Wednesday, January 30, 2013


New thread.


magpie said...

Oh my Steve...
what a spectacular picture
hoping the upcoming crazy weather does not disrupt anything, anywhere

Thanks! I Will tell the Eagle Pals

magpie said...

Another Opportunity to start
Megan with more
Happy Birthday Wishes ☺

magpie said...

Wind is already starting to pick up here
clouds moving in
just waitin' on some
raindrops now

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

The wind is a-whipping at the nest.

Sandi said...

Nice screen shot of the nest, Steve!! Thanks for the new thread and thanks Margy, for the call over!

Radar is showing some possible severe weather for WV folks - stay safe everyone!

Just a quick check-in from school.

Haven't heard anything from Jo, which worries me. Thanks all for the eagle reports this morning - our eagles are spending more and more time "at home!" Hopefully that's a good sign!


Lolly said...

Did we just have HP?

Shaggy Looly off to get beautiful!

stronghunter said...

I have an appointment to get beautiful at 1:00. Feeling pretty shaggy right now, too.

Both eagles in nest. Wind blowing and the twirling arrow keeps popping up. Odd.

Wow, that wind is blowing!

stronghunter said...

Thanks for the new thread, Steve. Beautiful shot of our eagle in the nest.

Janet said...

EF 2 tornado confirmed for Mt. Juliet ... went straight over my daughters home....took out trees behind the houses, her neighbors actually. Took down the privacy fence.

Our friend Russell, either the tornado, or straight line winds took out his shed, garage, porches....torn up pretty badly. We will likely ahve company for a few days, him and the dog. Please send light and love to him...he's pretty shook up.

We are well other wise...taking Scout to the vet in a few.

Later ya'll

stronghunter said...

Oh my, Janet. Scary.

stronghunter said...

The constant stop-and-start at the nest is distracting to say the least. Wish it could be fixed.

stronghunter said...

BBL. Must go.

stronghunter said...

Trying to decide what I am hearing at the nest. It sounds like a combination of wind and eagle cries, but it is hard to tell.

glo said...

Good morning although I am sure it is afternoon for most of those reading this. I have had a busy morning. But really didn't get much accomplished. it is strange but true.

Lolly said...

Shirley, I think it is the wind making all that noise and funny that it resembles eagle cries.

I am home. I am beautiful. lol No longer shaggy Looly.

Now Jack and I are going shopping for Zach's birthday. Probably will end up ordering on line and be late. He is 7 Friday. Celebrating at Great Wolf Lodge on Saturdayj.

Lolly said...

Eagle in the nest.

Lolly said...

We are leaving...again...back later.

magpie said...

It is going to get wet at the nest

very soon

cause it is raining very hard
in Martinsburg

Kay said...

On in hopes of word from or about JO. Hope we have some soon, meantime prayers continue.

♫♪ Happy Birthday Dear FloralGirl ♪♪♫

Love you Eagle Buds and Eagles !!!!


Linda said...

You were right, MARGY

Raining at the nest.....
and on the eagle in the nest...

Lori O. said...

Just checking in to say everything is on hold again as Dad is back in the hospital. I will be leaving shortly - drive fast and hopefully get there before dark.

Worried about JO!

Linda said...

Those are either really big drops of rain, or maybe some hail!

Linda said...

Praying for safe travels, LORI...
And prayers for your Dad...

What happened??

Lori O. said...

He had a relapse and is not healing well, weak and dehydrated.

Linda said...

Bless his heart! Hoping that they get him on those fluids right away and he he gets back on the healing track soon. Sometimes they send them home too soon!

Be safe, LORI!!

Linda said...


glo said...

Oh Dear Lori Prayers for your Dad and safe travels for you. I think MeMa Jo however is having a good day and going home. Saw this posted on facebook earlier this morning .

magpie said...

I know Lori is already on the road...
((Safe Traveling Prayers )) for Lori...

and Healing Prayers for her Dad....


Thanks for the eyewitness report on the Royal Nest and Royal Occupant, Linda...I do not have the live feed here

Linda said...

You're welcome, MARGY!

Thanks for the good news on JO, GLO!!
Certainly relieved to hear that news!

magpie said...

