Sunday, May 12, 2013


I am going off grid in Maine for several days.  New posts will be automated.

New thread.


Sandi said...

Hey a feather for me!

Sandi said...

Home from Madeline's morning competition to pack up the dogs and take Mom back to the rink for Madeline's afternoon performance.

Madeline took first place in her compulsory competition!!! Posted video on FB - not great quality but ...

Later all!!

Janet said...

THANKS for the new thread STEVE! Enjoy Maine I lived there fora few years and it is quite beautiful! :)

Lolly said...

Thanks Steve! Enjoy Maine! Wish it was me going there!

Hi all! Home from church. Michael arrived here with some beautiful coral colored roses. It was very special to have him in church with me. He has now headed home.

We are now expecting Laurel and boys. Not sure if Joey will be here or not. We will have an afternoon of fun in the backyard, sun shiney and 75, just a gorgeous day!!

Jack cooked me a wonderful breakfast this morn...omelet, bacon and waffles. That will hold me until ribs late this afternoon.

Lolly said...

Oh,and I got a sweet text from Joseph early this morn. Love that boy! Such a sweetie!

magpie said...

And the Mother's Day enjoyment continues...
I spent an hour on the telephone for my Mother's Day visit with my stepdaughter...James's Mom,
who is in Florida...

Love to all near and far here...♥

I shared a Momster Hug with Megan this morning, and brought home some more Megan Plants....two flats of Nicotiana, one Pineapple Sage Plant, and a bouquet of the ever so lovely Lily of the Valley...
Megan looks terrific....she was
putting together flower bouquets like a gymnast or ballerina in graceful... ☺

Lynne2 said...

Hmmmm. Interesting how we ASS U ME that Jack has an even number of toes......or even TEN.

Happy Momsters Day!!

(brought over)

magpie said...

Congratulations to Madeline,

I got some of that Goat Cheese that Jo talked of last week, two kinds in fact:
one with Basil, and one with Pineapple....whoo boy! And a loaf of Herb Bread and one little Apricot pastry....
and saw lots of James Rockets and Wild Red Poppy and Daisy Fleabane
along the country roads

Many at market were talking of the likely impending frost and/or freeze over the next two nights hereabouts....
We need to cover some of our
plants or bring them, and do not
put anything new into the cold ground....
cloth sheets are good for
covering, NOT plastic, as you
all probably know

Lolly said...

Oh, he has 10, I ass sure you! A little gross but 10 for sure!

magpie said...

So I will repeat that later when I see Jo is back on...

Lynne2: I am going to
take the tomato cage back OFF the asters, and use these two cool trellises I treated myself today,
one is Green Wire, and one is Yellow Wire ☺
I think that will work much

Lynne2 said...

OMG Lolly! You are too funny!

Is newspaper good? To cover plants? (or Jack's toes)

magpie said...

Way cool on all your reports of your week-end, Lolly
and the text message from Joseph...I am sure
that is dear to behold ♥

magpie said...

Thanks for the compliments on
James The Wise Kidster's picture...
he looks happy, I think he IS.
I hope I get to at least talk
to him sometime today but he
really is not much on phone calls...

and I'll tell Jo later also,
Yes, I will deliver hugs
and your kind words....
I Promise !
He is at least two inches taller
than I am now

magpie said...

Newspaper is probably good....
can't see why not, Lynne2.
anything more or less Loose-fitting, I suppose..
I told Megan that I knew Jo might have some questions about maybe something will appear on FB or something like that.

Loving the rain stick naked dance and toenail painting and "Who" {whole] Pan of Brownies jibes here....

magpie said...



magpie said...

time to get my keister up outta this chair for a little while....
going to fuss with my garden I think....

Best wishes for a day that brings
many smiles, much joy and some
pure relaxation...for All in all our Eagle Corners

xoxo ♥

magpie said...

In preparation for Market this morning, Megan had only 3 hours sleep over night, and
tonight she and the family will also be busy covering many plants!

Lynne2 said...

Oh poor Megan. Tomorrow night is a frost risk as well.

