Wednesday, May 22, 2013


New thread.  The guys are working on the live video problem.


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Mema Jo said...

Good Morning to All and a Feather in my hat!

Thanks Steve for the information on the Live Feed. We don't want to miss any eventful happenings as the first flights are coming up!

I'll call the others and Thanks again.

CarolAnne said...

Congrats Mema
Thanks Steve
Keeping everyone in my thoughts today.
Take care!

Lori O. said...

Hello JO and C/A!

JO, thanks for the call over...

STEVE, thank you for the new thread!

Have a good day everyone. Going out to spray weeds!

Sandi said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sandi said...

Checking in from school and I see we have a new thread.

Thanks Steve and thanks Jo, for the call over!

More state testing for me - science test today!


Mema Jo said...

Thinking positive thoughts and offering prayers for Sharon's MRI procedure. Praying the results are all good!

Mema Jo said...

Janet - Watched the video of Seven and Scout - I praise Scout for putting up with such an adorable active pup like Seven. Seven is adorable - Hope he is giving you some wonderful fun moments.

Mema Jo said...

Hoda - so sorry about your Honey pots having to be placed sooooo high on the shelf. I missed the reason you have given up on honey...but researchers say that
FYI from readings.......
Raw honey can stabilize blood pressure, balance sugar levels, relieve pain, calm nerves, and it has been used to treat ulcers. Raw honey is also an expectorant and anti-inflammatory and has been known to effectively treat respiratory conditions such as bronchitis and asthma.

Mema Jo said...

On FB Dana has a video of her 2 ducklings swimming in their small tub of water. Adorable beyond words.

Lolly said...

Good morning! Quite cool this AM but headed up to the 90's. cooler at home!

Sitting here enjoying my coffee and completely dressed contrary to popular belief!

Prayers for Sharon and her MRI today.

Yep, Wildseed Farm this morn if I ever get moving, but the purpose of this trip is to not move. LOL

Mema Jo said...

Lolly - you can move but do so slowly as that is the secret of relaxation! Enjoy the wildseed farm - I remember beautiful pictures from your past visits!

I am now going to move away from this computer and organize my day
of retired

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

They called that they are running behind at the MRI so I have to be there at 12:30.

magpie said...

Best of the Best Wishes, Sharon...
Prayers and Positive Thoughts also ♥

magpie said...

Live Feed is Back up,
let me repeat that :


Thanks To Steve and the Powers that Be on this one, and to Paula for letting Steve and OC know...

magpie said...

Couple of "Flat Stanleys" hangning out at the top of the nest...

soaking up the Sunshine ☼ Vitamins

Mema Jo said...

I am a happy Nester again
Such a thrill to open our live feed and still cam and see two juvie's tails sitting there.

Thank you Steve and crew for your
fast work on the cam repairs. We
couldn't ever do without you all ♥

Thanks Margy for passing the word
on here - Live eagle cam notified everyone on their forum ♥

magpie said...

righto Jo...I forgot about all those other means of finding out about important things ☺

MRI Time! Assuming no additional delays...
(( Hugs Sharon ))

stronghunter said...

Hi--doing laundry here. Baseball game tonight. White baseball pants are a challenge, especially for a kit who loves to slide into base.

He is supposed to pitch tonight, but the coach says he will remove a pitcher if there are too many balls, so there is pressure and competition.

We will see. He did pull a pitcher last game and the poor kid cried. I felt bad about that, but it is part of the learning process.

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks for the heads up Margy!

paula eagleholic said...

Working on job searches today, laundry, and cleaning stuff off my computer. I have a nice backup drive that I bought over a year ago and never used...moving bunches of stuff over there to free up room on my laptop.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, got a nice walk with Nick in, too :)

paula eagleholic said...

Good luck to Hunter tonight, Shirley. I always used to get nervous when my boys were pitching. Those little league days were fun.

stronghunter said...

Paula, Hunter and I were talking today about how his Uncle Rus, Aunt Susan, and Uncle Will enjoyed drama and liked to perform onstage.

Hunter said that he could not do that. I was about to point out that playing sports was similar when I realized he had turned on his iPod and was out of the conversation. Maybe another day I will point that out. Conversation with Hunter has to be done in short bits.

Mema Jo said...

Margy - the only way on our blog to find out about cams is for someone to make the announcements - thanks

magpie said...

thanks Jo...kind words...
it was as much fun as finding
a feather !!

sounds like a very productive
way to spend the day Paula..
AND some fun time with Nick also!

Best wishes to Hunter....I always wonder: how do sports players relax under the pressure ??
guess it takes some practice

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, you commented on the OD channel on FB about the white in the juvie's tail feathers. I read somewhere that each juvenile has a unique pattern.

paula eagleholic said...

nice wingersizes

Lori O. said...

LOLLY, hope you made it to the wildseed farm and had a great time!

PAULA, glad you're enjoying your down time and getting things done. Bet Nick loves having you home!

MARGY, thanks for the cam announcement. I'm there!

SHARON, waiting for any info on your MRI. Hope you got some info today.

Hi JO!

Is KAY still on vacation in CA? Miss her.

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the good wishes for Hunter's team...They need them.

Mema Jo said...

Paula - I really think I saw an adult's all-white tail. The juvies do have dark and white tail feathers - very pretty ones. Now what I saw would only be if the light wasn't playing tricks on my eyes.

