Monday, December 03, 2012


New thread.


Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I get a feather!

magpie said...

Yes you sure did, Sharon!!!

Thanks, Steve, bet you can't get over how unchatty we are today !

Thanks, Sharon, I have not been to the old thread yet but I bet you made an announcement!

xoxox Hi Eagle Pals !! ♥

magpie said...

Gotcha Jo...
Dominick it is !!!

Just trying to catch up,
read about Paula's Glorious sighting this morning, what a send-off!

Heard my first coyote at The Big House last night, eerie it was !!
And then this morning saw a few Wild Turkeys fly off the roost into a field...

magpie said...

Received my first two official Christmas 2012 cards today here at Magpie's Roost!
And wonderful ones they are!

magpie said...

Oh my goodness, Sissy!
Thank you ever so much for putting those pictures of Miracle Baby Isacc and his great parents, on your picture blog! Made my day!
And yay, I see, "Mystery solved."

magpie said...

You all get those colds and ailments out of the way before too long, please ??
Christmas is coming you now,
not a good time to be sick!

Out, Germs, Out !!!

magpie said...

you now = you KNOW

Lolly, wonderful report on the Church service and the boys' participation Sunday....

magpie said...

Time's UP for me...
time to move along to the other house, still in transition, trying to get settled in and determined NOT to live out of boxes!

Hoping to hear from Lori soon, and that all went well...
You can eat REAL Food soon, Lori!

Take care, Eagle Pals...
See You Later on This Evening...

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

For anyone who watches The Voice, Pat Monahan will be filling in for CeeLo Green tonight! :)

Kay said...

Good afternoon, Eagle Buds.

No word from LORI yet I see. Am anxious and will keep checking.

Wonderful account of Eagle sighting, PAULA ! Nick is an excellent Eagle Scout !

MARGY, my 2012 Christmas card collection began with a beauty on the 1st. My own send outs will, for the most part, be on-liners, but I still love to get the old timey version, too !

So SHIRLEY's house is becoming beautified and so is she, with a new perm today ! Lookin' good !

Congrats on the feather, SHAR and thanks for our New Thread, STEVE. We don't thank you often enough for allowing us to share your blog and keeping us supplied with threads and news of Belle n' Shep. Please know how much we appreciate you ! ♥

JO's right, we are an "unchatty" group today. Can't wait for the cam that will bring out the chatty in us !

Love and prayers for all you dear EM's ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I asked Steve about the cam and this was his reply:

Waiting to hear from our techies and our Regional Eagle guy for clearance to go up the tree. Should be very soon.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Lori is playing Words with Friends. I told her she had inquiring minds over here!

magpie said...

Lori is probably playing words like
Real Food
Rest and Relax !
Thanks for letting us know she is
around and about, Sharon!

Helloooo there ☼HI☼ Sunshine Kay...
anyway you put your Christmas greetings they mean the World to us !!

I didn't leave...I am trying to put things away where they belong here at the APARTMENT

magpie said...

And thanks Double E-S Sharon that is, about the reply from Steve!
Satisfies us inquiring minds here also !!
xo You Rock !

magpie said...

I think I have done as much as I can here...
must go do unpacking
battle at The Big House...
and the Night Bandit is
Fast on My Heels !!!
Run, Magpie, Run !!!

((( Hugs to ALL, and I
mean to ALL!))
xoxo ♥ ☺

Kay said...

Ah so, LORI is feeling up to word games. A good sign that all is well !

Yes, thanks for sharing Steve's latest on the cam. My heart does an extra pitty pat just thinking of seeing our beauties and their nestorations and nestcapades again !

Thank you MARGY ! And, won't you be happy to settle in to just one residence again ? What's up with your dear grandson these days ? Love that Kidster !

Tried to do some blog catching up and am saying an extra prayer for SANDI's mom, DANA's dad, JO's Michael and SISSY's Isaac !

Kay said...

MARGY, I think I've missed some very important part of your double life ! What's up with the apt. and the Big House and the way they now fit into your very interesting life ? Nosy, ain't I ? ☺

JudyEddy said...


JudyEddy said...

I was sitting in the driveway talking to my neighbor Ken about the eagles and got the ole laptop out and showed him the Ft Meyers and now I worry about others using my wifi need to call to see if I can lock it Ken said that his wife says no but will call to find out myself
Home from work as if you didn't know


MARGY every time you say big house You know were my imagination goes LOL JAIL LOL

Sandi said...

Hi all!

Paula, what a wonderful way to start your last 2012 day in Paradise!!

In my mail today was a beautiful "X Marks the Spot" eagle photo from Glo, along with her photo taken with Dex on her Christmas card! Glo, glad to hear that Emily is doing well!

Dana, forgot to tell you your cookie recipe sounds delicious, but way too much work for me!!

Lori, hope your colonoscopy results were good and you are feeling fine. Bet food tasted good today!!

