Wednesday, December 19, 2012


Sorry Folks, they are still having issues getting things online.  Here is a screenshot from the local feed I just grabbed.

New thread.


magpie said...

Okay Steve,
For the Update, and for the
New Thread....

"Steady as She Goes"

Quality Viewing Awaits Us, For Sure

magpie said...

And my thanks, Steve,
to you and
to the Technical Crew....
working on getting things

magpie said...

Hi Judie!
I saw you "on the other side."

Hoda said...

Thank You STEVE for the update and for you all working on getting things right! Much appreciate it.

Good morning MARGY.

Well the drive to Rossland is around 80 KM and I should be able to do it in a bit over an hour.
I looked at DRIVE BC and they show 45 of the said 80 KM as being slippery sections. So I checked the Cameras and my oh my does it look ugly towards Castlegar and Rossland.

I am sad but I do not think it is good to be on those roads today. It is OK in Nelson. We did not get the snow in the lower elevations. A huge dump of snow on the mountains.

I think I might be growing up! In my younger years I would have thought nothing of it to get on those roads, but then again I had four wheel drive and a bigger vehicle, heavier on the road...I love my Yaris but it is not a winter driving poor road conditions type of a car...

Thinking of JO.
She must be in the cast by now.
Love you JO

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Wonder if the tech people need any help. I know a few that would be more than willing! :)

glo said...

Good morning all. Preparing for a major winter storm here.Dex and i shall hunker down this time tomorrow and cheer those eagles on into our area I hope I hope. Prayers for all.

Lynne2 said...

OOOOOOOOOOOOO I just KNOW it will be running by Friday!

My page here is wonky and not looking like it used to. Hmmmmm. Everything is squished to the left and the whole right side is blank.

Lynne2 said...

oh dear, and error, my post is here and my page is back to normal!

Hoda, yep, good idea to NOT go today...

Hoda said...

JUDIE was on to announce a new thread and she disappeared!!! JUDIE JUDIE JUDIE where are you JUDIE???

LYNNE thank you...
Hope all goes well with STEVE and his appointments...

I am with you SHAR I know a few who would be eager to lend a helping hand!!! LOL!!!

Hoda said...

THELMA thinking of your BIL and hoping it all goes well Friday.
Laughed at OCD and Christmas tree decorations!
Did not watch Charlie Brown either...

Hoda said...

SANDI how I know how difficult grade 8'ers can be when things are too emotional and holidays are just around the corner...hang tough SANDI...two more sleeps, two more sleeps!!!

Hoda said...

OK have a great day everyone...
Yoga and errands and tea with a friend and here I am shifting gears and it seems alright...
See you all later...
Love you JO and rest up after the experience today...

Lolly said...

Good morning! HODA, so thankful that you are not attempting that trip. Sad that you do not get to see your friend, but happy knowing you are safe. Driving on bad roads is not good for the nerves, either!!!

Sitting here at 68 and knowing the temp is going up! Grrrr!

Baking more pumpkin rolls today and will give as gifts to our neighbors. Then I have a board meeting at church this evening and taking pumpkin rolls, sliced and ready for consumption.


magpie said...

The nest looks Awesome!
I see the makings of a little nest bowl ☺♥☺♥

Hoda, Good Choice...don't travel on the bad roads...YOU might be a great driver, but you have everyone else's driving skills to worry about also

Lolly - Bake and Cook Away!


magpie said...

I have a friend driving out
towards Charleston WV way,
he says the clouds
look like it could snow
but he said
"it does not SMELL like
snow to this old hillbilly! "

Hoda said...

Checking in to see if JO checked in yet...


A Golden Eagle swept down on a child in Mont Royal, Montréal!!! It actually lifted it up and then dropped it!!!
It is clear in the slow motion part of film. I am not sure I would have chosen Chariots of Fire for music though!!! OMG!!! The kid is safe.Thank God.
Video on my FB page...

WV sUSAn said...

I saw that Hoda. Crazy!!!