Heather & Jeff (Vincent's mom and dad) are going out to celebrate anniversary - I mentioned the Ott House and the Carriage Inn in case they were looking for a place to eat. I think Heather wanted to go see The Great Gasby - not sure of the reviews. I know I loved it after reading the book and then seeing Robert Redford back in 1974

Mema Jo said...

Lori - Lolly is putting up some pics from the Wildflower Farm. Beautiful and I mentioned that she should bring some home.

Mema Jo said...

Off to Mountain Gate for dinner -

Desserts galore!


Lori O. said...

SHIRLEY, sorry forgot to wish Hunter's team good luck! And good luck getting his pants clean. :)

Kay said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds !

Haven't read back beyond this new thread, but I join you all in wishing Shar well and in hoping for good results soon ! Also in wishing Hunter great success in tonight's game !

Returned home Monday evening after having a wonderful time with the family in CA. The whole trip and commencement ceremonies were perfect from start to finish !

Penny did well with Julie's family, but gave them a big scare Sunday morning. She called me from the parking lot of the nearest VetMed ER to say Penny had had some kind of seizure. Her whole body trembled and she lost the use of her back legs---lasting about 5 minutes. By the time they got about a mile from home she seemed fine and they were walking her in the lot. We agreed they should just take her home, watch her and call her Vet for an appt.. Monday night she had the same sort of episode with me, though didn't lose the use of her legs. We saw the Vet yesterday afternoon---went through all the usual questions---no she'd not been in contact with Xylitol or meds, etc.. Long story short--very thorough exam--all vitals and blood work normal--no clue. If she has any more of these in the next month I'm to call and she'll be put on anti-seizure med with epilepsy being the assumption. Sometimes dogs of her age to develop this apparently. LYNNE2, what say you about this ?

I'll go back for some catch up reading, but meanwhile, love and prayers for all ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Lori O. said...


WVJerry said...

Good afternoon all. Good to see Cam is back up and running. Thanks to all involved. Looks like lots of activities on the blog. I'm thinking a storm will happen this evening. Was going to mow grass but cancelled that because of the possible storm. Been wanting to go down by the nest but haven't had much opportunity. I'm sure the leaves may block anything I could see. Hope everybody and everything has been good. Right now I know 30th anniversary is approaching...just hope I keep that in the memory banks. Hope you all have excellent Memorial Day weekends. Congrats to Lori on the Nursing School, glad Jo had a good weekend with her family(never been to Pen-Mar but here it's really nice)and best wishes for Paula on the job hunting. Take care all.

Judie said...

Good late afternoon.

Happy to see Lolly is having a good time even if she does have on clothes.

Hope Sharon has completed her MRI and the results will be conclusive.

I see Jerry sneaked in the door. Sounds like Darth - do NOT cut grass in anticipation of

Kay, sorry about Penny's seizures. Medication is very effective. She will be just fine. So happy you had a good time with CA family.

Poor Shirley -- white baseball pants. Quite a challenge I can imagine. Hope Hunter plays well and his team wins.

Paula sounds as if she's busier now than when she was employed. Bet Nick is ever so pleased with the current arrangement.

And, now Hoda is trying to distract us with her honey pots. Raw honey and Nelson's special brownies. Yum!

Judie said...

Busy day for me. Got my "do" did and then went fact-finding for a new mattress/box spring for the guest room and MOST IMPORTANT went to a carpet place we've dealt with in years past and, being "good" customers, got a good price on a good carpet. Now to convince Darth!

Okay, off to check the live cam.

Cardiac test in the morning. Will be away until afternoon sometime.

JudyEddy said...


Just got home from work and saw a new thread

and the cam is working yeah all the way around I hope everyone had a good day

Lori O. said...

Gosh, I keep reading and FORGETTING things today.

KAY, sorry about Penny's seizures. LYNNE2 will help you. So glad you're home!

SHARON, any word on the MRI?

JudyEddy said...

Welcome back KAY so happy you had a great time and so sorry about Penny episodes hope it was nothing and doesn't come back How old is she now I forget?

JUDIE I think we need to request that LOLLY get skype that way we know that she does have cloths on LOL

glo said...

Stopping by to say hi. Both kids up at 11 and 12 o clock so I saw their pretty tail feathers. HAGD all

JudyEddy said...

WOW they are really getting air with their wingersizing now big time

JudyEddy said...

getting good height there little one and I hope the other is at 12 was getting beatin up with wings

Hoda said...

Well I am glad you are having a terrific day PAULA and maybe you will think of joining the ranks of the retired even though I think you are way too young!

Thanks STEVE AND CREW for the camera.

JO that is exaclty the problem...I eat honey as if it is raw honey!!! Real raw honey costs an arm and a leg and the stuff we buy at the store is not raw honey.I think the going rate in Nelson is 20 dollars an ounce!!! Wait a minute JUDIE do not jump to conclusions I am talking of RAW HONEY!!! That stuff is legal!!! LOL!!! I buy my honey from the health food store and it is unpasturized but it is not raw!!! I could not afford to have 3kg sitting in my cupboards otherwise. 3KG for 32 dollars as opposed to 20 dollars for one ounce!!!

