Thursday, December 20, 2012


Here's the picture that you have been waiting for.
Still image is on, they are working with the video now.

New thread.


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DanaMo said...

Yahoo!!!! Thanks so much Steve!

glo said...

Yeah yeah yeah it is so just like Christmas.

Hoda said...

So EXCITING STEVE!!! THANK YOU THANK YOU THANK YOU!!! Go Team Go...get this camera up and running for Christmas...what a great gift this would be...THANK YOU NCTC and STEVE

DanaMo said...

Lori-Prayers for your dad! I'm so sorry! I feel your pain!

Dad is scheduled for an MRI next week to see where we stand now. Depending on those results will tell what happens and when. Man way too much waiting for my liking.
Had a nice lunch though after Dad's appointment with Mom, Dad and Aric (he had a dermatologist appointment at the same time, so I was with Mom and Dad and he went to his appointment, everything in one building makes it so easy.).

DanaMo said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Hoda said...

Thanks DANA for the call get the feather YAY!!!

Hoda said...

Praying for your DAD DANA!!!

DanaMo said...

Will we have to wait for the Outdoor Channel to do something, or will it just start to broadcast when it's all set at NCTC?

Hoda said...

I am thinking that once it is set up at NCTC that they would tell Outdoor Channel the feed is up and they would start it...tomorrow is still a working day? Maybe even Monday?

Sandi said...

Wow, a new thread and 2 great pics of our eagles - FINALLY!!!! Thanks Steve for the update and the new thread! Thanks Dana for the call over. I hate the still cam but it's better than nothing!

Aren't those the most beautiful eagles you have ever seen?? =)

stronghunter said...

Thanks Steve and Dana.

Oh, I see Shep. He still has a little black spot on his head.

stronghunter said...

Looks like they are really busy in the nest.

Sandi said...

Never thought I would be happy to sit and watch the still cam but ...
I AM SO EXCITED TO SEE OUR EAGLES IN THE NEST, even in slow motion!! Woohoo - what a Christmas gift from NCTC!!

stronghunter said...

Don't envy teachers tomorrow. Hunter came home with a story about someone planning to shoot up the school tomorrow. Heard it at the bus stop. Kathryn did call the school, just trying to do what seems necessary.

stronghunter said...

They seem to know how much we want to see them and are posing for us!

Sandi said...

One eagle poofed - not sure which one since I can't see the head of the one that's left in the nest! But I am so happy to see them again!!

Sandi said...

Other eagle - POOF @ 2:38pm.

Mema Jo said...

On Tuesday I received an email inviting me to NCTC from Steve because he had something for me from the nest. I have just returned after having lunch with Steve and I now am the owner of an authentic Turtle Shell.
Nu found it up in the nest and brought it down. I am so very honored to have been given this treasure. I have wanted
one for the past 6 years! I also saw the eagle3 fly into the nest around 1:24 as we were leaving.

Mema Jo said...

Dana praying for your dad to have good results from the MRI!

I love us and I do feel like Christmas
Hoda - so much snow
Glo- hope you don't get as much as Hoda

It has been dismal looking all day but
no precipitation yet.

BBL today

Hoda said...

This is AWESOME JO...BLESS YOU STEVE you are the very very very Best, sharing with our MEMA JO> GOD BLESS YOU AND KEEP YOU STEVE and YOUR FAMILY too.

Great gift JO for sure...

Still Cam does look good...very clear and the resolution is awesome.

Hoda said...

SHIRLEY, maybe it is best to just keep HUNTER from school tomorrow...last day before Christmas and all not much will get done anyway...

grannyblt said...

Thanks Steve and crew.

Lynne2 said...

WOOOOO HOOOO just checked from work and we are LIVE on the still cam so be still my heart!

grannyblt said...

Jo, how thoughtful of Steve to remember about the turtle shell. I hope you told him how much we all appreciate his effots concerning the eagle cam.

glo said...

HaHa see some of us KNEW your were at NCTC. Merry Christmas MeMa Jo That is cool I want a picture :-) we all do hint hint ;-)

grannyblt said...


Just read back. I hope your Dad's colon cancer is easily treatable. Will pray for that good outcome.

My late husband died 7 years ago also. It doesn't really get easier does it. We were married for 41 yrs.

WANDA Hoping things work out well for Gene.

To all of the rest of our clan I am praying for good outcomes.

PS I'll wave as I pass through Hagerstown on Sundy on my way to see my brother and family in Norfolk this Sunday--if I don't get snowed in.

Lynne2 said...