Good Morning Ladies! Margy, I think we (Charleston) should have a little snow by Friday.

The DAMN SPOT should be thinking about getting the heck out of Dodge. Thinking about ya, Jo.

Lolly said...

HODA, that video is really scary! I have seen hawks pick up a squirrel and carry it and I have wondered if they would try to get Annie. Hawks are not as big as Annie, but something to be aware of.

Time for me to get busy! Have a great day!

Mema Jo said...

Hey there! Nest looks wonderful!
Thanks for the fresh news thread and the
cam update. Sure looks worth waiting to have it online.

They changed my time for my last cyberknife for today -- it is at 2:45

I feel great - The spot should be
shrinking shrinking and then some.

BBL Love all of you!

stronghunter said...

Hoda, I could not find the video on your FB page, but I did see an article posted on Helen Kalis' (our Mits) FB page regarding this video. According to this article, the video is a fake.

Since the article is posted on FB, it's not too easy to copy it and post it here, and Helen did not include a link. I think she has already been asked to do so.

Meanwhile, I am sure research online would provide information about this video. I have not gone there yet.

stronghunter said...

Golden Eagle Picks up Toddler?

Found the video. Not so clear what is happening here. Odd choice of music, though.

stronghunter said...

One Response to the Golden Eagle Video

Here is what I found. Just another point of view. I am not an expert, just presenting info.

But I do think you should keep Annie away from eagles, Lolly. She is definitely smaller than a toddler.

stronghunter said...

BBL. Must get some chores done.

JudyEddy said...

dern it anywho LOL checking box for emnail

glo said...

From the National Eagle Center in MN Hoax

And yes always keep very small animals away from eagles anyway. We all know about the squirrels ducks and rabbits!!!!

WV sUSAn said...

Glad to see you checked in, Jo.

I still think next year for the cam. Holidays coming up means they won't be working much on it, I would guess. Sure will be great when we get that beautiful live picture. I surely enjoy watching the foreplay as Belle and Shep prepare...

Anyone heard from Lynne and Steve?? Hope they are doing well.

magpie said...

Hey there, Susan....
Lynne2 was posting last night around the same time I was
magpie-ing away....but it did not include anything about Steve's progress

Hello More Eagle Pals

Playing beat the clock here,
mailings, staff party fixins' -
guess what, the Clock is Winning !

Okay Jo: 2:45 it is !!

magpie said...

I have exactly two cards ready to mail.
Guess what, I found your Birthday Card! So that will be on the way soon ☺

stronghunter said...

Well, thank you, Margy. But you have already wished me a happy birthday!

magpie said...

Yes, but this card is a good one, Shirley....

must go now....
meeting and party at 3...

Best Wishes for a Great Evening,
Eagle Pals...


Sandi said...

School day almost finished - kids are at exploratories so all is quiet on the hallway - "Not a creature was stirring ..."

Anyway, still lots of rumors about a shooting at the high school on Friday - stuff posted on FB. All schools will have a police presence on Friday but many kids are saying they're not coming to school. Fine by me! I hope they ALL stay home!

Nail appointment for me after school. Jo is having her cyberknife treatment right about now. Hope little Isaac is breathing OK and enjoying his time with his Dad and big brother.

Will try to check in later.

Lolly said...

Three schools near by are in a lock down as they received threats. There are so many stupid people in this world!!!!

stronghunter said...

CNN just showed the eagle-snatching video. It was created by some students--film students, I think, and is a hoax.

Oh, Lolly, such a mess.

Hunter came home with stories about how some eighth grader is supposed to come shoot up the school on Friday. He said it was on Facebook.

stronghunter said...

I am looking forward to seeing it, Margy.

stronghunter said...


Lolly said...

I am off to get ready to go to a church board meeting. Will be back later this evening! Anxious to hear about Isaac today!

stronghunter said...

ABC News is going to talk about the eagle video too.

JudyEddy said...

Home from work and I think I am done shopping I think I didn't do any cards this year or lights or the tree just shopped

Hoda said...

