Monday, September 30, 2013


New thread.


magpie said...

Joyful and Jolly Good, Steve,
Thank You

Have a Good Week

stronghunter said...


Thanks for the new thread, Steve. And thanks for the call-over, Margy. Congrats on the feather!

Fog is all gone and the tree is visible in all of its glory.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all ♥

Thank you Steve on this Monday morning for the fresh new thread.

Congrats on the feather Margie.

Hi Shirley

Mema Jo said...

Janet - good luck for Michael and his decision. Sounds as though he is ready as of course you have been for the past 2 years. It takes awhile for some to find their niche in life.
I wish him well and I think this makes you proud.

Mema Jo said...

Lori enjoyed your 'no test' day....

Sandi, I have an empty place in my heart for you saying good bye to Brian. I will keep him in my prayers every day.

Hoda - you are combining Night Owl with Early Bird - I hope you found some sleep last evening or rather in the early hours of daylight.

Hoda said...

Thank you STEVE and MARGIE

Good Morning All

SANDI as of tomorrow afternoon BRIAN is on my Prayer List till he comes back States Side. God Bless Him.

I do not know why I was awake.
I was relaxed and cozy yet not sleepy.
I am three hours behind the a East Coast JANET.
On Pacific Time. Two thirty I think it was.
Slept 4.5 hours. Will monitor myself accordingly.

Hope the grand kids made it home in a reasonable time JO

Hoda said...

Rainy day here.
Have both indoor and outdoor things to do on my list.

Hoda said...

Oh just found out why I was awake. I changed my teas to Tulsi Tea. Holy Basil Tea Brand. Well mostly it is decaffeinated tea. I had Pomegranate Green last night at around 9 PM.
Well there you have it!!! It is caffeinated. As much as green Tea is good for me I can not have it past noon.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Saw 59 this morning! Wahoooo! Up to 70 and heading to the 80's. I can live with this! :)

So happy to see Monday and a slow morning! We slept late! House is open and the roosters are not bothering us. I kinda like hearing them crow. There are two types of roosters, one large one small. The big one crows and then the little one. I laugh as the little ones crow is so much smaller and weak. Really funny!

Arm is still red on the back and occasionally itches. Definitely better!

Now about this polka-ing. We were attempting to polka. lol Julie, the girlfriend (dance teacher) was very good, but it went too fast. Went on to additional steps before we had mastered the previous steps. Also, I had to do it barefooted as my shoes did not have backs. Jack hated it...but his friend, Dave, got a big kick out of watching Jack. lol

Football tonight!

LORI.....Hurrah for the no test day!!!!

Lolly said...

Good morning, Hoda! What are you off to today?

Lolly said...

We have a chance of more rain later on in the week. Think it is coming from your way!

stronghunter said...

Hi all,

Heading out for errands and maybe bowling practice.

Football practice this evening. Game tomorrow evening against Hunter's former coach, the one he had for several years. Hunter's team has a much better record this year, and Hunter says he is ready to beat Coach Charlie's team. He will probably have lots of friends on the other team.

Would have loved seeing you and Jack dancing, Lolly. Back in my college days, I remember a girl down the hall who had an accordion. She loved to play polka music for us.

Going to try to find Hunter some larger football pants. He is growing fast.

stronghunter said...

Hi Jo and Hoda.

Thoughts for Sandi and her Brian.

And for Janet and her Michael.

Lolly said...

Off to start my day!

Have a great day!

Mema Jo said...

Oh Hoda - the green tea did it ♥
I am so happy that there wasn't something on your mind that kept you awake
Maybe a short nap this afternoon ♥

Mema Jo said...

This is the last day of September ♥
It has been a pleasant weather month but yes, MD could use some rain. My dogwoods' leaves are ready to drop.
Soon the mountains will be very colorful.

Mema Jo said...

Tomorrow is October 1 - one year ago is when Michael took his fall
and struggled to come back to us. He
has succeeded in doing so. I will still ask for prayers as he endures very severe pain at times. His constitution is very strong but
recently it has really become overpowering at times. So please remember him in your daily prayers and thoughts.
Thank you so much ♥

Hoda said...

Incredible that it is already a year since MICHAEL'S accident. Sorry that the pain is severe. He continues to be on my prayer list JO.