OMG JOOOOOO!!!!! I am so happy for you! finally, A TURTLE SHELL FROM THE NEST!

Hoda said...

It is dark there now? It gets dark here around 3:30PM.
The still cam picture is still very clear...terrific.

stronghunter said...

That is very thoughtful of Steve, Jo. We would love to see a picture of that shell.

Lori O. said...

WOW - what a gift today - our cam!

Hope Capt. Gene is doing okay.

Sharon have you made it home yet?

Mom called on their way home from Dad's doctor appointment. He found out only that he has to have a bag, as the cancer is not high up enough inside the colon to reshape another exit. Three tests next week will tell how far it's spread, and some other things, one test will be done with dye. Thanks for all your prayers!

DANAMO, I hope your Dad's MRI next week shows much shrinkage!

stronghunter said...

I see I am not the first one to request a picture from Jo.

stronghunter said...

Thinking of you and your family, Lori.

Lori O. said...

JO, congrats on your turtle shell! How exciting!

LYNNE2, Big hugs, my friend!

stronghunter said...

Looks to be a short, fat stick in the nest that might have been recently delivered.

stronghunter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Judie said...

Congratulations, Mema Jo. Can't imagine anything nicer than lunch with Steve at NCTC and a turtle shell from the nest. What a lovely gift.

Judie said...

Dana, hope all will literally be well with your Dad.

Hoda said...

Thank you for news of your DAD LORI...PRAYERS are going up strong and may there be healing to yours and DANA'S DAD...

I see the stick SHIRLEY.

Judie said...

Well, maybe I'm confused (typical).

Lori, wishing the very best for your Dad.

Judie said...

Thanks in abundance to Steve and Nu for thinking of Mema Jo and for moving us ever closer to seeing Belle and Shep in action.

Judie said...

Shirley, hope the power washing is arranged and over with before Santa arrives on the housetop -- well, maybe it might be good to wait until after the reindeer have come and gone.

You and Catherine will know the best for Hunter and the school issue. Fear us bit a good thing.

Lori O. said...

Hello JUDIE!

Excuse my manners - THANK YOU, STEVE and crew and getting the cam back up and posting that beautiful picture!

Hoda said...

Shep in the nest

Hoda said...

Just arrived and is facing nine

Hoda said...

Now facing ten and he looks healthy

Hoda said...

The resolution is so clear it is incredible as I am sure it is getting dark is 4:46 PM according to the clock

Hoda said...

Oh I will save pictures and figure out later how to post them I forget

Hoda said...

Belle is in

Hoda said...

My heart is beating fast this is so clear and I am so happy

Hoda said...

Digging in the nest he is and she is watching

Lynne2 said...


Hoda said...

Moved to look towards three and Shep's spotis clear and Miss Belle is a BEAUTY indeed

Hoda said...

Lynne so glad you are here to see this too.
Belle's wings are she going to take off?

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

YAY!! Is that not the best Christmas present EVER!????? Thank you Steve!! Thank you so much!! Both in the nest!! Life is good!! Poof!! Gone now!

Hoda said...

Yes Both gone... LOVE LOVE LOVE IT!!!

Hoda said...


Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Nope Hoda, not Shar!! It is me, Sissy!!

Hoda said...

Look at how clear that image is...
God now I have to figure out how to post in the has been so long. Maybe when JUDYE comes home she can message me instructions!!!

Hoda said...

OH so sorry I saw Eagle Eyed and mind said SHAR!!! SORRY BEV you are EAGLED EYED TOO. Is SHAR back yet, I would like for her to be off the roads now that it is getting dark your way.

Hoda said...

I posted seven pictures in the album...they are not in order, but will do. I do not know how to put them in order. Shep arrived first and then Belle.

stronghunter said...

Good night image.

Hoda said...

It is past 5:10 PM and it is dark and the picture is ever so very clear...thank you such an awesome present. I will have a very good Christmas now...Blessed Be.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Sher is almost home, about 30 miles out. I know she will be glad to get home.

Hoda said...

Thank you BEV. it has been a big time away for her and I hope she finds a way to rest and to cherish her friendships as she certainly has a big heart to hold everyone in there...

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

That is such a clear pic for it to be dark. I can't wait till there are eaglets to watch day and night again!! This is so great being able to see our nest and Belle and Shep dropped in for a visit for us. My spirit really needed this so badly!!

Hoda said...

I thought of LYNN when Belle spread her wings...I often thing she is soaring like an eagle and I know she would want us all to do the best we can to keep up with her in uplifted spirits. We have had a rough time but we also have had a victorious time...Blessed Be.

Hoda said...

think not thing...