Hoax it is then...

JO please check in to let us know how the later in the day appointment went.

Totally shut in here and snowing steadily with freezing rain mix...
The snow removal guys are doing a good job yet it is ugly out there...

Excellent yoga class and the one I missed on Monday no one else showed up either...The roads were the pits then too.

Glad I am not on the highway about now getting back from Rossland butt sorry to have missed my lunch with Barbara...She phoned to say it was ugly at her end too...

I will go get supper, I missed lunch and I am hungry.

Hoda said...

SHIRLEY do say what ABC says about the eagle video. I took it down from my FB page when I started being convinced that it was a hoax.

Stupid about the talk of shooting in schools on Friday...also very very sad!!

Costume Lady said...

Hello folks...
Margy was right about me not checking in last night.
We had 75 guests at our 2nd in a row Soup Kitchen and we gave away double rations to carry them through to the next SK on Jan. 8. Gene and a helper does the bagging up of the give-away-food and we were ALL very tired at evenings end!

We went to GG's after we were done cleaning up at church...this time, she didn't hear us or wake up, so we left after about an hour of waiting.
We didn't have time to eat at the SK, so we ate when we got home and watched a few TV shows. By then, we were too tired to wash up the dishes, so we went straight to bed!

Minestrone Soup (Olive Garden)
Ham Slices (City Hospital)
Scalloped Potatoes (My Dish)
Apple Sauce
Rolls & Crackers
Chocolate Milk, Egg Nog, Juice, Iced Tea and Coffee

We really didn't expect such a large crowd, thinking that because we had two SK in a row, not many of our people would know food was being served...they fooled us:)

We had big white snow flakes hanging from the ceiling along with little white lights and turned the ceiling lights off. Guests loved the atmosphere...turned into a bit of a party mood. I was hugged and kissed many times, all wishing me and others a Merry CHRISTmas. I told the others that we must have done something right to get all that attention and thanks:) What a special evening that was!

Costume Lady said...

Now, on a more serious note...I need your prayers:
Capt. Gene is going the the VA Hospital down in Washington, early tomorrow morning and will have a kidney biopsy. He will return home sometime on Friday.

Please pray that nothing is found and that he will come back home to me with BOTH kidneys~


JudyEddy said...

WANDA I sit here smiling
grinning ear to
ear reading your post
You and Gene are saints
in disguise and I think
all on the blog will agree
I commend you both on
what you do at the SK

Will be thinking and holding
you both close to heart till
we hear from you WANDA and
praying for GENE and a good
out come

magpie said...

had to sneak in through the Momsters page link...
getting this message when I tried to come through nctc cam page:
The requested service is temporarily unavailable. It is either overloaded or under maintenance. Please try later.

haven't seen THAT kind of message for awhile

Wow, Wanda, Whatta Night!
Great report on the Soup Kitchen....
Once again, God Bless Your
Ministry xoxo

JudyEddy said...

are you going with him????? WANDA

magpie said...

Yesindeedy, Wanda,
You hae My prayers for the
Captain for a good report
and all possible positive

JudyEddy said...

MARGIE I got that message when I went to the Still Cam but not the blog as a matter of fact I just got it checking out the still

magpie said...

If I hadn't signed off earlier when I thought I was going to bed
I would not have noticed that
message on the fws page.
Sometimes that used to happen
when maintenance was being done
off sight, such as in Colorado.

but I'm going to bed
again NOW

Prayers for Wellness All Around

God Bless Us, Every One
xoxox ♥

Lolly said...

♪♫1 It's raining, It's raining ♪♫♪ May not last long but it is very wet!!! I'm doing a habby dance!

Lolly said...

Prayers for Gene, Wanda!

Lynne2 said...

oh Wanda...what a great idea to put up the lights and the snowflakes for the guests! You guys are the bomb! Prayers for Capt Father Gene tomorrow!


