork to get done this weekend before report cards go home next Friday, plus laundry and cleaning the upstairs, which didn't get done last weekend b/c we were in Baltimore. Hopefully I'll get a bike ride in this afternoon as well since tomorrow is supposed to be colder.

Have a great day all!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

77° out now and the cold front is here We have rain and storms out now according to the news then should be nicer after it goes through

LORI so good you had a good sleep Me not funny maybe I slept to much on vacation and finally caught up with me last night LOL

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
A quick hello--we decided to skirt Friday night traffic and leave for Welk Resort this morning.

Gotta pack up the laptop now.

THANK YOU for all the Birthday wishes!!! I love all of you--you are FAMILY! I ♥ us! I'll let you know when we arrive and are settled in. HAGD, everybody!

Janet said...

good morning all.

have a great day.

be back this evening!

paula eagleholic said...

Morning all.
Slept great . Time to tackle the great outdoors lol.
Will check back later .

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning on this beautiful day - The blue in the sky is breathtaking.

The birds and squirrels eating seeds and peanuts as though there were no tomorrow.

My head cold is drying up, thank goodness. So far no coughing.

Lori - your body is taking over gal
Rested enough for this upcoming week.

Sandi hard to believe 1st marking period is here... seems lit just yesterday you were on the tennis court or sunning on the beach.

Paula - enjoy your company this weekend.

Andy - don't blame you for missing Fri night traffic. Enjoy your week.

Judy - up and at them! I bet they really missed your being at work all last week.

Mema Jo said...



This really messes up my body
metabolism for a week or more with
changing eating and sleep times

Hoda said...

Thank you SHAR. Internet is back
It is pouring here
Off to Local Intelligence Gathering Workshop.
Good morning all.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Getting off to a slow start today. But I do have things to do and places to go.

It does look beautiful outdoors. And, Jo, you have reminded me that I need to put out some peanuts and seeds for those birds and squirrels.


Still missing our Judie.

Lolly said...

Good morning! another morning of doing nothing but letting Annie in and out. We let her out and she does an immediate u turn and meows to get back in. Excuse the typos. On iPad.

Heading for a soccer game this afternoon and hoping race traffic is not too bad!

Lolly said...

We usually skip going to Denton on race days, but this is Joseph's last soccer game. We have to pass right by Texas Motor Speedway.

Joseph did have tryouts for the basketball team. Looks like he made the A team in it! Jacob will be playing basketball, too.

JudyEddy said...

home from my
first day back
boy my back said it
doesn't like to work LOL

JO YEP I was missed and yep I was told I was Love that tooo
funny think I walked in to work and found so many boo boo odd that no one else see it or cares I should say My boss said he didn't see them either till I pointed it out One ex is a split end cap was wine when I went on vaca Barefoot 4.97 was 5.97 and 9.97 was 12.97
well the issue is they put 1.88 koolaid on the end and didn't change the signs so you are to believe that the koolaid was 1297 I think not That is why they love me I am a PIA on signing I see all where as they don't or don't care if they see it and it happens on a daily basis the associate changes the price but doesn't change the toppers OK enough on bragging on myself

JudyEddy said...

our cold front made it and it rained big time this am now just a occasional sprinkle we got ONE INCH out of it

right now its 71° dew point 61° humidity 71% so nice a comfortable

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY I would install a pet door they come with things to slide over at night

JudyEddy said...

ATTIC is MT and windy

Ms Bookworm said...


We have arrived, and it is really beautiful here. We're in a Mountain Villa, which has 2 fireplaces, a jacuzzi soaker tub, granite countertops, and a shower with 2 "rainshower" spray heads, and one hand-held shower. Geez, what luxury! One of the fireplaces is between the bedroom and the bathroom, right at one end of the bathtub! Hope I don't get TOO used to all this! We also have a big balcony with a table where we can eat outdoors, and a beautiful view of the hills. Nearby are barbecues where you can grill to your heart's content, and a big swimming pool.

