Wednesday, January 09, 2013


New thread.


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Judie said...

And now to await the news of Samantha.

magpie said...

Thanks Steve for the New Thread

Thanks Judie for the alert...

Mema Jo said...

Thanks for the fresh new thread Steve.

Thanks Judie for the call over

I am awaiting the call from hubby that he has been able to see Michael

Will let you all know when the call comes through ♥

NatureNut said...

Good Afternoon Eagle Buds. Just trying to check in on all our med. procedures today. Hope everyone is doing well!! ☺ ♥

Lolly said...

Yea, good news on Michael. Need to hear that Isaac is having a better day.

I am having fun reading my bday wishes on fb. Fun to hear from so many and several former students are making me feel really special. How neat is that!!!

Rain has temporarily stopped, we're up to 3 inches now.

Bedroom and bathroom clear of decorations....on to the front of the house.

Mema Jo said...

Phone call has come - in the background I hear a familiar voice shouting -
I think our Miracle Michael is going to be fine! Love you all ♥

magpie said...

♥☺♥☺♥☺♥☺♥☺ JO !

WV sUSAn said...

WOOHOOOOOO Just saw your FB post, Jo, and I know it was music to your ears. Thrilled to hear Michael is out and all went well.

WV sUSAn said...

I'm at work and have not read back on anything. Happy Wednesday to all and hope every is having a great day.

NCSuzan said...


Jo, good news about Michael.

Lori O. said...

EAGLE in the nest!

NCSuzan said...

eagle in nest!

Lori O. said...

It's SHEP!

WV sUSAn said...

Oh and a big HAPPY BIRTHDAY to you, Lolly!!!!

NCSuzan said...

Nest cup is looking good!

Lori O. said...

He's up on the branch of the upper left side of the screen now.


NCSuzan said...

He did not go far.

Lori O. said...

Sorry SUZAN....

NCSuzan said...

Oops! He took off!

NCSuzan said...

hhi! Lori!

NCSuzan said...

My cat is helping me type this afternoon! Forgive my booboos, please!

Lori O. said...

Glad he could stop by for a minute!

NCSuzan said...

In case you need another cam to watch, this one is pretty good. Guy feeds birds on his windowsill in NY. Really good angle on the birds.
Flacos Cam

NatureNut said...

Good to hear Michael is up & shouting!!


We had some deer of all ages in the front grass. One of two yearling size became a bucking bronco!!Pawed at grass, ran all around, more bucking! The other just watched. Wished I could have filmed that.
Lots to doo~~~~BBL

Lori O. said...

Belle in the nest????

Lori O. said...

clunk like SHEP landed above near the cam.

NCSuzan said...

Think so.

Sandi said...

Hi all - I see Miss belle in the nest!

Jo, what wonderful news about Michael!! What a relief that must be for you and Ed to know that everything went smoothly!

Oops, now 2 eagles in the nest!

Lori O. said...


NCSuzan said...

Ah, working on the cup.

Lori O. said...


NCSuzan said...

Can't believe they are so calm.

NCSuzan said...

Harmony and contentment. We better enjoy it while it lasts!

NCSuzan said...

Sorry guys. I have only been watching for almost five years and I do not know how to take a picture! Shameful, I know.

JudyEddy said...

Nice I see eagle in nest getting home

JudyEddy said...

I have grabbed a few pic RIGHT CLICK on still and save to puter

NCSuzan said...

Here we go! A little beaking.

NCSuzan said...

Thanks, Judy!

Lori O. said...

They're working late tonight.

JudyEddy said...


NCSuzan said...

They have been very peaceful. Did we just have a lift off?

JudyEddy said...

little man is sticking around I guess

NCSuzan said...

Think Belle is ready to go too.

Lori O. said...

Whoever it is would be great if they would spend the night in the nest!

NCSuzan said...

LOL! Yeah, Lori, that would be good. Won't be long now, though.

NCSuzan said...

Gotta run. Thanks again Judy.

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

no problem thats what friends are for

JudyEddy said...

Shep has now left the building

Lori O. said...

LOLLY, hope you're enjoying your birthday!

JO, so happy you received good news from and about Michael!

DANA, when is your Dad getting out of the hospital? I should know tomorrow when they'll schedule my Dad's surgery.

JudyEddy said...

Boy had to turn on the air I forgot to turn it on my house was 81° little warm for me

Lori O. said...

JUDYE, glad you got to see the Royal Pair tonight, since they were so late this morning. :)

JudyEddy said...

so they did show up after I left little turkeys LOL LORI

JudyEddy said...