Well done to JANET'S MICHAEL for figuring out he might want something more to do besides being anti everything.
Somehow I remember my time there. It is what led me to Canada!!! I knew what I DID NOT want to do but had no idea what I did want to do!!! 1972 it was so I applied to immigrate...

Hoda said...

LOLLY today walk with friend, take things to the Salvation Army, sort through papers and file them. Fill up Government forms! They want me to apply for another gov't cheque. I know I am not eligible yet it is against the law to not not apply!!! They have the information from my income tax forms. It is what I will use to fill their form and send it.
I also have to make more research for my new extended health options after I turn 65. Sometime over the next month I must fill those papers. So doing research now is a good idea.
Kootenay Spirit Yoga Festival Board of Directors Meeting tonight.
Evening Yoga

Mema Jo said...

Keeping busy is what keeps one going, Hoda. I love your daily schedules! ♥

Kay said...

Good Last Day of September 2013 Dear Eagle Buds !

Thanks to STEVE for the shiny new thread !

HODA, it sounds as if you have as much "red tape" to go through as we US citizens do. Arrrrgggghhhh !

Reminds me of my most recent peeve. AARP constantly touts efforts to make life simpler for seniors---as in tax reform, etc.. In Friday's mail I received their plea to change to their Medicare plan. There were pages and pages of complicated formulas and very little explanation, leaving one needing to call in for complete info. Practice what you preach AARP, meanwhile I think I'll stick with Aetna !

LORI, so pleased you have a NO TEST DAY ! Hope your parents take a picture of you as you leave for the first day of work in your new uniform ! Will be thinking of you and looking forward to your assessment of the first day "on the job" !

LOLLY, sorry Jack did not take to the Polka wholeheartedly, but glad you had fun with it all !

SHIRLEY, guess we've all seen scenarios kind of like the one with the kids at the bowling alley. I have two nephews who as young brothers behaved that way and my dear sister couldn't seem to see how the younger one baited the older. Oh well, they grew up and all is well with them now !

JANET, some kids take a while to come into their own--glad your Michael is doing so now !

JO, a whole year since Michael's accident ? Hard to believe, but a good day to say thanks for Momster prayers answered !

Love and prayers for all !


stronghunter said...

Back from errands. No time for bowling today.

Tried to find football pants for Hunter with no luck. Getting ready to shop online.

Mema Jo said...

:( Today I must allow Mr Marvin to walk over the Rainbow Bridge.
We took him to the Vet this morning due to his breathing - short and very labored. X-ray was taken and some test were run. He does has leukemia and AIDS and fluid around his lungs. With meds the Vet said he probably only had a month more and would not be back to what we consider normal. Jenny and I are going down to Vets around 5:00 to say our good=byes

I have a very heavy heart - loved Mr Marvin.......... ♥

Bob Quinn said...

The Bob Report:

Doing well. Walked down to the end of the block and back twice yesterday. Doing all my PT. My waterproof bandage wasn't so waterproof. Doc had me remove it, clean it up and put sterile gauze on it. Nurse will be here tomorrow to take a look at it. Otherwise can't believe how great I'm doing.

Mema Jo said...

Keep up the wonderful PT, Bob.
This new medicine and surgical procedures are surprising! Did you use a walker or a cane, Bob.

Bob Quinn said...

Thanks Jo - I used a walker to take my trek down the block but I've switched to a cane inside the house.

Mema Jo said...

That is a very good report!
Keep up the good progress!

Hoda said...

Oh JO!!!
So sorry that you will grieve Mr Marvin.
For ever you are the kind and loving friend.
Allowing him to go is an act of loving kindness.
Blessed Be
Holding you both in the Light

Mema Jo said...

Thank you Hoda

Bob Quinn said...

Jo - So sorry to hear about Mr. Marvin. It is so hard to say goodbye. My little Beaner has been by my side since I got home from the hospital.

Hoda said...

Much love to you and your family JO.

stronghunter said...

Jo, so sorry about Mr. Marvin. We love our pets so much and miss them when they depart. We still miss Flash and his excited barks whenever we come home.

Bless you and bless Mr. Marvin.

stronghunter said...

Gotta go finish drying the one pair of football pants Hunter has left. I ordered two more pairs in a larger size.

magpie said...

(( HUGS )) Jo
and all the Family Lennox....
Marvin has been a wonderful friend to you I know....I am sorry for
the loss of your little pal...

You are kind and compassionate.....