Kay said...

Happy Momster's Day, all !

Had to check in after a wonderful week in MI and a couple of days to rest up afterward.

So thrilled to see I haven't missed seeing Hedgie and Shamrock fledge ! They are lookin' good !

This will be a busy week as I prepare for a flight to CA--second granddaughter graduating from Pitzer U in Claremont on Saturday. Will be there Fri-Mon. After that 2 more grads to go, both for grandsons completing H.S.. If I can just make it through these 4 graduations I'll be a happy woman. The only other travel plans I have in the back of my head are those for a visit to Shepherdstown...someday, I hope.....

Need to read back for some catching up. Love and prayers for all ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

magpie said...

Oh Wheeeeee
our ☼HI☼ Sunshine is back with us ♥
Whoo, that's a lot of traveling
in your future ! Lots of important events...Bravo to all the Graduates !

CarolAnne said...

Back from "grill" shopping, visiting at inlaws, checking in with bro -in -law who is home from hospital after major rotatory surgery. All is well.

Hi to all.
Sun is out - so I shall go get me some sunshine.

Mema Jo said...

Enjoy your trip, Steve.
Thanks for the fresh thread and Congratulations, Sandi on your feather.

My brunch with the family up at the Braddock was so very very nice. In fact it was awesome being with the family and the food was plentiful.
Now it is time for my feet to go UP


JudyEddy said...

STEVE have good trip Home from work Thanks for the thread

JudyEddy said...

my boss changed my time to 8 instead of 9 for the next tow day

JudyEddy said...

HEDGIE got air again

JudyEddy said...

I put the two picture I talked about that Sue and Ed Tess took at the park One is of the blue jay sitting on juvies head and pecking at it and the other of a mockingbird wind surfing on the back of a hawk I love both I put their name on it also

JudyEddy said...

being they were taken on the 11th I put on the blog for the 11th with my swan pictures LOL

JudyEddy said...

Angie had called me today and said that the dinner at MP was at 530 instead of 3 like normal and wanted me to come down I don't like last min invite and she knows that and I don't like it when she invite me to someone else home I can never get her to see that point no matter how many times I have said it Waiting for son to come over

JudyEddy said...

Angie said this am when they got up and Jordyn told Angie that as soon as she ate all her breakfast she could have her Mothers Day present funny huh Who makes the rules in that house I wonder LOL

CarolAnne said...

Hoping everyone has had a most wonderful day.

Wingersizing & getting air is going to gray me quickly. Breath holding for sure.

Wishing everyone a peaceful & restful night.

JudyEddy said...

I agree CA with the breath holding and heart stopping

This is Sue picture If you want to see it bigger and her husbands with the hawk and the mockingbird riding on the back of a hawk wind surging its on my blog a couple of post back Its on the Misc Pic and video blog

magpie said...

I hope you got to see your son, JudyE....
yeah, sometimes Mother's Day can be a little difficult in some ways,
funny about Jordyn's "Rule" today

Good Evening Eagle Pals ♥
The night birds including Hedgie and Shamrock are starting to put
things to bed

Blackwater Eagle nest is back to "normal" ☺

magpie said...

Baby Moon is out, waiting for more darkness to see Jupiter somewhere cozied up to it....
not really sure how close they
will be to each other but the
next brightest thing that appears near the Moon will be Jupiter

magpie said...

temperature here right now
is about 54. I expect that to drop!
I have my plants covered up under a bench with a sheet covering all of it...looks like I have buried a
body on the front porch !

magpie said...

I love to see the two eaglets cozied up to each other!

Ditto your comment, CarolAnne...hope everyone has had a most wonderful day ♥
I had a good day, but
sorry that I could not have my
Sunday time with James....
just the way the ball bounces with work sometimes...I didn't have to work, BUT I had to be available if they called me in

magpie said...

Jupiter is visible now here also.
Over to the right and a little bit lower than the Moon, there
is a "fair distance" between the two

Janet said...

