Monday, December 17, 2012


Waiting for an update on cam status.

New thread.


Mema Jo said...

Good late morning - I am home and I have a feather for being 1st

movin said...

Good morning, everyone.

Thanks much for the new week's thread, Steve. The new equipment sounds great, but we aren't getting picture (except blue) here in So Cal yet.

News on Phoebe: she's finished her new nest, and she just laid her first egg about 3/4's of an hour ago.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Nope Jo, it is your feather! :)

How do you feel?

stronghunter said...

Good morning,

Yay! A new thread. Thanks, Steve. Hoping that the new cam will be up and running today.

Thanks for the new thread alert, Jim.

Lori, I am hoping for a power wash of my house, and that should be it.

Heard lots of commotion next door and checked to find that they are putting in the power lines over there. Carla will be happy to know that power should be connected soon. They've been waiting for that.

Prayers, Jo.

Mema Jo said...

Good morning Jim! I have a feather for you! lol Good to see you and I hope all is well with you! Love your emails!

I was in with my Hi-Tech robot from 8am - 10am. I was such a 'still' patient that it didn't take as long as they thought. It was really an amazing procedure! Flat on my back and could not move once they had all the coordinates set! Above me were blue skies and fluffy white clouds to see (painted of course) and the taped music was very soothing. My friendly robot moved all around me and would stay at each position for a while. You don't feel anything and you don't see anything except the large arm of the CyberKnife robot. Quite an experience and the only reason I now will put my feet up is that I got up at 6am - not my usual time. BBLT

stronghunter said...

School lockdowns--we practiced every year in cooperation with the police department.

Our procedure was similar to what they did at the school in Newtown. Locked doors, covered windows, going to a safe spot, lights out, all of those things.

The hardest thing, I think, was that they said that after the initial check in the hall to see if there was anyone to pull in, you should not open the door again, even if someone was begging to come in because it might be a trick. I would have had to use my best judgment on that one. Obviously, the idea was to protect the kids in the room.

Police and administrators would patrol the halls, checking doors and listening for sounds. Not always easy to keep a roomful of teenagers quiet.

stronghunter said...

So happy it is over and so happy that it was easy, Jo.

movin said...

Good morning, Mema Jo. How are you feeling??

I could use some prayers from everyone for my sister, Ann-Marie. She came through serious cancer of the throat maybe 6 years ago, but now she's been found to have cancer again where the esophagus enters the stomach.

Several specialists will meet early this week and decide the best course of treatment. It won't start until just after Christmas, she thinks.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Mema Jo said...

Jim - no problem to add Ann-Marie to my prayers! I pray they find a successful way to treat that area.

stronghunter said...

Prayers for your sister, Jim.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Our date and time is right on the still cam. Now if we can just get that pic!

Judie said...

Good very early afternoon.

Jim, prayer for Ann-Marie.

I also just checked Phoebe. Sitting very pretty. Thought she might have an egg.

Potted Plan Owl has two owlets.

Jo, so very happy all went well this morning and the procedure was not traumatizing.

Shirley, hope the nightmare is all but over for you. Christmas will be merry and bright for you.

stronghunter said...

Good morning, Judie. Nice to see you this morning.

stronghunter said...

Hoping for a merry and bright Christmas, too, Judie. For everyone.

stronghunter said...

Oh, yes, it is afternoon. Time flies when you are having fun.

stronghunter said...

Will be having even more fun when the cam is up.

Lynne2 said...

Prayers for your sister Jim!

I'm at work, Lolly. Very sad/bad day here...MTBR

Steve is home alone, God help me....he's SO tired of sitting around and it's not even been a few days!

Jo, pretty cool about the robot experience! Glad it was so easy!

Lynne2 said...

anyone know...will the cam still be on the Outdoor Channel site?

Hoda said...



PRAISES and GRATITUDE for JO'S positive experience this morning.


It is SNOWING BIG TIME here...cleaned my car out twice is still coming down...might not go to yoga this evening.Depends on the weather.

LYNNE I do not know about Outdoor Channel. I have not read anywhere that it would not be.

Glat cleaning and washing today...


Hoda said...

Glat???it must mean Got...LOL

Lynne2 said...

have the still cam up....on pins and needles awaiting the big moment!

SNOW! We could use a little snow!

Hoda said...

I only have a blue screen on my still cam you have a picture up? I will have to try the live cam screen.

I will send you some snow....supposed to snow here all week and then we are told we will have a green Christmas because it will rain!!! SLOPPY it will get I hope not!!!

Hoda said...

Nothing on the live feed, same sign see you in 2013!!!

Lynne2 said...

I figure if we get a picture on the still cam (time and date are correct, and it's counting down to refresh) then the live cam will be on!

JudyEddy said...

on lunch and no cam still waiting I see this is worse than waiting for a baby to be born LOLO

Hoda said...

I like your thinking LYNNE...:)

stronghunter said...

Have been doing some on-line shopping. Need to find food now.

movin said...

Thanks to you, ladies, for the offer of prayers for my sister. I'm sure they will be very effective in bringing her through the treatment successfully again.

God bless you all.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

movin said...

Lynne, my still cam is still very blue; however, I just refreshed the page, and the date and time are suddenly current.

Probably they'll get it up and working soon.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

movin said...

I need to get to some other tasks...some Christmas, some regular stuff.

Talk to you all later. Hopefully we will be looking at our new cam scenes by then.

C(°ٿ°)D Jim

Sandi said...

No live cam yet, I see.

Jo, glad today went smoothly!

I see prayer requests for Lolly's friend Margie and Jim's sister Ann Marie - OK, I'm on it!