God Bless You, all....

magpie said...

And to Bob Q:

all sounds do all that tell you and you will be
Rumpelstilstkinning things in no time !

JudyEddy said...

HELLOOOO Home from work to find a fresh new thread


magpie said...

I really am remiss in giving attaboys and attagirls and HUGS to all on what you all have going....
I am just really really against the wall on some schedule things...
but please know that I Care !
and try to keep up as I can

(( Momster Lovins'))

Lori O. said...

JO, so sorry very sorry about Mr. Marvelous Marvin. That breaks my heart. He is a special kitty as all his photos showed. Big Hugs, Jo.

HODA, sorry the tea kept you up. I'm the same way. Hope you got all your chores done today = especially applying for more money. Can't believe it's against the law not to.

SANDI, thinking about you and your family as Brian gets ready. Big Hugs. Glad you'll have sunny & warm weather this week.

JANET, congrats on Michael's decision to make his parent's proud! Great for him!

SHIRLEY, have fun at football tonight. Bundle up in the new stadium blanket.

Talked with the head lady at school today and I have until the first of November, or longer if I need it, to switch meds. It's all about the hospital clinical rounds, and nothing to do with the long term care facility I'll start at once a week beginning tomorrow. The end of the month we'll go to two days a week. I was sure relieved! Thanks for your faith and prayers!

I love you all tremendously.

magpie said...

this is very good news !!!

and....Those folks at the long term
care facility are going to just love you, I know it !!!

((Momsters Hugs )) all the way
during Brian's time overseas....
We are here for you....

JudyEddy said...

JO miracle Michael wow been a year already so sorry he is still with pain after all this time
another of our pet are going over the rainbow bridge I am so sorry JO

BOB good to here you are bouncing back

SIS so happy Michael is finding his nitch in life I sure wish my son Tommy would He is another story but of course Tom allows him to live there not working

JudyEddy said...

I have a hard decision to make I tried to help the kids with the house by putting my American Express card also in Angies name well it did help But now she is charging stuff on it

Like grocery store, elec bill, garbage bill and tag renewal Its up to over 4 thousand now just got the bill I usually just hand it over to her but last month there was a grocery store charge and I told her I would rather not she charge grocery's and now this month 7 new chargers about a thousand worth Need to calm down before I call her
OH and i got a letter from IRS informing me that I am a victim of tax fraud that the hell I thought I already established that on my own I think I will call the # and see what they say after I figured it out last month on my own LOL

JudyEddy said...

the charges for this month were 796 I tried to call her but no answer I think I am gonna call the Card Co and see if they can take me off the card instead of cancelling it being she has been making the payments I told her that I only charge thinks like car repair and vacations I thought maybe she wanted to charge our vaca for next year on it But at this rate she will have it capped She is getting a settlement from her accident (not certain how much) and told me last month she would pay it off with the settlement

JudyEddy said...

Just got off the phone with CC and no they can't take me off the card being I was the original person applying for it and I added her but they can cancel her off it or me cancel the whole thing When I get in contact with Angie I will tell her any more charges and I will cancel her I don't want to be a meanie Just need to vent before I talk to her
The card has a limit of 11 Th and I don't want to see it go that high LOL

JudyEddy said...

OH forgot to say I got a kick butt cool beans pic of a Hawk this am going to work on sidewalk where our shopping carts are parked A hawk flew in front of me and landed on the carts Need to upload the pic want to post on Great backyard bird counts I think it is a cooper a young one

JudyEddy said...

got a announcement that the Southwest Eagle cam went live but when I go on the page says tomorrow and others are also saying can't see anything OOPS premature maybe YEP ITS up now

NO eagle in it here is link if you lost it
Florida eagle nest went love today I love it that when you subscribe you get notices cool beans ok gonna go watch news

JudyEddy said...

EAGLE in the attic

JudyEddy said...


paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all!

What a lovely fall day!

Saw another eagle at work, soaring above the water. I'll have to bring my phone with my now, so I can get a pic next time!

Hoda said...

Her Majesty's Government Forms have been successfully completed.
I feel like phoning HEr Majesty's Loyal Opposition to ask them to introduce a Bill to not make this required by law!!!

Instead I BREATHE.

Gratefully all bills are paid.
Cheque Book is balanced.
Budget made out.
All is indeed well.

