Tuesday, January 15, 2013


Fresh thread.


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Thanks Steve. I will call them over!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...


8th Annual Winter Eagle Survey
January 12, 2013
Thank you to all the leaders, participants and Mother Nature for a successful and record* making 8th Winter Eagle Survey! It was hard to believe it was a “winter” survey. Temperatures were in the 60’s. Spring Peepers were calling, honey bees buzzing and dandelions blooming at Bull Falls.
We had 98 observers covering 21 sites along area streams. There were 12 sites along New River, four sites along the Greenbrier River, three sites along the Bluestone River and single sites along Indian Creek and at Moncove Lake State Park. Seventeen of the 21 sites produced eagles during the survey period.
The breakdown for the count follows:
Bald eagles - 11 adults, 6 first year birds, 5 2nd year birds, 1 third year birds and 4 fourth year birds for a total of 27.
Golden eagles- 4 adults and 1 immature for a total of 5.
Undetermined eagles – 2
Grand total for the day was 34 birds.
*record for number of participants, number of bald eagles, number of sites covered and high temperature.
Next survey is March 9, 2013!

Bird Girl said...

Good morning folks! Quite chilly here in Rim Country - serious cold snap even down in the Valley, where it should be in the 70s during the day but is in the 40s lately.

Our poor heating stove is working hard to keep the living room at 68 degrees - still not as warm as I like it, but propane ain't cheap! Instead, I'm wearing a lot of layers and occasionally sitting in front of the stove with the critters. It can get crowded with a Shar Pei/Chow, Shih Tzu/Terrier, and two cats!

I'm hoping our eagles will be laying eggs soon, I'm so eager for this season. Belle is our Grande Dame for sure.

I took the American Heart Association Heartsaver(R) First Aid/CPR/AED course this past Saturday, now I can save infant, child and adult lives! Haha! I seriously doubt I'll ever have occasion to need it (knock on wood), but I had to get certified in order to be able to volunteer in the office at the women's shelter. Lots of steps involved in this process: application, interview, criminal background check, TB test, fingerprint card (I had to go back a second time to get them redone), and CPR. Whew! But I'm making forward progress in my personal growth and helping others at the same time.

Instead of helping birds, I'm helping people...I'm semi retired from bird rehab for now; there isn't really a need for it here in the forest as there was in an urban setting (no one finds injured birds here). The local G&F wildlife manager has my name and number, as does a forest ranger, and the feed and pets stores in Payson. Just in case.

I've been cruising the other webcams as well, enjoying the wildlife around the world. Isn't technology wonderful!

I've also connected with some family members with whom I have not previously had a relationship (my mother estranged herself from her entire family, save her grandmother, so I was not raised with an extended family). And I've sent in an AncestryDNA kit to help further my genealogy research along and find out some specifics about my ethnicity. It's so fascinating!

I hope everyone is doing well, or at least on the mend. Stay warm, stay happy, stay healthy!

I shall always be,
Your very own Bird Girl

Bird Girl said...

Saw one of the eagles for a few minutes, not sure which.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

It was Belle. :)

Bird Girl said...

Where is everyone today? Quiet on the blog...

WVJerry said...

Just checking in from work. No action at nest. Saw two adults in nest yesterday. They were moving grass around...does that mean they were covering eggs? Also had a sad moment Sunday morning...where's little hamster died. Already replaced it with another. On a side note...wasn't real sure but thought I saw Margy Monday in Mission Thrift Store...been a while and wasn't sure or would have re-introduced myself. If it was you my apology for not speaking. Take care all...back to work for me.

WVJerry said...

Should say "wife's" hamster.

Bird Girl said...

Sorry about the hamster :( Did you check your local animal shelter to see if they had any for adoption? Not all of them take in small animals. Hammies don't live very long. I had a Golden Teddy bear named Hammy who was a lot of fun. :)

Bird Girl said...

I should get to doing something useful now I suppose...I will check in later!

Have a great day everyone :))

NCSuzan said...

Jordan Lake cam is finally up. Hatchlings are due soon, plus they will have infra-red.


Lolly said...

Good afternoon!

