Thursday, January 03, 2013


New thread.


WV sUSAn said...

Thank ya, Steve! Does this mean I get a feather???

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

WV sUSAn got a feather!! Woot!

WV sUSAn said...

Hi Sharon!

JudyEddy said...

Good morning eagle buds I had every intention of getting up early but when the clock went off I didn't I just turned it off and went back to sleep I like my sleeping in But didn't get my truck down will have to be a good girl and do it tomorrow THANKS STEVE FOR THE NEW THREAD

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Nicole Perry Riffe
MIRACULOUS results-prayers answered! The news we received is beyond what we could have hoped for. Isaac didn't even need a dilation today because there was so little stricture. Looking at the contrast images, it was very difficult to even identify where the anastomosis is. We were told that, somehow, his esophagus looks like a normal esophagus at this point. With all that Isaac has been through, this is simply miraculous! The hernia is no longer visible and his reflux, acccording to the study, is very minimal at this time. There was enough confidence in how things looked to go ahead and pull his j-tube completely, so Isaac is back to a straight g-tube with a Mic-Key button. PRAISE THE LORD!!!!!!!!!!! The relief I feel at this very moment is undescribable...tears of joy are streaming as I think of Isaac not needing another surgery in the immediate future...what a mighty God we serve!!

The docs want to take another look in 2 weeks and see how things look from the inside. Isaac will slowly be transitioned to bolus feeds and of course will continue learning to eat by mouth...please pray that he will get the hang of it quickly. Also, his O2 saturation is a little lower than normal from the procedure so please pray that he will bounce back quickly. Thanks so much for the thoughts & prayers...miraculous results were the prayer, and boy did He deliver! God is so good...

JudyEddy said...

Headin out to get Jordyn can get her early this week since school is still out was hoping the royal pair would show up

JudyEddy said...

that is fantastic news SHAR

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Sandi said...

Hi all - checking in from school to find a new thread. Thanks Steve!

Incredible news about little Isaac's progress! Answered prayers for sure!

Will "see" everyone once I get home! Later!

Sandi said...

BTW, I was prompted to update my Flashplayer on my school computer this morning (from version 11.4 to 11.5). Once I did, the live cam picture loaded without me having to click on the "view in a separate window." Judy, are you running the latest version of Flashplayer?

Judie said...

What wonderful news regarding Isaac. May he continue to heal quickly.

Janet said...

Good aftenroon all! Fantastic news about Isaac!!!! woo hoo!!!!

Been a chilly day here in Nashville..think its about 41 right now. It was 25 and heavy frost this morning.....

I am off to a business meeting @ 4....feeling a little nervous....taking deep breaths.....not sure what the outcome will be.....but we shall see won't we.????

will let ya'll know later.

hugs to all and btw THANKS STEVE FOR THE NEW THREAD.....:) :) :)

NCSuzan said...

Wonderful news concerning Issac.

Shirley and others with a Keurig, I have a separate "K" cup that can be used for coffee or tea, etc. The basket is like a gold basket on regular makers and just lifts out to clean. You never have to buy the boxes of K-cups unless you want to. Here it is from Keurig.


Lori O. said...

GRet news about Baby Isaac!!!

JANET, good luck at your business meeting! Sounds mysterious!

Thanks, STEVE, for the fresh thread!

Congrats on the feather WV Susan!

Sandi said...

Lori, I'm so sorry about your dad's cancer. But it sounds like it was caught early so the prognosis may be good despite the colostomy bag. No chemo would be a real blessing!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

We bought one of those K-cups and they work really good in our Keurig. I can't use it in the morning though, because I would have coffee all over the kitchen if I tried. We make a regular pot of coffee in the morning and use the Keurig in the afternoons if we want a cup of coffee. I absolutely love it, but the way we drink coffee in the morning, it is too expensive to use the Keurig. We drink 2 cups each in the mornings at least.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I deleted my post about Isaac since I see Sher posted it too. It is really amazing news, isn't it??

I am so looking forward to doing the eagle watching thing with Sher and Susan. I hope the weather cooperates with us.

NCSuzan said...

Sissy, you're right. My daughter and her husband make a pot of coffee in the morning and drink that up then fix a Keurig in their thermos for the commute!

Mema Jo said...

Good evening! Loved the news concerning Isaac - He is a little miracle -

Thanks Steve for the fresh new thread - Congrats WV SUSAN on your FEATHER!