Carpet guy was just here to measure and give me a price to recarpet the stairs from the ground floor to the living room (the bottom 2 steps got wet during the flood and, since the carpet is 11 years old, we decided to replace all of it, as well as the carpet on the stairs from the first floor to the second floor). Yikes - price was a lot more than I was hoping/expecting!! Will be getting a 2nd opinion!

Time to feed dogs and people - later! Starting to get foggy here - would LOVE a fog delay for tomorrow!

DanaMo said...

Well the first batch of cookies is almost just a memory since half the batch went to OH today.

Looks like I will be starting another batch in the near future.

Frustrated today over car issues. Adam's little fender bender was supposed to be fixed tomorrow and Wednesday. When I called to confirm the guy said we weren't on the book. Geesh. I think I goofed but it still makes me mad. I got a message last week that it was due in tomorrow, but I didn't call back, because it was fine with me. I guess maybe I was supposed to.

Heading to Hopkins tomorrow with Mom and Dad. I will drive. Too much on my plate right now. Wish Monte was around. Just really depressed that I have to handle all of this, car, parents, Adam's ankle, school, Christmas...whine, whine, whine. Sorry. If my a$$ brother would step up it wouldn't be so bad.

So I would really like the cam up so I could have a happy distraction.

Sorry, I should whine. I hope Lori is getting to eat some good food.

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

We all gotta have someplace to whine DanaMo!! You can whine to me anytime. Sometimes life is overwhelming! ((((BIG HUGS))))

No word on Isaac today. I am assuming since he is awake, they are spending all day with him and will update us when they go to the apartment tonight. I pray it has been a good day for them. I will let you know when I do. Sandi, carpet is much more expensive than it was 11 years ago, huh?

Paula, if I were you, that would be my permanent residence for sure!!! That is truly paradise!!! We have eagles at our version of paradise too, just no ocean!!

Love and hugs all around. Hope everyone is feeling well tonight. I love us!

JudyEddy said...

This was just on the news it happened Nov 19 but a cute story of a several week kitten stuck in a replica statue of Abe Lincoln so cute
Meet Lil ABE cute name

JudyEddy said...

HP today at the OK nest pictures posted on facebook on their page

JudyEddy said...

OK nest egg laid last year was Dec 17 HP going on now could be a early year Sally said

DanaMo said...

I'm eating ice cream!

JudyEddy said...


DanaMo said...

Vanilla with Chocolate syrup and Reese topping and walnuts!!!!!!!!!

Mema Jo said...

Received my photos from Glo! They are really beautiful. Glo's card with her and Dex pictured on it is a keeper.

Tree is trimmed and a few more decorations need to be put in place.

I am organizing a closet in my bedroom - No Tv until I finish - maybe tomorrow lol

Have a good evening my friends - ice cream and all!

Tomorrow will go well for your dad - he needs to be where the BEST care is and Hopkins sounds like a winner! ♥

paula eagleholic said...

Ooo, a new thread!

How is everyone this evening!

Home safe and sound! Paradise closed down until Mid-March. Such a pretty day, it was hard to close it up!

Skins are playing tonight! Go Skins!!

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, saw 2 eagles on my home tonight! A juvenile near the dump (surprise, surprise!), and an adult a couple miles later!

paula eagleholic said...

Sharon, thanks for Steve's updates re: our cam!

Lori, hope it all went well today!

Margy, a cool!

Sissy, I think it's great you have eagles at your paradise, too!

grannyblt said...

A friend and I went out late this afternoon and saw a short eared owl and a harrier or three chasing each other at sunset. Well, I say sunset but it was gray and nearly foggy. Hope to catch the sight of some ducks later in the week. Really hope to see "our" eagles every day soon.

JudyEddy said...

I am sure most of you remember Nilla Janet L Kolb was on facebook

So today i wen to doctors about this ear cancer... He numbed it an of course took biopsy but telling me its deffinatly cancer.. Procedure i guess any ways alot of pain like ear caught in car door.. So he gives a choice 15 rounds of chemo or this surgery called Mohs Micrographic Surgery.. I opted for surgery rather than chemo... Means the doctor will keep taking my ear until he reaches cells that arent cancer.. Fun huh... I had surgery for cancer on my forhead few years ago like 72 stitches but must say no big scar... Has an of ya'll had any experiance with this surgery??? How did it go???? Right now the pain is tolerable but i had to go get new tags for my car at DMV an set there for hours on end in horrible pain... But on the bright side last night talked to granddaughter Jazzy and today got to see Leland for awhile... He just loved me n loved me... but i didnt buy him an little cars i usually take him.. even looked in my pocket book.. so i gave him 2 dollars n abuch of change.. He put it in his jean pants pocket... his mommie took him to Wal Mart she said he was setting in car seat tappinghis pocket... he got to matchbox cars and M&Ms... Going over to watch him tomarrow awhile... So hope everyone elses day was good

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

A sunny day in Boston!

