Friday, January 04, 2013


New thread.


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JudyEddy said...

GREAT NEWS They got the guy that shot the man in the face in the parking lot at a Walmart the odd thing is he had a 45 in his pocket. and didn't pull it on him

The guy that did it called his mother after it happened and said hey mom did you see me mentioned on the new It was me that shot that man in the face so of course mom called it in the kid is mentally ill and depressed

Hoda said...

How is the truck? Did you do the flush? You were thinking probably not as others had said it might not be a good idea.

JudyEddy said...

Here is a link to news article from Fox news tonight about the mom turning in her son for the Hate crime
Man arrested after mother turns him in for bragging about shotting the man in the face

JudyEddy said...

Yep got both flushed and boy do I feel better LOL

JudyEddy said...

That was transmission flush I asked about DID not get it Got the brakes and power steering done

paula eagleholic said...

Chatty group today!

Hope it was all good news!

JudyEddy said...

and the Ford dealer said they don't recommend the trans flush either unless you are having issues

JudyEddy said...

Lots of eagle action Paula was nice toooo

JudyEddy said...

OK need to go get a shower Put on the space heater in there a while ago and it should be nice and toasty to get a shower Judy big whimp here LOL

JudyEddy said...

why do you think there would be no twirly thing at night? maybe stress on system with people viewing days and not so many at night doesn't jive to me how about you ok to that shower

magpie said...

Nice interview with the Pritchett lady, thanks JudyE

Everything on the blog - here - looks normal, I didn't notice the
Black on the open up page at work, maybe I was just too excited about that picture Steve put up and
the New Thread that came with it.

Brrrr ...sundown, no cloud cover,
going into the low 20's here tonight

JudyEddy said...

MARGY did you see the one pic of my avatar at first the blog was stark white and when you logged on to it the big orange B that looks like gears went around then the blog looked like one of our blogs the comment box and when you commented you didn't see it till you clicked on LOAD MORE I think that is when Steve was changing the look it had come up with a box in the corner FEED BACK and I typed basically what I did above then all a sudden it looked like the old blog just different color so I think he was working on it and I was the only one on at the time put I did get a picture snip of the page which is back a bit on one of my avatars

JudyEddy said...

shower was so nice and hot hot hot I love it hot come out steaming and I got my nice soft jammies that Jordyn and Angie got me for Christmas they have feet in them

Hoda said...

I find the new look very hard to navigate and to read. Hard on my eyes...
Hard to get to the new posts...
It is not a complaint really it is just stating my experience.

JUDYE I hope the one who shot the other in the face because he thought he was from the Middle East gets the help he needs. I thought it was amazing that the one who was shot had a gun and did not draw it...

I think I will fill in my Forms this coming week and take them to the governement office for them to send it in...

Hoda said...

If STEVE is the one who did the changes it is more than alright by me and I will get used to it...

Sandi said...

Hoda, when you load the blog page, do you click on the day of the week for the posts to show? If so, try clicking on the number of comments instead.

I just reloaded the page and clicked on "Friday" and I see that the page stays black with white lettering. I have always clicked on the number of comments and the page has always been white with a box for posting. The look of that page hasn't changed at all and black letters on white is not nearly as glaring as white letters on black. Give it a try and see what you think!

Judy, I'm smiling at the visual of you in footie pajamas! =)

JudyEddy said...

a gal I work with Melissa posted a picture of a eagle she took on top of a pine tree Nice picture when I saw if but the transfer on to facebook isn't that great How odd I think but still a cool picture she lives near the cell phone tower eagles nest in St Pete could have been one of them Now that she know the nest is in the tower she said she will look up the next time she shops there LOL funny how people that live there all the time knows they aren't there

magpie said...

Well the first thing I checked on was to see that Deb's picture
of Liberty and Belle is still UP...
And that's probably one of the Most Important Features for me. Thanks Steve!
I'm pretty sure we'll all learn how to make it work for us...
and NO dead-end at post #200, Yay
now that's good too!
I did just sign on to the blog again and see how the white on black appears but here right now here for me it's all normal.