I didn't see it mentioned on the blog of this am visit and wow they were in the nest from 411 to just now long time

JudyEddy said...

I did a short video of this evening visit but with Belle being almost out of view on the edge at 12 am not posting it

Judie said...

Jo, so happy to know that Michael woke up still loving his mom. Wishing him home with you very, very soon.

JudyEddy said...

geese again same time daily

JudyEddy said...

honk honk big time

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

It's been another rough day for Isaac. I noticed a trend that everytime he has thrown up, it has been time for his pain meds to be administered. Maybe his issues aren't withdrawal related, but I would like to eliminate that variable from the equation of what's going on with him. I have requested they go backwards 1 step on the wean (since they did wean late yesterday evening when it was supposed to be held) and see if that makes any difference with his symptoms. I am hoping this is simply a withdrawal issue or perhaps a little "bug" of some sort and that it's nothing serious; only time will tell. Please keep up the prayers...we serve a mighty God who leaves no work unfinished! (((Hugs))

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Nicole just posted that.

JudyEddy said...

so sorry about the poor little guy getting sick hope they find out what is doing it

JudyEddy said...

and sooo habby for JO and Michael doing better

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Him throwing up is a great big deal. The acids are really bad for his brand new esophagus. Could even mean another surgery if they don't get it under control. So very glad everything went so good with Michael!! Miracles all over the place!!

JudyEddy said...

just put the pic in the album

JudyEddy said...

blogger just gave me service error 503 and ate my comment

JudyEddy said...

I was saying --as I sit here gazing at the nest watching the news I have to chuckle thinking what the guy from facebook feed on the cam page what he said NO we don't have a cam with night vision it is just some nights the moon LOL He hasn't a clue ♥

JudyEddy said...

This was on facebook it is another OMG video of a eagle OMG

eagle attack

Lolly said...

Okay, do not know how to say this but just put it out there. Jack got a call from the doctor today. He has prostate cancer. We go to the doctor next Tuesday to talk about treatment. HAppy Birthday to me! DAMN!!!! And I do not curse!!!

Prayers please, momster powerful prayers!

JudyEddy said...

OH LOLLY OH LOLLY I am so sorry we will pray you all through this

Lolly said...

Thank you, Judy! We are heading out to eat now....but I would rather stay home and throw up!!

Mema Jo said...

Any cards or correspondence can be sent here to Michael's home as he won't be at the hospital for any long length of time
7292 Beechtree Lane, Middletown MD 21769

JudyEddy said...

This is a video from the Fort Meyers nest she put several clips of todays activity on it pretty neat I love they are out of the cup and one is laying on a fish EEWW real good video she did Florida cam todays highlights

Judie said...

Lolly, so very sorry about Jack's diagnosis. Momsters and Dadsters will see you both through. You know how much we care but please tell Jack how much we care, please.

Janet said...

good evening all

oh LOLLY: I am so sorry about the prostate cancer. And on your birthday too...I was just getting ready to wish you a happy birthday...

Although a cancer diagnosis is NOT what anyone wants to hear, when Tom was going through his stuff, I did a lot of research as I am sure you will. The comforting part of this, if you will that it is generally very slow growing and treatable. Know that we will all hold both of you in our hearts and thoughts as you go through this.

That's one thing about this group, you hold each other tightly and in great love. IT is very powerful.

I am tired tonight and have a headache myself. Tom has just run to get dinner. I see a hot shower and early bedtime in my future.

Keeping all (including, but not limited to Isaac, Michael, Jo, DanaMO) all in my heart and thoughts....hugs, light, love and smiles to all....SED ya'll....good night from Nashville.

Hoda said...

Waiting to hear news from SAMANTHA.

Very HAPPY to hear good news from MICHAEL and what a great man he is as he thinks of our JO and sends loving messages.

PRAYERS for ISAACS yes a bit confusing as to what might be going step at a time and I hope no more surgeries...

SHAR I hope your foot is better.

DAMN DAMN DAMN and TRIPPLE DAMN!!! With you LOLLY there!!!
PRAYERS BIG TIME and I am sure the Good Lord will understand the Damns and see to it that it is treatable and goes away...if a man is going to have cancer they say this is the best kind to have as the survival and remission rates are high...
Hang in there LOLLY and yes you have so much more because you have your love for JACK and you will see him through and he will heal and then he can drive you up to Canada for time in BC...

Hoda said... I will go ahead and wish you a Happy Birthday and and will pray for you and Jack that your love truimphs and he heals.