Isaac has had a good day. We got to see some smiles today! He has been stepped down from the high flow nasal canula to th regular canula and is on fairly low oxygen flow. They are planning to do a g-j tube placement sometime in the next couple of days which will allow him to have real food rather than IV nutrition only. The g-j will allow the food to go directly into the beginning of his small intestines and will prevent reflux until his esophagus heals. Please be in prayer that this goes well. His meds were also cut in half today which is a huge step in weaning him off and he is being supplemented with other things to ensure he stays comfortable during this process. It was a gorgeous sunny day in Boston-even inside the hospital! Love to all :-)

Good night everyone!!!

Linda said...

Another amazing update on Issac!! So thankful for all these miracle steps he is making. Praying for this healing to continue each and every day!!

Paula - I would have loved to have woken up to what you saw in Paradise this morning. You really found a gem there. So happy you did!

DanaMo - Hang in there, Gal. You are doing a great job of balancing it all, even though it may not feel that way. Stay strong in your faith and Pray!!!

Linda said...

Another amazing update on Issac!! So thankful for all these miracle steps he is making. Praying for this healing to continue each and every day!!

Paula - I would have loved to have woken up to what you saw in Paradise this morning. You really found a gem there. So happy you did!

DanaMo - Hang in there, Gal. You are doing a great job of balancing it all, even though it may not feel that way. Stay strong in your faith and Pray!!!

Lolly said...

Wonderful report on Isaac! Thanks, Bev!

It has been a busy day and I am tired. Got a meal ready to take on our trip, got a meal ready for tomorrow at Laurel's. Made two cherry cheesecake pies for her birthday. Did some grocery shopping and we we also got the trailer. Busy busy busy!

Linda said...

Sounds like JO and DANAMO had a great time seeing Megan at the Market!!

Everyone's getting started on Christmas decorating. Same goes here at this roost. Little by little, we are getting lights up and decorations out. It takes a few days.....

LORI - Glad to hear you are on the other side of the colonoscopy and you don't have to worry about that again for a while. Hoping and praying the results were good!

LOLLY - You are such a proud grandmother!! You've got some great grandkids and they are surely blessed to have you and Jack. Glad you and Jack had a fun date yesterday.

SANDI - Great news to hear your Mom is planning that trip to TX in spite of all she has been through lately. She is determined to live her life to the fullest in the time she has left. Who knows, maybe she has a lot more time!! Sorry about the brother problems!! I know how that goes. I had 5 of them and no sisters!!

Linda said...

Sounds yummy, LOLLY!! Enjoy Laurel's birthday!!

I'm heading to bed! It's been a long and busy day here, as it seems many of us are having lately. Tis the season, right!!

May you all have peaceful sleep!!

Prayers for all.....

Lolly said...

Tomorrow going to load the trailer before heading to Laurel's about 2. We try to beat rush hour traffic in Fort Worth, also picking Jacob up at school.

Going to say good night. I really am exhausted!

Night all! SED!!!

Lolly said...

Linda...(((hugs))) We were posting at the same time and I almost missed you!

Hoda said...

Great on ISAAC.

Wished LORI would chime in but I bet you she is asleep. Starved and then food equals sleep.
Let us know soon LORI pleas. Love and HUGS.

Thank you SHAR for the news on the Camera. Thanks STEVE and NCTC for doing all the work.

Good day here...errands, bills, writing, reading, lots of rain, yoga and a walk.I also cooked.

DANA if you did not whine I would seriously worry about you for taking on too much and not knowing it. Frustrating about the car but it is not life threatening so I hope it does not take too much of your energy.

Your week sounds busy LOLLY, but enjoyable too. I loved the pictures of the wedding. Is the Bride African American or Mexican?

News from Egypt sets me on edge and then I put things in perspective and remember gratitude.PRAISES...God Is Good All The Time.

Mema Jo said...

Thanks Judy for the update on Nilla
Prayers for her ear surgery

Sometimes the evenings seem so long and at other times it is bedtime before you realize it.

Lori I hope you are resting well and feel pretty good now.

There isn't hold back little Isaac's progress. So thankful the good Lord is watching over him

Headed for the pillows - take care and AOYP to all.
I Love Us ♥

*Lynn - Redskins are holding only 1 point advantage. Holding my breath!

Hoda said...

JUDYE sorry about the cold. It seems to be going around strong here too. I keep taking zinc and Vitamin D and so far touch wood I am clear.

Welcome home PAULA before you know it March will be here. Your morning sounded see nature unfolding and I think it is all magical.

MARGY I am glad things are shaping up at the flat...It is wonderful that you are willing to help the new owner/nephew? when he goes over seas to serve...I would find it hard to have two places to call home. I think I would get confused.

Costume Lady said...

Just stopping by to wish all of you a GOOD NIGHT AND SENDING MY LOVE♥

Hoda said...

Goodnight all.


LORI I hope you are resting well.

Lori O. said...

Thanks guys for all the kind thoughts! the procedure went well, but the doctor said they took out 3 medium sized polyps that will be biopsied. So we'll know in about two weeks wether there's anything to worry about...or pray about. I'm not worried now - does not good to create things to worry about!

