Monday, December 31, 2012


Happy New Year Thread.


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JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

I set the camera up on the counter in kitchen with lap top this am
and just discovered even with it in there you can still hear the clicking of the keys oh well

JudyEddy said...

Well need to head back to the dough factory video says 9 min left so will have to finish and post when I come home I do have it to post automatically to facebook Well have to see if that works BBL

JudyEddy said...

getting alot of the spinning wheel now wonder why and cam has been running almost 24 hours such a improvement


JudyEddy said...

they have a booble head at FtMeyers also

Janet said...

hey, question for you all....i am inexperienced in this. you all know i was side swiped back 2 weeks ago today....the adjustor came out, looked at the car...all was quiet til about 30 min ago.

i got a phone call from someone supposedly representing the county court clerk's office advisiing me of my rights to an attorney, and that my "injuries" need to be assessed by a doctor, they were offering a "free medical consultatino"....adn that i should retain an attorney right away and they could assist me in finding an attorney etc....i stopped her and said do you understand that there were no injuries...that seemed to surprise her.

i assured her that if i decided i needed her services, i would call, but no i'm confused and a bit suspicious...

any clue ya'll???? this is a new on me...

Janet said...


Judie said...

Wanda, do I smell a lobster dinner tonight or very soon? Yummy(:

MT nest. Sunshiny and windy.

Well, suspicious is an understatement, Janet. That was a fishing expedition to get your $$$. The report you filed with your insurance company should be fine along with three repair estimates for your car. If you get another call or an uncomfortable feeling, contact an attorney of YOUR choice for advice.


stronghunter said...

Janet, why would anyone from the county court office have anything to do with your insurance claim? I agree with Judie, be very careful.

I would call my own insurance company. They are supposed to help you with a claim like this, even if your are supposed to be paid by the other company.

Call an attorney if necessary, but you may not need to incur that expense.

I am guessing someone got hold of the accident report and is trying to get money from you.

stronghunter said...

Sounds like an "ambulance chaser" situation to me.

stronghunter said...

Even if there was no ambulance.

Sandi said...

Hi all - we have EAGLES IN OUR NEST!!!

Sandi said...


NCSuzan said...


NCSuzan said...

I would have left too! Not the best HP I have ever seen! LOL@

NCSuzan said...


Sandi said...

Just got home from school and then getting my nails done, opened the live cam and then minimized it and forgot about it. Opened another window to catch up on the blog and heard eagles chirping! Reopened the live cam and there they both were!

Sandi said...

So THAT'S what the chirping was all about!! Missed it Suzan! Glad you saw it!

Sandi said...

Suzan, at least we know Shep's equipment works even if he's a little short on style! =)

Sandi said...


NCSuzan said...

It is funny to me to be sitting at the computer, catching up on news, watching a couple of cams, then all of a sudden something happens and I am not signed in, the blood pressure rises and I can't type or nothing! So hilarious.

Precious baby in Florida nest. Mom has fed several times today.

Happy Anniversary Wanda and Gene! You don't need gifts when you have each other.

NCSuzan said...

Sandi, LOL! He was definitely lacking style.

JudyEddy said...

HELLO and good evening folks Home from work and got the video on the blog and facebook if anyone wants to see 5 min of this am almost 30 min visit I have lots more but only put on 5 min

This am visit with the royal couple excuse the green dot you will see it if you watch Will have to cover that up next time the light on my camera LOL

stronghunter said...

Well, I messed the HP.

Heard geese honking and checked the nest. MT at present.

JudyEddy said...

and just as I walked in they poofed :-( but I did get to see this this am ;-)

JudyEddy said...

oh HP did anyone get pic or video? need to finish reading the blog

JudyEddy said...

I hear the geese again

JudyEddy said...

Does anyone else hear crunching noise like someone is near the cam

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Judy for the early morning visit
I have been at the dinner table and missed them again.

Janet - sure sounds like an "ambulance chaser" An attorney needing some business... Glad you interrupted and set them straight.

JudyEddy said...