Jack and I had his doctors appointment this morning. All went well. I like the doctor. He was very clear explaining it all. The report was very good in that Jack falls in a range that is good. He has three options...wait, radiation (2 forms) or surgery. He is in favor of the wait and see. In other words go back in three months and then in 6 months for another biopsy. I think I can go along with that. Our second choice is the radiation but there are side affects. So, that is where we stand.

We did have snow and ice on the road this morning, but by the time we left the roads were fairly clear. The worst bridge was the one closest to us.

Up to a warm 35 right now.

stronghunter said...

Good afternoon.

Cold and rainy here. Going to take a nap.

stronghunter said...

Glad that the news is good, Lolly.

Kay said...

Oh, Happy Day ! Great news re:Michael and Isaac having good days and of Jack's prognosis !

So nice to read SHAR's Eagle Survey and DELPHIA's take on life in The Rim Country !

Also love reading all reports on Belle and Shep ! Lookin' good !

Love Us and Love Our Birds !

Prayers for all in need !


Lolly said...

Have mixed feeling on all of this but, yes, it was good news today. We will just get on with living and enjoying it.

Enjoyed the trailer show this past weekend. No plans to get the trailer right now...maybe this summer or maybe in the fall.

Still no word about the Turkey job. Just waiting to hear. So, right now my big job is to get busy with closets. lol

I am determined to get rid of junk!!!

See you all later...come looking for me in a closet if I end up missing.

JudyEddy said...

Home from work to find a new thread and two eagles THANKS FOR THE NEW THREAD

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

I hear geese

JudyEddy said...

OH I was recording and did get the HP so will upload it now

Sandi said...

Hi all, checking in for the first time today!! Will be SO GLAD to give back 2 dogs this coming weekend!

JudyEddy said...

I cut the video down to right before HP It was 8 min long so I trimmed it will post as soon as it comes up

JudyEddy said...

I guess the eagles didn't show up today HUH or no one was around to see MAYBE

Mema Jo said...

Just saw the eagles briefly right before they left the nest! I had to find the new link for the Outdoor Channel. Jan 14 was the date of Change.

Have a threat of freezing rain and wet snow but no accumulation.

Dinner time here - going to celebrate that National Spaghetti day that I missed a while back

BBL after the NCIS shows........ ♥

Janet said...

good early evening /late afternoon everyone.

LOLLY: sounds like good news to me.....i am glad for both of you.

well, as you may see, we are under an ice storm warning...which means, we are supposed to get up to 1/2 inch of ice in the next 12 hours. and we know with weather prognosticators that sometimes when they call a warning as such, nothing happens. however, we are ready. i put cardboard over the one car window in case we HAD to get out, but if it is that icy, i plan to go NO WHERE!

you all would have laughed at me this morning. so, livvy and i were home all day yesterday. the wagon (we have a ford focus wagon) was the vehicle i chose to take to take her to school this morning. it took me 40 min to get it thawed! it was completely covered in ice. i KNEW we had ice rain, but had no idea it was completely coated in ice. the bus wasn't and michael's truck wasn't because they had been run and the residual warmth from them kept the ice melted when we were experiencing the sleet/ice rain. the wagon, not so much! bah humbug.

Well, miss smarty here, i sprayed some of that ice off stuff on there (which smelled like fish...YUCK)....and the ice was so thick, it didn't help! in attempting to scrape the ice off, i managed to hit the windshield wiper and break one of them.

so when tom got home, he fixed that for me. he also complained that the car stank of fish! it was that rank!!!!! over an hour later he could still smell it.

i made a walmart run and got a different brand of de-icer.

other than that, have had a good day.

will check in later gaters! hugs

Lori O. said...

YAY, we had some HP in the nest and good news about JACK...Hoping life is a little less stressful now that you have some answers, LOLLY.

KAY checked in - I alwys like that!

SANDI - glad you'll be back to 2 dogs soon.

I can't wait until this weekend when my Dad's surgery is overwith and we have more answers there. Work has been sooo stressful on top of it all. Please pray I make it through this week!

Shar - congrats on your feather and thanks for the call over!

JudyEddy said...

Today HP at sunset

Lori O. said...

Thanks JUDYE for the video for those of us who missed it!

JudyEddy said...