Lori O. said...

sorry for all the typos above!

magpie said...

Well, Hallelujah here's Lori....
Yes do not worry, the doctor probably told you that this is fairly typical....
I had one, then the second time I had an "enlarged" ileus or something like that....and all turned out OK.
Now get some real food but take it easy for a day or so...
If you are working today...I'll be listening !

Good Morning Eagle Pals !!
foggy it is, hereabouts

Sandi said...

Good Tuesday morning Lori and all my eagle friends! No fog delay - rats!!

Lori, I'll remind you what Regina, the custodian on my hallway says - if you pray, don't worry! If you worry, don't pray! Good for you for not worrying about those polyps - we'll ALL pray with you that they're benign!

Dana, I'm sorry you have so much on your plate right now. How long is Monte gone?

Judy, I know several people who've had Mohs surgery to remove skin cancers, esp. in very sensitive areas (one of the teachers at my school just had it to remove a basal cell on the tip of her nose). All have said good things about it b/c they take the least amt. of tissue they can each time, then check and go back as necessary, rather than just cutting deep and then stitching.

Linda, happy to see you back on the blog more regularly. I know you've had your own serious brother issues!!

So thankful that the wonderful news keeps on comin' for little Isaac and his parents!!

Prayers for Michael, Isaac, Dana's dad, Thelma's brother-in-law, Glo's "Mom," and Emily.

Make it a great day everyone!

magpie said...

G'Morning Sandi...

the countdown begins in earnest for
Christmas vacation for you and all our wonderful teachers!

DanaMo - We have you encircled with our Momster Hugs and Love....
don't be shy about bringing it to us...

Thinking of you today as you spend this important day with your Mom and Dad

Best wishes for good outcomes

magpie said...

sorry to read about our pal Nilla-Janet, thanks JudyE -

and happy to read the lastest on Isaac

running a little behind schedule, need to sign off with a Big Wish for a good, better, best day Today,

" See You Later " I hope, from work

xoxo (( Tuesday Hugs ))

magpie said...

Happy Birthday to Diana !
a Momster since April 2011..maybe she will PEEK in and say HI !


magpie said...

Out, Damn Spot, Out !!

OUT, Germs OUT !

ttfn, really....

Janet said...

good morning!

popping in for a quick hello and top of the morning to ya!

i was fully booked yesterday with 2 120 minute massages and a 60 min massage. that was fine, except, i think the painting Saturday aggravated my back/hip issue and i was in some pain. i was so glad to go to yoga last night!!!!! we have such a wonderful, caring yogi and she helped me through and today i have zero pain!! :) :) :) so much to be thankful for!!

rain in our forecast today. we need it, so i'm not complaining. it is warm as well. it was 75 yesterday.

JUDYE: feel better, sis. i fine l lysine, vitamin c and zinc, from the start of the cold, really help a lot. i take it 2 or three times a day. lots of water too.... either way, whatever you use to help yourself, feel better.

well, with each day, my new granddaughter is closer and closer to arriving...anytime after the 12th....

hope everyone has a great day...hugs and love to all!

JudyEddy said...

Good morning and heading out the door for work
I am taking that nasty zicam I know of 10 peeps at work that have it and others that had it so I guess when you work with the public you are more apt to get it

Good news of Issac and LORI so happy for you too

magpie said...

Wow, Janet that's a cool avatar!
Get well, JudyE...that Zicam is pretty good, but wow, bye bye taste buds for awhile...!

Duh - I am a day off, Diana's birthday was the 3rd, today is the 4th...
Happy Belated Birthday, Diana... pop on and say Hello ☺

magpie said...

Boy oh Boy was I happy to hear
Morning GLori this morning....

and a beautiful song: Oh Holy Night...
I needed both of those delights !!

stronghunter said...

Good morning!

magpie said...

Did you hear ???

Almost up to 70-degrees hereabouts !!
Sounds like great weather for Miracle Michael to get outdoors!

magpie said...

We're two persons short at work today...could be busy, so I must go Make Dough $$ and pull my share of the workload...

will be back around to see more Morning Eagle Pals....

stronghunter said...

Heading out to go bowling. And then Christmas tree shopping with Will. Need to call the carpet shampooing people and prepare for them to come.

stronghunter said...

Wishing for a good day for everyone.

magpie said...

I was thinking it was bowling day today, Cyclone:

Strike, Spare and No Gutter Balls, and 7-10 splits !!

Linda said...

Good Morning!

JANET - Sounds like you need to be on someone else's schedule for a massage! Hope your back/hip feels better soon.

DANAMO - I do remember times when I didn't even feel like posting because I just didn't have much positive to say as it seemed like there was too much for me to handle going on. But everyone is right! That IS the time to post. That IS the time to let us pray and hold your hand through the tough times you're experiencing.