SNOW there is snow on the mountains and it is coming down. I wore shoes today and a coat and I was frozen by the time I got to yoga!!! I needed my boots my socks and tuque and my mits!!! So very unfair for those of us who have planted flower pots and gardens. I brought some pots into the flat when the storm was strong but I do nto think they were happy indoors so I took them out again. I kept my arugula and my chervil indoors though!!! I hope it warms up soon as the basil does not like cold weather. Will be 39 toinight!!! UGH

JudyEddy said...

one wingersized
herself to the cut of stump

Hoda said...

KAY good to see you on here. Sorry Penny had seizures.
Keep us posted. Glad your time in CA was good.

SHAR has not posted resutls of her MRI yet...I did not see any...thinking of you SHAR

JudyEddy said...

DANG HODA someone need to let you all know its not winter time LOL snow and cold YUK we are 85° now

Hoda said...

JUDIE is the cardiac test routine? Will put you in the Light for tomorrow and do report back. Glad you found a carpet you liked and that the mattress shopping is happneing too.

Hoda said...

JUDYE New Foundland had 58 cm of snow on the Victoria day weekend!!! I agree with you someone should send the memo up here in regards to winter being over!!! LOL!!!

Hoda said...

MARGY do you ever bring plant pots indoors to your flat or is this a bad idea...I really thought they were not happy indoors...what do you think?

Janet said...

hi all. just a late afternoon check in prior to feeding my zoo.

MEMA JO: a heeler pup is a bundle of energy. i think scout gets it herself as theya re the same breed. i am amazed at how gentle she is with seven! they have bonded quite tightly already! :)

its been a busy day. my oldest came over just to hang out with me. we went to olivia's school to her student lead conference. that was nice.

back to the ice rink today...after a week and a half "off". it was a nice break, but back to routine.

hope everyone has had a good day. gonna go feed my crew now. then feed the humans, country fried steak on the menu for tonight! later ya'll. :)

JudyEddy said...

I am bringing this picture over from facebook for those not on it I want this BED how about you all My house house is eagle stuff and would look good don't you think so

Hoda said...

I see why there was a discussion on white on juvie tails. the juvie on the left right now has a lot of white when wings are not folded in!!!

JudyEddy said...

BLESS you we had a eagle sneeze again

Hoda said...

The bed is so you JUDYE!!! Yes it would fit in with all your eagle things...

JudyEddy said...

I love how they are so close side by side
getting along all the time that I have seen them
I can remember other pair not getting along like these two

Hoda said...

JANET congratulations on OLIVIA not going to summer school this lets out early over spoke of Friday being the last day?
Way to go OLIVIA.

paula eagleholic said...

Hoda, we saw lots of graduates in Boston on Saturday.

Also saw 4 different bridle parties having their pictures taken.

Saw lots of Bachelorette parties at night, too.

Welcome home, Kay. Hope Penny doesn't have any more seizures.

Kids perched at 10, looking out.

I am going to try to get to the nest too, but probably can't for 2 weeks or so.

Good to see you, Jerry.

paula eagleholic said...

Bridal, not bridle, geesh.

paula eagleholic said...

One of the juvies also has slightly white tips.

I don't remember our eaglets having this much white before...must be a Shep trait.

paula eagleholic said...

That's a cool bed JudyE

More wingersizes.

Hoda said...

I agree JUDYE I remember last year how upset I got because one juvie was so mean to the other...I had an emotional reaction over how much it was picking on the other and hogging all the food.


paula eagleholic said...

I think Hedgie has the white on her tail tips.

JudyEddy said...

getting really windy at the nest I wish they would stop the wingersizing for a while gonna blow them out

paula eagleholic said...

They are loving the breeze

Lynne2 said...

Storms coming toward the nest....what a sight for sore eyes seeing the babes wingsersizing!

Evening all...

Hoda said...

Yes PAULA in many places graduation takes place before the end of the school year. So a student went through graduation if they had the potential to graduate...only the potential not that they actually did graduate...I was always stunned that people spent an incredible amount of money for the graduation ceremony...on average 1500 dollars and there was no gurantee that they actually will pass their exams.

JudyEddy said...

They seem to be smart enough to lay low I hope anyway looks like it now

Hoda said...

Wow from that wingercize I do not think it will be long now...

Strong wind!!
Glad they are int ehy centre of the nest. and not standing up on the edge somewhere.

Lynne2 said...

trying to read back. I'm so far behind I think I'm in first place.

JudyEddy said...

AWW they are kissing now

JudyEddy said...

one is picking at a stick laying there They sure have made a mess of the nest with all the jumping around the rails are a mess

JudyEddy said...

just noticed with all the green growth around the nest can't see the ground at all now

Hoda said...

OH JO'S post of how good honey is for me made me go through cravings again...I need honey or hot chocolate...I have the honey...Stop stop stop

JudyEddy said...


Sandi said...

Hi all! So happy to see our eaglets again! Wind has really picked up at the nest - storms must be coming.

Welcome home Kay! Scary about Penny - hope it's an isolated thing.

Waiting for news from Sharon's MRI.

Hoda, I too missed why you're not allowing yourself any honey??

Janet, congrats to Olivia - and you, since you would be the transportation - on not having to attend summer school!

Need to feed dogs and people and then get started on my last IEP of the school year - this one will be a tough one wording-wise b/c the student is classified as ED (emotionally disturbed). I can write reading, math, and writing goals in my sleep. I don't often have to write behavioral goals - things have to be very carefully worded.


Hoda said...