Thanks Glo !
Like that update on Mema Jo...
right now the rain storm is headed into the far Eastern WV counties and the Maryland counties that DanaMo, Mema and Paula might be in right now...
okay, everyonen watch out for the ponding and pooling water

Linda said...

Very happy to hear JO is going home today!

Thank you for sharing that info!!!

magpie said...

what's going on
weather wise over your way

Mema Jo said...

Good Afternoon from my HOME
Arrived shortly before noon. Just now getting on line. Love the picture & will need to read back a couple days as to the activity at the nest - Looks like an egg cup to me and after all today is Megan's Birthday! And then there is Glo and then there is Saundra - Someone is going to be surprised with the 1st egg! Eggciting!

I want to send prayers for all of my friends here on the blog and also sending thankful prayers for all of you in remembering me during this past week. Kept thinking of you and so thankful to be back. I'll be on later - just tire easily. I love us!

Costume Lady said...

The rain and wind have stopped, for now, here. 59° hail or snow. BIG drops of rain when it sounded like hail...dropped a LOT of rain in the few minutes that it was here, left a small river in our driveway.

So happy Jo is well enough to go home. WELCOME HOME JO ~♥~

Judie said...

Safe travels for Lori and wishing her Dad a quick rebound.

Judie said...

So very happy and relieved to know that our Mema Jo is home. We missed you a whole big bunch♥

Red said...

Wow, the nest is looking good. Guess its time for the old red head to start hanging out here again.
WELCOME HOME JO. We all love ya!

Happy Birthday Megan!!!

Linda said...


We sure have missed you...
Praying that you will behave...
and continue to rest...


Linda said...

Welcome Back Red!!

So nice to see you here ready for our next season...

Lolly said...


Lolly said...

Back from Toys R Us. Ended up getting Zach one of those big bubble balls that he can climb into and roll around. He does not play with toys, but perhaps he will like this, especially with friends.


Lolly said...

Can hear the rain at the nest. Better rain than all that awful wind this morning. Hopefully he will not turn to snow or ice. Yikes!

Sandi said...

Good afternoon all! No rain here yet and it's warm outside. But the sun has disappeared and the winds have picked up.

Wonderful news that Jo is back home but scary news about Lori's dad being back in the hospital. Poor Lori!!

Red, welcome back!

Janet, sounds like some mean weather where you are!

Still raining at the nest - wonder if it will keep our eagles away this evening?

DanaMo said...

Rain coming down in Hagerstown. Adam just pulled up with Annemarie. I always feel better when he gets home. He is very confident with his driving. Wish I could say the same. Nervous wreck, and it's not that he is a bad driver. I think I have gotten worse with each one. Maybe I just understand more and more the danger of them driving.

Sandi said...

Just read a post on FB from a former student teacher of mine who now teaches high school math in Nashville. The post included a photo (taken with his phone) of what looked like a school full of kids sitting in the gymnasium with their coats and books. He said the whole top floor of the school was flooded and parts of the roof were ripped off! Boy, would I NOT want to be teaching when something like that happened!!

JudyEddy said...


home from work to find a fresh thread and a rainy nest

JudyEddy said...

and I forgot to click email me the comment Silly me

JudyEddy said...

LORI Keeping you and you dad and family in my thoughts and close to heart and please don't drive fast there are idiots out there be safe

JudyEddy said...

▐█░███████████ ✿ (¯≻ ✿ ≺¯)(¯≻ ✿ ≺¯)
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─────▀██▀─────── ´¯)░ (_.^._) —

.♥ ♥ WELCOME ♥ ♥.

.♥ ♥ H O M E ♥ ♥.

¸.•´ ¸.•*¨)¸.•*¨)
(¸.MEMA•JO´(¸.• (¸.•´¸¸.•¨¯`•.¸¸.♥

JudyEddy said...

we have had a windy day with the cold front commin in

I came home today with 6 new trash cans in my yard
being I am in the curb of the road they all blew in my yard
I lined them up No address on them so hopefully the oweners will come looking I weighed them down with cinderblocks tooo and I have 3 recycle containers to no address anyone need a new can LOL

DanaMo said...

Oh Lori, I'm sorry. Saying a prayer. Please drive carefully!

Judie said...

Hi all.

What, oh okay, I'll let them know.

Sandperson just wants me to tell everyone that brief visits will resume tonight but the all-night visit will be at Mema Jo's roost to make sure she enjoys restful sleep.

stronghunter said...