Mema Jo said...

My report on Samantha is very disheartening concerning the doctor at Fort Bragg who ordered the MRI....
Christine said...
My reason for being frustrated with doctors is because we walk in and the doctor was clueless. She had not even looked at the results from the MRI. She had no clue any information about the medical terms listed in the MRI report so she got on Google and looked up the definitions. I get doctors ate busy but i think it was unprofessional to call and tell a mother over the phone that her child has a tumor and i think she has had three days to research it a little bit. She even looked on the internet as to what labs and specialists to order. She said to me "I thought Samantha was faking her vision problems so I guess it is a good thing I ordered the MRI". So I left the office with more questions than when I went in. Now I have to wait 10 days minimum for the referral. Then who knows how long till I can get her into UNC or Duke.

Mema Jo said...

Lolly you need a very good hearty cry -
It won't rid Jack of the disease but it may let you get a handle on your feelings ! Your news is so hard to take - I will be praying for you and for Jack with all of my heart ♥

Hoda said...

OK that sounds unprofessional JO!!! I think the doctor is out in left field. Wikapedia has tons of information as I searched there yesterday when you let us know. It is more common than we think and most of them go undetected and most are not cancerous. Yet I very much understand Christine's anger and frustration at the unprofessional attitude of this health care provider...
PRAYERS continue big time for SAMANTHA too.

paula eagleholic said... need to get upset. My GF's hubby just went through it with being totally cured...and so did another fellow I know. Very treatable. Love you.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good evening everybody!


glo said...

Is Samantha required to see a military Dr. Sorry but I don't know and I want her t go see someone else RIGHT AWAY!!!! I have no clue how that happens but man I do not like what that Dr said or did. I almost lost Tom Jr when he was a baby. I took him to a military ER. His temp was 12 and coughing etc. They sent me home with a virus Diagnosis. By 10 pm it was 104 and I insisted we go back to the hospital. It was 106 when we got there. Yes he was admitted and I was lectured on waiting so long to bring him in. What I brought him in earlier today. It was a weekend. Well we don't have Pediatricians in the ER maam. Well then send me to someone who knows what they are looking at or atleast how to order an xray. He was admitted with double pneumonia that night. Anyway. I want her to see the best Dr and get the best treatment possible now. Have a fit Mom!!!! Get a quicker referral to someone else!

glo said...

argh his temp was 102 not 12. anyway you get the gist of my post.

Mema Jo said...

She has a Ear Nose Throat specialist on Post for Samantha. Calling him tomorrow - he has access to MRI.
That is what I told her too Glo, raise your voice! ♥

magpie said...

Finding myself speechless here on the Lolly's disheartening news regarding Jack, and
Jo's post from Christine regarding

Am surely Very Grateful for Michael's Good Day today

Taking it all to prayers now,
Prayers for Wellness and Excellent
Medical Care for All in Need

Good Night, Precious Pals
God Bless Us,
Every One xo ♥

Judie said...

Jo, I am very sorry also about the circumstances with Samantha and the military doctor. I regret to say that my experiences with military doctors is very similar. Please encourage Christine to seek a civilian pediatric specialist. She may have to fight but having a military doctor "authorize" outside medical care is an option. Another option is demanding a meeting with the chief of medicine/pediatric medicine. I am so very saddened by this unfortunate experience.

Judie said...

The sandperson is about the depart with extra helpings of soothing sleepy dust. Restful sleep for all.

glo said...

Tell the military they do not want to deal with all these Momster Mamas!!!! ;-) OK we will pray that someone does something positive to move Samantha forward quickly. Michaels news is wonderful We will celebrate that tonight. Lolly Jack is going to be oK. I am sorry you have to go through this BUT you are gonna get this taken care of. I trust they got this early and it is indeed then very treatable. Prayers for speedy info and treatment for Jack too.

Hoda said...

GLO I am with you on making a stand and so pleased that you took a stand when your young one was sick...hard to believe sometimes...

Hoda said...

Anyone with FB AWESOME picture of LOLLY and her "Two Bestest Guys" on FB...

Mema Jo said...

Michael called earlier to say Good Night
His sister Susan visited for about 2 hours like 6-8. They must have fed his the evening meal and he ate it all but then lost it. After just having surgery I thought that it would have been something light. He said he had something else and was ok. I told him to try to get a good night's sleep
I pray he can!

Knowing Christine, she is a fighter, she will get treatment for Sammy!

Lynne2 said...

Good grief.