Will try to check in later. I have a Christmas party this evening with a bunch of my tennis friends. I am so tired today I can barely stay awake here at school. Have to stop at the store and then make an appetizer when I get home - doing that quick and easy dip recipe with Velveeta, cooked pork sausage, and a can of RoTel that takes about 15 minutes to make. Then hoping I can get a nap before the party so I don't fall asleep in the middle of it! Most of these ladies don't work so drinking and partying on a Monday night is no biggie for them!

I am very surprised that there has not been ONE CHANGE made here at school with regard to safety - several outside doors are still unlocked, nothing has been mentioned about having a crisis drill. The kids are all buzzing about rumors on Facebook that there is supposed to be a shooting this Friday at one of the 2 high schools, since 12/21 is supposed to be the "end of the world." Talk about Merry Christmas!!


Sandi said...

Just got an email from my friend Joanie who owns Rose of Sharon Equestrian School that they're in 7th place in the Triple Crown Nutrition contest. If you haven't already voted for her school to win some cash, and you're on FB and can vote before 12/19, Joanie's ponies would be forever grateful! Here's part of her email:

UPDATE: With help from ROSES family and friends, we have over 350 votes, so thank you to those who have all ready voted! We still need over 1,000 votes to make it into the top 3 places. Please forward to your friends and family with a facebook account! Remember to only vote once from a desktop or laptop.

Lori O. said...

Hey, now I have the correct date and time on the still cam...SO EXCITED!!! Can't wait to see Belle and Shep!

Hello to all my eagle buddies!

JudyE and LYNNE2, sorry you're having to wait this out at work. Hopefully soon, though!

grannyblt said...

Prayers for Anne-Marie.

Lynne2 said...

SOOOOO foggy here. Not looking forward to the drive home in the dark :(

DanaMo said...

Good evening! Just a quick run through so far.
Glad Jo had a good experience.
Jim-Will add AnnMarie to my list. It should be easy to remember her name since that is my daughter's name.

Need to think about cooking some dinner. Always feel like I need to cook every night with Aric home, but first, I need my pajamas!

paula eagleholic said...

Evening, all.

Hope they are still working on getting the cam up...figured we would be really lucky if it came up today...but I think they are shooting to get it done.

Going out to do some shopping, catch ya'll later.

glo said...

My son just finished a 600 mile drive down through TN and GA in storms both yesterday and all day today. He got to his home about 20 mins before a tornado struck down the street. He is sitting there without power and needing badly to do laundry and get something cooked to eat BUT he is very grateful to be home as I am that he is there.

Kay said...

Excitement is building as every day brings Cam Day closer !!! It will cheer our hearts to see Belle n' Shep !

Mega prayers for LYNNE's dear Steve, LOLLY's friend, Margie, JIM's sister Ann-Marie, our own super duper JO and any others in need !

JO, I've wondered how CyberKnife works upon seeing ads on TV. Amazing ! Thanks for the enlightenment, but I wish you hadn't ever had to find out about it. OUT DAMN SPOT, indeed !

SHIRLEY, so glad things are progressing on your house and the one next door. What a long ordeal !

Raining like cats n' dogs here today. Penny doesn't like to go out for long---good thing, for neither do I ! Have used the day to put finishing touches on Christmas. Only a week left !

Love and prayers for all ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

JudyEddy said...

Home from work and I think they were waiting to get the cam up for when we all were here OK now we are all off work I shall wiggle my nose and the camera will be working LOL I can dream can't I

JudyEddy said...

So happy the treatment was good JO

Hoda said...

Well so much snow here I have yet to hear the city snow removal people and they must be busy with the centre of town. In order to get to the flat there is a very steep hill I have to maneuver and I am not sure I want to do so at night and without it being ploughed.
It does not look like I will be able to get to yoga tonight...
Cleaning is done and I washed the floors and I feel much better about being in this small little place. Nothing like some cleaning to recreate energy in a place.

Lolly said...

Jo, I soL admire your spirit! Way to go! ove it!

Love you bunches!

Friends coming to dinner tonight. On the menu...Imperial Chicken, Garlic Baked Butternut Squash, and Three Cheese Risotto. Have been cooking all afternoon and more to go. Love it!

I will be back later!

NatureNut said...

Good Evening Eagle Buds!
Jo, so glad your treatment went well. OUT, OUT DAMN SPOT!

New prayer list prayers for Jim's Anne-Marie and Lolly's friend, Margie and for all others.
I think it's Monday! Stayed up most of the night wrapping stuff to get mailed```went to bed at 5AM and got up a few hours ago! DUH Wrapping and doing some cards for work. I need an elf!
I think I need din din and doing the do! BBL

Hoda said...

Well Snow Fall Warning is now off. Just heard two 25 year olds took their boat out on the lake today!!! Heavy snow and choppy!!! What wer they possibly thinking. The boat capsized and Search and Rescue spent time trying to locate them...they made it to shore apparently but did not think to check in to say they were alright!!! Three communities sent out Search and Rescue crews...honestly stupid is as stupid does!!! They should be given the cost of the operations this afternoon...I am glad they are alright but they had no business being out on the water today!!!

Hoda said...

Food sounds good at your place LOLLY. Enjoy your party.

JudyEddy said...

A must see video I have seen it before SHARON posted on facebook and so did I we all need something to make us laugh now

Cats playing Paddy Cake

JudyEddy said...

gonna go get a shower before I find something to watch for the evening Last night I watched a good movie of LMN Another Mans Wife It was good

Mema Jo said...

Isaac is doing the best I have seen him do for several days- Praise the Lord! Thank you so much for all of the prayers! He still sounds rough when he is breathing but his stats were back up to par this afternoon & evening. Please continue to pray for his breathing & congestion to clear and that he will get this eating thing down-I got the go ahead on starting back oral feeds today :-)

Mema Jo said...