They are really pretty birds.

JANET only raw honey has good health effects. The stuff we get at the store, even the health food store is not raw honey. I wrote JO about it. Very expensive.

JUDIE I am glad the renovations maintenance at your house is not only for selling but also ffor your enjoyment.

I just read the other thread.

JudyEddy said...

HODA step away from the honey LOL wow almost lost a eagle in that gust I wish they would stop it when its wsindy

JudyEddy said...

ok who up there will go resuce them if they go over get Steve Phone # handy

Hoda said...

those youngsters had better sit down!!!

JudyEddy said...

I now hear thunder and rain

Lynne2 said...

STorm is upon the nest now....

Last year, on this very night, we had a really bad storm at the nest. So much lightning! Have pics in a FB album...

Hoda said...

I can not watch this! I do think they will go over. STEVE will probably not rescue them...they would have to wait for permission to get close to the tree UGH...I do like STEVE and I do respect their decisions at NCTC but this is nerve racking.

JudyEddy said...

the one eaglet was playing leap frog with the other over him she went

Lynne2 said...

I was terrified last year that the tree would get struck....but they didn't fall out!

JudyEddy said...

I feel so sorry when they beat each other up with wing poor babies

JudyEddy said...

this is really nerve racking watching them but also I love watching them in the wind they sure do look like they are enjoying them selves with the exception of being hit every know and them

Lynne2 said...

well, off to the shower.

Hoda said...

Strong rain...

My neighbour just stopped by with a huge plant lemon grass!!!

Mema Jo said...

one flash of lightening
one low thunder rumbled
no rain drops yet - So windy I think it is moving the storm.

Welcome Home Kay
Praying that Penny will be well without meds. It is reassuring though knowing there are meds for seizures.

Hoda said...

Snow has decended to 1200 meters!!!
This is NOT funny!!!

paula eagleholic said...

It's getting close here too, Jo, but nothing yet.

paula eagleholic said...

So we bought loads of kielbasa in MA, they now have hot pepper cheese and chesse kielbasa. Having some for dinner tonight, saving some for kebobs at the beach.

Mema Jo said...

at the nest I see one tail and 2 feetsies - All are accounted for.

Hoda said...

Bon Appétit PAULA...You had such an awesome trip and fit so much into it...glad you have many ways to remember it...

You are not going to PARADISE this weekend?
LARRY was going to go to his beach place and I hope he finds everything is in order there.

When do LOLLY and JACK return to Hawkwood?

Hoda said...

I have to go dig out some woolen clothes to wear...this is not good... my toes are blue...where are my socks?

JudyEddy said...

Poor HODA is gonna have a melt down without her socks So sorry for the turn in the weather Hoda

Judie said...

JudyE - yes, the bed would do nicely for you. Since I'm in a buying mood, go spend your money.

Good for Olivia having the summer off for fun.

Thinking Hoda should go to bee keeper school and have a hive for herself. Plants should be okay for a day or two or three.

My apology to Hoda. Sandperson was in a snitty mood and decided to fill his Nelson bag with snow instead of sleepy dust.

Don't know what you all are seeing but I just looked at the nest and it looks absolutely still and quiet.

At GDub, students can walk if they have no more than 6 credit hours remaining. They just don't get a piece of paper until they complete the minimum hours.

I have also noticed that these two babes seem to get along very well. Another week or two should see that change, I think.

Oh, cardio test is due to some shortness of breath. Will let you know what happens.


Mema Jo said...

I think that our Juvies are hungry - I haven't seen any food in the nest today but I haven't been watching constantly. Has anyone see any food brought in?????????

Mema Jo said...

From Kathryn -----------
Kathryn Phillips Cowger
watchin' Hunter pitch a great game!!!

Whoo Hoo!
Hunter's da man on the mound

paula eagleholic said...

storming here now!

Hoda said...

Since I have been on I have not seen any food today JO. I was not on in the morning.

LOL JUDIE I am not sure what to say aboutr the Sandperson...maybe he will remember to take the snow he brought here back across the border when he heads home to day.

Hoda said...

Good on HUNTER JO. I hope SHIRLEY is there watching too.

Lori O. said...

Sorry about your snow and being so cold, HODA.

JUDIE, good luck with your cardio test tomorrow. Sorry to hear you're having shortness of breath. Prayers for a good outcome.

I keep forgetting this is Memorial Day Weekend coming up. Being unemployed is like being retired! I forget which day it is. :)

I noticed the other day, too, that the eaglets get along so well compared to last year.

Storming here now.

JudyEddy said...

JUDIE I love you
you can always make me laugh
out loud
good things my window are closed
the neighbors would be wondering

Don't give HODA any ideas she may do the bee keeping but she has a plant full when would she find the time with all she does Wonder woman

JudyEddy said...

no food witnessed by me and I have been watching since alittle after 5

JudyEddy said...

no word from SHARON YET ???

Hoda said...

Thank You JUDIE in regards plants being OK for a few days.
If I was not allergic to bee stings I would certainly want to have my own hives...

Mema Jo said...

Judie - so glad you are here with us....
Your dry humor cracks me up = gives me good laughs.

Can I go spend some money too since you are in the mood?

JudyEddy said...

cam buffering I had to F5 and now I am listening to Tom

JudyEddy said...