Lolly, geez, what a birthday UNgift. Well, I too have know 2 men who were diagnosed and successfully treated for this. But, of course you want to throw up. Because there are certainly no guarantees in life, as we all know. We will be with you both throughout.

And I am shocked and mortified reading the post about Samantha's "doctor". WTH?? I don't understand....why is there this "problem" with military doctors?

And baby Isaac not having a good day? GEEZ!!!

I'm going to pack up my toys and find another FUN blog to play on. LOL!!

Thank GOD fort Michael's great news today!

And Dana's dad is home!

Mema Jo said...

Good night to all of you
My prayers are for you - Lolly and Jack!
I pray for you both and for your family.

Prayers for Isaac to have a good day
Prayers for Dana's day

I love us ♥
Thank you for all your support for Michael and for Samantha

Good night - here comes that Sandman! ♥

Lynne2 said...

Jo, I am sorry Michael lost his supper, but not so unusual after anesthesia. I hope he gets a good night of sleep, too, but honestly, I don't know how ANYONE gets sleep in the hospital! But I know he'll be able to rest well once he's back home in a few days!

Lynne2 said...

Heading to bed....

Did you like the weather today? Break out the bikinis....going to be WARM this coming weekend!

Good night and prayers for all!

Lolly said...

We are home and as I knew it would be.....I can count on my momsters to be there for us. Thank you! Your comments have been very comforting. Have yet to tell the kids. Jack wants to wait until Tuesday when we know more. He had the biopsy Monday and I was going to tell you but what with babysitting and all I have been overwhelmed!

It was a great evening with just Michael. When it is just him we can have a great conversation. We talked in depth about Zach and how he is doing, which is great.

Had missed all the info about Samantha. What a shocker! Prayers for her, for sure.

Hoda said...




paula eagleholic said...

Lolly, there is still time for me to wish you a Happy Birthday!

I didn't mean to discount your fear...I pray that Jack's cancer is very treatable. Look at the cyber knife treatment, if it's available near you. Please tell Jack how much we love him and care about him!

Lolly said...

Will do, Paula! Can hardly wait until Tuesday to see what is ahead! Want to get action NOW!

Tomorrow Jack is having lunch with his best friend, Russ. I have an eye doctor appointment and then a dinner out with friends. Friday we are going to the Fort Worth RV Show. Time to get a new trailer. Then the weekend will be busy going to Denton. Lots going on, just hope we can function and not let this drag us down.

Turning it over to the good Lord or at least trying to!

I love us!!!


Costume Lady said...

OMG, first thing I read was JACK'S diagnosis of cancer. It is such a scary word and can strike anyone of us at anytime! In most cases, catching it early is the key to a good recovery.

Like Paula, I too, know men who have had successful prostate surgery
and gone on to become a father!
And, I know men who have NEVER had the PSA test or the exam and developed prostate cancer and didn't do as well with their surgeries or chemo.

Knowing you and Jack as well as we do, I would say Jack has regular exams and his problem has been caught, probably, early as possible! Treatment may be very minimal...Praying that it will be so!

Costume Lady said...

MIRACLE MICHAEL surely was showing his MOMMA some love today and so shortly after his surgery!

I'm feeling a little 'down' about Samantha...I feel she deserves better than what she got today. I'm not very well versed on her condition, so I can't comment, other than to say that I will be saying BIG PRAYERS for this sweet young lady!

Good night and God Bless us all~

Sandi said...

Good Thursday morning my eagle friends!

MT nest at 5:55am.

Sandi said...

Delighted to hear the good news from yesterday ...
Michael's surgery went smoothly,
Glo had a good conversation with her mom-in-law,
Dana's dad is home from the hospital.

But I'm sorry to hear about ...
Lolly's bad news about Jack,
Isaac still having some problems,
Christine getting the run around with Samantha's doctor.

Wanda, any results yet from Gene's kidney biopsy?

Prayers for all the needs on the blog - Jo, Michael, Isaac, Thelma's brother-in-law, Dana's dad, Lori's dad, Jim's sister, Steve, Jack, Bev's mom-in-law, Glo's mom-in-law, Bev and her foot, Sharon and her foot, and anyone I have forgotten.

Make it a great day!

grannyblt said...

GM eagles friends. I missed any eagle action yesterday--hope to see some today.

Lolly I am so sorry for Jack's diagnosis. Prostate cancer is common in older men, but very treatable. My hairdresser had the 'gold' treatment about 4 years ago and is fine.

Jo, too bad that the Dr. was so unprepared with Samantha's test results and gives a quick referral.

DanaMo said...