Is that snow I see at the nest?

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


stronghunter said...

The Weather Channel says rain and temps in the 50s there. It looks like I see some flakes. Maybe just the way the light is hitting it???

JudyEddy said...




JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

SHIRLEY do you also have the TWC ap ??

JudyEddy said...

I use to have the weather bug but got rid of it and now have the weather channel ap

stronghunter said...

I go to the Weather Channel for my weather forecast, Judy. My computer savvy sons do not approve of the app, or at least they did not in the past.

stronghunter said...

Did check the list of friends who are in severe weather areas now. There are 62 now, including people who live in my house. Batten down the hatches, east coast people.

Lolly said...

A first happened today! Just got a phone call...We are officially great great aunt and uncle. Great neice in Georgia just gave birth an hour ago to Natalie, weighing 9 lbs 13 oz. Wow!

stronghunter said...

Congratulations, Lolly!

Costume Lady said...

Hi there,
It is 57°...still no sleet or snow at the nest. Hope Belle and Shep don't get started on the egg-layig for awhile...still bad weather ahead:(

Sandi said...

Shirley, thanks for the warning about the weather. Still no rain here but very strong winds are in the forecast - gusts to 60mph from the south. The south is the side of our house with all the trees - yikes!

Lolly, congrats to you and Jack on the new addition to the family! Nothing like delivering a 1-month old! That is one big baby - should sleep through the night quickly!! Hope they didn't get lots of newborn-sized outfits or, if they did, hope they haven't removed the tags from them! =)

Lolly said...

Been on phone talking with Laurel. Yesterday she noticed wet ceiling tiles in her classroom. Emailed the office. Walked in today and ceiling tiles were on the floor. Called the office. Two plumbers and assistant principal were in her room third period (students were taking a quiz) when a pipe broke, sending black, dirty water into her room at the rate of say...a kitchen faucet on full force. Splattered her with black water, one student, her wall, posters, and books. She had help cleaning it up...not a good day for Laurel. She teaches in the basement, it had to do with the cooling/heating system.

Hoda said...

VERY HAPPY to see JO back. Welcome home JO.

PAULA very glad your back is better sorry about the blue tooth...

LORI I am praying for your DAD and hoping they can do something to make him comfortable and to help the healing process.

So very sorry about the mess in LAUREL's class LOLLY it is a tough thing to go through and I think LAUREL is about ready for a break!!! First the flood in her garage and now her classroom not much fun I would say. Lifting her up in Prayers.

Lolly said...

Thanks, Hoda! She does need a break!

Hoda said...

Goodness Gracious me...a busy day here but a very good day.
I started off in a snow storm and it felt like winter and half way through the day it stopped snowing and the skies had blue parts and I got my vitamin D. Many errands today and had tea with a friend and an excellent yoga class and This weekend Amnesty International is having a Film Festival. I can not watch films all mind and my eyes get tired. SO I decided to go to it Friday night only and there will be two movies. I will probably just watch one and leave. Both seemed interesting: An African Village with women only and no men allowed...rebuilding emotional and psychological and spiritual connections to the Matriarch and the Devine Feminine.
The other movie is about the pipeline that they are trying to put between Alberta and BC. We do not want it and there have been many protests to stop it.

Nelson's Pirate Ship took on water. I think I told you about it. They moved it to the arena yesterday and today lots of work from the community to rescue it. I like the energy around saving the Pirate Ship.

Dragon's AGM is tonight so I might attend as two Dragon Ladies asked me to do so. It will mean that I will be out every night this week!!! I must be getting younger!!! LOL!!! Or the Kale is working and giving me energy!!!LOL


Cute that ZACH will have his birthday party Friday LOLLY. What did you get him for a present.

OOOPS! I only have one cheque left in my cheque book. Ordered some more today and they will not be here for two weeks!!! I guess I will not spend money mean while!!!Helps with my savings program!!!

Hoda said...

Marina not arena!!! for the Pirate Ship that is!!! Sorry

Hoda said...

CONGRATULATIONS LOLLY and JACK. Great news on the new baby...Blessed Be. Welcome NATALIE...

JudyEddy said...