JO I am sure JUDIE would let you spend some money
and I love her humor also

JudyEddy said...

gonna head out for a bit BBIALW

Lori O. said...

JUDYE, that bed is outta this world! I can picture you getting it!

magpie said...

I saw an adult bring in a nice fish just before the Live Feed came back on....I was watching it on still cam from work

Hello !

magpie said...

But I cannot account for anything else since then.

Whew, so much that I want to comment on.

Honey that is harvested within 100 miles (sorry Hoda, I cannot figurt the kilomters on this) is good for you to help fight allergies from "local" pollen.

That's all about I know about Honey, Honies... but a paste of honey and cinnamon powder on good bread is NICE for the constitution.

Hoda said...

Thank you MARGY for this info about food in the nest.
Welcome home from work.

Hoda said...

160.934 KM MARGY

magpie said...

Speaking of Graduations....
Jewels' elder daughter Jess Walks the Walk Thursday night...
High School Graduation...You know who will be watching from
Up Above with Enormous Pride ♥

magpie said...

Ditto Ditto and More Ditto, JudyE:
That bed is YOU !

for Sandi....
I have much admiration for what you are doing for your students and the challenges of "the right wording" on those IEPs
Best Wishes with all that...

and Bravo Hunter! I hope his team wins and he is the Winning Pitcher !!

magpie said...

Really! What a fantastic, friendly and cool group we are !

So neat to hear from WV Jerry, boy, he does not miss a beat, does he ??

magpie said...

Hoping that Sharon got through the MRI okay...and the results will be A++++

and the same wishes for Judie on
the cardio tests sure that "New Do" will add positively to the results...and all our Positive Energy "thereto"

Judie said...

Thank you for your compliments. However, I would not have any ammunition without the shenanigans of my blog family. A bit like comedians and Washington.

Yes, Jo, please spend to your heart's content. I'll enjoy every dollar you spend.

Lori, I'm okay. Just a precaution. At least I get the treadmill this time. Last time it was a chemically induced heart attack. Nurse was so compassionate. Told me not to worry there was a "crash cart" just outside the door. Felt so much better. I also forget the day when I'm not teaching.

Hunter is pitching. Yippee! Can't wait for Shirley's play-by-play.

Hoda, I'll have a chat with sandperson about the the contents of his satchel.

Okay, food on the agenda. Fast after midnight. Off to the scullery.

magpie said...

I don't bring my plants inside...but some of them are in a
"flood plain" due to problems here with the guttering....
Waaaaah, no relief in sight on that
so I just have to talk my plants through it ☺
Sorry about the flippity-flopping weather at your place

We DID get storms here in Martinsburg....some lightning and thunder and downpours

magpie said...

I'm pretty serious about "organic"
and tonight got some "organic" cinnamon...that might be taking things just a wee bit too far ☺

Lynne2: You have been missed, and I doubt if you are first on the list of being behind...."Activities of Daily Living" take a lot of time in our 24 hours of each day...
xoxoxo (( Hugs ))

Hoda said...

We are now saying Juneuary has arrived to the Kootenays...early as it is still May but winter weather is upon us for the next month!!! God help us...thick snow on the Pualson Pass.
Sorry I know I posted several times about snow!!! It is my way of dealing with it...we need the moisture, I just wished it was warmer.

magpie said...

I remember that day well when
Jeff and Heather tied the knot ♥♥
I read some things from the little book that day.....that I then sent to them

magpie said...

Very pleased to read Janet's
reports on Olivia...and hope that the re-scheduled meeting next week goes well....
And Yay, Happy No Summer School for the little lass ☺

magpie said...

And hoping that Kay's Penny gets the relief from the possible seizure activity...
great California Report
from our ☼HI☼ Sunshine Kay ☺

This is all I can manage right now...
I Care... about everything else posted.....!!!

Hoda said...

Jo I love how anniversaries are celebrated in your family. I love that you all connect with one another and that you remember.
God Bless. Special day indeed.

magpie said...

Thanks for the Metric conversion, Hoda ☺

magpie said...

I would like to hear more about the desserts !!!

Full Moon, is May 25 at 12:25 am, you might as well say
Friday Night

"Full Corn Planting Moon, or the Milk Moon" and I am sure there are more names for it....

BUT, Thursday is World Turtle Day cool is that ??

Mema Jo said...

On FB: Sharon told Glo that she is still waiting for the results of the MRI........

I'm waiting for a response as to when she'll hear results - like this evening/night?

Hoda said...

Shar still has not checked in after her MRI...did anyone hear of see any reports?

Hoda said...

Apparently I can no longer send her a message on FB as she is using an app and I do not do Apps!!! They want me to allow them to send messages on my behalf and to them to reveal every time I am on FB...
So SHAR do let us know...

magpie said...

I figure it would take a day or two??
not sure how all that works,
but when I had one, it took a few days, back in 2001...

Mema Jo said...

Hoda on FB did you read her response to Glo?

Hoda said...

No JO I will go there again...I missed it.

stronghunter said...

Good evening,

Very sleepy tonight. Must be because I stayed up so late last night.

Hunter pitched well and caught a ball for an out.

The team did not win, but scored more points than the ever had before. I think the score was 17-12.

Thanks for all of the good wishes.

Hoping all is well with Sharon.

Hoda said...

Thank you JO, I see it now...
THank you for asking and thank you for pointing me to her responses. Awaiting results from Dr. Will phonwe tomorrow...