NO problem LORI I am the video queen LOL and I do it in the kitchen with the lap top now and the camera not at the desk with the ticking of keys LOL I get home if they are in the nest I turn it on and I can trim what I want or don't want I put the link to the HP on all the FB eagle pages and on the ODC fb feed under the cam also I don't see any area there to put pictures PAULA didn't you say there was a area to put pictures I can't find it HELP LOL

JudyEddy said...

funny you can still here the keys in the kitchen just not as loud as if it were here

paula eagleholic said...

JudyE, you just post to their page on FB like you do ours...I am talking about their FB page...search for Live Eagle Cam..I just liked it, so you can look on my page too.

Lolly said...

I want you all to know....I came out of the closet, so do not worry. I am here. lol

Today it was school stuff I threw away. I think almost 13 years of retirement is enough time to know I will not use that stuff again.

JudyEddy said...

This was on the news and I found it on my newschannel facebook page This is soo cute and funny Our newsman made a comment atleast they brought their own bag in case needed
They just wanted to be petted LOL

JudyEddy said...

Thanks PAULA and LOLLY too funny LOL

Sandi said...

Really raining here now!

Happy to hear that little Isaac and Michael are doing better.

Also happy to hear that Lolly is now "out of the closet!" =)

Thanks, Judy for the video. When I opened the live cam, both were in the nest but I just missed the action!

Two days down in my work week, 3 to go!! Still have school work to do so I had better get busy!

JudyEddy said...

I did pictures from the video on my camera it has the function of that which I love it and when I was watching he almost flipped her over I did put a pic on the album LOL You can see her head down and bent and her tail feathers straight up as he jumped off lol

JudyEddy said...

I can hear rain at the nest

Judie said...

Quickly skimmed comments.

So happy the prognosis for Jack is more positive than negative and so happy Lolly is finally out of the closet. Our very own Jodi Foster.lol

Also happy that Michael and Isaac are doing well.

Tired tonight. Sandperson is hovering over my shoulder so will soon dispatch him to Momsters and Dadsters in scattered parts. Night light is on. Restful sleep for all.

JudyEddy said...

WOW thunder again

JudyEddy said...

Hey check out this video squirrel in nest and about the 57 sec mark when the squirrel is in the lower left corner a eagle swoops down for it missed lunch delivery LOL

Squirrel in eagle nest

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Mema Jo said...

I have finished my Terrific Tuesday TV evening. Getting ready to close down for the day.

Nothing planned for tomorrow!
Need to start getting tax info gathered

Good night everyone
Prayers for all - Especially your dad Lori and for you and your mom ♥

I love us ♥

stronghunter said...

Time for me to say good night. Today was quite busy. Began when I found out what Hunter had for breakfast--A1 sauce. Only Hunter can explain why he decided to have a breakfast of A1 sauce in a manner that turns things around so that it sounds like those who do not indulge in such things are the unreasonable ones. He ate it with a fork. I did not ask about that.

Just as I settled down for an afternoon nap, Will called from downstairs to inform me that the front door was open and the dogs were gone. We were having a cold rain. Both Will and I hopped into our cars and drove around the neighborhood. I eventually found the dogs. They were together, very wet, and very glad to get into my car.

Poor blind Luna was confused. I guess Flash followed her. Thank goodness for that.

Rest well, everyone. I am going to try to do just that.

Raining (snowing?) on the nest.

Lynne2 said...

Hi all! Snowing at the nest, I see. Crazy weather all over the country.

Just wanted to pop in and say hello and that I'm thinking of you all! Been a bit hectic and busy the past few days, but I can't understand why...??? Who knows. I think this dark hideous basement is making me, all of us, NUTS.

Glad Isaac and Michael are doing well, hope LINDA recovers FAST, So sorry about Mrs. Jerry's hamster. No matter the size of the pet, the love is there. Nice report on the eagle survey from Shar, and Delphia's new adventures.

OMG Shirley's dogs wandered off and Hunter is eating condiments with a fork for breakfast. Hmmm....perhaps the dogs figured A1 was NOT a good thing to wait to scarf up and they went in search of pancakes.

Praying you through the week Lori!