I did what Jim did earlier in the day -
Refresh the Eagle Cam - Still Image and the date & time are current - That's a start

Come on Cam


Mema Jo said...

Michael update
He went to the Neuro surgeon this morning and he got a date for his crainoplasty. He will go in January 9 and will have his skull put back in place. It will be exactly 3 months from the date it was taken out. He will stay in the hospital for at least two days and then be able to come home helmet free:)

Hoda said...

Very good news on MICHAEL JO...GOD BLESS HIM. It is amazing how well he has healed. PRAYERS continue.

Lynne2 said...

Great news for Michael and good news for Isaac!

Hey Janet, if you are lurking, I looked at the baby pics on your blog but was unable to post a comment. I had to prove I was a real human by typing in the letters shown and no matter what letters I got, I just never got them right. GGRRRR

Hoda said...

Is it another early appointment tomorrow JO? Are you getting up at six in the morning again for a 7:30 Appointment?
Maybe you will soon head to bed to get your rest. We will keep you in a circle of love and prayer tomorrow and Wednesday.


Lynne2 said...

Hoda, those people taking the boat out should be fined or something. It's just not right that they didn't have the common sensed to stay off of the water and then caused others to have to risk their lives to save them... UGH!

Loretta, I see you've become a nocturnal being....LOL!

Glo, sure glad your son got to his home safely and timely!

DanaMo said...

Monte is stranded in St. Louis. Flight into Baltimore canceled for fog. Looks good for Sandi to have a fog delay tomorrow, maybe???

DanaMo said...

Who is "Penny" Kay? Did you get a dog? I was off for a few days and must have missed the news! Do tell please!

Sandi said...

Home from a fun Christmas get together with tennis friends!

Dana, it's foggy here too - sure hope it sticks around til tomorrow morning!!! Kay rescued a little 6 year old red shorthaired dachshund - got her last week! =)

Off to bath and bed for me! Happy to hear good news about Isaac's breathing improving and Michael getting a date to get his head put back together!

Jo, sending special prayers your way for another easy procedure tomorrow!! Love ya!

Goodnight all!

Hoda said...

Sorry MONTE is stranded and pleased for a possible fog day for SANDI...It seems too long a whole week after the events in Connecticut.

God Bless ALL the TEACHERS.

Hoda said...

I hear they will be given a bill LYNNE. The consensus here is that they were irresponsible and they should have checked in to let the Search and Rescue know they were ashore.

Janet said...

good evening all

LYNNE2: thanks to you (and everyone ) for the comments regarding lorelei. i thought i had that thing set so folks could post comments.....i hate those type what you see in...i don't know if i can change that part or not, but if i can/could i can/will.

haven't been lurking, lol. been at yoga. just popped on to see what's what tonight.

am tired. its been a busy day. keepign everyone close in heart and thought. sweet dreams, yall.

paula eagleholic said...

Home from shopping...pretty much done. Have to check the wrapping paper, though!

Sandi, I had to LOL at your comment about Michael getting his head put back together! So True!

Jo, glad your treatment went well. Hope you are feeling OK today, and continue to.

My throat is FINALLY feeling better (hope I don't jinx it!)

Lynne said Steve's confusion is all gone! He is getting around with a walker, but it's no picnic.

Oops, meant to post all that awhile ago, LOL

Hoda said...



Costume Lady said...

Disappointed that the cam didn't get started today. Don't know what needs to be done, but, if it entails bringing a truck up to the Sycamore Palace...most likely, too much mud. Has been raining, softly for hours.

Good night dear friends, love and prayers headed your way ♥

Lolly said...

Company is gone...I am tired. Had dear friends over tonight, more like family than friends. But we had a great time.

Tomorrow going to bake some more, but Jack and I just might go to the movies tomorrow. Time to see The Hobbit.

Margie still had not seen the surgery doctor as of this evening, they are trying to manage her pain. Also understand she will be getting a new hip, not just replacement. She is 80, very tall and very slender, a real active person. I see her rebounding from this situation.

Heading to bed! Night all! SED!!!

Lori O. said...

DanaMO, sorry about Monte being socked in...but hope it gets SANDI a fog delay!

LOLLY, so glad your dinner went well...wish I loved to cook and bake like you do! Have fun at The Hobbit if you go today. Prayers for your friend, Margie.

JUDYE, are you taking your laptop to work again today? :)

HODA, sorry you were snowed out of yoga last night. Glad you're safe and sound, and warm!

PAULA, congrats on finishing your shopping! That's a good feeling. Now the wrapping part. Don't pull a LORETTA and stay up all night wrapping!

Prayers for all in need, and especially our JO for your second treatment today! I love you, JO!

Off now to get ready for work...why does this feel like such a long week already? UGH.

Waiting to celebrate the return of the cam and the first sightings of Belle and Shep! Cheers!

DanaMo said...

Good morning!
Glad to hear someone is done shopping, good for you Paula. I'm hoping that things ordered arrive on time. My cards haven't gone out or anything. I have a hard time doing much until school is out. Just the way things go!

Only 1.5 days left for me!!!

I hope that Sandi gets a fog delay, but I also hope that Monte is able to get out this morning. He plans on getting here, and then driving to NY. We are down to 1/4 mile visibility here. Just said it on the news.

DanaMo said...

Pray for my dad today. It's a Chemo day! He is doing well, but my mom feels he is depressed. We do not think it's because of the cancer, but because of my brother. What can I do? I really wish my dad would just let it go...I have...and my mom is doing pretty well with it. He has to just move on and not let it get him down. Pray that my dad is cancer free and that my brother come to his #$%^& senses because I'm going to ring his neck for putting my parents through this. My dad needs to be positive!!