Lolly said...

Shenanigans, eh? Alright everyone, straighten up your acts!!


Hi all! Had a good day! Went to Wildseed Farm. Made big purchases of larkspur seed and foxglove seed, as well as 4 fennel plants.

Also went to a place where I bought a pretty pot. It will go on the back patio. We also window shopped around town. Tomorrow night we are going to see the flight of bats from an old train tunnel. we were going tonight but tomorrow. We can get really close and going with a guide.

Still no word from Sharon? She probably has not heard the results.

stronghunter said...

I see that our eaglets have been wingersizing in the wind. Makes me think of Hidey and her first flight from the nest when she got blown out. That's when I first posted. Everyone was so worried, and she dropped into the nest.

Someone--I think he was in England-- was watching when a gust of wind caught her and took her right out of the nest. He did not know at first that we had not seen it.

magpie said...

Sounds good, Shirley...
thanks for the Baseball update...
it's my favorite sport

Good Night...when it is that time for you...

CarolAnne said...

HODA -shut that Canadian door.
We now have freeze warning for Thursday night. Plants in garden are all up, flowers in bloom, pond plants all growing. Not good news :o (

Lolly said...

Please excuse the errors. We are sitting outside and I am on my iPad.

Lolly said...

Oh, no, CA! D you do not need a freeze! Hoda, stop that!,

Lolly said...

We are heading home Friday. Our neighbor refuses to clean up our yard. We asked nicely! LOL

Hoda said...

SANDI...I eat too much honey. The honey we buy at the store is not raw honey. Only raw honey is good for us. It however is very expensive to buy. 20 dollars for an ounce of raw honey!! The best stuff comes from Australia. Seeing as how I try to eat local buying expensive honey from Australia seems unreasonable.I eat a lot of it and I think it is having adverse effects on my health...I have 3kg in my cupboards but have put it in the top most shelf and I can only reach the first shelf without a ladder...don't like climbing ladders much!!

stronghunter said...

Hunter and I saw a good-sized snapping turtle crossing the street when we headed out to the baseball game. Susan would have stopped and rescued it, but I wasn't so sure.

For one thing, it would have involved putting it in someone's yard unless we wanted to take it all the way to the pond. A snapping turtle might not be so welcome in many people's yards.

We did not see any sign of it when we came back. I do hope it made it safely to its destination.

stronghunter said...

Wow, I did not know so much about honey, Hoda.

stronghunter said...

I really have to quit for the night--falling asleep. I will see you tomorrow. SED all.

Hmm, George just sat on the remote and changed the channel. I think he wants me to go upstairs.

NatureNut said...

Good Evening, Eagle Buds!!I see Paula has a temporary home vacation!
Margy, Turtle Moon? And I just changed my avatar to our eagerly
awaited little buddies!!!I heard they will emerge when the ground turns 64° & some have been seen in VA! Seen any, Shirley??
Sounds like Megan is raising waterfowl as well as flowers!
We saw the geese & 6 chicks today.They are so big already & the first pic I got of them was on May 1! Yesterday, Our fearless Chelsea leader saw our Ms. Hoppy deer w/a tiny fawn! It's early for little ones to be out, but it will get more milk that way.
At the Park yesterday, was watching the Osprey Cam and there are 3 chicks (were 4-heard one fell out?)One tall chick was popping the other two on the back of their heads. The poor little ones would finally duck down and then Slugger would get most of the fish! Oh well, guess that's nature, but I wanted to pop it one, too! From the desk, chicks are too small to see.
Park field trip tomorrow to Delaware. The horseshoe crabs come out for HP, I think, at the Full Moon closest to end of May or early June. Have you seen them Sandi? Fubby & I went in June, 2006, 2 days after I got a new camera!
I have a funny video I can put on Blog!
Have a great evening.☺

NatureNut said...

Shirley, turtle may not want to be in pond if it's out to lay eggs. Depends which direction it was going in--to or from a pond.

Hoda said...

Kootenay Pass is now closed for snow conditions. To cross the lake we must take the ferry.Not that I am planning to go anywhere. The two passes around here are now closed though which says something about the road conditions and snow...

JudyEddy said...

really lightening at the nest so glad no wind love the sound on the cam the rain and the thunder

Hoda said...

Thank you NatureNut...turtle information. I made that mistake once I carried a turtle back to water and it snapped at me I almost dropped it!!! Scared me.

magpie said...

I have read, Loretta, that the Noisy Cicadas will be in the "Metropolitan DC" area...we are not due for the 17-year event until 2021

Speaking of disappearing chicks....
Stork Nest in the Netherlands had three chicks earlier today "their time" but at last count, I could only see two...I do not know what
is happening there....5 eggs, four hatches, one failed to survive, and now a second one has disappeared

magpie said...

I'm waiting to see my first Spotty, figure it will be a little while before I do...
GLAD your "Fearless Leader" at Chelsea has seen one, Loretta...
Lynn♥ would be pleased !

Janet said...

late Wed evening, ready to hit the bed in a few. must take the canines out and put them to bed....

its been a busy day... a good day though.

i love reading everyones' posts and the antics of this group! you all are the best, most kind, caring group!!!! i am so glad to be a part of this group.

am tired tonight. seven decided to cry a bit last night. okay, more than a bit. she was ticked and didn't want to go to bed in her kennel.....

must get some zzzz tonight. work tomorrow. i've enjoyed today. enjoyed the fact that my oldest wanted to spend the day with me....and the middle came in and hung out with us....checked olivia out of school after the conference and enjoyed the evening with her....

what a lovely, loving day! good ngiht, sweet dreams to each of you ..... :) xoxoxo

Judie said...