The paper files are still an issue.
I have two huge containers with papers for the past ten years. I saved every bill and that it is paid in full. I have all my tax returns since 1973 and I am thinking I can let some of them go!!!
How long do you all keep your bills and applications and documentation???
PAULA WHAT SAY YOU? What is a reasonable time to keep holding on to the paper trail?

Hoda said...


JUDYE I am concerned over the credit card situation.
I hope it resolves for you.

BOB I am very pleased with your progress report earlier. Do not overdo it and keep up the good work.

Mema Jo said...

Hoda - we were told 7 years to hold tax records... Wait and see what Paula suggests. She is our #1 accountant

DanaMo said...

Hello everyone. I know I haven't been on for a while...alot going on. I do want to ask all of your who have Facebook pages to do me a huge favor. The organization that I love (and many others already follow on here) Warrior Canine Connection, is in a contest tomorrow to win a vehicle. This organization is training service dogs for our US veterans. They are trained by veterans with PTSD and are then given to disabled veterans when they graduate from the program. They were just recently involved with greeting the Honor Flight that came into BWI with WWII veterans. This is such an amazing organization and I hope you will help. They will know at the end of the day if they have won. You must vote through the Facebook page app for Toyota 100 cars for Good. You will actually have to vote for 2 organizations as per the rules. I will post a link first thing tomorrow and again at various times during the day. You may only vote once (and like I said you must vote for 2 organizations.)According to our research the smallest organization we are up against is Michigan Science Center so I think that is who we are giving our second vote to, although we may want to spread it out so that the votes are not too close. You must be in the US to vote. Clean the world is the second smallest. It looks like Protect our Winters is a huge group so please cast your vote elsewhere.
Thanks love to all...sorry I haven't been on.
School is going well....some issues with dad, but doing relatively well. He is in the hospital right now, but it's a minor issue, which we don't think is cancer related, although could be Chemo side effect.

Mema Jo said...

Hi Dana - Do you have the actual like that takes you right to the page for voting. Isn't tomorrow the last day to vote?

Off to watch BONES

DanaMo said...

Tomorrow is the ONLY day to vote for WCC. I will post a link in the morning, after school, and again late evening for all the different times people are on FB. Each organization only gets one day. There will be 5 organizations that we are up against tomorrow. It's a one shot deal! We will KNOW tomorrow night if we have won. The voting is from 10 am til 11:59 pm

Janet said...

good evening to all!

thank you for the kind and positive thoughts regarding my michael.

MEMA JO: soooo sorry about Mr. Marvin...((((hugs)))) holding you close in light and love.....

and thinking of your Michael....

LORI: how was the non test day.

JUDYE: after you calm down a straight up, heart to heart this is not acceptabe talk might be in order? ya think? i don't even share credit cards with tom. we have our own. and we pay our own.
jut saying'....

DanaMo: got your back!

HODA: good to know your time zone. thank you. an glad you found the culprit in your lack of sleep. :) pleasant snoozing my friend.

it has been such a lovely day. weather was great. today was tom's bday. we celebrated over the weekend, but i made sure to havecards around the house for him.

still kind of bzzing fro the concert last night. i am wearnig my new t shirt. i had so much fun. it isn't ofte i let loose and just have such fun!

hope everyone has a lovely evening...light love hugs and smiles. SED! <3

Lynne2 said...

evening all....

Jo, I am so very sorry about Mr. Marvin's passing.

Lynne2 said...

and I didn't realize that Michael was in pain. Prayers for him that it gets resolved.

paula eagleholic said...

Darn internet. My post disappeared.

You can also vote for The Wildlife Center of Virginia, another good Cause.

Shirley, they don't supply Hunter with pants and shirts for Football?

Lori, glad you had a non test day!

Hello Kay, good to see ya!

Margy, thanks for the note and the reminder.

Lolly, glad you like the roosters.

Jo, hard to believe it's been a year for Michael. What do the Dr's have to say about the headaches?

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, so very sorry to hear about your Marvelous Marvin. I know he is at peace now and is no longer suffering. Poor baby. Hugs to you, Jo.

paula eagleholic said...

Hoda, 7 years here for old tax returns. Chuck all the old bills, except ones that relate to the tax donations pd by check, etc. Make sure you get the old returns shredded.

paula eagleholic said...

Listening to a John Denver song...really need to get some of his CD's as the record player no longer works...