I did see your snippet on your avatar earlier JudyE but I was at work and could not check into then

magpie said...

ttfn, Shower time for me too

JudyEddy said...

MARGY or anyone I put a picture on the blog of the way it looked and I couldn't upload the picture from my puter the normal way had to upload the the picasa album and then to the blog couldn't find the upload picture thing on the page the symbol is there but when you click on it the choose file is not there
Picture of the blog page when it was odd just with the pic and gray white page

JudyEddy said...

HEY JO I also made a comment on the cam page about how nice the cam was and thanked them for it and the infra red nite light and this is the response

Live Eagle Cam
Thanks. You're welcome. There's no infra-red, thought. You're just seeing the nest at night under good moonlight. There will be times under heavy cloud cover or low moonlight, where you can hardly see the nest.
Reply · Like

· 10 minutes ago'"

JudyEddy said...

I put a comment under that comment

Steve Chase that runs our eagle blog and works at NCTC says we have nite vision with this new camera and it is working great here is a link to a picture he posted when they first installed the cam with night vision
go down that page to Wed blog spot

JudyEddy said...

I wonder why they would say we have no night vision Maybe they don't look at the nest at night like we do LOL I keep both cams up 24 7 or until I shut down for updates etc

JudyEddy said...

well looks like I need to go find something to watch on tv

JudyEddy said...

OK If you want a good laugh I put a picture of me in my footie pj on the misc blog along with the picture of the odd looking blog today

Hoda said...

Yes SANDI your suggestion works to get me away from the white on black reading. Thank you.

Big smile over your PJ picture JUDYE... I did not get the look of the screen that you you say probably earlier on in the change process.

Snowing again here and I hear the snow removal people...

JudyEddy said...

What I was laughing at HODA was the camera keep taking picture it started as soon as I walked away from the camera I got about 12 pic in a row I have it set on HIGH speed sequential pictures and with the self pic it takes them fast I didn't know that I usually have it set at reg speed but when I do eagle pic I have the fast speed after I saw the eagle today I forgot to change it back so now I know I can do lots of pic I use to do one and then re do over and over setting the cam learn something new everyday I am really warm in my jammies LOL trying to save elec my 72 dollar elec bill was nice this month

JudyEddy said...

they remove snow at night When I lived in OHIO and KY they only did it during the day not unless they knew there was no more snow coming Here I compalin about the 50's

JudyEddy said...

JO did you see your answer from the EAGLE CAM about the circling arrow (it hasn't done if for hours tonight)

Live Eagle Cam
The circling arrow means that the video player is attempting to stream the video to you. Either the upload of the live cam feed is slow or the downstream to your computer is slow. You really can't do anything but wait for your computer to buffer the stream and play it out in the video player.
Reply · Like

· about an hour ago

JudyEddy said...

I really think it may have to do with the ammount of peeps view also since right now it is not doing it since the sun went down and I am sure not to many people are viewing at nite but us on the blog

JudyEddy said...

but that is JMHO

Hoda said...

If they wait till the morning there would be such a huge pile that they would not be able to clear it and catch they keep it steady as she goes and they are very good about staying on top of it. The sand trucks only come out when the snow eases off a bit...when it is icy the sand trucks is all that you hear JUDYE. I like how Nelson stays on top of it and all the roads get attention not just the main roads...the guys do a good job...When I see a pot hole near where I live I report it and they usually have it fixed by the afternoon of the same day. I did that twice...I always phone to say thank you afterwards.

JudyEddy said...

I actually like the black on the blog of course I have several of my blogs black too but that's just me Its just like the old but black and i likey the color black

I also had issues uploading the pictures had to put both in the pic album the upload part of the blog is gone on the page if anyone else attempts to upload pic let me know okdokey

JudyEddy said...