I put a video on the blog of this am activities they were in the nest from 5:46-6:32 in and out LOL
When I used the new feature of YOutube I uploaded it backwards when I did it so the first is Belle landed with fish and wouldn't let Shep have any and then the sort of HP and the stupid camera SPINNING circle got in the way and the end is the beginning of nestoration I love how verbal Shep is sort of asking in advance for HP LOL

this am visit cute Belle tells him back off my fish

Lolly said...

Hoda, you are hilarious! Yes, you do seem to have unlimited energy!! Jack is building a fire, going to cook dinner and then just enjoy sitting and the fire!

Lynne2 said...

oh no, sorry to read about Lori's dad.

Glad to have Jo back home!

Hey Lolly, didn't you get a "pond cam"? Have you set it up yet?

What rotten luck for Laurel....she needs a spa day!

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for all the welcome backs! I sure did miss our contacts over the past week. Thanks for the sandman all night long, Judie!

Going to lie in bed and maybe watch a tv show then off to dreamland. Sure feels great being here in the house. Mr & Mrs Cardinal came to visit as soon as I walked in !

Prayers for all your needs
I love us! ♥

Talk with you in the morning ♥

paula eagleholic said...


Hoda said...

Happy Happy Happy DANCE!!! JO just posted again and is good enough to watch TV and will sleep early which means she is not overdoing it...YAY!!! Twirrling Around!!!

Lolly said...

LOL Lynne! Great minds! Jack just set up the pond cam a few minutes ago. Wow! Can not believe you mentioned it right now. Do not expect much. Maybe Annie and a possum. lol

Lolly said...

I got both my Christmas present and my birthday presents today. Jack set up the cam and he installed new kitchen cabinet handles. Wow!

paula eagleholic said...

I did see Lori this morning for about 1/2 hour. She did mention that her Dad was having a rough week. She must have gotten the call after she got home.

paula eagleholic said...

Maybe some frogs or birds, too, Lolly!

What do your handles look like?

Lynne2 said...

OMG....that is SPOOOOOOOKY Lolly! I don't know what made me think of it!

paula eagleholic said...

Was supposed to see Larry tonight, but with the crappy weather and my back, we are going to shoot for tomorrow night.

Going to read tonight and rest the back some more.

Lynne2 said...

OK, my sound isn't working. I have the dreaded red x over my speaker icon and a message that is telling me no sound device is installed. I have googled, and done all of the things that should help...updates, drivers, system restore, standing on one foot singing, nothing has worked. In my Device Manager in the control panel, there isn't even a tab for "sound, video and games" anymore. GGRRRRRR.

Anyone ever had this issue?

Lynne2 said...

Paula, glad you got to see Lori at least for a little while today! Sorry about the weather putting off plans with Larry though. And while Daisy is really impressed by Nick's bad deed, what a shame he chewed up your Bluetooth.

JudyEddy said...

go in your control panel and look for Hardware and sound check there is it laptop or desktop

JudyEddy said...

if its a desktop unplug speaker connect in back wiggle wire etc

JudyEddy said...

Lynne2 unplug your puter and start over I just finished reading your post may have to reboot

JudyEddy said...

your puter is having a senior moment

paula eagleholic said...

Lynne, try installing it. Add new hardware...

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Eagle Buds.
HAPPY BIRTHDAY, MEGAN!!!, you expert flower child!! ☺

So sorry to hear about Lori's Dad. Safe travels and prayers he improves.

See, we prayed for Mema Jo to come home and she did!! ☺

We just started to get some heavy rain, now it's stopped~~~previews I guess. Our weather report said whole Metro area under tornado watch until 2 AM.
Janet told some scary stories. Hope they're gone for good now.

Hoda said...

Off to get ready for the AGM...I will have tea and desert too if there is anything chocolate!!! LOL!!!

magpie said...

Flood Warnings here in Berkeley County
I can believe that

GOOD Evening Eagle Pals, and especially for JO, with special attention from the Sandperson


magpie said...

Your sense of humor
is unsurpassed

Paula! Sorry about having to postpone your date with Merry Larry....hope tomorrow night works out

Bad back, I can relate !

magpie said...

Shame it had to rain so hard this afternoon for Megan's Birthday, sure hope she enjoyed the Morning Hours though !!

I just can't wait until Megan's matter what my hands and fingers are up to, I WILL GARDEN !!!!

magpie said...