Sandi said...

Good Tuesday mrorning Lori, Dana, and all my eagle friends! No fog here in Bethany! Rats!!

Dana, was Monte aware there was so much traveling in this new job? Were you? Hope he makes it home safely. Prayers for your Dad, both mentally and physically. I surely get the wanting to strangle your brother part!!

Prayers also today for Jo, Michael, little Isaac, Thelma's brother-in-law, Glo's Mom, Emily, Lolly's Margie (wow, a new hip at age 80!!) and Jim's Ann Marie, and for anyone I have forgotten.

Make it a great day. Up way too late last night, emailing back and forth with Brian and Lynnis about a dream house they're looking at in Loudon County, VA. Now to face down the restless natives!

DanaMo said...

Sandi, Monte has always traveled. It was the "price we paid" to move back to Hagertown, 14 years ago. It was much harder then, Annemarie was only 10 days old when we moved back and he took a sales position. He really isn't traveling any more with this new job than he did before.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eaglebudlets
LORI I usually have my lap top at work I sit in MCDs use the free wifi and also can leave McD and still have the wifi up through out the store all the way to the parking lot Pretty cool it goes all that way But I am not telling the McDs manager that LOL

DANA will be keeping your dad close to heart and sending postive and healing thoughts his way as well as all on the blog who needs them
Does he have many treatments left???

Janet said...

good morning to all....

we are closing in on winter break and on the holidays. i will be celebrating Yule this friday.....i need to pick up a couple of items for dinner, yet. i seem to stay behind this month! normally i'm on top of things, can't seem to get there this year!

i am however, done and have been with gifts and wrapping! :) yeah me!

winter break starts tomorrow @ noon. tom and livvy will be home.

i got some good news yesterday; it looks like we have pinpointed a place for me to have my Reiki seminar in Michigan in August. I will make some phone calls and firm that up today. I am getting both excited and a touch nervous about this.....and we aren't to january, yet!

hope everyone has a great day. holding all close in heart and thought today! ((((HUGS))))) and smiles.

glo said...

Good morning everyone. Snow storm is coming well maybe you know how the weather folks are. Off to get a few things and finish a little shopping. Might stop by the Marina for a eagle count. :-) Maybe they will surprise me today. Prayers for all indeed. HAGD

Linda said...

And.....a later Good Morning to all!

JANET - I remember when the kids used to get out much sooner and it was always a challenge to get my shopping and wrapping (or hiding of presents) done before they were home for their break!! I remember the frustration of trying to get that part done and all the decorating done so early! I rarely succeeded!!

Linda said...

Now as an adult with teacher friends, I feel so badly that they have to work all the way up until just a few days before Christmas!! I am so fortunate that I have only had a few years here and there that I have worked full time for someone else - with no flexibility to take time for personal tasks. I don't know how you ladies who work full time get it all done!!! Most of my career has been self-employed. KUDOS to all you women who can do it all.....and then some!!

Linda said...

DANA - I forgot to mention the Homily you posted Sunday was so well prepared. Thanks for sharing it. Hoping that Monte made it home safely this morning. Praying for your Dad's chemo treatment today and for his broken heart about your brother!

Maybe SANDI should knock some sense into DANA's brother and DANA can knock some sense into SANDI's brother!!

SANDI - Hope your day isn't too long today after a social night out! The kids must be so ready for the break by now anyway, it must be hard to keep them focused. It's too close to Christmas to keep them in school. It is hard enough for them to stay focused without the holidays!

LOLLY - Praying for your friend, MARGIE, that she gets her surgery today and is on the road to recovery very soon. I just love hearing about your cooking adventures and so enjoy how much you love spending time preparing food as you do! It takes good planning for the right ingredients and then many hours on your feet! That is the tough part for me! Glad you had an enjoyable Christmas evening with dear friends.

JO - Such amazing news about Michael's surgery in just a few short weeks. Hopefully in a month, you both will be completely healed!! It is amazing reading about your cyber-knife procedure, too. Thank God for the miracles of modern medicine!!

Linda said...

GLO - Thankful your son made it home okay, and even more thankful that tornado didn't hit his end of the street! No power is better than a destroyed home!

glo said...

Thank you Linda From what I have read on the 3rd ID page out of Ft Stewart It stormed there off and on all night. Sure hoping for a better day. I have not talked to him since that brief call he was home as saving his cell phone power since he is a little sick of sitting in a truck. Weather remains crazy in many places indeed.

Linda said...

JIM - Praying for your sister, Ann-Marie. It's even tougher to hear when cancer comes back, especially at this time of the year. What will the plan be for her treatment?

Which reminds me.....

THELMA - Thinking and praying for your brother-in-law, too.

PAULA - Let's hope that sore throat is gone for good!!

I've been dealing with something in my ear that isn't painful, but is annoying for a couple months now! It's been getting worse. It feels like I have a little bit of water in my ear, but nothing comes out when I shake my head!! Nothing there!!

Went to the doctor yesterday and he said I do have a bubble in my ear and fluid behind I am not going crazy! I have also been having sinus headaches, which are all probably related. He gave me two different nose spray inhalers that will hopefully clear up the sinusitis and unblock the tube in my ear. No infection in the ear, though. I'm glad I went before it got worse!

Linda said...

Yes, indeed, Glo about the weather. I think we are getting some warning signs from above.......

It seems like the past several years in December and January there have been tornados in the southern states. Something that never used to happen. It surely is scary.

Linda said...