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Yes, I know that is what Lynn would want for us. It has been such a year of sadness and loss it seems. I have really been struggling to find my Christmas joy. I am really hoping the snow brings it when it comes. I got most of the shopping done for Christmas dinner today. Tom and I will go tomorrow evening and finish up the shopping for presents. Just doesn't feel like Christmas.

Hoda said...

{{{{{HUGS BEV}}}}}

glo said...

Lost power for an hour. Back on now yEAH but still snowing and blowing. Could be a long night. Making the best of the electricity. Hot tea, supper in the over. Visit to the internet ;-)

Lynne2 said...

stay safe Glo!

paula eagleholic said...

Wow, how cool is it today to have our cam up! Love the nite lite!

Hoda said...

Stay safe GLO...perhaps prepare a hot water bottle so you would have a warm bed to get into...
Thinking of you...

Hoda said...

Yes PAULA very exciting and did you read about JO'S exciting adventure to NCTC and how Generous and loving and caring and considerate STEVE is?

Hoda said...


You are not confused. Both DANA and LORI'S Fathers have to deal with the C word now...
Bless them both.

So good to see your name and to read the humour about waiting till after the rein deer leave before washing the house at SHIRLEY'S!!!

Lolly said...

OMG!!!! So much has happened today! So, very exciting that you saw the eagles. The pictures are beautiful that Steve posted!


And, Jo, got a turtle shell!!! That is totally awesome. What a treasure! And, she saw our eagles!


Had my doctor appointment. I like him, think this is going to work. He said he will not be retiring soon. That is good. My doctors keep retiring! Funny thing happened, his nurse technician, said "I think you were my teacher." She said her name was Darcy and I knew her last name immediately and remembered her. Her mother died while I had her and she never missed a day of school as she wanted to be there. She said she still has the teddy bear I gave here. We hugged and got teary eyed.

What a day!

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, How nice of Steve to think of you when Nu brought down that shell. You are a very special person and we all know it!!

Mema Jo said...

I sent email to Lisa at Blackwater and her reply was:

Best of luck this year and Happy Holidays!


glo said...

I have a package of hand warmers I always take out with me to photograph the eagles. They stay warm for like 6 to 8 hours. They are small but i have several and will place them in good spots for me and Dex if we lose power tonight. I really hope that doesn't happen. It is going to be too cold for folks ot not have power. I have a gas log fire place too but won't go to sleep with it on.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Mema Jo got a turtle shell!!! That is so wonderful!!! What a wonderful gift! She has been wanting one for years and years!! That is so awesome.

Dana and Lori, thinking of you both with having to battle that monster. I have been there my friends. Praying for the best outcomes for both your fathers!!!

Lolly, that is such a touching story!!

I love us!!!!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Glo, we have gas logs in our kitchen and front room. They work without electricity and having them gives me such piece of mind. We hardly ever lose power, haven't for years for any length of time.

We had a scare here in Mercer County today, had 3 schools on lock down because someone started a rumor about shooting up a school here. I tell ya, these people need to be punished to the fullest extent of the law if they can find out who they are. It seems like in this day and age, it wouldn't be that hard to track something like that. Mattie said they never have had lock down drills at the high school. I know I can just walk right in, no kind of security or anything. Never really gave it much thought until this past week. I bet that changes soon. (I hope it does!)

Anyway, off to a meeting tonight, gotta pick up a couple of girls. You beautiful people stay safe and warm tonight. I will catch ya tomorrow.

Hoda said...

OH LOLLY Beautiful story!!!
Yes this is what makes teaching count...they remember and more than we know...
HUGS to you and to your student.

magpie said...


Costume Lady said...

OMG, how special is that, for Steve and Nu to have found and presented JO with a Turtle Shell.
I have looked many times for one when we were still able to get close to the Nest Tree. Even asked Steve to give one to Jo if he found one. He said he had never seen one in the nest, that they get eaten by insects, very quickly. This must be some kind of an omen for Jo to be given one at this difficult time for her. I think that the shell must be her POT OF GOLD at the end of the rainbow!

magpie said...

Many thanks to Jo for the email about the CAM being up,
and what a fantastic Class Act by Steve....lunch and a turtle shell!
And how about that Nu, delivering precious cargo down to ground level!

magpie said...

I am very saddened to read of
Lori's Father's diagnosis of Colon Cancer...surely hope it is treatable and he can be kept
most comfortable

and (( Hugs )) Lori on the anniversary of the loss of your dear Perry ♥ ♥

Costume Lady said...