Good morning and please forgive me lack of communication for several days. I have tried to read back.
Lolly I am sorry about Jack's dx. I hope that Tuesday you will get answers that you need.
Jo, glad to see and hear that all seems to be moving forward for Michael. He is always in my prayers.
Not sure who Samantha is, but I sure hope that things get better and that a more qualified doctor starts to take over her care. I doesn't sound like the doctor she has seen should even have a license. I can't understand when doctors aren't prepared to see a patient. Not in this day in age with instant access to information. She could have delayed seeing the patient for 10 minutes and quietly looked up the file on her computer before going in to examine her. Geesh.

As for us...Dad is home hallelujah!! Hopefully he had a good night last night. I don't know who was happiest that he is home, him, mom, or the dog. Fluid that was drained from his via needle came back free of cancer cells. This was very good news. We are hoping we will know more about the upcoming surgery when we go to the doctors today. I will be with Dad for that appointment as mom is waiting for the phone to be turned on at the condo and needs to wait for the telephone company. Aric is going to drive dad to the appointment. Just like old times when he was learning to drive :)
Seems that much of what happened had to do with taking advil with his other medications. Not sure I understand it all, but apparently the doctor at the hospital explained all this to dad. Since advil is purchased otc no alert went up regarding the possible danger. So hopefully we will not have any further issues. No O2 for home, breathing is better and I guess kidney function is as well. He will now have a kidney doctor and pulmonary doctor in addition to his regular doctor, oncologist and hear t doctor!!! Geesh!!!!

Well I need to move. Sorry to post and run. Love you guys. Prayers for all in need. <3 <3 <3

Lori O. said...

DANAMO - that is great news about your Dad!

LOLLY - my Dad had prostate cancer but is doing well with it, though I think the radiation beads were a help. Hoping you get all the answers you need from the doc. Give Jack a hug!

JO - so glad Michael is A-OKAY!

Lori O. said...

GLO - I'm so happy you had a nice conversation with your MIL! AWESOME!

Poor Christine - that is nonsense that she had to put up with a doctor like that for Samantha!

Janet said...

good morning all.

DITTO WHAT GLO said last night: the squeaky wheel gets the grease. i dealt with military doctors for waaaayyyy too many years. while i understand doctors ARE busy, so am i. i give everyone the benefit of the doubt, BUT there are situations that mom has to stand up and pitch a fit. doctors work FOR us, not vice versa. just keep that in mind....

LYNNE2: YES there is a problem with MANY military doctors. i could go into quite a few horror stories, but i also had a few good ones too...and most people will not fight the doctor. sometimes you have to.

DANAMO: good news.... :) thankfully!

Its Thursday folks.....up and ready to rock around here. Olivia got her report card yesterday and thankfully is now passing math. She's been in math intervention 3x a week now since September. I think it is paying off.

More rain here today upper 60's for highs. I think winter is on vacation.

Everyone have a wonderful day. Holding those in need tightly in my heart.....hugs, light, and hugs, and a warm smile for all!

stronghunter said...

Good morning my friends . . .

Oh my, lots of news on here this morning, some good and some not so good.

Nice to hear that Michael is doing so well. I generally barf at least once after anesthesia, so I understand about that. Hope today is a good one for him.

I would be looking big time for another doctor for Sammy. I've had my share of experience with incompetent doctors. There are wonderful doctors out there, but there are also not so wonderful ones. She deserves better.

Lolly, I am so sorry about Jack's diagnosis. From what I know about prostrate cancer, it is very curable, although just the word "cancer" is scary. Hoping that you will not have to wait long before everything is taken care of. God bless.

stronghunter said...

Dana, so happy to see your good news. You posted while I was composing, and I was very happy to see what you had to say.

stronghunter said...

Looking rather dark and lonely at the nest right now.

Lori O. said...

BELLE in the nest

stronghunter said...

Eagle alert!

Lori O. said...

SHEP just flew in, too.

stronghunter said...


stronghunter said...

Belle poofed.

stronghunter said...

Shep still there.

stronghunter said...

Looking around. Wonder if he is watching Belle?

stronghunter said...

I will have to go check on Hunter in a moment. Almost time for the bus.

stronghunter said...

Getting light here, should be some rays of sunshine soon at the nest.

stronghunter said...

Shep is definitely being very alert this morning.

magpie said...

Prayers and Positive Thoughts for
ALL that is going on amongst us
and our Loved Ones...

Good update on DanaMo's Dad...
hoping to read of Improvement and Comfort for little Isaac also...