And where is our MARGY????

Just a friendly call out to let you know you are loved and missed!! Your comments always bring happiness and joy to this group!!

Okay, I'd better get something accomplished today. I am dragging and I'll be sorry later!!

Wishing you all a great day today!


glo said...

I will let someone else bring over all the info but Isaac needs some prayer this morning. Still some breathing issues and Nicole is asking us to pray. I am praying now.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

From Nicole: In need of prayer this morning...Issac is having difficulty again. His chest x-ray looked good but the blood gas lab indicated his CO2 levels are high. They also did some respiratory cultures but nothing back on that yet. They suspended oral feeds again. Feeling a little discouraged since he seemed to be doing so good yesterday evening. I know Isaac is in the Lord's hands and he will be fine in the end but I hate to see my little guy struggling. On the up side of things, I get to see Chuck & Eli this evening- soooooo excited for that reunion! Prayers!

Linda said...

I know I have taken up way too much "real estate" here this morning, but one more thing.....

Praying for peace and comfort in the lives of those families who have suffered losses and trauma in Newtown, CT.

A couple more funerals today. Something a parent never imagines having to do.....

Burying their child at the age of 6 or 7....

May God be with them....

Linda said...

On it....

Praying that Baby Isaac's little body heals and his breathing comes back to normal. He has been through so very much in such a short time. Praying this set back is short lived.

Also praying for Nicole as this must be so difficult for her to watch knowing she can only pray. Stay strong and trust in The Lord as you always have.

God Bless Isaac.....

DanaMo said...

I was so hoping...just pulled up the cam, but alas, nothing. :(

Lolly said...

Good morning!
Yes, Dana, I just tried pulling up the cam, too. What's up???

Prayers for Isaac!!! Oh, I hate to hear that he is having breathing problems again!

Prayers for your dad, Dana! And, prayers for your brother.

Linda, great to see all your posts. Hope your ear problems and sinus problem are on the mend.

I do love cooking, especially cooking for others when I have the time. I find myself humming as I go about the preparations.

I am ready for Christmas and I am enjoying being ready. Guess I am not feeling any Christmas stress and that is good. Our "stress" is coming after Christmas. Laurel will be here, but heads home on Thursday. We head to her house, probably Friday after Christmas. Going to be painting the boys new rooms and get them moved BEFORE they head back to school. YIKES! They get the new house this Friday and Saturday we are moving boxes!

Lolly said...

Oh, and while we are moving boxes that Laurel has already packed, she is going to be finishing her shopping. Been there done that! I really hate it when teachers have to work right up to Christmas.

Hoda said...

Waiting to hear from JO...
Hoping it is going really well for her.

Christmas is fun LOLLY and do let us know about the Hobbitt

First Solstice and then Christmas we are getting closer and closer...

Hoda said...

Off to run errands...
Have an awesome day everyone.

Thinking of JO and hoping it is all going well...maybe she went out to lunch again today?

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

My friend Jackie's body was returned home to Bedford yesterday. Today is her birthday, 45 years old. Tomorrow is her viewing and Thursday is her funeral. I am so sad. :(

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Lord, what I wouldn't give to see this cam operational!!! I could use an eagle fix the worst kinda way!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

I love you Sher!!

Lolly said...

((hugs)) Sharon!!!!!♥

Bev, worried about your foot! Take care!!!

We are about to set a record...warmest Dec ever!!! Do not like this. Reminds me of the weather growing up. Grew up in far south Texas, in the Rio Grand Valley....where it is semi tropical. Land of the palm trees and the bright sun shine!!

However, a system is moving this way for around Christmas day...possible snow? Oh, well, sunstroke one day and snow the next!!! Presently 73...groan! lol What I would give for 73, when it is 100 or over!!

Kay said...

So glad I finally tuned in so I can pray for DANA's dad and little Isaac even more fervently today. Prayers of thanks that Michael is doing amazingly well ! I know he and the entire Lennox clan can't wait for Jan. 9th.

DANA, yes, I found a lucky Penny at the animal shelter. She's a doxie, copper penny brown in color, 14#'s and 6 yrs. old. I just returned from a long Malcolm conditioning session at Julie's. We took them for a walk together, played with them, let them snark at each other, etc.. It's going pretty well--Penny loves to groom Mal and he's fairly patient with that. I'm going to have both dogs from Christmas night through Dec. 31st as Julie and the guys are going to Florida for some sea and sunshine fun. You may recall how it pained me when they gave up their planned Hawaiian vacation last June due to my back surgery. The airline tickets had to be used by the end of the year. They just didnt' want to go to Hawaii afterall and will be at some resort south of St. Pete. I will have to walk the dogs separately and will have the help of friends at the dog park, weather permitting.

I'm sure you're all used to my habits by now---ask a simple question and you'll get a novelette in return ! ☺

SHAR, dear, my thoughts and prayers are with you. You've lost so many who were near and dear to you this year. Please take comfort in knowing what a good friend you are and how you've blessed each of those lives !

I'll shut up for today, light a candle and say prayers for all in need ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Lori O. said...

I keep thinking I'm going to check on the cam and it's going to be there....soon I hope! Belle and Shep are waiting!

glo said...

Very touching

Mema Jo said...

On the second day of Cyberknife - everything went well - played Christmas music. Almost fell asleep - lol

Tonight the regular TV shows should have a Christmas theme! I hope so!



JudyEddy said...