I heard from Capt. Gene about 4pm and he said he had to wait 2 hours past his 11am time for his procedure...they were extremely busy!
VA hospitals are usually busy, every day.
He said he felt no pain during the biopsy and he is not sore, but he couldn't have anything to eat until supper time. I hope their supper has been served by now...he hasn't eaten or drunk anything since 6pm yesterday!

He doesn't know any results, yet and will be coming home sometime after 12pm tomorrow. Watching TV and lying flat, for now.
Thanks for continued prayers♥

magpie said...

I was too busy at work
to know or to watch, but
I sure feel the excitement
many have shared on seeing
the Eagles...

Safe travel wishes, this storm a coming is a doozy! And widespread

Hoping Glo and Hoda in particular right now, will be safe, warm, and electrified !


magpie said...

Oh dear me, Wanda
A Sleepover for the Captain?
Did not know that part of the plan....

You be careful, stay warm, and do not venture out on the roads or even outside tonight
It is Cold and Wet !

(( Hugs ))

magpie said...

And I hope all the test outcomes are positive, and any ailments,
completely treatable,
quickly, and comfortably !!!

magpie said...

Dare Hoda
Your words on your friend, Val Thompson, are spiritual and
I am sorry for the loss of your

Costume Lady said...

I, too, am saddened, Margy, by the news of LORI'S Dad. Prayers that they can get all of the affect part out and that he will be OK.
Just so much illness and disease with our loved ones. Can do nothing but PRAY AND PRAY!

Costume Lady said...

Thanks, Margy...I am warm and cozy and about to eat a turkey leg and some dressing, thawed out and heated from Thanksgiving:)

magpie said...

Okay Wanda...
I am home if you need anything, for yourself, or for GG.
Okay ??
Have Blazer, will travel!

magpie said...

Pot of Gold...
Wanda, I think you are So Right!

magpie said...

I must say, Eagle Pals...
I have quite an issue going on with both hands, wrists and arms,
(most likely a carpal tunnel thing),
and can barely write legibly...
this will put a huge dent in my
snail-mailing of Christmas cards...
so once again,
they might all arrive LATE...
"Same old, Same Old."
But I am ever so grateful for
the cards I am receiving
and also e-cards.

magpie said...

I can type more or less OK,
for now.
Will get all this checked out,
after Christmas or
after the New Year I guess.

magpie said...

Wahoo on a good report, Lolly,
and seeing your student...
warm and touching story of your

DanaMo: holding you and your family in prayer for your Dad's complete successful treatment...
and that somehow, the Christmas Spirit will descend upon your brother and he will help make this Christmas merry and bright...

Janet said...

YEAH! WE HAVE A CAMERA!!!!! a still one is better than none.....

LINDA: yes, Lorelei is very very tiny. she looks like a toy. in fact, chelsea noticed in the store someone starring at her and she asked them what their issue was and they said we were wondering why you are carrying around a toy? chelsea said, this is my infant daughter.... yes, she is TINY.....

LORI: light and love to your dad and mom....

and light, love, comfort and healing, of course, to all our folks ....JO, Michael, Baby Isaac, Emily, Ann-Marie, THELMA's BIL, DANAMo's Dad, SANDI's Mom, and GLO's MIL , Gene... and anyone whom i might have missed.

MEMAJO: how awesome!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!! that is fabulous!!!!!!

SHIRLEY: i am with HODA, i'd consider keeping him home......our children do not need this sort of stress!!!!!!!

old man winter is knocking on our door here in middle tennessee! for those of you receiving snow (#1. i'm jealous! ) ...#2 and more importantly, be safe....we had 75 yesterday. i saw snow flurries on the way home this afternoon. it is windy, 40mph winds. blew my santa over on the porch a bit ago. !

well, time to make some dinner! hope everyone has a safe, warm evening!

light and love, hugs and smiles to all

Hoda said...

MARGY Comcast address not working!!! Would you send me an email with your correct address please?

JANET also I do not have your email. Message me on FB please.

magpie said...

I am sorry to read of the side-
swiping this morning.
but grateful no one
was hurt and you
could get on with your day....
Yes, little baby, but
it does sound like things
are going to be OK....

magpie said...

lots of new snow in Gaylord, Michigan
at the Snowman Cam

Hoda said...

I missed that!!!JANET was in a car accident? When was that posted MARGY? Is JANET alright?

magpie said...

her first post this morning, Hoda....on the other thread...
I think it was right after I signed off for the morning....
Janet is okay,
car not too badly damaged,
door has a kink in it,
it was the other person's fault;
insurance has already
been initiated....