Lolly, prayers for Jack. My instinct would be to do the radiation rather than wait, but if the DR says waiting is OK, then it must be!

Janet....oh my! If I had had ice that bad on MY car, I'd have headed back to the pillows! SOOOO gross about the fishy stinky de-icer!

Anyway...have a good night and prayers for all!

Hoda said...

Thank you for the reports. Good day here.
Good news on the blog...
Blessed Be.
LORI prayers for your DAD'S surgery going strong.
LINDA sorry you had to have surgery and I hope healing is without pain.

Good day here with appointments and yoga and and the sun was out so I got in an awesome walk and I could see Kokannee Glacier it was so clear. Generally very happy with life. Had a good talk with my sister Carol in Connecticut and I feel blessed.

Tomorrow has meetings too and also yoga so it should be busy but it is all productive and for what I see as good causes.

Glad everyone is doing well. So so jealous of MEGAN she took a picture of a ROBIN in January!!! How GRAND is that??!!

Hoda said...

Well First off I will have to buy A1 sauce. From what I remember it is rather liquidy and brown in colour...so how did HUNTER manage to eat it with a fork? I will experiment to find out...I would think he would not get too much in a fork full??? You never know the world according to teenagers is very peculiar!
I am glad FLASH followed LUNA and that you got both of them back SHIRLEY...I won't ask who left the front door open...

Hoda said...

JUDIE you did not say what kind of a day you had...I hope it went better than you thought!

Hoda said...

Goodnight All


Lolly said...

Fell asleep in my chair. Now time to head to bed.

Glad you popped in, Lynne! Laurel's classroom is in the basement so she spends her full day below ground. She would sympathize with you. I made her two fake windows. Found some pretty posters for her view. You might try that. lol

Night all! SED!!!

Costume Lady said...

DELPHIA/BIRDGIRL...I tried the ancestry thing a few years back and I, too, found it fascinating. I was able to track down my Italian grandfather when he entered Ellis Island. I have the name and a photo of the boat that he came here on. The process took up too much of my time, so I put everything that I had found, into a folder and set it aside to be returned to some day~

It is 33° here and raining...may turn to sleet and ice toward morning.
I'm having my 1 year check-up on my knee tomorrow...still feels good and don't anticipate any problems.
Did I ever tell you that my bill for the surgery was $27,000 and I only had to pay $500?

Good night everyone, prayers, love and blessings for all♥

Hoda said...

Well no one is in the nest. No one is on the blog.
Finished my tea and will go back to bed.
Too early here to be up yet.
Have an awesome day every one.
See you all later this evening...

Hoda said...

WANDA I can hardly believe it is a year already since you had the knee surgery!!!I hope the check up goes well for you. Yes medical insurance is a wonderful thing.

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals...

Best Wishes that TODAY will be a great day for everyone

xoxo ☺ ♥

raining hereabouts, no icing

magpie said...

and obviously raining at the Royal Nest also...

JudyEddy said...

GOOD MORNING EAGLE BUDLETS I wonder if they will show up in the nasty weather

magpie said...

Today is our pal Chrissy's Birthday, Chrissy Across the Pond in England...

Happy Birthday to you,
Chrissy ! Hope this is your BEST Birthday, Ever ! xoxo ♥

Maybe you will pop on here and have a look-see today ☺

magpie said...

Wet soggy nest might not be too appealing, but I bet they show up anyway ☺

to WV Jerry
Yes, that was I at the Mission Thrift Store...I am so sorry we missed each other, don't be shy...
I was between doctor's and vehicle appointments, so I was probably pretty non-focused on much else.
Sorry about your wife's hamster :(

magpie said...

and also WVJerry:
The Royal Birdfs are not covering eggs yet, but making the moves to create them! They are just moving the nesting material around to make things nice and cozy for later in the month or early February !

magpie said...

Prayers for Wellness All Around....

Lolly, thanks for the updates on Jack...and best wishes for all that the two of you have going on right now...

Workday for me, time to make ready.

ttfn xoxox ☺ ♥
God Bless Us,
Every One

Jewels said...

Good morning!!! Read back a lil bit. Not that it sunk in!! Prayers for all in need!!
Guess who is at work already?! LOL Yep, me, been here since 4 am! Another one out with Flu and pneumonia. I hold my breath every day that my health stays with me!!!