Where I live they do the same thing I have reported two pot holes and our little town fixed that day We also have street sweepers twice a week

stronghunter said...

I have to call it quits tonight. Sleepy.

Rest well, everyone.

magpie said...

Watching a few "Cold Cases"....
detective work that is riveting but not too frightening

JudyE - I like the feety pj's, cannot follow the blog pics too well but thanks....

Prayers for Wellness, for
All Amongst Us....

and for Dear and Restorative Sleep.

Signing off...G'Night Precious Pals.

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxo ♥

JudyEddy said...

MARGY the pic on the right was what the opening page of the blog looked like now its black and the left side is where I left the blog page up it was still working normally That really was a fiasco to get on and comment Steve was probably in middle of changing and blogger didn't like it at the time the odd thing was but cool was the B in blogger was in middle of screen after you made a comment and it turned in to two orange gears spinning around Odd and I did leave feed back when the box prompted to so don't know if that did anything of not but we are back to normal and I love it I I do like the black I had to open google on my lap top IE isn't picking up live cam for some reason but I do have google chrome to fall back on on both puters I figured out how to transfer my fav bar from IE to chrome I did it by accident LOL but I now have ie Ok I think I shall also bid a good night

Mema Jo said...

Sandi is correct to open blog by clicking on the number of comments... Brings you right where you want to be. The Home Page has black background but it has nothing to do with our blog pages once it is opened.
Just don't click on the day of the week
Click on the number of comments

Sorry there was so much confusion about it.............

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Eagle Buds! Serious new home page!
Didn't get to see any cams today, but did see several deer at Chelsea. There were about 5 does munching for an hour or two, then about 6 bucks came out of the woods onto the field. The girls ran ahead, then about 6 females and yearlings appeared. The whole front field was full!
Did a lot of work today on trimming about half of our 40+ printed text and pic panels. Volunteered to come in tomorrow to proof them until my eyes cross! LOL Our fearless leader won't be back from nurse duty in Albany until end of next week. Friday, this exhibit should be hung, so we're trying to get it all ready.

Goota answer some mail & hit the hay, So Good Health Prayers for ALL and Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

Mema Jo said...

Closing down for the night -
Vincent was my visitor this evening
He now giggles - I love baby giggles ♥

Good night everyone
God Bless you and your loved ones
Prayers for all our needs

I love us ♥

NatureNut said...

P.S. BTW, Jo, is your kitten wearing a Redskin hat?? I see some burgandy!

Costume Lady said...

Closing down at my roost, too.
Family Friday turned out to be "Partial Family Friday". Only family that we had was Karla, Dustin, and Jayden. We still had a nice visit. Jayden didn't want to go home...wanted to stay with GG:)
No way could she do that...she loves him so much and he knows it!

Good night dear friends, love and prayers for all~

Mema Jo said...

Message on Out door live feed Live Feed
concerning our "Circling Arrow"

The circling arrow means that the video player is attempting to stream the video to you. Either the upload of the live cam feed is slow or the downstream to your computer is slow. You really can't do anything but wait for your computer to buffer the stream and play it out in the video player.

Mema Jo said...

Loretta - I'm sure it's a Redskin Hat on my kitty...... Night

Hoda said...

Love you JO...You are always looking after us on the blog. Thank you JO.

I hope PAULA is having a terrific time visiting with LARRY.

January 9th still sticks in my mind as a day for circle of prayers. Is it you or is it MICHAEL?

A bit of prayers never hurts anyway and since it is in my mind so strongly this is what I will do.

Good night All.


Hoda said...

Twitter is alive with a buzz that Lance Armstrong will admit to doping!!!
A decade later?
What will law suits be like...he won a few because the courts believed he was not doping!!!
NYT just confirmed the speculation!!!

Good night...pulling a MARGY

Lolly said...