Lolly said...

Oh, I like it when there are lots of comments on here!!!

Lori, (((hugs))) I have been thinking of you all day.

Hoda said...

Thanks MARGY I will go reread...
Glad JANET is safe.

magpie said...

Two feet of Snow...I can barely
imagine, BUT,
Back in early Feb 2009 we got
a Whale of a Storm...
over two feet I think...
two storms back to back:

and one egg out of four
survived at NCTC -
and that became,
I believe,
our Precious Palmer !

Hoda said...

I know it sounds crazy but I think we got more than two feet of snow today as it snowed all day...In the morning it was two feet...people are now talking about epic snow dump!!! Good skiing on the hill for those who went up...frankly I would not want to drive my car today. They are still clearing and sanding.

Lolly said...

43 here, no snow, but Jack just built a nice fire! He is also grilling us some steaks and opened a bottle of wine. Nice evening by the fire!!!

Judie said...

#@*$ Get away from me #@*$

Stupid Sandperson! Thinks it's time to head to the pillows. Stupid Sandperson. Leave me alone and go visit the others!

Well, Sandperson is on the way. Best be saying your good nighty nights.

Sleep with quiet and peace everyone.

magpie said...

Good Night, dear Judie....
Thinking of you

is the school semester Done ???

xoxox I'm evading the Sandperson
and the
Night and Energy Bandits.
Or trying to
going to take a tubby
and frighten them away
if they come close !

Hoda said...

Thank You JUDIE...I hope he does not shy away from winter wonderland and gets here today.
Sleep well.

JudyEddy said...



Had a great day with Jordyn her school had a Christmas show they
were so good and cute I got video and pictures and need to start up[loading the video and put on disc for the teachers and parents
Having a hard time getting my puter to recognize my drive

woow and 112 comments to read

paula eagleholic said...

Judie, don't send that Sandman here...too much to do, too little time.

paula eagleholic said...

Jo, would love to see a pic of the turtle shell!

Margy, you best get thee to a Dr!!!

Thinking of Capt Gene and Lori's Dad.

Lolly said...

Watching Scotty on CMA Christmas program. Still in love with Scotty. Shhhh! Do not tell the jubby!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

What a sight for sore eyes and my eyes are definitely sore.

Linda said...

Wow!! What a beautiful picture of our Eagles!! We have waited a long time for that, haven't we?
It was certainly worth the wait, seeing them so clear!!

Thanks STEVE and the crew at NCTC!!
We are so very happy!!
It's like Christmas......
Oh is Christmas!!

Lynne2 said...

Prayers...for Gene, Baby Lorelei, Jerry, Glo's MIL, Glo and Dex in the blizzard, Lori and Lori's dad, Jo, Michael, Shar, Val Thompson and her partner Linda, Sandi's mom....oh my, I'm sure I'm forgetting someone.

Lolly what a great story about meeting your former student at the Dr's today!

Linda said...

Oh, LORI, please know you are in my heart and in my prayers.....

I know you're already sleeping, but my prayer is that you have sweet sleep tonight and dream fond memories of the love of your life, Perry. I know how he completed you and how very much you loved him........and that he loved you, too!! I can only imagine such a profound loss as yours. God be with you, Lori, as you remember that day seven years ago today.

Lynne2 said...

Janet, so sorry about your side swipe today. glad it was nothing more serious!

Margy....good grief this is no good about your hands/wrists! I hope you DO follow up on that ASAP!

Linda said...

I seem to be having trouble posting for the first few times on a new thread. Strange.....

So back to LORI - I wanted to also mention how sorry I am to hear of your Dad's colon cancer diagnosis and the fact that he will require surgery and a bag. This was not the news you wanted on this anniversary day of Perry's passing. I pray that your Dad's spirits are good and that this surgery takes care of removing this cancer once and for all. I know you will learn more in the coming days. For now, enjoy This Christmas season. Will you be going to your parents' for Christmas??

(((((( Big Hugs LORI )))))).


Linda said...

Well, Hello there Lynne2

So very nice to see you..... :)

Linda said...

And a Turtle Shell for JO??? Lunch with STEVE, too?? What a special day for you!!
So very happy your wish has come true!! Maybe it's a sign of good things to come!!

Lynne2 said...

Hi Linda, nice to be here! You have email!

I need to get to bed. Tomorrow, I think we'll get our LIVE feed! I hope anyway!

Good night and prayers for ALL!

Linda said...

Welcome Home ((((( Sharon )))))!!
Glad you made it home safely.
Praying you have a restful night tonight.
You're a good friend, Dear...