Had been to the haircut and feel much better - really did have a month's growth on my head!

I think it will be ham/eggs here for our dinner. Must use up that Ham!


Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I just rinse the grounds out of my K-cup down the sink. It is supposed to be good to help keep the drains clean too. I rinse all of my coffee grounds down the drain, as we have a permanent filter in our regular pot as well.

stronghunter said...

Happy to see the good news about Isaac.

Will have to check out the reusable K-cup.

Nice to be able to go downstairs and get a cup of Sleepytime tea in the middle of the night. Also enjoying the chocolate, etc.

Have noticed that it is a good idea to run a cup of plain water through the system frequently.

stronghunter said...

Going to reheat the pork roast and some potatoes for tonight.

Hoda said...

I have not read back yet and will do so shortly... I saw Yahoo SHARON so something good must have happened YAY!!!

Went for a lovely walk next to the lake shore and while it was icy underfoot it was very refreshing and beautiful to hear the birds...I love their song even though I do not know who is singing. It brings wellness to my heart.

Am cooking right now and then will head out to yoga. It is beautiful out there and life is good.

Hope everyone is well...I will go catch up...

Hoda said...

Very good news on ISAACS. BLessed Be.

JANET keeping you in the LIGHT with your meeting.
Trust in the outcome...

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

That was what I was gonna have for lunch today Shirley, but we didn't have any leftovers! I love it when a meal gets all gone!! Off to catch a meeting. See y'all later gators!!

Hoda said...

Praying for your MOM and DAD and you LORI {{{{{HUGS}}}}}

Hoda said...

OH not I repeat DO NOT say the sandman is stupid!!! WOW and then PAULA makes it worst by turning him away!!! You all have to remember that he must continue his trip NW so he could find me...We don't want to hurt his feelings.

PRAYERES to your neighbour LOLLY I hope her son is back. It sounds rough on her right now.Maybe it is time tyo hire a nurse for homecare?

SO proud of LAUREL and her family. Yes a move is a big thing and yet they are doing it and hurrah to Grandma and Grandpa. I hope JACK is well at the dentist.
Drive with care.

Thanks for the report on the visit this morning.

BEV I hope you are healing and do not over do it...please.

GLO good to read your post also ANDY.

PAULA I find the more I down size the faster it is when I detect I need to declutter. It is an ongoing thing really.
Thank you for the pictures.
Look forward to seeing the ones on LARRY'S camera.

Hoda said...

I will have to go to a store to see this KEURIG you all are talking about. I wonder if they have arrived to Nelson yet? We have a few kitchen wear stores and they are expensive but they might have them. A friend and I are going out to tea tomorrow and some shopping and I will see what I can find...

Hoda said...

Good God!!! 250 Canadian Dollars to make a cup of coffee??? Seriouly? Not here I rather think. I still use a cone and a filter when I want to have a cup of coffee...

Hoda said...

I can get a pair of eco-ascent snow shoes for the same price!!! They would be awesome to have...thinking of it. All a question of priority...

off to to you all later tonight.

Much love and Light your way...

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, friends!

How are we tonight?

paula eagleholic said...

LOL Hoda, yes the Keurigs are a little pricey!

Lori, praying that the surgery is all your Dad will need.

DanaMo, how's your Dad?

going to check out the old thread.

SUSAN, is this your first feather? Congrats!

paula eagleholic said...

Mac n cheese with a salad for dinner tonight. Just have the tree to finish...hope I can get it done.

I'll see Larry tomorrow night...

Janet said...

Evening all...thanks for the light and good vibes for the meeting.

Basically, my friend/ colleague who owns the massage school where i have my classes had me to write a 30 hour Reiki class for her last year. She has been in the process of getting the school accredited. What this does is allows for more options for financial aide for prospective students, among other things. More students means she can hire more people....and although the school will remain a therapeutic/medical massage based school, there will be electives, such as Reiki ...

So, part of our discussion was regarding this. I have some classes to take to prep for the probability of accepting such a position ...but that won't be til next year some time. I feel very good about this. She has some more things to get in line, etc before she can expand that far.

It also gives me time to get my ducks in a row!

We also discussed my class that I am having in Michigan this year. I have wanted to go up there to see a girlfriend, so I have planned a Reiki class up there for August. I have been busy online, and working with my friend up there who is the director for the chamber of commerce in that town to get a conference room, etc etc etc. We did some brainstorming on marketing and such. For this class, if I can break even or come very close to it, it will be a success. Basically, the proceeds from the class will reimburse my costs to cover the trip...the hotel, car, airline.....