We dropped off Emma at her "puppy camp" this morning, and they have what amounts to the Great American Novel in their computer, with feeding instructions, list of allergies, special instructions, all of her supplements and how much/when to give them, etc. They have all the info for both of Emma's vets, and instructions for giving her a bath. She'll get a bath with hypoallergenic, non-fragrance shampoo before she comes home. I can call them 24/7 if I get worried, too. I must say that I am impressed with them. I think Emma's covered better than even having a petsitter that comes to the home. (They only come 2x a day, and it's about $56/day to have them spend the night.) I couldn't find one with all good reviews, either! Every one had at least one review with red flags going up for me!

I feel much, much better about Emma now. She even has a TV to watch! I think I will actually enjoy this vacation! Thanks for all your wishes and prayers regarding this! They're working!!!
Must go get some groceries now. Will check in later. I ♥ us!!!

JudyEddy said...

ANDY we are sooo jealous of your room Enjoy it
Angie had a place where they took there dogs also and they also had a computer hooked up I guess skype to watch the animals in the yard and in their pens

Lolly said...

Home! Watching TCU/WV in overtime. Come on Frogs!

No can do pet door. French door going to the back and storm doors at the other two.

Groan! the Frogs just handed the game to WV. I am sad!

Mema Jo said...

Good early evening to all ♥
Good to hear from you Andy - and especially that you have no worries whatsoever concerning Emma.

I thought by the time I got back in here that you all would have had the SPLIT.

Really a beautiful day = a bit winds at times. Sorta felt like rain could come but it didn't.

Dominick, gs, stopped by with 3 pumpkins from where he works. It is a nursery and pumpkins aren't good sellers with all the pumpkin patches around. I mentioned that we have an artificial Christmas tree and NOT to bring me any left over tree. lol

Mema Jo said...

Not much on TV - Hallmark all day is showing Christmas movies. I caught 2 of them.

Take care and see you later.....

Lori O. said...

JO, love the Hallmark Christmas movies, too! I watch Hallmark more at Christmas time than any other time of year. Nice that you have pumpkins - it is still Fall.

ANDY, glad you sound like you'll be able to enjoy your vacation with Emma all safe and sound at camp.

Have a chance of rain and snow tonight. My 13 year old niece is spending the night. Just finished by second report today - glad that's done.

Have a great night all!

Big hugs!

Lori O. said...

JUDYE, no wonder they love you at work. You are an outstanding employee! Good on you.

Hoda said...

Great day for me! Wow 14 incredible presentations an excellent lunch. Amazing company bright intelligent witty and creative people. I love the community of Nelson. Vibrant and always evolving...some very good ideas and projects with which I would like to be involved.
I feel blessed. GOD IS GOOD ALL THE TIME.

We have snow on Elephant Mountain. I presume the next step is in town. Time to put my plants to be dormant for the winter. Stop watering. Kale can last a bit longer. I will bring the herbs in tomorrow.

Sounds like all is well with our group. Thinking a lot of JUDIE and hoping all is well.

Thank You SHAR for posting for me this morning. I hope you are having a spectacular day.


grannyblt said...

Andy, your vacation spot sounds wonderful. I'd love to get in the hot tub right now! And Emma should be fine. If you lived close to me I would be thrilled to pet sit. I am so dog deprived these days.
Yucky weather here but at least my yard man blew some leaves before the rain started. He thinks he'll only have to do it one more time--I think he is sadly mistaken. It is the last in the neighborhood to loose leaves--usually until Thanksgiving.
SED to all.

stronghunter said...

Bear Update

magpie said...

Seven clocks, and one wristwatch
turned backwards,
will do the clock in the car in the morning.
Bird clock, I could not turn that one backwards, so 11 birds foreward instead.

Good Evening, Precious Pals

magpie said...

We are going to split soon.

What fun, to read of all your doins'
and also to read of the serious concerns going on as well.

I have you all in my prayers....
took a long walk after a long work day (and work week) and that's when I do a lot of my prayers

Saw beautiful Carolyn-Jewels at
shift change tonight, and a few nights ago I had a view of the wonderful Outer Banks Pictures


magpie said...

What a wonderful vacation place
Andy and Kubby are at (I know the grammar is wrong on that sentence)

and it sounds like Emma is in some pretty nice digs too!

magpie said...

Well, how about a SPLIT
now !

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3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...