Hi all! We are home and I am sitting here with my jacket still on. Too tired to take it off! lol We got a lot accomplished today. Laurel has her two refrigeraters. She has two as she inherited her MIL's whe she died. She also has her washer and dryer. Jack hung her spice cabinet, one he built, a mirror and curtain rods. Still need to move their kingsize bed with very heavy mattress, Laurel's desk, and her china cabinet...oh, and the piano. We are not going up tomorrow as there will not be a lot of moving and what they do move tomorrow will be after three as the boys both have basketball games tomorrow. Not going up Sunday either as we have plans to go on a bus with a group from church to see the Boar's head Festival at Univ. Christian Church in Fort Worth.

Lolly said...

Heading to bed. Today has been a much better day. I want you to know that when cleaning out the freezer and putting food into an ice chest for the move....I very carefully, and with caution, I moved a snowball! lol Jack said "What is this?" I knew immediatly. Laurel later informed us it was 2 years old!!!!

Night all! SED!!!

Lori O. said...

Good Saturday morning everyone!!!

JO, thanks for clearing up the circling arrow dilema! It's been happening a lot lately, but now we know. Thank you!

LOLLY, Glad you get a few days off from moving. You've been going full steam and I think you've earned a break! Relax and enjoy!

HODA, which music will you be listening to today?

WANDA, sounds like you had a nice family dinner even though you were a few members short. Love that GG!

This was a short week, but man did it drag! Think I got spoiled having a week off! I Plan to relax and enjoy the weekend to the fullest extent!

Prayers for JO, SANDI's Mom, DANA's Dad, THELMA's BIL, Ann-Marie, GLO's MIL, Michael and Baby Isaac and all in need!

Now, just waiting for the eagles to show up - in a few hours....

Lori O. said...

HODA, I just read about the big earthquake in Alaska... tsunami warnings. I pray you are safe!

Lori O. said...

THERE'S AN EAGLE SLEEPING IN THE NEST! Head is tucked so I can't tell who it is.

DanaMo said...

Is that Belle in the nest? Looks like it.
When did we get our first egg last year? My memory fails me.

Sandi said...

WOW - there's an eagle in the nest already! Looks like Belle. She had her head tucked under her wing when the page first loaded, now walking around. Good sign - looks like she's getting serious about spending some time at home!

Lori O. said...

It is NOT Shep in the nest...hoping it is Belle.

Sandi said...

Morning Lori and Dana!

DanaMo said...

Hmmm was looking around a second ago, now tucked back in.

Sandi said...

Dana, first egg was laid just before kick-off time on Super Bowl Sunday, so early Feb. I recall b/c I was sitting and watching. Now she has tucked her head and is dozing again.

Lori O. said...

Glad you two are awake now...I was amazed to see an eagle sleeping in the nest!

DanaMo said...

Good morning Sandi.

DanaMo said...

Good morning Lori!

DanaMo said...

I know...did we see them staying in the nest this early last year? I thought they only stayed when there was an egg.

Lori O. said...

Good Saturday morning, SANDI and DANA!!!

Lori O. said...

It's weird because we don't even have an egg cup yet!

Sandi said...

I forgot to turn off the alarm last night so, at 5:45, it went off - and so did Bella! That set off the other 2 wieners so I had to get up. Glad I did! What a nice sight to wake up to!

If Belle is getting serious about nesting, I bet the eagle pair close to the house is too, since our temps are milder than WV. Would love to get to the nest tomorrow afternoon.

Lori O. said...

That's a great thought, SANDI. Kepp us posted and we'll live vicariously through you!

Sandi said...

Someone commented (I think yesterday) that Shep settled down on the nest like he was egg-sitting. I saw him do the same thing a few days ago. This is early. I guess they know something we don't. =)

Sandi said...

BTW, if we organize a nest visit for Earth Day weekend, count me in! Since Brian and Lynnis will be back in their house in Ranson, we'll have a free place to stay for the weekend!