This is round the clock, the prayers, and the concern...
And the (( Hugs ))

Best Wishes for a Good Day....
xoxo ♥

Lori O. said...


stronghunter said...

Poof Shep.

stronghunter said...

Getting light at the nest.

stronghunter said...

Night light just switched off. I see color.

stronghunter said...

Morning, Margy.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning, SHIRLEY, I tried to fill in while I thought you were gone for Hunter's bus.

Good Morning MARGY!

stronghunter said...

This child is getting on my last nerve. Going to wait him out this time. Argh!

stronghunter said...

Problem is that the result will be that I have to take him to school. Argh!

stronghunter said...

He says the bus does not come until 7:30. He still has not put on his shoes and socks. Argh!

stronghunter said...

Says he does not know what we mean by "attitude." Oh my. Argh!

stronghunter said...

Says he does not know what we mean by "attitude." Oh my. Argh!

T-Bird said...

Good morning my fine eagle friends.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning, THELMA!

stronghunter said...

I am back.

Yes, he missed the bus.

Yes, I took him to school.

Car was covered in a nice coating of ice. I got the scraper out of the trunk and handed to him with instructions to scrape all of the windows. He said, "ME??????"

It took about 10 minutes. I think I could have done it in less than two. The boy needs practice.

I let him back in the car not long after he complained that his hands were really cold.

I am not sure if he had time for his usual breakfast at school or not. I hope he did. I stopped at the 7-11 for a nice, warm sausage biscuit on my way home.

found an open cereal box on the counter when I got home. That might mean he got some cereal this morning. I hope he did.

The kid has much to learn. Oh my.

Costume Lady said...


SHIRLEY...I am feeling for you, this morning! My Denise was 12 when she copped an attitude...she said she knew all that she needed to know and saw no reason to continue with her schooling...also tried SMOKING. She was an excellent student, pretty and had no problems at school that we knew of, so didn't know the reason for that BIG TIME attitude! She eventually got over it:)

SANDI...Gene will find out the results of his kidney biopsy tomorrow...I'm feeling a little apprehensive about it! Prayers~

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Lori!

stronghunter said...

Prayers, Wanda. I will be thinking about you and Gene tomorrow.

Something about being 12. Old enough to know a few things. Too young to realize that you have so much more to learn.

stronghunter said...

Hunter says he does not know what "attitude" means, nor does he know what "sarcasm" means. His mom said they will be looking those words up and discussing them this weekend. That should be interesting.

Judie said...

Good morning all.

Wishing each of you the best day you can possibly have.♥

Bird Girl said...

Good morning, wing nuts!

The nest is empty at the moment, hoping they show up soon...they need to get to layin' them eggs!!

It's a crisp morning here in the mountains, a cold front is pushing in and will get even colder tonight. BRRR

Hoping everyone has a good day, with positive thoughts going to all who need them!

Lolly said...

Good morning! We had sunshine this morning, but right now it is gone. Total of 3.25 inches of rain. We will know lake totals in a few days.

We are to have 2 days of very nice weather and then another cold front arrives Saturday.

Wanda, prayers for Gene. Jack's doctor called yesterday and had said he would call by today. He had the biopsy on Monday.

Joseph has been doing well as a 12 year old. He gets moody occasionally and just goes to his bedroom. The biggest problem we are having is his attitude to Jacob. He is not being nice with him, poor Jacob! Then other times they are having a ball together.

Joseph does understand sarcasm. One of his teachers told Laurel that he can be very sarcastic with his class and Joseph will die laughing and the others will sit there with a puzzled look.

Lolly said...

Shirley, Joey is into his third day of teaching at Denton High senior English. So far, so good! I really think he will do well with this. I think he is planning on furthering his education. Time will tell.

stronghunter said...

Glad that Joey is doing well with his English class, Lolly. Really nice that he could begin with seniors. Not many get that opportunity.

stronghunter said...

Hunter does not have a younger brother to use as a target for the attitude. Maybe that is the problem.

Bird Girl said...

I'd better get to the kitchen and stop staring at this darn computer. The chicken soup isn't going to cook itself!

Check in later...hugs!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning - headed down to see Michael. Have faith that Christine will take care of Samanta - she doesn't take NO for an answer. Love my granddaughter!

Hunter will grow out of this - (Soon I hope like within the year) Joseph is being the big bully brother and then the big brother buddy - So common - not sure what advise to give Jacob!!

Prayers for Jack and Gene - You ladies keep your spirits up for them.

I love you all and I will return this evening with a Michael report. ♥

Mema Jo said...