Steve had his first followup appt. today and all looks "pristine" per the Dr. YAY! He can take off this new dressing on Monday, and once off, he can shower! Even with the stitches still in! Then, just a bandage over the sutures, and back into the fracture boot for all but an hour a day. He can shower now, but we have to cover the leg up with lots of plastic. I thnk that's pretty cool! Anyway, the stitches come out 2 weeks from today. There will be NO weight bearing until mid March at the earliest. Steve was very distressed by the amount of atrophy already in the calf of his bum leg when they took the splint off. But all is well and the Dr was very happy with the progress. I have plenty of pictures but I haven't gotten them on the computer yet.

Lynne2 said...

Oh, anyway, on the way back from York coming down 83 right at Lake Redmond, and eagle was soaring right over us!

Mema Jo said...

The last session went as smoothly as the first two. Now I wait for 4 weeks for the new CT - Your prayers will be answered, I pray

Wanda, praying for Gene's health. Keep in touch with us.

I am closing down and will TTUT
I love us
AOYP as you sleep.

Judie said...

Wanda, Darth will be at the VA Hospital tomorrow morning for two appointments. I'll let him know about the Capt and maybe he can find you to say hello and get a super-dooper Wanda hug.

Lolly said...

Sounds good for Steve, Lynne!

Awesome that you saw an eagle! No hopes for that around here.

We have had a front move through, temp is dropping and we had a fast moving thunder storm move through. Rain! What we really need is a long drenching storm!!

Lolly said...

Nite, Jo! We will continue to keep you in prayer. I do love your wonderful attitude!

Kay said...

Good Evening dear Eagle Buds !

Too bad that eagle video was a hoax, or wait maybe it's not "too bad" that some poor kid was not in jeopardy. It dawned on me that the "mom" was not appropriately beside herself ! The report I saw this evening said Golden Eagles are rare in Montreal and then, guess what, it wasn't even a GE !

LYNNE2 and STEVE saw an eagle ! What a thrill and we EM's consider that a good omen, don't we ? Sorry Steve is not happy with the way things are, but he's lucky to be alive and the fact that the doc is happy with the progress makes me very happy !!!

WANDA, you can be sure we're ON IT ! Here's hoping GENE gets a clean bill of health. It always thrills me to read the menu and to hear about the Kitchen gang and how they love your efforts ! Makes me wish we had a kitchen at our food pantry/boutique, not that I've been able to work there for months. It has to be a thrill to watch hungry folks fill their tummies with your yummies !

Julie and I took Penny to The Vet Clinic today and she was deemed a very healthy little girl. She got a booster shot and her nails clipped---she actually said OW several times over that ! ☺ The doc says she's not overweight, but shouldn't gain another ounce. I'll take her back for a weighing in a month, so we can see if what and how much I have her on is okay. Julie went so she could do a comparison with the vet she takes Malcolm to. Costs about the same all things considered but attitude a night and day difference. Her Vet spends the entire time trying to talk owners into buying products and having inoculations that are not needed. My Vet spent the time answering every question and telling us what we don't need to be spending money on. She treats all kinds of animals, but her personal dogs are long haired doxies and she's partial to sweet little weenie dogs. A delightful experience. Got her years worth of heart worm med and shouldn't need to see her for a year except to check in at the lobby where the scale is a time or two.

Time to call it a day for Penny and me ! I sure do go to bed tired and sleep very well these days. Too bad I didn't think of this dogtering remedy earlier !

Love and prayers for all on the prayer list + all EM's around the world ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Costume Lady said...

I won't be with Gene at the VA Hospital...he is being transported there in a VA vehicle:(
He would be happy if he could meet up with Darth! Hope that can be arranged~

Lolly said...

Oh, wow! Love your report on Penny, Kay! And, I love how you are sleeping well. You be sure to let Penny know that there are a lot of momsters who love her and are happy she adopted you!!☺

Hoda said...

Prayers for THE CAPTAIN. Hope all turns out well WANDA.
BLESSINGS on the soup kitchen service.