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

I have a prayer request for my daughter-in-law, Kelsey. She has been having shoulder pain for a couple of weeks and now when she is playing the piano, her hand goes numb. They are going to run tests to see if she may have a pinched nerve in her shoulder. She will not get to perform in either concert they have this week. Sis and I are going up on Thursday because Andrew's jazz band concert is that night. I CANNOT FREAKING WAIT TO SEE HIM. I MISS MY BABY BOY!!!!!!!

Linda said...

LORI - I just love your statement about not worrying about what you just don't know yet. Trust in God and he will see you through ANYTHING!! Plus, those doctors always say things that scare us and then we go home and wonder, "What was THATt all about??"

I will add you to the many I lift up in prayer!

Happy Bowling, SHIRLEY!! So glad to see things are finally getting done in your house. It was nice to hear a little excitement in your voice about how things are looking!

Linda said...

Prayers for KELSEY's shoulder......

May this just be a little flare up that needs some anti-inflamatory meds or some cortisone and nothing more....

magpie said...

oh bummer, with some numbness I guess some of those notes could come out wrong, Sharon...
Best wishes and prayers for a Speedy Recovery !!
I have 3 number gingers on left hand, see? I can't play the keyboard right...that would be

magpie said...

number gingers
oh yeah

magpie said...

Just don't squeeze Andrew to pieces, Sharon

magpie said...

you know, the MCONCERT

About The Big House and the little apartment:
closing was Nov 7, my late brother in law's dear nephew bought it,
so I moved back to the apartment
so he could get his Man Cave set up...
The day after Thanksgiving, Luke, the nephew, flies out to Afghanistan...and askee me to house-sit during his absence...
Of Course !!
could be 6 months, maybe longer.
So I'll just maintain both places as well as I can...
I like both places...
so want to do my best at both of them

magpie said...

at the little place I see utility bills, at The Big House, I have never yet seen a utility bill except I pay for my TV and internet service there

magpie said...

NO "bowling balls" at The Big House, and
lots more space and wildlife
at the The Big House also.

okay, ramble ramble ramble...but I guess I left a few details out over the last few weeks.

back to the Dough!

Specking of which,
T-Bird, T-Bird, calling all T-Birds !!

Mema Jo said...

Good Morning to all of you! Another beautiful weather day even if it the last one for a while.

Good to hear from all of you this morning. Going to be putting out the finishing touches of Christmas today. May need to run a few errands.


Lolly said...

Good morning! Gotta get with it, lots to do today! My baby is 40 today!! Where have the years gone? OMG!!!!

Margy....still laughing at number gingers!!!!

We may just have a new word to add the momster dictionary. My gingers do not work well, either and I do not have number to blame it on! LOL

Time to get moving...I will check back in late tonight and then we leave in the morning, will be gone until Saturday. May or may not be getting on!

Have a great December 4th!

magpie said...

Happy Happy Birthday to Laurel, Lolly....
(( Birthday Hugs ))

Howdy JO !


glo said...

Good morning all. Off to run some errands and finish a couple of big projects for others. HAGD everyone.

Lori O. said...

HAPPY BIRYHDAY LAUREL!!! 40's are fun!

Costume Lady said...


Costume Lady said...

Praying for your good outcome from those biopsies!♥

Costume Lady said...

Yes, LORI, 40's were my FAVORITE years, without a doubt!

Costume Lady said...

Going to try to trim an outside evergreen today. Gene has a hitch in his back and I need his heighth for etop part...we shall see how this works out~
Oh, I need to find the lights...I THINK I have some!?

Hoda said...

Good morning.

Travel well LOLLY and JACK. Happy Birthday LAUREL.

Prayers for KELSEY. Enjoy your time with ANDREW SHAR.

Have a great day JO and don't tire yourself out.
I hope PAULA was not too tired from her work at PARADISE and that she is having a good day at work today.

I thought to check the cam and it is not on yet.

Healing prayers for you JUDYE.

Hoda said...

Headed to explore the day and so I am on my way..

LORI good to read your posts. Thank you.

See you after yoga.

magpie said...

oh boy
Hoda is going exploring,
I KNOW that will be exciting and interesting to hear about ...
always is !!!!

Kay said...

Good afternoon !

LORI, don't worry about those biopsies. I've had three of those procedures, the 1st time/w 3 polyps, 2nd with 9 and 3rd with 1 and all benign. Some of us just like to grow those pecky little things ! After that 2nd one I did start eating a lot more raw cabbage, broccoli and cauliflower, per the docs advice.

Such a wonderful report on Isaac ! I hope this day has gone as well !

MARGY, I do appreciate the clarification re:Big House/Little House. Nice that you can give your nephew peace of mind while being able to spread out a bit yourself. Glad you get to be away from the "bowlers" for a while ! ☺

DANAMO, you know I'd ordinarily don my Mama Kay hat and chew you out over the ice cream. But, there are times when we diabetics must break the rules in favor of comfort food. Wow, you've had so much on your plate ! I hope Monte's new job is working out well for him and ultimately for the family, cause it seems to leave you stranded too often. I Pray it will smooth out once he's fully trained, etc.. Anywho, whine away---you know we're good listeners and all understand the need !