What a neat treat, RED being here today !

magpie said...

And very neat also, that Paula and Lori had some Momster time together.....

I am lucky, I get so have Momster time with Jewels Wednesday through Saturday....Life is GOOD !

magpie said...

And do ya' know, I call her Lynn sometimes...♥

Lolly said...

Dinner is over, Jack is working on our fire, going to watch recorded episode of Downton Abbey. Love that show!

Paula so glad you got to see Lori!

magpie said...

Looly - ha ha, that is an intentional typo! So you and Shirley both got Bootiful today !
Happy Anniversary or Michael's arrival on this date...not sure how many years ago, and
Happy Great Great Uncle and Aunt-dom to you and Jack ! Now that's a big baby !! Blessings for New Life......

Super Bummer about Laurel's classroom. THAT is a big,

Lolly said...

And, I am sure she does not mind that, Margy!

magpie said...

FOR, Michael's arrival at your happy home, not so many years ago, Lolly.. ♥ ☺

That was an unintentional typo, I blame that one on carpal tunnel ☺

I'm still playing Celtic Woman in Jo's Honor tonight ♪ ♫

magpie said...

Yes, is dearly precious to spend these hours with Carolyn...and she usually sits at the closest work station to mine.
I Love it !!!

magpie said...

grocery shopped
put that stuff away.
emptied and started to refill the dishwasher.
cooked rice for tomorrow's lunch.
did two loads of laundry.
made out one card to mail.

that's about the boring amount of work I got done

NOW I have to stretch, I really need to stretch

magpie said...

A few months ago I actually paid full price for a "Third Day" CD
(they are a Christian song group)

I can't find it

Oh come on, Saint Anthony, you can do this

magpie said...

I have an announcement to make

magpie said...

I have bought a box of Oatmeal Creme Pies

To Hell with the diet:
Egg-Laying Time is Nearly Upon Us !!!

Janet said...

Lori: light and love to your Dad. Be safe.

SANDI: was that school in Brentwood by chance? if so I saw it on the evening news....looked bad.

We had a confirmed 8 tornados last night. What a crazy night.

JUDYE: i have the weather channel app on my phone. i have several, key west, dry tortugas, maine, va beach, several places....cuz i like to keep up with everyone....

so glad JO is home....

am tired tonight. calling it an early night. it is chilling down....going into the low 30's tonight with snow showers over the next couple of days....

oh, yeah, took scout to the vet. dr. k is very pleased with her. she does have an upper respiratory infection, said lately the dogs coming from that shelter seem to have it. on meds. other than that, she was very happy for us. we have such a lovely vet!!!!!!!!!! <3 <3 <3

dear friends, i am very tired. for the most part, been up since about 3....did doze from 4 to 5, but basically, up since 3. time to hit the bed....good night....

SED, light, love (LOTS of it), hugs, healing, and comfort to all!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

magpie said...

Sorry for the tornado mayhem...may tonight be peaceful and safe for all...and
continued best wishes on the Heeler, hope the medicines work
quickly !

Lolly said...

Oh, Margy! You made me laugh out loud with your announcement!

Just finished watching Downton Abbey. Guess I will read for a while. Still listening to the rain on the cam. Why, just why, could we have not had a long rain? Geeeeesh!

JudyEddy said...

OH MY the MOON is soooo pretty tonight

Linda said...

A quick hello before heading to bed tonight!!

So happy to hear JO is home with the sandman doing an all night vigil with her! She will surely sleep better tonight and feel so much better by morning. Nothing like your own bed!

Congrats to LOLLY - A girl in the family!!! So sorry about Laurel's mishap in school. She does need a break!

Prayers for LORI's Dad and hoping she is there safely.

Prayers for DANA's Dad, for JO, for SANDI's Mom, PAULA's back, MARGY's hands, and any other ailments in our group tonight.

Stay dry and safe tonight. It's nasty out there!


JudyEddy said...

Don't forget to watch the video on my blog of this am visit where BELLE beaked at Shep big time when he tried to take her FISH and the attempt of HP and nestoration Remember I did it backwards on the youtube editor Its on the NEST VIDEO
BELLE stood her ground over not giving Shep the fish

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

stronghunter said...

Oh, wow, Lolly. Poor Laurel.

stronghunter said...


Hope you have arrived safely and your dad is much better now.

stronghunter said...