Jewels said...

Happy birthday Chrissy!!!

Lori O. said...

Good Morning, everyone!

The crazy week continues. I hope you are all well. Prayers for ALL in need. ♥♥♥

Jewels said...

I was off Monday and Tuesday and wish I had another few days off. I have so much to do and not enought time!
Monday was bittersweet. Mom's house is sold and closing is final. The man who bought mom's house is a pretty cool guy and I like him alot. He absolutely loves Moms house and is so very excited. He moved furniture in on Monday and Christie had to go up and read the electric meter off to the electric ompany. She ended up helping him move some stuff in and drank a beer with his and his girlfriend. He has extended the invite to come up sometime and have dinner with them. real down to earth. He is my age and appreciates all that we had done and the fact mom took care of the home.

Janet said...

Good Wednesday morning all!

Checking in. NO ICE at my house. I actually watch the temps rise from 35.2 to 35. 6 at bed time last night. It is 33 currently. All rain here.

West of here has a problem. So a quiet day here.

Planning a paperwork day....not sure if my clients are available for massage today. I canceled on them last night when we had an ice warning...they live 30 min from here and its dark, 2 day roads and hills.....welcome to middle TN.

Hope everyone has a grand day. CHRISSY: have a beautiful birthday.

A1 sauce eh? Yuck. Again, the mind of teens adn pre teens.....who knows.

And escaping dogs....yikes what a day! So glad they were safe!

Lets hope for a great day with a bit less excitement! lol.

hugs, light, love and healing to all!

JudyEddy said...

Colors at the nest and its MT I hear geese

magpie said...

See you soon, Jewels...
darn it, sorry you had to go in early :(
an't wait to SEE you.

xoxo bye everyone...

magpie said...

Awesome and heartwarming report
on the sale of the house and the buyers, Carolyn ♥

T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle peeps.

T-Bird said...

Happy, happy birthday CHRISSY. I hope you treat yourself today like your best friend.

glo said...

Good morning everyone. I am actually going to stay home and shampoo carpets today. Have no real clue why as spring mud is only 6 weeks or so away. Oh yeah now I know I have special company coming and well I won't clean house much that week so I will give it a little time now so it looks good enough when we are home :-). I will most likely load the camera and hope to see Belle and Shep while I do my bedroom. TTYL HAGD everyone. Prayers for all.

T-Bird said...

I looks like they are getting the nest nice and ready.

magpie said...

Good Morning from the Dough Factory.

Good Morning Glo and T...and all others here and to follow

Glo, I really need to shampoo my carpets also ! But first I have a massive debris field to clear

Google Image is Neat today! Anniversary of Frank Zamboni's
112th birthday

Jewels said...

Yea!!!! My Momma 2 is here!! Now I can smile!!

magpie said...

Yesindeedy Sweetness2, and you are at the closest work station available to me here Jewels ☺♥

Jewels said...

Yep. talking and eye distance

Bird Girl said...

Lolly, I can attest to the affects of radiation treatment for cancer. If you feel comfortable waiting and holding off the radiation treatment, I'd go with that choice!

Bird Girl said...

Costume Lady: Good news about your hospital bill!

Also, I've been working on my ancestry for going on 20 years now; I have 2386 people in my tree so far! I love researching, and I love finding out all the interesting twists and turns. I discovered that one of my great-grandparents came over on the Mauritania, and his future wife came over on the Aquitania - both sister ships to the doomed Lusitania, which was torpedoed by Germans in WWI. Things like that fascinate me! The origin of names, families, the coats of arms if they had them, all of that. But,yes, it can take a LOT of time.

grannyblt said...

Morning all. I have missed seeing our eagles the last couple of days. Hope that changes soon.
Delphi, I too am interested in genealogy. I had the program Family Tree Maker on my old computer that was Windows 3.1. I didn't print a whole lot of that info and still have that computer in storage in the hopes it will still open just so I can see the files. I had a relative who was on a later voyage of the Mayflower, so a lot of information was already available online. The thing I found out that was a kind of neat thing was that my paternal great grandfather was working in the oilfields of Titusville PA. My son in law is in the oil business, so I could tell my grandchildren that oil is in their blood from both their Mom and Dad.