So that's what that was all about...

Have had a great day.....

Am learning all sorts of things about this keruig. supposedly I am getting one for my you need to clean it with vinegar like a regular coffee pot?

tom wasn't a coffee drinker til about 3 years ago...and good grief he is now making up for it! lol. for that quick cup of coffee in the afternoon it would be a good thing!

HODA: i would not buy a keurig for myself....i think tom and chelsea have conspired to get this for me (they told me as much). i didn't know what all the fuss was about either til i tried a cup of the coffee that it makes. it is comparable to a starbucks....and you can make cocoa /tea with it as well. it is darned expensive, so my regular folgers coffee and coffee pot will still be my mainstay. i thought you were going to faint in your one post! lol.

All right, i've jibber jabbered enough for the moment. hope everyone has a dandy day. need to start getting ready for work tomorrow i suppose.... its nice when you love your job. when i used to work at the bank/credit union i always had headaches, felt sick to my stomach at the end of a weekend with the thought of going back to work. now, its no big deal, work is very relaxing 95% of the time....and the few times its not, i can usually deal with it.

hugs, light, and love to all!

paula eagleholic said...

Here's my note to Mr Sandman tonight.

Mr Sandman,

Can you come a little later tonight, too? I'm trying to get my chores done tonight so I can go out with Larry tomorrow night.



JudyEddy said...

Well I got the old Abode flash player to uninstall and after three times to install I got it done I can view either with my IE or with chrome I always can uninstall chrome again if it bugs my puter I have issues with it when its on the puter but Yeah I can see the cam I had a hard to to uninstall it odd too is when I look in my control panel the abode does not have any info listed to how much memory it has the MB etc and I noticed at Angies it does Odd huh OH well as long as it work Shhh I also got a message when I brought up the chrome that it saw I had real player and I clicked allow that is what was giving me issue was with my real player had to make sure I still can us it so far so good

paula eagleholic said...

The second eaglet at Ft Meyers, SWF eagle cam has hatched! Congrats Ozzie and Harriet!

paula eagleholic said...

BW cams are still down...hope they get them running soon!

Lynne2 said...

Evening all!

Oh Lolly, so sorry to hear about JoAnn's fall. Prayers for her, for sure.

Glad you and Capt Gene had a nice yesterday Wanda!

Keuring coffee makers...nice for special blends, but yes, expensive. Cheaper than SHEETZ! Now they make these reusable K-cup thingys that you put your own coffee in. Good alternative for regular coffee, if they work!

Lori, good news? yes, about your dad maybe not having to have chemo! Looking forward to what the oncologist will say on Wednesday.

wow exciting that 2 more momsters will be getting together! The cameras will be just clicking away!

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Eagle Buds!
Konked out last night and then had dental appt. this afternoon, went to Wallymart and am finishing laundry & taking Xmas stuff downstairs! I wanted to leave Xmas until weekend, but Fubby started taking stuff down in AM, so I tried to put most away. I will survive~~~put on my knee braces!!!☺
And I really wanted to get a haircut! Oh well!
Gotta get to the dryer, so if I don't return Please have Pleasant Feather Dreams and Good Health Prayers for all the specials on our list and anyone in need ☺ ♥

BTW, meant to ask Margy if there are any mewteors areound? I saw a shootingf star around 8 PM! Boy they are fast!

stronghunter said...

Wow, Hoda, I don't know what the exchange rate is, but I don't think my coffee brewer cost anything like that much. I am thinking more like $100 or so American. I saw one that looks similar for $115.00. No, I would not have paid that much, but my daughter showed up with it and set it up in my kitchen. I think I will be using my old coffemaker for myself most of the time. Those K-cups will get expensive in a hurry.

But I will enjoy it from time to time.

Lynne2 said...

I was commenting as I was reading back and I see the subject of the reusable K-cup thingys has been discussed!

Such fantastic news about baby Isaac!

Lynne2 said...

Have I mentioned that in these parts there is the sinus/congestion/coughing/fever/knock you out for 2 full days crud going around? Several at work have had it, clients AND employees. Dr. C had to leave tonight sick...worry of him having the flu. Friends they spent time with have tested positive for it. UGH! I haven't had a flu shot this year!

Lynne2 said...

I have a sore throat and am a bit tired, maybe just a little "off" but not sick....yet!