Happy Day and Enjoy the Celebration to LOLLY, JACK and 40 year old baby girl, Laurel !!!

Kay said...

Prayers for JO's Michael, SISSY's Isaac, SHAR's Kelsey, SANDI's mom, DANA's dad, LINDA's Dennis, LORI, JO, NILLA, JUDY, JANET and any other EM's, Dadsters, Kidsters or Petsters in need ! ♥♥♥♥♥♥♥☺☺☺☺☺☺☺

JudyEddy said...

Hello from McDonalds free Wifi I'M LOVIN IT as the commerical says LOL

magpie said...

oh a beautiful sight of an eagle at BWO

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

You all are so awesome and have done so much, but I wanted to let you know that Eli, Isaac's big brother, is having his 4th birthday on 12/14/2012. We were thinking if he could get a bunch of cards in the mail for his day he would feel so special. I am sure he would be thrilled. He is a great kid and is very understanding of what is going on, as much as a 4-year-old can be. We are not sure where he is going to be for his birthday, whether he will be in South Carolina with Nicole's parents or up here with Chuck's parents or even Boston, just not sure. When I find out, I will get an address to you all as to where to send him a card if you can. I love us!!

JudyEddy said...

Hello and good evening

And I also loved my 40's tooooo

♫♪ ♫♪[̲̅̅H̲̅][̲̅̅A̲̅][̲̅̅P̲̅][̲̅̅P̲̅][̲̅̅Y̲̅] [̲̅̅B̲̅][̲̅̅I̲̅][̲̅̅R̲̅][̲̅̅T̲̅][̲̅̅H̲̅[̲̅̅D̲̅][̲̅̅A̲̅][̲̅̅Y̲̅]♫♪ ♫



│ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │ │

JudyEddy said...

I have the Ft Meyers cam up where you can always see a eagle now

JudyEddy said...

A group of associates saw a eagle fly over the store and it was near some vultures and yes they saw the white tail and head Odd to be hanging them huh oh my Ft Meyers cam is kaput right now

JudyEddy said...

OK nest has had lots of activity too of late

JudyEddy said...

OK FT Meyers is back it came up and said temporary unaviable or moved odd
there is a eagle at Sequoyah OK now

Janet said...

good evening to all!

LINDA: my back hasn't hurt a lick since yoga last night. i was in quite a bit of pain, even during the practice, but after the pain had subsided and now NONE today!!!!

STRONGHUNTER: how was bowling?

MAGPIE: thank you for noticing my avatar....

EAGLE EYE SHARON: sounds as if it maybe a pinched nerve......i don't diagnose....but.....typically, that's a symptom....and that would be best served by an osteopath, ie chiropractor. i hope she gets some relief soon!

Happy Birthday to Laurel! and to Lolly!

Well, gonna scat, make some dinner, grab a shower and go get my ears lowered! Too much hair on the head! Time to get it removed!

Have a great evening!!! hugs to all

Mema Jo said...

Update for Miracle Michael

Dec 10th is Michael's discharge date from Kernan Rehab Hospital. He has been there for 2 months and has made remarkable recovery because of all the prayers being heard. His dad is picking him up and bringing him HOME. He will have out patient rehab - the Aphasia is still prevailing - meaning speech is not always what we can understand.

Christine will publish this on Caring Bridge - she is happy that these are going to be her dad's arrangements.

paula eagleholic said...

Oh, how wonderful, Jo!

JudyEddy said...

That is great news JO Sure doesn't seem like two months but I sure to them its been a eternity

Sandi said...

Good evening all!

What miraculous news about little Isaac! I can only imagine how wonderful his parents must feel!

Jo, there's NO PLACE LIKE HOME!!! Sounds like a great solution for Michael and for you and Ed!

Sharon, hoping that Kelsey's pain is just a minor thing and heals itself quickly! Happy for you that you will get Andrew hugs soon!

Kay, any progress on the hunt for the perfect pound puppy?

Thanks to all who commented on FB about the work on our foyer! I'm very happy with how the job came out! Last step is carpet - guy is coming tomorrow to measure and give us a price.

Really tired already - have just a little school work to do and then dog food to make before bed.

Goodnight - see y'all in the morning!

stronghunter said...


Glad to see that there is good news about Isaac.

Janet, bowling was not so good. We won one game, but that was it. Were missing one member who was home sick with the flu. I want to get my flu shot this week.

Good news about Michael! I know you are happy, Jo.

The carpet people are coming on Thursday to reattach the carpeting that was pulled up. They called today. I didn't know until today that a separate company would be doing that. Once the carpeting is attached, it will be cleaned by Servpro.

Hunter is still unhappy with his wall color. He is saying that he wanted it painted the color it was before. Guess he does not like change. Wish he had said that before instead of saying he did not want it painted. Maybe I should have asked more questions. Hard to communicate with this kid.

Happy birthday, Laurel.

Margy is specking today. 7-10 splits are no fun. I did get two strikes back to back. But not much else to brag about. One member of the opposing team got a 5-bagger--five consecutive strikes.