Sandi said...

According to the notes on the Momster Yahoo site, the earliest belle has ever laid an egg (since the cam went live) is 1/31 in 2009.

Sandi said...

Have read last night's comments.

Lolly, glad Laurel and family are making headway. Loved the snowball in the freezer story. When my boys were young, for about 6 consecutive years, I kept 1 hard boiled egg from Easter that the boys had decorated. If there are no cracks in the shell, the inside of the egg will dry up until the yolk is just a little hard ball inside that you can hear when you shake it, but you can keep them forever (they stink to high heaven if the shell breaks, but not if it stays in tact.) I finally got rid of them 6 years ago when we moved here b/c I gave my china cabinet to Brian and Lynnis, which is where I used to keep them (in a ceramic Easter basket.)

Belle is still tucked in and sleeping. That would make me think she's not guarding the nest from an intruder.

Lori O. said...

SHEP should be arriving any time now.

Lori O. said...

Belle is calling

Sandi said...

Looks like Miss Belle is lookin' for her man!

Now poof, but i think she landed in the tree.

Lori O. said...

POOF Belle...looked like she went out to a branch.

grannyblt said...

GM all. Nice surprise this morning to see Belle in the nest. Surely it is too early to think about eggs--

Sandi said...

Good morning Lynne1!

Lori O. said...

Good Morning LYNNE1!

Sandi said...

I talked to Brian last night - he returns to Tanzania on the 8th. He was told at work yesterday to hire a teacher as soon as he gets back to Africa to start learning Arabic. Sounds like he may go to Yemen earlier than September, when he was originally supposed to. He'll be in Tanzania for January and February.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning looks like I missed some action in the nest all night cool beans and I wonder why

Sandi said...

Color on the nest.

Lori O. said...

Where is Shep? He is always in the nest first and at the crack of dawn.

JudyEddy said...


Lori O. said...

eagle call

Sandi said...

Just saw the spinning arrow on the live cam for the first time this morning. Didn't see it at all when the stream was black and white.

JudyEddy said...

must be in tree

JudyEddy said...

come on down stop teasing us ealge chrips

Sandi said...

Just saw the cam shake. Can hear someone.

JudyEddy said...

shake on cam and chirps

Lori O. said...

Sounds like HP on near the cam the way it's shaking!

JudyEddy said...

sounds upset maybe Shep isn't there and she is calling him

JudyEddy said...

OH never thought about HP

JudyEddy said...

odd that we didn't have a spinning arrow all night huh not complaining just stating a fact

Sandi said...

Maybe it takes more bandwidth to stream the video in color and that's why we see the arrow off and on during the day.

JudyEddy said...

cam shakes again

grannyblt said...

Went to live camera and all is quiet.

grannyblt said...

BTW, Facebook has been getting on my nerves lately--all of those ads in the news feed. And for all those that have requested my BD on FB- it is Sept 5.

Prayers and a great day to all of you.

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals...
The nest looks beautiful,
more greenery showing now

Neat that Belle was in the nest early, wonder what she has in mind

Best Wishes for a Super Saturday, for whatever is on YOUR Dance Cards.

Work day for me, my Friday

ttfn xoxo (( All Day Hugs ))

magpie said...

Loved your winter birding report, grannyblt!

Lori O. said...

Happy Friday, MARGY!

magpie said...

Thanks Lori
Have a late start today, starting
out with a chiropractor adjustment in an hour....I'll be at work by
Love your avatar...please tell us about it ♥

Lori O. said...

It's for colorectal cancer

magpie said...

Thank you Lori...
It's dear that you put this one up
xoxox (( Hugs )) xoxox ♥

Sandi said...

OK, I am giving up on seeing Shep this morning! I have the upstairs to clean, laundry to do, and an IEP to write today. If I get all of that finished, I'll reward myself by hiking to the local eagle nest tomorrow afternoon after tennis. How's that for motivation to get all my work done??