Lori put a picture on your FB that should give you a chuckle

JudyEddy said...

Haven't had a chance to read back
Angie was in a car accident after she
dropped Jordyn at school Some lady
ran a red light and hit her in the back end of her car spun her and
made he run in the the water pipes(city) which broke them
they had a hard time getting her out
of the car because all door were
buckled I just got off the phone
with her I am shaking its hard to

The police officer stillhas her
licence too and she has no copy of
any paper work because they took her
away in a amblance I told carl to
call the insurance and get the ball
rolling on a rental car They hadnt
even thought of that yet

They are waiting for results of xrays etc

JudyEddy said...

I forgot to say that the lady admitted
that she saw the light red and floored it
Angie said the light was green when she approached it and then she saw the lady comming she floored it also and was lucky she saw her because she hit her in the back part near the tire of the car
Angie said she paniced when she saw all the liquid thinking it was GAS and that is where she was hit
she was trying to get out of the
car when the officer came up to the car
(he was parked on the corner to let
the UPS drivers out) lucky he was
there he called it in as soon as he
saw it happen
He told her it was water so she
stopped trying to get out That had
to have been scarey They had to crawl
in the back of her car because that
is the only door they could open but they still had a hard time
opening it She had a Chevy HHR
I am so thankful Jordyn wasn't with

stronghunter said...

Oh my, Judy.

Glad that she had dropped Jordyn off before this happened.

If she was able to call you, that is a good sign.

JudyEddy said...

Carl had called me It was right
near her work and that is where
her car is now I was alseep when
Carl left the message on my machine
I called Angie and she sounds good
just a little loopy from the muscle relaxers that they gave her
she told them she will only that ADVIL no pain meds but did accept the muscle relaxer

stronghunter said...

Sounds like a pretty dramatic scene, Judy.

stronghunter said...

Thanks, Jo. I am hoping that it does not take long for Hunter to grow out of this, and that he does not grow into something worse first.

Enjoy your visit with Michael. Hope all is well with him.

stronghunter said...

Small earthquake near here--yesterday, I think. I did not feel it.

stronghunter said...

Only a 2.0


stronghunter said...

Sounds like that lady is a hazard on the road, Judy.

JudyEddy said...

OH and she was reaching for her sandwich on the floor I guess and looked up and saw the red light the officer told Angie

stronghunter said...

Oh, it gets worse. Good grief. Keep her off the roads, please.

stronghunter said...

Oh, it gets worse. Good grief. Keep her off the roads, please.

stronghunter said...


JudyEddy said...

Angie just texted me Being released no broken bones YEAH

stronghunter said...

Reaching for her sandwich on the floor while speeding up because the light is red. Some people should not be driving.

stronghunter said...

Thank goodness, Judy.

JudyEddy said...

You think with her offering all that info that it would be harder on her I wonder what the ticket read Angie I know can get a copy of it at the court office Still got to figure out how to get her driver licence back from the officer tooo

JudyEddy said...

I guess she didn't know the light was read until after she got the sandwich That is why there should be no driving and eating ticket out there to

JudyEddy said...

that was RED for read

Sandi said...

Checking in from school - good afternoon all!

Shirley, it's obvious you're the grandmother and not the mother. If one of my boys had missed the bus, requiring me to drive him to school, I would have stopped to get that nice warm sausage biscuit for myself on the way to taking him to school, and would have eaten it in the car while he complained about not having any breakfast and me making him so late for school that he wouldn't have time to buy breakfast when he got there! I LOVE that you made Hunter scrape the windshield! And you know he will get much worse before he gets better - he's only in the 6th grade! Two years from now you'll wish you didn't know him!

Lolly, I finally moved to middle school b/c only my very brightest fifth graders "got" my sarcasm. Figured I either needed to change who I am (hard to do) or change the grade level I was teaching (easy to do). Eighth graders GET sarcasm!!!

Judy, WOW what a scary accident! Thank God Angie saw the woman coming and was able to speed up so she wasn't hit broadside! Thank God too that Jordyn wasn't in the back seat! Prayers that Angie has no serious injuries!

Wanda, prayers for a positive outcome for Gene!

Gotta go! Later!

stronghunter said...

Forgot to mention that Hunter informed me that it would be my fault if he was tardy. I was supposed to get him there on time. (I did, even though the dog barfed while I was getting ready, and I did a semi-cleanup of that mess.)

Couldn't have gotten the sandwich and gotten him there on time. It was a bit out of the way.

stronghunter said...

