Thursday, May 09, 2013


New thread. 


Judie said...

Good morning, Steve. Thank you for the fresh thread. I've hollered at the others. Have a nice day!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning! Just signed in to see that Judie has a feather - Thank you for the fresh new thread, Steve.

I am getting my cup of coffee and I need
to read the earlier comments.

Checked the nest and there they are - side by side resting.

Mema Jo said...

Happy anniversary to Candy and Jim
Hope your day is filled with special
memories ♥


CarolAnne said...

Thanks to Steve & Judie-- New thread

News of an eclipse - must check that out

Anniversary wishes to spouses Candy & Jim

Another good day for growing eaglets

Morning Mema Jo & others before & after

stronghunter said...

Good morning.

Thanks Steve and Judie.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my eagle budlets.

Sandi said...

Quick check from school and I see we have a new thread. Thanks, Steve and thanks, Judie for the call over.

Happy anniverasry to Candy and her husband - forgot to check my list this morning.

I do recall that today would be Lynn's birthday. I remember it b/c it's also the anniversary of my dad's death - hard to believe he's been gone for 29 years.

Carolyn and Christie, sending paryers and positive energy your way on this difficult day for you.

Later all!

JudyEddy said...

Good late morning eagle buds

Thanks for the new thread STEVE

JudyEddy said...

♥ check box

Lolly said...

Good morning!! Watching two eaglets, one who was doing a big wing stretch and exercise a minute ago. The other is headless at the top of the nest.

Sandi, being deaf has it's advantages. Annie no longer hides when it thunders and she is not afraid of the vacuum cleaner. Also, Jack sleeps on his good ear. LOL

Lolly said...

chance of rain today and tomorrow. Going to save mowing until tomorrow, hope it is not cancelled by rain,

Going to a blood donor banquet this evening. Guess this will be our last. Jack has given over 25 gallons of blood but can not donate anymore because of the C. It is a shame because his blood is so good for premature babies.

glo said...

Good morning everyone. In and out in the yard between showers today.

JudyEddy said...

only one is showing in the nest and I am sure the other is at 12

Lolly said...

Having a lite shower here.

Hear a pretty bird song on the cam. Do not know what it is.

Lolly said...

Judy, you can see just the tip of the seconds tail at 12.

JudyEddy said...

GLO is doing yard work, taking a shower, going back to yard work, take a shower, do yard work and a shower WOW that would wear me out GLO LOL
Oh did you mean rain showers We are trying to keep the word R word on the down low on the blog LOLLY you know LOL

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals

Wishing Jim and Candy a
Very Happy Anniversary ☺♥☺♥

JudyEddy said...
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JudyEddy said...
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magpie said...

And thinking of our pal Lynn♥ on this her Birthday...
and special thoughts to
Carolyn and Christie and
all the family....

How blessed I am that Lynn and her daughters came into MY life

JudyEddy said...

my delete MY BAD was wrong

CarolAnne said...

I believe today's "Ring of fire" eclipse is a heavenly celebration of Lynn's special day.


JudyEddy said...

Some one is in the attic

Lolly said...

I do appreciate your not mentioning rain! :) Our ground just got damp and then quit. The story of our lives. Have been watering this week.

Thinking of Lynn today and missing our resident nurse. What a treasure she was, so giving and thoughtful. When Jack gave my coat to Goodwill by accident she found me another. When we were on a trip she did some genealogy research for us...voluntarily. It really helped! And then we had our football rivalry. More fun!

Lolly said...

Time for me to start my day. Coffee is gone...sigh!

Have a great day!

JudyEddy said...

On news just now in Paisley Fl a Bear crawled in a mans car and got stuck when the doors closed and the bear tore the hell out of the inside of the car Now the name is fighting with his insurance about coverage on replacing it
Bear gets in car and destroys inside

I googled it and this isn't the only one there was a woman with a video and others in the area WOW They don't know how they are getting in the cars ????

Mema Jo said...

I am headed to my beauty salon
to try to get my face in better condition........ Ya think?


magpie said...

Well it's pretty hard to
improve on Perfection, Jo...

Have a good time and enjoy

magpie said...

Thinking of you, Sandi....
on this the 29th anniversary
of your Dad's death...♥

NatureNut said...

Happy TH to Everyone!
We've had sun & clouds---don't know what Mother Nature has in store.
Happy Anniversary to Candy & Jim!
And saying a prayer for Lynn and Family on her Birthday. Miss her so ♥

Paula, sounds like you've got a great plan! Tirp sounds wonderful!

NatureNut said...

Hope Lori is enjoying a safe drive to PA.☺

magpie said...

Hi Loretta...
I couldn't identify the loud bird
you spoke of...
but pound for pound, wrens are probably the loudest !

magpie said...

and hoping that all the wonky computer stuff at the office
gets straightened out

magpie said...