I do like the blues in my room and the greens in the family room and kitchen. And, I like the chocolate color in Hunter's room.

Trying to wind down so I can sleep tonight. Much to do tomorrow.

stronghunter said...

Will and I went out and bought a Christmas tree today. One of those pre-lighted ones. He has already put it in the living room, but we still need to do the decorating.

Lolly said...

On our way home! It has been a fun evening. Just have to say how great the boys were this evening!!!! Especially Joseph!!! They cleared the table and then Joseph washed the dishes! I am so very proud!!

Lolly said...

Will pass on to Laurel your birthday wishes!

Lolly said...

Jo, I think the arrangements for Michael are awesome!!!

JudyEddy said...

Popping in to say goodnight

See ya in the am ☼ at Sycamore Sunrise Cyber Cafe
Bless this Nest
and all

♀ ♥ ♂
whom watch it at
Sycamore Palace
Healing thoughts for
those in need

"Be kinder than necessary, for everyone is fighting some kind of battle."

Mema Jo said...

Hunter needs some posters Shirley.
I am very happy with my Michael coming home. His friends and family will support him getting his life back.

I am also tired - The temp was 66 when we went into KMart this evening. The Bell Ringers for the Salvation Army were in shorts! Dec 4 - I don't believe it1

Mema Jo said...

Jenny coming to visit tomorrows and take me for a Panera's bowl of soup for lunch.

AOYP to all my friends
I love us
My prayers for all

Did you get a dog yet Kay?I think you are looking at the right breed.

Nite ♥

Hoda said...

Very good news on MICHAEL. Make sure you do not tire yourself out JO...That is my only worry. I think it is good for MICHAEL and I am sure you are all excited about it but it is going to be a big change and make sure you are getting the support you need with this transition...Outreach Home Care is what I am thinking of...

PRAYERS and BLESSINGS continue to you all JO.

Good to hear about JOSEPH and JACOB and that sweet JOSEPH washed the dishes. Love your Grand Kids LOLLY.

Very wet day...we had a total of 1/2 hour of sun they say but I missed it as it did not happen where I was. Rainy and very low cloud cover...Many plans for craft faires continue in town and I found out the Waldorf school is having theirs this saturday too...Little kids made crafts and they are selling them in their school with middle school kids doing a band for Christmas Songs...Cool proud of the young ones.

Lunch and visits with friends and then yoga. Tomorrow I volunteer with the Eco-Society doing office work and the last volunteer is the 14th of December with the Grans unless I find they need people for the Christmas Hampers and serving the Christmas Day meal.

A good day to be I know gratitude.

stronghunter said...

Posters--maybe that will help, Jo. I could try that.

He fought tooth and nail against getting new sneakers yesterday, but he happily wore them today. I was happy that I just provided the gift card and let Kathryn take him to the shoe store.

stronghunter said...

Tried to sleep. Having tea now.

Lolly said...

We are home. Heading to bed shortly! Message me on fb or email me if there is something important!

May or may not have wifi. We shall see!

Love to all....hugs!


Hoda said...

SAFE TRAVELS LOLLY. See you when you come back...

Hoda said...

Goodnight all.


Costume Lady said...

Good night eveyone...hope you had a day at your roost as beautiful as it was here! Didn't get my evergreen trimmed:(
Love and prayers♥

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Good night and sweet eagle dreams, my friends of fine feathers and fur.

I LOVE US!!!!!!

Eagle-Eyed's Sissy said...

Good morning eagle buds. Nicole posted this last night. And I saw there is great news that Michael is going to Mema Jo's next week. God is working miracles all around us!! Have a great day y'all!!

saac has been completed taken off his continuous meds and is now receiving different meds through IV to ensure e remains comfortable through the weaning process. There have been no withdrawal symptoms yet but they say we may not see those until tomorrow. He is also still breathing a little fast at times, but mainly because he's still not able to cough very strongly.

J-feeds are being slowly in
troduced until his system gets moving and can tolerate all his nutrition via GI system. His esophagram has been officially scheduled for Friday, so this week is kind of "drumroll" up to the big reveal on Friday.

Please pray for the esophagram to show a completely successful surgery with no leaks and a nice, open esophagus. Also, for the weaning process and J-feeds process to go smoothly as well as for him to be able to cough productively and breathe easy. Thanks everyone-we have been so blessed to see Isaac progress so quickly- God is good ALL the time!

Sandi said...

Good Wednesday morning Bev and all my eagle friends!

The miraculous news about Isaac just keeps on coming - how amazing!!

Prayers for all of the other needs on our blog. Make it a great day!

magpie said...

Good Morning Eagle Pals....
breezy and cooler here...
but another day to be joyful and thankful about many things

Heartwarming news about Michael and his destination when he leaves Kernan; Blessings on all the Family Lennox.... I'll be Home for Christmas ....has a nice ring to it

Prayers for all things positive for little Isaac.....will look forward to getting that address to load Eli up with Birthday Cards....
We Can Do That !!