Prayers continue for Jo, Michael, little Isaac, Dana's dad, Lori's dad, Thelma's brother-in-law, Glo's mom-in-law, Jim's sister Ann Marie, and any other needs I didn't mention.

Make it a great day!

Sandi said...

Just walked past the computer with the first load of laundry and there are both of our eagles in the nest!

Sandi said...

MT nest - back to work for me.

Judie said...

Good morning.

MT nest for my viewing pleasure this morning. Sunshine looks pretty, though.

Not much going on. May make a visit to the grossery to get some food.

Hoda, you make the irritations of dealing with government workers sound almost fun. Do you make a game of it?

Margy, hope the chiropractic visit gives some relief for you this morning.

Jo, thanks for the suggestion to click on the number of posts rather than day. Works.

Lowreeda, what a treat to have so many deer. Haven't seen Bambi or his Bambettes in our yard since Spring.

Off to try to do something useful.


Judie said...

Shep is sunning himself.

paula eagleholic said...

I see Shep!

Good Morning!

paula eagleholic said...

Snow almost gone from the nest.

paula eagleholic said...

My front blog page finally changed colors....I see the black and gray now.

I have always clicked on comments...not the "day".

paula eagleholic said...

Going to take my tree down and do some other stuff around the house today...

Janet said...

good morning all. haven't read back all the way...just popping in to say hey. i see shep in the nest. it looks very windy there today.....

not a lot going on. normal saturday, groceries, maybe take livvy ice skating, (back to classes this coming week) and the granddaughter is set to spend the night, the older, not the younger.

lots of stuff i need to get started on....but one thign at a time, right ?

and btw, the opening page to the blog being black this morning messed with my head! :/ i'll get used to that i guess...

check on ya'll later! hugs, light, and love to all

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Slow start to my day. Up with Dex for a while last night but he seems good this morning. We will both be tired today. I sort of want to head out to the dam but then again I may not. Great out there yesterday. Prayers continue for all. HAGD everyone.

paula eagleholic said...

Shep still sitting at the nest at 5ish

paula eagleholic said...

Belle just brought in a heck of a stick!

paula eagleholic said...

Lots of freezing on the feed

Mema Jo said...

Wow! Work together, now or you both are going to get your eye poked ♥
Love nestrations!

Good Morning

Mema Jo said...

His spot seems to be getting smaller and smaller...

paula eagleholic said...


paula eagleholic said...

Depends upon the light, Jo.

paula eagleholic said...

Belle still working on the forked branch!

paula eagleholic said...

Now Shep helping's a big stick...they are looking for just the right spot.

paula eagleholic said...

Man she's letting him have it! My Stick!

Mema Jo said...

Paula Outdoor answered my question about the circling arrow -
The circling arrow means that the video player is attempting to stream the video to you. Either the upload of the live cam feed is slow or the downstream to your computer is slow. You really can't do anything but wait for your computer to buffer the stream and play it out in the video player.

paula eagleholic said...

Wonder what that triangle piece is?

paula eagleholic said...

Yes, Jo, I saw that, thanks.

paula eagleholic said...

Looks like she got it placed. Belle at 5ish, Shep at noon

paula eagleholic said...

Calling out!

That got Nick's attention, LOL

paula eagleholic said...

Our pair is still hanging out in the nest...Belle in the middle,
Shep facing 12

Sounds a little windier

paula eagleholic said...

Shep just poofed

paula eagleholic said...

And Belle poofed too

magpie said...

How do you all feel about a

Brand Spanking New Saturday
Thread with a Royal Picture ???

magpie said...

Missed the eagles this time but
now you can fill up the New Thread !!!

«Oldest ‹Older   201 – 332 of 332   Newer› Newest»

6/5/24 bummer next week cam fix

 Apparently it's not easy repair for the control panel of the tree nest camera. So that said there will be a little bit longer probably ...