JudyEddy said...

had long talk with dau and she understands NO MORE CHARGING I told her I would cancel the card She understood This was supposed to be for the establishing charge and pay off but didn't turn out She did ask to put the homeowners insurance on it but that was to be it And was to be paid off but wasn't yet just added more I told her to put the card in a drawer and out of her wallet that should help I don't carry mine with me at all

Judie said...

Jo, I am deeply sorry about Marvelous Marvin.

Restful sleep everyone.

Sandi said...

Hi all - busy day and a busier evening!

Jo, I'm so sorry to read that you had to make the decision to put Marvin down, but it sounds like it was time. I just read an article online a few days ago about people who sustain traumatic brain injuries and the long term affects, like having severe headaches. I will keep him in my prayers.

Judy, I feel your pain with the credit card and Angie. I made the same mistake with Kevin - on 2 separate occasions several years apart. Sadly, some people just are not disciplined enough to have credit cards.

Dana, will be able to vote for WCC but not til afternoon - can't access FB from school.

Shirley, I have been meaning to say that I LOVE your new John Deere avatar!!

Thank you all for remembering Brian in your prayers. We talked with him last night and he has promised to stay in regular contact with us via email. He flies out tomorrow afternoon.

I am beat - time for a bath and bed! See y'all in the AM!

Mema Jo said...

Michael is due to go back for a check up at UMMC - the dr that did his surgery. The Neurologist here in Frederick isn't quite certain of the cause - Here they are trying to control it with meds - have tried a few different ones.... Has to take
Seizure meds daily. It could very well be a rejection of sort from his replaced piece of skull. The don't want any pain meds nor does Michael. Suggest that he goes to Pain Management... Maybe he really needs a good Reiki treatment. What say Janet?
He works with his brother with painting and wood repairs. I am thankful they are together.

JudyEddy said...

This is the picture of the hawk I saw today sitting on the shopping cart as I was walking in she flew in front of me startled me I got to get 8 pictures of her Check out her one leg doesn't look like it has the pantaloons on like the other one

I put three pic on my misc blog

Janet said...

JO; Reiki always works for the highest and greatest good of the individual. Unfortunately we can never predict and outcome, however, most people do recieve comfort and feel better after Reiki.

With a serious/substantial problem, as with any type of treatment, sometimes multiple sessions are necessary.

I love for people who are willing to learn Reiki so they can apply it for themelves.

There are many alternative treatments, such as accupuncture which work with Reiki and many people find help through those resources as well.

I hate hearing that he is having pain. Light, love and Reiki blessings to him....blessed be.

stronghunter said...

Watching Castle.

Paula--Hunter gets a jersey, helmet, and shoulder pads for football. We supply shoes, socks, and pants. They supply a mouthguard, but most kids prefer a better one. I think they provide the chin strap, but we purchased one of those as well. Football really does require a lot of equipment.

Hunter is still playing parks and rec football this year. If he plays next year, it will probably be at school.

I ended up ordering two pairs of football pants, but when I told Kathryn, she said she had picked up a pair on Saturday. I guess he will be in good shape with three new pairs of football pants.

JudyEddy said...

MY question is What kind of Hawk is this A cooper? someone at work said red tailed

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Sandi. If you look closely, you sill see that George is on the seat. I haven't yet asked Will if he noticed some catnip on the steering wheel.

Mema Jo said...

Judy - I would go for a Cooper Hawk
in your pic. May be a juvenile.
All I did was Google it - I once had to adult Copper Hawks in my yard & they were breathtaking.
You may need some of our other bird enthusiast to voice their ID of you pick.......

stronghunter said...

Funny thing . . . Kathryn had Hunter try on his new pants, and he said they were too small. He couldn't even pull them up past his thighs. However, I noticed that he still had the attached belt fastened. In his usual manner, he told me that the fastened belt doesn't matter. Yeah.

stronghunter said...

That's "You will see George on the seat."

stronghunter said...

Time for me to wind things down. Tomorrow is bowling day. See you then. SED, everyone.

Mema Jo said...

Shirley - it goes for about 2 inches - right?

stronghunter said...

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Good time to get a mammogram.

Mema Jo said...

Now I do see George on the John Deere

Time to thank everyone for your remarks of caring for Michael and for Mr Marvin...........

Goodnight and God Bless you and keep you through the night.

stronghunter said...