Good evening all. Its been a wonderful weekend. :) I spent most of it cleaning in the camper, inside, outside, blankets, linens, etc etc etc. Tuesday I pack food and clothes....

CAROLANN; loved your pix on the blog!!!

I just posted a few pix to my blog page for those of you not on facebook. THere are 3 shots of the wedding that I officated and then a couple pix from Chelsea's house today. :)

GOnna watch the final episode of Survivor! :) Good night all!

magpie said...

Nice pictures, Janet...
I proved I was not a robot but could then not find the publish button!
The kids are adorable....
Lorelei, 5 months old already !
Thank You ! ♥

Judie said...

So hoping everyone had the best Mother's Day possible.

Heart goes out to our Megan and her battle with mother nature.

Sandperson plans to depart at 11pm. Restful sleep for all.

magpie said...

'Night-night in advance,
Judie, Darth,
Audrey and Grace...hope the kit-cats showed you some appreciation today, Judie ♥♥

paula eagleholic said...

Howdy, all.

home safe and sound from Paradise....heading to the TV for my 10pm show...bbialw

Hoda said...

Have not read back.
I will do so after I post to let you know I am checking in and that I am well.

Today was not supposed to be busy. Three hour volunteer at my MLA'S office and then the Kootenay Co-op and then back here. It is raining so I was not going to ride my bicycle.

Well Little did I know.
I got to the office and opened up and proceeded to set out the street visible signs. We had to take them down during the Advanced Poll as we were less than a hundred meters from where the vote was held.
All is good. Check got it done.

The phone rang twice and two volunteers were not able to go with Michelle, the incumbant candidate to the next town.They are nurses and were called in to work. We had to find two others to replace them. With such short notice and it being Mothers Day, we could not get other volunteers.
So guess who went? Yes yours truly with a friend and off we went to Salmo! A very quaint little town south west of Nelson.
They had a Garden Fest. To encourage the vote to go out on Tuesday and to arrange for people to get to the polls on Tuesday, we wrapped fresh asparagus in bundles with the party ribbons and a picture of Michelle. There was music and there were singers and there was food and people were very friendly and all in all it was a wonderful time in Slamo. Made some new contacts and we went out to tea and then returned to the market for a second wave of handing out the bundles...we were very well received. Kids like Asparagus. They ate it raw while it was still fresh! I felt happy.

Came back to Nelson and the Kazuri Jewellery Committee was called to a meeting and so I went there at four. Which meant I had 35 minutes free time today!!! UGH not enough but I feel happy with the interactions.

Enough already about my day. I will go read up on your day and hope all are well.


Hoda said...

Well on this thread alone lots happening.

Congratulations SANDI on MADELINE's success.

Lots of Mothers Day interactions and they are good. I agree with MARGY sometimes special days can be difficult. JUDYE let us know how you spent it.

KAY was on Welcome home KAY good to see you on here.

PAULA glad you made a safe trip.

I will stay out of the conversation on JACK'S toes, even though if I remember correctly there was a picture of his toes last year when these two did a nude rain dance!!! LOLLY remember?

Thinking of MEGAN and I hope all the plants survive the cold spell.

Hoda said...

Well !!!

The brownies are not needed on this blog!!! We seem to do well enough without them and we are all slightly off our rockers!!! In the best kind of way of course...painting toe nails and JO wants and even number and LOLLY suggested an odd number and I saw a rain maker at the market today and my first thought was where are JACK and LOLLY!!!

MARGY I love the avatar of your MOM.

Thinking of CAROLYN and CHRISTIE and I hope they spent time together or on the phone today. BLESSINGS YOU TWO.

JudyEddy said...

Had a nice visit with Tommy and talked with Angie for a bit I had drove down there I had a basket with the 6 bottles of wine I bought cheap and I had gotten 6 outdoor plants and 6 glade candles and put in a basket and put on her table Surprised her for sure gotta pick a nite to go to dinner with Tommy and where may try the new Cheddars that just opened Heard they were slo maybe new help and its been a couple of weeks so maybe better

Mema Jo said...