Really like the sound of
Paula's trip to Massacusetts
next week !

magpie said...

some good wing-flapping
and hip-hopping around going on
at the nest

Judie said...

Good afternoon.

Happy Anniversary to Candy and Jim. Wishing you both a special day together.

Remembering Lynn today of course. Have always felt bad because the one special thing I might have done for her I couldn't. Her father was on the Board of Directors at Fairfax Hospital and, at one time, a picture of him was placed on a wall there. All my efforts, to include walking the hallways myself, failed to find the picture. Wanted to see if she could have it or I could take a picture to give her.

Jo, you could not get more beautifuller so just enjoy the time and relax.


Lolly said...

Have had very loud, close thunder. We still have drizzly rain. It is better than nothing and I am sure it is soaking in, but want more!!

Our poop eaglets are really getting it.

magpie said...

hmmmm am trying to figure out
that last sentence Lolly

" Our poop eaglets are really getting it. "

I wasn't watching the nest for a bit...what did I miss ?? ☺

Lynne2 said...

Poop eaglets?

Lynne2 said...


magpie said...

Yes we sure are Lynne2!
Can't wait for the "poop" on that post from Lolly...

but I might have to check in from home...end of the workday is
presently and pleaseantly looming

xo ☺

Lolly said...

roflmbo.....too funny! That was supposed to be poor eagles! OMG!

Lolly said...

Having a lazy day. No yard work for me. Has been lightly raining all morning and not amounting to much but it certainly is wet!

Annie has been driving me crazy all day. She has not slept all day. Has been wanting in and out constantly.??????? Presently sitting by the door outside and being quiet.

PA Nana said...
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PA Nana said...
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PA Nana said...
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PA Nana said...

Sorry for stuttering. Can't seem to delete the repeats on this iPad.

PA Nana said...

Geez, it took.

PA Nana said...

Duh, also deleted my original post.

Happy anniversary Candy & Jim.

Wanda, found the purple columbine. Beautiful. Jim took a picture for me. Thanks again.

Judie said...

Aw, poor little poop eaglets. Too funny, Lolly.

Lori O. said...

Hello everyone! I made it to PA no problems. Now we're off to my nephew's baseball game. I'll read back when I get home.

Have a great afternoon, everyone!

Sandi said...

Good afternoon my eagle friends! 4 work days down!

Lori, thanks for checking in to let us know you had a safe trip!

Poop eaglet -I like it! It can be used in so many ways ...

As busy as a poop eaglet ...

As tired as a poop eaglet ...

As funny as a poop eaglet ...

As sorry as a poop eaglet ....

Yup, I like it a lot! Thanks Lolly, for the new vocabulary for the Momster dictionary! =)

Mema Jo said...

Good late afternoon! Happy your trip was safe Lori as the earlier morning hours here in the valley were nothing but thick fog - thought about you around 6am.

Roast in the crock pot - almost ready for dinner.

The sun is shinning brilliantly - we have had over the past couple days an abundance of downpours.

Lolly said...

You're more than welcome, Sandi! LOL I should receive some kind of award for the most contributions to the momster dictionary. Flugg being the most used. Woe is me and my typing. :)

Time to get ready for our dinner this evening. Later Gators!

Lolly said...

Or, how about...pooped as much as a poop eaglet.

paula eagleholic said...


May 8, 2013
The eaglets are maturing very fast. They have been observed self-feeding on fish brought by their parents, exercising their wings, competently walking around and preening as if they are adults. However they still sometimes sleep on their sides, with their bright yellow feet splayed, a posture they will never assume when they leave the nest for good in a number of weeks. The nest has been kept very tidy this year with no loose debris or old turtle shell and other prey remains. Are the sprigs of fresh sycamore leaves brought in by the adults or are they simply falling into the nest from above? The cool weather has benefited the eaglets as they rarely have to pant to prevent heat stress. Until they leave the nest, all moisture they ingest has to come from their food alone. The parents do not bring water on their feathers for the nestlings to drink, although a few species of birds, such as the sandgrouse, a desert bird of Africa and Eurasia, do exactly that.

Check out

CarolAnne said...

Thanks Paula,
Nice to hear all those positive thoughts from Steve.

magpie said...

Oh yes Thanks, Paula....but wait a minute ! Can we ever truly
think of "Old Turtle Shells"
as Debris ☺ LOL
Just kind of is a very nice post with lots of
great information

Thanks Steve !

magpie said...

I know of one Old Turtle Shell
that is a Prize over at Jo's Roost

Lolly - too funny....thanks for
checking back in with the new word!

And Yay for Lori, safely back at her Other Roost

Good Evening Eagle Pals....we had a downpour here in Martinsburg and now I hear thunder...
Hoping it makes it over to Jewels' Place !
xo ♥

magpie said...