Got a mechanical question to ask I know most of us are women but maybe your man may answer this or JIM or BOB or JERRY if they are LM My truck has 69t miles on it and Ford is recommending a transmission flush My daughter said that a friend of hers had it done and then had trouble after wards and that her dad advised not to ever get it done I am taking my truck in for the brake work that needs done on it so I know they will ask so any info will help thanks in advance

JudyEddy said...

I also agree SIS and I would get in contact with you insurance co and mention this to them

JudyEddy said...

I hope Glo don't mind but I did put her video on the same as mine the one from yesterday after the juvie left some peeps may not have seen it on facebook so its right after todays video same link

Mema Jo said...

Janet and Hoda You two will be proud to know that I signed up for 8 weeks of Yoga at the wellness center - part of the hospital's classes. When I registered the young lady assured me I could handle it even with my COPD and 24.7 oxygen use - After all it is a new
type of Yoga - Chair Yoga. I figure that any Yoga is better then no Yoga.
Wish me well - (Pray that I don't fall off my chair) lol

magpie said...

I'm not Janet or Hoda but I am proud and excited about your Yoga, Jo....wonderful idea....
something I feel I really need in my life too !!

Yay for Suzan, seeing the Eagle♥Action today...


Mema Jo said...

The Warrior Canine Connection had more sad news for us - Mr Black died yesterday and now today Ms Pink has passed on to Rainbow Bridge. They are now taking precautions with the remaining puppies.

magpie said...

oh dear....
that is sad, Jo....
sure hoping the precautions can save the remaining puppies

JudyEddy said...

OMG just on the news this am a Walmart in LandOLakes a Hate crime Shooting a man in the face after he ask are you a middle eastern descended or muslin then he shot 20 rounds of pellets in the mans face He got away they chased him with dogs but they lost the scent they are asking the public for help if anyone is bragging about it etc So sad They are waiting to see Walmart security tape to see what it shows

magpie said...

did the victim survive, JudyE?
That is miserable news.

magpie said...

Here is nice thought from my
New York Naturalist Pal:

Lots of Tundra Swans are still flying south. Must be the water is freezing where they have been and
now they are headed your way. I saw 150 of them yesterday flying low and making lots of noise. They will be headed back this way in a
couple of months.

Sooo, I won't give up hope seeing some of what Megan saw in November!

magpie said...

Lynne2 posted about
the Quatranid Meteors...
they should "Peak" around before
dawn Jan 3 (Brrrrr!)
but could be some nice ones
and numerous if skies are clear
where YOU are

thanks for the reminder,

JudyEddy said...

MARGIE YES was treated on scene and his girlfriend wasn't hurt

and JO I also am not HODA or JANET but proud of you to Ditto what Margie said

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Everyone,

Glad to be back here! The kids all got back home OK on Monday night, and it's VERY quiet in this house! We miss them terribly!

Want to wish everyone a very Happy, Blessed, and Healthy New Year!!


I guess I've missed quite a bit on the live cam! Good to know that Belle and Shep are back.

Really sorry to hear about the little puppies that didn't survive.
Hope the rest will be OK! How sad!

Have been very busy doing laundry and cleaning house. I always try to do "spring cleaning" after Jan. 1st.

Ken was back to work today, and he's grateful for a short work week! He's on his way home now, so I'd better scoot. Miss Emma says "WOOF!" to everyone. She's missing the kids a LOT. She can be in a deep sleep, and if there's a car door heard out front, her head pops up, and she listens intently, thinking it might be them!

Wishing everyone a good evening--will try to get back here later tonight. I ♥ us!!!

Judie said...

Jo - NO FALLING OFF CHAIRS ALLOWED! Good for you. Be sure to let us know about it. Might be an option for me.

Very sad about the puppies. Hope precautions will save the others.

Have not seen any news reports about the Walmart incident. Sure hope they apprehend the jerk.

Can't help with the truck question.

Well, got my eagle fix yesterday. MT nest every time I checked today. Not to worry about Shep's technique. Worked last year.


magpie said...