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,
Oh, Lolly! Your poor neighbor! Prayers aplenty for JoAnn! Prayers for Jack at the dentist, too!

Lori, prayers for your Dad and Mom.
Grateful to hear that he may not need chemo!

Shar, prayers for your neighbor, Kim.

Wow, FANTASTIC news about Baby Isaac! God is so good!

Judie, I looked back in my e-mail for the card, and showed it to Emma. She says, "Woof, ruff!" (Thank you) to Audry and Grace, and to you! What an adorable card!
By the way, Emma is feeling fine now. When I had to submit a claim for her insurance, I found that the vet office hadn't put a diagnosis on the receipt. I called them, and it turns out that when the person that reads their X-rays looked at hers, they said that she had either asthma or asthmatic bronchitis. No wonder she was panting so fast! Sure glad that's all better!

I got busy today (with Emma supervising, of course!) and got all the Christmas decorations put away. Whew! Glad to get that done, but now the house looks kind of plain compared to last week!
Got lots of laundry done (only 2 loads to go), and did a major cleaning in the kitchen. My project for tomorrow is to give Emma a bit of a haircut. She HATES the clippers (scared to death of them!), so I have to use thinning shears to trim her. Think I'll take her for a long walk first, so she'll hold still for me.

Well, better get going and check the dryer. The porch light is on, and both security systems are enabled. Sleep well, with SED! God bless, and goodnight. I love all of you!
♥♥Carolyn & Christie♥♥
♥Love you, Jo!♥
I ♥ us!!!

Lynne2 said...

Hi your house is SO quiet now. Your Christmas surprise was really awesome!

paula eagleholic said...

Lynne, the flu has been goin around my office far I have avoided it!

paula eagleholic said...

Shirley, is that George in your avatar? How is he?

Lynne2 said...

They just recently found over 200 dead crows near Boston, MA., and there was concern that they may have died from the Avian Flu. A avian pathologist examined the remains of all the crows, and he determined the problem was definitely NOT Avian Flu, to everyone's relief.

He was also able to determine that all of the crows had been killed by vehicles.... 98% of the crows had been killed by impact with large trucks, but only 2% were killed by car impact. The state of MA. hired an Ornithological behaviorist to determine the reason for the disproportionate percentages for the large truck versus car kills.

The Ornithological behaviorist determined the cause in short order. When crows eat road kill they always set-up a look-out crow in a nearby tree to warn of impending danger. His conclusion was that the lookout crow could say "Cah", but he could not say "Truck."

paula eagleholic said...

This article made me think about Deb

Eagles in SD

paula eagleholic said...

The written article has a nice video as well.

Hoda said...

Well PAULA I am glad you wrote a nice note to Mr. Sandman...I do not think his feelings will be hurt at all...spending time with LARRY is a good thing and I am sure he will understand.

SHIRLEY things in Canada are generally more expensive than the USA...Yes JANET I almost fell off my chair when I saw the price on line. Pretty sure I will not faint if I find it in a store here!!! Pretty clear I will not be buying one. I think gifts are great and how awesome that you and SHIRLEY and LOLLY have been made gift offers of it.
As to hot chocolate I put a spoon full in a mug and pour some coconut milk on it and add hot water and it tastes I am laughing.

Excellent yoga class. I love the young people who go to yoga. I have such faith and joy as to who is going to be in charge when I am 80...they are a good generation...

paula eagleholic said...

LOL, Lynne, funny!

Lynne2 said...


Mema Jo said...

It is good to go to bed laughing
Cah Cah
Thank you Lynne

and off to bed I go
laughing all the way

Good night friends
Sleep well
I love us! ♥

Lynne2 said...

Goodnight sleep tight Jo!

I'm heading to the pillows as well. Goodnight and prayers for all!

stronghunter said...

Yes, Paula, it's George. He is lounging on his window seat. I put it in the window several years ago when I used my desktop computer so that he could be nearby.

I have moved the desktop and put the laptop on the desk now, so George is using the window seat again. It's one of those cat window seats.

Lynne, you pulled me right in on that one, all the way to the last line. Had me literally laughing out loud.

stronghunter said...

Time for me to say good night. SED, everyone. The electrician comes again tomorrow to finish up the work. It will be nice to be able to use a hairdryer and a curling iron in my bathroom again.

Will is paying for this job since he's the basement dweller who caused the overload.

stronghunter said...

I'm sure the sandperson will be happy to allow Paula to stay up with the adults.