Home from work to find no camera I also looked at lunch before I headed to Angies at lunch :`(

SIS great news for Michigan in August long time a way something to look forward to

so good to hear JO that the second day went good to and funny you almost fell asleep

LINDA the ears can be a annoying thing and so glad the dr found something there and you are not loosing it LOL and never worry about taking up to much real-estate on the blog we love hearing from you

Went to the park for just a few min today and saw both eagles on the tower They must have eggs other wise wouldn't be there at mid day and not sitting on the eggs either But with the temp going to almost 80 today I guess they didn't need to sit on them all the time HMM

oh and another thing the District Secretary asked me if she could go one time with me to the park I thought that was odd of her to ask I told her that I only go up there at lunch when I have to run to Angies work at lunch and maybe one day we can go up with out going to Angies

JudyEddy said...

LOLLY here in Fl we are warmer that we normally are tooo but we have a cold front and suppose to get to 56° not much of a cold front 73 for the high

JudyEddy said...

Has anyone asked about the camera HINT HINT anyone LOL I wonder what the issue is something in the barn or what????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????????

JudyEddy said...

KAY I live near ST PETE and my daughter lives in St Pete How long will they be here

JudyEddy said...

WOW just on the news Great human interest story
A police officer in Plano TX stopped a guy for expired tags He told the officer it was either food for his kids or the tags Well the officer gave him a ticket and also a one hundred dollar bill with it Isn't that just fantastic and he used the money to get his and his wife's also done The officer wants to remain anonymous

paula eagleholic said...

JudyE, nice gesture by the Texas officer!

Going to get my tree done tonight, I've had it up for 2 days needs to be covered :)

Hoda said...

God Bless the Texas Officer.

YAY JO very good to hear it was so comfortable you almost fell asleep. Let us hope it is doing its job...OUT DAMN SPOT

Frustrated with my bank.
In May I discovered they deducted 20 dollars over the amount of check I had written. I spoke to them and we documented and nothing. SO I went back again in October and did the same thing over again and they credited my account the 20 dollars.

The end of September I used my Debit card at the co-op and the transaction has yet to go through!!! I phoned the co-op and they tell me it appears they got their money but will investigate. It is not on my bank statement and the bank is so slow I dread having to go over and tell them about you see why it is annoying?UGH!!!

Good day here and I continue to want to do cleaning and sorting things out...I think I have more things to take to the second hand store.

Sorry SHAR. I am glad her mother managed the international transport of a body. I dreaded it would take never know with bureaucracy. RIP...

Lolly said...

Hey...nice folks here in Texas!

Hoda, we enjoyed The Hobbit, though it is more like Lord of the Rings than the Hobbit.

Can't wait for Joseph to see it as he is going to love it! Nothing like lots of burps, belches, and troll snot to make that boy roar with laughter. lol

JudyEddy said...

JO did you see that Robert Wagner is going to be on tonight show TERFFIC TUESDAY

JudyEddy said...

Another human interest story from the news tonight The Red Cross had a fund raiser today at Don Cesar Bch Rsrt &spa in St Petersburg Gingerbread House competition and they entered their own house in the show,
it was the gingerbread houses were made and then destroyed to look like a hurricane had hit them They did a great job There is a facebook page but with no pictures I posted on there and ask if they could post pictures We will see

Hoda said...

LOLLY so glad the movie is good. I might rent a few over the Christmas Holidays...want uplifting and inspirational movies. Any suggestions?

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

OK gonna go get ready for TV nite

Hoda said...

I much enjoyed my trip to The National Gallery today JO...Thank you. I had been there several times and it was fun to see the paintings. Love you JO and think my calendar is great.

Lolly said...

I am so excited tonight. Years ago our church sponsored a family with three young girls from Laos. I was a very traumatic experience for me as I became very involved with the family. I loved those little girls! There was a lot family drama, violence, divorce and then they moved away. I was devastated as I loved those little girls and they disappeared with their father. Well, guess what! Just about a month ago on fb I found the youngest and she became my "friend" of fb. (There is a story about her!)
Anyway, just today I became friends with the other two on fb and they are just as excited as me! It is awesome....I am sitting here with a smile on my face!

Hoda said...

This is terrific LOLLY very touching and how awesome it is that it could happen through the social media network...there is a place for it...
Blessed Be...Do you have pictures and are they well and do they live in the same town together have they gone to University...lots of questions.God Bless your Church and congragetion for sponsoring a family from Laos.

glo said...

My Very touching post at 5:20 is a link. I didn't point that out so some may not have noticed. Many of you though would probably find it well Very touching. HAGevening. I am watching Charlie Brown Christmas. :-)

Hoda said...

Saw it GLO and yes it is very touching. Hallelujah!
God Bless The Children.

NatureNut said...

Skimming through~~~~Know it was Cyber Tuesday! Said some prayers at work. Sounds like things went well. Maybe they were playing Lori's station!LOL
I can't stay up all night as our Park Division is having their "meeting" in the AM!!!Instead of the usual Xmas lunch, they're doing brunch at 9 AM!!!!What kind of party is that?????
All I have to do is hem up the other leg of my new teal pants, do a couple cards & do nails. If I get real brave, I might use my teal polish & put glitter on top!
Lolly, your story about the girls is fabulous and I'll have to tell my TX daughter about the Santa police.
BTW, those police found my SIL's $8000 lawn mower that was stolen. It did have about 30 miles on it & now it has 200! Since insurance payed for it, Jimmy will have to see what they want to get it back!
They know who the crook is because of the property, just have to catch him.
If I konk out, Please have a great evening, Pleasant Feather Dreams ;>), and there are Good Health Prayers for All.

Lolly said...

Hoda, I have seen pictures of two of them and a picture of the husband and children of the other. I have pictures of them when they were little, and since they have none, they are thrilled to have the pics. All of them have children, two are married. And, so I learned the oldest went to a technical college. Will be in correspondence with them and will be learning more. They have made me feel good expressing that they are "ecstatic" and have warm and happy memories of me. WOW!

glo said...