Okay, JudyE, hope there is a full recovery, physically AND mentally.
PS There are some of your
favorite kinds of Reflections
Pictures at Swinging Bridge
on my blog, for SBridge ☺

Judie said...

Hey Andy, good to see you. Reminds me - I sent Emma an ecard some months ago. Did she see it?

Glad you all had a nice holiday visit this year.

Janet said...

Thanks Shirley, Mema Jo, Judy, and Judie....The whole thing seemed too well rehearsed....too smooth....thinking about calling the county clerk's office/and or consumer affairs tomorrow....

JO THAT IS SUPERB!!!! the yoga that i do is restorative...very gentle, very slow and with lots of props. with a back injury i have to be careful ...i have found yoga is for ANYONE who is willing to can modify and such things as chair yoga are wonderfully beneficial...please please please let us know how this goes for you. one of the best benefits that i have found, beyond the the relaxing, de stressing effect the meditative breathing has! i am most pleased for you!!!

and on another note : JUDYE what horrible news. ... i have no words...

just got home a few min ago...had a 90 mn massage with one of my fave therapists. tom tried a new therapist.....he liked her pretty well.

now to a quiet evening. back to work tomorrow.... check in with ya'll later....


Judie said...

Really like the pictures, Margy. Thanks for sharing.

Janet said...

JO: on my facebook wall I posted an article about yoga today that debunks some misconceptions. you might like to read it. :) hugs

JudyEddy said...

MARGY Love it Loved them all the pictures are fantastic I just love that place and again I want to say thank you for showing it to me when I was there last year soo soo pretty I love the snow and the reflections, I love the mountians with out the green trees looks so black and white very neat pictures That always reminds me of a crew cut hair cut the mtn and tree ODD HUH

JudyEddy said...

Funny how I can close my eyes and see inside my mind the swinging bridge still today and the rainbow colors of the mountains that day was sooooo pretty

Hoda said...

YAY JO!! Awesome news on YOGA!!! I am sure you will find it a great way to move energy and rejuvinate. Keep us posted I am very PROUD OF YOU JO!

JANET I agree with the others in regards the scam and so do be careful.

Good nest visits reports. Thank you.

All is well here and town is going back to normal even though there are MEGA SALES going on and the decorations will not go down before the 7th of January which is old Christmas.

Very good yoga practice and returning to a routine is beneficial to me.

Lynne2 said...

SO, maybe if I'm up watching meteors, I'll hear some TUNDRA SWANS!

Judy, OMG. that is so awful.....

Jo, good on you for signing up for the Chair Yoga! Friend Dave's mom, Friend Carolyn was taking that, prior to her mini strokes. She could still do it, I suppose, but she isn't allowed to drive anymore. She really enjoyed it.

Shirley, I've been keeping watch on Freecycle for a chair!

Lynne2 said...

Steve's Dr visit was good, all is progressing well. He can start leaving the boot off in one week, as long as he is resting, propped up and/or in bed. Otherwise boot on. More movement exercises to do. Stitches are out, adhesive tape (I forget the actual name of it) applied. It will be mid April to Mid June before he'll be full weight bearing. Wrist cast off in 5 weeks and as long as rads are good, he can then wear a brace on the wrist. No return visit needed to the DR for 5 weeks unless any problems!

Lynne2 said...

So sad about the pups. These things, as cliche as it sounds, just happen. Sometimes a whole litter will just die, one after the other, in a phenom called "fading litter". For whatever reason, the pups just fail to thrive, despite medical intervention. It is not unusual for one, or sometimes 2 pups in a litter to die, but it's very, very sad.

Lynne2 said...

I messaged the OC via FB yesterday and this is the reply I got...

Outdoor Channel 10:52am Jan 2
Yes, will continue to host the Live EagleCam page on the website. We will also provide a place for discussion both on the site and on a dedicated Facebook page. Thank you for your continued participation.

Lynne2 said...

forgot to say that Steve almost passed out when the PA was removing the sutures! It is just SO sore...he broke out in a sweat and everything and I didn't even notice because I was engrossed in watching the removal!