Pouring rain here now. I think I would get wet if I opened a window.

stronghunter said...

Glad that someone can enjoy the moon tonight, Judy.

stronghunter said...

SED, everyone. See you tomorrow.

magpie said...

Steady rains here too, Shirley...
it's a soothing sound, I could set up a sleeping bag nest-side and probably sleep Sweetly

I liked that Kathryn could be home when Hunter left for school, that was a dear report ♥

Prayers for Wellness Amongst Us All...with special emphasis for many with immediate needs...

Good Night, Precious Pals...

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxox ♥

Lynne2 said...

LOOOOOLY, are you here? What is the name of Jack's new Civil War book...want to see if I can get it out of the library for Steve!

NO success with my sound. GRRRRRR.

Heading to bed, first need to take dogs out in pouring rain.

Wind to pick up here in the wee wee hours through post dawn.

Hoda said...

Sorry about the back again tonight PAULA.


PRAYERS for LORI'S DAD I am concerned as we all are.
I hope she arrived safe and sound.

Good meeting with the Dragons.



Lolly said...

Lynne, both books are Natl. Geographic.

The Untold Civil War by James Robertson

The Atlas of the Civil War
(A comprehensive Guild to the Tatics and Terrain of Battle)
Neil Kagan/Stephen G. Hyslop

Lolly said...

Heading to bed soon. Night all!

Prayers for good rest for Jo tonight and prayers for Lori's dad.

I love us! SED!!!

Sandi said...

Good Thursday morning my eagle friends! last day with kids for the week - tomorrow is teacher inservice - YAY!

Still raining here and still windy but no severe weather.

Janet, not sure where the high school is, I just know Chris's FB says he lives in Nashville.

Special prayers today for Lori and her dad.

Dana, are you expecting news on your dad today?

Make it a great day everyone - the LAST day of January!

DanaMo said...

Good morning.

I wish Sandi. Not until next week. The board meets on Monday, so I am hoping for news by Tuesday.

T-Bird said...

Good morning my friends.

magpie said...

Good Morning, Eagle Pals...
I see Sandi, DanaMo, and T-Bird

windy, and going to be windy and noisy at the nest...

T-Bird said...

We've got some flurries here this morning-nice.

magpie said...

Best Wishes for a Good and
Safe Day to everyone....
in all our Eagle Corners

DanaMo, sure it feels like Monday is a long time away....praying for best possible outcomes for your father xox (( Hugs )) ♥

magpie said...

nice and cold, sounds like, T-Bird!

doing the morning shuffle,
will be around but not visible
for a bit

Hoping that JO had her BEST Night's sleep, EVER !


Janet said...

good morning.

another very tired morning. i think the last few days has caught up with me.

i hope everyone has a good day. i hope for a quiet day today, just a normal day would suffice.

have a great day! hugs

DanaMo said...

Man I wish this week would just be over...
Tomorrow they are calling for a light snow. Probably will turn into a 2 hour delay which would really mess up our schedule. We are scheduled for a half day tomorrow which I would much rather have. If we have a delay we go til 3! Poosha! I don't want that to happen. I rather get out at 12:30 then go in late.

magpie said...

Well, nice long visit by Belle...
just wondering...where her partner is...(I think it was Belle..with the wind and my getting dressed and all, couldn't really watch too
well )

Okay, On to the Day...

ttfn xoxox ☺ ♥

stronghunter said...

Windblown Shep in the nest.

DanaMo said...

Arrow is really swirling...

paula eagleholic said...

I see Shep is still hanging out in our very windy nest...many many circles this morning.

stronghunter said...

Poof Shep.

glo said...

Good Morning everyone. I have gone from FL on Tues to Alaska on Thurs. BUT atleast in my part of IL we did it with some ice for a whole but no violent weather. Prayers for all today. Our list remains long with lots of folks and their loved ones all needing prayer. MeMa Jo prays from home, Michael's staples are out. All that is good. More good news today is my prayer.

Mema Jo said...





DanaMo said...

We got news! I am so thrilled. Apparently all the information is in already and the team met. I got an email from Dr. Bivalaqua from Hokins.They believe a nephrouretectomy (kidney and ureter removal) and retroperitoneal lymph node dissection (removal of the lymph nodes) is the next course of action.

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...