And now I can I am
as "Poop as a Church Mouse"

magpie said...

You and Jack can take the awards for Many Things Here !
Believe It !

magpie said...

Those Wing Spreads are
Spectacular !

Wind picking up, could be heading
down Shepherdstown way....we'll know pretty soon for sure

magpie said...

And My Lynn-Wind Chimes are
a'ringing beautifully ! ♥

Love ya' Lynn...There's a great T-storm here in Berkeley County right now.....

magpie said...

Nestorations ! Just not sure whether it's Shammie or Hedgie
moving the stick and flugg

magpie said...

Rain at the nest....
and Big Time Thunder here
at my place !
Carolyn is getting thunder also ☺

paula eagleholic said...

I saw those lovely wings too, Margy.

Gotta find out about the "poop" eaglets!

And no, I would NEVER consider a turtle shell "debris" !

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Paula for bringing over Steve's comments - I usually forget to go over to his page.

Our two juvies are awaiting their dinner. It usually comes in around this time of the evening.

magpie said...

Oh Joy
Blackwater reports Egg #2 arrived
this afternoon ☺

magpie said...

Blackwater Osprey that is

Saw an adult arrive in nest,
"kids" got all excited, but I didn't see food

magpie said...

And I think Adult has left

Judie said...

Dinner over. Scullery in order.

Headed to put my feet up and watch the remainder of Midsomer although I feel as tired as a poop eaglet.

So glad Lori checked in and had a safe trip to PA. Glad she has some distraction tonight.

Mema Jo said...

Juvies have settled in for the night. I didn't see any late evening feeding as I usually do. Lots of little spiders or bugs over the lens.

One show at 9:00 Person of Interest


JudyEddy said...

HEY the SPIDEY is blowing in the wind on and off in front of the camera

NCSuzan said...

Hello everyone. You are all so busy with spring and planting in the yard. It all sounds so nice. I posted two photos of our bluebird nest. One is when there were three eggs and the other is from today and there are five babies! They will be fledging in no time.

Anyone able to watch the eclipse? It was awesome.

Take care.

magpie said...

I did NOT see the eclipse
but I DID see your little blue
bird eggs and birdies pictures...
Wonderful !

Thank You!
And thanks for the toss towards the eclipse, but I was
"otherwise engaged" and missed it...

stronghunter said...


Thinking of Lynn here too. Not that I haven't thought of her on lots of ordinary days.

magpie said...

Lynn brought many things to us,
love, knowledge, caring and concern for us, her friends....
her Eagle Family...
and she found this Ol' Blog and the Momsters and Dadsters at a time in her life when it really counted for her too...
That's a nice thought ♥
She needed us too....and we were able to give to her as she gave to us.

So Happy Birthday, Pal...forever and ever

Good Night, Precious Pals
Prayers for Wellness and Joy,
All Around

God Bless Us,
Every One xox ♥

Lolly said...

We are home. Had a nice dinner. Sat with a couple from north east Fort Worth. Food was fantastic and then Jack won a door prize, a Black & Decker rechargeable spot light. He does not have anything like it. It is very nice but do not know how often we will use it. Maybe hunting armadillos? LOL

Judie said...

Time to let the Sandperson leave to deliver sleepy dust. Departure set for 11pm.

Darth and I will be traveling to Solomon's Island tomorrow. Should be back in the late afternoon. Yet another effort to make a decision on making a commitment.

So, Sandperson will be along soon. Restful sleep for all.

Lynne2 said...

where the heck has Linda been?

Mema Jo said...

Best of everything to you and Frank in making a very important decision! ♥

Sleep dust must have blown into my valley with the wind...

Good night to all and God bless you!

PA Nana said...

Stopping by to wish everyone a good night.

Watching NatGeo Wild special on hummingbirds. Most are South American species but talk about flying jewels!

Prayers for all needs. God bless.

JudyEddy said...

Hello of good late night one and all had a nice day with Jordyn at the park and then we went out to eat at Pete and Shorties for dinner was disappointed when they stopped selling what we went there for chicken cheese broccoli Oh well had a good steak instead

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

NatureNut said...

Before my 'puter chair turns into a
pumpkin (CTZ) I will get some pics on here. Have 2 sets. SO hard to organize! I kept thinking it was Sunday today!I got to stay home! I've got to get busy outside and buy a few annual plants for some deck pots. Have more perennials than I thought & growing nicely.

Time to say Pleasant Feather Dreams and Good Health Prayers for ALL ;>)
I ♥ Lynn

Hoda said...

Crab cakes??? Ha ha ha ha!!!
JUDIE I totally missed it the first time around...Today I saw a young man who had a sign saying he was a JEDI and the Law of THE FORCE required that I share the contents of my wallet with him!!!So maybe this is a new spelling of the JEDI!!!LOL!!!