Linda said...

Okay, LYNNE2 - Nighty night.... xoxo

magpie said...

Oh Joy,
We have had a lot of
The Gang's All Here Today...
not EVERYONE but a lot,
and that's just GREAT!
Friday I hope to see the
Other Stars of the Show:
Shep and Belle !

Mema Jo said...

It has been raining steadily Temps aren't ready for snow yet.

Watched some TV but I am really ready to relax and get some rest in my bed.

This was a very happy day with the Still Cam and the Turtle Shell. The live feed should be on soon.

I am going to say Good Night
Glo & Hoda keep warm with all your snow
Lori and Dana - May your dad's regain their health.
Isaac had a good day - pray for him for tomorrow is his exam.

I love us & I sure wish we could all get together but this blog does suffice. ♥ Nite AOYP

magpie said...

Well, I have 400 sick days
on the books,
might have to use them
once I see what's needed.
If I really start to type
you will know the condition
has worsened....
But I WILL get it checked
I Promise!

magpie said...

And thanks for the concern...
Always appreciated!

magpie said...

Good Night, Happy Turtle Shell Lady
xoxox Sleep Tight, and May
You Dream of Joyful Things...

magpie said...

Do you all see the words
"Connecting to video source"
on the top of the still cam
screen ??

magpie said...

Well now those words are not there,
but the screen was totally
black there for a minute or so

Linda said...

Well that is a good thing, MARGY!! So sorry to hear your hands and wrists and all the way up your arms are giving you so much trouble. Have you had that surgery before?

paula eagleholic said...

Hoda, thanks for putting some pics in the album today.

magpie said...

Nope, Linda,
and don't want to have
it NOW either..
will check with Osteopath and
Chiropractor first,
I do NOT want to be cut!

Linda said...

Nope, MARGY, I don't see that. But I can't get to the white screen to post. I can only read and post on the tan screen. It's been that way for a few days now for me.

magpie said...

Love that avatar, Paula!

And ALL the Christmasy ones!

Linda said...

I can understand that, MARGY. What about those those electrode things like KAY had for her back. I forget what they call them.
You probably wear braces at work, right?
I used to sleep in them and it helped keep my hands from tingling.....

magpie said...

Kooky, Linda...
the words were just there
for the minute that I looked...
hmmm...More to Be Revealed,
That's for sure.
Hope your computer straightens
itself out, soon!

I need to disappear and do some
things here....

back before bedtime



Lolly said...

No, Margy, do not see that! Yes, it is great to see more of the gang here tonight. This is what we need!

Love you, Margy!!!!♥

Mema Jo said...

Wanda - praying for our Capt Gene to get a good report.

Nite again

magpie said...

I expect that I will probably
start with shots, and braces,
and stretching exercises, Linda...
maybe electrode therapy also.

magpie said...

It is hard to leave this
fine company!
Love you too, Lolly!
and ALL of you...

xoxo ttfn, really xoxo ♥

Linda said...

Well I surely hope it works well for you, MARGY!

JudyEddy said...

MARGY I don't see the words on the Still cam and what a nice pic we have for night viewing got my computer to recognize the J to down load Had to bring down the puter but is working I am in process of burning pic to disc got two done will have to have two disc for the pic and video

Haven't gotten caught up on the tread yet

JudyEddy said...

an d wow you have that much sick time Walmart only lets you get up to 192hours then the rest turns of 1/3 to personnel time I seem to use the personnel time up but do have 192 I had used all the sick time with both my parents and now have it all back

Janet said...

heading to bed ya'll

HODA: message sent via facebook

and yes i am safe. it was a mere aggravation in the day; but was mostly just relieved that is was as minor as it was! noone was hurt...but it is the 4th accident THIS YEAR...i hate driving tom and olivia were rear ended in our blue truck (f 150).... i was rear ended while driving my miata....tom and i were rear ended in the wagon and.....yesterday i was side swiped while in the wagon....that's between jan 1, 2012 and yesterday...

and thankfully, everyone is a-okay.....

nothing new to report for the evening, but the eye lids are heavy......heading to bed. see you in the morning. SED. :) <3

Linda said...

It is good to have much of the gang here tonight!!

THELMA - Praying for Jerry's surgery tomorrow. Praying they can get everything out.

DANAMO Praying for patience while you all wait for the MRI next week for your Dad. I'm guessing there is still no word from your brother.

Sounds like Chuck and Nicole and Eli and Isaac had much needed family time together. Hoping and praying it brings healing all around!!

Hoda said...

You are welcome PAULA it was fun to remember how to do it...did not think I knew how!!! LOL!!!