Lolly That is all so very special. I think I can see you smiling clear over here.

magpie said...

That's the way it oughta be, Loretta,
Another Bite Being Take out of Crime!

Have fun at the Brunch!
Yah, too early !
Teal, nice....the pants and the polish (and the glitter)

Good Evening Eagle Pals...!

magpie said...

I have plenty of Christmas wrapping!
Would gladly share...
I have not done a lot of shopping...and haven't sent Christmas Card One out...yet...
but I have receivec many very lovely ones

magpie said...

I have read about our new prayer needs and the ones that are ongoing...
I'm IN.
God has certainly showed up in my life these last few days.
You know, His hours, are 24-7.

magpie said...

I am so sorry of the new illnesses and ailments, that I read of...
Jim's sister Ann-Marie,
Lolly's friend Margie,
and as I said, the many ongoing,
Jo, Isaac, DanaMo's father...
please forgive me for not being able to name them all right now...

GREAT about Miracle Michael's cranioplasty in January,
and great, peaceful and comfortable report from Jo on her procedures

And Yeah, I have been checking the Still Cam, often ! Wait for it, Wait for it.....
we're old hands at that ☺

magpie said...

Whoa, close call for your son, but so glad he arrived home safely, albeit, with no power ... hope that has been restored

magpie said...

My step-daughter and her Dad (my former husband) left half an hour ago, bound for South Florida, they will drive straight through and get home in 18 hours....

The last week has been filled with many glorious, joyful, warm and peaceful moments....James had an especially good time during this visit. Yes, he took a few days off school...but certainly for a good reason; he'll be fine.
It was his Birthday visit, now he is a teenager.

magpie said...

I am thinking of you in the sadness of the
loss of your dear friend, and the
funeral coming up soon
(( Hugs ♥ ))

magpie said...

Hoping your ear ailments
heal up, PRONTO !

magpie said...

I've been in make-believe
since last Thursday...
off Wednesday also
but our staff party is at 3,
so I'll participate in that.
It's in the dispatch room, so we all
take turns being plugged
in and dispatching out the emergencies.

magpie said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
magpie said...

I just deleted last the post, didn't like my choice of words!
It was a slang expression
with a definition I didn't
care for...

So I have been
magpie-ing away,
I have missed you all,
just can't keep up too well
these days.
New Year's Resolutions??
You should SEE my list !

Time to disappear for a bit, see
what I can accomplish around
here for an hour or so...

xoxoxo ♥

Hoda said...

Good to read your posts MARGY. Welcome back.

LINDA I hope you feel better soon.

I will drive to Rossland tomorrow a ski town west of here...I will meet a friend I have not seen since 1993 ??? Looking forward to lunch with her. She is an awesome lady and I so look forward to sharing a meal and visiting.

I have to go see what the roads look like and what the weather says for tomorrow...

Hoda said...

UhOh!!! Snow Fall Warning in Effect!!!

magpie said...

OH boy, Snow.....
Well, Hoda, you sure DO get around, but sounds like you might have to postpone this one!
1993? That's 19

magpie said...

and Thanks for the Welcome Back, Hoda ♥

Sure is nice, our gasoline prices have dropped bunches during this last week;
Sigh, what a relief!

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Magpie, your expression still came to my email! I thought it was pretty funny!

I will travel to Bedford tomorrow and spend the night. Such a sad time but WE will get through it!


Lynne2 said...

Evening all....

Hoda, I just googled your weather and I see about 8" of snow in your immediate future!

Mema Jo said...

I have watched my 2 shows and now going
to get some things in order for tomorrow. Last appointment is at 2:45 pm
I won't have a CT for 4 weeks to see that they that it is gone

Going to close down and say
Good night everyone
I love us♥

Lynne2 said...

My MILs area is going to get hit hard this coming weekend so they'll not be venturing down here for the weekend/Holiday.

magpie said...

too E.S.P. Lynne2!!
I just sent you an email, and commenting on that exquisite avatar.
Charley Harper per chance ?
xoxoxo HELLO !!!

Lynne2 said...

LOL....yes Margy, it came to mine, too!!!

magpie said...

I had heard about snow on the 21st.
Then the round of "end of the world" jokes set in

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

We are supposed to get 5 inches of snow! YAY. I just hope it waits until I get back from Bedford on Thursday evening.

magpie said...

'Night-Night, Jo...
and Good Night to Ed and Michael also....

sure glad you enjoyed your shows....
Best wishes on the 3rd of 3 robotic treatments Wednesday....

Lynne2 said... it Margy. Well, Dr C lost a dog on the table yesterday. It was a freak thing, an otherwise apparently healthy lab puppy, 6 months old, in for her spay. Surgery went fine, no bells or whistles during surgery, they finished, still on the table they turned her on her side and then suddenly her heart just stopped beating, and they couldn't get her back. It was devastating, esp for him because he's never lost one before. There wasn't a dry eye in the house.

Lynne2 said...

and yes, it's a Charley Harper avatar!

magpie said...

Oh dear Lynne, I am so sorry and sad to hear about the puppy loss, and hope comfort has come in some way or another for the doctor....
and all of you at the clinic

magpie said...

and about Charley Harper,
I think he is the BEST at that kind of artistry that he does...
simply amazing!

magpie said...

Thank you, Lynne, on both counts...

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Welcome back Magpie! You were sorely missed!

Lynne2 said...