Confused, Jo. What goes for two inches?

Lolly said...

Hi all! We be home. Another loss, poor Joseph! But after the game I got a hug! What a great kid! He also had a big smile. I did not instigate the hug, he just came straight to me. Of course he said something about rubbing sweat all over me! Lol

Jo,so very sorry about Mr. Marvin. I keep thinking we will have to make that decision with Annie, but right now she is looking pretty good!

Lolly said...

It's that time of night. See ya tomorrow!

Night all! SED!!

Hoda said...

Thank you PAULA.
I will shred from 1970-2000.
I will keep them in decades for my own peace of mind.

We are all here for each other.
Sorry I can not help your cause DANA.
Those dogs are pretty cute.

Hoda said...


God Bless Us All

Au revoir Mr Marvelous Marvin.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning all!

Shirley, we can always count on you for a good Hunter story. Funny about trying on the pants. You must have the patience of Job. Good luck with bowling today!

KAY, I don't think there will be any pics of me heading out to school/work today. I have to leave here at one will be awake. Just praying our instructor doesn't dump another paper/report project on us!

JUDYE, good for you for taking control of your finances and talking with Angie. I'm sure it was hard, but you did the right thing.

JO, blessings for Michael today and hope he gets some answers on the cause of his headaches. Big Hugs for you as I'm sure you're missing Mr. Marvin.

SANDI, thoughts and prayers with you and your family as Brian heads out this afternoon. He will stay on my prayer list, too.

PAULA, you lucky duck! Going to work and getting to see eagles. Please take a camera.

JUDIE, haven't seen you on much lately. Just hope you're not being bogged down by the big school house, and that you're feeling well.

DANAMO, it's always nice when you check in...thanks for working for the good cause you chose. Hope they win and we get to see you more often.

HODA, Paula gave you the answers so now you can get rid of some of those old tax returns - just hope that is the law in Canada, too. Hoping you have a beautiful day!

MARGY, back to work today. I didn't see if you got your water bottles filled at the spring? That sounds so fun and refreshing.

LOLLY, sorry for the football loss, or was that baseball? You're such a good grandma to travel so much to see the boys play.

Love for everyone today, along with Light, blessings, joy and smiles on this Tuesday!

I'll see you this afternoon.

Sandi said...

Good morning Lori and all my eagle friends! It's turn the calendar page! October 1st!

Lori, enjoy your day today - do you feel extra nursy in your scrubs?????

Bob, great that you are checking in and bouncing back so quickly! Walker is almost gone, cane will be next! You'll be as good as new by eagle season in Blackwater!!

More state testing for me today. Work will be my saving grace for the next year. When I'm there, the kids keep me 100% focused on them - no time to worry about other things.

Make it a great day all!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eagle Buds

JudyEddy said...


Janet said...

good morning and happy october!

i have a day off from massage, but need to clean my house. :P darn house elves must be on strike again. fussy little fellows they are!

back to being very sleepy in the morning ... i had a break a very nice break, for whatever reason from the hot flahshes/nightsweats. i thought maybe because the outside temps were down???? must not have been because they are back and i am sleepy again in the a.m.'s. :{

oh well, this too shall pass.

well folks. our government is closed ANDgetting paid for it.
i don' usually say too much on the politial sde, but i will suffice it to say that i'd like to knock them all in the head and knock some sense into them! :{

its gonna be a great day none the less. I have the power and wll make it so.

STRONGHUNTER: happy bowling! hope the brace helps

LORI: happy studying!

Healing, comfort, love,and hugs to all the wonderful people here. <3
make it a super day!

stronghunter said...

October is Breast Cancer Awareness Month. Good time to get a mammogram.

stronghunter said...

Good morning, everyone.

Typed the above post last night and forgot to publish.

When I had my mastectomy, nurses told me that I should encourage others to get their mammograms.

They wanted me to tell my students to go home and encourage their moms and others to get mammograms. Well, when I said the word "breast," all of those ninth grade boys almost died, but I hope it helped someone.

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Janet. I hope I bowl at least my average. A few extra pins would be nice.

stronghunter said...

Glad that Social Security is still sending out checks, but that might not continue when the next crisis happens. Trying to keep that in mind.

Sorry about the football loss, Lolly.

Kay said...


COME ON OVER Y'ALL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


Kay said...


COME ON OVER Y'ALL !!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!


3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...