Yes it is awesome to have a real conversation tonight and yes JO it would be aw3some if we all got together. STEVE has made our day today with the shell and the pictures and there is indeed love and grace amongst all memebers of our group. Thank you STEVE.

JudyEddy said...

I hope you can resolve it with out surgery
LORI so sorry to hear about your dad I have read some of the blog Will be keeping you and your close to heart as I do all of you on the blog

Lolly said...

Really enjoying the CMA Christmas program. Lots of good Christmas music.

JudyEddy said...

and accidents what is it the day for it I just bumped someone at the light but she said wasn't damaged so we went on our ways and Carl got rear ended too but not bad same thing go one there ways

So happy SIS you are all right

JudyEddy said...

We got storms booming out so need to stop what I am doing

Lolly said...

This is crazy! It has been so long since we have all been posting at the same time. I make a comment and there are a dozen since I read! lol I just want to say now I LOVE US!!!!

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Linda said...

HODA - I would love to see 2' of snow outside my home!!! It is so pure, white and pristine!!
I know it is no fun to get around in, but I just love it when everything is quiet and pure!!

Linda said...

Special prayers for Capt. Gene!! May the results of this biopsy show something minor and easy to treat!!
Love you, Wanda!!

Linda said...


I LOVE US....too!

Linda said...

The wind is just a howling here!! We had snow for a couple hours, but now it has turned to rain :(

Also watching the CMA Country Music Show. Jennifer Nettles had her baby boy on Dec 6th, so they must have taped it in November!!

I hear Lady Antebellum's Hillary Scott just found out she is pregnant!! Must be something in the water!! Haha!

Linda said...

Well, I've chatted enough for one evening.......

Love to you all!!

Keeping you all in prayer for any and all needs!!



NatureNut said...

OMG!!! The most beautiful pictures in 6 mos! TY, Steve!!!
It's probably good I didn't know about this earlier or I wouldn't have finished my Xmas chores.
Took my sausages out of the oven to take to Park tomorrow. Just have to do the do, but could do that in the AM--party at 11:30.We're all vacuumed and decorated, even found some greens to put in my mirror shelf. Did not see ONE holly bush anywhere w/berries. Friend said maybe the birds ate them all! Got some bittersweet instead that's hidden behind shed at Park. They're big on removing invasive plants, but they haven't found these yet!
Gotta do some reading, so if I konk out soon Prayers for Good Health to ALL, and Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>)

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...



Judie said...

Intercepted the Sandperson's GPS so Paula can stay up late -- just like a grown up girl(:

Have altered the compass points on his sleigh to also bypass Margy and head straight for Nelson.


stronghunter said...

Hmm, blizzard warnings in Columbus. Hope you are snuggled in tonight, Kay.

stronghunter said...

Hi, Judie!

magpie said...

Way to sacrifice, Judie!
That's our Professor!

magpie said...

Prairie Dog John my brother is
expecting three of his four
children to arrive Saturday
for Frostburg
Could be Tricky !
Oh gosh, the winds are going
to be brutal


stronghunter said...

Wind blew over our lighted Christmas deer in the front yard. I unplugged it and decided to let it lie there for now. Sounds pretty windy out there.

Hey, Chad came over to discuss the house-washing. Then, he presented their invoice and asked if I could give him a check today. I commented that I would like to have time to read the invoice first. It's bunches of pages long. For $8,000 plus, I want to read the invoice.

magpie said...

Many joyful things today,
along with the
Sad and Difficult...

Praying for all good possible

Good Night, Dear Precious Pals...

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxox ♥

magpie said...

Garrett County, that's Frostburg
maybe a foot of snow

magpie said...

Agree with you on that, Shirley!

G'Night, All....
xoxoxox (( Bedtime Hugs ))

Lolly said...

Think I am going to read for a while before heading to bed.

Night all! SED!!!!!

Hoda said...


He is almost here.

So exciting on the blog how can I go to bed now, yet it is time to get ready so I will wish you all a good night.


JUDYE I am glad you and CARL are OK from the fender benders...glad they were not serious.
Stay safe.

Hoda said...

Good night


stronghunter said...

Good night, my friends. Going to watch TV for awhile.

Costume Lady said...

Thanks, once again for your prayers for Gene.

Lori O. said...

Good Finally A Friday Morning!!!
I know SANDI appreciates Friday as much as I do this week!

As MARGY says, it's a RED Friday!