Bev just reposted this

Isaac took a turn for the worse earlier today and has been put on a nasal canula and some meds have been added/changed around. He is doing some better tonight but still struggling a bit. Please continue to lift us up in prayer. I think a reunion with his Daddy & big brother will help him perk up a bit tomorrow! Love you all :-)

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

From Isaac's Mommy:

I never realized how much I missed hearing, "Mommy, hey Mommy, Mommy will you..., Mommy look, Mommy did you know..., Mommy I haven't seen you in a long, long time and I missed you!". I am so thrilled to see Eli and Chuck this evening. Many thanks to Greg Riffe for getting my guys to Charlotte safe & are awesome!

Isaac took a turn for the worse earlier today and has been put on a nasal cannula and some meds have been added/changed around. He is doing some better tonight but still struggling a bit. Please continue to lift us up in prayer. I think a reunion with his Daddy & big brother will help him perk up a bit tomorrow! Love you all :-)

Lynne2 said...

starting to crash. I'm so tired lately.

Steve has his first post surgery followup with the Orth tomorrow.

Have a good night and prayers for all.

magpie said...

Bumping up prayers for Isaac and Steve...
thanks for bringing this to us,

Sharon: "Sorely Missed" -
hope that does not mean you are still SORE !
..and THANKS !

Lolly said... great to see you back on here! You have been missed!!

Have been doing some more chatting with my three little girls from Laos. They are excited to tears and that fact has excited me to tears too! This is so very awesome!

magpie said...

Talk about Joy:
Nicole being with her
Other Little Man today,
and her Big Fellow ♥ ♥
Double Dynamite !

magpie said...

It sure sounds like the three lasses are doing nicely!
Now there is some early Christmas for you !!

magpie said...

We were able to have James's birthday party at The Big House...
it was like being at a fine resort!
and my nephew-in-law came up from his Man Cave....the 6 car garage/workshop ...for awhile and spent some time with us.
Everyone loved him!
I've experienced innumerable blessings these last 7 days
(and all my life, actually)

Lolly said...

Yes, it is a dream come true. I have wished for them to show up on my doorstep, well fb will work!!

HODA, please drive carefull tomorrow!♥

magpie said...

I think I am about to go
(as in: FacePlant!)

Better scoot along before that
Good Night, Precious Pals...

Prayers for Wellness All Around!

God Bless Us,
Every One xoxox

Hoda said...

I will play the possible trip tomorrow by ear...several people here say going into Rossland requires four wheel drive and I do not have that...steep mountain town...reports of icy roads also...I am discouraged from going!!!SAD :(

Thanks LYNNE and LOLLY and MARGY.

Hoda said...



magpie said...

I'm still kerplunking around, closing down soon, was
hoping to see Wanda here,
I think there was an
extra soup kitchen tonight,
so I betcha....she and Gene are "plumb wore out."
Thinking of you, First Mate and

Night-Now, Friends
xoxo ♥

Lori O. said...

Good Morning friends, we've made it to the hump...Wednesday! This week cannot be over fast enough!

Still no word on the cam, I see. DANG!

HODA, have a nice lunch with your friend, if the roads permit you to travel. Please be careful.

LOLLY, a great story about the little girls who are now your FB friends! I could feel your joy!

MARGY, so great to have you back! I missed you!

LYNNE2, so very sad about the lab puppy. I'm sorry to hear that. Just remember all the good work you guys do!

JUDYE, HINT, wanna ask about the cam? :)

SHARON, please be careful on your drive to Bedford. So sorry about your friend. Big Hugs, my dear friend!

Running behind this morning, but wanted to touch base with everyone.
Off now to get ready for work.

Have a great and joyous day, all!

I love us!

Sandi said...

Good Wednesday morning Lori and all my eagle friends!

My 8th graders are simply awful this week - Friday can't come soon enough!

Prayers for all - make it a great day!

T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle momsters and dadsters.

T-Bird said...

I need help! My OCD has taken over and I can't leave the tree alone. You know, this ornament needs to be there and that ornament needs to be at another spot. HELP! LOL

T-Bird said...

I'm not sure if I mentioned it lately but Jerry, my b-i-l, is having his surgery Friday. I sure hope it god's will that they can get it all.

T-Bird said...

The most powerful prayers in the world come from you momsters and dadsters. Thank you so much.

JudyEddy said...

Good Morning Eaglebudlets

T-Bird said...

I'm so sad. I missed the Charlie Brown Christmas special last night. I've got the one version saved but not the one showed last night.

T-Bird said...

SANDI-Have your students paid any attention to the news about the recent school shootings?

T-Bird said...

I mean shown not showed.

magpie said...

Good Morning, Eagle Pals...

T-Bird: If it's any comfort, I did not see the Charlie Brown Christmas Special show either !

Yes, I am praying for your brother in law, and for COMPLETE SUCCESS AND GREAT OUTCOMES WITH ALL THE TREATMENTS

magpie said...

LOL = Lots of Luck..
with the OCD'ing on the
Christmas tree ornament re-arranging...
I can relate, (from past years)
but do not have a Christmas tree going up this year...

magpie said...

Thinking of JO on this the third of three
treatment days in the
cyber-knife schedule....
Hope it goes so very
peacefully and
comfortably today,
(( Prayer Hugs ♥ ))

magpie said...

Okay, Wednesday Morning Eagle Pals...

A New Thread is Upon Us

with an update on the cam issue
AND a picture of the Nest !

See You Over There.... !!!

Judie said...

Fresh thread. Screen shot of nest.

stronghunter said...
This comment has been removed by the author.
Unknown said...

Saw them hatch at about 7PM EST 3-18-13!

3/12/25 PM 🐟

 12.56 PM Scout comes to the nest to relieve Bella of her incubation duties getting close guys. He does have a Talon load of bedding. He lan...