Hoda said...

Cah Cah!!!
Love it LYNNE way to go!!!

paula eagleholic said...

Got everything done but the tree itself. Think I can do that on Satuday.

SED, love and hugs for all ♥

Lolly said...

I am home and totally exhausted, mentally and physically. One of these days I might vent on here, but trying to hold my tongue right now. Please say a prayer for Laurel and Joey as this move is really testing them, as well as Jack and I. I will just say daughter is my hero. She is such a hard worker. She is doing the moving, while someone else is really slacking. I am biting my tongue and not butting in, but I certainly would like to tell someone off!!!

We are heading back up there tomorrow. Jack's applointment went well. He had a crown that needed to be glued back in place.

I worked till I collapsed today getting Jacob's room in order and started on Josephs. Laurel was moving boxes as well as cleaning the former house.

All animals have now moved. Both dogs are acting needy, PC has made himself at home but we have to watch the doors, and Issabelle is hiding under Joseph's bed. Oh, the joy!

Tomorrow we go in Jaci's truck to moved more stuff. Jack will also hang some more stuff for Laurel, Curtain and mirrors.

That is we will go if the weather permits. Possibility of snow tonight...not much expected.

Thrilled to hear the report on Isaac. Jack told me before I read it. He was as excoted as me!!

Heading to bed. Exhausted...but a momma has to help her baby!


Lolly said...

Please excuse the typos!!!lol

Costume Lady said...

Mr. Sandman was here about 2 hours ago, but I managed to keep him at bay until now! Don't know if I will make it without a face-plant or not:)
We loaded and put away, over a ton of meats and canned food, dozens of eggs, milk, crackers, etc. from the Food Bank Truck

Saying Good Night,now and wishing to all good night, love and blessings♥

Lori O. said...

Goood Morning !!!

How is everyone feeling with this short week, this week? I should say those who are not retired? I'm lovin' it! It's already RED Friday!

I have the cam one in the nest, but it's windy up there. Can't wait until they really start working on the nest and building an egg cup!

Yesterday morning Belle was really acting like she wanted some HP, but Shep was clueless!

Excited about the eaglet hatching that PAULA mentioned. Does anyone know the website?

JUDYE, glad you got your IE fixed and your computer is working well again!

DANAMO, what is next for your Dad? Are they enjoying the condo again?

ANDY, I laughed when you said Emma supervised...Dalai is a "helper," too. Don't always want the help, but she gives it anyway!

HODA, your walk along the shore sounded lovely. You're so fortunate to live in Nelson.

JANET, very good news about the job! How exciting for you! Congratulations and good luck getting your ducks in a row. :)

SHIRLEY, YAY that will is paying for the electrical work. Enjoy your curling iron in the bathroom again! George is a cutie.

LOLLY, You held your tongue very well. What a wonderful Mother you are! Laurel and family are so lucky to have you and Jack.

Time to get ready for this short week to end! Finally, it's Friday!
Enjoy your day everyone! May it be filled with love and joy, light and smiles!

Judie said...

Dear Paula,

I hope you are sleeping quietly and dreaming sweet dreams of your studmuffin. Stayed away from your roost as long as possible by visiting all the others. In fact, I went to Judie first -- she was asleep before 9pm. Oh, sorry but I don't undo holiday decorations or I would have helped you.


p.s. MT nest

DanaMo said...

Good morning!Thought I woke up late, but actually the clock in my bedroom is fast. Boomerang is not letting me type! grrr...
Very cute joke Lynne2 on the crows.Loved it!
Lori- how is your dad? Do they know yet if they need to do Chemo? Is he having surgery. I know you posted an update, but I don't remember the details.
My parents are in the condo but not all unpacked. My mom is having a cow. She wants it all done NOW and I am trying to tell her to relax.
Dad isn't feeling well. Can't put his finger on anything specific, just not feeling well. Doesn't want mom to call the doctor. Well....BS...I told him that they are calling this morning. We are not going to go through the weekend worrying or if he starts to feel worse. No way. Damn it's tough taking over your parents lives! He wants to wait til his next appointment. That's is next week and too long in my opinion. Parents!!!

Thank God it's Friday! Short week, but a killer.

Mass today at school. A great time to pray for everyone of my friends and their families that are on our blog.(I do pray though every day as well);)

DanaMo said...