After reading the blog, I feel so blessed to have every single one of you as friends - the very best friends. I needed you yesterday and you all made me feel blessed.
I love you ALL! Thanks for the prayers for my Dad. He wouldn't let my Mom put him on the prayer chain at church, but he doesn't know he's on this one!!!

Yes, LINDA, I will be in PA for Christmas. Leaving today or tomorrow, depending on the weather. My Mom was saying how glad she was that I would be there for one of my Dad's appointments/tests next week. She thinks I'm a great patient advocate. I just ask a lot of questions and make sure the patient isn't in pain!

JANET, I'm so relieved that you survived the side swipe incident and glad it was only cosmetic happy no one was hurt. You must have had an angel in your car with you!

Praying for good results when Capt. Father Gene gets home today, and for THELMA's BIL's surgery.

Prayers for JO, Baby Isaac, Dennis, Steve, Michael, SANDI's Mom, Ann-Marie, GLO's MIL, and DANAMO's Dad, too.

Lynne2 said...

Good morning! I'm here so the world didn't end! LOL!

No video connection message on the still cam. :(

Lynne2 said...

Watching local of a couple inches of snow on Christmas eve/day.

magpie said...

Good Red Friday Morning
and the First Morning of WINTER, which officially starts in about half an hour ..

Yes, the cam is black
and every once in a refresh I get
those words aboutconnecting to video source cam
It'll come along, might be a few
kinks to work out,
AND the wet weather might have an effect also.

magpie said...

Special thoughts and prayers today
for T-Bird's Brother in Law
this day...and all the days to follow

magpie said...

GREAT to see you here, Lynne2
and Hello to Mr. Steve also !

magpie said...

And Good Morning
Morning GLori !

hoping and praying that the weather will be nice for your travels

magpie said...

Prayers for Safety in all our Schools, today,
There is more goodness than evil
in the world....
one fine day maybe the negative
things will STOP

Lynne2 said...

Good morning Margie....oh boy, blizzard warning for Frostburg. UGH! BUT, it looks like the worst will be today, tapering off by tomorrow morning!

magpie said...

I sure hope so, Lynne2...
my brother and his wife
are accustomed to snowy stuff,
BUT, they don't often get to
have most of their children
home for the holidays...

Hope your parents-in-law don't
get socked too hard with the snow

magpie said...

The wind predictions scare me
more than the snow predictions

Lynne2 said...

Yeah, me too Margy....I've got the number for the electric company here for Steve in case the power goes out while all the rest of are out for the day.

I fear one of the driving hazards will be flying Christmas decorations....

DanaMo said...

Good morning. I have tried to read through, so here I go...
Shirley-House washing for $8,000? I'd want to see that invoice too. Was there more work done than just house washing?
Wanda-praying for Gene. I hope the biopsy comes out benign. Thinking of you both.
Linda-no word from my brother except the superficial stuff on Facebook. I actually send a letter to my SIL which should have been received yesterday or today. I honestly believe that she is holding something over his head and keeping him from us. He cheated on her, so she is trying to hurt him. It's a really long story, but she is vengeful and he is a weak man. Sad, but true. We will see if she responds to me.
Janet-boo hiss on the car. Glad you weren't hurt, but what a hassle.

Well it sounded awful here last night, but I just went out with the dogs when I got up and it's all calm and not cold right now. Listening to the news though tells me that is going to change real soon. :( I'm ready for June.

Speaking of which, Gosh Sandi-Good luck making it through the day, I can't even imagine still being in school right now!! I'll be praying for you.

Prayers out there for all on our list. Can someone make a list because I know I am missing people. I think because I am not on everyday I lose track, but know that I think of each and every one of you and pray for all your needs and loved ones everyday.

Lori O. said...

Good Morning LYNNE2 and MARGY!!!

Sandi said...

Good soggy first day of winter Friday morning Lori, Margy, Lynne, Dana, and all my eagle friends!!

Lynne2 said...

wow, today is the 75th anniversary of Disney's Snow White!

DanaMo said...

Still cam is a black screen for me right now :(

Lori O. said...

Good Morning DanaMo!

Lynne2 said...

Good morning Lori Sandi Dana!

magpie said...

Good Morning,
Happy Christmas Break wishes
for you,
and I surely hope the Spirit
of Christmas settles in upon
your brother and sister in law.
We have Eagle Canes, BUT
more importantly,

Lynne2 said...

Lori, I presume you are tuned in to the impending weather problems ?

magpie said...

Wheeee we are a chattery
Good Morning-Ing Bunch...
I love it!

Now I must be chatty on
a few family emails,
my "other" family that is

xoxoxox ((( HUGS )) ☺ ♥

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3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...