DanaMo said...

Good morning!

I think I am just as tired now as I was last night when I went to bed!

Dad's appointment at Hopkins went well, but just so much information to absorb. The doctor wants dad to go ahead and have another round of chemo. He was very happy with the fact that the doctors here did the chemo instead of jumping right to the surgery. I thought that spoke volumes for our doctors here in town especially since most people are always running down the road for everything. We love dad's oncologist and this reaffirmed our belief in him and the treatment thus far for dad.
It looks like he will be having the ureteroscopy Jan. 23rd which is the same procedure he had here back in the beginning. I think the doctor wants to "see" everything that is going on before proceeding to surgery to remove ureter, lymph nodes and kidney. At that time if indicated he would proceed with laproscopic surgery.

Glad to hear that Michael and Isaac are doing so well and progressing in their treatments.

Progress reports went out Monday to my students and of course I have 2 parents so far that want conferences. I guess they wanted their students to have the equivalent of A's already in kindergarten. Geesh it just drives me nuts. They all think their children are perfect. The one parent has especially been difficult and the other has a child who is rude and unkind. Unfortunately "rude and unkind" are not things I can write on the progress report. Not PC. I have certain comments that I am allowed so as not to offend anyone. Gone are the days when you can actually be truthful! Sorry....venting again.

magpie said...

Going to move along and get my workday in gear....will be thinking of each and every one...with Best Wishes for a Good, Better, BEST kind of a Day !! xoxox

magpie said...

Well, it IS good news about your father, Dana
and hoping that everything will continue to be on the Up side...

On the work side of your life:
Hang in There...
God Takes care of the Little Ones....
You are a Little One, a Big Little Ball of Dynamite and Energy...
you know where your heart is....and Lord knows you can't be trying any harder at everything you are doing in all aspects of your life ! xo and (( Hugs ))

magpie said...

going to disappear now....
but not in spirit

xoxox "See You All, Later "

Janet said...

good morning to all....

DANAMO: i am with you. every one has to be politically correct...and sometimes kids are just brats and mom and dad don't see it. i have been in schools enough (with three kids of my own) and have helped enough that i have to shake my head most of the time. truth is, because of some of the kids, i even hated helping in the school! i cannot stand kids like that.....i want to snatch them up and then snatch the parents up .....especially the parents..... so i admire the job that you do.....and i wish teacher could get back to teaching .....and being paid appropriately for their work....

off my soapbox now.

anyway, good news about your dad! :D

and good news on Issac and Michael! :) :) :)

had a good day rained, but we need the rain so i was good with that.

went and had a hair cut last night. i feel so much better today!!! isn't it funny how that one thing, getting your hair cut can make you feel really good. i think i finally found a new stylist. mine moved. it took me almost 2 years to find her and she moves out of state. :/ i still go to the same place but have been trying new stylists and i think i found one i really like (again). i think she was just hired there. :)

well time to get moving. i have one massage this mornign, then off the rest of the day. i want to run to a couple of stores and pick up a few things that have been on my mind.

hope everyone has a great day! hugs

JudyEddy said...

Good Mroning Eagle Buds

Lori O. said...

Good Morning Eagle friends!!!

I'm ready for Christmas to be here.

Must be playing the Christmas Music 24/7!

Linda said...

Just popping in to say Good Morning and to wish everyone a wonderful Wesnesday. Another week flying by. Off to work today and church tonight.

Thrilled and thankful for the many blessings voiced here in the last 23 hours. God is indeed good and we are so blessed!!

Prayers continue for

Linda said...

Let me finish that........

Prayers continue for healing and wndurance.


Linda said...

Trying to type on my phone is proving unsuccessful this morning. There is no explanation other than typos for 23 hours instead of 23 hours.

Better find my iPad.

Have a great day anyway!!

T-Bird said...

Good morning my momsters and dadsters.

magpie said...

Hi T !!!
and more Morning Eagle Pals

Linda: Typos Always Welcome Here !
Sometimes those are the only laughs we can eke out


Mema Jo said...

Good morning to all of you! Dana that is good news about your confidence in the good ole home town doc! I loved that part of your venture.

Waiting for Jenny to arrive - Love her visits.

Everyone enjoy their day and count your blessings!

Red said...

Good morning eagle pals.

Yes, I'm still alive and enjoying life to its fullest. ☺☺

Eagle-Eyed Shar said...

Yay Red!!! Thanks so much for checking in!

Lolly said...

Good morn! On the road! Beautiful, sunny day. Should arrive about 2:30 or 3. Same for sister and brother.

stronghunter said...

New thread!!!!

stronghunter said...


T-Bird said...

Good morning my eagle peeps.

T-Bird said...

I can't wait for the cam. Yay

3/12/25 AM 🐟 x2

 Eggrolls and  6:49 AM Bella gets up. Does stretch saunters over to the cup edge does a quick calls to him. Exit the nest at 6 49 43. 6:50 ...