JudyEddy said...

OK LYNNE2 does that mean the forum will continue being they said they will have a place on that site as well as facebook ????

JudyEddy said...

Great news about Steve

JudyEddy said...

getting better not almost passing out LOL

JudyEddy said...

Is there a cam with the puppies????
sad news about the puppies-- I went on the link I have and shows the past puppies and pictures of them with people not current and I think that is what Dana said but just wanted to know if there was another link

Lynne2 said...

I don't know Judy! "a place for discussion on the site"....hmmm. No idea what that means so I guess we'll find out on the 14th!

magpie said...

I talked to a paramedic today
who said it is a very weird
experience putting sutures IN...the old needle and thread way...
he go to do some of that
when doing his ER clinicals

Glad for all the updates, Lynne2 -
"Steady as S/He goes.."

Hoda said...

I second MARGY glad for all the updates LYNNE...I like Steady as s/he goes...
Blessed Be.

Hoda said...

Awful news about the shooting in Walmart sadens me a great deal. Being middle eastern does not make a person anti-american...I am born there and I love the USA both...people act this way out of fear and ignorance...I hope the person heals.Both the shooter and the victim.

Hoda said...


Judie said...

Well, I'm with Steve. When sutures, old fashioned type, were removed from my ankle, I passed out cold. Darth said I was out for about 10 minutes. Woke up with a crash cart nearby. Crash cart almost sent me bye bye again.

Lynne, give Steve a hug and tell him it will get better but it is a long process.

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all.

HP!! Whoo hoo!

Savannah eagle at CRC laid an egg today!

JudyE, they won't put the cam on the lab pups until Friday at earliest...they want to make sure the pups are OK, they have given them some antibiotics, probiotics and antibodies.

Lynne2 said...

oh Judie, really? I think of you often these days, remembering your broken ankle. I know you of all people can sympathize with Steve! I just didn't remember THAT part! I'll tell Steve, it will make him feel better...he was thinking he was just a wimp!

stronghunter said...

Janet, good idea to call the clerk of court's office and tell them about the phone call. I think they would not take kindly to having someone falsely claim that they calling from that office.

JudyEddy said...

the new egglet is just peeking out from under mom

JudyEddy said...

you know sometimes when you hear of the scams call sometimes I think wow wouldn't it be cool to get the authorities involved and go along with the scam to bust them but you never think of that at the time

JudyEddy said...

My cam has been up since the cam came up (pop up only) so nice since the last cam huh

JudyEddy said...

I can't leave the fl cam up like that because that is when I get the shock wave crashing also facebook but both cams I leave up along with the blog silly huh I want on demand cams and blog I guess LOL

JudyEddy said...

Well I'm calling it a day
See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Judie said...

Lynne. I remember Darth telling the nurse that I can look at the goriest crimes scenes without batting an eyelash so he couldn't understand why I would lose consciousness at the sight of sutures being removed. Well, the thing is, those bodies are not mine but the sutures were in my body.

JudyE, I also wish the cops could set up a scam of the scammers. But the reality is cost and available manpower. If the scam is big enough, it's worth the cost. Otherwise, violent crimes take precedence.

Judie said...

Okay, I just heard the sandperson trying to sneak down the hallway -- stupid sandperson because the floor squeaks. I must wish everyone restful sleep. The sandperson is on the way.

magpie said...

I Always thrive on your posts

magpie said...

Court case today for me
was for a Child Abuse and Neglect hearing...
first one like that for me
to attend
It's still on my mind an throughout my whole self in fact

magpie said...

Sometimes those geese sounds remind
me of the squeezy ball bicycle

magpie said...

Sandperson has been lurking here for quite some time and I think he is winning the battle

Best wishes for Sweeeeet and
uninterrupted sleep for all...

Prayers for Wellness...
Good Night, Precious Pals

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxox ♥

Mema Jo said...

Mr Sandman - I am going to get me some restful sleep. One more TV show to watch and then that's it. Get a haircut
tomorrow thank goodness.