JO so much in prayer and why are they waiting four weeks before the CT?

RAIN in TEXAS, OKLAHOMA is waiting for snow!!!or so I am told!!!

Hoda said...

KAY I love the stories on PENNY...good news all around.

Snowing here and it feels cold outside...

I hear the snow removal folks making their rounds. The second time they have come through since I came in...They are not sanding though...

Hoda said...



stronghunter said...

Prayers for Gene and for everyone else who needs them.

SED. I will see you tomorrow.

stronghunter said...

Oh, the contractor wants to meet with me tomorrow about the power washing for the house. I was wondering when he would get around to contacting me. Geesh. Like trying to make a kid do homework. Geesh.

stronghunter said...

Hope Darth is well, Judie.

stronghunter said...

Just got defeated in a very challenging Scrabble game. Started out ahead and stayed there until the last few plays. Good grief.

stronghunter said...

Plumb wore me out.

Lolly said...

Have been reading and fell asleep! Night all! SED!!!!

Sandi said...

Good Thursday morning my eagle friends! Still 2 more days to go - this is the longest week!!

Wanda, I will add Gene to my list of prayees that his kidney biopsy is all clear!

Kay, it's so wonderful to read a post that you are sleeping so well - that Penny sure is a wonder drug!!

Janet, how is little Lorelai??

Prayers continue for Isaac, Michael, Jo (sorry you have to wait 4 weeks to find out if the treatments worked), Dana's dad, Thelma's brother-in-law, Glo's Mom, Lolly's friend Margie, Jim's sister, and Lynne's Steve.

Make it a great day!

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals...
Last FULL complete day of Autumn

Winter solstice at 6:12 a.m. Friday,
Eastern Time


magpie said...

Best Wishes and Prayers for
Captain Father Warden Gene!

Knowing he is being transported
in a VA Vehicle, I am picturing
him "working the crowd"
with the other Veterans in his
will make THEIR journey much
more joyful for sure

And Best Wishes and
Prayers for Darth
with HIS VA appointments today

Hope somehow Gene and Darth meet
up with each other

magpie said...

Praying for Safety
and Peaceful last days
of school before the
Christmas Break, for
absolutely everyone

Hang in there Sandi...
It's almost Break Time !

magpie said...

Super Penny Report from Kay!

Merry Christmas, Indeed !

Best Wishes for a Great Day,
Eagle Pals...

Will try to "see you" from
my workplace

xoxo (( All Day Hugs ♥ ))

magpie said...

OH and WOW,
what a report on Steve from
Hope the healing and recovery
continue in this positive
fashion as it is so far!

magpie said...

Hoping I am going to hear Lori
and Loo when I am bee-bopping to work this morning
♪ ♫ ♫ ♪
I think I will just bee-bop here at home for awhile first !

Helloooooo Lori !
I'm just waiting to hear YOUR voice if you are
working today ☺ ♥

magpie said...

Oh Joy!
I heard my favorite Radio Voice!

and the Music is
Dreamy !

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning from Bedford. I survived last night but not without lots of sadness and tears. Jackie is so loved and it was evident last night. I went to my old home group meeting last night and that was the hardest part. While I could feel her spirit in that place, her absence was resounding. Last year we needed a new meeting place and she worked really hard to find us one. Today is the funeral and then I head back home. I miss my Bedford peeps a lot. :(

magpie said...

God Bless You, Sharon...
What a wonderful ministry your friend Jackie accomplished for you
and your friends...
That is HUGE and speaks volumes
of how she felt about you and
your friends, and the importance
of the program...I understand that, after spending this past
week with my step-daughter...she works hard at these things, just
like your friend Jackie....

(( HUGS ♥ ))

magpie said...