Janet I left you a comment on your pictures However; after typing the words to prove I am not a robot - there isn't anywhere to publish....
I am confused.

Hoda I hope you can sit down to a cup of tea and catch your breath! ♥
Sorry about the rain and no bike ride.

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Mema Jo said...

lol I see that Margy's comment says she couldn't post either, Janet. You may need to take the Robot off your blog or you will never know what we said ♥

I loved your pictures -

Mema Jo said...

Hi Kay - Glad you are safely home and I see that you will be headed out for a very good reason.
I have my last grandchild graduating this year! Don't think I'll be able to stick around for all the great grand children's ceremonies. I wish!

Mema Jo said...

I am ready to call it a very good day
Love being with family.......
God bless and keep you and yours
I love us♥

Good night

Lolly said...

Oh, yes...we danced naked last year. Sent you a pic. lol BUT that was without a rain stick. Also, did not do the Texas Two Step, nor paint Jubby's tootsies!!

It has been a fabulous day! Sitting here looking at my house decorated with signs and a big smile on my face. Joseph, on his own, made large signs for Mother's day. He made them for his mother at his house and made two for me. Each letter of the sign is on one sheet of copy paper. One spells out Happy Mother's Day and the other says A Day for Mothers. What a blessing our Joseph is!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Sounds pretty cool, Lolly :)

paula eagleholic said...

Have not read back tonight, will have to catch up tomorrow.

SED, Love and Hugs for All ♥

stronghunter said...

Getting ready to head upstairs soon.

Did bring in my potted plants, but I do not think it is going to frost here tonight.

Latest frost I can recall experiencing was on June 11, though. That was in 1972 in Ohio.

stronghunter said...

Such a thoughtful family you have, Lolly.

magpie said...

Yup, agree what Shirley has said, Lolly...

wow, that's a late Ohio frost you had, Shirley back in 1972...

magpie said...

Hoda, You are one amazing time-spending gal!
Boy are they fortunate to have you
"out there" in Nelson and
surroundings, and once again,
Bravo !
I think you might have meant your comment about the Mom avatar...for CarolAnne...mine is of James the Wise Kidster....☺ ♥

magpie said...

temperature here right now appears to be about 48

hope it stays like this for
ALL our agrigcultural people and ourselves

magpie said...

farming is easier to spell correctly
than agricultural is

Well, it is suddenly very late....

So, on that note ♪
Good Night, Precious Pals

Prayers for Wellness and Joy,
All Around Amongst Us

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxo ♥

Hoda said...



Lolly said...

Time to call it a day. Went to bed way too late last night.

Good night all! God bless!


Hoda said...

Yes MARGY I meant C/A...I do like yours very much too...JAMES THE KIDSTER! Sorry my bad!

Sandi said...

Good Monday morning my eagle friends! It's back to the grind time. But only 24 more days of grinding for me before I get a VERY long weekend!! I can do this!

Sounds like folks had a nice Mother's Day weekend.

Kay, glad you were on the blog - what a busy lady you will be for the next couple of weeks with those graduations -happy events!

Shirley, the start of a new segment in Hunter's life - phone calls to and from girls!!

Hoda the whirling dervish, what can I say?

Have not had time to look at Bob Quinn's photos of Savannah or Janet's photos taken on the boat - need to do that today after school. Janet, thought of you while watching Madeline skate -what an expensive hobby for these girls! Dresses that cost $400 - $800!!! Can you sew well? My sister can -Lisa made Madeline's dress for $60 and it was beautiful!

Our eaglets are up and stretching those giant wings already this AM. Make it a great day all!

Janet said...

good monday morning all. 39 degrees here in nashville. a record low for may! thankfully i didn't put the tomatoes in yesterday....plan to do so today...hope mother nature cooperates!!!

okay, i tried AGAIN to remove that annoying robot from my blog....i found something i hadn't clicked and clicked it off.... let me know if it works.

last day @ massage envy for one week. i am soooo looking forward to my very long weekend! it starts tomorrow about 10 a.m.

wishing everyone a light and lovely day! HUGS! smiles! and love love love to each of you!