Prayers for all our needs
Good Night my friends
Sleep well
I love us ♥

JudyEddy said...

saw notice from caring bridge saw no one brought it over so I thought I would

""Isaac had an awesome day! He is on full g-tube feeds now. They are still continuous but if everything looks good tomorrow, he will be slowly transitioned to bolus feeds. He did well with baby food today having good swallows and increased volume. Pain meds continue to be weaned along with some of the other steps!

Tomorrow is a HUGE day for us. Isaac's dilation & endoscopy are scheduled for 8:30am. They may do another bronchoscopy but will make that decision tomorrow morning. He is also having a g-tube study which will tell us if he needs another surgery. Please be in prayer about leaks, nice stong & appropriately wide esophagus, hernia to be insignificant, and great results from g-tube study--NO MORE SURGERY NEEDED! I believe in the power of prayer as we have seen miracles happen with Isaac from the very beginning. Thank you so much for all of the support you have shown us during this amazing journey. Prayers for miraculous results tomorrow!!""

paula eagleholic said...

Oh yes, Janet, that certainly sounded like a scam....

Working on putting Christmas away, decorations, dishes, laundry.

Stay away sandperson! I need to get some more stuff done!

Have to peek in on the SWF eaglet :)

paula eagleholic said...

Anyone make any New Years REsolutions? Mine is to get some of this CRAP out of the house!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, I finally posted a couple of Christmas pics on Paula's Prints. Larry has my pics of the grandkids on his camera, so I don't have any of those on there yet.

paula eagleholic said...

Back to cleaning up!

stronghunter said...

Time for me to say good night. Supposed to be really cold here tonight.

Will came home with a bandage on his thumb. Managed to cut himself taking down a Christmas tree at the store. Geesh. Attacked by a fake Christmas tree. Has to stay home for awhile because the doctor says no lifting.

Ms Bookworm said...

Hi, Gang,
I actually made it back here, and didn't fall asleep in the chair after dinner!

Judie, good to see you, too! I will have to search for the e-card you sent to Emma! I don't remember seeing one.

Paula, I haven't made any New Year's resolutions, but I'm trying to get rid of a lot of "stuff" in the house too. About to rent a bulldozer and a dumpster. The operative word is 'simplify.'

Prayers ongoing for Baby Isaac for tomorrow. Hoping all will be well!
Also healing prayers for Lynne2's Steve, and all others in need.
Hope everyone will get a restful night's sleep, with sweet eagle dreams! I'm making sure the porch light is on, and enabling both security systems. Good night, and God bless! I love all of you!
♥♥Remembering and missing Lynn♥♥
♥♥Carolyn & Christie♥♥
I ♥ us!!!

stronghunter said...

Paula, I like your resolution. I need to get lots of stuff out of this house, too.

I had enough stuff when it was just me, but now it is really something. Have made some progress, but have a long way to go.


Janet said...

well, up late, but slept late this morning...the sandman not only knocked on my door, but i think may be leading me by then hand to bed...thanks for all of your input on the phone call today....glad to know i wasn't the only one that thought this just doesn't seem right.

sed ya'll. see you in the a.m.!

paula eagleholic said...

Andy, good to see you back. Glad you had such a nice visit with your family!

Yes, simplify!


Lolly said...

Getting on to say good night. Today was another stressful day. I am going back up tomorrow, but Jack is staying home. He had a crown fall out so he has a dental appointment. Lots more to do.

See ya when I see ya!

Oh, the ambulance came to the neighbors across the street. Well, all responders came. Called tonight to see what was up. JoAnn fell in the shower and fractured her hip. She is so far gone with cancer and now this. She is 69 and won't be here much longer.

I know you all can send up prayers for peace for her.

I love us! SED!!!!!

Costume Lady said...

Oh, we did have a fun day, Gene and I...after Dentist, went to Red Lobster And had I had crab legs and lobster tail. Gene had a combination similar to mine, but with scallops:) We then went shopping...came home and watched a movie. My kind of evening...low keyed, but fun:)

Starting to do face to bed with me!