Neat Google Image today:
20th Anniversary
of Grimm's Fairy Tales

magpie said...

make that 200th

xoxox ♥

Janet said...

good morning excited for amoment when i saw a pix on the blog.... doggone it, tricked me! just a teaser....oh well...soon, very soon.....

sorry i wasn't on yesterday, i was just plain tired yesterday morning and couldn't function well!

i did get olivia off to school and was headed towards my first private client when i was side swiped by another car. :( she just plain didn't see me, i crossed an intersection in the left lane, she turned onto the same road, right lane and was heading towards the krogers. i saw her coming over, but it was so quick, i couldn't react. soooo, thankfully noone was hurt. i have already reported to her insurance and most of the damage is cosmetic, although the front door is sticking a little. i tell you yet again, i hate driving! :{

still got my two massages in.

chelsea brought the kids over yesterday, she needed a break out of her home.

lorelei is doing better. her billirubin levels were way up>>> 17.2 and at 18 they start treatment. she was very hard to wake up and wouldn't really feed. so between us we came up with some ways to make sure she was eating...such as pumping and using a bottle. bottles are easier to nurse from than the breast. and she can still nurse, but supplement with bottled milk or formula if necessary. she has gained an oz a day in the past two days...she was down to 5 lb 7 oz. as of yesterday, the levels had dropped to 15 and she is waking up more, nursing better, and just plain acting better! she is one week old today!

she is just soooo tiny.

i enjoyed hugging and loving on all my grandkids yesterday. mia wants to spend the night over winter break and i said sure.

i had made peanut butter blossom cookies and jack liked those so i will make some more to take over on christmas day. :) that's the fun part of being a grandparent! :)

cold weather heading our way. we had 75 for a high yesterday! 58 today they say, like in the next couple of hours then dropping to 27 tonight.

and tomorrow is YULE! i have to get my yule log today (i don't have a fireplace, so i get one made of ice cream!) and candles and such! i love YULE......

and so in my mind, the cold weather coming in is in a timely fashion!

everything else is grand. tom and livvy are on break. i am getting ready to get off my hiney and get ready for work.

i hope everyone has a good day. keeping captain gene and everyone in need close in my heart and thought...sending healing, light, love and comfort as needed...

hugs and smiles to all!

T-Bird said...

Thanks for the pic Steve. I cannot wait. The nest looks great.

T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle momsters and dadsters.

Linda said...

Good Morning Friends!

Time is passing me by and I feel like Christmas is sooooo close!! I want to finish all my "going out" errands by today to avoid the crowds and make room for those that cannot do these things during the weekdays!!

Praying for Gene this morning, WANDA. Are there symptoms or problems he has been having??

Keeping THELMA's BIL Jerry in prayer as he prepares for tomorrow's surgery.

Happy to here LYNNE's Steve had an excellent report from the doctor tomorrow and I agree with KAY's sentiment, that Steve must remember that muscle atrophy is way better than not being here at all!! It will take some time, but he can get that back. You can't get your life back! It sounds like it will, indeed, be a long recovery, but so very thankful you still have your Stubby!!

Linda said...

JANET - Lorelei must be so very tiny at that small weight. Hoping and praying things turn around and her levels get within normal range. Sounds like those grandkids just love you!! Sorry about the accident. Hoping you don't "feel" it today or tomorrow.

Linda said...

SHARON - ((((( HUGS ))))). I know this must be so very difficult for you.... Keeping you in thought and prayer.

JO - Hope you have a restful day today and can sleep in and just "hang out" at home!! Glad the treatments are done!! God is good!!

I must get going so we get our shopping done. I need to make a grocery list first.....then off we go.

SANDI - Hang in there. I have teacher friends here that are dealing with the same thing. It's just too close to Christmas to keep these kids controlled and focused. Most kids won't even be going tomorrow to school because of all the threats. Our teachers are a-ok with that as well!!

Wishing you all a productive, yet peaceful day. Try your best to take in the good parts of this season.....


glo said...