T-Bird said...

My morning has consisted of cleaning a big, "healthy", pile of poop (Tytun) and a little bit of puck (Buddy). Is that how you spell puck? : )

JudyEddy said...


Just got back on line I woke up to elec going off everything was off good thing I have battery back up can't get the cam to load right now Had a time getting FB and the blog to load

JudyEddy said...

NICE our temp is 70° we are getting a break in the temps again With you all cold front we are cooler also lower humidity and dew point is the key only suppose to be low 80s

JudyEddy said...

MARGY I saw HODA OOPS and I thought maybe tooo many brownies LOL or glasses needed

stronghunter said...

Good morning. Chilly here this morning, but I don't see any frost. We were outside the frost zone, so I was over cautious in bringing the plants in.

Judie said...

Good morning.

Hedgie and Shamrock are dozing. Must have finished breakfast.

Off to see the vampire. Time for blood work. Have vascular on Wed. and Cardio on Friday.

Hope everyone has a good morning.

Hope Megan's flowers are safe.


Lori O. said...

Good Morning Eagle pals!

Hope everyone had a great Mother's Day and MD Weekend. Sounds like you did.

JUDIE, good luck at the doctors.

JUDYE, glad you made it to Angies last night - basket sounds really nice!

PAUlA - Welcome Home!

SANDI, 29 days, you lucky duck!

Still have to look at pictures.

HODA, the asparagus with the pictures sounds like a very cute idea! Bet the people loved it!

KAY, I'm so happy to have seen you were on the blog and had a great time on your vacation. You WILL make it to all your graduations. I used to live near Claremont when I lived in CA!

Have a good day all! I'm going to be working on getting all my paperwork and phone calls done for nursing school. Hate paperwork!

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals....
Oh Paperwork, Lori...

Put on some be-bopping tunes while you are working on it ♪ ♫

T-Bird...Oh, Hello! Been Missing you...I have a feeling you mean Puke as in Upchuck..
And I see 'Poop' also
Oh dear, not fun to face THAT in the morning...hope Buddy is OK, glad it was "a little"
and also hope that Tytun doesn't do THAT again !

magpie said...

Happy Birthday Wishes to
WV sUSAn !! Hope this is your very best and happiest birthday
EVER xoxo ☺ ♥

magpie said...

I think the frost bypassed us here also....always good to be
prepared though!

Okay Judie, big doctor's office visits week for you...
Hope it all goes superbly and
that you get A+++ at each

magpie said...

Looks like Blackwater Ospreys might have their 3rd Egg, according to news on that site...

And Finland "Land Nest" the Saksi site, has their first egg....real up close and personal views on that nest....
I bet Movin' Jim is watching that
one also

paula eagleholic said...

One chick must be perched at 12...can't even see feet! The other one is picking out downy feathers and letting them fly...

paula eagleholic said...

Another frost advisory in effect for tonight...don't think we had frost here either..

magpie said...

Hedgie and Shamrock seem good, Belle was on the nest with them
for a little bit,
not sure if they had their breakfast yet

Time for me to get be-bopping on the day here..

Best Wishes to All, for
a Very Good Day xoxo

magpie said...

Yes, Paula..I think the "other one" was at the top of the nest about the time Belle left,
and doing some wingersizing...

Happy Last Day of office work for you.....oh boy, start packing for that Massachusetts Adventure !

magpie said...

I mean Last THREE days off, Paula
sorry, I remember you said WEDNESDAY
for the final day

magpie said...

Hope it all goes smoothly...
I'm sorry that the company could not stay afloat...
And Best Wishes for what the Future holds for you, Paula

paula eagleholic said...

Thanks, Margy!

Check out those wingersizes! Chicks busy now, picking at nestovers, moving sticks, wingersizes. Both in view.

paula eagleholic said...

Hedgie wingersizing..her tail is a little more develope...Shamrock has some white at the very tips of the tail feathers.

I see the wingersizes makes the cam freeze up.

paula eagleholic said...

Hedgie is calling for food!

magpie said...