Nite, love and prayers for all♥

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

Looks to be some fresh snow in the nest this morning.

DanaMo said...

Good morning! I slept like a rock last night. Boy those kinders wear me out!

DanaMo said...

Sounds like a wonderful evening Wanda.

stronghunter said...

So glad you had a fun evening, Wanda.

I get tired just thinking about a roomful of kinders, Dana. Have reached the point that I really would not be able to get all the way down on the floor with them. I do remember sitting on the floor with a 3/4-year-old or so on my lap and hoping they were fully potty trained.

Back in those days, I did Vacation Bible School with the little ones. Usually had Kathryn or Susan helping me. Back when Kathryn worked with me, we were told how seamlessly we worked together. I did not have to tell Kathryn what to do. She just knew. Came from raising twins. She was their second mom.

stronghunter said...

Brought my coffee maker up to my bedroom. Nice to be able to fix coffee without going downstairs.

stronghunter said...

Susan gave me a Keurig for my birthday. It is very nice, but seems a bit expensive when you want several cups of just regular coffee with a little cream. I have the Keurig on the kitchen counter, but I still like my regular coffee maker.

DanaMo said...

I brought my Kerig to school. It is great when you want just one cup of coffee, but I still make a pot here at home.

Sandi said...

Good morning Dana and Shirley and all my eagle friends!

Got all 3 wiener dogs out to pee and poop and they have eaten (Bandit sleeps in so Denny takes him out a little later). Still have a few minutes to post.

Jo, when is Michael's crainiotomy (sp)? I know it's coming up soon?

Margy, why were you attending the hearing yesterday? You may have said but I missed it.

Lynne, glad to hear that Steve is making progress!

Lori, what's the word on your dad?

Dana, how did the move-in go for your folks?

Lolly, just reading about all the work you and Jack are doing makes me tired!

Glo, your eagle photos on FB are spectacular!! Thanks for sharing them!

Prayers for all needs on the blog, esp. for little Isaac today!

Make it a great one - it's Thursday already!!

Lori O. said...

Good morning, everyone, SANDI, SHIRLEY and DANA!

Thanks for all your prayers for my Dad. He found out yesterday the cancer is rectal cancer, but it hasn't spread much...they'll know more when they do the surgery. He has an oncologist appt in Pittsburgh next Wednesday. He will still have to have the bag, but if they can get it all during surgery he may not have to go through chemo!

DanaMo said...

Time to shower and wake up the kids. Of course, Aric, apparently stayed up all night. Guess he will sleep the day away. It's going to be a rude awakening for him when he goes back!!

stronghunter said...

He will make the adjustment, Dana. Easier for him than for us.

Hearing something very strange downstairs. Must go check it out. BRB.

stronghunter said...

Okay, it seems that the bassets were up to something down there. Probably Flash getting into the food bin.

Dana--good news that the cancer has not spread much. Keep us posted, please.

Okay, hearing it again. Maybe the sound of the food bin shutting. Will have to show you what Flash does.

Lori O. said...

SHEP in the nest!

stronghunter said...

Yay! I see Shep. Looked like he called out. Just turned up the sound.

stronghunter said...

There is that noise again. Good grief.

Lori O. said...


stronghunter said...

Belle and Shep!

stronghunter said...

Noise was Luna trying to get to something in kitchen. I think she smells the leftover soup in the bowl Hunter left in the sink last night. You would think we are starving this poor dog.

Both eagles still in the nest.

Janet said...

morning all! now this is the way to start a day! eagles in the nest!!!!

back to work today! hope everyone has a great day! :) hugs, light, love and healing to all in need!

stronghunter said...

This is when I have to watch the clock carefully. Hunter waits until

Shep poofed.

Lori O. said...

Poof SHEP.

stronghunter said...

Hunter waits until 7:20 to put on shoes and socks, get his jacket and bookbag. . .

Belle poofed.

stronghunter said...

and walk out the door. He will be out the door at 7:25. Bus comes at 7:28. Makes me nervous.

stronghunter said...