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

Who left the door open that allowed the dogs to escape?

When I hollered for Hunter to come help find the dogs, he hollered back that he hadn't left the door open. I am sure he was the last one through the door, but made no accusations. It has happened to all of us. And dogs have escaped before.

This morning, Hunter had Oreos and milk for breakfast. Not wonderful, but better than A1. I have been known to have Oreos for breakfast. I will confess that.

grannyblt said...

Glo, I was thinking about shampooing carpets this week too. Then I remembered the mud season is coming and the dog has a pet door so it is hard to keep her out when she has mud up to her elbows

stronghunter said...

Genealogy--I got into that a few years ago. It was fascinating and very time-consuming. I was still working then, and had to give it up when school started at the end of the summer.

Would enjoy doing it again, but, as you might guess, my life is still pretty busy.

grannyblt said...

I like cold pizza or pumpkin pie for breakfast...

grannyblt said...

Shirley, one of the good things about genealogy is that you can put it aside for years and work on it whenever

stronghunter said...

I did suggest that he should brush his teeth before catching the bus. Heard water running, but did not spy on him. That would have assured no tooth-brushing. He is in that frame of mind. What a terrible tangle of emotions he is in.

stronghunter said...

Relatives on both sides of my family have put together quite a bit of information. It would be lots of fun to jump into that stuff.

Bird Girl said...

grannyblt: I too have Mayflower ancestors! Actually...many, many of us do :)

Bird Girl said...

has anyone seen our eagles this morning?

magpie said...

I can only tell you I have not seen them Birdie
and if anyone else has, i haven't seen it posted here yet

maybe just talking about it will make it happen!

Hello More Eagle Pals!

Lolly said...

Good morning! Slept late as I did not sleep well. Delphia, thanks for the comment concerning Jack and radiation.

Cold here, but we have SUNSHINE!

Need to get out this morning. Friday is Michael's 44th birthday. Do I really have a son that old? Yikes! Anyway, I have to go to a mall across Ft. Worth to get him a birthday gift. He is so hard to buy for, but we have an idea but have a long drive to go get it. Grrrr! All Brookstone stores have closed but this one.

Lolly said...

No comments on here about seeing eagles this morn.

Mema Jo said...

Good afternoon - My mornings are so short especially when they begin at 9:30am - Just a habit because if I have appointments at 10 or so - I am up and ready to go. I think one needs a purpose
in order not to sleep in lol

Happy Birthday to our Lady over the Pond - Chrissy I think of you often ♥

Lolly said...

Good morning, Jo! I slept til 9 and usually I am up before 8. Definitely not an early riser, but we stay up til about 11:30 or 12. I think I would rather go to bed around 11 and then get up earlier and have a longer morning. Oh, well, hard to convince Jack of that!

Gotta start my day! Later Gators! Have a good one!

Bird Girl said...

Missing the eagles :(((

Janet said...

Almost noon here in Nashville....I've gotten my house cleaned, laundry caught up and went thru coupons and my "pile" of stuff....

SItting here with Tom, watching President Obama chat on the tv, watching the birds eating outside our living room window, and generally enjoying the day.

No massages today. No stress. Noone ill. Its all good. :)

Grandkids finally do not have a fever. Jack had this flu the worst, temp popping to 105 at one point. Mia less so, 102 was her high temp. Hoping the fevers go away soon so they can go back to school....they barely got back from winter break....and the flu struck. Poor kids, but also, Poor Chelsea! lol. And Lorelei had her 1mo shots on Monday to top it all off. YYYYYEEEEE HAWWWWW

Hugs to all!

Bird Girl said...

Guess I'll give up on the eagles for now and go do some housework. Hope they show up!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Thought I would give an update on my friend, Sandy Ford Wilhelm. She is the one with lung cancer that went through chemoradiation. She is still cancer free. She is having some mental health issues that she has battled all her life and have gotten worse since taking the chemo but she is doing better with that also. God is good all the time!

stronghunter said...

Looks like we will get snow tomorrow night.

Janet said...


3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...