Wow, I know I have said alot about this years kinders but I have to say something else. They are loves, please don't get me wrong. They are very sweet, but I am telling you they are out there. I am so far behind, you retired kinder teachers (Lolly?) did you have years like this? I don't know what to do. We can't get through our reading because they can't do it. I use decodable readers and word families to teach reading and yesterday they couldn't put words together like tip and pat simple short i and short a words that we have been doing since the beginning of the year. But what is even more frustrating is that I sent an email to parents last night expressing my concerns and sharing some things that they can do at home, and I didn't hear one word from any parent! I can't believe it.

DanaMo said...

Time for the treadmill.

magpie said...

Hearing Eagle Calls.....!

Good RED FRIDAY Morning all...

magpie said...

The calls were from a little distance away...

Best Wishes for a Good Day,
Every One......

I am in awe of the miracles of healing with baby Isaac, and
am including the many health and healing prayers for all our many needs, not just the physical needs, but those of the heart, mind, and spirit
xoxo (( Hugs, Friends )) ♥

magpie said...

the Southwest Florida, Fort Myers Eagle Cam is here:

Fort Myers Eagle Cam

magpie said...

OH whoops, I think you were asking about South Dakota...Lori...let me check back

magpie said...

O I think you did mean the Ozzie and Harriet cam...that's the link I just posted.....

The SD link is on Paula's post at
10:51 pm
I haven't had a chance to
check on that yet...

massage yesterday, ouch! but good, just took the evening off to
chill out and read posts
this morning...

magpie said...

Not hearing back on emails can
be discouraging, Lori...
am so sorry, and sure hope they, the parents, help their children Get With the Program

Reading? who does that anymore, except Us'ns it seems

Hang in there, what you are doing
IS making a difference,
Steady as She Goes

magpie said...

To Loretta:
I think there will be some
leftover meteors from the Quatranids through Jan 14.
I saw just one and it was also
lickety split FAST....I made a big wish on that one.
Glad you saw one also !

magpie said...

To Lolly :
(( Gigantic HUGS for you and Jack on your Labors of Love for Laurel and the Family ))

Sandi said...

Morning Margy, Dana, Lori, and all my eagle friends - happy freezing Friday! Dogs took care of business quickly again this AM so I have a minute to post.

My mom got home from TX last night - my sister called and said she has been sick since the 30th! My brother and sister-in-law never called, emailed, or anything. My nephew simply sent a message on FB yesterday afternoon that Mom was on the plane and had had a great time! Lisa said Mom told her she has been puking since last Sunday evening! Hope it's not flu! I haven't had a chance to talk to Mom about the trip.

We have 4 teachers who haven't returned to school from Christmas break b/c they are so sick with the flu! It's definitely going around!

Prayers for all!

Make it a great day!

Lori O. said...

SHEP in the nest!

magpie said...

I See Shep
And I see you Sandi!
So sorry about your Mother's feeling ill for so long :(

Yes, illness prevails in many
sectors...I had a flu shot...but I also rarely get "sick" sick
just aging illnesses :(

magpie said...

"Goof on You" Lori
for calling out to us on Shep!

magpie said...

oh for goodness sakes;

grannyblt said...

GM eagle buds.

Lynne2, you started my day with a good laugh--thanks

So happy to hear of little Isaac's progress

I won't buy a Keurig just for myself but it does seem handy for those afternoon quick cups..

Lori, my paternal grandmother had a colostomy when she was in her mid 80's. She had no more cancer after that and lived another 10 years. Hope for the same positive outcome for your Dad.

Lolly you and Jack do more for Laurel and family than many are able to. Hope the slacker comes around.

Went to the Apple store in Pittsburgh yesterday--my neighbor got a mini-ipad. I got a new iphone 5. I haven't gotten acquainted with Suri yet. My cell phone # remains the same.

Flocks of robins were seen--over 100 near the restaurant at lunchtime in Cranberry Township.

Flocks of other migrating birds seen around here so off to do some winter birding today.

Prayers for all...

Lori O. said...

BOTH eagles now in the nest

glo said...

Good morning everyone. I am up a little earlier and decided to turn on the nest and there they are :-) Beautiful way to start the day indeed.

glo said...

and it's daylight. Belle is gone Shep remains for now.

magpie said...

Loving "Seeing" some of our
more slightly "Western" Momsters
and that the Eagles are/were here for them:

Good Morning Glo and Lynne1!

Oh, winter birding, that's great
Happy Wildlifing !!

magpie said...