Good rainy impending major storm day for my neck of the woods. Its raining and 40 many schools are closed. Bad weather just an hour or 2 away now. Dex and I have made our morning outing. We are in and snug as a bug. I figure I will run him out quickly when it turns to snow and then we can hunker down for a while before we HAVE to go out again. I do have a gas fireplace and gas stove. High winds this afternoon and tonight along with heavy wet snow. Its Christmastime in the City. Prayers for all. I read and keep you and your loved ones all close to my heart. I am hoping for update on Isaac before I lose power but I can pray and god knows how he and all the others are. Hugs for Sharon. I so understand. Baby Loralei needs that bili count to come down today too. My Becky did that to me. Almost got to the blood transfusion count but it dropped just before. Capt Gene what can I say. I love this couple and send my prayers. I hate to start naming though as I no longer trust my memory. BUT I do trust HIm and He does listen and answer. I close all my prayers with those I forgot to mention by name but hold close to heart. He hears. God bless You all. HAGD.

Lori O. said...

Hello everyone. It's a sad day for me - 7 yrs ago that Perry passed.

I really need to ask you all for some special Momster prayers (on top of everything else that's going on here), my Mom called Tuesday night to tell me my Dad has colin cancer. They're at the oncologist this morning. I'll know more when I get home and can call them. I just know Momster prayers are the strongest and best. God loves us! I love us! Thanks! MTBR.

Lori O. said...

Prayers for SHARON today, as I understand you're having a tough day, too.

More prayers for JO, Michael, Baby Isaac, Emily, Ann-Marie, THELMA's BIL, DANAMo's Dad, SANDI's Mom, and GLO's MIL.

glo said...

(((((Lori)))) prayers indeed. Just tough stuff and even tougher at this time of year.

Costume Lady said...

He just called from the hospital and is still waiting to have his procedure done (Army...hurry up and wait:)
To answer LINDA'S question: Gene has had protein in his urine for a good while now and is also borderline anemic. His hematologist and another one of his doctors have not been able to find why all of this is going on with him. He has had many tests, including Bone Marrow testing. I think they have done everything but this biopsy, so I'm praying that this is "Just one of those things" and nothing serious.

I'm so sad to read that so many of us and our family and friends are in need of prayer, but I think that is one of the reasons we are here, as a pray for those in need. ♫♪♫NO BODY DOES IT BETTER♫♪♫! I LOVE US♥

Lolly said...

Good morning! Oh, Lori, so sorry to read about your dad and so glad you shared with us. Prayers for sure for him. We do have a long list of those in need of prayer.

Wanda, have they given you any idea on how long you are going to have to wait to get the results of Gene's test? Excuse me...Capt. Father Gene!

Chilly here this morn. Our low was 40, but the wind is fierce!

Today I have my well woman annual check up with the gyn doctor. More fun! And, my doctor retired, so it is a new doctor. Sure hope I like him.

Laurel and Joey get their new to them house tomorrow. We move boxes and some stuff this Saturday, but do not do anything more until Friday after Christmas. Then the painting and fun begins. Movers are coming Jan 3. Wish us luck!!! Rooms really do not need painting, but Laurel wants the boys rooms to be like the ones they have now.

Lolly said...

When we pick up Jacob at his school, he is enrolled in an after school program, the door has always be unlocked. I asked Laurel about this....then yesterday the door was locked. Hurrah!!! At her school the coaches were propping open the back door...well, no longer. Hurrah!

Lolly said...

First thing today I checked the cam. Wonder what the problem is they are having. I am so ready for our cam.

Story in the paper...a man down near Houston, I think, has been fined for having a bald eagle in his possession. He had an active nest on his property and he proceeded to catch one, and was going to train it. Idiot!!!!

Lolly said...

Just found the article on line about the man having a young eagle

Man takes eaglet from nest

Hope he gets the full fine!!!!

Hoda said...

SNOW STORM still not done with us!!! I found two feet of snow on my car this morning and my oh my was it heavy to remove. The snow removal folks are in the park lot right now doing their thing and I am so very grateful.