Busy day and the elections will happen soon, this coming Tuesday...I will be glad for it...I think I am slightly over booked this week.

Glad it was not a cat PAULA that the eagles brought to the nest in the video she posted of another nest, not ours!

LORI thinking of you tomorrow and looking for news from SHAR too.

Lolly said...

Night all! Caught up on my recorded programs and now ready for bed.


Hoda said...

I second all that was said about her today. I cried when C/A wrote that the eclipse is the heavens celebrating ♥LYNN'S♥ birthday. Great Lady indeed she will always be.

Hoda said...



Sandi said...

Good Friday morning my eagle friends!

Lori, thinking of you today - hope the interview goes well.

Judie, a visit to Solomons may definitely help with your career decision! Enjoy!

Headed to Baltimore to visit Mom for the weekend. Will check in when I can. make it a great day all!

magpie said...

It's the Morning, It's The Day..
RED FRIDAY it is...
God Bless Our Military....

Lynne2: ESP - this morning I suddenly realized it HAS been a long time since we "saw" Linda here....I might ring her up today if I can...

Sandi: Happy visiting to Baltimore...
and to Judie and Darth:
Happy visit to Solomon's Island, I love that Place !

xo Good Morning Eagle Pals
xo ♥

magpie said...

Shamrock and Hedgie look like they are expecting a parent to visit,
it's that telltale Squeal that gives it away

Lori O. said...

Good Morning All!

Getting ready for the big interview today - 9 this morning. Will take about 40 min. to get there. Trying to talk myself out of being nervous! Thanks for the good thoughts!

SANDI, enjoy your weekend with your family.

JUDIE, hope you and Darth can reach a decision with your trip to Soloman's Island today. Have fun!

SHAR, any news yet on your MRI?

Wishing everyone a great day. Gotta run and try to remember how to put makeup on!

magpie said...

Okay there Lori!
"We got your Back"

turn that nervousness over,
"give it away"
if you can....
and just.....breathe....and

Hope traffic is friendly for
your drive...

(( Hugs )) ♥

Janet said...

Quick good morning.

Holding LORI closein thought and heart as I know she will do well...

Went to Jack's kindergarten program last night .... it was cute. They usually to hold Miss Lorelei for a long time. Nice to hold and snuggle.

And now its Friday...friday friday friday! Rain anticipated. But we've had sun for a few days so its okay. We need the rain as well.

Light, love, hugs and smiles to all my pals. :) Have a super day!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...
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Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Spunky's storm

Just took a little stroll down memory lane. I remember talking to Mema Jo on the phone while it was happening and I was recording the 30-second segments with Fraps. It was such a scary storm. Thanks Glo for taking my mess and making the video with it!

CarolAnne said...

Shad - glad for the MRI. approval, but that sure doesn't seem ethical.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

MY DELETE. There were a million spaces after it. I think the cat did it.

My MRI has been approved and they will call this morning with the date. However, Sis and Tom's niece's mother-in-law works at the urologist's office and I found out my insurance had approved it because she told Tammy who then told Sis. Kind of not liking that. I wonder if she has had HIPAA training? I don't care that anyone knows, just the principle of it.

CarolAnne said...

Geesh - that should be SHAR

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Lori, you got this!!!! I truly believe that if we pray for God's guidance through something like this and then allow that to happen and do the best we can, it turns out exactly the way it is supposed to.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I knew what you meant! :)

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I had 2 physical therapy sessions this week. Causing me to get pretty sore but hopefully that will level out soon.

Judie said...

Good morning!

Lori, you may not see this before your interview but I will be thinking of you. You'll make an outstanding impression.

Sharon, just happy you have approval for the MRI.

Okay, going to make myself look less scary then off to Solomon's.

BB late afternoon or early evening.

Have a lovely day everyone.

CarolAnne said...

Best wishes for a good outcome for any & all challenges and endeavers today.

Cold & rainy here with wind chills, frost warnings for tomorrow nite. And to think we had 70's & 80 earlier in the week. Such weather!

Take care all, make it a good Red Friday.

CarolAnne said...

Peeking in at the nest. 2 rackets enjoying some sun, a bit of preening. All is well.

CarolAnne said...

That should be eaglets. You 'd think "word correct " would recognize that word by now.

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Lori, I think you are the kind of person that could get kidnapped by a nursing school if you walk by one. I am sure the interview will be a breeze.

stronghunter said...

The sandperson got me last night before I could say good night. I slept soundly and awoke to George sticking his nose into my face.

Lolly said...




Steve must have accidently activated two new threads. I ignored the Wed one and posted on the new Friday thread!

Come on over!

3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...