I think I heard a faint off in the distance Eagle call

Janet said...

morning all.

sounds like other people are experiencing crud running thru their towns as well....we had 7 therapists out last friday with a flu like crossing my fingers that maybe i missed this one.....

didn't sleep well last night. could not get the brain to shut off even with meditation....certainly, the good news is, i will sleep well tonight. it was past 1 a.m. when i finally crashed out. this is unusual for me.

i hope everyone has a super day. hugs, light, love and healing to all in need!

magpie said...

Same to you Janet... hope the day is energized for you with so little sleep

glo said...

poof. I am off to the dam a little later today. I will make a Glos Glimpses for blogger at some point over the weekend. Prayers for a good day for everyone.

You all had me read back to see what that Lynne 2 has been up to. Born and raised in MA I loved it. I have stolen it and posted it on my cousin's facebook wall as she has lived there all her life. I did add that it was credit of a blogging friend who is obviously a graduate of "Havad Yad" Smiling now as Dex and I get ready for coffee and dog treats :-)

magpie said...

I agree with Judie's post yesterday? I think it was Judie...
Yesterday morning I think Belle was throwing out clues and
Shep was not reading them...
(reference a little H-P)
and I couldn't watch closely enough this morning to observe for clues

Lori O. said...

MARGY, that was me who said that about Belle wanting HP, and she seemed the same this morning, but not as much as yesterday. Thanks for confirming! LOL

magpie said...

Time to leave for work

Have Red Shirt AND Red Socks on today.

God Bless and Protect our
Military, Every Day...and
Bless our Veterans and all their

magpie said...

Gotcha Lori...
'Twas You !
I'll be be-bopping shortly! ♪ ♫

Happy Friday !

Oh, wonder if JudyE overslept again this morning...miss her

okay 'bye

stronghunter said...


Gotta rush. Electrician will be here soon.

Nest empty. Wind blowing. Hunter off to school--I do hope. I told him he needed to get himself out the door without being reminded. However, I did one reminder and heard the door slam. He might have needed to run down the street at that point. Since he has not returned, he must have made it.


magpie said...

'Morning, Shirley

Good luck with all things Electrical

JudyEddy said...

NOPE didn't over sleep just set the clock for 8 to get up to get the truck to the shop this am
Its chilly out again I am so sick of this yo yo yo yo cold to warm Fl weather I just wish it would stay the same temp we get a cold front in about every 2-4days yesterday as soon as we were heading to the park it started raining and got cold so No park for us but we went to MCD to the one with the play thing and she had a blast suppose to rain again today and hi only 65 hope no rain when I get Jordyn

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

Poof Belle

JudyEddy said...


Lori O. said...

Now, they're BOTH in the nest!

Lori O. said...

Good morning, JudyE!

paula eagleholic said...

Eagles in the nest! Yay!

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...


paula eagleholic said...

Shep poofed...lots of cirles this morning...must be the wind

JudyEddy said...


paula eagleholic said...

belle has a small black spot on the back of her head

paula eagleholic said...

He's back

JudyEddy said...


paula eagleholic said...

Belle poofed to the right

paula eagleholic said...

She's back..maybe with flugg

paula eagleholic said...

She picked at some fluff, now she is standing in the middle, and Shep is to the left

JudyEddy said...

they both seem relaxed and just checking out the area

JudyEddy said...

I am getting ready to head to the Ford dealer Will be watching the eagles up there today I bet they have either eggberts or bobble heads will find out if they are hanging around when I am there It is a chilly 58 out now so may be on the nest and might not be able to see them down in the tower Will see when I get there I guess

JudyEddy said...

HELLO she said

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

I am waiting for the 10min video I toook to upload before I leave

DanaMo said...

Just showed the kids the nest. They are mesmerized.

JudyEddy said...

wow you were lucky DANAMO that they were in the nest HUH

movin said...





C(°ٿ°)D Jim

stronghunter said...

I see eagles in our nest!!

Electrician finished and gone. He did not have time to install the ceiling fan, but he thinks we can handle it ourselves.

stronghunter said...

Headed to


JudyEddy said...

.♥ ♥ WELCOME ♥ ♥.

.♥jim new thread ♥ ♥.

magpie said...


but my live feed goes twirly twirly often

magpie said...

Whoops I am on the wrong thread

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Magpie, I think everybody's live feed goes twirly twirly often.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I wonder if the cam is zoomed in any and if they can zoom it back out? I love it when we can see them fly under the nest.

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...