A request please.ONLY ONCE a prayer of gratitude for Val Thompson's life. She lived with MS for over thrity five years and we saw the effects on her. She was at the hospital for some R&R for her partner who is a teacher and a cancer survivor. Well Val died a little past midnight and she apparently suffered a brain bleed and then was on her way...Linda her partner was with her and so were friends from the old community where I taught school. SO JUST ONCE A PRAYER OF GRATITUDE FOR VAL THOMPSON'S LIFE. This was her wish. She had said many years over and over she was ready to meet her maker! I am glad she is free of her MS riddled body.

I well understand your post SHAR about the sadness over your friend...glad she is home and good that her family can see how much she is loved and appreciated.

LOLLY the guy who took the eaglette is an idiot is true...Glad there was a recovery there...

stronghunter said...

Good afternoon,

Just stopping by for a moment.

Lori--Prayers that things will very soon be well with your father.

Sharon--Hope your day becomes better.

Wanda--Keep us posted on Gene.

Lolly--Yea, I agree. Cannot imagine how someone could do such a stupid thing.

Glo--Hope that there isn't too much snow.

BBL. I need to get busy here.

stronghunter said...

A nice tribute to your friend, Hoda.

Wow, what a lot of snow up there. It is definitely winter. We are not supposed to get snow this time, though. A green Christmas, they say.

Hoda said...

LORI HUGS on PERRY and missing him...Bless you and your love for him.

Prayers for your DAD and his healing. Keep us posted as you know please.


NatureNut said...

Happy TH to Everyone. I never got on last night~~~the usual konking in the lounge chair. Our brunch Div. Party was just that! Started at 9AM w/scrambled eggs, bacon, ham, waffles, etc., coffe cakes, & lots of giant donuts (I passed them) and then we went next door to Chelsea to work til about 5PM.
Tomorrow is Park luncheon, then work at Chelsea.
So, today is clean and decorate house somewhat~ LOL Hope I can stay awake.

Jo, thought of you yesterday and sorry the wait is long, but we're praying the results will be "Out,Out Damn Spot!!!!"
So sorry, Shar, for your sadness over lost friend. Prayers
More prayers~~~Capt. Warden Father Gene! Hope tests are OK and he meets Darth.
Lori, so sorry to hear about your Dad. Prayers for him.
Prayers for Michael, Baby Isaac, Baby Lorelei, Thelma's BIL, Sandi's Mom, Dana's Dad and any others who need blessings!

glo said...

Our storm has indeed begun. We are under a blizzard warning now. It is indeed snowing and blowing like crazy. Dex and . I are good to go No where :-)

Hoda said...

Stay safe GLO...Good to go NOWHERE sounds like a plan.

Sandi said...

Lori, sorry that today has bad memories for you. The anniversary of a loved one's death is always hard but it must be especially so when it happened close to Christmas. Your time with Perry was way too short. Also, I'm sorry to read about your dad's colon cancer diagnosis. I hope the prognosis from the doctor today is encouraging. I will certainly add him (and you and your mom) to my prayers.

Hoda and Glo, I would love to be settling down for a long winter's nap with lots of snow! Haven't seen a decent snow since we moved to Bethany 6 years ago and, as much as I love living at the beach, I DO miss seeing snow.

Will check in from home later today. Emergency faculty meeting after school - probably to discuss procedures for the school day tomorrow. I wish the kids would all just stay home!

Hoda said...

Thanks SANDI I hope the day is going well for you at school. Checking in from home is one more sleep closer to holidays...YAY

Kay said...

Oh, my dear LORI, my heart is aching for you and your family. Mega prayers being said ! I do so understand how much you miss Perry every year at this time. They tell me it gets easier, but we know the memories will always be with us !

Thanks, LORETTA, for the comprehensive prayer list ! I'm on it, too ! I can vouch for the fact that Momster prayers are powerfully effective.

It's raining cats n' dogs today and may turn to snow tonight/tomorrow. Ugh !

Love to all ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Steve Chase said...

Still image is up Birds in the nest.

DanaMo said...

New thread with a great picture!!!! Come on over!

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...