Sure hope Jo has turned in for the night. World Turtle Day? She is going to be so excited.

Hi Loweeeda! Sounds like a fun time will be enjoyed by all at the Park. Enjoy!

My experiences with MRI results is it takes a day or two depending on the physician and the degree of immediacy.

Congratulations to Hunter's team. Seems they are showing some serious improvement.

Poor Lolly. Such unfriendly neighbors. Safe trip home.

Okay, sandperson is filling his satchel with sleepy dust and will depart at 11pm.

Restful sleep for all. I'll be back tomorrow afternoon.

magpie said...

G'night Janet, and Judie...

Yepper, JudyE, weather still a little unstable here, raining here in Martinsburg also

Mema Jo said...

I had asked Megan if her peonies were ready for market and she answered that she will have the bouquets this Sunday. I love the smell of peonies!

NatureNut said...

Thx for the Cicada info, Margy! You'll have it nice and quiet!
Oh, the crab video did load to the Nook. Might put some other pics w/it tomorrow.
I forgot to mention that our Fearless Leader, Kathy, is totally terrified of spiders. Even worse than I am. Today she said she couldn't wait for me to get there as a jumping spider was on her computer screen & she couldn't do anything!I have a new butterfly net in car, mostly for removing critters back to outside.It had moved up the wall so she whacked it!!
I LUV JudyE's bed picture!!!!Wonder if I could get one for my daughter's guest room!
Gotta get off machine, so Good Health Prayers for ALL--waiting to hear from Sharon ☺ ♥-- and Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

Mema Jo said...

Time to close down for the day -
God bless each and everyone of you and your loved ones.


I love us ♥

Good night

Hoda said...

34 degreeshere!
I am thinking I will have to turn the heat on!

I will say goodnight


Hoda said...

Oh I read back!!!
C/A if I could I would!!!
Honestly it is cold enough in the flat to warrant turning the heat on!!! Its May 22nd for God's Sake and I refuse to spend money on heat!!!
I am also very very very worried about my plants tonight. 34 right now and am sure it will drop over night as it is stormy now and still continues to rain...

Safe trip home LOLLY.

Goodnight again.

I ♥♥♥ US

magpie said...

Good Night, Precious Pals

God Bless Us,
Every One xo ♥

Lolly said...

Good night all! I love us! Thanks, Sharon, for that phrase!


paula eagleholic said...

Hoda, were you able to bring your plants in? You can cover them with several layers of newspaper, too. Sorry to hear of your snow!

SED, love and hugs to all ♥

Hoda said...

Thanks Paula.

May 23, 2013 The RCMP is a 140 years old 1873 was the year they started.

Sandi said...

Good Thursday morning my eagle friends!

Hoda, so sorry to hear about snow where you are. That's the kind of spring it has been - summery, then wintry!

Loretta, thanks for the info. about the horseshoe crabs and the full moon. Will have to get to James Farm this weekend to see them. One year, we took the 8th grade to James Farm (it's and ecological preserve run by the DE Center for Inland Bays) in late May - horseshoe crab sex happening EVERYWHERE! You can imagine how hilarious and entertaining that was for 8th graders!! But it was a great teachable moment for the guides at James Farm.

Shirley, congrats to Hunter on pitching well last night. Still getting phone calls from the girl?

Hoda, personally, I don't believe depriving oneself of something you really love to eat is a good long term solution. You are a disciplined adult - wouldn't "some" honey each day - in moderation - be a better option? I would be miserable if I tried to eliminate ALL sugar from my diet.

Judie, good luck with the stress test today! Hope you pass with flying colors!

OK, time to get ready for my day - make it a good one!

Sandi said...

Hey Lynne, whatever happened with your upstairs neighbors? and with the washer and dryer being on your electric bill???

Jo, thanks so much for that great "new school prayer!" SO TRUE!

OK, I'm outta here (been catching up on FB). Later!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning eagle budlets.

I see the pole in the nest for the babes to strengthen their talons on. Glad to see all is well after the cam was down.

I am going to call the doc's office at 9 to see if they have results yet.


Lori O. said...

Good Morning Eagle Friends!!!

Storms from last night have everything soaked this morning. Still, a 60% chance for more rain today and it's drizzling now.

HODA, hope your plants survived the freeze.

PAULA, I didn't know you could use newspaper to cover the plants in a freeze. Thanks for the info!

JUDIE, good luck with your cardio test today...yes, much better you get the treadmill this time! Big Hug!

KAY, it was so nice to hear from you glad you had a great trip. Hope Penny is doing well with no seizures.

LOLLY, glad you got to the wildseed farm. What will you use the fennell plants for? I think some people use them to keep bugs away. Then again, I know you're a chef!

JANET, life must be so fun with a puppy in the house! Seven is so adorable and how great the two have bonded so closely. :)

JUDYE, have a great day off!

SHARON, waiting on your report.

The plumber should be here any minute to reinstall the neutralizer tank.


Have a great day, all!

T-Bird said...