I have been acquainted with some pretty snarly 8th graders, Sandi. They do get sarcasm, and Hunter is just pretending. He gets it.

Judie said...

JudyE, so sorry about Angie' involvement in the accident. Happy she is being released from the hospital. The really good thing is the police officer saw what happened.

Off to cardiology.

stronghunter said...

Shooting in California high school. Shooter in custody.

grannyblt said...

Oh my goodness, glad your daughter is all right JudyE.
Sure seems to me that there are a lot of situations going on with our group.....

stronghunter said...

Judie, hope the cardiology trip is a routine thing.

glo said...

Good afternoon. I am slow or maybe I changed my routine quite a lot this morning. Yes that will be my excuse. I have gotten a lot done. Prayers for a good day for all of our patients and all those who love them. Prayers that all Drs step right up to the plate and do what needs to be done for all considered. Prayers for moms and grandmas dealing with kids or doctors. Its too warm here. Eagles are scattering I DO NOT WANT this weather. Go away Jan thaw WE NEED WINTER. OK that about it for now but there is lots more just no time to post right now.

JudyEddy said...

Angie and Carl are at her work taking
pictures and video of the car
She said the inside was flooded too
from the broken water pipes I told
her to get pictures of the pipes
that she hit also. Jordyn booster seat was full of glass that was
upsetting to her too and thankful
Jordyn was safe at schoool
They got everything out of the car
Angie got her licence back the
it was on her desk at work Policeman
gave it to Gary

JudyEddy said...

little bird was in nest I got a pic grabbed of it

JudyEddy said...

Looks like the still cam is down again

JudyEddy said...

my screen is black and when i opened up another ie this message is displayed
The requested service is temporarily unavailable. It is either overloaded or under maintenance. Please try later.

JudyEddy said...

now its back

NCSuzan said...

Goodness gracious a goldsboro! (one of the nicer things my father said when upset!)

So much going on in our corner of heaven on earth.

Lolly, I, too am here for you and Jack. You will not walk this road alone.

Judy, Angie was so fortunate. Bet she will be sore tomorrow.

Shirley, you are a loving and tolerant Grandma.

Dana. all this from Advil? You are always told about taking it for extended periods but what is the first thing a doctor recommends? Advil or Tylenol. Hope it is all uphill from now on.

And Jo, you and your family are remarkable. What else can I say.

Little panda at San Diego is finally on "display". And what does he want to do? Sleep!

Lolly said...

Home from the eye doctor. Eyes are dilated...just hate it!

Judy, so very sorry about Angie's accident. What a pain! Hope the lady has good insurance. Reminded me of my accident last May and she had no insurance. That still angers me! Lots of stupid drivers out there who should not be on the road.

Judie said...

Home again. Speaking of attitude today, amazing transformation of office "attitude" toward patients. Had been looking for a new cardiologist. Went back to usual place only to get prescriptions renewed. Was told today by the nurse practitioner that the unpleasant people had been fired (many complaints) and strong attempts are being made to make patients feel welcome and cared for. Cannot believe the change. Otherwise, all is okay. EKG fine. Prescriptions renewed.


stronghunter said...

Stopping by briefly. George is requesting his dinner. I think he might climb the chest of drawers and obtain the food container if I do not feed him. Poor kitty.

Glad it was only a routine visit, Judie.


stronghunter said...

Stopping by briefly. George is requesting his dinner. I think he might climb the chest of drawers and obtain the food container if I do not feed him. Poor kitty.

Glad it was only a routine visit, Judie.


stronghunter said...

Pardon the double post.

grannyblt said...

Judie, Happy to hear good news.

Sandi said...

There's an eagle in our nest at 5:31pm

Sandi said...

Belle I think.

Sandi said...

Cam shaking - Shep must be in the tree. Nope, he's in the nest!

Sandi said...

A little stick moving, a little flugg fluffing, a little beaking.

Lolly said...

I am here...I see eagles.

Lori O. said...


Sandi said...

Hi Lolly, howya doin today?

Lolly said...

Poof Shep!
Poof Belle!

Sandi said...

Poof and Poof!

Lolly said...

Judie...glad everything checked out ok and glad there is a new attitude in the doctor's office. Makes a world of difference.

stronghunter said...

Getting ready to head out to Cracker Barrel. Got a gift certificate from my brother and his wife for Christmas. Did not feel like cooking tonight.

Lolly said...

I signed in at the eye doctors as Laurel Ellis, my legal name. Then they say....Hi Ms Lolly! Nice to known and remembered. Same at my doctors...I am Lolly and get hugs.

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3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...