Okay, I think the night light just went off.

stronghunter said...

Hunter has left. Actually walked out the door at 7:24 this time.

stronghunter said...

Could not stand it anymore. Went downstairs and gave the dogs more food. They ate it and then the noise started again. I think Luna has decided that she can get the good-smelling dish from the sink if she tears the cabinet apart.

I have barricaded the dogs out of the kitchen.

glo said...

Good morning all. Adding special prayer today for Lolly's neighbor That is such a sad situation. Lori's Dad It may not be the best news but overall it is good news. Today is a big day for Baby Isaac surely hoping for that miraculous news. Prayer list continues to grow. Our cam is working great. our eagles are "eagling" and we are enjoying. Over the weekend I will update Glo's Glimpses here on Blogger with some photos form the first week of 2013 Eagle Season where i live for those not on facebook and actually Blogger doesn't mess with the resolution or size the way facebook does so all of them even I will like better. from Grayspace Studio is coming to visit next month. I am so excited to see her. You are still very welcome and i do hope you will come sometime too. Actually any momster I have come to "know" is welcome in my home. MUST LOVEDOGS :-) HAGD everyone

Lori O. said...

You are so sweet, GLO! Who couldn't love dex? :)

Judie said...

Good morning!

Wishing the best outcome for Isaac and for Lori's dad and Lolly's neighbor. Hoping Dana's parents are getting settled.

Sandman did something very unusual. Left a note for me to find this morning. Said he was turned away, ever so politely, by a woman named Paula. Hurrumphed around town for a while before returning to her roost.

Andy, the card was an e-card back when Emma was sick.

Off to get a large dose of coffee, think some more about class assignments, and put away holiday stuff.

MT nest when I checked.


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good morning my eagle budlets. I missed the eagles this morning but I am sure they will be back! :)

This is our 8th season of watching. That is unbelievable to me! I feel so grateful to have been blessed with this cam and all it entails!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I have a prayer request this morning. My neighbor, Kim Cain, is having surgery this morning to remove a cyst from her ovary. She has been diagnosed with polycystic ovarian disease. They have been trying to have a baby for a little bit without success. Hopefully this surgery will fix that. They are going to put her on fertility drugs. She said she really didn't want to be Octomom though! :-) Such sweet people. They also have my granddog, Caesar. :)

Lolly said...

Good morning! 28 and heavy frost this morning. Went down for the paper and the world was all sparkly. Very pretty! Red bow on the fence was especially pretty! Possibility of snow after midnight. We shall see.

I am off for Denton shortly. Jack is very grateful to stay home, but I will be happier to be up there and helping. Time is running out with them getting back to school Monday. Lots of boxes need to be unpacked. Need to get the kitchen organized and the boys rooms in order. PC knows where his litter box is and is very calm. Both dogs are restless and needy. Isabelle has not been moved yet. Laurel is really concerned about PC getting out so we have to watch the doors. I think a stay indoors for a while and then taking him out and staying with him will have him adjust. A move is scary with animals.

Lori, very good news about your dad. A bag is not fun, I am sure, but with time he can adjust and to not have chemo is great.

Ash and Michael have offered to get me a Keurig (sp?) but they are so expensive!! I have told them no, I will stick with my pot. It certainly makes good coffee!! Also, I have seen advertised the reusable containers for Keurig, but wonder if it is as good.???? hmmmmm????

Ok, I am off! Hold down the fort! I shall return and one of these days see our eagles. Love the reports, pics, and videos!!!


Mema Jo said...

Good morning ♥
Isaac's big day - Isaac was just taken into surgery. Prayers for a miraculous report please...BIG, BIG day! Love to all :-)

stronghunter said...

Hi Lolly,

I mentioned the reusable containers to Susan. She said she has one, and the problem is that it is hard to get the used grounds out to clean it. I can picture that.

WV sUSAn said...

New Thread!!!

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6/17/24 mt nest nut in tree

 Love the rainbow effect the prism of the lights  Deb said the Eagles flew into the nest tree so we know they're in the tree