Good morning Budettes and Buds.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Wishing good luck to Judie with her test today.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning, THELMA! What are you doing today?

paula eagleholic said...

Janet I have to go to FB and see pics of your new pup! How did you come up with the name seven?

We did get a good amount of rain last night!

Shopping today, have to go to Lowe's and Walmart and grocery store. Heading to the beach Friday morning. I'll have a full house over the weekend.

paula eagleholic said...

and yes, Nick is loving it that I'm home. In, Out, In, Out!!

CarolAnne said...

Thoughts for the approaching holiday:
It is the VETERAN, not the preacher, who has given us freedom of religion.
It is the VETERAN, not the reporter, who has given us freedom of the press.
It is the VETERAN, not the poet, who has given us freedom of speech.
It is the VETERAN, not the campus organizer, who has given us freedom to assemble.
It is the VETERAN, not the lawyer, who has given us the right to a fair trial.
It is the VETERAN, not the politician, Who has given us the right to vote.
It is the VETERAN, who salutes the flag.

(author unknown)

Lori O. said...

Very nice, CAROLANNE! Thank you for sharing. Sure puts a good message out there to share.

glo said...

Good morning all. Watching our eaglets. one on launch pad facing out. Thinking I guess. Other major wingersizing and getting nice air. Kind of makes me sad for us but happy for them. It won't be long now. HAGD all.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning..... Our nest is really in shambles The railings are almost all down on the sides that we can view. Belle and Shep are going to have their beaks full if they use this nest for the next season. Our juvies are headed into the 11th week - still a lot of downy white feathers. If you have been watching the last 2 days, no food has been brought in unless any of you have seen otherwise. Please holler if your watching and do see a food drop. Sure would make me feel more at ease.

Mema Jo said...

I think it is Hedgie that has a small white feather stuck to her beak.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for those words about veterans, CA

Safe journey home to clean up your yard, Lolly

Kay - hope Penny has been ok since you came home.

Thinking of Judie on that treadmill! I don't like that test! Breathe Judie Breathe!

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning nearly afternoon eagle budlets I love hearing the sound of the children on the cam having a good time at school,

Lolly said...

Good morning!

Lori, the fennel is for butterflies. LOL A particular black and blue butterfly lays it's eggs on fennel. The little ones then eat and eat the fennel. One time Jack was literally on his hands and knees to see how far a large adult caterpillar crawls to pupate. Quite a way, then it made it's cocoon and apparently the birds got it! :( These butteries also lay eggs on parsley....we pick them off the parsley. That is a no no!

Going to take it easy today, maybe a drive, and then off to see the bats tonight. Jack is presently cooking breakfast. We slept late!!

Glad you are calling the doctor, Sharon. We are all anxiously waiting your report and keeping you in prayer. ((hugs)) How are you feeling?

JudyEddy said...

good luck JUDIE with the test and hope we hear something from Shar on her results also

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, they had food around noon yesterday.

JudyEddy said...

LORI what is a reinstall the neutralizer tank.

paula eagleholic said...

Eaglets will be 10 wks old this Sat and Sun. You're right Jo, it won't be long now.

JudyEddy said...

Love the veterans message CA

Lolly said...

Not attempting to get the cam. The wifi at this RV park is s-l-o-w.

Lolly said...

Breakfast is ready!! Yum!

Mema Jo said...

Paula, thank you so much for that info on their having food! I feel better now ♥

JudyEddy said...

Forgot to tell you Angie has signed Jordyn back up for dance but not the same kind it is gonna be ballet which we are happier with Angie didn't like the makeup and the but shakin for a young one Her first lesson was last night showing basic ballet foot moves etc I hope she like it as much as she did the other she requested to stop with the last class not knowing why

I am picking Jordyn up but we are not going to the park she is being punished for something at school the best friend thing that kids go through her best friend is not friends with another and she is angry and acted out so she is being punished but I told Angie last night she shouldn't have let her go to ballet either. But Angie said I am out the money I didn't argue with her Not worth a argument over
Bath room is nice and clean smells so good but now my vacuum is acting up by stinking maybe belt is about to go Beater brush still goes around just stinks LOL So my nice bathroom stinks lol

JudyEddy said...

found out some trash about the other class and sort of abuse that is still on going Found out that the instructors would do the spider pinch on the back of the kids arms when they didn't pay attention That didn't happen to Jordyn because we were always there for the lessons No private lessons Most people drop kids and run I guess and private lessons that is so scary

Mema Jo said...

As Margy would announce

1 more comment and SPLIT

JudyEddy said...

also the one gal that we thought had cancer DIDN't what a big scam a drug abuser When we saw her in the state we thought was Chemo symptoms found out was DRUGS withdrawal The other sad this is that they raised money for her because thinking she was dyeing like she told the kids Sick Sick gal I guess they is still a on going investigation on her by the parents One of the older kids told their parents that Jamie the one that said had cancer would go out for chemo and be back fine in a 30 min period Well the parent followed her one night to a crack house and things blew up Angie found this out when she ran into on of the other parents that went there

JudyEddy said...

So happy that Angie doesn't just drop her off at any function with all sicko out there

OK off by soap box on that LOL

The eaglets are playing with sticks and I love the way they grab the logs with their talon and try to fly Practice makes perfect

and 10weeks can't be that long and if you recall that was the age that the cell phone tower eaglet had to learn to fly

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...