Thanks for the details on which peaglet is which, Paula....I cannot tell anymore but this helps...a lot !

I'm getting hungry listening
to Hedgie calling for chow !!

ttfn xo ♥

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Frost warning last night but I think my fuscia is fine 89 tomorrow ok so the strange weather continues country wide. Today I plan to take the older lady who watches Dex sometimes so I can go to Cam club or something else; off to a really pretty park where I am hoping to find some wild flowers and maybe some other early perennials all blooming nicely. Wishing you all a nice day. I will send summer your way too in a couple of days :-)

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my eagle budlets.

Mema Jo said...

Good chilly morning - no frost here but as a precaution I did place all my flower pots up against the house.

Janet - my comment published! Thanks for making it happen.

Lori - That paperwork is going to get you to where you want to be - git-r-done ♥

Judie - Hoping all you dr visits have healthy results!

Mema Jo said...

Glo, fo send us some summer for 2 reasons - #1 Vincent is having his 1st b-day family get together outside at a beautiful park on Sat.
The 19th of May is Vincent's b-day and Also his aunt Jenny's b-day.

#2 Hubby and I are heading down to our home in DE to open up for the summer season.

I will be gone about 4 days so don't put out the Silver Alert for me. You remember that I have the antique dial up computer down there. Hubby will take laptop and perhaps we will catch the neighbors signal and then I would be in touch.

Mema Jo said...

Happy birthday Susan - enjoy your day and Celebrate You

Happy Anniversary Dana & Monte -
wishing you many many more years of

Lolly said...

Good morning! Going to be another beautiful day. It was in the low 60's this morn and now up to 68. Perfect weather!!

Heading to church to pull a few weeks and spread mulch. Then going to spend the day in the yard.

Lolly said...

I see two eaglets huddled in the middle of the nest and just heard one big gust of wind.

magpie said...

OH! I do remember, Thanks to Jo's
timely post as I zipped right past the anniversaries getting to
the Birthday notes from Jo

Happy Anniversary Wishes to
Dana and Monte ☺♥☺♥

magpie said...

Big week coming up for you Jo...
sure do hope the weather plays
very nicely!

Sounds great, Glo.....your plans for Dex's sometimes Dex-sitter ☺
You do many nice things for many people in your life ♥

magpie said...

Good Morning More Eagle Pals

I SEE you Sharon ☺

magpie said...

And as a note,
This is National Police Week:

"National Police Week, which occurs each year during the week in which May 15 falls, recognizes the service and sacrifice of U.S. law enforcement. Established by a joint resolution of Congress in 1962, National Police Week pays special recognition to those law enforcement officers who have lost their lives in the line of duty for the safety and protection of others."

[from Google]

magpie said...

It's on and off breezy hereabouts,
and right chilly! I think our high today will be 56 degrees or so

magpie said...

Thinking of our Law Enforcement
community with honor and respect....

May they always, SAFELY, be able to take those Bites out of Crime....
and keep us, and our homes
and streets, Safe

magpie said...

time for me to run along again...
ttfn xoxo ♥

magpie said...

Happy Traveling, Jo...whenever you head out to the BEACH....
we will miss your posts !

xo ♥

Lolly said...

Weather is interesting, Margy! When I am cold, you are warm. When I am having beautiful weather, you are chilly! It really has been a cool spring for us but a very dry one. Really scary for the summer.

Time for me to start my day. Coffee is gone gone.

Have a wonderful day! It was after 9 last night when I texted Joseph thanking him for my large signs on the walls of my den. He replied with "I love you, too." A great way to end the day!

Lolly said...

Have a cute story before I go

Yesterday Joseph was driving our riding mower all over the yard. Blade was NOT engaged. We had gone inside when I got a text "Can you come out and hand me my water." LOL He had left his bottle of water on the ground. Jack went out, handed him his water and kiddingly scolded him for texting while driving. :)

Mema Jo said...

It is 11:11 New Blog is ready

Steve automated them so at 11"11

each day Let's see who get's the

feathers this week



3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...